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The Google Back Door by Harvey Perl Copyright © 2011 – All rights reserved Worldwide Disclaimer: The author has made every effort to show his exact techniques for getting the results he got. There is no guarantee
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The Google Back Door

by Harvey Perl

Copyright © 2011 – All rights reserved Worldwide

Disclaimer: The author has made every effort to show his exact techniques for getting the results he got. There is no guarantee

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you will achieve similar results. This information is presented for educational and informational purposes and the author assumes no liability for the use of this information.

Welcome to The Google Back Door!

Okay, so you got here and firstly let me congratulate you on getting here, a lot of people don’t even manage that, they don’t take what it has to learn every new tip that’s out there which could bring them a step closer to become successful online, but not you.

Before I start showing you my method, I would like to tell you a bit about myself. Don’t worry I wont make it long it’s just that you will appreciate this report when you understand were I’m coming from.

My name is Harvey Perl and you’ve probably never heard about me and the reason is simple. I’m no guru or super magic formula guy which claims to be making hundreds of thousands or maybe even millions of dollars on the Internet. No I’m an ordinary guy who’s stumbled across a system that’s proven to me to make money on the Internet.

I’ve been doing affiliate marketing for close to 10 years now and I’m extremely embarrassed to say that basically up until November 2010 my Clickbank account was basically dry except for some £70 from some one off sales, as you can see in the screen shots below and on the sales page.

The point I’m trying to make is that I’ve been floating around from one method to the other for close to ten years with nothing much to show for it....

UNTIL I came across this method back in November 2010 and after having implemented this very easy to do method which

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your about to discover. I’ve made close to £1,400.00 and that in a period of under 6 months.

I’ve made more than the last 10 years.

The point is this method works and will work for a very long time to come.

Okay I can hear you say what the heck is it.

It’s Goggle News

If you’re new to this and do not know what Google News is let me explain.

Look at the following screen shot...

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You can get on page 1 of Google by either having a Google News site or using somebody’s else’s (which ill get into that later on).

Google loves Google News sites and gives them very high ranking preference.

You can be there for a few minutes or for a few hours or even fore a few days it all depends on how many other Google News sites are competing with you.

Since the way it works is you write a News post about a certain topic, so if another News site writes another post about the same topic he’ll knock you out and the way you knock him back out is, yes, by writing another post and so on.

But the beauty is that with a half hours work you literally can get on page 1 of Google which to me in incredible.

Take a look at the following screen shot.I did a promotion for a recent Internet Marketing product and doing 20-30 minutes of work gave me the following result.

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Now you find me anywhere something which can get me such results in a matter of doing 20-30 minutes work??


I’ve bought a ton of WSO in the past and still continue (addiction, pure addictions, tell me about it!) And I’ve hardly seen anybody talk about this method .


Well there could be a number of reasons.

For one, maybe those who are doing it are scared of competition, which I’m definitely not. Besides that I’m a very open guy and believe that if there is something out there that works everyone should get a chance to know about it.

Secondly, maybe they think that in order to succeed with Google News you have to have a Google News Site. Which is total rubbish.

Of course if one owns a Google News site one has a hell of a good chance to make a lot of money.

I know one Google News site owner that I once contacted him asking if he was interested in selling his Google News Website and he told me that he makes an average of $5000 a month from this website alone so he wanted 10 times the amount for it which would be $50000.

So yes if you have a Google News Site you can make a lot of money if you know how it works.


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Even if you don’t own one like me at the time of this writing you can still make use of Google News Sites.

As we will be going through this method you will see that I don’t own a Google News site. I simply pay a fixed fee like $50 a month and I can post 30 posts a month which works out like 1 a day or so.

Anyway I'll be going into more detail later on in this report on how one can use this method even without owning a Google News site.

So with those issues out of the way

Lets begin.

Okay, so before I start I want to make something very clear.

I’m going to show you in this report a Step By Step METHOD which will get you on page 1 on Google 99% of the time (once or twice it didn't work but more on that later on).

I’m not here to promise you or guarantee you an amount of money you will make as that totally depends on every individual, as I’m sure you understand, and on how much action one takes plus a couple of different aspects which we'll discuss as we go along.

Plus, you can see that I’ve made in just over 6 months close to $1400, which for some is nothing while for me it was and still is a great deal. So I’m not going to promise amounts here since everyone has different dreams of what amount will make them tick.

However, without taking ACTION following A PROVEN STEP BY STEP METHOD not a cent will be made.

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Having said that, this METHOD does work and I’m here to show you the METHOD that works not any promise of a amount of money.

Okay so I’m going to outline the method in short first and then we'll go over step by step followed by screen capture images along the way.

I first choose a market which I’m going to target then I find an affiliate offer to promote in that market.

Afterwards I get a post written either by myself or I get it outsourced ( more on that later) get a good looking image to go with my post, post it and BOOM wait around 15-20 minutes after having posted my post and I’m on page 1 on!

Just like this promotion that I recently did!

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That’s the basic method in a nutshell. Now well go over every step in detail.

The Details...

As you saw in the previous screen shot that I was promoting Launch Jacking and I managed to get to position no 4. I’m going to show you the whole campaign, what I did step by step together with screen capture images, to accomplish this result.

Like I said the first step is choosing a niche.

Now, when it comes to niche selection, basically any niche is possible to target , well, almost any . The reason I say this is that I’ve tried a couple of times to target the private jet charter market by promoting onesky (they are a major chartering company, for those of you who are interested ).

And I tried to target keywords like private jet charter which does not have so much competition but was unable to get onto page 1. I even still today don’t know why, so that’s why I say almost any niche will work.

Obviously, one has to choose the right keywords and we'll get into that later.

For now we're talking about market selection, so I tend lately to target the Internet marketing market place simply since there are so many new products coming out every day (sick isn’t it).

This way, I wont run out of products of what to promote and secondly most of them go through Clickbank and I LOVE Clickbank.

I once was promoting a high ticket product in the Internet Marketing field and the course was going for $2000 and affiliates were making 50% commission so that gives you $1000

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a sale. I managed to make a couple of sales (with this method) but I had to wait like 60 days until they even thought of sending you a cheque out, since that was the refund period.

So I was waiting and waiting and WAITING and no cheque arrived . I did not want to email this guy as I would sound like a fool or newbie or some idiot who is begging for a couple of grand, anyway to cut a long story short I did email him in the end and they told me to wait still a bit longer, but still no cheque.

In the end I got a email from this affiliate manager that the cheque came back to them!! Very strange since Clickbank manages to find me?? Anyway he paypaled me the money but here is there best part, he made ME pay around $40 for the pay pal transaction!! So I got around $960 but it still was a nice amount but the point I’m trying to make is that with Clickbank I’ve been getting my cheques every 2 weeks by postal mail and its smooth sailing so I like to stick with Clickbank.

Having said all that, sometimes one would like to try to promote higher ticket items than what’s generally available on Clickbank.

Most of Clickbank products are between $50 - $100 on the front end so the commissions are less, so some people go with the theory that’s its easier to find 2 people buying a high ticket item than lets say 20 people buying a low ticket item.

On the other hand I personally think that people will quicker part with $47 than lets say $497 or more. So it’s a matter of personal choice of what kind of offers you want to promote.

So, sorry for going a bit off the point but I wanted to clarify that a bit.

I generally target the Internet marketing area, so for this project I am going to choose to promote a recent product which is called

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Launch Jacking .

In the following screen shot you can see that at the moment on page 1 of Google there is no News link rankings at the moment, which is another point I want to mention. I try to choose a product or niche that does not have already a News post on page 1 since it makes it easier for you to rank since there is no competition.

Obviously you can still do this method when there are already News posts, but, it will make it harder for you to get ranked.

Since there is already a News post and maybe the other guys News website has higher ranking then yours, you will not be able to knock him out.

For instance, I'll never be able to outdo Reuters or CNN or any other major News site because these are the big boys. The same goes with smaller News sites.

There are sites which rank better than others be it the way its built or they get more traffic or whatever, so that’s why I try to target products or markets that don’t have any News posts already at the moment I want to post.

If you went against these, then you’ll have to go into a war game so to speak. Each one will try to knock out the other one which could be done - - but that means each time you’ll have to write a new post which means new content, so that could be a pain.

I remember I was trying to promote a big product and suddenly on launch day I saw a whole bunch of News-sites competing with each other. You can get in there by writing a post but your competition will knock you out by writing a new post and so on backwards and forwards.

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I managed to get in there for I think 30 minutes, but it was not a very successful campaign. So that’s why I try to stay away from the big launches since I’m not the only one out there doing this.

Having said that I'll still try here and there to post when a new product comes out since that’s when all the buzz is around that product, but generally I wait a couple of days to cool down and then I promote it.

So back to my campaign, as you can see on page 1 of Google there is no News posts and you certainly cant find me there at the moment.

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so you see I’m not anywhere on page 1 .

As you can see there was a post made recently for this product.

This was in the News tab.

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So now what I'll do is log in to my back end of my News site.

Before I continue, I want to talk about the need of having ones own News site.

I already mentioned earlier on that at the time of this writing I don’t own yet a Google News site - I rent someone else’s.

What I mean is that I pay someone who has a News site a fixed fee and I can post a post on his site, basically use his site.

Now I initially had a deal with this site owner that I'll pay him $50 per month for 30 posts, which works out about one a day.

Which by the way was a very good deal then, you might find different deals as every site owner has different rules. You can even go on Google and search for owners who will let you post for free but they have their rules which sometimes could be a pain. But for those who don’t have any start up its worth a try.

I found this owner on the Warrior Forum and the good news is that he has reconstructed his deal and now offers an INSANE deal for $10 a month you can post I think up to TEN A DAY!!

Which is an amazing deal so if you have such an asset its basically like having your own News site. I don’t think anyone can post more the ten daily anyway.

If this is the case, I would be more lenient in promoting a new product on launch day ( as opposed to what I said earlier) as I’m not only limited for one a day. If I get knocked out, I can simply write a new post and knock him out I as have 10 chances!!

Here is the link to this amazing offer ( and I don’t get any commission out of it - read my post there and you’ll understand)

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So getting back to it...

I log in to the word press News site .

and as you can see I’ve circled it in red the name of the News site Empowered News.

Here you can see my recent posts.

I then click Add New.

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and this screen will appear...

Here is were I add my new post.

Now as you can see there are a few fields one has to fill out or tick when adding a new post and ill cover them each one as we go along. So don’t worry - by the time you’re finished reading this guide you’ll be a pro at this .

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The most important thing here is basically the content or post or whatever you want to call it. Just don’t call it Article because that’s what its definitely NOT.

Let me explain a bit.

I’m not here to teach you how to write a Press Release as I told you earlier - I’m here to show you a method. If you want to know how to write a Press Release just Google it or I’m sure you’ll find some good products in the Warrior Special Offer section of the Warrior Forum.

I do have to tell you some very basic guidelines when submitting a post or your post will never get accepted by Google.

We are discussing here all about Google News so its quite obvious that when it comes to using Google News we have to write a post about something that’s News, something that has recently happened. Now this could be in any niche or topic but it has to sound Newsy especially in the Title or headline of the post.

So for instance if I write a headline like “ Launch jacking is now available” it wont sound as Newsy if I would write a headline like “Latest new Internet marketing course Launch Jacking has just been released”

Get it??

The headline has to sound Newsy so by just adding sometimes the words Latest or New Or Hottest works great.

Now as for the content itself.

We are writing a News post so please remember that. Don’t, I repeat DO NOT write like you would write a article in ezine

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articles - a review or something like that, promoting a product. That would not sell on Google News.

DO NOT promote or review a specific product or you’ll get denies.

Rather write something Newsy with regarding work at home or Internet marketing and try and give some quality content.

And then you could slip in a line in the middle or at the end about this new product which has just came out and create a link to your offer.

But don’t over promote.

I know you will find News sites who do only just that, but eventually they’ll get kicked out of Google News or they wont rank as good.

Bottom line is don’t write crap since your site owner will get on your back. Don’t think once you’re on page 1 of Google the money is rolling in - people have to still click on your listing and then click on your link in your post. The only way they will get to that link is by reading, so it has to be interesting to get the person to read.

In the beginning it might take you some time to get used to writing differently then your were used to writing until now, but you’ll get the hang of it pretty quickly.

So either I write it myself or I go over to fiverr and get someone to write me a PRESS RELEASE not a article or review, for $5, which if you think of it is a very small investment for getting on page 1 of Google and getting traffic and sales.

Below you can see I have all the content plus the title already ready.

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and of course my affiliate link which I get over at, an amazing place which lets you create a shortened URL, PLUS keeps track of how many clicks that link gets, an extremely valuable feature.

Next I tick the box on the right were it says Press release ( very important

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Next, we go and fill in the title which my owner says can be up to 14 words so I stick to that.

With regards to whether to capitalise every word in the title, I really don’t know what to tell you about this one.

My site owner claims very strongly not to do it and has gotten back to me when he’s seen that once or twice I have, so since he’s the boss I stick to his rules.

However other people have mentioned to me that its important to capitalise, so I don’t know which way, I suppose you could have a look at other posts from the big boys and see how they do it. Product names and names of people is allowed to be capitalised and in fact should be.

Okay so now we stick in the title here.

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Now the title is VERY, VERY important for the following reason.

You are going to rank for certain keywords, be it a name of a person, a product name or any keyword you fancy (generally I target keywords which get between 50,000-70,000 searches globally, broad match, since the higher keywords will be sometimes harder to get ranked for but heck 50,000 per month is plenty, those are my personal targets, feel free to play around.)

So when it comes to the keywords were do you think you’re going to put hem??

In the TITLE.

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In the title PLUS in the first paragraph of your post!!

So that’s why its very important to word your title carefully. Those are the words you’ll get ranked for -- plus that’s what the people will see at first glance and will decide if its appealing enough for them to click on your post to read more of what you have to say.

Now as you can see I put the product name Launch Jacking in the title.

But... I did another little sneaky trick.

I added in the title the words “The Rich Jerk”, very hot keywords as you can see below how many searches the words “rich jerk” gets monthly.

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22,000 monthly searches! Not bad. So you see I was trying to target those keywords as well.

Now below you’ll see Google page one for the keywords of Rich Jerk:

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and I’m no were to be found (yet). Next - I go ahead and enter my actual post/content whatever you want to call it ( not article!), as you can see below.

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Make sure the Visual tab is selected as you can see I underlined it.

In the following screen shot, I want you to notice were I put the keywords which I’m targeting in the title, were I put them in the content, like I mentioned earlier.

as you can see all in the first paragraph (very Important).

Next were going yo create our link in the content but first I quickly want to show you what I said earlier regarding

So I grab my affiliate link.

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and head over to

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insert your affiliate link in the light blue box as shown above.

And once you paste it in there it will automatically produced a shortened track- able link that you insert in your post.

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and you click copy, and paste it in your hyper link which we'll soon create.

okay, now we head back over to our post and select the words were we want to create our hyphen link.

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Again, every owner might have different rules. My owner only allows 2 or 3 links per post but not in the first paragraph.

So we select the text the click the button above as you see here:

and this little box opens up:

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insert your bitly link or your original affiliate link, if you prefer not to use bitly. I usually tick on, open as new window, but that's my own preference. And click Insert button as circled above.

I repeat this procedure with another one or 2 links

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Next I add in some tags.

These are like keywords that you’re trying to get ranked, keep it low but targeted, rather then pouring in a bunch of keywords but they aren’t as targeted.

you just enter the keyword and hit add.

Now comes the BIG MAMA of the post.

Can you guess it?? (This is the “secret sauce” when it comes to actually getting SALES)


You have to realise that's the whole beauty of Google News. You have the ability to stand out from all the other listings on page one . How?? Through the image!.

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People will see the image they’ll automatically get drawn to it and they’ll read your title and if it appeals to them they’ll click on your post and continue reading, but what got them there in the first place??

The Image!

I think you get the point.

Get a great image.

Now when it comes to promoting product launches of new products I generally try and get images from that product launch.

My personal opinion is that people like realistic images rather then fake ones - - like dollar bills spilling out of your computer screen or anything like that.

I personally like realistic images, like you see the person who is bringing out the product giving a short video about the launch and so on it just looks more realistic. You can find images which are on the sales page of the product, when you type in the product name in Google and hit images on the left hand side.

Like this.

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As you can see - this image really is what I like , the 2 gurus who are bringing out this product sitting over a drink chatting, very cool and realistic. I choose that image.

Now remember it has to be JPEG and 350x350 pixels to fit in nicely . This is the size my owner gave me so that’s what I’m telling you - feel free to try something different.

Once you select a image YOU HAVE TO FIRST SAVE IT ONTO YOUR COMPUTER FIRST and once you save it you can play around to get it the size you need it to be.

So you click on the image you want. Then your right click and select save image as.

then you open your picture editor to try and resize it like this.

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remember it has to be JPEG and when you change the size select pixels like I show above.

Now I head over back to my post and right click the text in the title and select “select all”

Which will select all the text in the title.

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once all the text in the title is selected right click again and select copy.

As you can see below.

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next, you click on the link on the right hand side were it says insert featured image. Like this.

and then this box appears.

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so here you hit on browse first, to find your image which you have saved before onto your computer and once you’ve found the image you hit the upload button.

Hopefully this is what you’ll see.

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As you can see, this great image what I chose did not fit right and it looks like the sizes did not work out well, a shame since I really liked the image, maybe it was too wide.

So as you see I’m doing all this in real time taking screen shots literally step by step as I go along so what we'll do now is go back and find a new image that will look better then this one.

So lets go back to Google images and have a look.

As you can see, I’ve circled another good realistic looking image which in fact a thumbnail of a video which is on the sales page.

What I like about this image is, firstly it looks realistic, you know, the product owner himself is here and he looks human.

Secondly what I like is that it has the play button in the centre, so when people will see this beside my listing they’ll think its a

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video so they’ll click on it or they’ll get quicker attracted to my listing and click on my listing to get yo my post.

So I save this image and try and resize it again like before.

After resizing it and hitting the add featured image button like you saw before, I browse for the image and then hit the upload button and this is what you’ll get...

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so as you see this fits perfectly.

Now, pay attention as to what you have to select and fill in here.

First, if you remember, we have copied the text of the title, so were it says title you simply paste the title text.

Alternate text I usually leave empty. The caption is very important since that will show underneath your image in your post so I usually again paste in the title text.

For “link”, I select none, as my owner does not allow links in the images. Again your owner might say different.

Alignment-, always select left and always select Thumbnail.

Then you hit “use as featured image” and AFTERWARDS, when it says done, you can hit insert into post.

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Now this is the way I do it as these are the rules and guidelines my site owner has given me. Maybe you’ll come across someone who has different rules, play it along the rules your site owner gives you and don’t try to outsmart him or he’ll kick you out.

Okay, once you click on insert into post it should look something like this.

Now go over everything and make sure everything looks good. Make sure the grammar is correct (very important) and of course make sure there are no misspellings.

Make sure the links are in place and everything is working, you can even do a preview of what your post will look like once its published and if everything is okay you’re ready to hit the publish button.


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Once you hit the publish button its all over.

You can't change anything, so make sure that everything is okay before you hit the publish button.

If you have to get a new image or want to rewrite something, don’t worry, you can save it as a draft and you can come back to it later and edit everything, as long as you have not yet hit the publish button.

The reason why I’m hammering this into you is once I was in a hurry to get a post published. I quickly set up my post and hit the publish button only to realise - literally seconds after hitting the publish button- that I forgot to ad my affiliate links in the post, Ha! HA!

That’s a good one, yes, we all learn from our mistakes, so make sure that before you hit the publish button give a one last check over .

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Okay, so we hit the publish button, and were taken back to this screen

as you can see our post was published 1 min ago.

That's it. Now watch this...

9 minutes later

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ON PAGE 1 OF Google!!

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So, I hope you can see by now the beauty of this method and feel my excitement every time I hit the publish button and wait 10-20 minutes and find myself on page 1 of Google.

While all the other guys have spent days and months getting their sites up on page 1.

It used to be more difficult for me in the beginning since I was only allowed to post one a day, but now with this amazing offer from this great guy who is my site owner there really is no excuse why you cant make a fortune with this method.

Think about it - you can make 10 posts a day, in different niches, for different affiliate products!!

And by the way I only showed you this method with clickbank products since at the moment that’s what I’m doing.

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But hey, have you thought about CPA, or promoting Amazon products or ebay. Its limitless the opportunities are endless.

I just wanted to finish off with one more screen shot that I took 12 HOURS LATER


That means I was on page 1 for at least 12 hours!

With a half hours work!

I hope you enjoyed this guide. I hope you enjoyed all the screen shots as I think people learn better visually than reading only words.

I sure did enjoy sharing this method and I’m not afraid of competition since the Internet is a bottomless pit.

So I wish you all success and if you have any questions regarding this method feel free to email me at

[email protected]

Harvey Perl

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As I've decided to add as a bonus to this PDF, a VIDEO WALKTHROUGH of everything that you’ve read above, as I was debating to either offer it as a upsell or as a separate WSO altogether, but then I thought to myself that I always marvel at the guys who over deliver, so I threw it in as a bonus for you.

I would really like to hear your reviews/comments and of course your success stories so please be so kind and let me know either by email or by leaving a comment on the WSO thread.

Thanks once again , and God bless you.

[email protected]

Harvey Perl

**UPDATE JUNE 2011**

Okay, there are a couple of points which I want to update you on since I brought out this guide.

You’ve seen which news site I use and I even sent you to a special offer that he’s made. So you can see that I’m not withholding any thing back from you.

So saying that, I have to be honest and tell you that since I last brought out this guide I have tried posting as before on this guys website.

Lately, I have had very bad results or should I say no results at all.

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I mean I do get ranked in Google News as before but when it comes to Google Web I don’t get the same results like I used to.

Now as we all know Google... I think this has to do with their panda (or what ever animal you want to call it, ) update, and I’ve contacted the site owner on a number of times and he has absolutely no idea why this is happening.

He was quite upset as well since I was one of his main writers , which I was going to stop being as I wasn’t seeing the desired results.

So, I’m back to square one, since I don’t yet own a google news site myself.

So there are a couple of methods which I'll be laying out in the following pages which will focus mainly on how to find new website owners like my old one, and try and get on their sites for a fee or free. Plus, I'll be going into using press release sites to get on google.

So lets get right into it:

Okay, so first well be looking for websites which we can post onto.

Now one way, and this is actually how I found my first site, was .. Yes - you guessed it... On The Warrior Forum.

What I did was I went to the homepage of the warrior forum and clicked the search button as you can see below:

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(please note, you have to logged in to be able to use this feature)

I then clicked on the advanced search option

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and then in the following screen I put in the keywords field, thekeywords “Google News”.

You can play around with different keywords doing different searches, but I like to keep things simple and that’s what were looking for.

Afterwards I select “search titles in threads only” quite simply that if I select “entire posts” well, I'll get back hundreds of searches which are not relevant at all since it will search for the words google news in all posts which could add up in the hundreds and be unrelated.

That’s why I select the one with titles in threads only which basically will bring more relevant results.

Take a look at the screen shot below.

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plus I select in the search forum box “Search all open forums” because you’ll get different people will post their offers in different places.

Some might put them in the WSO section and some might put them in the Warrior products and services section etc..

I then hit the search button.

So, I get the following results as you can see in the screen shotbelow...

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Now as you can see I got back around 7 pages of results, not bad.

So all I do now is basically go through the results and see if I find anything interesting, as you can see not all the results will be relevant.

As I scroll down the results I pick on something that might lookinteresting, and somthing you should be aware of is that a lot of these results might not be actually live when we see them as some of them are quite old.

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Okay so that was my first and favourite method of finding news site owners, by searching on the Warrior Forum.

I want to just add for you another cool resource were I’ve seen in the past news sites owners offering to allow people to write on their news sites and even for free.

Its E. Brian Rose's “The google red carpet”

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Now I don’t want to get too carried away with telling you what an amazing site this is. Basically this is THE BIBLE for building oneself a Google news site. I believe its for free now- however I might be mistaken.

Ben Shaffer gave out a similar course called Auto Cashmethod which I personally like better then this one since Ben's is a very structured course mainly on video tutorials and the layout on his website site very straight forward and clear.

I still believe that there is more content on this website as its huge and has so many modules and steps as you can see. But somehow the layout doesn’t sit well with me.

Anyway, one of the best things about this site here is the VIP forum.

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So click ion that link and you’ll be taken to a very sophisticated forum with all subjects relating to google news.

And I have seen in there in the past that people are looking for other people to post on there news sites even for FREE since they can't be bothered to write them themselves.

Next on the list is Web wire.

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Now this is slightly different to what I've been saying till now.

Up till now we were looking for site owners who will either charge you a fixed fee to be able to post on their sites and maybe even for free.

Now we will be looking at how one can use Press Release Distribution services.

What that means is that you have to write the press release (which is the same as writing a post in Google news) and then you pay them a one time fee per press release and they distribute among most major news sites. Including Google News.

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Now I honestly cant say how effective they work as I've not really used them much since I've found my first news site owner right away on The Warrior forum so I stayed at that.

However lots of people use press releases distribution sites and you can just type that into google and you’ll get back millions of results to choose from.

Now web wire does charge $19 for one submission and that is one of the cheap ones so shop around first if you’re taking this path.

Okay, so that was my quick little update which I wanted to add to this book at the moment.

Remember the METHOD still works, so go out and find that news site owner and lets drain google.


Harvey Perl

P.S. I've also added a new video on the download page.