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Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

Nov 01, 2014



Jorge Larbak

Georgea Frank-Tann talks about the digital marketing model versus the traditional marketing model. Harnessing the power of digital marketing, continuous evaluation, and optimisation. How digital analytics can inform campaign decisions and drive ROI.
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Page 1: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation
Page 2: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

“W!"#$%" &'"', ($% 'r) *%+" ',$"#)r p)r+$, w!"# ', $p!,!$,.”- Andreas Schleicher (German Statician OECD)

I lov! m" Job

Page 3: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

!ing" I ca# d$ wit% dat&...

Page 4: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation
Page 5: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation
Page 6: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

1. !/B- MV T"#

IBM Tests Radically Different Homepage Designs: Which Got More Product Page Views?

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Verizon Tests Call-to-Action Button Colour on its Homepage. Which Colour Increases Clicks to the “Order Now” Page?

Page 8: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

Wha! " i# th" pr$entaio#?

• How the ‘social web’ has made things more complicated for marketers.

• Content Marketing.

• How its made things easier for marketers...(the clever ones)

• Data Vs Actionable Insights: Design to Evaluate

• 3 things to measure... and how.

Page 9: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

How th! socia" web h# mad! thing$ mor! complicate%

Page 10: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

H$w #%& ‘'$()*+ w&b’ %, -*.& #%)/0' -$r& ($-p+)(*#&. f$r -*r1&#&r'

Page 11: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

H$w #%& ‘'$()*+ w&b’ %, -*.& #%)/0' -$r& ($-p+)(*#&. f$r -*r1&#&r'

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H$w #%& ‘'$()*+ w&b’ %, -*.& #%)/0' -$r& ($-p+)(*#&. f$r -*r1&#&r'

Page 13: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

“-) !,")r,)" #. "%r,)& w#'" %+)& "$ b) ' /$,"r$00)&, $,) w'( 12+'3) !,"$ ' r)'0-"!1) &!'0$3%) w!"# 1!00!$,+.” - Danielle Sachs, The Fast Company 2010

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Eyeball! Awaren"! Consideratio# Preferenc$ Actio# Loyalt% Buyer!

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C$-p+2)#3 +)" *# #%& (&/#r& $f #%& -*r1&#)/0 4//&+




Recommendation!fro& friend!




Page 16: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

“-) ‘b%(!,3’ pr$/2+ b)3!,+ 0$,3b)f$r) ' +'02 p)r+$, /$,"'/"+ ' pr4p)/" $r v5' v)r+'.

-) 6)0 "#'" &r!v2 ' pr4p)/" fr$1 0'")," !,")r2" "$ '/"!v) &)1',& 5 /r)'")& & /%r'")& b( ' br',&, &5"r!b%")& $v)r "#) +$/!'0 w)b ',& 1).%r)& '3'!,+" b%+!,2+ $b*)/"!v2.”

Page 17: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

Conten! Marketin"

• Creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience -

with the objective of driving profitable customer action.

• The tactic relies on earning people’s interest.

Page 18: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

V+Don’t tell me what to buy. I’m smart enough to make

my own mind up ...!!!


I need informationabout this, and it’shard work to get it

because it seems worthwhile

Y$%r Br',&Pr$&%/"+ ',&


Page 19: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

Articl!Socia" medi#

Blog$%Newletter$C&% studi!

I' perso'


Whit% paper$Webinar$/Webc&t$


Prin* mag+in!

Traditiona" medi#

R,earc- report$Brande. conten* tool$

Prin* newsletter$%Book$

Podc&t$Mobil% conten*

Digita" mag+in!VIirtua" conferenc!

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Page 21: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

47% of companies are expected to increase their inbound marketing budget for 2012.

The average cost to acquire a new lead through outbound marketing in 2011 was $373, compared to just $143 from inbound marketing.

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Page 23: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

How th! socia" web ha# mad! thing$ e%ier for marketer$

Page 24: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

Articl!Socia" medi#

Blog$%Newletter$C&% studi!

I' perso'


Whit% paper$Webinar$/Webc&t$


Prin* mag+in!

Traditiona" medi#

R,earc- report$Brande. conten* tool$

Prin* newsletter$%Book$

Podc&t$Mobil% conten*

Digita" mag+in!VIirtua" conferenc!

Page 25: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation
Page 26: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

Dat! V" Actionabl# Insight"

• Design to Evaluate

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No$ reall"

16% 25%


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“Our research shows that many organisations are under-investing in internal analytics staff and failing to implement a coherent measurement strategy which can help them turn their data into something of real value to their business,” - Linus Gregoriadis, head of research at E-consultancy.

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D)0)#*+ P+*//)/0 Pr$("' w)#% Ev*+5*#)$/ *# #%& ($r&

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D")0/ #$ &v*+5*#&

Page 31: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

W%&r& *r& 3$5 $/ #%& r$*. #$ $p#)-6&. !/*+3#)(' pr$("'?

Startin! ou"

De# ne$ proc% s&

Manage$ proc% s&

Optim' e$ proc% s&

Identify KPI’sBenchmark Competitors

No segmentation

Test multiplelanding pages

Funnel AnalysisPreference


Systematic testing of what we are doing

Compelling & effectivecalls to action

A/B &multivariate testing

Online surveysCustomer engagement


Structured approachto improve conversion

Align keywords, calls to action

& landing pagesCustomer journey analysis

Event triggered/behavioural email

Behavioural segmentation


( m)B* i+ Intermediat) Advance$ Optim' e$

Page 32: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

3 !ing" t# Me$ur%

Page 33: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

1. Reach and Appeal

2. Quality of Traffic

3. Conversion Rate

M'!, "#!,3+ "$ 1).%r)

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w!"# )v'0%'"!$, ',& $p"!15'"!$, '" "#)!r /$r).

Page 35: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

H$w #$ -&,5r& R&*(% */. !pp&*+?

Is the message appealing to the Target Audience?Is the message getting to enough people in the Target Audience?

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Page 37: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

How is the traffic arriving at the website from various online channels engaging with the site? ...


Vira! vide"

Onlin# PR


Emai! D$ pla% Ad&

Your landin' pag# / we( it#

Page 38: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation
Page 39: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

H$w #$ -&,5r& C$/v&r')$/ R*#&?

What percentage of the traffic arriving at the given site is actually completing the desired objective?...

10 arrive at site. 10% conversion rate.

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Page 41: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation
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Page 43: Georgea Frank-Tann: Continuous Evaluation & Optimisation

1. Set up Intelligence Alerts2. Set up Goals/Funnels

3. Use Heat Maps4. AB/MV testing

5. Use Multi Channel Funnels6.Create advanced segments based to review

specific interactions against goal conversions

H$w #$ 0&# *(#)$/*b+& .*#*

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- Research Inc- Eloqua and Jess-The Social Media ProBook-content marketing
