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Gallo-Brittonic Etymological Dictionary

Oct 30, 2015




A list of attested and reconstructed Gallo-Brittonic roots, along with their ancestor, descendant and cognate forms.
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  • Gallo-Brittonic Etymological Dictionary Version 1.4 (12th August 2013)

    Edward Hatfield (Wedoku)

  • *ad (prep.)

    1. to, toward, up to (+ acc.)

    [PIE : A.Celtic : ad-] [Welsh : at]

    [Proto-Germanic : *at Old English : t English : at] [Latin : ad]



    1. drive, impel 2. go

    [PIE : *h2 -] [Welsh : | Cornish : a | Breton : a] [Old Irish : aigid]

    [Latin : aget] [Greek : ] [Sanskrit : ]


    *alio-s (ayo.)

    1. other, another, one of two 2. second 3. other, another, alternate (?o.)

    [PIE : -s A.Celtic : allo-s] [Welsh : ail (~ eiliau) | Cornish : yl | Breton : eil] [Old Irish : aile Irish : eile | Gaelic : eile | Manx : elley]

    [Proto-Germanic : *aljaz Old English : elle(s) English : el(se)] [Latin : alius] [Greek : ]


    *ambi (prep.)

    1. around, about, on both sides (+ acc.) 2. for, concerning 3. great, very, entirely (prefix)

  • [PIE : *ambhi- A.Celtic : amb-] [Welsh : am] [Old Irish : imb / imm]

    [Proto-Germanic : *umbi Old English : ymbe] [Latin : ambi] [Greek : amph ] [Sanskrit : ]


    *arkto-s *arto-s (mo.)

    1. bear 2. hero

    [PIE : *h2 -s (m.) A.Celtic : art-] [Welsh : arth ~ eirth (m/f.) | Cornish : arth ~ arthes (m.) | Breton : arzh ~ arzhed (m.)] [Old Irish : art ~ airt (m.)]

    [Latin : ursus ~ urs (m.)] [Greek : ~ r ( .)] [Sanskrit : ka ~ k (m.)]


    *banwo-s (mo.)

    1. piglet, young pig

    [A.Celtic : banuo-] [Welsh : banw ~ banwod (m.) | Cornish : baneu | Breton : banv] [Old Irish : banb ~ bainb (mo.) Irish : banbh]


    *bena (fir.)

    1. woman 2. wife 3. (as suffix) ess

    [PIE : *gw (f.) A.Celtic : -bena] [Welsh : benyw ~ -od (f.) | Cornish : benyn ~ -es (f.)] [Old Irish : ben ~ m ( .) Irish : bean | Gaelic : bean | Manx : ben]

    [Proto-Germanic : (f.) Old English : cwene English : queen] [Greek : ~ s ( .)] [Sanskrit : ~ (f.)]

  • -

    *ber-e/o- (S1)

    1. carry, infer (of arguments or facts) 2. bear, bring forth, yield, (passive) be born 3. judge, pass judgement, interpret (dreams) 4. carry away, take (with one) 5. win, secure (victory), carry off 6. obtain, take, get 7. spend (time), (intransitive) last, keep, endure 8. carry away from 9. bring to 10. put (with nouns expressing movement) 11. give

    [PIE : *bh ] [Old Irish : beirid Irish : beir | Gaelic : beir]

    [Proto-Germanic : Old English : beran English : bear] [Latin : f ] [Greek : ph ] [Sanskrit : bharati]


    *biwo-s (ao.)

    1. alive, living, quick, animate 2. being, creature (?o.) 3. immortal (spiritual sense)

    [PIE : *gwih3 -s A.Celtic : biuo-] [Welsh : byw | Cornish : byw | Breton : bev] [Old Irish : Irish : beo | Gaelic : | Manx : bio]

    [Proto-Germanic : *kwikwaz Old English : cwic English : quick] [Latin : vvu ] [Greek : ~ (m.) ] [Sanksrit : v ] [Lithuanian : gyvas]


    *bukko-s (mo.)

    1. he-goat 2. male deer

  • [PIE : *bhukkos] [Welsh : bwch ~ byched (m.) | Cornish : boch | Breton : uc ] [Old Irish : bocc ~ buicc (mo.)]

    [Proto-Germanic : *bukkaz ~ * u z (m.) Old English : bucc English : buck] [Sanskrit : bukha]


    *bou-s (m/f.)

    1. cow, ox 2. (plural) cattle

    [PIE : *gw (m/f.)] [Middle Welsh : bu] [Old Irish : (m/f.) Irish : ~ ba | Gaelic : | Manx : booa]

    [Proto-Germanic : ~ w z ( .) Old English : c English : cow] [Latin : ~ vs (m/ .)] [Greek : ~ s (m/ .)] [Sanskrit : go (m/f.)]



    1. brother 2. cousin 3. kinsman, clansman 4. word of similar declension

    [PIE : *bh 2 (m.)] [Welsh : brawd ~ brodyr (m.) | Cornish : broder ~ breder (m.) | Breton : breur (m.)] [Old Irish : (m.) Irish : ~ r r | Manx : braar]

    [Proto-Germanic : ~ * rr z (m.) Old English : English : brother] [Latin : f ~ r rs (m.)] [Greek : ph ~ phr r s (m.) sm ] [Sanskrit : (m.)]


    *dant (nt.)

    1. tooth

  • [PIE : *h3 (m.)] [Welsh : dant ~ dannedd (m.) | Cornish : dans (m.)] [Old Irish : ~ ( .)]

    [Proto-Germanic : *tans ~ taniz (m.) Old English : English : tooth] [Latin : ~ s (m.)] [Greek : ~ s (m.)] [Sanskrit : (m.)]


    *dekam *dekan (num.)

    1. ten

    [PIE : (t) A.Celtic : decam-] [Welsh : deg | Cornish : deg | Breton : dek] [Old Irish : deichN Irish : deich | Gaelic : deich | Manx : jeih]

    [Proto-Germanic : *texun Old English : English : ten] [Latin : decem] [Greek : ] [Sanskrit : ]


    -s (mo.)

    1. god 2. supernatural being

    [PIE : -s A.Celtic : deuo-] [Welsh : duw ~ duwiau (m.) | Cornish : duw ~ duwow (m.) | Breton : doue] [Old Irish : ~ L (m.) Irish : dia | Gaelic : dia | Manx : jee]

    [Proto-Germanic : T ~ - Old English : T English : Tues-] [Latin : deus ~ (m.)] [Sanskrit : v ~ v (m.)] [Lithuanian : v ~ v (m.)]


    u ux (fr.)

    1. daughter

    [PIE : *dhugh2 (f.) A.Celtic : ux ] [Old Irish : dar-]

  • [Proto-Germanic : ux ~ duxtriz (f.) Old English : dohtor English : daughter] [Greek : th ~ th r s] [Sanskrit : duhit (f.)] [Lithuanian : u (f.)]


    *eks *exs (prep.)

    1. out of, from (+ dat.)

    [PIE : *h1 hs A.Celtic : ex-]

    [Welsh : a / ech-] [Old Irish : as Irish : as | Gaelic : | Manx : ass]

    [Latin : ex] [Greek : eks] [Lithuanian : ]


    *ekwo-s *epo-s (mo.)

    1. rs ( sw )

    [PIE : *h1 -u- sw -s (m.) A.Celtic : epo-] [Welsh : -eb | Breton : -eb] [Old Irish : ech ~ eichL (m.) Irish : each | Gaelic : each | Manx : agh]

    [Proto-Germanic : *exwaz ~ * xwz (m.) Old English : eoh] [Latin : equus ~ qu (m.)] [Greek : hippos ~ hippoi (m.)] [Sanskrit : v ~ v (m.)]


    *ewi-s *owi-s (m/fi.)

    1. sheep

    [PIE : *h2 (f.)] [Old Irish : (m.)]

    [Proto-Germanic : *awiz ~ * wz ( .) Old English : u English : ewe] [Latin : ovis ~ vs ( .)] [Greek : ~ s (m/ .)] [Sanskrit : v ~ avaya (m/f.)] [Lithuanian : avis (f.)]

  • -

    *glasto-s (ao.)

    1. green, greenish (of growing things) , verdant 2. blue, greenish blue, greyish blue 3. woad-coloured 4. metallic-coloured 5. ice or frost-coloured 6. grey 7. pale, wan (of complexion), faded (of clothing), livid, discoloured 8. fresh, young, inexperienced 9. raw, sharp 10. grey, overcast (of weather) 11. plain, unpretentious

    [PIE : *gel- s A.Celtic : glastum] [Welsh : glas | Cornish : glas] [Old Irish : glas Irish : glas | Gaelic : glas | Manx : glass]


    *gorto-s (mo.)

    1. yard, enclosure, fold 2. pasture, field 3. battlefield 4. land, territory

    [PIE : h (m.) A.Celtic : ?] [Welsh : garth ~ -au(mf/.) | Cornish : gorth] [Old Irish : gort ~ goirt (m.) Irish : gort]

    [Proto-Germanic : *gardaz ~ * r z (m.) Old English : geard English : yard] [Latin : hortus ~ r (m.)] [Greek : kh ~ kh r (m.) s ur ]



    1. father 2. (plural) (paternal) ancestors

    [PIE : *ph2 (m.) A.Celtic : ater] [Old Welsh : -atr] [Old Irish : athair (m.) Irish : athair | Gaelic : athair | Manx : ayr]

  • [Proto-Germanic : f ~ fadriz (m.) Old English : fder English : father] [Latin : pater ~ rs (m.)] [Greek : ~ r s (m.)] [Sanskrit : pit (m.)]


    *helu-s *elu-s

    1. much, many

    [PIE : *pelh1- A.Celtic : helv-] [Old Irish : il Irish : iol-]

    [Proto-Germanic : *filuz] [Greek : ] [Sanskrit : puru]



    1. fish

    [PIE : -] [Old Irish : c ~ s (m.) Irish : iasc | Gaelic : iasg | Manx : eeast]

    [Proto-Germanic : *fiskaz ~ s z (m.) Old English : fisc English : fish] [Latin : piscis ~ s s (m.)]


    *hib-e/o- *ib-e/o-

    1. drink

    [PIE : *peh3-] [Welsh : yfed | Cornish : eva | Breton : v ] [Old Irish : ibid Irish : ibh | Manx : iu]

    [Latin : bibit] [Greek : ] [Sanskrit : ]


    m m (fa.)

  • 1. hand 2. arm

    [PIE : *ph2meh2] [Welsh : llaw ~ (dyw)lo (f.) | Cornish : leuv ~ leuvyow (f.) | Breton : ?] [Old Irish : m (f.) Irish : m ~ m m | Manx : laue]

    [Proto-Germanic : fu m ~ u m z ( .) m Old English : folm] [Latin : palma ~ palmae (f.)] [Greek : m ~ m ( .)]


    -s -s (ao.)

    1. full, abounding 2. complete 3. quite (adv.)

    [PIE : *ph1 -s] [Welsh : llawn | Cornish : leun | Breton : leun] [Old Irish : Irish : | Gaelic : | Manx : lane]

    [Proto-Germanic : *fullaz Old English : full English : full] [Latin : u ] [Sanskrit : a]


    -s -s (ao.)

    1. grey , pale, hoary 2. grey-haired, aged 3. old man, veteran (mo.)

    [PIE : *pel- A.Celtic : leto-] [Welsh : llwyd | Cornish : loys | Breton : loued] [Old Irish : Irish : liath | Gaelic : liath | Manx : lheeah]

    [Proto-Germanic : *falwaz Old English : fealu English : fallow] [Latin : pall-] [Greek : ] [Sanskrit : palita]


    *horko-s *orko-s (mo.)

  • 1. young pig, piglet

    [PIE : - *po rkos] [Old Irish : orc ~ uirc (mo.)]

    [Proto-Germanic : *farxaz ~ rxz (m.) Old English : fearh English : farrow] [Latin : porcus ~ r (m.)] [Proto-Slavic : (n.)] [Lithuanian : ]


    *hotlo-m *otlo-n (no.)

    1. drink, drinking

    [PIE : *peh3-] [Old Irish : (no.) Irish : | Gaelic : | Manx : oyl]

    [Latin : cu um ~ u ( .) r u ] [Greek : ]


    *hriyo-s *riyo-s (ao.)

    1. free 2. at large

    [PIE : *prey-] [Welsh : rhydd | Cornish : rydh]

    [Proto-Germanic : *frijaz Old English : f English : free] -


    1. hundred

    [PIE : m A.Celtic : cantom] [Welsh : cant | Cornish : kans | Breton : kant] [Old Irish : c Irish : c | Gaelic : ceud | Manx : keead]

    [Proto-Germanic : xu Old English : ? English : ?] [Latin : centum] [Greek : ] [Sanskrit : ]


  • *kan-e/o-

    1. sing, recite, chant 2. praise 3. speak

    [PIE : *kan-] [Welsh : canu | Cornish : kana | Breton : ] [Old Irish : canid]

    [Proto-Germanic : *xan?] [Latin : canet]


    *karo-s (ao.)

    1. dear, beloved

    [PIE : - A.Celtic : car- / -carus] [Welsh : car- | Cornish : kar- | Breton : kar-] [Old Irish : car-]

    [Proto-Germanic : x - Old English : - English : whor-] [Latin : c u ]


    *karwo-s (mo.)

    1. r, s ( r )

    [PIE : - r -wo- A.Celtic : caruo-] [Welsh : carw ~ ceirw (m.) | Cornish : karow ~ kerewi (m.) | Breton : karv ~ kirvi (m.)]

    [Proto-Germanic : *xerutaz ~ *x ru z (m.) Old English : heorot English : hart] [Latin : cervus ~ rv (m.)] [Proto-Slavic : *korva ~ * rvy ( .) w ] [Lithuanian : v ~ rv s ( .) w ]


    *katu-s (mu.)

    1. battle, fight, fighting

    [PIE : u A.Celtic : catu-] [Welsh : cad ~ cadau (f.) | Cornish : kas ~ kasow (f.)] [Old Irish : cath (m.) Irish : cath | Gaelic : cath | Manx : cah]

  • [Proto-Germanic : *xauz ~ xaiwiz (m.) Old English : heau]


    *korno-n (no.)

    1. horn 2. drinking horn 3. horn (instrument)

    [PIE : -no- A.Celtic : corn-] [Welsh : corn ~ cyrn (m.) | Cornish : korn ~ kern] [Old Irish : corn Irish : corn ~ coirn (m.)]

    [Proto-Germanic : xu ~ xur (m.) Old English : horn English : horn] [Latin : c ~ cornua (n.)] [Sanskrit : ga (n.)]



    1. dog, hound 2. wolf

    [PIE : (m.) A.Celtic : cuno-] [Welsh : ci ~ (m.) r s ki ~ keun (m.) | Breton : ki] [Old Irish : c ~ ? (m.) Irish : c ~ c | Manx : coo]

    [Proto-Germanic : *xun(daz) ~ xu ( z) (m.) Old English : hun(d) English : houn(d) [Latin : can(is) ~ (s) (m/ .)] [Greek : ~ s (m/ .)] [Lithuanian : u ~ u ys (m.)]


    *kw -s -s (

    1. who?

    [PIE : *kwi-s (m.)] [Welsh : pwy | Cornish : piw | Breton : piv] [Old Irish : c Irish : c | Gaelic : c | Manx : quoi]

    [Proto-Germanic : *xwaz Old English : English : who] [Latin : quis] [Greek : ] [Sanskrit : ]

  • -

    *kwinkwe *pinpe *pimpe (num.)

    1. five

    [PIE : we A.Celtic : pinp-] [Welsh : pump | Cornish : pymp | Breton : pemp] [Old Irish : c c Irish : c | Gaelic : c | Manx : queig]

    [Proto-Germanic : *fimf Old English : f f English : five] [Latin : quinque] [Greek : ] [Sanskrit : c ]


    *letro-n (no.)

    1. leather, skin

    [PIE : m (n.)] [Welsh : lledr ~ lledrau (m.) | Cornish : ledher (m.) | Breton : ler] [Old Irish : lethar Irish : leathar | Gaelic : leathar | Manx : liare]

    [Proto-Germanic : ~ r ( .) Old English : leer English : leather]


    *leuxsn- *loun-

    1. moon

    [PIE : *lewksn-] [Welsh : llun | Cornish : lun | Breton : lun] [Old Irish : an Irish : luan | Gaelic : -luain]

    [Latin : lna ~ lna (f.)] [Proto-Slavic : u ~ luny (f.)]


    *loherno-s *lowerno-s (mo.)

    1. fox

    [PIE : *h2wlop- A.Celtic : louerno-] [Welsh : llywarn | Cornish : lowarn ~ lewern (m.) | Breton : louarn ~ lern (m.)]

  • [Latin : vu vu s ( .)] [Greek : ~ s ( .)] [Lithuanian : ~ s ( .)]


    *makwo-s *mapo-s

    1. son, male descendant 2. boy, lad, child

    [PIE : *meh2 - r s , r w A.Celtic : mapo-] [Welsh : mab ~ meib (m.) | Cornish : mab ~ mebyon (m.) | Breton : mab ~ mibien (m.)] [Old Irish : macc ~ maiccL (m.) Irish : mac | Gaelic : mac | Manx : mac]


    *marko-s (mo.)

    1. horse, stallion, steed

    [PIE : m -s (m.) A.Celtic : marko-] [Welsh : march ~ meirch (m.) | Cornish : margh ~ mergh (m.) | Breton : m c (m.)] [Old Irish : marc ~ maircL(?) (m.) Irish : marc | Gaelic : marc]

    [Proto-Germanic : *marxaz ~ *m rxz (m.) Old English : mearh]


    m -s (ao.)

    1. big, large, great, bulky 2. large amount or number of, much, many (no. + gen.)

    [PIE : *moh1-ro- A.Celtic : maro-] [Welsh : mawr | Cornish : meur | Breton : meur] [Old Irish : m Irish : m | Gaelic : m | Manx : mooar]

    [Greek : -m ]


    *marwo-s (ao.)

    1. dead, spiritually dead 2. dead person, corpse, (plural) the dead (mo.) 3. pertaining to the dead 4. mortal (spiritual sense)

  • 5. inanimate 6. (of water) stagnant

    [PIE : *m - A.Celtic : maruo-] [Welsh : marw (~ meirw) | Cornish : marow | Breton : merv(el)] [Old Irish : marb Irish : marbh | Gaelic : marbh]


    m (fr.)

    1. mother

    [PIE : m 2 (f.) A.Celtic : matr-] [Welsh : modr- | Cornish : modr- | Breton : moer-] [Old Irish : m (f.) Irish : m | Gaelic : m ]

    [Proto-Germanic : m ~ *m r z Old English : m English : mother] [Latin : m ~ m rs ( .)] [Greek : m (f.)] [Sanskrit : m (f.)]


    *mati-s (ai.)

    1. good 2. lucky, fortunate 3. suitable 4. beneficial, profitable

    [PIE : m - A.Celtic : mat-] [Welsh : mad | Cornish : mas | Breton : mad] [Old Irish : maith Irish : maith | Gaelic : math | Manx : mie]


    *medio-s (ao.)

    1. middle, mid 2. centre 3. middle, centre (mo.)

    [PIE : *medhyos A.Celtic : medio-] [Old Irish : mide]

    [Proto-Germanic : *midjaz Old English : midd English : mid] [Latin : medius]

  • [Greek : m ] [Sanskrit : m ]


    *medu-s (mo.)

    1. mead

    [PIE : m hu (m.) A.Celtic : medu-] [Welsh : medd (m.) | Cornish : medh (m.) | Breton : mez] [Old Irish : mid (m.) Irish : miodh]

    [Proto-Germanic : *meduz ~ *midiwiz (m.) Old English : medu English : mead] [Greek : m h ~ - ( .) w ] [Sanskrit : m u ~ m ( .) y, m ] [Lithuanian : medus (m.) y ]


    *m -s/n (m/no.)

    1. animal, beast

    [PIE : *(s)meh1l-] [Welsh : mil ~ milod (m.) | Cornish : mil ~ miles (m.) | Breton : mil ~ miled] [Old Irish : m ~ m ( .) Irish : m | Gaelic : mial | Manx : meeyl]

    [Greek : m ( .) s ]


    m -s m (stem : m -)

    1. (lunar) month 2. moon (as a measurement of time)

    [PIE : m (m.) A.Celtic : m / m ] [Welsh : mis ~ misoedd (m.) | Cornish : mis ~ -yow (m.) | Breton : miz] [Old Irish : m ~ m s (ms.) Irish : m | Gaelic : m | Manx : mee]

    [Proto-Germanic : m ~ *m z (m.) Old English : m English : month] [Latin : m ~ m ss (m.)] [Greek : m ~ m s (m .)] [Sanskrit : m ~ ms (m.)] [Lithuanian : m u ~ m s (m.)]


  • *mligtu-s *blixtu-s (mu.)

    1. milk 2. a milking, milk yield

    [PIE : *h2m - > *m -tu-] [Welsh : blith] [Old Irish : mlicht (mu.) Irish : bleacht]

    [Proto-Germanic : *meluks ~ melukiz (f.) Old English : meolc English : milk] [Latin : mulg-] [Greek : m -] [Sanskrit : marj-]


    *mori (ni.)

    1. sea

    [PIE : m (n.) A.Celtic : mori-] [Welsh : m ~ moroedd (m.) | Cornish : mor ~ moryow (m.) | Breton : mor (m.)] [Old Irish : muir Irish : muir (f.) | Gaelic : muir (m/f.) | Manx : mooir (f.)]

    [Proto-Germanic : *mari ~ *m r ( .) Old English : mere English : mere] [Latin : mare ~ maria (n.)] [Proto-Slavic : *morje ~ *morja (n.)]


    *nerto-n (no.)

    1. strength, power, force, might, energy

    [PIE : *h2 w r, r , v r y *h2ner-to- A.Celtic : nert-] [Welsh : nerth ~ nerthoedd (m.) | Cornish : nerth (m.) | Breton : nerzh (m.)] [Old Irish : nert (no.) Irish : neart | Gaelic : neart | Manx : niart]


    *newiyo-s *nowiyo-s (ayo.)

    1. new, young, fresh 2. just, newly (adv.)

    [PIE : *newio-s A.Celtic : novio-] [Welsh : newydd | Cornish : newyth | Breton : nevez] [Old Irish : Irish : nua | Gaelic : nuadh | Manx : noa]

  • [Proto-Germanic : *niwjaz Old English : English : new] [Latin : novus] [Greek : ] [Sanskrit : v ] [Lithuanian : naujas]


    *nisdo-s (mo.)

    1. nest

    [PIE : w s s w (m.)] [Welsh : nyth ~ nythod (m/f.) | Cornish : neyth (m.) | Breton : neizh] [Old Irish : net Irish : nead | Gaelic : nead]

    [Proto-Germanic : *nestaz ~ * s z (m.) Old English : nest English : nest] [Latin : u ~ (m.)] [Sanskrit : a ~ (m.)]


    *oinos (num.)

    1. one

    [PIE : -s] [Welsh : un | Cornish : un | Breton : unan] [Old Irish : Irish : aon | Gaelic : aon | Manx : un]

    [Proto-Germanic : *ainaz Old English : English : one] [Latin : u ] [Lithuanian : vienas]


    x ( )

    1. eight

    [PIE : A.Celtic : oxtu-] [Welsh : wyth | Cornish : eth | Breton : eizh] [Old Irish : ochtN Irish : ocht | Gaelic : ochd | Manx : hoght]

    [Proto-Germanic : u Old English : eahta English : eight] [Latin : c ] [Greek : ] [Sanskrit : aa]

  • -

    *reudo-s *roudo-s

    1. red, reddish, ruddy 2. crimson 3. red-haired

    [PIE : *h1rewdh- A.Celtic : -roudos]

    [Welsh : rhudd | Cornish : rudh | Breton : ruz] [Old Irish : Irish : ruadh | Gaelic : ruadh | Manx : ruy]

    [Proto-Germanic : *raudaz Old English : English : red] [Latin : rufus] [Greek : h ] [Lithuanian : rudas]


    -s x-s (mg.)

    1. ruler, king

    [PIE : *h3 -s (m.) A.Celtic : rigo- / -rix] [Old Irish : (m.) Irish : | Gaelic : | Manx : ree]

    [Proto-Germanic : ] [Latin : x ~ r s (m.)] [Sanskrit : ( ) (m.)]


    *samo-s (mo.)

    1. summer

    [PIE : *s-h2- - A.Celtic : samo(n)-] [Welsh : haf ~ hafau (m.) | Cornish : hav ~ -ow (m.) | Breton : v ~ - (m.)] [Old Irish : sam (mo.) Irish : samh(radh) | Gaelic : samh(radh)]

    [Proto-Germanic : *sum(araz) Old English : sum(or) English : sum(mer)] [Sanskrit : m season, year ]


    *sehtam x

    1. seven

  • [PIE : *sept A.Celtic : sextam-] [Welsh : saith | Cornish : seyth | Breton : seizh] [Old Irish : sechtN Irish : seacht | Gaelic : seachd | Manx : shiaght]

    [Proto-Germanic : *sebun Old English : seofon English : seven] [Latin : septem] [Greek : ] [Sanskrit : ]


    *seno-s (ao.)

    1. old, aged, ancient 2. old person (mo.?) 3. ancestor (mo.?)

    [PIE : -s A.Celtic : seno-] [Welsh : hen | Breton : hen] [Old Irish : sen Irish : sean | Gaelic : sean | Manx : shenn]

    [Proto-Germanic : *senaz(?)] [Latin : senus] [Greek : rm r r ] [Sanskrit : ] [Lithuanian : s nas]


    -n (no.)

    1. shadow, shate 2. shelter, protection

    [PIE : *skot-] [Welsh : ysgawd (m.) | Cornish : skez | Breton : skeud] [Old Irish : sc (no.)]

    [Proto-Germanic : *skadwaz Old English : sceadu English : shadow] [Greek : ~ s (m.) r ss ]


    *sohno-s *souno-s (mo.)

    1. sleep, slumber

  • [PIE : *swep-no] [Welsh : hun ~ hunau (f.) | Cornish : hun (m.) | Breton : hun] [Old Irish : (mo.) Irish : suan | Gaelic : suain]

    [Proto-Germanic : *swefnaz ~ *sw z Old English : swefn English : sweven] [Latin : somnus ~ s m (m.)] [Greek : ~ (m.)] [Lithuanian : ~ s (m.)]


    ( .)

    1. love, affection, dersire 2. beloved (person or thing)

    [PIE : *sterk- r r ] [Welsh : serch (m.)] [Old Irish : serch ( )]

    [Greek : ]


    *swek-s *swexs

    1. six

    [PIE : ] [Welsh : chwech | Cornish : whegh | Breton : c c ] [Old Irish : H Irish : | Gaelic : sia | Manx : shey]

    [Proto-Germanic : *sexs Old English : siex English : six] [Latin : sex] [Greek : hex] [Sanskrit : ]


    *tarwo-s (mo.)

    1. (wild) bull 2. auroch

    [PIE : -s (m.) A.Celtic : taruo-] [Welsh : tarw ~ teirw (m.) | Cornish : tarow ~ terewi (m.) | Breton : tarv (m.)] [Old Irish : tarb ~ tairbL(?) (m.) Irish : tarbh | Gaelic : tarbh | Manx : tarroo]

  • [Proto-Germanic : *euraz ~ urz (m.) Old English : ] [Latin : taurus ~ ur (m.)] [Greek : ~ r (m.)] [Lithuanian : tauras ~ taurai (m.)]


    u u ( .)

    1. tribe, tribal nation 2. people, laity 3. tribal territory

    [PIE : 2 (f.) A.Celtic : teuto- / touto-] [Welsh : tud (f.) | Cornish : tus (m.) | Breton : tud (m.)] [Old Irish : ~ ( .) Irish : tuath | Gaelic : tuath]

    [Proto-Germanic : u ~ u z ( .) Old English : English : thede]



    1. , r u , r ( w s ry ) 2. country, territory

    [PIE : *ters- ry ] [Welsh : tir ~ -oedd (m.) | Cornish : tir ~ -yow (m.) | Breton : tir (m.)] [Old Irish : (ns.) Irish : | Gaelic : | Manx : heer]

    [Proto-Germanic : *urs- ry u Old English : urst English : thirst] [Latin : terra ~ terrae (f.)] [Greek : ters-] [Sanskrit : t -]


    *treyes (num.) (m.)

    1. three

    [PIE : A.Celtic : tri-] [Welsh : tri | Cornish : tri | Breton : tri] [Old Irish : H Irish : | Gaelic : | Manx : three]

    [Proto-Germanic : Old English : English : three] [Latin : ]

  • [Greek : ] [Sanskrit : tri]


    *turko-s (mo.)

    1. boar, hog 2. chieftain, hero

    [PIE : *twerk- u A.Celtic : turk-] [Welsh : twrch ~ tyrchod (m.) | Cornish : torgh | Breton : u c ] [Old Irish : torc (m.) Irish : torc ~ toirch | Gaelic : torc ~ tuirc]


    *uher *wer (prep.)

    1. on, upon (+ dat.) 2. over, above (+ dat.) 3. onto, among (+ acc.)

    [PIE : *(s)uper A.Celtic : uer-] [Welsh : gor- | Cornish : gor- | Breton : gour-] [Old Irish : for]

    [Proto-Germanic : *uber Old English : ofer English : over] [Latin : super] [Greek : ] [Sanskrit : u ]


    *uho *wo (prep.)

    1. under, below, beneath (+ acc. & dat.)

    [PIE : *(s)upo A.Celtic : uo-] [Welsh : go- | Cornish : go- | Breton : gou-] [Old Irish : fo Irish : f ]

    [Proto-Germanic : *up- Old English : upp English : up] [Latin : sub] [Greek : ] [Sanskrit : ]


    *wasno-s *wanno-s (ao.)

  • 1. weak, lacking strength or power, 2. feeble, faint 3. helpless 4. weak or helpless person (mo.?) 5. soft, flimsy

    [PIE : *wa-sno- A.Celtic : -uann-] [Welsh : gwan (~ gweinion (m.)) | Cornish : gwann] [Old Irish : fann Irish : fann | Gaelic : fann]

    [Proto-Germanic : *? Old English : wann English : wan]


    -s (mi.)

    1. seer, shaman, oracle 2. mystic poet

    [PIE : 2tis] [Welsh : gwawd- m ] [Old Irish : f (m.) Irish : f ]

    [Proto-Germanic : - Old English : -] [Latin : v (f.)]


    *wegno-s (mo.)

    1. waggon, cart, wain 2. means of transportation

    [PIE : hnos r s r r ] [Welsh : gwain ~ gweiniau (f.)] [Old Irish : f ~ (m.) Irish : f ]

    [Proto-Germanic : *wagnaz ~ w z (m.) Old English : wgn English : wain]


    *windo-s (ao.)

    1. white, bright, lustrous 2. fair, light (of complexion or hair) 3. fair, handsome 4. fair, just, true (morally) 5. clear (of sounds)

  • 6. blighted (of corn) 7. blessed

    [A.Celtic : uindo-] [Welsh : gwyn | Cornish : gwynn | Breton : gwenn] [Old Irish : finn Irish : fionn | Gaelic : fionn | Manx : fynn]


    *winto-s (mo.)

    1. wind 2. smell 3. breath

    [PIE : *h2 1ts] [Welsh : gwynt ~ gwyntoedd (m.) | Cornish : gwyns ~ gwynsow (m.) | Breton : gwent] [Old Irish : feth]

    [Proto-Germanic : *windaz ~ w z (m.) Old English : wind English : wind] [Latin : ventus ~ v (m.)] [Sanskrit : v (?) (m.)]


    -s (ao.)

    1. true, correct, right, just 2. real, actual 3. truth, correctness (no.)

    [PIE : *wer-] [Welsh : gwir | Cornish : gwir | Breton : gwir] [Old Irish : f Irish : f | Gaelic : f ]

    [Proto-Germanic : Old English : ] [Latin : v u ]


    *wiro-s (mo.)

    1. man 2. husband 3. warrior, hero

    [PIE : *weyh1- u *wih1 -s (m.) A.Celtic : uiro- / -uir] [Welsh : ~ w r (m.) r s gour (m.) | Breton : gour (m.)] [Old Irish : fer ~ firL (m.) Irish : fear | Gaelic : fear | Manx : fer]

  • [Proto-Germanic : *weraz ~ *w rz (m.) Old English : wer English : were-] [Latin : vir ~ v r (m.)] [Sanskrit : v ~ vr (m.)]


    *wolto-s (mo.)

    1. hair (of the head) 2. foliage

    [PIE : *welt- r, r ss A.Celtic : uolto-] [Welsh : gwallt ~ -au (m.) | Cornish : gols | Breton : guolt] [Old Irish : folt (mo.) Irish : folt | Gaelic : falt | Manx : folt]

    [Proto-Germanic : *waluz ~ *w w z r s (m.) Old English : weald] [Greek : ry ( .)] [Lithuanian : v w ]


    -s (ao.)

    1. young 2. young man, youth, warrior (mo.)

    [PIE : *h2yuh1 A.Celtic : iouinc-] [Welsh : ieuanc | Cornish : yowynk | Breton : yaouank] [Old Irish : c Irish : | Gaelic : ]

    [Proto-Germanic : x jungaz Old English : geong English : young] [Latin : iuvenis] [Sanskrit : v ] [Lithuanian : u ]


    *PC *GB


  • [PIE : *? A.Celtic : ?] [Welsh : ? | Cornish : ? | Breton : ?] [Old Irish : ? Irish : ? | Gaelic : ? | Manx : ?]

    [Proto-Germanic : *? Old English : ? English : ?] [Latin : ?] [Greek : ?] [Sanskrit : ?]
