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BEING A GOOD NEIGHBOUR Some useful information for students who are living in private accommodation in Bath including helpful tips on how to be a good neighbour, namely: INFORMATION ABOUT WASTE AND RECYCLING BEING CONSIDERATE OF NOISE LEVELS GETTING INVOLVED IN YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY

Good Neighbours Handbook - Bath Spa Version

Mar 10, 2016



Richard Kelsey

The partnership aims to help create neighbourhoods where people choose to live. It's message to all residents is enjoy your home but don't prevent others from enjoying theirs. Once you have moved in to your new home - don’t be shy - introduce yourself to your neighbours. This will help establish and build a positive relationship. Your neighbours are a source of useful information about your local area, including important information such as when the rubbish is collected, etc. They may also be able to help to keep an eye on your house during weekends and holidays. Ensure you respect others living around you. Inconsiderate noise levels often lead to complaints.Your actions could bring your institution into disrepute and may affect your chances of graduating.
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Some useful information for students who are

living in private accommodation in Bath including helpful

tips on how to be a good neighbour, namely:




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ContentsBeing a Good Neighbour

Making the right impression 1Neighbours 2Consider your noise levels 3Having a party 4

Council Services

Council Tax 5Housing Accreditation 5Parking 6

Fire, Home and Personal safety

Student Watch 7 Fire Safety 7Personal Safety 7Harassment 8Protecting your valuables 8Home Safety 8PACT meetings 9

Living in the Community

Good Neigbour Award 10Volunteering 10Energy saving tips 11

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Being a good neighbour Being a good neighbour

BEING A GOOD NEIGHBOUROur aim is to help create neighbourhoods where people choose to live and our message to all our residents is, enjoy your home, but don’t prevent others from enjoying theirs.

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NEIGHBOURSIt is understandable that there will occasionally be noise coming from you and your neighbour’s properties. However, it is also important to understand the need for peace and quiet too. Please treat others around you as you would like to be treated and consider that your neighbours may have young children or there may be elderly people living in your street. Also, most people will have to get up for work early in the morning and so do not want to be kept awake by loud noise during the night.

The University institutions and Council jointly fund a Student Action Line. This is open and advertised to all local residents

and students alike so that any issues/complaints are reported, logged and investigated. The number is: (01225) 396996.

If a student’s actions in the local community bring their institution into disrepute it can affect their chances of graduating – so act upon any complaints you receive and try to sort them out with your neighbours as early as possible.

The Student Action Line receives a significant number of complaints, some of which result in being referred on for disciplinary action after thorough investigation by the relevant institution.

MAKING THE RIGHT IMPRESSIONBath is a fairly small city so when you become part of your institution that means becoming part of your local community. Therefore, it is important to establish good relationships with your neighbours as a starting point.

Don’t be shy; introduce yourself to your neighbours. This will help establish and build a positive relationship. Your neighbours are a source of useful information about your local area, including important information such as when the recycling and rubbish are collected and where to shop and eat out etc. They may also be able to help to keep an eye on your house during weekends and holidays.

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Being a good neighbour Being a good neighbour

Although you may want to have the occasional party, more than one a term could be considered excessive. Please also note that you should check your tenancy agreement as contracts do differ and some state that you are not allowed to have a party in your property or that you need to get permission from your landlord.

Be considerate and Be considerate and ensure that you….ensure that you….

Let your neighbours know about your party giving plenty of notice

Let them know when your party will start and expect to fi nish and stick to that time

Keep the music down and make sure you keep regular checks on noise levels, especially the bass

Ask your guests to leave quietly and clear up any debris. Remember you are responsible for your guests so please make sure they respect your neighbours too

Please be responsive to requests to turn the music down - If an Environmental Health Officer calls round do not ignore them as they have extensive powers and you could end up with a heavy fine and have equipment seized.

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Having a party? Having a party? Consider your noise levels Consider your noise levels Nuisance caused by noise is often the biggest cause of complaints. To help reduce the effect of noise, please remember to:

Ask your neighbours to let you know if noise levels from your house disturb them. If you receive any complaints take responsibility and act upon them before the complaints are taken further by your institution

Position stereos, TVs, computers etc away from adjacent walls and be extra considerate if your neighbours have young children or if they are elderly

When coming home late, keep voices down and be careful not to slam car doors or the front door. Remember, your neighbours may have sleeping patterns different to you

Try to keep noise to a minimum after 10pm

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Council Services Council Services

COUNCIL TAX As a full-time student you are not liable to pay Council Tax. However, you must contact the Council to inform them that you are moving in and that you are a student. You must also let them know when you are leaving the property. Unless you do so, you will remain liable for Council Tax.

Please contact the Council on (01225) 477777 or e-mail [email protected] or register on-line at

Bath Spa University students: When using the Student Portal to register your details online, look out for the link that will take you through to the Council Tax section and follow the instructions.

Check with your Landlord/Landlady whether they are part of the B&NES Accreditation Scheme. This ensures that the property is fit for human habitation, has safe gas and electrical installations, adequate fire precautions, sufficient amenities for the number of people living there and finally, that it is well managed.

For further information about the Accreditation Scheme please contact Linda Stickings on (01225) 396287.

If your Landlord/Landlady is not part of the Accreditation Scheme you can give him/her the above number for more information.

PARKING If you have a car, please contact the Council about whether you are eligible for a parking permit. The allocations for parking permits within Bath’s residential areas are very limited.

You should also contact your landlord to find out whether there is an allocated parking space or permit for the premises.

For more information on parking zones in the city visit: or contact: 01225 477133/4

However, please note the following:

Bath Spa University students: Students who live in University controlled accommodation are not allowed to park on site or to have a car park permit unless they have a disability. Students and staff are encouraged to use public transport, car sharing and cycling.

Housing Accreditation

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Safety information Safety information

If you would like to find a Neighbourhood Watch or set one up please contact Bath Police Station on (01225) 842480.

To find out who your local area Police Constable/ Beat Manager is and to report incidents of crime online visit:

HARASSMENTIf you are the victim of any form of racial, homophobic or disability related harassment, or indeed any harassment of any kind (broken windows, offensive graffiti, or verbal, physical or emotional abuse) or you know of someone who is, please contact the Police on 07768 600368 or Student Support Services for Bath Spa University students on 01225 875641.

You may be experiencing abuse or harassment from someone you know and love. This is domestic abuse, and it can be physical, emotional, sexual or financial, and you may feel unsafe or disempowered around this person.

For help, call Southside on (01225) 331243 and check for full details of the support available to you.

FIRE SAFETYThe use of candles and incense sticks increase the risks of a fire in your home. The consumption of alcohol can increase the risks of fire, especially when combined with cooking or smoking, using matches or lighters and the use of barbeques (which should be lit with fire lighters or starter fuel and only on cold coals).

Make sure your property has appropriate fire safety equipment including a working smoke alarm that you regularly test, and work out a fire escape plan with your housemates.

External fires or bonfires have their own dangers and often cause inconvenience or annoyance to neighbours so should be avoided.

For more information visit:

STUDENT WATCHStudent Watch is a scheme that has been initiated and developed by a core group of Student Volunteers from Bath Spa University, Avon & Somerset Constabulary, B&NES Community Safety Team, Bath Spa University Students Union and the Student Community Partnership. Student Watch aims to increase safety awareness amongst students living in halls and private accommodation in the community, across Bath by:

Running campaigns and initiatives about personal, home and property safety

Using existing opportunities (eg Freshers and Refreshers Fairs) to reach students

Creating a dialogue between students, the University and key partners on issues relating to home, personal and property safety

Maximising communication opportunities within the University and in the wider community

For more information please contact:Vice-President Communications & Campaigns Students’ UnionBath Spa UniversityTel: 01225 875588Email: [email protected]


Make sure that you have post coded and registered all your belongings and keep them safe and secure. The Police constantly refer to a national database of lost or stolen items. This is regularly updated and could help in reuniting you with your property. Any item that has a serial type number can be registered such as mobile phones, cameras,lap-tops. Go to: to register all your valuables for FREE.


Don’t forget to close your window or assume that your housemate will do it

Always remember to check that the front door is closed/locked etc

Look out for anyone you don’t recognise and be prepared to ask them who they are and who they are visiting

If you see something suspicious or, out of the ordinary, report it. For non-emergency telephone: 0800 555111 and for emergency telephone 999

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PERSONAL SAFETY The patterns and habits of students are quite predictable, therefore it makes sense to be extra vigilant when it comes to crime prevention at student properties.

Neighbourhood Watch is one of the biggest and most successful crime prevention initiatives ever.





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Living in the Community

Safety information

TRAVELLING AROUND BY BICYCLEIf you are a cyclist, be aware of the Highway Code.

Ensure that you:

Get trained and keep control

Wear a helmet

Be seen and heard

Check your bike

Be alert and plan your route

Stay legal

For more information visit:

There are a number of blackspots, where student cyclists have been involved in accidents, in particular Widcombe Hill.

Always be aware of your speed, other vehicles, pedestrians and the road conditions.

GOOD NEIGHBOUR AWARDThe Chairman of Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Community Awards 2010/2011 has linked up with the Student Community Partnership to launch a new category titled ‘good neighbour’.

The presentation of these awards will be an opportunity to recognise the work carried out within the community by volunteers across Bath and North East Somerset - some of the unsung heroes from local organisations, communities and Universities. This is an ideal opportunity for students to be recognised for the positive contributions that they make to their local community. Maybe you regularly help your neighbour with their shopping? Or help them with their gardening?

All nominees will receive a certificate in recognition of their work in the community and the winners will also receive an Award. These will be presented at an evening Awards Ceremony in the Guildhall on 22nd November 2010. For further information or to get a nomination form for ‘Student neighbour of the year’ please contact Sara Dixon on [email protected] or on 01225 396594. Nominations by Friday 15th October 2010.

VolunteeringStudent volunteering is a good way to get involved in your local community. It is an opportunity to contribute your time and skills to the area that you live in and it is also a good way of getting to know your neighbours.

Interested?Please contact the Co-ordinator at your University for further information or other volunteering opportunities:

Bath Spa University Students’ Union Just Volunteer Email: [email protected] Link:

PACT MEETINGS (Partners and

Communities Together)

PACT meetings are public meetings; open to everyone living or spending time in a neighbourhood across Bath and North East Somerset.

They are designed to be regular meetings where members of the public raise issues and vote on which issues should be prioritised.

A panel of key partners and stakeholders will then be tasked to action these and report on their progress at the next meeting.

It is important that there is student representation at these meetings so that you get a say on local issues that are discussed.

To find out about your local PACT visit:

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Living in the Community

Energy Saving Tips: Make sure you ask to see the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) for your property, which by law all rented properties must have. All properties on the Accreditation Scheme will have one. The better the energy rating, the cheaper the house should be to run! You can save around £300 a year by being more careful with electricity and heating;

Learn how to use your heating system, reducing the heat by 1°C can save 10% on heating bills

When purchasing electrical equipment, make sure it is energy effi cient, it will save you a lot of money in the long-run

Look for the Energy Saving recommended logo on electrical goods

Share resources; cooking with your housemates and watching TV together will cut those energy costs

Make sure you turn appliances off at the wall, especially phone chargers

It can be difficult to make energy saving changes to a rented property such as improving insulation or updating the heating system, however you can help pursuade your Landlord by using the Energy Savings Trust's Landlord Letter.

Climate Change and Peak Oil are some of the biggest challenges we face. Do you want to be part of the solution? Saving energy and carbon emissions is easy and saves money, so why not find out the latest tricks and help others by becoming an Energy Champion? If so please contact the Volunteer Co-ordinator at your institution.

For more information, contact the Energy Savings Trust on 0800 512 012


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Useful contacts Lauren KellyCommunity Liaison CoordinatorStudent Community PartnershipTel: (01225) 385113Email: [email protected]:

Bath Spa University Students’ Union (01225) 875588

University of Bath Students’ Union (01225) 386612

Council Connect (01225) 394041

Bath Citizens Advice Bureau 0844 8487919

Avon & Somerset Police 0845 4567000

Avon Fire & Rescue (0117) 9262061

This booklet has been produced in partnership with: