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Electronic Commerce COMP3210 Session 4: Designing, Building and Evaluating e-Commerce Initiatives – Part II Dr. Paul Walcott Department of Computer Science,

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Page 1: Electronic Commerce COMP3210 Session 4: Designing, Building and Evaluating e-Commerce Initiatives – Part II Dr. Paul Walcott Department of Computer Science,
Page 2: Electronic Commerce COMP3210 Session 4: Designing, Building and Evaluating e-Commerce Initiatives – Part II Dr. Paul Walcott Department of Computer Science,

Electronic Commerce COMP3210

Session 4: Designing , Building and Evaluating e-Commerce Initiatives – Part IIDr. Paul Walcott Department of Computer Science, Mathematics and PhysicsUniversity of the West Indies, Cave Hill CampusBarbados

The Department of Computer Science Mathematics and Physics, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados

© 2007 Dr. Paul Walcott

Page 3: Electronic Commerce COMP3210 Session 4: Designing, Building and Evaluating e-Commerce Initiatives – Part II Dr. Paul Walcott Department of Computer Science,

Session Objectives After completing this session you will be

able to: Construct a dynamic Web site

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So far we have only created static Web pages

In order to create dynamic Web pages we need to use DHTML (Dynamic HTML) and a scripting language

The scripting language that will be used is JavaScript

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JavaScript JavaScript unfortunately is not available in

all browsers It is implemented in:

Netscape Navigator 2.0 and later versions Internet Explorer 3.0 and later versions

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JavaScript Cont’d JavaScript:

Is client-based Provides simple interactions with the user Provides navigation through pages Validates form information

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JavaScript Cont’d JavaScript was not designed to:

Write files to the system server Write files to the client’s machine Read files from the client machine Handle graphics; that is, it does not have

graphic capablities

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JavaScript Cont’d Before we can begin writing JavaScript

programs however, the student must first be introduced to computer programming

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Computer ProgrammingWhat is a Computer Program? A computer program is:

A computer program is a set of statements or instructions to be used directly or indirectly in a computer in order to bring about a certain result ( )

A computer program requires some input, which is processed to generate a given output

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Computer Programming Cont’dWhat is a Computer Program (Cont’d)? When given a problem you must:

Determine the input Determine the outputs Determine the processing required to

transform the inputs to the desired output

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Computer Programming Cont’dHow is a Computer Program Described? A computer program is described using an

algorithm An algorithm is like a recipe which describes the set

of steps required to cook a given dish

An algorithm may take several forms, however popular techniques include: Flowcharts Pseudo-code

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Computer Programming Cont’dImportant Programming Concepts There are several important concepts that must be

understood in order to write an algorithm and a computer program. These include: Variables Types Assignment Incrementation/decrementation Conditionals Looping Arrays

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Computer Programming Cont’dVariables A variable is a name/value pair

E.g. the variable named Price might have the value 10.00, or the variable Count the value 1

Variables in computer programs are associated with a given location in the computer’s memory

Variable names typically begin with a letter (or underscore character) but may include letters, the underscore character and numbers in subsequent characters

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Computer Programming Cont’dTemporary Variables A temporary variable is a variable that is

used to temporarily hold a given value An example of when a temporary variable is

required is when the value in two variables need to be swapped around (this is discussed later)

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Computer Programming Cont’dVariable Types The variable type specifies the type of information that it

can hold Some common types are:

Integers, e.g. 10 or -20 Floats (or real numbers), e.g. 5.67 Characters, which are single characters enclosed in a single

brace, e.g. ‘a’ or ‘z’ Strings, which are a sequence of characters, e.g. “fred”

An empty string is referred to as a null string, i.e. “” Boolean, which has a value of True or False

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Computer Programming Cont’dAssignment In order for a variable to get a value, this value must be

assigned to it Giving a variable a value for the first time is known as

initialisation An assignment may come in several forms, for example:

Count = 1 Product = “Shoes”Where the integer 1 is assigned to the variable count and the string

“Shoes” is assigned to the variable Product

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Computer Programming Cont’dAssignment Cont’d Note that the value on the right hand side is

assigned to the variable on the left hand side. In a similar way two variables may be used in an

assignment, e.g.: Count = NewCount

Where the value of the variable NewCount is assigned to the variable Count

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Computer Programming Cont’dAssignment Cont’d Using the concept of assignment and

temporary variables the value stored in two variables my be exchanged

Consider the variables a and b as defined below: a = 1 b = 2

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Computer Programming Cont’dAssignment Cont’d If we attempted to swap these values directly then

one of the values would be lost:a = bb = aWill result in both a and b being equal to 2

Similarlyb = aa = bWill result in both a and b being equal to 1

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Computer Programming Cont’dAssignment Cont’d In order to complete this swap correctly, a

temporary variable needs to be used:temp = aa = bb = temp

Alternativelytemp = bb = aa = temp

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Computer Programming Cont’dIncrementation/Decrementation Often in computer programming it is necessary to

count the number of times a given event occurs, or should occur

A variable is often used in this situation and is often called a counter

A Counter may be of two forms: One that increments One that decrements

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Computer Programming Cont’dIncrementation/Decrementation Cont’d When incrementing, the value of the

counter is increased by one. e.g. Count = Count + 1

This means that the new value of the variable count will get the old value of count plus one; if count was initially 5 its new value will be 6

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Computer Programming Cont’dIncrementation/Decrementation Cont’d When decrementing, the value of the

counter is decreased by one. e.g. Count = Count - 1

This means that the new value of the variable count will get the old value of count minus one; if count was initially 5 its new value will be 4

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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Often in programming it is necessary to

test whether a given condition has been met e.g. whether the value of the variable count

is equal to 10 This is accomplished through the use of the

conditional statement, if

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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Cont’d An if statement takes the form:

if (condition) { do something }

For the do something statement to be executed the condition must evaluate to true

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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Cont’d If we needed to test whether the variable count

had a value of 5, then the following algorithm could be used: if (count = 5) { print “Count equals 5” }

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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Cont’d Similarly if we needed to test whether the variable count

did not have a value of 5 then the following could be used: if (count <> 5) { print “Count is not equal to 5” }

Note that <> is shorthand for NOT (count = 5)

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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Cont’d Other conditional operators include:

‘<‘ less than e.g. if (count < 5){ … }

‘>’ greater than e.g. if (count > 5){ … }

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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Cont’d

Boolean operators include NOT OR AND

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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Cont’d The NOT operator simply inverts a condition For example, if the value of the variable count is 5, then the condition count = 5 will return true

The condition NOT (count = 5) will therefore return false

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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Cont’d If a Boolean variable exit, for example is

used, instead of writing: if (exit) { do something }

Which executes the statement do something if exit has a value of true

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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Cont’d We write: if (NOT(exit)) { do something }

Which executes the statement do something if exit has a value of false

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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Cont’d The possible inputs and outputs to Boolean

operators are generally illustrated in a truth table Which shows all possible inputs and outputs

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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Cont’d The truth table for the NOT operator is

illustrated below, where A is a given event:

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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Cont’d The AND operator requires two events If both of these events are true then the

Boolean condition “first event AND the second event” will yield true

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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Cont’d The AND operator is often used in the

English language, for example If it does not rain AND I have transportation

then I will go to University The two inputs to this operator are “If it does

not rain” and “I have transportation” The output is true only if both of these inputs

are true

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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Cont’d In an algorithm we can write the AND

operator in the following way: if ((count = 5) and (name = “BOB”)) { do something }

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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Cont’d The truth table for the AND operator is

illustrated below:

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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Cont’d The OR operator is similar to the AND

operator in that it requires two event as input

For true to be output, either of the events must be true

For example, the following English statement uses the OR operator

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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Cont’d If I arrive early to University OR my class

is cancelled then I will go to lunch with you If the individuals went to lunch together it

meant that one or both of the two events were true, i.e. the person arrived early or their class was cancelled

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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Cont’d In an algorithm we can write the OR

operator in the following way: if ((count = 5) or (name = “BOB”)) { do something }

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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Cont’d The truth table for the OR operator is

illustrated below:

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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Cont’d Sometimes it is required to execute another

statement if the tested condition is not true This can be done using the else clause,

for example:

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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Cont’d if (count = 5)

{print “Count equals 5”

} else {

print “Count does not equals 5” }

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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Cont’d If statements may be nested as many times

as the programmer wants, for example: if (faculty = “FPAS”){

if (class = “COMP1130”){

print “The correct course”}


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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Cont’d Testing more than one condition at a time

may be achieved through a compound condition

e.g. the previous nested if statement may be replaced by the compound condition:

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Computer Programming Cont’dConditionals Cont’d if ((faculty = “FPAS”) and (class =


print “The correct course”}

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Computer Programming Cont’dLoops Loops are used when a given event needs

to be repeated There are three main types of looping

constructs, these are: The for loop

for loops are used when the number of iterations is known beforehand

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Computer Programming Cont’dLoops

The while loop In while loops the condition is tested before looping

The repeat until loop the condition is tested after the statements in the loop have

been executed

To demonstrate how these loops work, all three loops will be used to output the numbers 1 through 5

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Computer Programming Cont’dLoops The following for loop prints the numbers

from 1 to 5 for (i = 1 to 5) { print i }

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Computer Programming Cont’dLoops The following while loop prints the numbers

from 1 to 5 i = 1 while (i < 6) { print i

i = i + 1 }

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Computer Programming Cont’dLoops The following repeat until loop prints

the numbers from 1 to 5 i = 1 repeat { print i

i = i + 1 } until (i = 6)

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Computer Programming Cont’dLoops Just like if statements, loops can be nested For example if the user wanted to write a program

to display the numbers 1 through 20, with the numbers 1 – 5, 6 – 10, 11 – 15 and 16 -20 all on different lines then a nested loop could be used Since we need four lines of five numbers each, the

outer loop will loop four times, while the inner loop will loop five times

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Computer Programming Cont’dLoops count = 0

for (i = 1 to 4){ for (j = 1 to 5) { count = count + 1 print count } print newline}

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Computer Programming Cont’dArrays Arrays are data structures that are used to

represent lists Arrays typically allow the storage of data

of the same type, for example a list of numbers

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Computer Programming Cont’dArrays Each element in the array can then be

accessed using the name of the array and the index of the element

For example if the name of the array presented earlier is numbers then numbers[1] = 1, numbers[2] = 7, and so on

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Computer Programming Cont’dArrays Note that the first index in an array is

typically 0 rather than 1 Arrays make it easy to sequence through

elements using a loop

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Computer Programming Cont’dArrays For example, to print the elements in the

numbers array a for loop could be used: for (i = 1 to 4) {

print numbers[i] }

This would display the numbers 1, 7, 6 and 8

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Computer Programming Cont’dArrays In a similar way, if an array, called names,

contained a list of names then a loop could be used to search the list

One search algorithm that may be employed, called linear search, is illustrated below

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Computer Programming Cont’dArrays index = 0

while (index < 5){ if (names[index] = “Sam”) { print “Sam was found”

} index = index + 1}

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Computer Programming Cont’dArrays One issue with this example is that even if

the item is found, the remainder of the list is still searched

This would be a waste of processing time if we knew before hand that a given name only existed in the list once

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Computer Programming Cont’dArrays A number of methods may be used to halt

the search when the given name is found including: a Boolean flag the counter could be set to the terminating


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Computer Programming Cont’dArrays The following example uses the Boolean

flag exit:exit = falseindex = 0while ((index < 5) and (not exit)){ if (names[index] = “Sam”) { print “Sam was found”

exit = true }

index = index + 1}

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Computer Programming Cont’dArrays

Remember that the loop keeps on looping while the condition ((index < 5) and (not exit)) is true

This condition is false when either index is equal or greater than 5 Or the Boolean variable exit is set to true,

i.e. NOT(true) is false

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Computer Programming Cont’dArrays In the next example, the index, index, is

set to the terminating condition:index = 0while (index < 5){ if (names[index] = “Sam”) { print “Sam was found”

index = 5}

index = index + 1}

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JavaScript Programs JavaScript programs are either embedded

in the HTML document Or, are held in a file (with a .js extension)

In XHTML 1.0 it is recommended that scripts be held in a file

The SCRIPT element is used to specify a JavaScript program

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The SCRIPT Element Function

A container for scripts XHTML 1.0 Example (embedded script) <script type=“text/javascript”> <!-- window.document.write(“Hello web!”); //--> </script>

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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The SCRIPT Element XHTML 1.0 Example (external script)

<script type=“text/javascript” src=“hello.js”></style>

The file hello.js contains

window.document.write(“Hello web!”);

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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The SCRIPT Element Required Attributes

TYPE – Specifies the content type for the script language, e.g. “text/javascript”

Optional Attributes SRC - the location of an external script

The code for external scripts is hidden from the user

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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JavaScript Comments If the characters // appear at the

beginning of a line then the rest of the line is commented out // only comments one line

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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Objects JavaScript is an object-oriented language In JavaScript objects are arranged in

hierarchies and have associated with them: Properties Methods An events

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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The Window Object One of the most important JavaScript

objects is the window object The window object properties include the:

menu bars tool bars scroll bars, and the status line

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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The Window Objects Cont’d To access a given property the following

format is used:

window.defaultstatus = “My Web Page”;

Object Separator Property

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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Properties A property is a characteristic of an object

e.g. length is a property of the String object And defaultstatus is a property of the

window object which changes the Web browser’s status line to

“My Web Page”

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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Methods Methods extract information from objects or

changes an object’s properties, e.g.

Which writes the text “Hello” to the browser window


Object Method

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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Methods A property is differentiated from a method by the

opening and closing parentheses

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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The Alert Window The alert window is a popup window that

alerts the user of a special condition, e.g.

Which displays an alert window with the text “Hi there!” on one line and “What’s up?” on another

window.alert(“Hi there!\nWhat’s up?”);

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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The Alert Window Cont’d A literal string is passed to the alert method ‘\n’ (new line) characters can be used

within a literal string to create a multi-line message

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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The Confirm Window Allows one of two choices, Ok or Cancel

to a given question If the user selects Ok, a true value is

returned to the script, otherwise a false value is returned

var choice=window.confirm("Do you wish to continue?");

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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String Concatenation Strings may be concatenated (joined)

through the use of the concatenator operator ‘+’, e.g.

Which creates the string “A man Frank and his dog.” from sub strings and a variable

var name = "Frank"; var newString ="A man " + name + "and his dog.";window.document.write(newString);

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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Creating Variables Variables can be created in JavaScript

through the use of the var command, e.g.

Which defines the variable myvar and assigns the value 10 to it

Note that JavaScript variable names are case sensitive

var myvar = 10;

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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The Prompt Window A prompt window contains:

a question a text field (which allows the user to enter

text) and three buttons:

Ok Clear Cancel

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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The Prompt Window Cont’d Pressing Clear clears the contents of the

text field and sets the value to null The prompt window only closes if Ok or

Cancel are pressed

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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The Prompt Window Cont’d Pressing Ok with an empty text field

returns null Pressing Cancel closes the window and

returns null

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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The Prompt Window Cont’d The prompt() method accepts two

parameters The question prompt The default value of the field

var age = window.prompt(“How old are you?”, “10”);

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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Arithmetic Operators Several arithmetic operators are available

in JavaScript:++ Increment -- Decrement- Unary minus * Multiplication/ Division % Modulus+ Addition - Subtraction= Assignment

Combined Assignment*= /= %= += -=

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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Arithmetic Operators Cont’d Examples of the addition and subtraction

operators are given below:var x = 20;var y = 10;// Additionvar result = x + y;window.document.write("<p>x + y = " + result + "</p>");

// Subtractionresult = x - y;window.document.write("<p>x - y = " + result + "</p>");

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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Arithmetic Operators Cont’d When the prompt statement is used to

input numbers they are stored as strings In order to convert them to numbers the parseInt() and parseFloat() methods are required:var itotal = parseInt(prompt("Enter an integer", ""));var ftotal = parseFloat(prompt("Enter a float", ""));

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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Arithmetic Operators Cont’d If the user does not enter an integer in the

prompt window then itotal will evaluate to NaN, not a number This will also happen with ftotal

To test whether a variable contains a valid number use the isNaN() function

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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JavaScript Programs Cont’d For example:

if (isNaN(itotal))


window.alert (“Invalid number”);


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Arithmetic Operators Cont’d It is important to note that there is a known issue with the

parseInt() function If you attempt to parseInt(“08”) or parseInt(“09”) the

result returned is 0 rather than 8 and 9, respectively One solution to the problem is to always include the base

in which the resulting number is in, in this case base 10 Therefore parseInt(“08”,10) = 8 and parseInt(“09”,10) = 9

as expected

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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We now know enough JavaScript to solve a simple problem

The problem simply stated is: Write a program that accepts two numbers

input by the user and display their sum

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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One version of the pseudo code for the solution is:

Input number1

Input number2

result = number1 + number2

Print result

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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Another version could be:

Input first number

Input second number

Add the first number to the

second number

Display the result

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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Utilising the first version of the pseudo code it is clear that we need to define three variables: number1 for the first number

i.e. var number1 = 0 number2 for the second number

i.e. var number2 = 0 result to hold the sum

i.e. var result = 0

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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Next, we need to input the two numbers This can be done using the following JavaScript:

number1 = parseInt( prompt(“Enter first number”,””));

Which prompts the user for the number and converts the returned string to an integer using the function parseInt()

The above is simply repeated for number2

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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Next we need to add the two numbers together which is done using:

result = number1 + number2; And create the message, which includes the

result, to display to the user:var displayString = number1 +

“ + “ + number2 +“ = “ + result;

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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Finally we can display the result to the user using an alert box:

alert(displayString); Or directly to the Web page:

window.document.write( displayString);

JavaScript Programs Cont’d

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More JavaScript1,2,4,5

So far you have learnt to write simple JavaScript programs. This knowledge will now be extended through the presentation of: The Math object’s mathematical operators Conditional statements Looping constructs The Array object and how it is used to

manipulate arrays in JavaScript

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Some Mathematics To provide additional mathematical

operators the Math object is provided in JavaScript

The Math object includes: Constants Math methods Trig Methods

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Some Mathematics Cont’d Constants include:

Math.PI – The value of the constant pi Math.SQRT2 – The square root of 2

Mathematical Methods include: Math.round(x) – rounds the value of x Math.sqrt(x) – the square root of x

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Some Mathematics Cont’d Mathematical Methods include (cont’d):

Math.pow(x,y) – xy

Math.random() – generates a random number between 0 – 1, inclusive

Trig methods include: Math.sin(x) – sine Math.cos(x) – cosine Math.tan(x) - tangent

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Some Mathematics Cont’dExamples To calculate the square root of the number 9:


To calculate 52:


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Some Mathematics Cont’dExamples Cont’d To calculate sin(90), which is the same thing as



To generate a random number between 0 and 100:var num = Math.random()*100;window.document.write(num);

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Conditional Statements In JavaScript there are three primary

conditional statement: if if … else switch

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Conditional Statements Cont’d The syntax of the if Statement is:

if the expression is non-zero it is true If the expression is zero then it is false

if (expression)Statement;

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Conditional Statements Cont’dExample An example of a simple if statement is:

var value = 5;if (value == 5){

window.document.write(“Value is 5”)}

This program outputs “Value is 5”

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Conditional Statements Cont’d The syntax of the if .. else statement is:

if the expression is non-zero it is true If the expression is zero then it is false

if (expression) Statement; else Statement;

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Conditional Statements Cont’dExamples An example of an if-else statement :

var height = 6; if (height >=6){

window.document.write(“This person is tall”)} else{

window.document.write(“This person is either of average height or short”)}

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Conditional Statements Cont’d The syntax of the switch statement is

switch (variable) case value: statement1 … statementndefaultoptional: statement1; … statementn;

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Conditional Statements Cont’dExample An example of the switch statement is:

var number = 1;switch (number){

case 1 : window.document.write(“one”);break;

case 2 : window.document.write(“two”);break;

default : window.document.write(“Number not accepted.”);}

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Logical Operators Relational operators

< Less than Highest Precedence<= Less than or equal> Greater than>= Greater than or equal== Equal Lowest Precedence!= Not Equal

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Logical Operators Cont’d Logical operators

! Not Highest Precedence&& And|| Or Lowest Precedence

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Logical Operators Cont’dExamples An example of an if statement with a compound condition is:

var age = 20; firstName = “Bob”; if ((age< 30) && (firstName == “Bob”)){

window.document.write(“Bob Smith”)} else{

window.document.write(“Bob Jackson”)}

Which outputs “Bob Smith”

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Logical Operators Cont’dExamples (Cont’d) An example of an if statement with a compound condition is:

var raining = false; busOnTime = true; if (!(raining) && (busOnTime)){

window.document.write(“Going to Campus”)} else{

window.document.write(“Not going to Campus”)}

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Logical Operators Cont’dExamples (Cont’d) Which outputs “Not going to campus” Notice that two Boolean variables are use in this

example A Boolean variable accepts the value of true or

false Also notice that it is not required to write

busOnTime == true in the if statement since the variable busOnTime either evaluates to true or false

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Iteration JavaScript provides three iteration

statements The for statement The while statement, and The do … while statement

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The For Statement The for statement is used when the number

of iterations required is known, e.g. loop five times

The structure of the for loop is:

for (i=0; i<10; i++)

Initial expression Test expression Change expression

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The For Statement Cont’d Example: Create a loop that outputs the numbers

1 to 10 on separate lines to the browser Since we need to loop ten times

we set the initial value of the loop variable to 1 We stop once the loop variable reaches greater than

10 We increment the loop variable by one each time

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The For Statement Cont’d This is what the code looks like:

for (i=1; i<11; i++){ window.document.write("<div>" + i + "</div>");}

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The While Statement The second iteration construct in JavaScript is the

while statement The while statement is primarily used when the

numbers of iterations is not known Just like the for statement a loop variable must be

Initialised Incremented and Tested to see if it has exceeded a given value

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The While Statement Cont’d Complete the previous example using the

while instead of the for statement:

var i = 1;while (i < 11){ window.document.write("<div" + i + "</div>"); i++;}

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The Do While Statement The do … while statement has a similar

structure to the while statement except that the test is done at the end (instead of the beginning) of each iteration

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The Do While Statement Cont’d We will again complete our example using

the do ... while statement

var i = 1;do{ window.document.write("<div>" + i + "</div>"); i++;}while (i < 11);

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Compound Statements When a loop terminates when more than

one condition is satisfied, a compound statement should be used. For example:

i=0;while (i<10 && j != 1){ …}

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Nested Loops Loops can be nested within each other Example:

Output the numbers 1 to 100 in rows of ten numbers:

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Nested Loops Cont’dvar i =0; j = 0;var count = 0;for (i=0; i< 10; i++){ window.document.write("<p>"); for (j=0; j<10; j++) { count++; window.document.write(" " + count + " "); } window.document.write(" </p>");}

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Arrays An array is a data structure used to

represent lists, for example the list of numbers {23, 5, 6, 7, 8} may be represented by the array Numbers such that: Numbers[0] = 23 Numbers[1] = 5 Numbers[2] = 6 Numbers[3] = 7

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Arrays Cont’d In JavaScript arrays are handled using the Array


The array list contains integers, while the array strlist contains a list of strings

Note that the array can be defined and filled at the same time

var list = new Array(23, 5, 6, 7);var strlist = new Array("23", "5");

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Arrays Cont’d There are several ways to print the contents

of an array in JavaScript: You can use a function and the prototype

property of the array (this will not be illustrated here)

You can simply use a loop and loop through the array elements

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Arrays Cont’d

Notice how Numbers.length returns the number of elements in the array

var i=0;var Numbers = new Array(23, 5, 6, 7);for (i=0; i<Numbers.length; i++) { window.document.write(i + " " + Numbers[i]); }

The length of array

The contents of the array

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Arrays Cont’d The output from the program snippet is:

0 23 1 5 2 6 3 7 Note that the numbers 0, 1 ,2 and 3 are the

array indices

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Arrays Cont’d Several additional operations may be

performed on arrays including list.sort() – to sort the array

This will correctly sort a list of strings. To sort numeric values a comparator function is required (as shown later)

list.reverse() – to reverse the order of the array

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Arrays Cont’d list.push(value) – to append items on the right

hand side (the higher array index) of the array and increasing the array length by 1

value = list.pop() – removes the last element of the array and decreases its size by one

list.unshift(value) – appends the left hand side of the array (the lower array index, i.e. index 0) and increases the array length by 1

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Arrays Cont’d value = list.unshift() – removes the first

element from the list and reduces the array length by 1

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Arrays Cont’dSorting an Array of Numbers Earlier we learnt how to create and sort an array

of strings Sorting an array of numbers requires a little more

effort To sort an array in numeric order (rather than

lexiographic/dictionary order) a comparator function is required

The comparator function accepts two parameters, x and y and returns a result based on which parameter is greater, x or y

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Sorting an Array of Numbers For an ascending order sort:

if x < y return a negative number if x == y return 0 if x > y return a positive number

function ascending (x,y){ return x-y;}

Arrays Cont’d

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For an descending order sort: if y < x return a negative number if x == y return 0 if y > x return a positive number

function descending (x,y){ return y-x;}

Arrays Cont’d

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The following JavaScript sorts a list in ascending numeric order:

To sort the same list in descending order

Note that ascending and descending are the functions defined earlier

var list = new Array(100, 50, 10, 20);list.sort(ascending);

var list = new Array(100, 50, 10, 20);list.sort(descending);

Arrays Cont’d

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Arrays Cont’dAssociative Arrays Another type of array that is available in

JavaScript is an associative array An associative array is defined just like an

ordinary array except that its index is a string rather than a number

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Arrays Cont’d For example, if we wanted to store the telephone

number of our friends we could use the following associative array:

var myPhoneNumbers = new Array(); myPhoneNumbers[“john”] = “4296789”; myPhoneNumbers[“frank”] = “4277777”;


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Even More JavaScript So far we have discussed:

Mathematical operators, conditional statements, iterations, arrays and basic input

Now we will discuss: Functions Events handlers Some pre-defined objects in JavaScript

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Functions Functions are used when it is necessary to repeat

the same code in several places in a given program

If a function is used, it minimises the number of changes required if a part of the repeated code needs to be corrected

This is crucial when considering the cost of software maintenance

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Functions Cont’dSome Terminology: Function Call: Calling a function is the same as

using it Function Caller: This is the program that calls

the function Return Value: Many functions return values to

the user to indicate errors or successful execution Parameter: This allows user supplied data to be

passed to the function

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Functions Cont’d In the example below the window.prompt()

function is called by the JavaScript program (the calling function) and a string value is returned

var name = window.prompt(“Please enter your name”, “”);

Returned value Function call Parameters

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Functions Cont’d In JavaScript a function definition has the

following syntax:

function name (<parameter list>){ statement1; … statementn;}

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Functions Cont’d The function print() prints the message,

passed as a parameter, to the Web page:

and return the value 1 to the calling function

//Outputs a message to the browserfunction print(message){ window.document.write(message); return 1;}

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Functions Cont’d There are some general rules to follow when

using functions A function should perform only one task, and the

function name should reflect that task e.g. the function CalculateIncomeTax() should calculate

income tax based on the input parameters This helps with software reuse

The details of a function should be concealed from the calling function

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Functions Cont’d Return results to the calling function rather

than printing them on the screen Unless the purpose of the function was to output

information to say a Web page

Function names must start with an alphabetic character, or underscore Subsequent characters may be alphabetic or

numeric or the underscore character

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Functions Cont’d When writing a function it is important that

you document it so that it is easily maintainable

When documenting include: The purpose of the function An example of the function syntax A description of all the parameters

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Functions Cont’d An example of documentation for a

function is illustrated below:Function: myRoundPlaces()Purpose: Rounds a floating point number to the specified decimal placesSyntax: myRoundPlaces(number, places)Parameters: number - the floating point number to be rounded places - the number of decimal places

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Functions Cont’d A JavaScript function may appear in the <head> or <body> of an HTML document

And may be embedded within the HTML document or stored in an external script Remember in XHTML 1.0 it is recommended

that external scripts be used

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Event Handlers An event handler executes a piece of code

based on a given action e.g. the clicking of a button

Event handlers begin with the word “on”, e.g. onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup,

onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup

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Event Handlers The format of an event handler is:

In this example the text “My Web Page” is written to the status bar

onMouseOut = “window.status=‘My Web Page’;return true”

Event handler Code segment

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Event Handlers Cont’d For example to change the status bar as the

mouse moves over a hyperlink, the following code may be used:

<a href=“” onMouseOver = “window.status = ‘A popular search engine’;

return true”></a>

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Event Handlers Cont’d In addition you can call a JavaScript function on

a given event. For example: <div onClick="helpUs()">Please click me!</div>

Where the function helpUs() is defined as:

function helpUs() { window.alert("Help is on the way!"); }

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JavaScript Objects JavaScript has several predefined object Two of these objects will be briefly

described here: String Date

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JavaScript Objects Cont’dThe String Object To define a string simply use:

var myString = “Hello there!”; The length of the string is given by the

length property, for example the length of myString is:

var mylen = myString.length;

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JavaScript Objects Cont’dThe String Object To convert a number to a string in

JavaScript you use the toString() method of the String class. For example:

var myNum = 6578;

var myStr = myNum.toString();

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JavaScript Objects Cont’dThe String Object Strings are JavaScript objects and have a variety

of associated methods A useful method is substring(start,

stop) which creates a new string by extracting the characters between start and stop-1, e.g.

which returns the substring “is a String”

var str = "This is a string";window.document.write(str.substring(5,16));

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JavaScript Objects Cont’dThe String Object If you needed to determine the first

character of a given string in a list then the charAt() method could be used:

var names = new Array ("Fred", "John", "Frank");window.document.write(names[0].charAt(0));

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JavaScript Objects Cont’dThe String Object The split() method allows a string to be

split into separate strings (in an array) at a given character.

For example, we could split the string “Hello to the world” at the space character This will create the four strings (in an array)

“Hello”, “to”, “the” and “world”

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JavaScript Objects Cont’dThe String Object var myString =“Hello to the world”; var temp = new Array(); temp = myString.split(‘ ‘); Which creates the array elements 0 -3: temp[0] = ‘Hello’; temp[1] = ‘to’; temp[2] = ‘the’; temp[3] = ‘world’;

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JavaScript Objects Cont’dThe Date Object The Date object allows the user to work with

times and dates To create a Date object use the following


Which creates the object using the current date and time

var now = new Date();

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JavaScript Objects Cont’dThe Date Object Several methods are provided by the Date object

including: getHours() – which returns the current hour getMinutes() – which returns the current minute getSeconds() – which returns the current second getYear() – which returns the current year (or

getFullYear()) getMonth() – which returns the current month getDate() – which returns the current day

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JavaScript Objects Cont’dThe Date Object Similarly a number of methods have been defined

in the Date object that allows the date to be set setHours() – which sets the current hour setMinutes() – which sets the current minute setSeconds() – which sets the current second setYear() – which sets the current year (or

setFullYear()) setMonth() – which sets the current month setDate() – which sets the current day

Page 167: Electronic Commerce COMP3210 Session 4: Designing, Building and Evaluating e-Commerce Initiatives – Part II Dr. Paul Walcott Department of Computer Science,

JavaScript Objects Cont’dThe Date Object When creating a new Date object you can

set the time and date of that object e.g. to set the time and date to February 1,

2004, 10:00:00

Where the parameters for the Date object are:

var now = new Date(2004, 2, 1, 10, 0, 0);

Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds);

Page 168: Electronic Commerce COMP3210 Session 4: Designing, Building and Evaluating e-Commerce Initiatives – Part II Dr. Paul Walcott Department of Computer Science,

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[2] W3C, “HyperText Markup Language (HTML) Home Page”, 2004. Online document available at “”

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