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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 389 200 FL 023 407 AUTHOR Van Heukelem, Tom; Mercado, Maria de Jesus TITLE The Solar System/E1 Sistema Solar--A Fully Integrated Instructional Unit. PUB DATE 15 May 95 NOTE 19p.; For related instructional units, see FL 023 405-410. PUB TYPE Guides Classroom Use Teaching Guides (For Teacher) (052) EDRS PRICE MFOI/PC01 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Bilingual Education Programs; *Bilingual Instructional Materials; Community Involvement; Educational Objectives; English (Second Language); Grade 2; Homework; Immersion Programs; Lesson Plans; *Limited English Speaking; Native Language Instruction; Parent Participation; Primary Education; *Science Education; Second Language Instruction; Second Language Learning; *Solar System; Space Sciences; Spanish; State Departments of Education IDENTIFIERS *Two Way Bilingual Education ABSTRACT This lesson plan for tbe second grade uses information on the solar system to provide science education for limited-English-proficient (LEP) students in San Diego, California. The lesson has been developed to be taught in a bilingual class, a Spanish-language immersion class, or a two-way bilingual class. Lessons are arranged so that native English speakers can assist the non-native speakers. The lesson unit is for one week, 25-30 minutes per day. Language levels include pre- and early production, speech emergence, and intermediate fluency. Instructional components are sec )nd language development, primary language instruction, specially designed academic instruction in second language, cross-cultural/self-esteem building, and parent/community involvement. Instructional objectives, unit goals, homework, and assessment are described. Included is a vocabulary development talking chart in English and Spanish. (NAV) **************************************************w******************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. ***********************************************************************

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 389 200 FL 023 407 … · This lesson plan for tbe second grade uses information on the solar system to provide science education for ... globo. esfera inclinado

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ED 389 200 FL 023 407

AUTHOR Van Heukelem, Tom; Mercado, Maria de JesusTITLE The Solar System/E1 Sistema Solar--A Fully Integrated

Instructional Unit.PUB DATE 15 May 95NOTE 19p.; For related instructional units, see FL 023

405-410.PUB TYPE Guides Classroom Use Teaching Guides (For

Teacher) (052)

EDRS PRICE MFOI/PC01 Plus Postage.DESCRIPTORS *Bilingual Education Programs; *Bilingual

Instructional Materials; Community Involvement;Educational Objectives; English (Second Language);Grade 2; Homework; Immersion Programs; Lesson Plans;*Limited English Speaking; Native LanguageInstruction; Parent Participation; Primary Education;*Science Education; Second Language Instruction;Second Language Learning; *Solar System; SpaceSciences; Spanish; State Departments of Education

IDENTIFIERS *Two Way Bilingual Education

ABSTRACTThis lesson plan for tbe second grade uses

information on the solar system to provide science education forlimited-English-proficient (LEP) students in San Diego, California.The lesson has been developed to be taught in a bilingual class, aSpanish-language immersion class, or a two-way bilingual class.Lessons are arranged so that native English speakers can assist thenon-native speakers. The lesson unit is for one week, 25-30 minutesper day. Language levels include pre- and early production, speechemergence, and intermediate fluency. Instructional components aresec )nd language development, primary language instruction, speciallydesigned academic instruction in second language,cross-cultural/self-esteem building, and parent/communityinvolvement. Instructional objectives, unit goals, homework, andassessment are described. Included is a vocabulary developmenttalking chart in English and Spanish. (NAV)

**************************************************w********************* Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made *

* from the original document.***********************************************************************

Page 2: DOCUMENT RESUME ED 389 200 FL 023 407 … · This lesson plan for tbe second grade uses information on the solar system to provide science education for ... globo. esfera inclinado

The Solar System

El Sistema Solar

By : Tom Van Heukelemand

Maria de Jestis Mercado








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Page 3: DOCUMENT RESUME ED 389 200 FL 023 407 … · This lesson plan for tbe second grade uses information on the solar system to provide science education for ... globo. esfera inclinado

Tom Van Heukelem / Maria de Jesus MercadoPLC 651C. SadekMay 15, 1995

Theme : The Solar SystemTema : El Sistema Solar






The overall theme of our unit is the Solar System, with an emphasis on the planetsand their characteristics.The rationale for this content is to fulfill the San DiegoUnified School District requirement in Science. We have provided Poiinety 5o_c- ndLanguage development lessons for each proficiency level, but one may combinetwo to these adjacent levels if it more closely fits the needs of your classroom. Themain concepts of the eight subjects are to be covered in the student's primarylanguage in order to provide support,,%udgnts learning in their SpeciallyDesigned Academic Instruction in the ge? Language. The unit has beendeveloped in such a way that it could be taught in a bilingual class, a Spanishimmersion class, or a two way bilingual class. * (Note : The lessons may requiresome modification before being presented to a two way bilingual class.) TheseSpecially Designed lessons are taught heterogeneously so that the moreadvanced English Learners, or the native English speakers may assist their peer.The Cross Cultural - Self Esteem component is included in the lessons.


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3. OUTLINE OF THE CONTENTA. The names of the planets and their location in relation to the Sun.B. The Metric System : Centimeters, Meters, and Kilometers.C. The content of rocks.D. GraphingE. The history of space exploration.F. Living in SpaceG. Basic facts about the Planets.H. GravityI. Phases of the MoonJ. Geometry, shapes and figures.K. The different cultural significance of the constellations and the solar system.

4. UNIT GOALS WITH INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVESA. Students will have a basic understanding of the Solar System.

1 Given pictorial representations and the talking charts, students will beable to identify and tell or write two sentences about each of the planetsand the Sun.

2. Given a list of facts about each planet, students will be able to name theplanet which corresponds with the facts given.

3. Given a 12 X 18 sheet of blank white paper, students will be able to drawthe and each of the planets with recognizable characteristics in order oftheir distance from the Sun.

B. Students will have a basic understanding of the development spaceexploration.1. Given a time line with the important dates marked with a picture prompt,

students will be able to tell or write about the significance of that date.2. Given a pictures of instruments used for space exploration, students will

be able to name the instruments and tell what they are used for.C. Students will have a basic knowledge of large numbers and how to

manipulate them.1. Students will be able to write a number up to ten billion when it is given

orally.2. Students will be able to add or subtract two numbers with up to ten digits

in each number.D. Students and parents will participate together in their communities in

activities which support and expand upon the materials learned in theclassroom.1. Students and parent volunteers will participate in a field trip to the nearest

observatory.2. Students and parents will participate in a constellation finding homework

activity.3. Parents will help in the classroom with the art activities.

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5. DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENTThe students will create a portfolio which will contain completed projects andinformation about the Solar System. All assignment will be collected daily and thenreturned to the students to be placed in their portfolios. Students will be able todemonstrate that they have an understanding of the knowledge by answeringverbal and written questions after completing all assignments, and will be able tostate that they are "responsible" and "knowledgeable". Students will also be ableto state that they are "cooperative" and "creative" after participating in thecooperative group art activities.

6. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTSThe students will have a list of homework assignment to be completed with and

signed off by their parents for each night. This list of assignments will be passedout on Monday and returned to the Teacher on Friday. During the sharing ofactivities on day five, students will be required to share with the class at least oneactivity they did with their parents at home. The first assignment will be for studentsto interview their parents to find out the most interesting fact their parents knowabout the solar system, planets, or sun, and write up a brief report for the class.These will be displayed in an "Amazing facts" center and used in a trivia game thefollowing week as a review activity. The students will be expected to share thesefacts on Friday. The second assignment will be for students to go out with theirparents one night and spend at least 10 minutes looking for Venus and Mars withthe aid of a star map provided by the teacher. (These maps can generally be foundin almanacs or at your local observatory.) The third assignment,will be for thestudents with their parents to find one article from a newspaper or magazine aboutcurrent developments and activities in the space program using material at homeor the local library. The fourth assignment will be to spend at least ten minutes onenight looking for constellations the class has studied and writing down theformations that they recognize.

PARENT / COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENTParent and community involvement is necessary throughout the school year

both to emphasize to the students that their parents are actively involved andinterested in their education, and to emphasize to the parents that the education oftheir child is a team effort involving school, community, and parents. Actively involvedparents improve the school climate and improve academic achievement throughactivities including but not limited to; chaperoning on field trips, assisting in artactivities, assisting and designing room decorations, reading or listening to individualstudents read stories, doing portfolio assessments with their child or another child andproviding feedback to the teacher.

The following Self-Esteem adjectives will be displayed on the wall throughoutthe school year.. Adjectives will be added to it from a list that the children may choosefrom and create their own fulfilling activities to earn the word. The teacher will use theadjectives from the chart in portfolios, and in verbal comments.

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responsible- hands in all work

on time- follows directions

demonstrates respectfor adultschooses positive rolemodels

tries hard all the timeshows a positive attitudestays on task

courteous- waits their turn

listens quietly whileothers are talkingsays "please" andthank "you"

- asks permissionhelps others

organizedkeeps desk andmaterials neat

comes to classpreparedfollows directionsaccurately when doingwork.

cooperativehelps other studentsshareslistens actively to theother students

creativr:- turns in artwork that is

uniquefinds different ways tosolve problems

knowledgeableable to explain facts aboutmaterial studiedreads oftendemonstrates class rulesand proceduresexplains subject matter tostudents who missed aday or a lesson

respectful- does not interrupt

asks for needs to bedoes not demand.listens attentively topeople who are talking

self-controlled- follows rules without

promptingstays on taskcompletes work in time

- listens attentively

participativelistens actively to teacherand peersraises hand often toanswer questionshelps actively in groupwork

sensitive- greets others

shares when someoneneeds something

- says nice things aboutothers

- congratulates others

efficientdoes work well andfinishes earlyuses only the materialsneeded, nothing extra.uses extra time on roomjobs or to straighten up

personablesmiles at others firstgreets othershelps otherssharescompliments otherscomforts classmates

persistentkeeps trying until thetask is done righttries different ways ofdoing things

- tries at least three timesbefore asking for help

admirable*************any student who earnsthe right tci be called byany of the adjectives issomeone we can alladmire.



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The following talking charts will be created and built upon throughout the unit. Theyare separated by days to exhibit which charts will be emphasized on which days.During the days following the introduction of a chart, the teacher and students willfrequently refer back to that chart. Some of the words are general knowledge wordsand some are from the literature, songs, and activities which will be used to flesh outthe unit.

DAY 1 - Vocabulary Development Talking Chart

Elementos Elements Nombres Namesplanetas planets Sol Sunlunas moons Luna Moonestrella star Mercurio Mercurymeteorito meteorite Venus Venusasteroide asteroide Tierra Earthcometa comet Marte Marsanillo ring PlutOn Plutogalaxia galaxy Via Lactea Milky Waysistema solar solar system Sistema Solar Solar Systemespacio space Voyager Voyagerbola ball Jupiter Jupiterpedazo piece Saturno Saturncuerpo body Urano Uranus

Neptuno Neptune

DAY 2 - Vocabulary Development Talking Chart

Colores Colors Movimlento Movementamarillo yellow ôrbita orbit

blue giran turnverde green da vueltas spinrojo red caer failanaranjado orange mover moveblanco white recorrida orbitnegro black camino pathcafé brown rodear surroundrosada pink levanta liftoscuro dark enviar sendbrillante bright dejar


leavetripto getfollow


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DAY 3 - Vocabulary Development Talking Chart

Tamatios Sizes Formas Shapes





Temperaturas Temperatures Instrumentos1




Cientificos Instruments

telescopiocientificonave espacialtraje espacialcámarafotograf fainformaciOn

telescopescientistspace shipspace suitcameraphotographinformation

DAY 4 - Vocabulary Development Talking Chart

u ares Places Tiem os Times

sobre over temprano earlycima on top tarde latecentro center dia daylejos far noche nightsuperficie surface matiana morningalrededor around alio yearmillas miles nunca neveraltaladodentro,a travesdesdedebajo


siempre always

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DAY 5 - Vocabulary Development Talking Chart

Elementos de Elements of Ntimeros Numberslas Planetas The Planets

uno onehielo ice dos tworoca rock tres threegas gas cuatro fourmetal metal cinco fivecrtereshoyos




monteas mountains ocho eightvalle valley nueve nineocéano ocean primero firstplanta plant segundo secondagua water tercero thirddesierto desert cuarto fourthpolvo dust quinto fifthcahones canyons sexto sixthnube cloud septimo seventhgravita gravity octavo eighthhierro iron noveno ninthanimales animals mil thousandvida life millOn


One of the activities for Second Language Development is to create moretalking Vocabulary charts such as the ones above for the readings from TheMagic School bus in the Solar System. The students will place new words inthese categories, and create new categories for words that will not fit.


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DAY 1solar system



Show students a representational poster of the Solar System.Have students point out the Sun and have them guess whichplanet is Earth.

Show students the book, The Magic School Bus in the SolarSystem. Page through the book with the students and havethem try to identify what they see in the book with the poster.

Have students color a sun about 8 inches in diameter and aschool bus about 2 inches tall.


Show students a representational poster of the Solar System.Have students point out the Sun and have them guess whichplanet is Earth. Ask students to gives the names of any otherplanets that they know. Ask them if they know what the name ofEarth's satellite is and point to the moon.

Show students the book, The Magic School Bus in the SolarSystem. Page through the book with the students and havethem try to identify what they see in the book with the poster.

Have students color a sun about 8 inches in diameter and aschool bus about 2 inches tall.


Show students a representational poster of the Solar System.Have students point out the Sun and have them guess Nhichplanet is Earth.

Have the students point out differences that they notice betweenthe different planets.

Show students the book, The Magic School Bus in the SolarSystem. Page through the book with the students and havethem try to identify what they see in the book with the poster.

Have students color a sun about 8 inches in diameter and aschool bus about 2 inches tall.


Show students a representational poster of the Solar System.Have students point out the Sun and have them guess whichplanet is Earth.

Have the students point out differences that they notice betweenthe different planets.

Show students the book, The Magic School Bus in the SolarSystem. Page through the book with the students and havethem try to identify what they see in the book with the poster.

Have students color a sun about 8 inches in diameter and aschool bus about 2 inches tall.


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DAY 1solarsystem




Discuss the concepts in "TheMagic School bus..." by ???and the story "The Solarand Beyond from the HBJScience Book.

Read "The Magic School bus..."and have the students developvocabulary sets in a talkingchart in cooperative groups.These must be heterogeneousgroups.

MATH Discuss the concept of size inmeters, centimeters, and kilo-meters. Measure things incentimeters and meters in theroom and discuss meters inrelation to the neighborhood.

Students will each create ameter stick by making 100 markswith a pen on a meter long stringprovided by the teacher. Theclass will then tie together all oftheir strings along with theremainder needed to make onekilometer. (this work could bedone by a parent ahead of time)


Discuss the concept of a time-line with the students.

Create a timeline with thestudents which show the majorevents of the school year.

SCIENCE Discuss the concept andcomponents of the SolarSystem, including the namesof the planets, and a briefdiscussion of land forms.Do worksheets on "Qué es unSistema Solar", and "LosPlanetas"

Study of Mercury. Students willparticipate in a guided study ofMercury using the informationon the worksheet "Mercurio".

MUSIC Explain the meaning to thewords in "Moonshadow" byCat Stevens.

Learn the song "Moonshadow"

ART Discuss the appearance ofMercury.

Have students paint or draw apicture of Mercury.



Discuss the number of planetsand the manner in which theymove around the Sun.

Have students work outside incooperative groups to createtheir own representaLion of aSolar System.


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DAY 2solar system



Show students a representational poster of the Solar System.Have students point out the Sun and the planets as you namethem.

Show students the book, The Magic School Bus in the SolarSystem. Page through the book with the students and havethem try to identify what they see in the book with the poster.

Review the Solar System vocabulary by playing VocabularyBingo.



Show students a representational poster of the Solar System.Have students point out the Sun and have them guess whichplanet is Earth. Ask students to gives the names of any otherplanets that they know.

Show students the book, The Magic School Bus in the SolarSystem. Page through the book with the students and havethem try to identify what they see in the book.

Review the Solar System vocabulary by playing VocabularyBingo.


Show students a representational poster of the Solar System.Have students point out the Sun and have them guess whichplanet is Earth.


Have the students point out differences that they notice betweenthe different planets.

Show students the book, The Magic School Bus in the SolarSystem. Page through the book with the students and havethem try to identify what they see in the book with the poster.

Review the Solar System vocabulary by playing VocabularyBingo.


Show students a representational poster of the Solar System.Have students point out the Sun and have them guess whichplanet is Earth.

Have the students point out differences that they notice betweenthe different planets.

Show students the book, The Magic School Bus in the SolarSystem. Page through the book with the students and havethem try to identify what they see in the bock with the poster.

Review the Solar System vocabulary by playing VocabularyBingo.

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DAY 2solarsystem




Discuss the concepts in"Exploring Venus and Mercury"

The Teacher will read "ExploringVenus and Mercury and willdiscuss it with the children.Children will make talkingvocabulary charts in groups.

MATH Discuss the concept graphingand will graph the size ofthe student's pencils

Students will make graphs ofthe number of moons eachplanet has, the number of colorswhich can be found in eachplanet, and the distance of eachplanet from the Sun inkilometers.


Review the concept of a time-line with the students.

Discuss with the students thebeginnings of space explorationand begin to create a timelinewhich shows each major event.

SCIENCE Discuss the concept andcomponents of the SolarSystem, including the namesof the planets.Do worksheets on "Venus"and "Tierra".

Will research and discuss thetypes of food needed byastronauts to survive inspace.

MUSIC Review the meaning to thewords in "Moonshadow" byCat Stevens.

Sing the song "Moonshadow"

ART Discuss the appearance ofVenus, Earth, and Mars.

Have students paint or drawpictures of Venus, Earth, andMars.



Discuss the number of planetsand the manner in which theymove around the Sun.

Have students work outside incooperative groups to createtheir own representation of aSolar System. While walkingaround in their orbit, studentsmust display 1 specialcharacteristic of their planet.


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DAY 3solar system



Show students a representational poster of the Solar System.Have students point out the Sun and have them guess whichplanet is Earth.

Show students the book, The Magic School Bus in the SolarSystem. Page through the book with the students and havethem try to identify what they see in the book with the poster.

Read the first five pages of the book to the students and discussthe meaning of the passage.


Show students a representational poster of the Solar System.Have students point out the Sun and have them guess whichplanet is Earth. Ask students to gives the names of any other

planets that they know. Ask them if they know what the name ofEarth's satellite is and point to the moon.

Show students the book, The Magic School Bus in the SolarSystem. Page through the book with the students and havethem try to identify what they see in the book with the poster.

Read the first five pages of the book to the students and disdussthe passage.


Show students a representational poster of the Solar System.Have students point out the Sun and have them name thepla.nets. Have the students point out differences that they noticebetween the different planets.

Show students the book, The Magic School Bus in the SolarSystem. Read through the book with the ctudents and havethem try to identify what they see in the book with the poster.

Have the students choral read the first five pages of the book anddiscuss the meaning of the passage.


Show students a representational poster of the Solar System.Have students point out the Sun and name the planets.

Have the students point out differences that they notice betweenthe different planets.

Show students the book, The Magic School Bus in the SolarSystem. Read through the book with the students and havethem try to identify what they see in the book with the poster.

Have the students choral read the first five pages of the book anddiscuss the meaning of the passage.


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DAY 3solarsystem




Discuss the concepts foundin the reading "Explore theWorld of Space and theUniverse"

The teacher will read "Explorethe World of Space and theUniverse" to the students. Theclass will discuss the ideas fromthe readings together.

MATH Review the concepts of metricmeasurement, addition, andsubtraction,

. .

Students will use theirknowledge of the metric system,addition, and subtraction todiscover how long it would taketravel to each of the planets ina spaceship traveling 10,000kph. They will graph the resultsin terms of days.


Discuss the major events in thedevelopment of space expioca-tion

Continue work on thebeginnings of space explocationand the creation of a timelinewhich shows each major event.

SCIENCE Review the concept andcomponents of the SolarSystem, including the namesof the planets, and a briefdiscussion of known facts.Do worksheets on "Jupiter",and "Saturno", and "Urano".

Show pictures and discussdifferent types of spacecraftand their uses.

MUSIC Review the meaning to thewords in "Moonshadow" byCat Stevens.

Sing the song "Moonshadow"

Have students paint or drawpictures of Jupiter, Saturn, andUranus

ART Discuss the appearance ofJupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.



Discuss the concept of gravityand it's effect on us.

Students will pretend to be in aplayground which has no gravity


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DAY 4solar system



Show students a representational poster of the Solar System.Have students point out the Sun and have them guess whichplanet is Earth.

Show students the book, The Magic School Bus in the SolarSystem. Page through the book with the students and havethem try to identify what they see in the book with the poster.

Read the second five pages of the book to the students anddiscuss the meaning of the passage.




Show students a representational poster of the Solar System.Have students point out the Sun and have them guess whichplanet is Earth. Ask students to gives the names of any otherplanets that they know. Ask them to name Earth's satellite is andpoint to the moon. Ask them to name other planets.

Show students the book, The Magic School Bus in the SolarSystem. Page through the book with the students and havethem try to identify what they see in the book.

Read the second five pages of the book to the students anddiscuss the passage.


Show students a representational poster of the Solar System.Have students point out the Sun and have them name theplanets. Have the students point out differences that they noticebetween the different planet*.

Show students the book, The Magic School Bus in the SolarSystem. Read through the book with the students and havethem try to identify what they see in the book.

Have the students choral read the second five pages of the bookand discuss the meaning of the passage.


Show students a representational poster of the Solar System.Have students point out the Sun and name the planets.

Have the students point out differences that they notice betweenthe different planets.

Show students the book, The Magic School Bus in the SolarSystem. Read through the book with the students and havethem try to identify what they see in the book.

Have the students choral read the second five pages of the bookand discuss the meaning of the passage.


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DAY 4solarsystem





Discuss the concepts in"The Moon in Space" from theHBJ Science book. Read thebook "Mira Como Cambia laLuna".

The Teacher will read "ExploringVenus and Mercury" and willdiscuss it with the children.Children will make talkingvocabulary charts in groups.

MATH Review the concept graphingand will graph the kind of petsowned by the students in theclass. Introduce the concept offractions to the class,

Students will write fractions forphases of the moon. Using analmanac, students will graph

the phase the moon will be inon their birthdays.


Review the concept of a time-line with -the students.

Continue the discussion on thebeginnings of space explorationand continue work on thetimeline which shows eachmajor event.

SCIENCE Review the concept andcomponents of the SolarSystem, including the namesof the planets, and a briefdiscussion of known facts.Do worksheets on "Neptuno",and "PlutOn".

Show pictures and discussdifferent phases of the moon.Discuss the similarities anddifferences between Neptuneand Pluto. Discuss how theVoyager series helped Man'sknowledge of the Solar System

MUS.IC Sing the song "Moonshadow"

ART Discuss the appearance ofNeptune and Pluto.

Have students paint or drawpictures of Neptune and Pluto.



Students will do the"Moondance walk". .



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Show students a representational poster of the Solar System.Have students point out the Sun and have them guess whichplanet is Earth.

Show students the book, The Magic School Bus in the SolarSystem. Page through the book with the students and havethem try to identify what they see in the book.

Read the last five pages of the book to the students and discussthe meaning of the passage.


Show students a representational poster of the Solar System.Have students point out the Sun and have them guess whichplanet is Earth. Ask students to gives the names of any otherplanets that they know. Ask them to name Earth's satellite is andpoint to the moon. Ask them to name other planets.

Show students the book, The Magic School Bus in the SolarSystem. Page through the book with the students and havethem try to identify what they see in the book.

Read the last five pages of the book to the students and discussthe passage.


Show students a representational poster of the Solar System.Have students point out the Sun and have them name theplanets. Have the students point out differences that they noticebetween the different planets.

Show students the book, The Magic School Bus in the SolarSystem. Read through the book with the students and havethem try to identify what they see in the book.

Have the students choral read the last five pages of the book anddiscuss the meaning of the passage.


Show students a representational poster of the Solar 'System.Have students point out the Sun and name the planets.

Have the students point out differences that they notice betweenthe different planets.

Show students the book, The Magic School Bus in the SolarSystem. Read through the book with the students and havethem try to identify what they see in the book.

Have the students choral read the last five pages of the book anddiscuss the meaning of the passage.


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DAY 5solar





Discuss the concepts in"The first Moon Landing" fromthe Video. Read thebook "Los Hombres en laLuna".

The Teacher will show studentsthe video "The first MoonLanding and will discuss it withthe children. Children will maketalking vocabulary charts ingroups.

MATH Review the concept of fractionswith the students.

Students will compare theirweight on earth with their weighton the moon and all of the otherplanets. Students will graph theresults.


Review the concept of a time-line with the students.

Complete the discussion on thebeginnings of space explorationand work on the timeline whichshows each major event.

SCIENCE Review the doncept andcomponents of the SolarSystem, including the namesof the planets, and a briefdiscussion of known facts.Do worksheets on "Voyager",and "El Lugar Misterioso".

Students will discuss, draw andlable everything that they canthink of that an astronaut wouldneed to survive for an

extended period of time.

MUSIC Sing the song "Moonshadow"

ART Have the students use theirdrawings to make either mobilsor Solar system books.


Students share their interestingfact by playing sharades toguess the name of the planet orobject they are talking about,and then sharing with the class.Teacher should write downto be placed in class's AmazingFact's book.