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Chapter 01 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview In previous years, due to reduction in natural resources for generating energy, energy efficient technologies have taken a great importance internationally. Especially illumination sources which are used on very high scale. Street lights are one of them. Street light system uses many technologies, now a day’s HID lamps are used most. Whereas power consumed by HID lamps is very large and also they release CO 2 on a great scale thus effecting the environment and also affecting the national power supply system. But on other hand LED’s system consume less power and their life time is also more than HID lamps. LED’s system is becoming now a most popular and economical source due to its less power consumption and large life time. This technique also has dominated other techniques and technologies due to its advantages. 1.2 Statement of Problem Now a day’s mostly street lights works on light intensity, they are switched ON when intensity of light is decreased to some critical value and switched OFF when intensity of light is above 14

Final Pro Thesis 2.docx

Dec 14, 2015



Bilal Shabbir
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Chapter 01


1.1 Overview

In previous years, due to reduction in natural resources for generating energy, energy efficient

technologies have taken a great importance internationally. Especially illumination sources

which are used on very high scale. Street lights are one of them. Street light system uses many

technologies, now a day’s HID lamps are used most. Whereas power consumed by HID lamps is

very large and also they release CO2 on a great scale thus effecting the environment and also

affecting the national power supply system. But on other hand LED’s system consume less

power and their life time is also more than HID lamps. LED’s system is becoming now a most

popular and economical source due to its less power consumption and large life time. This

technique also has dominated other techniques and technologies due to its advantages.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Now a day’s mostly street lights works on light intensity, they are switched ON when intensity

of light is decreased to some critical value and switched OFF when intensity of light is above

some critical value. This is the working of streets lights normally used now a day. In our project

we have used some techniques to reduce power consumed by street lights thus making the street

light system less dependent on national grid and also we have make it most economical street

light system. We have used brightness adjustment system which also helps in decreasing the

power consumed. Two points are the core of this project first LED’s technology and second

brightness adjustment control. We have chosen LED’s panel because they have less power

consumption and their life time is very large as compared to other illumination technologies. Our

project working is that when in the evening light intensity becomes less than the critical value

then lights are switch ON and after mid night they automatically switched OFF based on real

clock value. After mid night it works on vehicle and human movement sensed by sensors


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installed at each pole of light. Lights will be ON in that region through where vehicle is moving.

These lighted poles will move with the vehicles means that poles above the vehicle remain ON

and previous poles will be OFF and next 5-6 poles will be ON. These cycles continues with the

vehicle. This also helps in reduction of power usage. Also we can make the street lights

independent of national grid by using solar panels on each pole. Installation cost of such system

increases but as they will be independent from national grid and uses their own power so their

installation cost will be recovered and they will become profitable. Also we can make them more

reliable by using wireless control system that will detect a fault and send error report to based

station so we will easily know the type of fault and on which pole so maintenance can be easily

done without manually checking each tower devices on daily bases to run the streets lights

perfect. This project can be enhanced to further stages such as solar panels installation and

control system installation. This all system will lead us to independent street lighting system that

will be economical more efficient and self-fault detection system will help in maintenance.

1.3 Purpose of Project

LED technology has a disadvantage that they have higher prices which are compensated by lack

of wiring. They require low maintenance due to their life timing and reliability. The most

important advantage is their less power consumption therefore they are becoming the most

efficient technology. LED Street light is now becoming the fundamental answer to improve our

life style and it also improves the structure and facilities in our society in a most economical

way. The LED system can save up to 75% electricity and their light quality is very good. As

HID lamps they don’t have any harmful atmospheric emissions thus don’t pollute the

environment. In HID lamps intensity of light remains constant at some power and it can’t be

change by changing the power whereas LED’s technology based system intensity can be halved

by reducing power to half value of full intensity power value. This is its advantage we have used

in our project that is we have used different brightness for vehicle and human.

1.3.1 Automatic Brightness Adjustment

Usually street lights are switched ON at evening when some light detecting device gives a signal

and switch OFF when device give signal at the morning. Intensity of light range is fixed in the


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device above and below of that value causes the light to ON or OFF. Also streets lights are

remained ON for whole night when they are no traffic on the road. This is not economical to ON

streets light for whole night. To overcome this we have used sensed lighting system which works

on movement of human and vehicle. Traffic on the roads remains high before mid-night so lights

are kept ON for mid night and after mid night traffic on the road decreases so lights are switched

OFF, now sensor starts its work and switches the light on the base of vehicle or human

movement. As LED has a property to decrease its intensity when power delivered to it is

decreased. By using this property of LED’s we have developed such a system that increases or

decreases its brightness linked with vehicle or human movement. As vehicles required high

intensity of light so for them high intensity value is set and for human it is set to low value. This

system also works during day time when light intensity decreases below the critical value due to

clouds or fog etc.

Components of Intelligent Street Lightening System

220V Power Supply

12V Step Down Transformer

Passive Infrared (PIR) Sensor

Pic16F877A Microcontroller

Voltage Regulator

DS1307 Real Time Clock

Light Crystal Display (16x2)

Resistors (10k,220ohm,2.7k), Capacitors (10uF,104uF,27pF,1000uF)

Testing LED’s

Oscillator 4MHz

2 Relays for IR Sensor & 2 Relays for LED Panel

2 NPN Transistors (C945)

2 PNP Transistors (2SA1015)

LED Panel with two Rows

Thermistor (variable resistor , 10K)

IR Photodiode (receiver)

IR LED ( Transmitter)16

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Full Wave Rectifier Circuit

1.4 Applications of Intelligent Street Lightening System

They are widely used due to following reasons

No need to control street lights manually.

Electrical power saving.

Increases life time of street lights.

Intelligent Street lights.

Economical and Efficient System.

Less Maintenance required.

1.5 Intelligent Street Lightening System Disadvantages

LED light is more concentrated, so be sure to the secondary optical design, make the light

intensity distribution

Only single LED is low power to get high power multiple parallel LED’s will be used.

LED’s has low color rendering index.

Due to error in manufacturing process it causes “yellow” problem.

1.6 Summary

The purpose of this project is to provide such a system which is reliable, most efficient and

economical to install for betterment of citizens of a city. Also this project helps to overcome

power consumption in a country like Pakistan which is energy deficient country. It is based on

some facts that how to reduce power usage, decrease maintenance efforts and to build a reliable

system. We have used LED technology that uses less power and its brightness can be control by

decreasing or increasing the power which also helps in decreasing the power usage. Lighting

system will work as it will be ON at evening depending on light intensity value and remains ON

for mid night and then it will work on sensing the vehicle or human movement. Also the


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brightness will be decrease for human and at the evening when full brightness is not needed. So

by using these techniques we have save a lot of power.

Chapter 2


2.1 Importance

Main function of street lighting system is to help pedestrians and vehicles in finding their way on

the road when there is darkness and nothing can be seen. Thus the intelligent street lightning

system 100% fulfill this purpose with high efficiency. Photodiodes thus turn on and turn off the

LEDs according to available amount of light and amount of vehicles and pedestrians on the road,

so there is no need of lamplights in the presence of this efficient technology. Now in the presence

of this improved technology we don’t rely on high intensity discharge lamps. LED focuses

strong light on the photodiodes due to its high capability of focusing light and also due to its

efficiency of output energy. Street lighting system also reduces the crime accidents in the

residential areas and also reduces road accidents where there is population around road and


2.2 Street Lighting Technology Comparison

There is a comparison between different types of street lights used these days and previously

according to their working procedure, construction, economical aspects, time of installation, cost

and maintenance etc.

2.2.1 Street Lighting Today

At the present time street lighting systems we usually uses discharge lamps of high intensity,

often use HPS high pressure sodium discharge lamps. At one side they are beneficial because

such HPS lamps provide huge amount of photonic light which consume electricity up to a very

low level. However when we look photonic calculations of light so it is observed that High


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Pressure Sodium discharge lights are inappropriate in using as lighting for night time. The main

purpose of using white LEDs is that white light equipment’s are observed to two driver

peripheral sight and also enhance brake reaction time of driver up to 24%. While using

calculations of light through S-P, there is need to reduce HPS lamp performance by a minimum

value of 75%. If a comparison is made between metal halide and high-pressure sodium lamps

then the result will be almost same that both lamps have equal photonic light levels, a street

which is brightened by a metal halide illumination at night time was reliably observed by bright

equal to that brightened by a HPS(high pressure sodium) system. Modern technologies of street

lightening, e.g. induction lights and LEDs lights that illuminate the street light with equal high

intensity as sodium vapor lamps butt consume electricity at very low wattage and lower photonic

lumens that can easily replace the present street lightning. Conventional stipulations in vicinity

of Photonic adjusting for different forms of lights which renders departments of street lights for

testing, implementation and usefulness from these recent technologies for street lightning


2.3 Street Lighting Technology Comparison with other


2.3.1 Incandescent Lamps

Incandescent Lamps are widely used light lamps which are invented by a famous electrical

scientist “Thomas Edison” about 150 years ago in 1879. They have a benefit of low initial cost,

good color delivering but have low efficiency. They have almost short life period as compare to

other technologies and have also have very high wattage as compared to CFLs and halogen

lamps that have exactly the same brightness as Incandescent lamps, or output light. Incandescent

lamps give rise luminance by heating up a metal filament which is enclosing by a glass of low

weight. Efficiency of incandescent lights can be observed from this point that 90% of total input

energy is consumed as heat and 90% input energy is converted in useful light. They are usually

use in the areas where there occur more theft accidents or willful wanton of light illuminations.

In these areas a high changing of these lights occurs due to their efficient use and low cost. But

in all way they are very wasteful as compared to output, efficiency and almost in all aspects. We


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cannot compare LED lights and incandescent lights because of their 5% efficiency and a few

hour of life period and those LEDs have 7% more efficiency.

Table 2.1: Comparison of street lighting systems


Of light



per watt




Index of color


Time of


Basic considerations


ent light)

2.001 -

6.00110 – 16 3.901K 45 Instantaneous low efficiency, less life time




13.002 -

25.00314 – 49 3.095K  16 – 50 17 min Low efficiency, UV rays,




11.005 -

16.0065 – 101


5.308K75 14 min UV rays, also consist of mercury



t light)

13.004 -

21.07052 – 73


7.201K87 15 min

less life , illuminate with dim light in

cold weather , also consists mercury




61.003 -

101.01075 – 91


7.502K78 Spontaneous

Huge cost, , consists lead vapors,

badly heat affected




50.002 -

100.01071– 155


5.401K83 – 91 Spontaneous high initial cost relative to others


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2.3.2 High Intensity Discharge lights

HID consists of:

Mercury Vapor lights

Metal Halide lights

High Pressure Sodium lights

2.3.3 Mercury Vapor Lights

Mercury Vapor Lamps were produce about 67 years ago in 1948. It was an improved technology

at a high level as compared to that of incandescent lamps, and also has high intensity of light as

compared to incandescent and florescent lights. At initial time of their introduction peoples did

not liked them due to their bluish green light. Other disadvantages of mercury lamps is that the

large amount of their output light is ultraviolet light, and depreciation occur in them that

phenomenon is that their brightness become dim and dim with the passage of time. When

mercury lamps were initially introduced they have the coating of special substance made of

phosphors inside the bulb to help correctness the deficiency of red light from mercury vapor

lights. The Ultraviolet light help in production of the phosphor, while giving out a more high

level white light. Mercury lamps are called color corrected lights. Many mercury lamps have

white appearance.

2.3.4 High Pressure Sodium lights

HPS were invented about 45 years ago in 1970 and are these lamps are also most commonly

used in street lights and also have more efficiency as compared to mercury vapor lamps and

halide lamp. The big disadvantage is that they emit low intensity yellow light. These lights

produce light of low intensity which has low intense colors. These lights are also create

difficulties for police departments because in the presence of this light the real color of clothes of

thief are changed, which is difficult to distinguish for an eye witness. Sodium vapor color

corrected lights are available but are more expensive than other technologies. But the

disadvantage of these lights is that they have low brightness and have low efficiency.

Most commonly used sodium vapor lights are, high-pressure and low-pressure sodium lights.


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Between both of them high pressure sodium lights are most commonly use. But LPS have more

efficiency than High Pressure Sodium lights, but they form a wave of yellow light having colors

cannot be differentiated. LPS lamps have low intensity of light as compared to HPS therefore

they are used for low heights for providing lights , such as in the tunnels, where the limited

lighting control has low a liable level where high pressure lights are not liable to use. Another

disadvantage of HPS lights is that they contain high intensity of mercury and also vapors of lead.

Unsafe disposal of these bulbs can cause very dangerous for human beings and wild life and can

contaminate the food and cause environmental pollution. Due to low intensity, high cost and high

diffusion of mercury and lead to the environment HPS and LPS are low deficient to use as street


2.3.5 Fluorescent Lamp

Fluorescent lamps first developed in 1930s. These lamps are common types of the discharge

lamps in which gas glows due to small current. Fluorescent lamps have more efficiency as

compared to incandescent lights on the other side are less efficiency than those of high efficiency

LPS lamps. Main disadvantage of using fluorescent bulbs is that their size is somewhat large and

also they emit unidirectional lights. These lights contain lead and mercury whose diffusion on

explosion in atmosphere is very harmful for environment. Due to directionality these lamps

should be mounted at very high at the lamp post. Fluorescent lamps have no useful aspects to be

used as street lights, but they are very famous for use in the parks and outside the buildings and

homes as to provide lightening in the gardens. Packed Fluorescent Light

Packed fluorescent lamps are mostly using lamps in this era due to their advanced technology.

These lamps are being commonly used as street lighting rather than the fact they are present in

deficiency at this time. But they are less reliable and thus improvements should be made in them.

They have some disadvantages related to them that high heat buildup in them cause their

explosion, low life , and also have a major problem that their light become dimmer and dimmer

when the weather is getting cold. Also they have mercury which is major cause of pollution.

Compact fluorescent lamps have high efficiency and that of CRI is about 85. These lamps may


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give rise a color temperature about 3500 K and their light becomes low light about that of color


2.3.6 Induction Light

Induction lights are new technology in present time. Induction lamps use radio frequency which

produce the electric field, which produce some gases to produce light. Induction lights are very

closely related in aspect that these lights have low start up time and they work at the peak

efficiency same like that of LED technology. This technology has some major advantages on

other technologies and they are major step toward the LED lighting system. But a major

disadvantage of induction light technology is that there is low dispersion and directionality of

light as compared to advanced LED technology. Their life is reduced due to production of heat in

them and also due to containing lead in them which leads them toward the severe environment


2.4 LED Lights

Light emitting technology is very fast increasing technology in the world due to their output,

their efficiency and more reliability as compared to all other technologies. In all aspects LED

technology take a high lead on all other technologies which have more disadvantages as

compared to their advantages. As the initial high cost of LED technology is very high but in spite

of it they are more efficient lights in reducing electricity consumptions, high reliability and also

this technology is environmental friendly. But if we want to take the full advantage of this

technology there is need to differentiate between low quality technologies and LED

technology, as the low quality technologies have increased in the whole the world as

compared to LED. So main purpose is render supply of other technologies.

2.4.1 Distinction of High Quality LED on Low Quality LED Lights

LED lights are most recent and most advanced technology as compared to other technologies

which have developed many years ago and are less advanced. The most difficult work which is

to be performed is the production of LED lightning system because as more efficient technology

is this, more hard work is require for its production and developing in the aspect that these LED


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light system requires a combination of better production, materials of a very high character and a

quality of being produce able in amount and performance. All companies that produce LED

lamps cannot produce the same high quality LED lamps because it is most difficult technology to

design and manufacture. As LED technology is growing day by day many different companies

are manufacturing the low quality LED lamps which bad impacts toward this efficient and

advanced tech technology. LEDs of bad quality have many disadvantages as compared to other

technologies use for street lightning but advanced high quality LED lamps take a considerable

lead on other technologies in aspects of all parameters. Experienced manufacturers of LED lights

are very less in numbers which produce high quality LEDs and more produce low quality LEDs.

Thus efficient street lightning system requires high quality LED lamps.

As compared to other technologies life of LED lights is very high which 50-100 years is. Also

lumen/watt of LEDs is very high as compared to other technologies which are 70-150. Color

temperature is low which is 3.00 – 6.40. CRI of LEDs is fairly high as compared to other lights

which are 83-90. Ignition time is instant and most important thing is consideration which

includes only high initial cost but in other technologies their considerations are production of

heat, production of gases, pollution due to mercury and lead and fade colors dispersion, low life.

But if we look toward LED technology it is best technology in all aspects and low or no

limitations which are mentioned above in all other technologies thus it has proved that LED

technology is more efficient technology in present era.

2.4.2 How Much Money Can You Save By Using LED’s

Let the average house holders use 50 light bulbs. All the light bulbs are of 80 watts. Now we can

see that how much power is consumed by 50 bulbs of 80 watts each.

Total Wattage = 50 bulbs X 80 watts = 4000 watts (2.1)

This power consumption is very high .If same number of LED bulbs are used in house as CFL

bulbs each having wattage of 15 watts. Thus an easy comparison can be made between two

technologies in order to check their wattage consumption.

Table 2.2 LED’s Vs. Incandescent bulbs


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All bulbs provide equal


Single light wattage  Wattage used for whole


Incandescent lights80 watts 4000 watts

LED lights 15 watts 750 watts

This comparison shows that there is quite difference in power consumption between a in

candescent bulbs and efficient LED bulbs.  In other words we can say that by using LED lights

we can save 3250 watt power thus can save a lot amount of energy and thus save money.

2.4.3 Cost of Electricity

Let us suppose that the cost of electricity in the Pakistan is 12 per kilowatt hour it means that if

we use 1,000 watts for an hour, cost of the electricity will be Rs.12000.

2.4.4 Time in which Lights are turned on

Suppose for example, that each house uses lights for 6 hours per day. Let 30 days in a month (on

average), for 6 hours per day.

6 hours X 30 days = 180 hours (2.2)

Including all factors let’s make a comparison between LED lights and incandescent lights on the

basis of the cost of their energy consumption. The formula is:

KW used X Cost per kWh X Hours Used = Monthly Lighting Costs (2.3)

Kilowatt is 1,000 watts; now divide the wattage by 1,000 for this formula.


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Monthly Cost of using Incandescent Bulbs is

4.000 X Rs.12 X 180 hours = Rs. 8640 (2.4)

 Monthly Cost of Using LED light Bulbs

0.750 X Rs.12. X 180 hours =Rs. 1620 (2.5)

Now it has become clearer from this example that LEDs consume very less light as compared to

other lights and thus low in cost.

2.5 Related Projects

2.5.1 Street Lighting with Automatic Brightness Control Based on Climatic

Situations and Movements of Vehicle

The project is a remote streetlight monitoring and controlling system which is based on LEDs

panel and also wireless sensor network. The system is set on automatic control of street lights.

This automatic control can be attaining by a right adjustment according to the seasonal

variations. Another important aspect of this project is that, this system can run in controlled

Condition. In this controlled mode, we can take an enterprise to control lights of streets through

PC monitor. This system also contains function of time cut-out and automatic control periods if

we want to conserve more electricity, importantly when vehicles pass by these lights, the light

will illuminate automatically, and then after a fix time they turn off. This project can save a great

amount of energy and cost as compared to other lamps which keep turn on all night. The projects

also rely on the amount of traffic on the road, thus transmitting the road conditions to monitor.

Another advantage of this project is that this system comprises of an auto-alarm which will be

ringing in the condition when light get damage and the serial number of light will be shown on

computer screen, thus no difficulty to find damaged light and thus repaired the damaged light.

The system can be used in all areas which need timely control system such as streets, stations,

mining, schools etc. In addition to these functions, this system contains a digital temperature

sensing device and humidity sensor, thus this system not only based on street lights but also on

temperature and humidity.26

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Figure: 2.1 Brightness Adjustments Technique

2.5.2 Automatic Street lighting using Induction Lamp

The main purpose of this project is time monitoring and also contains the management of the

nights lights both for vehicles and human as a pedestrian, moreover this system presents the

more efficient and more efficient system and also is a stable system, can operate under all

weather conditions and whole night at automatic control basis thus saves a lot amount of

energy from consumptions. It is the efficient system of lightning for urban areas. This

technology reduces the energy as well as cost also this is an efficient project to reduce other

difficulties in sense of lightning. This system thus saves the life of peoples by eliminating

accidents. This system can also base on automatic patrol of street lights and have an 27

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automatic function. This system can save a considerable energy by using induction lamps as

the street lights they have a control function and also data acquisition function. This system

contains expand functions: such as dimming and brightness control, cooperate with induction

lamps to adjust light brightness, under the premise that does not affect the lighting; achieve

the maximum energy saving effect. Thus it is concluded that a maximum energy can be

saved by automatic brightness adjustment induction lamp systems.

2.5.3 Intelligent Light Emergency Ballast for Fluorescent Lights

Main working using the common emergency light systems is to provide the low light brightness

level, when there occurs failure in line voltage. Therefore for this purpose it becomes necessary

to store the energy in battery to provide the electricity to the lamp when a fault or failure occurs

in them. In such type of illuminating systems the internal faults and damages e.g. overcharging

of the battery, damaged lamps and failure the main purpose of a common emergency lighting

system is the supply of a low level of lightning when a line voltage failure occur. Thus, it is

essential to store energy in a battery to supply the lights if failure occurs. In this type of lighting

systems the internal faults and damages e.g. overcharging of battery, faulted lamps and failure of

starting network should be observed and corrected by experts. Because of this, the intelligent

lighting prototype can test and observe its function in twelve days and input results into a LED

screen. With these types of specifications they can test themselves also check their position of

function and have a tendency to display their internal faults and damages. Also by doing so, cost

of the maintenance can be decreased up to a precise level. The main purpose is the commutation

of the line voltage which can be sensing block that showed in the systems by a complex

microprocessor based. The system is more efficient in a way that it has a more flexible, for

instant, so that become difficult to communicate the many devices with a computer, which can

check the position of every object every time. New emergency streets lightning systems are more

energy saving. Another important feature is the saving of money for mass production process

importantly whether a microprocessor with the programming in ROM can be used. Thus system

becomes more efficient of saving the cost and also saves the energy consumptions.


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2.5.4 Limitations & Bottleneck

Main purpose of intelligent street lightning system is to design such a system in which more

energy and cost can be saved it means that such system should have less limitations and

bottlenecks as compared to their disadvantages. Also these systems should be efficient, reliable

and also should provide intelligence about street lightning. Thus by doing so we can minimize

the dangers of accidents and other crimes. First project demonstrated here is also an intelligent

street lightning system based on two stations, sending and receiving stations thus it is based on

vehicle movements and climatic conditions. This is also an energy efficient project but a main

limitation in this system is that it becomes some uneconomical system because when there occur

a fault in based station or sending station then intelligence process is interrupted and also this

system is some costly because more equipment’s are used here therefore such system becomes

uneconomical due to costly equipment’s present in the project. Second project which is

intelligent street lightning system using induction lamps is also have many advantages but main

disadvantage in this system is that it uses induction lamps for street lightning. This technology

has some major advantages on other technologies and they are major step toward the LED

lighting system. But a major disadvantage of induction light technology is that there is low

dispersion and directionality of light as compared to advanced LED technology. Their life is

reduced due to production of heat in them and also due to containing lead in them which leads

them toward the severe environment pollution. In third project smart lightning energy blast for

florescent lights it is also saves energy and cost but there are also some limitations of using

fluorescent lights in this project. One of the major limitations of fluorescent lights is that they are

often made larger thus they become inappropriate in using street lights. Thus their fitting become

more difficult. Another main limitation of fluorescent lights color of lightning. CFLs are unable

to use in street lightning because these lamps become dimmer in cold weather, thus they are

inappropriate lightning system to use in outdoors in winter season. And at last, perhaps one of

the major limitations is that they contain mercury. When mercury exposed in environment it

cause severe pollution. Thus intelligent street lightning system with automatic brightness

adjustment sensing human and vehicle movement presented in our project is most efficient

system of street light which use LED lights and also supply intelligence up to a good level which

is more economical.


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2.6 Summary

There are many technologies used for street lightning system which are incandescent lamps

and high discharge sodium lamps, fluorescent lamps and induction and many other

technologies. All of these technologies have more disadvantages then their advantages which

includes their more energy consumption and dangerous for environments. Thus LED

technology is best technology which removes all the effects and best in all parameters. The

other projects presented here are either costly or they use the technology which is cost

effective as well as cause pollution of environment. Therefore intelligent street lightning

system with automatic brightness adjustment sensing human and vehicle movement based on

LED technology best overcomes all limitations and bottlenecks presented by other

technologies and projects.


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3.1 Hardware Used with Technical Specifications

3.1.1 Microcontroller

A microcontroller is a small chip integrated circuit. It consists of a processor core, programmable

input output and memory. We have used PIC16F887A microcontroller which is a common

microcontroller and have many applications in industries, in control devices and in protection


3.1.2 PIC16F877A Architecture and Pin Configuration

PIC 16F877A is a microcontroller with 40 pin 8 bit and only 35instructions to learn. The core

architecture is very high-performance CPU. Its operating frequency is from 0-20 MHz with 5V

power supply. It has 256 bytes EEPROM memory and 368 bytes RAM.


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Figure: 3.1 PIC16F877A Microcontroller

PIC16F877A pin configuration is shown in figure.

Figure: 3.2 PIC16F877A pin configuration

3.1.3 Liquid Crystal Display

Liquid crystal display is a kind o display consists of two polarizing sheets with liquid crystals

between them. When a current passes through it crystals align themselves so block the passage of

light. In this way they work. In our project we have used 16x2 LCD.


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Figure: 3.3 LCD 16x2

3.1.4 Voltage Regulator

A voltage regulator is an electronic device which automatically keeps a constant voltage level

across a circuit. In our project we have used two voltage regulators. They are used at relays ends

to provide constant voltage to them because relays are very sensitive to voltages. A typical

voltage regulator is shown in figure given below:

Figure: 3.4 Voltage Regulator


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3.1.5 Resistors, Capacitors and Diodes

In our project we have used many resisters with ratings 10K, 220 ohm, 2.7K used at voltage

regulators, at LED’s and at relays. We used capacitors with ratings 104uF, 27pF, and 1000uF at

oscillator, at voltage regulator circuits and at relays. Diodes used at full wave rectification


Figure: 3.5 Capacitor, Diode, Resister

3.1.6 Full Wave Rectifier Circuit

Our project works on DC system whereas power supply is in AC. So conversion of AC system to

DC system is done by rectifier circuit and then we use capacitors to filter the DC.


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Figure: 3.6 Full Wave Rectifier Circuit

3.1.7 Step down Transformer

As our requirement in project is to have 12V whereas supply is 220V so we use step down

transformer to step the voltage down to 12V. Coil ratio is 10:1 means number of turns on

primary side is greater than that on secondary side. Use of transformer in project is to only to

step down the voltage to our required level.

Figure: 3.7 Step Down Transformer


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3.1.8 Oscillator

It is an electronic circuit used to produce sine wave or square wave. It produces periodic signals

for many devices such as microcontroller. The oscillator used in our project to provide periodic

signal to PIC16F877A microcontroller. The signal frequency that we have chosen for

microcontroller is 4MHz. They have positive feedback. Thus, the signal regenerates and sustains

itself. A typical oscillator is shown in the figure.

Figure: 3.8 Oscilator with its Symbol

3.1.9 Relays

A relay is electrically operated switch and it has two operations first it detects the fault then it

gives the switch a signal to eliminate the faulty part of circuit from main circuit. Switching can

be electromagnetic, electromechanical etc. in our project we have used electromechanical relays

connected to IR Photo diodes. One diode is acting as receiver and other is acting as transmitter.

Relay detect the signal from the diode and ask the microcontroller to take suitable action. A

typical relay is shown in figure.


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Figure: 3.9 Relay

The relay is connected to IR Photo diode through variable resister and Transistor. The internal

circuit of relay is given below.

Figure: 3.10 Schematic diagram of Electromechanical Relay

3.1.10 Transistor


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Transistor is an electronic device used as amplifier or as a switch. It is a semiconductor device

with three terminals called as emitter, collector and base for connection to external circuit. In

PNP transistors material used is N-type, doped between two p-type materials whereas in NPN

transistor p-type is doped between 2 n-type materials. As shown in figure.

Figure: 3.11 PNP & NPN Transistors

In our project it is used as switching device. A small current passing through one part of a

transistor will make a bigger current flow through other part of transistor. The small current as a

result switches on the larger one which is essential for all computer chips work.

3.1.11 Thermistor

A Thermistor is a temperature dependent resister whose resistance changes with time. These are

very sensitive to temperature therefore used as inexpensive and reliable temperature sensors.

Thermistor are widely used for simple temperature measurements. They can’ be used for high

temperature due to some limitations but in their working range they are mostly used. Their

response time is very quick that’s why they are used. A Thermistor whose resistance can be

increased by increasing the temperature are said to have positive thermal co-efficient. A

Thermistor whose resistance decreases with an increase in temperature are said to have negative

temperature co efficient.


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Figure: 3.12 Thermistor

3.1.12 IR Photodiode

IR Photodiode is a photodiode and it is a semiconductor device that uses light as a input and

generates a current signal by creating a potential difference. It is a PN junction with reverse

biased phenomena. When light falls on the junction then it works. When there is no light on the

junction then reverse current is very small and also called as Dark Current. It works as when

light falls on junction then light transfer some of its energy to atoms of the junction that in a

result creates more electrons and reverse current increases. This phenomenon is called as inner

photoelectric effect. This current creates a potential difference that can be measured by using a

series resistor in some external circuit. IR photodiode can be used in zero bias which is also

called as photovoltaic effect. During zero mode it prevents the photoelectrons (electron

generated due to light on the junction) flow from out of device due to which a voltage builds up.

In reverse biased mode also called photoconductive mode. In this mode when light falls on the

junction it generates electrons which as a result increase the depletion region thus additional

current will increase the depletion region which result in the increase in light fall area on the

region and reverse current increase more rapidly.


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Figure: 3.13 IR Photodiode

3.1.13 Infrared LED

Infrared light emitting diode is a electronic device which emits light of higher wave length which

are greater than visible light so these are invisible from us. The light which they emit is called

Infrared light. It is also called as IR transmitter and it lie in the range of 760nm wavelength. Its

appearance is similar to common visible LED. Its operating voltage is around about 1.4V and

current is nearly about 20mA. Resisters are usually connected in series to adjust voltages so that

it can be used for different operating voltages. In our project it used as infrared transmitter. When

a vehicle or human passes through it its lights blocked and the receiver on the other hand

generates a signal by using a relay. The relay sends this signal to microcontroller which decides

to switch ON the LED panels according to given programming algorithm burned in it. It is P-N

Junction diode, when activated it emits light. When a suitable voltage is applied electrons

recombine with electron holes and thus releases energy in the form of photons. It is usually have

small area and shaped in such a way to focus its radiations.


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Figure: 3.14 IR LED

3.1.14 LED Panels

LED panels are used in our project which is fixed at street light towers on one side of road

repeated after measured intervals. The height of tower is designed with respect to light intensity

of LED panels. The LED panel consists of many rows of LED’s. Many rows are installed

because we can easily control the brightness of panel in this way. We switch ON some rows

when we need low brightness but when we need full brightness then we switches all rows. This

is done with the help of microcontroller. Microcontroller decides when to switch the rows of

LED’s but its decision depends upon the signal from relay connected to sensor that senses the

vehicle or human movement.

Figure: 3.15 LED Panel


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3.2 Programming

Device 16F877A




Declare LCD_TYPE 0 'in case we use alphanumeric then type 0 if graphical

then 1

Declare LCD_DTPIN PORTD.4 'this show that 4 pin interface with lcd and 4

data pins will start from b4....b7

Declare LCD_RSPIN PORTD.2 'declaring lcd reset pin

Declare LCD_ENPIN PORTD.1 'declaring enable pin

Declare LCD_RWPIN PORTD.0 'declaring read write pin

Declare LCD_LINES 2 'telling how much rows lcd has



''''''''''''SERIAL SETTINGS'''''''''''''


'CCP1_PIN = PORTC.2 ' PORTC.1 is the CCP1 pin on the 16F877 device


Symbol light1=PORTC.0

Symbol light2=PORTC.1

Dim i As DWord

Dim f As Byte

Dim freq As Word



Cursor 1,1: Print " Welcome"


DelayMS 3000


While 1=1

Cursor 1,1: Print "Evening "

Cursor 2,1: Print "Lit1:Off Lit2:Of"

If f=1 Then

For i=1 To 900000 Step 1

If PORTB.0=0 Then

Cursor 1,1: Print "Evening Person"


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Cursor 2,1: Print "Lit1:On Lit2:Off"

High light1

While PORTB.0=0

Inc i

If PORTB.1=0 Then

Cursor 1,1: Print "Evening Vehicle"



DelayMS 3000

Low light1

Cursor 1,1: Print "Evening "

Cursor 2,1: Print "Lit1:Off Lit2:Of"


If PORTB.1=0 Then

Cursor 1,1: Print "Evening Person"

Cursor 2,1: Print "Lit1:On Lit2:Off"

High light1

While PORTB.1=0

Inc i

If PORTB.0=0 Then

Cursor 1,1: Print "Evening Vehicle"



DelayMS 3000

Low light1

Cursor 1,1: Print "Evening "

Cursor 2,1: Print "Lit1:Off Lit2:Of"





Cursor 1,1: Print "Night "

Cursor 2,1: Print "Lit1:Off Lit2:Off"

If f=0 Then

For i=1 To 900000 Step 1

If PORTB.0=0 Then

Cursor 1,1: Print "Night Person "

Cursor 2,1: Print "Lit1:On Lit2:On "


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High light1

High light2

While PORTB.0=0

Inc i

If PORTB.1=0 Then

Cursor 1,1: Print "Evening Vehicle"



DelayMS 3000

Low light1

Low light2

Cursor 1,1: Print "Night "

Cursor 2,1: Print "Lit1:Off Lit2:Of"


If PORTB.1=0 Then

Cursor 1,1: Print "Night Person "

Cursor 2,1: Print "Lit1:On Lit2:On "

High light1

High light2

While PORTB.1=0

Inc i

If PORTB.0=0 Then

Cursor 1,1: Print "Evening Vehicle"



DelayMS 3000

Low light1

Low light2

Cursor 1,1: Print "Night "

Cursor 2,1: Print "Lit1:Off Lit2:Of"






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3.3 Details about Software/ Algorithms/Tools

3.3.1 MikroC

As mentioned before Microcontroller is compatible of programming language e.g. C/C++ and

microC. In our project “Intelligent Street lighting System based on vehicle and human

movement” we have used microC language. We used MikroC for this language.

3.3.2 Compiler

It is software used to burn the programming to a microcontroller. Programming or burning a

microcontroller is a process of transferring programming of desired steps which are to be

performed by microcontroller from compiler to microcontroller. The programming of a

microcontroller is usually written in C, and assembly language etc. we have done programming

in microC for our project. The compiler converts the coding of program into machine language

which is the language of microcontroller.

3.3.3 Soldering

Soldering is a process which joined the two metals same or different type by melting a solder

between the joints of two metals. Solder has a melting point less than the jointed metals. Solders

can be in different shapes, sizes, forms and alloys.

3.4 Summary

The components used in our project are described above with specifications, their operation and

their working with diagrams. The purpose of this project is to provide such a system which is

reliable, most efficient and economical to install for betterment of citizens of a city. Also this

project helps to overcome power consumption in a country like Pakistan which is energy

deficient country. It is based on some facts that how to reduce power usage, decrease

maintenance efforts and to build a reliable system. We have used LED technology that uses less

power and its brightness can be control by decreasing or increasing the power which also helps

in decreasing the power usage. Lighting system will work as it will be ON at evening depending

on light intensity value and remains ON for mid night and then it will work on sensing the


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vehicle or human movement. Also the brightness will be decrease for human and at the evening

when full brightness is not needed. So by using these techniques we have save a lot of power.

Chapter 04


4.1 Design of investigation

4.1.1 Objectives

Intelligent Street lighting system is to overcome the flaws which occur usually occurs in the

common street light systems. Firstly intelligent street lightning based on LEDs have many


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advantages on other lightning systems due to its low energy consumptions , thus reduce the

overall cost and secondly it is environmental friendly system in which there occurs no pollution.

On the other hand other type of lamps used in street lightning cause emission of co2 which is

very hazardous for our environment. The first one, and maybe the most intuitive, is the use of

recent technologies for the sources of light. 1st consideration is based on LED technology which

is considered as best solution of these flaws but it initial cost of LEDs is little high. 2nd

consideration is that system is automatically controlled as there is no need to adjust brightness

manually and 3rd consideration is illumination of lights occurs only when there is vehicle or a

pedestrian is present on the road.

4.1.2 Back Ground

In previous days, street lights were manually controlled where there was a control switch which

was connected with every lamp post to turn on and off the lamps. So this was so called as first

generation street lighting system. And thus after this, another methodology was introduced that

was method of optical control. In this procedure there high pressure sodium lights were using in

this system. It can be observed that nowadays this procedure is using in all over the world. This

procedure is processing by setting an optic control circuit, change the resistance of light

dependent resistor so lights are shut down in all day and turn on when the intensity of day light

become low and becomes night. Street lighting system can be grouped on the basis of type of

lamps using for example incandescent lights, mercury vapor lights, metal halide lights, high

pressure sodium lights, low pressure sodium light, fluorescent light, compact fluorescent light,

induction light and LED lights. LED is familiar to be a best solution to recent street lighting

because of its deportment and its unlimited advantages.

4.2 Procedure

Intelligent Street lightning system with automatic brightness adjustment sensing human and

vehicle movement is saves the energy and cost by following methods:

4.2.1 Led Technology


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Light emitting technology is very fast increasing technology in the world due to their output,

their efficiency and more reliability as compared to all other technologies. In all aspects LED

technology take a high lead on all other technologies which have more disadvantages as

compared to their advantages. As the initial high cost of LED technology is very high but in spite

of it they are more efficient lights in reducing electricity consumptions, high reliability and also

this technology is environmental friendly. But if we want to take the full advantage of this

technology there is need to differentiate between low quality technologies and LED

technology, as the low quality technologies have increased in the whole the world as

compared to LED. So main purpose is render supply of other technologies.

Figure: 4.1 LED

4.2.2 Automatic Brightness Adjustment

Intelligent street lightning is based on automatic brightness adjustment. This brightness

adjustment is time dependent and flow of traffic dependent. So the brightness increases of street

lights is depend upon time of night. When there is evening time after 6pm, street lights turn on

with low intensity because of light is present is present with low brightness also when it became

the full night up to 12am lights will turn on with low intensity due to crowd of vehicles on the

road need less light because lights of vehicles themselves is enough. After 12 am when there is

full night and less flow of vehicles these lights will glow with full intensity until morning when

there is day light.


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4.2.3 Intelligence

Intelligent Street lightning system main function is intelligence that is when a vehicle or a

pedestrian move on the road then lights automatically turn on and then turn off when they went

after a fix period which is pre settled. When pedestrian comes then it will display on the LCD

and when a vehicle comes in front of lights then they turn on for a fix time and then off thus state

of vehicle is displayed on the LCD so it is easy to know if vehicle or pedestrian is moving on the

road so this system provides an efficient intelligence.

4.2.4 Analysis Procedure

Let us suppose that the cost of electricity in the Pakistan is 12 per kilowatt hour it means that if

we use 1,000 watts for an hour, cost of the electricity will be Rs.12000

Now suppose for example, that each house uses lights for 6 hours per day. Let 30 days in a

month (on average), for 6 hours per day.

6 hours X 30 days = 180 hours (2.2)

Including all factors let’s make a comparison between LED lights and incandescent lights on the

basis of the cost of their energy consumption. The formula is:

KW used X Cost per kWh X Hours Used = Monthly Lighting Costs (2.3)

Kilowatt is 1,000 watts; now divide the wattage by 1,000 for this formula.

Monthly Cost of using Incandescent Bulbs is

4.000 X Rs.12 X 180 hours = Rs. 8640 (2.4)

 Monthly Cost of Using LED light Bulbs

0.750 X Rs.12. X 180 hours =Rs. 1620 (2.5)


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Now it has become clearer from this example that LEDs consume very less light as compared to

other lights and thus low in cost.

4.3 Implementation Procedure

4.3.1 Details about Hardware

Figure: 4.2 Circuit Diagram of Project

In this topic we are briefly explain the all hardware components which are use in our project.

There are total 4 circuit boards in this project. As shown in the hardware model of project.


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Figure: 4.3 Hardware of Project

DC Supply section

Controller section

Relay section

LED Panel section

Sensing section

4.3.2 DC Supply Side Components

Step down transformer


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Bridge Rectifier

diodes ( 1K )

capacitor (1000uf)


Step down transformer(220V to 12V and 50 mA)

We are using step down transformer of rating 220V/12V. It consists of primary 220 high voltage

side and secondary 12V low voltage side, and current is 50 mA; it converts 220V ac in to 12V

ac. Which is then passed to the rectifier bridge circuit? Bridge Rectifier

Rectification (AC to DC) is done using bridge rectification. The input of bridge rectifier is ac and

output of rectifier is pulsating dc .the process of rectification is done by using a combination of

diodes known as bridge. during positive cycle of the input two diodes become forward biased

and two becomes reverse biased in this way half cycle is obtained at the output, during negative

cycle the reverse biased becomes conducting and other two becomes reverse biased in this way

the other cycle is used and output is pulsate

Figure: 4.4 Bridge Rectifier Circuit Capacitor (1000uF)

The pulsating dc is not good for the system so it passes through the capacitor filter which makes

it ripple free and output is constant dc supply.


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In this way our constant dc supply is made this supply power to the controller as controller input

is dc and also supply dc to the relays.

4.3.3 Controller Section Board PIC-Microcontroller (16F887A)

It is used in project for data communication between the grid, loads connected and the PC

monitoring and for the proper functioning of the system to make it reliable. Pin Configuration

40 pins

1 pin, regulator circuit

Pin2, analog to digital

Pin3, analog to digital

Pin4, analog to digital

Pin5, analog to digital

Pin6 , analog to digital

Pin7 , analog to digital

Pin8, analog to digital

Pin9 , analog to digital

Pin10 , analog to digital

Pin 11, (+5v)

Pin 12, 31 (Ground)

Pin 13, 14 (crystal oscillator)

Pin 15,16 relay to PIR sensor

Pin19,20 relays to LED panel

Pin21 reset

Pin 22 enable

Pin27,28,29,30 output to LCD Microcontroller Trainer


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It consists of oscillator, capacitors and a resistor for its basic operation. Crystal Oscillator

It is at pin no 13 & 14 gives clock pulses to controller for its operation.

Figure: 4.5 Oscillator Relay Section Board

Relay 12V

PIR sensor

Transistor PNP

Variable resistor

LED panel Relaying Section

There are total 4 relays used in this circuit board for the purpose of controlling three devices.

Although we can control two sensors with two relays and two rows of LED panel are control

with other two relays.


Page 42: Final Pro Thesis 2.docx Infrared Sensor

Passive Infrared sensor is electronic equipment that is used for detection of an object. It operates

when there are infrared rays present in its vicinity. Two basic types of passive infrared sensors

have following detail:

Thermal infrared sensor:

It operates on change of heat in the environment.

photo infrared sensor:

Photo infrared sensor utilizes the photo diode for the detection of infrared rays. In this project

photo infrared sensor is used. It consists of a LED as a transmitter and photodiode as a receiver

so any object is sensed by this transmitter receiver circuit.

Advantages of PIR sensor:

Some advantages and applications of PIR sensor are given below:

Detection of an object

Detection of motion

Detection of glass breakage

Detection of smoke

Measuring distance

Also use in robotics

For counting objects and more other applications

Passive infrared sensor circuit diagram is given below. It contains LED as infrared sending and a

photo diode for infrared receiver both act as are major components of this sensor. Photo diode

radiate infrared rays which when hit with any object in its way thus these rays move behind with

deflected angle. Infrared receiver observes rays which are deflected back. As photo diode is used

in this sensor for this reason it is known as photo infrared sensor.


Page 43: Final Pro Thesis 2.docx Some Elements of Infrared Sensor

Infrared receiver TSFF5210


Resistor 100 ohm

Resistor 10kohm

Variable resistor 10kohm

IC LM358

IC LM358 is a comparator when Infrared receiver observes infrared radiations, LM358 becomes

high and thus LED is put on. Transistor PNP

Signal comes at the base of power transistor and hence relay gets operated. Signal comes from

the passive infrared sensor.


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Figure: 4.6 PNP Transistor Transistor NPN

NPN transistor is used between the between for LED panel thus it carry the signal between the

microcontroller and relays on the basis of which relays operate for evening and night time.

Figure: 4.7 NPN Transistor LED Panel


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Panel consists of two rows of white LEDs. At evening time up to 6pm to 12 pm when there is

intensity of light due to high traffic one row of LED lights will be turn on and when there is

deficiency of vehicles on the road all LED panel will be illuminate with full intensity.

4.4 Software/ Algorithms/Tools

4.4.1 MikroC

As mentioned before Microcontroller programming is compatible of programming language e.g.

C/C++ and mikroC. In our project we are using mikroC language which is uses as an interface

between PIR sensors, LCD and LED panel.

4.4.2 MicroC

It is denoted as microC. This language is general purpose language, OOP language, modern and

simple. It is suitable for applications written or both embedded system and hosted system. The

application written is microC language or economical in requirement of memory and processing


4.4.3 Specifications of programming language mikroC

The mikroC PRO for PIC is a powerful, feature-rich development tool for PIC microcontrollers.

It is designed to provide the programmer with the easiest possible solution to developing

applications for embedded systems, without compromising performance or control. PIC and C fit

together well: PIC is the most popular 8-bit chip in the world, used in a wide variety of

applications, and C, prized for its efficiency, is the natural choice for developing embedded

systems. MikroC PRO for PIC provides a successful match featuring highly

advanced IDE, ANSI compliant compiler, broad set of hardware libraries, comprehensive

documentation, and plenty of ready-to-run examples.

Chapter 05


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5.1 Presentation of the Findings

5.1.1 Result Procured in Chapter One

In chapter one we defined our project, merits and why we are choose this project. We defined the

LED technology which is basically the core of our project because LED technology is most

efficient technology in all aspects. Secondly automatic brightness control of street lighting

system is defined in which it is concluded that all street lightning system with automatic

brightness adjustment is save more energy in addition to LED technology used in this project.

Thus the main result concluded is that intelligent street lightning system with automatic

brightness adjustment is more cost saving, energy saving and more efficient intelligence

providing system.

5.1.2 Result Procured in Chapter Two

In this chapter we discussed the technologies related to LED technology related studies of

intelligent street lightning system and also related projects of intelligent street lightning system.

In related technology comparisons we found that all other street lightning technologies related to

street lightning are fail to fulfil the all energy saving requirements and therefore these

technologies are more costly even they have low initial cost but their running cost is very high

and also they are more dangerous to the environment due to emission of mercury and lead. So

the result concluded is that LED street lightning technology is more energy and cost saving

though the initial cost is high and also environmental friendly. Projects related to our project

(intelligent street lightning system sensing human and vehicle movement with automatic

brightness adjustment) is more efficient project due to LED technology used in it also due to

intelligence of street lightning provision and most important thing is automatic brightness

adjustment which makes the street lightning system cost effective.


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5.1.3 Result Procured in Chapter One

This stage consists of tools and techniques involved in our project with hardware and software

techniques used and their complete technical specifications. Project components enlisted with

their complete portrayal. Division based methodology to explain the techniques step by step and

at the end software that we have used which is Visual Basic, C++, C#, C programming is written.

5.1.4 Hardware Results

We divided hardware section of our project into different stages. They are Supply side, IR sensor

side, Transformer side and load side. In Supply side a step down transformer, bridge rectifier and

a capacitor is used that steps down and converts 220V AC to filtered 12V DC. This section is the

power supply of the complete intelligent street lightning system. A regulator circuit is connected

with the microprocessor to supply it. This is 5V regulator circuit which converts 12V DC to 5V

DC for microcontroller. Two regulator circuits are used, one for microprocessor and one for

relay circuit for the reason that one regulator cannot afford the power for both circuits. In PIR

sensor module 5V DC from PC to microcontroller (16F877A) 5V Dc supply is given to the PIR

sensor and thus to microcontroller. A crystal oscillator a pin 13, 14 that gives clock frequency for

the operation of microcontroller. LCD (16*4) displays the condition of light intensity if it is

evening or full night and also displays the presence of pedestrian or vehicle on the road. In short

this section provides visual monitoring and controlling. Transformers circuit side includes a step-

down and two voltage regulators are used. 220V are stepped down to 12V AC which is

converted to DC by bridge rectification thus 12V supply of step down transformer after

rectification converted into +5V supply and gives it to relay circuit for its operation and also to

microcontroller and other components. In short this side gives DC current for the operation of

relays. This is relay section which has relays to which are given 5V from regulator circuit from

the main DC supply. PIR sensors operate from microcontroller. PIR sensors have photodiode as

transmitter and LED as a receiver that uses 5V of regulator circuit. LED light will short circuit

the photo diodes and gives power to transistors and then relay gets turned on. Relay will transfer

to microprocessor and thus these 5V are given to LED panel through NPN transistors and relays.

Negative of all LEDs is common. Two rows of LEDs are used when there is evening time only

one row will be turn on through one relay connected to microcontroller and when there is full


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night both relays will connected to microcontroller to turn on both the rows with full intensity.

This is load side of our project which are operated by relays.

5.1.5 Software Results

The software we implemented in our project to achieve our task is Visual Basic, C# and JAVA

AND C, C++ language. This enables us to detect the state of road if there is evening or full night

so illuminate the LED panel with low intensity and full intensity and also we come to know

about the object on the road f there is vehicle or pedestrian on the road. The programming take in

the intelligent street lightning based and automatic brightness adjustment based scheme in coding

which helps better energy saving and intelligent provision system.

5.1.6 Discussion of the Findings

In fact we developed a street lightning system which has three major specifications. The first

major advantage is use of LED technology in this system which is considered as a best

technology in all aspects and in all parameters. We can compare LED technology with that of

other technologies in all aspects. Only disadvantage of using LED lights is that these lights have

high initial cost but this initial cost is not due to their efficiency this is due to their high quality

scheme for their production because LED lights are not prepare like other cheap technologies but

a high experience and quality materials and lot of time is required in preparation of LEDs

therefore high initial cost of LEDs is not a problem but if we observe the running cost of LED

lights it is clearly find that LED lights are most efficient lights in purpose of energy saving and

cost saving. One another major aspect of using LED lights is that they result no pollution due to

their explosion or disposal therefore it is find that LED technology is environmental friendly

technology. Thus it best meets the requirements to use them in intelligent street lightning system.

Second major specification is intelligent provision. Intelligence means the provision of such a

system in which can easily detect the evening time or full night time. Thus lights glow according

to time provide by intelligence system. Another intelligence system provide the information

about the object on the road either it human or vehicle on the road thus send both the results on

LCD for display. Third main and important feature is automatic brightness adjustment which

saves more energy as compared to use energy efficient LED technology. When it is evening time


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as LED lights will glow with low intensity and at full night automatically brightness become full

due to deficiency of vehicles on road and full night time.

Figure: 5.1 Intelligent street lightning technologies (ISLT)

5.2 Intelligent street lightning technologies (ISLT)

There are following technologies if intelligent street lightning

LED Technology

LED technology used in intelligent street lightning system makes it low cost street lightning

technique. Thus these lights give white bright light which make them more excellent source

for intelligent street lightning system.

Intelligence Technology

This technology provides the intelligence about the presence of pedestrian and vehicle on the

road and time period of evening and morning.

Sensing Technology


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This technology is used to sense the presence of an object i.e. human or vehicle on the road.

This technology is based on PIR transmitter and receiver system and provides information of

object to microprocessor unit.

Automatic Brightness Technology

This technology is based on automatic variation of brightness of LED panel on the basis of

evening time and full night time.

Advanced Components

Advanced components such as relays, PIR sensors, LED panels and some controlling

components are present in this system.

5.3 Future Work

The project work has been studied and implemented a complete working model using a PIC

microcontroller. The programming and interfering of PIC microcontroller has been mastered

during the implementation. This work includes the study of energy saving system in many

applications. The design and verification of Automatic Street light successfully. The main

advantage of the present system is power saving. It requires the initial cost only for designing

and installation and not for utilization. Hence, such systems are very much useful for the

government to reduce the utilization of conventional power (generated by hydraulic power

stations).Therefore, such systems are once implemented on a large scale can bring significant

reduction of the power consumption caused by street lights. This initiative will help the

government to save this energy and meet the domestic and industrial needs. The other

advantages of the circuit are that it is simple circuit, avoids constant supervision of time and

flexibility in design. After having implemented this Intelligent System, what remains is the scope

for improvements. Firstly, we could directly go for Wireless Power Transmission which would

further reduce the maintenance costs and power thefts of the system, as cable breaking is one of

the problems faced today .In addition to this, controlling the Traffic Signal lights would be

another feature that we could look into after successful implementation of our system.

Depending on the amount of traffic in a particular direction, necessary controlling actions could


Page 51: Final Pro Thesis 2.docx

be taken. Also emergency vehicles and VIP convoys can be passed efficiently. Moreover,

attempts can be made to ensure that the complete system is self-sufficient on nonconventional

energy resources like solar power, windmills, Piezo-electric crystals, etc. We hope that these

advancements can make this system completely robust and totally reliable in all respects.

5.4 Comparison with Initial Goal

Our main purpose of designing this system is to make an intelligent street lightning system

which can saves more energy with respect to other energy saving projects through lightning. Our

goal was to construct the more efficient energy saving street lightning system which can save

energy up to more than 50% but we can design a system which can saves the total energy up to

30-40%. Our goal was to use a street lightning system which provide more intelligence about the

street lights and different times of day and night and can give full information about every object

on the road and at footpath but in this aspect we become success in designing some intelligence

which is not more enough as compare to our goal and future advancement of street lightning

system. Another goal was to build a system which can automatically vary the lights brightness

from evening to mid night and then from midnight to morning. In this aspect we also became

successful up to some level.

5.5 Reasoning for Short Comings

Our main goals which we have to achieve, they we cannot achieve because of following reasons

and short comings we have to design our project powered by the control panel but due to high

cost of control panel is so high that we cannot purchase a solar panel. Thus our system is

dependent upon the distribution supply. We cannot provide the efficient intelligent system due to

high cost of GSM system which is unaffordable by the students. Thus the end short coming is

that can we can design more efficient brightness control system due to reason of complex

programming and software is require building such a system.

What we achieved


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But what matters here for us we successfully achieved to manage load by our intelligent street

lightning system by using two special techniques that favors’ both energy saving best provision

of intelligence.

5.6 Limitations

Energy consumption is major issue in the present era which is increasing day by day. There are

many different methods through which energy consumption can be controlled and can be saved

up to some extent. Our project is also about saving the electrical energy so we decided to save

the electrical energy through street lightning system. Intelligent street lightning system sensing

human and vehicle movement can save the energy up to a good extent but this energy saving is

up to 35-40% so energy saving greater than 50% could not achieved. Moreover the programming

used in microcontroller is C++ which have some limitations that it is difficult to build

programming through C++ and also difficult to understand by a user. Another limitation of

intelligent street lightning is that it Our goal was to use a street lightning system which provide

more intelligence about the street lights and different times of day and night and can give full

information about every object on the road and at footpath but in this aspect we become success

in designing some intelligence which is not more enough as compare to our goal and future

advancement of street lightning system. Another goal was to build a system which can

automatically vary the lights brightness from evening to mid night and then from midnight to

morning. In this aspect we also became successful up to some level. We successfully gain the

requirements of energy saving by intelligent street lightning system up to an extent which we can

do with our best hard work and intelligence. But there are some limitations in our project which

we have explained and Insha Allah we will try to overcome them in future by designing an

intelligent street lightning system which will give better output like a system which we have

described to design in future.


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5.7 Summary

In this chapter we discussed results we achieved its comparison with other similar projects and

discussion of the findings. This chapter contains all the results about hardware and software of

this project and about the feasibility of hardware and software. Also we discussed above the

intelligent street lightning technology and our future goal for making improvements in intelligent

street lightning system for saving more energy. Thus comparison of our project with initial goals

are discussed which we could not achieved and reasons behind them and at last the limitations of

this project are discussed. We talked about what we claimed initially and what we can't

accomplish our limitations and recommendations.


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Chapter 6


The project is all about energy saving by doing some intelligent things with street

lighting. This system offers ease of maintenance and energy savings. It is obtained by providing

highly economical LED technology. The proposed system is particularly suitable for the roads in

Remote urban and rural areas where traffic is low at all times and there is less need of traffic

lights. Also this system is quite economical and anyone can invest in this to save money, power

and time. The lifetime of LED street lights is usually 10 to 15 years. Quick turn on and off:

Unlike fluorescent lamps, which take time to heat up once switched on, LEDs come on with full

brightness instantly. Also we can vary the brightness during evening and night time by using a

highly efficient intelligence system. The equipment used like microcontroller, LED, voltage

regulators, capacitors, PIR sensors and LCD etc. are easily available and less costly. Overall the

system is very good system which saves power and cost by less initial cost. This system can be

improved if we could directly go for Wireless Power Transmission which would further reduce

the maintenance costs and power thefts of the system, as cable breaking is one of the problems

faced today .In addition to this, we can use SCADA system but its initial cost is high and its

expensive system. Moreover, attempts can be made to ensure that the complete system is self-

sufficient on nonconventional energy resources like solar power, windmills, Piezo-electric

crystals, etc. We hope that these advancements can make this system completely robust and

totally reliable in all respects. All in all we can say by keeping in mind the overall scenario of the

initial cost, power consumption and other factors this system looks very economical and

efficient. This is done by replacing sodium vapor lamps by LED and adding dimming technology

to it. E-Street provides an effective measure to save energy by preventing unnecessary wastage

of electricity, caused due to manual switching of street-lights when it is not required. The system

is versatile, extendable and totally adjustable to user needs.


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