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Part I Health-related Millennium Development Goals

Health-related Millennium Development Goals · 14 Figure 2: Measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds by WHO region AFR AMR SEAR EUR EMR WPR GLOBAL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Jul 21, 2020



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Page 1: Health-related Millennium Development Goals · 14 Figure 2: Measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds by WHO region AFR AMR SEAR EUR EMR WPR GLOBAL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Part I

Health-relatedMillennium Development Goals

Page 2: Health-related Millennium Development Goals · 14 Figure 2: Measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds by WHO region AFR AMR SEAR EUR EMR WPR GLOBAL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


3 WHO Child Growth Standards. Length/height-for-age, weight-for-age, weight-for-length, weight-for-height and body mass index-for-age: Methods and

development. WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2006, page 312.

Summary of status and trends

With only five years remaining to 2015, there are signs of progress in many countries in achieving the health-related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In other countries, progress has been limited because of conflict, poor governance, economic or humanitarian crises, and lack of resources. The effects of the global food, energy, financial and economic crises on health are still unfolding, and action is needed to protect the health spending of governments and donors alike.

Undernutrition is an underlying cause in about one third of all child deaths. Over the past year, rising food prices coupled with falling incomes have increased the risk of malnutrition, especially among children. Although the percentage of children under 5 years of age who are underweight (compared to the WHO Child Growth Standards3) declined globally from 25% in 1990 to 18% in 2005, subsequent progress has been uneven. In some countries, the prevalence of undernutrition has increased, and worldwide stunted growth still affected about 186 million children under 5 years of age in 2005.

Globally, child mortality continues to fall. In 2008, the total annual number of deaths in children under 5 years old fell to 8.8 million – down by 30% from the 12.4 million estimated in 1990. Mortality in children under 5 years old in 2008 was estimated at 65 per 1000 live births, which is a 27% reduction from 90 per 1000 live births in 1990 (Figure 1). Recent encouraging trends also indicate an acceleration of the rate of decline in all regions since 2000 (Table 1).

WHO region 1990–1999 2000–2008

African Region 0.9 1.8

Region of the Americas 4.2 4.6

South-East Asia Region 2.5 3.8

European Region 3.6 5.6

Eastern Mediterranean Region 1.5 1.7

Western Pacific Region 2.5 5.7

GLOBAL 1.2 2.3

Table 1: Average annual rate of decline (%) in mortality in children under 5 years old –

1990–1999 and 2000–2008

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Despite these encouraging trends, regional and national averages mask considerable inequities. The greatest reductions in child mortality have been recorded among the wealthiest households and in urban areas. Concerted efforts will be needed to achieve the MDG target of a 67% reduction from 1990 levels by the year 2015, especially in countries facing economic crises or conflicts. Low-income countries would need to increase their annual average rate of decline from 1.9% to 10.9% in order to achieve the target. Reducing child mortality increasingly depends upon tackling neonatal mortality; globally about 40% of deaths in children under 5 years old are estimated to occur in the first month of life; most in the first week.

Figure 1: Mortality rate in children under 5 years old by WHO region



Global, 1990

Global, 2008















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There have been increases in the coverage of relatively new child health interventions, such as the use of insecticide-treated nets to prevent malaria; efforts to prevent the mother-to-child transmission of HIV; and vaccination against hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae type B pneumonia. Gradual progress can also be recorded for several established interventions such as micronutrient supplementation, while the global coverage of measles immunization increased from 73% to 83% between 1990 and 2008 (Figure 2).

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Figure 2: Measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds by WHO region









































Despite these gains, the coverage of critical interventions such as oral rehydration therapy (ORT) for diarrhoea and case management with antibiotics for acute respiratory infections (ARIs) remains inadequate. As a result, diarrhoea and pneumonia still kill almost 3 million children under 5 years old each year, especially in low-income countries.

According to estimates made for the year 2005,4 half a million women – most of them in developing countries – die each year of complications during pregnancy or childbirth. The risk of death was highest in the WHO African Region, where there were 900 maternal deaths per 100 000 live births; compared with only 27 per 100 000 in the WHO European Region. In fact, half of all maternal deaths occurred in the WHO African Region and another third in the WHO South-East Asia Region. Further analysis of the estimates indicated that between 1990 and 2005, no WHO region achieved the 5.5% annual decline in maternal mortality necessary to attain the relevant MDG target.5 The WHO South-East Asia Region, the WHO European Region and the WHO Western Pacific Region showed annual declines of only around 2.4%. There appeared to be stagnation or even a possible worsening of the situation in both the WHO African Region and the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. Maternal mortality is the health indicator that shows the widest gaps between richer and poorer, both between and within countries.

4 Maternal mortality in 2005: Estimates developed by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA and The World Bank. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2007. 5 MDG 5; Target 5.A: Reduce by three quarters, between 1990 and 2015, the maternal mortality ratio.

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Interventions to reduce the levels of maternal mortality include ensuring that all pregnant women have access to family-planning services as well as skilled care during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. This includes emergency obstetric care for the management of complications. The proportion of births attended by a skilled health worker has increased globally, with particularly pronounced improvements in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region (Figure 3). However, there was no improvement at all in the WHO African Region. In both the WHO African Region and the WHO South-East Asia Region, less than 50% of women received skilled care during childbirth.

Figure 3: Births attended by skilled health personnel by WHO region and country-income group



Global, 1990–1999

Global, 2000–2008



















Antenatal care offers multiple opportunities to improve the health of women. Potential improvements include the prevention and management of HIV infection and malaria, the detection and management of eclampsia, and iron and folate supplementation – the latter being particularly important in low-income and middle-income countries where micronutrient deficiencies are common. Despite this, less than half of all pregnant women in the world receive the WHO-recommended minimum of four antenatal visits.

Contraceptive prevalence6 in developing countries increased from 50% in 1990 to 62% in 2005.7 Despite this, there remains a continuing unmet need for family planning. For example, data available during 2000–2008 indicates that in the WHO African Region 24% of women wanting to delay or stop childbearing were not using a family-planning method. Levels of adolescent fertility over the period of 2000–2007 were at 47 births per 1000 women aged 15–19 years globally, and were

6 Defined here as: the proportion of women, married or in union, aged 15–49 years, using any method of contraception. 7 The Millennium Development Goals report 2009. New York, United Nations, 2009.

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particularly high in the WHO African Region at 118 births for every 1000 adolescent girls – about ten times the average in the WHO Western Pacific Region. Factors that contribute to continuing unmet need for family planning include a lack of decision-making power among women and a shortage of appropriate health services, especially for adolescent girls.

In 2008, there were an estimated 243 million cases of malaria causing 863 000 deaths; mostly of children under 5 years old.8 Despite increases in the supply of insecticide-treated nets, their availability in that year was far below the level of need almost everywhere. The procurement of antimalarial medicines through public health services increased, but access to treatment (especially artemisinin-based combination therapy) was inadequate in all countries surveyed in 2007 and 2008. There are, however, indications8 that 9 African countries and 29 countries outside Africa are on course to meet the MDG target9 for reducing the malaria burden.

Latest estimates indicate that the incidence rate of tuberculosis (TB) continued to slowly decline, reaching an estimated 140 per 100 000 population in 2008. The prevalence of all TB cases is falling along with mortality rates among HIV-negative TB cases. Globally, the estimated case-detection rate10 for new smear-positive TB cases increased from 40% in 2000 to 62% in 2008. While there were some improvements in the WHO African Region, less than 50% of TB cases were reported in this region in 2008.

Data on treatment-success rates for new smear-positive TB cases indicate consistent improvements with the global rate rising from 69% in 2000 to 86% in 2007 (Figure 4). In the WHO South-East Asia Region, the rate increased from 50% in 2000 to 88% in 2007. In the WHO European Region, while case-detection rate for new smear-positive cases increased, treatment success remains low at 67% in 2007, partly attributable to a high burden of multidrug-resistant TB. Multidrug-resistant TB and HIV-associated TB pose considerable challenges. Globally, there were an estimated 0.5 million new cases of multidrug-resistant TB in 2007, with 27 countries accounting for 85% of the total.11

New HIV infections have been reduced by 16% globally between 2000 and 2008, due, at least in part, to successful HIV-prevention efforts. In 2008, it was estimated that 2.7 million people were newly infected with HIV (Figure 5) and there were 2 million HIV/AIDS-related deaths.12

The availability and coverage of priority health-sector interventions for HIV prevention, treatment and care have continued to expand. In 2008, of the 1.4 million HIV-positive pregnant women, more than 628 000 received antiretroviral therapy (ART) to prevent the transmission of HIV to their children. This represents a coverage of 45% – an increase of 10% compared with 2007.13 There are, however, striking regional variations. In the WHO African Region (where HIV prevalence among adults was the highest) only 45% of pregnant women in need in low-income and middle-income countries received treatment, while in the WHO European Region (where HIV prevalence among adults was much lower) 94% of pregnant women in need in low-income and middle-income countries had access to treatment.

8 World malaria report 2009. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2009. 9 MDG 6; Target 6.C: Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases. 10 No distinction is made between DOTS and non-DOTS programmes because by 2007 more than 99% of notified cases were reported to WHO as treated in a

DOTS programme. Global tuberculosis control: a short update to the 2009 report. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2009. 11 Global tuberculosis control: a short update to the 2009 report. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2009. 12 AIDS epidemic update: December 2009. Geneva, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and World Health Organization (WHO), 2009. 13 Towards universal access. Scaling up priority HIV/AIDS interventions in the health sector: Progress report 2009. Geneva, WHO, UNAIDS, UNICEF, 2009.

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Figure 4: Treatment-success rate among new smear-positive tuberculosis cases by WHO region



Global, 2000

Global, 2007















Figure 5: Adults and children newly infected with HIV in 2008 by WHO region

WHO regional boundaries

International boundaries

Estimated new HIV infection (all ages)by WHO region (000s)

EMR (61)

WPR (130)

EUR (140)

SEAR (200)

AMR (240)

AFR (1900)

Data not available

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Figure 6: Population using improved drinking-water sources by WHO region and country-income group



Global, 1990

Global, 2008



















It is estimated that by the end of 2008, more than 4 million people in low-income and middle-income countries were receiving ART – an increase of more than 1 million compared with the end of 2007. This represents a 10-fold expansion in five years, with the greatest growth occurring in sub-Saharan Africa. Nonetheless, more than 5 million of the estimated 9.5 million people in low-income and middle-income countries needing ART were still without access to treatment.13 Coverage was lowest in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region (where only one in every 10 people needing ART received it) and highest in the WHO Region of the Americas (where one out of two who needed therapy received it).

More than 1000 million people are affected by neglected tropical diseases. In 2008, 496 million people were treated for lymphatic filariasis out of the 695 million targeted. In 2008, only 4619 cases of dracunculiasis were reported – in the mid-1980s the estimated number of cases was 3.5 million. As many as 190 130 cases of cholera were reported in 2008 – up from 177 963 in 2007. At the beginning of 2009, there were a reported 213 036 cases of leprosy – down from 5.2 million in 1985.

The percentage of the world’s population using “improved” drinking-water sources14 increased from 77% to 87% between 1990 and 2008 (Figure 6). This rate of improvement is sufficient to achieve the relevant MDG target15 globally. In the WHO African Region, however, while the percentage increased from 50% in 1990 to 61% in 2008, it remained well short of the 68% needed in that year to remain on course for achieving the MDG target. The situation in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region appears to have stalled, and an annual rate of increase of 1.6% is needed to

14 See Part II, Table 5. Risk factors, footnotes 20 and 22 for a full explanation of this term. 15 MDG 7; Target 7.C: Halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking-water and basic sanitation.

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Although nearly all countries publish an essential medicines list, the availability of medicines at public-health facilities is often poor. Surveys conducted in approximately 30 low-income countries indicate that the availability of selected generic medicines at health facilities was only 44% in the public sector and 66% in the private sector. Lack of medicines in the public sector forces patients to purchase medicines privately. In the private sector, generic medicines cost on average 630% more

16 See Part II, Table 5. Risk factors, footnotes 21 and 22 for a full explanation of this term.

achieve the MDG target by 2015. In 2008, the coverage was 90% in the WHO Western Pacific Region, and well in excess of this figure in the WHO Region of the Americas and the WHO European Region. In low-income countries, the annual rate of increase needs to double in order to reach the target, and concerted efforts are also needed to narrow the gap in coverage between urban and rural areas.

In 2008, 2600 million people were not using “improved” sanitation facilities,16 and of these 1100 million were defecating in the open, resulting in high levels of environmental contamination and exposure to the risks of worm infestations (such as schistosomiasis) and microbial infections (such as trachoma, hepatitis and cholera). The situation was most severe in the WHO African Region, where the percentage of the population using improved sanitation facilities increased very slowly: from 30% in 1990 to 34% in 2008. In the WHO South-East Asia Region, the coverage increased from 26% to 40% – still short of the MDG target. In the WHO European Region, 6% of the population were not using improved sanitation facilities in 2008 (Figure 7).

Figure 7: Population using improved sanitation facilities by WHO region and country-income group



Global, 1990

Global, 2008



















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than their international reference price, while originator brands are generally even more expensive. Common treatment regimens can cost a low-paid government worker in the developing world several days’ wages.

Noncommunicable diseases and injuries caused an estimated 33 million deaths in developing countries in 200417 and will account for a growing proportion of total deaths in the future. The health of individuals will also be undermined in the longer term by chronic conditions, sensory and mental disorders and violence. Tackling risk factors such as tobacco use, unhealthy diets, physical inactivity and the harmful use of alcohol (while also dealing with the socioeconomic impact of cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes) will depend not only upon effective health-care services but also upon actions taken in a variety of policy domains. Countries need to increase prevention efforts and improve access to services such as early detection and trauma care. Putting in place and sufficiently resourcing stronger health surveillance systems will be critical. Efforts are now under way to strengthen surveillance systems for noncommunicable diseases, including through the identification of core indicators and the use of standardized methods of data collection on risk factors and determinants, disease incidence, mortality by cause, health-system indicators and coverage of key interventions.

Stronger health systems will be central to continued progress towards the achievement of the MDGs. Continuing political momentum and sustained and predictable funding will be needed to strengthen human resources for health; improve service availability and quality; provide access to diagnosis through national laboratory networks; ensure better infection control in clinical settings; and promote the rational use of medicines. In addition, the financial and economic crisis has highlighted the urgent need to increase the coverage of social health protection. People in need cannot access the required services or continue treatment if financial barriers remain high.

Better information and intelligence will also be essential in monitoring progress towards the MDGs and related goals and targets, particularly with regard to differentials between and within countries. WHO will continue to report on the most-recent estimates of health-related statistics. However, the quality of such reporting depends critically upon the quality of country health information and statistical systems – which in many settings are weak. There is therefore a need for international commitment to support country efforts to enhance the availability and quality of data on the MDGs and other indicators.

17 The global burden of disease: 2004 update. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2008.

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The following charts provide country-by-country and regional summaries of progress for key MDG indicators for which data are available for most countries. For each indicator, countries are sorted within the relevant WHO region by the level of the indicator at the latest available year. Countries with no data, or for which a particular indicator is not relevant, are included at the end of each regional list.

Depending on the availability of data for each indicator, there are three types of chart:

Chart type I

For three indicators – under-five mortality rate; population using improved drinking-water sources; and population using improved sanitation – the charts show data for the latest available year; trends since 1990 (or since the first year for which data are available); and the overall trend required for the country to achieve the relevant MDG by 2015.

Chart type II

For five indicators – children aged <5 years underweight; measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds; births attended by skilled health personnel; prevalence of HIV among adults aged 15–49 years; and tuberculosis mortality rate among HIV-negative people – the charts show data for the latest available year, and country trends since the year for which data were first available. For most countries, data have been available since the baseline year of 1990.

Chart type III

For eleven indicators – maternal mortality ratio; contraceptive prevalence; adolescent fertility rate; antenatal care coverage; unmet need for family planning; males aged 15–24 years with comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS; females aged 15–24 years with comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS; antiretroviral therapy coverage among people with advanced HIV infection; malaria mortality rate; children aged <5 years sleeping under insecticide-treated nets; and children aged <5 years with fever who received treatment with any antimalarial – the charts show only data for the latest available year.

Further details can be found in the country tables as indicated in each chart.

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Page 13: Health-related Millennium Development Goals · 14 Figure 2: Measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds by WHO region AFR AMR SEAR EUR EMR WPR GLOBAL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Thailand 7.0

Bhutan 12.0

Indonesia 19.6

Democratic People's Republic of Korea 20.6

Sri Lanka 21.1

Maldives 25.7

Myanmar 29.6

Nepal 38.8

Timor-Leste 40.6

Bangladesh 41.3

India 43.5

Algeria 3.7

Swaziland 6.1

Gabon 8.8

Equatorial Guinea 10.6

Botswana 10.7

Congo 11.8

Sao Tome and Principe 13.1

Zimbabwe 14.0

Ghana 14.3

Senegal 14.5

Zambia 14.9

Malawi 15.5

Gambia 15.8

Uganda 16.4

Kenya 16.5

Cameroon 16.6

Lesotho 16.6

Côte d'Ivoire 16.7

Mauritania 16.7

United Republic of Tanzania 16.7

Guinea-Bissau 17.2

Namibia 17.5

Rwanda 18.0

Benin 20.2

Liberia 20.4

Togo 20.5

Guinea 20.8

Mozambique 21.2

Sierra Leone 21.3

Central African Republic 21.8

Comoros 25.0

Nigeria 26.7

Angola 27.5

Mali 27.9

Democratic Republic of the Congo 28.2

Chad 33.9

Eritrea 34.5

Ethiopia 34.6

Madagascar 36.8

Burkina Faso 37.4

Burundi 38.9

Niger 39.9

Cape Verde …

Mauritius …

Seychelles …

South Africa …

Chile 0.5

United States of America 1.3

Brazil 2.2

Jamaica 2.2

Argentina 2.3

Dominican Republic 3.4

Mexico 3.4

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 3.7

Cuba 3.9

Panama 3.9

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 4.3

Nicaragua 4.3

Trinidad and Tobago 4.4

Belize 4.9

Colombia 5.1

Peru 5.4

Uruguay 6.0

El Salvador 6.1

Ecuador 6.2

Honduras 8.6

Guyana 10.8

Guatemala 17.7

Haiti 18.9

Antigua and Barbuda …

Bahamas …

Barbados …

Canada …

Costa Rica …

Dominica …

Grenada …

Paraguay …

Saint Kitts and Nevis …

Saint Lucia …

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines …

Suriname …

Tuvalu 1.6

Singapore 3.3

Mongolia 5.3

China 6.8

Solomon Islands 11.5

Papua New Guinea 18.1

Viet Nam 20.2

Philippines 20.7

Cambodia 28.8

Lao People's Democratic Republic 31.6

Australia …

Brunei Darussalam …

Cook Islands …

Fiji …

Japan …

Kiribati …

Malaysia …

Marshall Islands …

Micronesia (Federated States of) …

Nauru …

New Zealand …

Niue …

Palau …

Republic of Korea …

Samoa …

Tonga …

Vanuatu …

Tunisia 3.3

Jordan 3.6

Lebanon 4.2

Saudi Arabia 5.3

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 5.6

Egypt 6.8

Iraq 7.1

Morocco 9.9

Syrian Arab Republic 10.0

Djibouti 29.6

Pakistan 31.3

Sudan 31.7

Somalia 32.8

Afghanistan 32.9

Yemen 43.1

Bahrain …

Iran (Islamic Republic of) …

Kuwait …

Oman …

Qatar …

United Arab Emirates …

Germany 1.1

Belarus 1.3

Bosnia and Herzegovina 1.6

Bulgaria 1.6

Serbia 1.8

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1.8

Czech Republic 2.1

Montenegro 2.2

Georgia 2.3

Kyrgyzstan 2.7

Republic of Moldova 3.2

Romania 3.5

Turkey 3.5

Ukraine 4.1

Armenia 4.2

Uzbekistan 4.4

Kazakhstan 4.9

Albania 6.6

Azerbaijan 8.4

Tajikistan 14.9

Andorra …

Austria …

Belgium …

Croatia …

Cyprus …

Denmark …

Estonia …

Finland …

France …

Greece …

Hungary …

Iceland …

Ireland …

Israel …

Italy …

Latvia …

Lithuania …

Luxembourg …

Malta …

Monaco …

Netherlands …

Norway …

Poland …

Portugal …

Russian Federation …

San Marino …

Slovakia …

Slovenia …

Spain …

Sweden …

Switzerland …

Turkmenistan …

United Kingdom …

1. Children aged <5 years underweight (%)

This chart shows the percentage of children under 5 years old who are underweight in each country.Within each WHO region, countries are sorted by the latest available data since 2000.Regional averages are not available at this time.

Further details can be found in Part II, Table 5.


Latest available1990

Country trend

Page 14: Health-related Millennium Development Goals · 14 Figure 2: Measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds by WHO region AFR AMR SEAR EUR EMR WPR GLOBAL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Japan 3

Singapore 3

Australia 5

Republic of Korea 5

Malaysia 6

New Zealand 6

Brunei Darussalam 7

Viet Nam 14

Cook Islands 15

Palau 15

Fiji 18

Tonga 19

China 21

Samoa 26

Niue 28

Philippines 32

Vanuatu 33

Marshall Islands 36

Solomon Islands 36

Tuvalu 36

Micronesia (Federated States of) 39

Mongolia 41

Nauru 45

Kiribati 48

Lao People's Democratic Republic 61

Papua New Guinea 69

Cambodia 89

San Marino 2

Finland 3

Greece 3

Iceland 3

Luxembourg 3

Norway 3

Slovenia 3

Sweden 3

Andorra 4

Austria 4

Cyprus 4

Czech Republic 4

Denmark 4

France 4

Germany 4

Italy 4

Monaco 4

Portugal 4

Spain 4

Belgium 5

Croatia 5

Ireland 5

Israel 5

Netherlands 5

Switzerland 5

Estonia 6

United Kingdom 6

Hungary 7

Lithuania 7

Malta 7

Poland 7

Slovakia 7

Serbia 8

Latvia 9

Montenegro 9

Bulgaria 11

Russian Federation 11

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 11

Belarus 13

Romania 13

Albania 14

Bosnia and Herzegovina 15

Ukraine 15

Republic of Moldova 17

Turkey 22

Armenia 23

Georgia 30

Kazakhstan 30

Azerbaijan 36

Kyrgyzstan 38

Uzbekistan 38

Turkmenistan 48

Tajikistan 64

Canada 6

Cuba 6

United States of America 8

Chile 9

Dominica 10

Barbados 11

Costa Rica 11

Antigua and Barbuda 12

Bahamas 13

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 13

Argentina 15

Grenada 15

Saint Kitts and Nevis 15

Saint Lucia 15

Uruguay 16

Mexico 17

El Salvador 18

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 18

Belize 19

Colombia 20

Brazil 22

Panama 23

Peru 24

Ecuador 25

Nicaragua 27

Suriname 27

Paraguay 28

Honduras 31

Jamaica 31

Dominican Republic 33

Guatemala 34

Trinidad and Tobago 35

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 54

Guyana 61

Haiti 72

Seychelles 11

Mauritius 16

Cape Verde 29

Botswana 31

Algeria 41

Namibia 42

Eritrea 58

South Africa 67

Ghana 76

Gabon 77

Lesotho 79

Swaziland 83

Zimbabwe 96

Sao Tome and Principe 97

Togo 98

Malawi 100

United Republic of Tanzania 103

Comoros 105

Gambia 106

Madagascar 106

Senegal 108

Ethiopia 109

Rwanda 112

Côte d'Ivoire 114

Mauritania 118

Benin 121

Congo 127

Kenya 128

Mozambique 130

Cameroon 131

Uganda 135

Liberia 144

Guinea 146

Equatorial Guinea 147

Zambia 148

Niger 167

Burundi 168

Burkina Faso 169

Central African Republic 173

Nigeria 186

Mali 194

Sierra Leone 194

Guinea-Bissau 195

Democratic Republic of the Congo 199

Chad 209

Angola 220

Thailand 14

Sri Lanka 17

Maldives 28

Indonesia 41

Nepal 51

Bangladesh 54

Democratic People's Republic of Korea 55

India 69

Bhutan 81

Timor-Leste 93

Myanmar 122

Qatar 8

United Arab Emirates 8

Kuwait 11

Bahrain 12

Oman 12

Lebanon 13

Syrian Arab Republic 16

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 17

Jordan 20

Saudi Arabia 21

Tunisia 21

Egypt 23

Iran (Islamic Republic of) 32

Morocco 36

Iraq 45

Yemen 69

Pakistan 89

Djibouti 95

Sudan 109

Somalia 200

Afghanistan 257

2. Under-five mortality rate (probability of dying by age 5 per 1000 live births)

This chart shows estimated under-five mortality for 2008, with countries within each WHO region sorted by level.The bold lines indicate trends since 1990 or since the first year for which data are available.The thin lines indicate the projected trend needed to reduce by two thirds the under-five mortality rate by 2015.

Further details can be found in Part II, Table 1.



Latest available1990Country trend

MDG target

Regional average


Regional average


Regional average


Regional average 14

Regional average


Regional average 78

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Seychelles 99

Mauritius 98

Cape Verde 96

Eritrea 95

Swaziland 95

Botswana 94

Sao Tome and Principe 93

Rwanda 92

Gambia 91

Kenya 90

Algeria 88

Malawi 88

United Republic of Tanzania 88

Ghana 86

Lesotho 85

Zambia 85

Burundi 84

Madagascar 81

Cameroon 80

Niger 80

Angola 79

Congo 79

Mozambique 77

Senegal 77

Togo 77

Comoros 76

Guinea-Bissau 76

Burkina Faso 75

Ethiopia 74

Namibia 73

Mali 68

Uganda 68

Democratic Republic of the Congo 67

Zimbabwe 66

Mauritania 65

Guinea 64

Liberia 64

Côte d'Ivoire 63

Central African Republic 62

Nigeria 62

South Africa 62

Benin 61

Sierra Leone 60

Gabon 55

Equatorial Guinea 51

Chad 23

Antigua and Barbuda 99

Argentina 99

Brazil 99

Cuba 99

Dominica 99

Grenada 99

Nicaragua 99

Saint Kitts and Nevis 99

Saint Lucia 99

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 99

Belize 96

Guatemala 96

Mexico 96

El Salvador 95

Guyana 95

Honduras 95

Uruguay 95

Canada 94

Barbados 92

Chile 92

Colombia 92

United States of America 92

Costa Rica 91

Trinidad and Tobago 91

Bahamas 90

Peru 90

Jamaica 88

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 86

Suriname 86

Panama 85

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 82

Dominican Republic 79

Paraguay 77

Ecuador 66

Haiti 58

Bahrain 99

Kuwait 99

Oman 99

Iran (Islamic Republic of) 98

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 98

Tunisia 98

Saudi Arabia 97

Morocco 96

Jordan 95

Egypt 92

Qatar 92

United Arab Emirates 92

Pakistan 85

Syrian Arab Republic 81

Sudan 79

Afghanistan 75

Djibouti 73

Iraq 69

Yemen 62

Lebanon 53

Somalia 24

Belarus 99

Greece 99

Hungary 99

Kazakhstan 99

Kyrgyzstan 99

Monaco 99

Russian Federation 99

Slovakia 99

Turkmenistan 99

Albania 98

Andorra 98

Poland 98

Spain 98

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 98

Uzbekistan 98

Czech Republic 97

Finland 97

Latvia 97

Lithuania 97

Portugal 97

Romania 97

Turkey 97

Bulgaria 96

Croatia 96

Georgia 96

Iceland 96

Luxembourg 96

Netherlands 96

Slovenia 96

Sweden 96

Estonia 95

Germany 95

Armenia 94

Republic of Moldova 94

Ukraine 94

Belgium 93

Norway 93

Serbia 92

Italy 91

Denmark 89

Ireland 89

Montenegro 89

Cyprus 87

France 87

Switzerland 87

Tajikistan 86

United Kingdom 86

Bosnia and Herzegovina 84

Israel 84

Austria 83

Malta 78

San Marino 73

Azerbaijan 66

Nauru 99

Niue 99

Tonga 99

Brunei Darussalam 97

Japan 97

Mongolia 97

Palau 97

Cook Islands 95

Malaysia 95

Singapore 95

Australia 94

China 94

Fiji 94

Marshall Islands 94

Tuvalu 93

Micronesia (Federated States of) 92

Philippines 92

Republic of Korea 92

Viet Nam 92

Cambodia 89

New Zealand 86

Kiribati 72

Vanuatu 65

Solomon Islands 60

Papua New Guinea 54

Lao People's Democratic Republic 52

Samoa 45

Bhutan 99

Democratic People's Republic of Korea 98

Sri Lanka 98

Thailand 98

Maldives 97

Bangladesh 89

Indonesia 83

Myanmar 82

Nepal 79

Timor-Leste 73

India 70

3. Measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%)

This chart shows the percentage of 1-year-olds fully immunized against measles, with countries within each WHO region sorted by 2008 level.

Further details can be found in Part II, Table 4.


Latest available1990

Country trend

Regional average 73

Regional average 93

Regional average 75

Regional average 94

Regional average 83

Regional average 93

Page 16: Health-related Millennium Development Goals · 14 Figure 2: Measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds by WHO region AFR AMR SEAR EUR EMR WPR GLOBAL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Mauritius 15

Algeria 180

Cape Verde 210

Namibia 210

Botswana 380

Swaziland 390

Comoros 400

South Africa 400

Eritrea 450

Madagascar 510

Togo 510

Gabon 520

Mozambique 520

Uganda 550

Ghana 560

Kenya 560

Equatorial Guinea 680

Gambia 690

Burkina Faso 700

Ethiopia 720

Congo 740

Côte d'Ivoire 810

Mauritania 820

Zambia 830

Benin 840

Zimbabwe 880

Guinea 910

United Republic of Tanzania 950

Lesotho 960

Mali 970

Central African Republic 980

Senegal 980

Cameroon 1 000

Burundi 1 100

Democratic Republic of the Congo 1 100

Guinea-Bissau 1 100

Malawi 1 100

Nigeria 1 100

Liberia 1 200

Rwanda 1 300

Angola 1 400

Chad 1 500

Niger 1 800

Sierra Leone 2 100

Sao Tome and Principe …

Seychelles …

Canada 7

United States of America 11

Bahamas 16

Barbados 16

Chile 16

Uruguay 20

Costa Rica 30

Cuba 45

Trinidad and Tobago 45

Belize 52

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 57

Mexico 60

Suriname 72

Argentina 77

Brazil 110

Colombia 130

Panama 130

Dominican Republic 150

Paraguay 150

El Salvador 170

Jamaica 170

Nicaragua 170

Ecuador 210

Peru 240

Honduras 280

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 290

Guatemala 290

Guyana 470

Haiti 670

Antigua and Barbuda …

Dominica …

Grenada …

Saint Kitts and Nevis …

Saint Lucia …

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines …

Kuwait 4

Qatar 12

Saudi Arabia 18

Bahrain 32

United Arab Emirates 37

Jordan 62

Oman 64

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 97

Tunisia 100

Egypt 130

Syrian Arab Republic 130

Iran (Islamic Republic of) 140

Lebanon 150

Morocco 240

Iraq 300

Pakistan 320

Yemen 430

Sudan 450

Djibouti 650

Somalia 1 400

Afghanistan 1 800

Ireland 1

Bosnia and Herzegovina 3

Denmark 3

Greece 3

Italy 3

Sweden 3

Austria 4

Czech Republic 4

Germany 4

Iceland 4

Israel 4

Spain 4

Switzerland 5

Hungary 6

Netherlands 6

Slovakia 6

Slovenia 6

Croatia 7

Finland 7

Norway 7

Belgium 8

France 8

Malta 8

Poland 8

United Kingdom 8

Cyprus 10

Latvia 10

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 10

Bulgaria 11

Lithuania 11

Portugal 11

Luxembourg 12

Belarus 18

Ukraine 18

Republic of Moldova 22

Romania 24

Uzbekistan 24

Estonia 25

Russian Federation 28

Turkey 44

Georgia 66

Armenia 76

Azerbaijan 82

Albania 92

Turkmenistan 130

Kazakhstan 140

Kyrgyzstan 150

Tajikistan 170

Andorra …

Monaco …

Montenegro …

San Marino …

Serbia …

Australia 4

Japan 6

New Zealand 9

Brunei Darussalam 13

Republic of Korea 14

Singapore 14

China 45

Mongolia 46

Malaysia 62

Viet Nam 150

Fiji 210

Solomon Islands 220

Philippines 230

Papua New Guinea 470

Cambodia 540

Lao People's Democratic Republic 660

Cook Islands …

Kiribati …

Marshall Islands …

Micronesia (Federated States of) …

Nauru …

Niue …

Palau …

Samoa …

Tonga …

Tuvalu …

Vanuatu …

4. Maternal mortality ratio (per 100 000 live births)

Sri Lanka 58

Thailand 110

Maldives 120

Democratic People's Republic of Korea 370

Myanmar 380

Timor-Leste 380

Indonesia 420

Bhutan 440

India 450

Bangladesh 570

Nepal 830

Regional average 450

This chart shows the interagency estimated maternal mortality ratio for each country for 2005, with countries within each WHO region sorted by level.

Further details can be found in Part II, Table 2.

Regional average 900

Regional average 99

Regional average 27

Regional average 420

Regional average 82

Page 17: Health-related Millennium Development Goals · 14 Figure 2: Measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds by WHO region AFR AMR SEAR EUR EMR WPR GLOBAL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


This chart shows the percentage of births attended by skilled health personnel.Within each WHO region, countries are sorted by the latest available data since 2000.

Further details can be found in Part II, Table 4.


Latest available1990

Country trend

Mauritius ≥99

Algeria 95

Botswana 94

South Africa 91

Congo 86

Gabon 86

Namibia 81

Sao Tome and Principe 81

Benin 78

Cape Verde 78

Democratic Republic of the Congo 74

Swaziland 74

Zimbabwe 69

Cameroon 63

Equatorial Guinea 63

Comoros 62

Togo 62

Mauritania 61

Côte d'Ivoire 57

Gambia 57

Ghana 57

Lesotho 55

Burkina Faso 54

Central African Republic 54

Malawi 54

Rwanda 52

Senegal 52

Madagascar 51

Mali 49

Mozambique 48

Angola 47

Zambia 47

Liberia 46

United Republic of Tanzania 46

Kenya 42

Sierra Leone 42

Uganda 42

Guinea-Bissau 39

Nigeria 39

Guinea 38

Burundi 34

Eritrea 28

Niger 18

Chad 14

Ethiopia 6

Seychelles …

Antigua and Barbuda ≥99

Argentina ≥99

Bahamas ≥99

Barbados ≥99

Canada ≥99

Chile ≥99

Cuba ≥99

Ecuador ≥99

Grenada ≥99

Saint Kitts and Nevis ≥99

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ≥99

United States of America ≥99

Uruguay ≥99

Dominican Republic 98

Saint Lucia 98

Trinidad and Tobago 98

Brazil 97

Jamaica 97

Belize 96

Colombia 96

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 95

Costa Rica 94

Dominica 94

Mexico 94

Panama 91

Suriname 90

El Salvador 84

Guyana 83

Paraguay 77

Nicaragua 74

Peru 73

Honduras 67

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 66

Guatemala 41

Haiti 26

Bahrain ≥99

Jordan ≥99

Kuwait ≥99

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ≥99

Qatar ≥99

United Arab Emirates ≥99

Lebanon 98

Oman 98

Iran (Islamic Republic of) 97

Saudi Arabia 96

Djibouti 93

Syrian Arab Republic 93

Tunisia 90

Iraq 89

Egypt 79

Morocco 63

Sudan 49

Pakistan 39

Yemen 36

Somalia 33

Afghanistan 14

Albania ≥99

Belarus ≥99

Bosnia and Herzegovina ≥99

Bulgaria ≥99

Croatia ≥99

Cyprus ≥99

Czech Republic ≥99

Estonia ≥99

Finland ≥99

Germany ≥99

Hungary ≥99

Ireland ≥99

Italy ≥99

Kazakhstan ≥99

Latvia ≥99

Lithuania ≥99

Luxembourg ≥99

Malta ≥99

Montenegro ≥99

Netherlands ≥99

Poland ≥99

Portugal ≥99

Republic of Moldova ≥99

Romania ≥99

Russian Federation ≥99

Serbia ≥99

Slovakia ≥99

Slovenia ≥99

Switzerland ≥99

Turkmenistan ≥99

Ukraine ≥99

Uzbekistan ≥99

Armenia 98

Georgia 98

Kyrgyzstan 98

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 98

Azerbaijan 89

Tajikistan 83

Turkey 83

Andorra …

Austria …

Belgium …

Denmark …

France …

Greece …

Iceland …

Israel …

Monaco …

Norway …

San Marino …

Spain …

Sweden …

United Kingdom …

Australia ≥99

Brunei Darussalam ≥99

Cook Islands ≥99

Fiji ≥99

Japan ≥99

Malaysia ≥99

Mongolia ≥99

Niue ≥99

Palau ≥99

Republic of Korea ≥99

Samoa ≥99

Singapore ≥99

Tonga ≥99

Tuvalu ≥99

China 98

Nauru 97

Marshall Islands 95

New Zealand 94

Vanuatu 93

Kiribati 90

Micronesia (Federated States of) 88

Viet Nam 88

Philippines 62

Cambodia 44

Solomon Islands 43

Papua New Guinea 39

Lao People's Democratic Republic 20

Sri Lanka ≥99

Thailand ≥99

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 97

Maldives 84

Indonesia 73

Myanmar 57

Bhutan 51

India 47

Nepal 19

Timor-Leste 19

Bangladesh 18

5. Births attended by skilled health personnel (%)

Regional average


Regional average 92

Regional average 49

Regional average 59

Regional average 92

Regional average


Page 18: Health-related Millennium Development Goals · 14 Figure 2: Measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds by WHO region AFR AMR SEAR EUR EMR WPR GLOBAL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Paraguay 79.4

Colombia 78.2

Uruguay 77.0

Canada 74.0

Dominican Republic 72.9

United States of America 72.8

Ecuador 72.7

Cuba 72.6

El Salvador 72.5

Nicaragua 72.4

Peru 71.3

Mexico 70.9

Jamaica 69.0

Argentina 65.3

Honduras 65.2

Chile 64.2

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 60.6

Guatemala 43.3

Trinidad and Tobago 42.5

Suriname 42.1

Belize 34.3

Guyana 34.2

Haiti 32.0

Antigua and Barbuda …

Bahamas …

Barbados …

Brazil …

Costa Rica …

Dominica …

Grenada …

Panama …

Saint Kitts and Nevis …

Saint Lucia …

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines …

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) …

6. Contraceptive prevalence (%)

This chart shows the percentage of women married or cohabiting who report current use of at least one method of contraception.Within each WHO region, countries are sorted by the latest available data since 2000.

Further details can be found in Part II, Table 4.

Thailand 81.1

Democratic People's Republic of Korea 68.6

Sri Lanka 68.0

Indonesia 61.4

India 56.3

Bangladesh 55.8

Nepal 48.0

Maldives 39.0

Myanmar 37.0

Bhutan 30.7

Timor-Leste 10.0

Mauritius 75.8

Algeria 61.4

Cape Verde 61.3

South Africa 60.3

Zimbabwe 60.2

Namibia 55.1

Swaziland 50.6

Botswana 44.4

Congo 44.3

Malawi 41.0

Zambia 40.8

Kenya 39.3

Lesotho 37.3

Rwanda 36.4

Gabon 32.7

Sao Tome and Principe 29.3

Cameroon 29.2

Madagascar 27.1

United Republic of Tanzania 26.4

Comoros 25.7

Uganda 23.7

Ghana 23.5

Democratic Republic of the Congo 20.6

Burundi 19.7

Central African Republic 19.0

Gambia 17.5

Burkina Faso 17.4

Benin 17.0

Togo 16.8

Mozambique 16.5

Ethiopia 14.7

Nigeria 14.7

Côte d'Ivoire 12.9

Senegal 11.8

Liberia 11.4

Niger 11.2

Guinea-Bissau 10.3

Equatorial Guinea 10.1

Mauritania 9.3

Guinea 9.1

Mali 8.2

Sierra Leone 8.2

Eritrea 8.0

Angola 6.2

Chad 2.8

Seychelles …

Norway 88.4

United Kingdom 82.0

France 81.8

Greece 76.2

Ireland 75.0

Belgium 74.6

Belarus 72.6

Turkey 71.0

Romania 70.3

Republic of Moldova 67.8

Portugal 67.1

Netherlands 67.0

Ukraine 66.7

Spain 65.7

Uzbekistan 64.9

Turkmenistan 61.8

Albania 60.1

Armenia 53.1

Azerbaijan 51.1

Kazakhstan 50.7

Kyrgyzstan 47.8

Georgia 47.3

Serbia 41.2

Montenegro 39.4

Tajikistan 37.9

Bosnia and Herzegovina 35.7

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 13.5

Andorra …

Austria …

Bulgaria …

Croatia …

Cyprus …

Czech Republic …

Denmark …

Estonia …

Finland …

Germany …

Hungary …

Iceland …

Israel …

Italy …

Latvia …

Lithuania …

Luxembourg …

Malta …

Monaco …

Poland …

Russian Federation …

San Marino …

Slovakia …

Slovenia …

Sweden …

Switzerland …

Iran (Islamic Republic of) 73.3

Morocco 63.0

Egypt 60.3

Tunisia 60.2

Syrian Arab Republic 58.3

Lebanon 58.0

Jordan 57.1

Iraq 49.8

Pakistan 29.6

Yemen 27.7

Saudi Arabia 23.8

Afghanistan 18.6

Djibouti 17.8

Somalia 14.6

Sudan 7.6

Bahrain …

Kuwait …

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya …

Oman …

Qatar …

United Arab Emirates …

China 86.9

Republic of Korea 84.5

Viet Nam 79.0

Australia 70.8

Mongolia 66.0

Japan 54.3

Philippines 50.6

Cambodia 40.0

Kiribati 36.1

Nauru 35.6

Palau 32.8

Lao People's Democratic Republic 32.2

Brunei Darussalam …

Cook Islands …

Fiji …

Malaysia …

Marshall Islands …

Micronesia (Federated States of) …

New Zealand …

Niue …

Papua New Guinea …

Samoa …

Singapore …

Solomon Islands …

Tonga …

Tuvalu …

Vanuatu …

Regional average 23.7

Regional average 70.6

Regional average 57.5

Regional average 68.4

Regional average 42.8

Regional average


Page 19: Health-related Millennium Development Goals · 14 Figure 2: Measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds by WHO region AFR AMR SEAR EUR EMR WPR GLOBAL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


7. Adolescent fertility rate (per 1000 girls aged 15–19 years)

This chart shows estimated adolescent fertility expressed as the number of births among girls aged 15–19 years per 1000 girls in this age group per year.Within each WHO region, countries are sorted by the latest available data since 2000.

Further details can be found in Part II, Table 9.

Canada 14

Trinidad and Tobago 35

United States of America 41

Cuba 42

Bahamas 43

Dominica 48

Chile 49

Saint Lucia 49

Barbados 51

Grenada 53

Brazil 56

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 57

Jamaica 58

Peru 59

Argentina 62

Costa Rica 63

Suriname 63

Uruguay 63

Paraguay 65

Antigua and Barbuda 67

El Salvador 67

Haiti 69

Saint Kitts and Nevis 74

Mexico 82

Panama 85

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 88

Belize 90

Guyana 90

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 91

Guatemala 92

Colombia 96

Dominican Republic 98

Ecuador 100

Honduras 108

Nicaragua 109

Maldives 8

Sri Lanka 28

India 45

Bhutan 46

Thailand 46

Indonesia 51

Timor-Leste 59

Nepal 106

Bangladesh 127

Democratic People's Republic of Korea …

Myanmar …

San Marino 1

Netherlands 4

Switzerland 4

Slovenia 5

Cyprus 6

Denmark 6

Sweden 6

Italy 7

France 8

Finland 9

Norway 9

Belgium 10

Germany 10

Luxembourg 10

Andorra 11

Czech Republic 11

Greece 11

Austria 12

Spain 12

Albania 13

Croatia 13

Poland 13

Iceland 14

Israel 15

Bosnia and Herzegovina 16

Montenegro 16

Ireland 17

Latvia 17

Malta 17

Portugal 17

Lithuania 19

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 19

Belarus 20

Estonia 20

Hungary 20

Turkmenistan 20

Slovakia 21

Serbia 24

Armenia 25

Republic of Moldova 25

United Kingdom 26

Uzbekistan 26

Kazakhstan 27

Tajikistan 27

Kyrgyzstan 28

Russian Federation 28

Ukraine 30

Romania 35

Georgia 37

Bulgaria 38

Azerbaijan 44

Turkey 51

Monaco …

Republic of Korea 2

China 5

Japan 5

Singapore 6

Malaysia 13

Australia 15

Tonga 16

Mongolia 19

Tuvalu 22

Brunei Darussalam 26

Niue 28

New Zealand 29

Samoa 29

Fiji 30

Palau 31

Viet Nam 35

Kiribati 39

Cook Islands 47

Micronesia (Federated States of) 51

Cambodia 52

Philippines 55

Nauru 69

Papua New Guinea 70

Marshall Islands 88

Lao People's Democratic Republic 110

Solomon Islands …

Vanuatu …

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 4

Tunisia 6

Saudi Arabia 7

Oman 11

Kuwait 14

Bahrain 15

Qatar 16

Lebanon 18

Morocco 18

Pakistan 20

United Arab Emirates 23

Iran (Islamic Republic of) 25

Djibouti 27

Egypt 27

Jordan 28

Iraq 68

Syrian Arab Republic 75

Yemen 80

Somalia 123

Afghanistan 151

Sudan …

Algeria 4

Burundi 30

Mauritius 35

Rwanda 40

Botswana 51

Seychelles 54

South Africa 54

Ghana 74

Namibia 74

Eritrea 85

Mauritania 88

Sao Tome and Principe 91

Cape Verde 92

Comoros 95

Lesotho 98

Senegal 100

Zimbabwe 101

Gambia 104

Ethiopia 109

Côte d'Ivoire 111

Swaziland 111

Benin 114

Kenya 116

Democratic Republic of the Congo 124

Nigeria 126

Equatorial Guinea 128

Burkina Faso 131

Congo 132

Central African Republic 133

Liberia 137

United Republic of Tanzania 139

Cameroon 141

Sierra Leone 146

Zambia 146

Guinea 153

Madagascar 154

Uganda 159

Angola 165

Guinea-Bissau 170

Malawi 178

Mozambique 185

Mali 190

Chad 193

Niger 199

Gabon …

Togo …

Regional average 118

Regional average 61

Regional average 55

Regional average 23

Regional average 35

Regional average 11

Page 20: Health-related Millennium Development Goals · 14 Figure 2: Measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds by WHO region AFR AMR SEAR EUR EMR WPR GLOBAL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Sri Lanka 99

Thailand 98

Indonesia 93

Bhutan 88

Maldives 81

Myanmar 76

India 74

Timor-Leste 61

Bangladesh 51

Nepal 44

Democratic People's Republic of Korea …

Cape Verde 98

Gambia 98

Sao Tome and Principe 98

Botswana 97

Rwanda 96

Namibia 95

Gabon 94

Uganda 94

Zambia 94

Zimbabwe 94

Burundi 92

Kenya 92

Malawi 92

South Africa 92

Ghana 90

Lesotho 90

Algeria 89

Mozambique 89

Guinea 88

Senegal 87

Sierra Leone 87

Congo 86

Equatorial Guinea 86

Burkina Faso 85

Côte d'Ivoire 85

Democratic Republic of the Congo 85

Swaziland 85

Benin 84

Togo 84

Cameroon 82

Angola 80

Madagascar 80

Liberia 79

Guinea-Bissau 78

United Republic of Tanzania 76

Comoros 75

Mauritania 75

Eritrea 70

Mali 70

Central African Republic 69

Nigeria 58

Niger 46

Chad 39

Ethiopia 28

Mauritius …

Seychelles …

8. Antenatal care coverage (%): at least 1 visit and at least 4 visits

This chart shows the percentage of women who received antenatal care from skilled health personnel at least once and at least four times during pregnancy.Within each WHO region, countries are sorted by the latest available data since 2000 for coverage of at least one visit.

Further details can be found in Part II, Table 4.

Antigua and Barbuda 100

Barbados 100

Cuba 100

Dominica 100

Grenada 100

Saint Kitts and Nevis 100

Argentina 99

Dominican Republic 99

Saint Lucia 99

Bahamas 98

Brazil 98

Uruguay 97

Paraguay 96

Trinidad and Tobago 96

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 95

Belize 94

Colombia 94

El Salvador 94

Mexico 94

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 94

Honduras 92

Jamaica 91

Peru 91

Costa Rica 90

Nicaragua 90

Suriname 90

Haiti 85

Ecuador 84

Guatemala 84

Guyana 81

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 77

Canada …

Chile …

Panama …

United States of America …

Kazakhstan 100

Belarus 99

Bosnia and Herzegovina 99

Turkmenistan 99

Ukraine 99

Uzbekistan 99

Republic of Moldova 98

Serbia 98

Albania 97

Kyrgyzstan 97

Montenegro 97

Georgia 94

Romania 94

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 94

Armenia 93

Turkey 92

Tajikistan 89

Azerbaijan 77

Andorra …

Austria …

Belgium …

Bulgaria …

Croatia …

Cyprus …

Czech Republic …

Denmark …

Estonia …

Finland …

France …

Germany …

Greece …

Hungary …

Iceland …

Ireland …

Israel …

Italy …

Latvia …

Lithuania …

Luxembourg …

Malta …

Monaco …

Netherlands …

Norway …

Poland …

Portugal …

Russian Federation …

San Marino …

Slovakia …

Slovenia …

Spain …

Sweden …

Switzerland …

United Kingdom …

Oman 100

Jordan 99

Iran (Islamic Republic of) 98

Lebanon 96

Tunisia 96

Djibouti 92

Iraq 84

Syrian Arab Republic 84

Egypt 74

Morocco 68

Sudan 64

Pakistan 61

Yemen 47

Somalia 26

Afghanistan 16

Bahrain …

Kuwait …

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya …

Qatar …

Saudi Arabia …

United Arab Emirates …

Mongolia 99

Tuvalu 97

Nauru 95

China 91

Philippines 91

Viet Nam 91

Vanuatu 84

Marshall Islands 81

Malaysia 79

Papua New Guinea 79

Solomon Islands 74

Cambodia 69

Lao People's Democratic Republic 35

Australia …

Brunei Darussalam …

Cook Islands …

Fiji …

Japan …

Kiribati …

Micronesia (Federated States of) …

New Zealand …

Niue …

Palau …

Republic of Korea …

Samoa …

Singapore …

Tonga …

Regional average 73

Regional average


Regional average


Regional average 75

Regional average 90


1+ visit

4+ visits

Page 21: Health-related Millennium Development Goals · 14 Figure 2: Measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds by WHO region AFR AMR SEAR EUR EMR WPR GLOBAL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Thailand 3.1

Timor-Leste 3.8

Indonesia 9.1

India 12.8

Bangladesh 17.1

Sri Lanka 18.2

Myanmar 19.1

Nepal 24.6

Bhutan …

Democratic People's Republic of Korea …

Maldives …

9. Unmet need for family planning (%)

This chart shows the percentage of women who are fecund and sexually active but are not using any method of contraception, and report not wanting any more children or wanting to delay the next child.Within each WHO region, countries are sorted by the latest available data since 2000.

Further details can be found in Part II, Table 4.

China 2.3

Mongolia 4.6

Viet Nam 4.8

Philippines 17.3

Cambodia 25.1

Lao People's Democratic Republic 39.5

Australia …

Brunei Darussalam …

Cook Islands …

Fiji …

Japan …

Kiribati …

Malaysia …

Marshall Islands …

Micronesia (Federated States of) …

Nauru …

New Zealand …

Niue …

Palau …

Papua New Guinea …

Republic of Korea …

Samoa …

Singapore …

Solomon Islands …

Tonga …

Tuvalu …

Vanuatu …

Morocco 10.0

Egypt 10.3

Jordan 11.9

Tunisia 12.1

Pakistan 24.9

Afghanistan …

Bahrain …

Djibouti …

Iran (Islamic Republic of) …

Iraq …

Kuwait …

Lebanon …

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya …

Oman …

Qatar …

Saudi Arabia …

Somalia …

Sudan …

Syrian Arab Republic …

United Arab Emirates …

Yemen …

Albania 1.3

Turkey 6.0

Republic of Moldova 6.7

Turkmenistan 10.1

Ukraine 10.3

Romania 11.9

Armenia 13.3

Georgia 16.3

Azerbaijan 22.7

Andorra …

Austria …

Belarus …

Belgium …

Bosnia and Herzegovina …

Bulgaria …

Croatia …

Cyprus …

Czech Republic …

Denmark …

Estonia …

Finland …

France …

Germany …

Greece …

Hungary …

Iceland …

Ireland …

Israel …

Italy …

Kazakhstan …

Kyrgyzstan …

Latvia …

Lithuania …

Luxembourg …

Malta …

Monaco …

Montenegro …

Netherlands …

Norway …

Poland …

Portugal …

Russian Federation …

San Marino …

Serbia …

Slovakia …

Slovenia …

Spain …

Sweden …

Switzerland …

Tajikistan …

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia …

United Kingdom …

Uzbekistan …

Colombia 5.8

United States of America 6.3

Paraguay 6.6

Ecuador 7.4

Nicaragua 7.5

Peru 8.1

El Salvador 8.9

Dominican Republic 11.4

Jamaica 11.7

Mexico 12.0

Honduras 16.9

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 22.7

Guatemala 27.6

Haiti 37.5

Antigua and Barbuda …

Argentina …

Bahamas …

Barbados …

Belize …

Brazil …

Canada …

Chile …

Costa Rica …

Cuba …

Dominica …

Grenada …

Guyana …

Panama …

Saint Kitts and Nevis …

Saint Lucia …

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines …

Suriname …

Trinidad and Tobago …

Uruguay …

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) …

Mauritius 3.5

Namibia 6.7

Zimbabwe 12.8

Niger 15.8

Congo 16.2

Cape Verde 16.7

Nigeria 16.9

Mozambique 18.4

Cameroon 20.2

Guinea 21.2

United Republic of Tanzania 21.8

Chad 23.3

Madagascar 23.6

Swaziland 24.0

Democratic Republic of the Congo 24.4

Kenya 24.5

Zambia 26.5

Eritrea 27.0

Malawi 27.6

Gabon 28.0

Burkina Faso 28.8

Burundi 29.0

Benin 29.9

Lesotho 30.9

Mali 31.2

Mauritania 31.6

Senegal 31.6

Ethiopia 33.8

Ghana 34.0

Liberia 35.6

Rwanda 37.9

Uganda 40.6

Algeria …

Angola …

Botswana …

Central African Republic …

Comoros …

Côte d'Ivoire …

Equatorial Guinea …

Gambia …

Guinea-Bissau …

Sao Tome and Principe …

Seychelles …

Sierra Leone …

South Africa …

Togo …

Regional average 24.3

Regional average 9.4

Regional average 12.8

Regional average 18.6

Regional average 3.4

Page 22: Health-related Millennium Development Goals · 14 Figure 2: Measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds by WHO region AFR AMR SEAR EUR EMR WPR GLOBAL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Republic of Korea <0.1

China 0.1

Fiji 0.1

Mongolia 0.1

New Zealand 0.1

Australia 0.2

Lao People's Democratic Republic 0.2

Singapore 0.2

Malaysia 0.5

Viet Nam 0.5

Cambodia 0.8

Papua New Guinea 1.5

Brunei Darussalam …

Cook Islands …

Japan …

Kiribati …

Marshall Islands …

Micronesia (Federated States of) …

Nauru …

Niue …

Palau …

Philippines …

Samoa …

Solomon Islands …

Tonga …

Tuvalu …

Vanuatu …

Lebanon 0.1

Morocco 0.1

Pakistan 0.1

Tunisia 0.1

Iran (Islamic Republic of) 0.2

Somalia 0.5

Sudan 1.4

Djibouti 3.1

Afghanistan …

Bahrain …

Egypt …

Iraq …

Jordan …

Kuwait …

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya …

Oman …

Qatar …

Saudi Arabia …

Syrian Arab Republic …

United Arab Emirates …

Yemen …

Bosnia and Herzegovina <0.1

Croatia <0.1

Slovakia <0.1

Slovenia <0.1

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia <0.1

Turkmenistan <0.1

Armenia 0.1

Finland 0.1

Georgia 0.1

Germany 0.1

Hungary 0.1

Israel 0.1

Kazakhstan 0.1

Kyrgyzstan 0.1

Lithuania 0.1

Malta 0.1

Norway 0.1

Poland 0.1

Romania 0.1

Serbia 0.1

Sweden 0.1

Uzbekistan 0.1

Austria 0.2

Azerbaijan 0.2

Belarus 0.2

Belgium 0.2

Denmark 0.2

Greece 0.2

Iceland 0.2

Ireland 0.2

Luxembourg 0.2

Netherlands 0.2

United Kingdom 0.2

Tajikistan 0.3

France 0.4

Italy 0.4

Republic of Moldova 0.4

Portugal 0.5

Spain 0.5

Switzerland 0.6

Latvia 0.8

Russian Federation 1.1

Estonia 1.3

Ukraine 1.6

Albania …

Andorra …

Bulgaria …

Cyprus …

Czech Republic …

Monaco …

Montenegro …

San Marino …

Turkey …

Bhutan 0.1

Indonesia 0.2

India 0.3

Nepal 0.5

Myanmar 0.7

Thailand 1.4

Bangladesh …

Democratic People's Republic of Korea …

Maldives …

Sri Lanka …

Timor-Leste …

Cuba 0.1

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 0.2

Nicaragua 0.2

Chile 0.3

Ecuador 0.3

Mexico 0.3

Canada 0.4

Costa Rica 0.4

Argentina 0.5

Peru 0.5

Brazil 0.6

Colombia 0.6

Paraguay 0.6

United States of America 0.6

Uruguay 0.6

Honduras 0.7

El Salvador 0.8

Guatemala 0.8

Panama 1.0

Dominican Republic 1.1

Barbados 1.2

Trinidad and Tobago 1.5

Jamaica 1.6

Belize 2.1

Haiti 2.2

Suriname 2.4

Guyana 2.5

Bahamas 3.0

Antigua and Barbuda …

Dominica …

Grenada …

Saint Kitts and Nevis …

Saint Lucia …

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines …

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) …

Comoros <0.1

Algeria 0.1

Madagascar 0.1

Mauritania 0.8

Niger 0.8

Gambia 0.9

Senegal 1.0

Benin 1.2

Eritrea 1.3

Mali 1.5

Burkina Faso 1.6

Guinea 1.6

Liberia 1.7

Mauritius 1.7

Sierra Leone 1.7

Guinea-Bissau 1.8

Ghana 1.9

Burundi 2.0

Angola 2.1

Ethiopia 2.1

Rwanda 2.8

Nigeria 3.1

Togo 3.3

Equatorial Guinea 3.4

Chad 3.5

Congo 3.5

Côte d'Ivoire 3.9

Cameroon 5.1

Uganda 5.4

Gabon 5.9

United Republic of Tanzania 6.2

Central African Republic 6.3

Malawi 11.9

Mozambique 12.5

Zambia 15.2

Namibia 15.3

Zimbabwe 15.3

South Africa 18.1

Lesotho 23.2

Botswana 23.9

Swaziland 26.1

Cape Verde …

Democratic Republic of the Congo …

Kenya …

Sao Tome and Principe …

Seychelles …

10. Prevalence of HIV among adults aged 15–49 years (%)

This chart shows the estimated prevalence of HIV infection in adults aged 15–49 years, with countries within each WHO region sorted by 2007 level. The regional averages are based on updates and reflect 2008 levels.Because of limited data availability for the MDG target age group (15–24 years) prevalence is reported here for the 15–49 age group.

Further details can be found in Part II, Table 2.


Latest available1990

Country trend

Regional average 4.9

Regional average 0.5

Regional average 0.3

Regional average 0.5

Regional average


Regional average


Page 23: Health-related Millennium Development Goals · 14 Figure 2: Measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds by WHO region AFR AMR SEAR EUR EMR WPR GLOBAL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Namibia 62

Rwanda 54

Swaziland 52

Kenya 47

Zimbabwe 46

United Republic of Tanzania 40

Uganda 38

Zambia 37

Cape Verde 36

Malawi 36

Benin 35

Congo 35

Cameroon 34

Ethiopia 33

Ghana 33

Mozambique 33

Côte d'Ivoire 28

Central African Republic 27

Senegal 26

Burkina Faso 23

Guinea 23

Mali 22

Democratic Republic of the Congo 21

Nigeria 21

Chad 19

Lesotho 19

Madagascar 16

Niger 16

Algeria …

Angola …

Botswana …

Burundi …

Comoros …

Equatorial Guinea …

Eritrea …

Gabon …

Gambia …

Guinea-Bissau …

Liberia …

Mauritania …

Mauritius …

Sao Tome and Principe …

Seychelles …

Sierra Leone …

South Africa …

Togo …

11. Males aged 15–24 years with comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS (%)

This chart shows the percentage of males who correctly identify the two major ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV, who reject the two most-common local misconceptions about HIV transmission and who know that a healthy-looking person can transmit HIV.Within each WHO region, countries are sorted by the latest available data since 2000.

Further details can be found in Part II, Table 5.

Guyana 47

Haiti 40

Dominican Republic 34

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 18

Antigua and Barbuda …

Argentina …

Bahamas …

Barbados …

Belize …

Brazil …

Canada …

Chile …

Colombia …

Costa Rica …

Cuba …

Dominica …

Ecuador …

El Salvador …

Grenada …

Guatemala …

Honduras …

Jamaica …

Mexico …

Nicaragua …

Panama …

Paraguay …

Peru …

Saint Kitts and Nevis …

Saint Lucia …

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines …

Suriname …

Trinidad and Tobago …

United States of America …

Uruguay …

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) …

Ukraine 43

Armenia 15

Azerbaijan 5

Albania …

Andorra …

Austria …

Belarus …

Belgium …

Bosnia and Herzegovina …

Bulgaria …

Croatia …

Cyprus …

Czech Republic …

Denmark …

Estonia …

Finland …

France …

Georgia …

Germany …

Greece …

Hungary …

Iceland …

Ireland …

Israel …

Italy …

Kazakhstan …

Kyrgyzstan …

Latvia …

Lithuania …

Luxembourg …

Malta …

Monaco …

Montenegro …

Netherlands …

Norway …

Poland …

Portugal …

Republic of Moldova …

Romania …

Russian Federation …

San Marino …

Serbia …

Slovakia …

Slovenia …

Spain …

Sweden …

Switzerland …

Tajikistan …

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia …

Turkey …

Turkmenistan …

United Kingdom …

Uzbekistan …

Nepal 44

India 36

Bangladesh …

Bhutan …

Democratic People's Republic of Korea …

Indonesia …

Maldives …

Myanmar …

Sri Lanka …

Thailand …

Timor-Leste …

Viet Nam 50

Cambodia 45

Marshall Islands 39

Philippines 18

Australia …

Brunei Darussalam …

China …

Cook Islands …

Fiji …

Japan …

Kiribati …

Lao People's Democratic Republic …

Malaysia …

Micronesia (Federated States of) …

Mongolia …

Nauru …

New Zealand …

Niue …

Palau …

Papua New Guinea …

Republic of Korea …

Samoa …

Singapore …

Solomon Islands …

Tonga …

Tuvalu …

Vanuatu …

Afghanistan …

Bahrain …

Djibouti …

Egypt …

Iran (Islamic Republic of) …

Iraq …

Jordan …

Kuwait …

Lebanon …

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya …

Morocco …

Oman …

Pakistan …

Qatar …

Saudi Arabia …

Somalia …

Sudan …

Syrian Arab Republic …

Tunisia …

United Arab Emirates …

Yemen …

Regional average 30

Page 24: Health-related Millennium Development Goals · 14 Figure 2: Measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds by WHO region AFR AMR SEAR EUR EMR WPR GLOBAL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Thailand 46

Nepal 28

India 20

Bangladesh 16

Bhutan …

Democratic People's Republic of Korea …

Indonesia …

Maldives …

Myanmar …

Sri Lanka …

Timor-Leste …

Namibia 65

Swaziland 52

Rwanda 51

United Republic of Tanzania 45

Sao Tome and Principe 44

Zimbabwe 44

Gambia 39

Eritrea 37

Cape Verde 36

Kenya 34

Zambia 34

Uganda 32

Burundi 30

Togo 28

Cameroon 27

Lesotho 27

Congo 26

Ghana 25

Malawi 24

Senegal 21

Ethiopia 20

Mozambique 20

Madagascar 19

Comoros 18

Côte d'Ivoire 18

Guinea-Bissau 18

Mali 18

Nigeria 18

Central African Republic 17

Guinea 17

Sierra Leone 17

Benin 16

Burkina Faso 15

Democratic Republic of the Congo 15

Algeria 13

Niger 13

Chad 7

Equatorial Guinea 4

Angola …

Botswana …

Gabon …

Liberia …

Mauritania …

Mauritius …

Seychelles …

South Africa …

12. Females aged 15–24 years with comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS (%)

This chart shows the percentage of females who correctly identify the two major ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV, who reject the two most-common local misconceptions about HIV transmission and who know that a healthy-looking person can transmit HIV.Within each WHO region, countries are sorted by the latest available data since 2000.

Further details can be found in Part II, Table 5.

Cambodia 50

Viet Nam 42

Mongolia 35

Marshall Islands 27

Philippines 12

Australia …

Brunei Darussalam …

China …

Cook Islands …

Fiji …

Japan …

Kiribati …

Lao People's Democratic Republic …

Malaysia …

Micronesia (Federated States of) …

Nauru …

New Zealand …

Niue …

Palau …

Papua New Guinea …

Republic of Korea …

Samoa …

Singapore …

Solomon Islands …

Tonga …

Tuvalu …

Vanuatu …

Jamaica 60

Guyana 53

Dominican Republic 41

Suriname 41

Haiti 34

Cuba 30

Honduras 30

Trinidad and Tobago 28

Nicaragua 22

Peru 19

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 15

Antigua and Barbuda …

Argentina …

Bahamas …

Barbados …

Belize …

Brazil …

Canada …

Chile …

Colombia …

Costa Rica …

Dominica …

Ecuador …

El Salvador …

Grenada …

Guatemala …

Mexico …

Panama …

Paraguay …

Saint Kitts and Nevis …

Saint Lucia …

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines …

United States of America …

Uruguay …

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) …

Bosnia and Herzegovina 48

Serbia 42

Ukraine 42

Belarus 34

Uzbekistan 31

Montenegro 30

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 27

Armenia 23

Kazakhstan 22

Kyrgyzstan 20

Albania 6

Azerbaijan 6

Tajikistan 3

Andorra …

Austria …

Belgium …

Bulgaria …

Croatia …

Cyprus …

Czech Republic …

Denmark …

Estonia …

Finland …

France …

Georgia …

Germany …

Greece …

Hungary …

Iceland …

Ireland …

Israel …

Italy …

Latvia …

Lithuania …

Luxembourg …

Malta …

Monaco …

Netherlands …

Norway …

Poland …

Portugal …

Republic of Moldova …

Romania …

Russian Federation …

San Marino …

Slovakia …

Slovenia …

Spain …

Sweden …

Switzerland …

Turkey …

Turkmenistan …

United Kingdom …

Djibouti 18

Morocco 12

Syrian Arab Republic 7

Somalia 4

Iraq 3

Afghanistan …

Bahrain …

Egypt …

Iran (Islamic Republic of) …

Jordan …

Kuwait …

Lebanon …

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya …

Oman …

Pakistan …

Qatar …

Saudi Arabia …

Sudan …

Tunisia …

United Arab Emirates …

Yemen …

Regional average 23

Regional average 21

Page 25: Health-related Millennium Development Goals · 14 Figure 2: Measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds by WHO region AFR AMR SEAR EUR EMR WPR GLOBAL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Costa Rica >95

Cuba >95

Chile 82

Brazil 80

Argentina 73

Mexico 57

Panama 56

Uruguay 56

El Salvador 51

Belize 49

Peru 48

Honduras 47

Guyana 45

Suriname 45

Jamaica 43

Ecuador 42

Haiti 41

Colombia 38

Dominican Republic 38

Guatemala 37

Nicaragua 30

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 22

Paraguay 22

Antigua and Barbuda …

Bahamas …

Barbados …

Canada …

Dominica …

Grenada …

Saint Kitts and Nevis …

Saint Lucia …

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines …

Trinidad and Tobago …

United States of America …

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) …

Namibia 88

Botswana 79

Rwanda 71

Senegal 56

Benin 49

Zambia 46

Gabon 42

Swaziland 42

Mali 41

Kenya 38

Burkina Faso 35

Malawi 35

Uganda 33

Equatorial Guinea 31

United Republic of Tanzania 31

Ethiopia 29

Côte d'Ivoire 28

South Africa 28

Guinea 27

Lesotho 26

Nigeria 26

Angola 25

Cameroon 25

Democratic Republic of the Congo 24

Mozambique 24

Burundi 23

Mauritania 23

Mauritius 22

Central African Republic 21

Algeria 20

Guinea-Bissau 20

Sierra Leone 20

Togo 19

Gambia 18

Congo 17

Liberia 17

Zimbabwe 17

Ghana 15

Chad 13

Eritrea 13

Niger 10

Madagascar 4

Cape Verde …

Comoros …

Sao Tome and Principe …

Seychelles …

Morocco 31

Tunisia 29

Lebanon 26

Djibouti 16

Egypt 9

Iran (Islamic Republic of) 5

Pakistan 3

Sudan 1

Afghanistan …

Bahrain …

Iraq …

Jordan …

Kuwait …

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya …

Oman …

Qatar …

Saudi Arabia …

Somalia …

Syrian Arab Republic …

United Arab Emirates …

Yemen …

Romania 73

Republic of Moldova 58

Poland 36

Uzbekistan 24

Kazakhstan 23

Hungary 22

Belarus 20

Lithuania 18

Serbia 17

Russian Federation 16

Latvia 15

Azerbaijan 14

Kyrgyzstan 14

Armenia 12

Ukraine 8

Tajikistan 6

Albania …

Andorra …

Austria …

Belgium …

Bosnia and Herzegovina …

Bulgaria …

Croatia …

Cyprus …

Czech Republic …

Denmark …

Estonia …

Finland …

France …

Georgia …

Germany …

Greece …

Iceland …

Ireland …

Israel …

Italy …

Luxembourg …

Malta …

Monaco …

Montenegro …

Netherlands …

Norway …

Portugal …

San Marino …

Slovakia …

Slovenia …

Spain …

Sweden …

Switzerland …

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia …

Turkey …

Turkmenistan …

United Kingdom …

Lao People's Democratic Republic >95

Cambodia 67

Papua New Guinea 38

Malaysia 35

Philippines 31

Viet Nam 26

China 19

Australia …

Brunei Darussalam …

Cook Islands …

Fiji …

Japan …

Kiribati …

Marshall Islands …

Micronesia (Federated States of) …

Mongolia …

Nauru …

New Zealand …

Niue …

Palau …

Republic of Korea …

Samoa …

Singapore …

Solomon Islands …

Tonga …

Tuvalu …

Vanuatu …

13. Antiretroviral therapy coverage among people with advanced HIV infection (%)

This chart shows the percentage of people with advanced HIV infection currently receiving antiretroviral therapy according to standards of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS for each country for 2007, with countries within each WHO region sorted by level. The regional averages shown are based on 2008 updated data.

Further details can be found in Part II, Table 4.

Thailand 61

Indonesia 15

Myanmar 15

Sri Lanka 14

Bangladesh 7

Nepal 7

Democratic People's Republic of Korea 0

Bhutan …

India …

Maldives …

Timor-Leste …

Regional average 40

Regional average 23

Regional average 31

Regional average 11

Regional average 44

Regional average 54

Page 26: Health-related Millennium Development Goals · 14 Figure 2: Measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds by WHO region AFR AMR SEAR EUR EMR WPR GLOBAL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


14. Malaria mortality rate (per 100 000 population)

This chart shows the estimated number of deaths from malaria for 2006, with countries within each WHO region sorted by level.

Further details can be found in Part II, Table 2.

Algeria 0.0

Cape Verde 0.1

Swaziland 0.1

South Africa 0.3

Botswana 1.6

Eritrea 1.6

Zimbabwe 10

Madagascar 12

Sao Tome and Principe 19

Comoros 36

Namibia 47

Ethiopia 51

Rwanda 59

Kenya 74

Senegal 80

Mauritania 85

Mozambique 92

Burundi 94

Malawi 95

Gabon 96

United Republic of Tanzania 98

Central African Republic 100

Côte d'Ivoire 103

Gambia 106

Ghana 109

Togo 113

Cameroon 116

Zambia 121

Congo 124

Angola 128

Uganda 145

Benin 146

Sierra Leone 154

Nigeria 156

Democratic Republic of the Congo 158

Guinea 164

Liberia 171

Chad 173

Burkina Faso 178

Guinea-Bissau 180

Mali 201

Equatorial Guinea 220

Niger 229

Lesotho …

Mauritius …

Seychelles …

Argentina 0.0

Belize <0.1

Costa Rica <0.1

El Salvador <0.1

Mexico <0.1

Nicaragua <0.1

Panama <0.1

Paraguay <0.1

Guatemala 0.1

Honduras 0.1

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 0.2

Ecuador 0.2

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 0.2

Dominican Republic 0.3

Brazil 0.5

Peru 0.5

Colombia 1.0

Suriname 4.9

Haiti 7.8

Guyana 10

Antigua and Barbuda …

Bahamas …

Barbados …

Canada …

Chile …

Cuba …

Dominica …

Grenada …

Jamaica …

Saint Kitts and Nevis …

Saint Lucia …

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines …

Trinidad and Tobago …

United States of America …

Uruguay …

Armenia 0.0

Azerbaijan 0.0

Turkmenistan 0.0

Georgia <0.1

Kyrgyzstan <0.1

Tajikistan <0.1

Turkey <0.1

Uzbekistan <0.1

Albania …

Andorra …

Austria …

Belarus …

Belgium …

Bosnia and Herzegovina …

Bulgaria …

Croatia …

Cyprus …

Czech Republic …

Denmark …

Estonia …

Finland …

France …

Germany …

Greece …

Hungary …

Iceland …

Ireland …

Israel …

Italy …

Kazakhstan …

Latvia …

Lithuania …

Luxembourg …

Malta …

Monaco …

Montenegro …

Netherlands …

Norway …

Poland …

Portugal …

Republic of Moldova …

Romania …

Russian Federation …

San Marino …

Serbia …

Slovakia …

Slovenia …

Spain …

Sweden …

Switzerland …

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia …

Ukraine …

United Kingdom …

Democratic People's Republic of Korea 0.0

Sri Lanka <0.1

Nepal 0.1

Thailand 0.6

India 1.3

Indonesia 1.5

Bhutan 3.0

Bangladesh 4.2

Myanmar 19

Timor-Leste 93

Maldives …

Egypt 0.0

Iraq 0.0

Morocco 0.0

Oman 0.0

Saudi Arabia 0.0

Syrian Arab Republic 0.0

Iran (Islamic Republic of) <0.1

Afghanistan 0.5

Pakistan 0.8

Yemen 3.9

Djibouti 14

Somalia 41

Sudan 85

Bahrain …

Jordan …

Kuwait …

Lebanon …

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya …

Qatar …

Tunisia …

United Arab Emirates …

Republic of Korea 0.0

China <0.1

Malaysia 0.1

Viet Nam 0.2

Philippines 0.3

Lao People's Democratic Republic 1.1

Cambodia 4.1

Vanuatu 13

Solomon Islands 30

Papua New Guinea 45

Australia …

Brunei Darussalam …

Cook Islands …

Fiji …

Japan …

Kiribati …

Marshall Islands …

Micronesia (Federated States of) …

Mongolia …

Nauru …

New Zealand …

Niue …

Palau …

Samoa …

Singapore …

Tonga …

Tuvalu …

Regional average


Regional average


Regional average 2.1

Regional average 7.5

Regional average 0.3

Page 27: Health-related Millennium Development Goals · 14 Figure 2: Measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds by WHO region AFR AMR SEAR EUR EMR WPR GLOBAL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


15. Children aged <5 years sleeping under insecticide-treated nets (%)

This chart shows the percentage of children under 5 years of age that slept under an insecticide-treated net the night prior to the survey.Within each WHO region, countries are sorted by the latest available data since 2000.

Further details can be found in Part II, Table 4.

Lao People's Democratic Republic 18

Viet Nam 5

Cambodia 4

China …

Malaysia …

Papua New Guinea …

Philippines …

Republic of Korea …

Solomon Islands …

Vanuatu …

Australia …

Brunei Darussalam …

Cook Islands …

Fiji …

Japan …

Kiribati …

Marshall Islands …

Micronesia (Federated States of) …

Mongolia …

Nauru …

New Zealand …

Niue …

Palau …

Samoa …

Singapore …

Tonga …

Tuvalu …

Madagascar 60

Sao Tome and Principe 54

Gambia 49

Equatorial Guinea 42

Zambia 41

Guinea-Bissau 39

Kenya 39

Togo 35

Ethiopia 33

Senegal 31

Ghana 28

Mali 27

Sierra Leone 26

Malawi 25

Rwanda 24

Benin 20

Angola 17

United Republic of Tanzania 16

Central African Republic 15

Cameroon 13

Burkina Faso 10

Comoros 9

Uganda 9

Burundi 8

Mozambique 7

Niger 7

Congo 6

Côte d'Ivoire 6

Democratic Republic of the Congo 6

Nigeria 6

Eritrea 4

Liberia 3

Zimbabwe 3

Mauritania 2

Chad 1

Guinea 1

Swaziland 0

Algeria …

Botswana …

Cape Verde …

Gabon …

Namibia …

South Africa …

Lesotho …

Mauritius …

Seychelles …


Timor-Leste 8

Indonesia 3

Bangladesh …

Bhutan …

Democratic People's Republic of Korea …

India …

Myanmar …

Nepal …

Sri Lanka …

Thailand …

Maldives …

Guyana 6

Suriname 3

Argentina …

Bahamas …

Belize …

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) …

Brazil …

Colombia …

Costa Rica …

Dominican Republic …

Ecuador …

El Salvador …

Guatemala …

Haiti …

Honduras …

Jamaica …

Mexico …

Nicaragua …

Panama …

Paraguay …

Peru …

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) …

Antigua and Barbuda …

Barbados …

Canada …

Chile …

Cuba …

Dominica …

Grenada …

Saint Kitts and Nevis …

Saint Lucia …

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines …

Trinidad and Tobago …

United States of America …

Uruguay …

Azerbaijan 1

Tajikistan 1

Armenia …

Georgia …

Kyrgyzstan …

Russian Federation …

Turkey …

Turkmenistan …

Uzbekistan …

Albania …

Andorra …

Austria …

Belarus …

Belgium …

Bosnia and Herzegovina …

Bulgaria …

Croatia …

Cyprus …

Czech Republic …

Denmark …

Estonia …

Finland …

France …

Germany …

Greece …

Hungary …

Iceland …

Ireland …

Israel …

Italy …

Kazakhstan …

Latvia …

Lithuania …

Luxembourg …

Malta …

Monaco …

Montenegro …

Netherlands …

Norway …

Poland …

Portugal …

Republic of Moldova …

Romania …

San Marino …

Serbia …

Slovakia …

Slovenia …

Spain …

Sweden …

Switzerland …

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia …

Ukraine …

United Kingdom …

Sudan 28

Somalia 9

Afghanistan 6

Djibouti 1

Iraq 0

Pakistan 0

Egypt …

Iran (Islamic Republic of) …

Morocco …

Oman …

Saudi Arabia …

Syrian Arab Republic …

Yemen …

Bahrain …

Jordan …

Kuwait …

Lebanon …

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya …

Qatar …

Tunisia …

United Arab Emirates …






Regional average 17

Regional average


Page 28: Health-related Millennium Development Goals · 14 Figure 2: Measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds by WHO region AFR AMR SEAR EUR EMR WPR GLOBAL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


16. Children aged <5 years with fever who received treatment with any antimalarial (%)

This chart shows the percentage of children under 5 years of age with fever in the two weeks prior to the survey who received any antimalarial medicine.Within each WHO region, countries are sorted by the latest available data since 2000.

Further details can be found in Part II, Table 4.

Sudan 54

Djibouti 10

Afghanistan 8

Somalia 8

Pakistan 3

Iraq 1

Egypt …

Iran (Islamic Republic of) …

Morocco …

Oman …

Saudi Arabia …

Syrian Arab Republic …

Yemen …

Bahrain …

Jordan …

Kuwait …

Lebanon …

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya …

Qatar …

Tunisia …

United Arab Emirates …

Comoros 63

Gambia 63

Uganda 61

Liberia 59

Cameroon 58

United Republic of Tanzania 58

Central African Republic 57

Benin 54

Burkina Faso 48

Congo 48

Guinea-Bissau 46

Guinea 44

Zambia 43

Togo 37

Côte d'Ivoire 36

Madagascar 34

Niger 33

Nigeria 33

Chad 32

Mali 32

Burundi 30

Democratic Republic of the Congo 30

Sierra Leone 30

Angola 28

Swaziland 26

Sao Tome and Principe 25

Ghana 24

Kenya 24

Malawi 24

Mozambique 23

Senegal 22

Mauritania 21

Equatorial Guinea 16

Namibia 14

Ethiopia 10

Rwanda 6

Zimbabwe 5

Eritrea 4

Algeria …

Botswana …

Cape Verde …

Gabon …

South Africa …

Lesotho …

Mauritius …

Seychelles …

Timor-Leste 47

India 12

Indonesia 1

Bangladesh …

Bhutan …

Democratic People's Republic of Korea …

Myanmar …

Nepal …

Sri Lanka …

Thailand …

Maldives …

Lao People's Democratic Republic 9

Viet Nam 3

Cambodia 0

China …

Malaysia …

Papua New Guinea …

Philippines …

Republic of Korea …

Solomon Islands …

Vanuatu …

Australia …

Brunei Darussalam …

Cook Islands …

Fiji …

Japan …

Kiribati …

Marshall Islands …

Micronesia (Federated States of) …

Mongolia …

Nauru …

New Zealand …

Niue …

Palau …

Samoa …

Singapore …

Tonga …

Tuvalu …

Tajikistan 2

Azerbaijan 1

Armenia …

Georgia …

Kyrgyzstan …

Russian Federation …

Turkey …

Turkmenistan …

Uzbekistan …

Albania …

Andorra …

Austria …

Belarus …

Belgium …

Bosnia and Herzegovina …

Bulgaria …

Croatia …

Cyprus …

Czech Republic …

Denmark …

Estonia …

Finland …

France …

Germany …

Greece …

Hungary …

Iceland …

Ireland …

Israel …

Italy …

Kazakhstan …

Latvia …

Lithuania …

Luxembourg …

Malta …

Monaco …

Montenegro …

Netherlands …

Norway …

Poland …

Portugal …

Republic of Moldova …

Romania …

San Marino …

Serbia …

Slovakia …

Slovenia …

Spain …

Sweden …

Switzerland …

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia …

Ukraine …

United Kingdom …

Haiti 5

Nicaragua 2

Guyana 1

Honduras 1

Argentina …

Bahamas …

Belize …

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) …

Brazil …

Colombia …

Costa Rica …

Dominican Republic …

Ecuador …

El Salvador …

Guatemala …

Jamaica …

Mexico …

Panama …

Paraguay …

Peru …

Suriname …

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) …

Antigua and Barbuda …

Barbados …

Canada …

Chile …

Cuba …

Dominica …

Grenada …

Saint Kitts and Nevis …

Saint Lucia …

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines …

Trinidad and Tobago …

United States of America …

Uruguay …







Page 29: Health-related Millennium Development Goals · 14 Figure 2: Measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds by WHO region AFR AMR SEAR EUR EMR WPR GLOBAL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Niue 0.0

Australia 0.4

New Zealand 0.5

Nauru 0.8

Japan 1.4

Singapore 2.5

Tonga 3.0

Fiji 3.2

Cook Islands 4.0

Brunei Darussalam 4.2

Samoa 4.3

Republic of Korea 5.5

Micronesia (Federated States of) 6.6

Tuvalu 11

Vanuatu 11

China 12

Marshall Islands 14

Palau 14

Malaysia 15

Solomon Islands 19

Mongolia 21

Papua New Guinea 21

Kiribati 25

Lao People's Democratic Republic 32

Viet Nam 34

Philippines 52

Cambodia 79

Luxembourg 0.0

Monaco 0.0

San Marino 0.0

Iceland 0.1

Andorra 0.3

Cyprus 0.3

Germany 0.3

Greece 0.3

Switzerland 0.3

Denmark 0.4

France 0.4

Israel 0.4

Italy 0.4

Netherlands 0.4

Norway 0.4

Sweden 0.4

Austria 0.5

Belgium 0.5

Finland 0.5

Ireland 0.5

Czech Republic 0.6

Slovakia 0.7

United Kingdom 0.7

Malta 0.8

Slovenia 0.8

Hungary 1.0

Spain 1.0

Serbia 1.3

Albania 1.4

Montenegro 1.5

Croatia 1.6

Portugal 1.6

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1.7

Estonia 1.9

Poland 2.6

Turkey 3.2

Bosnia and Herzegovina 3.4

Republic of Moldova 4.6

Belarus 5.2

Latvia 5.5

Bulgaria 5.8

Romania 7.7

Turkmenistan 8.4

Lithuania 9.3

Armenia 12

Georgia 13

Russian Federation 15

Ukraine 15

Azerbaijan 21

Kazakhstan 24

Kyrgyzstan 25

Uzbekistan 27

Tajikistan 44

Barbados 0.0

Saint Kitts and Nevis 0.0

Antigua and Barbuda 0.1

Canada 0.3

Grenada 0.3

United States of America 0.3

Cuba 0.4

Bahamas 0.7

Costa Rica 0.7

Chile 0.8

Jamaica 0.9

Saint Lucia 0.9

Dominica 1.1

Trinidad and Tobago 1.2

Mexico 1.4

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1.4

Uruguay 1.7

El Salvador 2.7

Panama 2.8

Argentina 3.1

Brazil 3.8

Nicaragua 4.1

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 4.3

Colombia 4.6

Belize 5.1

Paraguay 5.4

Peru 8.7

Honduras 10

Dominican Republic 12

Guatemala 12

Ecuador 13

Guyana 15

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 22

Suriname 29

Haiti 32

Algeria 4.1

Mauritius 4.7

Equatorial Guinea 5.0

Comoros 8.0

Seychelles 8.7

Eritrea 9.0

United Republic of Tanzania 13

Benin 15

Cameroon 16

Sao Tome and Principe 18

Zambia 18

Kenya 19

Malawi 23

Angola 25

Guinea-Bissau 25

Namibia 26

Lesotho 27

Uganda 27

Swaziland 31

Cape Verde 33

Mozambique 36

Niger 37

Botswana 38

South Africa 39

Central African Republic 41

Gabon 41

Congo 42

Gambia 44

Ghana 44

Liberia 46

Burkina Faso 51

Madagascar 52

Zimbabwe 54

Chad 60

Guinea 60

Nigeria 63

Ethiopia 64

Senegal 64

Burundi 69

Rwanda 71

Côte d'Ivoire 75

Democratic Republic of the Congo 77

Mauritania 80

Mali 81

Togo 92

Sierra Leone 140

United Arab Emirates 0.3

Jordan 0.5

Oman 0.8

Saudi Arabia 1.2

Lebanon 1.3

Tunisia 1.8

Kuwait 2.3

Syrian Arab Republic 2.3

Bahrain 2.8

Iran (Islamic Republic of) 3.0

Egypt 3.1

Qatar 3.8

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 4.2

Morocco 8.0

Yemen 10

Iraq 14

Sudan 19

Afghanistan 34

Pakistan 39

Somalia 54

Djibouti 81

Maldives 2.9

Sri Lanka 10

Bhutan 15

Thailand 19

Nepal 22

India 23

Indonesia 27

Democratic People's Republic of Korea 39

Bangladesh 50

Myanmar 57

Timor-Leste 83

17. Tuberculosis mortality rate among HIV-negative people (per 100 000 population)

This chart shows the estimated number of deaths (per 100 000 population) from tuberculosis among HIV-negative cases for 2008, with countries within each WHO region sorted by level.

Further details can be found in Part II, Table 4.


Latest available1990

Country trend

Regional average 51

Regional average 3.4

Regional average 28

Regional average 6.5

Regional average 19

Regional average 15

Page 30: Health-related Millennium Development Goals · 14 Figure 2: Measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds by WHO region AFR AMR SEAR EUR EMR WPR GLOBAL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Andorra 100

Austria 100

Belarus 100

Belgium 100

Bulgaria 100

Cyprus 100

Czech Republic 100

Denmark 100

Finland 100

France 100

Germany 100

Greece 100

Hungary 100

Iceland 100

Ireland 100

Israel 100

Italy 100

Luxembourg 100

Malta 100

Monaco 100

Netherlands 100

Norway 100

Poland 100

Slovakia 100

Spain 100

Sweden 100

Switzerland 100

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 100

United Kingdom 100

Bosnia and Herzegovina 99

Croatia 99

Latvia 99

Portugal 99

Serbia 99

Slovenia 99

Turkey 99

Estonia 98

Georgia 98

Montenegro 98

Ukraine 98

Albania 97

Armenia 96

Russian Federation 96

Kazakhstan 95

Kyrgyzstan 90

Republic of Moldova 90

Uzbekistan 87

Azerbaijan 80

Tajikistan 70

Lithuania …

Romania …

San Marino …

Turkmenistan …

Barbados 100

Canada 100

Uruguay 100

Belize 99

Saint Kitts and Nevis 99

United States of America 99

Saint Lucia 98

Argentina 97

Brazil 97

Costa Rica 97

Chile 96

Cuba 94

Ecuador 94

Guatemala 94

Guyana 94

Jamaica 94

Mexico 94

Trinidad and Tobago 94

Panama 93

Suriname 93

Colombia 92

El Salvador 87

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 86

Dominican Republic 86

Honduras 86

Paraguay 86

Nicaragua 85

Peru 82

Haiti 63

Antigua and Barbuda …

Bahamas …

Dominica …

Grenada …

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines …

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) …

Mauritius 99

Botswana 95

Comoros 95

Gambia 92

Namibia 92

South Africa 91

Sao Tome and Principe 89

Gabon 87

Lesotho 85

Cape Verde 84

Algeria 83

Ghana 82

Zimbabwe 82

Côte d'Ivoire 80

Malawi 80

Burkina Faso 76

Benin 75

Cameroon 74

Burundi 72

Congo 71

Guinea 71

Senegal 69

Swaziland 69

Liberia 68

Central African Republic 67

Uganda 67

Rwanda 65

Eritrea 61

Guinea-Bissau 61

Togo 60

Zambia 60

Kenya 59

Nigeria 58

Mali 56

United Republic of Tanzania 54

Angola 50

Chad 50

Mauritania 49

Sierra Leone 49

Niger 48

Mozambique 47

Democratic Republic of the Congo 46

Madagascar 41

Ethiopia 38

Equatorial Guinea …

Seychelles …

18. Population using improved drinking-water sources (%)

Democratic People's Republic of Korea 100

Thailand 98

Bhutan 92

Maldives 91

Sri Lanka 90

India 88

Nepal 88

Bangladesh 80

Indonesia 80

Myanmar 71

Timor-Leste 69

This chart shows the percentage of the population using an improved drinking-water source, with countries within each WHO region sorted by 2008 level.The bold lines indicate trends since 1990 or since the first year for which data are available.The thin lines indicate the projected trend needed to double the proportion of people with sustainable access to safe drinking-water by 2015.The MDG target is worded in terms of halving the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking-water by 2015.

Further details can be found in Part II, Table 5.


Latest available1990

Country trend

MDG target

Australia 100

Japan 100

Malaysia 100

New Zealand 100

Niue 100

Singapore 100

Tonga 100

Republic of Korea 98

Tuvalu 97

Marshall Islands 94

Viet Nam 94

Philippines 91

Nauru 90

China 89

Vanuatu 82

Mongolia 76

Cambodia 61

Lao People's Democratic Republic 57

Papua New Guinea 41

Brunei Darussalam …

Cook Islands …

Fiji …

Kiribati …

Micronesia (Federated States of) …

Palau …

Samoa …

Solomon Islands …

Lebanon 100

Qatar 100

United Arab Emirates 100

Egypt 99

Kuwait 99

Jordan 96

Tunisia 94

Djibouti 92

Pakistan 90

Syrian Arab Republic 89

Oman 88

Morocco 81

Iraq 79

Yemen 62

Sudan 57

Afghanistan 48

Somalia 30

Bahrain …

Iran (Islamic Republic of) …

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya …

Saudi Arabia …

Regional average 61

Regional average 96

Regional average 86

Regional average 98

Regional average 83

Regional average 90

Page 31: Health-related Millennium Development Goals · 14 Figure 2: Measles immunization coverage among 1-year-olds by WHO region AFR AMR SEAR EUR EMR WPR GLOBAL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Australia 100

Cook Islands 100

Japan 100

Niue 100

Republic of Korea 100

Samoa 100

Singapore 100

Malaysia 96

Tonga 96

Tuvalu 84

Philippines 76

Viet Nam 75

Marshall Islands 72

China 55

Lao People's Democratic Republic 53

Vanuatu 51

Mongolia 50

Nauru 50

Papua New Guinea 45

Cambodia 29

Brunei Darussalam …

Fiji …

Kiribati …

Micronesia (Federated States of) …

New Zealand …

Palau …

Solomon Islands …

Andorra 100

Austria 100

Belgium 100

Bulgaria 100

Cyprus 100

Denmark 100

Finland 100

France 100

Germany 100

Hungary 100

Iceland 100

Israel 100

Luxembourg 100

Malta 100

Monaco 100

Netherlands 100

Norway 100

Portugal 100

Slovakia 100

Slovenia 100

Spain 100

Sweden 100

Switzerland 100

United Kingdom 100

Uzbekistan 100

Croatia 99

Ireland 99

Albania 98

Czech Republic 98

Greece 98

Turkmenistan 98

Kazakhstan 97

Bosnia and Herzegovina 95

Estonia 95

Georgia 95

Ukraine 95

Tajikistan 94

Belarus 93

Kyrgyzstan 93

Montenegro 92

Serbia 92

Armenia 90

Poland 90

Turkey 90

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 89

Russian Federation 87

Republic of Moldova 79

Latvia 78

Romania 72

Azerbaijan 45

Italy …

Lithuania …

San Marino …

19. Population using improved sanitation (%)

This chart shows the percentage of the population using an improved sanitation facility, with countries within each WHO region sorted by 2008 level.The bold lines indicate trends since 1990 or since the first year for which data are available.The thin lines indicate the projected trend needed to double the proportion of people with sustainable access to basic sanitation by 2015.The MDG target is worded in terms of halving the proportion of people without sustainable access to basic sanitation by 2015.

Further details can be found in Part II, Table 5.


Latest available1990

Country trend

MDG target

Algeria 95

Mauritius 91

South Africa 77

Gambia 67

Botswana 60

Angola 57

Malawi 56

Swaziland 55

Cape Verde 54

Rwanda 54

Senegal 51

Zambia 49

Uganda 48

Cameroon 47

Burundi 46

Zimbabwe 44

Comoros 36

Mali 36

Central African Republic 34

Gabon 33

Namibia 33

Nigeria 32

Kenya 31

Congo 30

Lesotho 29

Mauritania 26

Sao Tome and Principe 26

United Republic of Tanzania 24

Côte d'Ivoire 23

Democratic Republic of the Congo 23

Guinea-Bissau 21

Guinea 19

Liberia 17

Mozambique 17

Eritrea 14

Ghana 13

Sierra Leone 13

Benin 12

Ethiopia 12

Togo 12

Burkina Faso 11

Madagascar 11

Chad 9

Niger 9

Equatorial Guinea …

Seychelles …

Bahamas 100

Barbados 100

Canada 100

United States of America 100

Uruguay 100

Grenada 97

Chile 96

Saint Kitts and Nevis 96

Costa Rica 95

Ecuador 92

Trinidad and Tobago 92

Cuba 91

Argentina 90

Belize 90

El Salvador 87

Mexico 85

Suriname 84

Dominican Republic 83

Jamaica 83

Guatemala 81

Guyana 81

Brazil 80

Colombia 74

Honduras 71

Paraguay 70

Panama 69

Peru 68

Nicaragua 52

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 25

Haiti 17

Antigua and Barbuda …

Dominica …

Saint Lucia …

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines …

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) …

Maldives 98

Thailand 96

Sri Lanka 91

Myanmar 81

Bhutan 65

Bangladesh 53

Indonesia 52

Timor-Leste 50

India 31

Nepal 31

Democratic People's Republic of Korea …

Kuwait 100

Qatar 100

Jordan 98

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 97

United Arab Emirates 97

Syrian Arab Republic 96

Egypt 94

Tunisia 85

Iraq 73

Morocco 69

Djibouti 56

Yemen 52

Pakistan 45

Afghanistan 37

Sudan 34

Somalia 23

Bahrain …

Iran (Islamic Republic of) …

Lebanon …

Oman …

Saudi Arabia …

Regional average 40

Regional average87

Regional average 94

Regional average 61

Regional average


Regional average34