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" "' m ' ' pPrPPlW h - c8c- - to sldverising Medium. 1 V""" The Oldest S 'Page If you Don 7 Head the Bulletin C2c5 r J? ULLG-TI- N : Evening Paper Published j'flH Z7 G si.. : A'nw. on the Hawaiian Islands. Reaches ALL the Tcople. ;. V"" Subscription 75c. a month. iMOHM0000tMOMOMtO tf OOP QtMt Moot MM M Vol. III. No. 592. HONOLULU, H.- - I., FRIDAY, APllIL 23, 1897. Piuob 5 Cknts, V'i Y it : THE EVENING BULLETIN. ' Published ovcry dny cicopt Sundny nt 210 King Street, Honolulu, II. 1. BUIISCIIIVTIOX 11ATE8. Per Month, anywhere in the Iln- - wniinn lolnnda $ 76 Per Year. 8 00 Per Year, postpaid to America, Cauada, or Mexico 1000 Per Year, postpaid, other Foreign Countries 13 00 l'nynblo Invariably tn Advance. Telephone 2M. P. O. I3ox 89. B. L. FINNEY, ManaEer. VS1 Beautiful eyes cow dull and dim As the swift years steal away. Beautiful, willowy form o slim Lose lalrne4 with day. But she still is queen and hatli charms to spare Who wears youth's coronalbeautiful hair. Ayer's Elair Vigor will preserve your hair, and thus pre- serve your youth. "A woman is as old as she looks," says the world. No woman looks as old as she is if her hair has preserved its normal beauty. You can keep hnir from falling out, restoring its normal color, or restore the normal color to gray or faded hair by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Bole Agents for the Kepublio of Hawaii. Grand Credit Auction Sale! i On WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY April 21 and 22, 1897, TALORING GOODS, Such a Tweeds, Suitings, Iniukkin, JCiitiifj.ini?, Doeskins, Trousering, Serges, Flannels, Linen mid Cotton Duck, Cottoumle, Shirtinsr Tiliilitr;", Han- - . 1ms, Cotton', Etc. Also, New Dress ami Fancy Goods in Large Quantity. And Cloth- ing, Shirts, Stockings; Sheeting, BlntiketK, Quilts, Towels, Cutlery,' Boots and Shoes, WHITE - Sewing - Machines On tt Liberal Credit to the Trade, fiZF'AT THE STOKE 0Fia7 p. W. polmiufconf! Von Holt Block, King Street. EL Gr- - J3IA.RT, 401 Fort Street. Jeweler aid Watcmaer gj&r Having bought out the eutlro stock of J. E. Gomes I arn prepared to furnish Flm-clas- a Jewelry at rea- sonable prices. WalclmaklBg and Repairing a Specialty. t&" Native Work of all kinds. Also Wire Ornameutii. FRANCIS DUNN, Architect and Superintendent &S. Oflio: 305 Fort street, Sprockols' Block, Koom 5. A THE BOARD. OF EDUCATION inni'i:!iou- -, tovnsi:.i .IIAItr.S A I.4INC KKI'OltT. Aiipuliitiiiniila null JrnitPK It. Hull iilHtlc School Ascul Hi Walmiae. At tlio regular meeting of the ComiuifcBionerb of Education yes- terday nflurnoon thore wero pro-eo- ut Professor Alexander, Mrs. Dillingham, Mrs. Jordan, W. A. Bowcn and H'. M. von Holt, d Inspector-Gener-al Town-eon- d and bis deputy, J. F. Scott. After tbo reading of tbo ininutoB, Mr. Scott presented a report, on tbe offer of Mr. Lowrie to give $100 worth of lumber in exchange for tbo Waiawa school house and lot, tho Bubstanco of which was given in his remarks to the Board at the last mooting and already published in tho Bulletin. Miss Camarn was appoint- ed assistant to Mr. Law at tho Pahoehoe school for tho re- mainder of the school year. It was ordered that tho children horetoforo attonding tho Kahuluu school beroquired to attend at Puhoohoo iu future. A petition from the teachers of the Kaakopua- - school for insido blinds for tho school building was granted. Miss Louisa Hapai was appoint- ed to the vacancy iu the Hilo school caused by tho resignation of Miss Louisa Brown. Jamos 11. Holt was tendered tho position of school agent nt Waianae. Tho creator part of the session was occupied in discussing a very long report from Inspector on the condition of affairs in South Kona and especi- ally tho rocont troubles bo-tw- school agent Mills and T. K. 11. Araalu. Tho recommenda- tions made by Mr. Towusend wore finally adopted. As a result the resignation of Mr. Mills as school agent has been accepted. T. K. 11. Amalu is to bo notified by tho. Secrotary that Mr. Mills had been in tho right when ho demanded the resignation of Mrs. S. Amalu, nud that his eubsoqueut bitter- ness against tho school agent is condemned. S. Amnlu is rein- stated iu tho Alao school and is cautioned against using sovero methods of corporal punishment. Mr. Mills is to be informed thut although right in tho first in- stance in removing Mra.S. Amalu hio subsequent couroo 1ms not mot with tho approval of the s. The buia ioi the extra tunciidta umplojrri by Mr. Mills during tho sqiiabblo wero allowed. m m Orlelnal Hock. The AVarrimoo that is expectod hero April 10 from Victoria will bring n largo consignment of Original Bock Boor for tho An- chor Saloon., While Ihuio has boon Book Boor on tho Honolulu market, it does not begin to com-pa- ro with tho rousiguuiout that tho Anchor will lmvo on tap nftor tho arrival of tho Wurrimoo. The reason for thio is that tho Hock that has already arrived is too fresh. Tho Book Beer in tho States is made at tho first of tho year and kept till May 1. Tho con- signment to arrivo is some of tho origiual boor, and is guarantocd to bo bettor than any Bock ovor im- ported. Wait for it. It will bo on tap at tho Anchor uftor the arrival of tho AVarrimoo. lloulallt Jtlusajuerado. Two prizes each for ladies and goutloinou will bo givou at tho Healaui raasquorado tonight. Some of tho costumes lmvo boon months iu preparing, while others lmvo boon knocked together with- in a diiy or two past. Jt is oxpect-c- d that tlioro will bo a largo of spectators, ami tho gallory of tho clubhouse has Leon propuiud fur tluun. Mlt.MlltY irilll'CIAKV ACCOUNT To llnnkriiitcy Miittcrn-Htiardlati-al- alia or In.Hiin I'rrinil. 0. du ltoi, asBignoo in bank- ruptcy of Mrs. A. D. Friomaun, has filed n potitiou for discharge, which will bo hoard next Tuesday. Ho is prepared to receipt for a dividend of 10.02 emits iu the dollar. Chin Sing and Tone Vn, part uers iu tho Tin Ting Vai compa- ny, rice plantors below lolnui collego, have petitioned to bo ad-- ' judged bankrupt. They are in- volved to the amount of about $1300. A. S. Humphreys is their attorney. 4 Maloka Mi, represented by J. Q. Wood, attorney, has had her petition granted by Judge Carter, to be appointed guardian of J. K. Mi, an insane porBon, undor $100 bond. J. A. Magoou has filed a sheaf of his accounts as guardian, sev- erally, of tho persons named hero-inbelo- Susan Brash, receipts $879, pay- ments $1345.73; balance duo guard- ian, Jns. Love, receipts 8225."), pay- ments $1310.02; balance duo guardian, $2001.02. Peter Manuel, receipts $320.02, payments $319.75; balunco duo tho word 87 cents. Rnbocca l,oi!'irt F",:.uLi, rn ceipts $7009.19, payments 82379. 07; balance due tho ward $5289.52 Tho Manuel listato, rocoipts and payments each $2500.50. David Manuel, rocoipts $293.80, payments $253.35; balance due tho ward $40.51. .tioitK II. Ilneklnld A Co. lit Krrrl l.arKC IliilldiiiEN Iu the I'titurc. H. Hackfold it Co. are preparing to grade tho lower portion of their block fronting on Halokauila street in readiness for the erection of a largo iron warehouso which will oxtend along the ontire front of that street at present unoccu- pied. A concrete iloor to be raised to tho level of the street is to bo put in. Tho ironwork for tho building itsolf is expooted on the Paul lsonberg, now duo from Germany. It is also said that wheu this warehouse is completed woik will bo commenced on a now building of brick and stouo which is to oc- cupy thu corner of tho Huektold property on Fort and Queen streets. This structure is design- ed for the main oflioes of tho com- pany as well as warorooms, show- rooms, etc., for their extousivo stock. Tho largo and increasing business done by this firm makes thoso improvomonts almost a no- -- ;i;. 'pi - i...:i . i . lined for tho ofnnes and 'ihowroTns wnl bo U3cu for warohoiiso pur- poses aftor tho completion of tho now buildings. 'I III: KKCOMI COMiltrUATIOX. Mrctlu at SI. Aiiilrrn'a l.imt Nielli. Tho tseeoiuj Oougiogutiun of St. Andrew's Cathedral olectod at its aunual mcotihg last ovoning Cloorgo y. Harris and W. L. Slanloy Church AVardens for the ensuing year and othor ofiicors oft follows: Sidosnion, 13. W. Jor- dan, J. W. Podmoro, A. St. M. Mackintosh, John Eilluger, H. M. Mist, Louis Mirandu, Arthur Mackintosh and Ernest Boss; Treasurer, T. M Sturkoy; Finance Committee, the Church Wardens with Tom Muy and W.M..Gruham; Choir Committeo, 'lorn Mhv, W. L. Stanley, J'. E. Wall, MmX. li. Cooper aud Miss von Holt. Tho Treasuior'a report showed tho parish to bo iu a prosperous con- dition. This pnririh now constats of upward of J000 souls, 3i!5 of whom aro communicants. On Easter Day partook of the holy uituiumeut. Mechanics' Homo, corner Hotel and Ntiuumi streets, lodging by day, wook or month. Torms: 25 nut CO cants por night. $1, and SI. 2fi pur wt't'k. BATTLE FOR THE BOARDS l'l.ACi: II V Iioril I.CHAI. COMlULKt' ANIt IIMCIIANF. I After At I nn I utc in llin ;nrl llir NrV S'nlll pilllj Sella Out to I In- - Old. Mr. Mngooii, attorney for the dofoudauts, has made a statement to tho Bulletin regaidiug tho controversy between Soi Kwnu Yiug, or the Old Chiuose Theater, and For Fung Niu, or tho New Chinese Theater. Tho latter wore tho defendants. This caso was begun on Monday in equity, and a temporary injunc- tion was issued restraining the new company from interfering with tho old company in tho nso of the building known as tho Tong Lock Co. or old Chinese Theater. Mr. Weaver, represent- ing Mr. CaBtlo, tho attorney for plaintiffs, had during Monday forenoon cone down to the theater ' building and had tried to oust the defendants. Ho waB backed up by a largo number of Chinese, but tho representatives of tho new t'Minpany. thoiifh only five or six in number, refused to leave. .Mr. Mngoon, r irM0(niiug 'the defendants, said ho wished to avoid trouble and, if his clients wore not rightfully entitled to tho building, ho would advise them to withdraw, and ofi'ered to Bhow under what right he claimed, if tho other side would do tho sumo, and the side that had tho legal titlo should remain in possession. Mr. Weaver Baid that ho had not tho lease with him and that it was necessary for him to go to his office to procure it. The law- yers then withdrow, leaving mat- ters just as they found them, pro- posing to meet later, but, owing to a misunderstanding as to tho place of meeting, this did not take placo. Shortly afterward an applica- tion was mado for a writ of injunc- tion on behalf of the plaintiffs, which was deniod. Subsequently a similar application was mado on behalf of the defendants, which was also denied. Counsol for defondauts, being desirous of avoiding trouble, was willing, if tho Court would not grant nn in- junction to defendants, to havo one allowed to the plaintiffs, which was accordingly doue. During tho provious week tho defendants had been playiug in tho theater in dispute and had all of tlioir paruphcrualia thoro, and by an arraugoniont betwoou the counsol, after tho iujnuction was i el.,,-- , ...., i u.. ants tieiii down to tuo theater to leiuove thoir effects. Whilo so doing one of tho defend- ants' sorvauts was ussaulted by several of the plaintiffs' agents. Finally plaintiffs were left, undor tho injunction, in full possession of tho theater. It transpired during thu trial that plain tiff's never had auy writing itir roteience to tho theater premises, and thereupon tbo Court dissolved tho injunction and dismissed plaintiffs' bill with- out requiring tho defondauts to put on any evidence After tho termination of tho trial ou . Wednesday, defendants requested plaintiffs to vacato tho promises of which thoy had at- tempted violently to tako posses- sion, and which they had occu- pied under sanction of the Court. This thoy dccliucd to do, and tho defendants woro obliged to go down Hud dispossess tliem, which thoy did without much coromony. Somo of tho testimony which plaintiffs rolied upon to sustain thoir cause wniuquito amusing. For instauco, one man testified that ho mado an agroomeut with refereuco to tho promises iu Feb- ruary of '9G, but upou cross ox -- aminalion ho was forced to admit that ho was uot living ou tho Isl- and of Oahu at that tuno and had no authority whatever to tnako tho alleged agroomeut. This, iu all probability, is enough to end the controversy be twoou the two rival theators, which some timo since were consolidated under an agreement with tho de- fendants, liesides, since tho now company ousted tho old one after tho failure of tho injunction proceodiugB as stated the now compauy lias sold out its right of jiossossion for coin, and now tho old company is again installed. Quiet reigns once more ou the murshos of Aala that is betwoon performances in the theater Alien tho orchestra is playing. A Itrreltliis Mien. An account is published of a gentloman who ennio early to get rogistored and, "after hang- ing round until 9:15, nn hour aud a quarter," investigated and found a uoto on tho dosk of the llegis-tra- r, reading, "If anyone comes, Bond thorn to my house." As tho rulvorUeed opening hour for reg- istration is 9 a. m., it seems puzzling where tho "hour aud a quarter" came in up to 9:15. Thero is an explanation of the whole trouble, however, furnished by Gus Hose, a clerk in the joint office of tho Electoral ltegistrar, tho Board of Immigration and the Board of Agriculture Wrny Tay- lor, who is Secretary of Immigra- tion, on going homo to get ready to go to Kauai the other day, left such a uoto as that described on Mr. Hose's desk. As Mr. laylor is IJeetoral Registrar for tin? whole Republic, among several signs on tho outside of his oflico is one, right ovor the door, bearing thu titlo, "Electoral Reg- istrar." Tho registration of voters for this district is not dono in tho Registrar's ollico at al', however, but before tho District Hoard of Registration in the old legislative chamber. There is a poster at tho angle of the hallway giving tho law of registration, surmounted by a written notico of tho hours for registering voters. The complaining elector went into tho wrong shop. llatlaltuit Drill. The socond battalion drill last night was fairly attended and lasted nearly an hour. Aftor which a review was conducted by Major Jones. The band was present anil played martial airs. Tho dress purado was oxcollent, the Hues of company front being well handled. Captain McCarthy succeeded Major Jones for a short drill. Ho made au exceedingly good fist of it too. At the con- clusion of the drill a short enter- tainment took place, including re- freshments. Thoro wero a fow songs by tho compauy and a reci tation by W. A. Turner. .llliilalvr lur Jiipiin. It is ini.v ML.iolu. Sliluiamutu. Tho gonial Consul General that was of Japan received, by tho Doric's mail yesterday, his com- mission from the Mikado as Min- ister Resident near tho Govern- ment of tho Ropublic of Hawaii. Miuister bhimamura is affable and pleasant iu demeanor and diacotirsr, as thf lvst diplomat are made, aud has tho unfeigned personal esteem of till who enjoy oitlior his official or his private acquaintance Tho Bulletin res pectfully tenders tho Minister for Japan its cbugratulatious. Iliiiiinioiiil Heard 1'ruiii. Tho notorious Dr. Hammond, who oporalcd hero a fow years ago, has boon heard from. His address is Beardou Post Ollico, Indian Territory, U. S. A. He signs hirasolf Win. N. Hammond, M. D., D. D. Tho lattor paper on which he writos has the inscrip- tion, "Bisliop of Alabama m Edouio Lifo Church." The "rovorond" desires to invest $10, -- 000 in coffee iu tho islands, and writos for iuformatiou. Printed ducks aro jiiBt as good, if not bettor than anything else for boys' shirt waists. Thoy wash nud wear woll, two very important considerations. Kerr lias them in a largo variety of patterns at eight yiirdn for one dollar. . m.i' .,.., -- ' .. , -- .... 'JKnmmkk iL-- .. THE BASEBALL SEASON I'liiM' limiici; cja.iii: to in: i'i.A. I'.ll lO.HOItltOW AHIKHMIIIN, A lllir Attrndanrp N I xnerlril mill III" leittna I'riimlM' f o IMiiy I'lrat fin.. Hall. Tomorrow oflnrnoou at 3:30 at the Makiki grounds tho Stars and First Regiments will cross bats in tho first league game of tho season of 1897. It is a fore- gone conclusion that thero will be a big ntteudauco and both teams promiso to put up a good game. Lovers of tho gaino of baseball hope that tho experieuco of last year will not bo repeated. Poor playing at tho beginning of last year's game resulted in continued poor attendance and tho season was a failure as regards financial results. It is hoped tho baseball managers havo learned a lesson from last season which will cause them to be more careful in this. Tho Honolulu public never yet failed to patronize good ball most liberally nnd never will. On tho other hand it has no uso for poor ball playing and it showed it la6t year. ith threo good clubs in tho league this year and with lots of experience and empty treasuries to start with, thoro is no reason why good solid hard work ou tho part of every ono interested should not result in making the season of 1897 a successful one, financially aud otherwise. Tho first two or three games will have much to do with the futurb ones. Thu public may bo rolied on to go to theso anyhow. If thoy got tho worth of thoir money, oven though it a only a quarter, they will go again. If they 'don't thoy will stay homo and no amount of coaxing will draw them out again until tho final game or two. In the game arranged, for to- morrow the players nud positions are as givou below: Stars: Hart, p.; Cunhn, c; Woods, lb.. Koki, 2.: Wilder 3b.; Lishinnu, bs.; Babbitt, rf.; Pahan, cf.; Ross, If. First Regiment: Hounossy, p.; Kiley, c; Mooro captain, lb.; Davis, 2b.; Gorman, 3b.; Bowor, ss.; O'Connor, rf.; Duncan, cf.; Luahiwa, If.; Chas. May no, substi- tute aud ohuugo pitcher. Under this year's rulos Harry Whituoy has solo chargo of tho field as oflicial leaguo umpire.with full power to appoint his assistant arid substitute. No ono else has anything to say about it, henco tho public may hopo to bo Baved from the Jou waits and MiiinhblpB ovor umpires it Whituoy himBolf is uot piobont. Tho Nutional League rules adopted this yoar give more power than evor to tho umpire, who is mado Boloinast6r of tho field and responsible for all infractions of.his authority. Tho Australian baseball team which paudud through hero lately were to play thoir first gamo in San Frauoiaco last Sunday after -- noou, and thoir nino wa3 solooted from tho following athletes iu thoir pnrty: Syduoy W Smith, first base and uhango catchor; Charlos Over, pitcher and d playor; Jaa McKay, pitcher and catchor; J L Wallnco, catcher; Charles Komp, pitcher; Walter G luglotou, soc- ond base; A E Wiseman, out-fioldo- r; Harry Irwin, shortstop; Harry Stuckoy, outfiolder; Alfred S Carter, left fielder; Potor Mo-Allist- third baso; Frank Lavor, captain, first base and pitcher; R , E Ewer, pitchor and catchor, and tho charapiou all-rou- nd athlete o South Australia. Ewers has thrown n cricket ball 129 yardB, boing tho world'ei record. Ed Crane of the All Am-orica- ns has thrown a cricket ball 128 yards. Ho is tho oldest of a baseball family of fivu. -- - Jim Dodd has gonn lo Sun Francisco after more I2ulrprttt beer, P s f V -- A VI tl w j' m

f 13 Hi in- - University of · cautioned against using sovero methods of corporal punishment. Mr. Mills

Oct 31, 2018



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Page 1: f 13 Hi in- - University of · cautioned against using sovero methods of corporal punishment. Mr. Mills

" "' m '' pPrPPlW

h - c8c- -

to sldverising Medium. 1V""" The Oldest S 'Page

Ifyou Don 7 Head the Bulletin C2c5 r J? ULLG-TI- N: Evening Paper Published

j'flH Z7 G si.. : A'nw. on the Hawaiian Islands.Reaches ALL the Tcople. ;. V"" Subscription 75c. a month.

iMOHM0000tMOMOMtO tf OOP QtMt Moot MM M

Vol. III. No. 592. HONOLULU, H.- - I., FRIDAY, APllIL 23, 1897. Piuob 5 Cknts,






' Published ovcry dny cicopt Sundny nt210 King Street, Honolulu, II. 1.

BUIISCIIIVTIOX 11ATE8.Per Month, anywhere in the Iln- -

wniinn lolnnda $ 76Per Year. 8 00Per Year, postpaid to America,

Cauada, or Mexico 1000Per Year, postpaid, other Foreign

Countries 13 00

l'nynblo Invariably tn Advance.Telephone 2M. P. O. I3ox 89.

B. L. FINNEY, ManaEer.

VS1Beautiful eyes cow dull and dim

As the swift years steal away.Beautiful, willowy form o slim

Lose lalrne4 with day.But she still is queen and hatli charms to

spareWho wears youth's coronalbeautiful hair.

Ayer'sElair Vigor

will preserve your hair, and thus pre-serve your youth. "A woman is asold as she looks," says the world. Nowoman looks as old as she is if herhair has preserved its normal beauty.You can keep hnir from falling out,restoring its normal color, or restorethe normal color to gray or faded hairby the use of

Ayer'sHair Vigor

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Bole Agents for the Kepublio of Hawaii.

Grand CreditAuction Sale!



April 21 and 22, 1897,

TALORING GOODS,Such a Tweeds, Suitings, Iniukkin,

JCiitiifj.ini?, Doeskins, Trousering,Serges, Flannels, Linen mid

Cotton Duck, Cottoumle,Shirtinsr Tiliilitr;", Han- -

. 1ms, Cotton', Etc.

Also, New Dress ami FancyGoods in Large Quantity.

And Cloth-ing, Shirts, Stockings;

Sheeting, BlntiketK, Quilts,Towels, Cutlery,' Boots and Shoes,

WHITE - Sewing - Machines

On tt Liberal Credit to the Trade,


p. W. polmiufconf!Von Holt Block, King Street.

EL Gr- - J3IA.RT,401 Fort Street.

Jeweler aid Watcmaer

gj&r Having bought out the eutlrostock of J. E. Gomes I arn preparedto furnish Flm-clas- a Jewelry at rea-sonable prices.

WalclmaklBg and Repairing a Specialty.

t&" Native Work of all kinds. AlsoWire Ornameutii.


Architect and Superintendent

&S. Oflio: 305 Fort street,Sprockols' Block, Koom 5.



inni'i:!iou- -, tovnsi:.i.IIAItr.S A I.4INC KKI'OltT.

Aiipuliitiiiniila nullJrnitPK It. Hull iilHtlc School

Ascul Hi Walmiae.

At tlio regular meeting of theComiuifcBionerb of Education yes-terday nflurnoon thore wero pro-eo- ut

Professor Alexander, Mrs.Dillingham, Mrs. Jordan, W. A.Bowcn and H'. M. von Holt, d

Inspector-Gener-al Town-eon- d

and bis deputy, J. F. Scott.After tbo reading of tbo ininutoB,

Mr. Scott presented a report, ontbe offer of Mr. Lowrie to give$100 worth of lumber in exchangefor tbo Waiawa school house andlot, tho Bubstanco of which wasgiven in his remarks to the Boardat the last mooting and alreadypublished in tho Bulletin.

Miss Camarn was appoint-ed assistant to Mr. Lawat tho Pahoehoe school for tho re-mainder of the school year. Itwas ordered that tho childrenhoretoforo attonding tho Kahuluuschool beroquired to attend atPuhoohoo iu future.

A petition from the teachers ofthe Kaakopua- - school for insidoblinds for tho school buildingwas granted.

Miss Louisa Hapai was appoint-ed to the vacancy iu the Hiloschool caused by tho resignationof Miss Louisa Brown.

Jamos 11. Holt was tenderedtho position of school agent ntWaianae.

Tho creator part of the sessionwas occupied in discussing a verylong report from Inspector

on the condition ofaffairs in South Kona and especi-ally tho rocont troubles bo-tw-

school agent Mills and T.K. 11. Araalu. Tho recommenda-tions made by Mr. Towusend worefinally adopted. As a result theresignation of Mr. Mills as schoolagent has been accepted. T. K.11. Amalu is to bo notified by tho.Secrotary that Mr. Mills had beenin tho right when ho demandedthe resignation of Mrs. S. Amalu,nud that his eubsoqueut bitter-ness against tho school agent iscondemned. S. Amnlu is rein-stated iu tho Alao school and iscautioned against using soveromethods of corporal punishment.Mr. Mills is to be informed thutalthough right in tho first in-stance in removing Mra.S. Amaluhio subsequent couroo 1ms notmot with tho approval of the s.

The buia ioi the extra tunciidtaumplojrri by Mr. Mills duringtho sqiiabblo wero allowed.

m m

Orlelnal Hock.

The AVarrimoo that is expectodhero April 10 from Victoria willbring n largo consignment ofOriginal Bock Boor for tho An-chor Saloon., While Ihuio hasboon Book Boor on tho Honolulumarket, it does not begin to com-pa- ro

with tho rousiguuiout thattho Anchor will lmvo on tap nftortho arrival of tho Wurrimoo. Thereason for thio is that tho Hockthat has already arrived is toofresh. Tho Book Beer in thoStates is made at tho first of thoyear and kept till May 1. Tho con-signment to arrivo is some of thoorigiual boor, and is guarantocd tobo bettor than any Bock ovor im-

ported. Wait for it. It will boon tap at tho Anchor uftor thearrival of tho AVarrimoo.

lloulallt Jtlusajuerado.

Two prizes each for ladies andgoutloinou will bo givou at thoHealaui raasquorado tonight.Some of tho costumes lmvo boonmonths iu preparing, while otherslmvo boon knocked together with-in a diiy or two past. Jt is oxpect-c- d

that tlioro will bo a largoof spectators, ami tho

gallory of tho clubhouse has Leonpropuiud fur tluun.

Mlt.MlltY irilll'CIAKV ACCOUNT

To llnnkriiitcy Miittcrn-Htiardlati-al- alia

or In.Hiin I'rrinil.0. du ltoi, asBignoo in bank-

ruptcy of Mrs. A. D. Friomaun,has filed n potitiou for discharge,which will bo hoard next Tuesday.Ho is prepared to receipt for adividend of 10.02 emits iu thedollar.

Chin Sing and Tone Vn, partuers iu tho Tin Ting Vai compa-ny, rice plantors below lolnuicollego, have petitioned to bo ad-- 'judged bankrupt. They are in-

volved to the amount of about$1300. A. S. Humphreys is theirattorney. 4

Maloka Mi, represented by J.Q. Wood, attorney, has had herpetition granted by Judge Carter,to be appointed guardian of J. K.Mi, an insane porBon, undor $100bond.

J. A. Magoou has filed a sheafof his accounts as guardian, sev-erally, of tho persons named hero-inbelo-

Susan Brash, receipts $879, pay-ments $1345.73; balance duo guard-ian,

Jns. Love, receipts 8225."), pay-ments $1310.02; balance duoguardian, $2001.02.

Peter Manuel, receipts $320.02,payments $319.75; balunco duotho word 87 cents.

Rnbocca l,oi!'irt F",:.uLi, rnceipts $7009.19, payments 82379.07; balance due tho ward $5289.52

Tho Manuel listato, rocoipts andpayments each $2500.50.

David Manuel, rocoipts $293.80,payments $253.35; balance due thoward $40.51.


II. Ilneklnld A Co. lit Krrrl l.arKCIliilldiiiEN Iu the I'titurc.H. Hackfold it Co. are preparing

to grade tho lower portion of theirblock fronting on Halokauilastreet in readiness for the erectionof a largo iron warehouso whichwill oxtend along the ontire frontof that street at present unoccu-pied. A concrete iloor to beraised to tho level of the street isto bo put in. Tho ironwork for thobuilding itsolf is expooted on thePaul lsonberg, now duo fromGermany.

It is also said that wheu thiswarehouse is completed woik willbo commenced on a now buildingof brick and stouo which is to oc-cupy thu corner of tho Huektoldproperty on Fort and Queenstreets. This structure is design-ed for the main oflioes of tho com-pany as well as warorooms, show-rooms, etc., for their extousivostock. Tho largo and increasingbusiness done by this firm makesthoso improvomonts almost a no- --

;i;. 'pi - i...:i . i .

lined for tho ofnnes and 'ihowroTnswnl bo U3cu for warohoiiso pur-poses aftor tho completion of thonow buildings.

'I III: KKCOMI COMiltrUATIOX. Mrctlu at SI. Aiiilrrn' l.imt Nielli.

Tho tseeoiuj Oougiogutiun ofSt. Andrew's Cathedral olectod atits aunual mcotihg last ovoningCloorgo y. Harris and W. L.Slanloy Church AVardens for theensuing year and othor ofiicors oftfollows: Sidosnion, 13. W. Jor-dan, J. W. Podmoro, A. St. M.Mackintosh, John Eilluger, H. M.Mist, Louis Mirandu, ArthurMackintosh and Ernest Boss;Treasurer, T. M Sturkoy; FinanceCommittee, the Church Wardenswith Tom Muy and W.M..Gruham;Choir Committeo, 'lorn Mhv, W.L. Stanley, J'. E. Wall, MmX. li.Cooper aud Miss von Holt. ThoTreasuior'a report showed thoparish to bo iu a prosperous con-dition. This pnririh now constatsof upward of J000 souls, 3i!5 ofwhom aro communicants. OnEaster Day partook of theholy uituiumeut.

Mechanics' Homo, corner Hoteland Ntiuumi streets, lodging byday, wook or month. Torms: 25nut CO cants por night. $1, andSI. 2fi pur wt't'k.



After At I n n I utc in llin ;nrl llirNrV S'nlll pilllj Sella Out

to I In- - Old.

Mr. Mngooii, attorney for thedofoudauts, has made a statementto tho Bulletin regaidiug thocontroversy between Soi KwnuYiug, or the Old Chiuose Theater,and For Fung Niu, or tho NewChinese Theater. Tho latter woretho defendants.

This caso was begun on Mondayin equity, and a temporary injunc-tion was issued restraining thenew company from interferingwith tho old company in tho nsoof the building known as thoTong Lock Co. or old ChineseTheater. Mr. Weaver, represent-ing Mr. CaBtlo, tho attorney forplaintiffs, had during Mondayforenoon cone down to the theater

' building and had tried to oust thedefendants. Ho waB backed upby a largo number of Chinese, buttho representatives of tho newt'Minpany. thoiifh only five or sixin number, refused to leave.

.Mr. Mngoon, r irM0(niiug 'thedefendants, said ho wished toavoid trouble and, if his clientswore not rightfully entitled to thobuilding, ho would advise them towithdraw, and ofi'ered to Bhowunder what right he claimed, iftho other side would do tho sumo,and the side that had tho legaltitlo should remain in possession.

Mr. Weaver Baid that ho hadnot tho lease with him and that itwas necessary for him to go tohis office to procure it. The law-yers then withdrow, leaving mat-ters just as they found them, pro-posing to meet later, but, owingto a misunderstanding as to thoplace of meeting, this did nottake placo.

Shortly afterward an applica-tion was mado for a writ of injunc-tion on behalf of the plaintiffs,which was deniod. Subsequentlya similar application was mado onbehalf of the defendants, whichwas also denied. Counsol fordefondauts, being desirous ofavoiding trouble, was willing, iftho Court would not grant nn in-junction to defendants, to havoone allowed to the plaintiffs,which was accordingly doue.

During tho provious week thodefendants had been playiug intho theater in dispute and had allof tlioir paruphcrualia thoro, andby an arraugoniont betwoou thecounsol, after tho iujnuction was

i el.,,-- , ...., i u.. ants tieiii down totuo theater to leiuove thoir effects.Whilo so doing one of tho defend-ants' sorvauts was ussaulted byseveral of the plaintiffs' agents.Finally plaintiffs were left, undortho injunction, in full possessionof tho theater.

It transpired during thu trialthat plain tiff's never had auywriting itir roteience to thotheater premises, and thereupontbo Court dissolved tho injunctionand dismissed plaintiffs' bill with-out requiring tho defondauts toput on any evidence

After tho termination of thotrial ou . Wednesday, defendantsrequested plaintiffs to vacato thopromises of which thoy had at-

tempted violently to tako posses-sion, and which they had occu-pied under sanction of the Court.This thoy dccliucd to do, and thodefendants woro obliged to godown Hud dispossess tliem, whichthoy did without much coromony.

Somo of tho testimony whichplaintiffs rolied upon to sustainthoir cause wniuquito amusing.For instauco, one man testifiedthat ho mado an agroomeut withrefereuco to tho promises iu Feb-ruary of '9G, but upou cross ox --

aminalion ho was forced to admitthat ho was uot living ou tho Isl-and of Oahu at that tuno and hadno authority whatever to tnako thoalleged agroomeut.

This, iu all probability, isenough to end the controversy be

twoou the two rival theators, whichsome timo since were consolidatedunder an agreement with tho de-fendants, liesides, since tho nowcompany ousted tho old oneafter tho failure of tho injunctionproceodiugB as stated the nowcompauy lias sold out its right ofjiossossion for coin, and now thoold company is again installed.Quiet reigns once more ou themurshos of Aala that is betwoonperformances in the theater Alientho orchestra is playing.

A Itrreltliis Mien.

An account is published of agentloman who ennio early toget rogistored and, "after hang-ing round until 9:15, nn hour auda quarter," investigated and founda uoto on tho dosk of the llegis-tra- r,

reading, "If anyone comes,Bond thorn to my house." As thorulvorUeed opening hour for reg-istration is 9 a. m., it seemspuzzling where tho "hour aud aquarter" came in up to 9:15. Therois an explanation of the wholetrouble, however, furnished byGus Hose, a clerk in the jointoffice of tho Electoral ltegistrar,tho Board of Immigration and theBoard of Agriculture Wrny Tay-lor, who is Secretary of Immigra-tion, on going homo to get readyto go to Kauai the other day, leftsuch a uoto as that described onMr. Hose's desk. As Mr.laylor is IJeetoral Registrarfor tin? whole Republic, amongseveral signs on tho outside of hisoflico is one, right ovor the door,bearing thu titlo, "Electoral Reg-istrar." Tho registration ofvoters for this district is not donoin tho Registrar's ollico at al',however, but before tho DistrictHoard of Registration in the oldlegislative chamber. There is aposter at tho angle of the hallwaygiving tho law of registration,surmounted by a written notico oftho hours for registering voters.The complaining elector went intotho wrong shop.

llatlaltuit Drill.The socond battalion drill last

night was fairly attended andlasted nearly an hour. Aftorwhich a review was conducted byMajor Jones. The band waspresent anil played martial airs.Tho dress purado was oxcollent,the Hues of company front beingwell handled. Captain McCarthysucceeded Major Jones for a shortdrill. Ho made au exceedinglygood fist of it too. At the con-clusion of the drill a short enter-tainment took place, including re-freshments. Thoro wero a fowsongs by tho compauy and a recitation by W. A. Turner.

.llliilalvr lur Jiipiin.

It is ini.v ML.iolu. Sliluiamutu.Tho gonial Consul General thatwas of Japan received, by thoDoric's mail yesterday, his com-mission from the Mikado as Min-ister Resident near tho Govern-ment of tho Ropublic of Hawaii.Miuister bhimamura is affableand pleasant iu demeanor anddiacotirsr, as thf lvst diplomatare made, aud has tho unfeignedpersonal esteem of till who enjoyoitlior his official or his privateacquaintance Tho Bulletin respectfully tenders tho Minister forJapan its cbugratulatious.

Iliiiiinioiiil Heard 1'ruiii.

Tho notorious Dr. Hammond,who oporalcd hero a fow yearsago, has boon heard from. Hisaddress is Beardou Post Ollico,Indian Territory, U. S. A. Hesigns hirasolf Win. N. Hammond,M. D., D. D. Tho lattor paper onwhich he writos has the inscrip-tion, "Bisliop of Alabama mEdouio Lifo Church." The"rovorond" desires to invest $10, --

000 in coffee iu tho islands, andwritos for iuformatiou.

Printed ducks aro jiiBt as good,if not bettor than anything elsefor boys' shirt waists. Thoy washnud wear woll, two very importantconsiderations. Kerr lias them ina largo variety of patterns at eightyiirdn for one dollar.

. m.i' .,.., -- ' .. , -- .... 'JKnmmkk iL-- ..


I'liiM' limiici; cja.iii: to in: i'i.A.I'.ll lO.HOItltOW AHIKHMIIIN,

A lllir Attrndanrp N I xnerlril mill III"leittna I'riimlM' f o IMiiy I'lrat

fin.. Hall.

Tomorrow oflnrnoou at 3:30 atthe Makiki grounds tho Starsand First Regiments will crossbats in tho first league game oftho season of 1897. It is a fore-

gone conclusion that thero will bea big ntteudauco and both teamspromiso to put up a good game.

Lovers of tho gaino of baseballhope that tho experieuco of lastyear will not bo repeated. Poorplaying at tho beginning of lastyear's game resulted in continuedpoor attendance and tho seasonwas a failure as regards financialresults. It is hoped tho baseballmanagers havo learned a lessonfrom last season which will causethem to be more careful in this.Tho Honolulu public never yetfailed to patronize good ballmost liberally nnd never will.On tho other hand ithas no uso for poor ball playingand it showed it la6t year.

ith threo good clubs in tholeague this year and with lots ofexperience and empty treasuriesto start with, thoro is no reasonwhy good solid hard work ou thopart of every ono interested shouldnot result in making the season of1897 a successful one, financiallyaud otherwise. Tho first two orthree games will have much to dowith the futurb ones. Thu publicmay bo rolied on to go to thesoanyhow. If thoy got tho worthof thoir money, oven though it aonly a quarter, they will go again.If they 'don't thoy will stay homoand no amount of coaxing willdraw them out again until thofinal game or two.

In the game arranged, for to-

morrow the players nud positionsare as givou below:

Stars: Hart, p.; Cunhn, c;Woods, lb.. Koki, 2.: Wilder 3b.;Lishinnu, bs.; Babbitt, rf.; Pahan,cf.; Ross, If.

First Regiment: Hounossy, p.;Kiley, c; Mooro captain, lb.;Davis, 2b.; Gorman, 3b.; Bowor,ss.; O'Connor, rf.; Duncan, cf.;Luahiwa, If.; Chas. May no, substi-tute aud ohuugo pitcher.

Under this year's rulos HarryWhituoy has solo chargo of thofield as oflicial leaguo umpire.withfull power to appoint his assistantarid substitute. No ono else hasanything to say about it, hencotho public may hopo to bo Bavedfrom the Jou waits and MiiinhblpBovor umpires it Whituoy himBolfis uot piobont. Tho NutionalLeague rules adopted this yoargive more power than evor to thoumpire, who is mado Boloinast6rof tho field and responsible for allinfractions of.his authority.

Tho Australian baseball teamwhich paudud through hero latelywere to play thoir first gamo inSan Frauoiaco last Sunday after --

noou, and thoir nino wa3 solootedfrom tho following athletes iuthoir pnrty:

Syduoy W Smith, first base anduhango catchor; Charlos Over,pitcher and d playor; JaaMcKay, pitcher and catchor; J LWallnco, catcher; Charles Komp,pitcher; Walter G luglotou, soc-

ond base; A E Wiseman, out-fioldo- r;

Harry Irwin, shortstop;Harry Stuckoy, outfiolder; AlfredS Carter, left fielder; Potor Mo-Allist-

third baso; Frank Lavor,captain, first base and pitcher; R ,

E Ewer, pitchor and catchor, andtho charapiou all-rou- nd athlete oSouth Australia.

Ewers has thrown n cricket ball129 yardB, boing tho world'eirecord. Ed Crane of the All Am-orica- ns

has thrown a cricket ball128 yards. Ho is tho oldest of abaseball family of fivu.

-- -

Jim Dodd has gonn lo SunFrancisco after more I2ulrprtttbeer,









Page 2: f 13 Hi in- - University of · cautioned against using sovero methods of corporal punishment. Mr. Mills




W pmmmf'wwwmi

tPSf1-- "


The Manufacturing Harness Co.

Korl niifT Ivinj '228. 1'. O. Uox 322.

oui--t sijeciaxty- - isFine Handmade Harness, Etc.

&&-- . "Wo keep in stock and sell no goods exceptOUK OWN MANUFACTURE.

MUSIC. , . , For Everybody:Tl)i inl complete line of

ttcuh nnnTbCi 1

&M UUUjUOIIn Hie A few ofour specialties .....

Kingsbury Pianos I

Tho perfection of art mPiano making

CHICAGO COT rAGE ORGANS,intone, ueauty uud con-

struction!'.RKOIXA MUSIC ROXKS, the King

of all, playa over one thousandtuues.

AUTOHARl'S, everybody's lustru-men- t,

a child can play It.GUITARS, wo carry the celebrated

Henry F. Mu.son, Harwood andother make, from SI up.

BANJOS, Stewart, Fairbanks &Colo and other wcllknonumakes.

ACVORDKOX3, the celebrated "Iinponai" ami oiner good lines.

tS" And a thousand and one othersmaller inaliuiueulj too numerous tomention.

Otir eele'ir.ite t Will, Nichols Co."drAit" llraud of


BANJO STRINGS,Are the best made. U&o no other.

Sheet Music,Music Books,

INSTRUCTION BOOKSFor all instruments.

Our stock i the ruost varied to befound this side of 'Frisco, ami theprices the sumo an you pay in theStates.

All instruments sold on easy month-ly payment.

WALL, NICHOLS CO.,The money savers for you. :

: r,-rvErerv-

C J ' - "S flftewif

J: 't - SS c5 &!5KS2.1- -


t! n --i rr m - NI S O CDt r : V 33

YS O r S e mX tr 2 9

v: b n - c--j

j ? c r - r .

Vix ' a 2 U)S B s Cfl

o 5,5 :3CD JIf if! - Ml

f. en" -, J


' "3 4v



San Francisco and Yoko-

hama TransportationCompany.

The First Steamer

Hakusan MaraOf the above line will bo due from

Kobe, Japan, on or about the

30th OK1 APRILAnd will have dispatch for San


W For particulars, Inquire of

G. E. 110AHUMAN,581-8i- v Agent.

Scotch Tweeds, AMI

Blue SergesIn Suitings forSummer Wear.

A Perfect Fit Guaranteed.

....AT ....

J. P. HiGUES142 Fort Streot.CiTTEIiEI'HONK 9111 V

Trie CriterionBarber gop


Best Tonsorial ArtistsIN TOWN.

FOKT STREET.Mechanics and Teamsters.

A,lVnll nDAfllnt. lw aA.ifln. ni.'. ...k .uu rci t ivv ui

..i.iilllL. fit:. t .1.lug to J. Alfred Mairnon, or to theHawaliau Hnsey Institute, Telephone700. F. WIM1URTON,

5S'J lm Manager.

The Honolulu Sanitarium1082 KlngStrtot.

A Quiet, Homelike t'Jate, Utro Truinwlursen. MnMaii.. Mwn.l.ili Tn......A.. '

Uulhs, Electricity and Physical Trainin'e

l. s. KHTXtinn At TTelephone 639. Superintendent

Removal Notice.

On and aft"i April 1st, Drs. f'ooj.or.V Raymond will occupy thuotlhies ofDr. McGrew on Hotel street. Olllcehours from 8:30 to 10 a m, 1.30 to 3aud 7 to 8 )). in. Thlephniib No. 161.




Tdoptiouu SJ50, i i i i No, 210 King St.



Itrlke Kuril unit llmr Cm Ural Tons,llrllllnnt lnlrnuniit WVnr Tinny.

In purchasing n piano it Iir.iIiI bycx-port- s

that the tnno givt u out nftcr strik-ing tho keys liard is tlm tono to whichthe piano will ultimately wear. If It isnt all metallic or thin, tho piano shouldnot be. bought The idc al piano shouldhavo brilliancy, sweetness, volume, atinging quality of tone, nn easy notionand should ho guaranteed to wear forten years at least. It should itnprovowith uso, but this very few imlrutucnt.sdo.

Tho matter of selecting a piano tomost people, aud to uiaiir that havotoino knowledgo of lnusiofud pianos, isn great difficulty. Many people will

tin agent to put a piano in theirhouse, and in this way have no way ofcomparing pianos, to tell what is bestfor them.

In tho question of pianos, as in every-thing, "tho best is tho cheapest." Thciomo many good ln.ikM that are reeog-nize- d

as standard planes, and thrso pi-anos cost but llttlo more thnn n. I'lui.mono. The opinion of tho pcoplo in general is wnat tens tor a piano.

In looking at a lot of phnos a personnot thurnnghly understanding pianoswill bo inclined to select the vcty oppo-site in the war of tone lie umnr.Tho dealer will tell you "this is a fine,brilliantpiauo; seo how clear it is. Yoncan hear every bit of that nothing cov-ered "up.

Now, in considering this matter, TheEtude ndwsts that this it tin. vn--

of piano nottohelcct The brilliant tonewill Roo-- i wo'ir cietnllle. nnd tlinn vi,will have a "tinnv"nlnno Cpt n ntmmxu.ii is homovwiat mulllcil; It will wtatblighter quick enough, and in thoof tho muffled piano tho tono will im-prove and como up to its best pointwith usage. But lu the cane of tho bril-liant piano, tho tono is nt its bet ntfirst and will continue to go hack intcad of improve. Do not g-- t a light

action piano. It wfll not nt.ind tlirheavy phiyiug like a hr ,y ..IAnd if your piano has u hi .ivy anu.mTon will not bo truublid when ,!,,!. ,1 ttiplay on u piano that has nhftivy actionyou win not to at a disnrtvantngo iromlack of power.

Do not, if it can be nvnldid. fret a rlnno ot a eonnuiutivclr new i.:il.-e-. Vnmu a rik not tob" encounter, d in h -liig' ot an old Cfttablihln d lain. TJioagent or dealer vrill tell you tho nowand cheaper piano is just as good, butulways remember that ho talks for "No.1," and that moie money is to bo madfon a cheap piano than on a g .ml on".Do not purchase an iiMiiuine'it tliu! ha'soma new "fad" that is rlaim.d limake it "superior to all others." Kverypiano, according to the inaiiu'.icturor'hadvertisement, is "unrivaled."

now t, KeCp Culfc.Cakes keep for n longwhilo in tlm

wirn nui mat lit wen, a-- n manythings aio now sold lu largo tins that itis easy to have swrunite tins for flu, illf.ferent kinds. Severn I mrts of rnkoshould not bo kept in tho samo tin, fornil get n ronfn:e,l kind of flavor of oneaiudier, ur,u it i, p . ' I; K d tkeep gingerbread wi'h .('

cake tins, as well :s 1 re-u- l par.aphoild be turned our mu e a .l . k, (mji-tic- d

of citimhs, ami m ipt d iunil w ith .idry, clean cloth, luoul r topMiut astale, musty ta.sto that is ant to devi If pits'lf. Cakes luudo ntli j..u , v, , h.ali'as quickly as uir.ul, but iiikiamade with baking powder or paisleyflour are tho l'tter for keeping Thegolden rule for tho s:itn.tactory liakingof fuch cakes is to put tl ia i . V toven tlinetlv 1 ' - ...e 1iurl. a'l I tohavo overyiliing prepared hi'f lxluuu, oothat tho mixing is douo quickly.

When Waililiii; oil added to tho water with

which mirrors, windows or nnvtlmi.r ,,fglass is to be washed will givo a luster.A pint or water und :i tablespoonfnN ofoil will wash four larmi windows. I.'irhdust tho windows careful v. then mhwell with leroene and wab'r, wipewitn a cioui ana polish with old uuws- -


4'IIUl Allciillltu.

rtuxiety nm pnrplpxity to nil whohavo possessions orotlior iutorosls1,1... (tin Itnmtlili. f irn...n.'.' 1 !lw.u "("lui"' ui Xlllltliu, illlll 11

in timo that our cilizciiH enrae to nntutiml understtiiKlnm on hovohiIimiiortnnt isanes. Tin, nmjiifor Annoxntiou nppoar n poqetitvn.,iift ,1 ;...!:., .....i ....'.i

- .ii v.... i



I a


to. in . i i, i v ,,., t.- -

i ' . lliu tt,..u.w '' , ,(u0 t). in. and 11 n. n

n .v 11 K li , .C. H


on luauka ofstreet, of

an ot

of r ofmi Terms to


jli: ",'i V' '"" 1 o clock onbe with Holtd'.ya. lu caHO ot Ico

nlso, "'v obtalued bourn,still clinj.' to horio ,0,-- sst-c- rt, or nt t'm

mill who Clinnnt hn nor.Buntlod yot, this outlook fnr moro hazy ilrnnIhnt of ovou iomost hopoful li-"- i,, nf jJQ

Monarchy, Jhit, fortunatoly, iutho midst of nil Huh uucoitniutythoro is Holnco in tlu fact thatIJuffalolJoor has ennio to stay amitliat patrons of all sorts and

may oqunlly sharo thobuueiita of its inviumaiinu andbUdlainiiif proportitib. Wo nro

assured that this fu'voniobrow will continuo to bo

at tho Hoynl,and CoHmopolitan Sa-


Kvenimj Jlullctiv 7Sc per month.

Our shipment

of the


Garland aiid


Ranges and

ol.k tnovesfNi

from the


Stove Co,

of Detroit

have arrived.

23s- - fov will

be pri pirecl to show the public

tho finest lino of of

gooJtj tLr brought to this


ffiffiBtifflBMm ffiffi2Ear2ffaaKrai

xcrrnuo.PntrmiB are resjii etfullv requested

order their -- u,plj of'Ice btfoiufin'eli.'l,riii imiwf.f.n hniiraw,,., ..i.iitno'clock o'elonkfor cash on'y.PKOl'Lh ICC CO 11

UnnjtA.NN, .ManagerOtlice, No. Dill Bireot,

Tel 1V Rox V,. RSOSt


Situated the side Pros-pect wot.t Iluckftdd street,thoroughly graded hwI walled, con-taining area "j:t,710.75 qiiuro feetmid 7000 square feet r(ipnollvely.Tliese Lofri eooimiiiul lli.i fliifiMl vh.ii

the pty, bar' and ocean anyJot thu hill. ency. Apply

rs.s-i- w 11. M.Dow,

noon HundayMiml(Ifthlmy cannot foroiohl noncHnity,certaipty. Tlicro nro thoso, te after abovewho fondly the ?.1 8"7 "eretanli


appoaraAnnexation Ine



ed hnrctoforoPaoilio



this-clas- s



Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Line

Stearoem of the nbove Line ntnning in connection with the

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYUctweon Vancouver, 13. C, nud Sydney, N. H. W., and calling nt Victorin, B. O.

Honolulu and Huvn (tiji), .

On or about the dates below stated, viz.!

From Sjtlnoj fiml Hmiv, for Vlctnrln ami l'mm Vlclorln mill Vniiniutrr, l. C tnVniiruuter. It. C.I

'" April 24

St-o- r "WAKIM O" May 24Stmr ".MIO WKIW June 24Stnir "WAUltUIOO" July 21

Through Tk'UvtN i.ssuctlUllllCMi oiiiiCH


T IV,. M,.l.nn1 finniiiliilit UVLiituiJUi iMm.i i.i, wiiiimiui' i';?.oB- -

AL M. Steissj, San Prnncisco,O MiTj Iiiown. Vancouver, B. 0. '

Oeeasic limlm So.

Australian Mail Service.'

For San Frsncisco:

The New nnd Pino Al Hteel Steumship


Of tho Oceanic Wteiuulrip Company willho due Hnnolnhi from Sydney nmlAuckland on or aliout

April 90, li)7.And will leue for tin above p rt 'vithMi-ii- aud VnaHCUKorn on or about flintdate.

For Sydney and Auckland:

The New nud Pino Al Sleo Steamship

" Moana "

Oi the Ocennio Steamship Company willbe due at Uouolulu from San Prancisooon or nlwiit

May G, 1897.And will have prompt despatch withalnilf and Pussoagnre for the above porto.

Tlio umlcraipicd nro now propnrodto issue

Tlirituftli Tickets to All Pointsin tlio United States.

C3TFor fnrther particulars regardingFrfcifjht or Piun;e npply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'd,General Acents.

OGDHiiic f)(eliM7i3COl)E(l,PCf3l'tolO


Arnvo Hocohiln LoAvq Honolulufrom a. r, forS.F.

April 27, 1807 Slay 5, 1S07May 23, 1897 June 2, 1897

THROUGH LIKEFrom Snu Francisco From Sydney for

for Sydney. San Francisco..drrire Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.

Moana. May C, '07 I Alameda, Ap 29, '97Alninedn, Jiw 3, 7 Mariposa.My 27, '97

"m 1 -I IK"- "-

. ..ji 1111 .ai - i it vi.mjmyfs 1

I Always Get

My Clothes


Madoirosfc Decker'sThe Hotel Street Tailors.

A Perfect 11, Guaranteed,

Sum Jhinl S31I11HVI

Stnir "MIOWERA" Mny 16Stnir "WAHltlMOO" . . . ..luno 16Stnir "MIOWKltA" July 16Btinr "WAltltlMOO" August IS

front Honolulu to Canada,uini iirupc.

Z3t" For freight nud 1'nnsngo nnd nilGeneral Information, npply to

TKE0. H. DAVIES & CO., L'dAReuts for the Iliiwniinn Inlands.

IVililnn'o J Innmnniniimiwfl uiua infill

TIME TABLE.0. 1,. WIOHT, Pre. S. B. HOSE, 800.

Capt. J. A. KINO, Port Supt. '

Stmr. KiaTATJ,CLARKE, Commander,

WilllflftVp ITnnnliOn ol tf . -- t.t .XifthainH, Maalaea Kay nnd AUkena the8RD10 dflT( MnVlTlWnnn VnflX. -- . .pulioelio tho IoSIoiu'uk u"y, arriving siHilo tlio name ovciiing.

JAVIBHUUOrOItl.. J AnRlVKS nonoLttu.TUDKllllV .April 27 I Pnrtay. . ..April 23'1'riili.i , . .MilV , 'iV'silliV itnvTi (! . Mill Ih . lm 141'rir.ny .. .May 23 j TiitMiay ..amy


Iteturnlag, will leave Hilo at 1 o'clockkona and Kawnlliae same Jlakenn.Msalaea Hiv nnt T i,- -t .,.'' . ,day; nrridnK at Honolulu tho nftcruoonaof 'luesday and Frlilays.' Will call nt Pohoiki, Pnnn.," "" """ w" 00 received afteivi noon on "ny of sailing.

;, rT 1 TTTiTvtiduut. jhAVVllXE,CAMERON, Commander.

Will leave Honolulu Tuesday nt 5 r. mtouching at Kahnlni, liana, Uamoa andKrpahnu, Maui. Itetnming arrives atUonolnra Banday mornings.ofTach month.

UU' K0UP' n 86COnd WP

.ttX ogling!1" U rCCeiTed'"w

This Company will rosorvos the risht to" in. tho tImo of departure andarrival of ite steamers without notice andit will not be rtwpousiblo for any couse-qnenc-

arising therefrom.Consiaiieoa must bo at tho Lundiues toreceive their Freight; this Company willnot hold itself responsible for freight nf torit has been landed.l.ive.i5tuok only at owner's risk.This Company will not be responsiblefor Money or Valuables of pasMingorsunless plnced in tho care of Pursers.IWencers are requested to purrhasa

tickots before embarking. Thoso failina todo so will be subject to an additionalchargo of twenty-tiv- o per cent.

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

201Ji Merchant Street.

FOlt SALE.IIouno and Lot, 75x155 ft., on No, 71

loung street; parlor, 3 bedroom, kitchendining-reom- , etc.

Lot on Wilder avenno 100x300 ft., fenced.Lots on Kinau nnd Piikoi streets.

TO LET.Fllfllillllftl..... . Tlnnm. nrl,lil ...Ta ., niuuu 1U1IIUIUHwalk from the Post Office. Also other

1100 ras.House on Beretanla street, near Piikoistreet; 4 rooms, dining-room- , kitchen, bath- -

' I . " ." JiUoni,o on Boliool ntnet; parlor, iievernl

bedrooiiis, kitchen, pnutry, outhoiihcs andstalilo fonutrly occupied by Hon. W. II.lllce.


Paper Hanger and DecoratorIsland Orders attended to with dispatch.

All work carefully nnd promptly ex.ecuted.

CF Omens Smith strtet, with KnmnelKahokiokidiiui Pnn. Itesidencoi Palaua.


Hawaiian Soda Worksaio picpnred to furnish Private Fund.

litk with a really Good, Puio Sodaill the New Dottles.

Belfast Ginger Ale.Wi. Telephone 0.12, at Sunny South,

605 lm

CHAS.HUSTACE.Ji..,Real Estate and Commission Agent.

Stock Jlroker. Tiro and LIta In.mirance.

CmnpbfU lllook, COO Merchant Street.

v' -i V '.tfi : '&&$&. " .,A&; ;




Page 3: f 13 Hi in- - University of · cautioned against using sovero methods of corporal punishment. Mr. Mills



'V "BH " ;" yip",-"- - --xy,riwasr"TtwB-v,-'"f jK'Mn''" iff,1 rrv


ew mmMTJRTA. CO.


Fine Japanese Matting, Rugs, &cFine Crepe Shirts Any Style!

jj Cheapest hi tho City. ff

MUEATA & CO., Nuuonu & 2 Hotol Streots.




W.M. G.IUT11N.


San Francisco Agents The vaju Hank orBan Fiuncisco.


San Fhancisco The Nevada Bank of SanFrancisco.

London TUc Union Bank of London. Ltd.New Yokk American Exchange National

Bank.CniOAOO Merchant National Bank.Vims Comptolr National d'Eecompt do

Parts.Beklin Dresdncr Bank!Bonokono and ToKonAMA Ilongkonp &

Shanghai Banking Corporation.New Zealand and Austbam a Bank of New

Zealand.VicioniA and Vancocvek Bank ol Mont-


Traisact a General Bauflis aniEntae Business

Dcpolsts Received. Loans made on Ap-proved Security. Commercial and TravelersCredits Issued. Bills of Exchange boughtand sold.Collections Provitlt Accounted Fob.

Established 1858


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-

able in all the principal citiesof tho world.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakea & nalekauwila Sts.

Has a largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly cm hand.

Estimotos givon for house wir-

ing and Electrical plants.

Marino Wiring a specialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN",l Manager.

Building Lots!At WATKIK1 on car huo and ou

KOAT) near FertilizingFlnnt. '

Those lots are Very Cheap and Sold

on Easy Terms.

Deslrnblo Acre Tracts near the city andother Properties for sale.

BItUCE, WAKING & CO.,Dealers in Lots and Lands,

312 Fort Street, near Kinx.TklbtooksC07. P. O. Box 321.

W.'C. ACHI& CO.,

Brokers & Dealersi- -

REALJESTATEtZT We will Buy or Sell Ileal Estalo in

all parts of the group.3T Wo will Sell Properties on Reason-abl- o


OFFICE, 10 West King Street

Consofflated Soda Water Co,, LI

Esplanade,Corner Allen & Fort St., Honolulu.


& CO.,

A. C. WALL, D. D. S

DENTIST.Now Loe' Biiildliifi, Port Stract,

TULEl'HONi: 431.

KtBOBKESBZEtZ rjswjferscnarssna


Robinson Block, Hotel Street.

Look at Our Bargain List

Fine Straw Hats, 25c. up.

Crepe Pajamas, $1 a suit.Colored Bosom Shirts, G5c.

Ladies Kimonos, 1 up.Gents Sox, 4 pairs for' 25c.

Paper Napkins, 30c. a 100.

Ladies Leather Purses, 2 be.

Silk Embroidered PillowCovers, 75c. a piece.

IWAKAMI,Robinson Block, Hotel Street.

Tjje Yokohama Specie BaihLIMITED.

Subscribed Capital Yen 12.000,000raid Up Capital Yon 4.fi00,000Roseno Fund Ytu ,13u,uC0


BRANCHES AND 'AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, New York,

San Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong,

Transects n General Banking and Ex-change Business,

Agency Yokohama Sputie Bank

New BepoHIc BnlUUns. ill King St, nonolnln.


Wholesale Dealer in JapaneseWines.

Liquors and Provisions, 6aU a specialty.

108 Kekuanaoa Street. Telephone 703.

W. W. AhanaMakes Clothing to ORDER of th

ery bent matenals and in tho verylatest stylet . , .

A. Perfect JL?itGuaranteed


Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty

emsow. w. ahana.

Just "ReceivedCrookory nnd Ivorywaio,Embroidered Tuns,Shawls, Scroons,Wiokcr and Slonmer Chairs,

WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nnuann Street, Honolulu .'

SH QJ LOY5623) Tort Street, Yea Sing Tni Building,

LadiBS LlrBss MakBr.Cf?" Fino work a specialty. Also, very

fluu Uuderwear made to order. All workguaranteed. 447-6- ni

TOM CHUNG KEE,313 Nuuttnu Street.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-men's Shoes.

Hoots s ml Shoes to order. I ueo the bestmaterial. Goods warranted towiar well. 11-3-


A.ttornev at LawKaahumann Street.


ROBERT GRIEVE.Book and Job PrinterMorokant Stroot, Honolulu, I.

Ovor Hnwaiiun Nowe Oomjiany'BDook Btoro,

Amu '. el rfa iii'u ii i m


Ko. Q32.


my 18,



'Just Like Gold Coin.

For moro than fifty yearshas PERRY DAVIS' PAINKILLER stood the testagainst all remedies preparedto eradicate pain, and todaystands at the head of the listamong tho medicines that areso essential to keep at hand in

the home.It is not new tannic renicdv

nor do the proprietors layclaim to any wondertul revelation of the ingredients that en-

ter into the manufacture ofthis over popular remedy.

It is perfectly harmless, youneed have no tear ot becominghabitually inclined to its use.

For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and all painfulaffections, few doses will certainly give relief. 'You cannotafford to bo without bottloin tho house.


Your forefathers used itand found it beneficial.

Why experiment with someremedy that is now and its effectou tliu ajoiuai unknown?

It has many rivals but noequal.

XtfiF The now 35c. size con-

tains over double the quantityof tho 25c. size.

Holiister -:- - DrugCompany,

Sole Agents (or the Islands.

New EwaPlantation Co.


In BlockB to suit purchasers. Will deliverafter January 2, 1897

K" Inquire of

Tho Hawaiian Safe Deposit &Investment Company,

OH F.irtHtrefit


Art -:- - Fotos

Most Complete

Artistic Seriesof Island Views EverExhibited.

The Lntost Applicunces for FineWork portnining to Photography.

521 k Fort St.





HAVING ESTABLISHED MODI'.RNplant for hnlling, fibbing and assortingcoffee, prepared buy nnd cleau

the parchment.


OoJEBe !ttr Apply



lJaintor,Paper Hanging & Decoration

done. All work i

fully attended to. Telephone(I l' lice, utlUKlIU Bireut,

!tMHi AlifrUXjirfli itiiii

111 ririr I ill In mil.






wo arecoffee in




H. CO,



CxireMlu WltlMiut Kiiultttlrut tinKiiuIIkIi I.Aizun:t.

Tlio meutluico 'l.i' teal idiomsilemew mid CUt-d- luutucd uocos-nar-

In translating tho Uiblc into Eng-

lish, put in many words which arcnot represented in tho original, in order

complete tho caso, rnako thoEnglish version intelligible All word

supplied nro distinguished by italics,in order that tho reader may seoglauoo how far baa been found neces-sary depart from that literal tiansla-tio- n

which tho translator aimed, andalso that, by tho simple process of re-

moving tho italics, ho may seo, hochow, what tho literal rendering cases where very pocnliar idiom

' and care.III. JUwi.(i'JS fiiu

.j ..,

THE IS , ' '

nti Iti

of i illit


to or to

boat a



amado it uercssury to mako any greaterehanges, the literal tendering of thoHebrew or Greek is gh . i iu tho margin,In which, be it oIktmiI. iho arrange-ment umsI i' i tho text is rcer-(.- d, anditalics nio u- -l for tho'e words hirh,literally occur in tho original RomanlUU'M for Cidiu v.lni'h tho truusl.itoitfaro obliged to supply. In two passages,howiver, the translator) of our author-ized ciMOii have uud italics for an en-

tirely different purpose, 'fhcho aro St.John viit, 0. "As though lie heard themnot," and tho first ipistlo of bt. Jehuii, 28, "Ho that acknowlcdgcth tho fc'on

hath tho Father also." In theso pas-sag-

tho italics ure used to fcliow tli.ittho words uro of doubtful iiianutcriptmitWnHtv a fact, vlilcli tho translatorsoccasionally noted in the margin, but ofwhich they generally took no notice.

How to nibke it Ilrjr Rack. .

Get a piuco of tliin bo.ird h

inch thiok and 7 inches long nnd G widoor high. Tako a pieco of plush or vel-vet Iaigo enough to cover tho board andfold o(eron to the back about an inch allaround. Paint any pretty spray of flow-

ers, say, n wild ioo, with two budsand leive1, using nbbi n the shadooftho leaves to hung it up by. Oct sixsmall biass hooks 01 n'iwv hooks, putfour at tho bottom edge to hung thekeys on, the othtrtwout tho top corncrs in which to tio tho ribbon with upretty bow, and lung up utar tho doorlending to tii fiimt ball, and I am hmevimwil tlaiik it tin b.iutlU'xt thing jouluvp ?- - j .ii will clwajrf know whereto And your keys.

Uow lu i;evle t.lectrlo Miock McliuikTlio person to disabled should bo

treatid like ono diowncd. In otherwonls ho should bo laid upon tho back,nnd urtiilcial respiration performed intho way that is ordinarily ikbciibcd.When tho persou in still in contact withtho wires, the first thing to bo done isto stop tho current or break tlio contact.In doing tho latter onobhould not ouch

m on tho fuco or hacda or anynaked part of tho body. It is better tolift him by tho coattails or to throw ablanket over him and pull him by this.Nothing that is wot should bo thrownnpou hiin, and if his clothes aro wottho hands should not bo put in contactwith them. A piece of dry wood can boplaced under the body and he can thenbo lifted Tho further treatment of thecaso is tho familiar ono applied in at-

tempting to restore tho drowned. Thearms aro worked, and tho tonguo hkept drawn out. Tho body may some-times bo rubbed thoroughly with a clothor brush in order to increase the circu-lation of the blood. Oxygon and purhapa

btimulant ruav bo einnloved.Pnnlo Mrlikea.

Jlrs. Jones Mr. Iligbco is bottor, isho not?

Jlrs. Iligbce Oh, yus. So much fothat tlio doctois lmvu beeomo alarmed.

Brooklyn Life.


BEUUN The RelcliBnrvW". offl-elal- lv

nnuiiuuces that I'n ( Diaz,of Mexico, has been decora. , oj Em-

peror .William with the grana .ross nf"Jtuluier." l'resldent Diaz Issued anedict to the eiTcct that no beer exceptthe Binrlvllnir "Hainler" be served inpublic places, or on state occasions.

On tap or in bottles at the Criterion.

Supprior breakfast BnuHnqo is aspecialty at tho Coutrnl Market.Ring up 101.

Portraits enlarged from smallphotos and Intudsoiuoly framedfor 10 at King Hros.

Nicoly furnished rooms nt thol'uL. nu .lihUoo, 151 Foil street,from 81.00 per weok up.

Storling, tho pnintor, is pro-par- al

to quoto prices on roofpainting. Ho ubcs ncompoaition ofp.nnl tnr nnd ('niliuilt. Ghcancstond host roof proparatiou in Ho-nolulu.

rriutod ducks aro just as good,if not bottor thau anything elsofor boys' shirt waists. Tlioy washand wear woll, two vorv importantconsiderations. Kerr has them ina largo varioly of pultonis atoightyauls for one dollar.

ihto&U . Jt. mu. . -




Curry Powder as made by us is prepared ufter the Originalxiecipo irom tne jfurest

kt Ira? a

527 Fort Street, corner Hotel.









TlioE Duties Co



Commission ,, Agents!Dry Goods,






Horses, Cattle, S&eep, Do&, Svyjne, and Poultry.

Tho Marvelous II air Seiaedy which prevents

O- -


Sole Agent, Honolulu.RT Neat pamphlet free "" application. I. O. Box 292, 2C.

IIoyoLcir, April 21, liVl.Mr. 0. W. It affords me pleainre to to uuy ou IyM hnis

is falling out, tbenseof DI!. I'OniK'.S HAUt OII- - My hiJr wju o&iaiw tst U uiJu

a rate as led me to believe that I would soon become bald. AlU.r uin? (be oil ioi&re okthis ceased entirely; none uhateMritfiipw falling out. lcjaMrlt tiiehtAiutAoiljworthy remedy for this trouble and also recommend it as a ktlmuLtut l ntw yjfjvi'it,

605tf Youn truly, J.B.IMSIKLS.


TKLKl'lIONK 83--




Macfarum:: recommend,

-- Importers and JDealeiH iu- -

3tE$EJRi EI(ZiMiwm--AXD-

Plantatioh Supplies.

E HACKFELD & CO.201 to 215 Fort Street,



Groceries, Provisions and MdNew Goods Received by Every Tuokot from twi yjutmu fUkU (mo fjaioj

fbkbh oaijfounja piwj)uo; M WM mm$AH Ordew faithfully Attended to and floods Jell Wtd Jo

'artoftUe0itIiuku Ouoi u Bouojiw, ' ' ' ' ' &MWMW WWkt


EAbT OORNERWR'A' A &' W !?iil M ,,46ib,





r.frksm&h di&MK$






Page 4: f 13 Hi in- - University of · cautioned against using sovero methods of corporal punishment. Mr. Mills





Salo of Government Lota on Taurstcn

Avenue, South Glopo Punchbowl

Hill, Honolulu, Oahu.

On TUESDAY, Mny 25, 1897,nt 12 o'clock noon, nt tho fronteutrnuee of tho Executive Iluilding. will bo sold nt Puhlie Auolion Five Government Lots,trfituato on tliu makai Hide ofThurston uvenue, opposito theresidenco of Jl. D. Johnson anducnr Wilder avenue, South SlopePunchbowl Hill, Honolulu, Oahu,find numbered from 02C to (!2l.

Upset Price: Lot (120, 100;Lot 021. S7.-.- Lot 022, S7."j0; Lot023,$50U; Lot 021.100.

TiieKe lots have n frontage of100 to 120 feet on Thumtonnveiiue nnd depth of 175 to IJU0t'eet according to location.

The conditioiiH of sale of theooLots nro an follows:

One fourth of the purchases

Crice to be paid at the fall of theand tho balance in equal

payments in one, two mid threeyearn, with interest at tho rate of

ix per cent per annum.Tho purchaser to join with the

--Minister of tho lutorior in an.Agreement of sale, containing thefollowing conditions and stipulations:

1. Tho purchaser to have imme-diate right of possession.

2. To huild a residence on thopieniisesaiid to livo therein beforethe expiration of three yearn fromdate of Agreement.

.'. To pay taxes on the premisesfrom the (lute of the Agieeinent,upon the full value theieof.

I. Tho agreement not assign-able.

"). Purchase price may be paidin full at any time during thesaid three yesis, thereby stoppinginterest.

0. At the expiration of threeyears from the date of the agreo-meut- ,

if the conditions of thesame him have been performed,w Land Patent shall be deliveredto the purchaser or his heirs.

.Map showing tho above lotscan bo seen at tho Interior De-partment, Honolulu, Oahu.

J. A. KING,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Ollico, April 21, 18! at

litigation Notice. .

Holder of water privlti-uin- , or tlioseP'ljli)' Autcr -, lire licivljy notl-ll- il

that the Ijnun fur Irrigation pur-po--

um mm 0 to h o'ulook A. si. andfrom 4 to r, o'clock i. m.

AN OKEW BROWN,Siipt. Honolulu Wutor Works.

Appro veil- - J. A., Milliliter ofInterior.

Honolulu, II. I., April , lh!7.o77-- rf

Ohkioi; ok Hoaiumh- -,, II. I., April 21, Ii!i7. f

At u 'if Hi,- - Ito'itil, lit-Ii- l this(tine, William O. Smith, Kn , wanhlfctfcii I'reililent of the Board ofHealth, vice Henry K. Cooper, RsorvHlgiiHil,

OHAUI.IW WILCOX,Ki'creinry of Hoard of Health.

r!U :n

3) Eueiji Bulletin,


VltlUAi, A Pill L ffll, 181(7.


Pending mime bittet reflectionsupon the coiiibo of cor tain publicHiTuIrs in Ihu Advortisor recallstho time, not far remote, whentho same purported medium ofpubllo opinion was wont to abusetrillion! licnnso any and all thatveil tin ml upon the least nriticismof Ihu (lovernini'iil, or even of itsjurist ineousi-ijiiiiiitin- ! uudeiNlrappitrs, If IIidki ii a basis of facttoday for thu ulntri. of "slaioliamlmr" pnmlicoH, nnd tho inmi-Alidnr-

of olllolal misdoings underlilt IllllllOIICII llf lllipotlNIII, Wllllill

Wi'H pIJiUf riltU IOI III, Hie euils0fxl In H HWtt eUmit In llin foiiiiei' I

mm of llsulfas JiimI Imllnnicil.It miimiH, ton, Unit a poilion ofIJ! pHlfryi) trlpjii lm A'tvnrtU'Twh tlitjM wrvllwi iiinl iKifinlfulflitnlly at tljM MrguUr Juy ofmU tUvkUiHte',' hm 11j jiuhlluUmttuijf Ijjto flu ijwu hnnUtmn

olllee safe, was a timo when therewas more need or an iudcpMideulpress in Hawaii than theie hadbeen for some time before or hasboon since. That was tho Adver-

tiser's haymaking time, whop ithad a pull nvailiug to get itsthen editor a salary in anutterly useless labor commission.Does tho Advortisor now, how-

ever, not give awny tho solution ofits sudden transformation froman automatic ollicnd organ intoan apparently highmiiided tribuneof the dear people, in tho follow-

ing words:

It may be "runniiiK the govern- -

meut on business principles" tomanage it as a sugar plantationis often run by tho manager and afew directors, with uo personalinterest in political affairs takenby the stockholders, so long assome relative has a lucrative posi-tion, and no interruption occursin the regular flow of cash divi-dends.

The Advertiser appears as oueof tho stockholders who do lakean interest in political affairs.One of its near relatives its re-

puted controlling ownor has alucrative position. Thus itsinterest in public concernsis quito oxplaiued by itself.ouroiy tuoro is no con-

nection, though, between tho acid-ulated perspiration of the AdverUser this cool morning mid thecharges of Dame Gossip implicating the lucratively positioned relativo iu making a farce of ,thequarantine that unfortunatelycages his throbbing iiidi'peiisablenenet. If hucIi should ! thecase it is a pity in being a prema-ture display of pottisliness thatwill do the relative in lucrativeposition no good. For tho Hoardof Health has investigated thocharges in question, with the re-

sult that the Hainan who madethem is to bo hanged to the gate-post from which he stole the yel-

low Hag. That is between us theindependent press, the lucrativelyrelationed Advertiser aud the baidgutepost.


Mr. Damon will worthily rep-resent the Ooveriiment of Hawaiiat the Diamond Jubilee colohration in London. Poing a broadgauge man he will have a sym-pathy with tho unparalloled eventwhich will enable him to enjoy itthoroughly. As an observantman, and one with an eye to thepractical, the Minister of Financemay alo be expected to morethan earn his expenses, iu obtaining it rich store or new ideasgathered both in the UnitedStates und the United Kingdom.Tho sea voyages outwardwill give him leisure to per-fect his pinna for acquir-ing fresh knowhdge, whilethose hoiuownrd will nvnilsimilarly for arrungiug and digesting tho acquired facts,' marshalingthem into elloctivo array forcOi.eini.s of ,i.lilii. ufid'i'n ,iUd im-

provement at homo. In short,Minister Damon's projected tourabroad is just what he needs totop off his many qualities of oili-cio- nt

statesmanship. If ho bo ableto carry out his admirable fund-ing scheme, eithor in America orKuglaiid, that alone would bo a.

triumph to umko his famo as apublic man norpotual iulheau-mil- s

of these Hawaiian Islands.

Diphtheria must bo guardedagaim--t witlitivnn greater vig'liini'Mthan is smallpox, Thoroiiyh sauiliiliou is tho only safeguard, Thismust Inoluilo a rigid inspeution ordniiius, as tlm genus take withdoudly kindness lo millc, Quiirini- -

IliiM may bo ciirriuil too far. fimii-IhIIi- mi

imnnnt.t"' :

I'nislilmit )olii Ik to be congru-llilulm- l

on iitliilnliig lolliu fifty --

llilnl mlnntnm In hM joiinu-- ofllt, HiijnyliiM kkoiI liwillli ninl miliuNtii tiiiimujiliM for fiililllnigll;w ilulkj of Ills lilli Dlllei). Tliu

PWf r ,, ff m ilHH



Prcsidout by his unquestionedability and irreproachable character holds (he personal respectand esteem of the ptibliu at largowithout regard to political differeuces. To have such a man nt itshead is mora important to a re-

public than to other forms of gov-orntno-

(Irlcki-- t Jittrli InimirriiH.Lieutenant Plunkott of the U.S.

gunboat Petrel is organising anolevou from the threo Anioricau '

warships iu port to ploy a combi-nation team from H. P. M. B. '

Wild Swan and tho HonoluluCricket Club tomorrow afternoonon tho old baseball uronuds atluauiu. ino riniaiieipiiia nasaboard quite a liumbor of excellent i

cricketers. It will bo romombor- - j

ed that when she was hero lastthere were some very excitinggames, a corutai invitation isextended to any one who wouldlike to see an interesting match, '

mo team to represent tuo Brit -ishors will bo selected from tho fol- -

lowing: Capt. Napier, LioutenoutChurch, Lieutonaut Cole, StaffPaymaster Ward.Dr.Mairiott andMr. Milligan of H. B. m. s. WildSwan, and Dr. Murray, A. R Hat- -

hold, H. Vincent, II. Herbert, A.M. Howett, Tom Lishman, J. H.Catton, Jr., and Win. Thompsonrepresenting tho homo toaiu.

H. Herbert, captain of tho H.C. C, intimates lata this afternoona change of arrangements owingto the departure of tho Petrel to-

morrow, but there will bo a goodmatch got up anyway.

tlorr .Son Hi Sen 'nlinll." A chanco to be a millionaire"

is tho way the South Sea IslandAlining and Colonization Company announces its plans to takea shipload of adventurers to thoSolomon islands. Captain Quintouand Captain Alex McLean, whostyles himself "the irrpprossiblo,"are at the head of the scheme.Their plan is to charge tho colo-nists $100 each for a share in thecompany. Eaoh share will entitlotho holder to a bunk in tho vesselthat is to sail for the South seaswith the two captains in command.Tho old whaler Mermnid is thovessel that tho promoter' colonypropose to nnvifjato to the Solo-mons, but in their prospectus thoystylo her as the fast sailing clip-per bark and give on or nboutMay 1 as the sailing day. Thogreat object of the expedition, saythe promoters, is, on arriving attho islands, to erect a sawmill,carry on ship-buildi- ng, stock rais-ing and agriculture nnd also min-ing. Examiner.

'lite Mlusitrr Lllrrnrj.It John L. Sullivan gets no

reply to his challenge to Kitzsim- -

inoiiB as a prize lightei ho ought Ito challenge John J. JngallsaKa ring reporter. A caroful com-parison of the recent writiugs ofeach outs the Boston litterateurseveral descriptive rounds ahead.Nothing thai tho gontloman fromKnnsuM evor wrote quite compareswith Sullivan's tender passogesabout the inspiring iulluouco ofwoman, as shown iu Pit.siiumons'quick response to the advice ofhis excited wife to "hit tho houndin the ribs never miud his jaw.

S. P. Chtouiclo.

'I'll' Prrlilrm'n Church.President Mcluuloj has select-

ed tho Metropolitan as tho Presi-dent's church. Tho Metropolitanwas built by the Methodists oftho country and not by the con-gregation. It is a national church.When President Grant attendedthe church a pew was set apartfor tho President of the llnitedStales and tho sum of &0U0 con-tributed by n friend of tho churchto dedicate tho pow to the uso ottho President. It has also pewsset apart for tho Vice-Preside-

and for tho Chief Justice of theUnited HtatOH Supremo Court andfor Homo of the Stales and largocities. Exclmugo.

Itmlir mill IIIhI,

Tim Viidis idstois, aoiiallhls,worn continued favorites, Theso(luring poi formers nightly rurmlvo diialeiiing applaiiMi for theirnxcnptloiiiilly nlnvor work perchedhlli above thu nmliiiui'u, undeven though (hoy ant now in theirllilllll week Ml (his house llieydoiiiiiiiiimI as iilosii ntliiiillon axlliey illil on their opening night.

bttW Yolli lllllHlli) News,Novwulwr II, IHUA.

Jlnely fopie5

TUB NATIONAL FEED BOXis a perfect device for slowfeeding in the stables or onthe road and is a boon bothto the horse and his owner.It is the best device yet invented for feeding all kinds of ,

grain, chopped food, branmash, water or medicine.

It is made of steel, practical- -.

lV indestructible The follow- -er slides on a malleable ironrod, riveted to the box, ourlatest invention. Finely gal-

vanized. Easily Cleaned. Pureand Odorless. Light and Port--aU T,e onlv box fot cam--

. .

paignmg. U,sed and approvedby owners and drivers of theljStest l,0ri,eS Jm tlle WOrId'

Especially adapted to the use0f fire and polJce departments,

, . t , . .. ,Jiui-- iurni, ;uiu puunc aimprivate stables.

Owners and drivers of horsesentered for the 11th of Juneraces should see that theiranimals are provided withthese feed boxes. They willbe sure winners if they do.Betting men should not investa dollar on a horse that hasnot been fed from the Nation-al Feed Box. They will besure losers if they do.

Horsemen generally andevery man, woman or childwho owns a horse is invitedto call and see them at


Hawaiian Hardware Co.LIMITED,

NO. 307 FORT STREET,Opposite Spreckels' Bank.


Still They


Each day adds ft number ofmembers to our populnr

Watch ClubsClub ono nnd two drow Inst

Saturday. Club three is rapid-ly filling up. Tho samo en-thusiasm as of old exists, ullclasses are anxious to join, bo-cnu-

it is a clear saving of

i The Dollar

You Throw Away

Every Week.

Besides unother vital pointadds to tho popularity, and thaiis that wo do not mnko itAlt 1 I lmln miilnli 11wwiiiiiuij iu iiiuti u mm; n, uut j

allow you to select any one ormore articles in tho store, nomatter iu what lino. Could ,

iiuyluuiK be fairer lo you?Wo want to say right horo,

thai wo will back up any nndovory article Belectod ' iu ourclub with tho sauio full andcomploto (juiirantno which goeswith every piece of goods soldin the store. You take no riskwhatever. Wo tuko it all.

H. F.Wicliman


Universal Stoves $ Ranges !

Tho JJcsL and tic C'lioapi'sl !

I).NDi Coon, No. 7. inch Holes, Oven 11x17. Price (III

Wkhtkiin, No. 7, 1 7 inch Holes, Oven 10 .',xl7. " l."i lit)

Plitzr Hanoi:, No. 7 18, (5 7 inch Holes, Ovou 18x18 inches.Price 2.') 00

Welcomi: Hanoi:, No. 7-- 18, 0-- 7 inch llolos, Ovon 18x18 inches.Price 27 00

i Api'OTjLO Hanoi:, No. 7-- 18, 0- -7 inch Holes, Ovon 18x18 inches.j Price M 00SiPEitn Usiveiihai. It.Ni:, No. 7 18, 0 7 inch Holes, Oven

tSxR Price


Pacific Hardware Co., LtdHave YouAn Account?

This, is a ecrious question,ono at which some folks tukeoii'unsc, yot pulcainen arc underthe necessity of asking it.Some folks deal near home,settle infrequently, never in-

vestigate to see whether theypay more thun they should andtoo often allow their accounts togo long over due. If you don'tcare what the family expensesare it's a poor way to do if youwant to leave your children mntlluent circumstances whenyou are gone. Now it is quitoan advantage to have an openaccount at a w ell-kno- house,who can execute your orderpromptly. Often persons saythe' don't want an account andwill nay in a few days. Butwe cannot keep memoranda ofcharges; it isn t saio or goodbusiness. The stock found inordinary stores is usually stale,uninviting and inferior, whilethe stock in our store is turnedso frequently and so carefullywatched that it is at all timesfresh. Our stock in trade con-sists of tho luxuries and deli-cacies from ovory civilized na-

tion. Send for our catalogueand prices and noto the varietvoffered. Telephone us 210.We supply all nationalities.

LEWIS & CO., importersaud exporters of table luxuries,wholesaler and retailers, con-tractors to jihe U. S. Navy,supplying U. S. and other na-tions' Men-of-wa- r on tho Paci-- "

fie Station.

iinuvniuns made as follows:Xuuanu Vulley, ICalllil mni l'lulin

''"lly li):WlA si mid gum' t. m.Walkiki Monilays aud Tliur-tlay-

!!.31. l.

tsgf Mail orders promptlyexecuted.

Lewis & Co.,GrHOCJERS.,

Kort Struoc. Honolulu.

Grass LinensWo havo just recoived a linoof GI.AS8 LINENS ofEX-TIIEMEL- Y


and aro Bafe iu sayingthey aro the finest evor im-ported here.

A NICEGfa&ss Ldrien

is much superior to silk inappearance nnd thorn is nocomparison whatever iu thowear. Wo have ilium in

White and Colors

L 4. &&H

Uo 00




Crockery, Garden Tools


Kitchen Utensils


.Recent arrivals from Eii"--lant- l

nnd the United Stateshave brought us everythingnecessary for the kitchen anddining r0( j tj1(, j;no ofUtensils, Crockery and Glass-ware.


The quality of our goods can-not bo questioned.

Stock is Complete.Wo haVo all kinds of Tools,

and Agricultural Implementsused on. the lawn or in thegarden. Competition amongthe manufacturers and the ab-sence of trusts enables us tosell at 125 percent less thanlast year.

Lot's Have Tour Custom..


Queen Street.

It'slike playiuleapfrog withworry andanxietyHoppingover both toruaoiithocomfort andpleasureoffittingundorgarniontfl;leH not toolong or short;arms ditto,That's how wo fit.

"The Kasli."9 Hotel Street : Waycrlcy Black

Wo Mke Shirts to Order.


Notice U herehy lveu that all no--m VvtI'i!? ,lm. ,,u,,-w- ,, t FOURor loiiKcri.lmnlK will bo


Hvenina. IMUtin 7Sr jiV mth,

Page 5: f 13 Hi in- - University of · cautioned against using sovero methods of corporal punishment. Mr. Mills

.' rv--

- nirfi J $

.. EVENING BULLETIN, APRIL 'ill, 181)7.IL" SV - -ft




It'a umlor gnrtuaulH The Itiisliis bilking nbout this time.

Tho UBiinl cricket practise willho hold on tho pnrndo groundthis aftoruoou.

Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Bolto mul Mrs.Ii. Sulir loft for tho Const on thoOorio yesterday.

Tondcrs for constructing thonow l'nli rond nrn to hn oiinnndou Monday next at noon.

Cripplo Crook, Colorado, turnedout 810,000,000 in gold last year,nnd oxpects to produco 15,000,000in 1897.

Capt. Mickolson's boating partydid not tako plnoo yesterday asforotold, hut will como off on Sat-urday next.

J. Hurnhnrg left last eveningfor the Coast in tho stcamor Doricand expects to return in six orBovon months.

That pioturo in King Bros',window which has attracted bomuch attention is not tho portraitof anyone horo.

Tho mombers of the CentralUnion church choir aro requestedto boon hand on Saturday even-ing at 7:30 for rehearsal.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Harrisonhave general sympathy for tholoss of thoir infant daughter whowas huriod this aftornoon.

Company A will givo a dancoon or about June 1, aftor whichthey will preparo to camp out, itis oxpected, at Makoo Island.

Tho band went out to Waikikiou tho 7 o'clock car this morningto Boremulo President Dole, thooccasion being his 53d birthday.

Tho Hawaii Tnndoms at theFort Street Cyolory, oppositeLbwors & Cooko's,aro proving im-

mensely popular with tho youngpooplo.

Tho first gnnio of tho regularbaseball season will ho played to-

morrow nt 3:30. The opposingclubs will bo tho Stars and FirstBcgimontfl.

Tho steamer Nooau will carry21 mules this trip. This is thofirst timo she has carried mulesand mato Nicholson anticipates alively time.

Tho caso of Tom Walker,chargod with nssnult with a dead-ly woapon, was called in thepolice court today, but weut overuntil Monday.

Tho local Bcribo of tho Bulletinwishes to express his thanks toLouis Keuake of tho pcMoflicafor mauy favors oxtoudod him asa e

Dr. Alvarez roported to theBoard of Health yesterdny thatthere was no doubt that diphthoriawas tho cause of doath of thechild operated on by Drs. Woodnnd Hownrd.

Everything is ready for thostoreopticou exhibition for thobenefit of St. Louis baseball clubtomorrow evening at tho collegeThoro will bo vocal and instru-mental music.

These sevou days tho smallpoxbnllotin at tho'Boaid of Healtholtico has the intimation "nochange." It is learned that thofiix patients aro coming ou uicolytoward rucovory.

In the cricket match, Honoluludofeatod H. B. M. S. Wild Swanby 117 to 105 runs. Vincentniflo J1 for the homo olovnn, nndMarriott 52 for tho naval team.Marriott carried his bat through.

Bila Keohokii, a confirmedtruant, was sont to the Reformschool for a year by Judge do laVorgne this morning. Maria M.Alexamler, for diuobedionco to herparoutB, was given ton days injail.

No decision hns been reriahodfor the appointment of a succossorto District Magistrato do laVorgno. W. Luthor Wilcox isfirst choice, but has not yot tod.

Mr. do la Vorgno hasgivoit the Executive to know thatho will not make a fuss nbout aday or two past tho end of thomonth.


Schilling 'j Best.u

Tho loiig-oxpect- od Honhiniiiins(uerndi) hall comon olT tliievening.

JJubboh will the lluul.miBoat llouso tonight at II and12:30 o'clock.

Forty-tw- o housos havo alreadybeen erected for employes of thenow Oahu Sugar Plantation.

Tho polico and Compauy Otoams will shoot n friondly matchat Kakaako butls tomorrow aftornoon, commencing at 2 o'clock.

Mcmbors of the Healaui Clubmay obtain tickets nt the door for


mo masquerauo louigm, u meyhavo not already secured them.

Ah Foo, who was nrrostedsoiuetimo sinco on a charge ofconspiracy and released on bail,was Burioudcrod by his bonds-men today.

Liouel V. Red path's time on thereef is about up and ho will likulybo discharged within a wuCk. Itis said ho has spoilt half of histime in dark coll for potty otToiiHeswhile in jail.

Tho baud will not play atEmmasquare tomorrow aftornoon,Ministor Coopor having accededto tho genoral wish that it play attho haBcball game. It will onlybo for this the opening day of thosoason.

Tho Japanese Young Men'sChristian Association hns takenan office in the Queen Hotel onNuuanu stroet and will hold regu-lar meetings in the largo hall outho ground floor. The next meetting will bo on Tuesday, May 1,when speeches will bo made afterthe regular order of businoss.

By tho Doric's mail it is learnedthat Iungaki Mnnjiro, who hasmany friends residing in thiscity, has been appointed as thoJnpnucso Minister Resident toSiam. Mr. Maujiro is tho authorof a book entitled "Japan and thoPacific," a work which hnsbrought him iuto promiuence. ,

W. P. Morrow, for whom tho'police havo boon looking for a

number of days, quietly made hisappearance in tho District Court '

today and asked what ho wnswanted for. Ho was served with j

n warrant charging him with bo- -mg a gross cheat. lie is baiu tobe mixed up with Frank Lilli'sthe hackman in an affuir in whichmolasses and poi was sold to aChinaman for opium. Both easesaro set for tomorrow.

1'OltrV AC'JICS llllt.NKK.

llMmtrun l'lrx In tlir Cnni' 1'lfliN utl.lvrli I'lulilullou.

News was recoivod by tho Mi-kah- ala

this morning of tho burn-ing of about forty acres of grow-ing cano on Eleelo plantation.Tho tiro was discovered at 11

o'clock on Tuesday ovouing andwas evidently of incendiary origin.Tho plantation hands were turn-ed out aud after a hard fight subdued tho Unities, but not until be-

tween forty and forty five acreshad been burned over.

Tho damaged cbho was at oncecut and hurried to tho mill inordor to save as much as possibleof tho sap romainiug and addition-al coolers were borrowed from thoKoloa mill for tho occasion. It isexpected tho total loss will ap-

proximate 200 tons of sugar.The Eleelo plantation is situated

on tho island of Kauai and is own-ed by August Droior, who acts'T. About 500 ocres o cuuttia cultivated by 150 men and thoyield of BUgur last yoar was ubout1500 tons. IIO HIM IIO.NOK.

I.nrijo Mfrlliiiv to Cuitcrulnlitlr MluU-Ic- r

Nliliuniunra Tonight.

There will be amoetiugof Jtipa-nes- o

citizens in tho hall ovorLuce's auction rooms at 7 o'clocktonight, at which it is expected atleast threo or four hundred Japa-nese will attend. Tho mootingis callod in houor of the promo-tion of MiuislorShimamura andis designed to show tho apprecia-tion of tho Japanese resnlouts inHonolulu of tho honor dono themby their government in ruiningtho dignity of their diplomaticropresontativo here.

Tho fcuturo of tho meeting willhe tho presentation of an addressof congratulation to MinisterHhimamura and speeches frontfour prominent JnpiinonO, MessrH,Ochi, ttiiHiuiiago, Takcdo, Tauakn,Asnltiua and otliorn are on thoconiinitteo which has charge of thoutlttir.


POWDERAbsolutely Pure.

Cetibratcd for Its great lonvunlni,' Hrrngtlimul Lc.illlifuliiefs. Afjurc the food oi;mtitMint) and nit form of mliil'nitlou .omnionto tlie rtii'np lir.inilt Kuiai. Uvmno I'ow-ic- h

Co , Suw Ymik

Meeting Notice.

The Aiitiunl Meeting of the AlohaColl'ee Cfimpniiy. Lluiltcil, will takephtceut tho IttMlifeuce of Mr. K. Peek,ou Saturday, April '14, IS)", ut 4o'clock p. m. 8. fc. l'ECK,

Hecretury.Honolulu, April HI, 1t97. 66l-2-



Orncii 203 Merrhant street, CampVollIJlock rear of J. O. Carter's office. V. O.itox m


scurr .llndn by t'nuipaiiy O.. '. ii. II.,Ill Hie Ioii Hi of ."IlKrrh.

Company G.'s teams mado thofollowing scores last month v ith"Government gas pipe guns,"having a minimum trigger pull ofsix pounds. They think thoycan do a good deal bettor withguns having only- - a three-poun- d


fiiist ti:am.Keliipio iofSufiu-Lll- 4(5

ltoso Q i5 1 11155 m 15Kuliko 11555 14155 15Wilcos C 145555115115Morso Jos 5515111511 11ltoso M 5544554-141- - 44Kealoha J 4555514141 44Wallace J 44115 15115 --43Mahouey . ... 4414545451 --43Nakuina 55 11111514 --13


Hennessey, T 5151131551-- 43Koa, ,1 Al 4 J 555 1443142Mahuulu, S 441455151342Sherwood 15 1 1413145-- 41Kukahi ,.. .5411531351- - 4LKekumano, L . . . . 52341455 1- 5- 4 1

Koo 43453 14355 40Karratti 433542545139Kekaulike 431435443138Boyd, E S 4351413533-- 38

415Uest ten avorrico 142-1- 0.

Best twenty nvornge 42 17-2- 0.


IHUT Hi'iimi'ii uimI l'nsrri lirintiiiilliiir llii'l'iisi .

Tho British Board of Trude husissued a statement of tho numberof lives lost by ucciduut inBritish merchant ships duringlust year. Tho --total statementshows tho average loss to bn aboutfive-sixth- s of 1 jior cent of thonumber of men employed. Thepercentage of lives lost in sailingvosbcls is somewhat larger thanthat of steamers.

Altogether there wore 218,221men employed on British ahipwregisiorod in tho United Kingdom.Of those 50,195 were out ployed onsailing ships and Ki2.129 ousteamships. The latter suffered aloss of 813 seamen and 31 rB,

making a total of 847.Sailing vessels lost 1029 soamouand 21 passengers.

A VOICB FKOil THli DLUACIIEUS.TK'ul Interest In the cricket games

us rcllfcteil from tho "bleachers" Ifl

During Saturday's gamesthe "hleaehei-K- were particularly vo-

ciferous ami kept the plujcrs under umiming lne ot f,'oHl unturcd banter.One tniall boy brought down thecrowd by mhlslng this batsman to "gobuy n cane of Hai tiler Deer und getBorne life lu you." The crowd applaud-ed the remark, knowing that llalnlerDeer Is celebrated for lt inhoratlngand kliurigtli-glvni- g

On tap or In 'loltles nt Uie Criterion,

Joas Sylva, nioHHongor hoy forl'jtigino Gompany( No, 2, was

this morning on a wurrantcharging him with tho larceny ofcollections of postage stamps undwIkiIIh from James Sloinoi'.



Photographer o .


$2,853.00 to be GivenAway in 130 Prizes.

Tho Eastman Kodak Com-

pany have decided to awardtho above prizes to amateurphotographers for tho bestPictures and Lnnturn Slidesmado from their TransparentFilm.

Something1All kodakcrs aro entitled to

compete for the prizes. Thepictures will bo exhibited andthe competition will bo decidedin London.

ForAll persons desirous of en-

tering the competition musthave specimens at Rochester,N. Y., before September 1,


Nothing.&& For further information

call on us, and we shall bopleased to servo you.

Hollister Drug Co.,


Eastman Kodak Company


500 Pieces of

Housekeepers, Attention !



Extraordinary ValueIn Bed Spreads

A Full Sized Bed Spread, hemmed, readyfor use, at $1.25.

JExtra Quality at $1.50 and $1.75.jMS-TThc-BO aro now fresh goods, just opened and bought

direct from headquarters.

N. S. SACHS,520 Fort Street

Sina We Must Eat to Live, Let's Have Ihe 'Best.

Just TJp an i

of . . . 'Z




Best IJapan Flavor, English Bieakfast and Ceylon. Also

SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER.Oivo them ft trial. Monoy back if you doa'l like Ihem. Also, just u reived

Choice Block Butter, Kits Creamery Butter, 'Fidelity Brand Bacon, Hams, Crackers nnd Cakes,

Mild Cheese, Smoked Beef, '

Choice Humboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc

Chas. Hustace,212 King street, next to the Arlington.

WEEKRibbon at 25c. the Piece.

KSfe. These Ribbons have from i) to U0 yards in each piece. 53J

500 Pieces Assorted Ribbons at


45c. the Piece.

t3a Those Ribbons have from 9 to 1 8 yards in each piece. 3i

Wider Ribbons in Proportion !


A.I Exceedingly !L,ov Prices.

& FOB, TI-II-S WEEK OlSnirY' ssi



No. 10-F- ORT STREET STORE-- No. 10

4i .1







i jii

1 BraD




, .. n ii in i I'iH

Page 6: f 13 Hi in- - University of · cautioned against using sovero methods of corporal punishment. Mr. Mills



;.;' 1










Scientific Remedy

Thoroughly Tested by


Up Suffering During Treat-


.'Ko Injurious sifter Effects.

Uo Loss of Time from 'Busi-


Improved physical condition,

absolute freedom from anydesire for Alcoholic stimu-


Length of time required fortreatment Three wcelcs.

Fees charged $100 for Alco-


$40 for Tobacco.


Institute located in Arling-ton Cottage, Hotel Street,Honolulu.

All communications or in-

terviews strictly confidential.

For further particulars, nd-dre-

Secretary llagoy Institute,Honolulu.

Tho Sunlight is

Glistening on

Thoso " Orange Rims,"

' but unfortunately for us it isnot glistening ou thorn in thiscountry, ne our shipmout ofSTEAllNS wlicols was put ontho"W.ILDimoud," so is notduo horo for n weok. Our' COLUMB1AS also aro stillout of wneohng range, ns theypot to S. F. tho dny beforetho steamer sailed nnd noinoro freight would bo re-ceived, but they .will comoalong soon, nnd in the menu-tim- o

wo wnut you to knowthnt wo received 97 RAM-BLERS by yestoarday'sfltennirr, and cnu fit you outwith pither a '9G or '1)7 wlipol,and wo know wo can suit you.ThelSUG RAMBLER is thobargain of tho yonr and thochanco to buy n well knownhigh grade wliool for $75 andfc&U will not last long, as wonro informed by tho makersthnt this is tho last lot of "t'Gwheals thoy enn furnish, for,as they write, 'our sales havobeen phenomenal, and youtook the Inst "JO wheels wo hadin stock."

B- - "NVe iient iiiccles by thehour, day, wn.ek or month, nud worent hiph prndo now whcols, suchns RAMBLERS, STEARNS,nud COLUMB1AS, so if youwant n short rido or a long ride,wnut to rido single or want to ridodoubhvlropin nud seo how nicelywe can fit you out. You will getjai iia good mouul if you tciophono us, and wo will sond yourwhool to jour door. Your chanceto buy a "JG RAMBLER chenpwill only Inst n fow days, don'tmiss it.

E. 0. HALL & SON,Cornor Fort nnd King Sib.

Eagle -:- - HouseNUUANU AVENUE.

Mrs. Harry KlBmrnB, - - Prop

Now Management.Commodious Itooms.


Palatable German Dishes.

Real Estate TransactionsSubscribers me fumUhcd with from Ihc

to h!x lists per Miclc, giving an accuraterecord of nil duds, mortgages, leases, re-

leases, power of attoraoy. etc., etc, whichaio (iluccil on record. Also a list of alldistrict court judgments.

Subscription I'llee, )() per Month.

A V. GEAK,210 Klnc St, Honolulu


lercanlils Agency210 King streot.

Difficult Collections a Specialty

O. B. DWIGHTTaVes contractu for nil kinds of STONE

WORK, wuirauitut worlc, ccinent nndKtono sidewalks nud curbing. I haeonhand the best Hawaiian Ktono, Chinesegranite, etc. hino stone for monumentalwork. Estimates given mid lowest pricosassured. Telephone 633.



Oor. 1'ort nnd Quueu Streets, Honolulu.


Wholesale Importers und Jobbers ot

European and American Dry Goods

Fort and Queen Btrecta.


Doalors in Lumbor nnd Coaland Building Mntorinls of nilkindfi.

Quoou Httool, Honolulu,

WSfWjm $t V



Willi llr think lie litimr. Al.oiit Mennml Wfimrii,

Whui a woman ant to briiKlootliirwomen, sho nays it's such an ns ful boreto keep a bankbook.

Tho mort faUl kind of heart failureis tho kind people don't dio of.

Women luivo such queer idemt aboutlitoMjure brennw they thii'Jc In dialect

No nuui who lni'4 to listen to his lit-ti- e

child w hen sho says hor prayers canbo wholly invlifciorM.

When n woman says, "Thnt 'sjukt likehcrl" you limy know she's tickled tohear it.

A girl noer thinks that tho man shemnrilcs is going to bo tho kind to ucarhis old coal Around tho houso.

When a girJ gets mnrried, all thewomen who don't llko hor begin toYwitch for her bud traits to slum in herchildren.

When h woman hears that n m.ui Khehas wet hies domt wniii'tluiig bad, slidwill never admit that sho didn't expectit all along.

Very fiw women can prwervo theirrrsiKCt for tlieir IukIi.ukIs vrhun theyfc them get l.ittled making a Fporchin public.

A child carries its now found happi-ness to the one it lores best, a womanto tho one she hntefl most.

A soon as a man gets his first grayhairs ho begins to boast to his w ifo oftho business worries ho has.

Tho real reason why women llko catsIs probably becnufo they don't oftentruck uiud all oer the floor.

After a girl gets married she nevergets off her old joko about cigar asheskeeping moths out of tho carpet.

When a girl looks so happy when shegets her tngag, ment ring, she is think-ing how sho will enjoy showing it soaiiotln r girl. Nov York 1'rcM.

Kmbrultlerrd Vnlatrcr.The question is often 4ed whether

tho mantel valance is really uufusluoiinble. Onto an indUpensiblo accessoryof tho mantel, it appear to huvu subsided, like tho C07y comer, into comparntivo obscurity. But that its wo rtoosnot vioUto the canons of dccoratlvo ait

ARTISTIC 11ANTKL UUArKliT.Is shown by a very charming examploofitgien in Tho Decorator and r.

This embroidered mantel drapery ismost graceful and simple in design. Ina color scheme of which a door valanceU a part tho woodwork is a rich, deopmahogany, tho drapery u soft croamcolor tending to pink, nnd the valancea green to match the embroidery on thodrnpery, decorated in lighter self color-ing.

Until fair fingers utterly neglect theancient und houon d art of embroiderydecorations such as theo w ill alwayshold a more or less importnut place inthe artistic borne.

I'Afttllnnii In Jewelry.rani-ifu- l ornaments ate dtrididly pop

nlar.Diamond tipiMl aigrcts aro in demand

for finishing olf a f fhionablo coitrure.A sniiplo hut effective flngm lingem

ploys two contrasting stoni , one placedslightly nl (no tho other m n roiled lingot gold

Bicycling, hunting, golfing and yui hting all Mipply motifb for brooches andscarfpius.

'lno glittering liard, nrxuom inend j cintlw, with emerald ryi,

cnutlnui - to plcise.Brooc lu s iipiibcnt this beusou popular,

bridesmaids' presents.Fancy watches will remain popular

bo long as tho fashion continues of w earing them on the outside of tho corsage.

Jewelers' Circular.

A V01CU l'HOM TUJ. BLKACIinRS.Local Intel est in the ciiuket games

as reflected from the "bleachers" isDurlup Saturday's games

the "bleachers" veie paiticulailyand hept the placers under a

ruuuiiig fire of good natured banter.One small boy brought down thecrowd bj adtislng the batsman to "gobuy a case of Rainier Beer and getsome life in you." The crowd applaud-ed the remark, knowing that ItalnierBeer is celebrated for Iti iavii oratingand strength-givin- g propensities.

On tap or in bottles at the Criterion.

King Bros, have just filled anorder for 200 colored Ilawaiianphotos for ft party in America.

Oity Oiirriago Co,, J. S, And.rude, manager. If you want nhaok with good horso and caro-fuldri- vor

ring up Tolophone 118,oorner of Tort und MutuantBtrpetB. Hack at all hours.

Kroopor Pianoswoetcst in tone,Jas. W. JJorgstrora, solo agent, cashor installments. Warerooms ntG. "West's, Masonic TompJo. Of-fic- o

nt Thrum's Book Storo. Tnn-ii)- L'

and renaiiiiiL'. R Tele- -I phono !317.

J. B. Walker,1 - Estate - Broker



Dealer inReal Property,Improved

orUnimproved.lJiws fur Sulo and Lcnte on

Liberal Terms.


1. Largo Lot, Makiki stieft, fenced, 223foot frontage.

2. Lot on Kinau streot between Alapaiand Knpiolani streots 140 feet frontage.

3. Lot on Luualllo street bot ocn Alaxaiaud IIitckMd streets.

4. 3 large Lots on Prospect street.5. House and Lot on Qreen street be-

tween Knpiolani and Victoria.C. Tho Building known as Thomas' Block,

2 stories and embracing S (routed) storeson leased ground.

7. Lot corner of Kinau and Fitkol streets.S. Itice Land at YV'aikaue, Kooluu.9. Lot on corner of IIonlii and Keean-inuk- ti

streets, between reJdunco ot W. A.Ilowon and lot of W. M. Gifl'nrd, havingfrontage on Ileulu street 2G0 feet.

10. Lota 6 and 7 with House, Kalis,Walkiki road.

1 l.n Half Aero Lot in Hilo Town.


1 . 3 Cottngos on Qacen street near Tuuch-bow- lstreet.

2 3 Cottages at Old Waiklki.3. Store and Duelling, corner Wyllio

and Nuuanu, ready for occupancy.4, Lot corner Merchant and IUcbards


Properties Managed, Collcc-tio- r.

of Rents, Lonns Nego-tiated and Advances made onReal Estate.

JOHN S. WALKER,Spreckela Block, Honolulu.P. O. Box. 333. Tel. 331.

John 'Nott,Importers and Dealers in


Steel and Iron Ranges,


DIMOND BLOCK.12 1 & li.i King btrt-et- .


My 910.00 Bath Tub?, lined with beatquality, No. 10 zlno, 0 in. Fipo, Ohain andPlug, with wood rim all complete. Otherdealers are dnuifonnded, and resort to allinnnnor of Trie!- - and FTenrs.

Bo not dccuivud, theso Buth Tubs haebeen sold for $14 until I reduced tho price.

I am prepared to do allvtorkin my lineand guarantee satisfaction: Estimates fur.milled.

If you ant a good Job cheap for Cash,ring up Telephone 844, and I am yourmam

JAB. NOTT Jn,Tinsmith & Flumber


Carriage Manufactory613 to 621 Fort Street.

Carriage XSuildcrAMD UErAIUEIi.

BlacWbinginAll lis Sranches.

W. IV. lYltlUUT, Proprietor.(Successor to Q. West)

AMERICANLivery and Boarding Stables

Comer Merchant und Richards Sts,


Rf Carriages, Burro and Hacks at allhours. TKLhl'lIONE 4W.


HOLLISTER & CO.From tho Factories' of

Ija Intirmdad,La Espanola,La AJricana,Henry Clav & ."Bock & Co.

Cprner Fort & Merchant Sts.

Patent Shaft- - Springs

Iuvcuted aud Patented by W. V. WRIGHT.

It Qbtitarates Ali Horse Motion.This device can bo attached to Any Brakewith Straight Shafts

&. For full particulars, call on or address

W. "W. "WRIGHT,556-t- t Proprietor Honolulu Carriage Manufactory, Fort street, above Hotel.

CLUB STABLES,Icrt Street. -



HARNESS -- JSTDA specialty.

- - --- : -

-- WE THE- -



ni? N,

Tho uesi 01 attention Riven to animals leftlUchs, SnrrieS. Bmkes.

: AT THE--- ,

(Corner of Fort and Berctauki streets.)AN ASSORTMENT




attendants, promptness.

ffiW S00BSiClSM. wS";J?,''eetf,l

Cily Furniiure. Siore

K,13EI Xa3R,lS"I1,UxtE. xJ1!H.H. WILLIAMS, (Manager)

Undertaker and

Main Office Telephone No. 53. 1'. O. llox No. 222 Branch Office Tclephouo No. 8S8.

Oahis Lomber and Building Go., L'd.Lumber MeroteatB, Contractors & Builders.


Doors, Saslios, Paints, Oils, Buildors' Hardware Wall Panors andMatting, Etc. Manufacture All Kinds of Moulding.Main Office, Ldeo, IuUKtHcet Uranch Office and Planing Mill, corner Klnc andBethel streets. Lumber Yards, U-lc- and Lot near It. It. Depot. Private track connect-in- gwith O. It. kh, .Co. U.K. runs through our yaids to It. It. wharf and any part ofEwa and Waiauao stations. 483--tf

Bulletin, . 75c, der MonthJAS. F. MORGAN,


N. 45 Queen Street.

Expert AppraiBotnont of HealEatato and Furniture,

The Evening HuUelin, 75 centsper wonlh.





Hotol St., near Fort. Tal, 8C2.

Subporibo for tho Evknino Bul-letin 7G conta per jnonth.

,"fci.4 A i L

Page 7: f 13 Hi in- - University of · cautioned against using sovero methods of corporal punishment. Mr. Mills



O.J. Wallbii - - Manaomi.



Kaw Contractors. -

Refrigerated PoultryAND

Fresh Salmon


Mefoopolita Ije&fc Co.

Telephone . 45.

RING UP 104!

The Central Meat Market

214 NncAND Stiieet.

For "Your ClioicjoOrders

The Finest-- OF

ReMgeMed .--. Meafcg

Always" on Hand. Orderspromptly andcaiefully attend-ed to. (

HERBERT GAItES,Sole Proprietor.

Fresh GroceriesBy Eacli Steamer.

Table .'. DelicaciesA specially (it

VOELLER & CO.'S,20 Boretania Street, Warinrj Blook.

1ST Telephone C80 '"3H- - WW co.,

Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

51o t 517 Fort bt., Honolulu

'Telophonor 22 P.O. Box 470

Commissioner of Deeds

--FOH Tnt--

State of California.

Having been appointed and commissionedit Commissioner of Deeds or the Btato of i,

I am preparedTo administer and certify oaths.To take and certify deposition aud affida-

vit!.To take and certify the acknowledgment or

proof1 of powers of attorney, mortgages,transfers, grants, deeds or other luntruuieuUor record.

A. V. GEAR,Telephone SSfl. 210 King Street,

Pioneer Building and

Assets July, 1S96, $106,C45.1G

Money Loaned on Approved Secnrlty.A Savings Hank for Monthly Deposits,Houses llullt ou tUu Monthly Iuatidlnieut

Plan.Thirteenth Series of Stock now open.

Tor further particulars apply to

A. V. GEAR, Scorotnry.01iam1or of Commerce Ilooms.Office hours, 12:30 1:30 T.SI. 73-- t


Hoyal Insurance- Company.Alliance Ahnmance Couipiiny.Alliance Murine- and (ieuornl Assurance

Company.Sun Life Assurance Company of Can.ula.Willie-hu- of Madgeburg Insurance Com-

pany.Scottish Union and National Insurance


Room 18 8preckels Block, Honolulu, 11. 1.

BRUCE CARTWR1GIIT,General Manager of

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of the TJultod States for the HawaiianIslands.

OrfiCrti Merchant street, Houolulu.


L.' !prt - r,vv

EVENING BULLETIN, APRIL 211, 1807.--yyj l'." "aj fsss


Ynlutiblo Business Properly on

Nuuanu streot, bringing a good


Sevornl Lois near Punohjbowl

and ut Makiki, the Choicest Resi-

dence Property in tho city. A

porfect view horn Diamond Head

to Ewa, Honolulu nnd Harbor.

Four Houses urirt Lots on Punch-

bowl slreol, only five miunti

walk from the Post Oflieo.

We also liave Corufortublo

Houses for mild ou easy terms si-

tuated on tho following streets;

Lunalilo, Kinau, Knkui, Has-sing- cr,

Berotnnia, Young, Vic-

toria, Green, Thurston Avenue,

Punahou, Lililin and Nnnmu.

Building Inta in all putts oflhoi

city on the instalmonfplan.

Severul well established Lodg-

ing Houses.

Co (loo Lands on Hawaii aud a

Pineapple Rutiuh with liniejaud

othor fruit troe3 uonr Honolulu.



210 King Streot.



A. V. Gear & Co.,

Olllee: 21U Kins Street.


.... AND ....

(general Business Agents

Loans Negotiated and CollectionsMade.

Stocks Bought and Sold.

Hooks Audited nnd Accounts Adjusted.

Bills Bought and NotesDiscounted, ' ,

Rub and Life Insurance Ageqty


Tim Cnltini--I l'lonrril t li- - VrnflVr nt Kntllrl.jr' Mlnrml (Irrittiiiiaa,

Tho iiilniirl fnim tho Mine Oram whohail lvi it'., it N. , V ' trrliut to p'tpeople l'i. In loir t'i' liri ii i nf it..statu uik looting his trumpet In thoiiilleoof tho Dftli Avenue hotel.

"Aw, mloiiel, iiunn down n pftf or two,won't ynnV r.xclnlunil u scoffer. "I'mIKTfertly willing I" that what ymisay Is true, for the figure nro prncttmllyofficial; but, grunting thnt, thcro Isn'tcnimuli coal there, for Instance, to makeIt worth while to kih'ImI money In ItiilhlIng riniN tn (t--t It out HullvMiNuni'trun ou w'uil. mill when the ooulisullinlnitl wlmt will thr mllmniN do then.xir thliiKH." iiml the Mi.ller gmo the

colonel Hip Imw haw.Oilier jollied In with tliu wnnVr, Iiml

tho colonel rrrw hot In n nlxiullilo luvU.

"l't vie rill j iiirnHPIitiiin ton fi'Wflfrlire.," he Mild, taking u lumk out of hitpockrt. "I h:iM' iiuidr thio up from t'nfigure whirli nur friend hero iy lm l

willing toiidmlt uro true. Now, 1 won'tsay n word In this nrgtiment for anything

ICrntunVy except thr cnntiolcoulwhich l thrro. Thern Is, nccordlnir totheso iUtiinl4, ii umnel coal ami ut 4,0OCmunm mlbs, wlilrh U uhiVt ralhrr thanover. On much of this then-nr- two andtliTPi veln, vunnlntr from CI to HO lnche..line. In n lip ni'Ml'.t nnd rut It il'iivn frnn rtrni' o' .1(1 inclM-- . N'nw, lhof.tnmlorU ot liirjiHiiro calls for no ton of oo.ilper Ineh p. r iuto. Thlrt j six Inches ut tlilir.ito in mis 4, 'W0 ton p r urn-- . Tlu010 urns to every quurc mile, and thorsnro 1,000 Hrmiiro inlU-- i, or 2,500,000 noivsMultlpryliijt this by I, (ISO, tho nmnlirr oltoiis per n.'ii woliair mi ngtvrtit- - r.'ll,(ifi0,800,0U0tons."

'i't-- rrolTrr In, in to s'ihw wrinkh-- s IrIlls -v,

"1 i ' nn '1 ii ' ' 'n Jkiitlcle of I olon I .mIIi,'- - in In lone"lu'S only 5 jkt cit li iuiiiiur s,luiio for shipment 'll I.M.Iun iu Run.Ciun:liir 20 f.iu to thi iiirl.vul, thiswould rrnulre 571, OH, 000 ear, whirli, 11

wilt out from the i ilnw lit 111.' o1,000 iMra i er day Unit N, so trains of 6ccar isieh would riipilrn l,rn jvur mid6 I'vinlhr, n p.!'id ot tl:wi riultr 1 wennupili, I tlilnl:, f ir .in,vVii"i.i.itiI, i "nto espii't nn t t l.i i(.

"Of iiui"e " tin" r !"! I,"til -- ii II runs n Hv mily In rnni,i! I

Thr Mtninlnon lire '. twice as Lii'tii-- , notto mention llro' cl:.y, ivtiiiliiiui, lliulwr,Iron"

"For tho Iird'H snki, nilonel," gnsjMilthe 'i offer, "itop! How jnttili money didyou ki- - you wnntinl us New York jioopltto po- - till" And tVi'Onncl told him apromptly iij ho hid given him tho figure. New York Hun.

JtejTil rtimili.People will discover lit list that royal

roads to unythliiK inn no iimru bo laid luIrou thuii they can In iliint; thai tlmruurc,in fact, no niyul roads to nnyivhero worthgoing to; that, If thuro were, It wouldthat Instant cen.o to lio worth golni; to Imean no f11 ear- - the things to bo obtainednro In liny way estimable In terms of price,for there ulv tiochises of precious thingsIn tho world thoso that God jjives as tornothing sun, air and Ufo (Imth mortallife 11111 Immortal), and tho bccondarllyprvclou thlnits ulilcli bo gives us for aprice. Theso seenmlnrlly prrrlouj things,worldly wine and milk, can only bebought fur ilellnlU) money. They nevrrraubo eheaiH'iird. Io eliciting nor bargain-ing IU oirget 11 slnglu thing out of

I'st.ibllshment at half price. Do wwant to be strong? We must work. To tielmn" " Vi ' ht ar.-c- . To Iv luipji'Wo must lo kind. To 1 wlsic! We mustluoU and think. Kusklu.

Wtittemuli tliu 0t.'ii.Good baking requires clean o ens. a can-tlo- ti

inue'i mom nceos.-uir- than wouldTlieiu Is a distinct ly different flavor

In bread and mwU Imkiil In tiled ovensfrom thoo cookul In the black, sootyowns of tho average run;je. A suggestionIs to whltewaili rango ovens, ufter theyhao lioen Aerupulotisly rlentint, to add totheir light and wholcsDincncss.

Awfully Mow.He Darling, I liiivo, loied you oer

since first we met.rilie Well, why didn't you siy so long

ngoF Did you think 1 waa a mind readerfC'levi laud Leader.

tenuous Wliy.

There aro two reasons whypooplo aro now paying car fareall tho way from Waikiki to thoPalama Grocory and back. Itcason1. 'It is-th- o only place on thoI&lauds whoro tho celebrated Sal-vation Army tea is sold. Bcasou2. After paying car faro bothvyo puii'unu ci"i tutj n.L luOi.r- -

in i)oekot by doalini; at this "liv'oand let livo" ostablislimont. AVoalso delivor goods between Dia-mond Head and Moanalua freo.

Haiiiiy Gannon,Palaina Grocery.

Opposito Railway dopot, Kiugstreet. Tel. 7i5.

King Bros.-hav- just received apow lot of tisr.uo papor, windownoles, Bash rods, artists' matorials,picture frames, etc.

New suitings and pants patternsaro arriving by overy mail steam-er for L. Ji. Karr. Plo sells a singloyard at wholesale prices.

Torohon and Valenciennes lacesaro fctill ui groat demand. L. B.Kerr has 11 choice lot, which he issoiling at lowest poBsiblo rates.

Singers lead tho world. Over18,000.00(1 made and nold. High-est awards at tho "World's Colum-bian Exposition for excollouco ofconstruction, regularity of motion,eaeo of motion, croat speed, ad-

justability, durability, ease oflearning and eonvonioueo of ar-rangement. B. Borgorson, agent,1CJ Bethel streets.


IVll I'll'tllri'M (it till lll'ile f', illOeiiesis to Kevt-- !

152 Beautiful '..;.

Topugrapliltiul Map ut I'ulesllnefrom recent ami nccttrate surveysnintlo by The IMlestltm KxplutntluiiKiiiul of Iiontlon, glvlngBVery Journeymade by tho Saviour from the MightInto Kgypt to tho AhcimioI'jii. Tliubest alii to Ulblu Btutly evurofreredtho public. For sale at llu


BAZAAR&" Wo uro now prepared to 1)0

all kinds of

Copperplate EngravingWedding Invitations lu Hie verylatest Blylos, untl Calling Cards aspecialty. .

J. M. WEBB,No. 316 Fort Street.

wA 1 I I IT A I I X I J 1 1 mf9


Nev England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston.

Etna Fire Insurance Company

of Hartford.


4US0Ohia, Algeroba and Pine Firewood

Cut and Split (ready for tho Stove).Also,



At Lowest Trices, delivered to any part ofthe City.


HUSTACE & CO.,31 Queen Street.

Ifcto&iiftn Fertilizing

COMPANYIs prepared to furnish

4000 Tons Cane FertilizerTo order for 1898.

In Quantities to Suit:E0F Orders solicited for a future de.

tivery.A. Y. COOKE, Manaccr.


Contractor and Builder.

Olllcesnnd atores fitted up andEstimates given on

ALL KIN ;,'. IV ; , ; .k.

t3T Oillco aud Shop: No. 010 Fort street,adjoining V. W. Wright' Carriage Shop.

W. H. KICKARD,General Busiuess AgentWill attend to Conveyancing in

all its Brnnches, Collectingand all Business Matters

of trust.

All Business entrusted to himwill recoive Prompt and CarefulAttention. OHico:

Honokaa, Harnakua, Hawaii,

A New Abstract Office.

As a result of 15 year's experi-ence in tlio Abstract Business, Iam prepared to make Abstracts ofTitlo in a most thorough, accurateand comploto manner, and onshort notice.

F. W. Makinney.In W. O. Smith's Oflieo, 818

Fort Street. 215-t- f'


.... di:a:.:i:s in ....

LUMBER,ZB-u.Iia.ezs- T

Paints, Oils and Glass

Wall Paper, Mattingo,

Etc., Etc., Etc.


473 Fort Street, Telephone 20i

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(Liitrrr.p).

Wm. Q. Irwin, - President and ManagerOIaus Sprockets, - - -W. M. Qiffard, - Socretnry and TroasnrerTheo. O. Torter, - - - '. Auditor

Sugar FactorsANT

Commission Agents.AGENTS OF THB




Qaceo trcct, Honolulu, H.I.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Aetlcultural Company, Onomea SursrCompany, Monomu SuKar Company, WalluVuSugar Company, Walhee Sujrar Company, Makee

irCDra,,a!!r' ,J'"k Kanch c'ompany,R?l!Ch'BPI"nle?U,,e sn Francisco

rackets.AKnti Boston Board of Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwriters.

ust or

PC Jones, President; Georgo JI Robortson,Mnnagor; E F Bishop, Treasurer nnd

Col. W F Allen, Auditor; OM Cooke,II Waterhonse, A V Carler, Directors.

Beaver Saloon,H. J. NOI.TE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffeeAT ALL UOC1I8.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAND.


T., ... ITep.Per Day 3 2.00Per Week 12.00

Qpcla 3ion.tiily Kat.slThe Best of Attendance, the Best Situa-tion aud the Finest Meals in this City

SINGER'S -:- - BAKERYEstablished 1874.

King St. noar Thomns Square

Home-Mad- e BREAD,Calces : and : Pies

CS"Sorvod Fresh Every Day.

H. F. SINGER,Tolophono 872. Solo Prop'r.

Oyster Cocktails

AT, . t a

The Elite Ice Cream Parlors

IF. HORN11$ --ctx, ZSSZ. tJ 'jd "ST I

Hotel street, near Fort.

BREAD, PIES and CAKESOf all kinds,

fST1 The Finest Imported and Homeimade Coufectlonery.

Real EstateItrt

Kor Sale.lTno Store" on Nuuinu itreet.U Lot on Magazine Hill, I'ittiXA feet,

commatidlns an excellent view of the cityand uartior.

a Lot on llackfcld street, 80x100.4 A Choice Ilenldcncc on Lunalilo street,

having all modern Improvements.5 four Houses and Lots on l'unchliowl

strict, all rented at a monthly rental of 10b.This property Is iMOfeet on 1'iinchbonl gtrre,with a depth of 'Hi feet running to the drillKroiiuds or armory, ulth a frontage 011 samefor 4 or 5 more cottages. The central loca-tion of the property makes it most available.

C A Klne llcsldcncc Centrally located,coiitaliiini; IS rooms. Lot 120x00 ft. Twosmall cottages 011 tho lot bringing In goodrental.

7 A Commodious Residence on Hasslngerstreet, fitted with all modern conveniences. Orwill trade lor suburban property.

8. A House and Lot on Young street.'J House and Lot corner Victoria one1

lierctanla streets, opposite Thymus smuic,house contains il rooms.

10 House and Lot ou Young struct matthe residence ot the liev. Mr. 11) de. Lot110x140. IImii contains cijht rooms.

11 Pearl City Property.12 Desirable Tract of Cnffeo on Ha-

waii.13 A most Desirable Home on Thurston

avenue. Large grounds and beautiful flow-er garden; house furnished throughout inhard wood with nil latest improvements.Excellent view of tho city nnd ocean, audone which cannot lie cut off.

U A Largo Lot aud Commodious Dwel-ling on Green Str'ect, commanding an

view of the city aud harbor. N'

choicer residence is to bt) had in tho cityeven by tho in -- it

15 A New House ot seven rooms withelectric lights throughout, bath, patent W(J, servants' quarters aud stables. One blockfrom car line at Puuahou.

10- - Only 4 of those Lots left near Kameha-me- ha

school.17 Two Houses and Lots ou l.Hiha street.18 A House and Lot ou Alakea street.19 A lleautlful Buildlu Lot at Kallhl,

100x200, cleared, fenctd and water laid oil.20 A Gently Bloplug Lot on Thurston

avenue, 240xl'iS, katlni: al'r0ntaueou(ireiistreet of W" feet, aid comraanduv a blrd't- -

eye Mew of tin iltyaiio liaroor.21 Elegant lleaeh Property at WalMkl.82 House and Lot on Peterson Lane, Pa.

lama. House contains H roins. LotijxIlO23 Dwelllne-- House of 0 fitle--d wit

all modern entneniiuecs Lot -' 111

Situated at Palama.2 Vacant Lot on W.iiKlul Road, lOOxtlli.23 Ituuti and Lot on .Niiuiiim blrtet.

House contains elht furnlhid rooms.very cnnyi'nu'niiv mean u ueur we.' ou:nesa

siiEln,.,.i,i lti.lili.iii-- at Puuahou. llout,"of 7 rooms with all modern conveniences.Lot Ioox3oo, nicely pmati-- with fruit andornamental trees.

27-- 12 Suits of Furniture couiiiW andthe mital of tho most desirable aud veu.trully located Lodgluo Ilonso in tin city.

28 Pineapple Itancli 2o,000 fruitingplants, 500 lime trees, f0 Avocado neartrcos, peach trees and Alfalfa crop TwoDwellings, barn, etc. An Al investment.

29 A Lodging House on Fort street con-sisting of twenty furnlkcd rooms, all occu-pied by lodgers. A bariin for llio lightperson.

30 House and Lot, corner Wilder aicnueand Kewalo street, beautiful e;roiiii(l, welllaid out, an excellent view of the mountains.The lot la 1W) feet frout ou Wilder avinue bya depth of 150 feet on Kciialo llou-- o

contains eight rooms and oiitLulluing.

Notice- - Can Neuotl.itc Loans on anyotthe ul'u.c pruiititi lur purchait is ileslriugsani-- 1 from 50 to 71 per cent of the value.

Hawaiian Business Agency,x

210 King street.

To By Patecms ,

It gives me muoh plea-ur- e

to anuounct that Alit. M. R,'COUNTER, one of tho mostmulled watchni.ikors intho?o iLiiHls, is now mnna;;npjmy repairing dop-irtmen- Nowulcli m s. cou.l x in itsmechanism but wo can givo por-fe- ct

siitisfuetion itf correctingtho evils to which watches nrohojr. Watchos uro delicntothings to handlo. Wo guaranteethat they will recoivo no injurynt our hands and will lenvcour store in perfect roj-niir- .


E. A. JACOBS03ST,WT r9rt Rtref t.


For this Eijuiue Table in theway of all kinds First Class

HAY, GRAIN & FE3DAre on sale by tho


138 Forfc St. Tol. 422.



'Tho celobratcdENTEitritisEBkeu on Draught and inBottles. .



225 Quoon btroot, Honolulu, II, I,

. f . ' .. .

' , -




Page 8: f 13 Hi in- - University of · cautioned against using sovero methods of corporal punishment. Mr. Mills


fi-- i



MARINE NEW NOTES mm. C II Dii-hny- , L PI Wiito-- !

iituiHf, Mia Anna I'nriH. J Slior J. S, W'aJker,nmti, L Chung, MirtH K Martin,Mr JJorRBtrom, Maatur l'liilip

VAIIMM'S II MIS IMl'KKII III TO. Levey, Dr Lindlcy, 1) Couroy nudn.r. 43 deck pnesongora. Ileal - Estate - Broker


laland-ITIhii- iih I.m llppnrtuARItlTALS. FINANCIAL AGENT.

People Know a Grood Thmtr"When Thev See It!



Temple of FashionHAS PROVEN TO BE THE

Biggest Bargain Sale Ever Offered in Honolulu !

25 Percent Discount

On the Actual Cost!

This Means 5Q Percent Less Than You Pay Elsewhere !

The Stock Must Be Closed Out Regard-

less of Our Loss !

5 Paicent Discount on the Actual Cost,

gW You can got nnyvpieeo of goods in tho store at this discount.v

23-"- This discount applies to all linos.

3? Advertising a singlo leader in order to draw a crowd and then sell othercheap goods at a big protit don't go in this store.

S Every article in my stock is a leader ami you aro allowed a reduction of 25per cont. on actual cost.

liT Everything marked in plain figures.

lip- - "Don't got mixed. The Temrle of Fashion is the onlyplace m Honolulu whore you can got good quality for a little money. Yours forbusiness only.


5. SITVJ6k9

Ilk ..... .- - ..


The USS Petrol will go to soatomorrow morning.

Two deserters from the shipKouilworth aro reported today.

Tho schooner Alice Cooke willtnko n load of augur to tho Coast.

Tho Archer lms finishednud will now begin tak-

ing in sugar.The pile-driv- er is having an-

other "go" at tho big rocks at Inter--

Island whnrf.The bark Albert will havo hor

cargo i genoral merchandise nilout by tomorrow aftornoou.

Tlio steamor Noenu reoeivod2007 bacs fortilizor from tho Bry-ant for Kukuihaolo. A numbor ofmules aro for tho satno planta-tion.

The crow of tho USS Phila-delphia arc overhauling hor in-

side nud out, thoroughly cleaningand repainting from olcm tostern.

Tho bark C D Bryant will havonil hor cargo out in a fow days.Besides n Jot of general merchan-dise, she has 125,000 brick to dis-charge.

Tho stnall-po- x patients at theQunruntiuo Stntion aro all doingwell. No main bickness is re-

ported. Tho Chinese lauded fromtho Doric aro in for 18 days.

Tho American ship Iroquois29 days from San Fraucisconocdsono more steamer loud to finishher cargo. This is a record that hasnot been beaten so fur this year.

The bark C D Bryant will notgo to tho Coast again for quito awhile. Sho will niako threo tripsto Layson Island, bringing guanoto Honolulu for II Haokfeld fe


Tho enilors of the Helouo whorefused duty undor Captain Fitz-gerald two days ago were tried intho court yesterday afternoon. AHbut ono decided to return to workagain, and woro lot off. Todaythoy woro down on tho wntorfront,scorning as happy as over.

A Japaneso caused a lot ofamusement for a big crowd atInter Island wharf this morning.IIo had a tickut for tho BicamorMauua Loa, but did not got downto the wharf until she was back-ing out. Besides himself to lookafter, ho had a big bundle of bag-gage. Ono of tho sailors threw ncork fonder ovor tho starboardbow. With his foot on tho fendor,"the Jup seized tho rope in a death-like grip. A half dozen nativesailars yanked tho little brownfellow aboard, while tho peopleon the wharf enjoyed tho comicalsight immensely. A small boathappened to bo near tho wharf,by means of which tho pluckychairs baggage was put aboard tinsteamer in the middle of theharbor.

Cum' lliiniiil.The steamor Wuiulmlo wb'ch

arrived this morning from Kauaibrings a report of a big firo onEleelo plantation on Tuesdaynigut. l'orty-nv- o acres or ennowoio burned. No paiticulars nsto how tuo liro stinted or what wasbeing done could bo learned, ox-co- pt

that flirt Btnnnur Hull took ulot of cooling pans from Koloa toJiloole. It is possible tor thogruator port of the burned cane tobo utilized, but much of it will bea loss. Tho Wnialeale was lyingat another part of tho island, andtlie telephone service hoiug poor,nothing beyond tho facts that thornhad been a big firo and thtit aneffort was being made to got incano before it spoiled, could boloarncd. Tho Waialealo reportsrough W'eathor at Kauai. Some oftho Kilauoa freight conld not belauded.


From Kauai, per stmr Mika-hnl- n,

April 23 J Cnnniughnm,Mr Fayo and i) deck passengers.


For San Francisco, per O it O8 S Doric, April 22 Air nud Mrs0 Bollo, Mrs E Suhr and JamesDodd.

For Maui and Hawaii, porstmr iMauna hmx, April 23 .MrMoAmlrmvH, Mra Ah Hani, J Ko- -

TnunsDAT, April 22.

Stmr ! A Cummliu, Senile, from Onhuport.

FkidaT. April 23.

Bttur tVnlulcalc. Parker, from Knnal.Stmr MlUnlm'n, Thompson, from Kauai.


TiltuiiliAV, April BS.

() ,; n S S Doric, Smith, for San Kran- -clfVI).

Fiiiiuy, April 3 1.

Stmr Mauni Loa, Simmon, fur Maul andHawaii.

8tnir Nocau. Vctcrann, for Lalulnn, Hono-k- aa

and Kukulliaclc.Stmr .1 A CmnniiiifA Stnrlc, for Oalm



Kx itmr Kuala 2C35 bngi nijsr, 40 hagsrice, 65 bugs tare.

Ex ftmr J A Cummins 1S0U bj;s ugr.Ex ftmr Mlkuliala --SllW bags sugar.Ex atmr Walalcalc 3104 bug sugar.


IIAKHISOX-- In tills city, April 32, 18S7,Adeline Mildred, youn-c- it daughter ofFr (1 uud Uuiina 'lu.i..-- , sjca ecvenmontlit.


NIVAL.II II M a vyihlswnn, Kapler, Kauai, April ID.USS Plilladelpliia, Cotton, dan Ulego. April

It).II 8 8 Petrel, Wood, 8 F, April in,USB Marlon, Greene, San Diego, March IS.

MnilCHANTMnS.(Coasters uot Included In tills lht.)

Am sldp Iroquois, Tajlor, Sau Krautlsco,April 7.

Am eclir Alice Cooke, Pcnliallow, Port Uara- -caMle, April 13.

Am lik Seminole, Wtcdon, XowraMlv, Apr S.Am liktli Ncwiliov Milletl NVncnMle,

April Io.Am tclir Wm llowdcn. Plercni, Newcastle,

April 10.Nor l.k Fortunu, Mlkkelson, Newcastle.

April 1(1.

Am ship Kenllwortli, Uaker, 8F, April 111.Am bktn Archer, Calhoun, 8 F, April '20.Am bk C 0 Bryant, Colly. 3 F. April 20.Am bk Aldeu llcsae. Potter, 3 F, April 20.Am bk Albert. Urltlltua, 8 F Aprl) IS.


. Vessels Where lrom DuoNIc bk Dominion, ....Newcastle DueOcr bk Paul lcnberi ...Liverpool DmSehr Louts Newcastle. . .,Schr Novelty NewcastleAm ship Kcapcr. . .NewcastleSchr Golden Shore. ..NewcastleSchr Echo NewcastleHawbk IolanI New York .... May 31Ilk Nuuami, New YorkAm Schr Oceania Vance,. .Newcastle, AprSuSthr W II Tnlbot,.. Newcastle Apr 3088 Australia 8 F Apr 2788 Mlowera Sydney Apr 24SSAlamcdii Sydney Aprs 21)

Am bktu Amelia, Vuct Sound,..,.8 8 Amarapoora Pugct 8ouud,Am tchr Transit, 8 F,AmbktnSNCaitle,... 8FAm bk Ceylon Pujjet SoundIlawbklll'ltltliet 8 F .

Am bktn Irrngard 3 K,Am bk Fresno, Pu(;et Soundlir ship Dalcalrnlo Astoria. DueOrslilp II K Glade Hreiiien....,..Jnly 31Am ship Susiiuclianna.. ..Jupiii Due

A Prediction Itlmln in IHU.'i.

The following item clipped fromau English oschansewas publish-ed in Tho Call of January 17,1893:

A pamphlet has just boon pub-lished at Berlin by a theologian

M. Baxter which was writtenwith considerable erudition, nudis boing widely read. The authorp.otllOli ill U VI"- - .I'llwill iu Anul 'JIJ Jl): S.

'1'iom now on until then," hosays, "wo will go through anotherfeaiful and bitterly contested war,in 1897, which all tho groat Eu-ropean nations will participate in.In 1899 a now Napoleon willmake his liso as the King of 'theGreek States and Syria.' In 1901llttiil'llJ l..l lI.(U..Kl. ..Ill HUM.the very foundations of ourplauot,On March 12, 11)08, on a Thursday,nt It 1 M.ick . '-

-'. f.lerusalomtimttj, n;ul at L huur Yii minutesp. 111. Berlin tiinej will take placotho 'ascension to heavon of tho111,000 elected, blessed ones, whoshall not die.' "

Thcbo .prophecies, says Lo Fi-

garo, havo called forth cousitlora-bi- o

omotion "ovor tho Jlhiuo."

JtCHSOIIX WIlJ.Thoro nro two reasons why

pooplo aro now piyiuj ear fm-a- ll

tho way from Waikiki to thoFalnniH Grocery nnd back. Reason1. It is the only placo on thoTslauds where tho celebratod Sal-vation Army tea is sold. Benson2, After paying car faro bothways patrons iiud thoy aro monoyiu pocket by dealing at thi3 "livoand let livo" establishment. AVoalso delivor goods holwoon Dia-mond Head and Moaualua freo.

Hahiiy Cannon,Palatini Grocory.

Opposite lluilway depot, Kingstreet. Tel. 705.

Dealer inReal Property,Improved

orUnimproved.Has for Sulo and Lcaeo on

Liberal Terms.

bale.1. LorRo Lot, Mnklki utieot, fenood, 228

fctt liontiiBe.2. Lot 011 Klnau stroet between Alopni

(ind Kapiolanl atrecU 140 feet frontage.3. Lot on Lunalllo stroet between Alapiand Uackfold stroeta.4. 3 large Lota on rrospect Btreot.6. House and Lot on Green street

Kapiolanl nnd Victoria.0. The Building known nsThonWBlock.

2 stories and embracing C (rentod) storeson leased ground,7. Lot cornor of Klnau and Pilkol streets.8. Bice Land at Walkane.'Koolau.0. Lot on comer of Ueulu and Keoa-mok- n

Htroet, between rcHidonco of W. A.Bowcn and lot of W. M. GifTiird, haviuEfrontago on Heulu street 2G0 feel.,.,,?.,Lo,R.(i nn1 " wlth House, Kalis,Waikiki road.

1 1. Hnlf Aero Lot in Ililo Town.


1. 3 Cottage on Quceu stiect uonr 1'uncL-bow- lstreet.

2 3 Cottages ot Old Waikiki.3. Storo and Dwelling, corner Wyllie

and Nuuanu, ready for occupancy.4. Lot comer McrcLnnt uud Itickard


Properties Managed, Collec-tion of Rents, Loans Nego-tiated and Advances made onReal Estate. .

JOHN S. WALKER,Spreckel& Block, Honolulu.P. O. Box. 33!). Tel. 331.

The ... '

Hawaiian Electric' Company,

Cur. Alaken & Ilulekuuwilu Sts.

Has u largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on bund.Estimatoa givon for house wir-

ing and Electrical plants.

V srRV,'rJ

THEO. HOFFMANN,32-t- d Mauager.

Real Estate Transactions.Subscribers nro furnished with from five

to six lists jier week, giing an accuraterecord of all deeds, mortgages, lenses, re--I

kfh, ir.v.-r-s of ittnmpv, dr , tti , wliich

mo fluted on record. Alo n list of alldistrict court judgments.

SuWrJjitlou I'lk", S2.00 per Month.

A V. GEAR,210 King St, Honoluln


Mercantile Agency210 King sheet.

Difficult Collections a Specialty



Oor. Fort nnd Queen Streets, Houolnia.


Wholesale fuiixirters and Jobbers of

European and American Dry Goods.

l'ort and (jiifeu Ktreots,