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40 000 COPIES WEEKLY WEDNESDAY, July 22, 2015 Tel: 041 503 6111 | Email: [email protected] | Motherwell, KwaDwesi, KwaZakhele, New Brighton, Zwide, KwaNobuhle & Bethelsdorp Editor: Bettie Giliomee FREE – MAHALA Contact Details: Tel 041 586 1166 Fax 041 586 1161 Cell 071 696 3042 E-mail: [email protected] Address: Parcels Building PE Train Station Strand Street Port Elizabeth (opposite Norwich) WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS Ceramic Toilet Jacuzzi/Bubble Bath Shower cubicle 900 mm x 900 mm 10h00 29th July @ Abathengi mabeze uzozibonela 27th and 28th On the 1 August we are moving to 15 Swartkops Road, North End (opp Pier 14) Up to discount from 22-28 July! 70% X1QBRWJ1-220715-XT-ebaunc-homie Supplier of All Building Material BEST PRICES Blocks Crusher Sand Cement 4 Khama Street, Motherwell Nu2 Tel: 041 469 1036 | 083 947 8204 REMEMBER WE DELIVER FOR YOU X1Q98G99-150715-XT-ebunge-motherwell Kwaito Kid a big hit Kwaito Kid a big hit back home back home Kwaito Kid, whose real name is Zama Njokweni, is a World Wrestling Professional (WWP) wrestler who hails from Motherwell. On Saturday Kwaito Kid, pictured here in the blue tracksuit performed in front of his home crowd during the first ever Wrestlemonster Extravaganza in Port Elizabeth which was held at the NMMU Indoor Sport Centre. During his visit to the Bay, Kwaito Kid also took some time out to visit the street where he grew up, and entertained his starry-eyed young fans. PHOTO: THEO JEPTHA

Express Indaba 22 July 2015

Jul 22, 2016



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Page 1: Express Indaba 22 July 2015


WEDNESDAY, July 22, 2015 Tel: 041 503 6111 | Email: [email protected] | Motherwell, KwaDwesi, KwaZakhele, New Brighton, Zwide, KwaNobuhle & Bethelsdorp Editor: Bettie Giliomee


Contact Details:

Tel 041 586 1166

Fax 041 586 1161

Cell 071 696 3042

E-mail: [email protected]

Address:Parcels BuildingPE Train StationStrand StreetPort Elizabeth

(opposite Norwich)


Ceramic Toilet

Jacuzzi/Bubble Bath

Shower cubicle900 mm x 900 mm

10h0029th July @

Abathengi mabeze uzozibonela

27th and 28th

On the 1 Augustwe are moving

to 15 Swartkops Road,North End(opp Pier 14)

Up to discountfrom 22-28 July!


Supplier of All Building Material BEST PRICESBlocks Crusher Sand Cement

4 Khama Street, Motherwell Nu2Tel: 041 469 1036 | 083 947 8204



Kwaito Kid a big hitKwaito Kid a big hitback homeback home

Kwaito Kid, whose real name is Zama Njokweni, is a World Wrestling Professional (WWP) wrestler who hails from Motherwell. On Saturday Kwaito Kid, pictured here in the blue tracksuitperformed in front of his home crowd during the first ever Wrestlemonster Extravaganza in Port Elizabeth which was held at the NMMU Indoor Sport Centre. During his visit to the Bay, KwaitoKid also took some time out to visit the street where he grew up, and entertained his starry­eyed young fans. PHOTO: THEO JEPTHA

Page 2: Express Indaba 22 July 2015


KWANOBUHLE members of the South Afri-canPoliceService(SAPS)werepraisedforre-covering three stolen vehicles in the space ofa week in the area.

On Tuesday last week Warrant OfficerMannie Lewis and Constable Marian Mullerrecovered a Silver Polo Vivo inside a vacantshack in Kasibe Street.

The “garage”, it was discovered, was onlyserving as a store for stolen items.

“The vigilant duo opened the shack and totheir surprise, they found a vehicle, parkedinside.

“Thevehicle, policeconfirmed,wasreport-ed as stolen during a house robbery at Hlun-gulu Street, Kwanobuhle, five days earlier,”said police spokesperson Sergeant MajolaNkohli.

“This recovery was the third in a space ofseven days.”

OnWednesdayJuly8,policeofficersrecov-ered a purple Nissan bakkie in anothershack. The vehiclewas believed tohave beenstolen on Friday 26 June.

OnMonday13JulypolicerecoveredaMaz-da 323 at 4th Avenue the same day it was re-ported stolen from Siwani Street.

ActingstationcommanderLieutenantCol-onel IreneBezuidenhout, commended thepo-lice officers for their work.

“Iwant to thankthepoliceofficers for theirdedication, alertness and prowess in thespaceof sevendays,” saidBezuidenhout,urg-ing members of the community to report va-cant shacks erected for criminal activities intheir areas. – NCEBA DLADLA

Three stolen vehicles recovered in KwaNobuhle


TRANSNETFoundation dedicated their 67minutes of Madiba to Khulile PrimarySchool in Motherwell NU 7.

According to Transnet FoundationStakeholder Engager Unathi Sonti, theircompanydecided tomake the lives ofKhul-ile Primary School better, because theschool was often vandalised; thus leavingthe lives of the pupils at risk. TransnetFoundation fixed various broken thingslike putting up new ceilings, new fluores-cent bulbs, new switches, news locks, newwindow panes, new tiles, painting theclassroom walls and doing plumbing.

ANC Ward 59 Councillor Mazangwandi-le Dano stated that he was happy with theTransnet Foundation initiative in that theschool environment, which is often affect-ed by vandalism, looked good.

CllrDano said, “I amveryhappybecauseTransnet Foundation is making a big dif-ference to our children. I hope that this ini-tiative will help to improve the culture ofteaching and learning. Our school will atleast look better than it was before. But theentire roof of the school needs painting butthe school does not have financial means.”

Khulile Primary School Principal Lum-ka Zokoza, who could not hide her excite-ment, divulged that Transnet Foundationcame at the right moment because vandal-ism was rife at her school.

Zokoza said that the electrical wireswere stolen by vandals. Zokoza explains,“Our school has been hugely vandalised somany times. A lot is badly affected; we can-

not use our computers, the night schoolsuffers as well and our computer laborato-ry was also broken into and the communi-ty and the learners suffer.

“The window panes were mostly brokenand in winter as we speak, our learnerscannotwithstand the chillyweather condi-tions. Other challenges that we face hereare that the thugs steal the staff cars’ hubcaps during the tuition time and they jumpover the school fence and rob our learnersduring the break. Above all I am very hap-py becauseTransnet Foundation initiativehas made a positive impact on our learnersand parents.”

KhulilePrimarySchoolGoverningBodychairperson Welcome Jobela thankedTransnet Foundation. Jobela said, “On be-half of the school I wish to say a specialthanks to Transnet Foundation. This en-courages our children to learn their booksbecause they know that their school nowlooks beautiful.

“I want to appeal to the community to bethe eyes of the school. People must comeforward to the school when they have seenthe vandals. The school is a community as-set. We also appeal to the government toprovide our school with a security office,a night watchman, the desks and chairs.When it comes to desks and chairs, thingsare very bad because our children usepaint buckets as chairs for the entireschool.”

WESSA Education officer Pearl Jonas,who was in attendance, also hailed Trans-netFoundation for dedicating their 67min-utesduringMandelaDay toKhulilePrima-ry, one of the Eco-environment Schools.

Transnet Foundationmake adifference to Khulile Primary School


THElearnersofWalmerHighSchoolhaveanewfountain of knowledge.

The school’s library, known as UmthomboWolwazi (meaning the fountain of knowledge)hasbeenundergoinganupgradesincelastweek.And to celebrate Mandela Day, learners fromWalmer High, Pearson High, students affiliatedto the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan’s Interna-tional Masifunde Society, Algoa FM presentersand national netball star Zanele Mdoda allpitched in to get the painting done.

Masifunde’s Fatima Klett said it had alwaysbeen their wish to extend the school’s library tomeet the ever-increasing demand from

learners. At the same time two class rooms,which had previously been vandalised, wererenovated.

The extended library will feature a computercorner, a new desk area and an office for libraryprefects who had a major role to play in theschool library.

“It is all being done with the help of some pri-vate donors and the volunteers who pitched inon Mandela Day,” an exited Klett said.

Ntemasha Maseka, a third year law studentand NMMU Masifunde Student Society coordi-nator said giving back brought its own rewards.

“It is nice to give time for the benefit of othersin the name of Mandela who sacrificed his lifeforothers.Tome,Mandelaisasymbolofselfless-ness and sacrifice,” the Zambian national said.


Having fun whilerenovating their schoolwere Walmer HighSchool learners, SandileBeyi (left) and AyandaSobele (far right). Withthem are UmthomboWolwazi Coordinator,Fatima Klett (secondfrom left) and NMMUMasifunde StudentSociety Coordinator,Ntemasha Maseka.PHOTO:NCEBA DLADLA

Media 24 staff, of which Indaba Express is a publication, joined GMSA in its “67 minutes forMadiba” campaign, participating in the Stop Hunger Now SA project. The project aimed to pack1 million meals on Friday, July 17, nationally. Media 24 donated 180 of the soup packs to theMother’s Gift soup kitchen run by Sheila Isaacs in KwaNobuhle. At the handover were reporterNceba Dladla (far left) and EP media regional editor Bettie Giliomee (far right) with, from secondfrom left, F.J. Isaacs, Fredrika Taai, Sylvester Alexander, Collet Titus, Sheila Isaacs and Leon Titus ofthe Mother’s Gift. In front are children who benefit from the soup kitchen. PHOTO: TANYA VAN ZYL

Doinggood for TataMadiba


THIRTY SEVEN nursing students are back atthe Lilitha College of Nursing this week after athree-week protest which led to the principalclosing the college’s gates.

The students were locked out for refusing towear their nursing uniforms.

The ad hoc committee formed by unions whorepresent the students, said after negotiationswith theprincipal, the school opened its gatesonMonday.

“Theonly resolutionmade in themeetingwasthat students needed to go back to class. We willhaveanothermeeting todiscuss the school’spol-icy on uniforms,” said Wezile Sandlana of theNationalEducation,Health andAlliedWorkers’Union (NEHAWU).

Sandlana said the meeting to negotiate on theuniforms will take place on July 28.

According to the students, on July 13, princi-pal Limba locked the college gate at the DoraNginzacampusbecause studentsdidnot complywith her demands.

Oneof thestudents, whowantedtobereferredto as Ace, said the principal was not followingtheirpolicybutinsteadwantedtoimplementherown rules.

AcesaidtheyrefusedtoabidebyLimba’srulesbecause her rules had not been stipulated intheir contract with the school.

Accordingtothecontractastudent isrequiredto wear a uniform in clinical areas.

Studentssaid twoweeksagoa letterwascircu-latedat theschool stating thatall studentswouldneed to wear a uniform to class or be removedout through the college gates.

Public and Allied Workers Union of South Af-rica (PAWUSA)memberWinkyMngqibisa said,“The decision not to wear uniforms was agreedtobyunions, theschoolandthestudentsbecausestudents do not earn enough to afford uniforms.They do not have allowances for uniforms andthey need to preserve those uniforms for whenthey go to work.”

Mngqibisa said the white uniforms cost R150for a dress, R120 a skirt and shoes can vary fromR200 to R250.

“We are not saying that they can’t wear theiruniforms, this is not what we are objecting to,but the manner in which she conducted herselfleaves a lot to be desired,” said Mngqibisa.

“She doesn’t want to give us a reason for thischangeinprotocolandthisiswhatisfrustrating.StudentsreceiveaR2000stipendandtheycannotafford uniforms for class and practicals,” saidSandlana.

A student at Lilitha college for Nursing saidthey were forcibly kicked out of the school andthosewithuniforms were taken to their campusin central.

Ace said principal Limba refused their re-quest and taught the only two students who hadworn their uniforms that day from her office.“When we arrived for school on Tuesday, July14, we were told that we were not allowed intotheschool.Thefewthatmanagedtoget intoclasswere forcibly removed.”

DAMPLCelesteBarker said this contravenedthe agreement between Lilitha College and theDepartment of Health, that nursing studentsmay wear their casual clothes for classes anduniforms when performing clinical duties.

“Nostudentsshouldbedeniedtheopportunityofattendinglecturesandreceivingtheeducationthey need to further their careers,” said Barker.

Barker said she had addressed legislaturequestions to theMECforHealth,Dr.PhumzaDy-antyi, as to the exact stipulations of the contractbetweenherdepartment andLilithaCollege andwhetherstudentshave topay for theiruniforms,or whether they receive uniform allowances, asin the past.

“Strike actionby the student nurses at theDo-raNginzacampuscouldspread toothercampus-es if this issuebecomesamajorgrievanceacrossthe province. We cannot allow the education ofmuch needed nurses in the province to be com-promised in any way,” Barker ended.

Despite various attempts, comment could notbe obtained from the principal.

Nursing students backafterthreeweek long lockout

Showing the buckets and chair frames used as chairs by learners of Khulile Primaryare SGB chairperson Welcome Jobela, Boniwe Nxako (parent), ANC Ward 59 CllrMazangwandile Dano, Principal Lumka Dano, ANC Ward 59 Education Desk OfficerNobuntu Dondashe and Pindile Fesi (educator). PHOTO:SUPPLIED

Page 3: Express Indaba 22 July 2015



INDUSTRIOUS women from around NelsonMandela Bay should know that they canturn to the Department of Social Develop-ment for assistance.

At a recent meeting with women co-opera-tives the department said that it was gearedto help build and develop the cooperatives.

“Women cooperatives are women withsmall businesses like farming, sewing, sell-ing eggs, embroidery and selling cleaningsupplies,” said Sibabalwe Nkeba, communi-cation officer of the Eastern Cape Depart-ment of Social Development.

Nomzamo cleaning co-operative, Red Lo-cation Back Packers Lodge and DimbazaHousehold co-op, were only a few of the co-operatives that were present at the meeting.

“Within the department we have a SocialRelief of Distress (SRD) budget, which weuse to teach these women skills and to de-velop them,” said Thamo Mzobe, Senior

Manager of the Department’s CooperativesUnit.

Women co-operatives first have to regis-ter themselves and their business with So-cial Development before they can qualifyfor the benefits of SRD.

“We are not giving the co-op’s a financialboost, but we are developing by means ofproviding opportunities. For instance wom-en who are registered for catering, will docatering for Social Development events,”said Mzobe.

Another area where women co-operativescould find a sustainable market was in mak-ing school uniforms Mzobe said. “And itwon’t be a once off, because it’s a life-longsustainable program. This woman will haveto supply the child from Grade 1, up untilGrade 12.”

Mzobe concluded by saying, “We are try-ing to incorporate co-operatives in everydepartment of Social Development.”

For more information contact SibabalweNkeba at 041 406 5724 or 076 342 6365.

Awoman’splace isnolonger in thekitchen,saysSocialDevelopment

Progress on the rise at Coega

Thantaswa Loqo (front) and Mhlangabezi Banya are two of the 12 candidates participatingin the Building Inspector Training Programme, conducted by the Coega Development Corpora­tion (CDC). The programme continues to gain momentum as the 12 trainees participate in a10­day painting and decorating workshop at Coega’s Human Capital Solutions centre (HCS).The practical training includes basic colour theory, repainting of plastered surfaces andrepainting of wood surfaces under the tutorship of a seasoned facilitator and assessor. Thiswill be followed by a programme on plastering and tiling and will conclude with additionalpainting and decorating. The Building Inspector Training Programme, launched in April thisyear, is set to run for a period of 18 months with up to eight months of practical trainingand the balance for mentorship. PHOTO:SUPPLIED

THE metro has resolved that 54 taxi opera-tors who were directly affected by the IPTSpilot phase be compensated over R1 million.

The report states that 5 taxi ownerswill each receive R97 000 on conditionthat they comply with the police vehicle

clearance certificate. An additional R1.1million will also be paid to the 98 IPTSambassadors who were employed duringthe pilot phase and R3.6 million to taxioperators who were partially affected bythe IPTS. – METRO MINUTES

Metro to compensate taxi operatorsaffected by IPTS pilot phase

Page 4: Express Indaba 22 July 2015



CANCER survivor Zodwa Dube is on a mis-sion. She wants more black South Africans tojoin the South African Bone Marrow Regis-try.

“There are currently 68 000 bone marrowdonors while only 4 000 of those are black do-nors. This is a serious problem as there aremany people in need of bone marrow,” said

Dube.Bone marrow is the spongy tissue inside

some of the bones in the body. According tothe SouthAfricanBoneMarrowRegistry thistissue can be regarded as the factory for theproduction of red cells to carry oxygen, whitecells to fight infection andplatelets to preventbleeding.Every year thousands of individuals with

blooddiseases suchas leukemia,marrow fail-ure or aplasia reacha stagewhere only abonemarrow transplant offers a chance of cure.Because “tissue-types” are inherited char-

acteristics, used in matching donors and pa-tients the likelihood of finding a suitable vol-unteer will be considerably greater withinthe same ethnic background. But with only4 000 registered black donors, the chances fora successful transplant in black patients arenot as great as for the rest of the population.“The registry is not a true reflection of

South African demographics. We need moreblack donors,” said Dube, adding that peopleshould stopmaking excuses orhidingbehindtheir culture or traditions when they wereasked to donate blood of bone marrow.Every healthy person between 18 and 45

can be a donor.Dube said many people would argue that

their ancestors would not recognise themshould they die after donating blood or bonemarrow. Some were also fearful of tests thatmay show that they have HIV/Aids. But asDube argues, what if you put your fears asideto save the life of someone like 14 year oldLutho Kakalala from Kwazakhele? The teen-ager is suffering from Aplastic Anemia andis in desperate need of a bone marrow trans-plant.“He is his mother’s only child, there are no

siblings who could be a match for his tissue-type.” Dube has now joined forces with VWSA to help find a suitable donor for the boy.

Dube was also in attendance at the MarrowMasakhane bone marrow awareness drive atthe Ke Nako Mall in Port Elizabeth last weekwhich was held in conjunction with the IgaziFoundation.The awareness campaign was also held at

the Bay West Mall on Mandela Day this pastSaturday with the hope of makingmore peo-ple aware of donating blood and bone mar-row in the spirit of the great statesman’s leg-acy of selflessness and doing good for oth-ers.

MoreBlackbonemarrowneeded to save lives

During the awareness Campaign at Ke Nako Mall were from left, Zodwa Dube (third from left)Songo Ngwenda a donor from New Brighton and sisters Demi and Anique Pieterson from Bethels­dorp who signed on as donors. PHOTO:NCEBA DLADLA

Cancer Survivors Zodwa Dube (left) and face ofBone Marrow Masakhane, Yolanda Bukani.PHOTO: SUPPLIED


SONGO Ngwenda lost a dear friend to can-cer five years ago. Since then, the lad fromNew Brighton in Port Elizabeth hasthought long and hard about the gift of lifeand the importance of giving.

“My friend was diagnosed with cancerat 17 years of age. We were shocked anddid not know what to expect. It was sadknowing that he had this disease thatwould one day take his life,” said Songowho added that his friend passed on twoyears later.“This destroyed me. I thought about it

for a long time,” he said, adding that theexperience drove him to learn HumanAnatomy and Biomedicine at the Peninsu-

la Technikon in Cape Town.The saying from a Bob Marley song:

“Live for yourself, you will live in vain,live for others, you will live again” rangtrue to this youngmanwho found real pur-pose when he made contact with the IgaziFoundation.The foundation, which was founded in

the Eastern Cape, is a lobby group for bet-ter services and facilities for people whosuffer from diseases such as leukemia. It’salso currently trying to raise awarenessamong black South Africans to becomebone marrow donors.“When I saw the Igazi Foundation on the

internet I wanted to know more aboutwhat they do, and ever since I jumped onboard, I haven’t regretted it,” said Songo,who is also a registered blood and bone

marrow donor.“I do it in honour of my friend,” he said,

urging other black brothers to give bloodand give love.Songo says it is also time for black peo-

ple to have a conversation about donatingorgans to save lives and to address old be-liefs that donating blood and bone marrowwas against culture.Songo said he was pleased by what Igazi

Foundation was doing.“We are a group of volunteers making

sure that there is enough blood to give inNelson Mandela Bay. We are also con-cerned that there is so much cancer in theEastern Cape. There is a need for more ed-ucation,” said Igazi Foundation’s ColeCameron, adding that what people likeSongo was doing should be applauded.

SongoNgwenda: Doing it for his friend

Calling for more Black blood and bonemarrow donors is Songo Ngwenda of NewBrighton. PHOTO:NCEBA DLADLA


FOR TEN elderly residents from areas that fallunder the Police’s Uitenhage Cluster, MandelaDay celebrations came a day early.

The ten residents, who are all 70 or older re-ceived gift packs on Friday July 17. The eventwas organised by the Community Policing Fo-rum (CPF) of KwaNobuhle in conjunction with

the SouthAfrican Police Services (SAPS) Uiten-hage Cluster at the Kwa-Nobuhle Station inMkoko Street.“Wenormally celebrateMandelaDay as the

CPF/SAPSKwaNobuhle but decided to go bigincluding the Addo, Kirkwood, Wolwefon-tein, Kamesh, Despatch and Uitenhage PoliceStation precincts for the first time this year,”said CPF Provincial Chairperson MonicaMbatsha who also heads the Uitenhage Clus-

ter CPF.The gift pack recipients were all from the dif-

ferent policing areas and the event was a re-soundingsuccess, according toMbatsha.Sheap-plauded thedecision tohold theeventon theFri-day which ensured that nobody missed out -because themajority of SAPSmemberswere offduty on Saturdays.“We have also succeeded inmaking sure that

we establish a database for the elderly citizens

in theUitenhageCluster, saidMbatsha,” addingthatUitenhagePoliceCommanderBrigadierLe-onieBentley commended theCPFand the SAPSfor their initiative on behalf of the UitenhageCluster Commander, Brigadier Phillip Saluka-zana who could not attend owing to other com-mitments.“The elderly were also very happy and appre-

ciative of the gifts packs they received in cele-bration of Mandela Day,” said Mbatsha.

CPF/SAPSUitenhageClustergives love inhonourofNelsonMandela

Uitenhage Cluster CPF Chairperson Monica isspeaking while from left, Brig. LeonieBentley, Metro Whipery’s Chicky Makasi andCPF Secretary Lisa Ngalo were listeningattentively. PHOTO:SUPPLIED

Elderly citizens and beneficiaries of SAPS/CPF Uitenhage Cluster with Mandela Bay Metro CouncillorsMonde Vaaltyn and Loyiso Stemele during Mandela Day Celebrations on Friday. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Page 5: Express Indaba 22 July 2015



DEVELOPMENT Partner, IMBEWU S.A. andNelson Mandela Bay Tourism collaborated,and hosted the Rock Girls on a 5km walkthrough New Brighton.

Recently the tworockGirl groups fromNewBrighton and Helenvale merged and formedRock Girls Nelson Mandela Bay.Rock girls merged 5 years ago in Cape

Town, with help of HumanRights lawyer, Ini-daBaird. The girls in these groups come fromviolent neighbourhoods, where they are ex-posed to crime and misfortune at very youngages.Rock Girl is a grassroots movement used to

inspire, encourage, and invest in girl-initiat-ed and girl-focused projects in the private andpublic sectors.The Rock Girls braved the streets of New

Brighton Saturday and shared their stories

with each other and the community.In addition there were 35 students from the

United Kingdom who joined the initiativewhilst visiting Nelson Mandela Bay.Fomer CEO of Tourism in the metro, Mike

Pantsi, says “The term “Rock Girls”, is origi-nally from the well known saying in isiXhosa“wathint’ abafazi, wathint’ imbokodo”, saysPantsi. The wordsmean“you strike a woman,you strike a rock.”Pantsi confirmed, “The reason behind the

commemorative walk that took place, is be-cause of the 1952 Defiance Campaign whichwas ledby the lateRaymondMhlaba,whowasa comrade of Nelson Mandela.”Mandlakazi Skefile, CEO of Nelson Man-

dela Bay Tourism said, “As tourism repre-sentatives we were proud of participating inthe walk, which contributes to nation build-ing and destination promotion that is led byyoungwomen,whoare educatingandempow-ering themselves.”

RockGirls fromNelsonMandelaBayon themove

A group of the Rock girls during the 5km walk in New Brighton on Saturday. These girls arefollowed by the group of girls from the United Kingdom (UK), who came to support the Rock girlsand their initiative. With them are members of the community also supporting this campaignwalking right behind the girls. PHOTO: SUPPLIED


IF IT was up to three special young peoplefrom Walmer, Newell and KwaMagxaki HighSchools, crimewould be a problemof the past.

Sanelisiwe Dick, Yonela Maposa andAbongile Sixakwe are members of Youth forSafer Communities.OnThursday theymet NelsonMandelaBay

Executive Mayor Danny Jordaan and Mayor-al Committee Member for Youth, Sport, Artsand Culture Cllr Andiswa Mama at City Hallto submit the resolutions of the Youth SafetySummit.The summit was held as part of the Masi-

funde Learner Development Programme tohelp cut down on therising crime statistics involving mostly

young people in the metro municipality.The youth noted that criminals were part

of communities and not enough was done tofight crime.The trio talked about the need for the crea-

tion of safe spaces, something that dependedon all community members, and not policealone.“There is a need to raise awareness through

community safety forums for a shared re-sponsibility. It’s time that we stop shiftingthe blame. Government can’t do it alone,”said Maposa.Gangsterism was also seen as a major

problem facing youngpeople.Dick said theyouth thought that to be a gangster wascool. She blamed the media for portrayinggangsters as superstars.The summit also resolved that former

prison inmates shouldbeused to communi-cate the dangers of crime and police shouldbe better trained in communication andpublic relations.Jordaan commended the youth for their

clear career choices. He told them it de-pended on their own hard work and resil-ience to achieve their goals.“It’s great when young people of the met-

ro talk about issues they themselves identi-fied as problems affecting the city,” saidJordaan, adding that it was encouragingthat this happened on the weekend whenNelson Mandela, a selfless campaigner forsafer communities, was celebrated.Themayor said he wouldmake sure that

CllrMama followedupon the learners’ rec-ommendations.

Learners giveMayor advice

Nelson Mandela Bay Executive Mayor Danny Jordaan and Mayoral Commitee members CllrAndiswa Mama with learners from left, Abongile Sixakwe, Yonela Maposa and Sanelisiwe Dickat City Hall. PHOTO:NCEBA DLADLA

Giving to the less fortunate


GREY boxes with a little window that havein recent weeks been spotted alongside ma-jor roads in NelsonMandela Bay have givenrise to much speculation on social media onwhether or not these are new traffic camer-as.

In addition, these cameras, thought to benew permanent ones, have been disappear-ing as quickly as they appeared.After numerous fruitless inquiries to the

municipality about the mysterious boxes,with even the director of traffic and licens-ing services, Hamilton Totoyi, saying thatno new traffic cameras are being installed,theDA councillor for safety, Gustav Rauten-bach, established that the boxes are in factnew Icam traffic cameras, which are not on-ly smart cameras but are mobile as well.

The Icams were spotted along theWilliamMoffett Expressway, Uitenhage Road andSettlers Freeway last week.According to Rautenbach, themunicipali-

ty appointed a new service provider in Jan-uary for the supply, installation and main-tenance of the Icam digital red light andspeed violation cameras.The contract includes the upgrading of

the permanent cameras which were usedduring the previous service provider’s con-tract period, which ended in December lastyear.

According to the website of Traffic Man-agement Technologies, the new service pro-vider, the portable Icam, which the compa-ny designed and weighs 2 kg, has multi-pur-pose roles.The device also uses Itrack for stolen vehi-

cles or vehicles with unpaid fines that areon the special interest screening list and

alerts traffic officers to the approaching ve-hicle. Apart from speed checking, it can al-so capture red light violations.According to TMT, the device also inter-

faces with hand-held electronic ticket-issu-ing devices and allows for the issuing of aticket by a traffic officer on the site.Rautenbach said this was considered to

be an enhancement of the services deliv-ered to the community of the metro.He added that these portable Icams would

be moved from place to place around thecity as various sites had been identified bythe municipalities.“However, more must be done to ensure

road safety and the enforcement of trafficlaw on our roads.“The DA believes that the establishment

of a specialised motorbike unit and a 24-hour traffic service will further enhancevisibility and safety,” he said.

Newtraffic camerasdo the rounds Pictured is the new traffic Icam.PHOTO:WERNER HILLS

Regional members of the UDM handed out groceries to residents of informal settlements inNelson Mandela Bay on Mandela Day. PHOTO: DEON FERREIRA

In accordance with the editorial policy of the Express Indaba, we invitereaders to comment on mistakes in the newspaper and shall correctsignificant errors as soon as possible. Send info to the Ombudsmanof Media24’s Local Press, George Claassen, at [email protected] or call him at 0 021 851 3232. Readers can also contactthe SA Press Ombudsman at 0 011 484 3612/8 or e-mail [email protected]


Page 6: Express Indaba 22 July 2015






ASSEMBLIES OF GOD(Uitenhage Branch)

Stuurman Street, Khayelitsha.Sunday Service starts at 09:00


cnr. of Zokwana & Stofile Streets,Kwazakhele.

Sunday Service starts at 10:00


ANGLICAN CHURCHJolobe Str., Kwanobuhle, UitenhageSunday Service starts at 09:00


Ndlovu Street NU 2, Motherwell, P.E.Sunday Service starts at 10:00


ANGLICAN CHURCHGrattan Street, New BrightonSunday Service starts at 09:00


Corner of Nxuluza and BhoxongoStreets, Kwazakhele, P.E.

Sunday Service starts at 10:00


KwaNobuhle, UitenhageSunday Service starts at 10:00.


Sunday Service starts at 09:00




Will anyone whohas knowledge of the

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FOR three local young and gifted gospel sing-ers their dream of being recorded artists hasbeen fulfilled.

Silindokuhle Mpalala, Yamkela Macoliboth of Motherwell and Andisile Mapolisa ofDespatch feature on a new 12 track album re-leased last week by local gospel star MbasaSwartbooi. The Mbasa Gospel Stars CD Ba-vumeleniwas recorded at VumaStudios (Pty)Ltd after the threewon the talent searchMba-sa of KwaNobuhle in Uitenhage held aroundNelson Mandela Bay last year.“I did a talent search tohelpup-and-coming

gospel musicians who wanted to see them-selves record music but did not have themeans,” said Mbasa, adding that this was asa result of many people asking her to helpthem make it in the music industry.With three successful albums behind her

name, Mbasa, assisted by community leaderNontsika Ngqezana of Motherwell, gospelartist Zikhali Jawa and Vuma Studios pro-

ducers including Livard Hansa, took theplunge and auditioned metro gospel enthusi-asts. Mpalala, Macoli and Mapolisa were theultimate winners taking the prize of record-ing the sizzling album with lovely songs like“Sivuselele” and “Emoyeni”.Mbasa told Express Indaba that she was

now recording aDVDandwas busy distribut-ing the music to community and national ra-dio stations.It has been an exciting journey for the win-

ners but not an easy one for Mbasa who didit all without sponsorship.“I saw great talent here in Nelson Mandela

Bay. I am proud of the three winners. Theyare blessed with immense talent. It has beeneasyworkingwith themas thoughwere expe-rienced artists,” said album producer LivardHansa of George in the Western Cape.“I want to thank my husband, Thembekile

andmychildren for seeingmyvisionand sup-porting this initiative as well as Ward 54Councillor Aaron Nyikilana for the successof the project. We, however, would like finan-cial support to be able to distribute the mu-sic,” said Mbasa.

MbasaGospel Starsrelease sizzlingGospelalbum-Bavumeleni

Seated from left are Mbasa Swartbooi, Nontsika Ngqezana, Livard Hansa, Zikhali Jawa andMziyanda Kulati. Standing from left are artists Silindokuhle Mpalala, Andisile Mapolisa andYamkela Macoli. PHOTO:NCEBA DLADLA


EVEN the most brilliant entrepreneurs mayfail if they don’t have the money to get theirbusiness up and running. The ENGEN Pitch& Polish competition is just the ticket to turnideas into money spinners.

Registration for the 2015 ENGEN Pitch &Polish programme has officially opened and

organisers want to discover the most promis-ing local entrepreneurs. The competitionkicks off with a free workshop at the FeatherMarket Hall in Port Elizabeth on SaturdayAugust 15 - a day organisers promise will be“jam-packed with entrepreneurial trainingand tips!”All the details for the workshop and the

competition are available at

Pitch and polish your business idea

Last year Port Elizabeth’s Asa Mazomba, Luvuyo Ponase and Siphamandla Javu participated in theENGEN Pitch & Polish competition. PHOTO:SUPPLIED

Page 7: Express Indaba 22 July 2015


THE Nomathemba Gum Tag Rugby CoachingClinicwill beheld at theWolfsonStadium,Kwa-zakhele today.

This will be in preparation for the leaguewhich will start in earnest next Wednesday 29July for the next five weeks.

This school girls rugby development pro-gramme, an initiative of Kwazakhele practisingPhysiotherapist Gum, targeting lower primaryand high school girls has grown by

leaps and bounds since its inception in 2013.

Gum, like the late former Sports MinisterSteve Tshwete, believes, “a child in sport, is achild out of court.” With the ills of early child-hoodpregnancy, alcohol anddrugabuseand thescourge of HIV/Aids, Gum believes her givingback to the community that supports her wouldone day yield good results.

“I have so far produced someEPplayers frommy club and school league. In fact, more than 10players are currently in the EP teams” said aproud Gum who is also the founder and presi-

dent of Bontle Tigers Ladies RFC.Since the launch of thisDepartment of Educa-

tion supported programme which saw some ofthe girls playing the sport for the first time inJuly 2013, according to Gum, IKhwezi LomsoHigh School won the league and went on to rep-resent NelsonMandela Bay District in the East-ern Cape interdistrict rugby competition.

Theyultimately came 4th in theEasternCapeHighSchoolsrugbynationalgirls’7sseries,rem-inisced a jubilant Gum.

Ndzondelelo High School won the LuckyMange Cup which was contested by the top 4in the league. This Zwide Township school wonthe 7s series, according to Gum.

The tournament had only three primaryschools participating in the first year; Sivuyise-ni, Isaac Booi and Garret, Gum remembered,adding that it became bigger and better whenfive primary schools from Kwazakhele, KaizerNgxwana, Seyisi, SiphoHashe, BenSinuka, andKama joined. – NCEBA DLADLA

NomathembaGumTouchRugbyTourney launched

FIREWORKS could be expected in an openboxing tournament organised by Thubalet-hu Boxing Club of KwaNobuhle at the Si-zakeleKonzi CommunityHall this Saturday.

The tournament held inmemory of formerstate president, freedom fighter and icon ofdemocracy Nelson Mandela who was aformer star boxer himself, will feature thegreatest talent produced in theEasternProv-ince currently, according to Thubalethu BCManager Mazizi Vumazonke.

Explaining, Vumazonke said the tourna-

ment, held also in honour of the departedformer South African Junior Lightweightchampion Mpisekhaya “Phantom Killer”Mbaduli and former All-Africa Minifly-weight kingpin Mthuthuzeli “Skeleton” Ne-ne, will also see both the province and na-tional champions in action.

He said, “This tournament will see NelsonMandelaBayMetro, Buffalo CityMetro, Am-athole District and Sundays River Valley Lo-cal Municipality-based provincial and na-tional champions in action. They will be

coming here to do what they do best - throw-ing leather - in honour of Madiba.”

According toVumazonke, fanswere invit-ed to enjoy the best of the best male and fe-male provincial fighters in action - and thatwill be for free.

“There’ll be lots of entertainment forthose presentwith localmusic groups prom-ising to spice up the event,” said Vuma-zonke, who is also the Nelson Mandela BayAmateur Boxing Organisation Scribe.– NCEBA DLADLA

Thubalethu Boxing Tourney to honourMadiba this Saturday

Kirkwood’s elite National Flyweight Champi­on Monalisa Takane and her mentorSimphiwe Nana will be here to honourMandela on Saturday. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

BRAZIL Brothers Grounds was a hive of action whenZAFA Njeya Investments Junior League U/15 gameswere played over the weekend.Hundreds of youngsters were treated to spectacular

games in the field of play. In the ZAFA Njeya Invest-ments U/15 A Real Stars drubbed United Comrades 4-1and Ghetto XI drew 2-2 with NUBS.Young Neighbours beat City All Stars 5-0 and Major

Stars slipped 5-0 to Young Romans.Results of ZAFA Njeya Investments U/15 A:United Comrades 0-0 Young Romans; Golden Broth-

ers (2)w/o-0 Leeds United, United Comrades (2) w/o-0Makawula Brothers; Young Neighbours (2)w/o-0NUBS

Results of ZAFA Njeya Investments U/15 B:Everton 4-0 Royal Blues; Island City 1-1 BUBS; Brazil

Brothers 9-6 Black Eagles; Island City 3-2 Royal Blues;Powerlads 0-(2)w/o Young Professionals; Brazil Broth-ers (2)w/o- Malaga FC; Black Eagles v2-0 PE Demon-strators; BUBS 8-0 Brazil Brothers; Royal Blues 2-0Malaga FC. – SELBY MADIKANE

LONDT Park side Callies failed to collect threepoints at homewhen they shared a goalless drawwithToshiba Old Grey in their Port Elizabeth Football Asso-ciation (PEFA) Score Energy Drink League on Fridayevening.Following their two recent losses in succession, Cal-

lies had a difficult assignment against Old Grey. Butitwas expected that thingswere not going to be awalkin the park for Callies.Since the start of the season, Old Grey have main-

tained their unbeaten record. Despite putting their

brave effort in front of their supporters, a point wasindeed better than a loss.Playing in their slaughter-house, NMMU Madibaz

were flying high when they walloped Highbury.Hearts, who were ruthless, demolished KwaDwesi

All Stars 5-0 at Victoria Park. On Sunday Highburygave their supporters a convinciing 6-3victory whenthey played against PE Defence in Bridgemeade onSunday. The games of Central Acemates with Forrest-ers and that of Warriors with NMB Municipality werepostponed owing to the waterlogged pitch.

ZAFANjeya Investment Junior League results Callies drawwith the rookies

Page 8: Express Indaba 22 July 2015







AS was expected, the small teams kissedgoodbye in the Walmer Football Associa-tion (WAFA) Blue Ribbon Knockout Com-petition at Walmer Community Fieldsover the weekend.

Airportvalley United defeated YoungShooters 2-0 while Morning Stars First Di-vision side managed to tame Happy Lionsin their 2-0 victory.WAFAPremierLeaguereigning champions Young Cosmos

whacked Roman City 6-2 while Golden He-roes cruised to a 2-0 win over MabayiboneStrikers.XI Experience had to dig deep to defeat

the gutsy Walmer Stars 2-0. Bayna Eaglesgave their supporters a headache when

they succumbed 5-1 to WAFA PremierLeague runners-up African Aces.Gwala Stars delivered an emphatic 5-1

defeat to Teenagers FC.Morning Stars Premier League side

earned a hard-fought 2-1 victory fromPop-ular FC.

WAFABlueRibbonKOCompetition resultsYoung Cosmos with their supporters players PHOTO:SUPPLIED


ZAFA Njeya Investment Champion of Cham-pions Knockout Competition, which is thefirst of its kind since the inceptionof this localfootball association (LFA), is expected to at-tract large crowds to Wolfson Stadium and toDynamos Grounds on Saturday.

Apparently what makes this tournament aunique one is that all ZAFA Njeya Invest-ments top 8 teams in both Premier Leagueand First Division will take each other on.All in all the fanswill be treated to top-class

football. No side will easily give away thegame as their supporters would like to seenothing other than silverware at the end ofthe tournament.The full programme on Saturday 25 July

2015 is as follows:Wolfson Stadium B Field:9:00 United Brothers vs. Eleven Angels10:30 Stone Breakers vs. Silver United12:00 Brazil Brothers vs. Njoli United Brothers (NUBS)13:30 City All Stars vs. Seven UnitedDynamos Grounds:9:00 Young Professionals vs. Golden Brothers10:30 Dynamos vs. Black Eagles12:00 Continental Express vs. Major Chiefs13:30 United Comrades vs. Everton

Champof Champs KOCompetitionexpected to draw large crowds

Young Professionals who are one of ZAFA Njeya Investments cup specialists are awaiting a toughbattle from their neighbours Golden Brothers. PHOTO:SUPPLIED



Jamaican Stars devastated Black Aces 2-0.Golden Chiefs showed their impressive formafter they thumped Fearnots 7-0.Highland Spurs demolished Young Pirates

7-1 in their one-sided game. Both sides wereup to a good fight as Manchester Babes drewgoalless with Chelsea.Stokes United rubbed salt into the wounds

ofFearnotswhen theydefeated them2-1.Chel-sea accumulated three free points after theiropponents Black Vultures failed to honourtheir game.Golden Chiefs earned a hard fought 1-0 vic-

tory when they were up against JamaicanStars. In the battle of the neighbours fanssawManchester United sharing a 1-1 spoilswith Manchester Babes.The high-riding Highland Spurs secured

their second victory following their 5-1 winfrom New City Stars. Despite their goodfight,YoungPirateswentdown3-2 toYoungPirates.

NODEFA Junior League goal galore games


MOTHERWELL Urban Renewal Programme(MURP) kept the youth busy during theWinterSchool Holidayswhen they hosted their annualgames at Motherwell NU 9 Stadium and Ray-mond Mhlaba Sport Complex.

The sport codes that were played among oth-ers included football, netball, basketball, judo,karate and body-building. The motive behindtheeventwastokeeptheyouthoutof thestreets.However, all the sport codeswere immensely

supported by the youth. The games started onMonday July 13 and ended on Friday July 17;2015. The formal presentation will take place atRaymond Mhlaba Sports Complex on Sunday.The results of football are as follows:U/9 resultsSemi-finals:•TomorrowStars 0(3)-0(4) YoungMadrid,with the game

ending in penalties

•Shining Stars 2-0 Young IdeasFinals:•Shining Stars 0-1 Young MadridU/11 results:Semi-finals:•Showvillage United Brothers 0-2 Tomorrow Stars•FC Motherwell 0-3 Young IdeasFinals:•Tomorrow Stars 0(9)-0(8) Young Ideas, with the game

ending in sudden deathU/13 results:Semi-finals:•Lion City 2-1 Young Madrid•Real Strikers 1(4)-1(5) Ikamva Movers, with the game

won on penalty shootoutFinals:Lion City 1-3 Ikamva MoversU/15 results:Semifinals:•Lion City 1(8)-1(9) IkamvaMovers, with the game being

decided on sudden death•Young Ideas 0-1 Young SwallowsFinals:•YoungSwallows0(5)-0(4) IkamvaMoverswiththegame

being decided on sudden death

MURP hosts its annual events

Tomorrow Stars FC are MURP U/13 winners PHOTO: SUPPLIED


NELSONMandela Bay’s hopes lie squarelyon the shoulders of strawweight boxer Lon-wabo “Dancing Shoes” Roboshi of KwaNob-uhle to win his fight against Dalu-xoloMangcotywa of Duncan Village in EastLondon and finally become the South Afri-can champion this Friday night.

Third-ranked Roboshi and Mangcotywa(4th) will square off over 12 rounds in a ma-jor boxing tournament brought courtesy ofAyanda Matiti’s Xaba Boxing Promotionsin honour of the icon of freedom, peace and

democracy, Nelson Mandela.The fight will be beamed live on SABC

Sport from 9:30pm.At stake will be the SA Miniflyweight ti-

tle vacated by Mthatha’s Simphiwe Khoncowho will be challenging for the world hon-ours in September.Roboshi was first pencilled in to face

Khonco’s stablemate Siphamandla Baleni,but the governing Boxing South Africa(BSA) did not approve the latter, but a bet-ter qualifying Mangcotywa.“The boy is ready to win the SA title for

Nelson Mandela Bay in honour of Madiba.We have done enough preparation and

come the fight night, Roboshi will becrowned new SA Miniflyweight champi-on,” said Roboshi’s mentor Mlauli Nawule.Nawule said they were not perturbed at

all by the change of date and opponent forthe fight. According to him, Roboshi hasbeen hard in training and could face anyboxer in the top ten rankings and beat him.Roboshi believes he has never been this

ready.“I want to promise Nelson Mandela Bay

fans, I am ready for anything that Mangco-tywa will bring. Friday is my night. I’ll winthis title for them,” he said.The city that used to be referred to as the

Mecca of boxing because of its historicalrole in the fistic sport, last held a title whenthe late Mbulelo Nyanda won the SA JuniorFlyweight crown in 2003.It was not without trying, though. All at-

tempts by the previous pugilists were invain.Since the official introduction of women

boxing by the Boxing Act, 11 of 2001 in 2005,NomaMpondomise Xotyeni, Roboshi’s sta-blemate at Silindokuhle Boxing Club brokethe ice, and won the SA Female JuniorLightweight title in July last year.“Her success will rub off on me,” he


‘DancingShoes’promises tobring the titlehome