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Eamonn Boylan Manchester 2003 Копия

Jun 01, 2018



Alex Santos
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  • 8/9/2019 Eamonn Boylan Manchester 2003


    Manchester Building a Competitive City:

    The Commonwealth Games and their Legacy

    Eamonn Boylan

    Deputy Chief Executive of Manchester City Council

    !st"ovem#er $$%

  • 8/9/2019 Eamonn Boylan Manchester 2003


    Manchester: Building a Competitive City &

    'ur (ision

    Core Objectives

    Creating a world class regional capital city

    Maximising local benefit

  • 8/9/2019 Eamonn Boylan Manchester 2003


    Manchester: Building a Competitive City &

    'ur )pproach

    Realising the potential of cities

    Strong local civic leadership

    Facilitating/enabling Concil

    !artnership !ositive planning

    "mportance of design gidelines and excellence

    Creating a world class pblic realm

  • 8/9/2019 Eamonn Boylan Manchester 2003


    Manchester: Building a Competitive City &

    'ur *erformance

    Manchester is recognised as the regional

    capital of the #orth $est and the nation%s

    leading regional centre

    Manchester has established a critical massof economic activity& facilities and services

    which enables the City and the region to

    compete in the international mar'et place

    for jobs and investment

  • 8/9/2019 Eamonn Boylan Manchester 2003


    Manchester: Building a Competitive City &

    'ur *erformance Cont(

    Manchester has been at the

    forefront of delivering strategic

    regeneration and investment

    framewor's that combine thedrive for greater economic

    competitiveness with the

    need to deliver local benefit

    Manchester has developed

    a world class cltral& sports

    and visitor infrastrctre

  • 8/9/2019 Eamonn Boylan Manchester 2003


    Manchester: Building a Competitive City &

    Creating Momentum

    Consistent drive for Regeneration over many years

    Manchester )irport

    *lme Regeneration Metrolin'

    City Centre Renaissance +post %,-.

    ast Manchester

    0nowledge Capital

  • 8/9/2019 Eamonn Boylan Manchester 2003


    Commonwealth Games $$

    #ot the dawn of a new era

    )n acceleration along a continm

    Step change in velocity

  • 8/9/2019 Eamonn Boylan Manchester 2003


    Manchester: The Games

    ) major opportnity to radicallyimprove the economic and socialprospects of Manchester and theprofile and image of the #orth $est

    ) major opportnity to create asports and cltral infrastrctrecapable of hosting and deliveringworld class events

    ) focs for partnership actionand investment

  • 8/9/2019 Eamonn Boylan Manchester 2003


    Manchester: The Games cont(

    ) nifying theme against which

    to jstify bids for a wider range

    of regeneration programmes in

    ast Manchester

    1he transformational impact

    on re2positioning Manchester

    and ast Manchester as an

    international investor and

    visitor destination

  • 8/9/2019 Eamonn Boylan Manchester 2003


    Games +acts

    34 sports

    45 teams

    6&-,7 athletes and 5&768 team officials

    6&977 media

    3 billion 1: viewers

    577 hors broadcast on ;;C

    37&777 volnteers < 3&5-7&777 volnteer hors=

    3 million spectators

    5>6m website visitors

  • 8/9/2019 Eamonn Boylan Manchester 2003


    The ,mpact and Legacy of the Games

    Over ?-77m of pblic investment

    ?5>4m added vale for every?3m invested

    -&677 fll2time jobs

    1elevision adience of nearly3 billion people worldwide

    )n extra 677&777 visitors per year

    ?58m spent by @ames participants

    and visitors ?55m in additional bsiness benefits

    nhanced civic pride

    1he Manchester ;rand

  • 8/9/2019 Eamonn Boylan Manchester 2003



    ?-77m pblic and private investment

    #ew jobs < estimated -&677 fte

    nvironmental improvements 2 ?5Am investment

    programme along )shton Canal lin'ing ast Manchester

    and the City Centre

    ) new town for ast ManchesterB

    35&777 new homes

    4&777 improved homes

    )S) store with 3&777 jobs targeted at local residents

  • 8/9/2019 Eamonn Boylan Manchester 2003


    Built for the Legacy

    #othing bilt for the @ames alone

    Dong term ses secred for all venes

    Stadim converted to football < Manchester City FC )greements with @overning ;odies for #ational


    )Eatics Centre bilt to service


  • 8/9/2019 Eamonn Boylan Manchester 2003


    .hy the "eed for a

    "ew Mar/eting 0trategy1

    1o ensre that the @ames% tre benefit is captred

    1o consolidate or position as leading edge

    1o bridge the gap between poor perceptionand vibrant reality

    1o position the city and eEip it to compete

  • 8/9/2019 Eamonn Boylan Manchester 2003


    2ey 0uccess +actors

    Strong leadership from the centreB 1he City

    Concil is critical

    Clear strategic focs

    Comprehensive by in from sta'eholders in

    'ey sectors

    Clear long term vision

    Creation of a strong& relevant brand based on reality

  • 8/9/2019 Eamonn Boylan Manchester 2003


    Building the Manchester Brand

    )ccentate the differences that ma'e the

    place niEe

    Mch more than a logo or a tag line

    Create endring vale from 'ey events

    +@ames/festivals etc.

    Focs the message

    istil the essence

  • 8/9/2019 Eamonn Boylan Manchester 2003


    The Manchester Brand

    *ighlights the niEe attribtes& benefits and

    traits of Manchester



    Confident G Coc'y


  • 8/9/2019 Eamonn Boylan Manchester 2003


    The Manchester Brand

    "dentifies the City%s Core :alesB


    Dive G Det Dive

    @oing !laces

  • 8/9/2019 Eamonn Boylan Manchester 2003


    The Manchester Brand

    istils the ssence of Manchester


  • 8/9/2019 Eamonn Boylan Manchester 2003


    Manchester: Building a Competitive City &

    The Challenges

    Cities Ma'e Sense

    1he #ational )genda

    1he Challenges for Manchester

  • 8/9/2019 Eamonn Boylan Manchester 2003


    Manchester: Building a Competitive City &

    The .ay +orward

    1he 0nowledge Capital

    1he Manchester !rospects

    Maximising the *" resorce

    xcellent connectivity Creating "nnovative rban

    evelopment Framewor's

    ) world2class cltral offer

    Creating a world class city centre

  • 8/9/2019 Eamonn Boylan Manchester 2003


    Manchester: Building a Competitive City &

    The role of Core Cities

    ;ilding the argments for a balanced economy

    Creating a new dynamic for cities and regions

    "ncreasing the spatial awareness of @overnmentpolicy ma'ing

    Ma'ing the lin's