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I r I ti t i j jj j r rI I dtts Pills habitwIII ftbeaptl Yeti have bees INKING TOO MUCH tile wtd promptly relieve the nausea fK HEADACHE restFiiethe gityfeelgaatiy ke No Substitute ERSONAL LOCALj J i glasses lOc set Babbages jUke Selm went to Hardinsburg Mon r fir Sam Brown spent Sunday in ion VIrs Viola Jackson is visiting in ansvillebr Hook of Hardinsburg was re Monday jdiss Zula Bowlds is visiting in Pates le this week scar Blaine is visiting in Stephens t this week 3d Morrisoti visited in Stephensport turdJy sod Sunday l ncile Berry and Lottie Matheney are iting in Evansville Ind inley Miller of Hardinsburg was in- n Friday and Saturday R E Whiteley went to Cloverport ursday Owensboro Inquirer UrsE T Haynes is in Sample the est of her mother Mrs Hunter Miss Jennie Whitesides of Louisville the guest of Mrs James Stone Franklin Kincheloe and Ed Dillon of irdinsburg were in town Sunday Miss Mary Jones Went to Cloverport jday morning Owensboro Mtssen r Mrs James Harris and daughter nnieMabel went to Louisville Mon- HoraceNelson tf of Owensboro was the e guest of Miss Siisette Whitehouse ndayJ Mr and Mrs Taylor Dowell of Holt ere the guests of Mrs Nat Tucker- st week The ladles of the Presbyterian church- ill give an entertainment Friday night ctober 11 Mr J R skillman returned from lovcfeport Thursday morningOwens- oro Inquirer Jess Walls of Stephensport is vis ¬ ing his grandparents Mr and Mrs larion Brown Mrs A R Fisher will entertain the rst meeting of the Ladies Reading lub Shursday Mrs Wm Whitehouse and daughter f Burks City Ky are the guests of Miss Jell Whitehouse Roy Carpenter and Mr Jackson of ouisville wore the guests of Mr and Irs John Neubaur Sunday Mrs T B Mays returned to Clover ort Wednesday after spending a few ays here Owensboro Inquirer Mrs E H Briedenbfich and David pay of Owensboeo were the guests jr andMrs Chas May Sunday ofI I Mrs Thurman Hook who has been siting her parents returned to her ome in Evansville Friday night Miss May Cox who has been visiting Miss Rosa Agnew is visjttng her sister UTS Marion Polk in Tobinsport I Mrs Julian Brown dislocated her nee Friday giving her much pain owever she is getting along nicely I The public school will be closed all ihls week on account of the Teachers institute which convenes in Hardins yurg News has been received here of the irrival of a lovely little daughter at the home of Mr and Mrs Harry Hills of Richmond Gage bats and a line of pattern hats from Chicago Indianapolis and Louis yule have been received at Mrs R T Folks this week r Mrs Robert Polk has a full line of adies and misses dress skirts from 5 Up The materials are in serges chiffon panamas in all colors Mrs James R Skillman and mother Mrs Gilmore of Owensboro who have been the guests of Mrs A B Skillman returned homeFriday night Jake Meserve of Victoria has deliv- ered 1 115000 feet of lumber to the lower wharf where it is being placed on a barge to be shipped to Tell City Handmade harness is the bestBab I bages Mrs Claude Carlisle is visiting at RockportSilas Smith of Cannelton was here SaturdayArthur Beard of Hardinsburg was here last week Gus Brown of Hardinsburg was in town Saturday Mrs Ed English has returned home Franklin Tenn- Sherman Ball of Hardinsburg was here last week Miss Bessie Keys is visiting Mrs Sam Brown at Ekron Chas May Jr of Shreveport La is here visiting his parents Mr James Satterfield washere Thurs ¬ day on his way to Heron 111 Ernest Lynch of Evansville is the guest of his father Wm Lynch Jim Lawson of Louisville has accept- ed a position at tbe railroad shops Mrs H C Pate and Mrs Ada Dhonau spent Sunday in Hardinsbug Miss Ray Heyser who has been visit ¬ ing friends in Louisville is now at Franklin Ky A fine son arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs Jesse Weatherholt Mouday night of last week Joe Morrison who has been connected with the canning factory at Hardinsburg returned home Friday Avery Polk of Tobinsport Ind has delivered about 3000 watermelons this season to C L Sippel Mrs Bales daughter and son of Shrewsbury Ky were the guests of Miss Nannie Collins last week Ollie Oram who has been seriously ill of typhoid fiver is greatly improved and there is now hop for his recovery Mrs Mary DeHaven and daughter Miss Mayme returned home from Louisville Saturday night Mrs De Haven is much improved in health Misses Lucile Sterett and Julia Hinkle and Messrs George Wilson Chas Mc Adams and Capt J1 Hennen spent Sunday in Cloverport with friends Owensboro Inquirer MJS Ada Dhonau of Ekron spent Saturday and Sunday here the guest of her sister Mrs H C Pate Mrs Dhonau and children left Monday morn ing for Nickerson Kan where they will reside Thomas A Edison the great Amer ¬ ican inventor says Fully eighty per cent of the illness of mankind comes from eating improptr food or too much food people are inclined to o erin duge themselves This is where in ¬ digestion finds its beggining In nearly every case The stomach can do just so much work and no more and when you overload it or when you eat the wrong kind of food the digestive organs cannot possibly do the work demanded of them It is at such times that the stomach needs help it demands help and warns you by headaches belching sour stomach nausea and indigestion You should attend to this at once hy taking something that will actually do the work for the stomach Kodol will do this It is a combination of natural digestants and vegetable acids and con- tains the same juices found in a bealtby stomach It is pleasant to take It digests what you eat Sold by All D uggists STEPHENSPORT Biven Tucker of Cloverport was in town Sunday Mrs Chaffin and family will move to Tell City soon Mr and Mrs K B Blaine will spend the winter in Florida Mrs Sallie Bennett is repairing her cottage and will move in soon Miss Lena Hensley of Hardins burg is visiting her aunt Mrs R S Skillman Miss Daisy Hall of Union Star was the guest of her aunt Mrs R A Smith last week Mrs Bate Washington of Irv- ington was the guest of her sister Mrs L B Helm Sunday Rev J T Lewis and Dr Compton of Owensboro arc hold ¬ ing a protracted meeting at this placeBarney Frymire has bought the Bennett property and will take possession some time the first of the month o O- OI 1 The effect of malaria a long time You catch cold easily or become run ¬ down because of the after effects of malaria ScoifrT EmulsionIt blood and tones up your nervOus system ALL DRUGGISTS j SOo AND tlOO YYitir ° r r μ CHENAULT We are glad to learn that Mr Abe Bennett is Improving Guy E Burch of Louisville was here last week for a few days W W Ford and son Herman left last week for Arkansas to seek a loca I tion The OBrien brothers who have been spending the summer at Sebree Ky have returned home Mr and Mrs J C Brodie who at ¬ tended the State Fair at Louisville have returned home Mr and Mrs Martin Greenwell of Rhodelia were the guests of friends in the bottom l last week Miss Bessie Cunningham who has been visiting in Cannelton for some time has returned home Dave Walls our efficient young school teacher spent Saturday and Sunday at his home near Hardinsburg- Mrs George Lewis and daughter of Ammons spent last Wednesday the guests of Mr and Mrs Abe Bennett Mr and Mrs Karl Heim of Cannel ¬ ton left here Sunday for Bloomington Ind accompanied by her brother Marion who will enter school at that place Mrs Jennie Morgan Miss Bessie Mitchell and brother Willie of Holt spent Saturday the guests of Miss Bobbie Brodie and attended the ball at DerbyMrs Floyd Miller and little daughter Louise who have been visiting for the past month in Louisville are now the guests of her parents Mr and Mrs A a Allen ADDITIONAL LOCAL Mr t> nd Mrs Ben Miller are visiting Mr and Mrs Romney Renfrow at Dun ¬ deeMr and Mrs Henry Harper went to Webster Sunday to visit her son John HarperF Fenn and wife of Hardinsburg were here Sunday Mrs Fenn has been visiting at Spottsville BLACKJACK NOTES Miss Oro Hardesty is on the sick list Dr Hardesty went to Brandenburg Thursday on business Lonie Hardesty who has had typhoid fever is able to be out againI I Miss Lou Shacklett is in Louisville the guest of her brother W H Shack ¬ lettMrs Rosa Sipse spent one dav last week with her sister Mrs Nannie Foushee of Hill Grove Mrs Eelle Shacklett and daughter Miss Gertrude of Ekron were the guests of Mrs RosaSipse recently Mr and Mrs Bob Scifres of Hardin County were the guests of the latters mother Mrs Mollie Shacklett of Paradice Mrs Eliza Lewis has returned to her home in Hardinsburg after a visit with her father and mother and other rela ¬ tives for several days Mrs Dr Hardestys step father and mother Mrs Polock and brother Mr Campbell of Rodelia were up to see Mrs Hardesty last week Mr and Mrs Chas Medley Mr and Mrs Lesley Roberts of near Hardin county came down to see Mrs Harrett Medley Saturday who is very sick Mr and Mrs Ernest Brown Mrs Lamb Misses Nannie Belle and Lula Sipse and Dona Miller all attended the carnival at Brandenburg Wednesday Misses Lillie and Dona Miller Cyn tha McIntire Allie Sipse and Lona Downs Messrs Ernest and Robert Downs and Jim Miller were entertained by the Misses Ritchie Tuesday Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed out free on request by Dr Shoop Racine Wis These tests are proving to the people without a pennys costthe great value of this scientific prescription known to drug ¬ gists everywhere as DrSboops Catarrh Remedy Sold by All Dealer- sMcQUADY IForrest Lyons is having his property- on Railroad street repaired Mrs H T Shrews ferry is visiting her daughter Mrs V M Mosley at Greenville Garfield Burden has moved from Clo ¬ verport to his fatherinlaws H T ShrewsberryJoe of this place but who has been living at Kosmosdale died there last week and was brought hero for interment in the McQuady cemeteryCharlie Phillips happened to a painful accident here last week by being thrown from a wagon the wagon runing over his neck injuring his spine He was attended by Dr Sandbach Amel Frank was seriously burnt last week by walking through a bed of live fire colds at the hickory factory His wounds were dressed by Dr Sandbach and he is getting along nicely Wants I J WANTEDA man with team and tools to tend a farm near Sample W J DEICKMAN Stepbensport Ky FOR SALE PRINTING Presses and Cutting machtlJu lot of good Laundry machines Also new aud secondhand Gas and Gasoline EnKlnes MARTIN GABLE 510 3rd Street Louisville K- YFot RENTFine river bottom farm of 116 on railroad Good tenent house and out buildings 10 acres In orchard and Y5 acres In grass the rest In good fix for any- thing The very best of land well watered For further Information apply to MRS HANNAH HARDIN Holt Ky H DeH HOORMAN Attorney at Law- HARDINSBURO KY Will practice his profession t In all of the Courts of HreckcnrldKu and adjoining coun- t er Special attention given to col ectlons road cases and criminal practice License to practice In United Stats Distil a Cjurti- Ofllce over Dank of Hardlnsburj Land For Sale By Jno D Babbage Cloverport Ky Town Property Two room cottage on Murray Avenue Well located Rents for tS per month C1 155 acres on Hardlnsburg and 4 > r 750 Falls of Sinking roadt2 miles from Sample Improvements dwelling and a good blc barn 80 acres la oak and beech timber The oak timber Is good tie timber Beech never been worked Timber can be hauled either by water or rail Limestone land both bottom and hill Suitable for tobacco and fruit Plenty good water year round Terms one third cash balance In easy payments C 352 acres on Hardinsburg and 3 > OyOU < ails of Sinking road 2 miles from Sample Improvements two onestory dwellings three big barnes Log house and blacksmith shop all necessary outhouses 130 acres under cultivation and pasture 222 acres In timber white oak black oak beech and sugar tree all good size Plenty of good water the year round Onethird cash and good easy terms on balance 7 acres In timber hick 350831cres p ory locust sycamore sugar tree and beech Improvements five room cottage barn 30 x CO stable SO x 32 springsand 11 In corn rest In pasture Raised 27 tons of timothy and clover 8 acres In wheat yield b0 bushels and 6 tons straw This place IS situated on Glover creek Hi miles southeast of Cloverport 30 acres Rood bottom land rest broken but good strong tillable land most of It In grass free from washes Splen ¬ did tobacco land all of it < 750 FARM Iron SALEH mile air of P between Cloverport and Hardinsburg 7 miles from Cloverport 3 miles from Haralnsburg 107 acres of land two story building 7 rooms well at house two springs on farm never known to godry a good orchard For particulars ask Jno D Habbiigc Cloverport Ky or James II Sahlle uo Jolt SALIOO acres of land laying on the railroad near Kirk 100 acres cleared six In woodland Good barn 16 acres In meadow Splendid land for tobacco corn or wheat Price fl500 cash For further particulars write the Breckenridge News Cloverport Ky LAND FOR SALE FOIL SALE ISO acres of land situated near Creek one mile and a half from Garfield Ky Fine tobacco land Improve- ments ono small log dwelling three rooms good tobacco and stock barn corn crib 40 acres in woods white oak and post oak sold Fine lot of good hickory and ash to sell Price I 500 For further Information write Jno D Babbage Cloverport Ky- FOIL SALEGood farm onefourth tulle Resin Spring Ky contains 140 acres all level and In good state of cultiva ¬ tion About onehalf In gras 15 a res In timber young orchard coming on plenty of good water ponds spring and cistern Good sevenroom house large burn and plenty of IrvingtonIv the state A bargain for some one looking for a good home For further Information see or write Jno D Bubbage Cloverport Ky For Sale REAL ESTATE 130 acres near Cloverport and one lot in town of Cloverport This property will be sold at a great bargain J D Gregory HouseholdGoods For Sale Piano Stool 200 Rocking Chairs 75c each Book Case 500 Oak Center Table 200 Two new Dinner Sets For further information address D H- Breckenridge News CLOVERPORT KY Taking a Vacation Miss Addle Louise Cabbage left Sat urday for Versailles where she will be the guest of Mrs R N Hudson From there she will go to Lexington where she will join a party enroute to the Jamestown Exposition Miss Babbage will also visit several other eastern points of interest before returning home Stomach troubles Heart and Kidney ailments can be quickly corrected with a prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr Shoops Restorative The prompt and surprising relief which this remedy immediately brings is en Irclydue to its Restorative fiction upon the controlling nerves of the Stomach etc Sold by all Dealers fI 11 I IEET ME AT NOLTES I I October Nights iI I Bound to Have M- oreCOVER F If you do and need any we cant I supply the articleW W Blankets and Comforts all prices Union Suits and Separate Gar r ments Outing Cloths and FlanW neletts I IWe can help you get readyif I you will II Cloverport Ky E m II Ii I 1 Iw i Nh NyNI- l illlr tNIN I r FTI1r l i I r I 1 I I I Cadick Milling Co 5mMi CLOVERPORT PLANING MILL GREGORY COMPANY CLOVERPORT KENTUCKY We have Contractor James Lewis associated us can furnish plans estimates for buildings Work is of good material workmanship our prices reasonable several grades of roofing prices 1 squareOur Ruberiod as building t1ilASekitililStiAitititititiiAilAilitililt I YOUNG MEN I I S LEARN TELEGRAPHY f The railroads need you for j x operators Salaries 5000 2 Ira to 12500 per month 3 No other trade or profes x sion can be learned in as short x time or pay as good salary jj at the start ft We are exclusively Telegraph X thork i itions furnished or tuition refunded f KENTUCKY SCHOOL of TELEGRAPHY g OWENSBORO KY j f- It NA + AAtStkAtSISIA AitAAAifil O LET US- CONVINCE t YOU t that its a fatal mistake spend your income of earnings taking account of the future which is bound to which of us can avoid your old age already provided for so can afford make money fly Do not waste no time securing a BANK BOOK start systematic saving no matter how little Every little makes a muckle the canny Scot the Bank of Cloverport awaits your name its ledgers Begin today BANK OF CLOVERPORT CLOVERPORT m PIES and CAKES I like mother used to make lie within your reach CADICKS GOLD DUST FLOUR is the kind I with which to make de ¬ licious flaky crusts ffm light tempting cakes We have It in quar ¬ ter and sacks and bar ¬ rels Try a small sack if you doubt our recomenda ffM You are sure to back for more Grandview Indiana m1B PROPRIETORS M with and and Our Mill and best and are We have at from to 325 per best will last long as the J r- i ISM to no come and none Is If you to in and said and on Ky and half tion come JEWELRY The finest and best of all kinds WatchesClocks Silverware HollowareFlatware Musical instruments and findings TI Ct Lewis Son Hardinsburg Ky r Weare- Selling More Good Watches and Clocks Than Usual and Have Some Good Ones Now Do You Need One Severs Drug Co a ejC < id

dtts Pills I RockportSilas bestBab CHENAULT WantsJI r I ti t i j jj j r rI I dtts Pills habitwIII ftbeaptl Yeti have bees INKING TOO

Apr 26, 2019



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Page 1: dtts Pills I RockportSilas bestBab CHENAULT WantsJI r I ti t i j jj j r rI I dtts Pills habitwIII ftbeaptl Yeti have bees INKING TOO










dtts PillshabitwIIIftbeaptl Yeti have beesINKING TOO MUCH

tile wtd promptly relieve the nausea


restFiiethegityfeelgaatiyke No Substitute




glasses lOc set Babbages

jUke Selm went to Hardinsburg Mon

rfir Sam Brown spent Sunday inionVIrs Viola Jackson is visiting in

ansvillebrHook of Hardinsburg was

re Mondayjdiss Zula Bowlds is visiting in Patesle this weekscar Blaine is visiting in Stephens

t this week

3d Morrisoti visited in StephensportturdJy sod Sunday

l ncile Berry and Lottie Matheney areiting in Evansville Indinley Miller of Hardinsburg was in-

n Friday and Saturday

R E Whiteley went to Cloverportursday Owensboro Inquirer

UrsE T Haynes is in Sample theest of her mother Mrs HunterMiss Jennie Whitesides of Louisvillethe guest of Mrs James StoneFranklin Kincheloe and Ed Dillon ofirdinsburg were in town Sunday

Miss Mary Jones Went to Cloverportjday morning Owensboro MtssenrMrs James Harris and daughternnieMabel went to Louisville Mon-


of Owensboro was thee guest of Miss Siisette WhitehousendayJMr and Mrs Taylor Dowell of Holtere the guests of Mrs Nat Tucker-st weekThe ladles of the Presbyterian church-ill give an entertainment Friday nightctober 11

Mr J R skillman returned fromlovcfeport Thursday morningOwens-oro Inquirer

Jess Walls of Stephensport is vis¬

ing his grandparents Mr and Mrslarion Brown

Mrs A R Fisher will entertain therst meeting of the Ladies Readinglub Shursday

Mrs Wm Whitehouse and daughterf Burks City Ky are the guests of MissJell Whitehouse

Roy Carpenter and Mr Jackson ofouisville wore the guests of Mr andIrs John Neubaur Sunday

Mrs T B Mays returned to Cloverort Wednesday after spending a feways here Owensboro InquirerMrs E H Briedenbfich and David

pay of Owensboeo were the guestsjr andMrs Chas May Sunday ofII

Mrs Thurman Hook who has beensiting her parents returned to her

ome in Evansville Friday night

Miss May Cox who has been visitingMiss Rosa Agnew is visjttng her sisterUTS Marion Polk in Tobinsport

I Mrs Julian Brown dislocated hernee Friday giving her much painowever she is getting along nicely


The public school will be closed allihls week on account of the Teachersinstitute which convenes in Hardinsyurg

News has been received here of theirrival of a lovely little daughter at thehome of Mr and Mrs Harry Hills of

RichmondGage bats and a line of pattern hats

from Chicago Indianapolis and Louisyule have been received at Mrs R TFolks this weekr Mrs Robert Polk has a full line of

adies and misses dress skirts from 5

Up The materials are in serges chiffonpanamas in all colors

Mrs James R Skillman and motherMrs Gilmore of Owensboro who havebeen the guests of Mrs A B Skillmanreturned homeFriday night

Jake Meserve of Victoria has deliv-

ered 1115000 feet of lumber to the lowerwharf where it is being placed on abarge to be shipped to Tell City

Handmade harness is the bestBabI bages

Mrs Claude Carlisle is visiting at


Smith of Cannelton was here


Beard of Hardinsburg washere last week

Gus Brown of Hardinsburg was intown Saturday

Mrs Ed English has returned homeFranklin Tenn-

Sherman Ball of Hardinsburg washere last week

Miss Bessie Keys is visiting MrsSam Brown at Ekron

Chas May Jr of Shreveport Lais here visiting his parents

Mr James Satterfield washere Thurs ¬

day on his way to Heron 111

Ernest Lynch of Evansville is theguest of his father Wm Lynch

Jim Lawson of Louisville has accept-ed a position at tbe railroad shops

Mrs H C Pate and Mrs AdaDhonau spent Sunday in Hardinsbug

Miss Ray Heyser who has been visit¬

ing friends in Louisville is now atFranklin Ky

A fine son arrived at the home of Mrand Mrs Jesse Weatherholt Moudaynight of last week

Joe Morrison who has been connectedwith the canning factory at Hardinsburgreturned home Friday

Avery Polk of Tobinsport Ind hasdelivered about 3000 watermelons thisseason to C L Sippel

Mrs Bales daughter and son ofShrewsbury Ky were the guests ofMiss Nannie Collins last week

Ollie Oram who has been seriously illof typhoid fiver is greatly improvedand there is now hop for his recovery

Mrs Mary DeHaven and daughterMiss Mayme returned home fromLouisville Saturday night Mrs DeHaven is much improved in health

Misses Lucile Sterett and Julia Hinkleand Messrs George Wilson Chas McAdams and Capt J1 Hennen spentSunday in Cloverport with friendsOwensboro Inquirer

MJS Ada Dhonau of Ekron spentSaturday and Sunday here the guest of

her sister Mrs H C Pate MrsDhonau and children left Monday morning for Nickerson Kan where theywill reside

Thomas A Edison the great Amer¬

ican inventor says Fully eighty percent of the illness of mankind comesfrom eating improptr food or too muchfood people are inclined to o erinduge themselves This is where in ¬

digestion finds its beggining In nearlyevery case The stomach can do justso much work and no more and whenyou overload it or when you eat thewrong kind of food the digestive organscannot possibly do the work demandedof them It is at such times that thestomach needs help it demands helpand warns you by headaches belchingsour stomach nausea and indigestionYou should attend to this at once hytaking something that will actually dothe work for the stomach Kodol willdo this It is a combination of naturaldigestants and vegetable acids and con-

tains the same juices found in a bealtbystomach It is pleasant to take Itdigests what you eat Sold by AllD uggists


Biven Tucker of Cloverportwas in town Sunday

Mrs Chaffin and family willmove to Tell City soon

Mr and Mrs K B Blainewill spend the winter in Florida

Mrs Sallie Bennett is repairingher cottage and will move in soon

Miss Lena Hensley of Hardinsburg is visiting her aunt MrsR S Skillman

Miss Daisy Hall of Union Starwas the guest of her aunt MrsR A Smith last week

Mrs Bate Washington of Irv-ington was the guest of her sisterMrs L B Helm Sunday

Rev J T Lewis and DrCompton of Owensboro arc hold ¬

ing a protracted meeting at this

placeBarneyFrymire has bought

the Bennett property and willtake possession some time the firstof the month

o O-


1The effect of malaria a long timeYou catch cold easily or become run¬

down because of the after effects of malariaScoifrTEmulsionIt blood and tones up your nervOussystem


YYitir °

r r µ


We are glad to learn that Mr AbeBennett is Improving

Guy E Burch of Louisville washere last week for a few days

W W Ford and son Herman leftlast week for Arkansas to seek a loca



The OBrien brothers who have beenspending the summer at Sebree Kyhave returned home

Mr and Mrs J C Brodie who at¬

tended the State Fair at Louisvillehave returned home

Mr and Mrs Martin Greenwell ofRhodelia were the guests of friends inthe bottom llast week

Miss Bessie Cunningham who hasbeen visiting in Cannelton for sometime has returned home

Dave Walls our efficient young schoolteacher spent Saturday and Sunday athis home near Hardinsburg-

Mrs George Lewis and daughter ofAmmons spent last Wednesday theguests of Mr and Mrs Abe Bennett

Mr and Mrs Karl Heim of Cannel ¬

ton left here Sunday for BloomingtonInd accompanied by her brotherMarion who will enter school at thatplace

Mrs Jennie Morgan Miss BessieMitchell and brother Willie of Holtspent Saturday the guests of MissBobbie Brodie and attended the ball at


Floyd Miller and little daughterLouise who have been visiting for thepast month in Louisville are now theguests of her parents Mr and Mrs Aa Allen


Mr t>nd Mrs Ben Miller are visitingMr and Mrs Romney Renfrow at Dun ¬

deeMrand Mrs Henry Harper went to

Webster Sunday to visit her son John

HarperFFenn and wife of Hardinsburg

were here Sunday Mrs Fenn hasbeen visiting at Spottsville


Miss Oro Hardesty is on the sick list

Dr Hardesty went to BrandenburgThursday on business

Lonie Hardesty who has had typhoidfever is able to be out againI I

Miss Lou Shacklett is in Louisvillethe guest of her brother W H Shack ¬

lettMrsRosa Sipse spent one dav last

week with her sister Mrs NannieFoushee of Hill Grove

Mrs Eelle Shacklett and daughterMiss Gertrude of Ekron were theguests of Mrs RosaSipse recently

Mr and Mrs Bob Scifres of HardinCounty were the guests of the lattersmother Mrs Mollie Shacklett ofParadice

Mrs Eliza Lewis has returned to herhome in Hardinsburg after a visit withher father and mother and other rela ¬

tives for several days

Mrs Dr Hardestys step father andmother Mrs Polock and brother MrCampbell of Rodelia were up to seeMrs Hardesty last week

Mr and Mrs Chas Medley Mr andMrs Lesley Roberts of near Hardincounty came down to see Mrs HarrettMedley Saturday who is very sick

Mr and Mrs Ernest Brown MrsLamb Misses Nannie Belle and LulaSipse and Dona Miller all attended thecarnival at Brandenburg Wednesday

Misses Lillie and Dona Miller Cyntha McIntire Allie Sipse and LonaDowns Messrs Ernest and RobertDowns and Jim Miller were entertainedby the Misses Ritchie Tuesday

Trial Catarrh treatments are beingmailed out free on request by DrShoop Racine Wis These tests areproving to the people without apennys costthe great value of thisscientific prescription known to drug¬

gists everywhere as DrSboops CatarrhRemedy Sold by All Dealer-


IForrest Lyons is having his property-on Railroad street repaired

Mrs H T Shrews ferry is visitingher daughter Mrs V M Mosley atGreenville

Garfield Burden has moved from Clo ¬

verport to his fatherinlaws H T

ShrewsberryJoeof this place but

who has been living at Kosmosdaledied there last week and was broughthero for interment in the McQuady


Phillips happened to a painfulaccident here last week by being thrownfrom a wagon the wagon runing overhis neck injuring his spine He wasattended by Dr Sandbach

Amel Frank was seriously burnt lastweek by walking through a bed of livefire colds at the hickory factory Hiswounds were dressed by Dr Sandbachand he is getting along nicely

Wants IJWANTEDA man with team and tools totend a farm near Sample W J DEICKMANStepbensport Ky


PRINTING Presses and Cutting machtlJulot of good Laundry machines

Also new aud secondhand Gas and GasolineEnKlnes MARTIN GABLE 510 3rd StreetLouisville K-

YFot RENTFine river bottom farm of 116on railroad Good tenent house and

out buildings 10 acres In orchard and Y5

acres In grass the rest In good fix for any-thing The very best of land well wateredFor further Information apply to MRSHANNAH HARDIN Holt Ky

H DeH HOORMANAttorney at Law-

HARDINSBURO KYWill practice his profession tIn all of the

Courts of HreckcnrldKu and adjoining coun-t er Special attention given to col ectlonsroad cases and criminal practice Licenseto practice In United Stats Distil a Cjurti-

Ofllce over Dank of Hardlnsburj

Land For SaleBy Jno D Babbage Cloverport Ky

Town PropertyTwo room cottage on Murray Avenue

Well located Rents for tS per month

C1 155 acres on Hardlnsburg and4> r 750 Falls of Sinking roadt2 milesfrom Sample Improvements dwelling anda good blc barn 80 acres la oak and beechtimber The oak timber Is good tie timberBeech never been worked Timber can behauled either by water or rail Limestoneland both bottom and hill Suitable fortobacco and fruit Plenty good water yearround Terms one third cash balance Ineasy payments

C 352 acres on Hardinsburg and3>OyOU < ails of Sinking road 2 milesfrom Sample Improvements two onestorydwellings three big barnes Log house andblacksmith shop all necessary outhouses130 acres under cultivation and pasture 222acres In timber white oak black oak beechand sugar tree all good size Plenty of goodwater the year round Onethird cash andgood easy terms on balance

7 acres In timber hick350831cresp ory locust sycamoresugar tree and beech Improvements fiveroom cottage barn 30 x CO stable SO x 32springsand11 In corn rest In pasture Raised 27 tons oftimothy and clover 8 acres In wheat yieldb0 bushels and 6 tons straw This place ISsituated on Glover creek Hi miles southeastof Cloverport 30 acres Rood bottom landrest broken but good strong tillable landmost of It In grass free from washes Splen ¬

did tobacco land all of it< 750 FARM Iron SALEH mile air ofP between Cloverport

and Hardinsburg 7 miles from Cloverport 3miles from Haralnsburg 107 acres of landtwo story building 7 rooms well at housetwo springs on farm never known to godrya good orchard For particulars ask JnoD Habbiigc Cloverport Ky or James IISahlle


Jolt SALIOO acres of land laying on therailroad near Kirk 100 acres

cleared six In woodland Good barn 16 acresIn meadow Splendid land for tobacco cornor wheat Price fl500 cash For furtherparticulars write the Breckenridge NewsCloverport Ky

LAND FOR SALEFOIL SALE ISO acres of land situated near

Creek one mile and a half fromGarfield Ky Fine tobacco land Improve-ments ono small log dwelling three roomsgood tobacco and stock barn corn crib 40acres in woods white oak and post oak soldFine lot of good hickory and ash to sell PriceI500 For further Information write Jno DBabbage Cloverport Ky-

FOIL SALEGood farm onefourth tulleResin Spring Ky contains 140

acres all level and In good state of cultiva ¬

tion About onehalf In gras 15 a res Intimber young orchard coming on plenty ofgood water ponds spring and cistern Goodsevenroom house large burn and plenty ofIrvingtonIvthe state A bargain for some one lookingfor a good home For further Informationsee or write Jno D Bubbage CloverportKy


130 acres near Cloverport and onelot in town of Cloverport Thisproperty will be sold at a greatbargain

J D Gregory


For SalePiano Stool 200Rocking Chairs 75c each

Book Case 500Oak Center Table 200Two new Dinner Sets

For further information address

D H-Breckenridge News


Taking a VacationMiss Addle Louise Cabbage left Sat

urday for Versailles where she will bethe guest of Mrs R N Hudson Fromthere she will go to Lexington whereshe will join a party enroute to theJamestown Exposition Miss Babbagewill also visit several other easternpoints of interest before returning home

Stomach troubles Heart and Kidneyailments can be quickly correctedwith a prescription known to druggistseverywhere as Dr Shoops RestorativeThe prompt and surprising relief whichthis remedy immediately brings is enIrclydue to its Restorative fiction uponthe controlling nerves of the Stomachetc Sold by all Dealers


I October Nights iI


Bound to Have M-


If you do and need any we cantI supply the articleWW

Blankets and Comforts all pricesUnion Suits and Separate Garr ments Outing Cloths and FlanWneletts

IIWe can help you get readyif Iyou willIICloverport Ky E









I rFTI1rl


I r




II Cadick Milling Co




We have Contractor James Lewis associated us canfurnish plans estimates for buildings

Work is of good material workmanship ourprices reasonable

several grades of roofing prices 1

squareOur Ruberiod as building



S LEARN TELEGRAPHY fThe railroads need you for jx

operators Salaries 5000 2Ira to 12500 per month 3

No other trade or profes xsion can be learned in as short xtime or pay as good salary jjat the start ft

We are exclusively Telegraph Xthorki itions furnished or tuition refunded fKENTUCKY SCHOOL of TELEGRAPHY g





t YOU tthat its a fatal mistake spend yourincome of earnings taking accountof the future which is bound to

which of us can avoidyour old age already provided forso can afford make money fly

Do not waste no time securing a

BANK BOOKstart systematic saving no matter

how little Every little makes a

muckle the canny Scot

the Bank of Cloverport awaits yourname its ledgers Begin today




like mother usedto make lie within yourreach CADICKS GOLDDUST FLOUR is the kind Iwith which to make de ¬

licious flaky crusts ffm

light tempting cakesWe have It in quar ¬

ter and sacks and bar¬

rels Try a small sack ifyou doubt our recomenda ffM

You are sure toback for more




M with andand

Our Mill and best andare

We have at from to 325 per

best will last long as the






and none Is

Ifyou to



said and





tion come


The finest and best

of all kinds




Musical instruments

and findings

TI Ct Lewis Son

Hardinsburg Ky


Selling More Good

Watches and ClocksThan Usual andHave Some Good

Ones Now

Do You Need One

Severs Drug Co


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