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THE DAILY SO GAINESVILLE FLORIDA MARCH l 0fi iiM lJ 2 < FATS SJOTM6 AT HRN snwies tad A lattantl- yA FHK IN RAILROAD YARDS Cl N He WumtMW s f Cars sealed Wild Phei tate Re MJWV 0f WMdi west Cntre j- tifciica SeritN L Sfe tfeisj Mwe 21 A fulJ- tav Boate fcefs a beenl- Mfeslt f a e Ue t fan for ftks- I Use sheen f f k kiaflI- fw e enmsl hi the rail b tort 4c M 07 aa its ae 4- a atria tf ears leaded faatosl a tie Use des j sw The miser Mr Free Ma4fe laipaaitaUi ta extrieatcf- tevia ft 4 ft VM aartlallj aarat pgiiiaitatT else af tfce HiP was aftfena their d IaaiM- Ml at toefclai ferward M sad MiM Wfoiera af Baltimore fa tfrlllaf Nra D fersy tfeie week Maf fcava band tae sad ex- Ma jtoaaMlrM veil fleat with Mb ffataa4 taaeatlra Male MM WHftaaj Fatah We this aura MfeaU vkera will deli her fawftor Ur J O Dvfwie Her friet e vitro k yleaeaat trip igaiMi Head laulf aa eaiplay e of WflNaai FaCffB tNM rMifaH hie sad aeeept 4 in Des Danger f A aaM at tab tlaw if gl t d MaWataaaaeepMaaMaia which o Sisal sad av a whea tb ptUentI- MS f aa err4 the leact art weakened aaaMagthaai aeaaliarly MMeetiale aeaMai t ea Fo- ley Haaaf sad Tar stop the aavffc k al etreaftbea the liege aaftlM jleM vlafcly ta the woBderf- olcafatiteaatlitle ef Felete Hear aad Tar There to aethlic Jon M- faa4 J W HeCWIea A Co Engllthman Commies Chl xe March 2 A ilUpa rh t the Tritium from Vlnchv t T 111 that GorR SykfK Harton Kal l to KnKllHhmnn heir to titatM In KBRIAOI was found dead In feed- lot at his model farm afar A rlR wait daMped in hU band aid there wa a bullet hole In bin for head The coroner1 jury found death tae to ulclilc but there was vnnv doubt on account of the naturn of the wound Ho a rmlr Iu n II f tat had no financial difficulties knows Oe Net Be Imposed Upon Foley A Co Chicago originated Honey and lar at a throat and lung remedy and on account of Stern and popularity of Fuinya Honey and Tar mini imiatioti ofT rrd for the Thf r worthless tin Itationi hoer similar tounHIni nami of The Errutnt Knlry Honey end Tar U in a yellow packax Ask for it and rrfu any nub titutf- Jt th rcmHf for cough arid cold J V McCllum V Co Investigating Health Cendltiont Mobile Mortis 21 lr Ilinry iold- thwallf cru u orllrtTH of the ijiiur- antltK hoard of Mohtlo hay IK In Ida van lnvMixatlnK health conllttim of Ihu Culian ri ltnl lK n the re- port of Ir CoMthwalle ili nds lh- aaturn of ijuurnntlne restriction h aKalnnt llnvnnn hy tin Mobil board I r Joldtbwalte will return A Favorite Remedy for Babies Ill pleasant prompt curia made Rem edy a favorite with the mother children It cures thfir coughs and coMa mid prevents any danger of or other ifrioun- eonieuencew It not only croup but whf ji en a a the eroupy sough appear will iirrwit tin attack For hy all driip ni c1L En A of kip fnuf ita Ia sM eel isa afS- J I I Trill a Vrnl1nu A Ida raM 11 II IAI list Mr MUm I M else 3 tcide tilt hero Till 0 the grill them I I It Sun alt Chamberlains Cough f- all kIJ Inn J y x Jl 1 t 4w Ont and a furslaResaral ten Iasi eiatee west ssrd Ii s fir IMF esiet sad tt IMt 111 a RI aasMd las leas tl1Iclots M aad 10k bail looter r tlltiwiaa R sad MiiS tidedFIN as ake ewss IsllesaaH 1 UH t he fiisrile kss ks- xt iwl stay d ski deed ti i wv e r- til rl rimes a slsktlssia lad ksd- s ail std tl I In i NM clewe Ms M re st t the bettty alt hiss to s I pg list the ref peel Ots sere ese sIIN1- dal e ia IIJ r fa- a l alma to- ke dmlelrateat d will aid sd frnTea pnattaeMLL LiOrisp- eL ty u rate be- an and day a live sri fa- rsi t err genuine flare suet t a adopted y and hate gait cur 4 wale > < < < < > < < ¬ + = + Have Jut Un- loaded Another CAR- LOAD of SYRACUSE Carry Eight Differ Sizes and Patterns SEE US SAVE MONEY titiVEVlLLE FLOKilU Want a Street Car Line Wajcros Ia March I At h next meting of th rJ r jnril the ijueit n of KranIru a ear fray Chir for f f Viv rn will b rant of Ih prlnrlpa f atur i dl- ctKit i There hues three petl lions for franchise before the coun- cil during the year but none of the pttstlonh contaiund a natUfactorv offer for the franrhUe rl ht and all were tabled lotnixirarlly Ncted Female Physician Dead Denver Tolo March 21 JCHIM M Mcfirtf or a noted S tfh phyniclu- nI In her home In thus city after a five days lllnc H of meninKllH MrfJr Kor ranked atnonc the of women phyhldan and won tilstInn Inn at Edinburgh l lpxk and Iarh at which plaren hhe ptirxtied ner stiad Hh was the po i of hlKhftt- d Krei ever d by a fetnali phi CASTOR IAF- or lafaats and Children Bears the iluoatoru of Brothers Acquitted of Murder a Mnr h Jl Aftii- trl l f slats at ayfon Trnn- thr protnln tiM iintiMtttl lriither Sam Kav harlin Swofford f- lIK illf bftn anptitrrtl of murdr Villutii I I INtt who wai- llliid from uml u h hU h ad IMIII lllll Wih rtl4 tJnd tit short he WM jujipoiKd o havo l na trod and th evfdenei clrciiinxtaninl Grants Reprieve Uoinnk VH Mur h J Morrli- Crownittf n M I liait at ItarU burg thl aUe KriUj tsar Ihu mur- der of u nieht wHtfhtnnn Knititftt A r Ttltfve until tern by 5o- vernor Swan iti 5ovcrrn Swan non grant l the reprieve K that tin n nd Miind Ulan net pr pnr for smut Brakeman Crushed to Death rolumbla S Marrh 31 Kdward- Heckhnm a brakeman on the Ijinru and hi tor road WIH crushed b tram fr MKh cars t cbisir Thurs- day d itiK of hU lr j irle tutor s 1 monAS STOVESW- e S J THOMAS CO r t 10 part shad Ur r h 1 at ain klnn TH KiN Nan Always Nought vRT f rant ill Swanson I e I I ter I O- We s hen best i a tit and t tins it the hits Ii root was utt I hat ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > < < > > < > > << > > < > < < > > + CarM aCoM InOaaDay tanine- 30avs 9 ffijcv t on every ox 25c F II er fate fltnn- 1lMttide 11 ww + ITALIAN COLONY WON TO COME Dcen ef Waytrcea WiM Work Twenty five lUll n Fan Wijrrw Ga ManJ 1 L c U siaklr rrsxianrEs fr- U aath hin 6t t a Itlaa col- cy J tt gray ttoay will l ir at Mr r ja d t w n- ll 4 rfy A ior and SktK ut 3- Tor OBir e M I rs r n In wr oBfJ ix with Kev B cta re- F LrvJrwi of a fj rg N Y Carbolic r rarla the sra- bltjasrt of a cr tioly here Rev Brod- ertck U an IjtIUc and hat troutat many of his peope trot Italy to America t ut lua d coloLl fur them He has made as avrement with Mr I wa to furnUh K Italian families tar county Mr will u e them for work la a saw mill which h will erect of Vaycroa He proposes to furlsh the ItaSiati with from 2 to 10 acres of farm land and cttutruct fur each family a home of at least three rooms While the employed In the sax mill the w and children will near and cult the faro Tie Italian will b brought to this country direct from Italy and an In terpreter will b furnUhtd until theyj are acqualnre with the language here lilehop to send to Warp county only industrious Italian famine and aura Mr iJexn that they will make rood citixena Several plare In Floriia hate Italian co ni and 1 Ii salt hey are provtnir to be very in virSoi A Scientific Wonder The cure that stand to its credit mke Buc l nf Arnica Salve n cin- nrl wonder It ur d E K Mulford lecturer fry the Patrons of Wajte horn Iaof a distroirK It heal wor t burn sor boils olc r cut v judt chil- blain and alt bum Oaty J at all drug tor Lejcks Crew Is Safe If n M March M The K ton set IhJU IpSila H rr r p rf Ic her Ir iv fr rn Philad lpltn lint on tri c paln crew of s f tr Mihooner l J k whleh roiii Tiiirsday morning off Sun d Ilx k witt an unknown four i at ffhix n T TI IjJok wa trnrk M- rv tar vat T lint and al Ji K ari was i hrri l away the was In a Mint Iris eondition af ndiijtd y h r crew who wr pirkfl up lut r y tl Large Power House Burned Philadelphia March 21 On f tnc- Ur and vahu p v r iiiitos of th lhtlarrlpi liapid Tan ll com- pany at Second and Olney streets ha r 4 n l iroy Ml by ftre los U- fMlmttted at JIT1 partly lnsur l The Mr1 r utfd fr fi an txploMon caused th rlrrulutlon of air III the- ca RTJ rfior Printers Strike Called Off Nirfik Va March 21 The print- er In Norfolk wan have int Inn ti x w k I b n l ar d off All of th flnpliI- IIK priti nl ih uar fd ruts red th II M Jnir xtnnUiB on If the Baoy is Cutting Teeth He tir and e that old and well irifl remedy Mr Winu sooth syrup for childrei ttethiut It soothe child i iiftrti the KCm allay all pain wind colic and is the t eH remedy for diarrhoea Twen- yHv crate a ottle Mrs Whitney Dead Ilovon MhNt Marrh 21 The d uth of Mr A I T V tiey th Mirmr nt h r h nn lit Mil ton W4 NMiiinriod Ufdnehdaj Mm- Wliltfi kturle fur JOUHK an- partU uarl for HtrN carrtd In r natnt all O T in rl n Hu was burn ic Georgian For Governor roltirubiiit ia March 2 Monte J MiM r wh I u railiiat fur gover- nor of T xa i a on of Majir J H Moore iriii Tv of Columbus and a n pti w nf M M Moor he vet rac city rlerk nf rolunitni Moore M a prominent Uw r of Cameron Storer Will Return to Vienna Vienna Murrh I Udliitny Storer the Mntfriciiti umt iti iailor tc Austria lliitiKJry who Is uow in ftr pt will ruturn to Vienna on March 2Jth Sleeplessness lMordri if the pt maih Induce H- nervou CUulition and uftfn prevent rleep Chamberlmito Stomach and ltver Tablets stimulat the die tiVK- urpmra reitore the Sstem to a healthy condition and make j o bie for Ly ail druRijitU I f A T A fft m t S a Wart m D- are r trick I Husbandry car of I n ip r w wI add Stan 1r I n I I ni Ilk d h 1 tug l iiI to hi I f r H ties ra tr- w g r sad GIe1 W4rr ar bib and e Derv t south m- en Tate air now pile the S t car- S ry rrlti hear tt wa- n lit when terra ail set The Ia > sink g tr rl i day Marcia u the urea s pop t tli1 cay 1i rot irtnc nitre vale > > > < > > > > > < > ¬ < < < > < > > > > < > < > > > < > < > > > + + + + + + tr AMMOWLElMfEU- THE JEST JSUHINE 0 THE JUKLLT Has Tabulator ON Every Machine Lightest Shift Lightest RonBioi The Chaapioa Speed Writers of the World CM toe FtjBholM More F f 8bole in la Gi eat Ule than BJ other machine For Sale by THE SON Giinewille Fli FaySholos Typewriter UnIVC llTDOARD I b s sa ass Land for Indian Children Washington March 21 The house comriiltM on Indian affairs ha deal d to report favorably on Sto- phenn re olutiou providing for- th allotnxrnt of 1 acres of land to carp child of members of the KI fa fomanrh or Apache Indian Irlbp This resolution Is to curt de ftcth In the Stephen hill for the sale of these land which has passed both houses and which the pr sldent has not abroad b faii th Indian children not provnled for Burial In Denmark Birmingham Ala March 2J Th remains of Kdward Vntzel who plunged feet from a furnace stack of the Tenn company to a spec- tacular and horrible death have start- ed on their king journey to Denmark where they will U Interred Reports Are Unfounded Vienna March 24 It has been BKrtlli here Iliac the SrVe- roports publishtd in Europe retard lug the ttalMi of Ktuperur FrmcLi Joseph are uifoimdtd A Lively Tussle With that old enemy of the con tip tion often end in appemii- citid To avoid all erioiii trouble with stomach liver and bowcli take Dr KmK New Life They perfectly recult these organs without pain or discomfort 25c at all drugRiit Low Rates to Atlanta and Return via Atlantic Coast Line On account of Wheeler Memorial Dy March and Second Annual Reunion of the Blur and Gray March 2 h and 2t th the Atlantic Coa t Line sell tickets from all points on its lute to Atlanta return at rate of out fare plus cents for the round- trip Dates of sale March 25 and 16 with final limit IS days in addition to date of sale For fuither information nearest ticket agent or communi- cate with Frank V HoyNtcn D I A Jacksonville FM Purest Made DAVIS 100 Per Cent PURE f under Knnrant by the BAIRDHARD- WARE CO I The Joint born I I I I I i iF I I t I t I Pills I I i 7th I will and Paint were t 1 rare Cs S are cold < < ¬ ¬ J T HARRIS DEALER IS Fresh and Salt Water FISH elehrated Cedar j Fish and Uj ler Stri u Painter Decorator and Paper Hanger 2CH Eat Main St Gtioe rille Fla All kind of outside and inotde work promptly and neatly fiicuted PAPER HANGING and SIGN WRIT- ING a Specialty WILLIAM ANDERSON BICYCLES and Electrical Supplies Airenrj fur Iradlu Blcjrle Itepdirins dune prumptlj Electrical ef all kind 113 UNION ST JtI r for the next 30 days the foltowinfr good at pricei nam ed below Darker salad Dressing Three botllr Three can Corn 25o Inrte cant 1csi jjfc On alb can Elberta reaches cons Kltierta Trachea 25 Heat starch per lb Three lib can Cornell or ltoat Bret Cumpuutid Lard rer lb Feat grade of llama and Breakftift Bacon and everything Cheap for Cash GIVE US A CLL ati fy you both in quality atJ price ifi i T F UNDERTAKING CO FULL LINE OF NEW GOODS MOMMEMS mMIISTUFS and IRON PEMES Gainesville Florida Milt em er Male ul PHONE 93 SnAClflTOn urL V The COI tI C Two Ib nEwt S CIr I tj TIIOMfS I I Aif fUit- I u I I ta to nt lId urale to t D A I t Mecaar J S Cash Grocery 2tc 2 k o N tT see 4 iip- e l tt a rsttte- rtt ttr ri b t r t tar att Jest < > < ¬ + + +

Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-03-25 · THE DAILY SO GAINESVILLE FLORIDA MARCH l 0fi iiM lJ 2 < FATS

Jun 06, 2020



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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-03-25 · THE DAILY SO GAINESVILLE FLORIDA MARCH l 0fi iiM lJ 2 < FATS


iiM lJ








Cl N He WumtMW s f Carssealed Wild Phei tate Re

MJWV 0f WMdi west Cntre j-

tifciica SeritN L

Sfe tfeisj Mwe 21 A fulJ-

tav Boate fcefs a beenl-

Mfesltf a

e Ue t fan forftks-

I Use sheen

f f k kiaflI-

fw e enmsl hi the railb tort 4c

M 07 aa its ae 4-

a atria tf ears leaded

faatosl a tie Use desj sw The miser Mr FreeMa4fe laipaaitaUi ta extrieatcf-

tevia ft 4 ft VM aartlallj aaratpgiiiaitatT else af tfce HiPwas aftfena their d IaaiM-

Ml at toefclai ferward

M sad MiM Wfoiera af Baltimorefa tfrlllaf Nra D fersy tfeie week

Maf fcava band tae sad ex-

Ma jtoaaMlrM veil fleat withMb ffataa4 taaeatlra MaleMM WHftaaj Fatah We this aura

MfeaU vkera will deli herfawftor Ur J O Dvfwie Her friet evitro k yleaeaat trip

igaiMi Head laulf aa eaiplay e ofWflNaai FaCffB tNM rMifaH hie

sad aeeept 4 in Des

Danger fA aaM at tab tlaw if gl t d

MaWataaaaeepMaaMaia which oSisal sad av a whea tb ptUentI-

MS f aa err4 the leact art weakenedaaaMagthaai aeaaliarly MMeetiale

aeaMai t ea Fo-

ley Haaaf sad Tar stop theaavffc k al etreaftbea the liege

aaftlM jleM vlafcly ta the woBderf-olcafatiteaatlitle ef Felete Hear aadTar There to aethlic Jon M-

faa4 J W HeCWIea A Co

Engllthman CommiesChl xe March 2 A ilUpa rh t

the Tritium from Vlnchv t T 111

that GorR SykfK Harton Kal l toKnKllHhmnn heir to titatM In

KBRIAOI was found dead In feed-

lot at his model farm afarA rlR wait daMped in hU band

aid there wa a bullet hole In bin forhead The coroner1 jury found deathtae to ulclilc but there was vnnvdoubt on account of the naturn of thewound Ho a rmlr Iu n II ftat had no financial difficulties


Oe Net Be Imposed Upon

Foley A Co Chicago originatedHoney and lar at a throat and lungremedy and on account ofStern and popularity of Fuinya Honeyand Tar mini imiatioti ofT rrdfor the Thf r worthless tinItationi hoer similar tounHIni nami

of The Errutnt KnlryHoney end Tar U in a yellow packaxAsk for it and rrfu any nub titutf-Jt th rcmHf for cough aridcold J V McCllum V Co

Investigating Health CendltiontMobile Mortis 21 lr Ilinry iold-

thwallf cru u orllrtTH of the ijiiur-antltK hoard of Mohtlo hay IK In Idavan lnvMixatlnK health conllttimof Ihu Culian ri ltnl lK n the re-

port of Ir CoMthwalle ili nds lh-

aaturn of ijuurnntlne restriction h

aKalnnt llnvnnn hy tin Mobilboard I r Joldtbwalte will return

A Favorite Remedy for Babies

Ill pleasant prompt curiamade Rem

edy a favorite with the motherchildren It cures thfir

coughs and coMa mid prevents anydanger of or other ifrioun-eonieuencew It not onlycroup but whf ji en a a theeroupy sough appear will iirrwit tinattack For hy all driip ni




of kip


IasM eel

isa afS-

J I I Trilla Vrnl1nu



raM11 II IAI







3 tcide

tilthero Till


the grill





altChamberlains Cough


all kIJ




x Jl 1 t4w


and a

furslaResaral ten Iasi eiateewest ssrdIi s fir IMF esiet sad

tt IMt 111 a RI aasMd las leastl1Iclots M aad 10kbail looter

r tlltiwiaa R sad MiiStidedFIN

as ake ewss IsllesaaH 1 UH

t he fiisrile kss ks-xt iwl stay

d ski deed

ti i wv e r-

til rl rimesa slsktlssia lad ksd-

s ail stdtl I In

i NMclewe Ms M re st t the bettty


hissto s



list the

ref peelOts sere ese


dale ia

IIJ r fa-

a l



ke dmlelrateatd will

aidsd frnTea pnattaeMLL LiOrisp-


ty u


an and



livesri fa-












4 wale













Have Jut Un-

loaded Another CAR-



Carry Eight Differ

Sizes and Patterns




Want a Street Car LineWajcros Ia March I At h

next meting of th rJ r jnril theijueit n of KranIru a ear frayChir for f f Viv rn willb rant of Ih prlnrlpa f atur i dl-

ctKit i There hues three petllions for franchise before the coun-cil during the year but none ofthe pttstlonh contaiund a natUfactorvoffer for the franrhUe rl ht and allwere tabled lotnixirarlly

Ncted Female Physician DeadDenver Tolo March 21 JCHIM M

Mcfirtf or a noted S tfh phyniclu-nI In her home In thus city aftera five days lllnc H of meninKllHMrfJr Kor ranked atnonc the ofwomen phyhldan and won tilstInn Innat Edinburgh l lpxk and Iarh atwhich plaren hhe ptirxtied ner stiadHh was the po i of hlKhftt-d Krei ever d by a fetnali phi

CASTOR IAF-or lafaats and Children

Bears theiluoatoru of

Brothers Acquitted of Murdera Mnr h Jl Aftii-

trl l f slats at ayfon Trnn-thr protnln tiM iintiMtttl lriitherSam Kav harlin Swofford f-

lIK illf bftn anptitrrtl ofmurdr Villutii I I INtt who wai-llliid from uml u h hU h adIMIII lllll Wih rtl4 tJnd tit short

he WM jujipoiKd ohavo l n a trod and th evfdeneiclrciiinxtaninl

Grants ReprieveUoinnk VH Mur h J Morrli-

Crownittf n M I liait at ItarUburg thl aUe KriUj tsar Ihu mur-

der of u nieht wHtfhtnnn KnititfttA r Ttltfve until tern by 5o-vernor Swan iti 5ovcrrn Swannon grant l the reprieve K thattin n nd Miind Ulan net pr pnr forsmut

Brakeman Crushed to Deathrolumbla S Marrh 31 Kdward-

Heckhnm a brakeman on the Ijinruand hi tor road WIH crushed b

tram fr MKh cars t cbisir Thurs-day d itiK of hU lr j irle tutor

s 1 monAS




r t10



r h1 at ainklnn

TH KiN Nan Always Nought



rant ill













and t

tins it the

hits Ii

















< <


> < > < <

> >


CarM aCoM InOaaDay

tanine-30avs 9 ffijcv t

on everyox 25c

F IIer fate fltnn-1lMttide


ww +


Dcen ef Waytrcea WiM Work Twentyfive lUll n Fan

Wijrrw Ga ManJ 1

L c U siaklr rrsxianrEs fr-U aath hin 6t t a Itlaa col-

cy J tt gray ttoay willl ir at Mr r ja d t w n-

ll 4 rfy A ior and SktK ut 3-

Tor OBir e M I rs r n In

wr oBfJ ix with Kev B cta re-

F LrvJrwi of a fj rg N Y

Carbolic r rarla the sra-bltjasrt of a cr tioly here Rev Brod-

ertck U an IjtIUc and hat troutatmany of his peope trot Italy toAmerica t ut lua d coloLl furthem

He has made as avrement with MrI wa to furnUh K Italian familiestar county Mr will u ethem for work la a saw mill which hwill erect of Vaycroa Heproposes to furlsh the ItaSiati withfrom 2 to 10 acres of farm land andcttutruct fur each family a home ofat least three rooms While the

employed In the sax mill the wand children will near and cult

the faroTie Italian will b brought to this

country direct from Italy and an Interpreter will b furnUhtd until theyjare acqualnre with the language here

lilehop to send toWarp county only industrious Italianfamine and aura Mr iJexn thatthey will make rood citixena

Several plare In Floriia hateItalian co ni and 1 Ii salt heyare provtnir to be very in virSoi

A Scientific WonderThe cure that stand to its credit

mke Buc l nf Arnica Salve n cin-nrl wonder It ur d E K Mulfordlecturer fry the Patrons ofWajte horn Iaof a distroirK

It heal wor t burnsor boils olc r cut v judt chil-

blain and alt bum Oaty J atall drug tor

Lejcks Crew Is SafeIf n M March M The K

ton set IhJU IpSila H

rr r p rf Ic

her Ir iv fr rn Philad lpltn lint ontri c paln crew of s

f tr Mihooner l J k whlehroiii Tiiirsday morning off Sun

d Ilx k witt an unknown four i atffhix n T TI IjJok wa trnrk M-

rv tar vat T lint and al Ji K ariwas i hrri l away the was In a Mint

Iris eondition af ndiijtd y h r

crew who wr pirkfl up lut r y tl

Large Power House BurnedPhiladelphia March 21 On f tnc-

Ur and vahu p v r iiiitosof th lhtlarrlpi liapid Tan ll com-

pany at Second and Olney streets har 4 n l iroy Ml by ftre los U-

fMlmttted at JIT1 partly lnsur l

The Mr1 r utfd fr fi an txploMoncaused th rlrrulutlon of air III the-ca RTJ rfior

Printers Strike Called Off

Nirfik Va March 21 The print-er In Norfolk wanhave int Inn ti x w k I

b n l ar d off All of th flnpliI-

IIK priti nl ih uar fd rutsred th II M Jnir xtnnUiB on

If the Baoy is Cutting TeethHe tir and e that old and well

irifl remedy Mr Winu soothsyrup for childrei ttethiut It

soothe child i iiftrti the KCmallay all pain wind colic and isthe t eH remedy for diarrhoea Twen-yHv crate a ottle

Mrs Whitney DeadIlovon MhNt Marrh 21

The d uth of Mr A I T V

tiey th Mirmr nt h r h nn lit Milton W4 NMiiinriod Ufdnehdaj Mm-Wliltfi kturle fur JOUHK an-

partU uarl for HtrN carrtd In r natntall O T in rl n Hu was burn ic

Georgian For Governorroltirubiiit ia March 2 Monte J

MiM r wh I u railiiat fur gover-nor of T xa i a on of Majir J H

Moore iriii Tv of Columbus and an pti w nf M M Moor he vet raccity rlerk nf rolunitni MooreM a prominent Uw r of Cameron

Storer Will Return to ViennaVienna Murrh I Udliitny Storer

the Mntfriciiti umt iti iailor tcAustria lliitiKJry who Is uow in ftr ptwill ruturn to Vienna on March 2Jth

SleeplessnesslMordri if the pt maih Induce H-

nervou CUulition and uftfn preventrleep Chamberlmito Stomach andltver Tablets stimulat the die tiVK-

urpmra reitore the Sstem to a healthycondition and make j o biefor Ly ail druRijitU


f A



tS a


m D-


r trick




I n ip

r w wI








d h




to hi


f r


tiesra tr-

w g


sadGIe1 W4rr



and e







pile the


t car-S ry rrlti

hear ttwa-

n lit



ail set



sinkg tr rl


dayMarcia u


s pop

ttli1 cay


rot irtnc




> <







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> <




> <

> <



















Has TabulatorON

Every Machine

Lightest Shift Lightest RonBioi The

Chaapioa Speed Writers of the World

CM toe FtjBholM More F f 8bole in

la Gi eat Ule than BJ other machine

For Sale by

THE SON Giinewille Fli







Land for Indian ChildrenWashington March 21 The house

comriiltM on Indian affairs ha deald to report favorably on Sto-

phenn re olutiou providing for-

th allotnxrnt of 1 acres of land tocarp child of members of the KI

fa fomanrh or Apache IndianIrlbp This resolution Is to curt deftcth In the Stephen hill for the saleof these land which has passed bothhouses and which the pr sldent hasnot abroad b faii th Indian children

not provnled for

Burial In DenmarkBirmingham Ala March 2J Th

remains of Kdward Vntzel whoplunged feet from a furnace stackof the Tenn company to a spec-

tacular and horrible death have start-ed on their king journey to Denmarkwhere they will U Interred

Reports Are UnfoundedVienna March 24 It has been

BKrtlli here Iliac the SrVe-roports publishtd in Europe retardlug the ttalMi of Ktuperur FrmcLiJoseph are uifoimdtd

A Lively TussleWith that old enemy of the

con tip tion often end in appemii-citid To avoid all erioiii trouble withstomach liver and bowcli take DrKmK New Life They perfectlyrecult these organs without pain ordiscomfort 25c at all drugRiit

Low Rates to Atlanta and Return viaAtlantic Coast Line

On account of Wheeler MemorialDy March and Second AnnualReunion of the Blur and Gray March2 h and 2t th the Atlantic Coa t Line

sell tickets from all points on itslute to Atlanta return at rateof out fare plus cents for the round-trip Dates of sale March 25 and 16with final limit IS days in addition todate of sale For fuither information

nearest ticket agent or communi-cate with Frank V HoyNtcn D I AJacksonville FM



DAVIS100 Per Cent

PUREf under Knnrant by the






































Fresh and Salt Water

FISHelehrated Cedar j

Fish and Uj ler

Stri u


Decorator andPaper Hanger

2CH Eat Main St Gtioe rille Fla

All kind of outside and inotde workpromptly and neatly fiicuted




Electrical Supplies

Airenrj fur Iradlu Blcjrle Itepdirinsdune prumptlj Electrical

ef all kind


JtI r for the next 30 days thefoltowinfr good at pricei named below

Darker salad DressingThree botllrThree can Corn 25oInrte cant 1csi jjfcOn alb can Elberta reaches

cons Kltierta Trachea 25Heat starch per lbThree lib can Cornell or ltoat

BretCumpuutid Lard rer lb

Feat grade of llama and BreakftiftBacon and everything Cheap for Cash

GIVE US A CLLati fy you both in quality atJ

priceifi i





Gainesville Florida


em er Male ulPHONE 93







CTwo Ib

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I Aif fUit-



II ta to

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Cash Grocery






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