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The Wasteland By Davis M.J. Aurini This work is f ictional and contai ns scenes of violence and coarse language. It also contains bi g words so  some of you might need a dictionary. It is wholly owned by me, DMJ Aurini, ie: it is coyrighted. The right is not granted to re!rint this anywhere, you may link to it like I have on the "MA message boards, so that#s okay... ya. If for any reason you wish to cont act me my email is aurinidm$   I first met &a'' about a wee k after leaving the (at rol. At the time I didn#t think much of it, but looking back I can#t imagi ne how things would have gone if blind luck hadn#t br ought us toge the r. )er tai nly not as we ll as the y have. At best I #d sti ll be wandering the highways, at worst* well, we all know how the wasteland treats those she doesn#t favour.  It almost makes you wonder if the cultists might be half right, that there is some kind of guid ing force in this world . The rob lem is that you can never tel l if you# re holdin g a +traight lus h or an eight high until aft er the dust has set tles. "eith er of us would reali-e for uite some time how lucky we were to meet. The sun beat down on Wentwort h’s body. It was sinking ever closer to the horizon its red glare co!ing at an al!ost horizontal angle !aking hi! sweat and turning  blinding hi!. A"ter hou rs o" walking his "eet throbbed with ea ch ste# and the creak o" leather on wool "ro! the du""el bag on his le"t shoulder had beco!e a re#etitive re!inder o" his $ourne y #laying in %&' ti!e to his "oot ste#s. In his right hand he carried a ri"le holding it by the !agazine housing. (ighwa y )A was cracked bleached and ha rd on the "eet. *or !ost o" t he way the e!bank!ents had been too stee# to !ake their !arginally better so"tness worth walking on. (is $ourney was al!ost over though whether he "ound an inhabited city or $ust an e!#ty shell. (e’d !ade that decision when his bike "irs t broke down and had s#otted an old #re+war street sign list ing the ne,t "ew cities u# the rode. The town o" Blackstock %' kilo!etres "ro! his starting #oint was going to be the end o" his $ourney "or the day whe the r he "ound civil isa tio n or not. The #ast two town s -est let on tati on and /elverton had been abandoned so this was his last shot. (e ho#ed he wasn’t going to be stuck slee#ing in a concrete shell with !ildewed car#ets tonight. The land he was walking through was hilly with so!e brush and scrub lining either side o" the road and the occasional re!ains o" a barb wire "ence le"t to nature’s ravages de cades ago. A cold wind had star ted blowing with the sunset so now he was sweat ing "ro! the heavy lea ther $acke t but cold wherev er the wind got in. Witho ut  breaking stride he #ulled out his 0i#Boy to check how !uch "urther he had le"t. It showed that he’d been walking in a roughly straight line "or twenty+two and a hal" klicks so he should be seeing so!ething soon. The antici#ation !ade his "eet hurt !ore. (e had been in the !iddle o" long valley when he checked the 0i#Boy and sure enough when he crested the hill he saw another rusted but still readable road sign $ust down the hill1 Vill age of Bla ckst ock Pop. 800. Just a cou#le hundred !etres "urther down the road was a stone 2ictorian+style building stonework walls with a roo" that !ust have been red once u#on a ti!e . It looked lik e it had been ancient be"or e the war. 3ver the door hung the wooden sign identi"ying it as the 4and"all *ar!s and Ale (ouse the sign was recent and in good re#air. 5Da!n6 he said to hi!sel". 5/ou’re a sight "or sore eyes.6

DMJ Aurini the Wasteland

Jun 01, 2018



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Page 1: DMJ Aurini the Wasteland

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The WastelandBy Davis M.J. Aurini

This work is fictional and contains scenes of violence and coarse language. It also contains big words so some of you might need a dictionary. It is wholly owned by me, DMJ Aurini, ie: it is co yrighted. Theright is not granted to re! rint this anywhere, you may link to it like I have on the "MA message boards, so

that#s okay... ya. If for any reason you wish to contact me my email is aurinidm$

I first met &a'' about a week after leaving the (atrol. At the time I didn#t thinkmuch of it, but looking back I can#t imagine how things would have gone if blind luckhadn#t brought us together. )ertainly not as well as they have. At best I#d still bewandering the highways, at worst* well, we all know how the wasteland treats those shedoesn#t favour.

It almost makes you wonder if the cultists might be half right, that there is somekind of guiding force in this world. The roblem is that you can never tell if you#reholding a +traight lush or an eight high until after the dust has settles. "either of uswould reali-e for uite some time how lucky we were to meet.

The sun beat down on Wentworth’s body. It was sinking ever closer to thehorizon its red glare co!ing at an al!ost horizontal angle !aking hi! sweat and turning

blinding hi!. A"ter hours o" walking his "eet throbbed with each ste# and the creak o"leather on wool "ro! the du""el bag on his le"t shoulder had beco!e a re#etitive re!indero" his $ourney #laying in %&' ti!e to his "ootste#s. In his right hand he carried a ri"leholding it by the !agazine housing.

(ighway )A was cracked bleached and hard on the "eet. *or !ost o" the waythe e!bank!ents had been too stee# to !ake their !arginally better so"tness worthwalking on.

(is $ourney was al!ost over though whether he "ound an inhabited city or $ust ane!#ty shell. (e’d !ade that decision when his bike "irst broke down and had s#otted an

old #re+war street sign listing the ne,t "ew cities u# the rode. The town o" Blackstock %'kilo!etres "ro! his starting #oint was going to be the end o" his $ourney "or the daywhether he "ound civilisation or not. The #ast two towns -estleton tation and/elverton had been abandoned so this was his last shot. (e ho#ed he wasn’t going to bestuck slee#ing in a concrete shell with !ildewed car#ets tonight.

The land he was walking through was hilly with so!e brush and scrub liningeither side o" the road and the occasional re!ains o" a barb wire "ence le"t to nature’sravages decades ago. A cold wind had started blowing with the sunset so now he wassweating "ro! the heavy leather $acket but cold wherever the wind got in. Without

breaking stride he #ulled out his 0i#Boy to check how !uch "urther he had le"t. Itshowed that he’d been walking in a roughly straight line "or twenty+two and a hal" klicksso he should be seeing so!ething soon. The antici#ation !ade his "eet hurt !ore.

(e had been in the !iddle o" long valley when he checked the 0i#Boy and sureenough when he crested the hill he saw another rusted but still readable road sign $ustdown the hill1 Village of Blackstock Pop. 800. Just a cou#le hundred !etres "urtherdown the road was a stone 2ictorian+style building stonework walls with a roo" that!ust have been red once u#on a ti!e. It looked like it had been ancient be"ore the war.3ver the door hung the wooden sign identi"ying it as the 4and"all *ar!s and Ale (ousethe sign was recent and in good re#air.

5Da!n 6 he said to hi!sel". 5/ou’re a sight "or sore eyes.6

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Beyond the tavern he could $ust barely !ake out the rest o" the city des#ite thesetting sun. A "ew other buildings !ost o" the! !akeshi"t constructions built or rebuiltout o" whatever !aterials were available7 !etal riveting #ieces o" old cars #lastic sheetsor wood 7 with the occasional #re+war building in se!i+decent re#air. All o" the

buildings ran along a road going north&south. In the northeast corner close to hi! therewas a larger brick building with a "ar!ers !arket set u# in what had once been the

building’s #arking lot he guessed it !ight also serve as the seat o" local governance..3utside o" the built u# area there were a nu!ber o" "ar!er’s "ields "illed with Brah!incorn and soya #lants and in the city he saw the !ove!ent o" #eo#le !illing about.

A"ter taking this in "ro! a brie" glance Wentworth slung his ri"le over his backand !ade his way u# to the bar #ushing o#en the door. (e 8uickly surveyed the scene.

The "irst thing he noticed sur#rised hi!. The bar had electric lighting. (e couldtell that they were low+voltage 49Ds #robably scra##ed together "ro! all over $udging

by the rainbow o" colours that were there but any electricity was sur#rising. The "ar!ershere in Blackstock see!ed to be doing alright "or the!selves. Aside "ro! the uni8uelighting it see!ed a #retty regular #lace but his sus#icion over the age o" the buildingwas con"ir!ed: the "loor like the walls was stonework 7 it was uneven and it #robably

!ade "or rickety tables but it gave the #lace character. The d;cor includedadvertise!ents u# on the walls "or beers that hadn’t been sold in "i"ty years or !ore astage to the le"t o" the entrance with a dru! set and !usic stands set u# a stairway goingu# on his right and the bar at the back with a "ew locals sitting around it chatting andglancing over at the stranger who had $ust entered.

Wentworth walked u# to the bar "eeling the locals’ eyes u#on hi!. With hisleather $acket and #ants assault ri"le slung and the issued black <ylon hel!et with thegold Ma#le 4ea" on the "ront he knew he couldn’t be called nondescri#t. (e didn’t senseany hostility however $ust a bit o" tension which was only to be e,#ected.

The bartender was a young guy with dirty+blonde hair and tribal tattoos on eithercheek eyeing hi! along with the locals. 5What’ll ya have stranger=6

Wentworth #ut down his du""el and leaned u# on the bar. 5/ou acce#t >(0Dollars=6

5That or ?olden (orseshoes. /ou "ro! out 9ast I take it=65/eah heading west. I’ll take a #itcher o" whatever beer you guys brew u#

around here.6The bartender went to "ill u# the #itcher while Wentworth looked around the

roo! allowing the locals to subtly e,a!ine hi! without con"ronting the!. (e didn’te,#ect any #roble!s and trusted his #eri#heral to catch any that !ight cro# u#. The

bartender ca!e back with his beer and !oney changed hands.5I" you don’t !ind !y asking 6 said Wentworth 5where do you get the #ower "or

those lights=65/ou like the!= They’re new. ?ot a new guy in town !oved in a "ew !onths

back built a wood and stea! generator "or us. We kee# it out back and it charges u# a battery during the day. The lights don’t use u# !uch $uice but we’ve got an old soundsyste! that another guy salvaged. It took a while to get it working but now we’ve got allsorts o" #re+war !usic. We turn it on later a"ter sunset it’s #retty cool: you should stickaround.6

5I !ight $ust do that. What’s u# those stairs there=65That’s where we kee# the 0ool Table. It’s o#en right now but there’s nobody u#


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5@heers 6 said Wentworth. (e re+shouldered his bag and now with the #itcherwent u# the stairs. A"ter his walk he was too tired to chat and wanted to sit down "or awhile be"ore having to be #olite.

The u#stairs was divided o"" into two roo!s one with a #ool table to the back theother with an un!anned bar and !ore chairs as well as a cou#le 5couches6 recovered"ro! the back seats o" a !inivan. 3n the building’s "ront wall was large window withcracked glass $ust barely staying in the "ra!e. Wentworth went towards the window setdown his #itcher then his du""le laid the ri"le down on to# o" it and sat down on thecouch with a view both out the window and back towards the stairwell. (e #oured a

beer lit a cigarette and with a groan o" #leasure #ut his "eet u# on the table in "ront o"hi!. It was several !inutes be"ore he re!e!bered to take his hel!et o"" and toss it ontohis du""el.

These boots, as great as they are generally s eaking, are not very good forwalking in. The were high heeled and designed "or biking. While the gri#s on the solewere to# notch the #adding wasn’t all there. -ow that he was sitting the blood wasrushing into his "eet and he could "eel the! swelling. (e was te!#ted to re!ove his

boots but resisted the urge not in #ublic. (e could "eel the !uscles o" his back un+

knotting and his legs were #rotesting "ro! use to which they were not accusto!ed. *orhal" the #itcher he $ust sat there watching the sun go down.

As the sun cleared the horizon he heard the !usic go on downstairs. It was 8uietu# where he was but he could $ust !ake it out. It !ade a nice addition to the beer andtobacco and he started ta##ing his toes together in ti!e to it.

A "ew !inutes later he heard so!ebody !oving u# the stairwell and looked overe,#ecting to see the bartender co!ing u# to ask hi! i" he needed !ore. Instead it wasanother #atron so!ebody who hadn’t been there earlier when Wentworth wasdownstairs. (e was tall and lanky carrying a beer in one hand. (e’d shaved his headrecently and was s#otting a goatee as well as a cou#le "acial #iercings. (e was wearingheavy leather #ants and a blue #laid vest overto# o" a black t+shirt. At his belt hung a tool

#ouch and a si,+shooter. (e sat down at a table kitty+corner to Wentworth who noddedat hi!.

5(ey 6 said the !an looking at Wentworth but "acing slightly away 5how’s itgoing=6

5-ot too bad 6 said Wentworth 5Just "inished a long hike and "igured I deserveda beer to rela, with. That !usic downstairs is certainly hel#ing. ?otta say I’! #rettyi!#ressed with the tech you guys got going here.6

5(eh glad you like it.6 (e #ut his hands behind his head and stretched over+dra!atically. 5/u# yu# a bit o" old >a,,’s handywork 6

53h really=6 said Wentworth #erking u# 5The !usic or the generator=65Well both really but don’t tell that to the other bartender Bill.6 (e s!iled

5The generator was easy I designed !y "irst one years ago. There are a cou#le #arts

which are too di""icult to !ake that you need to salvage but they’re easy to "ind. Therest o" it you can !ake out o" available !aterials.6 (e #aused to light his cigarette andtake a si# o" his beer.

5What about the sound syste!=6

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(e got a serious look on his "ace and "ocused on a s#ot in the table in "ront o"hi! while gesturing with his hands. 5Bill !anaged to "ind an old solid+state !usic

#layer and so!e s#eakers. The "or!er looked like so!e kind o" #ersonal+use ite!.o!ething that an individual would carry around on the! not a #ublic syste!. It’s only

about yay big 6 he held his hands slightly a#art to de!onstrate 5The s#eakers were in #retty rough sha#e. The interior bits worked once I got the rust o"" but I had to buildnew cases "or the!. Then there was the #roble! o" designing an a!#li"ier. I tore a#art acou#le o" old cash registers to get the #ieces and got it working.6 (e s!iled again 5Andthere you have it !usic a la >a,,.6

5That’s #retty godda!ned i!#ressive buddy.6 Wentworth said.5Thanks 6 said >a,, 5 ay I ho#e you don’t !ind !y asking but is that a 0i#Boy

you’re got there on your belt=65/eah it is 6 usually Wentworth was cautious around strangers es#ecially when

it ca!e to the little #re+war tech he had but he was getting a good vibe o"" o" this guy.5/ou want to check it out=6

5 ure 6 he said getting u# and !oving over to sit on the couch ne,t to Wentworth5I’ve read about the! be"ore but never seen one that was o#erational. -a!e’s >a,,

like I said earlier.65Wentworth.6 They shook hands.Wentworth went over the di""erent tool sets that were available on the 0i#Boy.

>a,, des#ite his a##arently a!#le understanding o" !echanics didn’t have !uchco!#uter training.

While they were going over the details the bartender ca!e u#stairs and asked i"they wanted anything else. >a,, looked at their nearly e!#ty glasses and askedWentworth i" he wanted to s#lit a #itcher. Wentworth s!iled at hi!.

5 ure thing buddy.6They ended sharing !ore than $ust the one #itcher and as the evening wore on

!ore #eo#le ca!e u#stairs and $oined the conversation. This was the "irst drinking bingeWentworth had been on in weeks and he lost track o" the ti!e. What sna##ed hi! backto reality was when the bartender ca!e u#stairs to announce last call.

53h shit dude 6 he said to >a,, 5I only !eant to have one #itcher and "ind aninn to crash at. Is there so!e#lace in town I can rent a bed "or the night=6

5Don’t worry !an it’s all good. This #lace is a hotel too but I set u# ki# $ustdown the street. /ou’re welco!e to crash there. 0lus I have so!e whiskey at ho!e.6

5Whiskey=65Whiskey 6 >a,, said with a toothy grin.5Alright !an let’s "inish these u# then go drink your whiskey 65Whiskey 6 he said again with the toothy grin laughing.They le"t the bar laughing with >a,, volunteering to carry Wentworth’s du""le.

(is ki# wasn’t too "ar. *ro! what Wentworth could see he’d taken over one o" the

abandoned buildings on one o" the side streets so!e sort o" service station with vehicle bays "ull o" unknown e8ui#!ent rusting away. The #ortion o" the building which hadserved as the o""ices had it’s large windows nailed over with #lywood and riveted !etal.0resu!ably >a,, had #ut this u# along with the eaves syste! on the roo" which led to a

barrel o" rain water.

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5?ive !e a sec 6 he said ste##ing inside and there was the s#arking o" a lighter ashe lit a candle 5(o!e weet (o!e 6 said >a,, o#ening the door and swee#ing his ar!in a welco!ing gesture 5Just grab a seat over there 6 he #ointed to so!e !odi"ied a##lecrates ne,t to which he #ut Wentworth’s du""le 5It’s !ore co!"y than it looks. I’ll beright back with the whiskey.6

Wentworth sat down and indeed it was !ore co!"ortable than it looked. Thenaked wood had been slo#ed on a seventy degree angle with a #er#endicular back!aking a bucket seat that le"t one #er"ectly rela,ed. (e re"lected that it was the !osta!azing invention he’d ever seen.

>a,, ca!e back with a cou#le o" chi##ed co""ee !ugs and a bottle. (e set the!down on the his co""ee table a s8uare #iece o" !etal resting u#on two truck tires stackedon their side and #oured the whiskey then took his own seat at a si!ilar chair at $ust aslight angle "ro! Wentworth where he had a good view o" the door. The rest o" the roo!was taken u# with shelving "illed u# with a nu!ber devices whose #ur#ose was beyondWentworth’s ken and a doorway to the back with a bead curtain through which >a,, had

$ust co!e #resu!ably a kitchen [email protected] aid >a,, and they clinked cu#s.

They sat in silence "or a !o!ent and Wentworth "elt a wave o" e,haustion rollover hi!. The alcohol and the walk were hitting hi! hard now that he was sitting down.5(oly "uck 6 he said 5I don’t know how long I’ll be able to stay awake. This chair isco!"y.6

5-o #roble! !an. I can set u# a cot "or you or you can crash there. What’s yourstory anyway= I’! not trying to #ry but you don’t look !uch like a trader.6

5I’ve got so!e bad shit "ollowing !e back 9ast 3ttawa valley. *ucked u# shitnot really !y "ault 6 he was slurring his words 5Just heading west right now don’t reallyhave !uch o" a #lan.6

5/eah I hear you. I’! "ro! u# north by the Algon8uin area. I showed u# herein Blackstock a "ew !onths back. These are good #eo#le here but it’s #retty isolated.*ro! what I gather there aren’t too !any settle!ents nearby. 3" course that !eans it’s alot 8uieter too. There’s no banditry to s#eak o" in the nearby area.6

5 o you set u# sho# as the local !echanic around here=65/eah I’ve got so!e skills that kee# "ood on the table 6 he shrugged 5It’s a

living. And the locals are #retty acce#ting once they get to know you. (eh I don’t reallyknow why I carry this 6 he ta##ed his sidear! 5$ust a bit o" trace #aranoia I guess. Most

#eo#le around here are unar!ed. /ou !ight want to consider settling down here "or awhile.6

Wentworth nodded he was really beginning to "eel the drowsiness set in on hi!.5Maybe "irst I’ve got to see about getting !y bike "i,ed though.6

5/eah you !entioned. Don’t worry about that I should be able to hel# you withit in the !orning. What’s wrong with it anyway=6

5The chain broke.65That shouldn’t be too di""icult to "i,. I’ve got a "ew grades o" !otor chain stored

u# we can "igure out which one you need. I’ll charge you a good #rice "or it too.65>ight on. Dude I don’t think I can kee# !y eyes o#en any longer. I think I’!

going to #ass out on you.6

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5-o #roble! you want to set u# a cot=6 but Wentworth didn’t res#ond and hischest was already rising and "alling with the rhyth! o" slee#. >a,, sat there and "inishedhis !ug then grabbed a blanket and tossed it onto Wentworth. It was a "airly war!night and he’d be "ine. (e then blew out the candle and stu!bled back to his own bed.

The ne,t !orning Wentworth woke to the sound o" "ood "rying in the kitchenarea and a dehydration hang over. (e sat u# 8uickly in a #anic and took in hissurroundings. A"ter a second he re!e!bered where he was and s#otted his ri"le anddu""le so he sat back down in the chair and tried to get used to the daylight. >a,, !usthave heard his !ove!ent because his voice "loated in "ro! the kitchen.

5(ey Wentworth you awake= (ow are you doing=65-ot too bad. (ung over though. I should have had so!e water a"ter getting into

town last night.65/eah I’ll bet. There’s a barrel o" rainwater out "ront and I le"t a cu# on the

table "or you. I’! $ust working on break"ast right now. The co""ee is $ust starting to boil.6

Wentworth "olded u# the blanket then re!oved his heavy $acket. The cu# on the

table looked to hold about hal" a litre or so. (e went out side and "illed it "ro! the rain barrel then drained it. (e "illed it again and took it back inside sitting down in the sa!echair.

(is hangover was receding 8uickly and the s!ell o" "ood was tantalizing. >a,,ca!e in a !inute later with a cou#le o" !el!ac #lates covered with eggs hash brownsand stewed to!atoes. (e handed one o" the #lates to Wentworth setting his own on theco""ee table. (e told Wentworth that he’d be right back with the co""ee 5(o#e you don’t!ind black I don’t kee# any sugar or !ilk.6

5Black’s "ine.6(e was back a !o!ent later with a stainless steel co""ee #ot and the sa!e cu#s as

last night. (e #oured the co""ee and then sat in his own chair and they both ate insilence. The !eal re"reshed Wentworth he could "eel his electrolytes re"illing "ro! theeggs and the hash browns o""ered a solid base to build u#on.

5Thanks 6 he said "inishing 5that was delicious.6 (e lit a cigarette and took a si#o" his co""ee.

5Don’t worry about it 6 >a,, "inished his last to!ato then took the both #lates back to the kitchen and rinsed the! o"". (e ca!e back a !o!ent later lighting thecigarette which was dangling "ro! his li#s. 5 o what’s the deal with your bike=6

Wentworth e,#lained the #roble! to hi!. The trans!ission chain had broken andhe’d been unable to re#air it with the tools he had. >a,, asked "or the chain’s dia!eterand Wentworth gave it to hi!.

5?ive !e a sec I think I have that.6 (e went out the "ront door co!ing back a!inute later with a length o" trans!ission chain in his hands. 5This look like your

chain=6 he asked.5/eah that should be it.65>ight on. 3therwise I would have had to re#lace #arts o" your trans!ission to

!ake it work with a di""erent grade o" chain. We’ll bring all that stu"" anyway. /ouwant to hel# !e load it u#=6

5/eah sure. We’re going to need to bring a cart=65What=6 >a,, looked con"used then s!iled 5-o "ollow !e.6

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They ste##ed outside. The garage to the right o" the "ront door which had beenclosed the night be"ore was now o#en. Towards the back was a !otley assort!ent o"engine #arts tools and other esoteric !echanical devices but the thing that stood out toWentworth was the #icku# truck sitting in the "ront.

5What do you think=6 asked >a,,.5-ice I guess we don’t have to walk a"ter all.6 The truck looked to be a % C

"ro! it’s bulk large enough to be ca#able o" heavy hauling with "uel consu!#tion thatwasn’t horrible. It had been built with a a8uiline style a #redo!inant !iddle ridge on thehood housed the engine with two lesser bulges on either side ending in headlights but theonce s!ooth "eatures were now corroded at the edges. It !ay have been #ainted black atone #oint but what #aint was le"t was heavily sun bleached and scratched !aking

#ositive colour identi"ication di""icult while in so!e areas un#ainted sheets o" !etal had been welded on #resu!ably to re#lace bits that had been co!#letely clai!ed by rust. Atso!e #oint in it’s li"e it’s wheel base had been !odi"ied and it now sat higher on sturdychain+belted tires which would have been too large to "it in the wheel wells a necessitywith the way roads had degraded since the war.

It was an e,tended cab "our+seater and the where once there had been glass in

the windows there was now 0le,iglas: a bit scratched but clear enough to get the $obdone and kee# the occu#ants insulated "ro! the ele!ents. The truck bed was had noto##er and the side walls "lared back into "ins. The right "in’s tail lights had beens!ashed out. There were dents at various #oints on the vehicles sur"ace but the da!agelooked cos!etic to Wentworth’s untrained eyes. Besides any working vehicles was asight to behold in the wasteland.

The two o" the! started loading >a,,’s tools into the back along with theho#e"ully unnecessary re#lace!ent #arts that >a,, had !entioned. While they did it>a,, told hi! about the truck.

5I did !ost o" the re#airs !ysel" but I was lucky. I ca!e across it one day backwhen I was a kid out e,#loring. I used to do that a lot when I wasn’t working on the"ar! I’d load u# a bag with water and "ood and take o"" to the nearby city which was!ostly in ruin. 3ne day I ca!e across a building which had been !ostly destroyed itlooked like a bo!b had gone o"" there. >oo" gone walls !ostly rubble you get the idea.I was $ust strolling through it not really e,#ecting to "ind anything when I noticed astairwell going down subsur"ace.

5I cleared out the cra# blocking the door then #ried it o#en with a crowbar. It wasa heavy wooden door but not !etal so that was "airly easy. What I "ound was anunderground garage I hadn’t noticed it earlier because the ra!# on the outside had beenso "ull o" debris. That’s where I "ound this baby #rotected "ro! !ost o" the ele!entse,ce#t the da!#ness in the garage itsel".

5Whoever the owner had been he !ust have been a !echanic or so!ething because there were a nu!ber o" tools and !anuals shelved there. 9nough "or !e to

"igure out the basics. I didn’t tell anybody else about this discovery and over the ne,t"ew years I’d !ake a #oint o" co!ing back and working on the truck. 9ven withoutgetting direct e,#osure it was in #retty rough sha#e I gathered too that i" you leave avehicle idle "or long enough or any !achine "or that !atter it $ust dies. They’redesigned to kee# running.6

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Wentworth nodded 5I re!e!ber the techs at the vehicle co!#ound used to "irethe vehicles u# once a !onth even back when we weren’t using the!. I always thoughtit was a waste o" energy.6 >a,, gave hi! a 8uestioning look as he said this.Wentworth’s cheeks "lushed when he realized what he’d $ust ad!itted. (e looked awayand changed the to#ic 5 o you !anaged to get it working on your own=6

>a,, decided not to #ry 5/eah I was lucky though that this baby was anauto!atic. h auto!atic trans!ission that is. I’d been #laying around with it "or a longti!e be"ore I even learned there was a such thing as standard. *ro! what I’ve read I

#robably would have destroyed the engine without even realizing it i" it had been astandard.6

By this #oint they’d already "inished loading u# the vehicle and were going downthe highway they’d #assed the EBlackstock1 0o#ulation’ sign a while back. nderneaththe hood the engine was !aking a dee# ru!bling noise to Wentworth’s ears it soundedhealthy but e,#ensive. 5 o what kind o" !ileage do you get=6

5About "i"teen klicks to the cell FC cell #ack.653uch.6>a,, shrugged 5/eah it’s not that great but it’s got a lot o" tor8ue. In !y s#are

ti!e I’ve been #laying around with a duel+tor8ue engine syste! to lower theconsu!#tion when I don’t need it but it’s "ar "ro! workable $ust yet.6

5(ow do you "uel it=65 olar !ostly 6 he said 5It takes about a day to charge a cell weather #er!itting

o" course so I don’t drive that o"ten. I’ve co!e across old #etroleu! stores a cou#le o"ti!es and used those 6 he glanced over at Wentworth 5Don’t worry about this though.

he’s "ully charged so I don’t care about driving out to your bike. *uck it’s good to beon the road again.6

They drove on in a co!"ortable silence. The sun was a##roaching it’s zenith andin the distance the road wavered "ro! the heated air on it’s sur"ace !irages a##earingand vanishing. uddenly the sun hit the right angle to create a glare on the road turningit white. Wentworth slid his goggles on while >a,, reached "or a #air o" sunglassessitting on the dash. With the sun out condensed !oisture "ro! the night be"ore le"t theearth and new cracks a##eared where no scrub or grass e,isted to hold it together. Windcurrents #icked u# the loose dirt and dust devils rode across the land calling it their own.

taring out the window Wentworth saw all the land!arks "ro! his $ourney theday be"ore "lash by with a ra#idity he did not re!e!ber. Barns once red the wooden

bea!s weathered to a lonely grey with #arts o" their roo"s caved in. The orange twineso" wire "ences. A brick house once ho!e to a "a!ily o" hu!an beings now clai!ed by!ice louses and black !oulds and !ildew waiting "or a bare "oot or a #air o" lungs togive the! a new ho!e. The hills rolled by. o!eti!es "orest had reclai!ed the land but!ore o"ten than not it was the dust devils. The grasses eked out an e,istence between thetwo.

>a,, s#oke u# suddenly 5/ou like driving too eh=65/eah 6 said Wentworth nodding 5When you’re !oving you leave everything

behind.65/eah I hear ya.6A "ew !ore !inutes #assed then Wentworth said 50ull over $ust a"ter this hill.

My bike’s in a gully here.6

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>a,, #ulled the vehicle over and shut o"" the engine. They both ste##ed out andgrabbed their wea#ons. Wentworth was wearing his $acket and hel!et again >a,,

be"ore leaving had donned a #air o" old "ootball #ads rein"orced with boiled leather and!etal #lates. In addition to his #istol he’d brought a shotgun.

5I know you said that the area’s #retty 8uiet and there’s not !uch banditry but weshould still scout out the area be"ore we get occu#ied with the vehicle 6 said Wentworth5We !ade a lot o" noise arriving by vehicle and i" there is anyone here they know aboutus. That hill u# there is one o" the highest around and it has enough scrub that we can!ake our way u# there with a good chance o" not being scene. That’s #art o" the reasonwhy I chose this s#ot to leave !y bike in yesterday.6

5Agreed 6 said >a,, 5/ou see! to know what you’re doing so I’ll $ust "ollowyour lead.6

The whole ti!e Wentworth had been scanning the area "or anything that didn’t "it.A"ter >a,, s#oke he nodded and started o"" towards the hill !otioning "or hi! to "ollowand kee# his eyes on the way they’d co!e. (e !oved to the le"t side o" the road andi!!ediately slid down into the ditch to !ake hi!sel" less visible. The hill he’d indicatedstarted "i"ty !etres "ro! the road rather than walk directly to it he "ollowed the contours

o" the land and didn’t start cli!bing it until it was to the east. They were now travelling #arallel to the road. 3nce they’d started cli!bing the hill >a,, realized the reason "ortheir detour. The #ath they were now on had a great deal o" brush on either side. Thekind o" stu"" that would !ake the! di""icult to see "ro! "ar away but since it was closeto the! it #osed very little i!#edi!ent to their own long+distance observations.

As they neared the to# Wentworth hunched over so that his torso was nearlyhorizontal and continued at a slower #ace care"ully choosing where to ste# to avoidunnecessary noise. >a,, i!itated and as they !oved towards the to# they both startedcrawling.

3nce they got to a good vantage #oint Wentworth !otioned "or >a,, to co!ecloser. (e said in a hushed voice 5Do you have binoculars or so!ething=6

5/eah 6 said >a,,. (e #ulled out a #air o" #lastic tourist binos. (e’d colouredthe red #lastic black with a !arker long ago. Wentworth nodded. They weren’t to#notch but they’d get the $ob done. 5Don’t use the! unless i" you see so!ethingsus#icious. The glare "ro! the! could be noticed.6 (e #ointed toward the south+westindicating "or >a,, to take that arc then #ointed towards hi!sel" and the north+east.They both shu""led to better #ositions and started scanning the horizon.

*ive !inutes later >a,, "elt a kick on his boot. (e looked behind hi! andWentworth was looking back at hi!. (e nodded and they both started crawling back theway they’d co!e. 3nce they reached the botto! o" the hill >a,, said 5Is it okay tos#eak now=6

5/eah. I didn’t see anything I take it you didn’t either=65-othing.6

Wentworth nodded 5/ou !ight think I’! being #aranoid but I don’t want to diein a stu#id way.6

5-o worries. I don’t either. That was so!e #retty hard core shit there though. I!ean don’t get !e wrong I know how to use this 6 he he"ted his shotgun 5but I’venever gone to those lengths be"ore. Makes sense though.6

5Thanks !an.65 o where’s this bike o" yours= I was kinda looking around "or it while we were

u# there but I couldn’t s#ot it.6 By this ti!e they’d !ade their way back to the road.

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5It’s right there.6 >a,, looked where Wentworth was #ointing and didn’t seeanything but the wooded valley south o" the highway. (e ke#t looking while Wentworthstood there s!iling when all o" a sudden his eyes went buggy. (e shook his head andlooked again then realized he’d been staring at a ca!ou"lage net about "i"ty !etres o"" ina!ongst so!e bushes. 5(ah 6 he barked 5nice /our bike is under the cloth there=6

Wentworth con"ir!ed this.5Alright well tell you what I’ll grab the tools and carry the! over. Don’t bother

hel#ing !e you stay on the ri"le. I can handle it on !y own.6With that the two o" the! walked over Wentworth carried his ri"le in both hands

while >a,, had his shotgun slung across his back. In either hand he carried a toolbo,.They reached the bike and >a,, #ulled the ca! net o"". The bike was a cruiser built "orlong distance riding and heavy loads. The leather saddle bags on the back werevolu!inous and the body was a !etallic grey non re"lective. It was rust "ree anda##eared in good working order aside "ro! the broken trans!ission chain. >a,,kneeled by the side o" the bike and co!#ared the original chain with the one he’d

brought.5?ood news it’s the sa!e grade. This shouldn’t take !e too long to "i,.6 (e

#ulled out a welder and welding !ask "ro! one tool bo,. 5/ou !ight want to ste# backa bit so that you don’t da!age your eyes on the welding "la!e.6

Wentworth did as >a,, said and scanned the area while >a,, worked on the bike. A"ter a while >a,, #ut down the welder and li"ted u# the !ask.

5I’! $ust going to go over a "ew other things while I’! here. Might as well !akesure she’s in to# sha#e.6 (e o#ened u# the engine cover and continued tooling with the!achine. 3ccasionally he’d start it u# and listen to the engine or ad$ust the #ressure onvarious bolts and chains on the inside. While he was doing this Wentworth noticed acloud o" s!oke rising in the air "ar to the west.

54ooks like a grass"ire.6>a,, sto##ed what he was doing and stood u# looking over. 5/eah they ha##en

this ti!e o" year. They usually burn the!selves out #retty 8uickly and even i" it doesn’tit’s too "ar away to be !uch o" a worry "or us.6

(e went back to working on the bike "inishing u# a "ew !inutes later. 5Well thatshould do it. he’s in #retty good sha#e but I gave her a 8uick tune u#. /ou should "indthat she runs a bit s!oother. I" you want we can tie her down on the truck bed on theway back: !ight as well save so!e "uel.6

5That’s not a bad idea i" you don’t !ind.6While Wentworth #acked the ca! net u# and walked the bike over to the truck

>a,, #ulled a wooden #lank out o" the truck bed to use as a ra!#. Together they hauledthe bike u# the ra!# and secured it with chains. Then they both $u!#ed into the cab andtook o"" back towards Blackstock.

5 o what are you thinking about doing now that your bikes "i,ed= ?oing to kee#

heading West=65I don’t know. I’ve been considering your suggestion about settling in

Blackstock. It !ight not be a bad #lace to rest the "eet "or a while.65Well there’s no hurry. /ou can always stay "or a while and !ake your !ind u#

later.65/eah I $ust don’t really know what to do with !ysel". I don’t have any skills

that #eo#le would "ind use"ul in the town. And working as a "ar! hand isn’t e,actly whatI want to end u# doing "or the rest o" !y li"e.6

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5True. When you’re stuck in a #osition like that that’s #retty !uch it. 9ven i"you’re the "ar!er you’re !arried to the land. I’! lucky I "ound a #lace that I can #ly !ytrade to #ut "ood on the table.6

5/ou !iss the road though.65/es I do. In so!e ways. But it’s good to know where your ne,t !eal is co!ing

"ro!.6Wentworth lit u# a cigarette rolling down the window. 5That grass"ire !ust be

huge. 4ook at all the s!oke u# ahead. Are you sure the city will be okay=65/eah there is a lot o" s!oke. The city should be "ine but I’! worried about the

"ar! "ields. They have burn lines to #rotect the! but that’s is a lot o" s!oke. It could be bad.6 (e s#oke with a !easured indi""erence knowing that there was nothing he coulddo about it at the #resent. A wrinkle on his brow betrayed an underlying an,ietyhowever.

The closer they got to the town the thicker the s!oke got. 5It looks a lot thickerthan you’d e,#ect "ro! a grass"ire 6 said >a,, studying it with concern.

5/eah you’re right. It’s too dark 6 agreed Wentworth. (e "licked his cigaretteout the window and !oved to roll it back u# when >a,, s#oke.

5Wait a second.6 Wentworth waited not sure what >a,, wanted 5Do you s!ellthat=6

Wentworth sni""ed the air. (e realized that they’d co!e close enough to be ableto s!ell the s!oke. Mi,ed in with the s!ell o" burning wood was a sweet odourre!iniscent o" bacon. 5 hit 6 he said.

5 hit 6 agreed >a,,.They continued on neither s#eaking neither wanting to give voice to the

scenarios they were envisioning. >a,, was bent over the steering colu!n staringintently at the road ahead o" hi! as i" it could tell hi! what lay over the ne,t hill. (ishand "ound it’s way down to his hi# and s8ueezed the revolver secured there. Wentworthad$usted his ri"le so that the butt was $ust under his ar!#it with it lying across his la# at a"orty+"ive degree angle. (is thu!b started nervously "licking the sa"ety.

The truck "inally crested the hill and the town Wentworth had barely seen thenight be"ore lay stretched out be"ore the!. It was the source o" the s!oke. >a,, slowedthe vehicle and eventually sto##ed $ust slightly into the !ain street. The two !enste##ed out o" the truck slowly wea#ons in hand but rela,ed. -either thought they’dhave to use the!.

There had been no !ove!ent as they’d driven into town and the only sound wasthe crackling o" several "ires s#reading "ro! the 8uick burning thatch roo"s to the slower

bubbling tar roo"s o" the older buildings. The s!ell o" burning wood see!ed so!ehowobscene when it was co!ing "ro! burning buildings + ho!es and it was al!ostoverwhel!ing but beneath it were other scents that the !ind couldn’t ignore. Meat.

weat and body odour. ?un#owder. *eces. It overwhel!ed and !ade one’s legs

rubbery. Both o" the! "elt light headed.Wentworth was the "irst one to notice a body. A trail o" blood led "ro! the street

to one o" the doorways as i" the victi! had been dragged or had crawled to the illusion o"sa"ety. It had been a "utile e""ort. The victi! 7 #robably a child o" about ten to "ourteenyears or a s!all wo!an !aybe 7 had died curled u# in the doorway. The building !usthave caught "ire a"ter they died or !aybe they $ust hadn’t noticed the "ire in their haze o"

#ain. 0ositive identi"ication was i!#ossible because the roo" o" the building hadcolla#sed.

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*ro! the chest u# the body had been caught in the in"erno it was the source or atleast a source o" the sweet !eat s!ell. The skin had charred black and the ar!s had

been thrown u# into a bent #osition above the head as the heat o" the "ire dried andtightened tendons while the lower hal" o" the body re!ained rela,ed in #er"ect condition.Wentworth could !ake out "lower designs on the sandals she’d been wearing.

>a,, was sur#rised with a sudden and violent nausea. (is "irst heave "lewhorizontally across the street be"ore he could grab the truck "or su##ort and e,#el the resto" break"ast onto the ground. Wentworth looked towards his rear and saw the bar he’d!et >a,, at the night be"ore. A sudden #ang went through hi!.

5I thought I’d le"t this kind o" shit behind.6>a,, regained his co!#osure and looked over at Wentworth. (is "ace was #ale

but his eyes were dancing with hurt and anger. 5These were good #eo#le. This shouldn’thave ha##ened. This was a 8uiet areaG6 his eyes dro##ed to the ground while he took a!o!ent to steel hi!sel" be"ore looking backu# at Wentworth. 5I’! going a"ter whoeverdid this. I could use a !an o" your skills with !e. /ou know what you’re doing youshowed !e that back where your bike was.6 (e shook his head and looked down again5But this isn’t your "ight. *uck it’s not even !ine really I’ve only known these #eo#le

"or a "ew !onths. But I’ve got to do so!ething. o what I’! saying is i" you don’t wantto get involved I’ll understand.6

Wentworth looked at >a,, "or a !o!ent then down at his ri"le. With a sudden!ove he cocked the wea#on and with a hard !etallic noise the "irst round o" the!agazine slid into the cha!ber. (e 8uickly hit the "orward assist and closed the e$ection

#ort. (e looked back at >a,, and $abbed his "inger at hi! his "ace "lushing with rage.5We are going to "ind the dirty "ucks that did this. We’re going to "ind the! and I

#ro!ise you when we do we are going to hit the! so hard that there won’t even be a!e!ory o" who they were. 4et’s go !ake so!e "ood "or the wasteland.6

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They s#ent several hours #re#aring be"ore they eventually le"t town by which #oint the sun had settled into a !id+a"ternoon glare. The town had been e!#ty $ust asthey’d e,#ected although they’d re!ained cautious while e,#loring it neither e,#ectedany trouble "ro! whoever had raided it while they were out "i,ing Wentworth’s bike.They discovered the tracks o" several All Terrain 2ehicles on the southwest side o" towncutting through the soya "ields and Brah!in #astures. everal o" the ani!als lay deadand >a,, !entioned that he thought so!e !ight be !issing.

The route the raiders had co!e "ro! went over rough terrain. Blackstock lay on aslight ridge and through his binoculars Wentworth could !ake out the torn shrubs and

brush which evidenced the raiders #assage. They see!ed to be o""+roading "or the !ost #art which !eant that >a,, and Wentworth would have to abandon their vehicles. The!otorcycle would have "li##ed too easily and the "ra!e o" the #icku# wouldn’t havesurvived the abuse.

A"ter "inding the traces that the raiders had le"t the two o" the! returned to>a,,’s ki# to #ack their rucksacks with the e8ui#!ent they’d need. Wentworth wentthrough his du""le and saddlebags "inding anything he thought he !ight need but leaving

behind things like slee#ing kit and clothes changes e,ce#ting a s#are set o" socks. (e

ho#ed that they’d be able to catch u# with the raiders at so!e #oint during the night ands#eed was !ore i!#ortant than co!"ort. (e noticed >a,, was #acking a nu!ber o" o""+white bricks long and narrow into his bag "ro! a #ile stacked u# ne,t to an old bathtubin the garage #ortion o" his building. (e asked >a,, what they were.

5A side #ro$ect o" !ine1 @H. I "ound a reci#e "or it a while back and a"ter so!every care"ul e,#eri!entation I !anaged to brew this u#. There’s a s!all !arket "or itwith the locals and the !erchants that co!e through.6 (e said all o" this with a dead #ane,#ression looking down at the #acking $ob he was doing then suddenly looked u# atWentworth 5@H’s a high e,#losive. 3nce you’ve !ade it it’s e,tre!ely stable. ses anelectric #ri!er and a secondary e,#losive to set it o"".6

Wentworth nodded though he knew this already. They "inished #acking andheaded out.

The tracks were "airly easy to "ollow. The raiders had see!ed to take a #ositive $oy in tearing u# any living thing in their #ath and where the earth was so"t enough toshow there were a nu!ber o" tracks le"t behind vehicles and "oot#rints and along theentire route was the occasional brah!in scat. Wentworth guessed that there were a dozenAT2s o" various sorts with di""erent sizes o" wheelbase. The tracks "ollowed the naturalcontour o" the land veering o"" towards the south !aking Wentworth wonder i" theraiders had been atte!#ting to "rustrate #ursuers or si!#ly had little notion o" how totravel overland in any sort o" decisive !anner. More likely the latter.

>a,, re!ained 8uiet as the tri# #rogressed. Wentworth glanced at hi!occasionally worried that he was going to start !ani"esting the sorts o" !entalaberrations that would result in suicidal herois! but although he looked !orose he still

a##eared lucid. A"ter hal" an hour he decided to started u# a conversation to try and easetensions. (e went over the di""erent hand signals and tactics he knew. (e discussed thedi""erent !anners "or i!#le!enting shotguns and ri"les. (e went over "or!ations and!ove!ent techni8ues. >a,, was reticent at "irst asking "ew 8uestions and res#onding!ainly with nods and grunts but as the conversation went on he began s#eaking !ore.

5 o what do you think we’re looking at here= /ou said there were tracks le"t byabout a dozen vehicles or so do you think we’re going to run into a s!all biker gang=6

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Wentworth nodded 5I think so. What we saw back in Blackstock was the sort o"rando! violence you get "ro! !arauders it didn’t look targeted or directed. I can’t eventhink o" anything to target in the town 7 can you=6

>a,, shook his head 5It’s $ust a s!all "ar!ing co!!unity a "air ways o"" "ro!any other townshi#s. There’s nothing anybody could want with it e,ce#t 76 he lookeddown and shook his head at the !orbid thought leaving the sentence hanging.

Wentworth nodded 5That’s what I thought. -ow you said that #revious to this thearea’s been #retty 8uiet. And you’ve been here "or si, !onths=6 >a,, nodded 5and the!erchants that co!e in haven’t said anything about attacks=6

5-othing this big and nothing consistent. Just occasional shit 6 he shook his headwhile looking at Wentworth 5-o #atterns.6

5Then I’d guess that these guys aren’t headed to any sort o" #er!anentenca!#!ent. They !ight be s8uatting in so!e abandoned buildings at !ost. I’! reallynot getting the i!#ression that they have any clue what the "uck they’re doing. Theydon’t see! like #ro"essionals. howing u# with !otorized vehicles and gun’s blazing isenough to terri"y !ost #eo#le and the #anic would work to their advantage. 4et’s saythat there’s thirty o" the!. That’s what I "igure their vehicles could hold "ro! the tracks

we saw. That’s !ore than enough to take on a cou#le hundred civilians.6)ivilians/ thought >a,, That#s an interesting turn of hrase.5 o I’! guessing they’ve been run out o" so!e co!!unity west o" here and now

they’ve decided to take a try at slaving. I" we hit the! right they’ll be disorganized and Ithink we can take the! out i" we’re care"ul. 3" course I’ll have to wait Etill we get thereand I can see what sort o" 75

54ook.6 While Wentworth had been talking he hadn’t been #aying attention towhere they were going and now >a,, #ointed down the track about a hundred !etresahead. There was a body lying there.

They both started $ogging 54ook out "or an a!bush 6 said Wentworth and they both scanned the horizon while they $ogged. The land was "ree o" any !a$or cover sothe chances were sli! but this was not a ti!e that either o" the! "elt like letting theirguard down.

As they neared the body they realized it was !an in his !id thirties and he wasstill alive. >a,, s#oke u# 5It’s 2ince he’s a trader that ca!e into town yesterday 6 hewas barrel+chested with thinning black hair laying on his back. (e was wearing earth+coloured trousers and a white shirt. 3n to# o" this he had a utility vest. (is skin had awa,y a##earance where it wasn’t covered with blood and gri!e and as the two o" the!a##roached he looked at the! through hal" closed eyes.

50ater/ 6 he asked stretching out his ar! towards the!.Wentworth was the "irst one to get his canteen "ree "ro! his hi# #ouch. (e

kneeled down and cradled the !an’s head in his la# li"ting it u# so that he could si#co!"ortably. While he did this >a,, kneeled on the other side and checked his body "or

wounds. (e 8uickly noticed a swelling on the right ankle.2ince took the water in slowly showing that he had e,#erienced dehydration

be"ore. 2ery little was s#illed and his skin slowly regained it’s colour.5Thank you 6 he said hoarsely 5Between the stress the ankle and the sun I was

#retty "ucked u#.6 With a groan he li"ted hi!sel" into a sitting #osition leaving his rightleg sticking out straight while he tucked the le"t one in. (e ran his hand through his hair5I !ust o" #assed out "or a while there. Thanks 6 he nodded at >a,, then looked atWentworth 5I don’t know you.6

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5Wentworth 6 they shook hands and 2ince introduced hi!sel" 5I $ust got intotown last night. (ow’s that ankle o" yours=6

5 #rained I think.6>a,, said 5@an I take o"" your shoe= We should get that thing tied u#.6 With

care he re!oved 2ince’s shoe while the !an winced in #ain then slowly rolled the sockdown. (e #laced his "ingers against the swelling and he could "eel the heat radiating o""o" it 5/eah it looks like it’s $ust a s#rain but it’s still #retty bad. I’! going to tie it o""with your sock okay=6 2ince nodded and he went to work. Wentworth gave hi! hiscanteen while >a,, did this and 2ince 8uickly "inished o"" the last o" the water. 5Thatshould hel# 6 said >a,, 5but I don’t think you’ll be able to walk "or a "ew days.6

5Thanks a lot guys i" you hadn’t co!e along I don’t know what I would havedone. I’! "eeling a lot better now. I guess you’re looking "or that the rest o" the town=6

Wentworth con"ir!ed this 5Is there anything you can tell us about the guys whoraided Blackstock= We were out o" town when it all went down.6

2ince shook his head at the !e!ory 5They ca!e into town about !id+!orning.The only warning we had was the sound o" their engines in the distance and the screa!so" the Brah!in as they ca!e through the "ields 7 shooting the! "or no reason They

were all !ounted on dune buggies and they were screa!ing and laughing the whole ti!e.5-obody knew what to do. There was no organization and the "ew #eo#le who

#ulled out wea#ons to "ight back got !owed down without taking out any o" thegangsters. I’d le"t !y gun behind at !y wagon at the ti!e while I was at 4and"all eating

break"east which I guess !akes !e one o" the lucky ones.5A"ter taking down what little resistance there was and !aking a "ew e,a!#les o"

#eo#le who struggled they herded everyone into the centre o" !ain street. o!e o" the!started setting "ire to the buildings while the guy who I assu!e was their leader addressedthe citizens.

5(e was a "at !an with a beard and he was wearing a 2iking hel!et 7 the kindwith horns co!ing out o" either side. (e was a nutter he started re"erring to hi!sel" inthe third #erson and telling everyone how they were now Ehis cattle the #ro#erty o" thehellhounds.’ I swear he was getting o"" seeing the children crying "ro! this. *uck I’llad!it it: he scared !e too. (e knew how to #ro$ect.6

2ince shrugged 5 o they started herding us between the vehicles back to their base or whatever. I’d been kicked in the gut during the attack so I wasn’t "eeling toogood and then I busted !y ankle in one o" the vehicle ruts. o then those assholesdecide to kick !e a "ew !ore ti!es but I couldn’t !ove so they le"t !e here. I thoughtthey were going to shoot !e. I guess they’re still !oving the rest o" the #eo#le as wes#eak 6 he sighed 5I’! glad you guys ca!e out this way because you saved !y ass butthere’s at least two dozen o" the!. nless i" anyone else was lucky enough to bust anankle there’s nothing we can do. Theose (ellhounds are nasty and there’s a lot o"the!.6 (e looked honestly regret"ul "or saying this and Wentworth could see that he

!eant it. It wasn’t callousness $ust straight u# honesty. Wentworth looked at >a,, andsaw that the resolve was still in his eyes.

5What sort o" wea#ons did they have=6 asked Wentworth.5 h 7 wea#ons= I don’t know. 0istols and ri"les I guess. 4isten I’! serious

you’d be stu#id to go a"ter the!. Don’t be a dead hero.6>a,, inter$ected 5Maybe we’ll be lucky enough to catch the! slee#ing. We

gotta check it out at least >ight=6

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5/eahG I guess you’re right. But I don’t want to see you guys biting it with therest o" the!. Don’t get !e wrong 7 I liked Blackstock hell I barely broke even co!ingout this way but I did it because the #eo#le were re"reshing "ro! the assholes you outwest in 0etrolia. I" there were only "ive or si, guys sureG but twenty or thirty= Welllisten $ust don’t do anything stu#id. >e!e!ber i" you guys bite it then I’! #robablygoing to die out here in the !iddle o" nowhere 7 I’! going to need hel# getting back tocivilisation with a broken ankle. -ow the leader 2iking (el!et was yelling at the resto" the! to ahe! Ewhi# the s#irit into those cattle i" you want to be ho!e by night"all’ 7so I’! guessing that wherever they are it can’t be !uch "urther. I" you kee# going youshould get there by !idnight. -ow as "or !e would you !ind hel#ing !e over to thattree over yonder= This sun is killing !e and it would be good to have so!e shade whileI’! waiting "or you guys to co!e back.6

They hel#ed 2ince u# and #ut his ar!s around their shoulders then hel#edsu##ort hi! as he ho##ed towards the shade a short distance away. A"ter setting hi!down Wentworth #ulled out a co!bat kni"e hanging "ro! his belt and handed it to 2incetelling hi! to use it i" the coyotes got u##ity. 2ince thanked the! again and theyresu!ed "ollowing the trail.

The sun was in it’s "inal arc o" the day. The landsca#e turned red with it andWentworth started !oving "aster: the trail would be harder to "ollow in the dark. Aheadwind started u#.

54isten >a,, about what 2ince saidG we’ll check things out when we get there.And i" theseG (ellhounds are the $ackasses I think they are we’re going to be okayalright=6

>a,, nodded 5/eah I’ll do what I can. -ow that we’re getting closer I’!getting a bit worried though. I don’t have any e,#erience with this kind o" thing. I killeda !an once this idiot at a bar who didn’t like the way I lookedG6 he sighed 5I’! not

bragging.65/eah I know.65I regret it. (onestly I wish I’d $ust never gone to that bar in the "irst #lace. That

guy was a shit head but he didn’t deserve to be shot y’know= I didn’t have !uchchoice but it’s not so!ething I’! #articularly ha##y about.6

5/eah I know buddy. 4isten the "irst ti!e75 he sto##ed s#eaking and grabbed atthe 0i#Boy on his belt. 53h shit.6 (e said a"ter e,a!ining it "or a second. (e #ut itaway and sto##ed dead in his tracks #utting the ri"le down and taking o"" his #ack.

5What’s u#=6 asked >a,, but Wentworth didn’t res#ond he started ri"lingthrough his #ack.

5Take these.6 (e handed >a,, a cou#le o" #ills "ro! a bottle taken out o" hisruck. (e 8uickly shook out two !ore #ills into his hand and took the! gesturing "or>a,,’s canteen. >a,, give hi! his canteen and learn why Wentworth had wanted it a"tertaking the #ills.

5*uck those tasted like shit I "eel like the back o" !y tongue’s burning o"" 6 hesaid a"ter washing the! down. 5What was that about=6

Wentworth looked #issed 5Those "ucking idiots. We’re entering a "allout zone.That wind !ust have washed it over us. Those #ills I gave you are #otassiu!+iodide

#ills. /our thyroid absorbs iodide and it’s one o" the "irst things to beco!e radioactivewhen around a source. But it can only absorb so !uch iodide. 4ow levels o" radiationonly har! you i" the #articles get ingested into your body 7 so by taking these #ills you

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overdose your syste! and any irradiated idodide that enters your syste! will be "lushedout without har!ing you.6

5What about the #eo#le "ro! Blackstock=6Wentworth glared 59,actly. We’ll $ust have to ho#e the wind starts blowing the

other way soon "or their sakes. We should sto# to eat now be"ore the "allout gets anyworse. We’ll need "ull sto!achs when we go into battle.6

The ate 8uickly trying to e,#ose the "ood to the air as little as #ossible kee#ingthe bags it was in hal"+closed and eating in a hunched over sitting #osition. The both took8uick swigs "ro! >a,,’s canteen and within ten !inutes they were on the !ove again.

They walked with greater urgency than be"ore. Wentworth’s 0i#Boy ke#tvibrating #eriodically. Whenever he checked it showed only !inor "luctuations in theradiation levels. The headwind continued.

*or a while Wentworth worried that they’d lost the trail. They’d hit an arid #atcho" land. The thick grasses and occasional #atch o" bushes had given way to only thelightest bits o" scrub. The earth was hard #acked here cracked and showed no evidenceo" any overland travel that !ight have occurred. The wind #icked u# the dust and blew it

in their "aces. Although they had their eye #rotection Wentworth’s goggles and >a,,’ssunglasses it stung their "aces and hands leaving the! sore and red. Aside "ro! theoccasional #atches o" grass growing between the cracks the sole bene"actors o" so!e lowlying water see# there were tiny coral+like growths. 0ale grey+green lichens only a "ewcenti!etres high with red ti#s where "urther growth was slowly occurring. They lookedalien as i" they belonged at the botto! o" the sea.

They continued going in a straight direction and a"ter so!eti!e noticed Brah!inscat a little ways o"" to their le"t. They were still on the right track. 9ventually the dry

#lain turned back into so"ter grasslands where the violence o" the raiders #assage wasonce again !ade evident.

The (ell (ound leader !ust have been e,aggerating when he urged on his"ollowers. 9ven with their delay o" several hours Wentworth and >a,, reached theraiders’ enca!#!ent $ust be"ore sunset. The red light bea!ed horizontally across theearth into their "aces and even with the #olarized lenses on his goggles it was di""icult "orWentworth to see. It wouldn’t have !ade !uch di""erence i" they were going the otherway though. 9vening twilight was u#on the! with it’s dece#tive light. It was easy to!ake the !istake that one could see !ore than was actually the case.

The "irst sign o" their i!#ending a##roach was the diesel "u!es. 5/ou s!ellthat=6 said >a,, 5we’re getting close.6 The land here was getting hilly again. Theshade #rovided by the hills hel#ed the #lant li"e and the s!all valleys concentratedrainwater. There was a great deal o" bush here even a "air nu!ber o" trees but the"allout had le"t hal" o" the! were dead years ago. Their trunks black and twisted likeso!ething out o" a child’s !onster story those that were still alive were $ust as twisted

and their leaves showed strange !ottled colour #atterns.They "ollowed the contours o" the valleys as they a##roached kee#ing out o"

sight until they heard voices u# ahead. 9,cited shouting that couldn’t 8uite be !ade out.They located a rise with cover and little bracken the noise "ro! which !ight give awaytheir #osition and they ascended cautiously !aking sure not to silhouette the!selvesagainst the sky. When they reached the to# crawling on their bellies by this #oint theycould !ake out the old #re+war building the raiders had set u# ca!# in.

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It was not !ore than "i"ty !eters distant. The surrounding #lant li"e !ust havekilled the noise !ore e""ectively than Wentworth had e,#ected this was closer than hehad e,#ected or would have liked to be. 5(old still 6 he !uttered to >a,,. But the (ell(ounds didn’t a##ear to be "eeling #articularly vigilant and in the twilight the lowhanging tree branches in "ront o" the! would be a!#le cover. They settled in andobserved 8uietly.

The !ain building was a two story concrete structure with a tar roo". It was stillin e,cellent condition $ust "ilthy with vertical streaks on it’s sides "ro! acid rain and"ilthy air. It had 5industrial6 sta!#ed all over it an uni!aginative grey bo,. What had

been the back o" the building "ro! their #ers#ective on the right looked to have beenwhere the ad!inistration o""ices were ke#t. The last ten !etres were only one story high.The "ront hal" o" the building had only the occasional s!all window set on the ground"loor like a warehouse or so!e sort o" vehicle bay. In the !iddle o" the building was ano#en garage door where the two halves o" the building were se#arated. They couldn’t!ake out anything on the interior.

The !ain structure was surrounded by a #aved area and a chain link "ence barbedwire at the to#. The only o#ening was on the south side to their le"t a large rolling gate

lay o"" it’s tracks on the ground ne,t to a #aved road headed south. 3ne o" the largerAT2s was #arked across the gate and the others were in a row out "ront. This buildingwas the road’s end o" the line. Inside the co!#ound were #iles o" !achine #arts a"orkli"t and yellow #lastic barrels covered with the accu!ulated dirt o" decades. Therewere several s!aller "enced in areas at the back o" the co!#ound. @ages. Thetowns#eo#le were being the!. The Brah!in were wandering all over.

The >aiders had set u# a large bon"ire outside o" the garage door. There was ane!#ty s#it overto# o" it and a various !akeshi"t benches had been set u# in a circlearound it. The raiders were celebrating their success"ul raid with alcohol they’d #robablystolen "ro! Blackstock’s bar. They were shouting and !illing about. 3ne #air hadgotten into a "ist "ight while hal" a dozen others circled around the! and cheered the!on. o!e o" the! had village wo!en sitting on the ground ne,t to the! their "aces tearstreaked and broken.

5Those "uckersG6 started >a,,.5Ignore it 6 ordered Wentworth 5Don’t think about it. We need to stay cal! or

we won’t be able to hel# anyone. We’ve got a $ob to do.6A"ter the "ight broke out their leader called things to order. Wentworth observed

hi! care"ully. (is 52iking hel!et6 was $ust a cou#le o" Brah!in horns stra##ed onto anor!al co!bat hel!et. It was the !ost idiotic thing he’d ever seen. I#d ut a round intohim for that helmet alone, he thought to hi!sel". (e was wearing the sa!e rag+taghardened leather as the rest o" the!. 4ike !any o" the others there was so!e sort o"

#atch sewn onto his le"t shoulder #robably a red dog re#resenting a (ellhound but it wastoo "ar to be sure. (is s#eech was that o" a braggart "ull o" e!#ty #o!# and bravado

That#s right you assholes, you#re real heroes, Wentrworth 8uickly tuned out the bragging. (e counted twenty+two o" the! roughly what he’d e,#ected. They were!ostly carrying #istols though one had a crossbow and there were a "ew shotguns. The

best thing they had was a hunting ri"le with iron sights.5We need to sit and observe "or a while 6 he said to >a,, 5I need to see what

they’re going to do a"ter night "alls be"ore I can co!e u# with a #lan so we’re going to be waiting here a while.6

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The sun was slowly setting when Wentworth’s 0i#Boy vibrated again. The bon"ire was surely killing the (ellhound’s eyesight so he slowly #ulled it out. The radcount had al!ost doubled since the last ti!e he’d checked. -othing to do about it nowso he si!#ly set it down ne,t to hi!.

The leader had "inished his s#eech and the raiders were getting back tocelebrating when out o" the corner o" his eye Wentworth noticed !ove!ent by the "rontgate. The breeze had stirred a !etal sign which was barely hanging on it was "li##edu#side down and "acing towards the interior o" the co!#ound. (e slowly reached "or his

binoculars and used the! to read the sign. There was still $ust enough light.

Ontario Power GenerationPickering Plant Temporary Storage Facility #012Federal Government PropertyNO TRESP SS!NG

(e didn’t like where this was going. (e slowly #ut down the binos and #unchedin 50ickering 0lant 30?6 into his 0i#Boy’s database search engine. It was as he’d

"eared one o" the #re+war nuclear #ower #lants. (e #icked u# his binos again ande,a!ined so!e o" the yellow barrels. nderneath the caked earth he could barely !akeout #art o" a radiation warning label.

>a,, was watching hi! do this and waitng "or hi! to e,#lain. 5This buildingwas a te!#orary storage "acility "or nuclear waste be"ore the war. Those yellow barrels=They contain radioactive !aterial. o!e o" the! !ust be leaking. Those stu#id stu#id"ucks have decided to live in a "allout area. When we go in it’s critical that whatever youdo don’t shoot any o" the barrels. >ight now we’re $ust dealing with secondary radiation+ airborne #articles irradiated by the waste. I" any o" the barrels beco!e #unctured those

#ills won’t do anything to hel# us 6 he looked >a,, in the eyes 5and yes this !eans it’s alot worse "or those #eo#le in there. 4et’s ho#e these "ucks #ass out soon.6

5Whenever you’re ready. Are you sure we can handle the!= We’re #retty"ucking outnu!bered.6

Wentworth $ust stared straight ahead "or a second 5/es. /es we can. 4isten I’!going to do a cloverlea" around the co!#ound. I’! going to back u# a ways then ho#around to e,a!ine the building "ro! each side. Do you !ind staying here and kee#ingan eye on what they’re doing=6

5-o #roble!.6 The ne,t hour and a hal" were un#leasant "or >a,,. Besideshaving to witness the su""ering o" #eo#le who had recently beco!e his neighbours whenthe sun set things got chilly. (e lay there occasionally "le,ing his !uscles so that theydidn’t cra!# u# while the ground sucked the war!th right out o" his body. (e clenchedhis $aw so that the occasional bouts o" shivering which went through hi! didn’t cause histeeth to chatter and give away his #osition.

3ddly enough he didn’t "eel any "ear $ust a nervous e,cite!ent which !ade hisli!bs "eel light and $u!#y. (e wondered about this. By all rights he should be da!nedscared because o" the odds they were u# against but all he "elt was a cool deter!ination.Deter!ination and antici#ation "or the !o!ent when things would begin.

By the ti!e Wentworth returned the (ell (ounds had turned in "or the night.They’d le"t two guys on sentry who’d "illed one o" the !etal trash cans with wood andset it on "ire then !oved it down towards the cages where they were able to kee# an eyeon both the #risoners and the side door o" the building which was being used as the !ain

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entry and e,it #oint. As >a,, related the events during Wentworth’s absence the twosentries were sitting down and #laying a ga!e o" cards on a table they’d dragged out o"the building.

When >a,, was "inished s#eaking Wentworth nodded 5Alright. ?ood news I’veco!e u# with a #lan. 4et’s head back down the hill.6 They retreated back into the gullywhere they were out o" sight o" the co!#ound 5Might as well have one last s!oke

be"ore we go in.6A"ter they both lit u# cigarettes they sat down leaning against their back#acks.

5The other sides o" the building are as unoccu#ied as they see! "ro! here the (ell(ounds are concentrated on the east side and the #risoners are all being held in the north.The "ront o" the building will be where we a##roach. The "ront is a series o" largeloading bay doors three o" the "our are o#en. The interior is al!ost co!#letely e!#tye,ce#t "or so!e tool benches and shelves along the walls and so!e !achines #iled u# inthe "ar corner. Along the back wall $ust a short distance away "ro! garage door that wewere "acing on the hill is a large steel door. While I was watching they were going inand out o" that door and there was a light in the roo! beyond it. I could !ake out

bedrolls. It a##ears to be a "airly large roo! and it’s where they’re slee#ing 6 while he

s#oke he gestured in the air to describe the layout 5/ou got that=6>a,, a""ir!ed.5They only have the two guards on this side: they’re not e,#ecting any trouble.

Those guys are #robably $ust out here to kee# an eye on the #risoners. We have a !a$orele!ent o" sur#rise.6 (aving gone over the building’s layout he went over his #lan.>a,, suggested a cou#le o" things and a"ter s#ending a "ew !inutes hashing out thedetails he crushed his cigarette beneath his boot. 5>e!e!ber s#eed and aggression willget us through this. 4et’s get going.6

They !oved out about a hundred !eters "ro! the building and circled around tothe "ront. There wasn’t as !uch cover on the south side but it was dark the guardsweren’t #aying attention and they stuck to the natural di#s in the ground. A"ter circling athird o" the way around the building they were out o" eyesight o" the guards or anybodygetting u# in the !iddle o" the night to #iss. They a##roached the "ront gate.

The AT2 #arked out "ront was there to kee# the Brah!in in it #osed no obstacleto the! sli##ing by. They !oved 8uickly knees bent and wea#ons ready not 8uiterunning to the bay door on the "ar le"t. When they got there they hid behind the concrete"or a !inute then Wentworth lowered hi!sel" to the ground and #eeked around. Theinterior was as e!#ty as be"ore and through the s!aller garage door on the east side hecould !ake out the "lickering shadows "ro! the trash can "ire.

(e looked u# at >a,, and nodded. (e got u# and with the sa!e swi"t glide thetwo o" the! entered. They stuck to the wall "or cover should anyone a##ear slidingaround the roo! in a clockwise !anner until they reached the door that went to the (ell(ound’s slee#ing 8uarters. It was heavy steel and #robably locked thought they didn’t

bother to check this. >a,, got out the @H he’d #re##ed and #laced it on all "our cornerso" the door it’s hinges and it’s handle. While he was doing this Wentworth noticed asign ne,t to the door which he #ointed out to >a,,. It was a yellowed #a#er !a# o" the

building and it showed that the ne,t roo! was large enough "or all o" the raiders to slee#in. >a,, nodded at hi!.

When he had the charges #laced he looked towards Wentworth. (e held the #ri!er connected to a thirty second "use in his le"t hand and #icked u# his shotgun withhis right.

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5 a"eties o"" 6 said Wentworth gently turning the switch on his ri"le and nodding.>a,, did the sa!e and activated the #ri!er.

The "use burned silently behind the! as they went u# to the garage door.Wentworth stood by it waiting his ri"le at his shoulder. (e "elt >a,,’s hand on hisshoulder. A"ter a "ew seconds he "elt hi! s8ueeze and si!ultaneously they ste##edaround the corner.

The sudden crack o" gun"ire shocked the! a"ter the long #eriod o" silence. Thecard #layers never stood a chance. The one with his back to the! died instantly as>a,,’s buckshot took o"" his right shoulder and lower neck. The one "acing the! barelyhad ti!e to register their #resence be"ore the double ta# "ro! Wentworth’s ri"le sent oneround into his gut a"ter travelling through his buddy’s shoulder and the other hit $ustabove his right eye sna##ing his head back.

The whole ti!e they’d been !oving while "iring. They ca!e close enough tocon"ir! that the two were dead then lined back u# by the garage door. Wentworthswitched the "ire selector to "ully auto!atic and >a,, 8uickly #o##ed in a "resh shell.They could hear #eo#le beginning to stir inside when the @H went o"". They started!oving at the "ast glide again ears ringing. Where the door had been was a cratered

hole the door had been sent "lying into the bedroo!. As they ste##ed u# to it Wentworth"elt his heart "lutter. -ow was the !o!ent. I" anybody was #re#ared with a wea#ontrained on the door he was going to bite it and there was nothing he could do. (e ste##edinside.

Inside the roo! was chaos the @H had le"t the raiders #unch drunk and bleedingat the ears. Wentworth went le"t and >a,, went right. At this #oint s#eed was o" theessence. The raiders were awake and outnu!bered the! they needed to be killed be"orethey "igured what was going on. Desks and !achinery had been #ushed to the "ar wallthe rest was e!#ty e,ce#t "or the raiders bedding. Wentworth "ired burst a"ter burststarting "ro! the center and swee#ing le"t as >a,, did the sa!e on his side. Bodiescaught bullets like catcher’s !itts blood s#rayed and bullets whizzed and #eo#lescrea!ed in #ain "ear and #anic.

Wentworth was al!ost done his arc when he heard the bolt o" his wea#on lock inthe rear #osition. With his right inde, "inger he #ushed the !agazine release letting it"all to the "loor while he kneeled and with his le"t hand #ulled a second !agazine out o"his #ocket. As he did so he saw one o" the raiders who! he hadn’t got to yet lookingcon"used but lucid start raising a #istol in his direction. Too slowly he a""i,ed the "resh!agazine and thu!bed the bolt release. (e could "eel it as the bolt "lew "orwardcatching the round and sliding it into the cha!ber then locked in #lace. (e took u# a

#oint o" ai! $ust as the raider "ired.(is world s#un and he saw stars (e heard the sound o" the #istol going o"" as his

body slu!#ed against the wall hard. (e heard the blast o" the shotgun "elt the buckshotdisturb the air as it rushed #ast his "ace and then there was silence.

5Wentworth get u# Wentworth 6The stars "aded and the dizziness #assed.5WhatG=65The bullet ricocheted o"" your hel!et. /ou’re not hit.6This !ade sense to hi!. (e reached u# and "elt a "ive centi!etre groove along

the le"t side o" his hel!et. (e stood u# #ro##ing hi!sel" u# on the wall as he did so still"eeling woozy. 5We’ve got to !ake sure they’re all dead.6

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They 8uickly went through the roo! kicking the bodies. When one o" the!groaned they got a bullet in the head. As they did so they counted.

5Twenty #lus the two outside. That your count too=65/eah twenty+two total.65?ood. We’ll 8uickly take the rest o" the building using the sa!e tactics as

be"ore.65But what about the darkness=6 said >a,, 5We won’t be able to see shit i" there’s

anybody hiding.6Wentworth nodded. 5/ou’re right 6 he thought "or a !o!ent 5*uck it then.

They should all be here. But let’s try to clear out as 8uickly as #ossible $ust in case 6 hegave his head a shake 5/ou !ind taking charge o" things= I’! a little dizzy and besidesyou know these #eo#le.6

The tri# back to Blackstock was !ore di""icult than their $ourney to the holding"acility during the a"ternoon. The !ayor had been killed during the initial attack andthere was nobody else who had the #resence o" !ind or the sense to be able to rally the

#eo#le. >a,, did his best but in so!e ways he was still an outsider to the!. -ot that

you could bla!e the! "or their disorderliness a"ter what they’d been through. 9ven withthe AT2s to !ove the wounded sick and e,hausted it wasn’t until dawn that everybodyhad arrived back in town.

The !ayor had been one o" the lucky ones.The cleanu# took less ti!e than anybody e,#ected even with hal" the town too

in$ured or distraught to #artici#ate. Within a week all o" the bodies had been buried andthe rubble had been cleared "ro! the streets. It was around this ti!e that #eo#le startedgetting sick.

>adiation #oisoning. 3nce your D-A get destroyed there’s not !uch that can bedone even with the best "acilities and !edical sta"". It was co!#letely beyond the skillso" the local !idwi"e.

3ne by one the residents started losing their hair their bones beca!e increasingly brittle and diarrhoea beca!e so serious that not $ust dehydration but !alnutrition beca!e a worry.

>a,, and Wentworth ke#t waiting to develo# the sy!#to!s the!selves.The two o" the! along with 2ince whose ankle had healed by this ti!e did what

they could to kee# everybody "ed and in good care. *or a week the three o" the! hardlysle#t.

Then the "irst one died an old !an. The second to die was a young child. More $oined the!.

o!e o#ted to take the 8uick route.

Page 23: DMJ Aurini the Wasteland

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The 1ell 1ounds have been wi ed from history and no one shall know how they suffered during their last minutes of life. Their origins remain a mystery. (erha s they $ust grew out of the wasteland itself, radioactive demons of destruction, remnants of ourancestors who first brought this destruction down u on themselves, now shades to bringit u on their children. 2ut wherever they came from, their name has died with them, forwe, the last witnesses of their time on earth, will never s eak of them again. 2ut threeweeks after the night they breathed their final breaths, the community they had attackedwas nothing but an em ty shell. 2uildings without eo le, slowly being reclaimed and

savaged by nature like so many other laces in this fucking world. 3nly the stones wouldremember the eo le of 2lackstock. And me, &a'' and 4ince. This is another thing Icarry with me.

5There’s nothing 9ast o" here "or a long way 6 slurred Wentworth. (e wasslu!#ed at the bar while >a,, stood behind it serving shots o" whiskey.

5/ou guys are welco!e to $oin !e 6 o""ered 2ince sitting ne,t to Wentworth5I’! heading back west. There’s a Mennonite co!!unity near here.6

5To!orrow !orning then.6 aid >a,, 5We’ll leave this dustbowl. But right

now I need to get drunk.6

This work is fictional