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ESTABLlSH£p MAY, 1895 vol FOOD PRODUCTS AREEXfflBnH) MAMAas*''^3t4,jSJHp;^. SEErF"''^SiaM^^ .•,»:, 1^j4iK»r in:*- Prince Wiliiam Hoiutkeepcra, Boy« and Girb Send Fruits to Fair. The Prince William CQUBty ex- hibit of foed produeta wa« paok' ed Wednesday afternoon and shipped to Richmond, where it will be placed with other county exhibita during_ihejtegkx)f thaj-j state "fair, beeinning Monday, October 8. After the fair they will become the property of the Food Conservation Committee of the ~ lean injr with the State Fair AsBocis^ tion, will send the fruits and veg- etables to.the army camps for the pleasure instructions concerning the n«if|othy Jehnson; secretary, ^ i s s men to be sent to the canton^ Sallie L#rSin; treasurer, Miss E, ment at Petersburg. Forty-si^n. Crenels; girls' basketball le Richmonid Chapter, 4^erJ.a rifle. Each command will re- »"«" ""^ of PrinCfe Williainlimanager, Miss Hilda Hottel; anHedTjTOMi, wlK£, icoopera^' ceive enougfi, however, to Be able quota of TO5 are already in traio^lx>y8^1>asketball manager, Burke to go through tire needed-preying at Camp Lies: ;^ Steele ;^6ag6Bairmanager, Bur- UminMY inatruction in the Hapd- "You wili at once proceed ti^chdl l4»«*aaa; girls? tenni*, 6 p t f S s W d a y the tnwning ^°'™'»^ ^ ^ ™ P L e e w h i t e Tnaq ^ i s s Emily Round; track, ftr. heretofore certified to you 1)3| JH. W. Sanders- ^_ the District Board as avaUabh^ Mr. Sandars, agricultutM di- and enjoymetit of _ , the Bokiierg -^riifr-agr <g«uan»iita» -fa«^ve^ttoed Uncle Sam's luu^ena in the -war against Gkirmany. The Prince William exhibit, in 16S containers, until it left Manassas was in charge of Miss JUOyptn y. Gilbert, county home wmonstration agent. The gifts of faousekeepM« and bosrs and _glrifl-»Bre brought to the o&coa A olthaMaMsesB nvwspupesn and displayed in the windows until .^ . „ , the time of packing Wtdnesday City Fathege Beet jWMg <MI- ^f»«*J W afternoon. . Cherriea in 66 ctrntainers-^ fMrtJtoMd t h e special exhibit p»rtment had r^egted^the Tcotm^ to ^atale. The cftories were places'together in cme cer- zier of the JountaPs 'window dis- l^y^ slewing a fhie variety of "frtdt. some >v)iole, soim seeied^ in (Moti Ttdoffitg tnfU. yrtfuoi S|9^^ to, i t e de«iWttt t^Skf Ji^ 'mts /etuBOfiieted b y t ^ ar- rivsl of caiuied cherries of «very com, from Bura. LI. B. vViuiams, Mrs. G. G. A]im, Mrs. B. S. !E[yn< son. Mrs. Tt J ^^anmnnr Mrw- 1'. F. Coleman, f«|h9c otiltiefe. weri re-cSected.' w soott as bfwBjr aVaaabK -Md ^e (Sooncil iff^dfned to last^^^i^^ iratii forr -nigllt when J^on. 'Ektnnas H.' ther ordois.':' XdOh was dectcd attomey> Be. J • T*"> Vrnu'o WilliaTn board is "F: Wear and Mrs. W. F. were represented in the disiday, Gr(>vet<m, led by Mrs. J. "F, Do- gan's fruits and vegetables in tin and glass. a|td Stone.House, th^ last exikibit-to arrive before the Windows w * ^ cleared away byllfim Gilbert and h « assist- ants.'•••^ A specud exhibit Was contrib- tne Iwys aad-girls vtiises utedby eighth grads-of •the" MamiBssH School. Bach <M>y. <^niHng t h p w«»ftk thft > arrive, until the 3o_ which aecomp«Hed--^e ^^ip- ment. recorded them as follows: chenies. 9 blackberries. It toma- beanis, 19 nayy beans, 37 _ toes, and-l Afed cherriCT. : Housekeepers and* others who ' c<mtribnted tii the pft, aaide ' . from the elub exmbiu. were: Mrs. L. A.-Ij>rkj", ^"« J"^" S^- '• Giwii f^ibs. -Wr4J. V a g e n e r , ffirs. J. B. Ti' Thnmt/tTi, Mrs. Gompton, Miss Etta Wells. Mrs. -R. S. Smith. ^ M«^J_. =MrB; X. E. Be«hley" Mid Mrs, -^p^^^gn p f Geriu&u Peucei iwo quart cans' " of peaches came unmarked. ' ThifJy-one'fiite and boys con- tributed to the ^^^^^*'* futiii Mift di. pubhe sdiool at MananDr-lUs exhibit inclodad dterries. i^iachea, MatkUailM, liuckle- Jjerries, tomatoes, com, beans (canned and dried). {Hckke, jel- lies and preserves. The thirty- one contributors were as fol- ?^infield Croaon, Edgar Arey, p^vy f;rt»rnrv. Sarah Leachman, Cafherme Wea:._AliC£_iiniV^. —""Josepfe tet^ AnnE-iSindatr, Louise Ayres, Charles Lawson, Carleton Cannon. Margaret Comwell, Hose Rice, LUUl Ami/, Qopton Athey, Olivia Athey, Robert Hottle, Emma Yates, BUzabeth O'Neil, William Lew- _. is. Pearl Stephens, Elizabeth _ Pope, Luci" Breeden, Guy Whit- mer, Elizabeth Comwell^ Mary Jane Covington, Arthur Rector, Hugh Meetze, Ed^rtn Bennettl^j^_y L. Itosenberger. Eva ^reedeauAnoJ ^ _ Norman Muddiman. Fruits displayed in the win- dows of The Democrat were con- S0LMER8 GET RIFLES Trainint Pn^prencs RaiMr st Camp Lee. mi READY FOR IffiGH SCHOOL RED CROSS BENEFlt COLORED TR Yesterday morning the infan try regiments at Camp Lee, in eluding the 46 Prince William; men in the new National Army, \ were seen on the parade grounds i for the first time going throught- their paces with rifles. These arms are «tf the Krag type and are intfnd«d only for the train- ing period, f6r the Springfield rifle, it Is stated, will be Local Board HJM Orders t« Only White Men te Camp Lee. SOQEIIESMEET Junior Circle WHl Give Play en October 5. - lUterary and Athletic Orgaaixa- tk>ns Reorganized and Officers Elected. EPISCOPALUNS TOMm'HEK "Miss Fearless and Co.," a comedy in three acts, will be.pre-| Piedinont Convocation at Trinity fighting gun when the troops are sent abroad. The ordnance is not sufficient to sup^y each infantryman with The local board governing t h # The Athletic Association of selection of men to represeiflSManassas Agricultural High Prince William county in thd l^chool has elected the following the new National-Army is awaitiri >*'^*' President. Percival Xewis; vice presid^it. Miss Dor- to ^ e rai- ments of military practices.; Rapid progress has been BUide and the instruction of the will be pushed vigorously. COUNCIL NAMES jFV\lMllW|»JlJ|jn?lI rgfda tha-J«tter^rf^ lAfflKMl ICiaiHai-received Wedneedwr frgnt -^— . I wsor ^tiuw^ ^dpm^ A^| for duty and wMte men lM*eS|? rector o f ^ e high school, pre- ter so ccrtlfled to you by the DisJ .Bided «t 6ie meeting of the »th. tariet Bawrd ifeitil sfi white mmi letic assodstkn. Miss Ruth included within the iiuote f^ "Round, a former atudent, made your bftard have been iiw>ti*«abrirfad^eesMuLtheconstttu-^ -ef~1n8trU(i;^tqn| tion of the associittiwi was read eUK B i g l n w h g ^ Com>^ Is probAO* tkifc if a«t ~ ^ If The-Towa- Ceundl-held- the rec^ved b:»u^yu i>y Miss Grenels. A-meetinc of the Osboum Li^ W2JSile.-'*a*: t)lA4ierary^Societf was McL Tue»d«y trict ^«ar4 iuM Iwcii rew#«l«i^ afternoon, "fhfi mwi>ei ii iln elded to holS'a ciandy e»lc TlMar»>- first meetinjr of ttie cwmeii yetfPT^w^ be-lB^ Mtxiday carening at the Temp, djgs. ,^ ,. ,1 • => ^~~^ Hidl. Mayor^W. C. Wagener pr*' ' '*Colore^jpen wUl not be siding. Dr. C. R. C. Johnson was to etanp st prawot. Thl« elected t^aetye as conndlmsn not mean that a singl<e, wMte ht pisfe of Ifir. J. R. Evan«, who man wiir~iiJce^ the place of an; JUkd to quattfy, and Mr. "j^bm-c<do«^ diaii. mm y fiftfaiinatt, whrt failed to |day and today and to receive a will ejBferfag today for the kiiers' Uibtaty FnB4 The MK lety has 45 memben. H i e offi- Kers elected were as f c ^ w a / PKsident, Miu|Sailie^&rkiai ^e pre4^t, ^Miki^ Ezpiljr Jteund; sM^rtwy. BeVeriy Wfdfc- trawttjter, Marvin Ri«f. , C ^ a e d i t h , h ^ l t h officer, comr ccunposed of ^ o i A Cfaari^ miltee repoatta wue . rebeiyed Barbee^ ana. tne ^llew£D|r e«»naiiitteiB» George G. Tyiesr, d a k ; Dr. J. Marye LewiSf medied ^3oer. .. E. Wood . , Merchantr^ ^w«e-«*|w«nted r Two other housekebpers' dute^"Finances t35inmItte©—D. J. R^'C Jidinson, Al- and Dr. Wade C. Payqe, medical .officer's assistant. Arrington, C. bert Spdden. i -. . •/ —^ '.• . Streefe^Semmittee—E. % CdOr BNirBBfflTY .MEN AT WAS ner, p. J. Arrington, C, M. Lar;' ' kin. ^Orginia is I^roarOaf Man^ Be- \ spMid to Na^onlarOilL' : Committee on Public Propaty ^•M3, R^'C. Jolmson, 0. H. Nfew- —""•'— matt, Afttert Spdden^—Tr—^r—r —"T feel acertairi iHrofot^SHfer • flttlHtuiltW'on OnlilllUiewi—C. grat m thp Inaa nf nnrnpriwil Nash, O. E. Newnum, £. R. E. Naa CooBer, power." 0. E. NewuMS. e.E.Naeh^arO. Wenrich. Comnaitee <m Education—-C< said President E. A; Al- ^iniHii, of _the"^CTnivenHty : j £ 'Virginia, wh«a int^viewed the decraased enroHmfent. on ^'Buf _ at the same time it is a badge of b#rt SpetdoL Committee on Commeree—jT. F. Coleman. C. E.'NaA, H. EL recalled with ptidelhaC^soJargel., should mg&nd te the Nation's Wen^h. rofflmfgee -aSttifrBavieef "ttroDment in all d^ Tim=~^Mimnnrrfe on KwcnnnH n ,• , TT . . . .- ..—- ^ ^ n \^1.7T i" ^v»l—v» pymeiiiH aLUie-uiiii^y m ^' "• -^—— - VtxnA»v mnrtnnv wait fi!M. On R. Conner. Monday morning was 694, On : MiM-&dK; :Ur1d£ Cemet^ Go«lBlttee-Aiberti^ corresponding day ^lyt year M^onrmM Presidcnt Alderman stated per. cent a s m other tarse or co«> iiiopolitJB"eaBegea.- E. Newman. . " ', ." ' ComMTf € . R. C. Johhaoa, C. E. Nash. ^ ' ! tributed by the foHowing per- tfte altejidBite Wfll lOift •aid Or. Akksmm.. "Tbk riesju back ten years.i niuBberst bat our value sons: Oenent Cornwtil, Jeasie Payne, W, Laird Arey. RusaeD anH wniiam Jakpar^ Manassas: ^aaei^WSSsnuJjSbai (mi AB- lyartmeafe is not measured in numbers." The law sehod has dropped from 214 to 86; the graduate der drey'. CalTert SBM 'Jars. <#. F. Dewey, Agnewville. Aline and Mf"l^* navia^ Rva P. CalverL IB; ewf* neoing school from 120 to 100 while the departaaent of madi- s^^j^rgthS^ftJd. E^L.'^y^^^^^^^^ KidweU, Grace Davis, Roy Sout^ Pi*«»^««^l^ 7*»*^ ^^^.m^ ter, Mildred Pettit. Mrs. Ella F.t college has tost most hMvfly. Kidwell, Mrs. Alfonzo Calvert,! Mrs. Addie Milstead and Mrs. | —A Ida M. Davis, Hoadley; Mrs. J. C. Herring, NokesVille; Mrs, H. L. BSRfiejr, Stone floaae, and r.Brtttewr young brakeman named Heflin k>st his leg yesterday whenJbe fell between the cars of a mu*iiir f » ^ i « »^5iS4nThe Southern railway jrards at Man- carried to MI|W Donltt^^Jo^^ tary, Bereiyid Lewis; treaayulrer, Miss Hilda Hottel; critic,*Miss MilAwd Beit. Miases Couriaiey w<»e.apixnifted r«|K>ifters for the Today was set apart for re- Wving contributions towards literature for the soldiers. WRTHNG TP SOLDIEI^ Sender Must Be Careful to Give Pri>per Addresses.. All m ^ matter intended for the Eapeditionary ForeciB should be. addresspd as fnllnws iug the Byline of the sender; MartaiiiSi "Vu, riUiUx Jehn Siaitlir^— , — Compaiiy E,^ Itth Infuktty, Unit«!d SUtW ExpedttJanary Tmcea Be sure to have the company taui mfantry nuntber, and dp not attempt te-give the location'of th* T»gm»nTt The poemaster Wftl llH"n 1^1 I HI * —ml jiiil^ nuyl. Mail wHI not be accepted by the pastmaater iinlraw tha. company and regiment are nanwd and the return address of the sender is_J3?|n. All^ mail * "' atssL w suDjecc vw XDc uniiea ofstes classification. conditioDs and sent«d-at Conner's Opera House Friday evening, October 5, for thf benefit of the Red Cross. The participjuits are the girls of the Junior Circle auxiliary of the Manassas chapter; whidi is SU' pervised by Mrs. C., R. C. John son. Mrs.G.T^ Lyon, \dc« chair- man of the chapter, is directing the play. —The officers of the auxilij«Y are: Miss Sallie NorveU Larkin, president; Miss Dorothy Lucre- tia Johnson, secretary, and Miss Marion Ijimmo Burks, treasurer. Whlle«the cast ot characters has not—been—announced, among- to take part are menabers of .tiie Sallie, Katherine those selected the follbmng circle, Misses jmd .EHgabeth Laririn, Dorothy Johnson. Mabel Lyon, Emily Round and Eleanor Lewis and Misses Elsie Rosenberger, EUiza- beth Buck and Victerine NlCol. PRESBYTERIANS WBIHEETHERE Washieftan Pres^rtery is to fU,,^.. ^ MW»—i.^ ffc.M.A The Prwhs^tery of Washinfe tcm City. ^ compridng all 1£e Pfeabyieriaa churches of Wash- ingt(rt>.;the-southern conntiea of the w«(t«rn shore of Maryland: and) tite northern coantieev«fE^ Virs^nia, will hold a meeting ia the Manassas 3.Presbyt^ian Church, ligjfwiiiift MoBdayj^t>c=^ ofLAfT and friends •e^'the cemreBataiii who~ dm entertain roiie~^ OEore Church, Manassas, on Octo- ber 23 and 24. The lOlst semi-annual meet- ing of the Piedmont Convoca- tion, Dioeese of Virginia, Pro- teat^t Episcopal Church, will meet with Trinity Church, Man- assas, Rev. J. F.;Burks, rector, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oc- tober 23 and 24. The officers of ihe-£anxocatian-Ace_Re£.JEL_lu- Woodward, - The Plains, dean; Rev. W. C. Mutthid, Rapidan, secretary; Rev; E. W. M^IH- champe. Accotink, treasurer. Til* Praffraai. V t k«y Monday, October 22. 8 p. m., Mrriee and Willtam G. Pendlaton. ^ Toewiar, Oetebtr 8S. le a. m. Brninwiiiawrting' 11 a. ta. Itarniog priftr. and.'aa- moa, Rer. R, A. Goodwin. 1 p. a . Lmidi. 2 p. ~if,'BasfaMn mairtfac. t S p.TtL Btaytem aad U/jy, gnb- jact,. " 1 ^ PnttkanMit Valet: «t rtiia •; i Bfbta." Rar. Banyima %eMk.'C>J}r- Watoaaitoy', 0«*«*«r 84." A hm/Oat. 9 a. n . 10 a. a , Rfdiiiia, DJ>. _^. _~ 11 ~a ni Holy ComiawiiTon. fjani vocation sonum, Rar. C B. B o n ^ ; . altiri#ta, Sarr. Bdgat ttefaaicr. 1 p. ir. Ijoachi 2jii^,in. Bsainaaa meetiqr. "Sarviear Sdbjieet, JHoemuar sad Gaoeral IHaatowa. to be appointa<l>y'die daaa. Aljtet of mainbar Cbnvocatkm Mkywa:' : |t«v. W.eoiAir Ban, P4>-. Ticoiog- «iMail4«l#l«Micif««IM^~^ of the coounissioners over Mon- day ni{^t will kindly inform the^ t erence they can secure aa their guest or guests tboee of thar selection. V- There are about 100 men alto- getho' who are availabel as concu mission^rs. This includes one ralmster and one dder firom each of the 38 churches and a^rmm- ber df ministers who are mis- sionaries abroad or are engaged- in various other forms of re- ligioua activity in differ^tt part^ Aldie; Rev. Boryman GU«an7~T&a»^' logieal Seminary; R«*. Alexander Gait, Brandy;: Rev. Kenaey 3. Hamr a^ffcuud, DJ).T CoiP'^ar; Bar. Faea K«a»- necbr, D.D., llieoloskal Semuuoy; B«^ lahm 1i1ity<<, W««hinyton. P. C: lerica. but it is n<^ likely that mote tban 50 conmussion- CTs^iriH be able tehe hetfe at aay ape time;—'— —-^- -Preelortery will rush business so as to adjourn at 3 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, when-friends of the eongiegsti<m who tomobiles wUl take the com- missionav to the battlefidd. where Liet. George C. Round will leetuww' thetwohalthBuf Msnwwsas. Wedding Teawwrew. —AH ttidl intended for the sot- dioriirt&waBtoiHnents In tius ^'Wititin tiefinita-wfebri^^^coqi^fcraliceia be adfeeased as rh1ftw¥r- car--f P***"** •**•» teitii. daMpany E. SlSth lafantiy. Camp Laa. Virginia. As a guide to the regiment numbers .the regiments of the r^ular army, are numbered. from 1 to 100; the National Qnml f'"*" 1»^ "»"re«g«g NattDoai Army, SOi up. —Th*. aaeoBd submarine chaa- noon at the shipyarcb Sn Xlesc- andria. The bent wcu. chris- tened by Master Howard Fulton Wintert>um, the tittie son of an insgector of hulls, and launched 'Sti^tSditB aldose Mr. apd Mrs. WBIMB N. Lij^_ coalb have announced the en- gagemoit and approaching mar- riage vof tfaeir daughter. Mns*' Jiarx^JSenrietta Lipscomb, to Capt Howard W. -Jamison, ^6nltedSta^e=Army^ The nM»= riage will take place tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock at Trinity Churvh. Episeepid ChunA, t&e reeterT formal invitations w31-he nsned. Immediately after the cerunony *h» ^ftiipfa ^^11 l a a w <«»» A»tM»i ten, AhM where Capt. JaMse»h^J^'»P* is stationed, and later tiiey will go on a w e d d i i g l r i p ' ^ g ^ ; ^ DavHs. «r waOiunc^*^ Tnesd^ afUu- ^m^ip^ ^riSeTsuuthgn points. B^abeifa of the Headquarters Subscribe for the Journal, %l | assas. He was year in advance. Washington hospital -a+ shipbuilding company and about 200 :ctti2ens of is lit) feet in leiv^.h Capt Jamlaon's honte is in IBtfd- thnore. Jones Chq>d, tiie Bradley M. B. Chtcrch, which began Sunday. September 16, i»- wcpected to has been in charge. 'LaaMMfiy x* Bai; Jv?J9NK)a»i ReT.-E. B. Bainrail, ^parvMa; 'Bm. Edgar ~Gaipantor,~ ~A]aaaudiini'- X n . Robeiet A. Caatleman. i^iiftM (Sbaxiki Rev. Angna Crawford, DJ>., Tbeolog- leal Saminary; Rev, W. B. EverfeO^ jr.« Hatlrtait; aav. 3o6i Rev. Waiiam C. Marahall. Rapidan; Rev. John MeQdl, DD., The Plaina; •Ofr WiXtixn, M>aA», Wimw- Bay. K. W. HelUehampe, Aficotittk; Rev. W. J. Morton, Alexanchria; Rev.' Frank Page, DJ)., Fairfax; Rev. W. G. Pen- dleton, Warrenton; Rew. P. P. Fhil- iipa,I>J>., Alexandria;'Iteir. Franklin A. Ridont; LoeketU; Rev. W. E. g/«rf. Marrfall; BiW Wr Rl Bajlina. DS>., Tbeidogieal Seminary; Rev. 6. ^.' aieara, McLean; Rev. Bjml T. Taraar^ Standardiyilla; Rev. Sanmri— ArWaffia, ftp., Theologieal Saaanaazy, and Be*. BJ L. Wuodaiwa. MJ)..!jIha. NABIB|> Meetta« 4tf Kceotive Caawit- —iee dfHed Creas ChaXar A meeting nf the exefJitive committee Chapter. of the American" was held Tueeday- Ttad Cross, evening at- tne home ot the secretary. Miss Mary Larkm^ Sevnal commit-. BfflointmMits were made, ia-_ dadittg the Committee au Civil- ian Rdief and the Haadquarters fiiHHUiittee—which ia to dbarte of the Iced C^rtMuTroomT in the People's Bank Boikfing, TBEdy tBt occupancy. The now^ Conunittee rart^tm&BB S^t*f ifl Lumpeatd irf Mayer W. C Wsg- ener, chairmaaj Mrs. Getnge €. Round, MTB; W . M . Rica, MrsT Pope and Mr. H. L Mary 'E: Thornton Committee are Mrs. Joaeph Preston Lyon, chairman; Mrs. A. E. Spies, Mrs. W. C. Wagener and Mrs. T. S, Coka. Miss.T,P. Waters was added to the Jie^- bership Comnattee. J - — .1 T I III I . I ^\ lor Mie Jouiuac <B1 a year in advance.

ESTABLlSH£p MAY, 1895 MAMAas*''^3t4,jSJHp;^. SEErF''^SiaM^^ … · 2014. 3. 21. · ESTABLlSH£p MAY, 1895 vol FOOD PRODUCTS

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Page 1: ESTABLlSH£p MAY, 1895 MAMAas*''^3t4,jSJHp;^. SEErF''^SiaM^^ … · 2014. 3. 21. · ESTABLlSH£p MAY, 1895 vol FOOD PRODUCTS




MAMAas*''^3t4,jSJHp;^. SEErF"''^SiaM^^ .•,»:, 1^j4iK»r in:*-

Prince Wiliiam Hoiutkeepcra, Boy« and Girb Send

Fruits to Fair.

The Prince William CQUBty ex­hibit of foed produeta wa« paok' ed Wednesday afternoon and shipped to Richmond, where it will be placed with other county exhibita during_ihejtegkx)f thaj-j state "fair, beeinning Monday, October 8. After the fair they will become the property of the Food Conservation Committee of the ~ lean injr with the State Fair AsBocis^ tion, will send the fruits and veg­etables t o . t h e army camps for the pleasure

instructions concerning the n « i f | o t h y Jehnson; secretary, ^ i s s

men to be sent to the canton^ Sallie L#rSin; treasurer, Miss E, ment at Petersburg. F o r t y - s i ^ n . Crenels; girls' basketball

le Richmonid Chapter, 4 ^ e r J . a rifle. Each command will re- »"«" ""^ of PrinCfe Wi l l ia in l imanager , Miss Hilda Hottel; anHedTjTOMi, w l K £ , icoopera^' ceive enougfi, however, to Be able quota o f TO5 are already in traio^lx>y8^1>asketball manager, Burke

to go through tire n e e d e d - p r e y i n g a t Camp Lies: ; Steele ;^6ag6Bairmanager, Bur-UminMY inatruction in the Hapd- "You w i l i a t once proceed t i ^ c h d l l 4 » « * a a a ; girls? tenni*,

6 p t f S s W d a y the tnwning ^° '™'»^ ^ ^ ™ P Lee white Tnaq ^ i s s Emily Round; track, ftr. heretofore certified to you 1)3| JH. W. Sanders- ^ _ the District Board as avaUabh^ Mr. Sandars, agricultutM di-

and enjoymetit of _ , t h e Bokiierg -^riifr-agr <g«uan»iita» -fa«^ve^ttoed Uncle Sam's luu^ena i n t h e -war against Gkirmany.

The Prince William exhibit, in 16S containers, until i t left Manassas was in charge of Miss

JUOyptn y . Gilbert, county home wmonstrat ion agent. The g i f t s of faousekeepM« and bosrs and

_glrifl-»Bre brought to the o&coa

A o l t h a M a M s e s B nvwspupesn and displayed i n the windows until . ^ . „ , the t ime of packing Wtdnesday City Fathege B e e t jWMg <MI- ^ f » « * J W afternoon. . Cherriea in 66 ctrntainers-^

fMrtJtoMd t h e special exhibit

p»rtment had r ^ e g t e d ^ t h e Tcotm^ to ^atale. T h e c f tor ies were places'together in cme cer-zier of the JountaPs 'window dis-l ^ y ^ s l e w i n g a fhie variety of

"frtdt. some >v)iole, s o i m seeied^ in (Moti Ttdoffitg tnfU. yrtfuoi

S | 9 ^ ^ to, i t e de«iWttt t^Skf

J i ^ 'mts /etuBOfiieted b y t ^ ar-rivsl of caiuied cherries of «very

com, from Bura. LI. B. vViuiams, Mrs. G. G. A]im, Mrs. B. S. !E[yn< son. Mrs. Tt J ^^anmnnr Mrw-

1 ' . F . Coleman,

f« |h9c otiltiefe. w e r i re-cSected.' w soott a s bfwBjr aVaaabK -Md ^ e (Sooncil i f f^dfned t o last^^^i^^ iratii forr

-nigllt when J^on. 'Ektnnas H.' t h e r ordois.':' XdOh was dec tcd attomey> B e . J • T*"> Vrnu'o WilliaTn board is

"F: Wear and Mrs. W . F.

were represented in t h e disiday, Gr(>vet<m, led by Mrs. J. "F, Do-gan's fruits and vegetables in t in and glass . a|td Stone.House, th^ last exikibit-to arrive before the Windows w * ^ cleared away byllfim Gilbert and h « a s s i s t ­ants.'•••^

A specud exhibit Was contrib-tne I w y s aad-girls vtiises u t e d b y

eighth g r a d s - o f •the" MamiBssH School.

Bach <M>y. <^niHng thp w«»ftk thft

> arrive, until the 3o_ which a e c o m p « H e d - - ^ e ^ ^ i p -ment. recorded them as fo l lows:

c h e n i e s . 9 blackberries. I t

toma-beanis, 19 nayy beans, 37 _ toes , and- l A f e d cherriCT.

: Housekeepers and* others who ' c<mtribnted t i i the p f t , aaide

' . from the elub e x m b i u . w e r e : Mrs. L. A.-Ij>rkj", ^ " « J"^" S^-

'• Giwi i f^ibs. -Wr4J. V a g e n e r , ffirs. J. B. Ti' Thnmt/tTi, Mrs. Gompton, Miss Et ta Wells. Mrs. -R. S. Smith. ^ M « ^ J _ . =MrB; X . E . Be«hley" Mid Mrs, -^p^^^gn p f Geriu&u Peucei i w o quart cans ' " of peaches came unmarked.

' ThifJy-one'fiite and boys con­tributed to the ^^^^^*'* futiii Mift di. pubhe sdiool a t M a n a n D r - l U s exhibi t inclodad dterries .

i^iachea, MatkUai lM, liuckle-Jjerries, tomatoes, c o m , beans (canned and dried) . {Hckke, jel­l ies and preserves. The thirty-one contributors were as fol-

? infield Croaon, Edgar Arey, — p^vy f;rt»rnrv. Sarah Leachman,

Cafherme Wea:._AliC£_i iniV^. —""Josepfe t e t ^ AnnE-iSindatr,

Louise Ayres , Charles Lawson, Carleton Cannon. Margaret Comwell, Hose Rice, LUUl Ami/, Qopton Athey , Olivia Athey, Robert Hottle, Emma Yates , BUzabeth O'Neil, William Lew-

_. i s . Pearl Stephens, Elizabeth _ Pope, Luci" Breeden, Guy Whit-

mer, Elizabeth Comwell^ Mary Jane Covington, Arthur Rector, Hugh Meetze, Ed^rtn B e n n e t t l ^ j ^ _ y L . Itosenberger. E v a ^reedeauAnoJ ^ _ Norman Muddiman.

Fruits displayed in the win­dows of The Democrat were con-


Trainint Pn^prencs R a i M r s t Camp Lee.


COLORED TR Yesterday morning the infan

try regiments at Camp Lee, in eluding the 46 Prince William; men in the new National Army, \ were seen on the parade grounds i for t h e first time going t h r o u g h t -their paces with rifles. These arms are «tf the Krag type and are intfnd«d only for the train­ing period, f6r the Springfield rifle, i t Is stated, will be

Local Board HJM Orders t«

Only White Men te

Camp Lee.

SOQEIIESMEET Junior Circle WHl Give Play en

October 5. -

lUterary and Athletic Orgaaixa-

tk>ns Reorganized and

Officers Elected.


"Miss Fearless and Co.," a comedy in three acts, will be.pre- | Piedinont Convocation at Trinity

fighting gun when the troops are sent abroad.

The ordnance is not sufficient to s u p ^ y each infantryman with

The local board governing t h # The Athletic Association of selection of men to represeiflSManassas Agricultural High Prince William county in thd l^chool has elected the following

the new National-Army is a w a i t i r i > * ' ^ * ' President. Percival X e w i s ; vice presid^it. Miss Dor-

t o ^ e r a i ­ments of military practices.; Rapid progress has been BUide and the instruction of the will be pushed vigorously.

COUNCIL NAMES j F V \ l M l l W | » J l J | j n ? l I rgfda tha-J«tter^rf^ l A f f l K M l I C i a i H a i - r e c e i v e d Wedneedwr frgnt

- — . I w s o r ^tiuw^ ^ d p m ^ A ^ |

for duty and wMte men lM*eS|? rector o f ^ e high school, pre-ter so ccrtlfled to you by the DisJ .Bided « t 6 i e meeting of the » t h . tariet Bawrd ifeitil sfi white mmi letic a s s o d s t k n . Miss Ruth included within t h e iiuote f ^ "Round, a former atudent, m a d e your bftard have been i iw>ti*«abrirfad^eesMuLtheconstttu-^

-ef~1n8trU(i;^tqn| tion of t h e associittiwi was read

eUK B i g l n w h g ^ Com>^

Is probAO* tkifc i f a « t ~ ^ I f

The-Towa- Ceundl -he ld - the rec^ved b:»u^yu

i>y Miss Grenels. A-meetinc of the Osboum L i ^

W2JSile.-'*a*: t)lA4ierary^Societf was McL Tue»d«y trict ^«ar4 iuM Iwcii rew#«l«i^ afternoon, "fhfi mwi>ei ii iln

elded to holS'a ciandy e»lc TlMar»>-

first meetinjr of ttie cwmeii yetfPT^w^ be-lB^ Mtxiday carening at the Temp, d j g s . , ,. ,1 • => ^~~^ Hidl. Mayor^W. C. Wagener pr*' ' '*Colore^jpen wUl not be siding. Dr. C. R. C. Johnson was t o etanp s t prawot . Thl« elected t ^ a e t y e as conndlmsn not mean t h a t a singl<e, wMte ht p i s fe of Ifir. J. R. Evan«, who man wiir~iiJce^ the place of an; J U k d t o quattfy, and Mr. "j^bm-c<do«^ diaii. mm y fiftfaiinatt, whrt fa i led to

|day and today and to receive a will ejBferfag today for t h e

kiiers' Uibtaty F n B 4 T h e MK lety h a s 45 memben . H i e offi-

K e r s elected were as f c ^ w a / PKsident , M i u | S a i l i e ^ & r k i a i

^ e p r e 4 ^ t , ^Miki^ Ezpiljr Jteund; sM^rtwy. BeVeriy Wfdfc-

trawttjter, Marvin Ri«f. ,

C ^ a e d i t h , h ^ l t h officer, comr ccunposed of ^ o i A Cfaari^ mi l t ee repoatta wue . rebeiyed Barbee^ ana. tne ^llew£D|r e«»naiiitteiB» George G. Tyiesr, d a k ; Dr. J.

Marye LewiSf m e d i e d ^ 3 o e r . .. E . Wood . , Merchantr^ ^w«e-«*|w«nted r

Two other housekebpers' d u t e ^ " F i n a n c e s t35inmItte©—D. J. R^'C Jidinson, A l ­

and Dr. Wade C. Payqe , medical .officer's assistant . Arrington, C.

bert Spdden. i -. . •/ —^ '.• — . Streefe^Semmittee—E. % CdOr B N i r B B f f l T Y . M E N A T W A S

ner, p . J. Arrington, C, M. Lar;' ' kin. ^Orginia i s I^roarOaf Man^ Be-

\ spMid t o Na^onlarOilL' : Committee on Public Propaty •M3, R^'C. Jolmson, 0 . H. Nfew- — " " • ' —

matt, Afttert Spdden^—Tr—^r—r—"T feel acertairi iHrofot^SHfer • flttlHtuiltW'on OnlilllUiewi—C. grat m thp Inaa nf nnrnpriwil

Nash, O. E . Newnum, £ . R. E. Naa CooBer,


0 . E . NewuMS. e . E . N a e h ^ a r O . Wenrich.

Comnaitee <m Education—-C<

said President E . A ; Al-

^ i n i H i i , of _the"^CTnivenHty : j £

'Virginia, wh«a in t^v iewed the decraased enroHmfent.

on ^'Buf

„ _ at the same t ime i t i s a badge of

b#rt SpetdoL Committee on Commeree—jT.

F. Coleman. C. E . ' N a A , H . EL

recalled wi th ptidelhaC^soJargel.,

should m g & n d t e the Nation's

W e n ^ h . ro f f lmfgee

-aSttifrBavieef "ttroDment in all d ^

Tim=~^Mimnnrrfe on KwcnnnH n ,• , TT. . . .- . . — -^ ^ n \ ^ 1 . 7 T i" ^v»l—v» pymeiiiH aLUie-uiiii^y m ^ ' " • -^—— - VtxnA»v mnrtnnv wait fi!M. On

R. Conner. Monday morning was 694, On

: MiM-&dK; : U r 1 d £ C e m e t ^ G o « l B l t t e e - A i b e r t i ^ corresponding day ^ l y t year

M^onrmM Presidcnt Alderman stated

per. cent a s m other tarse or co«> iiiopolitJB"eaBegea.-E . Newman. . " ', ." '

ComMTf € . R . C. Johhaoa, C. E . N a s h . ^ ' !

tributed by the foHowing per-

tfte al tej idBite Wfll l O i f t •a id Or. Akksmm.. " T b k riesju back t e n years . i niuBberst bat our value

sons: O e n e n t Cornwtil, Jeasie Payne, W, Laird Arey. RusaeD anH wni iam Jakpar^ Manassas: ^aaei^WSSsnuJjSbai (mi AB- lyartmeafe

i s not measured in numbers."

The law s e h o d h a s dropped from 214 to 8 6 ; the graduate der

drey'. CalTert SBM 'Jars. <#. F. Dewey, Agnewvi l le . Aline and Mf"l^* navia^ Rva P. CalverL

IB; ewf* n e o i n g school from 120 to 100 while the departaaent of madi-

s j rgthS ftJd. E^L.'^y^^^^^^^^ KidweU, Grace Davis, Roy Sout^ • P i * « » ^ « « ^ l ^ 7*»*^ ^ ^ ^ . m ^ ter, Mildred Pettit . Mrs. Ella F.t college has tost most hMvfly. Kidwell, Mrs. Alfonzo Calvert,! Mrs. Addie Milstead and Mrs. | — A Ida M. Davis , Hoadley; Mrs. J. C. Herring, NokesVille; Mrs, H. L. BSRfiejr, Stone floaae, and


young brakeman named Heflin k>st h is leg yes terday w h e n J b e fell between the cars of a m u * i i i r f » ^ i « » ^ 5 i S 4 n T h e Southern railway jrards a t Man-

carried to

MI|W Donltt^^Jo^^ tary, Bereiyid Lewis ; treaayulrer, Miss Hilda Hottel; critic,*Miss MilAwd Bei t . Miases Couriaiey

w<»e.apixnifted r«|K>ifters for t h e

Today was set apart for re-W v i n g contributions towards literature for the soldiers.


Sender Must Be Careful to Give Pri>per Addresses . .

All m ^ matter intended for the Eapeditionary ForeciB should be. addresspd as fnllnws iug the Byline of the sender;

MartaiiiSi "Vu,

riUiUx Jehn Siaitlir^— , — — Compaiiy E, Itth Infuktty,

Unit«!d SUtW ExpedttJanary Tmcea

Be sure to have the company taui m f a n t r y nuntber, and dp not at tempt te -g ive the location'of t h * T»gm»nTt The poemaster Wftl l l H " n 11 I HI * • — m l j i i i l ^ nuyl. Mail wHI not be accepted by the pastmaater iinlraw tha. company and regiment are nanwd and the return address of t h e sender is_J3?|n. All^ mail

* "' atssL w suDjecc vw XDc un i i ea o f s t e s classification. conditioDs and

sent«d-at Conner's Opera House Friday evening, October 5, for thf benefit of the Red Cross. The participjuits are the girls of the Junior Circle auxiliary of t h e Manassas chapter; w h i d i i s SU' pervised by Mrs. C., R. C. John son. Mrs.G.T^ Lyon, \dc« chair­man of the chapter, is directing the play. —The officers of the auxilij«Y are: Miss Sallie NorveU Larkin, president; Miss Dorothy Lucre-tia Johnson, secretary, and Miss Marion Ijimmo Burks, treasurer. Whlle«the cast ot characters has not—been—announced, among-

to take part are menabers of .tiie Sallie, Katherine

those selected the fo l lbmng circle, Misses jmd .EHgabeth Laririn, Dorothy Johnson. Mabel Lyon, Emily Round and Eleanor Lewis and Misses Elsie Rosenberger, EUiza-beth Buck and Victerine NlCol.


Washieftan Pres^rtery i s to f U , , ^ . . ^ M W » — i . ^ f f c . M . A

T h e Prwhs^tery of Washinfe tcm City. ^ compridng all 1£e Pfeabyieriaa churches of Wash-ingt(rt>.;the-southern conntiea o f the w«(t«rn shore of Maryland: and) tite northern coantieev«fE^ Virs^nia, will hold a meeting i a the Manassas 3.Presbyt^ian Church, ligjfwiiiift MoBdayj^t>c=^

ofLAfT and friends •e^'the cemreBataii i who~ d m entertain r o i i e ~ ^ OEore

Church, Manassas, on Octo­

ber 23 and 24.

The lOlst semi-annual meet­ing of the Piedmont Convoca­t ion , Dioeese of Virginia, Pro-t e a t ^ t Episcopal Church, will meet with Trinity Church, Man­assas, Rev. J. F.;Burks, rector, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oc­tober 23 and 24. The officers of ihe-£anxocatian-Ace_Re£.JEL_lu-Woodward, - The Plains, dean; Rev. W. C. Mutth id , Rapidan, secretary; Rev; E . W. M^IH-champe. Accotink, treasurer.

Til* Praffraai. V t

k«y Monday, October 22. 8 p. m., Mrriee and

Willtam G. Pendlaton. ^ Toewiar, Oetebtr 8S. le a. m. Brninwiiiawrting' 11 a. ta. Itarniog priftr. and.'aa-

moa, Rer. R, A. Goodwin. 1 p. a . Lmidi. 2 p. ~if,'BasfaMn mairtfac. t S p.TtL Btaytem aad U/jy, gnb-

jact,. " 1 ^ PnttkanMit Valet: «t rtiia

•; i

Bfbta." Rar. Banyima %eMk.'C>J}r-Watoaaitoy', 0«*«*«r 84."


hm/Oat. 9 a. n . 10 a. a ,

Rfdiiiia, DJ>. _^. _~ 11 ~a ni Holy ComiawiiTon. fjani

vocation sonum, Rar. C B. B o n ^ ; . altiri#ta, Sarr. Bdgat ttefaaicr.

1 p. ir. Ijoachi 2jii^,in. Bsainaaa meetiqr.

"Sarviear Sdbjieet, JHoemuar sad Gaoeral IHaatowa.

to be appointa<l>y'die daaa.

Aljtet of mainbar Cbnvocatkm Mkywa:' : |t«v. W.eoiAir Ban, P4>-. Ticoiog-«iMail4«l#l«Micif««IM^~^

of the coounissioners over Mon­day n i {^ t wi l l kindly inform the^

t erence they can secure aa their guest or gues t s tboee of t h a r selection. V -

There are about 100 men alto-g e t h o ' who are availabel as concu mission^rs. This includes one ralmster and one d d e r firom each of the 38 churches and a^rmm-ber df ministers who are mis-sionaries abroad or are engaged-in various other forms o f re-ligioua act iv i ty in differ^tt part^

Aldie; Rev. Boryman GU«an7~T&a» ' logieal Seminary; R«*. Alexander Gait, Brandy;: Rev. Kenaey 3. Hamr

a ffcuud, DJ).T CoiP'^ar; Bar. Faea K«a»-necbr, D.D., llieoloskal Semuuoy; B«^ lahm 1i1ity<<, W««hinyton. P . C :

lerica. but i t i s n<^ likely that mote t b a n 50 conmussion-CTs^iriH be able tehe hetfe a t aay ape t ime;—'— — - ^ -

-Preelortery will rush business so as to adjourn a t 3 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, when-friends of the eongiegsti<m who

tomobiles wUl t a k e t h e com-miss ionav t o the battlefidd. where Liet. George C. Round will l e e t u w w ' t h e t w o h a l t h B u f Msnwwsas.

Wedding Teawwrew.

—AH ttidl intended for the sot-d i o r i i r t & w a B t o i H n e n t s In tius

'Wititin tiefinita-wfebri^^^coqi^fcraliceia be adfeeased as rh1ftw¥r-

car--f P***"** •**•» teitii. daMpany E. SlSth lafantiy.

Camp Laa. Virginia. A s a guide to the regiment

numbers .the regiments of the r ^ u l a r a r m y , are numbered. from 1 to 100; the National Qnml f'"*" 1»^ *» " » " r e « g « g NattDoai Army, SOi up. —

—Th*. aaeoBd submarine chaa-

noon at the shipyarcb Sn Xlesc-andria. The bent w c u . chris­tened by Master Howard Fulton Wintert>um, the tittie son of an insgector of hulls, and launched

'Sti^tSditB aldose

Mr. apd Mrs. W B I M B N . Li j^_

coalb have announced the en-g a g e m o i t and approaching mar­riage vof tfaeir daughter. Mns*' Jiarx^JSenrietta Lipscomb, to C a p t Howard W. -Jamison, ^6nltedSta^e=Army^ The nM»= riage will take place tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock at Trinity

Churvh. Episeepid ChunA, t&e reeterT

formal invitat ions w31-he nsned . Immediately after the cerunony *h» ^ftiipfa ^^11 l a a w <«»» A»tM»i

ten, AhM where Capt. JaMse»h^J^'»P* is stationed, and later tiiey will go on a w e d d i i g l r i p ' ^ g ^ ; ^ DavHs.

«r w a O i u n c ^ * ^ T n e s d ^ afUu- ^ m ^ i p ^ ^riSeTsuuthgn points. B^abeifa of the Headquarters

Subscribe for the Journal, %l | assas. He was year in advance. Washington hospital

-a+ shipbuilding company and about 2 0 0 :ctti2ens of is l i t ) feet in leiv^.h

Capt Jamlaon's h o n t e i s in IBtfd-thnore.

Jones Chq>d, tiie Bradley M. B . Chtcrch, which began Sunday. September 16, i»- wcpected t o

has been in charge .

'LaaMMfiy x* Bai; Jv?J9NK)a»i ReT.-E. B. Bainrail, ^parvMa; 'Bm. Edgar ~Gaipantor,~ ~A]aaaudiini'- X n . Robeiet A. Caatleman. i^iiftM (Sbaxiki Rev. Angna Crawford, DJ>., Tbeolog-leal Saminary; Rev, W. B. EverfeO^ jr.« Hatlrtait; aav. 3o6i

Rev. Waiiam C. Marahall. Rapidan; Rev. John MeQdl, DD., The Plaina; •Ofr WiXtixn, M>aA», Wimw- Bay. K. W. HelUehampe, Aficotittk; Rev. W. J. Morton, Alexanchria; Rev.' Frank Page, DJ)., Fairfax; Rev. W. G. Pen­dleton, Warrenton; Rew. P. P. Fhil-iipa,I>J>., Alexandria;'Iteir. Franklin A. Ridont; LoeketU; Rev. W. E. g/«rf. Marrfall; BiW Wr Rl Bajlina. DS>., Tbeidogieal Seminary; Rev. 6. ^.' aieara, McLean; Rev. Bjml T. Taraar^ Standardiyilla; Rev. Sanmri— ArWaffia, ftp., Theologieal Saaanaazy, and Be*. BJ L. Wuodaiwa. MJ)..!jIha.


Meetta« 4tf K c e o t i v e C a a w i t -— i e e d f H e d Creas ChaXar

A meeting nf the exefJitive committee Chapter.

of the American"

was held Tueeday-Ttad Cross, evening a t -

tne home ot the secretary. Miss Mary Larkm^ S e v n a l commit - .

BfflointmMits were made, ia-_ dadittg t h e Committee au Civil­ian R d i e f and the Haadquarters fiiHHUiittee—which ia t o dbarte of the Iced C^rtMuTroomT in the People's Bank Boikfing,

TBEdy tBt occupancy. The now^ Conunittee rart^tm&BB S^t*f ifl Lumpeatd irf Mayer W. C Wsg-ener, chairmaaj Mrs. Getnge € . Round, MTB; W . M . Rica, MrsT

Pope and Mr. H. L Mary 'E:


Committee are Mrs. Joaeph Preston Lyon, chairman; Mrs. A. E . Spies, Mrs. W. C. Wagener and Mrs. T. S, Coka. M i s s . T , P . Waters was added to the J i e ^ -bership Comnattee.

J - — . 1 T I III I . I — ^ \

lor Mie J o u i u a c <B1 a year in advance.

Page 2: ESTABLlSH£p MAY, 1895 MAMAas*''^3t4,jSJHp;^. SEErF''^SiaM^^ … · 2014. 3. 21. · ESTABLlSH£p MAY, 1895 vol FOOD PRODUCTS


l A l i u F U U 1 1 1 1 1 0

¥ r/vT VA'il

Bed Cross Asks I i « ^

plying the Boys.

" H4lf ft million practicaJ '"^Hais on the making of comfort

lata and bags have been issued by the Ameriwui Red Crosa. The

,—. circulara can be obtained on ap-jjdication at any Red Grosa Chap-

yter. A million comfort kits are to be made at once for the men of our Ari^y an^ Navy. A mil­lion niore will be made for the Russian Reolutionary Army, as a plfedge of cheer to the Aniea" Armies on the ea8teni( jfroht. The Red Cross is to be under no expense for these kits, all being provided as gifts from the wo­men wlio wish to make them.

Miss Florence Marshall, direc­tor of the Woman's Bureau an-nounced that the circular em­bodied the suggestion of the War DepartiaeHt, of General *er shing and of Major Grayson M. P. Murphy as to what.the men wanted. Three types of kits are suggested^- A aimjde: iag. 3ilJl draw string, and two with pock­ets, one for the trenchew and ime suitable fotJtospital use. Any-thing similars will be KltM y •'^^ comed. The kits are to be made of plain khaki. Colored cretonne has not been advised because it is dangemnaty viBibte-JgKfen car­ried by troops at the front

•The circular is iUaatrated with diagrams oLeaeh tyi» of bag. It

kR, talcum powder, ^pe? wfetter haerorkluiki-cok>r<d. toilet ps> per. • ' ^mpleted articles shoulS 4>« sent to the noaragt Bed Cross Chapt


Warriors Don't Mind.—A Little Drop or Two of Medicinal

Iron Stops Bleeding Heals It Too.



In camp, the clumsy cooft*s as­sistant, trying to peel potatoes, cuts his finger, blood spurts* but warriors ars efficient.—A—fesi.



WONDERFUL LIVE STOCK SHOW $1S;000 in cash prizes assures the greatfst

exhibition of Horses, Cattle, Shee^and Swine ever held in the South. Don t miss it. Also Finest Poultry Show on record. Enter .now !

FREE—The Witfld^s Finest Aantisemeitt Featt l rey^ Twice daily in front of the gnxtdtta.nd, costliest nFgregatiori of star* ever engaged, including gaeh celcbntles

BIG FARM PRODUCTS DISPLAY Lr,3t year's premiums doubled, insuring

moVe and finer County Exhibits, Single Fann E: fbiis, etc. Also a wonderful display of Hor Jcakurj:! products. Write for Catalogue.

wrVLdu* J fiEAL£STAT£.

8' Hlppedrom* _ Q ICC SKATCRS ^^

, ~~VoailIer Skvt* Performers

THK SHIPMANS Grefteit Rube Comedians

drops of medicinal iron, highly concentrated and known as Acid Iron Mineral, poured over the cut stops the bleeding, leaves no

CC DORA * CO. ~Remafgable Trtelc CycTiita

. Th« Original Oscar BABOQGK

Looiriog-loop, Flying-flume

MULE DERBY . Diclnon'a- Qzi^ia ai itacera

LoRTe Mayer'a-OwtTCbm^

LIL KCRSLAKK •The F»rni<!r ft Hii Pigs'

7 - M A N C E A W l ~ T Three Startling Acta in One

' MAE ECCLE8TON "Qii een'oT~Xqu«tTe"atKIelic»"

4 Th* Casttof . A CAMTPri i t

Champion Aerial Caaters

IS - H I L H » K W T ^ "• 6 Host sensational Aerial is ta

4 - W I L H A T S " 4 Tntlteir hovel ' •KtSTfKKt*^

Pursuant to tfie tenns -_ _ - -^ entered on the 13thrd«y of September,

• Jiie chancery cause jjf '""" .. . .co^. V. Wine penaing~ii» - . — -_ cuit Court of Stafford County, Vir­ginia, the undersigned Special Cora-mis lioners will sd l at public auction in front of Courthouse in the town of Manassas, at 12 m., on the

13'th day of October, 1917.

tlie foTtowfn? deacrilfwl twr> tiacts of land to wit: First. That certain tract or parcel of land with «11 buildings and improvements thereon situate ly­ing and bein^ in Prince William* Cwnty, Virginia, near Independent— Hill, containing 57% acres more or less on the road iMdihg froat Kopp to • Independent Hill known as the Kexs-Elace—. TluB ptayg g i l l maVe a -nice-home" "^ttTiwell located and has thereon a nice dwelling, with five rooms and kitchen, a well in the yard, a good bam and out-buildings. This place is well watered and there is a

distance.- Second. trait or parcel 01 land situate lying and-being in Rrince-William County, Virginia, with all bui lding andj^im-provements thereon containing IslVi acres more or leas and known on the

Many other superb attracG ona.' low, free! AH new—positively the first time South 1

stain like Iodine and best of all prevents soreness, uifection and acts as a quick and sure heal­ing agent. —T^trstlroifier I t works like magic on old. sores that don't heal. Sweaty, tlredi tender^ bnrised and bleeding feet, fiov-ered with corns and buiiiuus, after the. iong hike, hurt like everything, but again we find that highly concentrated cheap and efficient iron does the trick. FU.v«>r>tHthon«t«tnd tRflts prove i t not only cured.

lists the personal equipment giv-en to each-listed man by the War Department, m order that women may net-dui^cate^hefle articles in filling the comfort kits,-3iit it aloo notes Uml illg regular oiitfit of any soMer 4s liable to be lost or destroyed and that additional suw^ies even <riE his .necessities may be welcome to him at the frtmt.

The Red HGTOSS Commissioner in France has advised a|iJ6ut COBBK fort kits as fdlows:

'Thry fibBuldogj^ain piiVP and tobacco pouchT^eavy soci^ handkerchiefs, wash cloths and soap, moutii-organ or game, pen cil, writing i>ap^cH*i«d, and en vplopea, and if not tjv> <>yp^MVA,

good shoes kccpa feet:

single-bladed knife and. spoon "They should be made of stout

material so .that they can be used in all siu-ts of practical ways. -r

"They shoiiM have, if possible, an American flag sewed on the outside." . ._,

Materials for making the kit* can be procured by the Chapters from the Ra4 Cross Divisinn

:Hntf-common—8< fedinggUd.

Druggists sell Acid Iron Mm--era] for family use in fifty pent and dollars size b o Q l ^ It will prove the handiest littie bottle flf rafidi€»e-yott«v»badarWUliiI the hooBe;

Yon can get a iMSe bottle j?repaid by saidlhg a d<dliar to ^ Ferpodine Chemical tkop., Roanoke, Va.

MS. T. CLYDE WORLD-AT-HOWE SHOWS ON THE B^tPWAY! Thp ftntira rnll«»fftinn nf BiiparKftttrafftinng—always features of the great nOTthem fairs, willmake this year's Midway a thing of wonder. These attractions comprise a wonderful Fair aloneTEvery kind of show conceivable—and every one entirely new and novel, never before seen in the South!

GREATEST RACES. IN D IX IE I GORGEOUS F IRE WORKS I $10,000 in-Pursea^-and the direetionof fiorao» P. Murphy, America's teading race S9ana|r«r, assure the finest racing prcumun ever offered in the Sbntfa. Some ef the world'abesthM-se-flesh will be seen. Races begin opening day.

A bi^yaat exposition each night of world's newest, most wonderful Firewwks, Free I See the vivid, stwrtling portrayal of IJie great ae* battle between Battleship and Submarine and other new, awe-inspiring war iqiectacleB.

Fast AidMM^n* 1 by Q»M>B V^tat Dr CMwwt* Day aMi H i ^ ^

MRM^Mmr tilota HmMmi Cf wm JM a«lJ»BiiM Bft Biaai

jiiimii0iiiipjm^ ^r4^w^:^^f3r^r0ty

I ^ " y f y * ^


VIrsMa: rato.. VtrglHta

Finch Place. This property has a seven room dwelling and basement, out buildings, and a. well in the yard. There are about 300 growing fruit tcees on this place and i t is well watered.

it IS oA th^ WarrBuluii and Duui-— fries road and is near New Hope Church, and a school .liouse is ia walk-^ ing distance. , , ,

T^rms of sale: One^third cash, bal­ance in one and two years, in equal inst»llments, secured 4)y deed oi trust on the property, or all'cash at option of pnKfaaser.

The timber has been sold oa the sec­ond t n c t above set oat. ,


Awntianaer' Commiameners.

Ti ft PATTTE ^ I, G.W..Herring, Clerk of the said

Court, do certity that the bond re-quiired of the Special Cwnmlsuoner

H^ the decree rendered in said cause :-gH thfe 10th dsy of SByUeiutiw, 1917.

haa been doly given. Civen nai"


yrhtaday, October 1,1917 I wili offer for sale at public

auction on the above named date at my place &t St<Hie House the following prop^ty: • jgaght-year-old horae, 9-yearg old horse, year^>ld mare, suit-aWe for lady's Mving, wiU work anywhere; two 2-year-old colts, 1-year-old colt, 3 head mileh cowsr lundier wagon, 2-horse spring wagon with top (Cooper make), 1-horse spring wagon, t>pen top; top buggy, used only one-sisason; douUe set wagon harness, set »ngle harness, Iwig gy. n a m ^ , hay inaae, £ I ^ xduunfl,_:.singlfi_and_d£uibl£tE£ea^

~p~tJnaer and by virtue-of a decree of the Circuit Court cff I^iiKe William Comit7 entered in'the cimaeery suit *))a^iT» ifapan/ting iindcr. tlifi stylc of Panifkia et ala. vs. BIackw«U ft als.,' tM-wtdandgned eommiiaidnera: at sale tiherein appMnted-wUl affer tat tale at jwbjic auction to the highest bid-

CwBBeiciof at 10 o'clock, A. 1 ^ Skuff

the snd-£ourt, tUa 10th day o f % p -toidwr, 1917r^

• G. W.^-HERKING; Clerk. . •• .- l&-4i;


Striar: Sabirdar, Oetaber 2«, JXLT.

ait twelve Vdoek m., in front of the Peoples National Bank m the Town of Manasaaa, afocesiv^ connty,_aILJhati-«atam iiael w yaTc3~^ jumd. lying^ in Krentaville District, aCmcaaid cooo-tv. known as the Henry BhsekwwH land, adioining the lanoa oz Wright,

and otfam, containing-^ees^, G< about 31

Tenas: I]be4hird caafa,' and one-thill in coie and two yens raepectivcH'' ly, for which deferred paymente- the"-pureitaser ia to execute Aiy of' aale-mterest bearing bonds, with leave to anticipate said H' 'J^TH I'"^ *'• Title to be withheld until Burc|iaser •ptie^ ig paid in fulL '

e. A. smcLAiKr —— Hr IHORKTON-DAVHa Commissioners at Sale. Auctioneer: L. B. PATTXE:

I hereby certify ibat bond has t>ee& given aa rcq^ed^Jtey^M_isaBB_fiC^ lala in tt

Supply Service. Individuals may purchase tneir materials from' the cbapterS or from local retail storea. Certain articles, like thP fOTTihination knives and spoons, may be had from the Di­vision Supply Service.

pk)w , harrows, garden p^am, 4iftiiythnM and kitchen fnniifairef

18 » -HBB©7-erTTEEE,'Cl«rk. »

The suggestion. for hospital kits describes the making of a

w, com sbeller, bay in krft, pbtt-form acalea, Stimson's cwMmt

cook-stoye, good^as newt 14 b^p. Root and Vanderwort gasoline otgme, 24-incb Meadow meal ""•". Nft 3 K^^«v Xhrolex erriish-

Owing to ^^Jeath of pf kdbanil wffi sefl at fdUk aaclioi M4ke akfMuuei to, BT lUry a i i stock fan cHtaniiig 206 acres in a kigk state of ooiiifatioi, 3^

of fanL Jinif hriMhify. ftree^orr

PHimL SALE-gft Near

toy kan 50160, sbadaois for 44 heail of catti^ eirfrt-staH horse ban 30i4O, silo, MJtMA^A^ TTt

Wm^ln^mrsmmlemi^imfyf^ Mcosstfy iiiiikiiiliiiR aaU it fw| — As adminiitialor -of Uw e»~ souveniT pocket, wbere the m^ valided soldi«r-miQr atore his lit­tle collection of treasuresL wMoh moro often than''not inchidfs

ittg seiyes, good as new S T O R E GOODS

Tains:—Sams of $10.00 ami

scrap of shdl 4H- tbe bullet that brought him to the hospital. 'N(v playing cards are to be included in the kits that g o t o Russi*. and no moutb-or| ms, or knivea and aciaoors for the hospital kits.

under, cash; over tiiat amount a credit of nine months will . given, the purchaser executing inter^t-bearing, negotiable note, with aoproved aecnfity. paydBR It •nie NaUonal Dank ef


A list of ad£tioiial artictee ia suggested that may be aidded if MRS. ANNIE-HAISLIP.

L. B. Pattie, Auctioneer 18-2t bags particularty f i^ of pinna for the man "^nt there":

Blotting paper, chewing gum THE J1BST COUGH OP THE - = ~ S B A S O N

HI chnmlate (if: foil), com-plastera, "collapsible cups, cwnpressed tea-tablets, comprised malted milk-tableS^ scrapbook euulaiiiiuggoed story or jokes, gaiter-laces, khaki-col­or, garters, knife, two bladed, such as boy scouts use, marbles. Trail bmsh. nail file, pinball with pins, puzzles, scissors, folding in sheath, water-ti^t match-box, poSLCHros, snoe the Navy, khaki for the Army, yliTir-r-r? r^peciaUy for hospital

tlK OM that tHUka tf


Why do 80 bcferc it plicated or chronic. YMI onfy want te' take a congh remedy, bat yow w a t oar tUt is eV*cttTc. Try oar coqgli raacdy.

HAYMARKET PHARMACY G. M. Coleman, Proprietor.

Also persHBl inpaty awsb&if of 21 a f t j coMikerSo tested soae JBst 7 Bobea keifas MMig fresk, tkorwigarqLM adi

dK; 3 keaTj ikaft wres, Z k fe»t yowg korse; l ^ l t s , ^ todMaa^^licLff^ M i g korse; IS kofs, 2 SOIIH kiei; bycr, mwtrf iprridfrr Affl cdtivdloisnwwer, rake, I K spreailcr, kvrows» ifec karrow, con oAer, fb«s» t i i the enpK, dradar siwadi kimt,M tnda, potato kifcf, j iLjaiB, coder, sifc-sad|c hm a i i

mm wfiMt hm^wid mmt AMMn,i»mwmUmnof

200 kskds pobteei

TfilMS ON FARM :-Oie-tkird cask at tne of sak.

Wm m PERSBNAL «iOKRn:---SMis of4«MKU^ hi vtKf fWiubaSCi {0 cxecRe Mte WH vKitii, wwi approved


» • » » >

milea north of _ sell, for cash, the following per-

prpper^y j ^ w o h i r tn th«» estate of Oscar L; Barney:

Honaefawdand KitchcpJFuiriife~ tme -cuualitai^g^lMag-jeook-sto^s; bedstaadsT'^ni^^ands, ehaiia, imit jais, etc

J. P. KERLIN, Deputy Sheriff for C A. Barfaee..

SherifT of Prince William

trator of the_fi8t»te_Qf::QBcar^^^ — ~L. Bamey,~Deceased. ^ M

Undertaker ^ a d Licenied&ttbalBier

Las ATE., SEAS CocmcH;Bi. K^uwu, Vi. Prompt •"—'ign gji" '" orders. Prioes'

as low ss aood derric* »7id m»teri«l "-•" •"•-L'iT. METALTC CASKBTa CARHIr-D IM. STOCK.

Page 3: ESTABLlSH£p MAY, 1895 MAMAas*''^3t4,jSJHp;^. SEErF''^SiaM^^ … · 2014. 3. 21. · ESTABLlSH£p MAY, 1895 vol FOOD PRODUCTS


Tlie Mana^as Journal pvBUiaKD svsnr FUDAY M^MiModN BV .

g n t - . . ^ - I - t h ; . P r ^ . t n f f i ^ a o t ^ a n f l ° ° ° T .

Virginut, a» Second Ci&aa MaU UMUit


Friday, September 28, 1917.

youfthat the purchase _yalue of your mwiey , *i8 be«ui c<it in half THE""C0H1NC by the ghost of war, and every-rtfatny Hhhar4-igjgtj •._.. ._ \

Toil tto loHywthatrth? world ypheaval lifta fortunea high and drops them down ayain. be the rich or communicates its atmosphere, alike to village and metropoUa.

You do not know that your boy will coine home when the war i» ovw.


JBlection Tuesday, Nov. 6, 1917.


For Lieutenant-Governor B. F. BUCHANAN

For Atton/ey-General JOHN R. SAUNt>ERS

You do know that his life is worthjoffering to his country, to make the world a better place to live m. Ana, it nope is abroux. enough to bring him back, you will hiav6 hrnrwtfe~a^n. '

You do- not know the path ahead. The gift of life and la­bor on the altar of freedom must hft maae up of th * '?flfftnn|T" ^""T

My opponentgr^« oyder to try into lirw Wu^ifflWHP

fer from them in the way I have been treated, in not being al­lowed to take part in the August primary after it had been estab-lished that I was the only per-aon who had macfe public " an

This bank is a bank of tJM ^s^

le, by the people, and for tiie people, e people boeauoc '- •_

o -

hands of luxu^j"f? *^un^nce, and from empty hands in sacri­fice. The lights are dim, and the way ia-hard. _—

Yet, with all the strength of your determmation and loyalty, with all your confidence in might Vid right, you do knew that Uncle Sam will find the way.

LET US SWEETEN HER C t ^ Mr. Hoover's appeal to the

American people to cut down the normal consumption of sugar by ^mesthird for the next two or three months in order • that

more than 60 days prior to the A«gQ8t prirai^yt »re trying to improBB t pen thc^ who afeTiot so well posted that if they vote for Meetze they cannot take part in the next coming primary. •

This is absurd— to say thej# least' and I quote beluwthe law

.<rt«ofl914„ 8, or as

as cont^ned in the A< page 516, paragraph much thereof as pertains to this question

by the people because

THEY WANT TV :jEmd: f OTiiie pe<^e becatuse

For State Treasurer

Tor Secretary of jfche Common-wealtE ^~^~

B. O. JAME3 ; — —

For Supertmoideilt of Public J^ixuct«m


FrauctMuay hot be entirety de^ prived of it should result of sav-ing the 110,000 tons- tttat is heeded in that country.-- Our normal consumptionte at' the rate of'ninefyl>ouhds a~peraon ilk the courBc of the yoart or o-little under four ounces a day

-fOT-^achindividu^. If each man. woman and «Mld^^Qir^coim5^ can save two ounces a day for

three months. jPor House of Bdegates Prince

William County. C.A.^NCLA8t

iV A CARD To the Voters of PrixM^ William Coun^:

' Having been reguUtriy decfared the Democratie nomiiieQ for the House of Delegatee from Prince WiUiam eooBly,

didate for the HOMO of IMegateg from 'Jnid eoanty at the general eieetipn io he held in November. „ „ . ^ . '

BeaoeetftillT. C. A. SINCLAIR.

A CARD To the Voters and Citizena of Prince

TilliaBri fioiinty: I hereby give notice to tiie peopie of Snas WmnoirCDanty that lahafl bea^ -T f i p y ., ,_ _ . ,

«a&Adateto succeedmyaetfinthepat Home of PelegaUa of Vliglflla. 1 be-lieve my conduct in the past fear sionr warrants this. I aisk yon to ex­amine the.recordB,'a8 kept in !the Joar-tial of the gwrna, to aw vken I afamd and how rvofed on aI3 matteri.

•thffnlrjng yoQ fOT t^e hoDor wUch yoo haveabeady ecmferred upon me and the ^my fi/iamw mjtrmfiii^ and * i th a renewed

the neixt fwa OT we coi relieve the Freneh aJttia-^g^aral election. tion withottt »af great hardahifi

"Who Itfay Vote."' All persons Tiualified to vote at the election for which the primary is held, and not disqualified by-re«son of •ether requirements in the law of the party to which Ke belongs," may vote in the primary; pro­vided, however,

(a.) No person shall vote for the candidates of more than one party. -

(b.) No person.sha.lUhe per. mjttad tp vote for the candidates

THEY-USE IT Are you 4ising i t? If Jiot, why not? All your neightwrs do. Our patrons are the people. You should be one <rf th^n. Start today ^oing your business WITH US.

The National Badutf Manassas -THC BANK OF PERSONAL SERVICC-

A J i m ESi: : B I M 91

of any party unless in the last next preceding general election" he voted for the presidential electors nominated bs-ftnch par?!-., ty, or for t i e nominee of Uie — house of repiewaitativ^ of sacR party, or the nominee of such party for gcnett^rf/iaae-ibe noH*t ihee of such iwrty iar the house of detegates; provided fprther, that if he did not vote at such

then upon his declaration that he ^ support

to (Au^ties;-liIost<if 2«,iQfacy^at the. ensuing elec^oh the nom^ cim reduce our rations of wig«T|iii;^ «y flu, party • in- whnaa pri. ana candy with benefit both to

achs. IiB|lH>ii*«»- 9tM»iJefrt)B <a fejg tryfa^^vao^gor W.*atecfair

BugaifHsavingacheme, and h ^ to win the war and incidentally to

whofle capjn the last three yeanr has been fan of aU manner of bilteru(ttUl. --Baltiinore 2}un.

MuiiMB Learn R ^ d Tdl.

p w n i « and jtetj* a'yuulariw futuii, Taiii,

Very sineerei; CHRI^ J.

. f u ^ TODAY. AJe ^r~ : Yaj^ do noTlujovr

cahunitriiaB eome^ up<» u& Yet ywi A» knewlihai wo i

_* r i»e4iboj»- i t^-

secrets of Teuton infamy.

are m do-taiow that our boyi the training

To put "the fear oi God" into Boche hearts. United States Ma­rines in ^ainins bare'we pra&-.tidngv the old-time rebel yell, «qn>^ news-dB^tch from Qoan-tfi-p r.f>TifnTpfitfl vrtirnTin, whft

nuu7he iiri8hc» to Vote, he rii«B be allowed tb "vote.

-Sebct^Tonr agent «nd-coiiip«nifn a i you w«>^kl your Buiker, Lawyer or Doctor, wnce your financial ezist-ence may di^pend on tkU and the best costs ne nlore-t h a a A » p o o » « t ^ ^ 5 ^ " " « " » ^

Estftl^ibed in 1878

i t midcea no differmce wh^b-

mj aelf, or whether you vote fwr eitiier of us at the genraral fdec-tidnt you will bo oligiblc undap lAie above statute. H you vote at any gerwral alfetytinn far t h e fftllnwingr TinnnhMy for gnvgrnnr>

at "Ebose of 'repsesentatives, con gress or senate, member of house of delegates, or aaaypreg.

take keen iaterest in the aetiTi-Ues of the sea-soldiers, are teaching the hoys thdr-battte-cry, rMttinJscdat of civil wiir days.

It ia thought -that the blend^ inynf ft <H)wman^"eg-yah" with

iSoninole will pot a "pei Marine CmpB charge CDffident to dJislodge "Hie Boc^es from

""oer there" in You dO: not know the network

of German machinaticms against -v^ftrica. fir>»t' in aie- gaae o l friendship and

-cm declared a ai

You do know that eooi deiibep-otion—not even the heart of righteous anger~ as wfH con-trolled ao juirtified hai tent nnr Hagtotlttaxix.

Ym -^ " ^ Winw—we cannot

menace which bung in angiy fJuuds over the world and buwt in fever heat an Bon*^ Umf yean ago

You dd know that we have ral­lied our forceiB against the ser-

of the eetaU of the bite C . Heinekot, I requfst that

ttarties owin'g sud esCsite come <^^hoatfl'of gyjl JFhc antnmttir. forward and sftttk their mdebt-

idoitial elcfctpr, you can tidte part in any connng prinuoryrfec-tjoBL Tbe above is ibe law.

my chidlenge and discussed these issues before the pi^Iic» as they abo^d have done, it rtrt-r>U t»«fcw»^ W J » J V ^ .aMt^ j l j * ' T l f l O l l i f l T T r f '

tiKpeOf^. — Raapectfully,

pay 3r«nt to talk U o ^ our rates ^ n

the duflbeBSTeSemy^<^2a«^ fion.

You do not know why g FOcer, the merchant, mail, the coal man.

tbe the meat must tell

eSn^s af onee.' SIT win uleaac ppagjrtt their rlaima •July auQier.tieated^for . ajTneaiL

MARY P. HEINESENi 17-3t Executrix

Always from 100 te SQObesd

descriptioDS for sale »» roy


Page 4: ESTABLlSH£p MAY, 1895 MAMAas*''^3t4,jSJHp;^. SEErF''^SiaM^^ … · 2014. 3. 21. · ESTABLlSH£p MAY, 1895 vol FOOD PRODUCTS


liffip —Mr. W. C. aauikMpra, diB-

trict farm demonstration agent. is in Manassas tod&y.

Wednesday morning. Many old studmtfl returned'and new stu­dents have been enrolled.

-^Thfi circuit .court for Prince WiHiara «©tmty will convene^ here Monday morning, Judge J. B, T.. .Thornton presiding.

' —Mr.Wi ^ for several years aatus&ht'cash-

i'eople^s xsatioiBd i«r



position to become cashtn*

•, j f < - "

-j^Uiaa..Alice JfiP^ young«^ daughter of Mrs. Susie JD. Metz. left this week to t i ^ vp the du<

school at Catharpin, where^ she ^S:4fa^Takoma- Parte N«tlnWBlttaugT>£Ta«l yoag. ~EUr uu |t ^ Bt

^WWir- ve^ the v<rt«t"

—^Miss Liveria Deats, who makee^iefheme*^; th^esidenee^ preach . at the evening: service of Mrs. Embrey, in Fairview avenue, recently, fell and broke her wllbt.

—Members of the Manassas Woman's Christian Temperance Union are attending the state convention this week at Char­lottesville^ '

Hynson, t)f .Manassas.

—A series of meetings will begin Sunday morning at the Buckhail Methpdist Episcopal Church, Sooth, Rev. if. Q. Bnrr. pastor. Rev. H. Lawson will preach Sunday |noming at 11. o'clock and Rev. J. M. Bell will

. —The regular njeeting of the Manassas Chapter of the Ameri-can Red Cross will be held Mon­day, evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Towa-Halk

—Mr. R. T. Hayes, of Mar-shall, will leave Monday for Louisville, Ky., to resume his studies as a ministerial student in a Baptist college.

—Col. E. B. White, of Lees-burg, has been appointed Fedr era! food adminisfxator of Vir­ginia,Col. Wlute is igtjMdent of the People's Nl^onal Bank of Leesburg. .~ ' •

—Rev. Sydney Peters, D.D-. prohibition commissioncg: of Vir­ginia, will preach at Grace Meth-odist Epiacupal Church, South,

Mrs. Nelson Bennett.

—Miss Lillian V. Gilbert, county home demonstration agent, will attend the Fauquier -county fair-^tt M ishaU Tues­day as a judge of'^he exhibits in the department of home econo­mics. The following day with Miss Emma L. Shannon, of Orange, and otb^ county agents, fl^ie will attend the state fair at Richpuohd. . '

Sunday morning, October 14, at 11 o'clock. •• , - " .-'••• -•

—Harvey of Mr.

Lynea, youngest auii 01 MX. M / Lyiiuh, paaawl through • Manaaaas '" Monday evening 'with tlie Alexandria Light InfanfciT^eialroate to caine at_&nniston, Ala. '

—Miss Mary Olive HM^ME^ITJ youngest daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. E. L. ^ombaker, left Tue»-dav morning to eater the Luev Webb training arhnnT f ftr niirtipa at Sibley Hospital, Waahingioiii, D. C. •'• • • \'

— The regular tneeting ot the Manassas Chapter,. United Daughters of the_Coikederlicy,

(will be hel^ in the chapter room Wednesday. aft^i!dOn at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Albert Speiden will preside. .

—Mr. and ifrs. E; L. Horn-baker and their daughter. Bliss Mabel Hombaker, have inoved from their place just out 6f tow-n, to spend the winter with Mr. Horn baker's John R.'

mother -JiMir Hom]|>^er, en West


—Mr. Victor Lee Emerson^ son-in-law of Mr. Imd Mrs. P. tl, Lynch, was seterdy burned about tRgrface Saturday night by an'cxpTooion tt eh^ieaia >%• his work ii^ Philadelpiiia. Few-tunately the boras-rious.

—Miss Sara£ J. Triplett, who is with her bfuUwf, Mr. V. Pow* ell Triplett, of Chantifly, Fag-fax county, had a seven! fall on the stairs breaking her e< ttt boae imd wrist and sustaining cats and bruises. ~

—Mrs. Walter L. Sanden has been ai x>inted to the pMition of teacher in hte Manasaaa Grad­ed School, to fiO tlie vacanoy raiised by—the resignatkai ot Mi«s—Mary "M—Ropanbergar, Mrs. Sanders 1 tn the attk grade.

which begins at 7:30 o'clock.

-^Frtaices Estelle Hildebrand, five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Hildebrand, died Mon­day at the home o^ her grand-

Mr. and Mrs J. B. Mount Rainier, Md.

Moore, who for-

parents, Moore, at Mr. and Mrs merly made their home m Man­assas, are relatives of Mr. and

IS ^isa Mary Trainhagij of Bt ing aad-^li^ " ^

ai daughter of Rev. C. Wirt Trainham,-^ho was formerly pastor of the ft^assas Baptia^ Church.

—Plana'ar« being made for the annual Chautauqua, which is to be held here on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, October 10, 11, and 12. The guarantors.

. .JT"'- *—•—• w " - Xhwtioaa.

R^mrter: And do you be­lieve, sir, that women should

Senator: Well, old mai . if tias i^ for publication,ci~d6i?t ££gQ^v^$^:7|i%U^^)|il^nfidentially4.

y motnir-rPlaw is a suflfra-gette, and 1 do, and ihy wife is an anti, and I don't! Have a ftigar?—Fx :

The Journal $1 in advance.

8Ut«meBt of the Financial Condition ' of B*ak « l Oecoquan, Incorporated,

located at Oceoquan, iB--tiM-cMiaty

are: Messrs. Westwood^HutcKT - ginia, at tlw d w e &l bvainesa Sep-son, C. J. Meetze, J. J. Conner, Bry^ Gordon, B. K. Watson, Powdl M. Metz, George G. Toi­ler, W. R. Hooker, Wilson Hund-Jey, B. Lynn Robertson and R. Ev Mims, Mrs. C. M. Larkiii,; Mrs. C. J. Meetze, Miss Lulu D. Metz, Mrs, H. L. Hundley, Rev. J. F. Barks, Rev. and Mrs. J. Hftlpenny, Rev>- AHord Kelley,

tcmber 11, 1917, made to tJ«e 6t«te Corporation Comroiaalon.


Prof. B.D. Lucas, and Dr. H. U. Roop.

' --^Tlie' Fifth Pennsylvania Heiivy Artillery Associatitm «nll hold its ^mual reunion Octo­ber 3, at Memorial HafrrPitte- SfIJaihesville, alternates. "Ow burgh, Pa.,, at 10 a. m. Tablets bearing the nstmes ci the raem-bers of the regiment who ~w^ the ordeir from the m&jor gen-

•11 1^ -i-j _ta^ • ®" commanding the Virginui li8ted'''froin Alleiiieny county

ate ceremonies. The ladiesjwUI furnish luncheon. Thfw infoi^»^ ation was funtitled for the beai-^ t of Prince William frienda of "Pennsylvuiians by Mr. John

ir, of Piftaborgh. . * ,

- ^=^nHrin«i0ter»-e^ WMhictfls ion Presbytery havo' an aooocia-tioh wUdi meets every Monday morning in the New York Ave-

tjhilrcli, Wiash-ingtott, except when Prrabytory or the - Pastors' . Federatkn-^ composed of lill denominations—< interferes. Rev. Alford Eelley was elected secretary and treas­urer of the assodation at. its closing meeting in June. Ht. Kelley. began his work at the first meetiBg on-last Monday and mil «<mtinue'in office until the la^t session in June, 1918. .

' • « . . • • ' •

—The boards of supervisors foi Loudou and Fairfuc eoontiee held a jcofit sessiem at Leeabulrg Wedneaday to diacHSs plangfor

LmchetwB served by e l i d i e s of Marshall the Sunday Schopl con­vention will meet - Dr. I. B. Lake, €£ Uwendlle, will i«i^ach the sormon <» Sunday. Mr. Westwood Hutchison, of Man-

tdll be oitlained to the ministry. Among (^ers who will take put in the program .are Rev. George T. Baterjli^g^

Tri>irttdt«f"theT3Hle River t u m -pike. The Loudou board voted to meet the Federal i^pnq»ia-tion for this purpose, provid^-a. private subscription^ef _$25,000 fa« raised to supplement it, and to appn^riate (10,000 and Broad Itnn diatrint's yrep»agt>e»

FMnainder to meet the Federal «y)|noiiiriation tNTraised by pri-' yate sobecriptiop or (theorise.

-—Mr. John R MrTjily, nf LeesAwrg, was given $2,000 Mon-

SundaS_ evening. [H.y niyht . t ir«w<«ri/.V, VH , in a damafft smt for $10,000 against the Baltimore and Ohio railroad for the de«th of Itla seventeen-year-<Jd son, John R. lf^::|abe, jr., who was killed in an accident at the Point of Rocka croeaing Septemb^ ^1. Young

been asaigned^ injured^ were going hwne when . he Prmee ^iHiMr hotel

-rrading the news of old Manassas very much," writes Mrs. Claude R. Cock^riljfij a subscriber in Wendell, Idaho. ''And aeme-d^rlhope faCgrndg^ through fartlonsneiiM Mf ^ew-back to joy native hiUs, for a

1 am tboToughly visit only, Ss in love with the Wrat." Cockerille will be remembered here as Miss Norwood E. Weir.

ton, alao of Leesburg. who was

dieir automobile was struck by tn eTpnwi train—The plsintiffs a1lAg><< ihat tKp ertfimmf annnA. noanOT of Waflhington, WhO

ants contended tbat the young men contributed to the accident

top's suits jigalflst the railroad $10,000 for injuries and for $10,000 for injuries

M T « jyi,ftf>ft for l i e Www wf mobile have been pestpeaed the Dwember term.


—The annual. meeting of the Virginia Division of the United Confederate Veterwis, will be held at Petersburg, in connection with the Grand Camp of Vir­ginia, on OctQl)er 23. Ewdl, Camp, C. v., at a meeting held. September 15, elected the follow­ing delegates and alternates: Comrades Westwood Hiiicfiisdn^ of .Manassas, and Jolm W. Hall, of Gainesville, delegates, and Comrade George H.-Smith, of Mwiassas, and W.*! . Wharton,

T o t » l . . . , . . . . ' . . . . . ; »4«.M7.»4

UABOmES CapitaUtock paid In, -.'. tlO.000.00 Siir*)tu f u n d . . . : . . . . I,MO00 (Jndlvidad ptoflt^ Mw amount pkid for

interaot, axponlaa and taxM ISiJg OlTMend* onpaid . 226.80 Individaal dapoalta, InehidiBS lavlnaa

' ^ l ^ ' ^ v ' 88.474.W Tbmeartifleatnof depoait iMl.Ott Caahtet'chaelu ootatandtnir.... 4.M BaaamdfwaecnMdintanatondopoaita U.00 Piaanaa for'aeanwd i n W f t on Mt Uft.

cMw^dapoalt . . . E.M .naaai» wl for aceroed tnxaa 10.00

ing to. congested conditions at . Petersburg at this Brni," reiids"

expecte4; to -attends"

--The amiual Suq^ay School and Laymen's Gwvention of the Potomac Bi^tist Association "TflTcimTene tomorrow iaoiiiiag at 11 o'clock at the Baptist C3»*i»eh* at *Mia»ltall, Fanqaier county, 'i'ne laymen's conven-tion wifl eomidete its session to-moraow morning and after a

burg; Rev. E. B. Jackson, Alei^ andria, and Judg» C. BJ. Kidipl, Alexan^ia. . ' . _

The first noeeting was the Manaasaa Graded' _

Itbe three~e88«itial points of Mr. Hawkins' tidks were: First, how to prevent ex­cessive swarming, so as to get maaMn'iun ywiiaa; seeongr e a ^ methods t o combat ht^ mnth and bthwrnwe common troubles { third, the importance of ~ add faow-4e-^a^ bees to-i»oteet than_££caa the etrid m wfaiter, so as- ta^ave gsocl stltng colonies In earijr spring, llie afternoon meetini^ were at Lee Brothen^ near fiaineevUle and at Nokes-viDe.

Hetd (aaafss Hands.

Mr H F.. Mima, pmpriAtnr nt

the spring of 1915, has the hotel ptupeitj to Mr. H. W.

been connected with the Metro-poUtah^HbieT'of that dty. -Miv Mims has returned to the

^ston Inn at Ltmy. Prince William is owned by Mr. R. S. Hynson.

Subscribe for t ^ Journal, $1 a year in advance.

LaaMand Discounts t314/U44

o».ni«f»- I ^SSS;;J :::::;} _!«.« Other Tsal ottat* o irm8777.T; . . , . 100.00 P u m i t a n and Kixtuiva l,44S.<ie Exchan««a and efaeeka for n«xt dajr's

c)«arin«» 60.00 D o * fc«a Nst iooal Banks 0.U1.06 Papar CwT*nc7 ,MS.OO Fraftinnsl papar cnrrsnay, nl ikals and ^ " ^ • • L : * * . * *

OoUcoln , assj» Sflvareoui ^^JfH

TTie Worid May Owe Every Man a. IdWni

But the ones wRo fail to make themseTves "preferred creditors" by the practice of

ToUl.. t48.«T.94

I, James H. Barbee, do solemnly swear that tbe abpye u a true irtate-•m«it-Trf thie-flnmiidal—conditteinrf Bank of Oceoqaan, iBcorponitsd, lo­cated nt Oceo<^u»;-in^ tiie etxa^xt-Prinee William, State 'of Virguda, at the eleae of bnaineM on. tjie l l tb day ofjScptMnher, m 7 , ^ < l w h e a t w f m y knowledge toM belief. ~~ >

CotTectr-Attest: JSMES H. BXBBKK,' G a U ^ ; B. A. JBUJ80W, - " ^ D .S . BEACEU E. <?.>HAMini.L,-


State of Ylrsinia. Connty of Prince William. SwMH to and isnliaerilMd b^on me

by Jw. M. Bailm, GM^er, «ds SBlii day.of Septeniber, 1917.

B. H. WO0PYX5D. ',Ne««i7

commissjpw vxpftM January « y 28, 1921.

industry and thrift, by regularly saving a part of their income and taking advan^ tage of the Law Accumulation, usually fiavejp" hustle rather har3 to make collec- " ~ tion.. Getting the details of OUR Bank Account Plan dosen't place you under ob­ligation to open an account but when you know this plan you will qfUidkly see its regular use-will prove an incentive to the— practice of thrift.

The Peoples National Bank OF MANASSAS, VA.

Our Slogan: **It is a pleasure to sei

>:4 f » » v

IT you value Accuracy in the executio: Ji>b AVori yoor^wflhiot^fee^tea^ointeff with •liJHCM


We have a flice=siock 6f th^ foUowing machinery ihat we-are m^^ymtion to4>fer yoaat a

Corn King^anure Spreaders, Hoosier €<»ii|dattters, Hooiier Drilkand Linie Sowers, Widber WasiHit,

Mogul and Titan-Enynes (M^ hf L 1 Cfo.) J. L Case Plows faitemational Phrtst «Wh«riCulthalor8,I>eei^ Rakes,

Mowers and Binders

•EV€R¥TH*NG Sopply aod^ Implement Co.


Page 5: ESTABLlSH£p MAY, 1895 MAMAas*''^3t4,jSJHp;^. SEErF''^SiaM^^ … · 2014. 3. 21. · ESTABLlSH£p MAY, 1895 vol FOOD PRODUCTS


.^BeUT - > • « • -


. -Mr. md Mr8.X. E. N«fll) mo-tored to Qu»ntico Suariay

Mm. George D. Hlnfer rfecently iM ted rd«tiv<g at Midlaud.

John JOowv! Bren tsviUe, w u hr "Msnassa*' Saturday.

. MiflH- Kthel- Lipacomb, of Washington, visited friends het<[ during the week.


Carolina, a former resident, is in

"Rrg. John Lehcar and her mr. ter^^ra. Smith, of Chicago, were recenTvisitojrs to the Na^

I CapitaK .-•

Mr. George A. Troth, of Round Hill, made a'business trip to Manassas Saturday.

Mrs. C. E. Simmons spent sev­eral days last week in Marshall with her daughter, Mrs. E. R. HaU.

Mrs. R. A. FinneU, of Center-ville, is spending the week at the liome of Col. and Mrs. Robert A. Hutcliison.

Miss Fannie Boyden, of Cis-~ —,moht, Albemarle county, is the

guest of the Misses Smithj of West street.

Mr. and MrsUSeorge Irwin, of New York, were week-«nd guests of Mr. and Mrs. .Toaeph Preston Lyon.

Miss Marion Burks iias re­turned from Brightwood, D. C, where she was the guest of Miss Lillian Osbour^

Mrs. Victor Lee Emerawi and

Mr. U: HTK Burgwin has re­turned from Richmond and IS spending the week with Rev. J. F, Burks at the rectory.

Mni. Ralph E. Holt, of Chatta-

- ! » i = ' • ^ " ^

nooga, Tepn., is the guest of Mrs. W. Fewell Merchant, at her home in Battle street.

Little Mary Lake, the elder daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Lake, has returned from an extended visit to her-aunt,-Mi«^ -Charles Kendall, in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Rev. and Mrs. 0. Grey Hutchi­son, of Jersey Shore, Pa., and their Ittle son, Weatwood Grey, are the guests of Mr. Hutchi­son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Westwood Hutchison.

Prof. Orville W. Mosher, jr., who has been in Charleston, W. Va., for several months, has r^ iumed_ta.EastemX;aUfige.-JS4ra^ _^

phls> are th6 guests of her T^ rents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. LyBch.

Miss Adelaide Elgin, of Aldie -is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Montgomery iievis)~S7 thdr h<»no near Manassas. — ^

Itngwpintnmi^, nf thi» ofBc rR' training camp at Fort Myer, afpent Sunday here wititt hid pa

JifliUi IJeiil. and Mrs. Cteorg -er

, >

Virtu W, H. Haydon has been \ ,th« guest of her daoifeter, ^irs. .TiCyiil Wade Dalt( ^ Fbfladel-

^am, aai v^hfte rolativea in Pennsylvania.

Miss,Edith Smith, of Nokes-ville, wlK> -IS tmvioS'6d in the PostoflSee P<4>artment> Watdt' ington, was ih» wfek-^d guest of Bliss Annie Laurie Swart.

Mr. Hubert Smith of Binning ham; Alfu, has returned tq^his hwne after a short visit to his

Mosher will remain in Charles­ton for the present, with her sis­ter, Miss Hinman. > ^

Mrs. W. A. Newman, wife of Capt. Newman, left Tuesday for her home at Fort Caswell, H. C, after an extended visit to rcla-

:v«8 hete.^ Sh6 VM accont {MUiied by her mother andjister, MK. James £ . Heht^ uidS&s Francis Norv^ll Larkin^ and Mrs. Lark^'s little daughter. i*lrances.

Mrs, Robert U. Patterson, of Washington^ wifc of Lieut:• Col. Patterson, U. S. A., who is now itt France; was the guest «f Col. gaU,enwm*H .lUotiuur, Mrs.

sisters. Miss Annette S^th aod Mias BIas«ie Smith, of West street.

Mr. C. E. Nash spent several ^ays this week at PetersbunTi where he was. the guest of his* daughters^ Cocke aod Mrs. Rdbert W. Ad-

Prof, and Mrs. ErE. HaH, of Marshall, with their little daugh­ter, Marguerite,-8pent the week-o ^ wife^ Miii. Hall's mother,

Jin. C. E. Suhmons, in Fairview avenue.

Mr.-and' MH. I»U>l<i'l~aTTierE Hewitt have'returned from tiieir wedding trip to North CaroliB* and other southern states. I£rs. Hewitt was fonneriy Miss Grace EHialjeth Lynch.

Brrand^ltorFfedOTidi Hutsh isw^ of Little River, acconi= panied by Mrs. Hafdiisoo'stathr-er wid sistet. Dr. Thomas Set­tle - u d iSm* Tade S^tle, «of Pwrifti W**T gnoH*M. at t^g home

Westwood « f - l i r ; aad Mrs. Hutchison yesterday.

Mrs. B. G. Jones, of Bnckner, Louisa county, accomiianied ho' two daughters to Msnsssss Sat-urday to fenter the puldk wdwol The young ladles wiB alae stody

Music. They will mako- th* ^ 'Xj- home with Mra. C. E. Simmons

JlL-and-Mra. T r. M. L<mgweai and Miss Janet Longwell, of Gassaway, W. Va., parents and lister of Mrs. 0. D. Waters, who have -been her guests, are spend-ing^the week in Bellefonte, Pa. They willlnetum to Mptassaa fc* a visit before going back to \\ e?t Virginia.

lantyne Pattenop, Wednesday. She was accompanied by her Ut-tlo daai Kbef»Steanor* who wkh little MtM^Be^tttttSoo I r * ^ iting t Mir grsctdmother and their atmt, Mrs. Hbdgse.

Mrs ^Mary Merrill, of Laoonia^ K . y , ^ f e « TOtm*^ FlanifelHi

aM Mi|BJ AnuA Flanders, of PhiladeH>hia, have returned ta PidladelEhia after spendiny sev-enit days with thor cousins* Mrs. E. Lh Cornwell' and Mrs. George C Hixson. Aft^ a visit to relatives in Philadelphia, Mia.


-— I EZi;

LU m J.

V Ty


jf _ - .

^ - ^ t

mi^ I r ^

Bitftug •» mff* with ('•tmeeo «t


Fw cigarettes, Vir^nia; tofa«kcco is e best

Sunt^ Plr^trm-^ T- t- • Vii^nia » 4 ^ "pUw^-whece - <aeat»ettes were

bom; - And Virginia tobacco has the sunshinp — and charm of the Soutl)«k) it. Virginia tobacco

has "(ii>arkle** and "snap" to its taste. And

MerrSI wUl refaun iso her Juune in New Hampshire.


Boreira of Markets Investigates

Holding of loaded cars by ship­pers at yards while decuUng <HI their final destination i^ a prac­tice" that' cuntiTibutes "to shortage in transt)ortati<m facil^ iti«B, according to a statement jost issued by the Boreaa of Markets oTtbe Urftted Ststes Department of Agricaitare fol­lowing a study made oi-ocmdi-tions at the Potonwc Yards, Vir-

days. ^>ecia]i8ts of ihe Bureao who

made the investigation report that t h ^ found 236 Offs of poiv triable commo^ties were hdd on the averagte Of 44 Iwur s eacfc

jby 8hii >ers of'consiu^ees before issuing orders to jnovc the cars. No car held less than 24 hours was counted. A car of cabbage was held 28 hour^; * -^^ yf(

no tol^acco except Virginia can have that. _

fli ^ •

KOTEi 3S» aeSiiim. paoKb;. T l a ^ 5e and Ijkr

«»1« »ii >X4 >xi » n »i4 »T< »i< »ii i p »x« >i< *

virir^^^±^)^^)ii^ii^ • J 1 r~i

watermelons, 84 hours; a car of cucumbers. 104 hoursj a_^r of '•"^ j ~ - ~ » ——— - ~ - CUCUmDers, J.W* noursj m cr-oi .

music at the Temifc Scnocd of jg>tatoes, 128 hours; anJa ear of tomatoes, 213 hours. ThBUi facts—make clear;;

aaj% tftg stAtemcnt. ^hat ahin-per» titretugh these yards are abusing their diversion privilege and are wasting much car space by not keeping their cars nlov-ing. The remedy is to file diver­sion orders ia advance of arrival. As Potomac Yards is only one of hundreds of important ^ycTgioa -polsta, the waste is significant and without compensating ad­vantages to own^n."

Do you 2et THE JOURNAL-every week? If you are not in our

circle please send your doflar • asd let'itt welcome you as a mem-" ber today. TeB us aH the news ymilmnWaTO;! W% jijoy the rete^^ dodship - :: t* n_f .•:

niglisaf Cffc Mftrk-il Prift PaM fur

Poullr^s. Butter MtfTT DO YOUK OWN SHDPnNC

Bring as youi Eggs a»i Fumfa-fs czpreas • • • arayage, COWUSSMM, Mas af wogln aaa jjqwingwiiitrfftania. —,•

When yoa deal with as the traasaetioa ia mi You dehyer jEOur goods and we hand you the ca^.



Page 6: ESTABLlSH£p MAY, 1895 MAMAas*''^3t4,jSJHp;^. SEErF''^SiaM^^ … · 2014. 3. 21. · ESTABLlSH£p MAY, 1895 vol FOOD PRODUCTS

v^^gym o u r 1 J W n DtA-


N. B. -Schedule figures published only as infom*tiqn. Not guBMOteed.

T r u n i L M T e M a u M M U M l o U o t n I ^"' „„v,rx as the Canadians did

SOUTHBOUND daily ited

local for beyond to

No. 43-9.05 Charlottesville and limi Atlanta. Coaches only. „ ^ „ :

No. 35-9.59 a. m. daily: U. S. Fast Mail to Charlotte, Atlanta. Birming­ham, New Organs. Dining car. Stops to take on passengers from Harrison-buix Branch poinU. __»—., :^ , ^

No. 15-5.12 pr-nr-aiiiy;^o<^l to Charlolteavllli. P»rlor ear tu WfeKU-ton daily except Sunday. .

No. 1 7 ^ € . 2 i ? . » . daily 8xc«pt Sun-ay; local• No. 41-l»riK^p.~*.-d«liSFT

ton and Chattanooga Limited to Roan­oke, Knoxville, Chattanooga, New Or­leans. Dining car. Stops to receive passengers for points beyond Charlottes-vilTe'aTwhTc CscBeauIeffM Blop.

NORTHBOUND No. 18—7.00 a. m. daily except San-

day; local to Washington^ No. 16-9.06 a. A. daily; local to

Washington-. Parlor car, daily except Sunday.

No. 30—9.40 a. m. daily; limited to Washington and pointB EasL Stops on Sunday only.

No. 14-7-9.47 a. A. daily except Sun-dayt-limited ta Washinptnn Pirlnr car. ' -

No. 44—6.85 p-. m. daily; limited to Washington.

No. 2&—S.0S Pi m. daily; local to Washington. Parlor car."

No. 36-».30 p. Mi. aady; ligittiaTtP Washingfonimd points east. flag.— -- ^ —


Stops tm

No. 49—9J05 a, m, daily; local to Harrisonburg. Parlor car. , No. 21- -00 P°':«i«i |y^ptS°^ interests are the day; local to HarriaoniMvg; Psnor, - "^ , , i ^ , . . . , . -

mtaiB and the thiBirs tnai-we are able to Sf<et. PhotoyrapHy ia a R H, nHRITTTS.

Division Passenger Agent, WaaUnctoD, D. C

City People Want; Your Egg* and Butter-~

Ship by Bared Poat m a

Various uat* priced from — 8 d XMUhv^, ^ —

Send for catalogue and partic-ulars. Metal (triers inll last for yearg—no breHkagc. Ke wrappingoT labeliiBg necessary

DUUNftJUimNm 1215 F St. and 1214-18 G St.»

Every iliiag Guuit ^ to Eat

My line embMuj^ Staple and Fancy Gro^ii

Queensware, Tin ai Enameiware

COME»Am K ommm


NewfaT Oar -aew^ stocli haa an-rtTea.WestilUka:rai


irvice ice.

THIS MANASSAS jniTBNAT. FPinAY, S t y n i M f f H 28- ^ ^


'EVCryoiltJ over here is so "lickled over the swift way in which the Americans are work­ing;"—wntea—Alfred—Proscott, Munaiwaft boy who is with the American Field Service in France, "but when they actually go toTtlre front tliey will find it necessaiy to leaAi their lessons

Buclie,' jUBl

-^Everywhere I go one ques tion is put to me, 'How long will the war last?' • I always say one year, for that is what pleases them. They always agree with me. Some of the more ignorant poilua say nna or two month a, that the Germans h^ve no food and that th^y are Th feteHibn

is aU rot. TTiey-are in just as good condition as the French. ~ "1 have talked to a number of German prisoners and all say the same thing. Tl\ey would rather be in the trenches than pr^n-ers. They say that they are be-ing treated as well IMS could be expected by tSe^. I?encH; would prefCTto fight


, *'Of-eourse we arc bound to win the war. t say it with con­fidence, i^^ough- there aire G^-mans saying the game thing wtttf ectttid confidence^

j'Our tripe of late have been of a very quiet nature and a healthy distance behind the4ine.

favorite occupation around canip juui I am sesiding a couple of pictures taken of me at the

but it shows yoii the enormous g o g s ^ 'and the beaklike effect that it gives. Inside they smell like ammonia. The gun is abso­lutely no good now except for guard duty whieli comes around about ooce every ten or twelve 4aaw.—TTie custom of handing out gunis to transport men comes tram the first of the war when the men sometimes had to uise th4aa againei Boehe <savatoy In Belgium. • Smce tte tirenchea have come into existence it is inqwBsiue for anjr of them to get f ien^ the lines to where we are.'


The writer wishes to correct « mis-take, dotaOaw inagyiMtait, in the laat. RHl Ctuaa uifuti nummymaAal la} The J M N ^ I . The h*eh«-<rcditri to thft SmiAjy Sfhool of «nM» Chapel was doe l a r i ^ to the ^orts of the small HiekoiT .Grov« Incaneh of the Haymarket l»«Bdi. It WM aimJ to ili»ijjy funKJl/ the.: Dieamre oE-c^Hns; tbtogh to * "lOB cause. Both children andadnlta thus nniting found iiu|Mration ia the

^^^A., Mtji-lpfast attanpto be no fft^ajweaafnl!. We owe moeh to tha:



The Thorooghfiuc School <4>eaed Monday morning, with Miss Itsilha Hibhs, of The Plains, in charge.

Mr. L C. laeete and Missca Bessie and PlonMee JMeha aad Miss May

Cms as til

of last year's slodc at die old price. CooM before i t is all sold ,==^.... „ i__

Foote'sWaHPaperHMSt i Me Journal $1 in advance.

^r f g hii iaitm m NfwJZadL Miss May Garrison^ of


ipmi Urn waat-eia WML W p^^ to hate.

Services wn« condodtod chapel Sunday evening.

at the

Manassas Transfer Co., WJS ATBBT.PM|ri«tot

Baffjfmffe. Furwt»H-« and alt kind* of merchandisp nr o t h p r Mrr.modiUes promptly transferred or .ienverprf

wooa a isooQI

The most vigorous grow

Ryesi j^oc^ <Hit better* sy'' perior quality of gram, and destined, in our opinion, to take the pUu e Of all ouier Rye.

Weed's^Fall Catalog Cfir^» fuU deecriptioa and lafonaa-tioa, and also taUs about the bast

SE£D WHEAT, OATS. RTE. ftnd Other Soggh tot Fall Sowing. . . . . Write for Catalos and prices of

shy Seeds required.

T. W. WOOD 6 SONS, SEEDSMEN, - MdiiMM. f ftc


Under, and by virtue of « certain deed of trust, dated May 16, 1916, of record in deed book 68, pages 188.9^ and executed by E. B. Oobson^ et Ox., to secure certain iioto therem folly mentioned, in ^ e payment of whicn default has l ^ n mad^ the under-sigrned trustee therein named, having bMn so requested hy the holders of said notes, will, in accordance irith said -trust, sell for public auction to the highest bidder on

Saturday, October. 26. 1917. at 12:15 o'ckickj p. m., in front of The Teoples^Bank in the 'i'own of MaiF assas, in Prince William Count?, Vir­ginia, all that certain thtct or patcel

H lud, lyiAS dH ue Nwuvuit, iunar near ^Chappell*~'Spring,« aforesaid county, adjoming^ the lands of Bob-inson. Fountain, et aL, and containing more or leas 40 acres.

Tfmi»: rraih. ^ — H. THOBNtON DAVIES, . Trustee.

Aoietioneer; J . P. Kertin. 18-6t

VIBGINIA: tii the Clerk's Office of jthe Circuit Conitof Prince WiBiam iiofnty, 9t Boles Aagost 27, 1917..

T. Bdwaid Jasper, Plaintiff,

Etto P. Jasper, Defendant,

The object of this suit, styled as ritove, is to obtain an abaonrte divorce tor flie • complainant against the de-fendant on ground of wQtol deseztion and abandonment for three yean. * .

Application having been made iii ritiBgy-aa-raqairad ty stotato i^ i

cMuplamaat, and tha affidavit that the said Etta P. Jamor i s not-^ resident of the State of Virginia havii^ been filed, and that Iter last knO#n fUQeice of~ ~

B was Alberta, Caaada, an ordsy

training camp. In one cS than ydn~pr«rt»ably won't recognize me^JarTfflcfcred u p ^ « g a s a*4^^?^t!?lf*^?4;*?i&^.^^*Sf• tack. "-'^am-haw)y"to s^^tiiat nme of us has had to ugp the maafcar

W>^J?H I N G T O N . D. C.

u A Victrola in Every Home ^ —There b every reason why there should be~-iCann's big stock; and the fact-that you can buy on your own terms in reason; nakes dais possible.

The man who is working in the open every day and i ^ day a t top speed for Uncle Sam, provifting the food for the nation, N E E D S ^ m e sort of recreation «fter the^ day'.s work is.over. _ __rZ Z . _

THE VICTROLA IS A NECESSITY TODAY-because it provides a maximum amount of pleasure at a minimum expenditure of energy. The tired outdnor-rworker il| loathe to leave his ^ s y chair, hisj»i^e^and his sj i^ers for even the mo^appeall&tf eiitertahmtent elsewfiere;~bin''lriu gladly iffhoiirs and* listen to his favorite opera, band music, popular KMUgs, recitations, violin, piano, or Hawaiian guitar selections, e tc , playad ON THE VICTROLA, and find the keen-

-- est eiyoyineat in t h a n ; mental divenion, physicai relaxation, and spiritual uplift

BUY YOUR VICTROLA NOW AT KANN'S—Home of Superior Service

Hompe of SEALED records

Thii>Victro|aNo.IVS. O^her VieinAiSy in all finishes, at all

prkes from | 1 5 t d ^ O O This ls Vktrola Ni». iX:



^m m*

biUcation is according^ antered, . 1 it is ordered that the said Etto P;

Jasper do aroear within fiftete days after due pnblicatioB of said ortter and do what is necessary to- protect h ^ interest herein^ tmd that a copy of this order be published four suc­cessive wedcs in the Manassas Jour­nal, a newspaper published in cowity, and that a copy hetsof be posted at the front doM' of the court ^oase of said coantyj as reqnfatcd 1^ law, and a copy eerlifieJ tonntT

Promirt and- satisfactory ste-Mce. jHearse f u m ^ e d for

able distance.

tared by the clerk of said codrt to . said defendant at her last known isd-dtess aforesaid. -

' B y ^ " ^

A copy..^TMto: '• • GEO. G. TTLEE, Clerk,

; By his d^Hity, " " -• —ULBDMAN.-

HorncB or FIRST MKETiNcf c0 rBKniTn]B«

In tiie^Btriet Court of the United StoteS; for the Eastcza District of jMPgiaia. - hk. Bwskmptey i

In tlie matter <d Sector A Hunt, Baaknqtt. •

No. 120, in Sankmptcyr

ket, iq the Ceoafty eC Prince William aitd


Rector &G0i HAYMARKET, VAr


FIverythihgf Go in^ U p ] Cost of living; farm implCTaenta have

advanced; it coats much more your children than former^; wearing i^tparel and everything you boy is going ^ We are companiee are advye tremendoos proport^U BER—the on reliable Fauquier Motoal Fire InsuranceCompanyhavenotaavet advanced tbor rates. Now, before ttat


insure your r--r—-.f-ima^THM^awato^eed

it'and not hare i t We wiU be g|ad to

t34S Manasaaa,, Va. Rich's New Style Book of Shoe FadwAis wA b e : -Mailed 611 Regoeit —

District afore-

Notice is hereby'given that <m the 25th day of July, A. D., 1917, the said Sector A Host were doly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meetmg

Thoa. H. -Lion, in tlta town of Manassas, on the 21st day of SMtem-ber, A. D., 1917, a^ 6 Vdock m the aftemom, at wfaieh tima the said creditors mar attend, iwove their Claims^'

transairt such other spsrly esiw

WALTER U. VARNEY, Referee in Bankruptcy.'

Alexandria, IHrgiiib^ Sept 10,1917.



Saving determined to devote o^; whole time to the Real Estate and

busineae. we hereS AatMch, I^uance sotidt all iwwerty IOT

oee navin

e nerepv sale ita

reqiMst thoee having property to fiat the same with us pruBotly,

C. J. MEETZE & CO. caiM.I.C. MaB*—t.V*.

Subscribe for the JoumaJ, $1 a "par in advance.

niostrates severalof the models which _ will be wotn this fall and wtoter^ b/f^ diseridunatiBC people—m«i, aad children. With it y«a can buy with perfect satiafaetioiT.

R- Rich^aSoitt MhrT SL.Csr.lM


18 made from best matofials, baked in an up-to-dkte oven, handled hy neat, dean, care^. ful workmen. Ask for it— •ecept no other. We alao

ave a nice QUICK LUNCH ' ITER where y w ean

satis^ yoor appetite^ Foil Hne of confectkoery.

Anaastbeties Administored for ftirn laaa Bxtraetioo of T a e ^ '


M. I. C. Bmldins;, Manassas. Va {mldi

THE JOURNAL fifty-two times for Jl-t'KI in ad%-ance.

, Veal and PiHrk

Paa for Country Produce ^"^-aDiHive Stock — ~ ^

Conner's Maii^

"Blouses ^sits Petticoats

-—Dress Goedr Dresses j^oes

Waists Hosiery "

Yowr Jbjgpection Invited

CAMPER & JENKINS The Ladies' Store MAnasAAft. V j

Page 7: ESTABLlSH£p MAY, 1895 MAMAas*''^3t4,jSJHp;^. SEErF''^SiaM^^ … · 2014. 3. 21. · ESTABLlSH£p MAY, 1895 vol FOOD PRODUCTS



Probyterian ARcvd KelleyT pMtor.

^Manassas Rev

Church,, r Thla Rwh^^rdas dog, Plirr of L«W«li-

» „ , o - j o v i . n i r *<*> *rne<l by Mrs. K. V. Wanner, wa»' V Sunday-Sunday Schooj^at^ »:M__a,^p„pl„,„, , ,„ „ , ,^„ , ,„„„„„ ,„ ,„ ^^.

and Severity of God.

ihft. FullnWH nf Tlmp Subject?'

1/ Chriitian EndMvorBweting at 7:30

p. m. Subject, Home and PoreiKP Missions.

Wednesday—Prayer meeting and preparatory service at 7:30 p. m. Sub­ject, Forgiveness Through Christ -

Sunday, October 7, at 11 a. m. the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered.

Clifton Presbyterian Church, Rev. Alford Kelley, pastor.

Friday (today) at 8 p. m. Aid So­ciety at the home of Mrs. M. E. Quigg.

Sunday—Sunday, Schoor at 10 a. m. Subject, Review—The Gqodness. and Severity of God. Christian Endeavor meeting at 7.30 p. m. Subject, Home aaJTCTBlgn Missrnns. - Preaching-afr -

_ ,8-i^-Hmr-"S«bje6t,-:6L the Fullness of Time. "—^"^

Sunday, October 14, the Sacrameist of the Lord's Supper will be. admin-Istwed at 11 a. m.

Services at Bethlehem School on Sunday will be as follows: Sunday School at 2 p. m. Subject, Review— The Goodness and:-Severity-ofr-Sedr-Preaching by 'Rev. Alford K«lley at 3 p. m. Subject, A Good Land. This will be a Harvest Home service and friends in the neighborhood are re­quested tp-bring flowers,.£ruits and

' vegetables to decorate the school room.

BAPTIST . Manassas Baptist Church. Rev. T.

D, D. Clark, pastor

Fraiiess Estelle Hildebrand, 5 years -'-* i isJ Tr«»tiiinh^ B4 1017 »i **^ home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Moore.'Of Monnt^ilsinier^ Md. * One sweet flower has Jiuoped and

Taded, •—' MKilUi it infant's voioajwr^! . ._^^^^,^^^^

ne sweet form the grave has sHaded,[ ^ '^^ Yet we know she is not dead.

By her grandmother, ALICE.

In the Circuit Court of Prince William County, Virginia.

Jeannie A. Armstesd, Complainant vs.

Lucius A. Armstead, Defendant.

Oct 2, 3, 4, 1917 I

4MDmiii 1laces---Good Porses

Sunday—-SundiHf School, 9.45 a. m.; uiuiuiug ti»iuB» 11 o'clocfc; R T, P,

Upon the application of the com-' plainant stating specifically the last { known place of abode and residence of

the defendant, the ClerRW the Court on this the 11th day of September, 1817, doth grant the following order of publication:

The object of this suit is to obtain a divorce a vinculo matrimoni from the'defendant, on the grounds of de­sertion and for general relief.

And an affidavit having been mnH» anA filoH t.tmh thp ijgfsnrtant,

MBS. a. r. wANNsa AND nuuc.

buiance eorpe in France and is Credited wltb haying assisted at Que rescue ot flf^-four wounded soldiers. As be Iticked bis wa7 across-tbe S<»ime bat tleOdd, carrying relief to tb» wododfBd in No Man'i land, shot juiJ shell seaund

U.» 6:45; evenlnK •service, at 7:W. Wednesday—Prayg .gieetiii^

7:30 p.

^ t S C O P A L

TraiHy EgMWopal Chnrch", Buicii, r e c t o r . ^ _

i. Rev. J. F. ^OF THE e CMSS at BK a n * -^—Sunday School

Sunday morning'


• Bethel Luthetwi Cfenrch, Rev. Ed-igar Z. Pence, pastor.

Choir practice Wednesday a i .7 :30

p. m, . . . fiimday School Sunday at^ 10 *. m. No']»«w:Iiing on accoti^ of tibsence

of pastor.

• '"V;ifrk6Lfg^^" ^ ^ All Saints' Catholic Chngcht Man-

to UTe n« t4wruH tai anlinal.

an-s ^ ^ ^ H ^


Armstead, is a non-resident .«rdfired4-4

that he do appear within fifteen days after the publication of this order and do what is necessary to protect

Therein; and It la furttrer ordered that a copy of this order of publication be published once a week for four successive weeks in The Ma­nassas Journal, a newspaper pub­lished in the county of Prince William and that a copy be j>oated at the front door of the cmiiMnUiue'i of the said |r county on or before September 17, 1917, that being the next succeeding Rule Day after tbe order of pi^iica-tion is entered, and that a copy of said order of publication shall be sent by mail, by the Clerk of the Court, ad­dressed to the ^defendant to his last known address and abode, which was 912 French stre«t, Wilmington, Dela­ware. .


Small Entrance F e e _

Fox Stalls\ sutid Bedding Free For further mformation, addr«M ._

HENRY DANNEHL, Secretary,^ ^ - ^ I ^ I ^ Y Y -^r 17-3 Fr>d^rirlr.h..ry, Vii.[(_^ ._K, K K i J^vY

Sprakd't OM Stud Maussas. Va.

Teste:—GEORGE G: TYLER. Clerk. W . M . E L U a O N ,

^ SaUeitgr-for tho Complainant.-,-^, 17-4t


l a the Cterk'A Office «f tke CiKni l • Conrt of tjie,Cyi«ty of Prince Wil

Uam, on the. «tli day of !:icpteBl>Mr,L 1917.

Jewelry, When you think of purchasing a watch, a ring, a-scarf ' ortrooch pin, or other jewetiyTTemember we can

supply your wants. Most anything in the sporting goods line will be found nere—

at an attractive price:

Watcb RepairiBg and Pittmg n Glasses


Begiiiuing uii Mi>iidu^"^ ..August,^*" r^»3yyy|»«o»_u;

duct my business oti a •trictlf cash basis. By this system I will save you one to two per cent oh all purchases. Come in and ask prices before b u y i n g else­where, '

Hoping to share a por­tion of your trade, I am,

, Xours to serve,

Tewdcurauuf OptidaiL -^- l|l^iiawn,yfeltuuit


Father William Gill, pastor. ~ k u s at 7 a. mi flrst anSTSird Snn-

dayik.- Sectmd and fourth Sandays at

the Bleaawi SacAyonte-


' Grace Methodist E^^acSopal Ounch, S<>iitb, Maaasaaa, ReV. H.. Q.- Burr, p a « ^ . .

Sunday School a t 9:45 a, m. Preaching a t 11 a. m., «nd 7:30

p . m . ' , . -• '• Seakur, Epwwrth i e a | t « e at . 6:30


-First .Sunday* 3 ^• Bwnday, Hr-itH

Brgtew^ThlTtl and AfUt aM*day»> p, m. .Woodlawtt—Third and . fifth Sun-

. «p.^Ht; ' ' ^ " ' - - " - - r - -Woobey—First Saaday, 8 p. ni.

-'TlH) auUou of Prealdent-Wllaon In. appotaittng O e Bed Cross' War Council, with Henry P. Davison

."TT of J., P. Jlorgan A Co. at i S ' h f W . riet Ip l i iuU^ lliii ttsuwaiduus eampsilgn for popular anbBcrip'tlona to


S u a l i e S..CrailK>rnei fac, Pjaintiff •• vs. , .- , . ^ ^ _- ,

Tbti QuaBttCB Company, Inc., Clar-ence A. Hntehisoh, Trustee, B. B. Wilson, Trustoe, Hugh B. 'Hutchison, J. Gordon Bohannan, A«^t,Eldridge E. Jordon in hit own r i ^ t ^nd nd trustee, J; Walter' Long in his own r i j^ t and as trustee,' i. W. Kephart, H<tfry R. CarwU ami Lotus D. Gai.' roll, partners, trading imdisr -tKe firm name of Carnf i Eleetrie XJompany, J . A . GiiToy and A. € . Howard, trad­ing o ^ e r the firm name and part-Bitrahip of Gilrey and Howard,- Defend dante.

a fund which the Red Crpss wm use for supplying hospitals—at-thfr-front and. also foe carrying «ui r ^ e f ^ork Mt borhp and In Kurope on a scale pec--baps greater than the worid-has eve>

_ other members of flie council ap i x ^ t e d atV Charles D. Norfcm, G. M. •P. Murphy, Gomellns N. Bliss, Jr., and Kftward N. Hurley, with WllUam H.

The object of this suit is to enforce uie paymoit of a claim of ^IJilSJH, with interest thereon from June 21, 1917, due Saville and CAa&arae, 1^., l iy: a ia Onaw iTa^VHwiiaTiy. K c j anff anhjart thA liinHn nf th« QiMntiffn


EveBing~iiervieea ia tne Ji lsnantT: charcbee^-begniung with O c t o l ^ ^ l , TTJll *'*>'*' •t^'^'-*0 n- m> lB»W>d «< t» ^ . m . , a s indieated iai tMa aehedate-

. li • itiilm flamtamm\tmt I S .

y»*—i^wjgL H w .

Miss Louisa T. Davis, of Lee^ | * ~ ^ t o burg, pM«deBt^f4h« Wwnan's

"AuSliary, Diocese <rf Virginia, ."Pirotestaijt EiBScopd Chnrdi, addressed ihe women, and girls of'IniUly ChmUi _ noon in the interest of tte Wi min^s Aoxflmy. At the dose

following oflkera:. PTMidail. Mrs. WilliMB Vogt,; VU9


dent, Mrs. l-ucicer Coles; Secretary. Mrs. Jose di P. T<Yftn; tnaimrfir. M'»* Maffie R.

cfaafrman,. and BHet ^WadagQrth. Tice diairmaB of the ezecBtive e o o s t t -tee..ex offltAo membfri i j^- , -"

In aeeotedi^ the War Coimca the pwwent tWMstiy whurtM uwAJgr

-Company to t h e payment of a mechan­ics ben for said amount which mechanr ics lien is duly reeerded Jn the Clerk's Office of Pimce William County, Vir. ginia,Julyl9, 1917, in the Hedianics Lira Book on page 40, and oovera aU that certain resorvoir and p^ ing and appurtenances and easMnents thereto annexed and used in connection there- -with, located in Prince William Couq-ty, Virginia, and so mnch land t h o ^ with-as shatll be necessury for ttie; con­venient use of - the same,to-wit: , All |: that certoin lOt or parcel of land ly ing and being jn said county near Quantico Stotaon, on the R.,' F. ft P. Railroad, in and near the town of Quntico , . beginning at the intersec­tion of . Potomac . avenue with the nninnty "Roaff Tfeadaig from tjuantico . t o Dumfries and bounded on the s ^ u by said Potomac avenue, on tke east the west by what would be E street if ^nd north by sa'd uuuuty xuaJ, ami otr extended iMMrthwai<dly, thowtid of land being that-poatiaa of Section B designated "Resemi ioa ' ' on a cer­tain plat of the gruperCy of the QuailtjPO Com^>affly; HWI, #nieh was recorded in the Clerk's Office of said 4 9 , t o w h » ^ l r i a t r e f e r e n e e l s made for f t o t t s r deaeiiptiim.

lean public to support fCs h v

weik, lasii-

haws (May W H W I n l l l ^ war OMMieU, to wiuch JiMt he

IMnMUrt t t a rtnty of iss|iu|HilM| to llM •Ktraordmaiy' d s w w j s whioh the^BOS; mtt war wKI aulka upan the ssrvic** of lhB_Bi^-&gaa.haih-ifi Jthe field and in elvlliaw 'Oflsf. T i n ^sst gije.iw.wehleh

• deed «t trust of date J o t 12, 1917, and U Teeovd in

3, !» !« , IB D. 9 . 68, p. (Bert's Q f ^ o f date June 12. taUL

Prt^ect Yogg Farm Products -AND-

IiveStos?kBrom ^ Weather

All Idndaof Xuwl amlKv t-Stock are going to be worth money next wiiiter anCtfie tune ~ is right here to make your prepatatioaS:for— taking care of them.

""every one will want material and labo " for jthis samejpnrpose, BtJT DO IT NOW;

consider the value of other,. w;ll not find the price of

When articleii

^on -jute

T - ; r r i w « i ^ TmTTvF>mft MATB^TgTAT.q atiH MILL WORK_so. high that yoti^ cannot affdrd to do your building and improving .

, to as good advantage a$. usual. >. 1 Our stocks are very complete and we a v

give good values in both the higb and ;iow grades. •


TAP^wnct Th /way to make two blades of

grara^grown where one do«i now: Buy the celebrated Magnesium Lime from Leesburg Lime Co., the lime that has been sold in Loudoun and Fairfax for the past twentyfiTC years, and out pro»-ddced them all. and the .reason fdritis because it contains Mag-nesinm'and Oxide of Ironinns^ proportaon to Calcium Carbonate, and -the Urated ^ti^es Agricol-tunii Pepartiaept ia Year Book^ 3aa;iage-m,.BlalB8 that^fag-

plant growth lui^-QothiBg -else will tiuce its place. Send, orders to Com well Sopply Co.v i

leesbpg lime-fifc facr t V ^ W H I T l . Manager

,ya.: A. S.Robertson, Well* ington, Va.; M. RQl]ins,^nstow, Va., or direct to as and same will have prompt attention.


wmt WfBKg Bant. Owmifaad Mbfateif fa tmts'n iftnni M'^^fii ^ Bbfawtet. hd mim'lhm

ns PV aTif pnce far «ar fssi



•nergy to the reflef work whiA this war will sntail will be to the bands of a single •rganiaatien wKich has been reoetalsad br law and by Intornstwnal convea*>ew as the public inatnimentallibr fer e»9h

Ind—d, such a cancentratiea

1917. from the Qnantieo Company, to | . EMri e E. J6rdcm «Sr J. waiter r Long, trustees to secure $76,000.00 on the ground that it waa without valu ^ l e consideration and a mdum pac tnm and a fraud upoa the qgdfteta the Quanico Company Tnr, and

,"„d "Q»eT(Jwm5«> u o m p a i ^ have a receivoraUp of the in these proceedings, and a

I a c . , U p w i H »

-f iiJiH*"*"*'** * ^ » " •" ***** ^•' «M aboelutoly iiiViftary, aad

1 herahy samaatly eaU upon ail .these who can contributo sither grsat auan »t email to tka alleviatien ef W»e eaf-

*"' " . . J ..« 4.VA ferine and diotesas wliMa maet ins •(to-branch was organised with the^Jg^^^.^ , ^ .f thi. inht f«- hun ntty

eaunetTir the RedXraea to _ • f motwy far t»>a »«»ppart wf Uia) and that a copy

wark to ba dana and doaa epaa a IsMa I hepa that ttia n i i i n s s to ffnlr

. Jllra - Jnsurance a f r ^ of Mutual

-If you are Assessments,

try our old Line Companies. If you don't like the increasing old line n^es, try oar MntoaJ. Take your choice. We represent both kinds. Austin Corporation. 53

Ihat will eoaunaad the tiaMaf «ha

wooenow wiLaoN. Bi an tntcrriew giren tbe same day

Mr nsTlsf i lOMarT the baeklac •< Uorgan a Co. to tbe undertafcing and amtovnoed flwt he himssif had teasp*-r a t ^ gtvoi up an oOer boshMM to diroto ^ whete (k«Mflna»ela1 rampatga.

creditors suit. An aflidvait having been made

a n d i n e d that the defendante, B. B. JEil«m,..JUdtidge E. Jordon, J. Wal­ter Long: Harry R. Carroll and Louis D. CarroU, partners trading u n d » the

na'tee of Carivtl ElectfiC'Oom''-— o f the ittate

^ h are not reshients

of Vbviaia , i t i s e t d c r n L J ^ ti^ do appear within fifteen days after due Wblicatisit hereof, and do what may be Deeessary to protect tlseir interest in this suit. And i t is further Mdered

to—wWhato to the m a t that a copy hereof be |>nblished once a w—k f«r-fonr «ncf«^iTe w»eks m the Vsnsnsas Jfcrit*!- n n f — T T ^ T"*^

ty of Pruwe e j e S e j S t t i e front

door of the courtheiaee ef ^ i s c o w n t y oa or before th^ ITUi day-e<-ber. 1917. tha»

'— — this"

GEO. G. TYLER, Clerk. BUTZNER, p. q. 17-4t


eT Pabfic Scheal SysteB •< yisciala -aCBAKTMENTS

Gradnate, SEKTXD


duaeiiiag •todants. 910.00 to V B _

Z>eserte«Bls. Seod iot eaUioonn. ^ C U I A S ¥ ^ U O i l N G

iWiltU 1ILKVITJ.N, yatAgni.i': UaJTeriitf V»

Page 8: ESTABLlSH£p MAY, 1895 MAMAas*''^3t4,jSJHp;^. SEErF''^SiaM^^ … · 2014. 3. 21. · ESTABLlSH£p MAY, 1895 vol FOOD PRODUCTS


s: ^ ^ ^

The SmitfafleM CWk League will

•ebool houH Friday eveniiiK, Octoba 6, %t 8 o'al—k. The pmtnaM •nd frienda of thaTleagrae are urged to be

Inatrumental muaic—Miai Simpioo and Mr. Merrill.

SeciUtion, "The Soldier'a Laat Met-Mge"—Miss L^ey Kincheloe.

Duet—Missea Florence and Baily. ReciUtion. "So Did I"—Miea Anna-

TBel Merriir. ' "Crooked Bean Shooter"—Leelie

Merrill, ^at Hill and Misa Strobert. Recitation—Miss Ethel Florence.

^ Inatrumental muaic. Reading—Mr. E. M. Briggs. Recitation—Arthur Fairbanks. Xrtlie" Tasl Tneetihg of- the league

the following oiflcers were re-el(jcted:



-PlWrtdent," Mr.» E. M. Brigga; vice imsident, Mr. Ray Fajrbanka; secre­tary, Miss Lucy Kincheloe, and treas-

Mrs. L. R. Keys is on the sick list —. SonTieoo wtire held iii lR<i Cath<)lic

Church Sunday by Father Jan. Mr. J. S. LunsforH «pent Sandav

at the home of his mother, near Belle-

county, and. his siter, - -TMeDonattr are' th«^ guesla of Mr.

George B. McDonald. 7"Mr». Eiiatawi Ck>nwBy Owwir TntLS Ee«i visiting h w father nen' Charlottesville, will return Sunday to

Mr. Owen Keys and Dr. Yates mo­tored from St. Elmo, Alexandria county, Tuesday morning and spent the day at the"home oTTIr. Aadgwg-Kincheloe.

The picnic given here Saturday evening waa largely attended.. The money realized will be used for the benefit ot-Om Catholic Chnrcb.

Mrs! Ida Hayes visited at the homes of Mrs. M. E. -Lunsford and Miss Lucy Kincheloe this week.

i i« Mgrrill Bnff *•" '<*»'>-, the nfirrhhorhooA Miss Myrtle Merrill, w«re gnesty at Belle Air Satorday and Snnday.


The Cftenwich High open Monday morning.

School will Ttik teach-

House and Moriei and Misses Mae

The Civic and Sidi^T Improvement League will hold its monthly 'meeting at the school house Friday eveKBg^, October e» at 8-o'clock. An- int8nst> lug program is b«ling invpared, the most intst«t iB£ feature of which will he y loMjJI debate. (Mteera will be

Misa Sarah Howdershell, of Wash-i i^ton, was the we«k-esd gueai of Mrs. J. Wiitlam Garrett, at. ^ B « n

- -Bavta ." Ma* Pear l .Fowle^ who hifs been

the house gattt 'oi.3dai S. R- C lar^ , for some time, has retomed to .lier Home in Ganrgetown, Tt r.

" • " " ' T T T y * * " --rM 1W'W" ^ - " i ^

eleetwi t» s h n M n ^ tihft All memben a n ocged to . prsaisit.

Mr. C. G. MadcaO, of Savaimah, Ga.. iipe t iiev"^i '*»y thia wwik at IfThe Lawn." • • • . —

Mr. G. H. WashingtoB was a guest of "Oover HiU" Sunday.

Miss Isabel Thornton spent the week-end witii Mr. and M i ^ 3: W. UolWay. _ , . : . •,•...:••

Ues i s s . ^ddiiomjer rXaylor and S. E. Ki4:gv^l spent Svnda^ aft^nooB at Catlett. r

Miss Helen Thomten, of NokeWille, dnring the week \<r>n tht g f r ^ "* ^ ' f Katie Cockerille. ___

Mim Fauuie. Italia hfu retnme from a visit to friends, in Alexandria and Quantico. •

Mr. John Hountjoyrof Auborn, was a GreeriwicH y i saof l?e&ea«lay.-

Miss Ethel Holliday, of MiddleburK is visiting Mr. and Mis. J. W. H ^ -day.

Mr. Irving Armtttrong visited his parents, near St. Steph^fs, Monday.'


Miss Haie Davis left Mifffwify far W aahingtMi. jsfaeielsbk irill viait het sister, Mrs. John CalvCTt.

Miss Stella Cafo, of StalTord, vis­ited Mrs.-<r. € . D o n l l randay .

Missea . M^ftO*.; « a d Baatriee A b ^ left SuKtajr^MtasjfSr

a pusiUuii. Mr: R. W. A b d and Miaa A. M.

Dunn, accompanied.J»y Mr^-Wffl . S B - -ton, of Qnantieo. iMtoTft *" ^^"^ fries Sunday cveoiaCr ^

Miss Lillian A b ^ , « * ' J ^ f » T l ' the wi E. Anderson.

Mr. J. E. Tapacott narrovrty .ea-taped seiiuus iujuij T h f l J a y evep^ ing while workiag at <)aaatieo.

MrrAUea Liming, «f Jopifa, viaitad

The Foreat HiR <3fhc Leagoe wiD hold a meetingTliiiisilaf t i i i i l i n , Oi tober 4. Hill school boose.

Mss.'ZMi^Andtrson and'her daag^' ter, Mai^Ma, vlfitad at Poafr iM Monday. ~

—HF J. JR. AmWMtt MU h o n e f r o m Mr. Benzy

vras a Manassas visitor today. M««^r». Harold and Raymond

Smith, BOB* of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Smith, who have been BI of tn^xM fever, are improving riowiy.' ^

recently was the guest of Miaa Net­tie Daniel.

Rev.'George ^W. Crabtree, of Cat> lett, vnll lectoxa on hia ^riaon work Sunday at the Union Ciaa«S~~of Brentaville.

Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Owens andPthef daughter,. Miss Emma E. Owens, of i(bi9.;:fir'^^7''<^^jyMH|i^ 4notor t o Prince Wdflai iTodayTo visit Mr. J. N. Owens, near Brentaville.

Mr. Walter Bowen, who haa been ill for some weeks, is improving.

Mrs. E. H. Biser, of Washington, D. C , will spend the week-end with

with tfr. and Mrs. J. N. Owens, near Brentaville.-

Miss Sallie Cooper will reopen school at Brentaville Monday.

Mrs. John Donovan made a busi­ness trip to Manassas last week

Mr. Owen Reed, of Washington, will hf_J-hg...yiwV-wtd guesls~or their cousins, Mr, and Mrs. J. N. Owens. They will make the trip to Brentaville by motor.

Mr. W. B. McDonald, of Warren Miss Claudia


grand rtaod at tba Mate Fais'br are "hanging on the r^U," yo« a n «er-tain to see "some" horse racing. Hor­ace P. Uurphy, the internatloaal racing

FRi .-'•71 r


iaaiiaier,~tjaR~eSarge or tne races. tbUr year, the larKext purses In the Fair's


continue teaching at Brentaville in the absence of her husband, who has been called to the colors.


Rev. W. L. Naff, who has been away on his vacation, filled his regular ap-pointeient at Antioch on the fourth Sunday evening. '

'M(s. Cora Gossom and children, of Lynchburg, are visiting relatives in


, T^BE success of ai^tomobite facM tf^f at last year's State Fair has caoaed

the manage.ment to have two days of aatomoblle tares this year on the last two days of the Fair. A program has been arranged that will attract some of the most famous "speed demons" and special racing machines of the country

Tricon have retuaned to, their, heme fas Washington, after spesding the jwat we«^ at "Oak Sha4».

Mr. Gnbert Cook, of-Indian Head JId. , spent savstal days leecotly aX the home «f Mr, and Mrq. S. R. Clarice.. ' . . " • "

The new school building at Water-*•" " twpriTig mmpUitjon. t^irtt w f t begm llqiiday i ^ Mair Imi i ia Secitm- and CBsn;Utter-baek) t^sidiers. __; _ _ _ — ^ - ^ S -


The Harvest Home serviea Snnday morning at the Presbyterian Chnrch was well a'tten«Wid and tha grains. fiewsrs attd finits used for deeotating. the cfajoth' made ,a creditable blow­ing. Rev^ AUerd KeBey, preached on the frnits of the land fit Canaan and compared them with


npHBaiB Jsu'l a uianr-woniaa ai child ' In'America who hasn't beard or

read of the submarine, that lurking, monster of the deep to which Germany has pimied her last hope of victory. TDere^are comparatively few,' liuwtsver, who have an adequate idea of what the

land, showing by the < onf Taiid -aai i s K'"«11f' every w a y as Canaan. t ^ earQily and- nurterial harvest, h e described the heavenly or spiritual harvest of sonls.. —'

The young' people's night was led by Mr. RichaBls^ .

The reeepliun 16 the-facalty whicli

meeting at WiUiam » .

was given by tha School League Fri^ day evening has been ^t)iioanced a dfirttiiet sqecess. Mr. R. IC Biickley was master ^ ceremonies and Mrs. B. T. H. Hodgs ptasided i t the piiano,

« a t e Fair »n ittijtiTijjaia jfinTji^ »*• Af ter ' tSe tesfehws~SiJ l>aen fatro- ^ jgeed; the ^ r Sp*"fflr«f Tlannfr miTiFTmirTfirriti" October « a i ha « s a n g in eborvs. l b s . O^dgcr gave a pyrotedtaiic portrayal <* a batQe a^ piana «»T.wtinTi « ^ y VOCal S^St MJSS.

E s s t i i n OaHsgai'Mr WilHam H Birii' ellsasi Mr wiinam H_iom-, i f WaAoHCiM and CSfinoJ

and Bev. Alford KeOey, of Maaaaaas

Piai<fiiur tlw. «>»»,«. m « t s ^ e « » p a n y sang A m ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ ^ ^

crops. Reports indicate that our 'pro-4actlon of foodstuBfH thts year will dhow

big incraafie over that of a year sgo. t y rTirve-roiirtha of

Satorday f«r Rroadway, whmrm_wh» wSl tea*h the eoaoAic

Mr. E. K. Boiine ^ B - v w y « « t Ma home near NokcCviDs. ] Measis. D>-W.

Miss Nettie I>aaMi, of N<dnsvaia, Davis w r s on the j v y at tlia ¥>it-fax court this w s d c

Mr. aad Mrs. O. C. Southard have moved into t h « r new home.

TIM f a r a s n are culling corh. l^ie crop is said to be gcanaHy good, '*"^gM some was cut by tiiv druuglit ~ and not qoitc sp good as had been e^

, pected.

of tbe hest race horses ixi Amecica will t>« on baud. Trottliig, pacleg^fruhnlng and tbe exciting eteeplecbase are aTt down on the program, which provides for four d»yg.«jC^ racing, beginning Moaj

iiirT T-fKr


WO gO<Kl d*^^ oT^w^trwori&i, nine yest P'olc Wheatley M. Johnson, Manassas, Va. 13-tf

..Jnsj^e ypur grain jn stack against fire and lightning. Sfie AustJn. Low cost.

For Sale—Business property in small town. Good investment; small capital necessary. Apply or address X care Journal. 50-3

For Sal*—Runabout in good condition. Mrs. A. E. Spiefi.

f^?fel^FrfcS: saw tBinra"»«? 'H flPfott', Va., or Wfc - - ^ • - i^t^ rrick w^gine and hoiWr U&-h. son, Manassas, Va. p.), up-to-date mill—all in "good repair and ready for busineaa. Will sell lor cash or on time. Also.fur gale, one buggy, good aa

Come and see me. A. J. Box 46, Ma lu>


Horse for sale—Eight years ^Wr -Will work aBywhw*. Ap-' idy Mad^ox k Byrd, Manaasaa, Y s ^ — ' — — iT-im^

sag, Va. 17-tf. For sale or rent, possession

2l8t of September, the Wtdter Shannon property on West St. For furtba: information write, Walter Shannon, 614 Main St.,

Fine Ba«^_,. solutely free of garlic or any foul seeds. W. L Steere, Ma­nassas, Va. 17.

, For Sale—100 pure bred white leghorn hens. S. C. Kincaid, Wellington, Va.

day, Oct. 8. A great many Fair goers enjoy the races ai)d they will be. on band at Richmond for ''opening day' tills year 8o as not to mliM any of tiKwy

'Close finishes.

properties will be sold cheap and on e a ^ tenns. 150 acres ^ut-over^mber land loc»&^ abouFZ^ mUea jouth of Brentsvil^ Va.: on the IndependeoL-Hill and

.»n>^«ni^i..H«,..^..,.,^i.*i„*i.. county road. E. L. ftmnbakar, co«tfsecanbejad_feoaiumypolntintha TBrenSSSiia V a ' ^ ^ " " lA-T?? granff ftand. Don't miss tite antomo- M a P a s s a s , Va. 15^14 Mla ractajtt. BW»*M>i»rt. O i b ^ g a n d 18.^ N o O l i ^ like thcm«vte sMU MCWre

to Richmond. Races for araatear-a^-ers have filsd'beai booked and "every

tain to be niany ligbtning bursts of apeeO. jand hair raising flnlshea esich day. A'{daln view of the entire race

V ^ o a t really and h«ME it xiianages to send its on8asi>ecti]|g>ri6-tima tp the oceans bottom' in an Instant tft time.—One of. the features, ol^ the

between one of thes^ onderwater gntft ^^^7 - iS*.-* Modem batUgttlp. TMs aiaile ^ ^ * flgbt is wonderfully llfdike . a « i Is

o a l y s M feature of a.gocgetKis dliplay

'KtXkiy sang a sold, "Oe ing in on tbt-^igorat.

Briei addieasea wer* mad* by Mr.[ ^ ^^ »^—1,„ „^t^ _ , . , . „ m.^ jrssbmginil, \ siii Iliiii ii ill wgi dsae eacfc ntgfct. - 4..


istef- biiAiglil r w American farmer face to face with the

For Rent—Ohe large room over pool room, suitable for of­fice or business enterprise. Ap­ply to E. R. Conner. 38-t£

Wanted—50,000 "White oak cross ties. See us and get prices. M. Lynch & €0. 23-tf

Fire—Insurance- -If you are afriiid of Mutual AaseBsmerrttr; try our old line compMties. If you don't like the increasing old line rates, try our Mutual. Take your choice. We represent both

.ds. Austin Corporation. 53 House for rent — O-rooni

dwelling with modem improve­ments. G. Raymond ^Ratcliflfe, Manassas, Va. 19tf

Lost—Black <:hiff6n scarf Monday, Leav^ at Mr. Wood Weir's. _ i a

For Sale—^Dwelling house anci store room comlnned, with one acre of land at Biistow, Va*; house in good condition, 8 roomsi Nerljr new &-room house with 2 large halls, 2 large porches, 2 aeres good land, lo t wi ^ milp

sag and Bristow road. Hinted witii deeta?*cityr


"ti'M Be#iMrg—Itelmcn' of my and- white pointer dog, J i e i s -aClargeiiumdsomer

pointer and possibty foHowad some auto away from town^ R. S. Hyn'son. Ift-lt

For sale cheait—^Eliano idayer. Can be attach^ to any 1 ^ 0 ^ ten rolls of iaiiiaic. Also house-hold furniture,. Mrs. ur& "AT Payne, Manassas, Va., K. 8.

For s^^—3W twsbelsjaf-nice^ dry,' draoa Stonef/anffT-WQ)'* Prolific seed wheat for s&le at $2.50. Absolutely clean of ry& W. EV VanMsr, Bristow3i^a.i7-3*

For sale—R(»8 ehsil«ge cu1>-ter, No. 16, good as new; will scfl

pmc. C. F. IL Lewis." • 15-5

^0 ahead You might ias-well have the use of that building 3rou are plaimxng-- there is nothine

. to be pi^ed by waiting. There is no fvospect <» pnce» EPine down ior tomo time after tiio war it OKt. Go tuiead and kt your contacts;. When it ponaes to the rod you can make a re^ saving, and get a better rod by ^pedJ rii

CERTAIN-TEED is not dsmper because the qialtiy b l o ^ . but became it« a fesg_e»pen»iYO roofing, to mamifajBiire. 'Iti«

-bettefj ne< only becanse k^gehei^,bia also beiauae iria Batr w^ght, wcather tighi, dean, SMUtMy, fir^-fc&adant wd costs •pfa<lHnHy nnrhlng to niaintaiii. ~—'—'—^"^_

^^ <• now i»cogttiiw4 » t to jreiendJe- rpeVrf f ^ Tmading^ factories, hotels, « t « ^ wudiaiHai ««n«ea. tem

""fiMlupctc., where diiraoilhy b nccBmiiy.-tLK' i^-I 'KKD k iaannteed lor 5, lO orlS yean, acoonir NtloagckaessQ.loril»ly>. There 'are, many n>ll;roofing» on the martot bwt onlyoae .CERTA&4-TEED. It xyt to «et dke best. It oqtttjto mora

^ fay a C£RTAII«TEE3> roof than to does » lay a poor ' rao^liut diera^ a vast <£fference in the wear. Yoit can't teS~

the qMitr of aJ^ofii .br looks oe fad. Your oohr safety is the kbeL Be nft that it i« CERTAIN-TEED^dKd. foa^m

Ctrtaim-tmd SiktanSorfMed Aa!>l»lt Sbin«lM [_^oo4j«d.^BtJhin|^«s4oM««ten:e»rT-TJ!8fooSFT5^~ I loobng, weir better, won't UH o^, buckle or iplit. They .r lit, and do:iMt b n e t»ba paintcl o; stoinei.

C«rea£fH«M((*Patnta a«Kr Vorsiahm are lbs bcit quality paint nuterials, grouaiand nixed with mechanical at»> cutacy. Made for all we* and in d coloo. With Mint, as with roofinr, the aatoe C S R T A I N - T B X D '



the world (l«'p«Mlent upon ns for wojf-wh<»ff>-tf a l l iDCTBiae

will be anflkleBt to s«i around. Vb« SUte Fair to be beld In Ricbm(»d.tbe wc«k of Ort. K to 13 will devote eapMal attentlozi tcftip tii^ptay anrt ilHtuuuatoa' Ooa of nodera ttnjiemtntgaad umtawda •f faralog. KrerTthloK possible i« be-iLg done to make it profitable aa w ^

" O" the fai met wbo Tteite thia d<'p»rti»*Dt of Virginlns greateat Fair. U*du<e<I ratps oti all rfiads.

3£ X ^^m •"W*-

31 fi




Automobile^ Parade First Day ^^mfi^^^^iJIy Second Day