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Emotional Coaching For Kids


Jul 28, 2022



HeyKiddo is a digital learning platform that helps kids develop social and emotional learning. Each child has different needs, so HeyKiddo adapts to meet each child’s unique timeline and abilities. Kids can practice face-to-face interactions using avatars, learn how to stay calm when feeling angry, take an emotional temperature check before emailing a friend about their day, or even take a nap when feeling tired.

Welcome message from author
Social, emotional, and leadership skills for kids, developed at home or in the classroom.
Emotional Coaching For KidKids
Each child has different needs, so HeyKiddo adapts to meet each child’s unique timeline and abilities by providing emotional coaching for kids. Kids can practice face-to-face interactions using avatars, learn how to stay calm when feeling angry, take an emotional temperature check before emailing a friend about their day, or even take a nap when feeling tired.
Our emotional intelligence training helps kids understand and experience their emotions more fully and develop compassion for others. HeyKiddo adapts to meet each child’s unique timeline and abilities. Kids can practice face-to- face interactions using avatars, learn how to stay calm when feeling angry.
Develop meaningful and long-lasting friendships with your students, so you can more effectively work together to address the needs of all your students. Through this SEL training for educators, you will learn powerful skills that will positively impact your personal and professional life.
How Teachers / Educators Should Interact with kids