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  • 1. What Are Families? A group of individualswho live together andcooperate as a unit Filipino families possess a genuinelove for family whichnot simply parentsand children but also relatives and grandparents.

2. What is SOCIETY? A group of families organized and workingtogether for a common goal, interest andbeliefs is called society. As the people who interact in such a way as toshare a common culture. The term society can also have a geographicalmeaning and refer to people who share acommon culture in a particular location. 3. How was family in relation to society? Families are the foundation in society. The life and reputation of every society depends on the behavior or actions of its families. When families breakdown and fail to provide the healthy nurturing we need, the effects impact not only our own lives but also in our communities. We suffer the consequences. The goals of society may not be achieved if the family fails in achieving its goals. 4. What is CULTURE? Culture is that complex whole which includesknowledge, belief, art, morals, laws and anyother capabilities and habits acquired by manas a member of society. Culture is everything that people Have- (material possessions) Think (values and attitudes) Do (behavior patterns) as member of a society 5. How was family in relation to culture? The family acts as an instrument by whichculture is kept alive. Through the family, the beliefs, customs andtraditions of the older generation are passedon to the next generation. 6. Social and Cultural changes in the family In the past few decades, the world has seenmajor changes in the face of the family. Continuous and constant changes with the timehas resulted to what sociologist call socio-culturalchanges. Such changes have caused conflicts inthe family, resulting to problems likeseparation, juvenile delinquency, early marriageand drug addiction. 7. Some of the cultural changes that haveinfluenced the Filipino family are: Modern Marriage Arrangements- Filipino marriages based on parental arrangementhave declined because of cultural diffusionthrough mass media. Today, marriages are basedon romantic love, compatibility and commoninterest s. Many young people are becoming moreresponsible in selecting their life time partner. 8. The declining authority of the male before, the absolute control was exercised by thehead of the family, the father. Now, the father andmother share equal authority and responsibility. The sophisticated division of labor while the traditional role of the wife is takecharge of the domestic affairs of the home andthe early education of the children, she has nowbecome an accepted partner in earning the familyincome 9. Migration to urban areas and the frontierareas There is now a high degree of mobility of thepopulation as compared to the traditional way oflife. Better communication, improvement on themeans of transportation and mass education hasattracted more Filipinos to strike out for a newplaces. 10. What Are the Forms of Marriages?MONOGAMY POLYGAMYPOLYANDRY 11. The following are the forms ofMARRIAGES: MONOGAMY- one man marries only onewoman at a given time POLYGAMY- one person marries two or morepersons of the opposite sex at a given time.Two forms: POLYGYNY- marriage of a man to two or morewomen at a given time in which there is nomarriage bond between the wives POLYANDRY- the woman is legally married to twoor more men at the same time 12. MONOGAMY POLYGAMY POLYANDRY POLYGYNY 13. Classification of families Simple or Nuclear Conjugal family- a family- a familyfamily composed of composed ofhusband and wife husband, wife and theirchildren 14. Extended Family Families that include relativesother than parents and childrenExtendedIs made up of nuclear or single-parent familiesplus other relatives such asgrandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. 15. Blended FamiliesA family in whichboth spouses have children from previousrelationships 16. Step FamiliesFamilies thatincludechildren froma previous relationship 17. Adopted FamiliesFamiliesthat includechildrenthat are not biologically theirs 18. Single Parent FamiliesChildren wholive with oneparent Single parentIncludes only one parent, the mother orthe father, who lives with the children. Singleparents may be divorced, widowed, unwed, orabandoned. 19. Childless FamiliesFamilieswith nochildren 20. Foster Parent FamiliesFamilieswho take inchildrentemporarilyFosterIncludes parents who provide full-time child care for someone elses child for a designated period of time. 21. Healthy Families Exhibit the Following Characteristics:LOVE LEARNINGLOYALTYLIBERTYLAUGHTER 22. Unhealthy FamiliesExhibit the following characteristics:AvoidanceTolerance SecrecyClosedLittle Care or Hope 23. Classification according to origin ordescent: PATRILINEAL FAMILIES- the children isconsidered apart of his/her fathers family line MATRILINEAL FAMILIES- will only have afamily from his/her mother family line BILATERAL or BILINEAL FAMILIES- a familywhere its ancestry comes from both the fatherand mother sides 24. Classification according to LOCATIONof RESIDENCE: PATRILOCAL FAMILIES- in which married coupleresides with or near the husbands parents MATRILOCAL FAMILIES- these were the coupleslives with or near the wifes parents BILOCAL FAMILIES- in which couples , uponmarriage live with or near either the husbandsparents or wifes parents NEOLOCAL FAMILIES- is a type when a newlymarried couple resides separately from both thehusbands household and the wife households. 25. Classification according to degree ofAUTHORITY: PATRIARCHAL FAMILIES- the father exercise thesole authority and descent is trace through him MATRIARCHAL FAMILIES- the family is controlledor dominated by the wife. Its members livetogether under the authority of the wife EQUALITARIAN FAMILIES- equal authority isexercised by the husband and the wife in thefamily 26. ACTIVITY: Individual (1/2 crosswise) Analyze your own family according to: Classification Organization Origin of descendancy Location of residence Degree of authority