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Sales tig Auction. UM» CASTLS * I D D U I . AUOTIO* M m Co., LT». MM loos, Sonleby, Klrkby tteoh~. and # ^nr* la Yum BuniiMi A Son, IhMmm^ IALH TBI8 DAY; W1DNB8DAT, JAITOAJ.T 16?a, Usual W1BXLY S A L ! w i U h * ben there will be forward the I of DAIRY COW* and HEIPIRft >RI OATTLH and 8H1BP ' , A -T [rise of 4 1 will be given for the p sank elaas. M »»1 Judging at 10 t.m. prompt. Bale at 10-80 am. Sale of Vat Stock ak 11 a.m. FAT 8 TOOK. I Oattla-lfeaara G. Atkinson A Bone I Heifer.- Mr B. Robtnaon —Mr R. W. Bainbridge —Mr R. H. Brown —Mr Joe. Mekealf —Ixors. T. Bala bridge —Another i Bat Hoggg - Meter* a. Atkinson 4 a. .. -MrH.JasksoT^ **« I Sheep —Mr M. Anderson -Mr J. Wilkinson —Mrs Anderson i »at Hoggs—Mr R H. Brown Pat Cattle to be stalled by 10 am to be graded. * **h > ehers wanting Fat Cattle to have th .i given Into Office by 10 am. L , -a .... TlSSkUi, keley, Stalndrop. Pn* TO 0LO8B A TRUST. " ' |B A R N A R D O A S T L I . IBHOLD PROPSRTT FOR SALB. TO BH SOLD B7 AUCTION, IBS8RS JOHN PARKINBON 4 BONS, j CENTRAL 8 ALB ROOMS, BARNARD CASKS rHUMDAT, 34TH JANUARY, 1911, at S M Meet to the Conditions of Sale to be thee 1), khe following Freehold Properties - COT I. THAT FRBSrlOLD RBSIDBNOI known as - M ATF1BL0 VILLA," Gelgau IOastle, containing 1 Reception Roosts! D , P.otry, and Soulier? on the Ground I; 4 Bedrooms and Dressing Room, and bn the Flrat Floor, a Largo Cellar in the snk, and Stable, Cjaoh-honse, Wait- . and the asaal Outoffloes, Yard and Garden attaehed. The Property was | in the oeenpatlon of Mrs Btlen Harding, I all that FRBBHOLD OLOSB OF LAND. ning by estimation * uf ar Aare or there. i, at present let In Allotments, adjoining bore Residence, with uepa -ate entrance Wlgate. LOT II. that Snbstsntlaily-Boilt FRBIHOLO UL1NQ-BOU8B, No. 11, Vietorta-torraes, Ining Drawing-room, Dining-room, en, Soulier j , 4 Bedrooms, Bath-room and ory, with Cemented Yard, and Garden | or thereabouts in length), and mail lianees. Annual rent BIO — Tenant j rates. At present in the occupation ot |C. Martin. further particulars and permission to J. INGRAM DAWSON, Solicitor, Barnard Oastie. PARKINSON & SON, LUOTIONBBBS AND VALUBBS, Central Sale Rooms, Established 1876. OM HARRISON, Auctioneer and Valuer, MiddUeton-in-Teesdale. WM. TARN, Auctioneer and Vainer. of all description a undertaken. Prompt settlements. Hunderthwaite, Romaldkirk. TV'S Tobacco Powder * (Frtf •/ Duty I»M US6). I and all Skin Troiblea in Cattle, Horsed, Pi** *£l ntins- F l j on Sheep, and Warble Ply in Cattle, »*> *, to., on Doge, Cats, Poultry and their nc«W- HOM. POISONOUS. fo risk from CHILL as by Washing, sved by Board of Agriculture In Tins, 1/- and 2/-; also in Bulk- lorry's Ringworm Lotion, Equissa M«"g 8 Hie, Maggot Lotion, Foot Rat Lotion, «6. OLD BY ALL AGRICULTUKAL CHaMI** 8, mitHCIVSID lv |UIY & Co., Ltd., Shad Ths**'' LOHDON, S.E.1. BKSQN . Watchmaker, Jeweller, OJ^* ' and Motor Agent, H, JfawoATa, BAJWAJU) CASTLS. »AND SILVER BNGLISH, WALTHA 1 4 AND SWISS WATCHES, ng Rings, and Suitable Articles to* edding and Birthday Presents, jfor Humber, Singer, LeayEranoi* H**/^ IRS. A„ Globe, Monopole, Star, and oe» Cycles and Motors. Humbers from £ 6 6s. i - L k. Sewing Machines, American Of*"* and Second-hand Cycles. Offleiml R«n»(r»r to the C-T.O- —- KsTABUBHSD 1864. federick Metcalfe •It, Flower and Potato Saloon*"' Nuraory and loodtmtn, S, BANK, BARNARD CASTLE. B Variety of English and ^ r f J *«i 0 « r. •era and Vegetables alwi.ys » "^Uet , Wreaths and Crosses ais4« *° ^ >ldeatand Most Reliable *^*J?MpO. I tor Good Seeds of everrde* 0 land tor Garter, and P a m Pro 011 *"' THE TSESDALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 16. 1918. WILLIAM IIITTAIN, Winston, DA&LLKQTON, raral Bnglneer, Implement Maker, and t, Shoeing and General Smith. Mowaaa, and all kinds of " Farm K J^^eB ts Repaired and dons up as new, and Plough Fittings ot all Leading Makss In Stock. Prion Mats of Implements on Application. geesdole (Detrcuny CASTLE, JANUARY 10TH, 1918. JjJELOPMENT OF FOOD CONTROL. .p RHONDDA claims that the Food poller's work is not second even to ' wor k of conducting the war at the . and the statement is correct. more or less stringent continue issued, the object being to curb public appetite. In a " Survey of Ljd Controller's Work in 1917," it .ieted out that it would be difficult any kind of legislation jble in a civilised state which would A more criticism than that which rferes with the food of the people. [Wing with so vital a question as the high importance of avoiding Ciuternieddling with trade and the that is not absolutely necessary fjficient control must always be a principle. The national rather A strictly local outlook largely opts the fram'ng of the multitudinous [s which are reaching the district j Committees, and, in a word, these -pts at rationing are a direct appeal Ije patriotism of the people by asking ilic to exercise self-sacrifice. The jian philosophers taught us the (moral truth that consideration for 5 was indeed true gentility, while •ping selfishness is the antithesis of j generosity of spirit which invokes jisation and goodwill even in dire sty. We live in changeful times. the authority of the Food jster, at the present time, every jtial article of food, whether, as we ftminded, for man himself or for the jon which most men in civilised mtries largely depend for sustenance, [been brought under control. The slaid down with regard to the prices live-meat are a chief source of dry, we are informed, largely owing [fee withholding of stock from the as is affirmed. The main ation for such a course (put Bd officially) by those who adopt it lie high price of feeding stuffs and aaximum prices for live-meat ^ s 1 by the order. Necessity, which 5 no law, will assuredly solve the sUem- And meanwhile we are in with the determinatioiyvof the Bid Castle Rural Food Committee in i meeting trouble half-way—that is, [Mining to adopt the more drastic Hires until there is proof that the aon has actually arisen and become Sent. LOCAL AND OTHER NOTES, Forty lamps, lightly shaded, are to be lit at Barnard Castle, the Lighting Committee of the Urban Council having considered a scheme, largely brought about by Superintendent Riddell, at a meeting held on Thursday night, under the presidency of Mr F, J. Wilson. Needless to say the public will be grateful for the concession. The cases of three farmers who appealed against the decision of theStartforth Tribunal, imposing the condition of Volunteer Training Corps, came before the Appeal "tribunal, at Richmond, on the 5th instant, when all the local decisions were upheld. it is understood that the new appointment of the Rev. J. B. Robinson is centred at Hapton. near Norwich, the traditional home of Hugenots. There has been a Unitarian Church here for a very long period. To-day, Lieut. H. U. Nicholson, Durham Light Infantry, who has lately been in oharge of headquarters, Bishop Auckland, leayos to take up duties at King's College, Cambridge. He is the son of Mr A. H. Nicholson, of Barnard Castle, and has been twice wounded. Mr Almeric 11. Paget, late Unionist Member of Parliament for Cambridge, and who is fifty- six years of age, is one of the newly-created barons. In 1SH 6 he exercised shooting rights on Holwiok Moors. He is a governor of Gny's Hospital, and, with Mrs Paget, founded a massage corps which renders splendid servioe. o— £ Mr John Brown, of Bowbank, who is bailiff in Lunedale for the Earl of Strathmore, has had a slight stroke. Under the care ot Dr. Beadle the esteemed official is somewhat better. Major Green, of the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, from Catteriok Camp, inspected the Romaldkirk contingent of 2/3 Yorkshire PALESTINE AND THE JEWS. [to fact that the cities and temples p Holy Land escaped bombardment s given immense satisfaction to the Catholic community in this try, and their delight was voiced the might by Mr John Smith at the [«dale Institution, he having visited alem a n d other historical eastern marks in years long gone by. let emphasis were given to the W of the Jews in a scholarly address ifred by the Rev. Robinson Lang Re Primitive Methodist Church on lay morning last, and both speakers " e reminiscent the spectacle ot the I* looking towards the Holy Land with jjjtts love as his true home. In what- I7 country residing, the Jews have |*5s exhibited an aversion to engage I -^cultural pursuits, or to invest their la™? 1 in land. Faithful to the scripture B*K of some day being restored to |!^ountry, and united again as one J^Uhey have ever held themselves jNbess to depart from the place of Present sojourn at the shortest Most of the property they ajk^date is either readily transport |jt t ,( ' r ' s convertible into articles which wj^ftent coin everywhere—such as Lyilver, and jewels. They are seldom J'^itsmen, artificers or artizans, pjJNly of arts peculiar to their .^Places. ?.bttlk of the Hebrew The rooted aversion nation to '.any country as their permanent 's, of course, a bar to their civiliza- jand advancement, and, many years J .several benevolent persons, with Sir iT 5 Montifiore at their head, found W>t of the difficulty by proposing 4 'Ration of Palestine by the Jews |Lj n °et of Jews accordingly estab- kort m s e ^ v e s i f l Jerusalem, and an E 1 ? asnia de to introduce manufacture Nui*. <%. The enterprise, energy, M p -? den ce of the Jews are proverbial, l^nde- a ^ t e r nineteen centuries of H l a s t nn 2 and persecution, they should K? return to the home of their •S the >' will surely excite the fyjij 1 a °d good wishes of the whole *abbis W o r l d - I n a n y e v e n t t h e C h i e f 'lie D a r e not unnaturally exultant at ? s Pect, and Mr Lang named the *as tef C e t n a t t r i e l i r s t time Jerusalem N w e d t o i n l h e b i b l e w a s , 9 l 7 £ V a e C n r i s t. and its actual Mat!° e t 0 0 k P k c e 1917 years after tfl t of the Messiah Twenty-fciir degrees of frost were registered at the CouuJty School bn Monday morning. \ goat and a:dog have been trov 11 to dent ! Startforth.l I i . - o --- I Jfl* A cable Witis recoivod on Saturday by Mrs* (J. Murray. S, Kdward Terrace, saying that her husband, Sapper George Murray, of the Royal Engineers, has arrived in Egypt. Private J. ltutter, formerly of tins office, is now in Salonioa. 1. 8 " The whist drive and dance held recently tor funds to send postal-orders to local sailors and soldiers, through the War Emergency Com- mittee, realised £26 0s. 6d , and the receipts of the cinema show held at the Wycliffe Picture Hall, tor the iame object, were £11 18s. M O . Nurse Nelson, of Guy's Hospital, who has been serving in the base hospitals and casualty clearing stations with the British Expedition- ary Forces in France almost since the begin- ning of the war, was specially mentioned in Sir Douglas Haig's despatches of November 7th. Nurse Nelson's parents are now residing at Cotherstone- Volunteer Regiment on Sunday afternoon last. — - 0 Woodland Beagles will meet on Saturday, January 19th, at Cotherstone, at 12. Accompanied by a New Tear's Hymn tor 1018, and written by his father (the Rev. W. Darwent, formerly of this town), the Rev. C. E. Darwent, of Union Church, Shanghai, has presented to the members and all his friends a portrait of himself, on his first birthday, and his father and mother, in 1858. Nearly four-fifths of the area intended for wheat has already been sown, whereas at the same time last year only some two-thirds of the wheat area had been*got in; and the total are actually under wheat at the end of 1917 was fully 15 per cent, greater than a year ago. In Yorkshire alone nearly 20 per cent, more land has been sown with wheat than twelve months ago. o In the matter of saluting, paragraph 1787 of the King's Regulations calls upon all officers to acknowledge all compliments paid to them by men in the King's uniform. o - A Teesdale officer has been honoured tor gallant deeds, and in speaking of! the award of the Military Cross to Acting-Captain Roy Helmerow Helmer, in a third instalment of a Supplement to the " London Gazette," the Times " of Saturday says : " He has worked continually with indomitable energy and courage under shell fire, superintending the laying of cables, a work of exceptional difficulty and danger owing to the cables being con- stantly broken by enemy shell' fire; but in spite of this his efforts have met with success owing to his gallantry and perseverance." The death occurred in France on Christmas Eve of Marmaduke William Smith, the second son of the late Mr Joseph 8mith, of Park Terrace, Barnard Castle. The deceased gentle- man was a draper in Birmingham, and joined the colours under the Derby scheme, and has been in France tor t w o years. Ho was at his home in -Newcastle, where his wife and daughters are residing with his mother, a month ago, and was expected home again very shortly to take up his commission. Death was duo to sickness, accelerated by exposure in the trenches. Earl Brownlow and Lord Barnard voted in the big majority in the House of Lords favour of women's votes. o—- At Yarmouth, 011 Monday night, during naval bombardment, the Germans killed three persons and injured ton. o Mrs Jane Alderson, Thorngate, accidentally broke her right leg at Barnard Castle Railway Station, last week. The unfortunate lady was removed to the residence of !her mother at High Starttorth, she having been attended by the station ambulance staff. Dr. Adams is in attendance. The estate in the United States of the late Mrs Almeric Paget, whose husband, Mr Almeric Paget, as we have already said, has been created a baron, has been sworn at about three million dollars. Mrs Paget, before her marriage, was Miss Pauline Whitney, daughter of the late Mr William C. Whitney, Secretary of the United States Navy, and well known in Teesdale. Second-Lieut. W. Hunter, of Thornaby, grand- son of the late Mr and Mrs J. Hunter, Marshall Street, Barnard Castle, has died from wounds received in action. Lient. Hunter joined the ranks as a private in the third week of the war, and afterwards accepted a commission in the R.N.D., leaving for France abont three months ago. o a Mr W. H. Ralston applied at the Richmond Appeal Tribunal for exemption for a bailiff on the Wemmergill estate of the Earl of Strath more, who was 31, single, and passed for general service. The official had 50 miles of landed estate to look after, 2,000 pit props month being supplied. The appeal was dismissed, exemption being granted to February 14th. For wheeling a barrow on the footpath Edith Styles was ordered to pay four shillings costs at the Barnard Castle Police Court, on Wed- nesday, the case being proved by P.C. Glover. Corpl. J. W. Guy, Railway Battalion; Gunner T. Spencer, Royal Garrison ArtiUery ; and Privates C. Atkinson. H. Evans and E. McColl, Durham Light Infantry, are all at home on short leave from the front. Winston has again come forward in aid of the Red Cross Society, with the result that over £70 wjU be haaded ov»r to that moat deserving fund. DEATH OF MRS H. L. FIFE, OF STAINDROP HOUSE. AN ARDENT CHURCH-WORKER AND FRIEND OF THE MEDY. The death ocom rad on Friday morning last of Mrs Fife, wife o f M r H. L. Fife, J.P , ot Stalndrop House, chief agent to Lord Barnard. The deeeased bad otlj been ill for the spaoe of about three days, and her death waa quite unexpected. The late Mrs Fife was a lady of many aoonmplishments, and of 4times assisted in entertainments whish were tor any deserving cause, and, as rsoently as Friday, the 4th instant, she organised and took an active part in a dramatic tketoh wblcb which was given at Iagleton for the Sailors and Soldiers' Fund. Then, again, Mrs Fife waa responsible for a really exoelleqt performance not long ago whloh had for is objsot the reducing of the debt on the choro'. And hers it was that the deceased lad] k ohief interest oentred. She loved her chnr<' :, and was a most enthusiastic and ardent toll r for Its welfare. A conscientious and regul ,r atteoder, Mrs Fife was present on t h r <e eeaslons op tbe Sunday previous to h >t demise. She also took an aotive interest In the Sunday school, and had recently tsk'tn over the superintendeney. The late Mrs Flie will be greatly missed in many capacities, snd her kindness to the needy In the village was well known. She was tbe fourth daughter <t Mr H. J. Touimin, of Kingsburv Lodge, St. Albans, and was married in 1897. On the death of her brother -Lit nr. P. M . Touimin— in France, last September, Mrs Fife composed some really beautifully touching verses. Much sympathy is extended to Mr H. L. Fife and the two daughters who survive. The Funeral took place on Monday afternoon, the coffin being borne to St. Mary's Church, when ths Rev. J. B. Phillips (Yioar) read tbe servioe appointed for the burial cf the dead. The historic t«ns waa well filled by a sorrowing congregation. As the cortege entered the sacred edifice the choir chanted the 38rd Psalm, which waa a special favourite with the deceased, and also feelingly sang the hymn : " Father* let me dedicate all my life to Thee." Tbe Ylosr read the 90th Psalm, and also the 15th chapter of the 1st Epistle to the Corinthians, from verse 20. As the mournful throng left the church, the ohoir saog the Nunc Dimittis. The lengthy oortege, beaded by the Ylosr and the surpiioed choir and Sunday sohool ohUdren, weeded its way slowly to the plaoocf sepulohre, when the Rev. J. K, Phillips reverently pronounced tbe committal sen- tences, and the oboir again saog. The grave was neatly lined with flowers and evergreens by M r H . Cayglll. Mr T. 0. Franktcn very ably presided at the organ. The Chief Mourners were:—Mr H L Fife, widower; Miss Dorothy and MJss* Marj uie File, daughters ; Miss Gladys Tonlmin, sister ; Colonel R. d* Arey Fife, C M . Q , D.S.O , and Captain Richard Lawsoo, brothers -in-law. In the Largs Body of General Mourners were Lady Barnard, representing Lor Barnard ; Mr C. T. Fogg-Elliot, private secretary to Lord Barnard ; Mrs Millard, housekeeper at Raby Castle; Messes J. Faweett, clerk of works ; I . Toward, draining bailiff ; T. Bewick, forester; O. Hodgsot, farm bailiff; H. Buckle, gamekeeper ; i. Tnllett, gardener; T. W. Applegarth, obief clerk and J. S. Watson, J Allison, Mrs Applegarth and Miss Allison, office staff, all employees on the Raby Estata ; Mir and Mrs Allison, Mrs Etart, Mrs White, Miss Newby, Miss Lowsoo, klr sad Mrs Clark and Mr T. Smith, house- hold servants of Staindrcp House; Dr. Hiekey, medical attendant; Messrs W. H. Ralston, J P., 3. W. Hartley, J P., oupfc. Riddell, repre- senting tbe Obief Constable; 8ergt. Dixon, Staindrop ; Messrs C. H. Dent, Snow Hall; B. Trotter, Galnford; Dale Trotter, Langtnn Graoge ; I . H. Holmes, J. I . Diwson, T. 0 Nicholson, representing Messrs W. J. and H. 0. Watson ; T. Wright, T. Tarn, T. W. Bat .bridge <ilerk), L. Simpson (surveyor), snd R Brown (inspector), of the Rural Council ; E. O. Surtees, P. Widdas, Coekfield ; J. L. We>dy, schoolmaeter, Hsrwood , D. Smith, High Force Hotel; G. Bell, secretary of the Tees- dale Farmers' Anotion Mart ; I. G. Jibnaon, 8. Storey, Barnard Oastle; R P. Heft, R J. Heslop, W. Heslop, Rev. R. W. Young, Congre- gational Minister, Stalndrop; Messrs M. Watson, Y. Hodgson, G. E. Forster, Mrs Fogg- Elliot, Mrs McQueen, Mrs Waters, Misa Nixon, and praotloally the whole of tbe tenantry on tbe Raby Estate, ss well as several inhabitants ot the village of Staindrop. Exquisite Floral Tributes were sent by tbe widower and children, ber devoted sister, Lord and Lady Baroard, Lady Legard, Raby Estate Office Staff, Indoor and Outdoor Servants of Stalndrop House,?Mrs O. Fogg-Elliot, Oaptaln and Mrs Trotter and family, of the Deanery; Mr W.J. and Miss Watson, Spring Lodge ; Lieut.-Colonel and Mrs H. C. Watson, ot the Mount; and Dick and Lilian.. ' The Bearers were as follows:—Messrs A. Hull, T . N . Rsyson, L. Wearmoutb, A. Robson, J. H, Wlllans and T.- Rlohardson.—The coffin was ot plain, unpolished oak, with brass shield, bearing the following inscription : " Florence Josephine Fife, died January lltb, 1918, aged 45 years." Mr George Oopeland carried out tbe funeral arrangements. Rural Pood Control Committee. FOOD ORDERS GRADUALLY TIGHTENING. A meeting was held on Wednesday afternoon ot tbe Barnard Oastle Rural Food Control Committee. Mr R. W . Ralne (obalrman) prealded, and there were also present Mrs Brown,and Messrs f. Thompson,B O.Ad»?soo, J. W. I . Davidson, Q. A. Thompson, J. Van, R. P. Hett, G Linsley, J H. Porter, T. W. Bain- bridge (executive officer), and R. Brown (inspsotor). Sugar Distribution. Tbe Clerk remarked that so tar as that committee were ooneerned the work was praotloally finished. They had filed the whole of the envelopea oontainiog the declarations, snd every retailer would now be distributing sugar on the basis of the new scheme. He ssld that they had had most valuable help in that diffisult matter from tbe retail dealers, and he was glad ol the opportunity of expres- sing a word of thanks.- -The Chairman aaid be knew it had been a very bard time for shop- keepers, and he hoped tbe eoheme waa i n order, and that nothing further would be Wanted. Beware of Losing Your 8ugar Card. There waa an application to replaoe a loat sugar card, and the matter w -s considered — The Olerk: It Is quite an alarming basinets In getting a new card. Tbe application muat go up to London, where it will be filled. Bread Prices Order. The Clerk read a letter from the Aasistsnt Fond Controller at Newoaatle stating that the committ« e were at liberty to permit tbe price of bread bought from the bakeries to be retailed at 5). lnatead ot 411. Supplying Customers In A'vsnoe. Mr Batubrldge informed the committee that they hjp power under one of the iostruotlons to grant an authority to a retail dealer to anppli customers fortnightly In advance, The application must be genuine.—The Chairman added that at present they were band-to-mouth, and many retailers were technically liable in granting a week's eupply. He instanced the inconvenience occasioned the Middleton Co-operative Society's traveller going Into Harwood, where under ordinary circumstances he sold a month ahead.—Mr Hett: Haw about those people getting their g-ooerirs from London every month ? I know they are doing it. Butter Prioes Order. The December order applicable to Irish, blended and imported butter, did not apply to f reah butter, said the Olerk, and the only butter which Mr J. T. Hornby, tbe stores manager at Middleton, had been hitherto gettiog was farmers' butter, but be waa unable now to get oountry or local butter in any quantity. The Olerk added that it wss very evident thst a lot of looal butter wss going away from the district altogether, and henoe retailers wanted to buy margriine, Irish and blended butter. He added that Mr Hornby had now applied for registration for the sale of foreign butter.— The Chairman: The supply of local butter is exceedingly short.—Mr Porter: It will be increased in the oourse of a month, or six weeks. Oows were beginning to calve.— Mr Hett aaked If in any applications which were made guaranties would be given not to buy fresh butter st the same time ? —Mr Porter: They oannot get it.-Mr Linsley moved tbst the certificate under consideration be endorsed, and this waa agreed.—Tbe Chairman: There is a shortage of dairy envi, and that ia the fact. Or. Barnardo's Homes: a Pound of Butter Realises £2 8s. 3d. A wbiat drive and dance was arranged by some members of the old committee of the Young Helpers' League, and was held on Friday last on bebalf ot D/. Barnardo's Homes Owing to tbe stormy weather many people were prevented from attending, but those present spent a very pleasant evening. The masters of ceremonies for tbe whist drive were Messrs H. Hobson and F. HedUy. During tbe interval for supper, Mr T. Parkin- son offered tor sale by auction a pound o' butter whioh had been given. This, after being resold several timea. waa eventually knocked down to Dr. Lelshmao, after having realised the sum ot £2 Ss. 3d. Tbe price lor the wbist drive were presented by Mrs H. O. Watson to the sooae««foi players Ladles : 1. Miss M. E. Cowper, 177 ; 2, Mrs H. Jackson, 176; 8. Mlas A. B.iardmao, 136 Gentlemen: 1. Mr L Chatt, 173 ; 2, Mr J. Turner, 183; 3, M r J Franklin, 143 D Leishman proposed a vote of thanka to Mrs Watson, who, in repiyiog, spoke of tbe good work ot the homes sod the pleasure it gave her to assist. Dmetog, for whloh Mr J. Wiseman and Mr Yaitoh efficiently soted a> masters of ceremonies, was kept up with great energy till 2 a.m., tbe music being supplied by Mr J. T. Wigbtmsn. The whole tff«ir wss quite in keeping with the reputation gained in pre-war days. The committee wish to thank all those who in any way oontrlbutel to tbe success of tHe evening, the gross proceeds of which were £16 10* 8 1 , leaving a balaooe of £14 9*. «fter deduotiug the expsnaes, wbleh were £2 10s. 8!., to bo forwarded to Dr Barnardo's Hom< s POULTRY KEEPERS SHOULD WRITE to Joseph Taorley Ltd, King's Cross, London, who are the manufacturers ot OVUM, Thor ley's Poultry Spies, for Thorley's Poultry Keepers' Aooonnt Book, also book giving useful Hint! to Poultry Keepers, Both tent free, f fe. A Clever Repartee: An Ovington Incident. Apropos ot tbe Ovinatm reminiscence in last week's ''Teesdale Mercury," without giving ffsnco t o absentees, the following true story can be related having referenoe to the aame lodlvldoal, as told by himself to tbe writer On one oocasion in the eighties the former was proceeding down tbe village road towards his house from the " Four Alls," when the Roman Catholic Priest happened to be entering the village at the high end, and noticed bis some what unsteady gait. A tew days afterwards the Priest met him: " Well, Wllllsm," he said, " I saw yon going down the road In this sort ot fashion "—here followed an imitation of tbe prooess by the Priest himself—" what bavo you got to say for yourself ? " He quickly gathered bis thoughts tr gather and replied " Well, your reverence, I hardly know what to say about it, but the faot ot the matter is that I have been paying highway ratea for the last twenty years, and I thought I was entitled to a fair ahtre of the rosd 1" PIQS ARE OFTEN TROUBLED WITH WORM8: Thorley's Worm Powders will olesr same. Sold iu Cartons oontainiog 6 powders 5d. by Agenta in all parte, or by poet paid 12 powders 1/1 from Joseph Tborley Ltd. King's Cross, London. "TT'S gra«d," says one user ot Karsnood I Poultry Spice. Ho often got five eggs daily fcum five puliota in depth nf winter.— 3d., 64., 1/-, from HosesoN, Poultry Food BpteUUit, Cctberstoee, UPPER BALE NOTES. [BY on OWN ooRRBspoKDBjrr.] Private M. Watson, Mlddleside, Middleton, who Was wounded to Pranoe some time age, and has since been lo hospital, baa Just been at home on leave Corporal 8. Watson, Newblffgln, and Private J Raworoft are also at boats on leave from France. There was a large saary for the Christcal Millard hardleap in oonoeetion with the Middleton Mechanics' Institute, which was brousht to a elosn un Tuesday eight, tbe result being—lat, Mr J. Parker ; Sod, M r 1. Bell; S d and 4 h, divided, Mr I . Wataou and Mr J. R Watson. s* The eMldren la the infant departments at tbe Middleton Council Schools were enter- tained t) tea on Friday afternoon, from the proceeds of the oolleetloo taken at ths Christmas eonoert. *•* As will be seen by oar advertisement columns there Is to be • grand nooeert in the Lunedale school-room, on Jacnsry tttb, and the 1 o i l friends are arranging a varied and tnterssMna' nr"j».mn,«. Ihe Lartington Bale* Dssplte the stormy wetthar and ucfortnoate railway laolllties, t; -,?e was a large assembly gathered tu wllceas the disposal uf a ch loe collection < f tun liars, c«-pe!», and wuike ol art, tbe property . I Mr D. Magi.cs Speoee, who nntll qiite recently b»a been toe owner and occupier of 'bat Sue residence, Lartington Ball. Mi sins J Patkioson sod SJOS were the auctioneers. Bidding waa brisk, prioes ran high, things many bargaita were obtained. A haoda me glided mirror <h> Ru'ettl) waa kooeked foia to a bid of £87 10* ; a type- writer brought 10 guineas ; brass boSsr, 4 guineas; oil p.l- ting. £11; e*rpet», from £4 15s. to £'6; o>kdiking table, £6; mahogany osbloet, £10 ; billiard table (by Uurroughaand Watts), £70; oak aolte, £11 10*.; ».k aide- bo »rd, £i7 10i.; b-droom suits, £10; oak dresser and rsok, £12. Buyers were present from long dls-sorns. Barnard Castle Dispensary ; Appeal for More Subscriptions. At the annual mooting uf tne supporters of this institution held on tbe 4 b lost., tbe Chairman (Mr O B Martic) drew attention to the decrease in the balaooe in hand, as shown by the Statement of ace mats presented by the Honorary Treasurer. I t was also pointed out that there was a marked inorease in tbe prioes paid for drugs and ohemloals, which is doubt- less due to present war eoDditioea, and the upward tendency of thinga in general. The laot that so few < f onr own tradesmen and new residenta appeared on the list of subscribers was commented upun .aod surprise expressed thst so small a number of these townspeople should deem it necessary lo support the dispensary with an annual contribution to the fucde. With a view to bringing the claims of the institution before the public it is hoped tbeae remarks will hsve the desired effsot, and secure aha neoessary help, Mr R. T. Richardson, aha treasurer, will be glad to enrol any new subscribers, who, for sn annual subscription of ten anillicgs, will receive two tickets for distribution, entitllog two patients to medical attendance. should asnd two itamps for our 32-page Ultutrated Book oontainirg valuable information bow ail lirejroiaritiet and •mppreuiozu may be entire!; avoided or removed bj ample meant. Recommended by eminent Phviiciaiu aa tbe only •afe, •ore, and genuine remedy. Never faili. Thotuanda of testimonial*. Eatebluhed 1869. Ml Mill BLANCHARQ, OLARRMOST HOnan n»i.»wiv r.ASB, LOHDOB. LADIES. BLANCKARD'S PUIS ^euurivaUedfor all Irmralaritiee, etc Tney ipoedUy afford relief, and never fail to alleviate all Buffering. Chey •nperaede Pennyroyal, Pil Ooehia, Bitter Apple, ate. dLANOHARXt'e are the beat of all Pills for Women told In boxee. I t . ' , d , by BOOTS' Branebea, TAYLOR'S Drug Company Branchee and all Chemiita, or pott tree, «ame price, from LESLIE MARTY It, Limited, Chemists, 4 DA.LBTOS LANK. LOHnow. r HWMI* valnable BJW.VI** nwt *r*m 1*. ftamp. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, A « P DEATH*. Roll of Honour. COIXTNSOS .— Killed in action, on December 16th. Private G. Gibson Collinsnn, Northumberland FiiMiliiTs, aged 3:1 years, dearly beloved husband of Annie Collinson, Holwick, Middloton-i n-T< ei-d;iIe. I>u y c *hpd nod tie *«R tb"rr. i o d'» tun b>t Hnd t -i - p hie .hare: Pi*, fttr »v-ny ffrwv,. w the Hu^rost blow N'nn* ha* BCMi a he^.t* <V-TI * n"W Deeply mourned by his wife and children, father, mother, sisters, brothers, and mother- in-law. SMITH.-On Christmas Eve. in France, of sickness. M^rniaduko William Smith, second son of the late Joseph Smith, of Park-tarrace, aged 3i; years. - 1 ><•• pi y ni '-nrned l>y his wife, two daughters, and mother iof Noweastle')- R.I.P. net fit HUSBANO .— Mary Husband ,suddenly), at Rack Bull Farm, Wborlton, on January I4(b.4ged 68 years. To be interred at \\ ttorlt- n. on Friday, J;inu;iry 18th, at p.m. MllAvR. At Iiford, on January 7th. Joseph M iluer, aged 70 years, formerly of Eirglestop Abbey. lo M»miei<nt. ELUOT .— In loving memory of my dear stater, Sarah Ann Elliot, who died Jannary 12th. 19 4.—Ever remembered by her sister and brother. Mr and Mrs W. Kipling and family, 232, Mill Lane. Xcwcastle-on-Tyne. PFDKN .—In loving remembrance of Robert I'edcn, beloved husband of Sarah l'oden, who fell asleep January 13th. IUI7, and was laid to rest at the Church Cemetery. Barnard Castle, on January 18th. —Never forgotten by his wife aud family, and son -in -law. —" Teach us to say, ' Thy will be done.'" SWINRANK. In loving memory of Thomas Watson Swinbank. of High Skoers Farm, Middleton-in-Toosdale. who died January 13th, 11)17. Ever remembered by his brother and sisters. WKLLMAV. In loving memory of Stafl-Sergeant F. Wclliuun, HE., accidently killed January 14th, 1016.—Never forgotten by his wife and children. RstUVi Th«eks. MR AND THE MISSES FIFE desire to most sincerely thank their innumerable friends for the kind and sympathetic letters thoy have n-ci'ivt-d during \ '...>• Is-c few days, and which tkuy UUA>«> M***UJ iudividbsDy ui tins

wor - Teesdale Mercury · Bala bridge —Another i Ba t Hoggg - Meter* a. Atkinson 4 a. .. -MrH.JasksoT^

Feb 22, 2018



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Page 1: wor - Teesdale Mercury · Bala bridge —Another i Ba t Hoggg - Meter* a. Atkinson 4 a. .. -MrH.JasksoT^

Sales tig Auct ion. UM» CASTLS * I D D U I .

AUOTIO* M m Co., L T » .

MM loos, Sonleby, K l r k b y t t e o h ~ . and # ^ n r *

l a Yum B u n i i M i A Son, IhMmm^

I A L H T B I 8 D A Y ;

W 1 D N B 8 D A T , JAITOAJ.T 16?a, Usual W 1 B X L Y S A L ! w i U h*

ben there w i l l be f o r w a r d the I of D A I R Y COW* and H E I P I R f t > R I O A T T L H and 8 H 1 B P ' , A - T

[ r i se of 4 1 w i l l be given for the p sank elaas. M » » 1

Judg ing a t 10 t .m. p rompt . Bale at 1 0 - 8 0 am.

Sale of V a t S tock ak 11 a.m.

F A T 8 TOOK. I O a t t l a - l f e a a r a G. A t k i n s o n A Bone I H e i f e r . - M r B. Robtnaon

— M r R. W. Bainbr idge — M r R . H. B r o w n — M r Joe. Mekealf — I x o r s . T . Bala b r i d g e —Another

i Bat Hoggg - Meter* a. A t k i n s o n 4 a. . . - M r H . J a s k s o T ^ * * «

I Sheep — M r M . Anderson - M r J . W i l k i n s o n — M r s Anderson

i » a t Hoggs—Mr R H . B r o w n Pat C a t t l e to be s ta l l ed by 10 am • to be graded. * **h > ehers w a n t i n g Fa t C a t t l e to have t h . i

g i v e n I n t o Office b y 10 a m .

L , - a . . . . TlSSkUi, keley , S t a lnd rop . P n *

T O 0 L O 8 B A T R U S T . " '

| B A R N A R D O A S T L I .

I B H O L D P R O P S R T T F O R S A L B .


j CENTRAL 8 ALB ROOMS, BARNARD C A S K S r H U M D A T , 3 4 T H JANUARY, 1911 , a t S M Meet to the Condi t ions of Sale t o be thee 1) , khe f o l l o w i n g Freehold Proper t i e s -

COT I . T H A T F R B S r l O L D R B S I D B N O I

known as - M A T F 1 B L 0 V I L L A , " G e l g a u IOas t le , con ta in ing 1 Recept ion Roosts!

D , P . o t r y , and Soul ier? on t h e Ground I ; 4 Bedrooms and Dress ing Room, and bn the F l r a t F loor , a L a r g o Cel la r i n the

snk, and Stable, Cjaoh-honse, W a i t -. and the asaal Outoff loes , Y a r d and

Garden a t taehed. The P r o p e r t y was | i n the oeenpatlon of M r s B t l e n Hard ing ,

I a l l t h a t F R B B H O L D OLOSB O F L A N D . n i n g by es t imat ion * uf ar Aa re or there. i, a t present l e t I n A l l o t m e n t s , adjoining

bore Residence, w i t h uepa -ate entrance W l g a t e .

L O T I I . tha t S n b s t s n t l a i l y - B o i l t F R B I H O L O

UL1NQ-BOU8B, No. 11, Vie tor ta - to r raes , In ing Drawing- room, Dining-room, en, Soulier j , 4 Bedrooms, Ba th - room and ory , w i t h Cemented Y a r d , a n d Garden

| o r thereabouts i n l eng th ) , and m a i l lianees. Annua l r e n t BIO — Tenant

j ra tes . A t present i n t h e occupa t ion ot | C . M a r t i n .

f u r t h e r p a r t i c u l a r s and permiss ion to

J . I N G R A M D A W S O N , S o l i c i t o r , Ba rna rd Oastie.


C e n t r a l Sale Rooms,

Es tab l i shed 1876.

O M H A R R I S O N , A u c t i o n e e r a n d V a l u e r ,


WM. TARN, Auctioneer and Vainer.

o f a l l d e s c r i p t i o n a u n d e r t a k e n .

P r o m p t s e t t l e m e n t s .

H u n d e r t h w a i t e , R o m a l d k i r k .

TV'S T o b a c c o Powder * (Frtf • / Duty I » M US6).

I and al l Skin Troiblea in Cattle, Horsed, P i * * *£l ntins- F l j on Sheep, and Warble Ply i n Cattle, »*>

*, to., on Doge, Cats, Poultry and their nc«W-H O M . P O I S O N O U S .

fo r i s k from C H I L L as by Wash ing , sved by B o a r d o f A g r i c u l t u r e I n T in s , 1 / - and 2 / - ; also i n Bu lk -

l o r r y ' s Ringworm Lotion, Equissa M«"g8

Hie, Maggot Lotion, Foot Rat Lotion, « 6 . OLD BY A L L A G R I C U L T U K A L C H a M I * * 8 ,

m i t H C I V S I D l v

|UIY & Co . , L t d . , S h a d T h s * * ' ' LOHDON, S .E .1 .

BKSQN. W a t c h m a k e r , J e w e l l e r , OJ^* ' a n d M o t o r A g e n t ,

H , J f a w o A T a , BAJWAJU) CASTLS. » A N D S I L V E R B N G L I S H , W A L T H A 1 4

A N D SWISS W A T C H E S , ng R i n g s , a n d Su i t ab l e A r t i c l e s to* edd ing and B i r t h d a y Presen t s ,

j f o r Humber , S inge r , L e a y E r a n o i * H * * / ^ I R S . A „ Globe, M o n o p o l e , S t a r , a n d oe»

Cycles and M o t o r s . H u m b e r s f r o m £ 6 6s. i - L

k. S e w i n g Machines , A m e r i c a n O f * " * a n d Second-hand Cyc le s .

Offleiml R « n » ( r » r t o t h e C-T .O- — -

K s T A B U B H S D 1 8 6 4 .

federick Metcalfe •It, Flower and Potato Saloon*"'

Nuraory and loodtmtn, S, BANK, BARNARD CASTLE. B V a r i e t y o f E n g l i s h a n d ^ r f J * « i 0 « r . •era and Vege tab le s a l w i . y s » "^Uet , W r e a t h s a n d Crosses a i s 4 « * ° ^

> ldea tand M o s t R e l i a b l e *^*J?MpO. I tor Good Seeds of e v e r r d e * 0 ™

land tor Garter , and P a m Pro 0 1 1*"'



raral Bnglneer, I m p l e m e n t M a k e r , and t, Shoeing and General S m i t h . Mowaaa, and a l l k i n d s of " F a r m

K J ^ ^ e B ts Repai red and dons up as new,

and Plough F i t t i n g s ot a l l Lead ing M a k s s I n S tock .

Pr ion Mats of Implements on A p p l i c a t i o n .

geesdole (Detrcuny C A S T L E , J A N U A R Y 10TH, 1918.

JjJELOPMENT OF FOOD CONTROL. .p R H O N D D A claims that the Food

poller's work is not second even to ' w o r k of conducting the war at the . and the statement is correct.

more or less stringent continue issued, the object being to curb public appetite. I n a " Survey of

L j d Controller's Work in 1917," it . ieted out that it would be difficult

any k ind of legislation jble in a civilised state which would A more criticism than that which rferes with the food of the people. [Wing with so vital a question as

the high importance of avoiding Ciuternieddling with trade and the

that is not absolutely necessary fjficient control must always be a \ « principle. T h e national rather

A strictly local outlook largely opts the fram'ng of the multitudinous [s which are reaching the district

j Committees, and, in a word, these -pts at rationing are a direct appeal

Ije patriotism of the people by asking ilic to exercise self-sacrifice. T h e

jian philosophers taught us the (moral truth that consideration for

5 was indeed true gentility, while •ping selfishness is the antithesis of j generosity of spirit which invokes

jisation and goodwill even in dire sty. W e live in changeful times.

the authority of the Food jster, at the present time, every

jtial article of food, whether, as we ftminded, for man himself or for the j o n which most men in civilised mtries largely depend for sustenance, [been brought under control. T h e slaid down with regard to the prices

live-meat are a chief source of dry, we are informed, largely owing

[fee withholding of stock from the as is affirmed. T h e main

ation for such a course (put Bd officially) by those who adopt it

lie high price of feeding stuffs and aaximum prices for live-meat ^ s 1 by the order. Necessity, which 5 no law, wi l l assuredly solve the

sUem- A n d meanwhile we are in with the determinatioiyvof the

Bid Castle Rura l Food Committee in i meeting trouble half-way—that is,

[Mining to adopt the more drastic Hires until there is proof that the aon has actually arisen and become Sent.

L O C A L A N D O T H E R N O T E S ,

F o r t y lamps, l i g h t l y shaded, are t o be l i t a t Ba rna rd Castle, t h e L i g h t i n g Commit tee of t h e U r b a n Counc i l h a v i n g considered a scheme, l a r g e l y b rough t about by Super in tendent R i d d e l l , a t a mee t ing he ld on Thursday n i g h t , under t h e pres idency of M r F , J . Wi l son . Needless t o say t h e pub l i c w i l l be g r a t e f u l for t h e concession.

The cases of three farmers who appealed against t h e decis ion of t h e S t a r t f o r t h T r i b u n a l , imposing t h e c o n d i t i o n of Vo lun t ee r T r a i n i n g Corps, came before t h e Appea l " t r i buna l , a t R ichmond , on t h e 5 t h ins tan t , when a l l t h e loca l decisions were upheld .

i t i s unders tood t h a t t h e new appointment of t h e Rev. J . B. Robinson i s cen t red a t Hapton. near N o r w i c h , t h e t r a d i t i o n a l home of Hugenots . There has been a U n i t a r i a n Church here for a v e r y l ong pe r iod .

To-day, L i e u t . H . U . Nicholson, Durham L i g h t I n f a n t r y , who has l a t e l y been i n oharge of headquarters , Bishop A u c k l a n d , leayos t o t ake u p du t ies a t K ing ' s College, Cambridge. He i s t h e son of M r A . H . Nicholson, of Barnard Castle, and has been t w i c e wounded.

M r A l m e r i c 11. Paget, l a t e Unionis t Member of Par l iament for Cambridge, a n d who i s fifty-s i x years of age, i s one o f t h e newly-c rea ted barons. I n 1SH 6 he exerc ised shoot ing r i g h t s on H o l w i o k Moors . He is a governor of Gny's Hospi ta l , and , w i t h M r s Paget, founded a massage corps w h i c h renders sp lend id servioe.

o — £ M r John B r o w n , of Bowbank, who is ba i l i f f i n

Lunedale fo r t h e E a r l of St ra thmore , has had a s l i g h t s t roke . Under the care ot Dr . Beadle t h e esteemed official is somewhat bet ter .

Ma jo r Green, o f the K i n g ' s O w n Y o r k s h i r e L i g h t I n f a n t r y , f rom Ca t t e r iok Camp, inspected t h e R o m a l d k i r k con t ingen t of 2/3 Y o r k s h i r e

PALESTINE AND THE JEWS. [to fact that the cities and temples p Holy L a n d escaped bombardment

s given immense satisfaction to the Catholic community in this

try, and their delight was voiced the might by M r John Smith at the

[«dale Institution, he having visited alem and other historical eastern marks in years long gone by. let emphasis were given to the

W of the Jews in a scholarly address ifred by the Rev. Robinson L a n g

Re Primitive Methodist C h u r c h on lay morning last, and both speakers

" e reminiscent the spectacle ot the I* looking towards the Ho ly L a n d with jjjtts love as his true home. I n what-I7 country residing, the Jews have |*5s exhibited an aversion to engage I-^cultural pursuits, or to invest their la™?1 in land. Faithful to the scripture B*K of some day being restored to |!^ountry, and united again as one

J^Uhey have ever held themselves jNbess to depart from the place of

Present sojourn at the shortest Most of the property they

ajk^date is either readily transport | j t t

, ( ' r ' s convertible into articles which wj^ftent coin everywhere—such as Lyilver, and jewels. T h e y are seldom J ' ^ i t s m e n , artificers or artizans, pjJNly of arts peculiar to their

. ^ P l a c e s . ?.bttlk of the Hebrew

The rooted aversion nation to

'.any country as their permanent 's, of course, a bar to their civiliza-

j a n d advancement, and, many years J .several benevolent persons, with S ir i T 5 Montifiore at their head, found

W>t of the difficulty by proposing 4 'Rat ion of Palestine by the Jews | L j n ° e t of Jews accordingly estab-kort • m s e ^ v e s i f l Jerusalem, and an E 1 ? a s n i a d e to introduce manufacture Nui*. <%. T h e enterprise, energy, M p - ? d e n c e of the Jews are proverbial,

l^nde- a ^ t e r nineteen centuries of H l a s t

n n 2 and persecution, they should K ? return to the home of their • S t h e > ' wil l surely excite the fyjij 1 a °d good wishes of the whole

*abbis W o r l d - I n a n y e v e n t t h e C h i e f

'lie D

a r e not unnaturally exultant at ? sPect, and Mr L a n g named the

*as tef C e t n a t t r i e l i r s t time Jerusalem N w e d t o i n l h e b i b l e w a s , 9 l 7 £ V a e C n r i s t . and its actual

Mat!° e t 0 0 k P k c e 1917 years after t f l t of the Messiah

T w e n t y - f c i i r degrees of frost were reg i s te red a t the CouuJty School bn Monday morn ing . \ goat and a :dog have been trov 11 to dent ! i .at S t a r t f o r t h . l

I i . - o --- I Jfl* A cable Witis r eco ivod on Saturday by Mrs* ( J .

M u r r a y . S, K d w a r d Terrace, saying tha t her husband, Sapper George M u r r a y , of the R o y a l Engineers, has a r r i v e d i n Egypt . P r i v a t e J . l t u t t e r , fo rmer ly of t in s office, is now i n Salonioa.

1. 8 " — The w h i s t d r i v e and dance he ld r e c e n t l y tor

funds t o send postal-orders t o loca l sa i lors and soldiers , t h r o u g h t h e War Emergency Com­mi t t ee , rea l ised £26 0s. 6d , and the rece ip ts of t h e cinema show he ld a t the Wycl i f fe P i c t u r e H a l l , tor t h e i a m e object , we re £11 18s.

M O . Nurse Nelson, of Guy's Hosp i ta l , w h o has

been s e r v i n g i n the base hospitals and casual ty c l ea r ing s ta t ions w i t h t h e B r i t i s h E x p e d i t i o n ­a r y Forces i n France almost s ince t h e beg in­n i n g of t h e war , was specia l ly ment ioned i n Si r Douglas Haig 's despatches of November 7th . Nurse Nelson's parents are now r e s i d i n g a t Cotherstone-

Volun tee r Reg imen t on Sunday afternoon las t . — - 0

Woodland Beagles w i l l meet on Saturday, January 19th, a t Cotherstone, a t 12.

Accompanied b y a New Tear ' s H y m n tor 1018, and w r i t t e n b y h i s fa ther ( the Rev . W . Darwen t , fo rmer ly of t h i s t o w n ) , t h e Rev. C. E. Da rwen t , of U n i o n Church , Shanghai, has presented to t h e members and a l l his f r iends a p o r t r a i t of himself , on his first b i r t h d a y , and h i s fa ther and mother , i n 1858.

Near ly four-fifths of t h e area in t ended for w h e a t has a l ready been sown, whereas a t t h e same t i m e las t year o n l y some t w o - t h i r d s o f the whea t area had been*got i n ; and t h e t o t a l a re a c t u a l l y under whea t a t t h e end of 1917 was f u l l y 15 per cent , g rea te r t h a n a year ago. I n Y o r k s h i r e alone ne a r l y 20 per cent , more l a n d has been sown w i t h whea t than t w e l v e months ago.

o I n t he ma t t e r of s a lu t ing , paragraph 1787 of

t h e K ing ' s Regula t ions calls upon a l l officers to acknowledge a l l compl iments p a i d t o them by men i n t h e King ' s un i fo rm.

o -A Teesdale officer has been honoured tor

g a l l a n t deeds, and i n speaking of! t h e award of the M i l i t a r y Cross t o Ac t ing -Cap ta in R o y Helmerow Helmer , i n a t h i r d ins ta lment of a Supplement t o t h e " London Gazette," t h e

Times " of Sa turday says : " He has w o r k e d c o n t i n u a l l y w i t h indomi tab le energy and courage under she l l fire, super in tend ing t h e l a y i n g of cables, a w o r k of excep t iona l d i f f i cu l ty and danger o w i n g t o t h e cables be ing con­s t a n t l y broken b y enemy s h e l l ' fire; b u t i n sp i t e of t h i s h i s efforts have m e t w i t h success o w i n g t o h i s g a l l a n t r y and perseverance."

The dea th occur red i n France on Chris tmas Eve of Marmaduke W i l l i a m S m i t h , the second son of t h e l a t e M r Joseph 8 m i t h , of Park Terrace , Ba rna rd Castle . The deceased gen t le ­man was a d raper i n B i rmingham, and jo ined the colours under t h e De rby scheme, and has been i n France tor t w o years. Ho was a t his home in -Newcastle, whe re h i s wi fe and daughters are r e s id ing w i t h h i s mother , a month ago, and was expec ted home again v e r y sho r t l y t o t ake up h i s commission. Death was duo to sickness, accelerated b y exposure i n t h e t renches.

Ea r l Brownlow and L o r d Barna rd vo ted i n t h e b i g ma jo r i t y i n t h e House of Lords favour of women's votes.

o — -A t Y a r m o u t h , 011 Monday n i g h t , d u r i n g

naval bombardment , the Germans k i l l e d th ree persons and i n j u r e d ton .

— o — M r s Jane Alderson, Thorngate , acc iden ta l ly

broke her r i g h t l eg a t Ba rna rd Cast le R a i l w a y S ta t ion , l a s t week. The unfo r tuna te l ady was removed t o t h e residence of !her mother a t H i g h S t a r t t o r t h , she h a v i n g been a t t ended b y t h e s t a t i o n ambulance staff. Dr . Adams is i n a t tendance.

The estate i n the U n i t e d States of the l a t e M r s Almer ic Paget, whose husband, M r A l m e r i c Paget, as we have already said , has been crea ted a baron , has been s w o r n a t about t h ree m i l l i o n do l la rs . M r s Paget, before he r marr iage , was Mis s Paul ine W h i t n e y , daughter of t h e l a t e M r W i l l i a m C. W h i t n e y , Secre tary of t he U n i t e d States Navy , a n d w e l l k n o w n i n Teesdale.

Second-Lieut . W. H u n t e r , of Thornaby , g rand­son o f t h e l a t e M r and M r s J. Hun te r , M a r s h a l l S t ree t , Ba rna rd Castle, has d i e d f rom wounds rece ived i n a c t i o n . L i e n t . H u n t e r j o ined t h e ranks as a p r i v a t e i n t h e t h i r d week of t h e w a r , and a f te rwards accepted a commission i n t h e R.N.D., l e a v i n g for France abont t h r ee months ago.

— o — a M r W . H . Ra l s ton app l i ed a t t h e R ichmond

Appea l T r i b u n a l for exempt ion for a ba i l i f f on t h e W e m m e r g i l l es tate o f t h e E a r l of S t r a t h more, w h o was 31 , s ingle , and passed for genera l service . The official had 50 mi les of landed estate t o look af ter , 2,000 p i t props mon th be ing supp l ied . The appeal was dismissed, exempt ion b e i n g g ran ted t o F e b r u a r y 14th.

F o r whee l i ng a b a r r o w on t h e foo tpa th E d i t h S ty les was o rde red t o pay four s h i l l i n g s costs a t t h e B a r n a r d Cast le Pol ice Court , on Wed­nesday, t h e case b e i n g p r o v e d b y P.C. Glover.

Corp l . J . W . Guy, R a i l w a y B a t t a l i o n ; Gunner T . Spencer, R o y a l Gar r i son A r t i U e r y ; a n d Pr iva tes C. A t k i n s o n . H . Evans and E. M c C o l l , Du rham L i g h t I n f a n t r y , are a l l a t home on sho r t leave f rom t h e f ron t .

W i n s t o n has again come f o r w a r d i n a i d of t h e R e d Cross Socie ty , w i t h t h e r e su l t t h a t over £70 w j U be haaded o v » r to t h a t moat deserv ing fund .



The death ocom rad on F r i d a y morn ing las t of M r s F i f e , w i f e of M r H . L . F i f e , J .P , ot S ta lndrop House, ch ie f agent t o L o r d Barnard . The deeeased bad o t l j been i l l for the spaoe of about th ree days, and her death waa q u i t e unexpected. The la te M r s F i f e was a lady of many aoonmplishments, and of 4times assisted in en ter ta inments w h i s h were t o r a n y deserv ing cause, and, as r soen t ly as F r i day , the 4 th ins tan t , she organised and took an ac t ive par t in a dramat ic t k e t o h wblcb which was g i v e n at I a g l e t o n for the Sai lors and Soldiers ' Fund . Then , again, M r s F i f e waa responsible for a r ea l l y exoe l l eq t performance no t long ago whloh had for i s objsot the reduc ing of the deb t on t h e c h o r o ' . And hers i t was t h a t the deceased lad] k ohief in te res t oent red . She loved her chnr<' :, and was a most enthusiast ic and ardent t o l l r for I t s welfare . A conscientious and r e g u l ,r a t teoder , M r s F i f e was present on t h r <e

eeaslons op t b e Sunday previous t o h >t demise. She also took an ao t ive in teres t I n the Sunday school, and had r ecen t ly t sk ' tn over the superintendeney. The l a t e M r s F l i e w i l l be g r e a t l y missed i n many capacities, snd her kindness t o the needy I n the v i l l age was w e l l known . She was tbe f o u r t h daughter <t M r H . J . T o u i m i n , of K i n g s b u r v Lodge, St . Albans, and was mar r i ed in 1897. On t he death of her brother - L i t nr. P. M . Touimin— in France, las t September, M r s F i f e composed some rea l ly beau t i fu l l y t ouch ing verses. Much sympa thy i s extended to M r H . L . F i f e and the t w o daughters who s u r v i v e .

The Funeral took place on Monday afternoon, the coffin being borne t o St . M a r y ' s Church , w h e n t h s Rev. J. B. P h i l l i p s (Yioar) read tbe servioe appointed for the b u r i a l c f the dead. The h i s t o r i c t«ns waa well filled by a so r rowing congregat ion. As t h e cor tege en tered the sacred edifice the choi r chanted t h e 38rd Psalm, w h i c h waa a special f avour i t e w i t h the deceased, and also fee l ingly sang the h y m n : " Father* let me dedicate a l l my l i f e to Thee." Tbe Y l o s r read the 90th Psalm, and also the 15th chapter of the 1st E p i s t l e t o t h e Cor inthians , f rom verse 20. As the mournfu l t h r o n g l e f t t he church , the ohoi r saog the Nunc D i m i t t i s . The l eng thy oortege, beaded by the Y l o s r and the surp i ioed cho i r and Sunday sohool ohUdren, weeded i t s way s l owly t o the p laoocf sepulohre, when the Rev . J. K, P h i l l i p s r eve ren t ly pronounced tbe c o m m i t t a l sen­tences, and the oboi r again saog. The g rave was nea t ly l i ned with flowers and evergreens by M r H . C a y g l l l . M r T . 0 . F r a n k t c n v e r y ab ly presided at t he organ.

The Chief Mourners w e r e : — M r H L F i f e , w i d o w e r ; Mis s Dorothy and MJss* M a r j u ie F i l e , daughters ; Miss Gladys T o n l m i n , s is ter ; Colonel R. d* Arey F i fe , C M . Q , D.S.O , and Capta in R i c h a r d Lawsoo, brothers- in-law.

In the L a r g s Body of General Mourners were L a d y Barnard , represen t ing L o r Barnard ; M r C. T . Fogg-E l l io t , p r i v a t e secretary t o L o r d Barnard ; M r s M i l l a r d , housekeeper at Raby C a s t l e ; Messes J. Faweett , c l e r k of works ; I . T o w a r d , d r a i n i n g bail i ff ; T . Bewick , fo res te r ; O. Hodgsot , fa rm b a i l i f f ; H . Buckle , gamekeeper ; i. T n l l e t t , ga rdener ; T . W. App lega r th , obief c l e r k and J . S. Watson, J A l l i s o n , M r s App lega r th and Miss A l l i s o n , office staff, a l l employees on the Raby Esta ta ; Mir and M r s A l l i s o n , M r s Etart, M r s Whi te , Miss Newby , Miss Lowsoo, k l r sad M r s Clark and M r T . Smi th , house­hold servants of S ta indrcp House ; Dr . Hiekey, medical a t t e n d a n t ; Messrs W. H . Rals ton, J P., 3. W. Ha r t l ey , J P., oupfc. R i d d e l l , repre­sen t ing tbe Obief Cons tab le ; 8erg t . D i x o n , Sta indrop ; Messrs C. H . Dent , Snow H a l l ; B. T r o t t e r , G a l n f o r d ; Dale T r o t t e r , Lang tnn Graoge ; I . H . Holmes, J . I . D i w s o n , T. 0 Nicholson, represent ing Messrs W. J. and H . 0. Watson ; T . W r i g h t , T . Tarn , T. W. Bat .bridge <i lerk) , L . Simpson (surveyor) , snd R Brown (inspector), of the R u r a l Counci l ; E. O. Surtees, P. Widdas, Coekfield ; J . L . We>dy, schoolmaeter, Hsrwood , D . Smi th , H i g h Force H o t e l ; G. B e l l , secretary of the Tees-dale Farmers ' A n o t i o n M a r t ; I. G. J ibnaon , 8. Storey, Barnard O a s t l e ; R P. Heft , R J. Heslop, W. Heslop, Rev. R . W. Young , Congre­g a t i o n a l M i n i s t e r , S t a l n d r o p ; Messrs M . Watson, Y . Hodgson, G. E. Fors ter , M r s Fogg-E l l i o t , M r s McQueen, M r s Waters , Misa N ixon , and p rao t loa l ly t h e whole o f tbe t enan t ry on tbe Raby Estate , ss wel l as several inhab i tan t s ot t h e v i l l age of S ta indrop .

Exquisite Floral Tributes were sent by tbe w idower and c h i l d r e n , ber devoted sister , L o r d and Lady Baroard , Lady Legard , Raby Estate Office Staff, Indoor and Outdoor Servants of Stalndrop House,?Mrs O. Fogg-E l l io t , Oaptaln and M r s T r o t t e r and fami ly , of the D e a n e r y ; M r W . J . and Miss Watson, Spr ing Lodge ; Lieut . -Colonel and M r s H . C. Watson, ot the M o u n t ; and D i c k and L i l i a n . . '

The Bearers were as fo l lows :—Mess r s A . H u l l , T . N . Rsyson, L . Wearmoutb, A. Robson, J. H, Wl l l ans and T.- Rlohardson.—The coffin was o t p l a in , unpolished oak, w i t h brass shie ld , bear ing the fo l lowing i n s c r i p t i o n : " Florence Josephine F i fe , d i e d January l l t b , 1918, aged 45 years." M r George Oopeland c a r r i e d ou t tbe funeral arrangements.

Rural Pood Control Committee.

FOOD ORDERS GRADUALLY TIGHTENING. A meet ing was he ld on Wednesday afternoon

ot t b e Barnard Oastle R u r a l Food Con t ro l Committee. M r R . W . Ra lne (obalrman) prealded, and the re were also present M r s B r o w n , a n d Messrs f .Thompson,B O . A d » ? s o o , J . W. I . Davidson, Q. A . Thompson, J . V a n , R. P. H e t t , G L i n s l e y , J H . Por ter , T . W . Bain-b r idge (execut ive officer), and R . B r o w n (inspsotor) .

Sugar Dis t r ibu t ion . Tbe C l e r k remarked t h a t so t a r as t h a t

commit tee were ooneerned t h e w o r k was p rao t loa l ly finished. They had f i led t h e whole of t he envelopea oon ta in iog the declarat ions, snd eve ry re ta i l e r w o u l d now be d i s t r i b u t i n g sugar on the basis of the new scheme. He ss ld t h a t they had had most valuable he lp in t h a t d i f f isul t ma t t e r f rom tbe r e t a i l dealers, and he was g lad o l the o p p o r t u n i t y of expres­s ing a w o r d of thanks.- -The Chairman aaid be knew i t had been a v e r y ba rd t i m e for shop­keepers, and he hoped tbe eoheme waa i n order , and t h a t n o t h i n g f u r t h e r w o u l d be Wanted.

Beware of Losing Your 8 u g a r Card . There waa an app l i ca t ion to replaoe a loat

sugar card, and t he mat te r w - s considered — The O l e r k : I t Is q u i t e an a l a rming basinets In g e t t i n g a new ca rd . Tbe app l i ca t ion muat go up t o London, where it w i l l be filled.

Bread Prices Order . The Clerk read a l e t t e r f rom the Aasis tsnt

Fond Con t ro l l e r a t Newoaatle s t a t i n g t h a t the committ« e were a t l i b e r t y t o p e r m i t tbe p r i ce of bread bought f rom t h e bakeries t o be r e t a i l ed a t 5 ) . lnatead ot 411.

Supplying Customers In A'vsnoe. M r Batubr ldge informed the commit tee t ha t

they h j p power under one of the i o s t ruo t lons to g r a n t an a u t h o r i t y t o a r e t a i l dealer to a n p p l i customers fortnightly I n advance, The appl ica t ion must be genuine.—The Chairman added t h a t a t present they were band-to-mouth, and many re t a i l e r s were t e chn i ca l l y l i ab le i n g r a n t i n g a week's eupply. He instanced the inconvenience occasioned t h e Midd l e ton Co-operative Society 's t r a v e l l e r go ing I n t o Harwood, where under o rd ina ry circumstances he sold a mon th ahead.—Mr H e t t : H a w about those people g e t t i n g the i r g -ooer i r s f rom London every month ? I know they are do ing i t .

But te r Prioes Order. The December order appl icable t o I r i s h ,

blended and impor t ed bu t te r , did no t apply t o f reah b u t t e r , said the Olerk , and the on ly b u t t e r w h i c h M r J . T . Hornby , tbe stores manager at M i d d l e t o n , had been h i t h e r t o g e t t i o g was farmers ' b u t t e r , b u t be waa unable now to get ooun t ry or loca l b u t t e r i n any q u a n t i t y . T h e Olerk added tha t i t wss v e r y ev iden t t h s t a l o t of looal b u t t e r wss go ing away from the d i s t r i c t a l together , and henoe re ta i le r s wanted t o buy m a r g r i i n e , I r i s h and blended b u t t e r . He added t h a t M r Hornby had now appl ied for r eg i s t r a t i on for the sale of foreign but ter .— The C h a i r m a n : The supply of loca l b u t t e r i s exceedingly s h o r t . — M r P o r t e r : I t w i l l be increased i n the oourse of a month , or s ix weeks. Oows were beg inn ing t o calve.— M r H e t t aaked I f i n any appl ica t ions w h i c h were made guarant ies wou ld be g i v e n no t t o buy fresh b u t t e r s t t he same t ime ? — M r P o r t e r : They oannot ge t i t . - M r L in s l ey moved tbst t he cer t i f ica te under considerat ion be endorsed, and t h i s waa agreed.—Tbe C h a i r m a n : There is a shortage of da i ry e n v i , and tha t ia the fact .

Or. Barnardo's Homes: a Pound of Butter Realises £ 2 8s. 3d.

A w b i a t d r i v e and dance was ar ranged by some members of the o l d commit tee of the Y o u n g Helpers ' League, and was he ld on F r iday las t on bebalf ot D/ . Barnardo's Homes O w i n g to tbe s tormy weather many people were prevented f rom a t tending , b u t those present spent a v e r y pleasant evening . The masters of ceremonies for tbe w h i s t d r i v e were Messrs H . Hobson and F . HedUy . D u r i n g tbe i n t e r v a l for supper, M r T . Pa rk in ­son offered t o r sale by auc t ion a pound o ' b u t t e r w h i o h had been g iven . This , af ter being resold several t imea. waa eventual ly knocked down t o Dr . Lelshmao, af ter hav ing real ised the sum ot £2 Ss. 3d. T b e p r i c e l o r t he w b i s t d r i v e were presented by M r s H . O. Watson t o the sooae««foi players Ladles : 1. Miss M . E. Cowper, 177 ; 2, M r s H. Jackson, 176; 8. Mlas A . B.iardmao, 136 Gen t l emen : 1. M r L Chat t , 173 ; 2, M r J . Turne r , 183; 3, M r J F r a n k l i n , 143 D Leishman proposed a vote of thanka to M r s Watson, who, i n r e p i y i o g , spoke of tbe good w o r k ot the homes sod the pleasure i t gave her t o assist. D m e t o g , for w h l o h M r J. Wiseman and M r Y a i t o h efficiently soted a> masters of ceremonies, was kep t up w i t h great energy t i l l 2 a.m., tbe music being suppl ied by M r J . T . Wigb tmsn . The whole tff«ir wss q u i t e i n keeping w i t h the r epu ta t ion gained in pre-war days. The commit tee w i s h t o thank a l l those who i n any way o o n t r l b u t e l t o tbe success of tHe evening , the gross proceeds of w h i c h were £16 10* 8 1 , l e av ing a balaooe of £14 9*. «fter deduot iug the expsnaes, wbleh were £ 2 10s. 8!., t o bo fo rwarded to D r Barnardo's Hom< s

P O U L T R Y KEEPERS SHOULD W R I T E to Joseph T a o r l e y L t d , King ' s Cross, London, who are the manufacturers ot O V U M , Thor ley's P o u l t r y Spies, fo r Thor ley ' s P o u l t r y Keepers' Aooonnt Book, also book g i v i n g useful H i n t ! to Poul t ry Keepers, Both t e n t free,

f fe.

A Clever Repartee: An Ovington Incident.

Apropos ot tbe O v i n a t m reminiscence i n las t week's ' 'Teesdale M e r c u r y , " w i t h o u t g i v i n g • ffsnco t o absentees, the following t rue s tory can be re la ted hav ing referenoe to the aame l o d l v l d o a l , as t o l d by himself t o tbe w r i t e r On one oocasion i n the e ight ies the former was proceeding down tbe v i l l age road towards his house from the " Four A l l s , " when the Roman Catholic Pr ies t happened to be e n t e r i n g the v i l l a g e a t the h i g h end, and not iced bis some wha t unsteady ga i t . A t e w days af terwards the Pr ies t met h i m : " W e l l , W l l l l s m , " he said, " I saw yon go ing down the road In t h i s so r t ot fashion "—here fo l lowed an i m i t a t i o n of tbe prooess by the Pr ies t himself—" wha t bavo you go t t o say for yourself ? " He qu ick ly gathered bis thoughts tr gather and rep l ied " W e l l , your reverence, I hard ly know wha t t o say about i t , b u t t h e faot ot the mat te r is t ha t I have been pay ing h ighway ratea for the last t w e n t y years, and I t hough t I was e n t i t l e d t o a fa i r ah t r e of the rosd 1 "

P I Q S A R E O F T E N T R O U B L E D W I T H W O R M 8 : Thor ley ' s Worm Powders w i l l olesr same. Sold i u Cartons oon ta in iog 6 powders 5d. by Agenta i n a l l parte, or by poet paid 12 powders 1/1 f rom Joseph T b o r l e y L t d . K ing ' s Cross, London .

" T T ' S gra«d," says one user ot Kar snood I P o u l t r y Spice. Ho often go t five eggs

d a i l y fcum five pul io ta i n dep th nf win te r .— 3d., 64. , 1/- , from HosesoN, Poultry Food BpteUUit , Cctberstoee,

UPPER BALE NOTES. [ B Y o n OWN o o R R B s p o K D B j r r . ]

P r i v a t e M . Watson, Mldd les ide , M i d d l e t o n , who Was wounded to Pranoe some t ime age, and has s ince been l o hosp i t a l , baa Just been a t home on leave Corpora l 8. Watson, Newblf fg ln , and P r iva t e J Raworof t are also a t boats on leave from France.

The re was a la rge saary for t h e C h r i s t c a l M i l l a r d ha rd leap i n oonoeet ion w i t h the M i d d l e t o n Mechanics ' I n s t i t u t e , w h i c h was b r o u s h t t o a elosn un Tuesday e igh t , tbe resu l t be ing—la t , M r J. Parker ; Sod, M r 1. B e l l ; S d and 4 h , d i v i d e d , M r I . Wataou and M r J . R Watson.

s* The e M l d r e n l a t h e i n f a n t depar tments a t

tbe M i d d l e t o n Counci l Schools we re enter­t a i n e d t ) tea on F r i d a y af ternoon, f rom the proceeds o f the oo l l ee t loo t aken a t ths Chris tmas eonoert .

*•* As w i l l be seen by o a r adver t i sement

columns there Is t o be • g r a n d nooeer t i n t h e Lunedale school-room, on Jacns ry tttb, and the 1 o i l f r iends are a r r a n g i n g a v a r i e d and tnterssMna' n r " j» .mn ,« .

I h e Lartington Bale* Dsspl te the s tormy w e t t h a r and u c f o r t n o a t e

r a i l w a y l ao l l l t i e s , t ; -,?e was a large assembly gathered t u wl lceas the disposal uf a ch loe co l l ec t ion < f t u n l i a r s , c « - p e ! » , and w u i k e o l ar t , tbe p roper ty . I M r D. Magi .cs Speoee, who n n t l l q i i t e recent ly b»a been toe owner and occupier of 'bat Sue residence, L a r t i n g t o n B a l l . M i sins J Patkioson sod SJOS were the auctioneers. B idd ing waa b r i sk , prioes r a n h igh , t h i n g s many ba rga i t a were ob ta ined . A haoda me g l ided m i r r o r <h> Ru ' e t t l ) waa kooeked foia t o a b i d of £87 10* ; a t y p e ­w r i t e r b rough t 10 guineas ; brass b o S s r , 4 gu ineas ; o i l p . l - t i n g . £ 1 1 ; e*rpet», f rom £4 15s. to £ ' 6 ; o > k d i k i n g table, £ 6 ; mahogany osbloet , £10 ; b i l l i a r d t ab le (by Uurroughaand Watts) , £ 7 0 ; oak aol te , £11 10*.; » . k a i d e -bo »rd, £ i 7 1 0 i . ; b -d room su i t s , £ 1 0 ; o a k dresser and r sok , £12. Buyers were present from l o n g dls-sorns .

Barnard Castle Dispensary ; Appeal for More Subscriptions.

A t the annual moot ing uf tne suppor te rs of this i n s t i t u t i o n he ld on t be 4 b lost . , tbe Chairman ( M r O B M a r t i c ) d r e w a t t e n t i o n t o the decrease in the balaooe in hand, as shown by the Statement of ace mats presented by the Honorary Treasurer . I t was also poin ted ou t tha t there was a marked inorease in t be prioes paid for drugs and ohemloals, w h i c h i s doubt­less due t o present war eoDditioea, and the upward tendency of th inga i n general . T h e l ao t t h a t so few < f onr o w n tradesmen and new residenta appeared on t h e l i s t o f subscribers was commented upun .aod surpr ise expressed t h s t so smal l a number of these townspeople should deem i t necessary l o suppor t the dispensary w i t h an annual c o n t r i b u t i o n t o the fucde. W i t h a v i e w t o b r i n g i n g the c la ims of t h e i n s t i t u t i o n before the p u b l i c i t is hoped tbeae remarks w i l l hsve t h e desired effsot, and secure aha neoessary help, M r R . T . Richardson , aha treasurer, w i l l be g l ad t o e n r o l any n e w subscribers, who , for sn annual subsc r ip t ion of t e n anillicgs, w i l l rece ive t w o t i cke t s for d i s t r i b u t i o n , e n t i t l l o g t w o pa t i en t s to medical attendance.

should asnd two itamps for our 32-page Ultutrated Book oontainirg valuable information bow a i l l irejroiarit iet and •mppreuiozu may be entire!; avoided or removed bj ample meant. Recommended by eminent Phviiciaiu aa tbe only •afe, •ore, and genuine remedy. Never f a i l i . Thotuanda of

testimonial*. Eatebluhed 1869.

M l M i l l BLANCHARQ, OLARRMOST HOnan n»i.»wiv r.ASB, LOHDOB.


^euurivaUedfor a l l I rmralar i t iee , etc Tney ipoedUy afford relief, and never fail to alleviate a l l Buffering.

Chey •nperaede Pennyroyal, P i l Ooehia, Bitter Apple, ate. dLANOHARXt'e are the beat of a l l P i l l s for Women told In boxee. I t . ' , d , by BOOTS' Branebea, TAYLOR'S Drug Company Branchee and al l Chemiita, or pott tree,

«ame price, from LESLIE MARTY It, Limited, Chemists,

4 DA.LBTOS L A N K . L O H n o w . r H W M I * valnable BJW.VI** n w t *r*m 1*. f tamp.


Roll of Honour. COIXTNSOS .— K i l l e d in ac t ion , on December 16th.

P r iva te G. Gibson C o l l i n s n n , Nor thumber l and F i i M i l i i T s , aged 3:1 years , dea r l y beloved h u s b a n d of A n n i e Col l inson, H o l w i c k , M i d d l o t o n - i n-T< ei-d;iIe.

I>u y c * h p d nod tie * « R tb"rr . i o d'» tun b>t H n d t -i - p hie .hare:

Pi*, fttr »v-ny ffrwv,. w t h e Hu^rost blow N'nn* ha* BCMi a he^.t* <V-TI * n"W

— Deeply mourned by his wi fe and c h i l d r e n , fa ther , mother , s is ters , bro thers , and mother-in- law.

S M I T H . - O n Chris tmas Eve. i n France , of sickness. M^rniaduko W i l l i a m Smi th , second son of the la te Joseph Smith , of Park-tarrace, aged 3i; years. - 1 ><•• pi y ni ' -nrned l>y his w i f e , two daughters , and mother iof Noweastle')-R. I .P .

n e t fit H U S B A N O . — M a r y Husband ,suddenly), a t R a c k

Bu l l Farm, W b o r l t o n , on January I 4 ( b . 4 g e d 68 years. To be i n t e r r e d a t \ \ t torlt- n . on Fr iday , J; inu;iry 18th, a t p.m.

M l l A v R . A t I i f o r d , on January 7 th . Joseph M i luer , aged 70 years, formerly of Eirglestop Abbey.

lo M » m i e i < n t . E L U O T . — I n l o v i n g memory o f my dear stater,

Sarah A n n E l l i o t , w h o d i ed Jannary 12th. 19 4.—Ever remembered by her s i s ter and b ro ther . M r and M r s W . K i p l i n g a n d f ami ly , 232, M i l l Lane. Xcwcast le-on-Tyne.

P F D K N . — I n l o v i n g remembrance of Robe r t I 'edcn, beloved husband of Sarah l 'oden, who f e l l asleep January 13th. I U I 7 , and w a s l a i d to res t a t the Church Cemetery. Barnard Castle, on January 18th.—Never fo rgo t t en b y his w i f e aud f ami ly , and son - in - l aw. — " Teach us t o say, ' T h y w i l l be d o n e . ' "

S W I N R A N K . I n l o v i n g memory of Thomas Watson Swinbank . of H i g h Skoers Farm, Middle ton- in-Toosdale . who d i e d January 13th, 11)17. — Ever remembered by his b ro the r and sisters .

W K L L M A V . — I n l o v i n g memory of Stafl-Sergeant F. Wcl l iuun , H E . , acc iden t ly k i l l e d January 14th, 1016.—Never forgot ten by his w i f e and ch i l d r en .

RstUVi Th«eks. M R A N D T H E MISSES F I F E des i re t o most

s incere ly thank t h e i r innumerable f r iends for the k i n d a n d sympathe t ic l e t t e r s t h o y have n-c i ' ivt -d d u r i n g \ '...>• Is-c few days, and w h i c h t k u y UUA>«> M * * * U J i u d i v i d b s D y u i t i n s