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ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010

Jul 07, 2018



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  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    ES 4498G

    Engineering Ethics,

    Sustainable Development andthe Law 

    February 1, 2010

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  WesternWestern


  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    Last Class

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • Professional and ethical issues for engineers in


    • Introduction to the issues•  Adherence to the Act

    • Hiring and dismissal

    • e!ie"ing "or# and e!aluating com$etence

    • %iscrimination in engineering em$loyment• &anaging intellectual $ro$erty

    • %iscussion of case studies

    •  Andre"s Cha$ter 1'

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    %iscussion (uestion '

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • )ho o"ns and uses $iratedsoft"are or music*

    • If so, "ould you do so in a businessen!ironment*

    • )hat are the ethical issues


  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    +odays Class

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • -thical issues for engineers in $ri!ate

    $ractice and consulting $ositions

    • Introduction to issues

    • Case studies . Andre"s Cha$ter 1/

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    -ngineers in Pri!ate Practice and Consulting

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • ffering engineering ser!ices directly to the$ublic

    • +y$ically ta#es the role of ad!isor to a client• Consulting acti!ities

    • -ngineering ad!ice

    • -$ert testimony

    • Feasibility studies

    • %etailed or s$eciali3ed designs

    • Pro4ect management

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    -ngineers in Pri!ate Practice and Consulting

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • Certificate of uthori!ation re5uired in ntario• 6 years $ost7graduate e$erience

    • Liability insurance, or notification to e!ery client

    • Can be held by a com$any, but an engineer must be designatedas the P8 -ng8 "ho assumes res$onsibility for, and su$er!ises,the firm9s $rofessional engineering ser!ices8

    • In ntario, title Consulting Engineer  re5uires•

    Certificate of Authori3ation• 6 years $ost7licensure e$erience :in addition to / years $re7licensure;

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    +he Client7Consultant elationshi$

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • ften a three7"ay relationshi$ in!ol!ingsu$er!ision of a $ro4ect on the o"ners

    behalf • Client :o"ner; . Contractor :designer>builder; . Consultant :engineer;

    • ?$ectrum of relationshi$s :%8@ ohnson;

    • Inde$endent &odel• Balanced &odel

    •  Agent &odel

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010



    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • egulations made under the Act

    • Professional and dignified

    • Factual and does not eaggerate

    • %oes not directly or indirectly critici3e another

    engineer or em$loyer 

    • &ust not use seal in ad!ertising

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    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • P- @uideline to Professional Practice Ad!ertising may be considered ina$$ro$riate if it• claims a greater degree or etent of res$onsibility for a s$ecified

    $ro4ect or $ro4ects than is the fact• fails to gi!e a$$ro$riate indications of coo$eration by associated

    firm or indi!iduals in!ol!ed in s$ecified $ro4ects• im$lies, by "ord or $icture, engineering res$onsibility for

    $ro$rietary $roduct or e5ui$ment design• denigrates or belittles another $rofessionals $ro4ects, firms or

    indi!iduals• eaggerates claims as to the $erformance of the $ro4ect or • illustrates $ortions of the $ro4ect for "hich the ad!ertiser has no

    res$onsibility, "ithout a$$ro$riate disclaimer, thus im$lying greaterres$onsibility than is factual8

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    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • Com$etence is gained through education ande$erience . it is the asset that clients are $aying for 

    • %isci$linary action may occur for $racticing outside yourcom$etence

    • Can ta#e on $ro4ects outside your com$etence,$ro!ided . Can become com$etent through study or research "ithin a

    reasonable $eriod of time :does not delay $ro4ect; . Can hire an e$erienced consultant "ithout delaying the $ro4ect

    • Dno", maintain and e$and your com$etence

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    Ese of the -ngineers ?eal

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • Issued to e!ery member u$on


    •  An in#ed, rubber stam$

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    elying on )or# of thers

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • ften must rely on "or# $re$ared by others,es$ecially in larger $ro4ects

    • &ust a$$ly due diligence . ecessity .  A$$licability

     . Credibility

     . (uality of documentation

     . Corroboration

     . Limitations

     .  Age

     . Integrity

    • By sealing a document that includes informationfrom others, you assume $rofessionalres$onsibility for it

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    Chec#ing %ocuments

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • ?im$le chec#ing !s8 a$$ro!ing

    • If you "ill be sealing the "or#, you mustchec# details carefully

    • ?ealing documents $re$ared byunlicensed $eo$le may be seen as

    !iolating the Act

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    Pre$aration and A$$ro!al

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • If one engineer $re$ares and anothera$$ro!es, include both stam$s

    • If not $ossible, a$$ro!ing engineer shouldseal

    • If dra"ings co!er multi$le disci$lines, onea$$ro!ing seal and 5ualified seals fromeach of the design engineers

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    ?ealing of %ocuments

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • Preliminary documents, dra"ings, etc8should not be sealed . should be mar#ed

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    ?ealing of %ocuments

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • -ngineer res$onsible for $ro4ect as a"hole and should seal ma4or re$orts,

    s$ecifications and dra"ings• Indi!idual dra"ings in bound re$orts need

    not be sealed, $ro!ided re$ort is sealed

    • &ust control seal and dra"ings bearing it . seal $rints "hen released forfabrication>construction, #ee$ masterdocuments unsealed

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    ?ealing of %ocuments

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    ?ealing of %ocuments

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • P- $olicy on matters related to electronicdocuments is $ro!ided in the @uideline for the

    Ese of a Professional -ngineers ?eal8 ?ee the

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    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • Cannot disclose confidential informationof client "ithout $ermission

    • &ay ha!e to refuse "or# "here a conflictof interest may arise failure to do thismay !iolate confidentiality agreement andCode of -thics

    • In en!ironmental $ro4ects, may ha!e to

    !iolate confidentiality to $rotect $ublic .P- guideline recommends inclusion of aclause in confidentiality agreementco!ering this situation

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    Conflict of Interest

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • &ore common for engineers in $ri!ate$ractice

    • Can be related to confidentiality, financialinterests or as sim$le as reduced"or#load

    • Actual . Potential 7 Percei!ed

    • &ust ma#e full disclosure to client or ris#com$laint of $rofessional misconduct

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    e!ie"ing )or#

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • &ay be a sensiti!e situation• P- @uideline recommends notification

    of the original engineer, e!en "henrelationshi$ "ith client has beenterminated

    • Changes should be discussed "ithoriginal engineer, acce$tance of mutually7

    agreed u$on changes does not relie!e theoriginal design engineer of res$onsibility

    • Client may re5uest submission ofcalculations . amounts to a re!ie"

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    Bidding for -ngineering ?er!ices

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • (uality7Based ?election :(B?; recommended . ?e$arates the $rocess of selecting the best75ualified

    engineer>firm from the $rocess of fee negotiation

     . -ndorsed by FI%IC and AC-C

    • Com$etiti!e bidding not illegal or unethical, butmay result in lo"er !alue for the client

    • ecommended P- $ublications

     – Adding Value to Engineering Projects through Qualification-Based Selection

     –  Guideline for the Selection of a Professional Engineer 

     –  Schedule of Fees For Engineering Services

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    Bidding for -ngineering ?er!ices

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    +he 5ualification7based selection system $ro!ides the best!alue7for7money in $rofessional engineering ser!ices8 Itin!ol!es the selection of an engineering consultant using the

    follo"ing 5ualitati!e criteria . technical com$etence

     . e$erience on similar $ro4ects

     . $ro!en $erformance

     . a!ailability of dedicated $ersonnel for the duration of the $ro4ect

     . ability to $erform "ithin time constraints . location and>or local #no"ledge, "here this is of im$ortance to

    the $ro4ect

     . $rofessional inde$endence and integrity

     . managerial ability8From P- @uideline for the ?election of a Professional -ngineer 

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    Bidding for -ngineering ?er!ices

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    Bidding for -ngineering ?er!ices

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • Dic#bac#s, o$en or secretcommissions or considerations etc8are unethical :and li#ely illegal;

    • ?u$$lanting . inter!ening in theclient7engineer relationshi$ of a

    colleague and con!incing the clientto fire the original engineer and hirethe intruding engineer8

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    egligence and Liability

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • +"o main sources of liability breach of contract andnegligence

    • Protection may be obtained through incor$oration :for

    breach of contract; and liability insurance :for negligence;

    • ot $ossible to a!oid disci$linary action for negligence,incom$etence or $rofessional misconduct

    • “By incorporating their practice, indiidual engineers can protect personal assets against an action for da!ages for "reach of

    contract# After incorporation, it is the co!pany that is thecontracting party and not the indiidual# As for protection fro!lia"ility for negligence, there is nothing aaila"le to engineersother than careful, thorough engineering and insurance#$

    :P- @uideline to Professional Practice;

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    Consulting Codes of -thics

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    •  Association of Consulting -ngineersof Canada :AC-C; and theInternational Federation ofConsulting -ngineers :FI%IC;

    • ?imilar considerations to P- Code

    • Focus on duty to clients and otherconsultants

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    Position Pa$er 

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    Due "ebruar# 8 b# 4pm

    •$ardcop# to Loc%er &'4( outside )*99• Electronicall# to turnitin+com through


  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    Case ?tudies

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  WesternWestern


    • -thical Problems in Pri!ate Practice

     . 1/81 . Conflict of Interest

     . 1/82 . Consulting

     . 1/8' . Contingency Fee Arrangements

     . 1/8/ . Adherence to Plans

     . 1/86 . Fee eduction for ?imilar )or#

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    -thical Problems in Pri!ate Practice

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  WesternWestern


    -ngineering %esign a$$roach to ethical cases18 ecogni3e the eed or Problem

    28 @ather Information and %efine the Problem

    '8 @enerate Alternati!e ?olutions :?ynthesis;/8 -!aluate Alternati!es :Analysis;

    68 %ecision &a#ing and $timi3ation

    G8 Im$lementation

     Also, consider if the $roblem is an issue $ertinent to

    the Code of -thics :and if so, "hich $art; and"hether engineers must acce$t greaterres$onsibility than others

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    Case 1/81 . Conflict of Interest

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • In !oting to a$$ro!e this $ro4ect, has Bec# actedunethically*

    • Comments on suggested solution . ?hould engineers be $oliticians*

     . %oes it matter that

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    Case 1/82 . Consulting

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • %iscuss -$silons actions, as "ell as those of ABC and J8

     . )or#$lace safety

     . %esign safety

     . A$$ro$riateness of $ayments

     . %ismissal

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    Case 1/8' . Contingency Fees

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • )ould it be ethical to offer your ser!ices on acontingency basis to either of these clients, "iththe understanding that you "ould be $aid a

    $ercentage of the legal settlement :Client A; or a$ercentage of the !alue of the energy sa!ings:Client B;*

    • Comments on the recommended solution . Ho" do these t"o cases differ*

     . Is there guidance in the Code or the definition of$rofessional misconduct*

     . )hat ty$e of fee structure is a$$ro$riate for engineers*

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    Case 1/8/ . Adherence to Plans

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • )hat should the engineer do*

    • Comments on recommended solution . Is the choice of ho" to $roceed clear*

     . Ho" can you sto$ the contractor*

     . ?hould you charge for the additional "or# of re!ie"ingthe changes*

     . Ho" could the situation be a!oided*

     . )hat are the issues relating to control of the originaldra"ings*

     . e!ie" the case history $resented in Cha$ter K

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    Case 1/86 . Fee eduction for ?imilar )or#

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • )ould it be ethical for ohnson to reduce herfees as suggested* )ould it be good business$ractice*

    • Comments on recommended solution . %oes ohnson ha!e a duty to the $rofession to charge

    reasonable fees*

     . )hat if the clients refused to $ay*

     . )here should the line be dra"n bet"een goodbusiness and good ethics*

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    Case 8G . Alleged Collusion in Fee ?etting

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  WesternWestern


    • Is it unethical for the three consulting firms to

    agree on the fee reduction to be allo"ed for the

    assistance*• Comments on recommended solution

     . %o you thin# the cor$oration misunderstood the

    guidelines for the selection $rocedure*

     .  Are there ad!antages to com$etiti!e bidding*

     . )hat do you thin# the best "ay to hire an engineer

    "ould be*

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    %iscussion (uestion

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • &anufacturing com$any establishingne" $lant in de!elo$ing country

    • &anufacturing line $rohibited inCanada because it creates toic "aste

    • La"s in de!elo$ing country do not

    $rohibit the line• )hat are the ethical issues in!ol!ed*

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 5 - 2010


    et Class

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    .n'Class -ES-

    +hen Conference )ee#, then

    -opics . Introduction to la" for engineers

     . +he Canadian legal system, business organi3ations,tort liability

    /eadings . &arston, Cha$ters 1, 2, /

     . Andre"s, Cha$ter 6