Top Banner
he D9tective ho need not •apt. Riddell lin tho army ^cgleot, as he Brannoo •it once on . not have : he behaved forthcoming Ihom inquiry |r, the charge pger attended Dth Leicester Foodlaud, was (•traj on the ] In a plea ot along to him. on the day tying on the led Mr Dew- •rove the pig 1 the stye the pig did eted with the Id the school liberties with I to his son, ngineers, was Ithey saw It.— T>-John Lowes, I charged with he highway at pth of Jane.— belonging to highway called the afternoon i son was sent In.—Mr Lowes •three minutes, fen by a little Ihool boys had gate.—Lord troublesome, mentioned ? | aware of.—Mr I of Agriculture aers to produce ally got on to J, 'you have •oh inflloted a License. B, farmer, was lout a lioense. '.C. Soott said I Monday, the rham, when he asked if they leaob, and she lone dog.—Mrs p.—P.O. Soott: ot May: two bnd two dogs on | said they did I not work: for unal dog from Lnd as soon as : The old dog -Lord Barnard [that they had ktiun, and a fine Irdians. ped at the usual esday. poinded one for 1 of the County ateo, and Mr G. (the.-o would be The special ar included:— •Md ; Marwood, Jgin, £4 ; Wost- I; total, £123 15s. Twar-time we are I Chairman : You r war fund.—Mr bar effjrtB.-The [County Council : reputation for Is. (Laughter). •on. »wn, Darlington, There were applicants being (and Miss Sarah ace, Darlington, |Mies Pearson be ag seconded.—It on had been in i on being called laid eadeavoar to It of her ability. i for the snppl; forkhonse tor the raona tendered aly one eaoh for ad meal. The Med: -Batcher's -Mr W. H. York ; Bon; groceries— in Hauxwell, of »w long is the pree months. Mr pn aoconded the I tender, and this Bed-—The Clerk: »ro the end of II be much deara- pros are going oti. per during the bear was Is. 2}&.< •tie tatter I have 1 get the Barnard let anything like faggested that 1- Master bay the> jW, Yoang: Oar Aon was that we Jr. lo appointment of |trar of marriages , H . Berry. 88. . from the Clerk Sefield Asylaoa |«ost of maintop- pa increased i n 4JJ., would be I from April lst.- i cost at ditto* peel that it bad KM. that tho d».i\y _s 68, or one less Imber of oaaa»l 8 It—56 -showed » Blue Illustrated Boo mm resoved oj u u j w Krtails. Thousand* <* IjOHN R0B30N, tot I" Limited, at the to Companyi m rftte. i 191&. HARRIS, Class & China Warehouse, 1( HORSE M A R K E T , 1 A R N A R D CASTLE. AQFNT 70R ff. & A. Gilbey's And all other noted brands of I Wines and Spirits. hottled Ale and Guinness' (Harp label) Stout. Iflfhiteway's Famous Devonshire Cyder. Iterated Waters in Bottles and Syphons. , Agent for " GOSS " Coat of Arms China. WALKER'S, jibe Barnard Castle Marine Stores, 48, Bank. I P^ces given for Rags, Bones, Scrap Iron al, Brass, Lead, Copper, Pewter, Hair, [jabber, Hare and Rabbit Skins, Etc., Etc ESTABLISHED OVHK 40 YsAifc. \, Breeiij Rope & Twine Works, II, CALC ATE, BARK ARC CASTLE, tier In all kinds of Brushes, Mats, Ac. Farmer*' Brnahoa a speciality. ESTABLISHED 1864. [Frederick Metcalfe, Fruit, Flower and Potato Salesman, Nursery and 8eedsman, 6, BANK, BARNARD CA8TLE. LctoloeVariety of English and ForeignFrults I flowers and Vegetables always in stock. Vets, Wreaths and Crosses made to order. ' i Oldest and Most Reliable Firm in the triet for Good Seeds of every description and for Garden and Farm Produce. A N E W A N D LARGE STOCK QF (WRITING PADS 6|d. and 1/- each, May be had at the "TEE80ALE MERCURY" OFFICE, Barnard Castle. USE < IPBATT'S YEAST. )^^^%w^r Jul SOUTH DURHAM, NORTH YORK AND WESTMORLAND ADVERTISER Established 1854. ItKGHFTEKRD A T T H B UHKRAIi POST OMICB AB A NEV£?A1'EB. No, 3,132. Barnard Castle, Wednesday, July 14th, 1915. [Price One Penny.] THOMAS GARBUTT* Commerce House, Barnard Castle. JtTST ABBIVBD New Goods from tic London Markets. Stylish Millinery. Semi-Trimmed Hats. French Models. Children's Hats. Ladies' Bonnets. New Ribbons, Tulles, Nets, Flowers, Veilings, and Ornaments. Ladies' Costumes and Coats, in the Newest Cloths. Ladies' Robes, in Muslin,, Voile, Serge, and Cashmere. Ladies' and Children's Blouses, immense variety. Ladies' Parasols, Umbrellas, Feather Necklets and Bows, Silk Scarves, Htc. Lace and Muslin Collars, Fronts, Bows, Belts, Etc. Gloves. Hosiery. Handkerchiefs. Lace Curtains. Casement Cloths. Curtain Nets. Oilcloths. Linoleums. Carpets. Carpet Squares. VACUUM CLEANER FOR HIRE, 2/6 per day. The STAR VACUUM, 30/- each. Suitable for all kinds of Bread. Sellable and Guaranteed Pore. FINEST SELECTED EGGS. & PUTT, Yeast Merchant, 32, THE BANK, BARNARD CASTLE. ^IffiDLEY, •BBS? (Member ot the Most Worshipful Company ot Plumbers, London), 17, CALCATE, BARNARD CA8TLE, Pwbtr, Painter, Paperhanger, Electrician stid General Contractor. I kalizrj Work carried out In all the latest principles. Baths, Lavatories, Water-closets, etc Hand, Force, and Lift Pumps. Fittings, Incandescent Lights and all "SB, Household Ironmongery, Lamps, Lamp ^eys, Stoves, Portable Boilers, Galvanized 1 Netting, Galvanized Roofing, Lamp Oils, | I eHMATBB GIVBX » ALL 3RAM0H36, AM) I » PATTERM BOOKS BBMT ON APPLICATION. L«perienced Men sent to any part ot town or I ""•and all Orders punctually attended to | The Largest and Best Collection of PICTURE 'OST CARDS CAN BE HAD AT THE Teesdale Mercury" Office, Barnard Castle. 10, MARKET PLACE, BARNARD CASTLE. ADDISON ANiTwOODHAMS, Successors to the Late Abraham Hilton and J. Dawson and Son Direct Importers and Bonders of WINES, SPIRITS & LIQUEURS. Wholesale Beer, Stout and Cider Dealers. Tea and Coffee Merchants, etc. Price Lists on application. Agents tor the Liverpool, London and Globe Insurance Company. A GOOD INVESTMENT is a box of that famous stomach and liver medicine Beecham's Pills. It can certainly be claimed that every box of this excellent preparation yields a large interest to the purchaser in the shape of increased energy and the profit resulting. If you feel that better health would improve your powers, Beecham's Pills are, in every way, likely to help you. They strengthen the stomach, restore the appetite, stimulate the liver, cleanse the bowels, purify the blood and consequently exercise a beneficial influence upon the whole system. They maintain the health by regulating the most important functions of digestion. You will be sure to find a good investment in CARTER BROTHERS, ALE, STOUT AND CYDER MERCHANTS, Tees Mineral Water Works, Barnard Castle. AGENTS FOR Hepworth's Celebrated Ripon Ales. Vaux's Ales and Invalid Stout. Whitbreads Ales and Invalid Stout. Bass's India Pale Ale. Guinness's Extra Stout. Gaymer's Hereford Cyder. Symon's Devonshire Cyder. Ales in 4^, 6, 9, 18, and 36 gallon casks. Orders Receive Prompt Attention. Wholesale and Retail. A LARGE A N D N E W STOCK OP PS PILLS Prepared only by THOMAS BEECH AM, St Helens, Lane. Sold everywhere in boxes, price J /IJ (56 pills) & 2\9 (168 pills.) J. PARKIN & COMPANY, BUILDERS AND MONUMENTAL MASONS, 18, Coronation Street, and 58, Bridgegate, Barnard Castle. Tombstones in Marble, Stone, and Granite. Estimates given for all Branches ot the Trade on Reasonable Terms. Yard: Crook Lane, near the Barrack*. J. JACKSON, Watchmaker, Jeweller, Cycle ' and Motor Agent, 33, NHWQATH, BAKNAKD CABTLB, | SOLD AND SILVER ENGLISH, WALTHAM AND SWISS WATCHES. Wedding Rings, and Suitable Articles for Wedding and Birthday Presents. I Agent for Hnmber, Singer, Lea-Francis, Hazle- I wood, B.8.A., Globe, Monopolo, Star, and other Cycles and Motors. , Humbers from £6 6s. Guns. Sewing Machines, American Organs, and Second-hand Cycles. Official Repairer to the C.T.C At the " f EESDALE MERCURY " OFFICE, BARNARD CASTLE. FOB BOYS I Ready-to-wear also to Measure -GO TO- fBoneg ESTABLISHED 1870, oney Makes Money ^ advice to intending borrowers of all w^. classes, Male or Female ^J^uiring cash accommodation (for any tyttt&ti what6 *er)> go to an office with a ^OQ , and whore yon can depend upon "^"e obliged quickly and on fair terms. *ue old-established office of L E. BENJAMIN, ^EDERE TERR, BISHOP AUCKLAND L u ""est your wishes in every respect. » or Small Soma may be had at once by responsible persons on their A T , NOTE OF HAND ALONE, Ik**, * **te of Interest and easy payment. 0 6 8 »)so made on Life Policies. Plate or frjiy^ other available security. I *>IJ i^^dhoox>urable dealings guaranteed. DENTAL INSTITUTE. 8, Galgate, Barnard Castle., Tombs, Crosses, etc., r N MARBLE, GRANITE, and FREESTONE L Supplied on most reasonable terms, by JOHN APPLEBY, Galgate, Barnard Castle. Bulir li lanltary Pipes, fihlnnty Pots, Fire Bricks, ete. Monuments, Headstones, Crosses. A Select Stock to choose from. Designs and Prices given for all Branches of the Trade Inscriptions and Renovations promptly attended to. R, WILSON, BUILDHB, VICTORIA THRRAOH EAST, BARNARD CABTLB, J. WRATHALL, Painter and Decorator, No. 2, Market Place, Barnard Castle (Opposite the Market Gross), B EGS to announce his Removal to the above MORE COMMODIOUS PREMISES. WALL PAPER.—A Large and Varied Stock ot Wall Papers now on view. SEE OUR WINDOWS. Artists' and Painters' Materials in stock. Estimates given for all Classes of Work. J. Franklin, NOTE NEW ADDRESS:— 31, Market Place, Barnard Castle. ZETLAND HUNT ANNUAL KEEPERS' SHOOT W.G. RICHARDSON'S CARTRIDGES Led the way once again, being 1st, 2nd, & 3rd. Beating London and Provincial Loaders. ONE BRAND ONLY, "THE BEST." 5, MARKET PLACE, BARNARD CASTLE. gLOOD DISEASES CURED BY " DOMICO.' No sulfercr need despair now that DOMItJO is within tho reach ot all. It is purely vegetable medicine, free from poisionous ingredient*, obtained from a wonderful root found only in South Africa. DOM1GO is now recognised as tho greatest specific for cleansing the blood of all •diseases, no matter whether Acquired or inherited. A booklet containing full particulars and testimonials of numerous cures achieved by DOMICK) will be sent FREK •on application to DOMIUO Co. (Dept. PN), 168. Alders- "ate Street, London. Al*> nuutqfcbn-ra oj IX/MIhO Jw, 1JOMICO Swp, VOXIBO Pile Pilfe, de. HEALO F. WIN PENNY & SONS, HATTERS, HOSIERS & GrENT.'S COMPLETE OUTFITTERS gladly given pewunally <w by The Patent Music Grip Binder, the most unique Binder ever invented.—Binds Music, Paper, Documents, etcetera; quickly applied ; Id. mm, or Is. per box.—To be had at tks VhBmmMmmni" Oflo, lunwii Oaetie, 9m- OUR SPECIALITY: Suits to Measure FROM 30/- to 70/-. LARGE RANGE OF PATTERNS TO SELECT FROM. SOLE AGENT FOR LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S AERTEX CELLULAR CLOTHING. 7, HORSE MARKET, BARNARD CASTLE. If yon Save i HAD LEG, Ki:zcm.i, Old Sorts, Wound'. Kingwocm. Cuts, Hum.. S< i:rf. or ,-iny slou affection send to Maurice Smith & Co., Kuiileruiinster, for a free sample uf HEALO Ointment. It costs you nothlnfi, anil you will not regret it. Try it, you need not send for a laree box. A Shifnal Lady say;, it is worth £5 a box. Healo allays all irritation, reduces mHammation. prevents festering, soothes and heals all bad legs. Don't say your cas.o Is hopeless without trying HEALO. Boxes l'H & 2/9 Local Agent : — Q. CLARKSON HARKBR, Chemist, Barnard Castle. DENTAL SURGERY. MR JOHN WISEMAN, fO, 8AL9ATE, BAKNARD CASTLE. WILLIAM B8STTAIN, Wineion, DARUNGTON, Agricultural Hngineer, Implement Maker, a:.* Agent Shoeing and General Smith. BINDERS, MOWHRa, and ail kinds oi Earn Implements Repaired and done np as new. Machine and Plough Fittings ot all Le&dins Makes in Stock, EUaBfcrsW? S'ario* Lista ai luvi'^aa MI Change in Ethics: Vindication of the Cross. SERMGM BY THE BfcV. A. G. HEAOLAM, D.B. In the Chapel of King's College. London. Preach 1 ; s on " The Meaning o( Lite," in the chapel of King's College, London, Dr. Headlam, of Whorlton Hall, said onr whole scheme ot things put before us wh&t we may describe as an industrial morality £S representing the highest type of human excellence. We asked'u.r. to be orderly aoi r»gnlar in their li?es, to be industrious, stead;, ci.oiai, sober in their coa^uot. Wo were always trying to shut up the spirit within the iimus of a somewhat cccficed inrt.l Eciieme. Wo desired system rather than iccpuation. We were always asking whether any pmiculxr conduct wonld pioctuce wealth. We r>sked vhat its Talue WSB . But cow suddenly oar Ideal is again changed, ssd we fit»i a wtnlo Sories of Tirtnes of which we nad thought but little, suddenly e:mj hc j '.,;o us n r-eseiy?g tho highest typo of i ;utz -.nity- euui«f.', sttoip:th, seif- rt-4.iiioe, ( 'au p o w , of sclf-sscriiicc, the iD6piratio:i of eosuadeaU^ Hsa gifts of leadersfeip—ail tfasa« ia quite a r;ifK.r<>ni way from before, wc are ask ug for. We find that Che rata who found U very diflieutt Lited. to oonturm to onr narrow academic life, who seemed always demanding something which we eonld not give him, has sprung forward as a hero, and mado our old judgmects seem very poor and l^cignifioant. We n:a beginning, perhaps, to know why, in spite ot all that be did, David was tbo man altar God's own heart, ai.d to realise that there is in the espsoity for service a power acd a charm which the ordinary routine of oomr&erci&iised lite cannot present to us. Bat. perUaps, li is' in our interpretation and presentment ot Christianity that we may leara more. To how mauy people has the cross ot Ccrist bsen, as it was to the Corinthian's of old, a stumbling-block? We have contrasted—yon have constantly heard the contra; mado—the religion of self- sacrifice wita the religion of self-development. Hava we not again and again been ttld that we hbvo to c-iimiuako this heathen, this ascetic idea of sacrifice from life t People havo talked ut the Heiltciu ides' - < c r iaiy a very vain parody of tho uld rie!lc.,ibm. They would have as substitute fuc this religion ot seif-sao/ifice a religion ot iutellectual culture, a religion i f pcr-c^al deveiepmenb They wculd ignore t t e exieteace ut sis. In fact, sin, they woUiu teii us, meraiy aBSSa from ignoruuue. They wuuiti banish from our education everything that str&inetl the miud. Life, whether tcr the young at old, was cu be >ee from every thirig tuat was disagreeable. Strict discipline we were iui- kiug ot less and less. Anii now suddenly we find that if we are cot prepared to *ubmit to a strict discipline, if nc zt.v net prepared ab a nation to sacrifice ali, v;e may lose all. We;.: »c iLe alternative before aS of being tesdy to give ap every thing, even oar life, or boeii u ..veiything that makes lite worth liwr g. barely in the most complete, in the mcst facdamental • a •, due lesson ot the Cross is beiag vindic >. _u. For in all alike, simple and clever, rich and poor, noble and peasant, who are. prepAred cheerfully n Laste danger una readily to give up their lives, who show the courage, the devouoa of the true comrade, and the anrsaumiug heroism of the patriot, there hau been exhibited real spiritual etrei'gtn wMeh In a puit*eusicn ct the huauui raoe. Ana noi uaiy maa& i/aree.vou, bat among ail those, in .\..a»ever aimy, to whatever side tney belong, who are courageously ready to die for their ooantry. Charter of Incorporation for the |'! Cirl Cuides. The Girl Quirks' movement has received uflicial recognition from u^vernmeot in the form cf a Charter of Incorporation, COL j tit tiling it the tiirl tiuides' ABSJCiatiun, is no longer requires '.he initials B,P. to distinguish it from otners, since it is now (he one and only Girl Guide corps. This step must bring gratifica- tion to these who have worked BO loyally and so strenuously for its development. They cannot but ieei thai the movement has wen its recognition entirely on its own merits, and in the tceta i t difficulties, di^sppointmentu, and even opposition, lno'unmeuiate effect oi the oharter wiii oe the formation cf an advisory council, with representatives from different parts ot the country and empire. Kirkleatham Hall Red Cross Hospital. To the Editox of the * Tc-Qadalo Mercurj." Bu« Will you kiudly allow uic a Utile spacu in youc valuable ]>apcr to iciu >"UTEC Kmer^ou in thanking the 'riendo wlio so generously pave the counter panes pillow-caat a, and towels tUat were n ^ e t l at Kirkteatuaui nail. 1 know al the present tiuie tborc .= an incruafiui:< number of caiU ot tni3 description made, and for this reason it id extrtmely gratifying to oe able to uespatch the artwics ao quickly.—I remain, jours truly, 1>. M. i'hl it.-i.. icorr.] DKAU Jdiss PEJIJSE ,— May 1 thank yon and ail the kind iriends very much indeed for tue usctul parcel of oount/y- paues, piilow-ca^es, and towels. We use a laiyo -luantity ot bedding of e?eiy kind, and they were all extremely useful. The auni allowed per held by the W a r Othoo ii only umcienCto feed the in«>u, and dressings and drugs aru very M n*. so we lind it necessary to get assistance for tho :xtra comforts that are needed. — Again tbankiug all tin; friendi who havo so kindly assisted me with their gift*, 1 remain, .yourrf truly, KAT£ A. EMtlibON, Matron. Kirkleatham Hall Kod (.'TO ~ i Lo- •>:...!. The following articles have been rcouved : Sirs lioardmaii, Westwick Lod^e, 1 counterpane and 1 towel . Mrs J. O. Burn, Uede-ttrracc, 1 counterpaDe; Mr-* lieiry. Market-place, 1 counterpane ; ;ara Ueecrort, 'Kl. ; Mrs Coultuard, Abbey Bridge,-la.; Miss Kglinton, Bene-terrace, 1 countcrp* 0 *-' i MiEsee Harris, Horse-market, I pillows; Mi - Hare, Lartingtiim, z counterpanes ; Mrs Lowe?. Kilmond Wood, 1 couuterpane ; Mr Liudle,, 2s. dd., Mr it. Ord, Hotse-market, 1 counterpane; Miss U. M. I'cirae, Newgate, 1 counterpane . Mr» titaii< cy Newgate, 1 couuicipane and i towel; Mr ^wiubank. Horse-markeL, 2 counterpanes and i pillow-cases ; Mrs White, Galgate, 1 counterpane, 1 towel, and 1 pillo\v-ca3c; and Mrs Watson, Wood-street, 1 counterpaue. * Barnard Castle Hural District Council. The monthly meeting was held on Wednes- day, under the presidency of Mr R. Armstrong, J .P.-Tho Cle: 1 * (Mr T. W. Baicbridge) P*ld he had written to tie Vicar of Forest (the Rev. A. T. Raadlej with reference to the public having aright ot way to the proposed new bridge over tho Tees at Cauldron Snout, aid asked for a goarsntee tint there x^ould be no obstacle placed in the w*y of publio usage. The Vioar replied thitt to ^tdevery reason So bolisve that no difficulty wou'i?. arise, but suggested tbat the Council should approach Local Barnard's agent and tho owner of t b i land on the West- morland sido end obtain from tbem the required guarantees.—Mr F. EL Gibson s*id the position ot the bridge at Cauld'o-! Snout, which bad been, in existence tor 60 ye&r«, established ihe right of s iootpata t J she bridge and over it to tho famocs High Cup Nick ; t,d Appleby. —After farther diecuesk'n the Council decided to confirm foe m-'ratt; cf the previous meeting. —The Burvcj" (Mr It. Simpsor) reported that the stert-teeakers ha<1 asked fcr 6*. a ten extra tor breaking whinstone, scd that inor-le'- to obf.ln tSs necessary amount of road material he had compromised with them and got thejn ro accept an extra 2d. per ton.—The Council endorsed the "larveyoir's action.—It was agresd to metal and rcL the Mriaogaiar piece ot la>tid a.- tbe road janction as Foiiy Top, near Woodland, for the benefit of motor vehicles, who found it ciimcaU to tarn there.— Tbe 8arveyor said he estimated the cost at £13.

FOB BOYS I - Teesdale Mercury Archive

Oct 16, 2021



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Page 1: FOB BOYS I - Teesdale Mercury Archive

he D9tective • ho need not •apt. Riddell

l in tho army ^cgleot, as he

Brannoo • i t once on

. not have : he behaved • forthcoming

Ihom inquiry |r, the charge pger attended Dth Leicester

Foodlaud, was (•traj on the ] In a plea ot along to him.

on the day tying on the led Mr Dew-•rove the pig 1 the stye

the pig did eted with the

I d the school liberties with

I to his son, ngineers, was

Ithey saw It.— T>-John Lowes,

I charged with he highway at pth of Jane.—

belonging to highway called

the afternoon i son was sent

In.—Mr Lowes •three minutes, fen by a little Ihool boys had f» gate.—Lord

troublesome, mentioned ?

| aware of.—Mr I of Agriculture aers to produce ally got on to

J, 'you have •oh inflloted a

License. B, farmer, was lout a lioense. '.C. Soott said

I Monday, the rham, when he asked if they

leaob, and she lone dog.—Mrs p.—P.O. Soott: ot May: two

bnd two dogs on | said they did I not work: for unal dog from

Lnd as soon as : The old dog -Lord Barnard

[that they had ktiun, and a fine

Irdians . ped at the usual


poinded one for 1 of the County ateo, and Mr G. (the.-o would be

The special ar included:—

•Md ; Marwood, Jgin, £4 ; Wost-I ; total, £123 15s. Twar-time we are I Chairman : You r war fund.—Mr

bar e f f j r t B . - T h e [County Council

: reputation for I s . (Laughter).

•on. »wn, Darlington,

There were applicants being (and Miss Sarah ace, Darlington,

|Mies Pearson be ag seconded.—It on had been in i on being called

laid eadeavoar to I t of her ability.

i for the snppl; forkhonse tor the

raona tendered aly one eaoh for ad meal. The

Med:-Batcher's -Mr W. H. York ;

Bon; groceries— in Hauxwell, of »w long is the pree months.—Mr

pn aoconded the I tender, and this

Bed-—The Clerk: »ro the end of

II be much deara-pros are going oti. per during the bear was Is . 2}&.< •tie tatter I have 1 get the Barnard let anything like faggested that 1-

Master bay the> jW, Yoang: Oar

Aon was that we

Jr . lo appointment of | t r a r of marriages

, H . Berry. 88. . from the Clerk

Sefield Asylaoa |«ost of maintop-p a increased i n

4 J J . , would be I from April l s t . -

i cost at dit to* peel that it bad

K M .

that tho d».i\y _ s 68, or one less Imber of oaaa»l8

It—56-showed »

Blue I l l u s t r a t e d Boo

mm r e s o v e d oj • u u j w

Krta i l s . T h o u s a n d * <*

IjOHN R0B30N, tot I" Limited, at the to Companyi m

rftte. i 191&.

H A R R I S , Class & China Warehouse,



ff. & A. Gilbey's And all other noted brands of

I Wines and Spirits. hottled A l e and Guinness'

(Harp label) Stout .

Iflfhiteway's F a m o u s Devonshire Cyder.

I t e r a t e d W a t e r s in Bottles and Syphons.

, Agent for " GOSS " Coat of Arms China.

W A L K E R ' S , jibe Barnard Castle Marine Stores,

48 , Bank. I P^ces given for Rags, Bones, Scrap Iron al, Brass, Lead, Copper, Pewter, Hair,

[jabber, Hare and Rabbit Skins, Etc., E t c ESTABLISHED OVHK 40 YsAifc.

\, Breeiij Rope & Twine Works, II, CALC ATE, BARK ARC CASTLE,

tier In all kinds of Brushes, Mats, A c . Farmer*' Brnahoa a speciality.


[Frederick Metcalfe, Fruit, Flower and Potato Salesman,

Nursery and 8eedsman, 6, B A N K , B A R N A R D CA8TLE.

LctoloeVariety of English and ForeignFrults I flowers and Vegetables always in stock. Vets, Wreaths and Crosses made to order. ' i Oldest and Most Reliable Firm in the

tr ie t for Good Seeds of every description and for Garden and Farm Produce.



(WRITING P A D S 6|d. and 1/- each,

May be had at the "TEE80ALE M E R C U R Y " OFFICE,

Barnard Castle.

U S E <


) ^ ^ ^ % w ^ r Jul

S O U T H D U R H A M , N O R T H Y O R K AND W E S T M O R L A N D A D V E R T I S E R E s t a b l i s h e d 1854. I t K G H F T E K R D A T T H B U H K R A I i P O S T O M I C B

A B A N E V £ ? A 1 ' E B .

No, 3,132. B a r n a r d Cast le , Wednesday , J u l y 14th, 1915. [Price One Penny . ]

THOMAS GARBUTT* Commerce House, Barnard Castle. JtTST A B B I V B D

New Goods from t i c London Markets. Sty l i sh Mill inery. Semi-Trimmed Hats . F r e n c h Models. Children's Hats . Ladies ' Bonnets.

New Ribbons, Tulles, Nets, F lowers , Vei l ings, and Ornaments. Ladies ' Costumes and Coats, in the Newest Cloths. Ladies ' Robes, i n Muslin,, Voile , Serge, and Cashmere. Ladies ' and Children's Blouses, immense variety.

Ladies ' Parasols , Umbrel las , Fea ther Necklets and Bows, S i lk Scarves , Htc. L a c e and Musl in Collars, Fronts , Bows, Belts, E t c .

Gloves. Hosiery. Handkerchiefs . L a c e Curta ins . Casement Cloths. C u r t a i n Nets.

Oilcloths. Linoleums. Carpets . Carpet Squares.

V A C U U M C L E A N E R F O R H I R E , 2/6 per day. T h e S T A R V A C U U M , 30/- each.

Suitable for all kinds of Bread.

Sellable and Guaranteed Pore.


& PUTT, Yeast Merchant, 32, THE BANK, BARNARD CASTLE.

^ I f f i D L E Y , • B B S ? (Member ot the Most Worshipful Company

ot Plumbers, London), 17, CALCATE, B A R N A R D CA8TLE,

Pwbtr, Painter, Paperhanger, Electrician stid General Contractor.

I kalizrj Work carried out In all the latest principles.

Baths, Lavatories, Water-closets, e tc Hand, Force, and Lift Pumps.

Fittings, Incandescent Lights and all "SB, Household Ironmongery, Lamps, Lamp ^eys, Stoves, Portable Boilers, Galvanized 1 Netting, Galvanized Roofing, Lamp Oils, |

I eHMATBB GIVBX » A L L 3RAM0H36, AM) I » PATTERM BOOKS BBMT ON APPLICATION. L«perienced Men sent to any part ot town or I

""•and all Orders punctually attended to |

The L a r g e s t and Best

Collection of



Teesdale Mercury" Office,

Barnard Castle.

10, M A R K E T P L A C E , B A R N A R D C A S T L E .

ADDISON ANiTwOODHAMS, Successors to the Late Abraham Hilton and J . Dawson and Son

Direct Importers and Bonders of

W I N E S , S P I R I T S & L I Q U E U R S . Wholesale Beer, Stout and Cider Dealers .

T e a and Coffee Merchants , etc. Price Lists on application.

Agents tor the Liverpool, London and Globe Insurance Company.

• A G O O D INVESTMENT is a box of that famous stomach and liver medicine Beecham's P i l l s . I t can certainly be claimed that every box of this excellent preparation yields a large interest to the purchaser i n the shape of increased energy and the profit resulting. I f you feel that better health would improve your powers, Beecham's Pi l ls are, i n every way, l ikely to help you. They strengthen the stomach, restore the appetite, stimulate the l iver, cleanse the bowels, purify the blood and consequently exercise a beneficial influence upon the whole system. They maintain the health by regulating the most important functions of digestion. Y o u w i l l be sure to find a good investment i n


Tees Mineral Water Works, Barnard Castle. A G E N T S F O R

Hepworth's Celebrated R i p o n Ales. V a u x ' s A les and Inva l id Stout.

Whi tbreads Ales and Inva l id Stout. Bass's I n d i a Pale Ale . Guinness's E x t r a Stout.

Gaymer's Hereford Cyder . Symon's Devonshire Cyder. Ales i n 4^, 6, 9, 18, and 36 gallon casks.

Orders Receive Prompt Attention. Wholesale and Retail.


PS PILLS Prepared only by THOMAS BEECH AM, St Helens, Lane.

Sold everywhere in boxes, price J/IJ (56 pills) & 2\9 (168 pills.)


18, Coronation Street, and 58, Bridgegate, Barnard Castle.

Tombstones in Marble, Stone, and Granite. Estimates given for all Branches ot the Trade

on Reasonable Terms. Yard: Crook Lane, near the Barrack*.

J . JACKSON, Watchmaker, Jeweller, Cycle ' and Motor Agent,



Wedding Rings, and Suitable Articles for Wedding and Birthday Presents.

I Agent for Hnmber, Singer, Lea-Francis, Hazle-I wood, B.8.A., Globe, Monopolo, Star, and other

Cycles and Motors. , Humbers from £6 6s.

Guns. Sewing Machines, American Organs, and Second-hand Cycles.

Official Repairer to the C.T.C


FOB BOYS I Ready-to-wear also to Measure

- G O T O -

fBoneg ESTABLISHED 1870,

oney Makes Money ^ advice to intending borrowers of all

w .̂ classes, Male or Female ^ J ^ u i r i n g cash accommodation (for any tyttt&ti w h a t 6 * e r ) > go to an office with a

^ O Q , and whore yon can depend upon "̂ "e obliged quickly and on fair terms.

*ue old-established office of


L u ""est your wishes in every respect. » or Small Soma may be had at once by

responsible persons on their A T , N O T E O F H A N D A L O N E ,

Ik**, * **te of Interest and easy payment. 0 6 8 »)so made on Life Policies. Plate or

frjiy^ other available security. I *>IJ i^^dhoox>urable dealings guaranteed.


8, Galgate, Barnard Castle., Tombs, Crosses, etc., r N MARBLE, GRANITE, and F R E E S T O N E L Supplied on most reasonable terms, by

J O H N A P P L E B Y , Galgate, Barnard Castle.

Bulir li lanltary Pipes, fihlnnty Pots, Fire Bricks, ete.

Monuments, Headstones, Crosses.

A Select Stock to choose from. Designs and Prices given for all Branches of the Trade

Inscriptions and Renovations promptly attended to.


J . W R A T H A L L , Painter and Decorator,

No. 2, Market Place, Barnard Castle

(Opposite the Market Gross),

BEGS to announce his Removal to the above MORE COMMODIOUS PREMISES.

WALL PAPER.—A Large and Varied Stock ot Wall Papers now on view.

S E E OUR WINDOWS. Artists' and Painters' Materials in stock. Estimates given for all Classes of Work.

J. Franklin, N O T E N E W A D D R E S S : —

31, Market Place, Barnard Castle.



CARTRIDGES L e d the w a y once again,


1st, 2nd, & 3rd. Beating London and Provincial Loaders.


gLOOD DISEASES CURED BY " DOMICO.' No sulfercr need despair now t h a t D O M I t J O is wi th in tho reach ot a l l . I t is purely vegetable medicine, free from poisionous ingredient*, obtained from a wonderful root found only in South Afr i ca . D O M 1 G O is now recognised as tho greatest specific for cleansing the blood of a l l •diseases, no mat ter whether Acquired or inherited. A booklet containing ful l part iculars a n d testimonials of numerous cures achieved by D O M I C K ) wi l l be sent F R E K •on application to D O M I U O C o . (Dept . P N ) , 1 6 8 . Alders-"ate Street, London. Al*> nuutqfcbn-ra oj IX/MIhO J w , 1JOMICO m» Swp, VOXIBO Pile Pilfe, de.



gladly given pewunally <w by

The Patent Music Grip Binder, the most unique Binder ever invented.—Binds Music, Paper, Documents, etcetera; quickly applied ; Id. mm, or Is. per box.—To be had at tks VhBmmMmmni" Of lo , lunwii Oaetie,

9m- O U R S P E C I A L I T Y :

Suits to Measure F R O M 30/- to 70/-.



7, H O R S E M A R K E T , B A R N A R D C A S T L E .

I f y o n Save i H A D L E G , K i : z c m . i , O l d S o r t s , W o u n d ' . K i n g w o c m . C u t s , H u m . . S< i:rf. o r ,-iny s l o u

a f f e c t i o n s e n d to M a u r i c e S m i t h & C o . , K u i i l e r u i i n s t e r , for a f r e e s a m p l e uf H E A L O O i n t m e n t . It c o s t s y o u nothlnf i , a n i l y o u w i l l not r e g r e t i t . T r y i t , y o u n e e d not s e n d for a l a r e e b o x . A S h i f n a l L a d y say; , it i s w o r t h £5 a b o x . H e a l o a l l a y s a l l i r r i t a t i o n , r e d u c e s m H a m m a t i o n . p r e v e n t s f e s t e r i n g , s o o t h e s a n d h e a l s a l l b a d l e g s . D o n ' t s a y your cas.o I s h o p e l e s s w i t h o u t t r y i n g H E A L O . Boxes l 'H & 2/9

Local Agent : — Q. CLARKSON HARKBR,

Chemist, Barnard Castle.


M R J O H N W I S E M A N , fO, 8 A L 9 A T E ,



Agricultural Hngineer, Implement Maker, a:.* Agent Shoeing and General Smith.

BINDERS, MOWHRa, and a i l kinds oi Earn Implements Repaired and done np as new.

Machine and Plough Fittings ot al l Le&dins Makes i n Stock,

EUaBfcrsW? S'ario* Lista ai luvi'^aa MI

Change in E t h i c s : Vindication of the



In the Chapel of King's College. London.

Preach1; s on " The Meaning o( Li te ," in the chapel of King's College, London, Dr. Headlam, of Whorlton Hall, said onr whole scheme ot things put before us wh&t we may describe as an industrial morality £S representing the highest type of human excellence. We asked'u.r. to be orderly aoi r»gnlar in their li?es, to be industrious, stead;, c i .o ia i , sober in their coa^uot. Wo were always t ry ing to shut up the spirit within the i imus of a somewhat cccficed i n r t . l Eciieme. Wo desi red system rather than iccpuation. We were always asking whether any p m i c u l x r conduct w o n l d pioctuce wealth. We r>sked vhat i ts Talue W S B . But cow suddenly oar Ideal is again changed, ssd we fit»i a wtnlo Sories of Ti r tnes of which we nad thought but l i t t l e , suddenly e:mj hcj'.,;o us n r-eseiy?g tho highest typo of i;utz -.nity- euui«f.', sttoip:th, seif-rt-4.iiioe, ('au p o w , of sclf-sscriiicc, t h e iD6pira t io : i of eosuadeaU^ Hsa gifts of leadersfeip—ail tfasa« ia quite a r;ifK.r<>ni way from before, wc are ask ug for. We find that Che rata who found U very diflieutt Lited. to oonturm to onr narrow academic life, who seemed always demanding something which we eonld not give him, has sprung forward as a hero, and mado our old judgmects seem very poor and l^cignifioant. We n:a beginning, perhaps, to know why, in spite ot al l that be did, David was tbo man altar God's own heart, ai.d to realise that there is in the espsoi ty for service a power acd a charm which the ord ina ry routine of oomr&erci&iised lite cannot present to us. Bat. perUaps, li is' i n our interpretation and presentment ot Christianity that we may leara more. To how mauy people has the cross ot Ccrist bsen, as i t was to the Corinthian's of old, a stumbling-block? We have contrasted—yon have constantly heard the con t r a ; mado—the religion of self-sacrifice wita the religion of self-development. Hava we not again and again been t t l d that we hbvo to c-iimiuako this heathen, this ascetic idea of sacrifice from life t People havo talked u t the Heiltciu ides' - < c r iaiy a very vain parody of tho uld rie!lc.,ibm. They would have as substitute fuc this religion ot seif-sao/ifice a religion ot iutellectual culture, a religion i f pcr-c^al deveiepmenb They wculd ignore t t e exieteace ut sis. In fact, s in , they woUiu te i i us, meraiy aBSSa from ignoruuue. They wuuiti banish from our education everything that str&inetl the miud. Life, whether tcr the young at old, was cu be >ee from every thirig tuat was disagreeable. Strict discipline we were iu i - kiug ot less and less. Anii now suddenly we find that i f we are cot prepared to *ubmit to a s tr ict discipline, i f nc zt.v net prepared ab a nation to sacrifice ali , v;e may lose al l . We;.: »c iLe alternative before aS of being tesdy to give ap every thing, even oar life, or boeii u ..veiything that makes lite worth l i w r g. barely in the most complete, in the mcst facdamental • a •, due lesson ot the Cross is beiag vindic >. _u. For in al l alike, simple and clever, rich and poor, noble and peasant, who are. prepAred cheerfully n Laste danger una readily to give up their lives, who show the courage, the devouoa of the true comrade, and the anrsaumiug heroism of the patriot, there hau been exhibited real spiritual etrei'gtn wMeh In a puit*eusicn ct the huauui raoe. Ana noi uaiy maa& i/aree.vou, bat among ai l those, in .\..a»ever aimy, to whatever side tney belong, who are courageously ready to die for their ooantry.

Charter of Incorporation for the | ' ! Cirl Cuides.

The Girl Quirks' movement has received uflicial recognition from u^vernmeot in the form cf a Charter of Incorporation, C O L j t i t t i ling i t the tiirl tiuides' ABSJCiatiun, is no longer requires '.he initials B,P. to distinguish i t from otners, since i t is now (he one and only Gi r l Guide corps. This step must bring gratifica­tion to these who have worked B O loyally and so strenuously for i ts development. They cannot but ieei thai the movement has wen its recognition entirely on its own merits, and in the tceta i t difficulties, di^sppointmentu, and even opposition, lno'unmeuiate effect oi the oharter wii i oe the formation cf an advisory council, wi th representatives from different parts ot the country and empire.

Kirkleatham Hall Red Cross Hospital.

To the Editox of the * Tc-Qadalo Mercurj ." B u « —W i l l you k iud ly allow uic a Ut i le spacu i n y o u c

valuable ]>apcr to i c i u >"UTEC Kmer^ou in thanking the 'riendo wlio so generously pave the counter panes pillow-caat a, a n d towels tUat were n ^ e t l a t Kirktea tuau i n a i l . 1 know a l the present tiuie tborc .= an incruafiui:< number of c a i U ot tni3 description made, a n d for this reason i t id ex tr tme ly gratifying to oe able to uespatch t h e ar twics ao q u i c k l y . — I remain, j o u r s t r u l y , 1>. M. i ' h l it.-i..

icorr.] D K A U J d i s s P E J I J S E , — M a y 1 t h a n k yon a n d a i l the k i n d

iriends very much indeed for tue usctul parcel of oount/y-paues, piilow-ca^es, and towels. We use a la iyo - luantity ot bedding of e?e iy k ind , a n d they were a l l extremely useful. T h e auni allowed per h e l d by the W a r Othoo i i only

umcienCto feed the in«>u, and dressings a n d drugs aru very M n*. so we l ind i t necessary to get assistance for tho :xtra comforts tha t are needed. — A g a i n t b a n k i u g a l l t in;

friendi who havo so k indly assisted me w i t h the ir gift*, 1 remain , .yourrf t r u l y , K A T £ A . E M t l i b O N , M a t r o n . K i r k l e a t h a m H a l l K o d (.'TO ~ i Lo- •>:...!.

T h e following articles have been rcouved : — S i r s l ioardmai i , Westwick Lod^e, 1 counterpane and 1 towel . M r s J. O . B u r n , Uede-ttrracc, 1 counterpaDe; Mr-* l i e i r y . Market-place , 1 counterpane ; ;ara Ueecrort, ' K l . ; M r s C o u l t u a r d , Abbey B r i d g e , - l a . ; Miss Kgl inton , Bene-terrace, 1 countcrp* 0*-' i MiEsee H a r r i s , Horse-market , I p i l l o w s ; Mi - H a r e , Lart ingt i im, z counterpanes ; Mrs Lowe?. K i l m o n d Wood, 1 couuterpane ; M r Liud le , , 2s. d d . , M r i t . O r d , Hotse-market, 1 counterpane; Miss U . M . I'cirae, Newgate, 1 counterpane . Mr» titaii< cy Newgate, 1 couuic ipane and i towe l ; Mr ^wiubank. Horse-markeL, 2 counterpanes and i pillow-cases ; M r s White , Galgate , 1 counterpane, 1 towel, and 1 pil lo\v-ca3c; a n d M r s Watson , Wood-street, 1 counterpaue. *

Barnard Castle Hural District Council. The monthly meet ing was held on Wednes­

day, under the presidency of Mr R. Armstrong, J .P.-Tho Cle:1* (Mr T. W. Baicbridge) P*ld he had written to tie Vicar of Forest (the Rev. A. T. Raadlej with reference to the public having aright ot way to the proposed new bridge over tho Tees at Cauldron Snout, a i d asked for a goarsntee t i n t there x^ould be no obstacle placed in the w*y of publio usage. The Vioar replied thi t t t o ^ t d e v e r y reason So bolisve that no difficulty wou'i?. arise, but suggested tbat the Council should approach Local Barnard's agent and tho owner of t b i land on the West­morland sido end ob ta in from tbem the required guarantees.—Mr F. EL Gibson s*id the position ot the bridge at Cauld'o-! Snout, which bad been, in existence tor 60 ye&r«, established ihe r ight of s iootpata t J she bridge and over i t to tho famocs High Cup Nick ; t,d Appleby. —After fa r ther diecuesk'n the Council decided to confirm foe m-'ratt; cf the previous meeting. —The B u r v c j " (Mr It. Simpsor) reported that the stert-teeakers ha<1 asked fcr 6*. a ten extra tor breaking whinstone, scd that inor-le'-to obf. ln tSs necessary amount of road material he had compromised wi th them and got thejn ro accept an extra 2d. per ton.—The Council endorsed the "larveyoir's action.—It was agresd to metal and rcL the Mriaogaiar piece ot la>tid a.- tbe road janction as Foiiy Top, near Woodland, for the benefit of motor vehicles, who found i t ciimcaU to tarn there.— Tbe 8arveyor said he estimated the cost at £13.