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Fitness By Design, Free Report

Feb 21, 2017



Brett Cohen
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Introduction:I’m so glad you’re here. The country is filled with people who may NEVER get this far into a conversation about their health & fitness.

First, I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to share with you my secrets for Ageless Living. In this Free Report I’m going to share with some of the fitness and lifestyle strategies I use to maintain high levels of health and fitness after age 50. Over the past 17 years I’ve worked with dozens of mature adults, helping them improve the quality of their life with functional exercise and sound nutrition & lifestyle strategies.

I think you’re going to love what I have to share and I’m THRILLED to be able to support you by designing a highly effective exercise and lifestyle program that will help you do the things you enjoy doing, easier and better than you can possibly imagine.

My goal is to help people realize that they can do all the things they NEED to do, LIKE to do, and WANT to do for a ver long time, as long as they follow the principles and strategies outlines in this report.…

By implementing the strategies outlined in this report you will:

• Dramatically improve your health and well-being

• Be able to move better and with less discomfort

• Increase your energy levels to be able to do all the things you enjoy

• Be able to combat the typical declines that come with aging

• Live a long and functional life

Whether you live to 80, 90, or even 100, you will be prepared for the years to come.

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Why I Wrote This Report

I’m always flattered to hear from friends, family, colleagues and strangers that I don’t look my age. As I sit down to write this report I am entering my 55th year on this earth. According to the U.S Census Bureau I am a Baby Boomer. A demographic of people born post World War II (1946-1964). Most of you reading thing fall into this group as well, some may be a little older or a little younger. Either way, these strategies will serve you well.

Until I decided to write this Free Report I never created a list of the things I do that help me stay young, vibrant and strong. But now seems like as good as time as any to share my 6 Practical Strategies To Ageless Living.

Turning 50 (2011)

When I was still in my 40’s I remember being told by those over 50, “you just wait until you turn 50, you’ll see.” As if that was some magic number and the day after my birthday my body would suddenly start to fall apart.Thankfully that wasn’t the case. In fact, in many ways I’m event fitter at 55 then I was in my 20’s, 30’s, 40’s.

When I turned 50 I had a hard time believing it myself. In my mind I’m still in my 20’s, but my driver’s license says otherwise.

When I look at photos of myself from the last 10 years, sure I see some changes, but not that much. Let’s give some credit to genetics (thanks to mom & dad), but most of it is lifestyle choices. It’s the things you do, or don’t do that will have the greatest impact on how you age (or don’t). Only 25% of how long you live can be attributed to your genes, the other 75% is lifestyle. How you live your life.. the lifestyle choices you make, by-in-large, will determine how your genetic code expresses itself.

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In the summer of 2009 I attended my 30th year high school reunion (age 48 above). Those of you that have done the same, would agree that it can be a eye opening experience. Some people look great, but their numbers are few. Most look, well, not so great 30 years after high school. What separates one group from the other? Fitness and lifestyle choices. Only 25% of how long and well you live can be attributed to your genes, the other 75% is lifestyle….how you chose to live your life. The lifestyle choices you make, by-in-large, will determine how your genetic code expresses itself.

I firmly believe the reason I’ve held back Father Time so long is because I consistently apply the strategies and guidelines I am sharing with you in this report.

It isn’t magic. It’s a formula for success. The way to enjoy amazing health & fitness throughout your life, especially after age 50, is to make these strategies part of your life. It’s consistency over time that creates success. Doing some of them every now and again will not give you the results you desire. Adopting them into your lifestyle will bring you the rewards your seek. These are the strategies that have enabled me to live life energetically and pain free. No joint pain, no injuries, no surgeries. I’m confident that they’ll work for you too.

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To your health, Brett Strategy #1: Strength Training - Lifting Weights Is A Must!

When I say lift weights I mean something that’s heavy or challenging!

Strength training simply means that you’re doing something in which you’re working against resistance. If you want to be stay strong and lean into your 60’s and beyond then you must follow an intelligently designed resistance training program. This program can be done using some free weights, bodyweight exercises or combination of both.

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The fact is that between the ages of 30 and 60 the average man or women loses 15lbs of muscle. Why is muscle so important? Muscle is metabolically active tissue, fat is not. Those are the only two things you can have on your bones. Which would you rather have? More muscle or more fat?

Muscle wasting, known as Sarcopenia, literally means “poverty of the flesh” and it’s the #1 cause of weight gain, joint pain and osteoporosis in men and women over 50! And it’s totally preventable!

What’s important is that you do something, and you do it consistently (twice a week at minimum) you’ll stay strong and lean no matter how old you are!

Women and Weight TrainingSo many women are still convinced that weight training will make you big and bulky. Fitness professionals still hear these statements from women regarding their fear of weight training:• “I want to look like a man”• “I don’t want to gain weight, I want to lose weight”• “I don’t want to get ‘BIG’”• “I don’t want to get muscular”

All of the above are based on mis-information. And what is even more frustrating is that it is even passed on by fitness professionals. I found this quote from one of my colleagues just a few weeks ago.

“Light free weights not only create lean & toned muscles, they build strong bones, control weight, preserve muscle mass, reduce injury, and prevent


When misinformation like this is being spread around by someone in the industry it makes me mad! Because it’s simply not true. If the weight isn’t heavy enough to challenge you, regardless of the movement pattern you are using it in it isn’t doing you much good.

Light and Weight don’t belong in the same sentence!

This is especially if you’re a woman. You can be sure your pocketbook, grocery bags or laundry basket weighs more than those cute little dumbbells! It’s images like the one below that perpetuate this myth.

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Consistent weight training will enable you to stay strong and lean well into your 60’s, 70’s and beyond. Many of the health issues people over 50 face are directly related to loss of muscle. If you want to be at your physical best you need to strength train to prevent muscle loss.

My expert option: Perform weight training exercises a minimum of twice per week and while you’re doing it it might as well be ‘functional’. That means the exercises should help you do the things you NEED, LIKE and WANT to do easier, better and with less discomfort.

Brett’s Bottom Line: That’s my role, to teach you a function movement based approach to total body resistance training.

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Strategy #2: Huff & Puff

For more than 15 years running dominated my exercise routine. I ran more than 300 road races during that time period, including 8 marathons and more than 30 half marathons. That’s a lot of running. Now I still run BUT my running is all huff & puff or interval training.

Distance running is cardiovascular exercise but it’s completely in the aerobic energy system (it gets you breathing, but it doesn't get you out of breath).

The myth that aerobic exercise is the best way to get ‘fit’, lean and healthy still exists. But the reality is you get a lot more bang for your buck in many ways when you alternate between aerobic exercise (not out of breath) with anaerobic exercise (getting out of breath). To get out of breath we need to do intervals. Periods of harder work paired with periods of complete rest or easy work.

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The benefits of intervals training are vast.Higher intensity cardiovascular training does the following: • Increases lean muscle mass.• Increases lower body power (sprinting).• Increases metabolic rate (the rate you burn calories) long after the exercise

has stopped.• Increases ‘aerobic’ capacity faster than aerobic training alone.• Improves your hormonal profile from “catabolic” to “anabolic” (tissue

destructive to tissue building).• Takes far less time than traditional “aerobic” style cardio.• Isn’t nearly as boring!

Huff & Puff or interval training can be accomplished using the following modalities:• calisthenics• running• biking• swimming• rowing• stair climbing• jumping rope• kettlebell training• battle ropes• and more..

Brett’s Bottom Line: I incorporate this strategy into my clients programs and use it myself, which allows me to be able to maintain a body fat percentage under 9% at age 55. It works if you do it.

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A Word on WalkingAll physical activity can be beneficial of course, it’s just that some are more beneficial at preventing loss of physical capacity due to aging then others. I think walking is a terrific form of aerobic exercise. Walking is great for health and reducing stress. But it’s not a great strategy for fat loss or in the prevention of muscle loss. Walking alone won’t help you lift objects off the floor, climb a flight of stairs with your laundry basket of get up off the floor after playing with your grandchildren. Those activities require functional strength.

Walking is a great place to start for those who have been sedentary for a while. It will help you shed a few pounds if you haven’t moved in a while but it won’t be long before your weight loss progress will come to a screeching halt. WHY? It just doesn’t deliver enough metabolic stimulus to get your fat burning hormones working! The moment you stop walking your metabolism will go back to normal. Whereas with interval training your metabolism will keep burning fat for 24-48 hours after your workout!

Brett’s Bottom Line: If you want to put walking into the mix, by all means do so, just don’t make it your only form or dominant form of exercise.

Want a simple way to keep track of how much you move? Get yourself a Fitbit, Garmin Vivofit, or similar device. They track steps and sleep cycles as well. They’re inexpensive and fun to use.

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Strategy #3: Roll & Stretch

While everyone knows what stretching is (the lengthening of muscles), many of you may not be familiar with body rolling. What I mean by rolling is the use of tools such as: small balls, massage sticks or foam rollers to roll or massage the body’s muscle and fascia.

What is fascia? Essentially it’s water and protein and it surrounds your muscles and organs but also attaches body segments together. When fascia is restricted, injured or tight it limits range of motion at joints and prevents the body from moving fluidly.

So the first step to ‘improve your move’ is to roll the body’s fascial tissue to improve it’s elasticity. Rolling is then immediately followed up with stretching. It’s like a one-two punch to keep your body moving and grooving.

A 75 year old client who happens to be a golfer told me today that because of the rolling and stretching we have been doing he is now hitting the ball further and higher. He also was able to play 36 holes in one day (for the first time in 25 years) and experiences less foot pain and leg fatigue. And he’s only been doing this 6 weeks!

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Is it magic? Yes, it changes elasticity and range of motion instantly and it makes pain disappear.

Brett’s Bottom Line:When done regularly, rolling and stretching will: increase range of motion throughout the body, relieve chronic pain in the neck, back and feet and help you to live a more functional life with less pain and injury.

Strategy #4: Drink Plenty of Water

In all the years I’ve been doing this and have asked the question; “how much water a day do you drink” to a perspective client, the most common response get is; “not enough”. Well let’s define enough. I’m going to give you a very easy formula to remember. Divide your body weight in half and that’s how many ounces per day you should be drinking. E.g. You weigh 150lbs. your optimal water intake should be 75oz. (a little more than 2 liters).

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Brett’s Bottom Line: When I say water, I mean the clear stuff, NOT: coffee, tea, soda, etc. Water is water.

Benefits of water:

• Research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

• Drinking 6 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%; plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.

• One glass of water can shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study.

• Since your brain is 75-85% water even MILD dehydration can by a trigger of daytime fatigue. And a mere 2% drop in body water can trigger short-term memory and cause difficulty focusing on the computer screen or written page.

• Proper hydration helps to normalize cortisol levels (the body’s stress hormone).

• Proper hydration improves digestion and elimination. • Water carries nutrients and oxygen to your cells and regulates body

temperature.• Water keeps you feeling full. Often times the sensation of hunger is truly

thirst. • Water keeps your skin looking younger.

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Strategy #5: Eat Organic (whenever possible)6

What does it mean to eat organic and why is it so important?Most people think that organic simply means that the food (typically fruits, vegetables and grains) were not sprayed with chemical pesticides, fungicides and herbicides. But that’s only part of it.

Those chemical pesticides, fungicides and herbicides are fat soluble and when ingested are shuttled off to fat stores in the body. The more toxins you ingest the more fat stores the body will produce. Why? Fat insulates toxins (chemicals, medical drugs, excess estrogen, etc) from the nervous system and from the organs and the glands.

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But to be organic means much more than that. Organic food requires organic soil. That means the soil was not fertilized with chemicals but by nature. The most common fertilizers used for commercial farming are derived from salts. Salt kills earthworms which reduce bird traffic by up to 60%.

What makes earthworms so important? Earthworms are a vital part of the closed cycle as they:• Consume decaying matter throughout the soil, leaving behind enriched

castings as organic fertilizer for the micro-organisms. • Tunnel and dig, allowing air and water to go deeper into the soil.• The tunnels also allow grass roots to extend deeper into the soil as they tend

to follow the nutrition rich worm tunnels.• Worms are food for birds as you know. Without worms the birds begin to

migrate elsewhere, disturbing the entire ecosystem.

Bird poops The poop from birds feed the worms and becomes part of the organic matter present in the soil. Micro-organisms digest them, making them into complex minerals, so making them available to the plants.

Commercially farmed fields have an 85% reduction in micro-organisms compared to organic soil fields. That means an 85% of the vitamins and minerals in the plants that are grown there are missing from the plant.

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The Closed Organic Cycle, aka The Wheel of Life:The Wheel of Life is the recognition of the VITAL relationship between soil health and nutrition and the health of plants, animals and man.

Plants and the animals that eat them (including man) can only be as healthy as the humus/soil they come from. So soil is the foundation, literally of all that lives. To be a healthy human requires eating healthy plans and healthy animals.

Most of us eat far too much ‘manufactured’ foods. But our bodies are designed to be fed “real food”, not food engineered in a laboratory. Food that is grown in soils that are alive. This is the food that tastes good, fortifies our cells and supplies our minds and bodies with energy. If you are sick and tired all the time your body is lacking in the nutritional foundation to support and resist the stresses of life.

We continue to invest billions and billions in cancer research yet the rate of cancer has steadily going up in the past century.

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• In 1900 the risk of cancer was 1 person in 30• In 1980 the risk of cancer was 1 person in 5• In 1990 the risk of cancer was 1 person in 4• In 1995 the risk of cancer was 1 person in 3• In 2000 the risk of cancer was 1 person in 2*Ref: Deepak Chopra, M.D. Michael Murray, M.D. and the Metagenics Corp.

When we rely solely on fast or convenience foods, we are setting ourselves up to be fat and sick. These foods cause inflammation in the body and inflammation is the precursor to most serious illnesses, aches, pains chronic disease conditions and premature breakdown of the body that can diminish our quality of life in our later years.

Sometimes I’ll hear people say that organic food is too expensive. I’ve got news for you, being sick, going to doctors all the time and taking meds if far more expensive, and not nearly as tasty.

Our bodies are designed to eat real food. Food that’s grown on organic soil. (That’s the food that tastes good, and fortifies our cells, organs, muscles, ligaments and tendons with the nutrition it needs to repair itself).

Good nutrition is what we have to do to make everything else work. When you eat correctly you can dramatically avoid the “this for that approach” to treating symptoms with drugs that is so prevalent in the Western allopathic medicine model.

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When you eat right you have the optimal opportunity to express your genetic strengths and when you don’t eat right your body will express it’s genetic weaknesses.

Brett’s Bottom Line: To be a healthy human - Eat high quality organic foods.

Strategy #6: Go to Bed Early

When I was a teenager all I wanted to do was “grow up” so I could stay up later. Now I find myself going to bed the same time I did when I was in Jr. High School! We live in a sleep deprived society. When I ask a client how they feel at the start of a the most common response I get is, “I’m tired” or “exhausted”.

Most of you don’t sleep nearly enough. The recommended amount of sleep is 7 - 9 hours/day. But it’s more than how long you sleep, it’s also about when you sleep.

We are far too attached to our cell phones, tables, computers and televisions. All these devices are high in electromagnetic energy and produce artificial light that stimulates cortisol, our bodies awakening hormone. That light is being interpreted by our brains as a sign to wake up, not sleep.

The problem is our physiology is the same as our ancient ancestors who lived by the natural rhythms of the sun, moon and seasons. So when we buck nature and stay up past 10 p.m we run into all sorts of problems.

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Our physical repair cycle is from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. and our physiological repair cycle is from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. If you continually miss these essential repair periods your body will not completely recover from physical and emotional stress. This eventually leads to a depressed immune system, chronic fatigue and illness.

3 quick bedtime tips:1. Stick to a schedule: Your body doesn’t understand the difference between

Tuesday night and Saturday night. Aim for a consistent bedtime every night.2. Sleep in complete darkness: Any light in the room with penetrate your eye

lids and stimulate your brain to wake you up. Watching T.V. in the room to fall asleep to is a no, no.

3. Avoid alcohol and desserts before bedtime: They will spike your blood sugar levels and have you waking up in the middle of the night.

Brett’s Bottom Line: You need quality sleep to maintain a happy, healthy body.

In Closing:Thanks again for downloading this Free Report. As we age, we need to move more in order to be as fit and functional as possible. Exercise should support the things you are really passionate about doing… for the rest of your life. My Fitness Over 50 program can equip you to live life at full strength, even if you haven’t exercised in years.

Who Is “Fitness Over 50” For?Anyone over 50 who desires to feel better, move better and look better and would like some help getting there.

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P.S. See what others are saying about the results they have been getting on the Fitness Over 50 program.

Real People - Real Results

“At age 78 I wanted to reach my fitness limits so I could bring my golf game back to where it was 10 years ago. After 3 months of training I have already begun to ‘shoot’ my age. I shot a 75, 77 and 78 twice. This has been my goal going back 2 years!” ~ Hank

“I been training with Brett in 2005 after completing physical therapy for a torn rotator cuff and arthritis in the knees.. Under Brett’s care I have complete range of motion in my shoulder and at the age of 76, I’m in the best physical condition of my life.” ~ Diane

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To book your FREE consultation call: (917) 596-8485 or email me: [email protected]

“All of the knowledge in the world-even when coupled with the best intentions doesn’t help you get healthier and happier. You need to take action…now. Even if you only commit to doing one thing in this document it is better than doing nothing.You can improve physically at any age, and you can start today. It’s just a decision you have to make.” - Brett Cohen

By Brett Cohen• Certified Functional Aging Fitness Specialist• Certified Senior Fitness Specialist• Certified Golf Fitness Instructor• Certified Personal Trainer• Certified Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach• Bachelor of Science in Education• Boomer

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Image Credits:Father Time: www.clipartbest.comKettlebell Boomer: www.agelessbodyblog.comSenior Woman Deadlifting: Man Deadlifting: www.centralmaine.comOlder woman doing dumbbell curl: www.huffingtonpost.comApple Shapes: www.webmd.comBoomer Male on Elliptical Machine: www.livestrong.comLean Boomer Couple: www.davinciplastic.comMen Walking: www.prevention.comFitbit: Vivofit: www.matchup.ioBoomer Female Foam Rolling: www.businessofpt.comBoomer Couple Stretching: www.corde.lvSenior Male Drinking water: www.123f.comBoomer woman drinking water: www.sheknows.comFiji Water Bottle: Skin: www.myfabfitforties.comThink organic: www.pinterest.comEarth worm in organic soil: www.growweedeas.comBird eating worms: www.wilkepedia.comOrganic carrot: www.modernfarmer.comOrganic Closed Cycle: www.paulchekblog.comSick and Tired: www.justpo.stPills: at 10: www.fakingnews.firstpost.comSenior women sleeping: