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GAP Green Beans.

Jun 02, 2018



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  • 8/9/2019 GAP Green Beans.


  • 8/9/2019 GAP Green Beans.



    Land-use istory

    Grazing animals on or near crop land can introduce bacteria harmful tohumans intothe soil. Growers should ensure that land has not been used for animalhusbandry

    during the current growing season and that it is not close to either animalfeedlots or water run o from grazing lands. Previous improper use ofpesticides can result in hazardous residues on raw products.

  • 8/9/2019 GAP Green Beans.


    Fertili!er use

    Incompletely composted organic fertilizers may contain bacteriaharmful to humans from animal or human feces. If organic fertili!ers

    are used" tey must #e certi$ed as completely composted.Inorganic fertilizers originate from nontoxic, synthetic chemicals,so no pathogens are present.

    %rrigationNatural surface &ater (e.g.,canal, lake, provides enough organic matterto support the growth of bacterial pathogens. It may be used with cautionfor irrigation but should be tested for the presence of the bacterium E. coli-indicator of fecal contamination.

    'round&ateris less li!ely to harbor pathogens that will harm humans butshould be analyzed for eavy metal and pesticide contamination.

    'ro&ers sould document o& &ater isstored" if animals are con$ned near#y"and if &ater is pota#le (safe for drin)ing*+

  • 8/9/2019 GAP Green Beans.


    ,esticide usage

    Growers must comply with all federal and state labels and must be able to

    answer the following "uestions#$.%o you oversee your pesticide&spraying program'

    .%o you have record&!eeping procedures to trac! all spraying ofthis crop'

    ).%o you or the state*federal government regularly test your crops forresidue levels'

  • 8/9/2019 GAP Green Beans.


    +arvesting and +andling,ic)ing

    +and&harvesting may lead to pathogencontamination if eld wor!ers practice poorhygiene. -ield crews must #e trained andmonitored for personal hygiene, and portablebathrooms and hand&washing facilities

    must be provided in the eld and must be maintained.

    Field containers

    arvest containers sould #e nonto.ic" easyto clean" and free of e.traneous. fter cleaningthey can be sanitized by using a very strongsodium hypochlorite solution dispensed from ahigh&pressure sprayer.

  • 8/9/2019 GAP Green Beans.



    Green beans must be harvested at optimum

    maturity based on buyer specications.Pods should be harvested when thesieve size is small and pods are straight anddar! green. /vermature pods that areyellowed, curved, or damaged from insects or rotmust be removed. +arvest crews must be trained

    to remove extraneous leaves, stems, or soil clods.

    -ield&pac!ed crates should be removed promptlyafter lling so that excessive heat buildup doesnot occur.0rates should be cooled as soon as possible..

  • 8/9/2019 GAP Green Beans.


  • 8/9/2019 GAP Green Beans.


    Postharvest +andling

    ,recooling and storage

    /nce harvested, green beans can be hydrocooled to remove eld heat.Greenbeanscan be room&cooled. 7either precooling nor storage temperatures should belower than 89:-. ;elative humidity should be

  • 8/9/2019 GAP Green Beans.


    /ater N06ater used in cleaning and cooling should be chlorinated at a concentrationof 12 to344 ppm of free clorine. 0hlorination can be accomplished using a gasin2ectionsystem, adding bleach, or using calcium hypochlorite tablets./ater p 56+2 -1+2 to avoid having to use excess chlorinen and in order to

    maintain recommended free chlorine levels+

    7.cessive clorine gas can irritate &or)ers8 s)in" is corrosive toe9uipment"and increases sanitation costs+

    7mployee ygiene

    Good employee hygiene is critical in reducing contamination bywor!ers.>mployee training, health screening, and constant monitoring ofpac!ing house sanitationpractices (hand washing, personal hygiene are important.


  • 8/9/2019 GAP Green Beans.


    ,ac)ingouse e9uipment

    Pac!inghouse e"uipment should always bemaintained in clean condition. ?he remnantsof product left on belts, tables, lines,and conveyors could provide a food sourcefor microbial growth@ thusstandard cleaning

    proceduresshould include scrubbing toremove particles.-urther sanitizing with a chlorinesolution may be needed.3oots, gloves smoc!s, and apronsshould be cleaned or replaced as needed.

  • 8/9/2019 GAP Green Beans.


    ,est control

    pest control program &ill minimi!e ris) ofcontaminationby rodents or other animals.In an open or exposed pac!inghouseoperation, the best control is constantvigilance and elimination of any discoveredanimals and their potential nesting locations.

    Product and*or product remnants willattract pests@ therefore, the daily cleaning ofthe pac!ing house to eliminate the attractivefood source should help reduce pests.

  • 8/9/2019 GAP Green Beans.


    Facility sanitation

    Pac!inghouse facilities have the potentialfor developing microbial growth on walls,

    tunnels, ceilings, 5oors, doors, anddrains.Sceduled &asdo&n and:orsaniti!ing ofte facility &ill reduce te potentialfor

    micro#ial gro&t. ?he cooling systemshould be monitored and cleaned asnecessary, depending on the type ofsystem.

    ;emperature control

    Maintaining proper oldingroomtemperature &ill promote product

    9uality andreduce micro#ial gro&t.?emperature

  • 8/9/2019 GAP Green Beans.




    ?ruc!s must be inspected for sanitarycondition and optimum transit temperature

    before being loaded with produce. 0hec!for visible cleanliness, odors, dirt, and*orother debris prior to loading. ny truc!showing these conditions should be re2ected.0hec! for pest infestation" pysicalcondition" and te presence of a properly

    aligned air cute #efore loading++Never load produce into a &arm truc)+

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