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The Gnostic Jesus

Apr 14, 2018



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  • 7/27/2019 The Gnostic Jesus


    TheGnosticJesus, a Gnostic Christianity

    Eccl 3:15 That which is has already been, and what is to be has already been; and God

    requires an account of what is past

    History has a funny way of repeating itself. As Christianity first began to grow, spiritualcompetition began to surface. As Paul, and the other apostles labored to build up the

    house of God which was to be the pillar and ground of the truth, the enemy also labored

    and bore the first competitor to the Church, Gnosticism. This was the first heresy that thechurch had to contend against.

    The old saying what crawls in one generation walks in the next. What we have emerging

    and synthesizing within the Church today is no different than before. Those who do not

    study history are doomed to repeat its mistakes. Its unfortunate that little attention isgiven to the early Church after the apostles. It was at this time that the challenges came

    into the body that prompted the church to explain its faith. As it was so it is again,

    Gnosticism has arisen in various ways to challenge us and the revealed Word of God andit is still alive and well in the year 2002. The person of Christ, the true Christian Gospel is

    again finding itself being distorted in the hands of those who think they have a greater


    The original Gnosticism that predated Christianity was a philosophical system built onGreek philosophy that taught matter was evil and the Spirit was good. According to the

    Gnostic world- view, the created order was evil, inferior, and opposed to the good. God

    created the first order, but each successive order was the work of anti-gods, archons, or a

    demiurges (a subordinate deity). These spheres are ruled by archons who guard theirspheres by barring the souls who are seeking to ascend from the realm of darkness and

    captivity which is below, to the realm of light which is above. This was done by spiritualknowledge or experience, we identify it today as enlightenment.

    They taught a docetism which promoted a clear separation between the material and

    spiritual world. Some of the Christian Gnostics said since matter was evil God could not

    really incarnate in a human body He was not subject to any human experiences or

    feelings. The Christian form of docetism taught that Jesus body was not a real body, wasreally a (spirit) phantom. he only appearedin human form and only appearedto suffer, it

    was an illusion. Thus Jesus could be a pure spiritual being in the midst of an evil world

    and not be contaminated by it. Jesus only appearedto have flesh which denied hisgenuine humanity. They believed if Christ suffered he could not be divine, (this was an

    integral part of Gnosticism) because God cannot suffer. Instead the Bible says that Goddescended into sinful matter and took on human flesh, it was real, this they could notbelieve. You can see this error in the cults today when they refuse to believe the Bible

    teaches God became a man. And that the resurrection was a spirit body and not the flesh.

    The Bible teaches that the body that emerged from the tomb Sunday morning was the

    exact same body that went into the tomb except it was glorified.

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    The Bible term en sarki in flesh (2 Tim. 3:16) and became flesh (Jn 1:14), means Jesus is

    of a complete human nature, 100% humanity. 1 Jn.1:1-4. 1 John 4:2 says, that every

    spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God. John is writingafter the resurrection, he uses theperfect tense in the Greek language that denotes a past

    action with continuing results into the future. Jesus came in the flesh, He rose in the flesh

    and is still in the flesh. Verse 3 then states, that every spirit that does not confess thatJesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. Those who deny that Jesus came in the

    flesh are of the anti-Christ spirit. This is one of the ways to discern a false teacher from a

    true one. But there are many other tests needed to be applied.

    If Jesus Christ is not presently in a flesh body in heaven then the integrity of Hisincarnation has been deprived. Then one would have to concede that he is no longer

    incarnate and he has no flesh today, we would then have no true resurrection, no mediator

    or high priest. This would mean that 1 Tim. 2:5 is not true there is one mediator betweenGod and man, the MAN Christ Jesus..

    When you have someone deny this doctrine indirectly such as Creflo Dollar or KennethCopeland who says Adam in the Garden of Eden was God manifested in the flesh

    (Following the faith of Abraham #01-3001 Audio side 1). Or the Mormon BrighamYoung who says Adam is our father and God. (Brigham Young,Deseret News,

    6/16/1873). It is denying Christ was the only God in the flesh, substituting another

    creature. This is the denial that John addresses every spirit that does not confess thatJesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God for it is an exclusive statement to mean

    Him alone as the only human who is also God. (Christ having two natures 100% God and

    100% man ). You dont have to deny it directly, but can take away from this one time

    incarnation by adding another.

    Then there were others who denied he rose physically like the Jehovahs Witnesses dotoday, or the Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research. They claim he rose as a spirit no

    longer needing his body.

    Biblically He as God came in the flesh and rose in the same flesh, yet it was transformedto an eternal flesh body, not a spirit one leaving the flesh behind.

    The early church was adamant on this. Justin Martyr (A.D. 100-165) said plainly: The

    resurrection is a resurrection of the flesh which dies. As for those who maintain that

    even Jesus Himself appeared only as spiritual, and not in flesh, but presented merely theappearance of flesh: these persons seek to rob the flesh of the promise. Justin even

    insisted that Christ's ascension shows that it is possible for flesh to ascend into heaven.

    This means that this would include the rapture of which many cults deny. Tertulliandeclared the resurrection of the flesh to be the church's rule of faith, saying it was

    taught by Christ and only denied by heretics. In Against all Heresies Chapt.4. Cerdo,

    Marcion, Lugan, Apelles It states A resurrection of the soul merely does he approve,denying that of the body. He reinstated in heaven His spirit only. This man denies the

    resurrection of the flesh.

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    Gnosticism is a Greek term which relates to a special kind of privileged knowledge that is

    not common to all but to chosen ones. A Gnostic is a `knowing one'. (Gnosis means to

    know, we are familiar with the word agnostic - one who claims not to know). TheGnostics supposedly had knowledge of God that was exclusive, that another did not have.

    They considered themselves superior to the average Christian. The Gnostics taught that

    man is composed of body, soul, and spirit. The body and the soul are man's earthlyexistence, and evil. Enclosed in the soul, is the spirit a divine substance of man. This

    spirit is asleep and ignorant; it needs to be awakened and liberated by this special

    knowledge. (This teaching is also found in Caballa.) To the early Christian Gnosticsalvation came by knowledge and experience, not by the Word of God. Those who did

    not have this knowledge were associated with ignorance. It was through esoteric truth

    they received direct revelation from the Spirit which was more important than the Word.

    Instead real spirituality according to the Bible promotes humility rather than pride.

    The Christians had the Scriptures. But Knowing God through a a written book was

    considered Head knowledge and insufficient for a spiritual life. The Gnostics offered

    experiential knowledge, the deeper things that came from the spirit.

    Pastor Bill Randles in his book Mending the nets puts it this way, The Gnostics wereimpatient with the standard Christian teaching regarding the knowledge of God. It was

    just too simple and pedestrian. Good enough for uneducated peasants, slaves, and the

    disenfranchised people who made up the bulk of the Christian converts in the firstcentury (see 1 Cor. 1:25-26), but orthodox Christianity was far too plain for converted

    philosophers and intellectuals!

    Think of it this way. Do you know God? How do you know Him? Have you ever seen

    Him? Have you ever heard His audible voice? Have you gotten beyond the Scriptures

    into a deeper intimacy with God, or are you still on the level of mere head knowledge?You say you love Jesus, but have you ever seen Him? Are you still waiting for Him to

    come and rescue you in some kind of an escape plan? (Pastor Bill Randles,Mending the

    Nets p. 9)

    So what does this have to do with today, you may ask? Everything. The New Age

    movement which is Gnostic in its origin and mystical in its practice, has had a

    tremendous influence on the world and even the church. Its a blend of many esotericmethods to discover truth and live a freestyle spirituality. But it also has its presence in

    the Church and many are completely unaware what kind of Christianity they are

    practicing. They need the tools to distinguish and identify it.

    But the Church has never been an island by itself on this counterfeit spirituality. It hastoday, as it once did, come inside the Church. There are numerous epistles that address

    this ancient heresy that is now having a revival.

    Writers of the New Testament condemned many of the Gnostic teachings. There are

    numerous epistles that address this ancient heresy that is now having a revival. Paulemphasized a wisdom and knowledge that comes from God and does not concern itself

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    with idle speculations, angelic visitations, fables, and a amoral lifestyle (Col. 2:8-23; 1

    Tim. 1:4; 2 Tim. 2:16-19; Titus 1:10-16). Paul addresses the Gnostic influences in

    portions of Colossians as a direct threat to Christ being our salvation and His beingsufficient in all things. To overcome the indulgences of the flesh The Colossian Heresy

    taught a false philosophy, which denied the all-sufficiency and pre-eminence of Jesus

    Christ (Col. 2:8). When he wrote that in him dwells All the fullness of the deity bodilyit was a rebuttal against the Gnostics.

    Ethical behavior among the Gnostics were on two ends of the spectrum. Some tried to

    separate themselves from all earthly evil in order to avoid contamination, other Gnostics

    were libertians. The spiritual knowledge meant having the freedom to participate in allsorts of indulgences. Since they had received divine knowledge and were enlightened, it

    didn't matter how they lived in the body.

    In its place they promoted Judaic Ceremonialism, attached special significance to the rite

    of circumcision, with the observance of special days (Col. 2:16-17). Asceticism which

    called for harsh treatment of the body to control its passions (Col. 2:20-23). 1 Tim.4:1-5the forbidding of meats and marriage was even then found in early Gnosticism in their

    ascetic practices to purify the body. The denial of the flesh went to extremes. Theteaching of demons was developing as well as spirits masquerading as the spirit of truth

    communicated to man by offering him superior knowledge beyond the Scriptures. This

    can be easily recognized in the new age movement under its practice of channeling or theold fashion sances. But can we recognize it when it takes place in the church?

    The apostle Paul explains they had revelation from angels (messengers) and they even

    went to the extreme and worshipped them (Col. 2:18), as they took delight in things they

    had not seen through vain imaginations, receiving visions that taught them. The Gnostic

    Carpocrates taught ...At every sinful and infamous deed an angel is present, and he whocommits it ...addresses him by his name and says, `O thou angel, I use thy work! O thou

    Power of such and such, I perform thy deed!' And this is the perfect knowledge, unafraidto stray into such actions whose very names are unmentionable. (Quoted in Spirit Wars

    p.174 Peter Jones)

    Stories of angelic revelation that counter the word of God makes up a major portion of

    new revelation today. When Duplantis went to heaven by an angel he describes seeingthe Father and Jesus I asked that angel, now, you know, kind of a dumb question. I said,

    Where's the Holy Spirit? The angel tells him hes on earth.

    Today people have angels appear and give numerous messages about peoples future, their

    ministry even about their city.

    We can hear similarities of the early Gnostic pursuits as certain men teach what will be inthe future.

    In 1987, Jesus promised dramatic angel manifestations were going to increase in the

    church to Kenneth Copeland and that many will have visitations from the spirit realm.

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    Jesus also told Copeland A time is coming when there will be manifestation of angels

    more than usual, more than there has been in the past. Many of you are going to witness

    for yourselves the angel that has been put in charge and in command of your ministry andyour life. Many of you are going to have visitations from the spirit realm. Many of you

    will have divinely appointed visions and dreams... Suddenly, you will be standing in that

    [spiritual] country, and suddenly you'll deliver a message and then suddenly you'll bebrought back in your kitchen again. Oh, I have some outstanding things, saith the Lord.

    Kenneth Copeland, (Take Time to Pray, Believers Voice of Victory, February 1987, p.


    Rick Joyner states Angelic appearances will be common to the saints and a visible gloryof the Lord will appear upon some for extended periods of time as power flows through

    them (Rick Joyner, The Harvest, 128-129).

    Benny Hinn says a similar thing, The angels of heaven are about to appear in visible

    formthe angels of the Lord are about to invade planet earth and come to your house

    and literally open the prison doors like they did with Peter. (Benny Hinn HonoluluBlaisdell, Jan.21, 1999).

    All this detracts from the uniqueness and sufficiency of Christ (Col. 2:18), as it shifts the

    focus off of Christ onto other experiences and other beings. Pauls solution was Let theWord of Christ dwell in you richly the word is the revelation of Him who is our

    sufficiency, and the Holy Spirit accompanies the Word He wrote. It is Gods word that

    we are to know this is where the power of the Spirit is. There is not need to anticipateencountering angels when we are focused on Christ, especially receiving power or

    revelation from them.

    In Johns gospel and in his epistles, he countered heretical teaching that also includedGnosticism. John concentrates on it the most in his Gospel-- that God actually didbecome flesh. Every second letter in the Scripture is to counter a false teaching that has

    crept in and challenged what was already taught, so it was necessary to write another

    letter. I John directly confronts the Gnostic influence.

    This became a serious issue even after the apostles, as we read numerous refutations ofthe Gnostics by the early church fathers that were theologians and apologists. Some of

    the more important ones are Irenaeus,Against Heresies; Hippolytus,Refutations of All

    Heresies; Epiphanius, Panarion; and Tertullian,Against Marcion. Irenaeus (A.D. 130-200), who had firsthand experience of Gnostic teaching, called those who blaspheme the

    Creator agents of Satan( Irenaeus, Against Heresies 5.26.2). Hippolytus, in a graphic

    description of certain Gnostics who called themselves the Naasenes (from the Hebrewnahas, snake) or Ophites (from the Greek ophis, snake), who were worshipers of the

    serpent. Because they received secret knowledge as the serpent offered to them what he

    offered Eve in Genesis. Much like the Mormon church teaches today, that the Serpentmaking man fall gave him the opportunity to be a god.

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    Iraneaus took the time to research and read their writings and spoke with them became

    their greatest opponent debating them. He wrote, These men falsify the oracles of God

    and prove themselves evil interpreters of the good word of revelation. They alsooverthrow the faith of many, by drawing them away, under a pretense of [superior]

    knowledge, from Him who rounded and adorned the universe; as if, forsooth, They had

    something more excellent and sublime to reveal, than that God who created the heavenand the earth, and all things that are therein (Iranaeus,Against Heresies, Book 1).

    This certainly can fit into the genre' of today's Christianity. The Gnostics thought that one

    must directly experience the spirit to learn the truth, this being apart from the word.

    Stepping over into the supernatural, experience becomes the teacher and gives them realknowledge. What was and is now being taught is spirit to spirit communication that is

    completely outside the Biblical revelation given by the apostles.

    There were many facets to Gnosticism and we can find its echoing sound inside the

    churches walls even today.

    The Gnostics did not employ the mind. In a video from May 1994, Rodney Howard-

    Browne laid hands on a woman and encouraged her to Step over, step over, step over,

    step over into the realm of the supernatural. Step over out of the realm of reason into the

    realm of glory. Another time he said, (get out of your minds step over into the realm ofthe spirit of God.) This is an encouragement of Gnosticism. Who would encourage a

    person not to think analytically? When you hear to put your mind on hold; ignore reason;

    step over into some kind of supernatural realm it is promoting mysticism, and contradictseverything Scripture teaches about true spiritual knowledge and discernment. We cannot

    learn Gods truth without using our mind. We are one unit this is why we are told to love

    and worship with all our heart, strength, mind and soul.

    Where can we identify its practices inside the church today? This Gnostic Jesus waspoured out in the new wine by Rodney Browne who began to rise to prominence in the

    early 90s, Benny Hinn inaugurated him at one of his meetings telling him to release the

    anointing of laughter on the people. (the laughter anointing just occurred at Hinn'smeeting in Hawaii Jan.11 2002)

    For a Gnostic to ascend to commune with the perfect invisible God. Bordering on the

    macabre the master would lead the disciple in a prayer-chant of long vowel sounds and

    nonsense words: Zoxathazo a oo ee o0o eee o00o ee 00000000000 00000 uuuuu000000000000 000 (p.33 Gnostic Empire Strikes Back, Peter Jones).

    The Gospel of the Egyptians, has the imperishable name: Ie ieus eo ou eo oua! Really

    truly, O Yessus Mazareus Yessedekeus, O living water, O child of the child, O glorious

    name, really, truly, aion o on, iiii eeee eeee oo oo uuuu oooo asaa {a}, really, truly, eiaasa oooo, O existing one who sees the aeons! Really, truly, aee eee iiii uuuuuu ooooooo,

    who is eternally eternal, really, truly, iea aio, in the heart, who exists, a aei eis aei, ei o ei,

    eo os ei . . . Thou art what Thou art, Thou art who Thou art! (Nag Hammadi Library,204).

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    In the Kabbala unveiled is a chart with 72 names of angels angel 12 is hho angel 26 Haa

    angel 71 Hil --when the name of these deities are combined with the tettragrammaton in

    the 4 worlds of the Kabbala. Angel 41 haha angel 62 yaha angel 71 haiai. And when thename of these are spoken they sound very similar to what was going on in Rodney

    Browne's services as he preps people to laugh and has them drink in the new wine.

    Browne's chant Fill, ho ho hehe fill... haha haha hehe fil ho ho fill heha fill huho fillhahha fill hehe hahahaho. (ad infinitum) Whether he is aware of this is unknownl, but it

    does bring the results desired.

    It was this mantra that many learned to repeat in these meetings that made them

    incoherent intoxicated from the new wine. The body heat would increase paralysis wouldset in much like one experiences in Kundalini yoga. Even in Kundalini yoga the fifth

    located in the throat has a sound vibration of HA (Bernaed Gunther Energy Ecstasy p.22)

    The guru can touch chakra points on the forehead and the stomach to pass along thepower to the recipient. Is this all coincidence or are there real powers working through all

    this? They certainly have been with the gurus and others into other religions and spiritual


    The Gnostics used allegorical interpretations, spiritualizing literal meanings in theScripture. There was an inner and an outer meaning to the Scripture (such as

    Rosicrucian's, and Masonry practice). Literal method of interpretation was abandoned

    and in its place was hearing and interacting with the Spirit alone. They received directrevelation from the Spirit which was supposed to be superior to the Word.

    Spirits masquerade as God or Jesus all the time. A Voice that was supposed to be Jesus

    spoke to Dr. Helen Schucman, a Jewish atheist and psychologist in 1965 in A Course in

    Miracles, that is an illusion, and sin is the illusion that separates us from our own innate

    divinity, our own godhood. This voice said to Forget your dreams of sin and guilt andcome with me, the denial of the Cross is evident if there is no sin, Jesus Christ as Savior

    becomes meaningless. Echoing the Gnostics her Jesus declares, It is impossible to killthe Son of God.

    This spiritual knowledge was revelation that brought salvation to the Gnostics. K.

    Copeland states The Spirit of God spoke to me and He said, Son, realize this. Now

    follow me in this and don't let your tradition trip you up.' He said, 'Think this way--atwice-born man whipped Satan in his own domain.' And I threw my Bible

    that. I said, 'What?' He said, 'A born-again man defeated Satan, the firstborn of many

    brethren defeated him.' He said, 'You are the very image, the very copy of that one.' I

    said, 'Goodness, gracious sakes alive!' And I began to see what had gone on in there, andI said, 'Well now you don't mean, you couldn't dare mean, that I could have done the

    same thing?' He said, 'Oh yeah, if you'd had the knowledge of the Word of God that He

    did, you could've done the same thing, cause you're a reborn man too. (K. Copeland,Substitution and Identification, K. Copeland Ministries, 1989, audiotape #00- 0202, Side


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    Notice God is saying if you had the same knowledge you could have defeated Satan in

    hell. It wasnt that Jesus was the chosen one, the Christ, but that we all are what he is, we

    just need this knowledge and we can do all that he can. This was exactly what theGnostics taught in the early church.

    Benny Hinn who is the ultimate example of Gnosticism with a Christian coveringexplains his new revelation knowledge on the rebirth of Christ in hell: My, you

    know, whoosh! The Holy Ghost is just showing me some stuff. Im getting dizzy! Imtelling you the truth-its, its just heavy right now on meHes [referring to Jesus] in the

    underworld now. God isnt there, the Holy Ghost isnt there, and the Bible says He was

    begotten. Do you know what the word begotten means? It means reborn. Do you wantanother shocker? Have you been begotten? So was He. Dont let anyone deceive you.

    Jesus was reborn. You say, What are you talking about? He was reborn. He had to be

    reborn, If He was not reborn, I could not be reborn, Jesus was born again. (Benny Hinn,Our Position In Christ, Part 1, Orlando Christian Center, FL. 1991), videotape #TV-


    Notice he says don't let anyone deceive you, insinuating this is absolute truth. Jesus was

    reborn just as we were. This is crucial, was Jesus reborn when only sinners need to bereborn again. Because ones spirit that is dead to God and they have no relationship with

    him there is the necessity to have the new birth. There are literally hundreds of examples

    such as this one in Hinns ministry. Hinn's ministry is operational by Gnostic typerevelations of God said, the spirit showed me.

    In a similar fashion to the word faith teaching the Gospel of Thomas, begins by saying:

    These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus spoke and which Didymos Judas

    Thomas wrote down . . . Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not

    experience death." In other words if you really know these words, then no sickness ordeath will befall you. This extreme can be found in the latter rain teachings as some have

    taught they will become immortal

    Today we have a new gnostic awakening that is taking place all over the ChristianChurch!! It is being called various names such as revival, renewal, even

    transformation, the power of God but it is far removed Scripture and no different

    than the Gnostic doctrine once practiced early on. We need to comprehend the extent ofthis gnostic influence today: Seeing it for what it is will help you withstand the deception

    that is now taking place. But you must see it for what it is or you will be carried away by

    it. I do not see any more middle ground on this issue, it will increase even more.

    In the Gnostic view of spirituality has man ascending to different levels, which it fostereda spiritual superiority through receiving visions, revelations, communications with

    angels, insight by God speaking directly and giving unknown doctrines; regularly in long

    conversations with its participants and giving doctrines that are not found in theScripture.

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    We have heard the argument that the man with an experience is never at the mercy of a

    man with an argument This is what we are confronted in Mormonism, no matter what

    objective proof is shown to a Mormon, they rely on their subjective burning in thebosom experience and ignore what the Bible states as objective truth. Beliefs and

    systems of thought came from personal experience but this does not mean they are from

    God or of the truth.

    For those who have begun to practice their Christianity like this, it becomes very difficultto make sense to them why it is wrong. Because they cannot understand the truth from

    the word, they are unable, incapable to read or hear the word in its correct interpretation,

    its always outside the Biblical context and meaning. It means only what they want it tomean and that is subject to change at their own whim. Instead they have trained

    themselves to look to an experience and feelings to validate what they perceive as the

    truth. They can no longer follow logic through to its conclusion because they are notintellectually attentive, and the words that we are familiar with do not mean the same

    thing to them.

    Today we are told that we are going into higher levels by numerous movers and shakers

    of the new wave of the spirit: having Christ and his spirit is not enough one must comeinto greater experiences of the spirit to be with what is happening in the new thing.

    Normal worship is not enough, there must be power to shake the heavenlies and destroy

    Satan's strongholds. We must come to a new level to have power to do signs andwonders. This is Gnostic talk. Levels were never associated with Christianity but they

    were of Gnosticism. There is no one who has these levels incorporated into their

    theological position than Rick Joyner who speaks of levels of anointing. He believes the

    church is moving into a new level. he explains, There will be a. special anointingpresent for commissioning, confirming commission, imparting spiritual gifts, and stirring

    up again spiritual gift that have been dormant for a time, 'There will be a specialanointing released for mobilizing the army of the Lord. and 'There will be animpartation of strategic vision ... to boldly march against the greatest strongholds of our

    time ... This army of which Joel speaks is about to be revealed ... They will take cities.

    They will burst through the enemy's strongholds and take houses (families). The veryheavens and the earth are about to shake because of this great army ... the time has

    come. (The Morning Star, Prophetic Bulletin, August 1994)

    In his the book the Final Quest which is all about his vision Joyner describes himself

    ascending the multilevel Holy Mountain, above lower levels' of truth with which otherChristians are content with such as Salvation, Sanctification, Prayer, Faith, etc.

    these are the lower levels. As he climbs, the mountain he learns new truths, gets new

    weapons and is at a greater vantage point to kill the Vultures and other demonic creaturesthat are coming after him.

    He even meets an angel called WISDOM, who teaches him to rise to the third heaven and

    this angel we later find is Jesus.

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    Wisdom which is Sophia the Greek word for wisdom was adored by some, and the

    church of Santa Sophia (Holy Wisdom) was built in Constantinople in the 6th century.

    Remembering that the Gnostic ascent is to discover the Christ-spirit within, read thisquote from the book the Vision. Where wisdom tell Rick Joyner You are still lacking

    something very important. You must yet have a great revelation of the King. Even thoughyou have climbed to the top of the mountain, and received from every truth along the

    way, and even though you have stood in the Garden of God, tasted of His unconditionallove, and have seen His Son many times now, you still only understand a part of the

    whole counsel of God, and that only superficially.

    The Lord dwells within you. You have taught this many times, but now you must live it,for you have eaten of the Tree of Life. The angel then began to lead me back to the gate

    [out of the Garden of Paradise]. I protested that I did not want to leave. Looking

    surprised, the angel took me by the shoulders and looked me in the eyes. That is when I

    recognized him as the angel, Wisdom. You never have to leave this garden. This garden

    is in your heart because the Creator Himself is within you.

    On p.43 I then looked past him to the Tree of Life. I had a compulsion to grab all of the

    fruit that I could before leaving. Knowing my thoughts, Wisdom gently shook me. No.

    Even this fruit, gathered in fear, would go bad. This fruit and this tree are within youbecause He is in you. You must believe.

    Yet the Word of God tells us another story. It says that, with the Holy Spirit as our Guide

    not an angel who reveals secrets we can know what God has revealed through His Word.We do not need to discover inner wisdom by some esoteric route. Climbing up levels of

    knowledge to have greater revelations. So what are we to make of all this?

    In the Gnostic Empire Strikes back by Peter Jones a Christian refuting the Gnostic

    teaching he says this experience is the way to perfection and knowledge. Gnosticbelievers are saved when they realize who they are-a part of the divine; possessing

    within themselves the kingdom; capable of anything; and untrammeled by human

    traditions, creational structures, or divine laws. p.26.

    Theosophist and Anti Christian Joseph Campbell, in The Power of Myth, explains theascension to mean that Christ has gone inward . . . to the kingdom of heaven within.

    (Douglas R. Groothuis, The Shamanized Jesus, Christianity Today, April 29, 1991, 20.)

    There is a fine line between the truth and error in all this. If truth is to be found within, itcan be found anywhere, so long as it agrees with the subjective experience of a Gnostic.

    Irenaeus observed: they adduce an untold multitude of apocryphal and spurious writings,which they have composed.

    Some of the Gnostic documents are Letter to Rheginus, Treatise on the Three Natures,

    Apocalypse of Adam, the Gospel of Matthias, Acts of Peter, and Acts of Thomas. The

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    Apocryphon of James, The Acts of Peter, the twelve apostles, the treatise on the

    resurrection, three editions of the Apocryphon of John with the creation story

    reinterpreted. In the early church there were so-called infancy gospels that were written tofill in the details of the early unrecorded years of the life of Christ. The Birth of Mary,

    a work written in the middle of the second century; The Protoevangelium of James,

    written about the same time; the first Gospel of Infancy, composed about A.D. 400;which narrates the birth of Mary to innocents. Theses were stories circulating at the

    beginning of the second century all the way through the fifth century. These works

    include stories of Jesus forming clay figures of animals and birds which He makes walk,fly, and eat. Another account has a child who runs into Jesus falls down dead. These

    examples and representative of the fanciful nature of the accounts. It has been proven that

    Muslims have taken these stories from these apocryphal writings.

    It was the apostle Paul who warned in Galatians chapter 1 if we or angel from heavenbrings any other gospel, they are accursed. Notice that he includes he himself among the

    we as the apostles, making the point that anyone can find themselves removed from the

    truth if they do not hold fast to the truth. They, the apostles held themselves to a higherstandard. So even a witness of Christ in the early church can be subject to this.

    There were three categories of writings in the early centuries the Greek words were

    Homologumena, Antilogumena, Notha.

    Homologumena = all books accepted by the entire church east and west.

    Antilogumena= books accepted by some of the church these were disputed books becausethey were not familiar with them, but they were accepted later.

    Notha= writings claiming inspiration but were false. There were false books circulatingby authors who claimed to be an apostle or penned an apostles name to them. Many of

    them were Gnostics, they were considered false because it contradicted the writingspreviously delivered. They as the church had to make judgments on so-called writings.

    Today its no different we have to make judgments; except these are in books, tapes,

    videos and crusades. All these are to be compared to what is already delivered.

    We're to discern and recognize who are true teachers and false teachers ... Believers are touse discernment -its a command and if you are not looking to discern, your being

    disobedient. We dont make a judgment on the power or experiences they give, but by

    what they teach.

    Gnosticism is even found in prophecy where one can hear a voice that can be inaccurate.The reason is because we must move up to a purer level.There is a prophet named Bob

    Jones who was told that the general level of prophetic revelation in the church was about

    65% accurate at this time. Some are only about 10% accurate, a very few of the mostmature prophets are approaching 85% to 95% accuracy. Prophecy is increasing in purity,

    but there is a still a long way to go for those who walk in this ministry. (The Prophetic

    Ministry, Rick Joyner- Morningstar Prophetic Newsletter. Vol. 3, No. 2, p. 2). Is the

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    church is too immature to bear 100% accuracy in the prophetic ministry at this time? I

    wonder how they handled this in the Old Testament times if they did not have to be 100%

    accurate? God has not changed his standard for truth has He? The Old Testament tells usif someone prophecies wrong even once we are told by God not to listen to them.

    Unfortunately people listen to them and not to God.

    All these Gnostic concepts are coming in by those who call themselves new prophets and

    apostles, they are the modern Gnostics in the church.

    Copeland recently in word faith church here in Hawaii addressed Islam and Sept.11, 2002

    and said something outrageous even for those who follow his new revelation. Consider

    this statement, But There are going to be multiplied millions upon millions theres goingto be close to a billion people that have been trapped in that religion, that over the next

    few months are gonna to come into the kingdom of God. Thats gonna happen, you watch

    and see what Im telling you (cheering) (Word of Life Christian Center Honolulu

    Hawaii, dedication celebration service, evening service, Dec.2, 2001.) This is just plain

    negligent to say, its a false hope based on his imagination. Now it has already been a 2months lets give him 1 more to see how accurate he is. But I want us to consider how he

    arrived at this. He heard a voice?

    Benny Hinn has recently said that Government of Iran will topple soon, well theresprobably no guesswork on that possibly happening, considering how unstable it has been.

    But he then goes on to say that God told him that the Muslims in Iran Iraq, and Saudi

    Arabia will mostly become Christians and he said it is happening already. I beg to differ,Im hearing more people are becoming Muslim sympathizing for them, this I hear from

    honest pastors they have lost numerous members to Islam since Sept.11th.

    Paul says in Col.3:16 to let the word of Christ dwell in you richly He makes us wise towhat is written not beyond it. This why Paul gives the warning in 1 Cor. 4:6 that youmay learn in us not to think beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up on

    behalf of one against the other. This means No new revelations for doctrine. But these

    men and many others are all about revelation. God supposedly spoke to them, yet BennyHinn can actually say to those who follow him that God doesnt speak to us by voices

    we hear, he speaks to us by His word (Blasdell Honolulu Jan.10, 2002) How can he say

    this when his whole ministry is built upon things God spoke to him outside of theScripture? Because those who are under his spell do not pay attention, they dont care if

    what he says counters the word of God, because they are not familiar enough with the

    Word of God to discern wheat from chaff. This also includes so called pastors.

    Some other examples of modern Gnostics, D. G. S. Dhinakaran an Indian evangelist ofJesus Callsministry travels into the spirit world regularly, and describes many spiritual

    realities, which are recorded in his book, (not the Bible). Sometimes I have seen Jesus

    discussing the events that are happening in this world with His apostles in heaven. OnBenny Hinns program he explained how he spoke to Paul, Peter and the God the Father

    in heaven (where else would this be accepted.)

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    From this experience he is now able to say that God does not do anything in this world

    without informing His prophets. He uses His chosen people like me to announce His acts

    to the people. When someone puts themselves in the place of authority like this, it is thedoctrine that is spoken of in revelation --the Nicolaitans, that can control people by what

    they say. People who spiritually live by their dreams and visions are mystics, Gnostics.

    This breeds a superior spirituality, when real spirituality makes one humble and willing tolift up others. This false spirituality makes one think they are never spiritual enough until

    they have the same experience.

    Consider Jesse Duplantis who went to heaven among the many things he sees is God's

    finger barely move and an angel that was flying near Him was thrown up against a wall.His heaven was missing the Holy Spirit because He is secluded on earth. He sees little

    babies wearing nightgowns singing and flying around God's Throne that look like they

    came out of the breath of God. He believes they were new souls who came from thethoughts of God. And hears them saying to God, Can I be a spirit? Would you send me

    to the earth so I can be a spirit? I want to be a redeemed person. Can I be a spirit?

    (Heaven Close encounters of the God kindp.119). So we have Babies who are not spiritsyet talking and want to be sent to earth to be a human. Looks like you no longer have to

    go to the Mormon church to get this kind of false teaching, its right here in books and on

    Christian TV and churches if your going to listen to people like this your just throwing

    your Bible away, (maybe thats what they want?). Not surprising that it is the Kabala, aJewish mystical book that teaches that the soul is pre-existent, before conception (The

    Kabalah, page 17)

    Or we can look at Dr. Robin Harfouche another who went to heaven who says pain is a

    spirit, she learned this directly from Jesus when she went to heaven and Jesus walkedwith her and talked about any things. He told her that this spirit of pain is the open door

    to disease, the spirit of pain comes first, then the second thing that comes is the disease.Anyone who knows anything about the body and sickness knows this is not true.Especially with cancer. If you have pain it may be too late. Pain in cancer is a

    symptomatic working silently. So the Jesus that took her on a tour of heaven does not

    know the human body, science or medicine that he Himself created. One can only wonderwhere these people are traveling to.

    These are all examples of Gnostic and mystical type adventures in the spirit realm. They

    have little to do with the Bible and the Jesus who wrote it through the apostles. Trips to

    heaven are dime a dozen today and people will buy the books up. It doesnt seem tomatter whether its from the Mormon Betty Eadie who ravished the secular world with her

    bookEmbraced by the light, or someone claiming a trip to heaven or hell with Jesus for

    the Christian illiterate. They love stories beyond the Scripture that was written by thehand picked apostles of the Lord.

    In the style of Bennys Good morning Holy Spirit Jesse Duplantis discussed on Hinns

    program on just one of his private conversations with God the creator of the universe,

    started off my day with the lord and said 'Lord Lord how you doing today. Its going tobe a great day. And I noticed the lord wasn't acting right, cause I know God, you know

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    when your child is not felling good, right. Hinn, right! You know when something, you

    may not know what it is but he wasn't acting right for lack of a better term. I know God I

    know him and I know the fulness of his presence , and I know him. And I saidsomething wrong. And this is what I'm saying, it wasn't with me. And then it hit me, I

    said Lord you had a bad day? Now watch this (whenever faith teacher says this you need

    to pay careful attention, here it comes) I said and he said Yea my children have beendisobeying me then it dawned on me. I said somebody hurt you today, I said lord I don't

    ever want to hurt you anymore so lord Im going to cancel all my appointments and all

    this stuff that we call ministry and I'm gonna sit here and I dont know how to say thisGod for a lack of better term, till you fell better. Cause so many people hurt him that

    day Lord I said I'm just going to bless you I'm gonna praise you I'm gonna just call

    your name. And it dawned on me and the Lord went Thank you Jesse. (Interview-This

    is Your day, B. Hinn Feb. 2,000)

    This is has all the elements of gnosticism-- to have a private revelation by conversing

    with God, the content is not in the Bible and certainly contradicts the God of Scripture.

    Consider the concept of God having bad day! It appears God becomes more human thanwe are. Jesse is going to console God for everyones elses disobedience. God is called

    the God of all comfort, He sent to us Himself, the Holy Spirit who is the comforter for us.

    But now He needs comfort because hes bummed. And he gets his comfort from

    Duplantis of all people! God does not need anything to sustain Him, not food, water, airto breath. He does not need help or comfortfrom anyone else. Our help comes from the

    Lord he does not need any help from man least of all Duplantis. Thepeople who do this,

    as far as Im concerned, are in competition with each other with their new revelations.

    One of the major figures of the Theosophical movement, Alice Bailey, made an astuteprophecy in 1957: The coming struggle will emerge within the churches

    themselves....The fight will then spread to thinking men and women everywhere who, ina protesting revolt, have denied orthodox churchianity and theology. This was aprophecy that I see coming true today with the modern Gnostics that call themselves

    apostles and prophets.

    Another New Ager Marilyn Ferguson: An increasing number of churches and

    synagogues have begun to enlarge their the heretics are gaining ground,doctrine is losing its authority, and knowing is superseding belief. The radical Center

    of spiritual experience seems to be knowing without doctrine ... the teacher does not

    impart knowledge but technique. This is the 'transmission of knowledge by directexperience. Doctrine on the other hand, is second-hand knowledge, a danger' (The

    Aquarian Conspiracy, Marilyn Ferguson, Pages 371, 377.)

    I believe you can see this clearly in the ministry of Benny Hinn where its all about the

    anointing he dishes out that will flatten you on the ground, make you laugh, shake or justact foolish and think your being touched by God.

    The recipients of the apostles letters had the Scriptures. Knowing God through a book

    was considered Head knowledge, it was inferior to the early Gnostics and it is today to

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    the modern Gnostics! The teachings of the apostles was not sufficient, the spirit was the

    revelator for the new knowledge by experience. Those who hear Gods voice through the

    Scriptures are accuse of worshipping a book called by some bibliolatry. But any voicethat teaches outside the Scripture, and is not finding its source in Scripture-- will lead one

    away from the God of the Scripture. The book is to lead us and keep us in correct

    understanding and in the will of God. His word works with the Holy Spirit.

    Today there are subtle ways in which the Scripture is demeaned by the Gnostics andelevated in its place are new unscriptural interpretations and concepts. For example, 2

    Corinthians 3:6 is used that The letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life, allegorized to

    mean that Scripture is a dead letter and what the Spirit is saying now what is important.In the God Chasers, Tenney writes indicative of this viewpoint A true God chaser is not

    happy with just past truth. He must have present truth. God chasers don't want to just

    study from the moldy pages of what God has done; they're anxious to see what God isdoing. He is talking about the Bible compared to what is happening as revival today.

    This is Gnostic in its approach, belittling the Word and exalting a personal revelation, one

    supposedly received from the Lord above the Word. But this is not what the Apostle Paulis writing Paul is making a distinction between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant.

    The old (the law) brought death, whereas the new brings life through the life-giving

    Spirit. The letter (the law) killed because no one was able to keep it. It made us guilty,

    while the New Covenant sets us free from the condemnation of the law. The law wasfulfilled in the only person who could have fulfilled it, the God/man Jesus Christ, the

    person who was all the word and the wisdom of God became flesh.

    The faculty of Wagner Leadership Institute is said to be made up of mature and

    successful apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers of whom Jack Deere islisted under Division of Power Ministries. Jack Deere was once a teacher in a famous

    Seminary and he is also famous for Surprised by the spirit book is under, here is thedirection they are leading the church in. You know Im gonna look up every reference toteaching in the Bible. so I just punched it in my computer concordance, looked up every

    single reference 'taught, teacher, teaching,' every single reference in the New Testament

    and its astounding. Did you know not one time, not one time does it say that Jesus taughtthe Bible?.. isnt that interesting not one time does it ever say that. It says He taught about

    the kingdom, taught about God, preached the Gospel of the kingdom, and the Good news.

    Not one time does it ever say He taught the Bible ...Well I thought Im going to look it upfor the apostles so I looked up all the references with the apostles and did you know that

    with only one possible exception, it never says the Apostles taught the Bible?...

    (National Schooll of the Prophets: Jack Deere Mobilizing the Prophetic office May 11,

    2000 11:30 AM tape #3)

    It may not say these exact words but one only has to read to see that Jesus began His

    ministry by quoting Scripture And He began to say to them, Today this Scripture is

    fulfilled in your hearing (Luke 4:21). Jesus always quoted the Scriptures as the final

    source of authority (Matt. 22:29 32; Mark 7:9,13).

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    He used such terms toward the religious leaders as It is written, (repeated 92 times New

    Testament), have you not read? (Matt. 12:3; 12:5; 19:4; 21:16; 42; 22:31), search the

    Scriptures (John 5:39), is it not written in your law? (John 10:34; Luke 10:25) Youerr, not knowing the Scriptures. The apostles appealed to the Bible as well. And there are

    too many examples of quotes being explained from the Old Testament for anyone who

    has read the Bible to take Jack Deere seriously, Jack Deere You err, not knowing theScriptures! This is a willful deception on his part.

    To a Gnostic the Bible can be spoken of as inspired, inerrant, infallible-- but not the final

    authority, Satan will not allow this because Satan wants authority. When it comes to a

    spirit speaking, or dreams and visions, or there experience of the spirit, the Gnostic willalways allow them to have a greater place, and be the final authority because they

    disregard the Written word-- it is experience that counts. As a matter of fact most who

    call themselves charismatic involved in this movement would probably agree with theantichristian philosopher Joseph Campbell who said, I don't have to have faith, I have


    We can see how dangerous this is now. It is challenging the very words of life Jesus gave

    to live by, it is the same spirit that went to Eve in the Garden and said, has God said?

    Getting down with the Gnostics

    Any time you have correct doctrine presented alongside the false, you're going to havedivision occur. Paul states clearly in Romans 16:17 Those who teach contrary to the

    teaching that has been given through the Apostles and Prophets, are those who are

    causing dissensions and conflicts. The only way to find this out is to side with theScripture and use it to legally examine those questionable teachings. It's NOT those who

    are teaching sound doctrine, who are teaching the truth of the Word of God that aredivisive. Rather it's those who teach contrary to the Word of God, contrary to what has

    been revealed by God in the Scripture.

    Today some have made it either the Spirit or doctrine, but it is not either or, they

    work together or not at all.

    When you see people do and say what no one has in the history of the church, and change

    the meaning of Scripture by teaching us to look for a new revelation from the spiritinstead of the Scripture; thats Gnosticism.

    Gnosticism began to flourish in the second century as competition to Christianity, butproto-Gnosticism had begun before the first century. Over the centuries following Christ

    it has surfaced in many different forms but we are now faced with the challenge face toface. The Holy Scriptures are challenged as the completed revelation of God to mankind,

    continual revelations still occur to those who hear from God.

    All ideas have consequences when practiced. Right Biblical doctrine expounded in the

    Scripture conforms us to be in right relationship with Christ, wrong doctrine has us look

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    elsewhere. The Word is very clear in how we are to approach or spirituality. When left

    unchallenged these new practices redefine our Christianity. It can come from a book, a

    tape, a meeting but you will leave with a new paradigm. How we learn the knowledgeand truth of God is crucial to understanding whether we are in the faith or have new way

    to practice our Christianity, removing us from the true faith.

    The enemy not only wants to change Christianity but remove it from the earth, he doesthis by having us neglect or deny the written Word. Gnosticism is a natural alternative as

    many are already predisposed to hearing voices longing for more revelation. Interpreting

    the Scriptures allegorically or by personal revelation from the spirit can change themeaning of what is written. A voice heard from within or audibly that is put above the

    Scripture or used to interpret the Scripture can easily persuade someone into another

    view. We often hear God told me this, God told me that, when in fact it could be there

    own soul or spirit or something else. Certainly God can speak to us, He is alive and well,

    but when the voice speaks concerning doctrine or practices and gives new meanings, wemust question it.

    Irenaeus describes the vision of Marcus the magician who sees the Supreme Tetrad

    descended from invisible, unnameable places in the Pleroma in female form to reveal tohim something never before revealed to God or man, who he really was and how he came

    into being. The similarity to Marys appearances giving extra- biblical revelations cannot

    be overlooked. But it doesnt have to be a she it can be an angel or a former saint likeElijah who Benny Hinn said came into his room and because off this visitation had a

    double anointing come into his ministry.

    Gnostic Christs

    By denying Jesus came in the flesh the Gnostics had a Jesus of their own imagination andin its place of his unique Christhood was a personal Christhood for each. There are

    numerous old manuscripts available with reference to Gnosticism dating back to the early

    Church, they provide important insight into the teachings and influence of gnosticism on

    the world and in particular, the Church. These were numerous apocryphal writings thatwrote where the Bibles gospels left off. They named them gospel and added whosever

    name they wanted it to be from. The Gospel of the Egyptians, The Gospel of Truth, The

    Gospel of the Twelve, The Gospel of Philip, The Gospel of Judas, The Gospel ofBartholomew, The Gospel According to Mary, The Gospel of Nicodemus, and The

    Questions of Bartholomew. There were many others without the name gospel in them.

    In the Christian Gnostic writings they all had Scripture passages with just a twist in

    them. The common denominator: the Bibles doctrines were reinterpreted into a mysticalview. Then there is the gospel of Thomas. That has been made famous today by the

    liberal Jesus seminar that denies almost everything Jesus said.

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    From the opening verse: These are the secret words which the living Jesus spoke, and

    which Didymus [the twin) Judas Thomas wrote. In the canonical Gospels (Matt. 16:16),

    Jesus asks the question who do you think I am, and Peter one of his disciples theproclaims, You are the Christ the son of the living God, Jesus states this truth came

    from his Father. In the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, the living Jesus confesses that the

    disciples are Christs. Something that counters what the Father revealed to Peter inMatthews Gospel. In Gospel of Thomas, Thomas comes to comprehend that he is the

    spiritual equal of Jesus, his identical twin brother, Thomas is the true apostle whom every

    true Gnostic must follow. In the Gnostic Gospel of Philip You saw the Spirit, youbecame spirit. You saw Christ, you became Christ. You saw the Father, you shall become

    Father. (Gospel of Philip) But one receives the unction of the [...] of the power of the

    cross. This power the apostles called the right and the left. For this person is no longer

    a Christian but a Christ. (Gospel of Philip).

    While the language and terms may be different today, they all arrive at the same place.

    We can see this same view held by the religions and sects that had a new revelation.

    Jesus is no different from other men. (Divine Principle and its Application, Moonies(HSA-UWC, 1968), p. 75.) It is far more important that men should strive to become

    Christs than that they should believe that Jesus was Christ. (Mystic Masonry, by J. D.

    Buck, p. 62). May this manifestation lead you to see each other as the gods you are

    (Maitreya Message 13 Feb. 1982) ...Jesus became what all of you must be. ...Is he theChrist? O yes, along with you (The Course of Miracles pp. 83-84).

    This concept is alive in other religions in competition for true Christianity and it finds

    itself a resting place inside the church at large as well. Are you ready for some real

    revelation are god (Benny Hinn, Our Position In Christ, tape #AO31190-1) Christians are little messiahs (christ). Christians are little gods. (Benny

    Hinn Praise-a-thon (TBN),11/90, Our position in Christ, tape A031190-1)

    Elizabeth C. Prophet Who headed up the Church Universal and Triumphant Saint Germainebeing the patron saint(or Christ) said, So you become like your elder brother, who was

    the Anointed One, Jesus, the Christ.' If you are to ascend to the heart of God, you must

    do so by first ascending to the level of your Christ Self (The Lost Teachings of Jesus, pp.

    241-243). Elder brother is from Mormon teaching and held by other Mystic groups.

    The Gnostic learns through direct revelation and experience of the Spirit. The ultimate

    Gnostic revelation is that you discover God within, or Christ in you (individually), or that

    the Divine Spark dwells within each one of us. All of this, in whatever form, is a rehash

    of Satan's Lie to Adam and Eve in the Garden. For example, Kenneth Copeland bringsthe concept of the Gnosis out clearly as he explains, We are partakers of the divine

    nature. Well, now, you don't have a human, do you? You are one. You don't have a god

    in you. You are one. The Gnostic revelation YOU are God.

    Ive got an old revelation for you, we aren't God, never will be! We not equal to God in

    any manner; never have, never will be. He created us, and He alone is the object of our

    Faith, and we are to obey him.

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    Some teach we're in the God class, having the faith of God. Ive got a revelation for you,

    we aren't God, never will be! We not equal to God in any manner, never have never will

    be. He created us, and He alone is the object of our Faith we are to obey him. God hasmade us as much like Himself as possibleHe made us the same class of being that He

    is Himself! (Kenneth M. Hagin, Zoe: The God-Kind of Life (Tulsa, OK: Kenneth Hagin

    Ministries, Inc., 1989), 35-36, 41. The idea that man is a little god, small g or created inGod's class of being is Gnosticism, rehashed and revitalized in a different package. The

    present gospel of Gnosticism is that, though Adam and Eve and all of us, were created in

    God's class of being, when man sinned, he fell below the God class from which hewas first created. Jesus came to redeem us and restore us back to our rightful dominion,

    as little gods.

    Creflo Dollar echoes Hagin as he states on Ps.82 Now, notice what He says here, Ye

    are gods small g. You are gods? Somebody says You trying to say were gods? No,Im not trying to say were gods. He already said it. But what I want to know is Lord,

    how can we be gods? And He answers it in the next phrase. Because you are the

    children of the Most High. See if you are truly a child of God, if you were born out ofGod, you got to be a part of the God class. I know Im not God. But Im a child of the

    Most High. Hey, glory. And Im a part of the God class (Our Equality with God

    Through Righteousness 1/21/2001)

    Gnosticism's appeal to the spiritual seeker is that God can speak to apart from Godsword. This can come from without or within. What makes this interesting is that people

    hear a voice believed to be God, giving them a revelation to confirm a extra biblical

    teaching. Everybody wants to be in the knowing and this can be traced back to the

    Garden and mankind's first encounter with a spiritual being other than God. The firstcouple were offered enlightenment and equality with God, through a forbidden

    knowledge. Satan offered the secret by a whisper (this too was a quiet voice) you can belike God. After one is trained in the gnosis they see everything differently this is whyKenneth Copeland can say, When I read the Bible where He says, I AM, I just smile

    and say, Yes, I AM too.

    Where does the wisdom of man who is a creature made by God from the dust become a

    God come from? Madame Blavasky, who died in 1891, but whose writings are held inhigh esteem in the New Age Movement, attributed true spiritual knowledge to Satan. The

    appellation Satan . . . and Adversary belongs by right to the first and cruelest

    Adversary of all other gods-Jehovah; not to the serpent which spoke only words ofsympathy and wisdom .... The Great Serpent of the Garden of Eden and the Lord God

    are identical .... Satan, the serpent . . . is the real creator and benefactor, the Father of

    spiritual mankind. For it is he who opened the eyes of Adam. (Helena Blavatsky, TheSecret doctrine vol.3 p.386) Here we have the concept of Masonry, Mormonism and all

    other religions that contain an illumination which reject the true God and His word. A

    Voice heard that you put above the Scriptures to govern your life, would certainly not

    lead you to what God said but away from it. Simon Magus a magician in Samaria (Actsof the Apostles 8:9) the people said had the great power of God. He professed conversion

    and was the first to propose this idea of Oneness teaching. He stated that there was only

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    one person in the Godhead. The twist was that he was that person. Claiming to be the

    Father in Samaria, the Son in Judea, the Holy Spirit in the rest of the nations (from John

    Gill, sermons and tracts vol.3 p.513). He was denounced by Peter for trying to buy theHoly Spirit to have the power he had seen Peter possess (called the sin of simony today).

    To believe in Simon was enough for salvation, and no further requirements were neededfrom his believers to be saved. Simon announced the world would eventually be

    destroyed, but his believers would be saved from the dark forces which govern theselower planes. The followers of Simon were said to cast out demons, handle snakes, laid

    on hands on the sick for healing, and perform various magical rituals. This is why seeing

    what someone does as miraculous cannot justify they follow the truth.

    Gnostic proselytizing

    The effect on the average Christian has them question whether they have been taught the

    word correctly. It makes them want to pursue a new course where they follow these

    teachers of the gnosis because they want to be spiritual like them, they want to hear fromGod in a special ways. They want to have visions and the power to do miracles as

    Christ's. All ideas have consequences when practiced. Right Biblical doctrine conforms

    us to be in right relationship with Christ, wrong doctrine has us look elsewhere. The

    Word is very clear in how we are to approach or spirituality. When left unchallengedthese new practices redefine our Christianity. It can come from a book, a tape, a meeting

    but you will leave with a new paradigm. How we learn the knowledge of God, the

    meaning of the core doctrines like faith, salvation, how we pray, and numerous otherfacets of the true Christian life can become redefined by the Gnostic view; when put in

    practice our Christian faith has been changed. An example: to the Gnostic redemption is

    not the transformation of the old creation by God's grace through a new spiritual birth. It

    is a new understanding that comes from a spiritual experience. Now dont get me wrongIm not against experiences when they are Biblical but we have need to qualify them by

    the Scripture before we go running off thinking its God.

    Today this is called a new paradigm, or critical mass, both of which are new age terms.With some of the language and teaching today one could almost assume that these

    Gnostic letters are being read and practiced. Kenneth Hagin states it this way, "One

    almost has to bypass the brain and operate from the inner man, which is our heart orspirit (Right and Wrong Thinking, Rhema, 1986, p.27). This is the opposite of what the

    Bible recommends, it never says to operate from our heart by itself, which is deceitful,

    but from Gods Spirit and Word.

    There are those who propose new teachings and tell us to leave the old behind for thenew? The current trend of revelation is operated by dreams, visions and prophecies that

    entice numerous believers away from the objective truth found in the already revealed

    Word of God (the old). The new truth is subjective and its merit is accepted onexperience. While experience may be a good teacher at times, it cannot be a correct

    teacher of truth in and of itself. This is why it is not the Word of God plus, it is the word

    of God period.

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    The Gnostics assumed to give the Holy Ghost as a seal the candidates against the attacks

    of the archons, they were driven away by the sweet odour which is above all things. The

    balsam was supposed to have flowed from the Tree of Life, which was mysticallyconnected with the Cross; the chrism is in the Acta Thomae was called the hidden

    mystery in which the Cross is shown to us.

    Much like what is offered today with having this new anointing it will keep Satan away

    from you and your family.

    There were many gospel letters that were rejected as authentic. Many of the Gnostics

    were prolific writers and convinced people of their revelation by the weight and manner

    of their words. Among the many Gnostic gospels there were three Valentinian gospels:The Gospel of Thomas which was brief sayings of Jesus, the Gospel of Philip had sayings

    and esoteric revelations, and there was called the Gospel of truth which was similar to

    Johns but had a metaphysical slant. The Gospel of Philip, taught for one to go beyond

    spiritual into perfection, the sacrament of the Chrism (anointing) was necessary, which

    is superior to baptism. For this reason, it is fitting to baptize in the two, in the light andthe water. Now the light is the chrism. there was the water anointing and the fire

    anointing. It goes on to say He who has been anointed possesses everything.

    Doesnt this sound vaguely familiar; a new and fresh anointing, a fire anointing.Translated in today's genre it is called the (New) anointing! Contrary to this the Bible

    teaches we as Christians are already anointed and complete by it. The real matter is our

    giving up ourselves over to Gods will and ways to be filled with the Spirit. He needsmore of us, then we will have more of Him.

    Today for one to get the anointing they must come to a certain preacher to receive it (and

    often give a good sum of money). What does the Bible have to say about this?

    John uses the word anointing 3 times in Jn.2:20, through 27. The gift of the Holy Spirit(who by the way is God) leads the believer to be in the knowledge of the truth found in

    the Word, and give us power to live it. The Spirit helps us to understand the truth of

    Jesus' teachings and when someone understands Gods word they can apply it, walk in it

    and reap the benefits.

    This anointing is God himself, and is now for everyone who believes in the Lord Jesus

    Christ, it is not for an exclusive group of leaders. This anointing is our seal (Eph. 1),

    being in Christ makes us all anointed. There are not some anointed and others not. The

    Bible does not say go to this preacher or that one to receive it. No apostle ever said Imanointed, or suggested to come to him for the anointing or more of the Spirit. There is no

    special anointing mentioned for any apostle. The New Testament writers understood what

    it meant to be anointed in Biblical terms, today its another story. They recognized thesame anointing was to the whole body of Christ, they never said they possessed a special

    anointing: 2 Cor. 1:21 Now he which establishes with you in Christ, and has anointed

    us, is God; Who has also sealed us, and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.Those who are established in Christ are anointed togetherhaving the same spirit. It is this

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    same anointing John refers to in 1 John 2:26-27 These things I have written to you

    concerning those who try to deceive you. But the anointing which you have received

    from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the sameanointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has

    taught you, you will abide (remains) in Him. John tells us this anointing abides or

    remains with usv. 27. He is continually with you as he first began. This anointing wehave already received, He is in us. The anointing teaches us that we are not to look to any

    certain person to be our only teacher or imparter. The Holy Spirit is the umpire making

    us discern what is spoken as true because he makes us understand Christs words. Theanointing protects us from false teaching, because we are letting the Holy Spirit teach us

    from the Word. Do not quench the Holy Spirit by putting off judgment. Why do people

    keep coming back for more of this experiential anointing? It was a temporary

    experience not from God. The Holy Spirit who is the anointing is to lead us into truth, toGods Word and point to Jesus Christ-- not anything or anyone else.

    I want the ancient anointing the one that doesnt corrupt, fade or take my mobility or

    thinking away.

    Our Faith

    The faith once and for all time delivered to the saints' is a Faith which is both Christ andLogos centered.

    Today many make a distinction between logos as the written word and rhema as the fresh

    word of God a word with power. This is a form of Gnosticism; they are making adichotomy between the two. Logos is used in the New Testament as an utterance just as

    Rhema is used as an utterance and it is used as a command used in a revelation. It is used

    for the words of Jesus, as well as the words from the Father, the prophets, the apostles,the angels, and the church members.

    No Word of God, whether logos or rhema, is devoid of power. As Hebrews states, the

    word of God is living and powerful-and this word is the logos. But when spoken and

    accomplishes what it says it is called the rhema.

    The world was created by the Word, which is the logos of God. The Logos is theWord of God used from Genesis to Revelation. All the books of Scripture are the Word;

    Jesus Christ (John 5:39). By reading the logos from Genesis to Revelation you can

    receive all the spiritual revelation you need about God and His promises. As you receive

    knowledge and understanding about God, you receive faith. In John 1 the Word that isGod is not rhema, but logos. In James 1:18 it says we were begotten by the Word of truth

    (logos). So there is absolutely no justification for regarding the rhema word as superior to

    the word logos. Especially a fresh, new word outside the Scripture.

    When our spiritual walk and understanding are guided by fresh words from the Lord

    and so called anointed revelation, we become dependent on particular men and

    meetings. Instead, we should be fostering our personal walk with the Lord through a

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    more sure word, by the Scriptures, which Jesus said is life itself. Our faith that was

    delivered to all the saints comes from His Word, God speaks to us by His Son (Heb.1),

    it is written down for equal access to all. Our faith comes from hearing the Word of God,the logos, not a Spirit with another word outside Scripture, that some may call the


    So what do we do? If the roof is leaking do we keep on changing the rug? No, we need

    to fix the leaks in the roof and keep the rug.

    Its time for those who call themselves Christians to stand up for the truth, otherwise you

    find that you will soon be sympathetic with the Gnostics. Then you will be sitting down

    with them, the next step is you will be practicing Gnosticism. If you do not resist thiswind of doctrine you may soon find yourself becoming a Gnostic new ager.