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Group Discussion Topics 1. Should India destroy the terrorist camps in Pakistan? 2. Should India's foreign policy be Pro- US? 3. Social security in India 4. Should AFSPA (Armed Forces Special Power Act)be repealed? 5. Should a rapist be given capital punishment? 6. Naxalism vs. terrorism: which is a bigger threat to the country? 7. Nathuram Godse – A Hero or Villain? 8. Should an anti-reconversion law be brought into force? 9. Should FDI be allowed in insurance sector? 10. Should India host Olympics 2020?

Group Discussion Topics

Dec 04, 2015



this topics will be very much useful for the students to prepare for the campus interviews.
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Page 1: Group Discussion Topics

Group Discussion Topics

1. Should India destroy the terrorist camps in Pakistan?

2. Should India's foreign policy be Pro-US?

3. Social security in India

4. Should AFSPA (Armed Forces Special Power Act)be repealed?

5. Should a rapist be given capital punishment?

6. Naxalism vs. terrorism: which is a bigger threat to the country?

7. Nathuram Godse – A Hero or Villain?

8. Should an anti-reconversion law be brought into force?

9. Should FDI be allowed in insurance sector?

10. Should India host Olympics 2020?

11. Naxal Menace – Who is responsible?

12. How should India tackle Pakistan?

13. India’s Kashmir policy is flawed

14. Man on Moon or Food for Man?

15. 25th December should not be observed as ‘good

governance day’

16. Reality Shows: How real?

17. Cricket: Overpowering other sports in India.

18. Should NRIs be allowed to vote?

19. News channels – breaking rules to give breaking news.

20. Is India a Soft Nation?

Page 2: Group Discussion Topics

21. Ragging – Should it be dealt like any other crime?

22. Unique Identification Numbers will be panacea to India's


23. Intellectual Property Rights Issues in India.

24. The Youth Channels – a Threat to Indian Culture.

25. Executive Interference in Judicial machinery.

26. Narendra Modi – Will he stand out as The Best PM India

has ever had?

27. FDI in Retail - Will really affect the farmers of India?

28. Gay Marriages should be allowed in India.

29. Is there a need to curb the mushrooming of private

coaching institutes?

30. Are Bio fuels a solution to Global Warming

31. Growth without inclusion – A threat to democracy?

32. Would dividing India into more number of states bring


33. Steve Jobs: The biggest icon of the 20th century?

34. Corruption can neither be eliminated nor be mitigated in


35. Should India assert more influence in its neighborhood?

36. What is the Government’s contribution to IT in India?

37. The Growing Menace Of Casteism And Regionalism.

38. Obama - Just Style, No Substance?

39. Women's reservation Bill: When will it become a law?

40. Why do we lag behind China?

Page 3: Group Discussion Topics

41. Media: an effective 4th pillar of Indian Society?

42. Too much media hype distracts policy making.

43. Black Money: Is the government doing enough?

44. Should tax system be revamped in India for better

distribution of opportunities?

45. Education system is providing degrees not skills.

46. North East States: Forgotten states of India?

47. Corruption in Defence forces has weakened our national


48. Indian society has very short memory.

49. India’s Kashmir policy is flawed.

50. How will Goods and Service Tax help the economy?

51. Should India change its national game?

52. India – Cricketing Giant in the making?

53. Right to Education.

54. The money being put in cricket is harming the

development of others sports.

55. How can corruption be eradicated from India?

56. Bribery in Corporate Sector.

57. Right to Education: Success or Failure?

58. Inflation: Hitting the common Man.

59. Shah Rukh Khan: Brilliant Actor or Marketing Guru?

60. Public Transport System in India: the cure for many a ills?

61. Should there be Reservation in private sector jobs?

62. ISRO’s space missions – funds of country misused?

Page 4: Group Discussion Topics

63. Should India be given permanent membership of UNSC?

64. NRI’s: their contribution in the growth of India.

65. Naxalism: The biggest internal security problem.

66. Should sports be made compulsory in schools?

67. Nuclear Liability Bill.

68. “Facebook”: Socialization to degradation of society.

69. What should be the priority of India in the 21st century -

employment or entrepreneurship?

70. India is less vulnerable to economic recession.

71. Have we learnt anything from Mumbai 26/11?

72. Should Juvenile offenders be given a death penalty?

73. Should there be reservation in Delhi colleges for local


74. Are MNCs colonizing the Indian market?

75. Does India focus on its status in sports?

76. Can Indian fashion designers take our Indian culture to the


77. Lower voter turnout: A blot on democracy?

78. Pollution is the price of progress?

Page 5: Group Discussion Topics

79. Defense or Development?

80. Is the concept of Non- Violence still applicable?

81. Rural Vs Urban development

82. Social Networking is a menace.

83. 100% privatization - good or bad?

84. 20 years of liberalization has pushed India to pre 1991 era

85. "A black man motivating people against America on grounds

of social, economic, injustice and inequality.

86. And the topic to discuss was "Mobilizing masses on basis of

caste, creed, and colour. Is it right or wrong?""

87. A video on rural India was shown and a bicycle was used to

work as a washing machine and the topic to discuss was "What

drives innovation?".

88. "A video shown on rural India, showing initiative by the

government and the author spoke about sustainable income. The

topic to discuss was "How has India incorporated inclusive

capitalism in its growth model"."

89. Animal research is Moral Crime

90. Anna Hazare movement on Lokpal Bill, whether India needs it

or not?

91. Appropriate age for adulthood is 18, 21 or 25 years?

92. Are call center employees cyber coolies?

93. Are we producing a generation of burnt out children?

Page 6: Group Discussion Topics

94. Are women capable of taking more stress as compared to


95. Are women fit to join Army?

96. Arranged marriages vs. love marriages

97. Black money- How black is it?

98. Brain Drain is good for the country

99. Cartoon given showing a boy downloading something from

internet and law on piracy was given. Discuss how to curb piracy?

100. "Case study on Adhaar cards wherein future prospects,

impact, problems probably arising, financial aspects were


101. Competition is best for increasing efficiency

102. Corruption

103. Corruption is just the consideration for the services rendered

104. Crowd outsourcing � issues and challenges.

105. Doctors indulging in trafficking of human parts should be

given death penalty.

106. Excessive use of electronic gadgets is leading to hampering of

analytical skills of students

107. Expensive quality is better than cheap trash

108. GE and GM Crops (The Bt Brinjal case)

109. Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition by

mediocre minds.

110. Has Judicial System of India failed?

111. How is new technology effecting our society?

Page 7: Group Discussion Topics

112. How would you influence people?

113. If it suits you carry on and forget everything else

114. Import of Chinese toys. Is it good or bad?

115. In the world of tough competition, corruption is unavoidable.

116. India is a superpower in 21 century with 40 crore hungry


117. India shining or corrupting

118. India should attack Pakistan in order to retaliate for Mumbai

terror attacks.

119. India's biggest threat - corruption, terrorism or China?

120. After financial meltdown, should the government use

taxpayer's money to bailout the companies?

121. Can India become the next superpower?

122. Can reservation in institutions be shown as an area of social


123. Capitalism is flawed but other systems are much worse.

124. Centre- state relations in India

125. Chindia is it a reality?

126. Coalition governments are affecting the Indian govt.

127. Coalition Governments: Are they the way ahead?

128. Consumer rights awareness in India

129. Corrupt but efficient politicians are better than non corrupt

and inefficient ones

130. Corruption is the price we pay for democracy

131. Democracy in India is an eyewash.

Page 8: Group Discussion Topics

132. Democracy in India is now a civilized monarchy

133. Democracy in our country would be complete only by

introducing a right to recall of the representatives by the


134. Democracy is more of a mockery in India now.

135. Demographic dividend in India is an outstretched idea

136. Division of India on the basis of language is right or wrong?

137. Do we need a classless society?

138. Do we need to preserve the Indian Culture?

139. E-governance in India, challenges faced in enforcing, role of

NGO's and Private sector.

140. Election commission should be more strict?

141. Euthanasia as a Human Right

142. Freedom of Speech: Should there be any limit?

143. Future of Regional Parties in India

144. Governance in India is at all time low

145. Has the youth grossly failed to do its duty towards the nation?

146. Honor Killings: the way out

147. How important is the women reservation bill?

148. How secular is secular India?

149. "If land acquisition bill is prepared should government have

more roles in acquiring

150. or should private players be trusted?"

151. Importance of young generation in the process of nation


Page 9: Group Discussion Topics

152. In a socialist Country such as India, should salaries of

executives be regulated?

153. In India, Should minorities be given the first right to resource?

154. India can never catch up with China in terms of Economic


155. India cannot grow without improving its agriculture sector.

156. India is a great aspirational society.

157. India is on the volcano of social issues like inequality, poverty

158. India should also follow two party system in politics.

159. Indians can do better if they are told beforehand?

160. Inefficiency creeping within the Indian governance

161. Is democracy the best form of government?

162. Is India a superpower in making?

163. Is India moving towards food insecurity?

164. Is India really a secular country?

165. Is India really a secular state?

166. Is India's large population good or bad for it?

167. Is the Nuclear Power best way forward for India?

168. Is the participation of students in politics desired?

169. Is today's youth prey to society's ever rising expectations?

170. Judicial Activism

171. Lalu will be a successful PM

172. Large population is a hindrance to economic growth.

173. Look East policy" is not beneficial for India.

Page 10: Group Discussion Topics

174. Mitt Romney is a republican candidate in America standing

for elections and commented on Golden temple, to which India

reacted, is India over reactive?

175. Peace and Non Violence are outdated concepts. Comment on


176. Politicization and Commercialization of sports - reality or


177. Politics and Religion should definitely go hand in hand.

178. Politics is a necessary evil.

179. Power-nucleate or nuclear.

180. Presidential form of government will help in prospering India

181. Public demonstrations are a way for people to protest against


182. Recently MPs were given 50k Rupees to buy tabs and digitize

work. Is the hard earned money of Indian taxpayers being misused?

183. Regional Politics: Boon or Bane for India?

184. Relevance of democracy

185. Religion and secularism can co exist

186. Religion should not be a center stage in a secular state?

187. Reorganization of states in India

188. Reservation for Women

189. Reservation in the private sector

190. Reservation of jobs should be there for local people

191. Secular India - Does it still exists?

192. Should Business Houses finance elections?

Page 11: Group Discussion Topics

193. Should capital punishment be scrapped?

194. Should donations to political parties be exempted from

Income tax?

195. Should Gandhigiri be adopted by young generation?

196. Should India role back the economic stimulus package?

197. Should Indian politicians be evaluated for their political skills

before nomination? If yes, how?

198. Should youth be engaged in politics?

199. Smaller states are the need of the hour.

200. Social Clause is also a form of protection

201. Social impact of slowdown

202. Social Networking is a menace.

203. Swadesh is no longer relevant in India.

204. Tackling terror should be the first priority for Indian govt.

205. The Chinese miracle: can India imitate it?

206. The implication of the change in US Presidency for India

207. The nuclear liability bill

208. The situation between the union and state governments has

always been a matter of controversy

209. The Third Front: Importance in Indian Politics.

210. Thirty three percent Reservation for women in jobs.

211. Turmoil in Pakistan: a threat to India.

212. Environment concern- how grave is it?

213. Villages are the pride of India

Page 12: Group Discussion Topics

214. Voters, not, politicians are responsible for criminalization of


215. Welcome to Socialism

216. What India needs now is Dictatorship.

217. What should be done to uplift status of Muslims

218. While working in a corporate firm, can you contribute

towards the development of the society?

219. Women reservation is beneficial for the country.

220. Women's quota will increase gender disparity

221. Worsening sex ratio in India

222. Youth are responsible for improving the society, give us a


223. Rising crimes against women

224. Has feminism evolved over years?

225. We are corrupt because we are poor.

226. Only poor people are responsible for their poverty.

227. Gender Equality will be a reality in the 21st century.

228. Corruption means lack of integrity. Do you agree?

229. Should India try and ban Indian students going abroad for

higher studies?

230. Financial viability of IPL

231. T-20 � a better format of cricket

Page 13: Group Discussion Topics

232. Education is what remains after one forgets what one has

learnt in school.

233. Are we really serious about protecting our environment/


234. Should cricketers be blamed for match fixing?

235. Education and Success, is there a correlation?

236. Is auctioning spoiling the game of cricket?

237. Paperless office in India - Dream or Reality

238. Should cloning of humans be allowed?

239. Genetic Research - Will it lead to better health?

240. Private institutes and deemed universities. What's your view

on that?

241. Failure of DD Channel is because of the lack of administration

or other reasons?

242. Education the business of businesses; the service of services

243. Indian education system in dismal state

244. Should Higher Education be opened up in India?

245. Should foreign universities be allowed to open campuses in

India? What are the implications for the stake holders?

246. Education is the progressive discovery of our ignorance.

247. Popularity of cricket in India is adversely affecting other


248. Courts deciding content of TV: justified or not?

249. Environmental imbalance can be restored in 5 years

250. Is Indian Hockey Dead and fit for funeral

Page 14: Group Discussion Topics

251. Emotions have no role in sports

252. Should Universities be aided by the Government?

253. Newspapers are becoming redundant now

254. Education opens the window of opportunity

255. Is Cricket frenzy killing other sports in India?

256. Are TV channels killing our culture?

257. Should working in Rural areas be made mandatory for

professionals such as people pursuing medicine?

258. Reality Shows: do they add value or do they erode values?

259. Education should be the top priority for India now.

260. Ecological balance has vanished in modern civilization.

261. Is T-20 the future of cricket?

262. Legalizing doping in sports in modern times

263. Right to Education

264. IPL: Sports and Glamour

265. Should spirituality lessons be included at the primary,

secondary and higher level education taking in to consideration the

stress and personal discomfort faced by the students?

266. Right to Education: Dream or Reality?

267. Test cricket is losing its popularity due to shorter cricket.

268. Is the current education system of India producing more

unemployable youth and adding up to the frustration?

269. Education is the key to success for India.

270. Environmental concerns should take the highest priority in

people's minds.

Page 15: Group Discussion Topics

271. Commonwealth Games is a sheer wastage of money.

272. Should Military education be made compulsory for youth?

273. Are education reforms in the right direction?

274. Modern cinema is a boon for social transformation

275. T20 vs Test Cricket.

276. New grading system-how it is going to effect education


277. Is climate change alert or an exaggeration?

278. Media corporate lobbying should not be allowed in


279. If there is censorship in movies than why not in


280. Is Hockey really the national game?

281. Backside of reality show?

282. Medical professionals are worst exploited in the country

283. Media's role in exposing scams

284. Media sensationalizes news

285. Pollution and development are two sides of the same coin

286. We Need drinking water and not Coke & Pepsi in rural India

287. Man is an integral part of the environment and yet he is the

arch enemy of it

288. Indian youth is intellectually good but physically weak

289. Coca Cola advertisement endorsement by celebrities should

be banned.

Page 16: Group Discussion Topics

290. A case on education and innovation (Facts given about brain

drain + Mid day meal + Sarva Shiksha abhiyaan).

291. Indian Education System is outdated, it needs restructuring.

292. The role of NGOs in environment preservation

293. Inclusive Schools to be established. You are the education

minister. Discuss the topic and elaborate the process of doing so.

294. Hockey or cricket, which should be our national game?

295. Have coaching institutes become essential?

296. Are reality shows real?

297. Cricket team is not performing in Australia. What to do with

juniors, over aged seniors? How to prepare them?

298. Television : An Idiot box or knowledge provider

299. If you are a government officer, what steps would you take to

improve education in Primary Schools?

300. Corruption in Media.

301. Cross border Higher Education is good or not?

302. Films are corrupting Indian Youth

303. Foreign universities vs. Govt. universities.

304. Politicians shouldn't be allowed to manage sports.

305. The era of meaningful cinema is over

306. Objectifying women in Indian Cinema.

307. TV makes watchers not doers

308. Should ID Cards be made compulsory for citizens of India?

Page 17: Group Discussion Topics

309. Rapid transmission: Good or bad?

310. Will India become the most powerful country of Asia by 2020

311. India is a superpower in 21 century with 40 crore hungry


312. Truth and non violence-are these concepts prevalent today?

313. The govt. plans to shut pubs and discs at 11.30pm, but

different people support different viewpoints. Discuss what should

the govt. do?

314. Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition by

mediocre minds.

315. Thinking about the worst always prepares you for the worst.

316. Defense or Development?

317. Should there be a global policeman?

318. Expensive quality is better than cheap trash

319. Rural Vs Urban development

320. Social Networking is a menace.

321. Should doctors be tried in consumer courts?

322. The Rupee One Lakh Car should be banned in India.

323. India should attack Pakistan in order to retaliate for Mumbai

terror attacks.

324. Terrorism: Where does it lead to?

325. Should Human Rights be granted to terrorists or not?

326. In the world of tough competition, corruption is unavoidable.

327. Corruption is just the consideration for the services rendered

328. Scientists are not believers of God.

Page 18: Group Discussion Topics

329. Success is all about Human Relations.

330. Animal research is Moral Crime

331. Excessive use of electronic gadgets is leading to hampering of

analytical skills of students

332. Import of Chinese toys. Is it good or bad?

333. Promotion of Insurance using emotions: how ethical is it?

334. Valentine's Day

335. Corruption

336. Terrorist threat- should IPL be postponed?

337. Should mercy killing be legalized in India?

338. Is the concept of Non- Violence still applicable?

339. Should there be international men's day.

340. Unpleasant prison terms can lead to faster reformation

against criminals

341. GE and GM Crops (The Bt Brinjal case)

342. Doctors indulging in trafficking of human parts should be

given death penalty.

343. Live in relationships.

344. Terrorism-Who is responsible? Where does it lead to?

345. India's biggest advantage- it's youth.

346. Are we producing a generation of burnt out children?

347. Students were to choose a brand ambassador for 'Save Girl

Campaign'- Kiran Bedi, Barkha Dutt, Sanya Mirza or Shabana Azmi?

348. Is the educated class pushing our country backward?

349. Red Dragon verses Striped Tiger

Page 19: Group Discussion Topics

350. Are women capable of taking more stress as compared to


351. Women Empowerment

352. Arranged marriages vs. love marriages

353. Has Judicial System of India failed?

354. Transparency and accountability go hand in hand

355. I-tabs will replace libraries

356. Smart phones becoming norm of the day

357. Are call center employees cyber coolies?

358. Black money- How black is it?

359. Should women be in the Defence field?

360. Women empowerment is the cause for increase in the

divorce rate in India

361. Social networking : boon or bane?

362. If it suits you carry on and forget everything else

363. Should civil society be added in law making process?

364. Competition is best for increasing efficiency

365. Space missions - Are they a waste in a resource starved

country like India?

366. Little corruption in India is necessary.

367. Anna Hazare movement on Lokpal Bill, whether India needs it

or not?

368. Appropriate age for adulthood is 18, 21 or 25 years?

369. "There have been discussions to abolish the death penalty.

What are the pros and cons

Page 20: Group Discussion Topics

370. of abolishing capital punishment?"

371. Subsidy on LPG should be removed

372. Should stag entries be banned in clubs and pubs?

373. Who is responsible for eve teasing, boys or girls?

374. Is budgeting a good exercise?

375. There should be equal opportunity for everybody.

376. How would you influence people?

377. How is new technology effecting our society?

378. Crowd outsourcing � issues and challenges.

379. 100% privatization - good or bad?

380. 20 years of liberalization has pushed India to pre 1991 era

381. Patrolling cyber crime is just not possible

382. People are more concerned about financial accounts than

social accounts, How can this be improved?

383. No. of divorces is increasing, what will you do as the part of

government?( Statistics were given, effects on children, parents


384. What steps would you take to preserve monuments and

heritage sites?(Each candidate was given 1 min. to speak)

385. Cartoon given showing a boy downloading something from

internet and law on piracy was given. Discuss how to curb piracy?

386. India's biggest threat - corruption, terrorism or China?

387. "A black man motivating people against America on grounds

of social, economic, injustice and inequality.

Page 21: Group Discussion Topics

388. And the topic to discuss was "Mobilizing masses on basis of

caste, creed, and colour. Is it right or wrong?""

389. A video on rural India was shown and a bicycle was used to

work as a washing machine and the topic to discuss was "What

drives innovation?".

390. Are women fit to join Army?

391. "Case study on Adhaar cards wherein future prospects,

impact, problems probably

392. arising, financial aspects were discussed."

393. Brain Drain is good for the country

394. Joint family V/s Nuclear family

395. India shining or corrupting

396. Should Gambling be legalized?

397. Women empowerment can only lead to social empowerment.

398. Loss is loss - whether presumptive or actual.

399. "A video shown on rural India, showing initiative by the

government and the author spoke about sustainable income. The

topic to discuss

400. was "How has India incorporated inclusive capitalism in its

growth model"."

401. Prioritize a list of seven solutions- ensuring better policing in

India. Students were first asked to prioritize individually and then as

a group.

402. You are the manager of a travel company and 6 places are

given to you. Rate each of them and come out with group rating.

Page 22: Group Discussion Topics

403. Poaching of tigers: Decreasing numbers in the state of

Madhya Pradesh