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Hinduism An introduction Ekam sat, viprah bahuda vadanti There is one truth, only men describe it in different ways - Rg Veda

Hinduism An introduction Ekam sat, viprah bahuda vadanti There is one truth, only men describe it in different ways - Rg Veda.

Mar 26, 2015



Ariana Roy
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Page 1: Hinduism An introduction Ekam sat, viprah bahuda vadanti There is one truth, only men describe it in different ways - Rg Veda.

HinduismAn introduction

Ekam sat, viprah bahuda vadantiThere is one truth, only men describe it in

different ways- Rg Veda

Page 2: Hinduism An introduction Ekam sat, viprah bahuda vadanti There is one truth, only men describe it in different ways - Rg Veda.

Hinduism is one of the worlds major religions. It is the oldest major religion.

There are approximately 900 million Hindus today. Major populations include India,

Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Mauritius, Fiji, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Guyana, Indonesia.

Page 3: Hinduism An introduction Ekam sat, viprah bahuda vadanti There is one truth, only men describe it in different ways - Rg Veda.

HistoryHinduism has no founder.

The ancestors of the Hindus were known as the Aryas. They called their religion Santana Dharma (The Eternal Religion).

As the Aryans moved north around 1500BC and shared their religion with the indigenous peoples of north India.

The name Hinduism comes from the Sanskrit word Sindhu, the Persian name for the Indus River. The river was the border between Persia and Ancient India.

Page 4: Hinduism An introduction Ekam sat, viprah bahuda vadanti There is one truth, only men describe it in different ways - Rg Veda.

Dharmic Religion

The most widely known Dharmic religions are Hinduism and Buddhism

The concept of Dharma is complex but basically it is a belief in:

Natural laws and natural harmony

A path to righteousness through spiritual duty

Spiritual justice (karma)

Page 5: Hinduism An introduction Ekam sat, viprah bahuda vadanti There is one truth, only men describe it in different ways - Rg Veda.


Most Hindus believe in a ‘god concept’ known as Brahman.

The concept of Brahman is:

Eternal, genderless, omnipotent and omnipresent.

Present within the human soul

Present within everything in the world and universe

To discover ones soul (atman) is to discover Brahman

There are many deities in Hinduism but the ‘Absolute’ is known as the Brahman.

Page 6: Hinduism An introduction Ekam sat, viprah bahuda vadanti There is one truth, only men describe it in different ways - Rg Veda.

Sacred Texts – Sruti (The Vedas)

The Vedas are sacred books of divinely given knowledge, handed down through generations of Hindu sages.

There are 4 Vedas – holy books of hymns, chants and rituals.

Each Veda contains 4 sections that represent the 4 stages of the life cycle

Page 7: Hinduism An introduction Ekam sat, viprah bahuda vadanti There is one truth, only men describe it in different ways - Rg Veda.

Rg Yajur Sama Atharva

The four Vedas

Each Veda contains 4 sections that correspond to the four stages of the life cycle. The most important section is the Upanishad because

it teaches a person the skills required to achieve moksa (enlightenment).


Brahmana Aranyaka Upanishad

Hymns Ceremonies and rites

Life of retirement

Rejection of worldy life in

order to achieve Moksa

Page 8: Hinduism An introduction Ekam sat, viprah bahuda vadanti There is one truth, only men describe it in different ways - Rg Veda.

Sacred Text - SmritiThe Smriti are the

secondary scriptures. These are accessible

to everyone.

The Smriti are made up of scriptures,

poems and stories. Which can be

renacted through dance or drama.

Of these the most widely known would be the Bhagavad Gita

Page 9: Hinduism An introduction Ekam sat, viprah bahuda vadanti There is one truth, only men describe it in different ways - Rg Veda.

KarmaKarma is the effect of any action:

All good actions produce good effects.All bad actions produce bad effects.

The fruits of good deeds bring pleasure and enjoyment.The fruits of bad deeds bring suffering and pain.

No person can escape the karmic forces

Page 10: Hinduism An introduction Ekam sat, viprah bahuda vadanti There is one truth, only men describe it in different ways - Rg Veda.

ReincarnationReincarnation is the return of the soul to be reborn into a new

physical body.

Reincarnation occurs because a person must gradually evolve spiritually through experiences of different incarnations.

Page 11: Hinduism An introduction Ekam sat, viprah bahuda vadanti There is one truth, only men describe it in different ways - Rg Veda.


The cycle of repeating the process of birth and death (reincarnation) is called samsara.

The ultimate goal for Hindus is to free themselves from samsara.

Once a person has reached the highest point of his spiritual path through ‘God-realisation’, their soul is freed.

This liberation from the cycle is known as moksa.

Page 12: Hinduism An introduction Ekam sat, viprah bahuda vadanti There is one truth, only men describe it in different ways - Rg Veda.

Four goals

Kama – desire for senory pleasure

Artha – acquisition of worldly possessions

Dharma – carrying out religious duties

Moksa – liberation through God realisation

To reach Moksa a person must move through the four goals of human life. From the lowest (kama) to the highest (moksa)

Page 13: Hinduism An introduction Ekam sat, viprah bahuda vadanti There is one truth, only men describe it in different ways - Rg Veda.

Class and casteThe Hindu caste system divided society into 4 classes (varnas).

This was based on a persons inherant qualities (guna) and karma.

Brahmins Teachers, scholars, priests

Qualities of compassion, unselfishness, spirituality and morality. The teachers of spiritual knowledge


Kings, warriors

Qualities of military or royal leadership. The ruling class.



Qualities of professional knowledge. Gifted merchants and businessmen.


Farmers, artisans etc

All others. The labouring class.

Below these were the ‘untouchables’ (dalit). The outcastes of society including the peasant workers and people who work with

animal or human waste

Page 14: Hinduism An introduction Ekam sat, viprah bahuda vadanti There is one truth, only men describe it in different ways - Rg Veda.

Mantras and SymbolsMantras and symbols are sacred words or images that have an

association with God. Chanting a mantra can bring spiritual enlightenment to a person and bring them closer to God.

The symbol of Om (Aum) is both a mantra (aural) and symbol (visual). It represents:

A: creation/beginningU: progressM: destruction/dissolution

Page 15: Hinduism An introduction Ekam sat, viprah bahuda vadanti There is one truth, only men describe it in different ways - Rg Veda.


Represents Brahman

LotusUniverse rising out of primeval waters

SvastikaAuspicious symbol of luck and favour

CowThe Hindu sacred

animal. Descendant of Kamadhenu

Page 16: Hinduism An introduction Ekam sat, viprah bahuda vadanti There is one truth, only men describe it in different ways - Rg Veda.

Sacred placesGanges RiverRivers are seen as a bridge between heaven and earth. The waters of the Ganges are seen as healing and have the power to liberate a persons soul from the cycle of reincarnation

Temples/ShrinesMany Hindu homes have a

small shrine for daily worship. Visiting temples is

not obligatory for Hindus, they offer a venue for

religious singing and public gathering.

Page 17: Hinduism An introduction Ekam sat, viprah bahuda vadanti There is one truth, only men describe it in different ways - Rg Veda.


Guru: Hindu spiritual teachers are known as gurus. They guide students toward spiritual knowledge. Faith and confidence in the self and the guru is key to this process.

Priest: Devoted priests care for temple shrines

Page 18: Hinduism An introduction Ekam sat, viprah bahuda vadanti There is one truth, only men describe it in different ways - Rg Veda.

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