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TAP IN TO PERSONAL GROWTH FOR PARENTS Issue 24 March 2018 Are you anti-antibiotics All about How sleep works Best sleep solutions Tame toddler sleep strikes special Sleep ? anaemia Basics & benets Troubleshooting Mom's diet Nursing in public A–Z breastfeeding guide

eBaby MARCH Issue 24 - FINALweb - Sister Lilian Center · Dear Moms & Dads – from Sister Lilian to you Dear Sister Lilian – answering your questions about sleepwalking, ... and

Apr 28, 2018



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Issue 24 • March 2018

Are you anti-antibiotics

All about

How sleep worksBest sleep solutions

Tame toddler sleep strikes



Basics & benetsTroubleshootingMom's dietNursing in public

A–Z breastfeeding


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6 Your baby & toddler sleep guide

11 Anaemia in children

Dear Moms & Dads – from Sister Lilian to you

Dear Sister Lilian – answering your questions aboutsleepwalking, supplements for breast babies,and if little ones should sleep after a serious fall


Moms and DadsDear

Today's parents are grappling with too

many opinions and conicting advice

arents frequently tell us they need simple steps they can trust. My promise to you is that 2018's eBaby will be your

guide – in a no-nonsense, caring way. This valuable help on health, happiness and relaxed parenting is just a click away!

We tackle some big issues, but let me assure you that even these biggies can be solved easily, if you step back and try a more true-to-nature approach. Simple steps can have profoundly positive effects. The answers don't have to be complicated or expensive. eBaby will show you how.


Core TeamBusiness manager Alan ParamorEditor Sister LilianSub-editor Kelly Norwood-Young, Hello HelloAdvertising sales Gillian RichardsDesign Gretchen Chamberlain, UltraDesignEmail [email protected] +27 12 809 3342Fax2email +27 86 691 2485Snailmail PO Box 11156, Silver Lakes, Pretoria, 0054Published by Sister Lilian Centre®Copyright: Sister Lilian Centre®

No part of eBaby online magazine may be reproduced in any format without written consent of the publisher. All rights reserved.

Every precaution has been taken to ensure correctness of information, but advice given and opinions expressed in eBaby do not replace a consultation with a health practitioner, nor can responsibility be taken for individual readers' experiences. However, the publishers and editorial team set great store by ethical, responsible baby and child care advice and rmly believe that the content found here will help improve your parenting experience.

eBaby Issue 24 • March 2018

Mellow yellow Caring for your baby's birthday suit HiccupsSeven tips for Week 1 with a new babyGet a grip on gastric reux


Information vs intuition; the science on sleep

Sleep solutions

Year 1: Is a sleep routine a pipe dream?How to handle toddler sleep strikes




9 Baby bytes

Indulge in an Epsom salt bathI'm allergic to sulphur – really?Anti-antibiotics

12 Horizons

Sister Lilian's six steps for successIs breastfeeding really best?; What Mom eats, Baby eats; Feeding in publicNot-so-trivial milk trivia




13 How to love your breastfeeding days

16 Toddler hotspotThe importance of muscle tone16

Criteria for choosing a day careIntimacy after birth You reap what you sowHighway to hell Personal growth for parents



18 Plugged-in parent

Toilet training 101Tippy-toes trouble?

Genital play17

Caring for your toddler's milk teeth








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Dear Sister Lilian


Should I let my little boy fall asleep after he's had a serious fall? Itumeleng

A serious fall, especially if there is injury to the head, neck or back, should be evaluated by your doctor or emergency room; they will then let you know if your child may sleep or not. If he has lost consciousness, even briey, there is the worry that there might be pressure on important areas of the brain, which can be better assessed and treated if he is awake. When parents ask this question, they're often not referring to a fall this serious, but rather are anxious because their child has cried stridently from shock and fright, more than harm done from a fall. It is a common human reaction to want to sleep after a shock and in itself this can be quite a good thing for more rapid recovery from the incident. Evaluate such incidents with a parent's intuition guiding you; you will soon notice if your little one is not himself.

eBaby Issue 24 • March 2018

Does my breastfed baby need vitamin supplements? Mandy

If you breastfeed for an extended period, and are by-and-large healthy, eating plenty of fresh, quality fruit and veg, there is no better nutrition for Baby than breast milk. Baby is unlikely to need any supplements. Mother Nature ensures that babies get the best, and moms will mostly show signs of nutrient depletion before their babies do.

My three-year-old boy has taken to wandering around at night, walking inin his sleep. He also mumbles a lot and generally seems restless. What can I d oI do to help him? Colin

Sleep walkers are often very deep sleepers and also tend to talk in their sleep. Many are also prone to bedwetting for longer than one would expect, probably because they sleep so deeply that they don't register that their bladders are full. The reasons for sleep- walking are unclear but this shouldn't cause major concern. Obviously, a sleep walker needs to be kept safe: ensure that windows are closed, stairs are secured, and all other hazards removed. You can also give the tissue salt Kali phos for a prolonged period. This can help children of a very anxious and sensitive nature, which sleep walkers often are.

makes it possiblefor you to ask Sister Lilian

for advice about your

baby or toddler

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Page 6: eBaby MARCH Issue 24 - FINALweb - Sister Lilian Center · Dear Moms & Dads – from Sister Lilian to you Dear Sister Lilian – answering your questions about sleepwalking, ... and

L ooking at sleep itself in more detail will help you understand what you

can reasonably expect from your baby or toddler, and why your child's sleep patterns might differ from what you were expecting. When they're born, babies have already experienced nine months of life. A stressful pregnancy and difcult birth often results in a restless baby. Mothers and babies are one-and-the-same being for all practical purposes. Anxiety in mom is mostly reected in baby, especially at sleep time!

Information vs intuitionModern Western society is alone in expecting independent sleep of babies and this is one of the single biggest causes of so-called poor sleep. Over and above this, babies miss their working parents and often need to wake at night just to be in touch. Co-sleeping is the natural answer! Although it isn't essential to understand the sometimes complicated science of sleep, it will help those who nd it difcult simply to 'feel' what might be right, or to leave it up to nature and intuition to guide them.

The science on sleepFirstly, babies wake up frequently for survival benets:

For the rst few weeks of life, a baby's stomach can only hold 7–20ml of milk at a time, so Baby needs to feed more often.Breast milk is digested very quickly, creating an even greater need for frequent, small feeds.

There are also two main types of sleep in humans: Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) or quiet, deep sleep, and Rapid Eye Movement (REM) or active, dream sleep. Babies have more periods of REM sleep, in which they are more likely to be restless and wake up. There are very good reasons for this:

The body manufactures more nerve proteins during REM sleep. These are fundamental to brain development and growth, and internal information processing. A baby's increased REM sleep facilitates this. Neuroscience has demonstrated that blood ow to the brain (and particularly to the area that controls breathing) almost doubles during REM sleep. In babies it's all about survival as respiration matures. Premature babies spend up to 90% of sleep in REM sleep, which relates to their even greater need for rapid brain development and maturing.

baby and toddler sleep guideYour sensible but sensitive

What does healthy, normal baby and toddlersleep really look like? Sister Lilian's simple but effective guide will help your family catch more much-needed zzzs

Continued on page 7 >


eBaby Issue 24 • March 2018

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Sleep solutionsWhile getting enough restful sleep will help promote Baby's brain development, growth and emotional well-being, parents often draw the incorrect conclusion that Baby needs to sleep through the night to wake up rested, happy and brainier! Parents would do well to avoid all the sleep-through-the-night hype, and instead to apply these seven easy, effective tips to have a practical, healthy sleep situation in their home: 1. Invest in your own ability to relax as this

will help your baby or toddler to relax too, ensuring more peaceful sleep.

2. Massage your baby or child before bedtime.3. Don't strive for absolute silence when babies sleep. Normal background sounds can be very reassuring.4. Plan ahead for wakeful nights by having everything you may need at hand – nappies, bottles, formula, remedies. Keep the lights low and conversation to a minimum as you tend to your baby.5. Most babies sleep well before midnight and your best bet is to do so too. The

earlier you go to bed, the more rested you will be and the better you will be able to cope in the early morning hours. 6. Don't check the time or count how often your little one wakes at night. Pretend it simply does not matter. 7. Negotiate with your partner for a sleep-in morning each weekend. You will nd sleepless nights for the rest of the week seem more manageable with this treat to look forward to.

The family bed = soothing sleepAllowing a baby or small child to sleep in your room or bed is giving your child an emotionally secure start to life – it’s not a mistake at all. All little ones eventually grow out of the need to sleep close to their parents, although the timing can range from a few months to quite a number of years, depending on the individual make-up of that child and factors affecting family dynamics. The more they sense that parents are dissatised, the more likely they are to want to continue, because being close is their way to allay anxiety. Often parents think this will affect their intimate relationship, but there are many innovative ways of keeping one's love life on track while nurturing secure children and a happy family at the same time.

Continued on page 8 >

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eBaby Issue 24 • March 2018

Year 1: Is a sleep routine a pipe dream?No matter the nature of your child, there are certain cornerstones to achieving a exible yet workable sleep routine with babies. Take these into account at all times:

Remember that babies are individuals, so rather than following a prescribed routine (many clinics and private practitioners hand these out), build one around your child's own patterns.If Baby swaps night and day around (sleeps lots during the day and battles to sleep at night), gently wake her a half hour earlier from each daytime nap. This will soon make night sleeps longer and deeper.Never wake a sleeping baby at night unless there are serious health problems or weight gain is very bad. This disrupts sleeping through from developing.Keep busy with Baby in the early evenings so that she is emotionally satised and tired when bedtime comes. Go for walks, play games, dance with Baby. Minimise the household tasks for this hour – rather prepare supper earlier in the day. At the end of the day, stick to a wind-down routine: boisterous activity like physical games followed by quieter activities like bathing, massage, storytelling, and only then bedtime.Babies and toddlers will try to kick against the limits imposed upon them. This is the way little ones learn and it does not mean that your rules are wrong. If you have been wise, loving and taken heed of individual rhythms when forming your routine rules, your little one will soon comply.

Of course, parents feel secure with specic guidelines:From birth to 6 months, sleep patterns vary greatly. If Baby needs to be rocked, held or fed to fall asleep, this is not forming bad habits, but just what Baby needs at this stage. One of the very best ways of ensuring optimal sleep is by having Baby in bed with you. From 6 to 12 months, if Baby sleeps poorly at night, try to make the afternoon nap shorter. Encourage Baby to start off the night (and daytime naps too) in her cot. When she wakes, bring her through to your bed and keep her there for the rest of the night. Even if Baby still wakes, you will not have to wake fully to deal with her needs.

Toddler sleep strikeFor toddlers who resist going to bed, try these tips:

Evaluate and try to resolve undue stress in the home.Stick to your wind-down routine, which is a secure signal for your child.At bedtime, put your little one to bed with a hug and goodnight kiss. Avoid further conversation and sit next to her on a chair and read to yourself.Play soothing background music or sing a lullaby.If your little one protests, relax – she'll settle down to sleep if you consistently do this each evening.

Read more about this topic for just R80 in Sister Lilian's downloadable Baby and Toddler Sleep Guide.

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Jaundice often starts on the second or third day after birth. It is quite common and isn't necessarily a serious condition. This is known as physiological jaundice and can be treated using:

Sunlight – try to expose as much of Baby's body as possible to direct sunlight for 5–10 minutes twice a day; just be careful to shield his eyes and avoid sunburn.Phototherapy – this can be done at the clinic or at home with the help of a special unit and a nurse who will visit you daily.Breastfeeding – jaundice can take slightly longer to pass in breastfed babies, but usually only if you breastfeed according to a schedule; the best thing you can do is feed Baby frequently. Baby may be tired if he's jaundiced, so you may need to wake him up to feed. Formula-fed babies may need additional feeds or water feeds.


BabyCaring for your

baby's birthday suitSkin is part of the immune system and helps protect against disease. It gets to work straight after birth, using that creamy skin covering, vernix, to provide protection – so don't be tempted to wash it off immediately! Unfortunately, chemicals found in some skincare products can be harmful, especially to babies. It's best to look for products which have been certied organic by a reputable authority. What's more, full bathing of babies is unnecessary in the early weeks. Here are three other tips for protecting Baby's sensitive, developing skin:

Limit use of talc and lotions so Baby's skin can breatheLimit dairy products if you breastfeedAdd 500ml of strong rooibos tea to Baby's bathwater to soothe rashes


2. 3.

HiccupsNewborn babies often get hiccups but usually there's nothing to worry about. Feeding Baby is often an effective way to relieve the hiccups. If Baby gets recurrent hiccups, possets forcefully, or gets colic at specic times during the day, give him the tissue salt Mag phos to relieve the spasm of the diaphragm, which is what causes hiccups. Simply dissolve 1–2 tablets in 5–10ml slightly cooled boiled water and give it to Baby with a medicine dropper or syringe. If Baby hiccups while in the womb, Mom should take Mag phos to help prevent spasmodic colic after birth.


Sister Lilian shares her trusted advice on how to care for your newborn baby’s skin

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eBaby Issue 24 • March 2018

Seven tips for Week 1 with a new baby

Take each moment as it comes and your built-in mothering hormones will set the stage for success. Keep Baby close and you will understand her far sooner.Your milk comes in by Day 3. Your breasts might be tender but just feed frequently and this will subside.Be gentle on yourself and your baby. Do only what is essential in the home.Don't have huge numbers of visitors, or spend all your time on social media – your baby might become agitated.When Baby seems hungry, feed her from the breast which feels rmer rst, but don't time her feeds.If your baby starts experiencing a little digestive discomfort, be sure to burp her between feeds.Don't expect your baby to 'sleep like a baby'. If you keep her close, your sleep cycles will align.

Get a grip on gastric reuxActual reux is not as common as moms are led to believe. Overfeeding and scheduled feeding mimic many reux symptoms. Your baby may have true reux if he constantly spits up milk around feeding time, and cries all day. Other symptoms include screaming when asleep, clenching sts, pulling the head back and arching the back after feeds, drinking more frequently or refusing to feed. In more serious cases, there may be blood in the vomited milk and Baby may develop a cough.









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All about anaemiaAccording to the World Health Organization (WHO), 47.4% of

preschool children globally have anaemia, while in Africa it is 67.6%!

For more information and to be in touch:E: [email protected] W: F:

A naemia is dened as a decrease in haemoglobin (Hb) or haematocrit (HCT)

below the normal value for age and sex. It's not a diagnosis but rather a symptom of an underlying nutritional problem or disease, and it's important to nd and address the cause.

Everyday anaemiaIron deciency anaemia, or an inadequate amount of red blood cells caused by a lack of iron, is the most common. It is the only nutrient deciency signicantly prevalent in industrialised countries. In many developing countries, iron deciency anaemia is aggravated by worm infection, malaria and other infectious diseases like HIV and tuberculosis. Fortunately, this type of anaemia is easily treated with dietary changes and iron supplements.

Is my child anaemic?Children at risk of developing iron deciency anaemia include:

Preterm or low birth weight infantsThose with chronic diseasesThose who are weaned inappropriatelyVegetarians, if they don't eat a wide range of legumes, green vegetables and fruitInfants and children who are failing to thrive

Your child may have anaemia if he is pale or looks jaundiced; seems to be tired often; is weak, dizzy and lethargic; bruises easily, or has enlarged glands.

Preventing iron deficiency anaemiaEat foods rich in iron, including green vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and raisins, and plant foods fortied with iron. Animal sources include red meat, dark meat poultry and egg yolk. Vitamin C can help enhance the absorption of iron, where excessive amounts of Ceylon and rooibos tea will inhibit the absorption of iron. Also:

Use a natural iron supplement during pregnancy and breastfeedingAvoid immediate umbilical cord clamping at birthBreastfeed exclusively for at least six months – 50% of iron in breast milk is absorbed, compared to 10% from cow's milk Improve nutritional status with iron-rich or iron-fortied foodsTreat worm infestation immediately Give toddlers at risk of anaemia an appropriate iron supplement from two years of age, or earlier if prescribed by a practitioner

Spatone is an iron-rich, natural spring water, providing this essential nutrient in a bioavailable form. This means that iron supplementation is effective, while also being safe and gentle on your body. Spatone has been clinically tested and proven to be a highly absorbable source of iron, ideal for anyone (over the age of two), including pregnant and postnatal women.

In addition, Spatone liquid iron supplement is:

Gentle on the stomach (doesn't cause constipation or nausea)Packed in convenient daily sachetsSuitable for vegetariansGluten and sugar freeFree of chemicals and articial additives

The 100% natural way to supplement iron during pregnancy and breastfeeding


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Indulge in an Epsom salt bathMagnesium sulphate, or Epsom salts, is an age-old remedy, which is ideal for expectant moms. Soak your tired, puffy feet in an Epsom salts foot bath, or languish in a bath with a cup or two of the salts for silky smooth skin, relief from itchy blemishes, and the soothing of muscular and bone pain. Magnesium is absorbed through the skin in just the right quantity to supplement your need for this vital mineral.

Anti-antibioticsHas your doctor or pharmacist insisted that you always complete a full course of antibiotics? 'Complete the course' has come into question by research, having been shown to do nothing to lower the incidence of resistant bacterial strains. Instead, starting to feel better is being posed as the time to discontinue antibiotic treatment. Previously the fear was that precisely this would facilitate 'superbug' development – but that's what it was, a fear, not based on any real evidence. The public must now realise that we can't hand over all responsibility for health to those who claim to know better. Always ask incisive questions and use common sense, natural remedies and improved lifestyle habits as the rst port of call for everyday complaints.

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Sister Lilian's six steps for successFollow this approach and you're likely to avoid all the common problems like engorgement, sore nipples, blocked ducts and mastitis - after all, prevention is better than cure!Plan for success: The most important thing you can do to ensure successful breastfeeding is to really want to nurse your baby, and to believe in your ability to do so. Tell your doctor and midwife that you would like to breastfeed, and know that breast really is best.Breastfeed Baby soon after birth: Keep Baby skin-to-skin on your chest and feed her within an hour. This might be easier after a natural delivery, but if your doctor is aware of your desire to ease the breastfeeding process after a Caesar, a healthy Baby can be put to breast in the operating theatre. Give breastfeeding some time: In the rst few days, let Baby suckle whenever he wants, so he gets colostrum, the liquid gold rst milk. Give Baby some time to nuzzle at your breast if he is unsettled. If Baby struggles to latch, gently

our body and your baby are 'designed' to nurse well. Relax, and Baby will relax – and

feed well too. To navigate your way along a successful nursing journey, start here …

drop his forehead a little away from you, allow him to open his mouth wide enough, then gently pull downwards on his chin as he latches. Don't be tempted to give any supplemental feeds! When Baby fusses at the breast, feed him while you take a warm bath, or latch him while you walk.Know how natural nursing works: Breastfed babies often need to feed with a few 'courses' each time – starters, main meal, pudding and sometimes even an after-dinner mint! Do not think you have insufcient milk. Between 'courses', Baby might need to nap for 10 minutes, have a nappy change or simply lie in your arms until his tummy is ready for the next course.Know what to expect around Day 3, when your milk comes in: Feed Baby frequently to avoid painfully full breasts, blocked ducts and mastitis. Allow Baby to suckle at the rst breast until he takes a break. He'll then suckle from your other breast, take another short break, and probably drink a third time.Avoid test weighing: This is often inaccurate and anxiety provoking. If Baby has ve or six wet or soiled nappies each day, you have enough milk.


Breastfeeding is one of the amazing life experiences a woman and her baby can share and benet from! Here's everything you need to know about nursing.







Continued on page 14 >

How to love your

breastfeeding days

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eBaby Issue 24 • March 2018

Without a doubt! For starters, as well as being perfectly balanced and easy to digest, breast milk adapts as Baby grows, to meet Baby's needs at every stage of development. Let's look at more invaluable benets for Mom and Baby.

Health benets for BabyColostrum provides immunity to a wide range of diseases – and its protection lasts for months!Breast milk decreases the likelihood of digestive problems like constipation and colic.Continued breastfeeding reduces risk of infection and illnesses like asthma, eczema, ear infections and diarrhoea.Breastfed babies often experience better health, so you will likely spend less time tending an ill baby, consulting doctors and missing work.Breastfed babies have better jaw development.

Breastfeeding benets for MomBreastfeeding helps the uterus to contract after birth, to prevent bleeding and to restore your gure sooner!Nursing reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.It builds mothering condence, as you are meeting Baby's emotional and physical needs.

What Mom eats,

Baby eatsThere's no such thing as a 'perfect' breastfeeding diet, but there are some things to take into consideration. The healthier you are, the healthier your baby will be. Eat a balanced diet, sticking to produce that is as fresh, seasonal, ripe, unrened and unprocessed as possible. Drink plenty of water and eat smaller meals more often to keep your energy up.

Is breastfeeding really best? Foods to avoidIntroduce allergenic foods (like shellsh, dairy, peanuts or soy) slowly to your diet to see how Baby reacts. Too many dairy or grain-based foods, or too many acidic foods like red meat and pickles, may cause excess mucus or a rash in your baby. If you notice Baby seems fussy after you've eaten a particular food, rather avoid it.

Diet mythsEating leafy greens will cause bloating and cramps in my baby.This shouldn't be a problem if you eat moderate amounts. I must drink cow's milk and eat dairy products to make breast milk.This is untrue. In fact, as one of the top allergenic foods, dairy is more likely to cause digestive discomfort in your baby. Eating spicy food will cause a skin rash and digestive discomfort.True for some babies, but not true for others! I must avoid fruit so Baby doesn't get an acid rash.There is almost nothing unhealthy about a diet rich in fruit – Mother Nature's own fast food! Eat it uncooked and on its own.

Breastfeeding in publicWhy do most people nd suggestive advertising just ne, but some still have a problem with breastfeeding a baby in public? It's not uncivilised, disgusting or exhibitionist – it's just responding to a baby's natural needs! Breastfeeding moms don't try to draw attention to themselves; they just discreetly latch Baby on. The problem is in the mind of the beholder, not with the hungry baby or the mother meeting his needs!Continued on page 15 >

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eBaby Issue 24 • March 2018

Not-so-trivial milk triviaDid you know these interesting things?

Colostrum is mucolytic, helping thinany mucus baby has produced or swallowed before or after birth. This liquid gold acts as a laxative on meconium, and contains an amazing immunity package of antibodies that will last your baby for quite a few months. It is also extremely nutrient rich: Baby only needs a teaspoonful at a time to be the equivalent of 50ml of milk! This is very useful in those early days when Baby is tired and might not have the energy to suck as much. Importantly, colostrum contains excellent levels of vitamin K, which protects Baby against haemorrhagic disease of the newborn (bleeding).Some components of human milk enhance the effects of others, so the ingredients of human milk work together. Formula or other milk feeding does not achieve this unique property of breast milk.The protein and carbohydrate content of human and donkey's milk are closest, accounting for them being considered most alike! Perhaps we should question if cow's milk is a suitable beverage for humans? Mother's milk changes through the course of a feed, from one feed to another and from day to day. The gastrointestinal hormone cholecystokinine (CCK) signals sedation and a feeling of well-being. During suckling, CCK release in both Mom and Baby leads to drowsiness. The infant's CCK level peaks twice after suckling, the rst immediately after the feed and then again 30–60 minutes later. The second CCK peak usually eases the process of a baby falling asleep and resting well.

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Low muscle tone occurs when a little one's muscles are slow to react to stimuli from the brain, or can't hold a contraction long enough to complete a required activity. Common symptoms include:

Floppy limbsLoose musclesTiring quicklyHaving slumped postureStruggling with, and being reluctant to do, physical activities Leaning against walls and doors, or resting his head on his elbows

Low muscle tone can cause coordination problems and delayed motor skills. Physical activity and encouraging an active lifestyle will build muscular strength and dexterity in toddlers, but if you're concerned, take your tot to be evaluated by an occupational therapist, as low muscle tone can often be treated quite effectively.

The importance of muscle tone

Most children start to show an interest in using a potty between the age of two and three years, with girls often being ready sooner than boys. Usually, tots will develop bladder control before they develop bowel control. Remember, control of these functions is a process, so don't get upset at any little accidents. To encourage your toddler's toileting development kindly, you can:

Let her run around the garden without a nappy occasionally so that she learns to make the connection between body sensation and what happens nextTake her to the potty every two hours, or half an hour after she has had a big drinkBe open with your own toilet habits so your tot can copy you

Tippy-toes trouble?Have you noticed your little one walking on the balls of her feet, or on the tips of her toes? If she does it most of the time, this is known as toe-walking. Although it can be worrying, research shows that 5% of children toe-walk at some time in their lives, and about 50% of these children will stop doing so by the time they turn ve. Persistent toe-walking has been linked to serious conditions like cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, autism and a short Achilles tendon, but if your child shows no other symptoms, then there's little need to worry. Playfully encourage your little one to do exercises to get her from tip-toes to feet at on the ground.


eBaby Issue 24 • March 2018

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It's not at all unusual for children of either sex to hold or feel their genitals. It's important that you don't panic over what is essentially normal behaviour. Genital play usually happens when tots are bored, tired, or upset, so take a moment to assess whether or not your tot is getting enough cuddles, attention, and play time. Unless it becomes an obsession, the best way to address the problem is to ignore it, keep your tot busy, and offer up a distraction if it happens often or at inappropriate times. Don't scold or punish your tot, as this will humiliate him and cause him to develop secretive behaviour at a later age. Remember, the more you focus on it, the more your little one will too!

Caring for your toddler's milk teethOnce your baby gets her rst tooth, you can clean it using a moist annel to wipe the tooth once or twice a day. Once Baby is able to hold a brush, use a starter brush to help her get used to the idea of putting a toothbrush in her mouth. Always allow your toddler to 'clean' teeth too while you are doing yours, as copycat behaviour encourages learning.


eBaby Issue 24 • March 2018


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Plugged-in Criteria for a day carechoosingFinding the right day care is vital, and you may need to make some sacrices. It's always a good idea to give a day care a 'trial run', so ask for permission to visit the facility for a few hours with your little one. Some practical things to take into account include:

Budget – a good day care is invaluable but your family budget will inuence your choice.One-on-one attention – babies need lots of personal interaction to develop well and happily.House rules – some facilities have rules about nap times or when milestones like potty training have to be achieved. Remember that your baby is an individual who will develop at his own pace; he should never be forced or rushed into anything.Hygiene – the kitchen and bathroom should be kept meticulously clean.Safety and security – the equipment should be safe and well maintained, and don’t forget about emotional security from caregivers too.Food – if meals are included, check the menu to make sure that the food is healthy, freshly prepared, and not overcooked.Medication – ask about any medications used at the facility.


eBaby Issue 24 • March 2018


Intimacy after birthRemember that one day, when your children grow up, relationships that have been kept alive are the ones that prosper. You might be reassured by these perspectives:

Most men are overwhelmed with admiration after birth and nd the strength of their partners very appealing.There is no difference between a well-managed normal birth and C-section in regard to vaginal elasticity, once healing is complete (3–6 weeks).A new mother who feels supported practically will usually be very forthcoming on the intimate front. But moms must make sure thatthat they accept help graciously and not

There's a very simple truth to parenting – little ones copy those closest to them! That goes for the bad as well as the good examples we set. You show respect, they'll do the same. You bicker and bully, so will they. You are kind and helpful, they'll follow suit.

constantly criticise their partners for not doing tasks as they themselves would. Men often stop helping as a result of this – not because they don't want to!Mothering is the hardest work there is so at the end of a long day, a mother often feels too tired to even think about intimacy. Though this is understandable, a relaxing bath, candlelight and loving touch can lead to wonderful lovemaking, which is energising in its own way.

You reap what you


Page 19: eBaby MARCH Issue 24 - FINALweb - Sister Lilian Center · Dear Moms & Dads – from Sister Lilian to you Dear Sister Lilian – answering your questions about sleepwalking, ... and


eBaby Issue 24 • March 2018

Plugged-in parent

Highway to hellSo often, in a parent's hurried life, shortcuts are taken – none more harmful than not insisting on children being in car seats or correctly buckled up! Is this not gross neglect, a form of abuse, really? Some parents will buckle themselves up, but seem to not care enough to do the same for their little ones! Just imagine if your child is badly injured or killed in an accident. How would you ever come to terms with this?

Personal growth for parentsMost moms and dads would readily agree that despite the challenges, they wouldn't exchange being a parent for their previous lives. There are also three very special benets:1. Liberating youYour children show you the value of the truly important things in life, and bring out the best in you. You meet adversity with greater courage so your children won't feel insecure. You discover talents you never knew you had, and develop your weaker areas so your children will prot. 2. A better worldOnce you have children, you see how it matters what we do to our environment, how we dispose of trash and which products we choose to buy.3. FriendsParents form cherished friendships in unexpected places – from antenatal courses to baby clinics to sports elds.