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GenRad Experimenter Dec 1955

Apr 14, 2018



David Turner
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  • 7/27/2019 GenRad Experimenter Dec 1955



    VOLUME 30 No . 7 DECEMBER , 1955


    To maintain leadership, today's pmdUt" must keep abreast of the times.

    ~ r n : l \ l changes in dcsip:n und conSl t'u ('lion. to upP;nldc qunlity, arc made ('011-linuully, but mujo]" im provements dictate' n new design.

    "....., The !lew T \ ' I ' ~ ; W5 r(\riut reprc-,.;ent::! the s('coud busic model Ch:UlgCsince the ndju;:tllblc aulotmnsformct'was introdu('cd by the General HadioCompany over t.wenty years ago. The1)(' \ \ ' design incorporates t he latest fcnlut'N, which cUlitomcr cxpcricll(,c hasshown to be useful, and it. reflectspl'oJ!;rci's in the fields of mct/\llurgy,

    dic lcc t ric.s find metal work ing IlS We'll asGencm1 Rndio's more Ihan twentyYCllI'S of experience in Ihe de:

  • 7/27/2019 GenRad Experimenter Dec 1955




    Filu t t 2. S Iiollol "l .w of ,h . ty p . W5 Vo,loc,' howl" g d . lail . 0 ' d u lg n " lid ' surrace rnolllltillg nlld postLy!>c g : l l l g i n ~ , wl,i!'h mnkc i> the uni l,


    mo rc mlsil,.,. adtlplabk- lQ 1110tOl' dr i v('!.iand 1.0 an e\'cr-incr'ct"\,,;ing list of s.imi):utip

  • 7/27/2019 GenRad Experimenter Dec 1955



    The !ow.1oss, high-silicon eore material nOlI ust-d in Variaes can be 01C!":noo at flux densities believed impos-r to provide ndcquatebreakdowll strcnJ(lh between han kedtUrn s nl, cll'l' uted tcmperatun.s.The ('orc (li ) is com pletely enCil,,('{\ bytwo identical winding forms (7) ofmolded phenolic in the shape of annulareups. P recillion molded grOO\'CIi in theseforms i n ~ u r c pOI;ilivc positioning oflurn:; and a :omoolh , uniform bankedwinding (It t h(' inner radiu f!. The buttjoin1 bf.'Lwecn cups is scaled WIWll the('oil is diPI>t.>d in baking varni!;h, 110 thatlht, ('o"c is completely eudose

    h i ~ h - d i r l e ( ' 1 ri('strl'nglh material ,After buking, the lwuflh tl'a('k is

    ground in 8cv

  • 7/27/2019 GenRad Experimenter Dec 1955



    brOllz\' lenf !!pring (14), rinted to IheIadialor di,..;(. {'arrics turrelll lo n poli ~ h l ' d :.

    ('asylo--grip plll'llolit, 1.1101) Ilil h awhite-filled iudex pointer :llId :\ readily"i"ible !urge white dot for quirk referCllee, nnd II rC\ '('Isiblt' dill I-pla te enlibrntC'd on QIlC sidc fo r II:")-\'ol t muximum output Ilnd On Ill{' oth (']' fOI" 135v n h ~ . SCI"CWS fOJ" 0 u n l i n ~ hul h VUI;:IClIlId di:t1-pJa lc :II'e f l l " ' l i ~ h c d ,

    Ca sed Mode l -Type W5M,\ typicnl in . taltatiun of th" !lew

    lotally enclosed TYI'E \\','1:\ r i . shown


    Output Output OutputCurr. nt In V"ltall_ Cu .. nl InTyp_ O... ipt'' '" la l_d Input Valtat!_ Amp . .. Ran ll_ Amp_...

    W, L'nra.wtl 115 G 0- 11 .1 7 8( ' . ( } m J l l r t l ' l ~ rnl'loI!cd. " i l l l 115 0- 115 G 5'M C(llIdllil knoekouU!

    ~ n r h model, rompletl'lyenel()tlf'fl, with ovcrlOilt.! pro-W5 MT fe('tor, ewitch, carryi ng 115 5 0- 115handlt', two-wirt'('ort.!, plug.und nutlet

    u..ut'h m o d ~ l l , similar toW5MT3 T ype \\'5:\11', but with a.- 115 5 0-115 G.

    " i n ~ , cort.!. plug, RIIU outlct

    l ' nl'Sl'!el.l230 2 2 ; ~ ( ) 2G,H 115

    W5HM Similar to \\'5:\ 1 230 2 0-2:W 2G115W5HMT Sunilnr 10 \\'5:\ 11' 2:'0 2 0 - 2 ~ { H "W5G2 T " r u l g \\ 5 } ::If'nt'!l 2:10 U n 2:\0 78W5G2 M 1'WtrIQUJII: \\'5 with (,:l.l!C Circuit 2:10 5 0230 u.5W5G3 Thrl'(>.gIlns \\'5 } :J..I'h:UlC' 'lW G O 2:JO 7 8WSG3M Tlu'i'("l'ung \\'5 wilh ( 'Wlf ' W y ~ ' '30 O-ZW Ii [,WSHG2 '1"o-",lIIg W511 { ~ P . h ' I ) ( > 1 t a 210 2 0-2:lI) '1 6WSHG2M TU'}oRl'"g \\'5 11 "ilh 1'.tl!I' N'rle IW 2 0 IGO '1 ()W5HG3 T h ~ ' t ' - . I t l l n g \\'511 l :J.. l' hW"l' 2 O- HiI)W5HG3M 'i1ln.'('-!to'lng \\,;:,Jj with C38l' f \ \ye 100 '1 ti

    10 11' I n u d ( ' J ~ Un' IIhipllt.'tJ "'jth overvolwge oonnC

  • 7/27/2019 GenRad Experimenter Dec 1955


    ,iu Fig. :I. The smooth , gray, roundcor-liNed case is pro\,jded with fou rkrl()(:kollls for 1:2 in. condu it. 01morcd cable, two on the end an d oneon each side, pl us ample inside wi ringspace fo r ca.! in the cover', T he front, half oflhe ('use cnn then be I'cmo\'cd easily,


    Mo "l mum O Ulp ut Ro t. d No _'o odOUlput Vo lla",e Cu . .e n' In lo u -Volt$ Ro n",e A mpe, .. W a il S

    DECEM B E R , 19 55 ~('x posing all tNmiullls, moun t ing holes,brush, und brllsh track. :'. loulltingscrews to WEIll or panel attach dircetlyto the struetun'l.l flallgl' of the unil inside t hrollgh ell'l\r(\lH'C hol('8 in theattadH'd case.

    Provision is IUllde for rend," conversion of t his model , by lhe lISCI'; to tlUukof-panel mounting. T he shnfl ('an beadjusled to c.xtend from lhe oppositeside of t he C:lse by loosening two sct

    Dr l .. ' n ",To ' qu e "00o u nce- Wei",h l Cod eInch u pou nd , Wo,d .. . u

    0" 0- 135 Ii ~ 10-20 6"., COTA'. $1 7 . 0075!)n


    0- 1:15


    0- 2, 00-2700-2,0

    f.i 0-2.0-1 - - -

    8, o-ZiO0-2,00-2iO





    a2 (; } NO! m'U JllUlcnlkd2 0-2.00-5 10 22

    2 -- } NOl ret."()mmndedHgO oonneclionij 011 ! l C i l l order.




    10- 21)


    10 - 20



    ,1 2



    211 42:.l.J4I I15'2O j{~




    e Ol 'ALA;.\lIolH /(V I'AI.IIU"\Ul( ; ( J < r ~ . G , o I . " \ TCOT.\ l.n" XT ' JOIJ_U,(l,oI.NJ)!'J08AI.BO:>'[)!I

    J U I I ~ L r . A X TJOIl,ol.J..,UOlloTY

    21. 50

    26 . 50

    2 8 . 50

    19 .00

    23 . 50

    28 .50

    41 . 0049 . 006 1 .006 9 .004 5 . 0053 . 0067 .001 5 .00

  • 7/27/2019 GenRad Experimenter Dec 1955



    Fig . ,e 5. The f,onl half 01 Ih e co .. Is ea s ily . e_mo"ed 10, anUS ' A ' e rminals, ma .n';ng ho lu ,

    on d br .ll(' IT'ln, ; t\\'O more sct ! : ; i ' r t ' w ane! Ihl'l:.'('Helf-tapping S('reW$ will rcl(':18(, I h(' knolland dial-plfl.te rOt relo{'(ltion on:1 punel;and two hol('ll arc pt'ovi(\cd fo]' m O \ ' i n ~the nnmcplnic (wcr til

  • 7/27/2019 GenRad Experimenter Dec 1955



    , DECEMBER , 1955

    f IIlU ' . 7" . The p ..ayst('Jl1 wit h s('parat(> g l ' O l i n d i l l ~ wire.

    nO-volt iW J'vil 't.', a two-win' IlH)(i(' 1.'1', Willn iT . is flva ilnhl('.

    Ganged Assemb lie5( : : I IIKt'{\ fls.-;cmhlies pro\'id t, grt'lllt'r

    flexihility ill moun t ing t h:m did pre-FlU"' . Cu . . . nl -II ... . ~ h a . o ~ I . , i . l i c of Ih . 0 ..... _la o " I"0l.clo. 01 51 .5_"'011 oulpul I. s hown by Ih .low., l 1('\'t.'IScd, SI) lllnt there ix 11 mount ingh:\."t' at 1.'111''' t'lld IIf l'\ ,I'ry A A ~ ( ' m bThus ther(> if! nO diSlin('tion I){'lw('cn" pn ll('I" :l nd "baH' " mOull tcd Ullit!i .Fi.u;, JO t;how:; 1\ t.\'pil':11 !!llnged IIs:;cmhJyIlud ill uslm lcs thl' stUI'd,\' i m p l i l ' i t . y oft'oll:;u'uetio ll I-Illined hy ihc sqlHU '{'(bnged bUSl' ali(I four posts, TIU' postsurc Itlluehed 10 till' clld ullits by mctlllSof slX'eini stl.'l'l ho lt.'! who..(' nrctnppNI fllr ' W t \ ~ \ \ , I I . This yil'ld ,,; rourtapped mountilll! hole:; in {'ai'll end of IIgang so th:\.1 il n l n h(' mounted to 11pallel , supported at iii'! fa r I.'l1d, or atta ched 10 angle b r f H : k ( ' 1 . ~ , which nrc ti llPplif'd as a part of the standard hardwa r('with each ;ll-l.-;(lrnbly. BI'('lUISC of I h emany \'oltagcs cucounlC'I'l'd in :IPplyingp;angcd \ .ari:l('s, t i l l ' dial-pl:llC i;;: not calihr:d cd but {'iltriC'ia n nrbitl'3ryo--l 05([llc.Figu 9 , Sian"" '" I ... p ol u " .rollng .u .... fa .Va,l .n, Th. 0 .... 10001 p,OI' clo, Op.,al .1 po.llyon o ... bie nl .. ... p OlU and will op . n Ih . " . . wllb. fo , ' Ih ... wol" a , . och . " .

    t fI I t ~ l l"'"'. ~ -+-+-, ~,r l

    r ~ : . ~ 1I ,r1 " ~ '90-"," "~ ' 0 '. " ~ ~ .. ' I ~ O C ' ' ' " C

  • 7/27/2019 GenRad Experimenter Dec 1955


    G E N E R A L R A D I O E X ' E R I M E N T E R

    Tht, two t'Ud m o t t u l i u ~ plait'S 10-v;ethi'r Ililh IIII' ('Ollll(>('lilll( ptMl,.; ateath t'orner prm'idl' protl,('tiOlI fol' the('oib :lnd hru,.:h track.:j agniu,.;1 g r ~met'hauil'ul ulln."'!. X('\(rtlU'lp;;.... a cas of lWO umwnboxci' with t'ollllll;t knoc.'kouLi fir! u ~ 1ill tlw T ' l ' t W5:'11. Th{'"c hoxes urI'aflixcu to lhe 1I5;.-.('mhly, :lnd Ihl' I'nc,lo"Hre i" l'ompll'led b,\' 111'0 l ' -shnpcd('O\'l'rs, ;11 111:11('\1;111( ~ r t l , \ fini"h, whidlare rendily re'movahle for illstnllatiollalld l't'n'ilI'. CIt ant l lct hnlts pI'rmit:l('I'C:,S to the foul' tapped holl's ill cnchend of thr as"embly illside, (010 t hlll theulli! ('fin Ill' mounted ill the "lime mlll!-l Ier as Iltr 1I11('III';I'd mudd

    Special Modification sTil{' IIl'xibility am i Vl'rsatility of the

    nc\\' dc"iKIl hn ,'i 1I1rl'ady 1)('('11 demon$tmlcd by t i l ( ' vurif'ty of modilit'aliollsllm! hal'l' hlo('l1 d('I'f'lfJ lX'd for " I>et'illlappli(atioll.... :-'(,\'I'rnl Ilf IIIP 81)('('illltllOllifil 3t iOlll' arl' dt's('rilX'd hdow

    i' 1,,1(':11100" ........... >11

  • 7/27/2019 GenRad Experimenter Dec 1955



    f i l l " ' . 11 . Sedlondrawing , howlngho w '".g o. I I . . .bo l l s . " .. I, d: ' l ~ ~ o w h ban be..r ln l l 'Dr. in,loll ed.

    T he new W5 design allow.-; ready modification for this purpose. As shown inFigure 14, the take-olT connector,which normally serves as stop forthe usual 320" opera t ion, ( ' a l l be cut ofTto permit traverse of the br1lsh throughthe "keystOlIC" gap in th e \\" illding.T he brush lead is brought dO\m throughthe ccnter of the toroid and out to th eterminal plate in t he sa me maime r nsthe tap leads.

    Double TrackOne of the most int,crest ing s pceialmodels encountered to d:\tc is the

    DECEMBER , 1955 ~

    Figu 12 . A. W5 V .. with Iwo b'Ulh .. on e 01e ac h u" f" . o of th e winding .

    dou blc-tmck unit shown in Fig. 12.Since the two willding form" for thecoil arc idclltil'ul, it is po:;." ihlc to forma bl'u:;h Lnwk al eud l cnd of thc roil. Aradialol' and takc-off $tru

  • 7/27/2019 GenRad Experimenter Dec 1955


    GE NERAL RADIO E X P'ER I MENTER "pcrmits iudelJCudent adjust mcnt. of thetwo brushcs.By planning for all of the fOl"cg!)ingfeat.ures and flexibility in thc W VurilIt'g at thf' in cc ption of the n .

  • 7/27/2019 GenRad Experimenter Dec 1955


    ":., C)

    f ,, C)= - ' ~ r1, ----lffl--,.,...,..__ ---n fr - - - --- :pI Hr- "M 11,1~ . I II I I III'I III" 1111 'Ilil1 111 till[ f1 11111 hllI II I1-11111 1111Itlll l i I ~'-- I 1111': II I III,r1r11 'III, l i l ~ , - ____ - - - ; ~ d )

    "--- .