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Employee Handbook Last Revised February 5, 2011

Employee Handbook - Champion Summer Summer Camp Employee … · Welcome to Champion Summer Camp! We are excited to have your help this summer.

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Page 1: Employee Handbook - Champion Summer Summer Camp Employee … · Welcome to Champion Summer Camp! We are excited to have your help this summer.

Employee Handbook Last Revised February 5, 2011

Page 2: Employee Handbook - Champion Summer Summer Camp Employee … · Welcome to Champion Summer Camp! We are excited to have your help this summer.



WELCOME ...................................................................................................................... 1

ABOUT THIS HANDBOOK .............................................................................................. 1

OUR COMPANY PHILOSOPHY ....................................................................................... 1

RESPECT AND PROFESSIONALISM IN THE WORKPLACE ........................................... 3

EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY ......................................................................... 3

NO HARASSMENT .......................................................................................................... 4

OPEN-DOOR POLICY ...................................................................................................... 5

REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS ............................................................................. 6

AT-WILL EMPLOYMENT................................................................................................ 6

PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS .................................................................................... 7

GENERAL STANDARDS OF CONDUCT ......................................................................... 7

EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIPS ......................................................................................... 7

SUBSTANCE ABUSE ....................................................................................................... 8

YOUR PERSONNEL RECORDS ....................................................................................... 8

INTERNAL COMPLAINT PROCEDURE .......................................................................... 8

YOUR WAGES .............................................................................................................. 10

PAYMENT OF WAGES .................................................................................................. 10

YOUR WORKWEEK ...................................................................................................... 10

ATTENDANCE .............................................................................................................. 10

TIMEKEEPING PROCEDURES ...................................................................................... 11

REST BREAKS AND MEAL PERIODS ........................................................................... 11

LACTATION ACCOMMODATION FOR NURSING MOTHERS ...................................... 12

DISCRETIONARY BONUSES ........................................................................................ 12

PAY FOR MANDATORY MEETINGS/TRAINING .......................................................... 12

WAGE REPLACEMENT BENEFITS FOR FAMILY LEAVE ............................................ 12

LEAVES OF ABSENCE .................................................................................................. 14

ADDITIONAL TIME OFF ............................................................................................... 14

TIME OFF FOR REHABILITATION ............................................................................... 14

TIME OFF FOR LITERACY ASSISTANCE ..................................................................... 15

BEREAVEMENT LEAVE ............................................................................................... 15

JURY AND WITNESS LEAVE ........................................................................................ 15

MILITARY LEAVE ......................................................................................................... 16

LEAVE FOR SPOUSES OF ACTIVE MILITARY PERSONNEL ....................................... 16

TIME OFF FOR VOTING................................................................................................ 16

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TIME OFF FOR ELECTION OFFICIALS ......................................................................... 16

TIME OFF FOR SCHOOL-RELATED ACTIVITIES ......................................................... 17

TIME OFF FOR SCHOOL-RELATED SUSPENSION ....................................................... 17


TIME OFF FOR CRIME VICTIMS .................................................................................. 17

BACKGROUND CHECKS .............................................................................................. 18

PERSONAL APPEARANCE ........................................................................................... 18

FRAGRANCE-FREE WORKPLACE POLICY .................................................................. 19

STATEMENTS TO THE MEDIA ..................................................................................... 19

SMOKING ..................................................................................................................... 19

CUSTOMER RELATIONS .............................................................................................. 19

CONFIDENTIALITY ...................................................................................................... 19

CONFLICT OF INTEREST ............................................................................................. 20

PERSONAL VISITS, TELEPHONE CALLS, AND MAIL ................................................. 20

USE OF COMPANY STATIONERY ................................................................................ 21

BULLETIN BOARDS ..................................................................................................... 21

SOLICITATION & DISTRIBUTION ................................................................................ 21

SEARCHES OF COMPANY AND EMPLOYEE PROPERTY ............................................ 21

USE OF COMPANY EQUIPMENT .................................................................................. 22

VENDOR GIFTS ............................................................................................................ 22

SAFETY ......................................................................................................................... 23

ACCIDENTS ON COMPANY PREMISES ....................................................................... 23

PERSONAL BELONGINGS ............................................................................................ 24

SECURITY ..................................................................................................................... 24

EMPLOYEES WITH DRIVING RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................... 24


...................................................................................................................................... 25

OFF-DUTY WORK ACCESS .......................................................................................... 25

WORKPLACE VIOLENCE PREVENTION ...................................................................... 25

IF YOU LEAVE US ........................................................................................................ 26

EMPLOYEE REFERENCES ............................................................................................ 26

A FEW CLOSING WORDS ............................................................................................. 26

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WELCOME Welcome to Champion Summer Camp! We are excited to have your help this summer. This

camp was founded in 2010 with the goal to be the premier camp in the community. You are now

a member of our team, and we are confident you will contribute to the excellence of this camp.

This Employee Handbook is your personal reference to the fundamental policies and practices

guiding our camp operations. The Handbook is designed to cover key policies related to your

job. It is not intended to include all of the policies related to our camp operation but covers those

directly related to you. In addition to referring to your Handbook, you should always feel

welcome to ask Tony Basso, Executive Director, any question you may have about these policies

or practices.

Tony Basso

Executive Director

ABOUT THIS HANDBOOK As with any job change, you will experience a period of adjustment. You will want to know what

you can expect from Champion Summer Camp and what will be expected from you. You may

have questions about your job duties, your benefits, and Champion Summer Camp’s general

operation. We have prepared this Handbook to assist you in finding the answers to many of these

questions. However, we do not expect this Handbook to answer all of your questions. Tony Basso

will be your primary source of information.

This Handbook is provided as a guide you may use to familiarize yourself with Champion Summer

Camp. It is provided and intended only as a helpful guide. The Handbook is not, nor should it be

considered to be, an agreement or contract of employment, express or implied, or a promise of

treatment in any particular manner in any given situation. This Handbook states only general

company guidelines. Champion Summer Camp may, at any time, in its sole discretion, modify or

vary anything stated in this Handbook—except as required by law, and except for the rights of the

parties to terminate employment at will, which may only be modified by an express written

agreement signed by you and the Executive Director of Champion Summer Camp.

This Handbook is the property of Champion Summer Camp and may only be removed from the

premises with permission. All rights are reserved. No part of this Handbook may be reproduced in

any form without permission in writing from the Executive Director.

This Handbook supersedes all prior handbooks, manuals, policies, and procedures issued by

Champion Summer Camp.

Any violation of the policies and/or procedures set forth in this Handbook may result in

disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

OUR COMPANY PHILOSOPHY We are an equal opportunity employer. We believe all of our employees should be treated fairly,

consistently, and with dignity and respect. Our goal is to maintain a satisfied and productive team

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of employees. The keys to reaching that goal are effective leadership, fair and competitive wages

and benefits, dedication to the job, and close attention to employee relations matters.

Every member of our team is committed to our philosophy that effective leadership and dedication

are the keys to a productive work environment. You have the opportunity to express your

concerns, suggestions, and comments to us directly so we can understand and work with each other

better. You are always free to speak to your supervisor or any member of our management team.

We encourage you to raise any concerns you may have so we can help resolve the matter. We are

proud of our relationship between our management team and our employees, and we recognize

there is always room for improvement. We will always give consideration to your concerns, and

we are interested in your thoughts and opinions. While we cannot guarantee we will always give

you the answer you want, we will do our best to listen and to address your concerns.

We strongly believe that individual consideration in the employee-supervisory relationship

provides the best climate for our maximum development, team work, and the attainment of our

goals. We provide good working conditions and wages. All this is a part of your job with us.

At Champion Summer Camp, you have the opportunity to express your concerns, suggestions,

and comments to us directly so we can better understand each other.

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RESPECT AND PROFESSIONALISM IN THE WORKPLACE We are committed to promoting and maintaining an environment in which all employees are

treated with respect and dignity. As part of that commitment, we expect all employees to

conduct themselves in a civil and cooperative manner. We will not tolerate disrespectful and

disruptive behavior in the workplace or in work-related settings. ―Work-related settings‖ may

include off-site events at which employees are present.

This policy prohibits disruptive and disrespectful workplace conduct that interferes with an

employee’s ability to work efficiently and productively. This may include, but is not limited to:

rude, unprofessional or otherwise inappropriate verbal comments;

inappropriate visual displays, including emails, screensavers, calendars and

similar items;

spreading rumors or intentionally conveying false information about another


refusing to cooperate with legitimate work-related requests;

bullying or shouting; and

using abusive language and/or engaging in intimidating behavior.

If you believe someone has violated this policy, you should contact Tony Basso, Executive

Director. We will make all reasonable efforts to resolve the situation. This may include taking

disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Champion Summer Camp is an equal opportunity employer. We enthusiastically accept our

responsibility to make employment decisions without regard to race, religious creed, color, age,

sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, religion, marital

status, medical condition, disability, military service, pregnancy, childbirth and related medical

conditions, or any other classification protected by federal, state, and local laws and ordinances.

Our management is dedicated to ensuring the fulfillment of this policy with respect to hiring,

placement, promotion, transfer, demotion, layoff, termination, recruitment advertising, pay, and

other forms of compensation, training, and general treatment during employment.

Any violation of this policy will not be tolerated and will result in appropriate disciplinary action,

up to and including termination. If you believe someone has violated this policy, you should bring

the matter to the attention of the Tony Basso, Executive Director (415) 602-0722. Champion

Summer Camp will promptly investigate the facts and circumstances of any claim this policy has

been violated and take appropriate corrective measures.

No one will be subject to, and Champion Summer Camp prohibits, any form of discipline or

retaliation for reporting perceived violations of this policy, pursuing any such complaint, or

cooperating in any way in the investigation of such complaints.

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NO HARASSMENT Champion Summer Camp does not tolerate harassment of our job applicants, contractors or

employees by another employee, supervisor, vendor, customer, or any third party. Any form of

harassment on the basis of race, religious creed, color, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity,

genetic information, national origin, religion, marital status, medical condition, disability, military

service, pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions, or any other classification protected

by federal, state, and local laws and ordinances is a violation of this policy and will be treated as a

disciplinary matter. Champion Summer Camp has zero tolerance for harassment and is committed

to a workplace free of any harassment.

Harassment Defined. Harassment as defined in this policy is unwelcome verbal, visual or physical

conduct based on any protected characteristic creating an intimidating, offensive, or hostile work

environment that interferes with work performance. Harassment can be verbal (including slurs,

jokes, insults, epithets, gestures or teasing), graphic (including offensive posters, symbols,

cartoons, drawings, computer displays, or e-mails) or physical conduct (including physically

threatening another, blocking someone’s way, etc.). Such conduct violates this policy, even if it is

not unlawful. Because it is difficult to define unlawful harassment, employees are expected to

behave at all times in a professional and respectful manner.

Sexual Harassment Defined. Sexual harassment under this policy can include all of the above

actions, as well as other unwelcome conduct, such as unwelcome or unsolicited sexual advances,

requests for sexual favors, conversations regarding sexual activities and other verbal or physical

conduct of a sexual nature.

Prohibited Conduct:

Examples of conduct that violates this policy include:

unwelcome sexual advances, flirtations, advances, leering, whistling, touching,

pinching, assault, blocking normal movement

requests for sexual favors or demands for sexual favors in exchange for favorable


obscene or vulgar gestures, posters, or comments

sexual jokes or comments about a person’s body, sexual prowess, or sexual


propositions, or suggestive or insulting comments of a sexual nature

derogatory cartoons, posters, and drawings

sexually-explicit e-mails or voicemails

uninvited touching of a sexual nature

unwelcome sexually-related comments

conversation about one’s own or someone else’s sex life

conduct or comments consistently targeted at only one gender, even if the content

is not sexual

teasing or other conduct directed toward a person because of the person’s gender

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All such conduct is unacceptable in the workplace and in any work-related settings

regardless of whether the conduct is engaged in by a supervisor, co-worker, client, customer,

vendor, or other third party.

Reporting Procedures. The following steps have been put into place to ensure the work

environment at Champion Summer Camp is respectful, professional, and free of harassment. If

you believe someone has violated this policy, you should promptly bring the matter to the

immediate attention of Tony Basso, Executive Director (415) 602-0722.

Investigation Procedures. Champion Summer Camp will promptly investigate the facts and

circumstances of any perceived violation of this policy. To the extent possible, Champion Summer

Camp will endeavor to keep the reporting employee’s concerns confidential. During the

investigation, Champion Summer Camp generally will:

interview the employees involved;

document Champion Summer Camp’s findings regarding the complaint;

document recommended follow-up actions and remedies, if warranted; and

inform the complainant and the accused of Champion Summer Camp’s findings

Any supervisor who learns of any potential violation of this policy must immediately report the

matter to Tony Basso, Executive Director (415) 602-0722.

All employees are expected to fully cooperate with internal investigations that may be initiated by

Champion Summer Camp to examine any perceived violation of this policy. This includes, but is

not limited to, maintaining an appropriate level of discretion regarding the investigation and

disclosing any and all information that may be pertinent to the investigation.

Upon completion of the investigation, Champion Summer Camp will take corrective measures

against any person who has engaged in conduct in violation of this policy, if Champion Summer

Camp determines such measures are necessary. These measures may include, but are not limited

to, counseling, suspension, or immediate termination. Anyone, regardless of position or title,

whom Champion Summer Camp determines has engaged in conduct that violates this policy will

be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.

No Retaliation. No employee will be subject to, and Champion Summer Camp prohibits, any form

of discipline or retaliation for reporting perceived violations of this policy, pursuing any such

claim, or cooperating in any way in the investigation of such claims. If you believe someone has

violated this policy against retaliation, you should bring the matter to the immediate attention of

Tony Basso, Executive Director (415) 602-0722. Anyone, regardless of position or title, whom

Champion Summer Camp determines has engaged in conduct that violates this policy against

retaliation will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.

OPEN-DOOR POLICY Our sincere conviction is that the best and most rewarding employee-management system results

from a direct relationship between management and employees. We encourage you to bring

your problems to your supervisor or any other member of management whom you feel can help

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you; we, in turn, promise to listen to your concerns with respect and do our best to solve your


REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS We recognize and support our obligation to reasonably accommodate employees with disabilities

or religious beliefs or practices who are able to perform the essential functions of their positions,

with or without reasonable accommodation. Champion Summer Camp will provide reasonable

accommodation to employees, unless doing so would impose an undue hardship on Champion

Summer Camp.

An employee who believes he or she needs a reasonable accommodation should discuss the matter

with Tony Basso, Executive Director.

AT-WILL EMPLOYMENT Champion Summer Camp’s policy is that employment is ―at-will.‖ You are free to leave

Champion Summer Camp at any time, with or without a reason and with or without notice.

Champion Summer Camp also has the right to end your employment at any time, with or without a

reason and with or without notice. Although Champion Summer Camp may choose to end your

employment for a cause, cause is not required. Further, Champion Summer Camp has the right to

manage its work force and direct its employees. This includes the right to hire, transfer, promote,

demote, reclassify, lay off, terminate, or change any term or condition of employment at any time,

with or without a reason and with or without notice unless otherwise required by law.

No one other than the Tony Basso, Executive Director of Champion Summer Camp may enter into

an agreement for employment for a specific period of time or make any agreement contrary to the

policy of at-will employment. Any such agreement must be in writing signed by Tony Basso,

Executive Director, and you.

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PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS Performance evaluations may be conducted from time-to-time to provide both you and your

supervisor with the opportunity to discuss your job tasks, identify and correct weaknesses,

encourage and recognize strengths, and discuss methods for improving your work performance.

After discussing the evaluation with your supervisor, you will be required to sign the evaluation

indicating that you have received the evaluation and that the supervisor reviewed it with you.

However, a positive performance evaluation does not guarantee an increase in salary, a

promotion, or even continued employment. Compensation increases and the terms and

conditions of employment, including job assignments, transfers, promotions, and demotions, are

determined by and at the discretion of Champion Summer Camp and such may be based on

many factors in addition to performance.

In addition to formal performance evaluations, Champion Summer Camp encourages you and

your supervisor to discuss your job performance on a regular basis.

GENERAL STANDARDS OF CONDUCT People working together need standards to guide their behavior so everyone may work together

efficiently. At Champion Summer Camp, we take a constructive approach to employee relations

so you know what we expect, and inappropriate behavior does not occur.

While it is neither possible nor desirable to identify every possible infraction of this policy, you

must observe reasonable standards of conduct and may be disciplined when you do not. Some

examples of misconduct include any form of dishonesty, disruption of the workplace, failure to

comply with any Company policy or practice, or any other form of misconduct that does not serve

the best interests of Champion Summer Camp or its employees.

Employee discipline generally will be in the form of oral warnings, written warnings, or, in

Champion Summer Camp’s discretion, termination. However, pursuant to Champion Summer

Camp’s at-will employment policy, Champion Summer Camp reserves the right to impose

whatever form of discipline it chooses, or none at all in a particular instance. Champion Summer

Camp will deal with each case individually, and nothing in this Handbook should be construed as a

promise of specific treatment in a given situation.

EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIPS Champion Summer Camp desires to avoid misunderstandings, actual or potential conflicts of

interest, complaints of favoritism, and the employee morale problems that can result from

romantic relationships between employees in supervisory or other influential positions in

Champion Summer Camp.

For that reason, employees in supervisory or other influential positions are strongly discouraged

from becoming romantically involved with one another or with any other employee of Champion

Summer Camp. Additionally, employees are discouraged from becoming romantically involved

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with other employees, when, in the sole opinion of Champion Summer Camp, the relationship

may create a conflict of interest, cause disruption, create a negative or unprofessional work

environment, or present concerns regarding supervision, safety, security, or morale.

If you feel a personal relationship with someone at work is not voluntary or is no longer desired,

you should contact Tony Basso, Executive Director, so Champion Summer Camp may address

the situation.

Any employee in a supervisory or other influential position who becomes romantically involved

with another employee must immediately and fully disclose in writing the relevant circumstances

to Tony Basso, Executive Director, so Champion Summer Camp can determine whether the

relationship presents an actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest. If an actual, perceived

or potential conflict exists, Champion Summer Camp may take whatever action it deems

appropriate according to the circumstances, up to and including transfer or termination of one or

both of the employees. Failure to disclose such a relationship may lead to disciplinary action, up

to and including termination.

SUBSTANCE ABUSE Champion Summer Camp is required by law to provide a safe and healthy work environment for

employees. For that reason, all employees are expected to follow certain rules regarding the use,

possession, and sale of drugs and alcohol at work.

The illegal use, sale, distribution, or possession of narcotics, drugs, or controlled substances while

on the job or on company property will result in immediate disciplinary action, up to and including

termination. The use of alcohol during working hours or reporting to work under the influence of

alcohol is strictly prohibited.

The use of controlled substances that are prescribed to you by a licensed health care provider or

available over the counter is not prohibited by this policy. However, if you are taking mediation

that may require an accommodation, please notify Tony Basso to discuss what accommodations

may be appropriate.

YOUR PERSONNEL RECORDS It is important your personnel records are accurate and up-to-date. You should notify Champion

Summer Camp of any change in your name, address, telephone number, marital status, number of

dependents, or emergency contact telephone number.

You may view your personnel file upon request. Requests should be directed to Tony Basso,

Executive Director. A mutually convenient time will be scheduled for you to review your file.

INTERNAL COMPLAINT PROCEDURE Champion Summer Camp is committed to providing employees with a process in which they can

raise concerns about the workplace. It is important for you to understand that nothing in this policy

is intended to create an express or implied agreement that alters the employment at-will

relationship that exists between Champion Summer Camp and you.

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If you have a concern or wish to file a complaint, please contact Tony Basso, Executive Director

(415) 602-0722

The Executive Director will provide you with a verbal or written response to your complaint within

10 working days unless additional time is required under the circumstances. The decision at this

step is final, conclusive, and binding on all parties.

You are encouraged to utilize this internal complaint procedure without fear of retaliation. Anyone

who engages in inappropriate conduct toward a participant in the complaint process will be subject

to discipline, up to and including termination.

This policy does not apply to claims involving perceived violations of Champion Summer Camp’s

equal employment opportunity policies. Such claims should be reported immediately and in the

manner set forth in Champion Summer Camp’s ―Equal Employment Opportunity‖ and/or ―No

Harassment‖ policies, and will be addressed in accordance with the provisions of the applicable


All employees are expected to fully cooperate with internal investigations that may be initiated by

Champion Summer Camp to examine any perceived violation of company policy or procedure or

any other matter. This includes, but is not limited to, maintaining an appropriate level of discretion

regarding the investigation and disclosing any and all information that may be pertinent to the


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YOUR WAGES Your pay is influenced by many factors, including your skills, experience, salary history,

education, nature and scope of your job, performance, and Champion Summer Camp’s financial

strength. A positive performance evaluation does not guarantee an increase in your


PAYMENT OF WAGES Paydays are bi-weekly and shall occur within seven (7) calendar days of the preceding pay

period. If a regular payday falls on a weekend or holiday, employees will be paid on the

preceding workday.

Paychecks are normally available by 5:00 p.m. on a payday. If there is an error in your check,

please report it immediately to Tony Basso, Executive Director. No one other than the employee

to whom the paycheck is written will be allowed to pick up a paycheck unless written

authorization has been given for another person to do so.

All wages are subject to mandatory payroll deductions. These deductions include Federal

Income Tax, State Income Tax, Medicare, Social Security (FICA), State Disability Insurance

(SDI) and State Unemployment Insurance (SUI). In addition to these mandatory deductions, if

you are eligible and elect to participate in certain plans offered by Champion Summer Camp,

additional deductions in accordance with your instructions will be made.

YOUR WORKWEEK When you begin your employment with us, you will be advised of your schedule. From time-to-

time, it may be necessary to change your work schedule. Your cooperation with any such changes

is both expected and appreciated. We will do our best to give you as much advance notice as

possible of any changes in your work schedule. We also will try to keep all unscheduled changes

to a minimum.

For payroll purposes, the workweek starts on 12:01 a.m. Sunday and ends at midnight Saturday.

ATTENDANCE The success of our company depends upon the cooperation and commitment of each member of

our team. Therefore, your attendance and punctuality are extremely important. Your fellow

employees must bear the burden of your absence. Your responsibility to our company and to your

fellow employees requires good attendance.

Please be at your work place and ready to work at your starting time. Give yourself enough time to

make preparations to begin work prior to your starting time. However, we request you do not

report to work more than five (5) minutes before your starting time without your supervisor’s

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permission. We also ask that you not stay more than five (5) minutes after the end of your

workday without your supervisor’s permission.

We recognize there may be times when your absence or tardiness cannot be avoided. In the event

you are unable to arrive by your scheduled start time, and anticipate being more than fifteen (15)

minutes late, please contact Tony Basso, Executive Director (415) 602-0722 to advise of your

estimated time of arrival. If you are unable to report to work, you must notify Tony Basso,

Executive Director at least two hours before your scheduled shift. Unless you have made other

arrangements with your supervisor, each day you are absent you must call your supervisor and

indicate the reason and estimated duration of your absence.

Failure to give your supervisor notice of your absence or tardiness is serious and may also result in

disciplinary action. If you are absent due to the illness of yourself or a family member for one (1)

or more workdays, we may require you to produce a certification from your health care provider.

If you fail to notify your supervisor of your absences for three (3) consecutive days, you may be

considered to have voluntarily resigned your employment with Champion Summer Camp.

Regular attendance and promptness are considered part of every employee’s essential job


TIMEKEEPING PROCEDURES All non-exempt employees must record their actual time worked for payroll and benefit

purposes. It is your responsibility to record your time on a timecard and have it signed by Tony

Basso, Executive Director. Non-exempt employees must record the time work begins and ends,

as well as the beginning and ending time of each meal period. Non-exempt employees must also

record any departure from work for any non-work-related reason. Any handwritten marks or

changes on the timecard must be initialed by you and your supervisor. Filling-in another

employee’s timecard, allowing another employee to fill-in your timecard, or altering a timecard

will not be tolerated.

It is your responsibility to sign your timecard to certify its accuracy.

REST BREAKS AND MEAL PERIODS All non-exempt employees are entitled to periodic rest break periods during their workday. If you

are a non-exempt employee, you will be paid for all such break periods. Your supervisor will

advise you of the time and duration of your breaks and you are expected to return to work

promptly at the end of any rest break. Generally, you will be entitled to one (1) 10-minute rest

break for every four (4) hours you work (or major fraction thereof, which is defined as two (2)

hours). If you work more than six (6) hours and up to 10 hours in a workday, generally you should

take one (1) rest break during the first half of your shift and one (1) rest break during the second

half of your shift. If you work more than 10 hours and up to 14 hours, you will be entitled to an

additional paid 10-minute rest break.

If you are a non-exempt employee and work more than five (5) hours in a workday, you are also

entitled to an unpaid duty-free meal period of at least 30 minutes. If you work more than 10 hours,

you are entitled to a second, unpaid meal period of at least 30 minutes. Depending on the

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circumstances, you may be able to waive your second meal period if you took the first one. Your

supervisor will advise you of the scheduling of your meal period. You must not perform any work

during your meal period, and you must take at least 30 minutes completely off work. You may

leave the premises for your meal period.

All breaks and meal periods must be taken outside your regular work area. If for any reason you

do not take the applicable rest and meal periods, you must notify your Tony Basso, Executive

Director, immediately.

LACTATION ACCOMMODATION FOR NURSING MOTHERS Champion Summer Camp will provide a reasonable amount of break time for nursing mothers to

express breast milk, unless doing so would seriously impair operations. The break time, if

possible, must run concurrently with rest and meal periods already provided to the employee. If

the break time cannot run concurrently with rest and meal periods already provided, then the

break time will be unpaid.

Champion Summer Camp will make reasonable efforts to provide a room or location other than a

toilet stall for this purpose. Please speak to Tony Basso if you have questions regarding this


DISCRETIONARY BONUSES Bonuses may be given at the sole discretion of Champion Summer Camp. If bonuses are given,

there is no express or implied promise that bonuses will be given at a specific time or for a

specific amount or that all employees will receive equal or proportionate bonuses.

PAY FOR MANDATORY MEETINGS/TRAINING Champion Summer Camp will pay non-exempt employees for their attendance at meetings,

lectures and training programs if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

Attendance is mandatory.

The meeting, lecture or training is directly related to the employee’s job.

The employee is notified of the necessity of attendance at the meeting, lecture or

training by a member of management.

Employees participating in or attending such meetings, lectures or trainings will be compensated

at their regular rate of pay.

WAGE REPLACEMENT BENEFITS FOR FAMILY LEAVE If you are off work to care for a child, spouse, parent, or registered domestic partner with a

serious health condition, or to bond with a new child, you may be eligible to receive benefits

through California’s ―Paid Family Leave‖ (―PFL‖) program, which is administered by the

Employment Development Department (―EDD‖).

These benefits are financed through employee contributions. There generally is a waiting period

during which no PFL benefits are available.

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If you have been approved to take time off work to care for a child, spouse, parent, or registered

domestic partner with a serious health condition, or to bond with a new child please advise Tony

Basso, Executive Director, and you will be given information about the PFL program and how to

apply for benefits. You also may contact your local EDD.

Please note, employees taking time off work to care for a covered child, spouse, parent, or

domestic partner with a serious health condition or to bond with a new child are not guaranteed

job reinstatement unless they qualify for such reinstatement under federal or state family and

medical leave laws.

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LEAVES OF ABSENCE Champion Summer Camp may provide you with an unpaid medical leave of absence due to your

illness or injury (whether or not such illness or injury is work related). A leave of absence granted

under this policy will run concurrently with any other legally required time off.

If you are disabled due to illness or injury, you must give written notice to your supervisor as soon

as possible. Leave requests must include a certification from your health care provider stating the

date on which the condition began, the probable duration of the leave, a statement you are unable

to work at all or are unable to perform one or more of the essential functions of your position with

or without reasonable accommodation, and the expected date of return to work. The amount of

time off available to you will depend on the circumstances. We encourage you to contact the

Employment Development Department regarding your eligibility for State Disability Insurance for

the unpaid portion of your leave.

When you are able to return to work, you must give Champion Summer Camp at least five (5)

days’ notice of your intent to return by providing Tony Basso, Executive Director, a certification

from your health care provider stating you are physically able to return to your duties with or

without accommodation. This notice is important so your return to work is properly scheduled.

Unless otherwise required by law, we will make reasonable efforts to return you to your former

position or a similar position. If you do not return from work on the originally-scheduled return

date or request in advance an extension of the agreed upon leave with appropriate medical

documentation, you may be deemed to have voluntarily resigned your employment with Champion

Summer Camp.

In addition, failure to notify Champion Summer Camp of your availability for work when it occurs,

failure to return to work when called by Champion Summer Camp, or your continued absence

from work because your leave must extend beyond a reasonable period of time may be deemed a

voluntary resignation of your employment with Champion Summer Camp.

ADDITIONAL TIME OFF Additional unpaid time off will be granted in accordance with applicable law. This may include

time off for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault or other serious violent crimes, to

participate in a child’s school activities or disciplinary proceedings, for spouses of active duty

military personnel who are on leave, to participate in volunteer firefighter training or respond as a

volunteer or reserve emergency personnel, or to participate in literacy assistance or drug/alcohol

rehabilitation programs. Please contact Tony Basso, Executive Director, for additional


TIME OFF FOR REHABILITATION We are committed to providing assistance to our employees to overcome substance abuse

problems. We will reasonably accommodate any employee who wishes to voluntarily enter and

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participate in an alcohol or drug rehabilitation program. This accommodation may include an

adjusted work schedule or time off without pay (unless otherwise required by law), provided the

accommodation does not impose an undue hardship on Champion Summer Camp.

Champion Summer Camp will attempt to safeguard the privacy of your participation in a

rehabilitation program.

You should notify Tony Basso, Executive Director, to request time off under this policy.

TIME OFF FOR LITERACY ASSISTANCE We are committed to providing assistance to employees who require time off to participate in an

adult education program for literacy assistance. We will reasonably accommodate any employee

who wishes to participate in an adult literacy program. This accommodation may include an

adjusted work schedule or time off without pay (unless otherwise required by law), provided the

accommodation does not impose an undue hardship on Champion Summer Camp.

Champion Summer Camp will attempt to safeguard the privacy of your enrollment in an adult

education program.

You should notify Tony Basso, Executive Director, to request time off under this policy.

BEREAVEMENT LEAVE Employees who lose a member of their immediate family will be granted a reasonable period of

time off to attend to their obligations and commitments. The time off will be unpaid unless

otherwise required by law.

―Immediate family‖ for the purposes of this policy includes your spouse, registered domestic

partner, child, parent, sister, brother, grandparents, mother-in-law, father-in-law, step-parents, step-

child, and other persons who are part of your household.

If you are on vacation or a leave of absence, you are not entitled to bereavement leave.

Champion Summer Camp may require verification of death.

JURY AND WITNESS LEAVE Jury Duty. You will be granted time off if you are called for jury duty. Please present your jury

summons to your supervisor as soon as you receive it. If Champion Summer Camp believes your

absence due to jury duty will negatively impact operations, we may request that you seek a

postponement of your jury service.

You are expected to report for work if you are not needed on the jury during regular work hours.

Acting as a Witness. You may be required by law to appear in court as a witness. Champion

Summer Camp provides unpaid time off for this purpose, unless otherwise required by law.

However, you may use accrued but unused paid time off for this purpose.

Please provide Tony Basso, Executive Director, reasonable notice of your need to take time off

under this policy.

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MILITARY LEAVE If you are called to active duty in the U.S. military, Reserves, or California National Guard, you are

eligible for a military leave of absence in accordance with state and federal law. Please present

your supervisor with a copy of your service papers as soon as you receive them. The time off will

be unpaid unless otherwise required by law. However, you may use accrued but unused paid time

off for this purpose.

During leave, your length of service accumulates, and your benefits will continue as required by

law. Upon application within the appropriate time period after your date of discharge from military

service, you will receive the then-current rate of pay and the then-current benefits.

If you are required to attend yearly Reserves or National Guard duty, you may apply for a

temporary military leave of absence not to exceed 17 days (including travel). This time off will be

unpaid unless otherwise required by law. You may use accrued but unused paid time off for this


Please provide Tony Basso, Executive Director, reasonable notice of your need to take time off

under this policy.

LEAVE FOR SPOUSES OF ACTIVE MILITARY PERSONNEL If you work a minimum of 20 hours per week, you may take up to 10 days of unpaid time off to

spend time with your spouse or registered domestic partner who is a qualified member of the

Armed Forces, National Guard, or reserves, and who is granted leave from deployment during a

period of military conflict. You may use accrued but unused paid time off for this purpose.

You must request time off under this policy within two (2) days of receiving notice your spouse

or registered domestic partner will be on leave. Please notify Tony Basso, Executive Director.

TIME OFF FOR VOTING If you do not have sufficient time outside of working hours to vote in a statewide election,

Champion Summer Camp will grant you up to two (2) hours of paid time off to vote. The time

off must be taken at the beginning or end of the regular work schedule, whichever allows the

most free time for voting and the least time off from work.

Please notify Tony Basso, Executive Director, of your need for time off under this policy at least

two (2) working days prior to Election Day.

TIME OFF FOR ELECTION OFFICIALS If you serve as an election official on Election Day, you will be granted time off for this purpose.

The time off will be unpaid unless otherwise required by law.

Please provide Tony Basso, Executive Director, reasonable notice of your need to take time off

under this policy.

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TIME OFF FOR SCHOOL-RELATED ACTIVITIES Parents, guardians, or grandparents with school children from kindergarten through Grade 12, or

who attend licensed child daycare facilities may take time off (up to a maximum of eight (8)

hours in one (1) calendar month and 40 hours in one (1) calendar year) to participate in school or

day care activities. The time off will be unpaid unless otherwise required by law. We may

require proof of your participation in the activities covered by this policy.

Please provide Tony Basso, Executive Director, reasonable notice of your need to take time off

under this policy.

TIME OFF FOR SCHOOL-RELATED SUSPENSION Employees who are parents or guardians of a child suspended from public school are provided

time off to attend a portion of the school day in his/her child’s classroom at the request of the

school. The time off will be unpaid unless otherwise required by law. Where possible, please

provide Tony Basso, Executive Director, reasonable notice of your need to take time off under

this policy.


ASSAULT If you are a victim of domestic violence or sexual assault, you may take time off work to obtain

help from a court, seek medical attention, obtain services from an appropriate shelter, program,

or crisis center, obtain psychological counseling, or participate in safety planning, such as

permanent or temporary relocation. The time off will be unpaid unless otherwise required by


We may require proof of your participation in the activities covered by this policy.

Where possible, please provide Tony Basso, Executive Director, reasonable notice of your need

to take time off under this policy.

TIME OFF FOR CRIME VICTIMS If you have been the victim of a serious or violent felony, as specified under California law, or

felonies relating to theft or embezzlement, you may take time off work to attend judicial

proceedings related to the crime. You may also take time off if an immediate family member has

been a victim of such a crime and you need to attend judicial proceedings related to the crime.

Time off under this policy will be unpaid unless otherwise required by law.

―Immediate family‖ for the purposes of this policy includes your spouse, registered domestic

partner, child, parent, sister, brother, grandparents, mother-in-law, father-in-law, step-parents, step-

child, and other persons who are part of your household.

Where possible, please provide Tony Basso, Executive Director, reasonable notice before taking

any time off under this policy. You also may be required to provide appropriate documentation

from the court.

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WORKPLACE STANDARDS BACKGROUND CHECKS As part of our efforts to maintain a safe and appropriate workplace, applicants and employees

may be subject to background checks. Before transferring, promoting, reclassifying or

reassigning an employee, Champion Summer Camp may investigate the individual’s prior

employment history, personal references, criminal background and educational background, as

well as other relevant information that is reasonably available to Champion Summer Camp.

Consistent with these practices, employees may be asked to sign certain authorization and release


PERSONAL APPEARANCE Employees are expected to report to work well-groomed, clean, and wearing clothing appropriate

for the nature of our business and the type of work performed. Camp staff should wear clothes

that are appropriate for a sports camp and which are accepted in the community as appropriate

for someone teaching/influencing children. Appearance should visually reflect to parents and

other visitors that every employee is a member of a professional, safe, organized, and well-run


With these considerations in mind, we have established a few basic dress and grooming

guidelines. They are very general and subjective and, as such, we understand they are open to

various interpretations.

If any appearance/dress issues arise, Tony Basso will discuss the situation with you and decide

how it should be resolved.

1. "Extreme" looks are not permitted (unless worn in the spirit of a particular camp special

event). This relates to hair, clothing, piercings, tattoos, makeup. Staff should not glorify

tattoos and piercings in discussion with campers nor show off tattoos and/or piercings to

campers. As much as reasonably possible, existing tattoos should be kept covered.

2. Athletic shoes should be worn upon arrival at camp and then worn during activities that

would normally require the wearing of athletic shoes (e.g. soccer, basketball, football,

tennis). We understand you want to be comfortable in the heat and avoid a ―farmer’s tan‖

but please understand that the campers look to you as an example and also that

bare/unsupported feet expose you to a greater chance of injury and in that respect there

are insurance issues involved. It's also difficult for staff to play/teach some sports

properly/effectively without proper footwear.

3. An unaltered camp shirt should be worn at camp every day. Staff will be provided with 5

camp t-shirts each summer. Any non-camp shirts worn to camp must be in good

condition and appropriate for wear around children. Camp t-shirts must be worn

throughout the day (with the exception of swimming and other water-related activities).

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FRAGRANCE-FREE WORKPLACE POLICY Champion Summer Camp is a fragrance-free workplace. Some employees and visitors to our

offices may have sensitivity and/or allergic reactions to various fragrances and other scented

products. Therefore, Champion Summer Camp employees must not wear cologne, after shave

lotion, scented lotions, powders and other similar products in the workplace. Fragrant products

such as scented candles, potpourri and other similar items are also not permitted in the


Please contact Tony Basso, Executive Director, with any concerns about fragrances or scented


STATEMENTS TO THE MEDIA All media inquiries regarding Champion Summer Camp and its operations must be referred to

Tony Basso. Only Tony Basso is authorized to make or approve public statements pertaining to

Champion Summer Camp or its operations.

SMOKING We regulate smoking on the premises for health and safety reasons and in accordance with

California law. Smoking is prohibited in all indoor and outdoor locations on company property.

CUSTOMER RELATIONS Champion Summer Camp’s success depends on satisfying our campers and their families. We

are a service industry and every employee needs to remember that customer satisfaction is a

priority. Employees are expected to be polite, courteous, prompt and attentive to every

customer. You must attend to our customers’ questions and demands promptly and

professionally. If you are unable to help a customer and need assistance, please immediately

contact Tony Basso, Executive Director.

Employee conduct should at all times reflect a willingness to assist the customer. Never argue

with a customer. If a problem develops or if a customer remains dissatisfied, ask your supervisor

to intervene.

CONFIDENTIALITY As part of your responsibilities at Champion Summer Camp, you may learn of or be entrusted with

sensitive information of a confidential nature. During your employment, any information,

including, but not limited to, sales figures or projections; estimates; customer lists, customer

purchasing habits, and customer delivery preferences; computer processes, programs and codes;

marketing methods, programs, or related data; tax records; and accounting procedures will be

considered and kept as the private and confidential records of Champion Summer Camp. These

records may only be used in performing work for Champion Summer Camp and must not be

divulged to any third party except with the direct written authorization of Tony Basso.

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If you leave employment with Champion Summer Camp for any reason, we ask that you continue

to treat as private and privileged any such sensitive information. You should not use, divulge, or

communicate to any person or entity any such sensitive information without the express written

approval of Tony Basso, Executive Director. Champion Summer Camp will pursue legal

remedies for unauthorized use or disclosure of sensitive, confidential information.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST We expect employees to devote their full work time, energies, abilities, and attention to our

business. You are expected to avoid situations that create an actual or potential conflict between

your personal interests and the interests of Champion Summer Camp. If, because of other work or

activities, you cannot make this commitment, you may be asked to end your employment with

Champion Summer Camp.

A conflict of interest exists when your loyalties or actions are divided between Champion Summer

Camp and a competitor, supplier, or customer. If you are unsure whether a certain transaction,

activity, or relationship constitutes a conflict of interest, you should discuss the situation with Tony


Some examples of the more common conflicts that should be avoided by all employees include,

but are not limited to:

1. accepting personal gifts or entertainment from competitors, customers, suppliers,

or potential suppliers;

2. working for a competitor, supplier, or customer while employed by Champion

Summer Camp;

3. engaging in self-employment in competition with Champion Summer Camp;

4. using proprietary or confidential company information for personal gain or to

Champion Summer Camp’s detriment;

5. having a direct or indirect financial interest in or relationship with a competitor,

customer, or supplier;

6. acquiring any interest in property or assets of any kind for the purpose of selling

or leasing it to Champion Summer Camp; and

7. committing Champion Summer Camp to give its financial or other support to any

outside activity or organization without appropriate written authorization.

Failure to adhere to this policy, including failure to disclose any conflict or seek an exception to

this policy, may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

PERSONAL VISITS, TELEPHONE CALLS, AND MAIL Due to the nature of our business, personal visits during your work hours are prohibited.

Personal cellular telephones must be in silent mode during work hours.

Personal mail should be directed to your home and not to Champion Summer Camp. You may not

use company postage for personal business.

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USE OF COMPANY STATIONERY All company stationery, envelopes, and similar materials are for company business only. These

materials may not be used for personal correspondence or non-business matters. When signing

business letters on company letterhead, you must include your title.

BULLETIN BOARDS Bulletin boards are reserved for the exclusive use of Champion Summer Camp for posting work-

related notices or notices that must be posted pursuant to applicable law. From time-to-time,

special notices and information for employees will be posted by Champion Summer Camp on the

bulletin boards. Please check the boards regularly for these notices. Employee postings are not

permitted on these bulletin boards.

SOLICITATION & DISTRIBUTION Approaching fellow employees in the workplace regarding activities, organizations, or causes,

regardless of how worthwhile, important, or benevolent, can create unnecessary apprehension

and pressures. For that reason, Champion Summer Camp has established rules governing the

solicitation and distribution of written material during working time and entry onto the premises

and in work areas. All employees are expected to comply strictly with these rules:

1. No employee may solicit or promote support for any cause or organization during

working time or during the working time of the employee or employees at whom

the activity is directed.

2. No employee may distribute or circulate any written or printed material in work

areas at any time, during the employees’ working time, or during the working time

of the employee or employees at whom the activity is directed.

3. Under no circumstances will non-employees be permitted to solicit or to distribute

written material for any purpose on company property.

As used in this policy, ―working time‖ includes all time for which an employee is paid and/or is

scheduled to be performing services for Champion Summer Camp. It does not include break

periods, meal periods, or periods in which an employee is not, and is not scheduled to be,

performing services or work for Champion Summer Camp.

SEARCHES OF COMPANY AND EMPLOYEE PROPERTY To protect you and Champion Summer Camp from theft, and to enforce company policy

prohibiting other misconduct including the possession or use of drugs, alcohol, weapons, and

stolen property, Champion Summer Camp reserves the right to search you and your personal

property (e.g., vehicles, clothing, packages, purses, brief cases, or other containers brought onto

company premises) when there is reason to believe company policy is being violated. You are

expected to cooperate in the conduct of such searches.

Champion Summer Camp provides property to you for your use. Searches of company facilities

and property, including company property in your possession, may be conducted at any time and

do not have to be based upon reason to believe company policy is being violated. You may not

withhold permission for Champion Summer Camp to search company-supplied property.

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USE OF COMPANY EQUIPMENT Champion Summer Camp provides each employee with the equipment necessary to do your job.

You should contact your supervisor if you believe you do not have access to adequate company


All company property–including, but not limited to, desks, storage areas, work areas, lockers,

file cabinets, credenzas, computer systems, office telephone, cellular telephones, pagers,

modems, facsimile machines, duplicating machines, other specialized equipment, and vehicles–

must be used properly and maintained in good working order.

Upon separation of employment for any reason, you will be required to return all company


VENDOR GIFTS Vendors should be chosen solely on the basis of our business needs. Only reputable, qualified

individuals or organizations should be retained as vendors. Employees may not accept any gifts

from any vendor.

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SAFETY/SECURITY SAFETY Your safety, and that of those who work with you, is one of our greatest concerns. With an alert

safety attitude, you can help eliminate painful and costly accidents. You can help by:

keeping work areas clean and clear

reporting hazards or unsafe conditions to your supervisor

reporting all injuries, however minor, to your supervisor immediately

walking and not running in all buildings

keeping aisles clear

never performing a job that you feel is unsafe. Report such situations to your

supervisor immediately.

Immediate and Long-term Health and Safety of Staff

There are some safety issues staff must be aware of at camp, both for themselves and their


Dehydration: Water is always available. Please be sure that you and your campers

take water breaks at minimum between every activity.

Sun Exposure: Sunscreen is always available for the camp staff and all the

campers. Please be sure that you apply sunscreen to yourselves and your campers

every morning, after lunch, and after swimming.

Field/Blacktop Irregularities: Camp staff are encouraged to play games with

their campers. Please notify the camp director if you notice any playing surface

irregularities that may cause you or your campers to slip or to sprain a knee or

ankle (e.g. wet spots or sand on blacktop, potholes in grass, etc).

Camp Equipment: If you notice any camp equipment that is defective and might

pose a danger to you or your campers, please notify the camp director


Your supervisor will inform you of any additional safety rules that apply to your particular job or

work location.

ACCIDENTS ON COMPANY PREMISES Any accident that occurs on Champion Summer Camp premises must be reported immediately to

Tony Basso. For your own safety and the safety of others, please do not attempt to give medical

aid to an injured person unless you have been trained to do so. Seek the assistance Tony Basso and

call 911 if warranted. In addition, please remember that only the Tony Baso can answer questions

about Champion Summer Camp’s liability to non-employees. Please direct those asking questions

to a supervisor.

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If you are injured on the job, you will usually be entitled to worker’s compensation benefits.

Champion Summer Camp carries workers’ compensation insurance and will assist you in obtaining

all benefits to which you are legally entitled. If you are injured while working, please report it

immediately to your supervisor, no matter how minor the injury may be.

PERSONAL BELONGINGS Champion Summer Camp is not responsible for any personal property of an employee that is lost,

stolen, or damaged. The responsibility for safeguarding, replacing, or repairing personal property

lost, stolen, or damaged while on company premises or in a company-owned vehicle is that of the

employee. Consequently, we encourage you not to bring personal property to work.

SECURITY You should be alert at all times. Please report the presence of any suspicious persons to

management immediately. You should also maintain in your possession at all times your keys,

security passes, and identification badge(s). Do not lend these items to anyone who is not

authorized to possess them. If these items are missing, contact your supervisor immediately.

Computer passwords, electronic door codes, and any other security access information should

not be disclosed to anyone who is not authorized to have that information.

EMPLOYEES WITH DRIVING RESPONSIBILITIES Champion Summer Camp is committed to ensuring employees who have driving responsibilities

do not place Champion Summer Camp, other employees, or members of the general public at

risk. Employees with driving responsibilities must maintain safe driving records as a condition

of employment and continued employment. Individuals who fail to maintain such driving

records may become unsuitable for their positions. In such cases, Champion Summer Camp

reserves the right to discipline or terminate the employee.

An employee will be considered to have an unsatisfactory driving record if the driving record

indicates one (1) or more moving violations or if Champion Summer Camp’s and/or the

employee’s insurance carrier(s) refuses to continue to insure the employee, or agrees to continue

to insure the employee only for an increased premium.

To verify your driving status, Champion Summer Camp may require you to furnish all or

portions of your driving record from the Department of Motor Vehicles or may ask you to sign

the necessary authorizations to request records directly from the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Subject to any limitations imposed by state and federal law, you must cooperate fully with any

request for records or request for an authorization to seek such records from an appropriate

agency or entity.

Employees with driving responsibilities must provide proof of insurance and a Certificate of

Liability providing that the insurance carrier will notify Champion Summer Camp if there is any

modification to the employee’s insurance coverage, including, but not limited to, cancellation of


Notice of Suspension or Revocation of License or Cancellation or Modification of Liability


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If you have driving responsibilities, you must inform Champion Summer Camp within 24 hours

if your driver’s license has been suspended or revoked or if your liability insurance has been

canceled or modified in any manner.


WHILE DRIVING If you need to use your cell phone or another electronic device while driving, please find a

parking space or designated ―pull off‖ area first. If stopping or pulling off the road is not

practical, please exercise caution. You must use a ―hands-free‖ device anytime you are using a

cell phone for work-related purposes. You may not use a cell phone or any other electronic

communication device to write, send or read a text-based communication while you are driving

a company-owned vehicle or in your personal vehicle for work-related purposes.

OFF-DUTY WORK ACCESS You are not permitted to enter Champion Summer Camp’s facilities at any time when you are not

scheduled to work.

WORKPLACE VIOLENCE PREVENTION Champion Summer Camp strongly committed to providing a safe workplace. We discourage

employees from engaging in any physical confrontation with a violent or potentially violent

individual. However, we do expect and encourage employees to exercise reasonable judgment in

identifying potentially dangerous situations and informing management accordingly.

Threats, threatening language, or any other acts of aggression or violence made toward or by any

company employee will not be tolerated. For purposes of this policy, a ―threat‖ includes any

verbal or physical harassment or abuse, attempts to intimidate or to instill fear in others, menacing

gestures, bringing weapons to the workplace, stalking, or any other hostile, aggressive, injurious

and/or destructive actions undertaken for the purpose of domination or intimidation.

All potentially dangerous situations including threats by co-workers should be reported

immediately to Tony Basso, Executive Director, or to any other member of management with

whom you feel comfortable. Reports of threats may be made anonymously. All threats will be

promptly investigated. No employee will be subject to retaliation, intimidation, or discipline as a

result of reporting a threat under this policy.

If an investigation confirms that threat of a violent act or violence itself has occurred, Champion

Summer Camp will take appropriate corrective action. Anyone, regardless of position or title,

whom Champion Summer Camp determines has engaged in conduct that violates this policy,

including retaliation, will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.

If you are the recipient of a threat made by an outside party, please follow the steps detailed in this

section. It is important for Champion Summer Camp to be aware of any potential danger in our

workplace. Indeed, we want to take every precaution to protect everyone from the threat of a

violent act by an employee or anyone else.

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IF YOU LEAVE US You are free to terminate your employment at any time, with or without cause and with or without

notice. Likewise, Champion Summer Camp is free to terminate your employment at any time for

any or no reason, with or without cause and with or without notice.

We anticipate that your association with us will be pleasant. However, should you find it

necessary to leave us, we ask that you provide Tony Basso with as much advance notice of your

departure as you can. Your thoughtfulness will be appreciated. Champion Summer Camp may

decide to forego or accelerate your resignation date.

All company property must be returned to Champion Summer Camp on the last day of


EMPLOYEE REFERENCES All reference requests must be directed to Tony Basso, Executive Director. No one else is

authorized to release references for current or former employees.

A FEW CLOSING WORDS This Handbook is intended to give you a broad summary of things to know about Champion

Summer Camp. The information in this Handbook is general in nature and, should questions arise,

you should contact Tony Basso, Executive Director, for complete details. While we intend to

continue the policies, rules, and benefits described in this Handbook, Champion Summer Camp

may always modify or vary from the matters set forth in this Handbook at its discretion except for

the right of the parties to terminate employment at will, which may only be modified by an express

written agreement signed by both parties. Please do not hesitate to speak to Tony Basso, Executive


Again, welcome to Champion Summer Camp!