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Fow Kampfgruppe Rauch

Apr 02, 2018



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  • 7/27/2019 Fow Kampfgruppe Rauch


    Soon ater the tanks o Kampgruppe Oppeln attacked, thePanzergrenadiereoKampgruppe Rauch launched their ownattack on their western ank. Finding the gap between theBritish and Canadian beaches, they reached the radar station

    at Douvres-la-Dlivrande beore encountering opposition.Te Kampgruppe Rauch Attacks scenario uses theAirborneat Dusk(see page 69), Reserves, and Meeting Engagement(see pages 264 and 268 o the rulebook) special rules.


    GermanYou must reach the sea at Lion-sur-Mer, splitting the Alliedinvasion orce in two. Te division will then turn and thrustalong the beaches pushing the invaders back into the sea.

    CanadianYou have made it ashore with surprisingly light casualties.Progress inland has been delayed by massive trac jams onthe beaches and sporadic German opposition. You muststrike inland towards Caen, clearing the strongpoint atDouvres-la-Dlivrande on the way.

    PreParinGforbattleSet up the terrain as shown on page 73. Place the ob-

    jectives at the indicated points. Te table is 4/120cm by6/180cm.


    Te Canadian player places their starting troopsin their deployment area. Te remainder o their orceremains in Reserve. Tese will arrive between ailleville andBeny-sur-Mer.

    Te German player places their troops in the indicatedareas.

    beGinninGthe battleTe Canadian player has the rst turn.

    Tis is a mobile battle, so or the Canadian players rstturn o the game all teams are considered to be moving.

    endinGthe battleTe battle ends when dusk alls under the Airborne at Duskspecial rule, and both sides break of the battle.

    deCidinG Who WonTe German player gets one victory point or holding theDouvres-la-Dlivrande radar station objective and twovictory points or holding the Lion-sur-Mer objective.

    Te Canadian player gets one victory point or holdingthe Douvres-la-Dlivrande radar station objective and onevictory point each or holding the Colomby-sur-Taon andCazelle objectives.

    Te player holding the most victory points at the end o thegame wins.





    Kampgruppe Rauch Attacks can be played as part oa mini campaign along with the Kampgruppe Oppeln

    Attacks scenario on page 69. Play the KampgruppeOppeln Attacks scenario rst, then this scenario. Te winnero the Kampgruppe Rauch Attacks scenario wins thecampaign.

    I the German player won the Kampgruppe Oppeln Attacksscenario, the victorious tanks oKampgruppeOppeln arrive

    to assist Kampgruppe Rauch. Te German player receivesa Panzer Platoon with three Panzer IV tanks as a DelayedReserve arriving at the edge o the German deploymentarea behind Douvres-la-Dlivrande in this scenario.

    I the British won the Kampgruppe Oppeln Attacks scenario,the attack byKampgruppeRauch is delayed and the Germanorces that would normally start in Douvres-la-Dlivrande inarea start at Cazelle in area instead.

    Like the Kampgruppe Oppeln Attacks scenario, you couldeasily ght this battle with other orces to represent diferentbattles or possibilities. A perect example would be the plannedcounterattack against Omaha Beach by Kampgruppe Meyer(See Earth & Steelpage 32 or details on352. Inanteriedivision).

    As it turned out they spent all day marching in the divisionsrear, but things could have been very diferent i they had beenordered to counterattack the beach.

    Use a US Rie Company, or even better an Assault Companyrom Turning Tide, in place o the Canadian orce. Replaceboth Armoured Platoons with a single ank Platoon o threeM4 Sherman tanks and the M10 sel-propelled guns withtowed 3 guns.

    Use Earth & Steelto create Kampgruppe Meyer(see page 32o Earth & Steel) with a StuG Abteilung with supportingFusilier Platoons and a Festungs Artillery Battery.

    Te sort o conused breakthrough situation portrayed inKampgruppe Rauch Attacks happened many times on theEastern Front. You could replace the Canadian orce with aSoviet Motostrelkovy Batalon that has orced a river and is

    breaking through into the depths o the German deenceswith only a small Hedgehog position between them andvictory. Te small German Panzergrenadier orce is attempt-ing to reach the river crossings to stem the tide.

    Kampfgruppe rauch attacKs

    D-Day mini campaign

    Other places, Other times

  • 7/27/2019 Fow Kampfgruppe Rauch


    terrainTis battle takes place along a broadnorth-south ridge. A stream drains eastcutting down the side o the ridge. Inearly summer the stream is shallow,barely an obstacle, and counts asDicult Going.

    In the early summer the crops are lowand provide little in the way o conceal-ment, giving the deenders a wide-openeld o re, although they do providegood going or the attacking orces.

    Only the low bed o the railway lineprovides much o an obstacle, buteven that is just Dicult Going andprovides no concealment, althoughit is Bulletproo Cover or stationaryInantry and Man-packed Gun teamsimmediately behind it.

    douvres-la-dlivrandeTe night-ghter control radar stationat Douvres-la-Dlivrande is wellortied. Te rst line o deence is amineeld. Inside that is a barbed wireentanglement. As normal, each sectiono deences is usually 8/20cm long by2/5cm wide. Te exception to this isthe barbed wire entanglements whereeach side o the ortication is made upo a 8/20cm and a 4/10cm section.

    Te garrison is well provided withrench Lines or protection. Tey areprotected by an HMG Nest, a 5cmPaK38 Nest, and a 2cm FlaK38 Nest(see pages 217 to 222 o the rulebookor the rules on Nests).


    to Caen

    to JunobeaCh





    German dePloYment area








    to Caen



    taillevilleto lion-sur-mer



    Barbed wire


    5cm PaK38 Nest

    2cm FlaK38 Nest

    HMG Nest

  • 7/27/2019 Fow Kampfgruppe Rauch


    Originally serving in the army between the wars, OberstRauch rejoined the army in 1935. Ater commandingPionier and Panzergrenadierunits in combat, he took overcommand o the newly ormed 192. Panzergrenadierregiment.On D-Day his command was deployed as a reserve or

    716. Inanteriedivision manning the coastal deences.

    Counterattacking with his armoured I Battalion,Kampgruppe Rauch reached the night-ghter controlstation at Douvres-la-Dlivrande, deended by a small orcerom 736. Grenadierregimentand the Lutwafe (Air Force)signals troops manning it, beore pushing on to the sea at


    192. PanzerGrenadierreGiment

    Oberst Rauch

    I/192. Panzergrenadierregiment

    II/192. Panzergrenadierregiment

    4/192. Panzergrenadierregiment

    II/155. Panzerartillerieregiment

    3/53. Lutwafe Nachrichtenregiment

    Stab/II/736 Grenadierregiment, 716. Inanteriedivision

    21. GePanzerte PanzerGrenadierkomPanie

    (Confident veteran) (PaGe 56 atlantiC Wall)

    Company HQ (with artillery Observer team, at )

    Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Platoon(at ull strength, at )

    Panzergrenadier Platoon

    (with two squads and no trucks, at )Armoured Anti-tank Platoon

    (with three S304( ) (PaK40) hal-tracks, at )

    Armoured Artillery Battery (with three 15cm (S )Lorraine Schlepper sel-propelled guns, at )

    Lutwafe Field Platoon (rated Reluctant Trainedwith twosquads, at ) with Gun teams in Open Bunkers asshown on the map

    Two independent SMG teams (rated Reluctant Trained at )

    German KampfGruppe rauch

    No command teams have Panzerknacker training or Panzeraust anti-tank launchers.

    german Kampfgruppe rauch

  • 7/27/2019 Fow Kampfgruppe Rauch


    8 Canadian Brigade Group under Brigadier Blackadderlanded on the eastern hal o Juno Beach. By midday theNorth Shore Regiments reported ailleville clear and wereset to move onto their nal objectivethe radar station.Tey did not set out until 1730hrs, though, as ghting

    ared up repeatedly against elements o the headquarters o

    736. Grenadierregiment. Te Queens Own Ries supportedby the Fort Garry Horse pushed inland to Beny-sur-Merand Basley. About this time the ollow-on 9 Brigade Groupnally escaped the massive trac snarl-up on the beach andmoved inland towards Carpiquet aireld at Caen, with the

    North Novas and the tanks o the Sherbrookes in the lead.

    8 (eastern) briGade GrouP

    Brigadier Ken Blackadder

    Te Queens Own Ries o Canada

    Te North Shore (New Brunswick) Regiment

    Te Cameron Highlanders o Ottawa (MG)

    10th Armoured Regiment (Te Fort Garry Horse)

    3rd Anti-tank Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery

    14th Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery

    9 (hiGhland) briGade GrouPTe North Nova Scotia Highlanders

    27th Armoured Regiment (Te Sherbrooke Fusiliers)

    Canadian rifle ComPanY(Confident trained) (PaGe 142 overlord)

    Company HQ (with Universal Carrier)

    Rie Platoon (with two squads)

    Rie Platoon (with two squads)

    Machine-gun Platoon (one section in MMG Carriers)

    Independent Armoured Platoon (three Sherman III tanks)

    Assault Anti-tank Battery (SP), Royal Artillery (with twoM10 (3) SP)

    Assault Field Battery (SP), Royal Artillery (with our Priestsel-propelled guns)

    reservesRie Platoon (at ull strength)

    Independent Armoured Platoon (with two Sherman IIItanks and one Firey VC tank)

    8 canadian BriGade Group

    8 canaDian BrigaDe grOup