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Jeffrey Mrizek, Ed.D. Dissertation Title: Assessing Collective Impact for the Emergence of a Competency Based Statewide ‘Public to Public’ Civil Service Career Pathway

Dr. Mrizek's Dissertation Award presentation 4.2017

Apr 05, 2017



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Page 1: Dr. Mrizek's Dissertation Award presentation 4.2017

Jeffrey Mrizek, Ed.D.

Dissertation Title: Assessing Collective Impact for the Emergence of a Competency Based Statewide ‘Public to

Public’ Civil Service Career Pathway

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Overview of Study:Problem Statement: The “silver tsunami” of “baby boomer” retirements directly threatens California’s civil service workforce and the sustainability of operations in the state government agencies. California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) reported 43% of the civil service workforce is eligible to retire by 2018 creating a skills gap.

Purpose: To evaluate the phenomenon of collective impact emerging from a competency approach of talent development in civil service within California’s systems of community colleges and state agencies. This study seeks to define recruitment career pathways by linking public higher education to the needs of civil service careers through alignments around a common competency model.

Significance: The study is significant because it supports the stabilization of state government operations through a multi-dimensional systems approach to assess and evoke collective impact in the adoption of a statewide model of competencies to integrate workplace training and academic learning outcomes emergent through a synergistic dialectic of the interlocutors; executive system leaders, administrators, educators, and students.

Method: Phenomenology of collective impact with the goal to refine the study’s theoretical framework- A Systems View of the Interrelationship of the Meanings of Competency (Mrizek, 2015)

Literature Review:Theories:• (Bruner, 1990)• (Getzels & Guba, 1957)• (Boyatzis, 1982)• (Sandberg, 1994• (Hoffman, 1999) • (Kahane, 2012)• (Senge, 1990)• (Kania & Kramer, 2011) Theoretical Frameworks:

• Social Systems Model (Getzels & Guba, 1957)• Hierarchy of the Meanings of Competency (Hoffman, 1999)

Policies:• Project GO (DOF, 2015)• Doing What Matters/IDRC• AB86/AEBG• SB70/SB1070/CTEPT• WIOA

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Multi-paradigmatic Analysis:Systems View of the Interrelationship of the Meanings of Competency (Mrizek, 2015)

Research Question 2 (Meso): According to the CSI5.7C Higher Education Partnership, What is the relationship between career readiness, competency (cies) and the development of 21st century civil service skills and how is this relationship mitigated or displayed through transformative scenario planning?

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Findings: (Meso Level)1. Collective impact has not yet been

bilaterally and intentionally engaged with mutual understanding.

2. Support exists for multiple interrelated meanings of competency framework.

3. Data is an emergent reciprocal inter-subjective meaning of competency.

4. A shared meaning of “readiness” exists through system alignment of competency assessments.

5. Significant relationships reflect community college student’s interest in both civil service careers and job-relevant educational programs.

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General Model of Competency Based Career Pathways:An Intersubjective Construct

(Hoffman, 1999) & (Kania and Kramer, 2011)

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Future Research: Emergent Theoretical FrameworkCompetency-based Public-to-Public Career Pathways:

A Structural Coupling Model

(Maturana & Varela, 1987)