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ES2015 ECMAScript2015 @korzh_sergii 2016

ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

Aug 30, 2020



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Page 1: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.


@korzh_sergii 2016

Page 2: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

ECMAScriptECMAScript — это встраиваемый расширяемый не имеющий средств ввода-вывода язык программирования, используемый в качестве основы для построения других скриптовых языков. Стандартизирован международной организацией ECMA в спецификации ECMA-262.

Реализации ECMAScript: JavaScript, ActionScript, JScript, QtScript.

Page 3: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

let a = 5;

console.log(a); // 5


let b = 5;


console.log(b); // b is not defined


let, const

const A = “123";

A = “321"; // Assignment to constant variable.

const A = “567"; // Identifier 'A' has already been declared

Page 4: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

let str = "JavaScript";let arr = [...str];

console.log(arr); // ["J", "a", "v", "a", "S", "c", "r", "i", "p", "t"]


Spread Operator

Page 5: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

let [first, second, ...spread] = ["destructuring", "assignment", "spread", "operator"];

console.log(first); // destructuring

console.log(second); // assignment

console.log(spread); // ["spread", "operator"]

console.log(...spread); // spread operator


Destructuring assignment && Spread operator

Page 6: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

[second, first] = [first, second];console.log(first); // assignment

console.log(second); // destructuring


Destructuring assignment && Spread operator

Page 7: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

function def(x, y){

var x = x || 2;

var y = y || 3;

console.log( x+y) ;


def(4); // 7


Default properties

function def(x=2, y=3){



def(4); // 7

Page 8: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

let fun = str => console.log(str);fun("Helllo!"); // Helllo!

let fun2 = (x, y, z=4) => {

let sum = x+y+z;



fun2(1, 2); // 7


Arrow function

Page 9: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

let obj = { arr: [1, 2, 3, 4], res: [], square: function(){ this.arr.forEach( (v) => { console.log(this); // Object this.res.push( v*v ); } ); console.log(this.res); }}obj.square(); // [1, 4, 9, 16]

ES2015Arrow function

ES5 function

square: function(){

this.arr.forEach( function(v) {

console.log(this); // Window this.res.push( v*v );

} );



Page 10: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

let str = `2 + 2 = ${2+2}`; console.log(str); // 2 + 2 = 4

let name = "John";

console.log(`Hello ${name}`); // Hello John


Template string

Page 11: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

let arr = [1, 2, 4];console.log(`${arr}`); // 1, 2, 4

let [first="Template", second] = [ , "string"];

console.log(`${first}, ${second}`); // Template string


Template string

Page 12: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

let object = { name: 'John',

email: '[email protected]',

role: 'admin‘


let {name, email, role} = object;

console.log(name); // John

console.log(email); // [email protected]

console.log(role); // admin


Object properties

Page 13: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

let x = 1;let y = 2;

let obj = {x, y};

console.log( obj.x+ " " +obj.y ); // 1 2

let name = “firstName”;

let user = { [name]: “John” };

console.log( user.firstName ); // John


Object properties

Page 14: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

let x = {x: 2};

let y = {y: 8};

let obj = Object.assign({}, x, y);

console.log(obj); // Object {x: 2, y: 8}



Page 15: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

class User{

constructor(name, country){ = name; = country;


get info(){ return `My name is ${}, I’m from ${}`; }

greeting(){ console.log("Hello!"); }


let man = new User('John', 'UK');

man.greeting(); // Hello!

console.log(; // My name is John, I’m from UK


Page 16: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

class Admin extends User{ constructor(name, country, role='admin'){ super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}. And I’m admin`; } set newCountry(country){ = country; }}

let admin = new Admin('Jack', 'UK', 'admin');admin.greeting(); // Hello!console.log(; // My name is Jack, I’m from UK. And I’m admin

admin.newCountry = 'DE';console.log(; // My name is Jack, I’m from DE. And I’m admin


Page 17: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

class Human{

constructor(){ /*….*/ }

static think(){

console.log(“Human is thinking...");



console.log(“Human is sleeping...");



Human.think(); // Human is thinking...

Human.sleep(); // TypeError: Human.sleep is not a function


Page 18: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

let Human = class {

constructor(){ }


let man = new Human();


let Human = class Man{

constructor(){ }


let man = new Man(); // Man is not defined

Page 19: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

let range = { from: 1, to: 5 }

range[Symbol.iterator] = function() { let current = this.from; let last =;

return { next() { if (current <= last) { return { done: false, value: current++ }; }


else { return { done: true };}}}};

for (let num of range) { console.log(num); // 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

Page 20: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

function* generator(){ yield "Learn"; yield "ES"; return "2015";}

let a = generator();let b =;console.log(b); // Object {value: "Learn", done: false}

b =;console.log(b); // Object {value: "ES", done: false}

b =;console.log(b); // Object {value: "2015", done: true}


Page 21: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

function loadData(url){ return new Promise(resolve, reject){ let request = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url); request.onload = function(){ if( request.status === 200 ){ resolve(request.response); } else{ reject( Error("Error code:" +request.statusText) ); } } request.send(null);}}


Page 22: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.









Page 23: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

export {name as user, greeting, User};

let name = "John";

function greeting(){ console.log("Hello");}

class User{ constructor(name){ = name;}}


Page 24: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

import {name, greeting, User} from "./info";

console.log(name); // John

import * as userInfo from '/info';

console.log(userInfo.user); // John


Page 25: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

export default class User{

constructor(name){ = name;



import User from "./user“;

ES2015export, import

Page 26: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

let m = new Map();

m.set('name', 'John');

m.set('age', 25);

console.log(m); // Map {"name" => "John", "age" => 25}

console.log(m.get('name')); // John


Page 27: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

let s = new Set("hello");


console.log(s); // Set {"h", "e", "l", "o"}


Page 28: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

let dictionary = { 'Hello': 'Привет', 'Bye': 'Пока'};

dictionary = new Proxy(dictionary, { get( target, phrase ) { if ( phrase in target ) { return target[phrase]; } else { console.log(`No phrase: ${phrase}`); return phrase; }}})


console.log( dictionary['Hello'] ); //


console.log( dictionary['Welcome'] );

// No phrase: Welcome

// Welcome

Page 29: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

get(target, property, receiver) - срабатывает при чтении свойства;

set(target, property, value, receiver) - срабатывает при записи;

has(target, property) - срабатывает аналогично get, но только при проверке наличия


deleteProperty(target, property) - отрабатывает на событие delete

enumerate(target) - ловит переборы, for...of

apply(target, thisArgument, argumentsList) - ловит событие вызова функции

construct(target, argumentsList) - ловит событие new


Page 30: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.

let symbol = Symbol('symbol');

let symbol2 = Symbol.for('symbol');

console.log(symbol == symbol2); // false

console.log(Symbol.keyFor(symbol)); // undefined

console.log(Symbol.keyFor(symbol2)); // symbol

let obj = {[Symbol.for('name')]: "John"};

console.log(obj[Symbol.for('name')]); // John


Page 32: ES ECMAScript2015 2015...class Admin extends User{constructor(name, country, role='admin'){super(name, country); this.role = role; } get info(){ return `${}.


@korzh_sergii 2016