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Descargas otorgadas por el Decanato de Artes y Ciencias Segundo Semestre del año académico 2014-2015 Dr. Benjamín Van Ee, Departamento de Biología Untangling the relationships and radiation of Old World Croton (Euphorbiaceae) ABSTRACT: Croton is one of the world’s largest plant genera, and its great number of species, worldwide distribution, and a history of few specialists working on it have resulted in limited knowledge about it. In this project, faculty, graduate, and undergraduate researchers will investigate the dispersal path and diversification rates of approximately 450 species of Croton from across Asia and Africa, particularly in the biodiversity hotspot of Madagascar. The project will produce online accounts for Madagascan species, many of which are endangered. Students will be trained in developing a DNA barcode database that will serve as a tool for identifying specimens. This collaborative project will broaden the experiences of the undergraduate participants while establishing a network of researchers dedicated to overcoming the obstacles presented by large. Diverse, and poorly known undergraduate students into all aspects of the research. Dr. Sean Locke, Departamento de Biología Molecular ecology of parasities in Puerto Rico ABSTRACT: The proponent requires release time in order to undertake field collections, experiments and analyses that advance understanding (diversity, basic ecology) of wildlife parasites in Puerto Rico. The focus of study is molecular field survey of parasites of freshwater fish, particularly larval forms previously reported from 5/6 native species and in over a dozen fishes introduced to PR freshwaters. DNA sequences will be used to discriminate species and link life cycle stages. In addition, molecular survey of easily acquired marine fish parasites will also be initiated. In select freshwater parasite species, the life cycle will be established in the laboratory from naturally infected snails collected in PR streams or reservoirs. Fish in various species will be individually exposed to parasites in order to test if infection patterns follow the evolutionary history of fish species. The term will also be used to gather baseline data for comparisons of parasite communities in native and non-native freshwater fishes, and comparisons of parasite communities in human- impacted and reference localities. Dr. Wilford Schmidt, Departamento de Ciencias Marinas Cross-shelf sediment transport from mesophotic ADCP and temperature measurements, La Parguera, PR ABSTRACT: Mesophotic coral ecosystems are fragile habitats that are important to the tropical coastal ecosystem. Understanding sediment transport processes in these regions is critical in forming a protection strategy, but unfortunately, little descriptive or quantitative work has been done. Recently, continuous data (sampled every 20 min) was collected to characterize the physical processes (currents, temperature, pressure, waves, and acoustic-

Dr. Benjamín Van Ee, Departamento de Biología ABSTRACT

Jun 09, 2022



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Page 1: Dr. Benjamín Van Ee, Departamento de Biología ABSTRACT

Descargas otorgadas por el Decanato de Artes y Ciencias Segundo Semestre del año académico 2014-2015

Dr. Benjamín Van Ee, Departamento de Biología Untangling the relationships and radiation of Old World Croton (Euphorbiaceae) ABSTRACT: Croton is one of the world’s largest plant genera, and its great number of species, worldwide distribution, and a history of few specialists working on it have resulted in limited knowledge about it. In this project, faculty, graduate, and undergraduate researchers will investigate the dispersal path and diversification rates of approximately 450 species of Croton from across Asia and Africa, particularly in the biodiversity hotspot of Madagascar. The project will produce online accounts for Madagascan species, many of which are endangered. Students will be trained in developing a DNA barcode database that will serve as a tool for identifying specimens. This collaborative project will broaden the experiences of the undergraduate participants while establishing a network of researchers dedicated to overcoming the obstacles presented by large. Diverse, and poorly known undergraduate students into all aspects of the research. Dr. Sean Locke, Departamento de Biología Molecular ecology of parasities in Puerto Rico ABSTRACT: The proponent requires release time in order to undertake field collections, experiments and analyses that advance understanding (diversity, basic ecology) of wildlife parasites in Puerto Rico. The focus of study is molecular field survey of parasites of freshwater fish, particularly larval forms previously reported from 5/6 native species and in over a dozen fishes introduced to PR freshwaters. DNA sequences will be used to discriminate species and link life cycle stages. In addition, molecular survey of easily acquired marine fish parasites will also be initiated. In select freshwater parasite species, the life cycle will be established in the laboratory from naturally infected snails collected in PR streams or reservoirs. Fish in various species will be individually exposed to parasites in order to test if infection patterns follow the evolutionary history of fish species. The term will also be used to gather baseline data for comparisons of parasite communities in native and non-native freshwater fishes, and comparisons of parasite communities in human-impacted and reference localities. Dr. Wilford Schmidt, Departamento de Ciencias Marinas Cross-shelf sediment transport from mesophotic ADCP and temperature measurements, La Parguera, PR ABSTRACT: Mesophotic coral ecosystems are fragile habitats that are important to the tropical coastal ecosystem. Understanding sediment transport processes in these regions is critical in forming a protection strategy, but unfortunately, little descriptive or quantitative work has been done. Recently, continuous data (sampled every 20 min) was collected to characterize the physical processes (currents, temperature, pressure, waves, and acoustic-

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backscatter intensity) at the DeepCRES El Hoyo, La Paguera transect. The 2 years of 20 min data is being processed along with 4 other spatially separate but contemporaneous temperature datasets (sampled every 2hr). Additionally, nearby meteorologic data and Satellite Sea surface altimetry are being integrated into the analysis. The specific objectives of this project is to describe quantitatively the effects of highly variable currents, internal waves, and mesoscale eddies on the acoustic-backscatter intensity, which has been found to be a useful proxy for sediment concentration in the water column. This work will add to our knowledge of Puerto Rico's poorly-understood coastal processes and assist in my efforts to attract funding for students and future research projects. Dr. Clark Sherman, Departamento de Ciencias Marinas Structure and development of mesophotic coral-algal reefs, Southwest Puerto Rico ABSTRACT: Resumen de Ia propuesta (en 200 palabras o menos):Compared to their shallower counterparts, reef systems deeper than -50 m remain largely unexplored. Thus, important questions remain regarding the structure and growth of these deeper (mesophotic) reefs found at depths of -50-100 m. Mesophotic reefs are built on prominent topographic features that are thought to be relict shallow­ water reefs formed during glacial periods when sea levels were lower than present and subsequently drowned during periods of rapid sea-level rise. Drill cores recovered from mesophotic reefs on the insular slope of Puerto Rico by divers will allow for the characterization of mesophotic reef structure and development and the nature of underlying relict substrates. High-precision radiocarbon dating will allow for the aging of underlying relict substrates as well as the timing and rates of mesophotic reef initiation and development. Documenting mesophotic reef accretion will provide important insight to the contribution of mesophotic coral and algal growth to the structure and morphology of reef systems, as well as extend the depth range of known active reef accretion. Cores will also allow for documentation of the timing of shallow-reef drowning and subsequent initiation of mesophotic communities. This will provide insight to the response of both shallow and deep reef systems to rapid climatic and oceanographic changes. Advances in diving technology and their application to marine sciences have fostered a recent surge in investigations of mesophotic reefs. This work further applies advanced diving technologies to the study of mesophotic reefs and extends our knowledge of reef development and structure to new depths of exploration. Dra. Ada I. Fraticelli Torres, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales The effect of mid-day naps on cognitive function and emotional regulation in preschool children ABSTRACT: The proposed project in the cognitive neuroscience/psychology area, investigates the effects of sleep in memory consolidation, cognitive function and emotional regulation of pre-school children of 3-5 years of age. The benefits of overnight sleep and naps in mental functions of the adult are well documented. However, much less is known about the effects of sleep on children. Pre-school years fall within the transition (2-6 years of age) from a polyphasic sleep pattern (naps during the day plus overnight sleep) to a monophasic sleep pattern (overnight sleep only). During this time there is thought to be much development of the prefrontal cortex, a brain area that sub-serves cognitive function,

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executive control and emotional regulation. This project proposes to investigate the sleeping and napping habits of pre-school children in Puerto Rico and the role of naps in promoting cognitive and executive function in this age-group. The release time requested will be used for the development of various tasks and instruments for the measurement of nap dependent benefits in executive function, semantic memory and emotional regulation/reactivity; as well as for the recruitment of subjects and acquisition of data. Dr. Carlos I. Hernández-Hernández, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales Historia y memoria: Del CAAM al RUM, la Internacionalización del Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez, Una mirada a la huella del Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en el éxito académico y profesionalismo de los profesores y estudiantes becados, (1960-2010). ABSTRACT: Entre los años de 1950, el gobierno de Puerto Rico, propulsó un proyecto industrial que se bautizaría con el nombre de Manos a la obra. Los defensores argumentaban que era fundamental/a instalación de nuevas fábricas, el establecimiento de programas de salud pública y de medidas de seguridad social, y el desarrollo de una clase de gerentes y administradores y técnicos. El desarrollo de esa clase de gerentes y administradores y técnicos se diligenció a través de las universidades públicas y privadas del país. Para prop6sitos de nuestro trabajo nos concentraremos en el Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez, RUM Entendemos que el RUM cumplió la noble labor de educar a generaciones de hombres y mujeres para un nuevo proyecto de país concebido en la idea del desarrollo y la modernidad, como parte del proyecto industrial de Puerto Rico, Manos a la obra. El Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez, promovió el desarrollo técnico e industrial. Es en esa coyuntura especial que se comienza a enviar a estudiar a universidades de los Estados Unidos a estudiantes puertorriqueños de escasos recursos econ6micos y de lugares diversos de nuestra geografía. Decenas de estudiantes hombres y mujeres a su regreso, contribuyeron a diseminar a lo largo y ancho de nuestro archipiélago la sabiduría adquirida en esas prestigiosas universidades del norte. Dra. Ana Nieves Rosa, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales Implementación Modulo Desarrollo Personal, Social y Emocional para el Desarrollo Cognitivo de la Niñez Temprana

ABSTRACT: El desarrollo de destrezas emocionales durante la niñez temprana tiene efectos en la adaptación del niño a la escuela, las relaciones cercanas y el éxito académico. El periodo entre 4-8 años parece crítico para que los niños identifiquen emociones. Este periodo prescolar es oportuno porque el niño se está desarrollando rápidamente, tiene más interacciones sociales y está abierto a aprender (Ulutas & Omerglu, 2007). La literatura reciente en educaci6n prescolar y psicología apuntan a la importancia del desarrollo de destrezas emocionales a la par y junto a los currículos académicos. En nuestro proyecto sobre la implementaci6n del módulo desarrollo personal, social y emocional de la niñez temprana (Dolya, 2012), iniciamos el pasado semestre con cuatro grupos de niños del Proyecto Cultura de Paz para la Niñez de: Mayagüez, Moca, San German y Aguadilla, una vez por semana por espacio de una hora. AI mes son 16-20 reuniones. Para enero 2015 inicia una 2da fase implementando el currículo en el Centro Prescolar del RUM, dos veces por

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semana por espacio de 30- 45 minutos. Esto duplica nuestras horas contacto y tareas. Además, debemos concretizar todos los arreglos para el adiestramiento (12 horas) en el currículo, para las maestras de prescolar, con la creadora del mismo, que se llevara a cabo en la Universidad los días 30 de abril y 1ro de mayo 2015. Entendemos que este esfuerzo amerita de un compromiso de tiempo mayor, pero que tendrá un impacto positivo e inicia un cambio en la educaci6n temprana de nuestro país. Dr. Manuel Silva, Departamento de Educación Física What Factor Influence Participation of Hispanics in Division II Intercollegiate Athletics? ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is threefold: first to identify the factors that influence the participation of student-athletes in intercollegiate athletics. Second, to analyze the influence of high school coaches on current intercollegiate student athletes to continue their education and participate in their sport in the college level. A final purpose of this study will be to determine if student-athletes born in Puerto Rico are more likely to participate in intercollegiate athletics than student-athletes born outside of Puerto Rico. Dr. Alexei Wong, Departamento de Educación Física The effects of whole body vibration training on cardiac autonomic function in elderly individuals

ABSTRACT: Autonomic dysfunction contributes to the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD), the number one killer worldwide. Interestingly, current pharmacological agents may not provide full therapeutic action in those individuals at risk for CVD. Therefore, it is imperative to propose alternative therapies intended to attenuate risk factors for CVD. Although physical activity is important in controlling CVD, several clinical populations such as the elderly do no embrace regular physical activity due to disability or lack of motivation. Whole body vibration (WBV) is new and effective form of exercise that is feasible for clinical populations since it offers the benefits related with other exercise modalities and at the same time is suitable for special populations such as the elderly. The effects of WBV training on cardiac autonomic function have never been tested before. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate if a treatment of WBV training will improve autonomic function in elderly patients at increased cardiovascular risk. To accomplish this, older individuals 55y will be recruited and randomized into 2 experimental intervention groups, WBV and a control. They will undergo 6 weeks of the combination of WBV training or no activity for the control group. Resting autonomic function will be tested before and after the 6 weeks intervention. Dr. Francisco García–Moreno, Departamento de Estudios Hispánicos Recopilación de material audiovisual sobre la posguerra civil española como marco de referencia de la novela El secreto de El guerrero del antifaz ABSTRACT: La editorial puertorriqueña Calamar me ha propuesto la publicación de mi novela juvenil inédita El secreto de El guerrero del antifaz. Esta editorial tiene como objetivo ofrecer a la comunidad textos literarios de calidad y ofrecer herramientas para el análisis y

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comprensión de los discursos literarios y visuales. Dado que la novela se desarrolla durante la guerra y la posguerra civil española, se convierte en una herramienta idónea para el estudio de este periodo de la historia de España que tantas repercusiones tuvo a nivel intencional. El proyecto consiste en la recopilación de un corpus de material audiovisual que permita a los docentes (ya sean de nivel secundario o universitario) mostrar diferentes aspectos relacionados con las repercusiones de la contienda de manera amena. Mediante la lectura de la novela y el apoyo audiovisual, los estudiantes podrán relacionar los hechos históricos con los ficticios. Este material será accesible de manera permanente en el portal de la editorial Calamar de forma que cualquier persona pueda tener acceso a él. Paralelamente, preveo llevar a cabo una serie de presentaciones en centros docentes, tanto de secundaria como universitarios, para promocionar el uso académico de la novela y el material audiovisual. Dr. Melvin González Rivera, Departamento de Estudios Hispánicos Centro de Investigaciones Lingüísticas del Caribe y proyectos asociados a este ABSTRACT: La solicitud de descarga académica primavera 2015 que sometemos a la consideración de la Facultad de Artes y Ciencias tiene como objetivo fundamental continuar el desarrollo de los proyectos e investigaciones que se llevan a cabo en el Centro de Investigaciones Lingüísticas del Caribe (CILC). Se solicita una descarga académica de seis créditos para continuar los proyectos iniciados durante este semestre académico (otoño 2014). En la sección E-Metodología y Plan de Trabajo detallamos específicamente los proyectos que llevaremos a cabo durante la primavera 2015. Dr. Mark R. Jury, Departamento de Física This project studies local climate variability of Caribbean and African regions using existing observations to test and improve coupled mesoscale numerical models. There are a number of specific themes in the project: a) Antilles Island impact on trade winds and convection, b) Analysis of convection and surface representation over Africa, c) characterizing climate change and marine variability, and d) understanding and predicting Caribbean and African flood events, drought and socio-economic impacts. These activities will provide a platform for research by the project leader and undergraduate meteorology students at UPRM. Dr. Yong-Jihn Kim, Departamento de Física Effect of Dy2O3 impurities in MgB2 bulk sampls, wires, and tapes ABSTRACT: We propose to study the effect of Dy203 impurities in bulk MgB2, MgB2 wires, and MgB2 tapes. Other researchers found that very small amount of Dy203 enhances critical currents of MgB2 wires. Since Dy203 behaves as magnetic impurities in MgB2, we also add nonmagnetic impurities, such as Ti and C, to eliminate the negative effect of Dy203 and amplify the positive effects of Dy203. We use bot powder-in-tube (PIT) technique and pellet technique to make MgB2 bulk samples. We test the produced samples, measuring XRD, SEM, Tc, density, and tensile strength. For wire manufacturing, we use both in-situ and ex-situ technique for short 1Om long wires. We also fabricate tapes ourof these wire. We test the critical currents of these wires and tapes at 4K and 20K.

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Dr. Junqiang Lu, Departamento de Física A faster and less expensive DNA sequencing method based on nanoscale capacitance ABSTRACT: The objective of this project is to develop a faster, less expensive, more accurate and more reliable method for DNA sequencing. The method takes a high-frequency capacitance measurement on the DNA bases through a solid-state nanopore structure. With the help of the previous academic release time, we are finalizing the theoretical model of nanoscale capacitance. With the support of the requested release time, we will carry out first-principle calculations based on the theoretical model to provide the optimized choice for possible experimental realization, for example, the solid-state nanopore material, the size of the pore, the material of electrodes, and the driving speed of the DNA molecules. Dr. Sergiy Lysenko, Departamento de Física Third-order optical nonlinearity of Vanadium Oxides and Metal Nanoparticles

ABSTRACT: Proposed project is continuation of research program started during the first semester of 2014-2015 academic year. This project includes collaborative research activities

with group of Prof. Jose Jimenez, University of North Florida, and with group of Prof. Nelson

Sepulveda from Michigan State University. The research objective of this proposal is to

investigate third-order nonlinear susceptibility x(3l and transient exited states dynamics

in vanadium dioxide and in metal-dielectric nanocomposites with embedded Ag

nanoparticles. Methods of femtosecond spectroscopy will help to separate the charge and lattice contribution into nonlinear optical response. The main study will be focused on

measurement of real and imaginary part of third-order nonlinear susceptibility x(3l,

correlation between x(3l and material structure, time dependence of X(3l and spectral

nonlinearities during light-induced insulator-to-metal phase transition of V02, correlation

between x(3l and ultrafast 30 light scattering pattern, transient polarization optical

anisotropy. Obtained information during this project will allow reconstructing electronic and latticing dynamics upon PT in V02. Z-scan and ultrafast light scattering techniques will

applied to explore the nonlinear dynamics. The real and imaginary part of third-order

nonlinear susceptibility x(3l will be determined by Z-scan apparatus, newly installed in

our lab. Ultrafast 30 scattering technique will be applied to monitor the hysteresis

peculiarities of thermally induced PT as well as transient heterogeneity of V02 film under

femtosecond optical excitation. New information on ultrafast dynamics of lattice symmetry

will be obtained from polarization transient grating measurements in order to control

polarization optical anisotropy of the materials. The educational impact of this project

contributes in the area of nonlinear optics and condensed matter physics. The principles of

education activity will be based on integration of scientific research and teaching. A personal

training for graduate and undergraduate students will be made in experiment and data

analysis. Two graduate and at three undergraduate students will participate in this project.

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Dr. Lysa Chizmadia, Departamento de Geología Maintainence of Electron Microprobe and Installation of new Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) system ABSTRACT: The Department of Geology houses the island's only Electron Microprobe (EMP). This piece of analytical equipment is similar to a scanning electron microscope, except that it is equipped with four wavelength dispersive spectrometers which allow for the precise chemical analysis of a 1-2 micron diameter spot on any solid material, from major elements to trace elements (1Os of ppm concentrations). This powerful technique is the backbone of geochemical analyses, petrology, and mineralogy, as well as exceptionally useful for engineering application. When this machine was gifted to the university, UPRM promised NSF that it would maintain the service contract. This has not happened, leaving me with little help to keep it running. Although I have the expertise to do intermediate-level maintenance and repairs, a full teaching schedule does not allow me the necessary time. In the last few months, I have made the following accomplishments: 1) upgrade the computer systems responsible for running the EMP 2) systems check and maintenance of water chiller, UPS and vacuum pumps 3) currently working with Cameca engineer to bring up the computers and establish control

of the EMP Next semester I plan to: 1) successfully bring up the computers to check and maintain the vacuum system 2) calibrate the spectrometers and standardize them 3) successfully run test analyses of known standards in order to establish a working

procedure 4) begin training interested faculty and graduate students on the proper and safe use of the


Dra. Ana Kothe, Departamento de Humanidades Unrully Catholic Women Religious: Sisters’ Stories ABSTRACT: Jeana DelRosso, Leigh Eicke, and Ana Kothe, co-editors of The Catholic Church and Unruly Women Writers: Critical Essays (Palgrave Macmillan, 2007) and Unruly Catholic Women Writers: Creative Responses to Catholicism (SUNY, 2013) wish, in the third book of our "Unruly Catholic Women" series, to explore the voices of unruly current and former Catholic Women nuns in an anthology tentatively entitled, Unruly Catholic Women Religious: Sisters' Stories. In this volume unruliness will be presented in two ways: first, how Sisters challenge cultural and governmental policies or even regimes and, secondly how they challenge the Church itself.

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Dra. Noemí Maldonado Cardenales, Departamento de Humanidades La ciudad: Punto de encuentro, escenario o personaje en selección de obras de Teatro Puertorriqueño y Nuyorican ABSTRACT: La industrialización de Puerto Rico y la emigración de Puertorriqueños a diferentes ciudades de los Estados Unidos, será el tema principal de gran parte del teatro Puertorriqueño y Nuyorican. Las ciudades de San Juan y Nueva York, y más adelante otras, serán el escenario de muchas de las obras producidas a lo largo del s.20 y la primera década del s.21. Esta investigación tiene como propósito identificar y clasificar el rol que se le ha otorgado a la ciudad en una muestra de obras en términos de: punto de encuentro escenario o personaje. Dr. Christopher Powers, Departamento de Humanidades The New Puerto Rican Künstlerroman: Francisco Oller for the Twenty-First Century

ABSTRACT: The proposed release time will be dedicated to the production of a scholarly essay entitled "The New Puerto Rican Kiinstlerroman: Francisco Oller for the Twenty-First Century," to be submitted for publication to an academic peer­ reviewed journal in the field of literary studies. The essay is a comparative study of two recent novels by Puerto Rican authors: El espíritu de la luz by the novelist Edgardo Rodriguez Julia (2010) and El Velorio (no vela) by the contemporary painter Antonio Martorell (2010). Both novels are Kiinstlerromane (novels about an artist's development) and are based on the life and works of Puerto Rico's most renowned painter, Francisco Oller. Both, I will argue, reimagine his importance for the twenty-first century. My study aims to be an original intervention in academic and literary discourses on the contemporary novel, Puerto Rican literature, literary and visual aesthetics, and studies of Francisco Oller. The proposed project is a natural extension of work I have been undertaking in the last two years in an endeavor supported by National Endowment for the Humanities, which has included my translation into English of El espíritu de la luz, (The Spirit of the Light). Dra. Nandita Batra, Departamento de Inglés The Human-Animal Boundary: Exploring the Line in Philosophy and Fiction ABSTRACT: I am requesting a 3-hour "descarga" next semester to begin a project titled "The Human­ Animal Boundary: Exploring the Line in Fiction and Philosophy." The boundary between humans and non-human animals has been an integral part of philosophic discourse since antiquity. Attempt s to draw a boundary between human and nonhuman animals have involved the artistic imagination as well as philosophical reflection. Throughout the centuries philosophers and poets alike have defended an essential difference - rather than a porous transition - between what counts as human and what as animal. While this form of humanism has come under attack through animal rights initiatives in recent decades, alternative ways of engaging the human-animal relationship from a philosophical and poetic perspective are rare. The project thus aims to shift the traditional anthropocentric focus of philosophy and literature by replacing the question "what is human?" with the question "what is animal?” This project will have two components. The first will be an international symposium, to be held at UPR-Mayagüez in April2015. The second component will be a book-

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length publication edited by Professor Mario Wenning of the University ofMacao (China) and myself, which will be an edition (not a Proceedings) of selected papers from the conference. The introduction to the book will be written by both of us. We have already been approached by two academic presses (see attached letters). Dra. Ricia Anne Chansky, Departamento de Inglés Two auto/biography studies books for Routledge, The Auto/Biography Studies Reader and Auto/Biography across the Americas ABSTRACT: My research agenda for the spring 2015 semester continues my interrelated projects­ tied together under my editorship of the double-blind, peer-reviewed scholarly journal, alb: Auto/Biography Studies-a two book contract with Routledge. At this time, the first of the two books-The Auto/Biography Studies Reader-has completed the double-blind, peer-review process at Routledge and been read by five reviewers. I have been asked to make revisions to the table of contents by adding additional essays, work that will be completed by the end of the fall 2014 semester. Due to the addition of other essays, I will spend the spring 2015 semester editing down all of the included essays to meet the 200,000 word limit imposed by the Routledge Theory Reader series. The first draft of the second book-Auto/Biography across the Americas-will be submitted by the end of the fall 2014 semester and I will await comments from the peer reviewers, which will need to be addressed in the spring semester and beyond. In the meantime, I continue to write my introductory essays and the introductions to the sections of the texts. I am, additionally, editing a special issue of my journal and serving as a Fulbright Specialist. Dra. Jocelyn A. Géliga Vargas, Departamento de Inglés Afro-Puertorriqueñ@s: Life Stories (a continuation of a book –length manuscript Project) ABSTRACT: I am requesting three credits of release time in order to complete a book-length manuscript based on a research project I coordinated from 2006-2010. Afro-Puerto Rican Testimonies: An Oral History Project in Western Puerto Rico was funded by the Latin American Studies Association and involved a team of twenty-two researchers (faculty, undergraduate and graduate students and community members) who collectively gathered extensive oral history interviews with contemporary Afro-Puerto Ricans as well as parallel photographic /video collections. Components of the project have been disseminated in conferences, academic articles, community events and media outlets in Puerto Rico and abroad. In 2013 I began preparing a book-length manuscript preliminarily titled Afro-Puertorriqueñ@s: Life Stories. The four credits of release time I received in the 2013-14 academic year allowed me to draft the main section of the book, which includes the life stories of thirty-two narrators. I was also able to draft the book's introduction, prepare an international conference presentation, publish an expanded version of the conference paper and submit another article to a peer-reviewed journal. Moreover, with the support of an Arts and Science's Seed Money grant, I began creating a digital archive of the project's transcripts and audiovisual materials. The three credits of release time I am requesting for Spring 2015 will allow me to: (1) conclude the final (analysis and conclusion) section of the book; (2) revise the book manuscript and submit it to publishers; (3) prepare

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a conference presentation for the XXXIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association; and, (4) begin the process of requesting external funding to pursue the multimedia digital archive project initiated last Spring. Dr. Eric D. Lamore, Departamento de Inglés Olaudah Equiano in the United States: The Interesting Narrative as Fluid Text ABSTRACT: The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African. Written by Himself, an autobiography first published in London in 1789, remains a frequently read and debated life narrative. Several historians, biographers, literary critics, and editors have situated Equiano and his Interesting Narrative in various British literary, cultural, political, and historical contexts because the author engaged in anti-slave trade and anti-slavery politics in Great Britain, actively marketed the nine editions of his autobiography in this country, and chose to live in London after he acquired his freedom. My proposed project, however, argues that the historical archive offers another interesting narrative concerning the relationship between Equiano and the United States. This book will make the argument that historians, biographers, literary critics, and editors have access to different versions of Equiano as well as different versions of the Interesting Narrative. The purpose of my book is to provide scholars, editors, teachers, and students more sound justifications for positioning Equiano in United States and African American literary canons by analyzing the reception history and publication histories of Equiano's Interesting Narrative in the United States. Dr. Nevin Leder, Departamento de Inglés A Replication study of the correlation between the English as a Second Language Achievement Test (ESLAT) and students’ performance in INGL 3101 ABSTRACT: The English as a Second Language Achievement Test (ESLAT) has been used at UPRM for many years (since at least 1980) as a placement test for students entering the university. Currently, there are questions about the validity of this exam, as a placement exam , and some professors have advocated abandoning the use of ESLAT scores for entry into INGL 3101, advocating instead to admit all students with scores under 569 on the ESLAT into INGL 3101. There has also been some research supporting that position (Bathke, et al., 2014). However, there are serious doubts about the validity of Bathke, et al., and it is evident that that study is incomplete and inaccurate in terms of data and analysis, since it relied exclusively on pass/fail rates, contained erroneous graphs, and relied on the researchers' intuitions instead of appropriate statistical tests, such as ANOVA, for some of the key findings. The current proposal seeks to address these deficiencies by partially replicating Bathke, et al. (20t.4), while also including collection and analysis of the data missing from the previous research. The researcher will also add to the current research by including linguistic analysis and item analysis of the exams employed in INGL 3101.

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Dra. Catherine M. Mazak, Departamento de Inglés Spanish-English codeswitching in the Caribbean and the U.S. ABSTRACT: Over the past 30 years, linguistic research in bilingual Spanish and English communities has significantly advanced the linguistic and social understanding of codeswitching. I have recently signed a contract with John Benjamin's publishing house to co-edit a volume that brings together the most recent research on Spanish-English codeswitching both in the Spanish-speaking Caribbean and Spanish-English bilinguals in the U.S. This descarga proposal seeks course release time in order to work on the completion of this edited volume. The work itself includes: (1) Co-authoring the introduction to the edited volume Spanish-English codeswitching in the Caribbean and the U S. (2) Co-authoring my chapter, tentatively titled "Show what you know”: Translanguaging in dynamic assessment in a bilingual university classroom," for the edited volume. (3) Co-managing the submissions of chapters and the compilation of the volume Spanish-English codeswitching in the Caribbean and the U S. (4) Co-editing the volume , Spanish-English codeswitching in the Caribbean and the U S., making editorial decisions about submitted chapters and editing the compilation of the volume as a whole . Dra. Sandra L. Soto Santiago, Departamento de Inglés “Se Aprende Trabajando”: Public School Teachers Working with Puerto Rican Transnational Youth ABSTRACT: My most recent research project focuses on transnational migrant youth returning to Puerto Rico and their experiences in and out of the public school system on the Island. The data has been analyzed and I am in the process of disseminating my findings. Due to the constant migration flows in Puerto Rico, returning migrant students are an ever-present population, with particular needs that must be addressed by the Department of Education. For this project I collected ethnographic data focusing on the educational and social experiences of these students and their families. However, among my participants were also teachers and school staff who work with these students on a daily basis. I am currently working on an article that focuses on the experiences of the students inside the schools and for the following semester I would like to work on a publication that presents the teachers’ perspectives. In our interviews the teachers and staff provided valuable insight regarding the realities and challenges that face as teachers in the public system and how this impacts the returning migrant students. This publication would help document the experiences of teachers and school staff, which are seldom included in publications on this topic. Dra. Flor E. Narciso Farias, Departamento de Matemáticas Evaluación del Modelo Diseñar la Interacción Humano-Computadora (MODIHC) ABSTRACT: El Modelo para el Diseño de la Interacción Humano-Computadora (MODIHC), permite diseñar los aspectos involucrados en la interacci6n entre un humano y una computadora cuando se están desarrollando productos de software. MODIHC consta de cuatro componentes denominados usuarios, ambiente de trabajo, tecnología y funcionalidad del sistema, los cuales están estrechamente relacionados entre sí. El objetivo de este trabajo

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es realizar una evaluaci6n a MODIHC en funci6n de su uso para el desarrollo de diversos productos de software, a fin de determinar las modificaciones que deben realizarse tanto al modelo como a cada componente para resolver los problemas identificados, siguiendo los principios y normas establecidas por la disciplina Jneracci6n Humano-Computadora (JHC), para así proporcionar a la comunidad de la Ingeniería de Software, una herramienta útil para el diseño de la IHC de productos de software. Cabe destacar que en los últimos años, MODIHC ha sido utilizado para diseñar la interacci6n humano-computadora de diferentes productos de software, los cuales han sido evaluados en trabajos previos, observándose que en todos los casos la subjetividad del diseñador de software juega un papel importante en la obtención de los resultados, así como algunas deficiencias que ameritan ser corregidas para un uso apropiado del modelo. Dr. Lev. Steinberg, Departamento de Matemáticas Continuum Modelling of Fractal Mechanics of Defects ABSTRACT: The proposed research is related to the fractal modeling of continuum mechanics. This approach is essential for understanding the nature of material defects and predicting bay behaviors of solids such as fracture, plasticity, and other. The mathematical foundation of the research is the theory of the differential manifolds, equipped with the bundles of mass, stress, and other characteristics. This base provides a description of a body in a noumenological state. We assume that a packing of the perfect noumenological body into the Euclidean space can be identify with microstructure of a real body with defects, such as dislocations, disclinations, etc. The crucial point of the next step of this research is to provide analysis of the 2-step packing which can include even the material fracture. This approach includes fractional analysis which use became necessary to describe the this 2step packing. Dr. Erwin Suazo, Departamento de Matemáticas Explicit solutions to equations on wave propagation phenomena ABSTRACT: My most recent research activity (nine publications in the five years) is in analysis of nonlinear partial differential equations (NPDEs) and wave phenomena appearing naturally in quantum physic s, theoretical optics and biology. In collaboration with Arizona State University researchers, we have been using a new formulation introduced in my PhD dissertation to find solutions to equations modeling laser beam propagation through nonhomogeneous media (such as lenses and atmosphere). We expect to use explicit solutions for Ermakov systems previously used in our research to construct spiral laser beams type solutions for paraxial wave equation to construct explicit solutions for NPDEs. To support my research goals and to bring further funding and prestige to UPRM and our department, I have been funded for the following sources of external funding: I. Simon s Foundation Collaboration Grant. Proposal titled "Closed and Approximate Solutions to Equation son Wave Propagation Phenomena.", $35,000 2014-2019, these funds are used to bring speakers to UPRM as well as allow myself, my students, and my colleagues to travel for conferences and collaboration purposes. 2. A NSF-MAA grant agree to give funding to organize a one-day conference for undergraduate students to gain experience presenting their research in a professional environment.

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Dr. Xuerong Yong, Departamento de Matemáticas Counting the number of spanning trees in graphs A tree is a connected graph without cycles. A spanning tree in a graph $0$ is a tree having the same vertex set as $0$. Our interest is to consider how many number of spanning trees in $0$. This problem arises in analysis and synthesis of networks; in estimation of the reliability of a network with low reliability of lines and in investigation of the possible particle transitions in building maser etc. Much research about the topic is devoted to finding exact formulae for the numbers of spanning trees in many classes of special graphs. Our plan is to explore general methods for counting/analyzing the number of spanning trees in $G$. The methodology is to combine combinatorics and matrix analysis in analyzing how to introduce new methods to derive the formulae for the number of spanning trees in circulant graphs. We will formulate the numbers of spanning trees in special circulant graphs and develop innovative methods in evaluating the numbers and their asymptotic values. Obtaining stronger results and extend to get an NSF grant is our primary goal. We will submit an NSF proposal in fall 2015. The research is continuation of my previous work which has been conducting for couples of years. The main work is to focus on how to effectively count or analyze the number of spanning trees in a graph (network), and how to get better enumeration of the numbers. The merit of the proposal is wide. It is an active and important research topic in discrete applied mathematics. It also closely relates to the major components of the PhD and Master's Programs of our department, and therefore we can expect it to have educational impact in the University.