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Genesys Ensemble Dealer Product Training Guidebook Introduction to the Genesys System [Part 1]

Genesys Ensemble Dealer Product Training Guidebook Introduction to the Genesys System [Part 1]

Dec 26, 2015



Hector Poole
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Page 1: Genesys Ensemble Dealer Product Training Guidebook Introduction to the Genesys System [Part 1]

Genesys Ensemble

Dealer Product TrainingGuidebook

Introduction to the Genesys System[Part 1]

Page 2: Genesys Ensemble Dealer Product Training Guidebook Introduction to the Genesys System [Part 1]

What is a Sound Preset?

A Preset consists of up to 6 Single Sounds layered across the keyboard.In many of the Preset Families the Presets on the left are solo instrumentswhile the Presets on the right are layered instruments.

There are a total of 256 factory Presets and another 256 locations to storeyour own custom User Presets.

Presets remember what sounds are active,the volume levels of those sounds,the effects settings, stereo panning, pedaland mod wheel assignments and audio outputassignments.

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Main Screen explained (Home Page)

By pressing the ESCAPE button one or more times (depending on the currentmode of the Genesys) you will arrive at the Main Screen or “Home Page”.

The Home Page shows you important information regarding the currentlyselected Style, Tempo, Keyboard Mode, Transpose and the current Preset.

The Home Page also gives youaccess to the individual Parts thatmake up the currently selectedStyle and Preset.

This is also where you can changethe keyboard Split Point.

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Layering your own sounds

By pressing soft button F6 from the Home Page, you will gain access to theKeyboard Parts page. This is where you can decide what sound(s) will be used whencreating your own User Presets.

In the example, we know that Parts 7 and 8 are active because they show a keyboardicon to the left of the Single Sound name. The other Parts are muted as indicated bythe X’ed out speaker icons.

To mute or un-mute specific Parts,press the associated Soft Button tothe left of the desired Part.

NOTE: Parts 1 and 2 are dedicated to left-hand keyboard parts and are not available on the right side of the keyboard.

Notice that the first time you selectan un-selected Part, the cursor ismoved to that Part. You must thenpress the Soft Button again to makea change to the status of that Part.

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Single Sound Mode

By pressing the SINGLE button within the PRESET FAMILIES section,you can view and select Single sounds to use in your own User Presets.

Notice at the top right of the screen is a Bank indicator. Each sound group in SINGLE sound mode contains a total of16 banks of sounds.NOTE: Some of the locations are left blank in order to load new sounds from disk or when creating and saving your own sounds.

Be sure that you are editing the correct PARTby pressing the ENTER button to view the

Keyboard Parts screen. The PART you areediting must be highlighted.

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Store your own User Preset

The Genesys has 256 User Preset locations in which to store you own custom Presets.Press the STORE button to the right of the MEMORIES section to gain access tothe Store screen. Here you have the option of storing Memories, Presets andStyle Presets. Use the right cursor button to highlight Presets.

Press the up cursor button to highlight the Preset Name and use the keyboard toname your new Preset.Then cursor down to Family and choose a Family, i.e. Piano, Organ, Brass, etc. Cursor down once more to select a User Preset location 1-16.

When you are happy with yourselections, press the ENTER buttonto store your new User Preset.

Make note of where you stored yournew Preset so you can find it whenYou press the USER button withinthe PRESET FAMILIES section.

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Key Mode explained

The Keyboard Mode buttons allow you to tell the Genesys how you would like toplay the instrument.

Notice the label beneath the first 2 buttons named FULL and BASS SPLIT. Thesekeyboard modes are to be used when playing the instrument without using Stylesor when playing along with pre-recorded songs.

The remaining 4 buttons are used when playing along with STYLES. Refer to theGenesys User’s Manual for details on these various Keyboard Mode buttons.

NOTE: When the S.T. PLAY (Single Touch Play) button is activated, the Genesysautomatically selects ACCOMP. SPLIT Mode.

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Using Styles

The Genesys has 256 internal Styles and 64 User Style locations.If you have ever used an arranger keyboard, you should be very familiar with mostof the Style Controls.

However, several of the buttonsmay be new to you. One is theSTYLE PRESETS button. Whena Style is selected, pressing thisbutton will display up to 8 SoundPresets that are unique to the selected Style. These Presets are in addition to theregular Sound Presets found in the PRESET FAMILIES section.

Two other buttons found in the STYLE TOOLS section arevery handy as well. These are TEMPO and STYLE LOCK.Because the tempo of a style can be stored in various sectionsof the Genesys, activating the Tempo Lock allows you to select

select new sounds via Sound Presets and Memories without the tempo being adjustedto the saved value.Style Lock enables you to select a new Memory (which stores Style selection, SoundPreset and more) but retains the currently selected Style.

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Creating and Storing Style Presets

After selecting a Style, choose a sound Preset that you would like to play.

Press the STORE button, cursor over to Style Presets, and down to Style Preset,Rotate the Tempo/DataDial to choose a blankLocation and pressENTER.

You can now press theStyle Presets button toView your Style Preset.

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Vocal Genius Mic Set-up

Before using the microphone, you must adjust theInput gain on the back panel of the Genesys.

After plugging the mic cable into the MIC input,set both sliders to the minimum position and activateThe ON/OFF button in the Vocal Genius section. ThenPress the EFFECTS button.

While talking into the mic, slowly turn the centerGain knob to the right until a proper level is indicatedOn the MIC VU meter.

Proper Level

Gain set too high

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What is a Memory

The Genesys can store 1024 Memories. These can be instantly recalled by pressingone of the 8 Memory buttons.8 Memories are available ata time from the MEMORIESsection. Pressing the BANK- or BANK+ buttons will gain access to any of the 128Memory Banks in the Genesys. Each Bank holds 16 Memories.

Memories are similar to Sound Presets and Style Presets although they are muchmore powerful in that they can store more information than standard Presets.

•Sound Preset (with edits)•Style selection•Style Preset (with edits)•Style Tempo•Style Variation•Keyboard Mode•Vocal Genius settings•Mixer Settings•Master Transpose

Memories can store the following information;

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Storing a Memory

Once you have selected a Sound Preset, Style and Variation and set-up otherparameters like effects, pedals, Vocal Genius, etc. press the Store button to theright of the MEMORIES section. Notice that theword Memories is highlighted as is the field tothe right of the Memory Name. Use the keyboardto create a name for your Memory. Then cursordown to User Bank and choose a Bank between1 and 128. Cursor down again to the Memorynumber and choose a position between 1 and 8.Press the ENTER button and your new Memorywill be stored.

To view and select different Memory Banks,press the BANK-and BANK+ buttonssimultaneously. The screen will display16 Banks at a time. Use the PREV/NEXTPage buttons to move between all 128 Banks.

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Disk Button functions – page 1

Pressing the DISK button will display theDisk Drives screen.

On the very left of the screen is a vertical list ofResources. These are simply the various placesdata can be stored and retrieved.•F.D. is Floppy Disk•H.D. is Hard Drive•CD is Compact Disk•RAM is the Genesys internal memory•SCSI is for an optional external hard drive

Soft Buttons A – D selects the desired Resource.Use the cursor buttons to move down the list offolders that appear in the left column. Notice thatwhen you stop on a folder, the contents of thatfolder appear in the right column. In this example,the folder named ‘15JUNE04’ has been selectedshowing the contents of that folder.

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Disk Button functions – page 2

In this example, the right cursor has been pressedto move into the second column, and then the downcursor was pressed several times to highlight thesub-folder named ‘MEMORIES’.

A main folder from the first column can containone or more folder types. In the example, we cansee that folder ’15JUNE04’ contains 5 sub-folders.

Pressing the right cursor again will open thesub-folder revealing its contents. In this example,the MEMORIES sub-folder contains 5 files. Weknow these files are individual Memories sincethey are located inside the MEMORIESsub-folder.

NOTE: Sub-folders are created automatically whensaving a specific type of data to a disk. If you aresaving a song to a main folder that does not yet contain any songs, a SONGSsub-folder will be created.

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Genesys Ensemble

Dealer Product TrainingGuidebook

Introduction to the Genesys System[Part 2]

Page 16: Genesys Ensemble Dealer Product Training Guidebook Introduction to the Genesys System [Part 1]

Quick Sound Edit

To make simple changes to a sound when makinga Sound or Style Preset, press the PRESET buttonwithin SECTION EDIT.

The screen that appears gives access to severaldifferent editing tools.

In this case, using the cursor buttons to highlight Sound Edit (Quick) and pressing ENTER will display the Quick Sound Editing screen.

Use the cursor buttons and the Tempo/Data dialto adjust the parameters. Once the sound is to yourliking, save the changes to a new Sound Preset,Style Preset or Memory location.

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Editing Parts

To make adjustments to individual Parts, i.e. Transpose, Touch Sensitivity, Velocity, Delay, etc., press the PRESET button within SECTION EDIT. Using the Cursor buttons, highlight Edit Parts and press ENTER.

The Soft Buttons to the left of the Sound namesare used to select the Part to be edited.Use the Soft Buttons to the right of the displayto select the parameter you wish to edit.

Once you are happy with your adjustments,the edited Part(s) can be stored as a new UserPreset, Style Preset or Memory.

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Editing Style and Song Tracks

Editing Style and Song tracks (sounds) uses the same screens that are used whenmaking edits to Sound Presets and Style Presets. As a reference, review theEditing Parts, Editing Effects and Mixer Page functions sections of this guidebook.

NOTE: In order to edit tracks of a Song (SMF or GEM Song) the song must be in RAM Memory.Load the desired song from disk and then select that song by pressing the SONG SELECT button within the Song Player/Recording Studio, choose RAM and use the cursor buttons to highlight the song.Press ESCAPE to view the Song Player screen.Press Soft Button F2 to view the Parts (tracks) of the song.Use the PART button to alternate between parts 1-8 and 9-16.

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Editing Effects

To make changes to the Effects used by sounds,press the EFFECT button within SECTION EDIT.

There are 3 main screens that you will use to editthe Effects for sounds; •Effect Type

•Send Level•Effects program

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Mixer Page functions

Pressing the MIXER button within SECTION EDIT gainsaccess to the Mixer Settings.Notice that when this buttonis pressed, the lower LED isilluminated indicating that Mixer Mode is active.

When Mixer Mode is active

Pan adjust the stereo imagingof a Part’s Sound.

3D Effect is a Stereo FieldEnhancer. The Bass (low freq)can also be set on this page.

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Programmable Pads

Each Programmable Pad can be used to play a single pitched note of a sound oryou can choose to assign one or more Pads to various functions of the Genesys.

In the example to the right Pad 1 will playan Applause sound.

Pad 2 will set the Vocal Genius to FullChoir.

Pad 3 is assigned to control the Rotaryspeed in the Effects section.

Pad 4 is set to Tap Tempo in order to setthe tempo of a style of song by tapping inthe desired tempo on the pad.

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All Recording in the Genesys is initiated by pressingthe REC button within the Song Player/Rec Studio.You will now be presented with theRecording Studio screen options.

[New SONG]

[New Stereo WAVE]


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Burning a CD

You can create both music and data CD’s with the Genesys. Press the MAKE CDbutton to open the CD Studio screen.

Select CD Data to burn a CD of MIDI files, RAM Files,MP3’s and WAVE Files.

Select CD Audio to burn a standard audio CD playable in any CD player.

Locate the file(s) you wish to burn by navigating throughthe Hard Drive folders and then press Soft Button F2 to Add the file to the CDLayout. Press Soft Button F4 to Create the CD. Press ENTER at the Prompts.

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Genesys Ensemble

Dealer Product TrainingGuidebook

Genesys Power UserSession

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Sound Edit Pro

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Sequence Edit functions

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Recording you own Styles

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MIDI functions

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