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Health Effects of Pesticides Balancing ris sk

HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Apr 16, 2022



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Page 1: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Health Effects H Eof Pesticides

Balancing ris


Page 2: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Beneficial health effecP i id lPesticides pla

1) Managing crop pest/million children/year

die due to malnutrition (UNICEF).(UNICEF).

Since 1951 IndiaSince 1951, India has quadrupled grain prod ctiongrain production.

cts :l iay a role in:

ts - Approximately 15

Page 3: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Beneficial health effecPesticides pla

2) Managing human an2) Managing human anvectors - Average life 1900=47 years; 2007=1900=47 years; 2007=

S ifi t i i ASpecific countries in Ayears. HIV/AIDS

d i i d l l breduction in adult labocrops. p

Herbicide use inc

cts :ay a role in: nd livestock diseasend livestock disease expectancy… US


Af i 2007 <40Africa 2007=<40

dor to produce


Page 4: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Beneficial health effects

5000 people di2001 d lt m thri b d2001 deltamethrine bed

75% reduction59% r d ti n59% reduction

2007 WHO ind r spr2007 WHO indoor spra30 years after p

Cockroaches and flies vorganismsorganisms

1 kille

s :

ie/day of malariat tri lnet trial

n in bites/person n in m l ri in id nn in malaria incidence

in ith DDTaying with DDTphasing it out

vector enteric disease

er of children under 5

Page 5: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

3) Managing critters that T i b d b– Termites, bed bugs

impact human “stuff” fi, fire ants, etc.

Page 6: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

A US Geological S96% of fish

% f f100% of surface w33% of major aqui

i dj

contained one or morpesticide

Gilliom et aGilliom et a51 studies1991 20011991-2001

Survey review :


re es

l 2006l., 2006

Page 7: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

• 87% of urban monitoring sitesmonitoring sites had pesticides above levels ofabove levels of concern.

• Chorpyrifos and diazinon replaced with pyrethroids, now being found in urban creek sediments at levels of concern. (Environ Sci


Page 8: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

• The human body i l t i t dis also contaminated:

Bl d d• Blood and urine• Average of 91

l h lA g 9industrial chemicals.

• A total of 167A 7• No occupational or

residential exposure. p• 17 pesticides or pesticid

76 were carcinogens, 947 g , 9developmental or reprod

Th l 2 2Thornton et al., 2002Mount Sinai School of Medicine 1991-2001

de breakdown products, 4 neurotoxins, and 79 , 79ductive toxins.

Page 9: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Progress!• Bald eagle nesting pairs increas

from 417 to 5,748 after DDT ba- Fish & Wildlife Serv

• Organic diet significantly lowerorganophosphates in kids urine

l l h- Environmental Health Perspectiv

• The majority of new pesticide registrations are biopesticides an“reduced risk” pesticides“reduced-risk” pesticides.

– US EPA Office of Pesticide Programs AnReports

se an.

ice, 2003

rs .ves, 2005



Page 10: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona


I i id H


• Insecticides

• Miti id

• He

F• Miticides

• Fungicides

• Fu

• W• Fungicides

• Rodenticides

• W

• GrRodenticides

• Nematicides


• EnNematicides En


bi id



i tumigants

Wood PreservativesWood Preservatives

rowth Disruptersrowth Disrupters

ndocrine Disruptersndocrine Disrupters

Page 11: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona
Page 12: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Chlorpyrifos (DursbanProducts Cancellation

ENVIRONMENTAL PRO[OPP-34203J; FRL-6819Use Products CancellatiEnvironmental ProtectioACTION: Notice.

, Lorsban) End-Use Order 1/02

OTECTION AGENCY 9-6-] Chlorpyrifos; End-on Order AGENCY: n Agency (EPA).

Page 13: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

EPA Priority: School IPM

EPA’s Mission is to proteenvironment Since 1970environment. Since 1970for a cleaner, healthier enAmerican peopleAmerican people.

ect human health and the 0 EPA has been working0, EPA has been working nvironment for the

Page 14: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

EPA Priority: School IPM

The National Pesticide Pis to protect public healthby ensuring pesticides aand available for a healt•Being an effective gateway to the pes

•Focus on risk reduction, biopestipublic health product efficacy and

•Being an effective steward of existing

•Focus on a number of issues incenhancement of partnerships andenhancement of partnerships andFederal agencies; and

•PROMOTE protection through epartnershipspartnerships

Program Strategic Goal h and the environment

and alternatives are safe hy America.sticide market

icide adoption, food safety/trade and d availability

g pesticides

cluding: worker protection, d collaborations within EPA and acrossd collaborations within EPA and across

ducation; leverage voluntary

Page 15: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Pesticide Environmental Stew

PESP is a voluntary progrwith pesticide users to redand environmental risks ause and implement polluti

PESP is guided by the princabsence of additional regulaabsence of additional regulaactions of pesticide users reBased on this principle, memp pcompletely voluntary. soon to

wardship Program - Mission

ram that forms partnerships duce the potential health associated with pesticide on prevention strategies.

ciple that, even in the atory mandates the informedatory mandates, the informed educe risk even further. mbership in the program is p p g

o be

Page 16: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

CAUTION, WARNING, DANmessage to the products handler regag p g

Strychnine AlkaloidAlkaloid


NGER - Signal word conveys a arding its acute toxicity.

DE &

g y

DE & Pyrethrin



Page 17: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

You the consYou the consneed to take aneed to take aactive role toactive role to ensure safe uensure safe upesticidespesticides

sumersumer anan

se ofse of

Page 18: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

IllegalP ti idPesticides

Tres Pasitosld bAldicarb


Miraculous Chalk or Chinese Chalk is h l t h b iharmless to human beings and animals and safe to use. Deltamethrin

NaphthaleneN p

Page 19: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Homo sapiens !Homo sapiens !pp

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Page 23: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

For Use Around FoundatiLawns, Woodpiles, Storeand Fence Posts

ions, Outside Buildings, , g ,d Lumber


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Page 25: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Use pesticides only wselective when you

HAZARD = Toxiselective when you


risk; the potential

the capacpesticidep

for injurypesticide cause inj

when necessary & be choose a product

city x Exposurechoose a product

city x Exposure

the risk of a pesticide

city of a to pesticide

contacting or entering the

to ury


Page 26: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

High toxicityHigh toxicityLow exposure rp



Low toxicity,Low toxicity,igh exposure riskg p

Page 27: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

How do pesticideH p

•Skin (dermal)L ( h l )•Lungs (inhalation)

•Mouth (oral)Mouth (oral)•Eyes

es enter the body?y

97% of all body97% of all body exposure during

spraying is by skinspraying is by skin contact!

Page 28: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Different parts of the bb bto absorb p

S l 32%Scalp 32%

Ear Canal 40%Ear Canal 40%

AbdAbdomen 18%Genital Area 100%


Genital Area 100%

Ball of Foot 13%

body vary in their ability i idpesticides.

F h d 36%Forehead 36%Armpit 64%Forearm 9%Palm 12%Back of Hand 21%

Palm 12%

Percent DoseAbsorbedA

Chemical -parathionMaibach 1974

Page 29: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Greater derm•Warm, moist areas: g•Cuts, abrasions, and•Pesticide formulationP

Least Labsorbed

mal absorptionpgroin, armpits, head, neckd rashesns affect absorptionp

Most b b dabsorbed

Page 30: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Routes of EntryRoutes of EntryInhalation exposure can oI p

• When usingW bl dWettable powdersDustsGGases, vapors Sprays

Whil i i d l di• While mixing and loading• During applications

: Lungs (inhalation): Lungs (inhalation)occur:


Page 31: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Fumigants are F gactive as gases!

P t t lfProtect yourself from inhalation


Page 32: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

This is not ann effective respirator…

Page 33: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Routes of E

Eyes are able to Eyabsorb surprisingly large amounts oflarge amounts of chemical

Entry: Eyes

Page 34: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Wash your y...before eating, drinkingg gsmoking, or going to the

bathroom at breaks!!

hands!g g

Page 35: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona
Page 36: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

10 newborn babies

Analysis of cord blood sampl• pesticides• heavy metals• plastics• flame retardants

i d f i• stain- and grease-proof coatin

Average number/newbornAverage number/newborn

L t 154Lowest = 154

Born in U.S. hospitals

les for 413 chemicals:

287 ere287 were isolated


= 200 identified chemicals= 200 identified chemicals

Hi h t 231Highest = 231

Page 37: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Perfluorochemicals PesticPerfluorochemicals (PfTetra-pcb



Heptachlorinated Dioxin Perfluorinated Carboxylic Acid

Polyaromatic Hydrocarbon Trichlorinated Naphthalene

Hexachlorinated Naphthalene

Heptachlorinated Na

Heptabrominated Furan Perfluorinated

Nonabrominated Diphenyl EtheDichlorinated Naphthalene

Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers


Tetrabrominated Diphenyl Ether

Pentachlorinated Naphthalene

Brominated Dioxins & Furans Hexabrominated Dioxin

Chlorinated Dioxins

Polybrominated DiHexa-pcb

Metals (Lead, Mercury, Arsenic, Etc.) Chlorinated Dioxins

Chlorinated Furans



Polychlorinated Naph

Heptachlorinated Furan Heptabrominated

Octabrominated Diphenyl Ether



Chlorinated Dioxins & Furans cides Pentachlorinated Furan fcs)


Polychlorinated Biphenyls hlorinated Dioxin

Tribrominated Diphenyl Ether

Mono-pcb aphthalene

Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons

Tetrabrominated Furan


Tribrominated Diphenyl Ether


Tetrachlorinated Naphthalene

Brominated Furans ted Furan Di-pcb

Deca-pcb Octachlorinated Naphthalene

Pentabrominated Furan

Hexachlorinated Dioxin

Octachlorinated Dioxin

iphenyl Ether Dibrominated Diphenyl Ether

Hexabrominated Furan ecabrominated Diphenyl Ether

Monochlorinated Naphthalene

hthalenes Brominated Dioxins

Pentabrominated Diphenyl Ether

Hexabrominated Diphenyl Ether Diphenyl Ether

Page 38: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Effects of mul icumulative

toxicants andtoxicants and synergisticsynergistic


ultiple and/orexposures to their potentialtheir potentialeffects areeffects are


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Page 40: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona


Study: 76 jars of baby food fromPhiladelphia, and San Francisco w

i id idpesticide residues:• 53% had one pesticide • 18% h d t r m r p ti id• 18% had two or more pesticid• Fruits had up to five different

od EWG: Pesticides in Baby Food

USDA, 2004

m grocery store shelves in Denver, were analyzed for a panel of

USDA, 2004

ddest pesticide residues

Page 41: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

“Organic Diets SiChildren’s DietaOrganophospho

Recruited 23 children, 3-11 yearexclusively con

Urine samples collected for 15 consecutive days


ignificantly Lower ary Exposure to orus Pesticides”

s old from Seattle, WA, who ate nventional diets

Introduced an organic diet

Samples analyzed for two nophosphorus (OP) metabolitesnophosphorus (OP) metabolites (Malathion & Chlorpyrifos)

Chensheng Lu, et. al

Page 42: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Three Phase Study

Phase I: Days 1-3

Usual Conventional Diet

Phase II: Days 4-8

S bstit ted Organic DietSubstituted Organic Diet

Phase III: Days 9-15

Resumed Conventional DietResumed Conventional Diet

23/23 children had OP metabolites present

OP metabolites decreased immediately to an

d bl l lundetectable level

OP m t b lit d t t blOP metabolites detectable immediately after reintroduction of conventional diet

Chensheng Lu, et. al

Page 43: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona


“Organic diet proviOrganic diet proviimmediate protective e

t h hto organophosphorucommonly used in agr


ides a dramatic andides a dramatic and effect against exposure

ti id th tus pesticides that are ricultural production.”

Chensheng Lu, et. al

Page 44: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona


• 46 popular fruits & vegetable• Based on analysis of over 100• Data obtained by U.S. Govern

s0,000 tests for pesticidesnment

Environmental Working GroupEnvironmental Working Group

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Page 46: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

‘Latency’ &

Certain diseases, such asl i dlatency periods

The earlier theThe earlier theearlier the latenc

Chilhave more t

environmentally-ywith long lat

& Disease… Mount Sinai School of Medicine

s cancer, have long

e exposure thee exposure, the cy period begins:

ldren time to develop -triggered diseases ggtency periods

Page 47: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona





Brain Testicular


Leukemia Lymphoma

Autism Spectrum DisorderDisorder


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity yp y



Mount Sinai School of Medicine

Page 48: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Insecticides and Hearin

1 15








s R



none lownone low

(lifetime exposureinseinse

J. Mac Crawford et al. 2008. Hearing Loss amonAgricultural Health Study. J Occup Environ M

ng Loss

medium highmedium high

e to organophosphate cticides)cticides)

ng Licensed Pesticide Applicators in the ed. 50(7):817–826.

Page 49: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Herbicides and ChCancerThe etiology of childhood brain childhood brain cancer remains largely unknown largely unknown.

S l di h Several studies have suggested associationwith parental pesticid

hildhood Brain

s de use.

Page 50: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Herbicides and Childh2





s R

0never used


Youn K. Shim et al. 2009. Parental Exposure to United States Atlantic Coast Childhood Brainpress.

hood Brain Cancer

usedn herbicides

Pesticides and Childhood Brain Cancer: n Cancer Study. Environ Health Persp in

Page 51: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Pesticides and ParkinParkinson’s disease patients whpesticides through their work shp

French farm-workers have doubd t ti id ith dexposed to pesticides, with a do

years of exposure.

Looking at insecticides, fungicidworkers who used insecticides hrisk of Parkinson’s disease.


nson’s Diseaseho have been exposed to how elevated rates of disease.

ble the risk for the disease if ff t f th b fose-effect for the number of

des and herbicides, farm-had > two-fold increase in the


Page 52: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Pesticides and PancreEPTC is a selective thioc

1 61.8

EPTC is a selective thioc


0 60.8



s R


0never usedherbicide

Gabriella Andreotti et al. 2009. Agricultural pesAgricultural Health Study Cohort. Int. J. Canc

eatic Cancer –arbamate herbicidearbamate herbicide

used EPTC

sticide use and pancreatic cancer risk in the cer 124: 2495–2500.

Page 53: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Pediatric Acute LymphobE t P ti idExposure to Pesticides

Organophosphates have bp pof the risk factors for acute lymphoblastic y pleukemia.

More case mothers (33%) than controls (14%) reported usinginsecticides in the home.

blastic Leukemia and

been hypothesized as one yp

Page 54: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Groups Warn: New Food Pesticide DangeAmericans (01/03/06)

French Study Shows Household Pesticides French Study Shows Household Pesticides

New Study Shows GreaterNew Study Shows Greaterthan Predicted (03/07/06)

Research Finds Exposure to Low Levels of pPesticides Increases Risk of Cancer (03/20/06)

erous for All

May Increase Leukemia (1/24/06)May Increase Leukemia (1/24/06)

r Vulnerability to Pesticides r Vulnerability to Pesticides )

Page 55: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

“Woman pWoman pgarlic g c

Rosemary ospontaneouspontaneou

Pesticides kill,i idpesticides c

oisoned byoisoned by spray”sp y

oil can cause us abortionus abortion

, even botanical b ican be toxic

Page 56: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

The National Academy of report

Pesticides in theCh ldChildren


of lifetimed i thduring the

Sciences 1993 landmark

he Diets of Infants and

es that

50%e pesticide exposure occurs

fi t fi f life first five years of life…

Page 57: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona


LITTLE ALITTLE AChildrenChildren

1) Growing &

Greater Metabolic DemandsAnatPhysioDiffe

EN ARE OTADULTSADULTS…n are stilln are still

& 2) Developing

Behavior Differencesomic & ological erences

Page 58: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Metabolic DifferenDi t & Di t R i tPer Unit of Body Weight:Diet & Dietary Requirement

Children eat more fA newborn requireA newborn requirekcal/kg/day

A d lAn adult man requkcal/kg/day

A 1 year old infantas many calories pey pthan an adult.

ces:t G tts are Greater

food than an adultes about 140es about 140

buires about 43

t consumes three times er unit of body weight y g

Page 59: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Metabolic DifferenFl id R i t GPer Unit of Body Weight:

Fluid Requirements are Gre

Children drink more fluids th

The average newbornbreast milk or formula



han adults

n consumes about 5 oz of per kilogram of body p

or the average adult male, this is quivalent to drinking 30 12 oz. cans q g

soda per day!

Page 60: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Metabolic DifferenOxygen Requirements are G

Children breath more air thaPer Unit of Body Weight:

O yg R q G

Children breath more air thaNewborn: 60 breaths/ min.

Child 1-435 breath>

A newborn’s minute ventilation is approximately 400mL/min/kg >

Children also breath different air adults!

pp y L/ / g

adults!The breathing zone for an atypically 4 to 6 feet above thfloor


n adults


n adults4 years old:

s/ min.Adult: 20 breaths/ min.>

An adult’s minute ventilation is approximately 150mL/min/kg>


pp y 5 L/ / g

dult is he The breathing zone for a child dependsThe breathing zone for a child depends on their height and mobility…

Page 61: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Anatomy & Physiolo

Children have:Distribution & Clearance ofChildren have:

Higher proportion of T

b f kH

Less body fat/kg

oRenal clearance varies by ag

May lead to highertoxins or their metatoxins or their meta

ogy Differences:f Toxins are Different

Total Body Water/kg

Higher circulating levels f li h li ti idof lipophylic pesticides


r levels of abolitesabolites

Page 62: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Anatomy & PhysioloDi t ib ti & Cl f

Organs & tissues (inc

Distribution & Clearance of

Organs & tissues (incsystem, kidneys, liver, system) continue to dythroughout infancy, cadolescence…

Differentiatre fte thare often th

susceptible to

ogy Differences: f T i Diff t

cluding the central nervous

f Toxins are Different

cluding the central nervous lungs, eyes, reproductive

differentiate and mature childhood, and, in some cases,

ting tissues e MOSTe MOST o toxic insult

Page 63: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Example: The DeveloNeuronal developmentrapidly during the firstp y g

The blood-brain barrichemicals access to theThe brain continues tothroughout childhood a

chemicals access to the

throughout childhood a

Disruption of thisDisruption of this

profoundon essential elemen

oping Brain… Claudio, et. al.

t, migration, and myelination occur t 2 years of lifey

ier is ‘leaky’, allowing brain

o markedly develop and growand adolescence


Bearerand adolescence

s process can haves process can have

d effectsnts of development

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Page 65: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Dose makesDose makesEsse ti l it mi sEssential vitamins

in high quantitiesg qPesticides P

ppm or pp

Hormones are activthe parts-per-trilli

s the poisons the poisonc be toxic can be toxic e.g. Vit A.gcan be present in p

pb in our bodies.

ve in our bodies in ion (ppt) range.

Page 66: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

TobaccoTArgues to this d

l“no conclusive sthat smoking causes c

Sued the Environmentathe mid 1990’s to remthe mid-1990 s to rem

cigarette packaging thacause c

Does not label packagpnations because of

o IndustryI yday that there is

f fscientific proof”cancer or lung disease

al Protection Agency in move the statement onmove the statement on at passive smoking can cancer

ging exported to other l k

pf this ‘lack of proof’

Landrigan et. al.

Page 67: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona


Effects of SUBACUTE/CHRONIC exposure of neurotoxic pesticides on

developing neurons aredeveloping neurons are UNKNOWN


pesticidSilent pesticid



ACUTE POISONINGSACUTE POISONINGSwith pesticide neurotoxins are

commonly encountered & well described

ffects of MULTIPLE ACTIONS between neurotoxic des over time on developingdes over time on developing

neurons are UNKNOWN

Page 68: HHEealth Effects of Pesticides - The University of Arizona

Thanks toJonathan Lee-Melk

Tom GreenM LMarc Lame

Don B umg rtnerDon BaumgartnerTim StockTim Stock

Carrie FossSherry Glick