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Genki I Grammar Points 1. (X ) Y ですIt (X) is Y. 2. ~ か。 Question Marker 3. N 1  N 2 N 1  modifes N 2 N 2  o N 1 4. これ -> This near me! (n.) それ -> That near "ou! (n.) あれ -> That a#a" rom us! (n.) どれ ( ) -> Which interro$ati%e& uns'eifed! (n.) . この -> This (adj.) その -> That (adj.) あの -> That (adj.) どの ( ) -> Which (adj.) *. だれ だれの ( ) Who Whose (adj.) +. -> Here そこ -> There near "ou! あそ-> There a#a" rom us! どこ ( ) -> Where ,. A X です is X. B  Y です too is X. * B is to be diferent (person/object/act ivity) than A. /. ~ ね。 ~よ。  0eekin$ onfrmation. Makes autoritati%e. 1. Verb Conjuation 0ee on3u$ation ta5es. 11. !artic"es  6e 5oation in #i an e%ent tak es '5ae.  6e $oa5 to#ards #i tin$s mo%e.  6e time at #i an e%ent tak es '5ae. 7on da"8 9 7in mont8 *   /  make times approximate. Goa5 o mo%ement (o%er5a's usa$e). :iret o3et marker. 12. ~ませんか。 ;<tends an in%itation to do sometin$.

Genki i Grammar Points 13-12-31

Jul 05, 2018



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Genki I Grammar Points

1. (X ) Y です。

It (X) is Y.

2. ~か。

Question Marker

3. N1 の N2

N1 modifes N2

N2 o N1

4. これ -> This near me! (n.)

それ -> That near "ou! (n.)

あれ -> That a#a" rom us! (n.)



) -> Which interro$ati%e& uns'eifed! (n.)

. この -> This  (adj.)

その -> That (adj.)

あの -> That (adj.)

どの(が) -> Which (adj.)

*. だれ ・ だれの (が)Who Whose (adj.)

+. ここ -> Here


-> There near "ou!あそこ -> There  a#a" rom us!

どこ(が) -> Where

,. A X です。 is X.

B も Y です。 too is X.* B is to be diferent (person/object/activity) than A.

/. ~ね。 ・ ~よ。

  0eekin$ onfrmation. Makes autoritati%e.1. Verb Conjuation

0ee on3u$ation ta5es.

11. !artic"es

で  6e 5oation in #i an e%ent takes '5ae.

に  6e $oa5 to#ards #i tin$s mo%e. 6e time at #i an e%ent takes '5ae.

7on da"8 9 7in mont8

*ご ろ   / ご ろ に  make times approximate.

へ Goa5 o mo%ement (o%er5a's に usa$e).

を :iret o3et marker.

12. ~ませんか。

;<tends an in%itation to do sometin$.

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1=. #re$uenc% A&'erbsNe$ati%e ad%ers reuire ne$ati%e %er on3u$ations.

14.   uestions

;ndin$ a statement at は in%ites te 5istener to om'5ete or res'ond tote

sentene. 5so note& は marks te to'i #i is not neessari5" tesu3et.

1. 来る 's. 行

来 る  reers to mo%ement toar&s te s*ea+er.

行  reers to mo%ement aa% ,ro- te s*ea+er.

1*. あ!ます !artic"es

に  re'5aes で or 5oation.が

 re'5aes は or to'i introdution.

1+. ocations?en desriin$ a 5oation& te noun omes frst and is attaed to te

modifer #it の. X の " means 7in ront o X.8

1,. !ast Tense0ee on3u$ation ta5es.

1/. !"ace-ent o, uantit% a&jecti'es

?ords 5ike # $ ん ma" e '5aed eore te noun te" modi" or

o55o#in$te を diret o3et marker@

%#$ん&'を( vs. %&'を#$ん(

2. /urations o, Ti-e0 ~)* (+,-) 6erms (unit #ords) tat indiate some duration o time do not take a

'arti5e&and are usua55" '5aed diret5" eore te %er. 6o make te duration

a''ro<imate& a''end #it %+,-!.

21. .

%/.0( means 7X and Y.8

%X は Y .( means 7to$eter #it8 or 7#it.8

22. ore on も

s #e55 as markin$ simi5arities& も ma" e used to indiated t#o 'eo'5e'erormed simi5ar ati%ities. It ma" a5so mark suseuent diret o3ets#it te same ation 'erormed u'on tem (eat& u"& et.).

2=. %X  の " 1か-( an& %X の 2,(

%X の "( means 7in ront o X&8 ut it is a5so e used to sa" 7o''osite

o X8 or

  7aross (te street) rom X.8 Instead o % " ( & te #ord % X の 1 か



ma" e

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used. I sometin$ is eind X& or i sometin$ is ein$ osured rom%ie#

" X& in addition to %X の 3ろ( te term %X の 2,

(ma" e used.

24. 45 an& あ5

45 is ana5o$ous to an inredu5ous 7?atA8

あ5 is used #en "ou sudden5" notie or rememer sometin$.

2. 6 (half)  sae

6 is used ater a unit #ord 5ike )*.

7)*6 (B) is orret #ereas 76)* (X) is not.

2*. も8も8

term used on5" in te5e'one on%ersation. It ma" e used #en'5ain$ a

Ca55 or #en reei%in$ a a55.2+. A&jecti'e Conjuation

0ee on3u$ation ta5es.

2,. /eree 45*ressions:e$ree ad%ers ( .9も [very] and :;5. [a itte]) are '5aed diret5"


te ad3eti%e te" modi". <= and =,- use > as an intensi"in$ 'ref<.

2/. 6te- 7 ま8;2

De'5ain$ a 5on$ orm %er endin$ #it ま 8 ; 2 su$$ests a '5an o 

ation E7Fets %er!.8 You ma" add か& in #i ase it trans5ates as 70a55 #e


*ま 8 ; 2 か  is aso !sed to ofer assistance ("#et me$ / %ha &$ / &' doit.)

=. Counters0 ? (ま-)

? is a ounter or seets o 'a'er or oter Hat o3ets. ;<@ @?.

=1. A8- 's. にBCか(D)

A8(-そが8-) means us" and is used or 'eo'5e.

にBCか(D) means us" or 5i%e5" and is used or '5aes.

=2. 9 #or-. Conjugation:   0ee on3u$ation ta5es.

. ~ 9 だ $ -:  Creates a 'o5ite reuest.

C. ~ 9 も - - で す か ;  Deuests 'ermission to do sometin$.

:. ~ 9 も - - で す( よ ):  Grants 'ermission.

;. ~ 9 - E ま せ ん:  :enies 'ermission.

. 9 Form + 2nd  Verb:  ts as 7and8 to onnet %er 'rases.

==. ~か,

sentene endin$ in か, eause! e<'5ains irumstanes re$ardin$ a

situation. orm@ 6ituation。

45*"anation か ,

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=4. A&jecti'e 's. A&'erb #or-0ome terms a%e ot ad3eti%e and ad%er orms.

or e<am'5e& 5ate@F- (adj.)  %s.

F (adv.)

=. G

 6is optiona 'ref< is used to add smootness and nuane o soia5refnement.

=*. ~9-る

*Acceptabe or both animate and inanimate objects.. !resent !roressi'e orm o an ati%it" %er@ I am eatin.

. ~9-ます0 Jse to state ou'ation. Meanin$ o%er5a's #it Point .C. Continue& 6tate@ Foation& as& at9tin& marita5& kno#in$ a

5an$ua$e&a#ake9as5ee'& #ears& et.

*行 and 来る in this orm indicate the c!rrent state o one's ocation d!e to prior movement+ and do ,- indicate that one is c!rrenty in


=+. 8!erson9 86ubject9 が 8A&jecti'e9 です。

 6is orm is used to state an indi%idua5s attriutes& su as 76om as 5on$air.8

 6is is te 'reerred orm o%er te unnatura5 [erson の %!bject] は [Adj.] で 



#or- ,or A&jecti'es an& NounsJsed to ain to$eter ad3eti%es. 0ee on3u$ation ta5es.

=/. Verb 6te- 7 に行

:estination o Mo%ement! Kに & へ L Pur'ose o Mo%ement! に K行 & 来 る &

H る

L。 6is orm desries someone $oin$ some#ere in order to do sometin$.*0erbs !1in the p!rpose o the movement are in stem orm.

4. ~I

 6o ount 'eo'5e& add te su< ~I to te numer.

*-ne and t2o are irre!ar3 J.! and K#! respectivey.

41. LM (あそM) sae

LM means 7to '5a"&8 7to s'end time '5easant5"&8 or 7to 'a" a soia5 a55.8

It is not used or '5a"in$ instruments (をN9をJ) or s'orts (をする).

42. 6hort #or- Conjuations0ee on3u$ation ta5es.

4=. 6hort #or- sae. Quotes and Representation: Jse a 5ause endin$ #it a sort

orm 'rediate o55o#ed " %.( and %O59-ま8#( (7te" said8)


(7I tink tat8)& et.. Casual Speeh:  0ort orm is used in asua5 s'ee. I a su'erior

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s'eaksto "ou in sort orm it does not mean tat "ou sou5d res'ondin sort orm.

*4as!a 5!estion sentences !se rising intonation instead o か .


 endin o D 6adj and no!n constr!ctions is !s!ay dropped in cas!a conversation.

44. ~D-でだ$-

ne$ati%e sort orm O でだ$- an e used to reuest tat someonererain

rom doin$ sometin$.

4. Verb の

sort orm %er a''ended #it の e<'resses te idea o 7doin$ %er!.8

 6o e $ood at sometin$ is %%er!のがQR(S;2T)です。(

 6o e ad at sometin$ is %%er!のがUR(へ#)でせ。(

4*. !artic"e0 が

が takes te 'osition o は. It indiates ot te to'i and te su3et& and

em'asies te to'i more stron$5" tan は@

(1) Doert (は) #ent to Bkina#a. (%VWXYはZ[に行=ま8#。()

(2) 7obert  (が) #ent to Bkina#a. (%VWXYがZ[に行=ま8#。()

が 'resents te su3et in a #a" tat it 7f55s-in-te-5ank8 o a uestion#ord@

7?o #ent to Bkina#aA8 (%だれがZ[に行=ま8#\() 7Doert (が) did8 (R2ao%e).



(7Neati'e) 6ese #ords are used to mean sometin$9an"tin$9notin$. か is used in


statements and uestions& #i5e も is used in ne$ati%e statements inon3untion

#it a ne$ati%e %er. In tis onte<t& te" at as 'arti5es and do not takean

additiona5 'arti5e.

4,. !artic"es an& する Verbs

Most irre$u5ar %ers are a 'airin$ o a noun #it te irre$u5ar %er する (i.e.


_する ). ?it man" su %ers& te %er an e restrutured so tat tenoun is

te diret o3et o する (^_をする). eause %ers on5" take one direto3et&

a sentene usin$ tis orm ma" need to e 'rased diSerent5". ore<am'5e@

(1) `abを^_8ます。 (I stud" Ta'anese).

(2) `abの^_を8ます。 (I stud" Ta'anese).

 6e ao%e t#o sentenes are orret& #ereas ` a b を ^ _ を 8 ま す isinorret.

4/. !ast Tense 6hort #or- Conjuation

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0ee on3u$ation 6a5es.

. ua"i,%in Nouns ith Verbs an& A&jecti'es0ort orm %ers ma" e used as ua5ifers 'reedin$ te nouns tat te"

modi".e5o# is a art o ua5i"in$ metods #it e<am'5es.

1. --d3.@ Gも8ろ- I a 'erson #o is interestin$

2. D-d3.@ cが<=D I a 'erson #o 5ikes ats

3. ttriutes@ dがe- I a 'erson #o as 5on$ air

:. Uer ased@ fがねをかE9-る I a 'erson #o #ears $5asses

1. まだ~9-ません0 6i-*"e !ast an& !resent !er,ect !"rmati#eIn te armati%e& Ta'anese 'ast tense %ers si$ni" ot te sim'5e 'ast

and'resent 'eret meanin$s. 6ereore& te sim'5e 'ast on3u$ation ma" e

used#it ot #ords tat are disonneted rom te 'resent (=の2 9 "esterda")&


#ords tat are onneted to te 'resent (も2 9 a5read"). or e<am'5e@

gは=の2hiを8ま8#。 I did te ome#ork "esterda".

gはも2hiを8ま8#。 I a%e a5read" done teome#ork.

$egati#eIn te ne$ati%e& te Ta'anese 'ast tense indiates a fnised time 'eriod oroter#ise om'5eted and disonneted e%ent. situation reerrin$ to an

e%ent as it sti55 stands ('resent 'eret) must use ~9-る to e<'ress tetense.

gは=の2hiを8ませんで8#。 I did not do te ome#ork"esterda".

gはも2hiを89-ません。 I a%e not done te ome#ork"et.

 6is ~9-る orm ma" e used ot or ati%ities and an$es o state.

2. ~か, as an 45*"anator% C"ause Within a 6tate-ent

n 5ause marked " %か,(ma" 'reede te 5ause it e<'5ains. Fon$ andsort

orm %ers ma" e used in te e<'5anation 5ause and modi" te 5e%e5 o 'o5iteness&ut a 5on$ orm %er is ina''ro'riate #en te fna5 %er is in sort orm.

%か,( sentenes ma" e inter'reted as o55o#s@1. (;<'5anation) か,j(0ituation)。

a. (0ituation)& beca!se (;<'5anation).. (;<'5anation)& thereore+ (0ituation).

=. Co"ors

Co5or #ords ma" e eiter - -ad3eti%es or nouns. 6e - -ad3eti%eseome

nouns " dro''in$ teir fna5 -. Nouns reuire の to reate noun 'rases.

d3eti%a5@ k- ろ- 5ak l- あG-  5ue

m- 8ろ- ?ite no- :p-ろ- ro#n

q- あか- Ded ro- =-ろ-  Ye55o#

Nomina5@ s tど! uvXw xo Bん-ろ yzWX

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{o は--ろ Gre" | 1,$=  Pur'5e

}w~ Pink •o tT-ろ  Fi$t 5ue

4. Co-*arison

%の€2が  よ!

(Pro'ert")。( A is more (property) than B.

% . .ど5:の€2が(Pro'ert")。(Bet2een A and B+ 2hich is more (property)8

*Aternatives to ど5:の€23ど : , の € 2

+ど 5 :

+ andど : ,


%(C5ass o Items)の•で! が-:‚ん(Pro'ert")。( A is the most (property) [amon (cass o items)].*,orma 5!estion 2ords (i.e.+ だれ  ) are !sed in comparisons o 9 or more.

*he phrase Aの€2が Bよ! oten appear in reverse order : %よ !

 !の €

2 が


. A&jecti'eNoun 7の?en a noun o55o#s an ad3eti%e and it is 5ear #at te noun is& it ma" e

re'5aed "%の( meanin$ 7te ad3. one8. Fike#ise& %の(ma" re'5ae tefna5

noun o a % Noun1 の Noun2 ( 'rase. 6is ma" mean 7te ad3. one8 or7nouns.8

*. ~ƒも! 7 Co*u"a

sort orm %er o55o#ed " ƒも!(O だ 9 です) desries #at a 'erson is

'5annin$ to do in te uture. %er in ne$ati%e sort orm o55o#ed " ƒも


desries #at someone '5ans on not  doin$.

+. A&jecti'e 7 Dる

 6e %er Dる means 7to eome&8 and it ma" e used #it --ad3eti%es&

D-ad3eti%es& and nouns.

--d3eti%e@ - ->  O Dる

D-d3eti%e@ D -> に O  Dる

Noun@ Noun  O に O Dる 6is struture indiates an$e& ut not #eter it is aso5ute (#arm) orre5ati%e (#armer). 6o s'ei" tat it is re5ati%e& "ou ma" use a om'arison


as %"よ!((7tan eore8)@

„…vX$ん "よ!`abがQRにD!ま8#。&ar' has beome more silled at apanese than before*

*,ote that D!ま8# can be transated as present proressive

beca!se"よ! indicates a connection to the present.

,. どこかに どこにも0 ore 6o-e An% 45*ressionsMore uestion #ords o55o# te ]か (sometin$) and ]も (not an"tin$) ormu5as.

s #it te 're%ious e<'ressions& tese take te '5ae o 'arti5es su as

は& が&

and を. Vo#e%er& tese e<'ressions interat diSerent5" #it oter 'arti5es.

 6e 'arti5es に& へ& and&で ma" a''ear in te 5anks noted in te o55o#in$5ist@

0ometin$@ ]か Not n"tin$@ ] も

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0omeone@ だれか Not n"one@ だれ も

0ome#ere@ どこか Not an"#ere. どこ も

/. !artic"e0で 6e 'arti5e で an e used #it nouns to desrie a means o 

trans'ortation or aninstrument used.

*.が an& Eど

" usin$ tese t#o terms at te end o a sentene& te statement is treated asommon

$round et#een te s'eaker and te 5istener. 6e" oten indiate te s'eakersintention to

$i%e te 5istener an o''ortunit" to s'eak u' or to reat. 6is a5so ontriutes to'o5iteness.

*1. ~#-


(Verb 6te-) 7#-です。(

2ant to do$, You an use a %er stem O #-です to desrie %our o'es or as'irations.

#- on3u$ates as an --ad3eti%e& and te 'arti5e を ma" e re'5aed #it が.

%(Verb 6te-) 7 #-.P59-ます。(  have 2anted to do$, You ma" use tis struture to e<'ress tat %ou a%e #anted to do sometin$ or

some time.

,#- is !s!ay ony !sed to describe yo!r o2n 2ishes+ not those o others. -thers' 2ishes are presented as 5!otations+ observations+ and !esses. &t may be !sed or 5!estions+ ho2ever.

%8Verb 6te-7 #-9 7 .O59-ま8#。( -he'  said that they 2anted to$

#- o55o#ed " .O59-ま8# is used to uote someod"s #ises.

%8Verb 6te-9 7 #が59-る。( (&t seems) the'  2ant to$

 6e %er #が59-る omes rom te ditionar" orm #がる (u-%er) #i indiates

tat 7I tink tat te" #ant to& eause o te #a" te" are ea%in$.8 Jn5ike#-


e<'ressions& を annot e re'5aed " が #en usin$ #がる.

*2. ~#!~#!する

 6e 9 -orm a55o#s "ou to onnet 5auses& o#e%er it im'5ies tat tein5uded

ti%ities are te ony  ati%ities to our. I "ou #ant to mention ati%itiesas

e<am'5es ut 5ea%e room or te 'ossii5it" o unmentioned items& "ou ma"use te

'rediate orm ~#!~#!する. 6o reate te #! orm o a 'rediate& take tesort

orm 'ast tense and add ! . 6e e5'in$ %er する determines te tense o tesentene.


(Acti'it% A)#!

(Acti'it% B)#!する。(

7;do su tin$s as and .8

*=. ~こ.がある

sort orm %er in 'ast tense O ~こ.がある indiates tat sometin$ aseen

done or e<'eriened in te 'ast. ある on3u$ates to 'resent orms.

%Verb (short< *ast) 7 こ.がある。(

 7a%e te e<'eriene o8

*4. !artic"e0 C

 6e 'arti5e C is simi5ar to .& e<e't tat C iners tat items in te 5ist ma"

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not e e<austi%e.

%A (noun)  C B (noun) ...(  and & or e<am'5e&

*.   sae in Neati'e 6entences

 6e 'arti5e は is oten ound in ne$ati%e sentenes #ere が or を mi$toter#ise e e<'eted. 6e ru5e o tum is tat ne$ati%e sentenes

sou5d a%e

at 5east one 'rase demarated " は W i te 'arti5e a5read" e<istse5se#ere in

te sentene it is 5ess neessar" to re'5ae が 9 を. は me a5so o55o# te'arti5es

で and に.

**. だE

だE an e added to a numer (ater te ounter) to state tat tere are

 3ust tatnumer o items& et. It indiates tat sometin$ e<ists u' to te amountneeded&

ut not in e<ess. だE $i%es te im'ression tat te numer is suientut

ou5d e (and #ou5d e desira5e to e) i$er. 8か #i55 e disussed 5ater&andmeans 3ust or on5" in te sense tat tere is an insuient numer o items.

*+. ore uses o, に

に an e used to indiate te oasion at #i sometin$ a''ens. It ana5so

e used to e<'ress te ro5e tat sometin$ is to take (simi5ar to 7as a!8 in;n$5is).

*,. †‡ˆ‰ に行・†‡ˆ‰ する 's. Š‹Œ2ん9んする

†‡ˆ‰ means dri%in$ or '5easure. It an e used as †‡ˆ‰に行 or

†‡ˆ‰する . Bter#ise (su as dri%in$ to $et some#ere) Š‹する isused.

*+. ŽŒf

s Ž means dream and as ot usa$es as it does in ;n$5is. s5ee'in$dream

takes te %er るŒtる#i5e an amition takes ‘59-る or ある.

*,. に

 6e 'arti5e は ater に is used in sentenes tat desrie a '5ae " #at"ou

fnd tere. 6is is in ontrast to sim'5" usin$ に& #i mi$t ans#er #ere"ou

an fnd sometin$. In oter #ords& te は 'uts te em'asis on te5oation

rater tan #at is 'resent at te 5oation.