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'\ ( .. I I E . .·B .. T. 'B. T. E. B. T. 45c LB. AT DAVIS' GROCERY 45c LB. AT DAVIS' GBOCIBY . 45c LB. AT DA VIS' GBOCIRY ... . athar OLUME XhVlU. (TWO DOLLil& PH Tti.L) AY, SEPTEMBER 6, UMn. ....../ i.o al anb ott)tt I tems. .,..__ ...... ""_ ... _______ _ -Tb e family ur tbo 1111• Rh:hard ltadl· i::an wblh to Uiaok A:,::gh1 Th omoy, M"ry 'thvOJO), Mn.. J011epb R_QN, Mn.. P. J . :Fll7.J;l'rllld, ::\J {U D"llo K\j ue<ty. lflu J •1J1lo J\11lly, ... l.lulo J oy, and J \: , tlufT for u-ro:uhg. PRIME FRESH BEti r ! - Wo ha,·e to lhallll Mr. A. Wllao 11. JllE CHEAPEST II TOii. the or 1bu c.U.E., tor a copy of I' . tho J:>IUIJ! T JM11 uf the A. A. and i>rlmary orado. WUllOnhu •ho •n lheST.-N· TO MORROW 11Alll1 an appr<>clatcd cou rt c.y, ouo , lo farmg.r J"l'l\rt we fallcd Lo re- at the l:t!Cud .1 uf tho Cuuocll'• IOC· (Saturday), at 'S CtJAKAC'J'EitIN MEDIOJr\E. J.E. WALKER In rnoolcloe, u In ovory •phcro of human aollou, IL IB charaoter 1bat tollt. WATER ST REET, l' vcry prescrlpllon tbat Dr. A. w. Chu• to bl• followmcu l1 full of cbarae- Opposite Archibald '• Factory. 1e r, full of tho bone.91, • lorllng character "hlch ml\do chc :;rand old doctor ro- •pt'Cted, 11du 1lred llDd loved b)' all wbo l'uot1 'ce To Mar1"ners ! knew b lw. "l'bc Jnterrrlly of Dr. Obuo 11 1 .. ha . •Y fl7 01141 of ala..famou family modJctnu. I - An lntornll.oi;: evont took placo at · ::'\ow' Yo rk on atnrday, tho 3lllt Aug- whoo :\fr . Johu S. Taylor, 1ouugut "60 of tho lato lienry l>. Taylor, WAf married 10 Mtn11tu Da\ I•, daught er nf 1be lato Thorna.s Davl1,of iht1 town. OaYla lefi.hero on tbe !!Bret Augoat, and r eachod Now York on Ole 31th. Mr. 11 ad 1\11'. Taylor 1pcnl tholr honeymoon in Brooklvn{ 11od wlll t ako op their r o•In \V l kin•bur ;, Pa. Tbo many rrlond• in l:larhor of lh e nowly- marrlcd pah' them ll Jong and hap- py llCo,togelhor. ---- ·• No . 5, 1907. NEWFOUNDLAND. Powell's Head- Entrance to the Harbor of Trepassey. r:'itSt ud! 4()9 41' 20• Nonh. Longitude 53° 24' oo WesL Dr. llorto'• IndJan Root Plll1 romon all oti. 1rueUon•, puri ty tho blood a nd 1)1\'0 10 tho 1kln 11iaL boanll fol cloar and htaltbfol look .o greatly Mhnlr4'd In a buut.ICUI !Uld hoalthy womau. Al cer· taln pnlodll lbcto Pill• are an lndllpen- tlblo comp1.a.lon. 1''r om one to rour &boold bo taken each day, ant.II relief ta oli1aioed. A tow dw• occat lonally wtll ktt p tbo •Y•lem 90 healthy , t.Dd tho 5 sec. tu sec. 5 sec. 112 sec:. bloOd .o pure, th at dllcuot cannot t'Dlor 1bo body. Dr.Morao'•lodtan Root Pi lle A new flat-roofed, one-storey bwld· are .ol d by all medlolne dealera. iog, p:iinted white, bas been erected PERSON' AL. Soutb· Eastwardly from the light tower. Mr. o. F. 6horh1 aod tho l\ll ue1 The Hom projecu from the Southern All We ask OUR 0 F.LOURS la a trial and we do not 'e•r results. S hdrt!lcll for St. J ohn'• by Wednoll" side or this bwlding. I On 1he.s1h Septem!>er Ibis You wW soon find that our brands attract the per- ft1eud• 1"'ero plcuct1 to 1eo hJm h ero Ala rm will be put an operallon and 11gatn, and IQ Jeno\\' tb&l be look• f or:- sounded during thiclt weather maneni trade of particular people, for Bread, Biscui ts, ward 10 rcoowing old acqoalnt.anceL · He will bo lo tho fall, and wtll gl'\"O ELI AWE, Cakes PJes and Fan cy· Pa...,,_ J another loot11rc on Bay hl1lor-y and Minister Marine and Fisheries. 1 11 3' A "' •rm wel· Dpt. Mari ne and Fisheries. Our Brands,- Manitoba, Buda, The Wo r ld's Best. Mr. and J ohn F. Ewlng,SL John'• St. John's. Nfld, Aug. 24. 1907. Neva Two Sisters stern .. Edward VII Harall Daily srpo nt the weok hero on a Yl1lt to 1 , ., , 1 Not1'ce To Mariners! White Pride, Bear-Admiral, Cho ice Patent, &o., &c. tor a week or to more, a Q'UUL o f Mrt. S. I DEA1'1r01' MR.RlOHAROllADJGA..'i No. e. 190?. --------------------- ----- - ::'\ool, South Sldo. I ..,- The above are tbe standard qualitiei in Canada. " Ftw moo Toro b;°Uer known lo thll NBWfOUHDLAND, - MILLED BY THK OLD RELIABLE MILLERS,- cemmanl!T than l'IJr. Rlohard IWlldtgan, s• ·-- Harbor - ·-"'1L1..... s IRK- SNIDER' ,..""' 11a...a away oo WMaadv -a auu-u_. uti H ln;;alhr• thO•l Ulne .. at thoagoof76 r, <Qt, . · -- -- Jll&ff. Tbe deeoued cam•«> l:IL John'• I O ogo. 10 1hyear lH$7, 1bav1ntr c:ume trom Branch 8a1e1 Office PICTOU NOVA SCOTIA. Lh·fr)IOOI In B.M.s. transport as.mer ADlltlnr-. wbleh bad been hired for I.ho N OTICE IS herebJ given that Four I Steer Bros St. John's Hfld. Wholesale Agents for BUDk trip bJ' tlle Allan, their •teamer Spar BUO)'I. WHITE in colour, '' ' ' met with a mlebap that pro•ent- "·ve been ___ __, in 3 u. fathoms in the -======' =================== tel ulllag. The late lfr. Rot-art J- 72 ..., l<fmpeon wu a PIU!"Dtrer on the 1&111• narrow part o( SlaJ Harbor Run-two Soon R D Mc Ra · e & J Sons ot whaa lb- Uwau 9IUCo uc puup UQ1IJClll:U er• Dltt, wbloh tb•3' did to &alk o•er Olelr tbele buoJs carries tbe paest depdl . . or water. DIPOBTEBS AND EXPORTERS. to °"8 towa altar tU IN of t N. B.- Navfpton are cautioned =tbe-d:'= :!en m:, a: Provisions, Groceries, talion b u,,.. ta&ber. pomilf moond bJ oae of tbe Coula1 Bewu bi ....... - .... _,&lier their cait T h .. . : :L:: .._. poeitioDI. Gu.u. o . ar, c , .. ...... .... """ I . BLl DAWE, MiaillerlltrineandFllberiel. Fish B li & Dpt.., .......... ery μpp es, . c. ....... ...................... nc I St. ,...,lfll4. - .... 1907. ..... ..- ... Notice To M ari ners I Beach Prennses,: Ka rbor Grace. UldWUUam. .-Branch Busineas at Grady, Labrador. Jlr. Jlllllpll WU of acJaeerflal, &.»! . OHOIOESPEOIAL L . INE ,S away one who Bn..&.-. P1ac u.. Ba VU a aom llprt lo tbe toWn'I I l&& a&&f en... f o d<ilnic., wbo al•SJ• bad tb• hap_py Lati•ude 470 o2' 40" N--'- 111·ord to pH to ta- wbo were trutabfoil unu. ID any way. Be ... ,. .. beblDd blm Longitude 5511 o6' so" West. 111a11y frl•a.dl bat t1w fool. __ _ :\hdtaaa pred-ued him l>T lS NOTICE · h ,...).,, · .... __ ... Lnt II lklD• and 2 daoabta" are 1 11 e • ...,, given t ... t on..,.. ltfl !<) mo11rn the 1alcln1 away of tb• ..i. alter September 15th, proximo, ts111U5' ,; heoad-Jamea, Patrlok and a fixed Red Light, will be exhibited \\ :11111JU,11111I \Ir e. " Thomae O'Brien of Iii!• h•\\ n, a11-l ?JIM Ml!Jolo Madlsao of &om a mquare wood tower, »ouo1':.t :\Sar.. 18 feet high, with fttt·roofcd keeper's Tho ru 10erAI took plM" lhlt rnorllfns d 11· ... t lh N rth 'd o.\ "·°'' •a lar;<o number of clll.Hn• IMlf- we ing attac cu o e o em 11 e, f) lu>t t..y 1lot•lr prt .. otloe the e. teesa all painted white, erected on lroo Is- and rt •i.;;··1 for df'parlod and lbolr land. >" " 11 " hlHamlly.-C o m. The lens is dioptricof the 6th Order, , lll v.o. Elevation froti> sea-level to centre or m"" 11 1n11. a \11ng Ill- light, 118 reet. It should be visible in ;di-. ,., h·r., farp1:nter, •i;td ill clear Wellbet in all WANT ED / Wanted, a G IRL fo r the Grocery Girl with some knowle.dge or and to lluit for ca h .. State wages. etc. Apply to " - x. Y. z .. STA.'lOARD Ot1ic.e. - NO TICE Of 01 ,SO LU TIQN. · T AKE NOTICE that the partner- shi p heretofore e.¥hrti ng be· unl:lerf>ii:11ed as Merchants at Harbur Orace. under the 6rm or style of " R. RUTHERFORD & COMPANY," baa bee n disaolve.d by inutual con sent. The. bu1iue11 will be conti nued under the same name by WILLIS DA \'JS, who will be r esponsible for all liabilities of U1e partnership and to whom aH per&on1' indebted to t he partner11hip \\ill make immediate payment. · O:lt(d •1t Harbor Grace thi• :alas\ 1.10 y ,,( AnJ(u •l, 111.>1- " RICBAJt D R UTIU: RFbllP, WU,f.l!I DAVIS, ELI- DAWE, "'- Minister Marine and Fisheries. ment Marine and Fi9beries, ' .Si d, Aug. 24t 1907. Penon ally Sel ected in the London Market, The Latest Styles of j Ladies' Jacket.a, Skirts, Blouses, &c. Full Lines of Ken's Clothing, Boots, &c . Choice Lot of Ladies' FURS. Dr CALL AND INSPECT THE STOCK. PRICES AND QUALITY ARB SURE TO SUl'J:. G. E. . STEVENSON, ST'RE.E.T, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS AT J. ' J. HENNESSY'S. TEA -A specialt,° of at# beet, Herring, etc. Fruit of all kinda. Green Groceries o.nd Pr••duce of all kinda. Stationery of all kinds.. Con fectioner y, wholeaale & retail, Hardw..,e and Crockeryware. Pain rs of o.U coloura. Paints, Oile, Tobacco and Cigarettes of the belt itradea. Leather a.nd Leatberware. Carriage aqd Car Harness. and Cl\rriages for hire at nll times. and Fishing Io;iplem,ents. Aleo, a good e. t.ook of medicines. Prw.ce1au O il always at hand. A ll m dock ia marluil at lowut pricu. for JobWork ., try The St andarf! \. .. I UIR'S I ARBLE WORIS, Cabot Building, Water Street St. J ohn's. (E1tabll1hed l&n.) Full lines Granite and Marble He:ad- stoues, Monuments and Cemetery De- corations now on ha.nd. Designs and estimates on applica,tion. Best work· manship. Lowest prices. MUIR'S MARBLE WORKS, CAB.OT. .BUILDING, WATER STREET, · ST. JOHN'S. :, 'fi y? B EC;\ USE you do not hAvc to know what your gi>oda arc ofwncn you U90 DY-0-LA Tbo H,w and H 'C / UlPROVBO ome .oye C OLORS either Wool, Cotton. SUic or Gooch perf ectly, with the SA IE pmcltag1l. Ask your about lt. TO LET. A DWELLING- HOUSE, ceo.tral- ly located, r eadJ for occupanc1. fitted with electric light and bath. Apply at once to R. RUTU£RJjORO & Co. f . REE To women for . collecting names an4. sclh ng our no- vcliliee, we give me> PREMlUMS ae nd your name t o-day (or our new pla11 of BIG wiUt little wor.Jc. Write t o-day. Addreaa C. T . MOSE- L E Y. Premium department, 32 E. '23rd Street. New Yo rk City. The Good Ship . Loui$e Will be bringing a cargo ot OBOIC B NORTH SYDNBY HOUSEHOLD COAL, and wm be du here about t.118 end or month. will ba aol4 on ordan for delivery frOm. .).k ·)k .)Jc .)ic o)k i'k<· "'(· .)le . ) OUR Jre thank you, fo r thB liberal 8UTJ.POrl you havB_ jiven 1t.s, as attBStsd, by the volz"m,e. O'/Jfjusi ness placed with us dur- inJ the past si;x; mdnt 1 "8. ii We are 1iow tumin.t ow Fz'.ne Boots , .J. and Shoes o-f all of leather, which for style, oombined with thB but ..\ I material and workniansh ip, cannot be 8 io tint the oon#nuanoB of your value upport,. We a 'l'B 1 t1'Uly , · 'arbir I race loot and Sftle lllfl. Cl. W. ]. OF NOVA SCOTIA ll NCORl"ORATCD 1ea2.> CAPITAL, - - RESERVE.. FUND, S3,000,009 SS,250,000 U nexceJJed facilities for the transaction of all kinds of Banking Business. Special attentio?t g'iven to the Savings Depart ment, depesits received from. Si up. "'? This is the only bank ha,Ung'1& head office in Canada thaf submits its books and statements to independent ; Branches in {Harbor Grace, J, A. Ter.apleto_n. Jllanager. Ne wfoundland St. J ohn's, R. B . .Andeiaon. l!l.!\Jl84ter. CHOICE AND CO?f PLETE LOT OF •I Rooml PA PERS . ·tlall ·. . · ·. Supplied by JOHN DAVIS .. * .. HOM AS Harbot Grace, / ;a: I i, - Agent for Newfoundland. - R. A. SQUIRES, LL. B. FULL 1 8TOCKS OF COODS 80LICIT08, -SPECIAL LINES OB- - .ur11 NOTARY PUBLIC. a nte&, - 1, KIMBERLEY BOW f::T.R21t'l', Mattrasses, Earthenware Furniture .Glassware Hardlvare Lumber of all kinds. General Provisions and Store Goods. (OppoaiteSta.roftheSca Ball.) OMAS BO . as, .: Water Street ir11.,lloill -. ft, Jo u·• .,. ·. ,•

E .. ·B .. T. · 2017-05-24 · '\ ( .. I I E .. ·B .. T. E· 'B. T. E. B. T. 45c LB. AT DAVIS' GROCERY 45c LB. AT

Mar 18, 2020



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Page 1: E .. ·B .. T. · 2017-05-24 · '\ ( .. I I E .. ·B .. T. E· 'B. T. E. B. T. 45c LB. AT DAVIS' GROCERY 45c LB. AT



.. I I

E . . ·B .. T. E· 'B. T. E. B. T. 45c LB. AT DAVIS' GROCERY 45c LB. AT DAVIS' GBOCIBY . 45c LB. AT DA VIS' GBOCIRY

.... athar OLUME XhVlU. (TWO DOLLil& PH Tti.L) AY, SEPTEMBER 6, UMn.

....../ i.o al anb ott)tt I tems. .,..__ ...... ""_ ... _______ _ -Tbe family ur tbo 1111• Rh:hard ltadl·

i::an wblh to Uiaok ~Hu A:,::gh1 Thomoy, ~llu M"ry 'thvOJO), Mn.. J011epb R_QN, Mn.. P. J . :Fll7.J;l'rllld, ::\J{U D"llo K\jn· ue<ty. lflu J •1J1lo J\11lly, ~1 ... l.lulo J oy, and J\: , tlufT for ""'ndln~ u-ro:uhg.


FRESH BEtir ! - Wo ha,·e to lhallll Mr. A. Wllao11. JllE CHEAPEST II TOii.

the ~ccrolary or 1bu c.U.E., tor a copy of I' . tho J:>IUIJ! TJM11 uf the A. A. and i>rlmary orado. ~Ir. WUllOnhu •ho•n lheST.-N· TO MORROW 11Alll1 an appr<>clatcd courtc.y, ouo • , ,~blc:h lo farmg.r J"l'l\rt we fallcd Lo re-~el,.c at the l:t!Cud.1 uf tho Cuuocll'• IOC· ,· (Saturday), at


In rnoolcloe, u In ovory •phcro of human aollou, IL IB charaoter 1bat tollt. WATER ST REET , l'vcry prescrlpllon tbat Dr. A. w. Chu• i:-~,-c to bl• followmcu l1 full of cbarae- Opposite Archibald '• Factory. 1er, full of tho bone.91, • lorllng character "hlch ml\do chc :;rand old doctor ro-•pt'Cted, 11du1lred llDd loved b)' all wbo l'uot1'ce To Mar1"ners ! knew blw. "l'bc Jnterrrlly of Dr. Obuo 11 1 .. 1ho~n ha.•Yfl7 01141 of ala..famou family modJctnu. I

- A n lntornll.oi;: evont took placo at · ::'\ow' York on atnrday, tho 3lllt Aug-11~ 1. whoo :\fr. Johu S. Taylor, 1ouugut "60 of tho lato lienry l>. Taylor, WAf married 10 ~HI• Mtn11tu Da\ I•, daughte r nf 1be lato Thorna.s Davl1,of iht1 town. ~flu OaYla lefi.hero on tbe !!Bret Augoat, and r eachod Now York on Ole 31th. Mr. 11ad 1\11'. Taylor 1pcnl tholr honeymoon in Brooklvn{ 11od wlll tako op their ro•I· d~DCO In \V lkin•bur;, Pa. Tbo many rrlond• in l:larhor Cr1u~e o f lhe nowly­marrlcd pah' w~b them ll Jong and hap­py llCo,togelhor. ----

·• No. 5, 1907. NEWFOUNDLAND.

Powell's Head- Entrance to the Harbor of Trepassey.

r:'itStud! 4()9 41' 20• Nonh. Longitude 53° 24' oo• WesL

Dr. llorto'• IndJan Root Plll1 r omon all oti.1rueUon•, puri ty tho blood a nd 1)1\'0 10 tho 1kln 11iaL boanllfol cloar and htaltbfol look .o greatly Mhnlr4'd In a buut.ICUI !Uld hoalthy womau. Al cer· taln pnlodll lbcto Pill• are an lndllpen­tlblo comp1.a.lon. 1''r om one to rour &boold bo taken each day, ant.II relief ta oli1aioed. A tow dw• occatlonally wtll kttp tbo •Y•lem 90 healthy , t.Dd tho 5 sec. tu sec. 5 sec. 112 sec:. bloOd .o pure, that dllcuot cannot t'Dlor 1bo body. Dr.Morao'•lodtan Root Pille A new flat-roofed, one-storey bwld· are .old by all medlolne dealera. iog, p:iinted white, bas been erected

PERSON' AL. Soutb·Eastwardly from the light tower. Mr. o. F. 6horh1 aod tho l\llue1 The Hom projecu from the Southern

All We ask f~r OUR 0

F.LOURS la a trial and we do not 'e•r results.

Shdrt!• lcll for St. John'• by Wednoll" side or this bwlding. I ~~r~'v~fl~~ ~~~H1:~:. \i~<;~.~~l; On 1he. s1h Septem!>er proxi~o Ibis You wW soon find that our brands attract the per-ft1eud• 1"'ero plcuct1 to 1eo hJm hero Alarm will be put an operallon and 11gatn, and IQ Jeno\\' tb&l be look• for:- • sounded during thiclt or"~ weather maneni trade of particular people, f or Bread, Biscuits, ward 10 rcoowing old acqoalnt.anceL • · H e will bo her~ lo tho fall, and wtll gl'\"O ELI AWE, Cakes PJes and Fancy· Pa...,,_ J another loot11rc on Bay hl1lor-y and Minister Marine and Fisheries. 1 11• 3 '

~::::'!.!1~11:.::ltt~.:.t.10ca. A " '•rm wel· Dpt. Marine and Fisheries. Our Brands,- Manitoba, Buda, The World's Best. Mr. and ~1rs. J ohn F. Ewlng,SL J ohn'• St. John's. Nfld, Aug. 24. 1907. Neva Two Sisters stern .. ~ Edward VII Harall Daily

srpont the ~st weok hero on a Yl1lt to 1 , ~· ., , 1

n~t!~Gra~°l ~:::;:l:J!:~ei:~~ Not1'ce To Mariners! White Pride, Bear-Admiral, Choice Patent, &o., &c. tor a week or to more, a Q'UUL o f Mrt. S. I DEA1'1r01' MR.RlOHAROllADJGA..'i No. e. 190?. ---------------------------::'\ool, South Sldo. I ..,-The above are tbe standard qualitiei in Canada. "

Ftw moo Toro b;°Uer known lo thll NBWfOUHDLAND, - MILLED BY THK OLD RELIABLE MILLERS,-cemmanl!T than l'IJr. Rlohard IWlldtgan, s•·-- Harbor - ·-"'1L1..... s IRK-~ SNIDER' ,..""' 11a...a away oo WMaadv ~ -a auu-u_. uti H ln;;alhr• thO•l Ulne .. at thoagoof76 r, <Qt, . · -- --Jll&ff. Tbedeeoued cam•«> l:IL John'• I O ogo. 10 1h• year lH$7, 1bav1ntr c:ume trom Branch 8a1e1 Office PICTOU NOVA SCOTIA. Lh·fr)IOOI In B.M.s. transport as.mer • • • • ADlltlnr-. wbleh bad been hired for I.ho N OTICE IS herebJ given that Four I Steer Bros St. John's Hfld. Wholesale Agents for BUDk trip bJ' tlle M~no. Allan, their •teamer Spar BUO)'I. WHITE in colour, ' ' ' ' h~Tfn:: met with a mlebap that pro•ent- "·ve been ___ __, in 3 u. fathoms in the -======'=================== tel b~r ulllag. The late lfr. Rot-art J- ~ 72 ..., l<fmpeon wu a PIU!"Dtrer on the 1&111• narrow part o( SlaJ Harbor Run-two

~~~:¥&:~:::~::: f~r~·::r.::r:~~ Soon t!e_!!~ ~!'and two~ R D Mc Ra· e & J Sons ot illee~loa whaa lb- fellow-YO~ Uwau 9IUCo • uc puup UQ1IJClll:U • • er• Dltt, wbloh tb•3' did to &alk o•er Olelr tbele buoJs carries tbe paest depdl . ~1a'!fr-:;J;-1~C:.~r~.1..'::'aa"c::mo! . or water. DIPOBTEBS AND EXPORTERS. to °"8 towa altor~ altar tU IN of t N. B.- Navfpton are cautioned

==~:n="!f!~¥: =tbe-d:'= :!en m:, a: Provisions, Groceries, talion b ~ u,,.. ~dam ta&ber. pomilf moond bJ oae of tbe Coula1 Bewu bi llOOD~Ooml·KD· ....... - .... _,&lier their c-·~-=- cait T h .. . : ~ :L:: .._. poeitioDI. Gu.u. o . ar, c , .. ...... .... """ I . BLl DAWE, rA.~J:'BA·'oam~a:..':'• MiaillerlltrineandFllberiel. Fish B li & ='=='~~~ Dpt..,.......... ery µpp es, . c. ....... ~ ...................... nc I St. ,...,lfll4. - .... 1907. ..... ..-... fwr1-~11e•111 •

=='=':=:.~-=~~ Notice To Mariners I Beach Prennses,: Karbor Grace. UldWUUam.

.-Branch Busineas at Grady, Labrador. Jlr. Jlllllpll WU of acJaeerflal, ·~ • &.» ft'=::a~'lr:·ta:: ~'·*=! . ~~~:~~~~ 1ronpi~ott~io OHOIOESPEOIAL L. INE,S moYal~~illllN away one who Bn..&.-. P1ac u.. Ba VU a aom llprt lo tbe toWn'I I l&& a&&f en... f o

d<ilnic., wbo al•SJ• bad tb• hap_py Lati•ude 470 o2' 40" N--'-111·ord to pH to ta- wbo were trutabfoil • unu. ID any way. Be ... ,. .. beblDd blm Longitude 5511 o6' so" West. 111a11y frl•a.dl bat t1w fool. __ _ 11~. :\hdtaaa pred-ued him l>T lS NOTICE· h ,...).,, · .... __ ...

nar~ Lnt II lklD• and 2 daoabta" are 1 11 e • ...,, given t ... t on..,.. ltfl !<) mo11rn the 1alcln1 away of tb• ..i. alter September 15th, proximo, ts111U5',; heoad-Jamea, Patrlok and a fixed Red Light, will be exhibited \\:11111JU,11111I \Ire. "Thomae O'Brien of Iii!• h•\\ n, a11-l ?JIM Ml!Jolo Madlsao of &om a mquare py~midal wood tower, »ouo1':.t :\Sar.. 18 feet high, with fttt·roofcd keeper's

Tho ru10erAI took plM" lhlt rnorllfns d 11· b· ... t lh N rth 'd o.\ "·°''•a lar;<o number of clll.Hn• IMlf- we ing attac cu o e o em 11 e, f) lu>t t..y 1lot•lr prt .. otloe the e.teesa all painted white, erected on lroo Is-

• and rt •i.;;··1 for th~ df'parlod and lbolr land. ~y~pai >" "

11" hlHamlly.-Co m. The lens is dioptricof the 6th Order, , lll v.o. Elevation froti> sea-level to centre or

~~ter•lav m""111n11. ~tter a \11ng Ill- light, 118 reet. It should be visible in ;di-. Geor~~ ,., h·r., farp1:nter, •i;td ill clear Wellbet ~ c:Qi~ in all di~oo•

W A N TED / Wanted, a G IRL for the Grocery

Girl with some knowle.dge or Book~ and to lluit for ca h requi~ .. State wages. et c. Apply to " -

x. Y. z .. STA.'lOARD Ot1ic.e. -

NOTICE Of 01,SOLUTIQN. · T AKE NOTICE that the partner-

ship heretofore e.¥hrting be· ~ween i~ unl:lerf>ii:11ed as Merchants at Harbur Orace. under the 6rm or style of " R. RUTHERFORD & COMPANY," baa been disaolve.d by inutual consent. The. bu1iue11 will be continued under the same name by WILLIS DA \'JS, who will be responsible for all liabilities of U1e partnership and to whom aH per&on1' indebted to t he partner11hip \\ill make immediate payment. ·

O:lt(d •1t Harbor Grace thi• :alas\ 1.10 y ,,( AnJ(u •l, 111.>1- "


~~ . ELI-DAWE, "'- Minister Marine and Fisheries.

ment Marine and Fi9beries, '.Si d, Aug. 24t 1907.

Penonally Selected in the London Market, The Latest Styles of j

Ladies' Jacket.a, Skirts, Blouses, &c. Full Lines of Ken's Clothing, Boots, &c. Choice Lot of Ladies' FURS. Dr CALL AND INSPECT THE STOCK. PRICES


G. E . . STEVENSON, -W~TE.'R ST'RE.E.T, H~'R"BO'R G'R~eE..-


TEA-A specialt,° of at# beet ~radee., Herring, etc. Fruit of all kinda. Green Groceries o.nd Pr••duce of all kinda. Stationery of all kinds.. Confectionery, wholeaale & retail, Hardw..,e and Crockeryware. Pain rs of o.U coloura. Paints, Oile, Tobacco and Cigarettes of the belt itradea. Leather a.nd Leatberware. Carriage aqd Car Harness. ~Bones and Cl\rriages for hire at nll times. ~pe and Fishing Io;iplem,ents. Aleo, a good e.t.ook of

~ten~ medicines. Prw.ce1au Oil always at hand. All m dock ia marluil at lowut pricu.

for JobWork., try The Standarf! \. ..

I UIR'S I ARBLE WORIS, Cabot Building, Water Street

St. John's. (E1tabll1hed l&n.)

Full lines Granite and Marble He:ad­stoues, Monuments and Cemetery De­corations now on ha.nd. Designs and estimates on applica,tion. Best work· manship. Lowest prices. MUIR'S MARBLE WORKS,



:, DY~i;;g} 'fiy? BEC;\ USE you do not hAvc to

know what your gi>oda arc ofwncn you U90

DY-0-LA Tbo H,w and H 'C / UlPROVBO ome .oye COLORS either Wool, Cotton.

SUic or M~ Gooch perfectly, with the SA IE pmcltag1l.

Ask your ~er about lt.


ly located, readJ for occupanc1. fitted with electric light and bath.

Apply at once to R. RUTU£RJjORO & Co.

f. REE To women for . collecting names an4. sclhng our no­

vcliliee, we give me> PREMlUMS aend your name to-day (or our new pla11 of BIG P~OF1TS wiUt little wor.Jc. Write to-day. Addreaa C. T . MOSE­L E Y. Premium department, 32 E . '23rd Street. New York City.

The Good Ship. Nelli.a~ Loui$e Will be bringing a cargo ot OBOICB NORTH SYDNBY HOUSEHOLD COAL, and wm be du here about t.118 end or ~ month. will ba aol4 on ordan for delivery frOm.

~ .).k ~· ~i.. ·)k .)Jc .)ic o)k .~ ~ i'k<· "'(· .)le

. ) ~o OUR ~ATRpNs. ~ Jre thank you, for thB liberal 8UTJ.POrl

~ you havB_ jiven 1t.s, as attBStsd, by the volz"m,e. O'/Jfjusi ness placed with us dur­inJ the past si;x; mdnt1"8. ~

i i We are 1iow tumin.t ow Fz'.ne Boots , .J. and Shoes o-f all .tra~ of leather, ~ which for style, oombined with thB but ..\I material and worknianship, cannot be

$lt;1'p~d. 8 io tint the oon#nuanoB of your

value upport,. We a'l'B1 ~our t1'Uly , ·

'arbir I race loot and Sftle lllfl. Cl. L~. W. ]. ]A~ES, ~·



S3,000,009 SS,250,000

U nexceJJed facilities for the transaction of all kinds of Banking Business. • Special attentio?t g'iven to the Savings Department,

depesits received from.Si up. "'? This is the only bank ha,Ung'1& head office in Canada

thaf submits its books and statements to independent ~~L •

; Branches in {Harbor Grace, J, A. Ter.apleto_n. Jllanager. Newfoundland St. John's, R. B .. .Andeiaon. l!l.!\Jl84ter.


•IRooml PA PERS . ~d ·tlall ·. . · •


Supplied by JOHN DAVIS . . * .. HOM AS Harbot Grace, / ;a: I i,

- Agent for Newfoundland. - ROSS.~ R. A. SQUIRES, LL. B. FULL





R~NRV f::T.R21t'l',

Mattrasses, Earthenware Furniture .Glassware Hardlvare

Lumber of all kinds. General Provisions and Store Goods.

(OppoaiteSta.roftheSca Ball.) ~a. OMAS BO. as, .: Water Street ir11.,lloill -. ft, Jou·• .,.



Page 2: E .. ·B .. T. · 2017-05-24 · '\ ( .. I I E .. ·B .. T. E· 'B. T. E. B. T. 45c LB. AT DAVIS' GROCERY 45c LB. AT





• r

Do Yau Think For. Y•rulf'P '

JOU CIPID T011r moul.b mi. a JOQN Rickets. L-- No. Vll.


I loners did not forget him, when al\ ANAEMIA CURED. I . Tho Secret of 1 Iul he w~ called to "Jay hia •r· -- A BEAUTIFUL

our b.Y, and erected thla tablet DR WTLLIAMS' PINK PILI.8

nt nlP down •h141 .. , food or 1IMlll- ~ Simply the viaible Up that baby'a tiny uuuea Between the incidents to whic om bculforcd)'Oot are not formina rapidly enouab- haYealreadymaderefereoceiolbeae

• • • • __ _!_L_ • th papen,aod euotsohbe preaeql day Qh.~..,.,,':ro~~= Lack of nouri.wuent Ja e came.


1here la a lapeeor a hundred yeare. pa111 an4 aia oc. tho t' -.- mo io Scoff .s Emul.sion nouriahea baf;ya Hu" much la crowded into • oeo· 1'0G that lbt .. ,. trfl:d •!Id"" "'-d

1 _ ... .:- ..-....... Stim" __ ,_...:.._ and --•--- bone. tury I Whal wonderful adYancea

ms:dlslpc Qt nap mvmm1t,.~ •3•- ~ llllULCl9 baH been made dmiDI thal period. ~1·:'m;;c:vrn;r!t?!ll~0 .. : • Esactly what~ needa. . Art. acieuce, literature, lnnn\loo n. maktn or Dr. Pl_.'a Fuot1141 Pre>- and manufaclure baH all J::b ~£:1;{!J=:= ..:M.o~............. =•~lt:eo'!~3o!'i:'·had 1ta or ~lcnu. aTCl'7 on• or which bu ....,....... ambhlon; each ln turn bu planned

=~=~~~of:o•= 1 ted on• of ibe Bnen .Wooden or :b~.:1~1°:i?:1.:~'T.!~~:J

=:=:ci~·;::':.'t:c.W:~a:! ~ Mii:--cellaneous. ill• World. A llne bu be8ll d~ 80me new projeoL WHmlleu •• Uie rarmula. or 111~ or ~u. of w>ildl ftDN u leDIPb wliboul brealb, ~ look back at noble lm~which ti 1a -llOICld. <n p141a .CnollM. <111 flftl7 WOMAN'S RIGHTS. tbe•me de"liildon mlgh& almr.-• I.a lll&DJ lDclde1ltl ap~ to ban tJoW..-.n.poer. aDDtf to ir.7pt, wbloh la llm J nnl&ecl .ID l•bl• ~all.

• • • • • A wnm1tr>'1 ri1h\I- : What dothoee tiiiNUe ana a urrow drip of .. Bamu ~e"-aalmC11Uoolbon ~=~·:!r~.=-::s:::!:::: word• COD'HY t W• lwl OD elib~~- ~!.~ toJOlltb ... * ~ whM tJoD ot me<llul -ru.tor It conl&lu DO Wba& deptbl Of Old•WOrld ...... eulJJ lmqbl• ,~~ tbe _.,_, tbt;'mlacl.-.P.l._lp;''.~~· .icobol.narc:otlc:S;bal"lllbl.l.orllabll•~ dom do they reach? ~-·••.ofdae ~ "'"""":ttl IA··-droa. and DO went ent4n Lato" 1.1aU la DO\ Whal ii lhelr re&l inteol T 0, Ille- ~- n.....111-11 r.-..a;··t1ae ~ btcbb' -ea4ecl bl' 1D09& ~ .... ~-- ~

and ka4llls aecllcal Madlen ud ..._ ten UY• hi4 taa• ·-:.~=~ iile9 ot. lbetr .-n1 .._.. oe llftdll». And atriY~ lJl dall7 lire ibelr irata t.I '

i;~·~·;' ;iMi,,_~·11111


~' .. 11~!'•~1 truth lo teach. . toJaliHOn. Ill Wiitlll. iJ The right &o minister to iboee Ula& =:·~­

need; ~ :..!.Ji • • • • • WiU.qulel aoog lbe weary to be· - ~ Nool.bermedlcbadM_u .. Waliu~ 11 ~ ,_

a teat1moltyof tbeir atrectlco for BRING BACK TUE GLOW 01<~ COMPLEXION him. HEALl'H BY MAKING NKW '

The Rev. Hery. Purdon Diaoey, BLOOD. A.H. of Trinity College. Dublin, \ S.P.G. lrliuicnary al Labrador, un· To hud Into perrrc~ womanbnon dtmok the dutiee of lbe pariah lbe growing girl mu•L carefully d riDR \he winter or 1850-61. when ~~·rd her health. Uoleae lhe ReY. Bertram Jon• remoYed from "1ood ia kep\ rich l\Dd 11ure1 bead· Trinily,.and held the Rectorahlp achta, backaches and frequent dis· until be retired on a peoaioo in "Y spell• will trouble ber. She December, 1876. Trinity thae gave will always be ailing nnd may •lip HarborGracethreeable men-Bal- into a cleadl7 decline. Dr. \Vil· four, Fi1sgerald1 and Jones. The llama' Pink PUie are a never fail · pre18Dl Beotoi; wu inducted by lo.: remedy in building up the Bl1bop Kelly on .JalJ 9th, 1876. blood. Jul a lhcrrL timfl ago t)le · 8qch II a IC&Dl epl&ome or the reporter of' L'Auuir du Nurd bad

men who hHe neldecl and earneet· ibe following cuea brou1h& &o hie ly labO~ In what·wu lormerly n.o'Uce •. In the '98 oJS' Jerome. an uitulYe d= bal whloh I.a Quebec, lbere i1ill'Ol'-..~ .. ,Jam now a D&dlb, Uml to th• bound· onder ibe oare of ~ sealoua ad• or ill• k>WD. w9rkln-th• Grey NUi: ® Uti•

Tmnlq once m°" &o ibe old .... home Dr. \\'Ullama' fink Plllt art' ~ iltbo• tbe7 oontaln OP111&Ull1 aled. :ror MD.~~-•• tat~ ·I fi.'Ct-of tbi 11 In &he ti la ~·~ •

FREE What Leauty ie 1t10:-e ~•lt~iraLl11

than an exqui!!ito CtiUllJlexlon and ell'gant j ewel!'. An ·optiortunity ·or ~•ery woman ll• nh\a:m bo.lh, for ~ liujilrrl tim'll 111 ly.· '

The dirl·ctif'u111u1d rf'ci l'e for oh· tal~iog ·a faultlel!s compluion i~ the eeorel looir izuar.1NI hv lhe muter mlntle of the ORIENTALS · and GREEK~. .

Tbil we obtained after 1eara of work and•' great expeo19. It la fbe method ueed by the fallfll& abd m••l bt-autlfol wnn&Po of' Europe.

Hundreds of American women who DOW UH ., ha'f pnaaecl th tUptp~

li'&TOrttePre6C.r1pUcxibuno11-s.1111.b•ma- n , world. 'De ........ WllWll'' '•'l:"'-ndl1110r-1ooa1e11dcmemonu1Dr.P\uco'e '"llbguwoerd; • o~e the baa1117 ... .rllio'-~-aaaltatd l'tlCOlllJMlldaUOD of ada ot II• bearll \o ,, ' bo .. &be~...,.., .... o( -~. &.'I·.'. ".::•

=~.::~::~""',; A-::'13.'~.Jl': U ODd 1 ... 17 lo~"!liJ'-'lfiii •· Uil .}!i -11• -. w.,;' • aocb Oil tmdol'lel:llen\ DO\ wort.117 Of J'OtU' ~.~3-- A111erlGUa::IGiil~.-~ ... U *'. ~ -VD ~ Pfil:Jaaye dfl'• cona1~1.1mt• • • • The rhrhl lJl other'• joy1 a jo7 &o ;,~• wODcltlfal tllDpl• - allala tliD &a'lii1a ·11= ~-- blo~to; .....,.Km•D'f* ~ .:...':!'.":.~":.~:=:::: :r:."~~hl dhlnelo WNP wh .. ::..:=.~J--::"tt.~ ~·.~~ Jtliieolo ~~=-"71Z~ ~.}'~ .... ~ JU 1udlu me4!W aol.borlUes of I.bit CODDUJ'. othen weep; wlib


tb~ and WOil •.!:~ ~· b7. be tDiiiiablt"i\f Do&- wll.. • PllJa In curing aaa""l!lot lhli 1il1~'"'",. ilat• l! :'J !4::!'4..f~ ~a::,:~:~ The right to be to all onceuln1 no&orf. A g~d1niol0'7 111 uw• ;nnf, u \o lbe labOnn Ulem• ol~ hic1 .:.bJa hudq= tbllr power &o make pw, dab 1tiJ Is la a 1a1ilne roee o..t dWDOH or. :a. v. Pierce.. N. T. kiud ; 'iJll! Ina won bJ' Nebon'• ooukfmeD ltl•ea. Potoefol meD who toa.1h& and ._. ,nbably ndclen\ ibroa1 blood. Tba& 11. whl 11a17 ~· rin1 of aparlr.Ung brillianq ablo-

The rightto wake and pray wbll• in Nolalof~, t'rohmichib•.!T':c,~~ Ult edl&oa\lon ol eoall iban llm1

& 1, m&DJ monib1 of a Ions winter. nnlib\ at tile root o all oommon la&il7 iaaranteed, nry dainly,

RRIAGES l olbere aleep. trao&I ..nd, w Zf: and. but now boded leDetallou. .11 I oanbot btre make u&no&a, ba& .Umen&a like heaclach11, ddeachM abaJ>9cl lllr.e a Belcher with Ti&'any CA bl ri ht to be tro rich .Wl further tile peo 1

........ noldHlloal&&om1DtlODibelrnam11, the qn are Yado1lll7 pYen u and baolrach11, rheumaUam; nea· nttlnJ o( 12Kt. gold abell, at yom • Right lo be

00 •· g •, ooutry. When the BrilJ ..... ud ibe J>!Wlod or ibelr labon; bal rrom a &o 7 yean, whlJd 10me re- raliia. indigeation, anaemia, BL local Jeweler il would coel conllfd·

Right to think rigbUy-and rlih\.o oooupl8cl lhe coutr~, ln 71000.~~ beyond &bale lnJJntorl• or daelr aiding wllbln ibe llmitl or . tlae Vltue' dance, puUal paraly1i1 and 1rable more lhan 12.00. Gosse & Currie, ly to do; d ri ·b· be" t, popalatlon wu un er • ' eplritoal mhdlkallou. wUb ibelr town are 1&ated &o hue been 17; the 1.-.w ailmeol1 that •ftllcl al· We mail you this beaQllt\ll oomw

Righi lo be leo er, go. to JUI lo ClaJ u ii 16,000,000 w~~ lh .... re lfgoaluree &Uached, mon ... ma '° JDJ. and 91 T8UI or -· without moa{e-;er7 woman and growing pl•:don recetp' free when your Carriage-Builders, Paint.era, etc., Rigbl to be wonby oflJl6oite truat. are no onnea steamen QllUer w• be· bidden from our knowled1•· i;. !'t r - pr} OJder le receiYed for ring and 12.00 SPANIARD'S BAY. To be the JUUe ob.lldreo'a tra•t 8q of EgyP'_, yet her forel& oom: To deal fully with lbe matter, a Another reftecUoo 11, lbat for 10 &ld by all dealere lo medicine, in money order, slampa or bills.

friend, meroe ueiffd• ~D •.f 11t,1 I th·~ f 18parate paper ought to be written long a time u half a centurr or will be 1eol by mall, poal paid. Ge~our ordn in before our su1>-Having now a first~lass painter, ·our quality of work is as good as the best. ~o order tod small for us to handle. Stock and workmlltlship guaranteed. Try us with your next or~er. JAMES D. MUNN,

lJealer in .Retll Ellald, Oommie­aion Agent, O>Meyaacm',


> Bar1>0r <1-raa, - NwnoonDland.

To know them lin their enr- 000 annual~, or 00 ~ • fi

0 or each inoumbenoy. ahould ban been no epteoopal at 60 ceotl per box, or aix boxee for ~l exuau1led.

cbanglng mood1 Portugal. ypt la an e:u.dtAfo18

thr' · Jhrbor Grace oan boul of hH· •iaitatlon or aopeniaion oC tbeee 12 70 by addruaio_g Meura. T. Mc· la offer is mado tor a limit '<I Forge\\log 19Jr,to labor to the end, ae Ill the 1PhKlppinet18anhl inogr 11~ log poe18111~ -many capable a~~ pull. Children were baptized and Murdo ct co., SL, Jobo'a. tlme only as a· means or Rdv1:rti11-

To be a gudiou lnJaence ror Japaneae n oreL- ~p oalUnted meo u ilaJJ1inl.ater11. .a.u gretr op to manhood and woman' io~ and iotroduoin~ our goo~a, good. lutrated. Aug. 24. auooeuloo to the Rev. 1a0mJ• »al· hood Without any ~portuoll)' of' TAINTE~NEY DEFINED. end to·day bo ura lbi& 01111(11:·

d /our oam• the Bey. G. · eoner, belog coolrotd. pomffluolcaote . f.Qoity ia lorgolten To be the ladles of creation'• lor " {COW TO TFST FLOUR. brother of the celebrated phylician oonaeq11eolly became few ln oum· Here 1

1 some new light on tbe T. C. ~ro 'J<:LEY,

Aamothert, daughters, 1iater11, or who wu the diacourer of the ber. Through that long period no Woted money controYer8y, 2 East 23rd Sll'eot, New York Cit ·. a1 wlue i How &o know when food 1luiJI method or nccloalioo u a pre- church or graYe1ard bad bffD COD· " Pa." a1ked a juYenlle iolerro·

To be tbe beal \hat earth to them are 1ooc1, le a punle lbal raoee the yeo&atb,, of the rang• or lbe coo· aecrated; nu college existed lo tbe gallon point," what do folks mean -The first of the moJorn b:mk Todboer•~'!'-em •be m--'o or their louperienced boUMkeeper al eury tagious maladJ llpow~ u 1mall· colony to train oandlda\ee for the when they talk about te.ioted nolee"'were made in Chio~ about the'

.., WI • ""' &urn. From market '° botcher, pox. The one wu • 1-arllcJ•n oJ ministry. There waa no Biabop to money ?'' year 1000 AD. li•ea. Crom botober to grocw. the ume the body, ibe other wu •~polote ordain or d111 them miNioo.- The el pbil03opher removed .--..---

The right in strength and honor to perplexi\y aw'1te her, bat •h• oan to • co,. or aoul1. Mr. Jenner'• The cle!'CY who were sent oul from frcm h m uth tbit 11tr1nr ho bad I llOX<'.'TI !TJS. be r_..; elCl&pe many eeoapee by lr.eeplog • miol.alry uteodtd Crom 1795 to two the Mother Count"' were buta:fenta been ch w· g reflectively and · re· From J. 1-'LAoo, J;.Q., B.-nn1u::1on, :".Ir.

• .... ' d -"' d •'-i 1be bu 1 th f Jl _.... tu y All ·.1 i th "Three yearri •lnct' l "11~ '<•ry mtieh Io dally work aocompll1be , .,... to )o& own WI ng1 yean ,n • o O•uDJ ceo r · of a mlaalooary tlOC ely, an e marked : redn<:ed with t\ Jrcadr111 eoui:li, wlil~h 6ndlog re1\; proYed, and bu ruaoo to ibe eolrl81 ill ihe re(tiatry fqr these ecboolmutere the employees of "They mean moetly by tainted re•ultt'<l tn Bron1•h1llc, alTo<'lln~ rue Mi W S G d ' D D S The rfgb\ in '' tri'fial roud" a wlll be 1ood. 1ean are ln the i>MRUCµll1 clear home h11Utulioo1. Except for the money that taio't thira."-New ~';.e~~.f~1~ ~·~'l~~:r ~~1~~1~11~1!' !!.'::~

> • • 00 Win, • • ' 1phere toaee; ...r. Good 80W' lhould be OD&my .. handwriliu1 or ,, Wm. l.&mJ>19p. Cal~f9loeaa or tbe mwlooariee 'brk Tribune. ..-.orenl1hl '"""\•ud l ..... foutuc Grtdaate 0 ,.Philadelpbia The rfgb'9 In bi.-n1, to befallJ no' d•d white nor ye& haH U,u Sobool·m&ller and Churchwarden." lh.•JJ1•11., ~ ~J14Wop of tbiog1 --- -- fct $~~1u~":~i:;!fi~. n~~ ·~~'":ar;;=:•t

.. bleat blullb cad tbat 10m• loon ban. In 1800 l•o baptlam• are recorded would h•H MllJl w.onp. • lA e ts Made Thie SKIRT tnade Qff of ll{. Wl••ar· .. llel••m ol Dental Collep and Hoe- • It lboald DO' feel damp, 1tlok7 nor u bulqJ>... parformed by the C•n we wonder then, that large H en "' Wild CMrry • tew bo.>Ulitl l•f whlt•h •


pare, lamsa' when pnued in ill• ban · ID Jone, 1808, Rev. Lewie Ama- 10 m11pb lab,u1 care had h~o d llfW ~r C411!fh1

1Jut. 1bl! Hal•am l11u1 al\\••y• r.:· . Pital of Oral B~ry...... Blgbl \o be perfeol, right \o be clammy. n lhould nol Corm 1n: Rey. Mr. Harri•, or St. John'•· portion• of tlria dl1\rlc~ OD which Brl3t, Fresh, and as !r~~ n:~~~ .. '3$.~~~::i'~~-('~·i;.~~~:!

.......,_ la ..,._1a .... ce....water Street. Bl1ti' \o be paUeDt and 1tron1 lo Whan made into d:fh It will be deua Anspach began hie la· beatowH, JD r ,rbJob J.o'moch OQ ~§ ,, , mov~ incin. 1 ahrnv~ k··p1 11 l•y m~. ' V™ •- llldal8; elutiO, -:'t& to kn l&aJlng fD bol'I, . and appended tO bis nar;oe SUferiog bad Mil tDdllie

1 tho'u}d d rr.~ tbollld DOI knOW }1<>\\ lo do Wllh<IUI •

DUt door'° tlle Duk. Blaht &o be lo'flng-ri1bt &o be roaDd, P' lhape wlib a 1prlD1i- "J.P. and lrliaaiouaty C~r 'he Dtt- be eoiliely Joel to lhe Church .or "Seven ears ago I commence ~ GOc. aud $1 por ootU~. Sold by sood- Dell th&& le quite noticeable. trict or Cooceplioo Bay. He WU England T Mlaeiooary 1ocietiea dur· to Ute yoia DJAVOND DY.Es, and up dcall!n i;onczally, and ':,y T. ~o)lurJo

......... & .. atncted abeolately with· Tboae are ill• rl1hll of vu wo· Ontario fall wheal tloor with ill a literary man. and la known aa 1...., latter yeare were ool penurious, t-0 the p1eeenl they have saved me <t Co~ St. Jolin'•· O_:-::::_ - - of Yltalllle4 air or menhoocl. rich mellow IQor provide1 tbe the author of• very nloable bl.a· a~':! afforded the clergy good eti· buodrede of doll.are. When I have ---~--

- r-- •1

hlao&lfal bread. Tlie iso oom· . to ry of thia country. He wu 1uo- pends. Bot lbe ftock w.aa without • faded 1kitt, I find that a 10 cent 0,-~~:~ ~~&~t(P~:~)i~ 1:,'i!'c 1~·~= perfect uuatbetic. ON TBB LAD. blaecl ud blended in jlllt tu rf&ht ~e4 b7 the Rev. Frederick Ham· it. Chief Pu and IJl•mbera of a pac\tge or Dr.utoND DYE:S will l!~~k In •1i~p1;.l!1~ ""r ~~·IO foundlan<t

' ~ODI, gin the ,ood quail· ilton ~o, JJ.A., of Wadbam Body whoae •e • ' 1 Eplicopacy make iL look aa fretb and a~ f !>Pd lfO.bc»ll with tlie ~atlonat t-:usli;u. • • ~.L..I ~ Don I.a daf".,.. '1ae lhadon ii.. .of botb, wlib theil' aoltl tllm· COlleg ord, who WN lJlrJlflep wer11 ,.ithf o op 1ocp110 but k'?D· i8ec~::~cels ~:v:.:~~~:f.· ~~u. Jt:; I · ' ~ ~, nn · Jna&ld. • made J ce of the Peace and Bur· don near y two thousand mllee ~··~ • Ultle .:.. ....., alDs low, alDs Thia blended aou 1tand1 Hery rogate. He removed to St John's, away, whose Blebop, al\boagh be my huabaod and the obi dren.11 (hamberlain?s



'I>•""~~ ~1

t.t. It bu alnad1. 1al.Aeitl •de· anCI for eome years wa1 Reclor or might be aware of tile existence of Mas. K. WATER11oues. n-.;;.r ......_ .. ..,.,.. ...~· lftlp o'er \la•,., . ...edlJ poDUlar ~ao· in &h.e di the r•rl•h Church there. the Church in these parte, certain· Toronto, O.nt.. Colic, Cholera and ..,...,...~ ~· lllmofgOoabouekeepe'd an n '1vey~1Jater,Rev.Jcho~eigb lykoew nothing_ oflte local cir· DONT. BED"E~lVE\i,orledto Diarrfu>eaRemedy

Opjollll 11'. ll'JlllliO AOo'a. 8'op &tli d11111l Of. ill• Dlalat n p . W &bey declare lb• blen ed flour became Jleclor. 1J.e ~"' ep~oyed CJJ~•tanpee aod,dlre requiremeat.e. bfllieirp hY eltnei 1,nisotupulo i. u.. ._ nwclJdut °" u.. cwt• f-z

- ............... 9A-• • ,blt\t:,Jl4dl• dip aH lift, &Ile! labelar alieadt&-odfaan.7 othM thac oll'b lbe honor of beb1g '~Nf~Opal Jfere [ wlll l~OP,. ($tloulq it bl! merchao(e~ or mi,leadiog adve d.t&trllla.cbaao:.fI. °"~ In \IM • • _. ..,~..,__., .,.,_..,. boqbt_. ·1· Oomwiaearyu lo Jllahop Stao.eer,, lhougbf deetrabfe t 1ball'"be wilr: · h w 1 d S.i11k ( Gt =- l•le•~ ~ UUd;

- , &D4 \Ile 4 ran back with a pat- The 6eet way to .. W'• yoonell and mad11 a tonr or the whole i. Ing durioR th~ coming winter tjsemeote l al 00 an • · · Infantile Choler.a --'~t to - tlae .p. otibeqoalilyofftour le &o buy a land. Rn. lobn ijprt11;1cceeded mootba(D.V.)to takenp my P¥ malmalerials) ;Cctl-0oaoli Line~ :-,:.t~""thudult wt1hw.i1 ~'1'tl.:.~ · .-~ .... ..._ of...._ HU11 and tr, IL Yoo will uYe him in 1822. and rem.aip111J tJIJ agaJp a~ 011t Rf \wo or lhrS"' huJl: ~:£i~a{~~8 ,!hi~tr~!!~iabi: m~~~:t -..::-=la & Jolm'l aa4 ..._ Tb• d•p of \Jae 1plrltl of yoanelf eome trouble, bowHer, it lW. 1l wu during his looum· dred 'er the oarele11f y kept and ~.. ; Chote~ Mo:bus G:-_ • •l•P JOG besln by uaing Blended Flour, beocy tba\ the town of Harbor badly written reoord1 (pahoo1' al itenerallr predominates) can be >l•-•bowONT.:wd '""' modl.~ - :c== Are vltolled In ill• 1loom OD the &hell JOU woo'l wanl to uae any Grace wu de1troyed by fire, and penmanship 11 proverbial) eudea· dyed equal Y well wil-b \he same wOlaDowhlmMlft-.i. •11.t:..o: h.

· headlencl l&Hp, oilier. Bleodacl J'loor la oerlalnly the old wooden cbufch waa burnt vour to e.xtrAcl furlher items or dye. G U A R D I A N Wake Dot ibelr lllence u JOU 10, belt for bread, an.ti *' for panry. to the ground. He wu largely in· conelderable iotereet, which may Of oouree, il aoond' ea11y to trust Ll&&11 1191 •an, lln1 low, ain1 Jlrume.ntal in procuring the ereo- o··• some light on \heae Iona ra;•t to chance and nae one dye for alJ

• ( •'- l ..Aid th 6 t -• ,.• materials; bot, fo r 111cce81, if l'Oll I E ND LIFE low. -Mn. Amy Jordan of Canter· Uoo 0 -· cr1p~o, 7.". ~e, e rB daye, and OD some of our 1el cw- are dy!li?l C<>Hop. ~lnel,i or ~ixed f R A . From yom perch oo blgb where bury, Coon• reoenUJ threw away church in l e colony b'tlill of •tone. Ohurchmpo .. pq i1yg4 ~o thPffi· Goo~. aa fo( DTAMOSD Df~ for

QB ' 1 iCh b aomeblackberryprenne1lbathad On lbe arrival in 'be Ialaod of IheredeeiretoeapreHm7warm CorroN. Hyou are dyeing Wool

Ssttt"\\'ttt'& . 0 n. Lf•••ib· ·wboi~~moo'on, l~k down, look fennented. lo half an hour her Bishop Spencer. Nr. Burl WU ap- tbnoka to my brother, the l.ocom· Silk le fo DI llOSD Dus for .\U. "'''-"-" ... ... beu. rOOlte,. ind obiclr.a were all pointed Rural Dem of the North· boot of Trinity Weet, and to the or ~ r · " ·

down, • d th waltdog aboul Lo, 1tag· ern Di1\do\, u well &a "Epi1co[1al Rural Dean of -Trioil11

for their W oox., [Lllll'IBD.] 'Neatb the nlght'atibol ll • gerlag and fallinJ. Tiley )Jap be· Commiseary and Chaplain to ihe courteous repliee to my appeal fc/r H:U ~AWPLES or DY.ED CLOTH.

O:m LOVTV"'N. &-datbe~~i late blrd to hie nee\ come tipsy, and lbe 1oad temper:- 2lfJ!op." additional i ofcrmalioo in re_.M'r. Send us your name and addr'aa '6: ~'~ ....u bu fto' -. aace woman wu fraoiio at her uur 4t &GIJ l>'rJ.q~ t- good #im~oy Balfour. J.M. N, b

.... d •• fj J ........ to hbe o c~a.- (be •ure ~ Qteotlop your mere · J lid and alok loteoUonal pro uc .. oo 0 aga. 0 ergymeo •P..-- · • ... • ao\lf name and tell u1 whether be eu-.m• .. n o.urux.. ..... ..u,ooo,ooo 8&t a'he a~d=lide~"~ g • =!i!!:~~f:!• U:a:r:i~ 'tt4:~:~ sells DuwoNo DYu), and we will Tor.u.h'nmd> J"wJ>I m- And rire in rlpplee aioo1 the el4e. A " .. ai... corded algoatare1 of the Rn'ds send .YOU. ccpy_of our ·new Direc·

Willie OJ' ....... - ......... S.760,000 ~ The 10001 call low lo ibe march ti•.,.. Benjamin Sm I lb. Oswald Howell, ' St. Jaldo~ P.Q., Ang. JS. um lion Bock and 50 aamples of dyed AnQALhl0010I ~OJ' a&O,ooo... below; 8 lld J. Stowe Wood. Charles Sb!eve, M11u.aD'1 Lum1»JCT(lo;.LunT110. cloth.

'l'he OlJABDWf being a ~ Night weave1 about u her mastc Health U I• fobp J{iogwell, Joieph Griffin, )t~TiM.11£nlr~a¥~0d0~\~ ~·r~ ~"E1li~: & RtoH.A'RDSON c<>i. --Uah lDluranoe Company, .ii I lll:ia:rlei ijl• cJcJ!l•P, J · 0 . Ha"eyl te(lbe ll tor my pa ti en ta always wllb L • ~. adftll.'-aN ~oa~deelrab (a. .,

1a.b:' Jut faint gleam in our U•nry 1amee Fitsgenld, ~ 4.1 an~ lhe moat gratifying rMul~and I con· !Ml 'l'Efl> lll.m'I, Ttl.1 IUMWobiech'6bWi wake be gone, Mra. J . lhtcbQr, 224 SberbroobSt~t, George Baring Cowan. The Ju t:~: U ijje ~•i;tlliro11na ptment Oll.· VONTREAL, P Q .• able '8rma and prompt. 11UJe 8 white moon, look down, Pet.erboro, Ont., and 1lfl>Ole hll8bend 11" named wu Rector for only little Yolll'8 trut

1 o1alma forloaa. d moulderaltbcB.tunilt.on fOW>Clty,stato: mere than twelYe months, when be DR. JOS. ioo. SlROif:l-Tbe U.odenicned ba'ring look own. " l had an sttack of tp&mm..tory slekened and died at the early age '-

poln~ ror lfnfo rbcum.lli:ln wblch le.ft me rn a very nm of Z1 years, deeply loved and re· J Dnpuect'I k> t..ue Pollolet1 1 • D CROMER AND EGYPT. down .tat. ttl ~111 ~ in fact my &elled b& his ~eople . . He waa br Jtre. J~ wbolo nen-oua ·~ ~ &uaiecl d A d B id . T . .t II. WIN~, St. ~ and wpm out. 1 could ruit ISeefl &M •t l)prle :>j ro eacoo r ge.

A.-G.llU!n9',lla.a:BoaG • • .. , gn.oUog to Lord Cromer lin:el tho In my bead were almoat 'l'he Jkv.1chn P,Jiapman waa then · w.H.BUTI.Bub-.Aa~. l.8J 000 for hie pricel ... aenicee to unbearable. Alls rclUlt of theft symp.. called from Tw1llldga&. to IJll Ji.I~

~ ~,'pt Great Britain bu directed tonas I IVllll uruiblo to 11t~nd If my hOUllO' place, and held the Rectorab1p OQOe ~gain the attention of the work, and felt roi.semblo ~ of tho from 184( lp 1850.

«~e Jtatbot etau Stanbarb -A.Jn>- • • •


Je prlnt.ed and -pnblllhed elvef)':-11'\.1Vc1al 1 OVODlnJ, ., U.• 8TAl'1)A.RD om 0-t.orl• St., Barbor Or-, bJ Kun.n .,.eke,

SobadrlpUon :aa ... :-12.00 per lllplUJD I fl.00 per Jialf year; to f'oretgn n1-orib­•r• tlie r~W. wUl be '2-50. Ad•ertt•ln~ .Ratee-60 ceota pe) I.Doh

for a ral lnaerU()ll; twe:nty c:.nta po, blob for each eontlnoatlon. Si>eetal raiee lor U.roo or m ore montha. Tho number cf tr _.,.. of adnrCIHmeata l"Q .. t "9 •· "aa.117 UieWnrtllll •11 ..

"' '

.,rid '° that ancient land. Eg1pt limo. On the advioo or A friend I began Io the chancel or St. Pau1'1

~eoerally regarded u tbe cradle utiog Dr. Chase's Ncrvo Food, and =n church are marble tablela in mem·

Q ci vlllulioo and no eslatiog qy that it halo proven of very gn!llt. bcno- ory of these laat-oamed ; the one, a aotf'date1 the 1reat Pyra· lj&. i.o aic, Iaro. ablo to do my omi wOtk young man of delicate coo1titullon,

iq e. While the Egyplian1 were nowr,Al\d t~htrongu and bee.lthicr thAA who 1peedily 1ncctunbed to dieea1e; er a grea\ mariUme nation like I have for fl)llWlf. J. t!-9 truthfully 1t4t4 and the other the rcbu1t old York·

ti Ph<11olclan11 Greeks and Car· tba& ih1I ia due to tht ..... °' o,, QbNc'• ablr• map, who ehouldered and r• , . geolaoa, 1•' their one great Ha· ~ :~~~,hlch 1 OODlider 4

gre:at moved 'b•H bouldert at Twlllin· rt, Ale:undrla, ranked formerly irate, and who after faithful aer.

=e greateet, and la to-day no Note your i.ncrcaao in weight while vloee retired to a enug country vii· n ofty. Al it. barbnr eotrauce ming Dr. Clwe's Nerve Food, 60 amt.i, lage in hl1 natl•• land. lo spend

atood th• bu1• Pharoe. a 6 boue for l2.(i(), ~ all dealorl, or £d· hit remaining da71. Bl1 pariah• llJlbibo~ •JaJU w-.IMU• ..... , ~ 6 o...~.-

•I~. ' ~f :l


" .

-The veteran 1alllog &hip "De Tveode ~rodr•" bu j'lst been r&­p_aired in the Bwedleh harbor of Nykoplog, and 1\arts on a voyage lo M11otevldeo, Aaguat 24.. Tbe " De Tvende Brodre" waa buiHJii Marstallo in the year 1786, and"lljs therefore 120 years old. During that long period the 1hlp bu o~ly bad five captaiDS, all descended from the same famll :f. Her first captaip n~vigatpd the neeel for 28 veart', her aeoond for fl, her third for 20, her rourth for 82, and her preaeo\ 1kipper bu alread7 \beeo 17 yun lA oommand1

·. {

- ·New York street car cooduo· t.or bae been sentenced to five days' irhprl1oomeot in the "orkhouse for insulting laogUAge to a woman paeeeoger.

~undreds Teatlf7


Chamberlain's Pain Balm

.. C!N41lA'S GRE!fE~ HlmSEPJES.'1

600,000 Apple Trees for sale for Spring

Delivery, 1906 • Choicest Commerci11l :ind D·::i.n e.1 ~

v:i.rieties, h11r<ly and suit:tblu ro· :\~'T.t found!And, irt CXlr.\ fin1. thr..::: ~tl f,w }'.Cl:\r old ttocs, s to 7 foet in n . . .,n: well bnwchoo and rooted.

We Want An Agent ror Harbor Gro.ce and Distrkt • ~ \ them and other Fruil :l."ld Orr .. n1.-111 c.~ Stock.. SUI.rt now at ~~Uiog ~d•o:l.' \\f rile fp,r Terms and C:ata!.,..;1.a:, :11 J send 25c. for our ALumNu~1 l 'ocl\ • MICROSCOJ>& llnd ,;oc., for our ifa• 1 Saw, just the thioi; for trimming tr cuts iron as well u wood.

STONE & "WEI.LTNG'FON Foothill Nunerie.,

>... {over 8qo QCJe3,)



-.. FU, etyle and nod Worb-: ll·

sblp guar11nteed. Ooatom work oCall kind!! l!X• t"

ted aUowest prices and wit!l r- "'" pa to~.

Meaaure Carda GOpplied on plication

JV.AT.EB 81'., IUBBOB fJR.A.Ct:1

Page 3: E .. ·B .. T. · 2017-05-24 · '\ ( .. I I E .. ·B .. T. E· 'B. T. E. B. T. 45c LB. AT DAVIS' GROCERY 45c LB. AT

.. ,..

4 •

Advertisements. :l -------,.'






Co"laU.s /Ju as"'" ef FrtsA /Jo" Bu/, Cilroh tJr/ /,.,,,,, a11d Aln ./ Old SjKuti.s4 SAury Wiu.



ORGANS. . . , --


of Gr«Jt Briiaiti,


CHESLEY ·woo.os ---JIAS,---

The Oldest Established


~ot\Ung Shoddy kept. -- ............. ~~

PiANOB -AND _.ORGANS From the Beat Manuticturera n Ute World.

Leadin_g Hmiciam are our Patrona. They ehould know. Write ua..

\, ·-



,SunbalJ llirablng. _ _...,~...._......,,,_ ... _.._ _____ _ PRAYER IN CHARACTER. ,_



To pray i• HUMA."C, TO AXS\\'ER IS Dt\~. From ohlldboM to. ex· old age, aa long aa. man can thlok, be praya. I! be ~doee noL how the true God be makes a Rod of hla own, to wbom be pray1. Only a penened education e&lftee Ulil yearning of the IOUI. I\ la U Dalu?al U to breathe. Il ii U n• ~ u to eaL And thOM tb do nol pray •t&ne their bell life. In a lower NDM of the word, we are oontinua!!J pra11.Ji1 wl&h our fellowma. We uk or &hem, and we ban fellow~ wl&h &hem; for man 11 a IOOlal ii· We ~1 '° God ud wl&h God, beoaue He bu made 111 a nllfn: belg, wltb ID· tulllou after • Bj wal&e &o noeln lb• Ion of Bfi: .w• and~&hema anw~~ "Tb• deotaal, ,.,.., ~of a n•hteou awa a.attlla iiaiL• ·-,.. Pra1er la lb_. Olailillui' fttal brealb, tb• Obrlallalllt' Dlll.e .... tl-cla:r wader ~&lien la I.Ji . pra7er. Bow ...... ih we bllletef It clot1 .-..... wbal J*Pl• & IO 1-...~t~ ...... t~ or a· ,.an.... •an•nt wons1 Nor 4'*' UiiW&er ~~n• eome IOc>I at pra=r.'• ..... e alwaJl IOIH to at ~ 'l'ben ae alwa11 ii tiamDl• DIUla 1111cler tb i-. ad dop lo' m~u wbat la bolJ .. 'I'll•• • not aenoe 111. We wut to know faotl of to-da7 uad lbe full of &he pu& I for faoil are ........i I.Ji tla.U meulJll. Wbat did .tam• mean wben be eald, ''The npplloa\loa of a rlgh\eOu man aftlleth mucb in Ill work· in«" . l So much 11 made o thOM th•' baye mue !&Ith ial prayer lb•' 110me tea~ all are I011D1 fal&b In IL Seua\loaal new1pa~n publl1b the wlld•t 1&7illp and dolnp of eHl'J adTenlarer e1peolallf if lb ... lbillge bo;Jer on rellgton ; and ~ judge from &h ... we mlsht lblok &hat our land wu full of rogn• and murderen. They NJ little •boa' dae 19 OQl of eyery 100, w}{o are oomJl:lftllnl11oo4 ud poHp· aaoe. de> lD referenoe to the prayer1 many hue no faith in it;, ana lb ... baH not lbe grace of wence. O\ben baH •• Jlchlng" to hear euah peoJ>le talk. OIMI ~lDbl 19 1ure ltiat th• great body ollt rill· iau &hrougbout lbe world, lnolad· Ing 1ome of lb• greaten and m01t caJtDred mlndl, 1\lll • belleH I.Ji pray• ., beanlly, and a1 limply .. m &DJ .... TUT \>tllHe Jam .. mNDl iut what be lald. :fUtRJJ~ caril, wtthoul re1ern\lon, lbout doubt. ·

Tben la One, Wboee opinion on &DJ ~ect.. or greatell weight to ua all. Whll& dld l•oa thlllk abftat pra7er? · Wbat part did prayer aooomP1leh ln• Hie earthly life? To ui la *" auwer. He 19 the DIVINB BVBBT ON J>aA YBR; and Bia word• and life proTe pray· er to be ner;rth1Df1 svunamo. Be rneala &be faot mat tile powen of BeaTeD IN broagbt_wlltiln the nub of JDM, Ht •UJ!l., b, re· oelT• &he biult depad1 upon pn7er. Tbf air an• earth are i&oilc1 wj&h elec&rlclty, bul man mu& pat bllDlllf lDto rational toaob Wiiia ~ MJtterlop power Won It la Illa to ue. JnJ•r l1 &be ndoul toaoh of ID&D11 IOUl wltb Goel. So Jena aid, ''Men oqht alwa11 to praJ and not lalDL"

At tbe IL OrOll IJ01P.ft.i In Jng· lucl b.-d la gWeD to eHJ'1908 &hU boob at Ua doon. We ban Go4'a On wordbwhlch 11 Immut­able, oosalrmed 1 the blood oflbe 0oTID&D&, lhU Jle JI reU1 to glH to Meg hon .. , ap1>1lcant at th• door J•m Cbrln, cleauln1 from all do. a welcome balh : the bread of ur. of which If• &DJ eat lher lball nM"er bpager; 1tren1&b and wisdom for all tlie work ofllfeand all &he burdeu or life; and 6Dall7 an " abundant entrance" Into the Inheritance inconupUble and undefiled, &hal fadelh nol away. "Aek, and I& 1ball be given J01h11

"KNOCK, and lt ehall be opened anlo you." There le nothing In earth or bell that can force open the of IUe 1 bu\ they are drawn wide open by the 1lmple prayer, even or a lltUe cbild. "Tbouah lime may dig the grave

of creeda, And dogmu whher ln the eod,

My IOUl •Ul lteep the thought ll needs, .

Ite 1we"ele11 faith in·God.

~ Oat ••twow. Ill a a°C}l·mlia· 1:itt.:r.~tt ~ ~.

tlaogb J01lm&J Dot It waa ~~ ~ maa betide tile nlDlllD& ~'dijl• ward1 th•:.~ ii.I 161 WU:tcao ad bela Na&an la &be ~ weak '° PN1 r bn I w ID of mbul pd la q~ect &0 mlucl, woQJd Ill IDJ open bucl,ucl kDOW &hoa&la :rou ma.:r Do' ... God •bat It meaDt.' • lllaDdlD.1 amid Ill WODclm. He "We lrneel. how weak; we r1.., oan ucr doe1 adjut aueen fol'Cel how full of power I In aDa•er '° man'a prayer and Wby therefore should we do our man'a need, IO &ha& Nature without eelvee tble winn1, riolatlng an1 or ber la•• devlatel Or olbe111, lbat we are not alway1 from &he ordinary. Wuregratefol etror1 lbat God i1 not llmlted to dolnc Thal we 'are effr overborne with 1qeN}y lhe oJdlnarJ \bln11 In Na.. 1>&re, l1l1' to what man can DDderet&nd. Tbat we ehould ever weak or Io Iii• na,ure Be i1 1apematural, beartleee be, euperhumao. Rl1 tboughte are Anzlna• or troubled, wben with above m1m'1. Hi1 way• are above . ue la prayer, man'e, u high u heaven is above And joy and 11trenglh and couf earth. Be made the earth for man, age are with Thee T" and He le no\ 10 weak or eo wille111 Lba~ lJ:e ·~pno\ ¥@aie ffl• Q•n fray~ avail• for othere. Thie le workl do Bia ewnl>idding wiUiout conauntly 1ten In the mnther'• Cric&iop. He "makee all \binge prayer, ADewered in the life or her work together for the good of thoee oblldren. AQirue&lne tbnught be that love Blm.'' "More thlnge are would obeat hie mother, wbQ bad WJOlllb• qy pp11r U~•Jl \b\1 'fOrld bffn praying that be miaht not iro dream• of.I' Some have moral and t;> Rome, away from her reetralnt ipirltual dUBculllee ln lhe way In Iuly be wu connrted under or faith In prayef. No argument Ambroee. Tben the IOD prayed will deetroy the1e. A man weal thus: "0 God. 'l'bou ba11\ reirard to Moody once whb a number of lo lhe aim end f'81'ence nf hM dll

Ealing queellone about pra.yer.- airee, and dlds\ not d~ what •he • '1&f!••lit~ ~BPTt lfbM~d tbttt then µrayed for, that Thou might· able wu; and be w~ o e1\ do f(\r me what 1he continually

him "Become a Ohri1tian1

and I inplored." wm 'an1wer your questlona. , • In • "P(l\l' \1'ou tor me. The common rew da7• the man retumed ·~tq ~ air 1mlllng faee. "'l'bey are all ans- Will stronger. purer·11t1em to be, wered now." Be had come lo And all the world wt~a ... more Cbrlet i and Be bad anewe~ed them fillr,- y-in &be man'• .toner coo1c1ou1oeu. u ••

1 \hou fl'>r me 11 • •

Merit ip~Ueot CitnDQt •ol v• an urei. ,~ dUliculUe1 &DJ more tban pliyeical Prayer doea fofiuitely more for etreog\b can 1olve mental prob- us'tban 11Poor11 to us fnrgiveneS!I. qf lem1. To thoee 1plritually minded 11ln1 Thie cleanelog iJ only a ne· lbe facts of prayer and the redon& ceaeary ~ralnning. .t'rayer hringe ann••ed are Jll•in. •1 flayer tllee the eoul race to face lqth Goj) in where eeglee ne.w." Cb riat Tb en we eee the 'MrfaOUnn

d b of what i11 bf'I\ in our own Tire. /or 'Prayer movea ' at movee "hioh oor deepest nature •0-1111

&he oninne, • • i l · " t Holy beglnnlno of a holy cause, We aee tht1 ~ - o~nllJ per10n, o " { f .i • \Vbom ou• 110111 olea.-vee In ardent

Wb•n h•rot1, girt or rte,..OIX\ 11 emulation. A life ie often oban1ted combat, pause, b b ( tb lif h Before high Heaven, and, humble y t e power o aoo er e," oee •- •Lelr ml~bt, excellenoee appropriated bl .ru w h true love Tble 11 lbe fa,to\ H ·

Call down ite b easing on t at com· preea1on of tb• . \rall•fo1malloo or l'ng 8gbt.u .. y •

tb() enul of man "here 1t onmea Some wo14ld llkil to wake a for· ioto living and loving louob "hb

tune by prayer, or win high poai· ChrM, through prayer. Tbe b11au Uon or 1ecure coveted pleuorei. tieP of Hie life became ideal•, Le\ ~uch koo" lhal God doee not coveted ideall!; and by \he aanoti· deRftde prayer to be a mere ma- fying p01l!lf o{ Hie ipirit \boae at chine for ee}fieho~ or a eqbeti- tribulea are reproduced in human tute for man1e endeevo11: He ~0•· character. Tbla lllumlnea tbe dark· wer1 prayer for roateraal thloge, eat paat, and brloge ln the da"ning when It ill beat i but He dOl',IJ not light or the ' 1 glorlnue immorlali · make ila markel. for traffioli, or a ty." ••Tbe Pupplloatio.n Qf a divine surgery. · righteoua man ayal\e~b much in

Tbe apltiL w<nlf:J ie the .zeahn of its workinr.l' prayer. Wbat gravitation Ill tt? the . uolverte that and far more 1& lo Ooelow, N.S., Aug. 17, 1907. the aoul of man. The one law

Moat Dreaded Form of Kidney Dleeua

-:-It was in the early diays of Cali· fomio.. A friendly game W1\t in prog. ress, aud one or 1he pl:n·ers was rt:n· dercd no~blc: by the l~s of an eye. The game progressed ',luictly for some time; but the luck 'Wlll very one sid~ until one of the gentlemen Interested dr ... -w bis pistol a.nd placed it on tbc table. '

St. John's Works "No maUer how the world began, Nor where lbe march or Boie ce


Mr. Danlcl Brown, Englltb River, Ont., writee :-" For tb.reo Ye41t I sufrcred from urinaiy t rouble1, po.rtaking or tho na.tu:ro oJ stone In the bin.cider, or gmvcl, IUld tho pain wllitb I endtm:d can ac.rocly b& doteribcd. I W&8 unable lo do cuif work, aml frcqucntlY ~iachA1'£'<1 blood, Though I JJPCDt. blllldn:ds or dollara In do:tons' bills I received no n:lfof, and at wt d~ th:it I 1\'ould never be able to \l•ork 11g;iln. . . .

"Somebodd ch~1in11 he remarked " Che3tin all tho game. 1 don't men· tion no niames, hut if that ch~tin don't stop whoever it is will loose his othe.r eye." ' )

. !

1pendln~ '°"' money fot -ih­:111 1119C(lclnes and buy a bottle of


TH J\ T • I

wll "'"" ol la111•1b1e ntue, u It ta almoet Cllftala to an

at OllCe ......... llld ,..,..

-~"'*~-~~ ~ --~ ~ter~L ..... .uo Bec1d0ok,per~-· '"'""'Ill

' . I I



Sa1m1m. •o. ~ 1up per ......... um ap.PrrcJari 8almoa, llo.1,emall, per &N--• ..IOJIO ni!ltt; • • Lohe&4111, a aw.1'o.t..8ala.JI 80 to... ADcl the aid Court .un .. bpt CW OU, per &u, hardwood pk11- 71.(lO OPllQ a the periode beleWiefift p

&tAwood p"-.. .tM.00 abed, u each o( tbe reepediwe ~ .... aforesaid, idecl the llftliidhw

ncmmon. ~ ahaU ba~°' buaineel to c1o there: Hanltbba ftn' palellte ........ UO &of 00 in ; and, if llCICellUJ, aucb Jqe ID&J Mani&oba eeoood patente .... .6.30 lo &.60 cxtcDd the term at any o( the aid liJinn•apolie patente .......... .6 an lo 6.80 placa for • period not aceeding two Klneu pa&ente .................. 5.10 lo 6.70 daJS, and anbl the determination of lbni&oba and Ontario ......... 4.90 &o 6.30 the trial nf' •Y CUC then proceeding. Wintu wheai..-90 per cent .. u,o lo 4.70 And We cfo by these ~ti further

· order and direct that. ail the event ol Polk, per brl., m ........... .il.oO '° 22.00 the Judge "bo may preside in the said Bull PO(k ................ ~1.00 lo 22.ciO Court in the Southern District or Our Pork, per brl., ram. m~UO &o 26-09 said hJaad being preYented by uofore· Pork, bean ............ _, ...... 18.00 lo 18.liO seen circumstances from opening'Our Beer, per brl ~ ..... - .......... 18.50 lo 14.00 said ~on any or the daJI herein· Ba lb Ca adi )6 .... before inted, or if the said Judge tu, per ., n an..... &o ~, be .J.- .__

should arrive at any of t .-.... UCR" BIUD, pet lb., Bel!i111........ 28 to 80 inbef'ore named for holding Our said Ram, per lb., Lipt.oo'e...... 23 Court before the time stated for the Bacon, per lb '""E' -.... 16 to 26 opening thereof, and shall deem it Obett'!, per lb.... ...... ..... li to 18 ~roper to open the same without d~ Butter, per lb., Ca an... 20 to 28 y, the said 1udge may, and be 1.1

l " ,ft 22 hereby autbonzcd to open and hold Oleo, per lb ................. "" ~ "' Our said Court on ,any other day or Mol&lffl, In pu.n., per pl ..... 0.29 '° 0.81 days than those hereinbefore specified, Supr, llg1' brown, perc"t6.10 &o 6.40 and 'to keep the same open for the Supr, granulaLCd, per o..t ... 7.80 t.o 7 60 respective periods hcttinbefore stated, Sugar, loef, per owt ... .., ..... 9.fiO to 10.00 as aforeaid, if he· should find it neces-Bre..d, par bag, No. l ........ ~ ........ 4Jll• sary for the despatch or business t6 do

Bread, per b•ir. No.F ................... a.7o so. And or these pre$Cnts all ?tiagis-,ota~. P.E.I ....... " .................... 8.00 trates, the Sheriff, Officers of the Con-Potat.n~•. local ......... ~ ............ ...... 3.()(• stabula.ry Force, and all Bailiffs, Coo· C.rrolAI, P .EI ....... .J. ................... 2.80 stables, Keeeers of Gaols. and all other lleot. pu b l ..................... 2.80 to f.00 Officers in the execution of their o!ficcs P b-' d 4 70 t.n "J n about the premises, and all and smgu·

eaa, per " " toun .... " ·· · u tar other persons wbomf these pn:scnts ,P,. .. , per f brl., round ........ .2.60 '" 2 66 do, ahall or may concern, arc hereby PU1, per brl., 1pl1' ............ 6.60 to 6 70 required to take due notice and govern Pcu, pet t brl., 1pli1. ........... :uo to 8154• themselves accordingly. l\i.1, g~n, ....... - .. >. ...... " ..... 4t Gi•cn under the Great Seal of Our Oalavanccs, per lb ..................... 8 to St said Island or Newfo11ndland. 0..lmeal, per bd ............. ..a.40 lO 6.70 Wi1ness our trusty and'!fell·belo_ved Salt, pet bbd .... ;._ ........ , .. 1.00 to UO Sir W1LUAM MAcGRlnoa, Kni~ht K U P1Io <f.16! .!O Grand Cross of t.bc Most Distin· ~eua 0

• per. 0""" t.o ~bed Order or SL Michael and

'fubacco, per lb ...... ... ............ G!t to 70e S~ George, Companion or the PBOJ>~E, FRl11T, nc. 1\'{ost Honourable Order or the

B'ay, per tOn ............................ .83.00 Biatb, Doctor o( Medicine, Ga-.•· Foddef, per ton. .............. u.oo &o 18.00 emor a.nd Commander·in-Cbicfin q.1a, per bu1hel ............................. 76 and ovcs the Island of Newfound·

"" b '"' land arnl its Dependencies, at St. Bran, per l\IV"I . uo.. ............. ... ~ . 0

'd 1

land .L • John's In ur S&I I I WIS

Cattle Ci:od, uck ............... 1.60 •sth day of July, A.O. J9

o7, and Corn, per aaok .............................. 1.70 in the Seventh year of Our Reign. Cotnmeal, pn brl ............... 8.20 to 3.411 By J-lis Excellency's Com;nand, , Otl•·ne, per oaae ... - ..................... .8.20 • R. BONO, Ell;ll, pex doio.o, lOO&l '"/ """"'"'"'25 Colonial Scc:retary. B1•nles, pArtriego and wliorta ............ lit

.Raitine, per box ............... 2.70 lo 2.£-0 IOTICE Of 01,SOLUTIOI. Rai~ina, Jl'r box, California .... ...... 5.76 Curra7t.11. per <wl ·:···· .................. 6 40 OfaJ)I" I, per C&IO ............ ,_,.., ..... G.60 Alili. ria Gr .. pt1 ....................... .... 9.60


N•1t1h Sydroo~ , p r ton .................. G.60 South ' yihfry ......................... " ... 6.00 'Victor!• ........................ , ............. 6.10 01.aoe Bay .......... .......................... 6.10


Juniper ........... .............. 25.00 lo 30.00 Shinglce, ccd~r, ~o. l, pr. M .. 4.60 to 5.00 Shlog.ea fir, No. 1 ..................... \ . .2.00 Sbinglce, pine, No. 1 ............ , ..... nono Lath1 ..... ,,.. ................................ 3.00 Pallnge ............................. 1.60 to 2.20 Spruce board, No. 1 ......... 18.00 to 20.00

T. AKE NOTICE that the parlncl'· ehip beretofo~ exietlng be·

tween the undtnigned u ?derchanta at Barbor Grace. under the 6.rm or atyle of .. R . RUTHERFORD & COMP"ANY," haa been di1eol•ed by mutual conecnt. -The baeineu will be continued under the aame name by WILLIS DAVIS, who will be reapon1ible for all liabilitice of the partnership and to whom all pereon• indebted to the partnership will make immediate payment.

Dated at Harbor Grace thi1 22nd day of Augual, 1907.


-PERSONS R -~~~~­

Mo~umen ts, Heat;l~t9,nes, Tablets

Hy trust in 1omelhlng more than man

Shall help me bear life'• woee.

' ' Whllo in tbil condij100 I wu advised lo t.ry Dr. Ch..'\.'l:!'I Kidney-Liver Pills, and, though l b:id "ho blth in them I d~ clded t4I glvo ll~ll) & fair Uift.I. Ml<if 111101 one box l fol~ o do~dod c:h:lnt,'O fol" tho better, and 11ftcr t.:iltint five boXCll I f~I like a now m:i.11. r am entirely out of p-iin and b2vo no more ~hari;o of blood. I ca~ bonostly ~nd Dr. Obue'• Kldney-Livel" ~lb to ant fellow eulJerer, 11nd will cheerfully vcrl!y 1l4tcment to Anyono writln~ me.''

1 Spruce plank, joitllng, stud· dinit and IC<l.Dtling ......... 2000 to 26.00

A Cooct"Famib' Llalment

. and such like ~ork can be auited by addrea~lng the Prop~9tor'10~.teabove·named Works.

lltOutport letters ot enqulfy prq tly &newered, eati-ma.te11 of price11 anel CJtyle11 wrnifhM,, IJ. .-ati11flM)tion· M811Ted t.o ouHt.omen

J. iJiloIN B, Proprietor.

"Let Progreu take tbe propeaway, And mold1ring ~u~rtllUooe fall;

Still God retains Bia regal away, The Maker of the All.' ' TJJ• BJBJ,& 11 Cull of A111wert to

prayer. IL i1 a record or grea\ facte born of prayer. The Book of the Acta of the Apoellet bu been continued by a bl!tory .of the Acta c:tf the Holy Splri\ through lbe ag~noy of man i and to-day they an mon mtintllo\11 lball tftr b.-

.. -·

Dr. O'Mlo'• Kidney·Livcr Pilla, on• pill a doire, 2.5 centa a bo:r, 11t all dtalcrt, or J?.dm.amon, B:itee & Co., Toroato,

I •

l·ln. p. k-t. fPl'OreJlooring ............ 20.00 l Hn. p. & t.; ap'ce floorfnic .. 20.00 to !1-lOO J ~·i.n. p. & t.. 1p'ce flooring • .!!Q.00 w 24.00 Pine bollrd (clear).~ ..... .... .60'.00 to 60.00 HatJM¥ood planlc ...... ~ ...... 80.00 to 35.00

'l'IK abovci quotations arc wbolenle.

Eicban[e on London and LimDOOL -LOCAL BATES: DuyioiC-f.l.SOl ; eight, 14.66.; alJ_ht,,tf..681.


.. . .


Page 4: E .. ·B .. T. · 2017-05-24 · '\ ( .. I I E .. ·B .. T. E· 'B. T. E. B. T. 45c LB. AT DAVIS' GROCERY 45c LB. AT





.. , .


Ry;A~ BR~HERS, .c::-.--TRINITY, N .--a.


Importers of British, .American, ao.dian, French o.nd German

Or.y Goods, Prov1,1ons, Orocarlas, pardnre,Leatherware --EXPOllTltRS OF--

Codfl,~. Cod 011, Codllver 01~, Salmon, parring, LN,a..,.



Batteaux, Webber's Harbor, Orlean.s and .Hawk's Harbor.

FlSRING OUTFITS Supplied at all the above Establishments.. ·...HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of Produce

IJla .. '"-nr ~ •ClllftG s~ beneTOleat Dei&bbora, the bndit­~ • &>.-.. _,. ... ..,Q ~u aoci-ety. if he be connected with

auch. atep in and bear a part of the burde~ ID .ome abape or other, the employer ahould ahare a part of the burden. Pcrbapa the beat abape thu ahould take would be a com· pulaory ayatem of life ,na11raace to

• .lll1>


'l'RE WORK~fEN'S CASE. I whiclbll workmen •bould nbecrlbe. and the employer be a •11bataatlal

The Herald give• the following contributo~ th~ B'S liat o! fatalitiea or serious accident. ~aa sqtfenn&' injury eithet' that hue lately occurred at Belle baa own fa.ult ~r not aboald ft Iale Minea. compensation ~ ~me kind of pro-

•• Early in June, Charle• Da1 waa portion to the ~1ury: eYUJ . UUao­killed and Gcorg'e Churchill in1ured; cent ~orkman IDJU~ abotlld baYe On June 26th, Herbert Bruce waa a claim beai~ eaatly and cbeapl7 killed. Be waa killed at noon on enforceable agaaaat tbe employer. the 26th and seal home at noon on the 27th. Aa 'far aa we know thf re waa uo account of any. magiatenal inquiry into the cireumsta.oce• which cauacd bia death. On Auguat 26th. William Lambert and W. Panon• were injured. Lambert died from his injuries and waa buried at Vic:· toria Village a few day• ago. Yea­terday Peter Bray, of Harbor Grace. waa killed by falling ore."

re to these you add the many that within the put few years have re­ceived death or more or lcH serioua injury to body ind eatatc while em· ployed at these mines and othen, at mills. factoriea, etc., a large and di•· tresaiog total ia seen. "Fleah and blOOd" are cheap ia the thoug"ht that must come into many mind• a.a they contemplate the recklcaa wa'f: in '11fhich human life ia being u.cn6ced al the altar of modern money· making.

Aa, rcgard~in rticular Belle Isle: the people o coun~ wbo real-ly and not compaaia operatid( there own the Mina. baYe giftll them over to the companies to oper· ate ancl to enrich themselTes there. by. and how are they rewarded? With a wage. to a 'f.Cf)' few com· pa.ratively, a wage not big enonJh by any mean• coaaideriog the riak by liability to lose life or limb? Foolish people in general I Foolish workmen I Happy millioaaire. It makes the cue no better that work· men elsewhere auffe~ .o ; that mil· lionaires elaewhere reap 80?

Many of these accidents in indua· trial undertaking• ocxur through the fault. not of the victim hilt of

-REPORTS from S~ John'a aa that a decline iu the price of tia' bu taken place. and it i• atated by aome of the buaincu firm• that n may take a further drop. The cause ia held to be the atate of the market which i• auch juat now that the U• portent do not feel juatified in pay· aog the rate• at which the new ae&• aoo'a fiah atarted. The prices ia. St. John'• are from $6.SO to $6 for large. and SS.SO to SS for •mall mer­chantable. Some of the firm• there ban: kept up the •tartiQr·price. bat othen h&ve declined to pay that rate.

~ hi• employer or 80me one in the aer· Tice of that employer. Thi• seem• to be the c:aae in the lut lou of life at Belle lale. la auch hiataace• the employer ahould ~ made to pay. Compcuaation full and uoatinted to the '?c•m or ~ ~i• .heirs •~ould be -Complainta are beard of the n;quared for 1n1unes imhcted 011. di.orderly conduct of boy• at !the h1111; If the laboring men were or- Railway Station at nlrht before ~d pntzed into a union, it would be wbea the train arriYCL The laD(U· the place of the Union to «e tbat qe uled by them ia aot edifJiug. aucb compeaution wu made. Aa The dangu to which pauea19n are

:i::e·~ ·~::f U:: :f-::4 ~tfaf~~::lu~~·te&: or nothins from of labor. lleTef&l occ:uioa• paueapn h&"N A few dollan. ~pe. u a eon of fallen between the ~ aD4 the favor, areotferidbimortbem.wlllda platform. tbe block of JMIOPle pre­i• ~ tbroacll ~ or ftlltinc thaw iettillc olf from aee­

'becaaae of tbe ~ uce111tJ to inc w11ere tiler are ·~plq>. Tbae eecme jastll:le orlieca ... of t11e... ---, a11oa1a be~

al: MCI& jutke beht&' ob- _ - _ ca an oar~ IPDBONAL.

- tat~ -Vr. Sid'ftftl~ RMr'a eo.-.u. bdenA ild., m•• ...... •f fall DOlatoee. Oae

fenr aad la C!f 1d9 fe&. .......... fM lnollil Iona aad. Jow.olaboftftad lb pablleat..... ~~ ll• wUJlaaft. tbe workwll. be M iblbr, tilJW, ·.i~- le lleN OD a YialL ~- aallor. mlw, woodma RJ~ 111Gn17 1.-. laere aad ~or uy otblr tllat ..._. to to •• DaUaomte lai1117 ~ tbe act or ....... fOl'a: m ~.:; or ... ~JU Cll' b. feUow.ul. -. ptoyenlll0al4 -.c:om~•ted. lh~I letoa. ......- or Ui• - Wuliall alliCll briaa' tiem wlt1a • := ~ :.'9.':~id:a~ iD oar demalld that tTle law eboald r Jlr. of ... 8&. ~ .. BaDlc ~ =aacla tbat all dae ll&fecuuda OODC111el UI• bula .. 1 4Drllll Mr. Tim·

ld be th~ around OYet"J "f:::.~:~4:;..w.Havla,J.W.Mur­rkmao. partiaalarly thOle em- pbylo B. B. ReDd•U were ll1DOlll UI•

ployed ill huardoua occupation. I ... a.11 ,. to wwn darlQlr U.. wMlt. and e1:1 Ylolation should be e.c- Mr. w. B. Blanch~1 Mn.Jobn Blad·

~ . obard. II,_ Blaocbara, Mr. aad Mn.

an tbe YIOlator puni•hed. A John W. Crane wen amoas the pMH.11• thy public sentiment would do 1 gen ·on Ta.ctay'w ezpr- wb•D &be

much toenaurc gOOd result• in these I cara let& lb• u11ek. d·-.-.: II. The ReY. L. Godden wu lo town th• b~uon . .,..~Mn dap OD a "''" IO frl•Ddt, •ta.J• But many accident• that happen foa with. ttie Wl&IH Pareou, Water St.

to employee• are ca11a.ed aolely Mr. Yf. F"rd. of lb• A. A. Co.'• 1tatr, through their own c:arcleaaneaa. Hearl'• Cooc.nt, llNIDl par& of bt1 bolJ. . . day1 here. Wnt'• old rrt.ocla were perhaps occas1ooed by tbe employee pleaaed to'" him. acting in dlaobedicnce to c.xerus or· Mr. Tbomu 0o)'lt,llOD of Mr. P. Doyle, Should maatcra be liable in l•fl oo Toellday ror Bolton. alC.r ape~

h ? w h · tl l Ina• few day1 with bu J>U'•nta beN. auc caaes. e aye 10 an ar c e Mr. Frank Drake, aod Mr • .Jobo Cody of aome time ago expreaaed the ,ADd Ill• two little gtr11 Jett oa tbe ume opinion that if by want of proper i.ralo for 80110o, all havto1 eoJoyed •

t • f t th 1 • plcuant "1111. pr~cau !OD o a111 aor • . e cmp 01. -Mr. A. D. Davia hu bffo ooaClned to er• action or want of action, contrt· hll home lawly aoft'eriog trom an attack bated to the accident. · be •b.oq\d , of mo-. He bu Improved doriD& lh• bear hi• fair proportion, and hcte, week •Dd ,.-111 b6 &boo~ agalo 1borily. too. the reader will ag-rec. <.. ·1· -The 1teamer Progreu arrived her•

But wh:it ahall we say a ca~ tut nght •nd tofuH tbl1 moroiog to in whlcb enijre .blame l i 1 g to Bell rate th• m111 who )lid the victim? If Ile !St pl • e to attend the funeral of Mr. Bray. aam.e catego17 with the i PERSTITIONS ON victim, and given com pen SKIN DISEASES. bia employer. will not .an i a.ll •oper1t1Uon1 probably th• m01t be done to the employer h 11 the Idea that wbeo • rub or

k led th t ' 11 bealed and cur.U br mean• ot

not the now ge 11 a ro•I application• It wUl "a trike lo" workman will be compensa do torther harm. No reputable

· to make workmen more c:i'tet; " "' •lclan wilt 1t1ve any coooteoao<:e to than lbey would be if theJ•Jnstw•• aooUoo . . Skin dlHUH Of eYer;r

• • • • L fo and eepootaJly ecuma, l&lt rheum they and their families woul auffc.l' ecald bead etc.. are prom~Uy relined if they brought on 1LD lojury "'r"41gh •and certainly cnr~ by Dr. Oh&le'• Ol.Dt-their carcleaanea•? There '-"p.~sf. it'r0


to be aome rca&;0n for . these f~ I \.The marriage ot Mr. w. u. Currie, 'It doc• uot acem to be 1uat qr ~uda· (o lrlo•n. OOlle 41 Ourrlo), and MIM cious to place both the c:ai:cl~l itid F ole 0091e, dao.abler of M. r. Mark the cureJeaa on the same footioir I o, t"6k place at: Spantatd.'• Bay on

"'~'T'· aud.ay afternoon. The brJd• wu • • · 1' en away by b•r father, and the cer•

· But ahould tbe careleu Ot' h1 .. 1n· ny wu perform~ by tho Rn. S. noccnt wife and family. aulf~ the owden, -i.cecs by thr a ... ·. R. Ver· full penal._ of his carcleu)icas? Q,olie • large s:iartJ: wall pr"9nt to ., -: n ... th• e•ea~t. Mr. and Mr1. H11mau nature uya nay. rrl•'• mur trleo.dl wltb tbem a loq practiu 11&71 nay. Tll• ltatJ; tli• t bap,, term of w~ ur.. . .


: .....




We are pleued to see it reported in one of the St. John'• ~n the other day that a Foreat·Praetn· tion SoCiety wu in the ·coqne of belnr organised. It wu uid in the item that the ·leading Lumber Com· puies were giTing tbeir.aupport to the mo.ement. la most eulightea· ed countries •till bleaaed with foreata.. there are orp.oi?.tioa• for forest preservation and forest restoration. Doubtleu the ero­•pecti.e Newfoundland orgauaza· tion will be formed and worked on lina llimilar to those of the United States. where almoat at the eleTentb hour they have waited up to see bow fooliah and how criminal thc1 baTe been to let theae gifta of a beneficent Pro•ideace for the uae of the whole• people be carelculy burnt or otherWi• destroyed or be ~bed by a few men a'teedy tor iaia. It i• blfb time ibat New· follDdland awaba al90.

We are only " nabWu' the alecp out of our e,a." · A littie bu been done bat much yet remalna. The band• of a~tlon grasping wbat i• left of our forests on Newfound· land proper and Labrador need to be •ta,ed. and theae areu and othen already alienated operated more for the common weal.

Tb• Glo11c:eater Timca haa the followiug timely article :

.. Paman TD Foll.UTS FRON DaTaUC'l'IO•· -Among those aer· nata ~ at the diapouJ of man· kill41'J Rature. noae are more uae· fal tluUa are the foreata. The riTera and.•tream• are controlled and re· plated by them ;. climate and rain· fall are equalh1ed: wOOd, lumber aa4 fuel aus>plied; f!OOda. a'l&lao· ches and .oil eroafon preTCnted: tbe wlada moderated, and the dt.· YUtatioll of fertile tract• of coun­l'J chedrecl. Ineed. the put M· perience of thebaman race &aa po11i· tl'NlJ demonatrated that were it not for the foreata the moet fertile aad proa~u• countries would .oon be transformed iato deeert wutea. un· &t for baman habitation.

Forest destruction baa reduced fertile land to deaertL The deaola· tion of the Karat. a blgb plateau north of Trieate, aod now one oC the most parched and barren dis-­tricta in E•rope. wu cauacd by tbe cuttiug of it• wood• to build the navie• of Venice. In Wiacoosio a veritable dcaert bu been produced by forut destructloo. A celebrat­ed French tra'Teller. Larpau. after a careful atudy of the cl,aert of Sa· bara. belieTea that dcaert to have been. at one time, well •OOded and watered and to hue been reduced fo it• pre1e11t condition .olely by the folly and improTidenc:e of man. Re ex~ tbe opinion that eTen now much of it coold be restored to fertility.

A bill (S. 4935) appropriating three million clollara to cabbli1h the Appalachian White Mountain R~· acnes, paued tbe United $tate1t aeaatc at the laat seuioo of Coo­grea• witboat mu.cot. It was unauimoualy recommended by the house committee oo a~icolture. It wu approYed la adnn4: and urged for pauage by the prcaldcnt : but it failed to come to a vote in the house. A aimilar bill ahould be pa~ at the coming seuion of con­greaa.

Frleada of the forc1t should exei'\. thcmselTes and aaaiat i• acc.uring the needed legialation. The people be aroused and informed. ud muat make their will known to their repreaeutatiTca. United. earoe11t elfort will aecure thl• legi1latioo. The American Foreatry Auociatlon i• atriTln(. u nucr before, to bring the Appalachian question bome to eHrJ dtisen of the United Statca, for It la 1'.Shd a D&tio!W e&UfttloA.



Londoa;Aur. 94.-Tbe coaclu1ion to aubmit tlle ~ewfomadlallcl &•her­ia diapate to arbitration at The Hague U4 the aeptiatioaa pend· ing with a riew of the renewal of the Modua Viyeadl to coTer thi• rear'• &abing aeaaon. have called forth little comment here. ucept in the paper• opposed to the Go.ern· ment. which attempt to make polit· ical capital out of the question. al· leging tbf t the GoTCl'Dme.nt ia pre· pared to aacri&ce the interests of the Colony to maintain the R"ood will of the United Statea. ETcu these papen, boweYer, admit that the aubminion of the q11eation to The Hague ia the beat aolution of the weari.ome question.

The other papen. apparently. are awaitingi"tlome anoouncemeat from Foreign Secretary Grey, who tbua far ha• declined to be drawn oat by tbe membera of Parliament. con· fining .himself to the aame reply to all question• on the aubject, aame· ly, "The negotiatioaa arc proceed~ inir."

Tbe official& of the Forelgn Office are confident tbat an arraagemeot COTerlng the present acaaoo and ac­ceptable to all pa.rtlc1 will abortly be concluded. The Newfoundlaud Premier. Sir Robert Bond. already baa abow a more conciliatory atti· tudc toward tbc propoaal to renew the Modus ViTendi with modifica­tions. which, the A11ociatod Pecaa ia informed, arc not of a radical na­ture.

The .n Office ia now await-iag Sir 'a definite which be iubmitlcd to Secrc.· retary Root. immediately after their arrinl.


The funeral of Wm, Lambert, who died aa a rcault of injur3 due to :in cxplo11ion on Bell Island. took plac4 yesterday at hia home in Victoria Villaj!'c. It wasattcodcd by a large number of people and by the anem­bera of the L. O. Lodge, W. H. Butt. W.M. of Carbonenr Lodge, cooductiog'the acrYice of the Or:ange Auociation. Just wbt cauaed the explosion is not definitely known. It 1s auppo1ed that it waa ouly a small piece or dynamite that was concealed in some w6.y :ind waa ac­cidentally struck bJ the man'• pick, as the other men who were more or lcaa injured by ~e explosion say that it could not have been a • mi11' or they would all b:ive been killed. John Lambert, orotber or the de· ceased man. ;ind Robert Paraons. alao of Yicloria. were very much in· jurcd. Paraooa ia atill at Bell Ia· l:and nuder the doctor'•

The following- i• the number of candidates that entered for the ex· amination from the aeTcral acbool• in tbia town :

Pri. St. P .• S.S. 2 St. J., R. Bead. 0 Otterbury 2 High School 3 Mcthodiat Superior 15 I<.. C. Academy 4 Grammar School S Methodiat Col 0 Convent Sehool 2


Pre. l 2

• 0 2 4 4 3 l



(&DlTOR OP TIOt 8T.l.ND.utD.) Dear Sir.- l 0 0 s 3 0 3 0 1


A• there aeema to be aome falae impreuiona among•t a few of our town a people regardhig caaca of con­tagtoua disease in Upper Jaland CoTe and. Barbor Grace attended by me, I wiah to atate that aa earl1 aa June I rcq~ that the Public Health Of61 e the caah and report, and I retrith lncloae a copy of the letter I· wrote, which ple~ae publiab and you .till oblig-e,

Your& truly, Wr.t. MUNDEN AI.LAi.'f.

Harbor qracc, Stb Sept., 1907.

~~c:f[e·l~T.JJIOO~ao Board ot Bea\lb.

Dear Slr,-Jn answer td 1onr1 of yea· 1erda,., re tho reported cun of tear la· Una.

A.I rogard1 my po11t1on of Health 0111oer1 ll l• for 1lie Ptrrc only, and I have po auU1ority ouielde.

l would ·~i;eu lhat IL would b6 •d· vllahlo to .11;e1 Dr. lJrebm, )l84Jcal Health Olllcr; tor'abe Jet~, to report on them1 u I havo no doubt St would be more satl•tactory to the medical• uoder whOIO caro Ibey are.

I may ala&o that l l:iave 1een only one oue of acarlatloa In Harbor Grace 10'•· aod tbal WU OD Jaooary 2n, UI07, whlfh I report~ at tbe tlwa, placarded, 110-Jatl'd, <tc., ltl'., and th a a 1 ba,·o DQL Hen one aue &loco, either lo town or dlatrlot or Barbor Or~e.

Youn verv truly, Wx. '&f11:<01t:f AJ.LA:C.

Barbor Orac., 2:lth Jooe, 1907.

-The weather conUno .. bad for !bb· making, and ft•bermeo have beon uo. ablo to auro their catch. Eceltlel, who wu lojoNid In Twllday'• anln accldeat, died at Bay or Waoda lut night. Be belougod to l:larbor Malo. -lt wu reported 'UM!•[ that al:lotber

accident bad ocourred a Bello fll~y . terday- man named Ooomba of Ial d Oo•e being lcllled, and another n ed Sbanoaban badly Injured. -A Matconlgram wu received boro

reet.ordey from Labrador. The news &Inn ..,.. llla• lhll weather tor the put Mid day• wu d~ag~ablo-doll aud

VALUABLE CATCa OF FISH· foagy. Flab-making 11 gread:r: retarded Enyjed of the 6ahcnncn at the T· au<nt wlU be a late 1euon on tbe coaaa.

wharf, recently, are tbe members or 'rbe voya&e 11 practlcally o~r. the crew of the achooner Thomaa J. , -Meeari. R. Rolhertord'• •cbr. Hotue' Carroll, worth now about $225 each Joaepb Morrli , muter, arrived trom more than "f'llen they :went to sea Oander Bay oo Toellday with f7P» feet three weeks or 80 ago. The Car- board for her owoeu. She hu 1Jnee roll brought a fare which sold ·n loaded wlltf cub cod liver oil ror Mr. 1 vv. A. Mono and~ to St. John'• llul the mart for the round sum of $5,· chance. 630. of which $3.200 waa for 160 bar· rel• of salt mackerel and the rc­maiolnl!' $1080 for 14rg-e frcah mack· crcl. With ooe exception thla ia the most. vtluablc cargo or fish ever laodcd at T wharf, the cs:ceptioo be· log a seven tbouaand dollar fare, a.lao this acaaoo.-Boaton Tran­acript.

i.,;Tueaday'• expr,u train going well rn4,I troobll'~4!ar lloward'•ltatloo. The eogtne, tiagi:agCH»i~ aod twQ . 1econd· olue car• left the traok. 1''1reman E111klel 'IJU badlf lnJored. Mailman Collloa got a bad •nak(og u~ but escap. eel loJory. The car1 tbas Jett Ille traolt aro badly broken up.

-~frur1. Mono .t Co.'• brlJrt. Amy Lool11t1, Capt. Sheppard, reacbtd Per·

BlG CARGOES OF FISH. ~!::U~~co yeaterday:...n daya from St· Three Glouccatcr tithing vcnels The NelUo Loolto u oo dock at Bird·

n.rrived at North Sydney on Thura· ney. T day. with bl~ car1roc1 of fish. The -W• are trou1er1 speclallet.o. All Judaquc., Capt. John Lynn. ba1 250.· trooHrl made by u.- aro 1hruqk and 000 Iba. aboard: the Bli\ocbc, Capt. , •h•ped to1Ult the wearer. If yoo WlDt to Dan. McCui11b bad 2"...S 000 and the praaenl a smart, naaty appearance bavo Titania, Capt: Wilson Coh~n. baa {r0f~1~~mr;.bo111~ft 0 i'iifort J:s :200,000. • OtlWI l'~lsn.




S.S. F.thie leave.; Carbone 1r

every Tucsdav an<l Saturd;. v calling at the following ports;'




\Yt:stcrn Bay


O!J J>crlican

New Bonaventure:

Catalina· Trinit)'

Hant's Harbor







0 The New Polish.



--- ----- 5


• l Customer: "How do you know the coloni in $/ienrin-Wifliam1 r'O ltt, f>rtpartd. arc durable?" • ' " The colort in S. W.P> art dur.ablc :a.nd hu1ini; bcc:aule • • of tbc blgb ctllalititt of raw tn .. tcrials a~, 1hc c:ire eaten 10 mal\u• facture a~d tbe'1tlll miployd in mixing :a.nd grinding. T he S·W. Co. hp Iii o~"n dry c:flor pbnt and producct dry colol"I second 10 noae for brilliancy Gncf llrcngth; operate• itt own lioKtd oil mill and maaofacto!n al! pure liOJ«d oil for S·W. Produm: hu iu own lead and 11nC m1nn, cmeloyt a large staff of cbcmiJi. to maio1,11io

- the llandard of all raw mitmals 2nd trnithcd product•. • "Whh mlllcriab of wch CJU•li:,, combined wi1h 1bc tho10ur,h

. awmilating they: rtteivc io mixing and griodine is in•urcd the mO.. permanent and durable C10lor. it i1 poHiblc to mli;uf:actorc. S. W.P. wears u long u any paint can wur aad ~taila ht brigh111cn and freehntts for the gttatCJt possible time."

.-SOLD BY--MUilll & Co., Harbor Grace. =======================.-..-.:--::=-__.' Special Offerings This Week

LADIE;S, TAKE NOTICE· I -:::~----~~~~-~~--~----.._~~

25 Lad~ee: Cre~m 1Lnd Black Silk Dlot;;-8:- ... --i:-·- ,~ 36 Lad~es, Wh1te Lawn nnd Sateen Blouses. ~ r 24. IJnd1es Black S11otcen Jlloust.f. ~ L:ui~ee' and Cbildreta's Black Cashmere lio~e. \ Lad1eR' Black Thread llo.11e-Lnce nuklea Dainty Brown Ilollu.nd Skirts. · 30 piece~ PlBin and Fancy Lnwr.e nnd ~lualius. 6 pieces Dress Crash in l:f.o1Jru1d and Blue. Ladies' Linen Hat.a. Infonts' Lnwn lfots. IFSpecial- SO piecPsJFloor Cnovos, 1 y<ls wide.

painted both aides-only 38c, per yd. __......__....._ ____ .,..._ ,,.·----------~·-.- ...... -~-.-> ...... JOHN G. ~lUNN.~
