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ETII Student Booklet Moroccan Handicrafts + Entraide Nationale Written and prepared by: Theresa Taylor, ETII (Interim) National Coordinator, (2018- ) Peter Duncan Boller, ETII Founder and National Coordinator (2015-2018) With major contributions from: Dr. Taoufik El Ayachi (2016-2019 ETII Fez Teacher Trainer), Grammar Editor Erica Fredrikson (2016-2018 ETII Kenitra Teacher Trainer), Materials Contributor November 2018, 1st Edition Copyright ETII, American Cultural Association (ACA) Morocco

ETII Student Booklet

May 07, 2022



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Page 1: ETII Student Booklet


ETII Student Booklet

Moroccan Handicrafts + Entraide Nationale

Written and prepared by:

Theresa Taylor, ETII (Interim) National Coordinator, (2018- )

Peter Duncan Boller, ETII Founder and National Coordinator (2015-2018)

With major contributions from:

Dr. Taoufik El Ayachi (2016-2019 ETII Fez Teacher Trainer), Grammar Editor

Erica Fredrikson (2016-2018 ETII Kenitra Teacher Trainer), Materials Contributor

November 2018, 1st Edition

Copyright ETII, American Cultural Association (ACA)


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Table of Contents / الفهرس

English Alphabet: Uppercase letters pg. 3

English Alphabet: Lowercase letters pg. 8

Alphabet worksheets pg. 12

Classroom expressions pg. 17

Pronouns / الضمائر pg. 18

Worksheets pg. 19

Determiners / ادوات التعريف pg. 20

Worksheets pg. 21

Simple Present / المضارع pg. 23

Worksheets pg. 25

Prepositions / الحروف pg. 30

Worksheets pg. 31

SVO Sentences / الجملة pg. 34

Worksheets pg. 36

Link Words /مفردات لربط الأفكار pg. 38

Worksheets pg. 39

Frequency Adverbs / دد pg. 40 ظروف من التر

Worksheets pg. 41

Quantifiers / محددو الكمية pg. 44

Worksheets pg. 45

Asking Questions / الأسئلة طرح pg. 47

Worksheets pg. 48

Simple Present + Infinitive Verb / + فعلالفعل الـمضارع pg. 56

Worksheets pg. 57

2 Modal Verbs: Can & Must / أفعال المساعدة pg. 58

Worksheets pg. 60

Worksheets: Present Continuous + Telling time pg. 61

Notes pg. 65

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Pronouns / ضمائر

Personal pronouns / ضمائر الشخصية

I أنا I speak English. ية ز كلت .كنتكلم ن

You (m/f)

أنت أنت

You speak English. You speak English.

ية ز كلت .كتتكلم ن

ية ز كلت .كتتكلمي ن

He هو He speaks English. .ية ز كلت كيتكلم ن

She هي She speaks English. . يةكتتكلم ز كلت ن

It هو / هي It speaks English. .ية ز كلت كت/يتكلم ن

We حنا We speak English. .ية ز كلت كنتكلمو ن

You (pl) مانت You speak English. ية ز كلت .كتتكلمو ن

They هما They speak English. .ية ز كلت كيتكلمو ن

Possessive pronouns / ضمائر الملكية

My ي My name is Mohammed. .ي محمد سميتر

Your (m/f)

ك ك

Your name is Mohammed. Your name is Khadija.

سميتك محمد. سميتك خديجة.

His ه His name is Mohammed. .سميتو محمد

Her ها Her name is Khadija. .سميتها خديجة

Its هو / هي

Its name is Zitoun. . الزيتون سميتو

Our نا Our mother is Fatima. .ا فاطمة سميت من

Your (pl) كم Your father is Ibrahim. .سميت باكم براهيم

Their هم Their father is Ibrahim. .سميت باهم براهيم

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WORKSHEET 1: Pronouns / الضمائر

Substitute the underlined words with subject pronouns.

1) Peter and Paul ( ____They________) study French and German.

2) The cat (___________) is in the garden.

3) Dr. Karim (___________) visits his patients in the morning.

4) You and I (___________) live in Spain.

5) My mom (___________) cooks really well.

6) The supermarket (___________) closes at midday.

7) The books (___________) are on the table.

Correct the sentences.

8) My friend Sue is great. I love she.


9) Do you play football with they?


10) My brother hates hamburgers. She never eats it.


11) Her is very unfriendly.


12) Does him like cooking? Yes, he does.


13) Sarah never listens to him sister.


14) Paul and Mary don’t invite we to parties.


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Determiners / عريف الت

Definite article / أداة التعريف

The الــــ The book الكتاب

Indefinite article / أداة نكرة

A … A book كتاب

Determiners: It, This/These, That/Those

It (m/f)

هذا هذه

It is a book. .هدا كتاب

This (m/f)

هذا هذه

This is a book. .هدا كتاب

These (pl) هادو These are the books. .هادو كتوب

That (m/f)

هداك كتاب. .That is the book هداك

Those (pl)

هادوك كتوب. .Those are the books هادوك


Here هاهو/ هاهما

Here is the book. Here are the books.

هاهو لكتاب. هاهما لكتوب.

There راه / راهما

There is the book. There are the books.

. تما راه لكتاب راهما لكتوب تما.

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WORKSHEET 1: Determiners / ادوات التعريف

Put the nouns in brackets into the correct form (plural/singular).

1) Those (tool ) are not mine.

2) There are two pens on this (table ).

3) These (tree ) are very old.

4) Those (cookie ) are nice.

5) That (color ) is beautiful.

6) That (document ) is behind those (folder ).

7) This is a (toy ).

Write this or these

8) _________ is a clay bowl.

9) Is ________ a door?

10) Is __________ a mosque?

11) __________ houses are big.

12) Are _________ English books?

13) ________ boys are tall.

14) _______boy is Spanish.

Write that or those

15) _________ man is tall.

16) Is__________ a shop?

17) _________ is Mohammed.

18) __________ isn’t real leather.

19) _____ is a big lobby.

20) __________ boys are working.

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Simple Present / الحاض

Infinitives / افعال غير مصرفة

To be (irregular conjugation + negation) كان

To have عندو

To like بغا/عجب

To speak م تكل

To make دار/صوب

To be (irregular conjugation + negation) / كان

I am انا I am not ـ ش انا م

You are انت You are not ـ انت شم

He is هو He is not ـ ش هو م

She is هي She is not ـ ش هي م

It is هو/هي It is not ـ هو م ـ ش ش/هي م

We are حنا We are not ـ ش حنا م

You are نتما You are not ـ ش نتما م

They are هما They are not ـ ش هما م

To have / عند

I have عندي I do not have معنديش

You have عندك You do not have معندكش

He has عنده He does not have معندهش

She has دهانع She does not have معندهاش

It has عندها / عنده It does not have معندهاش / معندش

We have عندنا We do not have معندناش

You have عندكم You do not have معندكمش

They have عندهم They do not have معندهمش

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To like / بغا

I like يغيشمكنب I do not like كنبغز

You like ي مكتبغيش You do not like كتبغز

He likes ي مكينغيش He does not like كيبغز

She likes ي مكتبغيش She does not like كتبغز

It likes ي/كتبغز ي

كيبغز It does not like مكيبغيش/مكتبغيش

We like كنبغيو We do not like مكنبغيوش

You like كتبغيو You do not like مكتبغيوش

They like كيبغيو They do not like مكيبغيوش

To speak /م تكل

I speak ممش I do not speak كنتكل


You speak ممش You do not speak كتكل


He speaks ممش He does not speak كيتكل


She speaks ميمش She does not speak كتكل


It speaks ممش It does not speak كيـ/تتكل


We speak موموش We do not speak كنتكل


You speak موموش You do not speak كتتكل


They speak موموش They do not speak كيتكل


To make / دار/صوب

I make كندير I do not make مكنديرش

You make كتدير You do not make مكتديرش

He makes كيدير He does not make مكيديرش

She makes كتدير She does not make مكتديرش

It makes كيـ/ تدير It does not make كيـ/ تديرش

We make كنديرو We do not make مكنديروش

You make كتديرو You do not make مكتديروش

They make كيديرو They do not make مكيديروش

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WORKSHEET 1: Simple Present / المضارع

Fill in the blanks with am, is or are.

1) My name __________ Lina. I __________ Adam’s mother.

2) My kids’ names __________ Adam and Mary.

3) My daughter __________ 10 years old.

4) My husband __________ a musician. He __________ now at home.

5) My children __________ in the bedroom.

6) My husband and I __________ from different countries.

7) I __________ Susan. Adam __________ my best friend.

8) Those tourists over there __________ American.

9) Casablanca __________ a big city.

10) My brother and I __________ good students.

Write short answers.

1) Are you at home?

Yes, _______________________. / No, ___________________________.

2) Are they artisans?

Yes, _______________________. / No, ___________________________.

3) Is Ayoub a mechanic?

Yes, _______________________. / No, ___________________________.

4) Are they friends?

Yes, _______________________. / No, ___________________________.

5) Is it hot today?

Yes, _______________________. / No, ___________________________.

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WORKSHEET 2: Simple Present / المضارع

Write the complete forms of the abbreviations.

1) She’s a nice girl.


2) Who’s the artist?


3) What’s that?


4) Ihssane isn’t here.


5) You’re a cosmetologist.


6) He isn’t Ilyas.


7) Who’s that girl?


Change into the interrogative.

8) I am friendly.


9) Kate is Canadian.


10) It is a clay bowl.


11) He is an artisan.


12) They are in the workshop.


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WORKSHEET 3: Simple Present / المضارع

Change into the negative.

I am nice.


Kate is Moroccan.


It is a vase.


He is a teacher.


They are in the office.


The book is on the desk.


Write like or don’t like

I _________________ chicken.

I ____________________ salad.

I ___________________ rice.

I ____________________ milk.

I _________________ chips.

I ____________________ soup.

I ___________________ fish.



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Prepositions / الحروف

Preposition الحروف

Translation /

جمة الير

Sentence with preposition / الجملة مع حروف

Translation / جمة الير

On على The book is on the table. .بلة الكتاب فوق الط

Under تحت The cat is under the car. .وموبيل تحت السيارة/ط


At ف I am at school. .انا ف المدرسة

In /فوسطف I am in my car. .وموبيل أنا ف الط

To ل Give it to me. .يا أراها ل

From من I am from Morocco. .أنا من المغرب

For ل This is for you. .هدا ليك

Of ب The bag is full of money. .الصك عامر بالفالوس

Through فوسط I go through the room. . ي فوسط البيت كنمش

Before قبل I am before you. .ك انا قبل من

After بعد Dinner is after lunch. .العشا من بعد لغدا

Behind )مـ(ورا The bag is behind the

sofa. ي . السك )مـ( ورا الكنت

In front of قبالت I am in front of the school. . درسةأنا قدام/قبالت الم

Between ز The cat is between my بي

legs. ز رجليا. بي


Up طلع I go up the stairs. .روج كنطلع الد

Down هبط I go down the stairs .روجل الد ز كنهبط/كتز

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WORKSHEET 1: Prepositions / الحروف

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WORKSHEET 2: Prepositions / الحرو ف

1. Latifa is sitting ________________ her desk.

at on in

2. The picture is hanging ________________ the wall.

over on behind

3. People watch TV ________________ the living room.

at under in

4. Maria and Fatiha live ________________ 51 Tanger Street.

on at in

5. You shouldn’t leave your paints ________________ the table.

under at on

6. I put the tablecloth ________________ the table

over in above

7. The napkin goes ________________ the fork and knife.

behind under at

8. The red shoes should go ________________ the gold shoes in the display.

beside front back

9. My store is ________________ the two leather stores.

on among between

10. At the dinner table, I always sit ________________ my father and mother.

between above among

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SVO Sentences /جمل إسمية

SVO Structure / مفعول به -فعل-الرتبة فاعل


الفاعل/Verb / الفعل

Adjective / صفات

Object / المفعول به

Translation / جمة الير

I am … Moroccan. . ي أنا مغرب

You do not like bad pizza. ا ز ه مكتعجبكش البييتر خايب .ل

He speaks good English. .ية مزيان ز كلت م ن


She does not make ugly jalabas. . ز ي خايب مكيصوبش الجلالب ل

It is very good. . بزافزوين

This is not … bad. .ي قبيحي ماش

هاد الش

That is … OK. .ي ما بيهش هاد الش

We have American money. . ركعندنا لفل م ز وس ل انيي

You (pl) do not speak Moroccan Arabic. . ريــــج

مش د


They make good dinner. . زوين كيصوبو لعشا

Personal pronouns / ضمير الفاعل Object pronouns / ضمير المفعول به

I أنا Me ي -بز

You (m/f)

أنت أنت

You -ك -ك

He هو Him ه-

She هي Her ها-

It هو / هي It ه/ -ها-

We حنا Us نا-

You (pl) نتما You كم-

They هما Them هم-

This هذه/ هذا This هدا

That تلك / ذاك That هداك

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SVO structure with object pronouns / الجملة الإسمية بضمير المفعول به

Subject /

الفاعلVerb / الفعل

Preposition /

الحرفObject / المفعول به

Translation / جمة الير

I am with her. .أنا معاها

You do not like … him. .مكتبغيوهش

He speaks to me. .كيتكلم معايا

She does not

make … it. .مكيصوبوش

It is with them. .راها معاهم

We do not like … you. .مكنبغيوكش

You (pl) speak to us. .م معانا كتتكل

They do not make … pizza. .ا ز مكيصوبوش البيتر

I have … this. . هدا عندي

He does not

make … that. .مكيصوبش هداك

New verbs / أفعال جديدة

To eat كلا

To want بغا

To see شاف

To buy ا ش

To go مشا

To meet تلاقا

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WORKSHEET 1: SVO Sentences / الجملة


Subject Verb Object Where? When?

Which is correct?

A. She eats every Friday cous cous.

B. She eats cous cous every Friday.

A. Sometimes I play football on Sundays.

B. I play sometimes football on Sundays.

A. I did quickly my work.

B. I did my work quickly.

A. I did my work in a hurry.

B. I in a hurry did my work.

A. You played yesterday very well.

B. You played very well yesterday.

A. I yesterday saw a good movie on TV.

B. I saw on TV a good film yesterday.

C. I saw a good film on TV yesterday.

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WORKSHEET 2: SVO Sentences / الجملة

Unscramble the following sentences.

1) the / car / bought / I / yesterday


2) where / you / born / were / ?


3) my / brother / work / and / the / company / I / same / for


4) school/ book / returned / to / days / two / Adam / ago / the / the


5) arrives / usually / from / Marrakech / truck / at / the / 10.00 / in the morning


6) markets / different / sell / products / our / we / in


7) much / do / these / shoes / apples / how / ?


8) currently / you / on / working / are / what / ?


9) always / your / come / so / late / daughter / does / school / from / ?


10) products/ finish / week / we / next / will / these


11) shop owner / guests / to / invited / his / a / the / store


12) having / a / three / suppliers / I / with / meeting / hours / in / am


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Link Words / مفردات لربط الأفكار

Link word / مفردات لربط

Translation /

جمة اليرSentence with link word / Translation / جمة الير

First ال وي .First, I meet my friend أ حت ص


ل تال و أ

To begin / To start

.To begin, I buy bread بدات

ش ا ب داية

ز ت خل

Second يا م .Second, I go to work ثان دخ لت يا مش ثان

Third ثا وي .Third, I see my brother ثال خ


فثا ش ثال

Next ي ماج اي ل عشا .Next, I make dinner ج


د من بعد

Then .Then, I go to work من بعد

ت مش

من بعد


After that .After that, I speak with him من بعد

ه مع


د ه من بعد

Finally ا خت

.Finally, I meet Mohammed أ



لي ت لى

ت ف

To finish ل يب .To finish, I buy milk س حل


ي ش لى ت ف

Lastly اليت .Lastly, I go to school ف

لت س مش ر

مد ي لى

ت ف

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WORKSHEET 1: Link Words / مفردات لربط الأفكار

Which is correct? Choose the best answer.

Lastly/Never I turned off the light and went to sleep.

Finally/Later I met Mohammed.

To start/One day we bought our tickets.

As soon as / While I get home, I’ll send him an e-mail.

First/Once they went to school.

Put in before, after, while, when, as soon as, first, second, or in the end.

___________we arrive at school, we’ll talk to our teacher.

Please turn off the light ___________ you leave the room.

We are going out for dinner ___________ we finish cleaning the living room.

___________ I was waiting for the bus, I ate my sandwich.

We didn’t laugh ___________ we were in the mosque.

___________ he had learned to drive, Mohammed felt more independent.

The phone rang ___________ I was preparing to leave.

___________ you told me the news, I was very surprised.

______________I will sweep the floors, _____________ I will mop the floors.

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Frequency Adverbs / دد ظروف من الير

Frequency /

Adverb /

Translation /

جمة اليرExample /

Translation /

جمة الير

100% Always ديما I always go to

school. ه س ر


مش ل

ن ديما ك

80% Usually /

Normally ا عادة

He usually makes


د يقيب ك يص


ا عش


65% Often ب الأحيا ي غال زنف

She often sees

her father.

ب الأحيان ي غال زف


ت ك

50% Sometimes بعض المرات We sometimes

buy milk.

و نش بعض المرات ك

حليب ل

35% Occasionally ه ه مر مرThey occasionally

speak. رو


ه ك ه مر مر

20% Rarely را ناد You rarely meet

me. ي قابز لارا كات ناد

0% Never ه مر ف

I never have

money. ش د

ه معن مر

لوس ف


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WORKSHEET 1: Frequency Adverbs / دد ظروف من الير

Make a sentence by adding the adverb in the parentheses into the sentence


1. She is happy. (sometimes)


2. The man goes to the gym in the morning. (usually)


3. Fatima Ezzahra drinks coffee. (rarely)


4. Ilyas eats ice cream. (often)


5. The woman is on time. (always)


6. Diab arrives late to work. (occasionally)


7. Lina cooks dinner for her husband. (sometimes)


8. The boy goes swimming. (once a week)


9. You should eat vegetables with your meal. (usually)


10. The girl walks to school. (never)


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Survey – How often do you…?

How often

do you…? You




___________ …listen to pop


…watch TV?

…go to


…get angry?

…eat pizza?

…meet new


…read books?


-I rarely go to Casablanca.

-Yassine often eats pizza.

Make sentences to report your results!

1. 3.

2. 4.

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Quantifiers / محددو الكمية

Quantifier /

Translation /

جمة اليرExample / Translation / جمة الير

many .I have many cars بزاف

يال ندي بزاف د




much لوس .I have much money بزاف

فيال ل

ندي بزاف د


a lot (of) .I have a lot of cars/money بزاف

يال ندي بزاف د


لوس ف/ ل



a few (of) قليل I see a few of friends. لالقاء ق أصد


ف ش

a bit (of) ه وي .I want a bit of time ش


وق شويه ديال ل


all (of) شل/ك مل

كا I buy all of the jalabas. ز ملي

ب كا




none (of) ج ح

.I go to none of my classes حت

ت ح محضز


هل ص

some (of) ه ويلوس ?Do you have some money ش

فه ل وي


كدن ع

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WORKSHEET 1: Quantifiers / محددو الكمية

1. Complete the sentences with much, many or a lot of:

a) There are too ________________ people in this restaurant.

b) Let’s go for a walk. – I can’t. I’ve got too________________work to do.

c) How ________________milk do you need?

d) Why is he so happy? – Oh, he won________________money yesterday.

e) How ________________students are there in your class?

2. Complete the sentences with some, any or no:

a) There’s ________________milk in the fridge. Go and buy


b) Are there ________________ good films on TV tonight?

c) There’s________________body by the door. Go and open it.

d) This place is so boring. There’s ________________thing to do.

Complete the sentences with some, any, or no.

1. Have they got __________ children?

2. Maria likes reading. She has __________ books in her bedroom.

3. She doesn´t want __________clay pots for her garden.

4. They don´t want __________ help finishing the work.

5. No, unfortunately I have __________ friends there.

6. I´m looking for __________ good traditional crafts.

7. Would you like __________ help?

8. Mhamed wants __________ help with his work.

9. No, thank you. I don´t want __________ more mint tea.

10. I want to bake a cake but there is __________ butter in the fridge.

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WORKSHEET 2: Quantifiers / محددو الكمية

1. We are going to be late. There is too _________________ (much/many)


2. He has _________________(a few/ a little) ideas about how to open his own


3. I want to save _________________(some/several) money for the future.

4. There are _________________(much/many) students in this school.

5. You should drink _________________(a couple of/ a great deal of) water

during the day.

6. He has _________________ (little/few) friends he can count on.

7. They told me there were _________________( a few/ a little) paintings left.

8. There were _________________(several/much) people interested in buying

the beautiful vase.

A- Complete the sentences with the quantifiers in the box.

1. I don’t have _________________ patience to take care of


2. He had very _________________ money, in fact, almost no

money at all.

3. You can bring more mint for tea. We don’t


4. I have been to Marrakech _________________ times. I love

that city.

5. It is not a very big shop but it has _________________

beautiful pieces of art.

6. This teacher gives _________________ homework every

day – pages and pages.

7. Only _________________ people know about his problem.

8. We know _________________ people in this area. We’d like to make some

new friends.

9. She can speak _________________ Arabic, so at least she won’t get lost.

10. I don´t like salty food. I cook only with _________________ salt.


plenty of

a little


a bit of

a few





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Asking Questions / طرح الأسئلة

Asking questions: to be + personal pronoun

Question / سؤال Answer / إجابة

Am I Moroccan? ي ؟ ي . .I am Moroccan واش أنا مغرب أنا مغرب

Are you happy? واش انت فرحان ؟ You are not happy. .انت مفرحانش

Is he/she tired? ة ؟ -واش هو/هي عيان He/She is tired. . ة –هو/هي عيان

Is it OK? ؟ ي هو هداك. .It is not OK واش بخت ماش

Are we hungry? جوع ؟ واش فيك ال We are hungry. .فينا الجوع

Are you lost? ي ؟ متالفينش. .We are not lost واش تلفتر

Are they sad? واش حزين ؟ They are sad. . ز هما حزيني

Interrogative pronouns + to be + object

Who شكون Who is your teacher? شكون الأستاد ديالك؟

What أشنو What is her name? أشنو سميتها؟

Where ز ز البنان؟ ?Where are the bananas في في

When فوقاش When is his birthday? فوقاش عيد الميلاد ديالو؟

Why علاش Why are you a student? علاش انت طالب؟

How كيفاش How is your family? كيفاش دايرة العائلة ديالك؟

How much شحال How much time / money / water? شحال د الوقت/لفلوس/ لما؟

How many شحال How many friends / books / birds? /؟الطيور شحال د لصحاب/لكتوب

Asking questions: do + verb

Do + subject Verb /

الفعلObject / المفعول به

Verb /

الفعلObject / المفعول به

Translation / جمة الير

Do I like it? … … ؟ ي واش كيـ/ تعجبتز

Do you want me to go home? ار؟ي ل الد

ي تمش واش بغيتر

Does he speak English? … … ية؟ ز م نكلت واش كيتكل

Does she meet friends? … … واش كتتلاقا لصحاب؟

Does it make you … happy? واش كت/يفرحك؟

Do we like … to eat pizza? ا؟ ز واش كيعجبنا ناكلو البيتر

Do you (pl) want her to make a jalaba? بة؟ واش بغيتوها تصاوب جلا

Do they see him? … … واش كيشوفوه؟

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WORKSHEET 1: Asking Questions / طرح الأسئلة

Choose the correct word or words.

1) _______’s that? A hammer.




2) Are you Moroccan? _______

Yes, you are.

Yes, I am.

No, you aren’t.

3) _______ is he?




4) _______ is he? An artisan.




5) _______ is he? Mr. Akkbar.




6) _______’s your bike? Over there.




7) _______ is this? It’s a pen.




8)_______ his name Tarik?




9)_______ nationality is Bill?




10) Are you thirty? _______

Yes, I have thirty.

No, I’m not.

Yes, I am not.

11) Where’s your pen?

It’s mine.

It’s that.

It’s under the books.

12) Whose box is that?

It’s Taoufik’s.

It’s that.

It’s over there.

13) _______ are those glasses?

They’re my father’s.




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WORKSHEET 2: Asking Questions / طرح الأسئلة

Use do or does.

1) __________ they know how to paint?

2) __________ she live far from the salon?

3) __________ we play football?

4) __________ he read a lot of books?

5) __________ you like summer?

6) __________ you work a lot?

7) __________ it sleep a lot?

8)__________she cook breakfast every morning?

9)__________ we listen to music at home?

10) __________ it play outside?

11) __________ he drive a car to work?

12) __________ she sleep on the sofa?

13) __________ Peter ride his bicycle to the souk?

14) __________ Mary have a cat?

15) __________ Peter and Mary study English?

16) __________ Lina like tajine?

17) __________Ella wash her hair twice a week?

18_ __________Ayoub and Selma have dinner at home?

19) __________the baby play with its toys?

20) __________ the client like her haircut?

21) __________ the children play well together?

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How much, How many


1. Circle the correct word in the questions. Write your ideas on ____________.

2. Mark your answers.

3. Talk to 3 classmates. Ask your questions.

Questions: My answers: Partner 1: Partner 2: Partner 3:

1. How much/many time do you spend on a computer every day?

2. How much/many do you think a new car costs?

3. How much/many pairs of _______ do you have?

4. How much/many times do you brush your teeth every day?

5. How much/many hours of sleep do you get at night?

6. How many _____________ are in our classroom?

7. How much/many times do you talk on the phone in a day?

8. How much/many hours do you spend on homework every day?

9. How much/many ___________ do you watch in a week?

10. How much/many ___________ do you have?

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Simple Present + Infinitive Verb / الحاض + فعل

‘Simple present + infinitive verb’ structure / الفعل المضارع + فعل


الفاعلVerb / الفعل

Object / المفعول به


Verb / فعل Object / المفعول به

Translation /

جمة الير

I want her to eat. … .بغيتها تاكل

You do not go … to see him. .مكتمشيش تشوفو

He likes … to speak English. .ية ز م ب نكلت كيعجبو يتكل

She wants Fatima to be happy. بغات فاطمة تكون


It is good to be nice. .يف مزيان تكون ضز

We do not like … to make things. مكيجبناش نديرو هاد

ي . الش

You (pl) speak English to meet people. ية باش ز م نكلت


اس. تتلاقا الن

They are happy to see you. . ز يشوفوك هما فرحاني

I do not want … to buy this. . ي ي هاد الش مبغيتش نش

He wants people to go there. .اش يمشيو ل تما بغاو الن

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WORKSHEET 1: Simple Present + Infinitive Verb /الفعل فعل + الـمضارع

Use the following phrases to make the sentences below true for your future:

going to

plan to

want to

hope to

like to

love to

Examples: I’m going to get a job right away. I plan to get my own apartment. I

want to live with my parents. I hope to get a new car. I’d like to travel this

summer. I’d love to move to a new city.

1) I _____________________________ travel abroad.

2) I _____________________________ live with my parents.

3) I _____________________________ get married.

4) I _____________________________ have a lot of children.

5) I _____________________________ make a lot of money!

6) I _____________________________ become very successful.

7) I _____________________________________________________________.

8) I _____________________________________________________________.

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2 Modal Verbs: Can & Must/ أفعال مساعدة

Questions with ‘Can’ "الأسئلة ب "يمكن

Modal verb أفعال / مساعدة



Verb /

الفعلObject / المفعول به

Translation / جمة الير

Can I speak English? ية؟ ز كلت م ن

واش يمكن نتكل

Can you make pizza? ا؟واش ز يمكن لك تطيب البيتر

Can he be here? كون هنا؟واش يمكن لوي

Can she meet you? واش يمكن ليها تتلاقاك؟

Can it see them? واش يمكن لو/ليها يـ/ تشوفك؟

Can we be happy? ؟ ز واش يمكن لينا نكونو فرحاني

Can you buy it? يه؟ واش يمكن لك تش

Can they speak French? ية؟ ز كلت واش يمكن ليهم يتكلمو ب ن

Answers with ‘Can’ "الأجوبة ب "يمكن



Modal verb أفعال / مساعدة

Verb /

الفعلObject / المفعول به

Translation / جمة الير

I can speak English. .ية ز جلت م ن

يمكن لي نتكل

You cannot (can’t)

make pizza. . ا ميمكن ليكش تطيب/تصوب البيتر

He can be here. . كون تمايمكن لو ي

She cannot (can’t)

meet you. .مايمكن ليهاش تتلاقا بك

It can see them. .يمكن لو/ليها يـ/تشوفهم

We cannot (can’t)

be happy. . ز مايمكن ليناش نكونو فرحاني

You can buy it. . يــهم يمكن ليك تش

They cannot (can’t)

speak French. . لفرانسويةمايمكن ليهمش يتكلمو ب ا

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Questions with ‘Must "فعل "خص

Modal verb أفعال / مساعدة



Verb /

الفعلObject / المفعول به

Translation / جمة الير

Must I speak English? ية؟ ز كلت م ب ن

ي نتكل

واش خصتز

Must you make pizza? ا؟ ز واش خصك تصوب/ تطيب البيتر

Must he be here? واش خصو يكون هنا؟

Must she meet you? واش خصها تتلاقاك؟

Must it see them? واش خصو/ خصها تشوفهم؟

Must we be happy? ؟ ز واش خصنا نكونو فرحاني

Must you buy it? يوه؟ واش خصكم تش

Must they speak French? مو ب الفرانسوية؟ واش خصهم يتكل

Answers with ‘Must’ "الأجوبة ب "خص


الفاعلModal verb / أفعال مساعدة

Verb /

الفعلObject / المفعول به

Translation / جمة الير

I must speak English. . ية خصو ز كلت م ب ن


You must not (mustn’t)

make pizza. . ا ز مخصكش تصوب البيتر

He can be here. . لو يكون هنايمكن

She must not (mustn’t)

meet you. . مخصهاش تتلاقاك

It can see them. .يمكن لو يشوفهم

We must not (mustn’t)

be happy. . ز مخصناش نكونو فرحاني

You can buy it. .يه يمكن ليك تش

They must not (mustn’t)

speak French. . مخصهومش يتكلمو ب الفرانسوية

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WORKSHEET 1: Modal Verbs: Can & Must /أفعال المساعدة

Complete with can, can’t, must or mustn’t.

1) You ________ do your homework carefully.

2) ________ I use your phone?

3) It’s getting late. We ________ go now.

4) You ________ study your lessons before a test.

5) You ________ be careful! You drive so fast!

6) It’s warm, so the children ________ swim today.

7) You ________ bring the umbrella because it is going to rain.

8) The boy ________ open the door because he hasn’t got the key.

9) You ________ spend so much money on sweets.

10) What ________ I have for lunch?

11) Today he ________ work in the garden because it is raining.

12) You ________ use my computer if you like.

13) You ________ go to the baker’s because I’ve got no bread.

14) You ________ hurry up to catch the train.

15) ________ I leave the classroom?

16) Yes, but you ________ come back soon.

17) You ________ eat with dirty hands.

18) You ________ look at the traffic lights.

19) ________ I borrow some money, please?

20) You ________ bring warm clothes because it’s very cold.

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