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  • Have fun, enjoy, but do NOT sit back

  • About me Systems microbiologist Interested on evolu>on of Life

    How environmental dynamics shape Life Model organisms are mostly Lac>c acid bacteria and cyanobacteria Combine experimental and theore>cal approaches Facilitate applica>ons related to Sustainability and Health Sciences Very limited knowledge of Dutch (my apologies)

    Filipe Branco dos Santos

  • Ac>va>on of Prior Knowledge what you have to bring into this lecture 1st year (Structures of Life) Cell components Cell composi>on This year (Dynamic aspects of Life) Enzyme mechanisms Transport and signaling Catabolism Bioenerge>cs DNA and RNA processing Protein synthesis Here we will focus on: How all processes in a cell are intertwined and regulated Usefulness of models to understand LIFE

    Joselyn Vreede

    Joost Texeira de MaUos

    Paul Franz

    Filipe Branco dos Santos

  • 1st lecture Re-cap of cellular metabolism

  • Metabolism (metabolikos) meaning changeable. Refers to chemical processes occurring within a living cell.

  • Reac>ons in cells do not work in isola>on Together they form a network => Represented as maps!

  • Reac>ons in cells do not work in isola>on Together they form a network => Represented as maps!

    Complexity can be overwhelming! Models can be used to summarize and help understand Life

  • What is the most important feature of a model? a. Completeness b. Accuracy c. Usefulness d. other

  • Reac>ons in cells do not work in isola>on Together they form a network => Represented as maps!

    Models (e.g. maps) are a representa>on of reality => INCOMPLETE! Accuracy depends on quality of informa>on used to develop model There is no point in making a model if this is not useful somehow to us (personal view)

    Models are useful ONLY if they can help us, so lets simplify

  • From this

  • Catabolism Hydrolysis of polymers to amino acids, nucleo>des, monosaccharides and faUy acids. Further degrada>on by oxida>ve reac>on. Energy conserved in ATP and reduced co-enzymes [NAD(P)H] Why do cells need high energy molecules?

  • Anabolism Large molecules (oden polymers) are synthesized. Fueled by catabolism. Is that so???

    Heterotroph u>lize an organic carbon source Autotroph u>lize inorganic sources of essen>al elements How? Chemotrophs oxida>on of inorganic molecules (NH4+, H2, H2S) Phototrophs metabolic energy is generated by (sun)light

    Key concept

  • Reac@on classica@on Anabolic synthesis of biomass components Catabolic synthesis of high energy compounds and reduced co-enzymes Same principle can be used to classify pathways!

  • How would you classify Acetate kinase?

    Acetyl-P + ADP Acetate + ATP

  • How would you classify Acetate kinase?

    Acetyl-P + ADP Acetate + ATP


  • How would you classify Acetate kinase?

    Acetyl-P + ADP Acetate + ATP


  • How would you classify Glucose transport in a chemoheterotroph?

    Glucose (e) => Glucose (c)

    a. Catabolic b. Anabolic c. Not sure

  • How would you classify Glucose transport in a chemoheterotroph?

    Glucose (e) => Glucose (c)

    Key concept: Amphibolic reac>on

  • Can you think of an amphibolic pathway?

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  • Re-cap

  • Key concept: Shared metabolism across species Suggests common origin of LIFE!

  • Standard Gibbs free energy

    Actual Gibbs free energy

    Ac7va7on of Prior Knowledge back to the basics

  • Ini>al condi>ons

    If G = 0, If G < 0, If G > 0,

  • If mass ac>on ra>o (Q) Keq => near-equilibrium reac>ons => reversible If mass ac>on ra>o (Q) Keq => metabolically irreversible reac>ons => irreversible

    Key concept:

  • Why are the beakers not the same size? What happens if ?

  • Key Concept: steady-state

  • WC_2

  • How do cells distribute resources amongst dierent func@ons?

  • How is this regulated?

  • How is this regulated?

    Please read Rossell S et al. (2006) Unraveling the complexity of ux regula>on: a new method demonstrated for nutrient starva>on in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103:216671.

  • [email protected] Exam level ques>on, preferably mul>ple choice