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WAITI AIDAU UJAMU/WAITI AINIA URANU/ABRIENDO PUERTAS/OPENING DOORS Basic Level English Course December 11 th , 2010 Telling Stories (Part I) – Intro to Clauses

Fourteenth Class - Part I - Telling Stories: Intro to Clauses

Nov 11, 2014



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  • 1. Waitiaidauujamu/waitiainiauranu/abriendopuertas/opening doors
    Basic Level English Course
    December 11th, 2010
    Telling Stories (Part I) Intro to Clauses
  • 2. Lesson Objectives/Objetivos de la Leccin
    To tell oral and written stories using clauses, the past forms, sequence adverbs, and other tenses learned
    Contarhistoriasorales y escritasusandoclusulas, lasformas del pasado, adverbios de secuencia y otrostiemposaprendidos
  • 3. Please, Listen and
    Partial List of Irregular Verbs/ListaParcial de VerbosIrregulares (Base Forms/Present & Past Tense Forms
  • 4. Time Expressions in the Past Tense
    yesterday = ayer
    last night = anoche
    last week = la semana pasada
    last Saturday = el Sbado pasado
    last year = el ao pasado
    two days ago = hace dos dias
    two weeks ago = hace dos semanas
    two hours ago = hace dos horas
    two years ago = hace dos aos
  • 5. Tag Questions
    Used to verify information we think is true
    Used to check information we arent sure is true
    If the sentence is affirmative, the tag is negative:
    You love me,dont you?
    If the sentence is negative, the tag is affirmative:
    She graduated from college,didnt she?
    Use a comma (,) to separate the sentence from the tag
    Irregular tag question example: I am,arent I?
    I am your best friend,arent I?
  • 6. Tag Questions: Exercises
    Write the appropriate tag question sforeah sentence below:/Escriba el tag question correctoparacadaoracin a continuacin:
    He is, ________?
    He does, ________?
    Roger will, ________?
    He cant, ________?
    Jessica did, ________?
    They were, ________?
    He was, ________?
    They werent, ________?
    I am, ________?
    I am not, ________?
  • 7. Tag Questions: Answer Key
    Write the appropriate tag question sforeah sentence below:/Escriba el tag question correctoparacadaoracin a continuacin:
    He is, isnt he?
    He does, doesnt he?
    Roger will, wont he?
    He cant, can he?
    Jessica did, didnt she?
    They were, werent they?
    He was, wasnt he?
    They werent, were they?
    I am, arent I?
    I am not, am I?
  • 8. Clauses: Grammar Basics
    (*) Have a subject and a predicate
    (*) Ideas that dont usually have other subordinate ideas
    Simple Sentence:
    She came to his office.
    Compound Sentence:
    She came to his office,and they worked together.
    (*) Have a subject and a predicate
    (*) Ideas that usually have a subordinate idea
    Subordinate Clauses:
    Sentences that cannot stand alone
    Independent Clauses (Main Clauses):
    Simple sentences that can stand alone
    When She came to his office, he left.
    Coordinating Conjunction:
    Its a connector between two words or sentences.
    Examples: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
    Subordinating Conjunction:
    Joins a subordinate clause to a main clause. Examples: after, as soon as, before, if, when, while.
    Use of Commas (,):
    Commas are used before the coordinating conjunctions.
    Commas are used after the subordinating conjunction when the subordinating conjunctionstarts the sentence.
    Example: When she came to his office, he left.
    Commas are not used when the subordinating conjunctiondoesnt start the sentence.
    Example: He left when she came to his office.
  • 9. Clauses: Grammar Basics (Traducin)
    (*) Tienen un sujeto y un predicado
    (*) Ideas que no tienenotras ideas subordinadas
    Oracin Simple:
    She came to his office.
    She came to his office,and they worked together.
    (*) Tienen un sujeto y un predicado
    (*) Ideas quetienenuna idea subordinada
    Oracionesque no puedenestarsolas
    ClusulasIndependientes (ClusulasPrincipales):
    When She came to his office, he left.
    Conjuncin Coordinadora:
    Es un conector entre dos palabras u oraciones.
    Ejemplos: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
    Uneunaclusulasubordinada a unaclusula principal. Ejemplos: after, as soon as, before, if, when, while.
    Uso de Comas (,):
    Comas se usanantes de la conjuncin coordinadora.
    Comas se usandespus de la conjuncin coordinadoracuando la conjuncin coordinadoraempieza la oracin.
    Ejemplo: When she came to his office, he left.
    Comasno se usancuando la conjuncin coordinadora no empieza la oracin.
    Example: He left when she came to his office.
  • 10. Past Continuous
    Subject + was/were + base form + ing
    The past continuous is used to describe an action that was in progress at a specific time in the past.
    The action began before the specific time and may or may not continue after the specific time.
    My wife and I were eating at 6:00
    They were watching TV at 7:00 last night .
    Eating at 6:00
    My wife and I were eating at 6:00
  • 11. Use the past progressive with the simple past tense to talk about an action that was interruptedby another action.
    Use when to introduce the simple past tense action, OR use while to introduce the past progressive action.
    I was taking a shower when the phone rang
    When she called, I was studying for my exam.
    While they were talking, someone interrupted them.
    Past Continuous (Past Progressive) with the Past Tense
    The phone rang
    Taking a shower
    I was taking a shower when the phone rang.
  • 12. Use the past progressive with while (or When) to talk about two actions in progressat the same time in the past.
    While I was watching TV, my wife was talking on the phone.
    My wife was talking on the phone while I was watching TV.
    When they were talking, someone looking out the window.
    Past Continuous (Past Progressive) with While (or When)
    Wife talking on the
    Watching TV
    While I was watching TV, my wife was talking
    on the phone.
  • 13. BE CAREFUL: Sentences with both (two) clauses in the simple past tensehave a very different meaning from sentences with one clause in the simple past tense and one clause in the past progressive.
    When the bell rang, I ate dinner.
    (First the bell rang; then I ate dinner)
    When the bell rang, I was eating dinner.
    (First I was eating dinner; then the bell rang).
    Past Continuous (Past Progressive) and the Past Tense
    When the bell rang, I ate dinner
    When the bell rang, I was eating dinner
    The bell rang
    Eating dinner
    I ate dinner
    The bell
  • 14. Use the past progressive to focus on the DURATION of an action, not its completion.
    Edilberto was reading a book last night.
    (We dont know if he finished the book)
    Use the simple past tense to focus on COMPLETION of an action.
    Edilberto read a book last night.
    (He probably finished it).
    Difference between the Past Continuous (Past Progressive) and the Simple Past Tense
    Edilberto was reading a book last night
    Edilberto read a book last night
    Was reading a book
    Read a book
  • 15. Subject + used to + BASE FORM
    Use USED TO + BASE FORM to talk about past facts that are no longer true.
    Use USED TO + BASE FORMparahablar de hechospasadosqueya no se encuentranvigentes.
    When I was a child, I used to fear ghosts.
    I used to love Mickey Mouse as a child.
    I used to be the best student in my English class.
  • 16. Narrating events in the past with sequence adverbs
    First, I woke up really early. Then, I looked next to me, and my wife was not there. Next, I got up to see if my wife was in the other room. She wasnt there, so I called her cell phone. She never picked up the phone. After that, I was really worried. Later, she came back home an didnt answer my questions. Finally, I decided to leave the house the next day.
  • 17. Accomplishing the Lesson Objectives Telling oral and written stories using clauses, the past forms, sequence adverbs, and other tenses learned /Contandohistoriasorales y escritasusandoclusulas, lasformas del pasado, adverbios de secuencia y otrostiemposaprendidos
    • Talk to a friend and tell him/her a story
    • 18. Hblale a un amigo(a) y cuntaleunahistoria
    Fred: Hey, let me tell you a story
    Inspector Gadget: Is it an interesting story?
    Fred: Yeah, really interesting.
    Inspector Gadget: Go ahead.
    Fred: When I was at home last night, someone came
    in through the window. First, I was taking a shower.
    After that, I took a nap. When I was taking that nap,
    I heard my living room window. When I got up, the
    thief ran out of the door. As soon as he left, I called
    The cops.
    Inspector Gadget: That was an interesting story man.
    I am glad nothing happened to you.
    Fred: Thanks, and I told you it was interesting.
    Go ahead = continua
    Through the window = por la ventana
    Took a nap = hizouna siesta
    Window = ventana
    Ran out of the door = corripor la puerta
    As soon as = En cuanto
    I am glad = estoycontento
    Cops = Policias (coloquial)
  • 19. YOUR TURN!!/TU TURNO!!/Talk to a friend in English, tell him/her a story/Hblale a un amigo(a) en Ingls, cuntaleunahistoria
    • Tell your friend a story:/
    • 20. Cuntaleunahistoria a un amigo:
    You: Do you know about the chullachaqui?
    Your friend: (I) never heard of it.
    You: Okay. When I was a child, my father told me
    this story. First, he heard it, and later he says he
    experienced it