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Game Development Using SDL and the PDK Aaron Ardiri Cross-Platform Development Guru April 24, 2010

Game Development using SDL and the PDK

Dec 13, 2014




Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform multimedia library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and 2D video frame buffer - a core component of the PDK.
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Page 1: Game Development using SDL and the PDK

Game Development Using SDL and the

PDK Aaron Ardiri

Cross-Platform Development Guru April 24, 2010

Page 2: Game Development using SDL and the PDK

Getting Started With the PDK

•  Installing the PDK •

• Configuring the device for development • Enable developer mode, connect via USB • Execute the pdk-device-install script

• Installs the SSH sub-system on the device

• Compiling the sample applications • Build for the desktop (Host) or device (Palm® Pre™ or Palm Pixi™)

• Accessing the device environment/operating system • ssh –p 10022 root@localhost to remote login to the device

Now you have a device—start developing native applications for it

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The Anatomy of a PDK Application

• A PDK application is a webOS application • Use the pdk-generate tool to create an empty structure • Modify the appinfo.json file

• Change the “type” attribute from “web” to “game” • Change the “main” attribute from “index.html” to your plug-in name •  Insert the “requiredMemory” attribute memory usage information

• Copy the executable to the package structure • Create file to define execution rights • Use the pdk-package tool to create an .ipk file • Use the pdk-install tool to install the package on device

webOS and plug-in integration—how does it work?

Page 4: Game Development using SDL and the PDK

Simple DirectMedia Layer

Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) is a cross-platform multimedia library designed to provide developers low- level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and video frame buffer

• SDL version 1.2 used • sdl-image • sdl-mixer • sdl-net • sdl-ttf • Some “unofficial” tweaks :)

• Existing SDL applications can be migrated easily

Cross-platform multimedia library—available within the PDK

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The Anatomy of an SDL Application

#include “SDL.h” #include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) { Uint32 flags = SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING; if (SDL_Init(flags) == -1) exit(1);

// say hello world! printf(“Hello World from SDL!\n”);

SDL_Quit(); exit(0); }

Hello World in SDL—not much different from classic C applications

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SDL Events



• Notable functions • int SDL_PollEvent(event *); • int SDL_PushEvent(event *);

• Notable structures • SDL_Event

Interfacing with the underlying operating system

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SDL Events: Example Interfacing with the underlying operating system—getting hands dirty

SDL_Event e; int running = 1;

// while the application is active; keep going while (running) { // is there an event to process? if (SDL_PollEvent(&e)) { switch (e.type) { case SDL_QUIT: running = 0; break; default: break; } } }

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SDL Graphics

• SDL_INIT_VIDEO • Frame buffer graphics

• A representation of an offscreen surface that the developer can read/write from to present information on the device display

• Notable functions • SDL_Surface *SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, depth, flags); • void SDL_LockSurface(surface *); • void SDL_UnlockSurface(surface *); • void SDL_Flip(surface *);

• Notable structures • SDL_Surface, SDL_PixelFormat, SDL_Rect, SDL_Color

How to access the 2D graphics frame buffer

Page 9: Game Development using SDL and the PDK

SDL_Surface *surface; Uint8 surface_r, surface_g, surface_b; void *surface_bits; Uint32 color_red;

// initialize the video mode surface = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, 0, 0);

// obtain information about the surface surface_r = bitsset(surface -> format -> Rmask); surface_g = bitsset(surface -> format -> Gmask); surface_b = bitsset(surface -> format -> Bmask);

// get a pointer to the surface / define a color surface_bits = surface -> pixels; color_red = SDL_MapRGB(surface -> format, 255, 0, 0);

SDL Graphics: Example How to access the 2D graphics frame buffer—getting hands dirty

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SDL Graphics—Events

• Overview • Handling Window Manager interruptions • Handling resizing of the application window from within SDL


 event.resize.w  event.resize.h

How to respond/be informed of changes in the video subsystem

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SDL Input—Touch Events


 event.button.state SDL_PRESSED or SDL_RELEASES  event.button.x  event.button.y  event.button.button

• SDL_MOUSEMOTION  event.motion.state SDL_PRESSED or SDL_RELEASED  event.motion.x  event.motion.y  event.motion.xrel  event.motion.yrel

How to handle touchscreen user input

Page 12: Game Development using SDL and the PDK

switch (e.type) { case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: penX = e.button.x; penY = e.button.y; penDown = 1; break;

case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: penDown = 0; break;

case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: penX = e.motion.x; penY = e.motion.y; penDown = (e.motion.state == SDL_PRESSED); break; }

SDL Input—Touch Events: Example How to handle touchscreen user input —getting hands dirty

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SDL Input—Multitouch Events

• Five simultaneous touches can exist •  Input events



• Notable functions • Uint8 SDL_GetMultiMouseState(id, x*, y*); • Uint8 SDL_GetRelativeMultiMouseState(id, x*, y*);

How to handle multiple touchscreen user input

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SDL Input—Key Events

•  Input events • SDL_KEYDOWN / SDL_KEYUP

 event.key.type SDL_KEYUP or SDL_KEYDOWN  event.key.state SDL_PRESSED or SDL_RELEASED  event.key.keysym.scancode  event.key.keysym.sym  event.key.keysym.mod  event.key.keysym.unicode * only if UNICODE enabled

• Notable functions • int SDL_EnableUNICODE(enable); • Uint8 *SDL_GetKeyState(numkeys);

How to handle keyboard user input

Page 15: Game Development using SDL and the PDK

// event loop switch (e.type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: chr = e.key.keysym.sym; // SDL key

chr = e.key.keysym.scancode; // generic key break; }

Uint8 *keyState; keyState = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL); if (keyState[SDLK_UP]) printf(“move up\n”); if (keyState[SDLK_DOWN]) printf(“move down\n”); if (keyState[SDLK_LEFT]) printf(“move left\n”); if (keyState[SDLK_RIGHT]) printf(“move right\n”);

SDL Input—Key Events: Example How to handle keyboard user input—getting hands dirty

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SDL Input—Joystick Events

•  SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK •  Input events

•  SDL_JOYAXISMOTION x-axis = 0   y-axis = 1   z-axis = 2 -32768 through 32767

• Notable functions •  SDL_Joystick *SDL_JoystickOpen(id); •  int SDL_JoystickNumAxes(joy *); •  Sint16 *SDL_JoystickGetAxis(joy *, axis); •  void SDL_JoystickClose(joy *);

How to handle accelerometer user input

Page 17: Game Development using SDL and the PDK

// open the joystick SDL_Joystick *joy; joy = SDL_JoystickOpen(0);

// event loop switch (e.type) { case SDL_JOYAXISMOTION: if ( == 0) accX =; else if ( == 1) accY =; else if ( == 2) accZ =; break; }

// close the joystick SDL_JoystickClose(joy);

SDL Input—Joystick Events: Example How to handle accelerometer user input—getting hands dirty

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SDL Audio

• SDL_INIT_AUDIO • PCM implementation

• Sound is a series of values (samples) representing a wave—pulse-code modulation is the digitized form of analog audio

• Notable functions • int SDL_OpenAudio(desired *, obtained *); • void SDL_PauseAudio(state); • void SDL_CloseAudio();

• Notable structures • SDL_AudioSpec

What is a game without sound and music?

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SDL_AudioSpec *spec, *hw_spec;

// define our audio specification spec = malloc(sizeof(SDL_AudioSpec)); memset(spec, 0, sizeof(SDL_AudioSpec); spec -> freq = 11025; spec -> format = AUDIO_S8; spec -> channels = 2; spec -> samples = 4096; spec -> callback = (void *)my_audio_callback;

// lets try and get what we want SDL_OpenAudio(spec, hw_spec);

// start playing SDL_PauseAudio(0);

SDL Audio—Specification Frequency, channels, and samples—define the PCM format

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void my_audio_callback(void *ud, void *stream, int len) { Uint8 *p = (Uint8 *)stream;

// assuming it is AUDIO_S8, stereo len = len << 1;

// fill with noise – do not play with headphones while (len--) *p++ = random(0); }

• Latency = the time between callback requests; keep low • Third-party libraries exist, making it easier for developers

SDL Audio—Callback Implementing a callback—let’s make some noise!

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SDL Timers and Timing

• SDL_INIT_TIMER • Millisecond timing

• Possible to request time state to an accuracy of around 10 ms • Timers exist to execute a callback after a specific period of time

• Notable functions • Uint32 SDL_GetTicks(); • void SDL_Delay(milliseconds); • SDL_TimerID SDL_SetTimer(period, callback, param);

• Notable structures • SDL_TimerID, SDL_NewTimerCallback

Dealing with time—how to get everything working at the right speed

Page 22: Game Development using SDL and the PDK

Uint32 timeA, timeB, diff; float fps;

while (g_running) { // drawing loop : beginning timeA = SDL_GetTicks();

// drawing loop : end timeB = SDL_GetTicks(); diff = timeB – timeA; if (diff > 0) fps = 1000.0 / diff; }

SDL Timers and Timing—FPS Counter How many frames per second is the application running?

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C Standard Library (libc) Support

• Memory allocation • malloc, memset, memcpy, free ..

• Standard IO/file access • fopen, fprintf, fread, fwrite, fseek ..

• Time and date functions • time, mktime, localtime, sleep ..

• Berkeley sockets • socket, connect, recv, send ..

• String functions • sprintf, strlen, strcat, strcpy ..

The ultimate portable library—there is so much you can use

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• The PDK provides limited debugging support • gdb debugging tool option is available (plug-in for eclipse) • SSH shell level debugging using fprintf • Logging entries to the system log file

#include <syslog.h>

setlogmask(LOG_UPTO(LOG_NOTICE)); openlog(“APP_NAME”, LOG_PID | LOG_NDELAY, LOG_USER); syslog(LOG_INFO, “we got here - awesome”); closelog();

palm-pre % grep APP_NAME /var/log/messages

PDK Debugging How to track down issues—and keep your sanity at the same time

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The PDK Sandbox

• Save area for read/write access • /media/internal * • PDL_Err PDL_GetDataFilePath(fileName, buffer, len);

• Seamless integration of background music? • PDL_Err PDL_NotifyMusicPlaying(state);

• Screen backlight/inactivity time-out • PDL_Err PDL_ScreenTimeoutEnable(state);

• SDL Event loop handling (multitasking aware) • if (g_active) SDL_Delay(1); else SDL_Delay(100); • consider SDL_WaitEvent() vs SDL_PollEvent() cases

How to play nice within the PDK environment

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Portability/Cross-Platform Development

• C Programming • ANSI C standards • C standard library (libc)—use it as much as you can • Be considerate of CPU bus width and endianess

• sizeof(int) != sizeof(long) • Integer storage—little endian verses big endian

• Code separation • Business Logic verses Interaction Logic • Write platform API stub routines to help with separation

• Experience as many platforms as you can • To assist with identifying what you should abstract if you can

All for one and one for all—how to be a musketeer of mobile development

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Mobile 1UP

•  iPhone games ported to the PDK in less than 5 hours • 10+ applications ported with ease • Games utilize cross-platform design approach • SDL bindings worked well for the in-house build SDK used

10+ years of mobile application development—so many devices!

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• Complete development guides and community areas are available online in the Palm Developer Network

• SDL is an open source initiative—join the community!

Getting Further Information I want to know more—where do I get more information?

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& Q A

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