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Dec 11, 2021



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Within the collection of talks Samael, those related to the Gnostic Anthropology is seven and are the result of a singular work, as part of a sequence that made it possible to shape a unitary work in its thematic whole, in-tegrated seven chapters, which is why they are presented in the same format. By uniting all topics covered will discover that in addition to being a unique work, they have not become obsolete, despite the time elap-sed.





five lectureThe origin of Materialism, the monads, the star Alcyone, the spiritual sun, Atlantis, the le-gend of the five Nahua soles, multiple catastrophes in the history of the planet, the Ome-yocan.




There are events, cosmic events and geological, which is well worth looking at these issues in anthropology. There is no doubt that the Gnostic Anthropology Scientific, draws aside all veils related to the origin of man and the universe.

Obviously, the mechanics of nature is portentous, but never accept the possibility of a mathematics without mathematical or me-chanical without mechanical.

I do not want to defend an anthropomorphic God, Jehovah Judaic style, with the doctrine of "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". We know that this kind of dogmatism results in or corollary and opposition, the atheistic and materialistic reaction type.

It is necessary to understand that any abuse is detrimental to humanity. In ancient times worship surrendered to the gods, ie, the Intelligent Principles of Nature and the Cosmos, the Demiurge Architect of the Universe, which is not a human or divine subject, rather, it is the Perfect Multiple Unity, the "Logos" platonic.

Unfortunately, in the august Rome of the Caesars, and even in Greece of old, there was a process of religious degeneration. When he abuse of worship of the gods came, by the reaction, monotheism with its anthropomorphic God; much later that Monotheism, with its anthropomorphic god, produced by reaction, the current materialism.

So the abuse of polytheism to monotheism thus brings anthropomorphism, belief in the biblical anthropomorphic God. In turn, the abuse of monotheism originates materialistic atheism. Those are the religious stages through which people pass.

Frankly, in the name of truth, I think it is time to remove that monotheistic anthropomorphism how bad consequences originated. Today there would be no materialistic atheism, whether religious clergy had not abused in such worship; this cult emerged as reac-tion.



Unfortunately, the materialistic atheism was born in reaction against the monotheis-tic anthropomorphism, and in turn, the belief in an anthropomorphic God as a result of abuse polytheistic. When cults to the gods of the universe degenerated, then aro-se, by simple reaction, monotheism.

We need to recognize the Intelligent Principles of Nature and the Cosmos, but, I re-peat, we are not defending an anthropomorphic God. Intelligent Principles recognize me seems to resist any scientific analysis.

Note, for example, an anthill. Here we see the Intelligent Principles in full swing, how they work those ants, how they make their palaces, how they govern, etc. The sa-me applies to a honeycomb, your order is staggering.

If we equip each of the ants, or to each of the bees in a Pythagorean Monad, or a JI-VA Hindustani, and it is logical to make sense around the anthill, all the honeycomb,

because all creatures live a Monadic Principle. At that, the HAECKEL Materialism, Darwin and Huxley, would be completely destroyed.

We are not worshiping any anthropomorphic God, only we want intelligence to nature is recognized. It does not seem absurd that nature is provided with intelligence [as claimed by materialists]. The existing order in the construction of the molecule and the atom is showing us, with complete clarity, Intelligent Principles.



We are in the time precise to review principles. If we do not agree with Materialism it is because it does not withstand analysis background is pure crap, that's obvious.

The creation of man it through mechanical processes, it is incongruous that instantly emerged Adam slime of the earth. It is as ab-surd as another.

We recognize that there is intelligence in this whole mechanics of nature, in the movement of atoms around its center of gravity, the movement of the worlds around their suns.

It is true and all truth than our Sun, this enlightening us and gives us life, is one of the soles of the large constellation that revolves around Alcyone, which has been called since ancient times the Pleiades. The-re are seven suns orbiting Alcyone, that's not surprising. We live in a corner of the Pleiades, in a small planet revolving around the sun, which is populated by the "intellectual animals". This tiny world called Earth.

In general, each of the soles of the Pleiades, each of these seven suns enlivens the corresponding worlds that revolve around it. It is true, and we do not deny that our planet Earth is a small world that revolves around the seventh sun of the Pleiades. It is also true that the Pleiades need a Intelligent Principle Guideline. Naturally pigs Materialism not believe but bait and butter, [ie they touch



and that smell] are determined to reduce the poor biped tricentrado or brained, a simple production machine and bidimensional consumption.

The materialists want to take humanity Intelligent Principles, want to force to strip the entire human mentality of its eternal va-lues, the values of Being.

We understand perfectly that deprive humanity the values of Being, degenerating frighteningly. That is what is happening in these times of world crisis and bankruptcy of all principles.

The wiseacres of Materialistic anthropology obstinately precipitating the poor people of the twentieth century, by the way of perdi-tion franker.

The Pleiades need a guiding principle, or principles Guidelines to avoid falling this time in the Anthropomorphism, which has been so fatal, as has occurred materialistic atheism.

The guiding principle is plural, but has a representation in any way accept pigs Materialism. Astral want to refer to the equatorial sun of the Pleiades, lenses invisible to telescopes, but visible to those who have developed the most extraordinary kind of vision, which is the Prajna Paramita intuition in the highest degree. This term, rather difficult to be Sanskrit, is unacceptable to the atheis-tic anthropology, but real in its significance for real men.

The equatorial sun of the Pleiades intelligently coordinates all tasks and cosmic, human activities, minerals, plants and animals, and even this group of celestial bodies known as Pleiades. The equatorial sun is actually the sum of Intelligent Principles, abho-rrent to the followers of Materialism. But the world is world and forever ...



Materialism always produces degeneration of the brain and mind, involution of human values, the total decline, inability to deve-lop Objective Reason of Being.

The Pleiades with its sun, are a beautiful panorama of the universe. The Sun of the Pleiades is not a visible Sun, is an astral Sol loca-ted on Fifth coordinate. If we did not accept but three coordinates, we were bottled in the three-dimensional Euclidean geometry, we would like enemies of the Eternal materialistic atheists, who believe only, like donkeys, on the grass they see.

The Intelligent Principles of the astral Sun remain in perfect harmony the Pleiades, it is something that we are not ignorant. We ha-ve methods and procedures for the development of certain transcendental powers of Being, which allow us to see beyond the sim-ple telescopes and deepen beyond the microscope.

We must consider, not just the Pleiades, but the entire galaxy in which we exist, to the great Milky Way with its hundred thousand suns, millions of worlds, moons and loose stones. extraordinary galaxy that orbits the Sun SYRIAN. Unquestionably this Sun is gi-gantic. Near Sirius is a five thousand times denser than lead moon. That moon revolves around Sirius.

Sirius are extraordinary cosmic radiation to matter. We should not deny that that moon five thousand times denser than lead, also come subhuman terrible radiation.



Arguably radiation Sirio affect all above skies of anything, and that infra dark radia-tion satellite around him, affect infra hell, producing chaotic states in the minds of human creatures, beget materialistic atheism , etc.

But the Galaxy itself, with all that extraordinary order, with its espiraloidea form re-volving around the sun Sirius, Intelligent Principles undoubtedly need the rule.

We are reminded, at present, the "polar sun". Obviously in this Intelligent control are principles that govern wisely and coordinate this galaxy in which we live and move and have our being is a wonderful, extraordi-nary Spiritual Sun.; completely governs the Milky Way.

Obviously this galaxy without Smart Principles but gravitate all around Sirius, even if governed intelligently, it would lack so-mething else, it would lack the Spiritual Sun, the Sun would lack Polar, which is the foundation of all these Intelligent Principles sa-me.

But there is not the issue; we must go further. As Einstein said, "The Infinite tends to a limit." He also stated that "the Infinite was curved." There is no doubt that there are many Infinitos. Beyond this there is another Infinito Infinito, and beyond there is ano-ther; and between Infinity and Infinity, there are always gaps. There is no limit to the many Infinites ...

Our Infinite, the Infinite I would call "Einstein" -since it was the same who said, "The Infinite tends to a limit" - has about one hun-dred thousand galaxies, with an average of one hundred thousand soles each, and millions of worlds; this is what reaches seen with telescopes. But in truth this Infinite in which we live, you need Smart Sovereigns Principles that coordinate to avoid, where possi-ble, collisions and failures of all kinds.



Fortunately there is the central Sun, the Sacred Absolute Sun. In this Sacred Absolute Sun are the guidelines around this Infinite Intelligence. In which, I repeat, we live and move and have our being ...

So Intelligence governs the whole Cosmos, in the infinitely large and the infinitely small, in the macrocosm and the microcosm, in a system of worlds and in a beehive or an anthill. Cosmic Intelligence lies precisely in every particle of this Great Creation ...

But we continue forward ...

We live here, as we said, on a small planet of the infinite universe, in a small world that revolves around the seventh sun of the Pleiades. It is governed by Intelligent mechanical principles, but not the very geologists who have studied both, know the mecha-nics of this living planet Earth.

Always he believed, for example, that the continents in which we exist are fixed, steadfast, unmovable, but this concept is wrong. We know, the Gnostic scientists, that this planet rather resembles the construction of an egg to a firm dough.

If we see a bird egg, we see that has a bud that is movable and holding onto a clear, or pasty or fluidic substance. The same applies to our world Earth: yes indeed has the shape of an egg. The continents are like the bud, holding onto a clear, pasty, fluid, gelati-nous substance etc. The yolk is not still, it moves; swivels periodically.

One day could America and Europe to be together, and are now separated, etc. That's what the materialistic anthropologists say about Pangea, but are unaware of the true rhythms, true periodic movements and the real geologic history of that thing they call the "Pangea". They are still true kindergartners, who know nothing about geology.

Continuing, we would say that there is more than enough evidence to show clearly the movement of the masses.



One day there was the ATLANTIS in the ocean that bears his na-me; continent that has been put into question by the pigs of Ma-terialism, but has been adequately demonstrated, and conclusi-vely, by true sages who, from time to time, have appeared on the face of the Earth.

That the continent had sunk like a cream from milk, it is a little absurd; foolish assertion of ignoramuses, that "not only ignore but also ignore that they ignore." If Atlantis sank, it was a result of the revolution of the axis of the Earth; but this does not know anthropologists of Materialism.

That catastrophe of Atlantis left in bad situation to the present continents. you observe the Americas, and see that the Pacific si-de bow, as if sinking into the ocean while rising from the eastern side. It is something similar to what happens with a boat: it ne-ver sinks vertically, always sideways.

The same Andes is loaded to the Pacific side. Note then Europe, there is no doubt that the Mediterranean wants to sink, he is more submerged, lower; and all those Netherlands are inclined towards the sea, towards the depth. We also see that the same in Germany and Russia. And look at us, finally, to Asia: it is tilted, as if to sink the Sea of the Indies ...

So, the continents were damaged by the Great Catastrophe Atlante, which overbalanced, indeed, the geological formation of our planet Earth.



We talked a lot of suns and catastrophes, and all like that. The SOLES OF ANAHUAC, is something that invites us to reflect. Nahua Suns are very interesting: they are the Fire, are Air, water, Earth. Make tremendous cosmic catastrophes.

It is said that the Children of the First Sun protoplasmic, "perished devoured by tigers." Of course it is: the Tigers of Wisdom! It is said that the Children of the Second Sun, the Hyperboreans, "perished destroyed by hurricanes." It refers to humanity who lived in the shoe that is around the North Pole. It states that the Children of the Third Sun, the Lemurian, "perished sun rain fire and great earthquakes." The Children of the Fourth Sun, the Atlanteans, "perished by the waters." The Children of the Fifth Sun, the Aryans, the people of this era, "perish by fire and earthquakes." So it will be and will be fulfilled shortly. The Sons of the Sixth Sun, the Cora-di, in the future land of tomorrow, will also die.

After talking about the Suns of Anahuac, we turn to a lower cycle. Naturally there is always a primary, secondary, tertiary and qua-ternary age.

Ages not associate these with the five races that have existed. This time will base into so-mething else, precisely the movements experienced by the Earth bud, that geological mo-vement which is processed periodically on its own axis, in the movement of continents on that pasty and gelatinous substance.

From that point we could speak of Ages [o Eras] Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quater-nary, etc .; of an era as the Eocene, a primary period, it was archaic, unknown to people, Oligocene, Miocene and Pliocene. Yes, with another kind of disaster, but also there, with terrible glaciations, do not deny ... Atlantis mark, then the end of the Tertiary Era: the end of Atlantis, clarified. That was beautiful Tertiary for their Edens; delicious for its lar-ge Havens.



There have been several ice ages. No doubt we move into another ice age. There are disasters that are produced by the revolution of the axis of the Earth, the verticalization of the poles of the world, but there are disasters that are caused by the movement of the continents, then come earthquakes and ice ages come ...

There is talk of about five glaciations that would be processed in accordance with the movements of the continents, but we also know that ice ages have been produced by the verticalization of the Poles of the Earth. Are multiple, because, disasters and glacia-tions; that's obvious.

If we say that man existed in the times of the Miocene or Pliocene and Eocene, we would be asserting something false. And it is cu-rious that, as archaic animal species were disappearing, the man continued to exist. I'm talking about "men", this time in a purely conventional sense, because we already know that the "intellectual animal" is not the real man, but somehow we have to talk; and that is obvious.

Have you been terrible changes? Yes, there have been. We think, for example, in the human race to emerge [in] the Eocene, with its tropical climate, vernal, were, hot; in that race it is developed and unwrap during the Oligocene, with the mean temperature; and finally, in that race Miocene, cold, with temperatures that approached until the last glaciation. The interesting thing is that, despite many ice ages and catastrophes, human beings continue to exist.

Paleolithic still exists, unbelievable, but true man. They disappeared all animals archaic times, the enormous reptiles of the Meso-zoic, species and yet humans continue to exist. How is this possible? How is it possible that all creatures have died archaic humans and still remain alive?



So, they spent the Ages Primary, Secondary, Tertiary of our world, and yet we see humans on the street. This gives us more than enough to tell Mr. Darwin authority, and Mr. Huxley and Mr. Haeckel, who did so much harm to humanity with their materialistic theories that humans existed long before the Palaeolithic Age.

I said something in the last chair on the Navel of the Universe, on Omeyocan; I shopped as the germ-and it is-which was born this planet Earth. Omeyocan is clear that unfolded in several dimensions before the planet Earth could exist physically. I mean that in the Omeyocan, "the Navel of the World", the planet Earth, which went through several periods of activity in various dimensions be-fore crystallizing in the current physical form was conceived.

It is obvious that the human being as seed unfolded from the Omeyocan and was crystallized gradually through various dimen-sions, to take the physical form of the Polar Epoch.



But here we are touching issues that bother the materialists, they say they "do not believe but what you see"; however they believe in all utopias. They're looking at Primordial Man between underground layers of the Quaternary Period. They invent every day mo-re and more theories that believe; They have not seen, but believe. So they are telling lies, they are believing what they see, are so-me forgers; that's obvious. They are ensuring falsehoods and believe in some conjectures and hypotheses that have not been pro-ven ever, ever.

We can prove what we say; We research systems through the most difficult techniques of meditation, through which we develop certain powers, such as, for example, the type of the highest Intuition, called "Prajna-Paramita", which allows us, really, study the Akashic Records of Nature.

In those records is the whole history of the Earth and its races. And if pigs of Materialism leave their fanatical position and resol-ved into the disciplines of Gnosis, they can develop such powers, by which they will be affordable to them, the history of Earth and its races.

So, my esteemed friends, worth to reflect deeply on all these issues. The time has come when each of us reflect about themselves and about the universe ...

Man exists on Earth from the Primary Era, far beyond the Paleolithic Age. And I repeat: it gives us right to assert that the same con-crete fact that we exist, even though all the animals, all the creatures of archaic times, and mostly disappeared. If that is so, we are entitled to say that "we are as old as the Earth, as Nature". Because facts are facts "face of facts we must surrender!" ...



If we have not died, if we have not disappeared from the world stage through many disasters, and despite all the crea-tures of the Mesozoic times were over, then we have the right to say that "we are special creatures" that "exist on the earth before these creatures Pliocene or Mesozoic times ha-ve appeared on earth ". This right gives us the precise fact exist, namely the fact that eternities have passed and conti-nue living.

They died contemporary creatures of us, yet here we are: ali-ve. All they perished, but we are still alive. Therefore we ha-ve the right to laugh in his face a Huxley or a Darwin, or Haeckel.

The various scenarios in which humanity has evolved this deserve to be taken into account. How wise are wonderful "Suns" Nahua ... Not only contemplate that the race that was devoured by the Tigers of Wisdom, but also the Hyper-boreans who perished destroyed by hurricanes, and lemurs who perished by Sun rain of fire and great earthquakes, and

the Atlanteans who perished flooded by the waters.



These Nahua Suns, go further: also contemplate the movements of the "egg yolk in the clear", the periodic movements of these con-tinents, which at one point are separated and then move away, suddenly produce large glaciations, where all life disappears as origi-nate new activities.

These Suns of Anahuac work through the Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary periods, etc. Finally they are raised in fire chan-ges every 52 years. We are now in the fifth of these changes, the Quinto Sol. Is that the Secret Doctrine of Anahuac contains pre-cious treasures which shall never accept the enemies of Mexico, anthropologists of atheistic Materialism ...

These are my words.

¡Inverential Peace!



QUESTION: He talks a lot of "Chaos" and "Cosmos" .... There is much difference between them ?, because "Chaos" is understood disorder and "Cosmos" as the order; then I am with that restlessness?

Samael Aun Weor: CHAOS out the COSMOS. Indubitably, by ACT THREE, that is, through the Holy Triamazikamno, you can make creations of new units. When Positive Force, Ne-gative and Neutral affect all at one point, a creation is perfor-med.

It would not be possible to create any new Cosmic Unity, without the conjunction of these three forces that are, in themselves, the Holy Triamazikamno. These three forces are: Holy Affirmation, the Holy Negation, Holy Conciliation. But it is one thing to create and organize is something else. You can

create, but if there is no organization, what would be the crea-tion?

For a COSMOS (meaning, in parentheses, "order of worlds") emerges into existence, we need another law. I want to refer emphatically to the law of eternal heptaparaparshinock, ie, the SEVEN LAW. By the Law of the Holy Triamazikamno crea-tion it is done, but by the Law of Seven organization that has been created as a Cosmos is made.

So our Solar System exists thanks to two laws: first, the Holy Triamazikamno; second, the Eternal heptaparaparshinock. Thanks to these two laws exist, currently, our solar system and our planet Earth.

Chaos arose therefore a Cosmos; Chaos all Cosmos arise. After Darkness, Light goes ...

QUESTION: Very friendly, Venerable Master, thank you infinitely this explanation. Now we would like you to explain to us a little more depth, related to the protoplasm of human beings. You've told us, in very sporadically, so say, on the protoplasmic bodies, but now interested us to deepen on the protoplasm of the human being ...



QUESTIONSquestions from other talks on issues related


Samael Aun Weor: Well, when talking about the man Proto-plasmic, because we have to go pretty far, because note that the first race there was in the world, and lived in the North Po-lar ice cap was precisely the protoplasmic race. Later came the hiperbóreos; then certain atomic elements joined the proto-plasmic bodies to form the second race. Then came the le-murs, new elements were combined on the protoplasm and we already have the lemur hermaphrodite, actual, living in Le-muria with their bodies of flesh and blood. After the Atlan-teans continued and currently we are, the Aryans. However, at the bottom of our body remains the Protoplasmic Body.

If we (we said) did the vacuum around that which is called "matter", if we made a vacuum around that which is called "hu-man physical body" we would find the protoplasm. Not the "protoplasm" of a Haeckel (which is too "cheesy" for the high research the Spirit), no, but Man Protoplasmic, the Original Man. Everything else are aggregates of molecules, atoms, etc., etc., etc. However, materialistic scientists believe they have discovered the matter and have not discovered. He is able to see, hear, touch or feel certain molecular groups, accumulated over the protoplasm and its sides, does not indicate precisely which has already been discovered matter "in itself". Matter "itself" is the protoplasm. But, I repeat, I am not referring to

the "protoplasm" one of the "rogues of the intellect", the "pro-toplasm" one of Haeckel and Darwin, the "protoplasm" that the Antichrist. I'm not talking about legitimate protoplasm of Man Protoplasmic.

If we eliminate all cells, particles, molecules, we would find the protoplasm. "No (scientists say), we would find the skele-ton, we would find the dust of the earth!". It is that for them, that is because they do not perceive more than your five sen-ses and that's all. But the real man, the real man, one who possesses the objective reason, one that has also developed spatial sense and has access to Vertical Fourth, and Fifth, and Sixth, etc., etc., etc., undoubtedly for him is different: You can see the protoplasm, you can see the Man Protoplasmic.

When one learns to act on their own protoplasm, you can change, in fact, all molecular, cellular atomic, biological, etc. principles of his own body; that's obvious. But, unquestiona-bly, what we are saying belongs to the Pure Science; the An-tichrist will not know about these things. That is, the false Ma-terialistic science does not understand these things, because it is based solely on subjective rationalizations, and such rationa-lism, as I said, has the sole source of information, defective in-formation of the five senses.



We have other modes of perception, they are different. We ha-ve developed other cognitive abilities that allow us perfectly, see the protoplasm itself.

And I repeat: if one can manage to fund their protoplasm, when it is able to act upon it, certainly also may change, direc-tly, molecular and atomic principles ...

He has always spoken of supermen. I understand, not in the manner of a Nietzsche; no, but in the form of the self-realized creature, genuine man, in the full sense of the word. This legiti-mate Man, this true Man, this authentic man (to distinguish it from "intellectual animal", which is different), knows how to handle the protoplasm and therefore can even immortalize his physical body.

"Preposterous!" Say the Antichrist. Yes, of course, for the An-tichrist, everything that does not belong to this limited circle in which it operates, it is absurd. A wise, however large it may be, if not subjected to prejudice, rules and systems established by the Antichrist becomes an object of ridicule. But the wise is wise, although the Antichrist will laugh at that.

So, I repeat: the Antichrist is false false science and scientists of our time. But this, of course, scientists do not accept it. In-cluding the "non plus ultra", the true masters of knowledge are created, although not more than pygmies who can not see beyond their noses. But they do believe they see everything and that's his deception: they are not only deceived, but know they are deceived, and that's worse ...

So if you have to learn to manage protoplasm, we must do it intelligently. First of all, we should start by managing Intelli-gences living protoplasm. Which are? Well, the Elementals Atómics of our own body.

Unquestionably, in the waters of life, the sacred sperm, we ha-ve the famous Atomic, Molecular, own, individual Ondinas. I am not referring to the "Ondinas" lakes or rivers, but to which we in the seminal system, atomic, which are part of our own body.

In our minds we have all the "elementary air", the famous sylphs, but I'm not talking about the "sylphs" living there in the clouds, but of the Atomic sylphs. Of those that make up our own mind.



In our calories in our red blood cells in our blood, in our se-xual potential, etc., in all our energetics, we loaded the famous Atomic Salamanders, but again I say, I am not referring to the "Salamanders" Volcanoes but the atomic Salamanders, which are part of our blood, which are red blood cells, which origina-te our sexual ardor, etc., etc., etc.

Finally, in the bones, in the flesh, are the Gnomes, not those living in the bowels of the earth, but those living in the bowels of our philosophical earth (which is our body); those living in our bones: Atomic Consciences of our flesh, our cartilage ...

When you learn to manage their own atomic consciousnesses, Elementals, in fact acquires powers over the protoplasm. But one learns to master these Atomic Consciences through esote-ric discipline; That is unquestionable.

How we could dominate us, for example, a Sexual Tempest, when Ondinas Sperm own, or active secretion of sex, riots are? Only by force of will, intelligence, and with suitable exor-cisms.

How we could dominate us to the Atomic Elementals our se-xual ardor, at a given moment in our lustful storms? Well, with the help of our Divine Mother Kundalini Shakti.

How we could dominate the thoughts of lasciviousness, which constantly assail Mind? Well, simply knowing exorcise the Ato-mic Sylphs of our own thinking.

And how we could bring the body to the Will of Being? Only dominating Atomic Consciences, or Elementals Atomic meat, bones and cartilage, etc.

When one acquires power over Atomic Intelligences of his own body, as is becoming master of all those atomic Intelligen-ces living in their own body, in fact it is also acquiring powers over the protoplasm, where those atomic Intelligences deve-lop and unfold . In via the path of perfection, one can rejuvena-te yourself as the good Faustus, that of Goethe.

So, then, we must understand this: there immortal Masters, there are. In Egypt, it is said that there are two teachers whose bodies are indecipherable age (ancient religious writings men-tion). And what about the king of the north, that great Being in the northern regions? What will be the age of your physical



body? Nothing is known! ... Kuthumi, in the Himalayas, Guru-ji of the great Master Helena Petronila Blavatsky, is indeciphe-rable ages. The Count of St. Germain, who served during the XVI, XVII, XVIII and XIX in Europe, returns to Europe in 1939, and back to Tibet, was interviewed by Giovanni Papini, the "spoiled child" Vatican .. .

So we think we can all get to become genuine, legitimate, true men; we can get to know the protoplasm, that living functiona-lism of our organism, first base and which really gives rise to all life processes.

When I speak of protoplasm itself, I am not referring exclusi-vely to Vital Etheric Body; you do not, do not confuse the "Lin-ga Sarira" or vital body, the protoplasm, as the protoplasm is different. For the protoplasm, it is needed (truly) to develop certain faculties that all do not. And to develop those powers must be awakened, and we must die to awaken themselves, he-re and now.

So, with the greatest pleasure I recorded this answer to the question that has been done to me, so that everyone can recei-ve the correct information.

QUESTION: ... I have wondered many times about the "missing link" that many scientists have sought in Tibet, etc. Recently I conclude that this "link" is inter-nal el..proceso ... we used to wake up ...

Samael Aun Weor: Look, I'll tell you one awful truth: there exists between the intellectual concerns of the world, the fa-mous problem that man and monkey. Some argue that man is the "monkey", other than the "monkey" comes from the man. Occasionally stirred public opinion with the same problem, and then sleep again for many years, it is in waves. There are times when people is concerned these matters: return to the same thing, to want to know who is who and what is the link that unites man with the "monkey" with the monkey, that is the famous "link lost".

More harsh reality of the facts is that at the time of Lemuria, especially late in the season we said post Lemurian, some "in-tellectual animals" crossed with certain beasts of Nature. Cer-tain elements were crossed with male female beasts, and then turned some kind of monkeys, apes.

Then, when Atlantis was submerged between the ocean, they were cut off in some regions of the Earth certain women, which in turn also crossed with male beasts, and now, since



there was another kind of "monkey" by monkeys, apes, orangu-tans, etc.

So, the harsh reality is that kind of apes, monkeys, "monkeys", orangutans, gorillas, come from the Human Race.

If they could speak our language, all those monkeys who are locked in (Zoo) Chapultepec in Mexico, could well say: "We are the children of you, we represent you; we are the result of their barbarities, we accuse you because you gave us life ... Per-verse, vagabonds! "

But the poor things can not say that and have to stay locked in their cages, serving there crude uncomfortable testimony for the poor "intellectual animals".

So they look in vain for the link that unites man with the "mon-key" because that kind of beasts that served as a link both at the end of Lemuria, and Atlantis, and disappeared from the scene of Nature, no longer seek plus; it is better to take charge of removing what's inside of bestiality. I said!...




In this part of the compilation of Samael Aun Weor’s conferences we included those ones which were given to advanced students (DIANOIA).

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The images that accompany these texts were obtained from many sources; therefore, if someone holds the copy rights of them and wants us to stop using them, please let us know to take them out of this work.

The definitions contained in the "GLOSSARY" were ta-ken from different unrestricted Internet pages and then summarized only for the purpose of using them as general reference.

The terms "death", "revolution", "elimination” and others are part of the context of personal psychological development alluding to Gnostic knowledge and have nothing to do with politics.





❖EIKASIA: Lectures to the general public.

❖PISTIS: Talks given to students Second Chamber.

❖DIANOIA: Lectures imparted to students of third chamber.

❖NOUS: Congressional conferences, special recordings and informal talks.


The translations were made by several people, so any doubt about the contents and interpretations should be clarified at the original in Spanish, at this same inter-net page.

The themes of this collection will be published in seve-ral languages, so if you are interested in helping to translate these texts into the language of your choice, p l e a s e c o n t a c t u s t h r o u g h t h i s e m a i l : [email protected]




A Akashic Records is also known as: Chronicle Akasha, Akashic Annals, Memory of the World Memory of the Universal Mind, Cosmic Creation Records.

The Akashic records (Akasha, Sanskrit: sky, space, ether) are a kind of memory of all that has occurred since the beginning of time, in the form of files on the higher planes, also called "Memories of Nature "where they are permanently registered images or me-mories of all that has been in the physical world.

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The Eocene is the period of the Cenozoic era spanning from the end of the Paleocene (55 million years ago) to the early Oligocene (38 million years ago). Its name comes from the Greek words EOS (start, dawn) and kainos (new, modern), referring to the emergence of modern mammals that mark the beginning of this period. Its end is signa-led by a major extinction event.

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It was a Greek mathematician (ca. 325 - ca 265 BC..). It is known as the "Father of Geo-metry".

His work "The Elements" is one of the world's most famous scientific works and was given a collection of knowledge in the academic center. It is presented in a formal way, based only on five postulates, the study of the properties of lines and planes, circles and spheres, triangles and cones, etc..; ie regular shapes.

Inspired by the harmony of the presentation of Euclid, in the second century the Ptole-maic theory of the universe, according to which the Earth is the center of the universe was made.

Given that point, according to Euclid, has no size, is assigned a null or zero dimension. A line has only long so that acquires a dimension of one. One surface has no thickness, no height, so it has two dimensions: width and length. Finally, a solid body, such as a cube has three dimensions: length, width and height. Conclusion The world is three-di-mensional.

Euclidean geometry was a work that lasted unchanged for nearly two thousand years.

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Geological Eras are a definition of the stages that have been identified based on geological and fossil record of the evolution of the planet and the life it has had over time.The current science defines only four geological eras:

the Archean (4500-590), also called Pre-Cambrianthe Paleozoic Era (590-245)the Mesozoic Era (245 to 65)and Cenozoic Era (65-0) Brief overview of the geological eras:





Cambrian 590 marineinvertebratesand


505 firstjawlessfish



Ordovician 505 apogeeof



438 jawlessfish third glaciation


Silurian 438 firstfish


408 bonesandshelledanimals

Devonian 408 apogeeoffishand


360 exSncSonofmanyamphibians

Carboniferous 360 disappearanceoffish


290 jawlessandappearanceofamphibians

fourth glaciation

Permian 290 apogeeofamphibiansand


245 appearanceofrepSles

MESOZOIC Triassic 245 DiversificaSon


( 37 Mililons years)

208 ofrepSles

(repSlesEra, Jurassic 208 Apogee


( 70 Mililons years)

138 therepSles


birds) cretaceous 138 exSncSonof

( 73 Mililons years)

65 largerepSles


terSaryEra terSary 65 Paleocene(10Mililonsyears)

65-55 Birdsandmammalspredominant

( 63 Mililons years)


55-38 ariseprimates



38-25 ariseherbivores



25-5 ariseanthropoids


2 Pliocene(3Mililonsyears)

5-2 arisehominids




quaternary 2 Pleistocene(1.9Mililonsyears)




0.1 Holocene(100000years)



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An ice age is a period of long duration in which low global temperature of Earth's clima-te, resulting in an expansion of continental ice of the polar ice caps and glaciers. Glacia-tions are subdivided into glacial periods.

There have been several ice ages, the first occurred between 2400 and 2100 million years ago, with approximately 300 million years and therefore the longest of all.

The second ice age, an estimated 850 occurred 635 million years ago.

The third glaciation, corresponds to a lower number of successive glaciations that occu-rred between 460 and 430 million years ago.

The fourth glaciation had extensive glacial periods from 350 to 250 million years.

The fifth call Quaternary glaciation, glacial cycles has been more or less extended pe-riods, such periods are dated as events occurred 478.000 years ago another 190,000 and another 80.000 years ago. with durations of 100 000 and 40 000 years.

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Ernst Heinrich Philipp August Haeckel (1834-1919) was a German naturalist and philo-sopher who popularized Charles Darwin's work in Germany, creating new terms like "phylum" and "ecology".

Ernst Haeckel was a fervent evolutionist. His ideas about were collected in 1866 in his Generelle Morphologie der Organismen (general morphology of organisms), whose se-cond volume devoted to Darwin, Goethe and Lamarck. However, although Haeckel was a big proponent of the idea of natural selection, in fact ignored the role of chance in the Darwinian theory. Its evolution accepted many of the ideas of Lamarck. Radica-lly progressive, Haeckel argued that evolution was directed toward a progressive move increasingly complex living things and would have man as ultimate goal. Haeckel was also radically monistic and materialistic evolution and considered as one of the best evi-dence of this philosophy.

Haeckel was much more than Darwin, the great responsible for the integration of ana-tomy and embryology in evolutionary theory.

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Thomas Henry Huxley (1825 -1895) was a British biologist, known as "Darwin's Bull-dog" for his defense of the theory of evolution of Charles Darwin.

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In Hinduism and Jainism, one Jiva is the immortal essence or soul of a living organism (human, animal, fish or vegetable, etc.), which survives physical death. It has a very si-milar to ATMA use, but as atma refers to "the cosmic being" Jiva is used to denote a "li-ving entity" individual or living thing in particular.

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Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646 -1716) German philosopher and mathematician.

He was one of the great thinkers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, which is recognized as "The last universal genius". He made deep and important contributions in the areas of metaphysics, epistemology, logic, philosophy of religion, as well as mathematics, physics, geology, jurisprudence and history.

It occupies an equally important in the history of philosophy and the place of mathema-tics. He invented infinitesimal calculus independently of Newton, and his notation is the one used since. He also invented the binary system, foundation of virtually all mo-dern computer architectures.

Against the Cartesian physics extension, Leibniz defended physical energy, as this is what makes possible the movement. The last elements of the reality are MONADS ele-ments of a spiritual nature, capable of perception and activity, which can range from simple to complex, have multiple attributes; each receives its active and cognitive God, who in the act of creation established harmony between all monads beginning.

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The Mesozoic, or Secondary Era Mesozoic era is called because it lies between the other two eras: the Paleozoic Era and the Cenozoic Era. The name comes from the Greek meaning meso "between" and zoon which means "animal".

The Mesozoic or Secondary is characterized as the most flourishing of reptiles in all its variety of forms. Arise early mammals and birds.

Life in the Mesozoic was a period in the history of the Earth 190 million years, which began 255 million years ago and ended 65 million years ago.

It is divided into Triácico, Jurácico and Cretaceous.

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The Miocene is the time interval ranging from 25 to 5 million years, is among the Oligo-cene and Pliocene.

It is part of the Tertiary Period of the Cenozoic Era.

In the mid-70s it was common to refer to three stages Miocene:

Miocene: 25 to 16 million years,

Middle Miocene: 16 to 11 million years and

Miocene: 11 to 5 million years.

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It refers to each of the indivisible substances of different nature, of will endowment, that make up the universe, according to the German philosopher Leibniz, who claimed: "monads are spiritual entities"

In Greek philosophy is a term that means "unity", used in different ways by ancient phi-losophers from the Pythagoreans Plato, Aristotle and Plotinus to signify a variety of en-tities, from a basic unit to God. Generally refers to the divine spirits in different catego-ries.

In Gnosticism the Monad is the most basic aspect of God, ie the spirit immanent in every being. By extension in humans, refers to that from which originates the human soul, the "Father in secret," the God Within, the Innermost. So makes sure that every human being has their real self deep inside and that there are "many parents in hea-ven, like men on earth."

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The Paleolithic ancient stone etymologically means, as opposed to modern Neolithic or Stone Age.

It is not about a geological period, but a cultural definition. It is a period that extends from about 2.85 million years ago until about 12,000 years ago and is, together with the Mesolithic and Neolithic, the so-called Stone Age, so called because the deve-lopment of stone tools has served archaeologists to characterize it, as opposed to the back Age of Metals.

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The Pleiades (which means "doves" in the sense of "flock of doves" and by extension "navigators"), also known as the Seven Sisters or Pleiades is a cluster of stars visible to the naked eye in the night sky, located on one side of the constellation Taurus. The Pleiades are situated at a distance of 440 light years from Earth and are contained in a space of thirty light years.

They occupy a link for first place in major mythologies of antiquity and in the ufology esotericism and ensures that system are located suns orbiting Alcyone, the largest and brightest star group.

The Pleiades form a system of which our sun is a part, as well as some other suns, all with their own planetary systems. Our Sun is part of the Pleiades system and the Sun takes 24,000 years to complete one orbit around Alcyone, being the eighth star of that system.

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The Pliocene is the interval of time ranging from 5 to 2 million years, is between the Miocene and Pleistocene.

It is part of the Tertiary Period of the Cenozoic Era.

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The world's axis is the imaginary line around which Earth spins on its rotational move-ment. The ends of this axis are the North and South geographic poles. It is common knowledge that this axis is tilted relative to the plane of Earth's orbit, and this inclina-tion is responsible for the stations on Earth.

The tilt of the Earth on the plane of its orbit, is also called obliquity of the ecliptic.

 The land is giving "little nods" while spinning like a top. It has been found that the obli-quity of the ecliptic is slightly variable due to oscillation of the rotation of the Earth through its axis, by the presence of the moon, this oscillatory motion is called nutation and has a period of almost 19 years.

 In addition, in the motion of the Earth around the Sun, the extension of the axis of the world to the celestial sphere is not always directed at the same point in the sky. Today it is doing to the polar star but this point varies gradually so that goes in a circle. al-most 26,000 years are required for this circle is complete. This movement takes the Earth's axis with a period of 25,800 years is called precession.

There is no consensus on the causes of ice ages only known that several factors are im-portant in form and origin: the composition of the atmosphere; changes in Earth's or-bit around the Sun, called Milankovitch cycles; and possibly the Sun's orbit around its gravitational center.

 The geological history of the planet reveals that this whole complicated pattern of mo-vement is not fixed in their benchmarks, but has had changes of various kinds.


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Sirius is the proper name of the star Alpha Canis Maioris, the brightest of the entire night sky as seen from Earth.

This remarkable star, which is actually a binary star, is well known since antiquity; for example, in ancient Egypt was known as Sothis or Sethis, and has been present in such diverse civilizations as the Sumerian, Greek, Mayan and Polynesia.

Sirius A is twice the size of the Sun and Sirius B is the same size of land but was catego-rized as "white dwarf" for its low brightness and have the same mass of the sun.

In Sumeria, Sirius had central roles in religion. As a reference star for the calendar, with the name "Sky Arrow" Sirius was considered a principal deity.

Among the Greeks came to be relevant in relation to agriculture and cycles of nature.

Among the Maya the Tzolkin "count the days" is the name given to the sacred cycle of 260 days, consisting of twenty trecenas (or thirteen scores) used in pre-Columbian and equivalent Mesoamerica Aztec Tonalpohualli and was based on cycles sun the Moon and the star Sirius.

The influential philosopher Immanuel Kant reflected on Sirius and came to ensure that was the center of gravity of the universe around which rotate other celestial objects.

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