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Ethnic Violence, Migrations, and Genocide Sam Edmark & Megan Pfohl
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Page 1: Ethnic Violence, Migrations, and Genocide Sam Edmark & Megan Pfohl.

Ethnic Violence, Migrations, and Genocide

Sam Edmark & Megan Pfohl

Page 2: Ethnic Violence, Migrations, and Genocide Sam Edmark & Megan Pfohl.

Migrations of Colonial Subjects● After former colonies were given their independence some former subjects moved to their

former imperial powers country.

● Many former imperial subjects felt that their former overlords were better at governing or simply were more loyal to the Imperial power then their new government.

● In some cases former subjects felt that the new government was run by a radical group that they didn’t trust.

Page 3: Ethnic Violence, Migrations, and Genocide Sam Edmark & Megan Pfohl.

Cultural and Economic Ties ● Trade between former colonies and their respective imperial powers usually continued despite

new independance.

● Cultural ties such as games, art, food, and clothes continued between both the imperial power and the former colony. (ex. Cricket in india, bright dyes in Britain)

Page 4: Ethnic Violence, Migrations, and Genocide Sam Edmark & Megan Pfohl.

Armenian Genocide● Genocide that was carried out by the Ottoman Empire

during World War One.

● Was the response to a nationalist movement by the Armenians.

● Started with the arrest of movement leaders and the killing or enslavement of all able bodied Armenian men.

● Ended with the forced march of all the remaining Armenians into the Syrian Desert without food or water.

● 1 to 1.5 million Armenians die as a result plus an unknown number of ethnic Greeks and Assyrians.

Page 5: Ethnic Violence, Migrations, and Genocide Sam Edmark & Megan Pfohl.

Cambodian Genocide

● Genocide started by the Khmer Rouge Regime.

● Based on Ethnic superiority, the idea of cleansing the population of the inferior ethnicities, and the idea of returning the country to an agrarian society.

● Started in 1975 and ended in 1979 with Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia.

● 1.5 to 3.5 million Cambodians die as a result.

● Between 1975 and 1979 the Khmer Rouge banned religion and minority languages.

Page 6: Ethnic Violence, Migrations, and Genocide Sam Edmark & Megan Pfohl.

Rwandan Genocide

● Was a Genocide of the Tutsi minority within Rwanda.

● Started in 1994

● Was a response to the Rwandan Civil War

● By the end of following conflicts many Tutsi and the majority Hutu had become refugees.

● .5 to 1 million Rwandans will die as a result.

Page 7: Ethnic Violence, Migrations, and Genocide Sam Edmark & Megan Pfohl.

Displacement of the Palestinians ● After a war with Israel all of Palestine will be occupied

and many Palestinians will be forced to move to specific areas such as the Gaza strip and the West Bank.

● War was caused by many surrounding countries deciding to all prepare to attack Israel, which they claimed was not a lawful country.

● The war is a decisive victory for the US backed Israel as Israel is able to beat Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq.

● As a result the surrounding Arab countries are forced to acknowledge Israel as a sovereign nation in return for their land.

Page 8: Ethnic Violence, Migrations, and Genocide Sam Edmark & Megan Pfohl.

Displacement of the Darfur

● The region under Egypt has been extremely volatile since 1956.

● With a civil war between many different militant groups over 2.8 million people have been displaced.

● The amount of displaced people has created a humanitarian disaster as many of the basic requirements of human life cannot be met.

● The situation in the Aid camps however is much better than in the villages that have no defence against the various militias that continue to plague the region.