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FT-IR Measurements of Atmospheric Trace Gases and their Fluxes David W.T. Griffith Reproduced from: Handbook of Vibrational Spectroscopy John M. Chalmers and Peter R. Griffiths (Editors) John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, 2002

FT-IR Measurements of Atmospheric Trace Gases and their · FT-IR Measurements of Atmospheric Trace Gases and their

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  • FT-IR Measurements of Atmospheric Trace Gases and theirFluxes

    David W.T. Griffith

    Reproduced from:

    Handbook of Vibrational SpectroscopyJohn M. Chalmers and Peter R. Griffiths (Editors)

    John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, 2002

  • FT-IR Measurements of Atmospheric Trace Gasesand their Fluxes

    David W.T. GriffithUniversity of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia


    Changing atmospheric composition is the primary drivingforce behind most aspects of global climate change. Increas-ing concentrations of radiatively active (“greenhouse”)gases such as CO2, CH4 and N2O in the troposphere andozone depleting gases such as nitrogen oxides and chlo-rofluorocarbons in the stratosphere are well established.1

    Atmospheric composition needs constant monitoring and amuch better understanding of the sources and sinks of crit-ical trace gas species is required to understand their globalbudgets if we are to make well-informed decisions on strate-gies and international protocols for their control. In thischapter, we focus on Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR)measurement techniques for four of the most abundant andimportant trace gases – CO2, CH4, N2O and CO. Currentunderstanding of the global budgets of these compounds hasbeen summarized recently by the Intergovernmental Panelon Climate Change.1 CO2 is the dominant greenhouse gas inthe atmosphere (after water vapor); its atmospheric mixingratio has increased from less than 300 ppmv (µmol mol�1)to nearly 360 ppmv in the past century. CO2 accounts forabout 60% of global radiative forcing, and large fluxes ofCO2 occur through respiration and photosynthesis over allland surfaces, while the oceans are an important sink. CH4,with a mean atmospheric mixing ratio of around 1.7 ppmvincreasing at 0.5% per year, provides about 20% of radia-tive forcing, and N2O, 310 ppbv (nmol mol�1) increasingat 0.2% per annum, provides 8%. N2O is also the domi-nant source of nitric oxide (NO) in the stratosphere whereit is a principal catalyst in ozone destruction. For CH4

    John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2002.

    and N2O all sources are located at the earth’s surface andare mostly biogenic in origin. In both cases the dominantsinks are through atmospheric photochemistry, but globally5–10% of CH4 is also thought to be destroyed in soils.Anthropogenic sources dominate natural sources, roughly70% and 50% for CH4 and N2O, respectively, but sourcestrength estimates have large uncertainties, especially forN2O. Much of this uncertainty comes about because thesources are widely distributed, with small areal fluxesdistributed over large areas leading to large gross fluxespresenting a difficult measurement challenge.

    Simpler, cheaper and better techniques for measuringatmospheric composition and trace gas fluxes are highlydesirable, and infrared (IR) spectroscopy has much to offer.Several articles in this Handbook describe applications toindustrial gas emissions (see Open-path Fourier Trans-form Infrared Spectroscopy), emissions from biomassburning (see Vibrational Spectroscopy in the Study ofFires) and astronomical applications (see AstronomicalVibrational Spectroscopy), as well as the use of longpath cells (see Long Path Gas Cells) and IR emissionmeasurements (see Passive Remote Sensing by FT-IRSpectroscopy). A recent review2 gives an overview ofmany of these applications. In this article we focus on twothemes: applications of FT-IR spectrometry for high pre-cision in situ measurements of CO2, CH4, N2O and COin relatively clean air, and remote sensing of atmosphericcomposition by ground-based high resolution solar FT-IRspectroscopy. Portable instruments and methods suited tofield measurements of trace gas composition are describedin Section 2. Section 3 describes several approaches to themeasurement of rates of emission and exchange of thesetrace gases with sources and sinks at the earth’s surface.Ground-based remote sensing is described in Section 4.

  • 2 Atmospheric and Astronomical Vibrational Spectroscopy


    The methods described are based on FT-IR absorptionspectrometry using multiple-reflection gas cells to achievehigh precision and accuracy at natural clean air levels. Theyare suited to measurements of CO2, CO, CH4 and N2O, aswell as to natural variations in the 13CO2/12CO2 ratio. Inthis section we describe two variations of the equipment aswell as methods for quantitative analysis.

    2.1 Single beam spectrometer

    The simplest implementation is illustrated schematically inFigure 1 and described in detail by Esler et al.3,4 The instru-ment is based on a standard Bomem MB100-series FT-IRspectrometer at 1 cm�1 resolution fitted with standard glo-bar source and either KBr or ZnSe beamsplitter. CO2, CO,CH4, N2O, 13CO2 and water vapor all have strong and suit-able absorption bands above 2000 cm�1, allowing the use ofa liquid nitrogen-cooled indium antimonide (InSb) detector.InSb detectors provide background-limited noise perfor-mance and maximum detectivity, but only at frequenciesabove 1800 cm�1. For other species such as NH3, a mer-cury cadmium telluride (MCT) detector is required to coverthe 700–1300 cm�1 spectral region. To obtain sufficientprecision for trace gases at clean air background mixingratios, an absorption pathlength of around 10 m or more isrequired; we have used closed multi-pass cells of 10–100 mtotal pathlength following the designs of White5,6 or Horn

    and Pimentel7 and described elsewhere in this Handbook(Long Path Gas Cells). The spectrometer and cell areenclosed in a temperature-controlled, purged enclosure toavoid temperature-dependent effects on calibration andinterference from the ambient atmosphere, particularlyCO2. The spectrometer cell is filled and evacuated througha manifold of solenoid valves, and the pressure and temper-ature of the sample cell are routinely measured. Automatedsolenoid valve control and pressure/temperature loggingare performed by a standard data acquisition and digitalI/O control card in the controlling PC. A single computerprogram fully automates all aspects of operation in realtime – sample handling, spectrometer operation and dataacquisition, temperature and pressure logging, quantitativeanalysis of the spectra, and output of results. For Bomemspectrometers operating in the Grams environment (Galac-tic Industries Inc.) all programs are written in the GalacticArray Basic language. The actual sample handling proto-col varies between applications but is easily configured bythe sampling manifold design and controlling program. Wehave used this system for ambient air monitoring, contin-uous flux chamber measurements and automated sampleflask analysis.

    This combination of hardware provides signal-to-noiseratios (S/N) of the order of 50 000 root mean square (rms)in a single beam spectrum for a 10 min coadding time (256single scans). In general we find that the S/N decreasesat shorter scan times following the theoretical square rootlaw, and that the quantitative precision obtained decreasesproportionally with the S/N. However for longer scan times



    Purge N2






    30° C


    Infrared radiation

    Gas sampleline

    Sampling manifold



    Sample inlet(atmosphere,flask, balloon,breath)

    Figure 1. Schematic diagram of single beam FT-IR spectrometer and cell. [Reproduced by permission of the American ChemicalSociety, from Esler et al. (2000).3]

  • FT-IR Measurements of Atmospheric Trace Gases and their Fluxes 3

    slow drifts in the overall response and 100% level limitthe quantitative precision, and scan times of 10–20 minare optimal for best precision. Precision and accuracyobtainable with this system is described in Section 2.4.

    2.2 Dual beam spectrometer

    For micrometeorological applications the time availablefor real-time atmospheric analysis is limited and there isa trade-off between analytical precision and measurementtime. A dual beam spectrometer with two matching samplecells effectively doubles the duty cycle of the spectrometer:either two sample lines can be analyzed almost simultane-ously, or one sample can be prepared in one cell while theother is being analyzed. We have used such a dual beamFT-IR spectrometer in a number of micrometeorologicalapplications described below. The dual beam instrument isdescribed by Griffith and Galle8 and Griffith et al.,9 andis based on the Bomem MB100 corner-cube interferom-eter which allows simultaneous access to the two outputbeams of the interferometer from a single source inputbeam. The spectrometer is shown schematically in Figure 2.The two output beams of the interferometer are directedthrough shutters and matched 57-m multipass cells, then

    brought parallel and combined by a parabolic mirror onto asingle InSb detector. A similar sample manifold, controllingcomputer and program to that described above is used; inaddition, either or both FT-IR beams can be selected byopening and closing the appropriate shutters. In one modeof operation,8 continuous flows of air from two sample linesthrough the two cells are analyzed pseudo-simultaneouslyby switching shutters every few seconds and averagingspectra over a time period, typically 20–30 min for micro-meteorological applications. In a second mode,9 air samplesare analyzed alternately; one cell is evacuated and refilledfrom the manifold while the spectrum of the other is beingmeasured by the FT-IR spectrometer.

    This dual beam configuration also allows a true dif-ferential measurement between the two cells directly byoptical subtraction.8 The interferograms from the two out-put beams are out of phase with each other, and if bothshutters are simultaneously open, the combined interfero-gram at the detector is that of the difference between thetwo beams. This is attractive in principle for true differen-tial measurements between similar samples, but in practicewe have found it difficult to maintain sufficient alignmentstability of the dual beam spectrometer so that the theo-retical advantages over single beam measurements can berealized.

    Bomem MB100 interferometer




    Sample cells







    Aperture Filter

    IR source



    Figure 2. Schematic diagram of a dual beam FT-IR spectrometer. [Reproduced by permission of Elsevier Science Ltd., from Griffithand Galle (2000).8]

  • 4 Atmospheric and Astronomical Vibrational Spectroscopy

    2.3 Quantitative analysis

    Air is a multicomponent mixture; simultaneous determina-tion of multiple species with good precision and accuracyrequires careful attention to calibration and quantitativeanalysis. These may be considered in two parts – firstlythe generation of reference spectra in which the composi-tion of absorbing species is well known, and secondly themethod by which the spectra are quantitatively analyzed.

    2.3.1 Generation of reference or calibration spectra

    In clean air at pathlengths up to 100 m, the dominantabsorbers in the mid-infrared are H2O (0–3%), CO2(360 ppmv), CH4 (1.7 ppmv), N2O (310 ppbv) and CO(50–100 ppbv). At normal atmospheric pressure, indivi-dual rotational–vibrational linewidths are of the order of0.1 cm�1, and except for N2O individual lines are resolvedat 1 cm�1 spectral resolution. There can therefore be sig-nificant deviations from Beer’s Law for all but the weakestabsorption.10–12 For best precision a simple linear responsebetween absorbance and concentration, independent foreach component, cannot be generally assumed, and puresingle component spectra are not an appropriate basis forcalibration. Reference spectra should ideally be obtainedwith all components varied over the expected concentrationranges, under the same environmental conditions as pertainto the measured unknown spectra. Clearly this is a demand-ing and time consuming task, especially if environmentalconditions, sample concentration ranges or spectrometeralignment are subject to changes. For open path measure-ments, it is impossible to create such reference spectra overthe sample path.

    To simplify this task, our approach has been to cal-culate reference or calibration spectra using a computerprogram MALT, described in detail by Griffith.13 Start-ing from a database of absorption line parameters suchas HITRAN,14 the monochromatic absorptivity spectra oroptical depths, t�n�, are calculated for each componentby convolution of a set of delta functions defined by theline parameter database with the pressure (Lorentzian) andDoppler (Gaussian) broadening lineshape contributions foreach absorption line, followed by scaling for the amount ofeach component. Individual isotopic species such as 13CO2and 12CO2 can be treated as separate species and analyzedindividually for isotopic fractionation studies. The absorp-tivities are summed at each wavenumber to obtain the totalmonochromatic spectrum. This summation is strictly linear,and is therefore accurate for any component concentrations.The monochromatic transmission spectrum of a sampleof absorptivity t�n� is T�n� D e�t�n�. T�n� is convolvedwith the instrument lineshape function (ILS), which in anideal spectrometer has contributions from the instrument

    resolution, apodizing function and field of view (diver-gence) of the beam in the interferometer. This convolutionis not linear in the component concentrations and is thesource of non-Beer’s-law behavior at low spectral resolu-tion. The ILS contributions are well understood and canbe calculated exactly,15,16 and the resulting spectra faith-fully reproduce spectra which would be observed from anideal FT-IR spectrometer. Misalignment of the spectrometer(off-axis or off-focus collimator apertures17,18) as well asuncorrected phase errors can also be modeled in the ILS tobetter match real measured spectra. In the following steps,we use calculated spectra in place of measured spectra forthe purposes of calibration and quantitative analysis.

    2.3.2 Quantitative determination of trace gases fromspectra

    A more comprehensive overview of quantitative analysismethods for FT-IR atmospheric trace gas analysis is givenby Griffith and Jamie.2 The simplest approach is to use tra-ditional peak height or peak area analysis, using calculatedcalibration spectra to construct absorbance–concentrationcalibration curves from suitably isolated absorption fea-tures. However multivariate full spectrum methods suchas Classical Least Squares (CLS) or Partial Least Squares(PLS) generally provide better precision, accuracy and reli-ability because they use more of the available spectralinformation.19 Less easily available, but more powerfuland flexible, are nonlinear least squares (NLLS) fittingmethods in which measured spectra are fitted by itera-tively re-calculating spectra until a least squares best fitis obtained. In what follows, we concentrate on CLS andNLLS methods.

    In CLS,19,20 a linear combination of single componentreference spectra of the individual compounds is fitted tothe measured spectrum such that the rms of the residualsat each wavenumber is minimized. The amounts of eachabsorber required in the best fit provide the required quanti-tative result. The equations for the regression can be readilywritten and solved in matrix form so that the method iscomputationally fast and efficient. The matrix of absorp-tivities is often called the K-matrix and CLS regressionequivalently called the K-matrix method. Calibration inCLS is the determination of the basis set of single com-ponent spectra to be used in fitting the unknown spectra.The spectra can be measured as single pure componentspectra or as mixtures (the “training spectra”), in whichcase a CLS calibration step is used to determine (again byleast squares regression) the best single component spectrawhich fit the training set of calibration spectra. As discussedabove, deviations from Beer’s law must be considered whenselecting calibration conditions and concentration ranges.In our approach, MALT is used to calculate the training

  • FT-IR Measurements of Atmospheric Trace Gases and their Fluxes 5


    2160 2180 2200 2220 2240




    Wavenumber / cm−1



    2850 2900 2950 3000







    Wavenumber / cm−1




    Figure 3. Examples of CLS fits of MALT-calculated spectra to measured spectra of undried clean air: (a) region used for CO2, COand N2O analysis; and (b) region used for CH4 analysis. �, measured; C, fitted.

    spectra in place of actual measurements. The calculationof a set of 50 spectra takes only a few seconds, and theILS parameters can be adjusted to get best fit to the mea-sured unknown spectra. New sets of calibration spectra canbe recalculated easily as required. Specific examples of theuse of CLS in quantitative analysis are given in the appli-cations described later in this article. Figure 3 illustratestypical CLS fits of MALT-calculated to measured spectrain two spectral regions used to determine CO2, CH4, N2Oand CO in undried air.

    One well known drawback of CLS is that every absorbingcomponent in a spectrum to be analyzed must be includedin the calibration or the CLS algorithm will produce errorsas it tries to fit absorption features which are not present inthe calibration spectra. This is not generally a concern forclean air spectra at paths up to 100 m because all absorbersare normally known – they are H2O, CO2, CH4, N2O

    and CO. In heavily polluted air however the componentsshould be known in advance and either included in thecalibration model or added during the prediction phase.21

    Library reference spectra can also be included in the CLSmodel. PLS does not require a priori knowledge of the aircomposition, and with a suitable choice of training set basedon libraries of spectra, PLS methods are able to avoid someof these limitations of CLS.

    NLLS provides a different approach which, as thename implies, is not dependent on the linearity betweenabsorbance and concentration inherent in Beer’s law.22,23

    In NLLS, an initial guess is made at the unknown spec-trum parameters, which may include for example compo-nent concentrations, ILS parameters and wavenumber scaleshift. A spectrum is calculated for these parameters, forexample by a program such as MALT, as well as the partialderivatives of the rms residual with respect to the fitting

  • 6 Atmospheric and Astronomical Vibrational Spectroscopy

    parameters. The partial derivatives are used to make animproved estimate of the parameters, a new spectrum iscalculated, and the process iterated until satisfactory fit (apredefined minimum rms residual) is obtained. The Leven-berg–Marquart algorithm24,25 is routinely used for efficientiteration and commonly available in software libraries.NLLS places no requirement of linearity on the parametersto be fitted, making it more flexible for general purposespectrum fitting applications. Spectra are normally fitted astransmittance spectra because random noise levels are thenconstant at all ordinate values and all spectral points areequally weighted in the fit.

    2.4 Precision and accuracy: calibration with gasstandards

    The precision and accuracy of FT-IR trace gas analy-sis are demonstrated by measurements of a suite of 11clean air standards calibrated and maintained in high pres-sure tanks by CSIRO GASLAB in Melbourne Australia( The standardsare used for calibration of instruments for the Australianclean air monitoring station at Cape Grim, Tasmania, andtheir calibration is traceable to primary gravimetric stan-dards maintained by the US National Institute for Standardsand Technology (NIST). In 1994, each of these tanks wasanalyzed using the single beam FT-IR system describedin Section 2.1. The spectra were analyzed by CLS usingMALT-calculated reference spectra, initially assuming theideal ILS,3,4 and later including a nonideal ILS in whichmisalignment and field of view were chosen to minimize

    300 320 340 360 380







    Standard CO2 (ppm)




    2 (p


    FT-IR = 1.005 × Standard

    SEP = 0.97 ppm CO2

    Figure 4. FT-IR determined vs assigned mixing ratios of CO2 fora suite of clean air calibration standards. Similar analyses weremade for CH4, CO and N2O and the results are summarized inTable 1.

    Table 1. Regression statistics for determination of clean air stan-dards by FT-IR against calibrated values. Slopes are given forregressions of FT-IR against assigned mixing ratios, as well asthe standard error of prediction (SEP) from each regression.

    Species Accuracy Precision

    Ideal ILS Nonideal ILS(š%)

    (%) (%)

    CO2 �1.0 0.5 0.25CH4 5.7 �1.5 0.1N2O 1.9 0.9 0.1CO �5.0 1.0 0.5

    the residuals between fitted and measured spectra.27,28 Theresults are illustrated in Figure 4 and summarized in Table 1for both the ideal and optimized ILS. In both cases theprecision achieved (as measured by the SEP) is similar,of the order of 0.25% for CO2, 0.1% for CH4 and N2O,and 0.5% for CO at atmospheric clean air background lev-els. The FT-IR results in Figure 4 and Table 1 are derivedfrom the HITRAN database, MALT calculated spectra andCLS fitting, without any reference to calibration gases. Theregressions thus indicate the absolute accuracy possiblewith the FT-IR method; with an optimized ILS, this accu-racy is better than 1.5% for all four gases. The regressionsare also highly linear – only in the case of CO is the regres-sion improved significantly by adding a quadratic term. It ishowever well known that the gas chromatography/reductiongas detector analysis used to characterize CO in the suiteof tanks has significant nonlinearities, and we believe thatthe observed curvature in the plots is due mostly to theassigned values, not the FT-IR determinations.

    These results indicate the precision and accuracy achiev-able by FT-IR analysis, without the need for any calibrationgases. Since the FT-IR response is highly linear, accuracylevels approaching those of the precision can be obtainedwhen measuring unknown air samples by interleaving mea-surements of a standard gas of accurately known compo-sition and using the apparent FT-IR determinations of thisstandard to correct determinations of unknowns.


    The techniques described in Section 2 provide a numberof opportunities for novel and improved measurements ofatmospheric trace composition and the rates at which tracegases are exchanged between the atmosphere and otherreservoirs at the earth’s surface. The applications describedin this section have unique advantages deriving from thecombination of good precision and accuracy of FT-IR anal-ysis, the ability to determine several trace gases in a single

  • FT-IR Measurements of Atmospheric Trace Gases and their Fluxes 7

    measurement, and full automation to allow continuousmonitoring of composition and fluxes. Section 3.1 describeshigh precision monitoring of several trace gases simultane-ously in clean air, while Sections 3.2–3.4 describe severalFT-IR-based methods for trace gas flux measurements inagricultural, industrial and urban environments. Section 3.5describes measurements of 13CO2 isotopic fractionationduring exchange with plants and soil in an agriculturalenvironment.

    3.1 Trace gas monitoring in clean air

    The Australian Bureau of Meteorology operates a cleanair background monitoring station at Cape Grim in NWTasmania (40.7°S, 144.7°W) which is used for routinemeasurements of a wide range of atmospheric species usingthe most accurate and precise available instrumentation.29

    In 1995 we installed an automated single beam FT-IRspectrometer at Cape Grim and analyzed air samples every30 min for 5 weeks.3 Absolute calibration was accomplishedby 6-hourly measurements of a single reference gas mixtureof similar composition to clean air calibrated by CSIRO-GASLAB and similar to the suite of gases described inSection 2.4. Figure 5 shows time series of mixing ratiosfor CO2, CH4, N2O and CO for the whole period, as

    well as for an extended period of baseline (clean air)conditions. The plots show measurements both by the singleFT-IR instrument and by the dedicated analyzers for eachspecies – nondispersive infrared (NDIR) for CO2, and gaschromatography with flame ionization detection for CH4,electron capture detection for N2O and mercuric oxidereduction gas detection for CO.29 In all cases, the resultsfrom the single FT-IR instrument agree within the observedscatter with the “standard” instruments with precisions ofthe order of those quoted in Table 1, which are at least asgood as those provided by the individual instruments.

    3.2 Micrometeorological measurements ofsurface–atmosphere trace gas exchange

    Improved methods for quantifying the rates of sur-face–atmosphere exchange of trace gases are highly desir-able to refine trace gas budgets, improve understanding oftrace gas biogeochemical cycles, quantify sources of fugi-tive gas emissions, and underpin strategies for mitigationof trace gas emissions. We can distinguish three separatestrategies for making such measurements:

    ž Chamber methods30 have been and remain the mostcommon for diffuse trace gas flux measurements fromthe earth’s surface. In these methods a field chamber


    May 23 Jun 2 Jun 12 Jun 22


    308310312314316 nmol mol−1 N2O, GC-ECD

    FT-IRnmol mol−1 CO, GC-RGD

    FT-IRnmol mol−1 CH4, GC-FID

    FT-IRµmol mol−1 CO2, NDIR














    Jun 17 Jun 18 Jun 19 Jun 20 Jun 21 Jun 22


    FT-IRnmol mol−1 N2O, GC-ECD

    FT-IRnmol mol−1 CO, GC-RGD

    FT-IRnmol mol−1 CH4, GC-FID

    FT-IRµmol mol−1 CO2, NDIR
















    Figure 5. FT-IR, gas chromatography and NDIR measurements of trace gas mixing ratios at Cape Grim: (a) 23 May–28 June 1995;and (b) 17–22 June 1995 during an extended period of clean air conditions. [Reproduced by permission of the American ChemicalSociety, from Esler et al. (2000).3]

  • 8 Atmospheric and Astronomical Vibrational Spectroscopy

    encloses a small surface area (typically 104 m2) and are more amenableto automation. Micrometeorological methods rely onmeasurements of atmospheric turbulence and eddy-diffusion rates combined with high precision tracegas concentration measurements. However these tech-niques are significantly harder and more restrictiveto implement and place stringent requirements ontrace gas analysis. For example for eddy correlationmeasurements, instruments must typically have 0.1-sresponse times to resolve small-scale turbulence, andfor gradient flux or eddy accumulation measurementsrelative precision of the order of 0.1% is required toresolve small but significant fluxes.

    ž Tracer methods avoid some of the restrictions ofboth micrometeorological and chamber techniques. Ifa tracer gas is released at a known rate from pointsco-located with the sources of the trace gases of inter-est, simultaneous determination of tracer and fugitivesource gas concentrations downwind allows direct cal-culation of the source gas release rate. Tracer methodsare thus nonintrusive, but avoid some of the limitationsof both chamber and micrometeorological techniques.

    3.2.1 FT-IR flux gradient method

    Figure 6 illustrates the principle of the flux gradient tech-nique. Imagine a uniform surface exchanging a trace gaswith the atmosphere, for example an agricultural cropreleasing CO2 at night time due to plant and soil respi-ration. If a steady wind blows across the surface, a steady-state concentration gradient will be established, decreasingupwards away from the surface source. During daytime,photosynthetic uptake at the surface will reverse the gra-dient. Provided there is no horizontal advection of the tracegas, mass balance requires that its vertical flux through anyhorizontal layer in the atmosphere above the surface beconstant and equal to the flux at the surface. The principalmechanism for the vertical transport is diffusion, and the


    EmissionConcentration (c)



    ht (


    Figure 6. Schematic illustration of the flux-gradient technique.See text for details.

    vertical flux is given by Fick’s law,

    Fx D �KdCxdz


    where Fx is the flux of trace gas x, Cx its concentration, zthe height above the surface and K the diffusion constant forthe trace gas x in air. Turbulent or eddy diffusion normallydominates molecular diffusion and K is then the eddydiffusion constant, depending on atmospheric turbulenceand stability. For further detail, see for example texts suchas Monteith and Unsworth.32

    Thus the determination of a trace gas exchange fluxrequires the determination of the vertical gradient of con-centration and the diffusion constant K. The techniquerequires high precision (of the order of 0.1%) of tracegas concentration measurement, but not necessarily highaccuracy. The eddy diffusion constant may be determineddirectly by fast (10 Hz) measurements of the vertical wind-speed using a sonic anemometer, or from the vertical profileof wind speed. If the flux of a second trace gas can be mea-sured independently, and its vertical concentration profileis also measured by the FT-IR spectrometer, K need notbe determined explicitly and the flux of trace gas x can becalculated from

    Fx D FT dCxdCT


    where FT and CT are the directly measured flux andconcentration of the second gas, and dCx/dCT is the slopeof a regression of Cx vs CT determined at different heightsz. In effect, K is determined implicitly from FT anddCT/dz. Water vapor is a suitable second species since itsflux can be routinely measured directly by eddy correlationand if the air stream to the FT-IR spectrometer is not dried,it is also routinely measured by the FT-IR spectrometer todetermine its vertical gradient.

    The combination of the flux gradient method withFT-IR spectrometry for trace gas determinations wasfirst described for N2O soil-flux measurements by Galleet al.33 and has subsequently been applied to measure-ments of CO2, CH4, N2O and NH3 in various agricul-tural environments.8,9,34,35 In October 1994 and 1995 we

  • FT-IR Measurements of Atmospheric Trace Gases and their Fluxes 9

    participated in two large scale campaigns (OASIS36) tomeasure exchanges of energy, water vapor and trace gasesin a heterogeneous rural environment in SE Australia.9

    During both OASIS campaigns we made continuous auto-mated flux-gradient measurements of CO2, N2O and CH4.Air was drawn continuously at 2–3 L min�1 from each ofseven inlets at heights of 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 14 and 22 m on amicrometeorological tower through 40-L buffer volumes tosmooth out short-term fluctuations. Each sample line wasanalyzed twice on a 2-min measurement cycle to providemean vertical profiles of CO2, CH4, N2O, CO and H2Oevery 30 min continuously for the 3 weeks of the campaign.Supporting measurements of wind speed, temperature andwater vapor were made independently at each height, aswell as eddy correlation measurements of heat, water vaporand CO2 at 2 and 22 m. The FT-IR analysis was performedby a dual beam spectrometer as described above, usingtwo 57-m Horn–Pimentel type cells (IR Analysis, Ana-heim, CA), and was fully automated under control of anArray Basic program in the Grams operating environment.During each 2-min measurement period, one cell was evac-uated and refilled with the next sample to be analyzed, whilethe spectrum of the sample in the other cell was recorded.Spectra were analyzed immediately after collection by CLSusing a pre-calculated MALT-based calibration and allowedthe measurements to be followed in real time.

    Figure 7 shows typical vertical profiles of CO2 frommidnight to late morning, plotted as mixing ratio (horizontal

    325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575



    /m (




    1 m2 m8 m

    22 m






    µCO2 (ppmv)

    Figure 7. Vertical profiles of CO2 above a rapidly growinglucerne grass crop (midnight – 10.00 am).

    axis) against ln(height) (vertical axis). Under ideal constantflux conditions, such plots should be straight lines.32 Duringthe night the surface is a CO2 source due to plant and soilrespiration, and there is both a strong negative gradientand a build up of CO2 in the nocturnal boundary layer.Following sunrise at ca. 06 : 00, photosynthesis begins andthere is a rapid drawdown of CO2 and reversal of thenegative gradient. Figure 8(a) shows the average diurnalvariations of CO2 over the campaign period. The nocturnalbuildup and strong negative gradient, the drawdown andgradient reversal after dawn, establishment of a steadypositive gradient during the day, and reversal at dusk, canall be clearly seen.

    Soil bacteria are an almost universal source of N2O,37

    which is an important greenhouse gas and source of nitro-gen oxides active in catalytic stratospheric ozone depletion.In typical natural and agricultural environments, fluxes persquare metre are small, but when multiplied by large areasof the earth’s surface are a dominant source of N2O to theatmosphere.1 The small fluxes and their variability in bothtime and space lead to large uncertainties in estimating theglobal N2O source term in its atmospheric budget, and forthis reason it is important to improve methods for estimatingaverage N2O source strengths over large areas. Figure 8(b)shows the diurnal variations in N2O from the 1995 OASIS

    Figure 8. Average diurnal cycle of mixing ratios of trace gasesat heights from 0.5 to 22 m above a rapidly growing lucerne crop:(a) CO2; (b) N2O; (c) CH4.

  • 10 Atmospheric and Astronomical Vibrational Spectroscopy

    campaign from which such estimates can be calculated.However the average top-to-bottom difference is less than1 ppbv, which must be resolved against a background ofaround 310 ppbv in the surrounding air. High precision isthus required; the precision achieved here, ca. 0.2 ppbv permeasurement, translates into a minimum detectable flux ofca. 20 ngN m�2 s�1. The measured fluxes during OASIS1995 were of approximately this magnitude. Earlier mea-surements from nitrogen-rich soils provided significantlyhigher fluxes.8,33,35

    In the case of CH4 (Figure 8c), the dominant regionalsource is from sheep and cattle. There is no significantsource or sink of CH4 in the area upwind contributingto the vertical gradients (ca. 200 m), which are thereforevery small during the daytime and cannot be resolved withthe 5 ppbv precision achieved. There is however a sig-nificant buildup in CH4 in the nocturnal boundary layer,which effectively acts as an integrating volume to collectCH4 emissions from the surrounding landscape, includingthe regional population of livestock. Under favorable cir-cumstances, the rate of buildup in the nocturnal boundarylayer can be used to infer the regional average CH4 sourcestrength.38

    Figure 9 shows fluxes of ammonia, NH3, released fol-lowing application of liquid manure fertilizer to a youngwheat crop.8 In these measurements air was sampled con-tinuously from inlets at three heights above the surfaceand analyzed pseudo-simultaneously by a dual beam FT-IRspectrometer in matched White cells with 96 m pathlength.Eddy diffusion coefficients were determined from measure-ments of the vertical profile of wind speed, and combinedwith the vertical concentration gradients to provide a fluxmeasurement every 20 min automatically and continuouslyfor several days following manure application. The detec-tion limits for NH3 were ca. 8 ppbv or 6 µg m�3 for con-centrations, corresponding to fluxes of ca. 0.5 µg m�2 s�1.The slow decrease in emission rate as the fertilizer loadis processed by the soil and plants, and the diurnal cycle








    29 May 00:00

    29 May 12:00

    30 May 00:00

    30 May 12:00

    31 May 00:00

    31 May 12:00








    kg h




    µg m

    −2 s


    Figure 9. Fluxes of ammonia released from a young wheat cropafter liquid manure fertilization, measured by the FT-IR fluxgradient technique in Sweden 1993. [Reproduced by permissionof Elsevier Science Ltd., from Griffith and Galle (2000).8]

    Table 2. Precision of analyses and detection limitsfor trace gas fluxes using the FT-IR flux gradientmethod.

    Species Precision Min. detectable flux

    CO2 1 ppmv 100 µg m�2 s�1CH4 5 ppbv 120 ng m�2 s�1

    N2O 0.2 ppbv 20 ng m�2 s�1

    NH3 8 ppbv 500 ng m�2 s�1

    due to temperature and wind speed are clearly evident.A significant amount of fertilizer nitrogen is lost duringand after application due to volatilization as NH3, whichis a notoriously difficult gas to measure routinely in theatmosphere in trace amounts. The FT-IR method representsa major advance in feasibility of following such nutrientlosses.

    These measurements serve to illustrate the utility ofFT-IR-based analysis for micrometeorological flux mea-surements. With the existing equipment, approximate preci-sions in mixing ratios and lower limits to detectable fluxesare summarized in Table 2. Measurements of CO2, CH4,N2O, CO and water vapor can be made simultaneouslywith a single spectrometer. NH3 can be added to this suiteif an MCT detector is used. To our knowledge the onlyother techniques reported for micrometeorological measure-ments of N2O and CH4 fluxes are based on eddy correlationor flux-gradient techniques using tunable diode laser spec-trometers for analysis.39–41 FT-IR is not suitable for eddycorrelation measurements near the ground because of thehigh time resolution required (ca. 10 Hz).

    3.2.2 Mass balance methods

    Another approach to nonintrusive measurement of tracegas fluxes and emissions is based on a mass balanceapproach.42,43 This approach is illustrated by measurementsof CH4 emissions from free-ranging sheep on a typicalpasture.44,45 The sheep are confined within a 22 ð 22-msquare open enclosure or fence, as illustrated in Figure 10.Air is sampled evenly and continuously along the full lengthof each side of the enclosure at heights of 0.5, 1, 2 and3.5 m, through 40-L buffer volumes as described aboveto average out short-term fluctuations. The 16 air streamsare analyzed sequentially at 2.8 min per stream by the dualbeam FT-IR spectrometer in the same manner as describedfor flux gradient measurements, providing 45-min averageconcentrations in each inlet line. For each 45-min averagingperiod, the flux of CH4 across each face of the enclosureis calculated as the integral of the mean concentrationCCH4 times the mean windspeed perpendicular to the face

  • FT-IR Measurements of Atmospheric Trace Gases and their Fluxes 11

    22 × 22 m outside

    20 × 20 m inside



    16 × 100 m 3/8γ

    16 × 2000 × 130 mm (35 L)

    0.5 m

    2.0 m

    3.5 m

    1.0 m

















    polyethylene tubes




    Figure 10. Illustration of the enclosure mass balance technique, in this example used for the nonintrusive measurement of CH4 emissionsfrom sheep.45

    U at each height

    FCH4 D∫

    U Ð CCH4 dz �3�

    By mass balance, the difference between the fluxes acrossthe two downwind faces and the two upwind faces must bedue to emissions released within the enclosure. The upperlevel of 3.5 m is chosen to ensure that loss of emissionsfrom the top of the enclosure is negligible unless themean wind speed is very low. Figure 11 illustrates thedifferential horizontal flux densities U Ð �Cd � Cu� (whered is downwind and u is upwind) for four consecutive45-min periods with 14 sheep in the enclosure, where thewind was predominantly north–south during the first threeperiods and veered to the SE during the 12 : 45 period.Integration of the vertical profiles and multiplication by thefence length provides the net CH4 flux out of the enclosure,which is assumed to be due to the 14 sheep. The techniquemeasured a mean emission rate of 11.9š1.5 g CH4 day�1per sheep and was in excellent agreement with a totallyindependent method carried out simultaneously during thestudy.44

    In this example, the strength of the FT-IR analysis is inthe ability to measure the 16 air samples within a reasonabletime, 45 min, suitable for averaging meteorological condi-tions, while still providing sufficient precision to resolve thesmall differences between the sample lines. FT-IR precisionfor CH4 of ca. 5 ppbv was obtained for the 2.8-min cycletime, while typical downwind–upwind differences at thelower levels were a few tens of ppbv. Automation is also animportant advantage, allowing continuous 24-h monitoringof the emissions and characterization of the diurnal varia-tions and short-term changes due to animal behavior. N2Oand CO2 emissions from the 24 ð 24-m enclosure couldalso be retrieved from analysis of the collected spectra.

    3.3 Tracer methods for estimating trace gasrelease rates from localized sources

    Tracer methods are well suited to the quantification ofemissions from localized sources.46–48 They are based onthe release of an inert tracer gas at the same location as thesource of interest, and analysis of both species sufficiently

  • 12 Atmospheric and Astronomical Vibrational Spectroscopy






    −25 0 25 50 75


    ght (






    Horizontal flux / µg m−2 s−1





    −25 0 25 50 75


    ght (


    Horizontal flux / µg m−2 s−1




    −25 0 25 50 75


    ght (


    Horizontal flux / µg m−2 s−1





    −25 0 25 50 75


    ght (


    Horizontal flux / µg m−2 s−1

    Figure 11. Vertical profiles of differential horizontal flux densities of CH4 in the north–south and east–west directions of a 24 ð 24 mfence enclosing 14 sheep. Integration over height provides the net fluxes out of the enclosure along the two directions. [Reproduced bypermission of Elsevier Science Ltd., from Leuning et al. (1999).44]

    downwind of the source that the tracer and target gas appearto come from the same location. In this case, if the tracerrelease rate FT is known, the emission rate Fx of targetgas x from the co-located source is simply calculated fromthe ratio of concentrations of the target gas, Cx and thetracer CT:

    Fx D FT CxCT


    In this method, the tracer measurement essentially correctsfor fluctuations in concentration of x brought about byvariations in wind and transport of air parcels to themeasurement site. The tracer gas should be inert, not bereleased by the source, have a low or at least constantmixing ratio in the background air, and be detectable insmall quantities; SF6 has commonly been used. N2O canalso be suitable provided there are no local sources since itsconcentration in background air, though high at 310 ppbv,is usually quite constant.

    Galle, Mellqvist and co-workers have used the tracermethod with trace gas analysis by FT-IR spectrometry toquantify industrial fugitive emissions47,48 and CH4 fromlandfills.46 They employ both open path and closed cellFT-IR methods to measure both target gases and tracergas in a single measurement. FT-IR allows real timecontinuous measurements, which adds considerably to thetechnique: if only a few measurements of trace gas ratioscan be made, it is essential that there be no sourcesof the target gas other than those co-located with the

    tracer release. However a time series of measurementsallows a time-correlation between target gas and tracerto isolate those emissions which are co-located with thetracer release. An additional approach can also be usedto minimize the impact of variable winds and sourcesnot co-located with the tracer gas release. If a weightedmean ratio of target to tracer gas concentration is taken,with the weights equal to the actual tracer amount (orits square), those periods where the wind does not blowfrom the tracer release areas will have low tracer amountsand will carry less weight in determining the mean.47

    Figure 12 shows such a time series of CH4 and N2O tracermixing ratios downwind of a landfill site in which N2Owas released at known rates from cylinders located aroundthe landfill. In this case the CH4 and N2O concentrationsare well correlated at all times and from a regressionof CH4 against N2O and the known N2O release rate, atotal CH4 emission rate for the landfill can be calculated.Regular bimonthly measurements gave an annual averagetotal emission rate of CH4 of 37.5 kg h�1 or 330 tonnes yr�1

    from the landfill.We have used similar methods to estimate CH4 emis-

    sions from cattle.45,49 In this application, 30–80 head ofyearling dairy cattle were confined in a 30 ð 7-m area ori-ented across the wind direction 40 m upwind of a 6-mmicrometeorological mast. N2O tracer was released at aconstant rate from 10 capillaries evenly spread along theupwind fence of the cattle enclosure. Air samples were

  • FT-IR Measurements of Atmospheric Trace Gases and their Fluxes 13









    13:40 14:00 14:20 14:40 15:00 15:20 15:40 16:00 16:20 16:40





    n C


















    n N

    2O (


    N2O turned on


    Figure 12. Time series of methane and nitrous oxide tracer emitted from a landfill site measured simultaneously downwind. [Courtesyof B. Galle, Chalmers Technical University, Gothenburg, Sweden.]

    drawn continuously from inlets at four heights on themast and analyzed sequentially by a single beam FT-IRspectrometer operating on a 5 min measurement cycle.Figure 13 illustrates the correlation between measured CH4and N2O tracer concentrations. On three separate days weobtained very consistent average emissions of 370 š 30 gor 460 š 40 standard liters per day per head of cattle.

    In summary, FT-IR spectroscopy has distinct advantagesfor tracer technique applications. These include simultane-ous and continuous in situ determination of several targetspecies, including common tracers such as SF6 and N2Owith good sensitivity (low ppbv range) and good time reso-lution (minutes). This combination allows time-correlativeanalysis and enhances the power of tracer methods sub-stantially over bag or flask-sampling based methods withlaboratory-based trace gas analysis.

    0 5 10 15 20 25

    ∆N2O (ppbv)


    4 (p









    y = 22.886x − 8.4281R2 = 0.9593

    Figure 13. Correlation of CH4 emissions from cattle and N2Otracer downwind of a herd of 80 cattle. Plotted values are excessesover background levels.45

    3.4 Field chamber measurements of trace gasexchange fluxes

    The third but simplest approach to trace gas flux measure-ment is the use of flux chambers. In this approach, a (usuallysmall) area of the surface is enclosed by an open-bottomedchamber, and from the rate of change of concentration of atrace gas in the chamber, the flux can be calculated from:

    Fx D VA



    where Fx and Cx are the flux and concentration of tracegas x, V is the chamber volume and A the area ofsurface enclosed. In normal practice small samples ofair in the chamber are collected before closure and onceor twice at a suitable time after closure for analysisby conventional techniques, typically for example by gaschromatography for N2O and CH4. Chambers have theadvantages that they are relatively simple to deploy, andare able to resolve very small fluxes. However they sufferthe major disadvantages that they perturb the system theyare measuring by altering the microclimate, including lightlevels, temperature, humidity and atmospheric exchange,and they sample only small areas for typically a few minutesto an hour. To capture the well recognized spatial andtemporal variability in emissions, many chambers must beemployed, and be analyzed repetitively.

    FT-IR spectroscopy can be used to carry out automated,in situ analysis of chamber air to reduce some of thedisadvantages of the technique. During the 1995 OASIScampaign, we operated two field chambers coupled toa single beam FT-IR spectrometer and 22-m White cellcontinuously for the duration of the experiment.50 Thechambers were analyzed alternately on a 1-h cycle with

  • 14 Atmospheric and Astronomical Vibrational Spectroscopy

    each chamber closed for 20 min in the middle of its30-min analysis time. Air was circulated in a closed loopbetween the chamber being analyzed and the White cellin the spectrometer through 12

    00tubing and an oil-free

    diaphragm pump. Spectra were recorded continuously andsaved every minute to provide time series of chamberconcentrations of CO2, N2O and CH4. All valve switching,pump and spectrometer control, chamber closure, dataacquisition and spectrum analysis was fully automatedby an Array Basic program. Fluxes were calculated inreal time immediately after each closure. Figure 14 showsconcentration changes during a typical 30-min measurementperiod, in which the chamber was closed after 5 min andreopened after 25 min. The emission rates of CO2 and N2Oare determined from the slopes of the time series duringthe closed period, and correspond to 85 gC m�2 s�1 and9.6 ngN m�2 s�1, respectively. From the scatter in the dataof Figure 14(b), we estimate that small fluxes of N2O ofthe order of 1 ngN m�2 s�1 could be resolved with thissystem, substantially better than the limits available using






    0 5 10 15 20 25 30

    Time / min







    0 5 10 15 20 25 30

    Time / min










    Figure 14. Thirty-minute time series of (a) CO2 and (b) N2O ina 100-L flux chamber covering 0.35 m2 of surface. The chamber isclosed 5 min and reopened 25 min after the start of the cycle. Theemission rates of CO2 and N2O are determined from the slopesof the time series during the closed period, and correspond to85 g C m�2 s�1 and 9.6 ng N m�2 s�1, respectively.

    micrometeorological methods. However the precision forCH4 analysis (5 ppbv) was not sufficient to resolve anyCH4 fluxes, at least over 20-min closure times. Smalluptake rates of around 5 ng m�2 s�1 were measured by gaschromatographic analysis of closures averaged over 12-hperiods.50

    Automation also provided regular hourly determinationsof the fluxes, so that diurnal and other short term variationsin the fluxes could be observed. Figure 15 shows thehourly fluxes of CO2 and N2O for the duration of the1995 OASIS campaign. The chambers were dark whenclosed, so that CO2 fluxes are only due to respiration, notphotosynthesis. They follow a clear diurnal cycle related totemperature, and the mean respiration rate over the periodwas 98 µgC m�2 s�1. N2O also shows a distinct diurnalcycle, but the record is dominated by pulses of emissionfollowing minor and major rainfall events on 13 and 21October respectively. N2O emission is regulated to a largeextent by soil moisture, and with strong emissions after raindecaying over a period of 2–3 days as the soil dries out. Theresults are analyzed in more detail by Meyer et al.50 Galleet al.51 describe similar, longer-term automated chambermeasurements of CO2 and N2O from an organic soil.

    Galle et al.33 also first described the use of an ultra-largechamber with FT-IR analysis to improve spatial averagingof emission measurements. In this work, the chamber was

    12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 280





    Day of October








    ng N



    µg C





    Figure 15. Hourly fluxes of (a) CO2 and (b) N2O for 2 weeks ofthe 1995 OASIS campaign.

  • FT-IR Measurements of Atmospheric Trace Gases and their Fluxes 15

    25 m


    Figure 16. Ultra large chamber for spatially averaged flux mea-surements. [Reproduced by permission of the American Geophy-sical Union, from Galle et al. (1994).33]

    an elongated nylon tunnel tent ca 30 m long and 2 m wide(Figure 16). The tent enclosed an open path, 25-m base,40-pass multiple reflection optical cell with 1 km totaloptical path,52 directly coupled to an FT-IR spectrometeralso inside the tent. Open path spectra were recordedcontinuously before, during and after closure of the tentand provided excellent sensitivity for emissions and uptakeof N2O and CH4 in agricultural and forest soils.35,53

    FT-IR analysis can thus alleviate some of the disadvan-tages of chamber methods to some extent. Firstly, throughautomated in situ analysis, repetitive measurements are rel-atively easy to carry out for temporal averaging, and anarray of many fully automated chambers may be envisagedto provide better spatial averaging. Secondly, fluxes can bedetermined with high time resolution to resolve diurnal andother short term variations in fluxes. Finally, CO2, N2O andCH4 fluxes can be determined simultaneously with a singleinstrument, with flux detection limits of ca. 1 ngN m�2 s�1

    for N2O and 5–10 ngC m�2 s�1 for CH4. Detection limitsare more than adequate for CO2 flux measurements.

    3.5 13CO2 fractionation during plant respiration

    Natural variations in isotopic abundances come aboutbecause (bio)chemical reaction rates and equilibrium con-stants depend on molecular mass and the distributionof molecular energy levels. Isotopic variations in atmos-pheric gases thus provide a very valuable diagnostic forthe processes which create, destroy and transform thosegases.54 Isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) is nor-mally employed for isotopic analysis, but IR spectrometryis also suitable since different isotopomers have differentvibrational and rotational frequencies. Since the isotopicfractionations of interest are often small, of the order of1‰ (i.e. 0.1%) or less, high precision is required.

    The n3 absorption band of 13CO2 is shifted by 66 cm�1

    to a lower wavenumber than the corresponding band of12CO2, and is thus easily resolvable at 1 cm�1 resolution.

    360 380 4000






    z (h


    t) (


    −10 −9 −8

    δ13CO2 (per mil)CO2 (µmol mol−1)

    Figure 17. Simultaneous CO2 and υ13CO2 vertical profiles overa spring pasture at 22 : 30, October 1995. See text for discussion.[Reproduced by permission of the American Chemical Society,from Esler et al. (2000).55]

    This provides the basis for FT-IR measurements of 13Cfractionation in CO2. As a demonstration of the capabil-ities, during the OASIS measurement campaign in 1995(Section 3.2.1) we analyzed vertical profiles of 13CO2 and12CO2 from 0.5 to 22 m above ground from the microme-teorological tower.55 Figure 17 illustrates such a profile at22 : 30 over spring pasture, where plant and soil respirationcreates a strong vertical gradient (decreasing upwards) inCO2 and a corresponding profile of the 13C fractionation,υ13CO2. Isotope ratios are normally expressed in relative“per mil” units relative to an accepted standard:

    υ13C D(


    � 1)

    ð 1000

    where R13 D 13C/12C is the ratio of abundances of 13Cand 12C. The precision of υ13CO2 determination is approx-imately 0.2‰. Plant photosynthesis discriminates against13C, so that plant organic material is isotopically lighter in13C than atmospheric CO2. When plant carbon is oxidizedduring respiration, the respired CO2 carries the isotopic sig-nature of the plant carbon. A plot of υ13CO2 vs 1/[CO2]56

    should have a Y- intercept equal to the 13C isotopic signa-ture of the plant CO2; such a plot is shown in Figure 18 andhas an intercept of �25.7 š 0.8‰, typical of that expectedfrom plants of this type.

    Conventional IRMS normally requires collection of asample, with return to a central laboratory for analysis.Sample throughput is limited. While the FT-IR techniquedoes not attain the very high precision available withIRMS (

  • 16 Atmospheric and Astronomical Vibrational Spectroscopy

    0.0024 0.0025 0.0026







    1/CO2 (µmol mol−1)−1

    δ13 C




    Figure 18. υ13CO2 vs inverse CO2 mixing ratio for the dataof Figure 17. The regression line excludes the circled outlier.[Reproduced by permission of the American Chemical Society,from Esler et al. (2000).55]


    The sun is a very good radiation source, with an effectiveblack body temperature of 5800 K and an angular sizelarge enough to overfill the field of view of a typicalFT-IR optical system. When spectra of the sun are recordedthrough the atmosphere, rich spectra with high S/N andhigh spectral resolution can be obtained in a few secondsto minutes. Remote sensing of atmospheric compositionby solar IR spectroscopy is routinely carried out from theground, aircraft, high altitude balloons and from space.Beer57 and Rao and Weber58 provide a detailed introductionto FT-IR remote sensing and atmospheric spectroscopy.

    Atmospheric pressure drops off approximately exponen-tially with altitude; the total vertical atmospheric column atsea level is equivalent to that of a single layer 8-km thickat 1 atm pressure and 273 K, and increases approximatelyas the secant of the solar zenith angle. In the lower atmos-phere individual spectral lines are predominantly pressurebroadened with near-Lorentzian lineshapes and pressure-dependent widths, whereas in the upper atmosphere pres-sure broadening is dominated by Doppler broadening andthe lineshapes are predominantly Gaussian and depen-dent on temperature but not pressure. Thus atmosphericsolar spectra display lineshapes that depend on the alti-tude range of the light path and vertical distribution of theabsorber molecules in the atmosphere. Figure 19 illustratesthis effect, with a portion of the solar spectrum measuredat 0.004 cm�1 resolution near 1150 cm�1. The broader linesare due to N2O, which resides predominantly in the tropo-sphere (20 km). Quan-titative analysis of solar FT-IR spectra is normally carried

    30 000

    40 000

    50 000

    60 000

    70 000

    1157.0 1157.5 1158.0 1158.5 1159.0

    Wavenumber / cm−1



    Figure 19. Section of a ground-based solar FT-IR spectrum near1156 cm�1 illustrating the lineshape dependence on the verticaldistribution of the absorber. The three broader lines are due toN2O, which resides predominantly in the troposphere, and thenarrow lines are due to ozone, most of which is in the stratosphere.

    out by NLLS fitting of calculated spectra (see for exampleSection 2.3) to measured spectra. The equivalent width ofeach line (i.e. the area under the line) is related to thetotal column amount of the absorbing species, and detailedanalysis of the lineshape provides a method for retrievinglimited information on the vertical distribution.13,59,60

    For ground-based solar FT-IR spectrometry, a sun trackeris used to image the solar disk onto the entrance aperture ofthe FT-IR spectrometer, which normally has high resolution(0.004 cm�1) to resolve the lineshapes of stratospheric gasesand provide some altitude resolution. MCT detectors arenormally used below 1800 cm�1 and InSb detectors above1800 cm�1, with optical bandpass filters usually required toreduce the total flux on the detector and avoid detector sat-uration. Single scans typically provide S/N of 200–1000 athigh resolution. Despite its much lower intensity as a radi-ation source, the moon has also been used as a source foratmospheric measurements in the high Arctic.61 A globalnetwork of ground-based solar FT-IR stations operates as apart of the Network for Detection of Stratospheric Change(NDSC, Atmosphericconstituents that can be detected include ozone (four dif-ferent isotopomers), major chlorine and fluorine species(HCl, ClONO2, HF and COF2), species related to ozonedestruction including ClO, HNO3, NO, NO2, halocar-bons such as CFC-11, CFC-12 and CFC-22, major green-house gases such as CO2, H2O, HDO, CH4, N2O, anda number of other mainly tropospheric species includingC2H2, C2H4, C2H6, CO, H2CO, HCN, HO2NO2, NH3,OCS and SO2. For further details we refer the readerto a sample of publications from some of the NDSCgroups.59,60,63–70

    Ground-based solar spectroscopy can be carried outfrom any altitude but is best from higher altitudes toreduce absorption by water vapor (which is heavily con-centrated near the ground) and undesirable effects of

  • FT-IR Measurements of Atmospheric Trace Gases and their Fluxes 17

    pollution in the atmospheric boundary layer. Thus twoof the best sites are at Mauna Loa in Hawaii (3400 mabove sea level)64 and the Jungfraujoch in Switzerland(3580 m above sea level).67 Solar FT-IR spectroscopy fromaircraft71–73 and balloons74–76 provide more detailed dataon the upper atmosphere. For spectra collected with thesun above the observation altitude (zenith angles 90°), absorption is dominated by the atmosphericlayers nearest the tangent altitude of the solar beam. An“onion-peeling” technique can then be used to determinevertical profiles, in which spectra are measured as thesun sets (or rises), and the spectra of upper layers areanalyzed first and the analyses successively subtractedfrom those of the lower layers. Measurements can bemade from up to 40 km altitude with large stratosphericballoons.

    Satellite-borne FT-IR solar absorption spectrometerseffectively observe from above the entire atmosphere andcan provide pseudo-global coverage of atmospheric com-position. For example the ATMOS spectrometer, whichmade several flights on the Space Shuttle in the 1980sand 1990s, has provided a large body of atmospheric com-position data with broad geographic coverage. ATMOStypically measures 100 spectra at 0.017 cm�1 resolution(60-cm OPD) during each 4-min solar occultation from the300-km altitude orbit of the Space Shuttle; in the Novem-ber 1994 mission, it measured 190 such occultations. Foran overview and further details, see Gunson et al.77 and fol-lowing papers in a special issue of Geophysical ResearchLetters. A number of other satellite-borne FT-IR spectro-meters have already been flown, with many more plannedfor the next few years.


    We have described FT-IR spectrometry as a technique forthe analysis of trace gases in air. The techniques have anumber of advantages including:

    ž simultaneous determination of CO2, CO, CH4 and N2Oat clean air levels, as well as natural variations in the13CO2/12CO2 ratio;

    ž high precision and accuracy, of the order of 0.1%for CO2, N2O and CH4, 0.5% for CO and 0.1‰ for13CO2/12CO2;

    ž portability, reliability and automation for long termmeasurements in field experiments;

    ž cost effectiveness, able to determine several gases witha single instrument.

    Applications include both “simple” composition measure-ments as well as several methods for measuring the fluxesof trace gases between the atmosphere and sources andsinks at the earth’s surface. Although our focus has beenon clean air and the global atmosphere, the methods areequally applicable to polluted air analysis for a wide rangeof species, typically with low parts per billion detectionlimits.


    I am very grateful to acknowledge the students and col-leagues who have contributed to the body of work describedhere and without whom it would not have happened. Theseinclude Michael Esler, Ian Jamie, David Hsu, Fred Turatti,Paul Beasley and Stephen Wilson of the University ofWollongong, Bo Galle at Chalmers University of Technol-ogy, Sweden, Ray Leuning, Tom Denmead, Mick Meyerand Ian Galbally of CSIRO, Australia, Andy Reisinger ofNIWA, NZ, the staff of the Cape Grim station in Tas-mania, and many others who made the many field tripspossible.


    IRMS Isotope ratio mass spectrometryNDSC Network for Detection of Stratospheric ChangeNIST National Institute for Standards and TechnologyNLLS Nonlinear Least Squares


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    3. M.B. Esler, D.W.T. Griffith, S.R. Wilson and L.P. Steele,Anal. Chem., 72(1), 206 (2000).

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    8. D.W.T. Griffith and B. Galle, Atmos. Environ., 34, 1087(2000).

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  • 18 Atmospheric and Astronomical Vibrational Spectroscopy

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