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ES Parent Bulletin Vol#14 2010 Mar 12

May 30, 2018



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  • 8/14/2019 ES Parent Bulletin Vol#14 2010 Mar 12


    12 March 2010Volume 14


    International School Manila




    Early Student Release @ 12pm

    Student Led Conferences @ 12.30 - 4.30pm

    No After School Activities

    17, 24Wednesday Morning Student Late Start @


    25 Early Student Release @ 12pm

    26 Faculty In-Service - No Classes

    29 -06 April

    Spring Break


    22ES Parent Coffee @ 7.30am, Little Theatre

    Agenda to follow

    30ES International Day

    Concert schedule to follow

    15ES Photo Shoot @ 9am - 2.30pm, 1115

    Workshop for ESL Parents @ 1 - 2pm, 1008

    From the ES Administrationrom the ES AdministrationDear Elementary School Parents,

    Students and teachers have been preparing for Stu

    dent led Conferences which will take place on

    Tuesday, March 16. Your children are looking for-

    ward to spending time together with you in their

    classroom. We hope you find the experience to be

    worthwhile in discovering more about what hap-

    pens in our school and how your child is developin

    with their learning. A reminder that there will be

    early dismissal at 12:00pm on this day.

    Today your child may come home and tell you

    about our emergency evacuation practice. At time

    throughout the year, we practice the procedures

    we have in place in the event of an emergencysituation. Today we practiced a lock down in th

    classroom followed by an internal evacuation to th

    ES gym. Although the siren was fairly loud, our ES

    students did a very good job of moving quickly and

    quietly to the gym. Under the supervision of their

    teachers, they sat patiently until we were given the

    all clear to return to classrooms. Our teachers

    work with our students to understand these proce

    dures and why we do them so that we can be pre-

    pared in the unlikely event of an emergency.

    Yours in Education,

    Simon Gillespie Michael RourkeES Principal ES Assistant Principal

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    12 March 2010Elementary School Parent Bulletin


    An Invitation to ESL Parents

    The ESL team is offering aParent Workshopon Monday the15th March, 2010 in preparation for the Student Led confer-ences to take place the next day. The workshop will run from1pm until 2pm in Ms Atkinsons room 1008.

    During the workshop you will have the chance to: learn about what Student Led conferences look like at ISM see a conference in action (on video) find out the kinds of questions you could ask your child role-play a conference talk to other ESL parents ask questions about the conferences become better prepared and more familiar with a Stu-

    dent Led conference format

    There will be limited spaces for this workshop, so please con-tact me, Pippa Beetson, at [email protected] to reserveyour place.

    Thank you for all your ongoing support in developing yourchilds bilingualism.

    The ESL Team

    Students are looking forward to invitingtheir parents to school next week. Stu-

    dents will have an opportunity during

    Student Led Conference to share at least

    one piece of art work which they have

    been working on. Question prompts will

    help students to initiate conversation

    with parents regarding this work. The

    point is for the child to explain the pur-

    pose of the work, what it was about, and

    the skills, techniques and procedure

    needed to do it. Some students may have

    incomplete work in their file. This is

    fine. The point is to share the learning

    process and those who did not finish in

    time will explain to their parents why

    this is the case. For example, maybe

    their original plan was too detailed, or

    maybe the he or she found the techni-

    cal skills quite hard and can explain

    why. Or maybe they need to focus

    more in class :). Many grade level cor-

    ridors will have some art displays also

    showing examples of recent completed

    work. We hope you enjoy.

    The Art Team

    From the ESL Departmentrom the ESL Department

    From the Art Departmentrom the Art DepartmentThe Art Department would like

    to remind you that our collec-

    tion of clean and safe recy-clable materials is ongoing.Anything from lids, Styrofoam

    trays, broken toys, keys,kitchen utensils, plastic tubs and

    bottles etc. can be used to create art work.Please bring donations directly to room 1191.Many thanks!


    PHOTO SHOOTHOTO SHOOTStudents, Faculty and Staff who missed theStudents, Faculty and Staff who missed the

    shoot last October and November 2009shoot last October and November 2009

    may have their school photos taken onmay have their school photos taken on

    15 March 2010, Monday,5 March 2010, Monday,9:00 AM:00 AM 2:30 PM2:30 PM

    Rm. 1115 (Changing Room)m. 1115 (Changing Room)

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    12 March 2010Elementary School Parent Bulletin


    Students will have an opportunity during Student Led Conferences to share at least one video of the learning inPE lessons. Question prompts will help students to initiate conversation with parents regarding the learning in

    PE. The point is for the child to explain some of the skills and knowledge they are learning in PE,

    along with how we can further improve our skills and when we apply these skills.

    Our goal in PE is for every child to enjoy being active. You can help your child feel comfortable in anactive setting by ensuring they are dressed appropriately, items are labeled, and water bottles are

    ready! Coach Bill Blankenships classes need to wear a hat and bring full water bottles as they are scheduled onthe ES Field for another 2 weeks. The weather is warming up and it is now timely to promote sun smart behavior.We also ask that your child wear appropriate footwear on PE days. Many children experience difficulty with skillssuch as running, dribbling with the feet, punting and kicking due to inappropriate footwear. CoachNolis classes are swimming and we ask that you ensure all swimming attire including goggles, tow-els and PE uniforms and hats are labeled. Long hair should be tied back for all PE classes for safetyand comfort. We appreciate your support in these matters and it certainly assists your child in feeling comfortableand ready for action! Coach Pekin and Coach OFarrells classes are both indoors for the next two weeks.

    Amanda Pekin and the ES Physical Education Team

    From the PE Departmentrom the PE Department

    From the IT Departmentrom the IT Department

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    12 March 2010Elementary School Parent Bulletin


    From Student Council, Service Learning & Ecorom Student Council, Service Learning & EcoHelp Support PCF and INVISIBLEHelp Support PCF and INVISIBLE

    Your children can bring plastic bags, magazines, ring pulls from soda cans and tetra paks to

    school. We are helping PCF and Invisible by collecting these items and they use them for

    making things and sending their children to school. For more information go to: http://

    From pop can tab

    to purse!

    From plastic bag

    to purse!

    From drink

    holder to bag!

    From magazineto jewelry!

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    12 March 2010Elementary School Parent Bulletin


    From the Superintendentrom the SuperintendentCHANGE IN PROCEDURE

    Dear Parents:

    Every year we have to deal with the administrative burden

    of trying to collect from parents the $1000 Re-enrollmentDeposit. This is difficult for many parents, especially thosewhose fees are paid by the sponsoring company, and moredifficult still for the school trying to collect from parents,especially those who are not sure of their circumstances.

    This year we shall try something different. There will be nore-enrollment deposit. Instead, we shall expect all de-

    parting families to complete the WITHDRAWAL NOTI-

    FICATION FORM on or before May 15th

    . Failure to do

    so will lead to a deduction of $1,000.00 from the Facilities

    Upgrade Deposit.

    As I am sure you understand, we at school face considerablepressure from families applying to enter their children into

    ISM. We have to establish the May 15th

    deadline in order forus to be fair to those families on our waitlist. The earlier youcan tell us that you are leaving school, the sooner we can

    provide clear answers to incoming families.

    Sincerely Yours,

    David TozeSuperintendent

    From the School Clinicrom the School ClinicTIME TO SIGN UP FOR THE 3RD HEPATITIS A AND B VACCINATION

    Date Price (Php)April 28th, 2010 Hepatitis A (Adult) 2249

    Hepatitis A (Junior) 1125Hepatitis B (Adult) 630Hepatitis B (Junior) 355Hepatitis A and B combined vaccine (Adult) 2000Hepatitis A and B combined vaccine (Junior) 1000

    (Prices are per individual vaccine in a course of either 2 or 3 vaccinations)

    If you would like more information or you wish to sign up to receive any of the above vaccines, please call in at the clinic to pick up a reg-istration form (next to the elementary canteen). Only people with a valid ISM ID may participate in this program.


    Clinic direct number: 840 8580Email: [email protected]

    Many thanks

    Debbie DuckworthISM Clinic Administrator840 [email protected]

    Dear Parents:

    Some time ago, we were officially told that, in future, all the ma-jor non-working holidays would be scheduled for Monday exceptfor ones as date-specific as Christmas Day. We have, of course,factored in this information when we deliberate over our annualcalendar. As you know, we need to complete this calendar manymonths in advance so that schools can plan their activities andour community can plan their vacations. Accordingly, we calen-dared Bataan Day on Monday, April 5

    thand by doing so were

    able to give a substantial Easter break to students and faculty.

    Recently, it was announced that Bataan Day would this year becelebrated on Friday 9th April. Clearly it would not make sense tobring teachers and students back from their vacations to work onMonday 5

    th, and then have Tuesday 6

    thand Friday 9

    thas holi-

    days, and so, in line with the rubric on the calendar (Asterixed*holidays will be fixed according to the dates so marked in thecalendar, and we shall not amend them if any subsequent official

    announcement places them earlier or later), may I confirm that:

    Monday, April 5th will be a holiday as calendared and Friday April9

    thwill be a regular school day.


    David TozeSuperintendent

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    12 March 2010Elementary School Parent Bulletin


    From the PTArom the PTA

    A message from ANIMARVELOUS (an ES Afterschool Activity)

    A big thank you to everyone who supported our bake sale last Thursday, March 4.

    We raised 7800 pesos! At 4pm our table was left with almost nothing. Animarvelous

    students need to decide whether they will use the money to support the PARC Shel

    ter and / or the La Vista Rescue Center to build an enclosure for the bearcats.

    We had some questions posted during our bake sale. Naturally, the cookies and cup

    cakes drew more attention than our questions. You could still answer some of our

    questions by visiting our blog: There is also other

    cool stuff to do on our blog.

    Sharing your thoughts sparks a lot of conversation in our group!

    Thanks for all your support!

    The Animarvelous shirt is selling at P250 each. Selling these shirts helps us raise

    funds for the PARC Dog and Cat Shelter in Quezon City.

    The back reads: EVERY ANIMAL MATTERS

    If you would like to have one of these shirts, then please fit for your size and pay

    with Ms. Toni in the ES AFAC Office. This shirt sends a very strong message about

    how you feel and treat animals.

    From Animarvelousrom Animarvelous

    ISM European Community Lunch

    Dear IFFD Volunteers:

    I would like to thank you all for your generous support of both food and time at the IFFD. Although it turned out the pro-vided table space was not as great as your contribution,

    I still believe it was a big success for all of us.

    By the way, some parents asked after that event if we could get together regularly as "ISM European Community" andget to know each other, exchange and share information.

    Thus I decided to volunteer and to organize a lunch.

    Time: 11:30am, March 17th (Wed)

    Venue: Restaurant Chesa Bianca, 7431 Yakal St. San Antonio Village, Makati City

    I picked up this Swiss restaurant run by Saentis group this time because they were so generous to give us 15kg of freesausages for the IFFD.

    I hope as many of you as possible find the chance meaningful and join the lunch!

    We can discuss then further about things such as how often, where and when we want to meet, and who'd organize thenext.

    Please let me know about your attendance by March 15 due to table reservation.

    Cheers,Ingrid NaglCellphone no.: 09275070738Home no.: 028561092
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    12 March 2010Elementary School Parent Bulletin



    ISM has had a great convention in Taipei and re-turned with a medal haul in the debate and foren-

    sics competition. Our dance and drama groupsreceived wonderful ovations and high acclaim fortheir performances as well. Congratulations to alladvisors and participants.

    Medal winners for Debate and Forensics Competi-tion:

    Raheem Abid: Gold in Impromptu Speaking andBronze in Extemporaneous Speaking.

    Michi Ferreol: Gold in Original Oratory

    Synnove Eriksen: Silver in Oral Interpretation.

    Sam Ramos Jones/Akshar Bonu: Bronze in debate.


    For those that attended last Friday I hope you en-joyed the incredible array of wonderful artworkthat was on display for the IASAS exhibition. Theworks were simply amazing and this set a wonder-ful tone for the large crowd on Friday to flow intoour Fine Arts Theatre for what was an incredibleevening of musical entertainment at the FestivalConcert. Our guest conductors managed to trans-form a group of individual delegates that they metto rehearse with only a day before into a musicalmachine and each group that performed wowedthe almost full theatre with a diverse and impres-sive repertoire of music. This event was certainlythe artistic and musical pinnacle for this schoolyear at ISM.


    On behalf of the ATAC and Fine Arts DepartmentsI would like to extend a big THANK-YOU to allfamilies that housed IASAS delegates last week-end. We had wonderful reports from the delegatesabout how well they had been looked after andhow welcoming and enjoyable it was to be at theconvention and in Manila. Thanks to all of you foryour support of this huge event, it simply cannothappen with your housing support.

    From the ATAC Officerom the ATAC OfficeATAC UPDATES: Please check ATAC game schedule pageon the website for updates as dates/venues can change atshort notice.

    3rd Season:

    Mar 12-14 Nike track meet at Bangkok

    Mar 13th MS/HS Track meet at Brent (for all non Nike meettrack team members)

    Mar 13th ISM Sailfish Aquathon at ISM track and pool 8am

    Mar 13th Varsity/JV girls softball v Brent at ISM from Noon

    Mar 14th Boys varsity softball finals ASSL League at Ateneo

    Mar 19th Twilight track meet v Brent HS only at ISM 4-8pm

    Mar 19th Varsity and JV softball v Brent

    Mar 20 HS Badminton meet at ABC Badminton Center

    Mar 20 Judo Meet at ISM Covered Court

    April 7-11 IASAS (Track at SAS, Softball/Badminton at ISB)

    April 10th JV Badminton at ISM

    April 12th HS Academic Bowl at Brent

    April 13th MS Academic Bowl at Brent

    April 24th Swim meet at Brent

    May 7-9 MS Touch Tournament at Kuala Lumpur

    3rd Season IASAS: for those students selected to IASAS Track,Badminton, and Softball teams please submit your passport toATAC office asap. We will make a copy of relevant pagesneeded and return it to you if you are travelling over the up-coming break. If you are 100% positive that you will not betravelling please advise Joan Badiango at ATAC and we willkeep your passport for document processing over the break.

    On the first day students return from the break teams fly toIASAS events so please support the ATAC Department bygetting forms/passports etc in as early as you can. Coacheswill be announcing IASAS teams from this coming week, assoon as you know you are in, PLEASE SUBMIT DOCUMEN-TATION.

    Mark PekinAthletics & Activities Director

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    12 March 2010Elementary School Parent Bulletin


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    12 March 2010Elementary School Parent Bulletin
