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DjVu Document - Washington Secretary of State

Mar 04, 2023



Khang Minh
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Page 1: DjVu Document - Washington Secretary of State

•• Ih!ol'-::'"


Puget So~~d Argus.Vol. XIV Port To\vnsend, w. T., 'l:'hur""da.y, March 2;J, 1883. No.6

otIice: Corner 01 Waitt and OulflC, Struls.


Hause FurnishingHAfiO"VARK

l'rhM! Q!l~1111 anll' I'lllt ,..ricOI l'rICIlIN4tnt)' ..nlel,.o 0I1Old.

UIPOltTrll OJ'

Stoves, Tinware,PUMPS. IRON PIPE,


JOliN T. NOnl I',

Egg. For Hatching.PURE BROWN LEO HORN.

The nndcl1Ilglted ol'Jerll a limited quaD·tity of fl"f.lllh ens of the IlOO\'e b~. for81110 lLt 82 for each ItI\ting. Will !Jacktltem for liJipping in lUifetl to diatalltpoil\t8. B.S. BOUI..Port '!'OWUIleOO, Mnrcb 6,1888. 2m.

ASK FOR" OUR FAYORm" TEA.Alld tufa llO other. even it mcommcn,J·

eel os "equall)' nA good" nntil yon lillVItried tbie reliallic brantL "or sAlo b1

Pt.1JMMJDI .t: Tau,--

.·hf! t ....n...IC-:r.S.\" FIU,N'(JIij(;(), Mllrtb 17.-An in·

vilotti)llltion inw th(l oll~\il'8 of tho lInr·bor(Jumllli8tliooonllli&QIQdCll tl>Oflld tbll'Julill S. Oray, 8tlclbUl'7 of th~ JJoan~

lUllS bc~t1 ~)'lSlcmnticfllly pur"uilijl hlapt.'eulaUun'4 for llpwanb of '.0 )'eua.

It npllCortl from II. uureurv enmi.,GtiOliof hill lJwlul th.llt; BborUyafter n:ooi"l'in.hi.. 81';lUiutment hodefcrroo pt,)'mlilotM totill! Uullirollor.ltilininu "very mrm'h t.wo(ll1)'~ B'rllOC. llUlil tiUll!!)' hI' WtuI • wbole

mouth ilJl'.n1)ul'M. Eluinmriltbly ofr...n:J.ill DIl CJ:UUIlll fur nut wUIi~ tollat theb~in"llIlutliia ulflOO "11.r~1 bit at·telllloll10811Ch 110 e:ll1eot tlaat he ""8obliocOO to p<JllfopoOli tho tinul MCOOtm' rotR few dnyll. When peremptory demaD<1como nfOOlI him tor a IOttlemcot. reo­.ltlt ",1IIt thut 0 ray had 18ft the u6loe.(lallin" 00 bimnt Sncmmolilo be coo·flJ88('d bi~ /.'Uitt, telling • rurLber 00.

OC!>lir·nof lime. hllll lhreatening ia 'beeVf'nt fir ro(lIl1l1l Iu hlow ont bill braiDII.A joint lnel'Uotr o! Lbo okl and 1Iew'IrtJI .....IIl or Harb(lr CommlMionBI"8 "'lUIheld in tim nlOtllin~" 'l'he timo lock onthe ,ufe I'I'M!! HUt fur 9 o'clock. When thelIonr nrriv6l1lhu !U<foJ, WIlli fOl1nd to oon.tain onl~' 8186. A& no 118)'11lenl.a hadbeen t1ladc tor lJOmtl time to lhe OoD.!rollor. thero Ihould ba'l'e beeD ,t leut825.000 on depoeit. 1.·be nee tbe de­fallltin(r Secretary made 't ,be moM)'remainl a mystery, ~bonp It it uDder·.tood trom priv,teooDYeMlatioa. witb hi,mOA' imtimBte frienda that b. d.bbllll1it!, stoeh. He IUlOritte. his predicamttn'WI over iudul(lenoe of frieDdi. The 10­COli uta are being ezamiued. and nlreed1'11l\'epl dtllin9ueooiet to oyer Aoloae watob'l8ltel)t OD aUavaih'ble poin"or depariuN, abd today a detailed d....cription of the m_i~ oIBcit&1 bait beeDteiegraphed all over the eoalft"..



Onrrying U.S. Mllib and PlUlilCDgel"&

lW><1DLeaVCR PorL Town!lend every dII)' nt 2 1'.M. alliking clOHI oonneelioM ....·itb theteamer Pnnnio ot Tuk(lY'~ Ln[)dill~.

W. S. 8~AVEY. Proprictor.

):Pl!lCOPAL covacu IIE.VIUJe8l:Ellter 8000ay.Monllng eernC88 at 11 o'clock.EveniDg IOrfioe at 7:90 o'clook.Sunda), lIOhooJat ~ P. II.

Wook-dny M1"iull Wudooedft1 7 o'clooki Frida! afternoon at ao'clock.

Rzv.1, B. ALUAlftlI:R. M. A,Residenue, MRS. E. S. f'OWLItB

llF.TIIODIST EPI~OPALCIIURCII.BerviC1lit ot the ulmal hour$, morni!!3'

l\OO eveainR, oondncted by ReT. S. II.Todd, pnltor, Sabblltb8choo1 at2:16R."---

ralo:SDYTEnUN l,;UUHCH 8ERvl\,ll!'.B.

Mornill(J Se"iee, 11 A. 11.SRbi.M1tb &bool, 2:15. P. M.Evelliug Bervio8, 7:00 P. M,Week.oii'M Semce,Tburaday, 7:30 P.M•

aav. 3_0. RRlD, Putor.Saturday eye. prayl!l' meatiq at. 7 1'."

OUf New School BUilding. DK.\TIl or WlII. PIQItICIU:"O. -At IlClvenWrllt~'l to\' thl! .\1101;:;- • o'ciock FritlllY cveniug, Hon Wm.I'loke·

All tho time of vot;n~ on tbe ll(lvikftbii. rlllgJie..IAt 1,i8 h<!:mo in t:lqllok Vullcy,It.)' of hl\') llill I' ~~I111 tax Oil 'the prol.lUr. after n td..lort hu~ l,amtnl Illoot!8. '1'00t)' holilers IIllJCbool tli.strict No, ] for deOl!~e I 'WUlJ a ~O:l of ex·OOVlnlOf Wil­the PlIrl)Ol!C of e~/,'l' 3 new llCl,ool ham P,ckerlllg who cume ont to WlIeb.11IIlh.liu~. I\nd [lII,' h....lIlg IIthhhonnl . ".' .!>Choul I?ruunllll, Ill,pr i1chClj, it beboovea lUg'un lcrratory III loG!. He WtlH l\ llIalllite l~gl\"otel'1l or tli dhMicho Ki\e till,) or bri~ht int.clJeot. and hM repnl3e1l!.t.·dmnlter enr.lIl'llt tboll5l oud \OW nocord.\KlOg COllnl)' ill hoth brflooheil or thelUll, to tbelr eOllv!ct!o . LeJ:;s!:ltnre of th~ To to \ r

Ibe hme lulll oome hen a newlIChool rn ry. 1 e....hOI18e ill Blli!Olutely Il~ 'll;IilI.r)· t9this Ctt)'. yt!f\n1I1,!l'O 11\1 Wl\!I marTial. uwl ltmv08 It

NOlOnly 1M lhu, nu~!b: nr IlOholal'6 ~11 Wire. $\}\'ernl ohill1ren And a h,);!t otereusluy: 80 rllll~lI)' U,!I <bpl,~l bUlllhnl:lfriend8 to mourn llill 10sa.-J>o~I.III'dOOA out CUUhllll lIe/llmg rooM for them, 'bllt the hOllso ia Dot tit tur c]:liltlren to tellr{J~rtcer.stny in all (hly. ]Illfinwrtlmetuoroomll TIllil: tenth cen8US bej:l'ill8 nt IMt toIlrll oolJ, nltboll#h tollring Jlre8 llrolfnrni'h 118 Il few fec18. FroID it weIkept ",olnlol' 1\11 day. rbe floor of tho • ! "cnrn~rnmmur depnrtmeut iii mndo ouly of that 00.155.733 IJeOple nro In t1118conntry,ill~h hOu ond. WJ the buillliblf i8 25,518,820 bdn~ mnlClI flod 2&,636,003 fe­rl\ld~ I\oollt,tht;t.'6 feet from th~ ~rouDd malC8; li,679.8-i3 are of forei.rn birth.~lJe WIIIl~, whulthng III) tbrollij'h lhe Ooor, 'l'here are 105 005 Ol·n ImAtl' thl~lIll,'tbln'l' llllt plerulllnt. DR)'Ii,cht can '. ' II I )Q ebe eeen throogh craoks in the wolla ot United Stutes. lind 148 JapnnoM. Rhodeull throo rl.K1ml!l, mill !II the prilllUl'y llt:. b!nnd bfl9~..5 inhnbitnnltt to til" '''I"urol»Irtm01lt room. the wmdo~ do not clooo mile, whila in Wyomit\l( it tnkOti ttv~

at lue top ,bY,ot 10Rllt Bll mob. 80 ,mllob aquare milee to cf\leh one IKlrwm '1'10haM Ihe blllllhtl,Q setlled. If fI allt'lCIKI tJlZ • 1il vutod. WO IU»)f:l a t.oood. comtortllble <lOoter of populutioll ie iii K\!ntnok~'."an:1 oOlnmooioulIllCbool buildinu ...iII be mile IKmtb of the Ohio ri'l'6r. n(>lIr theert.octedjone in,lfh~h scbol"'rt1 ""ill be nble villoge ofTn)·lornille. 12,RaO.3l!lCRIl voteto kOOli wann IU "'lnler and cool 10 111m· 'f tb t to· 7 r.-O '00 ". .mer; uue well ventilated and, ftlpeoially. 1 ~1 wnn ,,\)1... nre enlo:.I:;et.1 Inwell lighted; Ilhuvo All, tho building' fnrDllOl{, and the llvomge numoor of ver·sltolllJ antieipilte Ole growth of tbe 80111lis iiI'.».lown p, little. Gnd be DlIl(lt> huitO eooughto IleAt.oo or 600 pupil, it nlled be. To BRDun.T AT O:olOL-We nre au·

Port Town8011d hllll II good relllltatioll thoriud to Iltato tlll'lt Mr. Yesler willin the ontJIido wo~ll! for' benlt lfuincis oommeoco the COlilitntotioo or I' fonr·8ndchcap?~of hVIIlR'i hlld we ~ fltcrv brick block 90 tooL tot OD M·,IIlChool flWllhlulil llllmOOl'8 wonld bo )n. ." r n I Iducal to tako\lp their rt')llideneM hcra. slroot. uml to run bac..l00 foot. b)· the let'rbus II lIew IlChool will be (;cod for of Mav. This bllildinl(' will ooo11PY thetoo childrell or tbe IoWII, lind tor t ltpoce' bet....een the new YCI1er·Learytown it.Klll',Ra it will t.t':nd toillaCCII86 itA ., " ,population lind reIOlU'Ctli. bmkllDIl' and the P<Htt butldln,cr. The

We hope Yot.eMl "ill think well ot 11)'le of nrcbileotl1re will be the Illme IIIthL'8e Udulf''''! Rnd that Ule1.~~11cwt ~II. tbe Yesler·Lenry blook, the 001)' diaer·lolA t'ODullnlUlI' the wOrdll rur Bpetunl ence boing that theoontemplate:lstnlct.To;" we have no doubt DlOpt of the ., • .tickel.A c..'\llt will be or tbat ltiod altbO"lure WIll be ODe Iltory hljfner. It Wtll boof OOlUM, II few will he ".\KaiDst'Sp«:illl joined to the 091'1' buill1illR now under'rrlX."cMt by s~reheA~8, wh~J1lor)' tn ~h(' WR)'. nUll alliO tuthePOItL buill.liull, whichfact t.hllt th'!Y . huek ."IfIUIlI' an)'tblD,(f will havo en additioWlI storY built 0 'tthllt tho mRjOrlty llrtbelr poopleand . .'" n I.oeiflliool1l are in fOTOr or Mr. Doolle IS now worklllR on U:a plallR

~ for Ihe contemploted buiWinA'. ami Mr,Port TOW~II8~,~br ., ~9 preparillj( to furniah the

C L 11~1 .~oN orick nCOflM(lry for thi8 ,truot.__ Ilire. It it4 .nfe 1.0 M" th"t "ben \billDISTRICT court con JI)'lUpla block itt completed, it' will IIUfllM8 in

YC8knhly, "it,ll oW Ot~ ,I! dockct. Appc0rRnCe Ilnything of the kind 011 tbilll)&SVV.R now cluims .. llOllIltntion or NorUJwes' CORIL The IntellL patrnt

70.0CM), bullOd on the oily diroctor)' IIUIDCS. elevotol"8 will be put into the oow build·l'R&9COT'l', W. T" nlthough hilt a year ill", and DO poiOI or e:I»@1l8O will be

oidia tntlnihl 11 ACbool boullOto CQijL ilpored to nlnkeifoonefJI. too fined Ilhd$3,000. I'mtty TigoroUA infnut. mOlt. oon\'eniollt nod desirRble bnaine&ll

'IU& "raviocilll Ruthoritiell have begun blocks 011 the ooast.-POIr.ft&telilyenccl'. nt Victoria 0~..t1iIl8t the American JOH:oI M1JIlL-TllfI St. l'unl Pwnttrtng Goli lh for violation or British CO&lIt,. Prt:uof tbe 8d irs&. Rives tbi8 Rentlemaniog 1...,,11. the oomplimelll.l\ry mcnljon followin,t:':

'flUl: new tbrll'-lJtory hOUlI ut Colto, "Mr. Jouo Muir, Supl. of 'l'rattlo ot theW. T. ia W heo"ned the Tbeilsoll Honse. VilInrd trnlls(Xlrtution Oil the Pnoincin bOllor of the diatiuguillbed mil· conll, urrived in 8t. Pllnl )·uBtC!rday tromronll clli'incer. Ohicnga. His pnrpoll6 WN morely to vid-

Hsv. J. T. llby. PresbjterinD miDiAler it tr.ilj,eity to »cquoiat hlmaelr with foheat Vant'O\lvllr, hUll been ()rdert"ll by !.he locality, nnd to Obtll{\l a general iden otBonnl of l[illilou to remo~10 Stmttle 10 the ,ilt.lRtioll, prepnralor)' t.o hi. odvontfin the v&OOnoy enllJlCl.I by Hey. 000. It. . A I h '11 k .Uiro'a removal to lJlIlirornilL m ngnllt nex.t. '" len €I WI mil ,a In:

M&It8I\8. Bllwkmon Droe" of Soohoo hea;dqlJn~teri m!:lt. Pnu!' Ho Will reomillli. nro hll'f'ing towo eiuM.ton loco- 1Ult1ll'1Il~11 l\lOllfla)·•.Rtltl thl"n licpurtformotives bnHt A' Scattle-ouo to be u!Cd th~ PaCific CllIISt. \'1:1 (~m:lh[\. Hu I'f'.

intbPir IUlUlin~ b08lncetl a~ Mllkilt«t. celv~1 the rt'l~rtertwlth g'unUC'm~llJythe other lor the Ililm6 purpollO at Bno. BanvII)', hut 11:11\1. 1II rllpl)' too qn8ilhunsho . h Ithf\t he hlllln'lth,ufl ri!olly lIu\\' to COlu'

mIlt , lDunlcllte. Iu nusw!!r lu n '1IIOl'ltion. heTn ('..olnmbia at KillamI' ill to be lRid thllt, nfter hill "'ltmn tu 51. I'nl1l

erQ8ll«\ by An iron fcrryboot cnpnble of there will 00 Jlf) m,lic'nl oh:tnp to thac.'u1'ying th;~ty onril ot ~noo, aud wlJioh preetlnt offioioillt.'\lr hore ill 11m truC1c de­bOA ~o l:IblppeJ III &OOtlO?8 to PortJ.n~I, pllrtmtlnt~ whioh wiH !lOWI rhnr;,:n or thotOArrlVef3apt.enlberlal Ihefflrry Will 'niRhtnnd IlIlRilCnll' inlorel'lla of thebe ~lOrkJld like tblt'RtHtl..-re de OrRce on rond. 1\lr. J\Iuir is II ;rOlln~ mnn. npp..u.thft !'ollnly1Tnni8 JVAd eorne yeRfB lijtO. elltly Dutotdar tJalt tilirt:...!il',', lI!T;lble i"

A PROHIlt&n nill'Oft(1 mRn thin1l:a dl'JlOrtmrllt. IInll t-~f'""ill~ IhOll(l lInclal"we 1M 011 tbo evo of a great nl"l'olution ellltrllCterilltiCl'lhat rend.'r Il~S to himill milro1ll1 conltruotiou" on aooonntof /I. plelll'lllrllhlo mllltf'r. D;lt. tlmler thetho intl'Ol.l1\otion o! llflIl6r milll. The)' fire qniot ClterlOI'. there iil a b1\l'il1e5a C:lfWI·suitt to coet one·third IC!\Il tlmn!l and city thl\t inllllrt'lIl\ fllithflll l'crfonn'mcowill IIIl1L milch lonller, bciug nlmoAt in· or dllt)' withootority fllIll ,..'ithonl rriclioll.d(\fttmctilJlc. aud do not ~Jlnrlll or con· Tho MW IlO>Iiliull to which ho I,g beontrnct with chnng&! ill thc teillperahlro. nPllOinWi.ll. tono tI,nt roqllires foho best

D.mlVIX(l is becominR' II prominent kind of tulent. No \!t'lIht tho ohmpn.uybmnch or itKllllltr)' rlUltof tho monominll.ll'Oflll~ethn' 'hey hRV~ thu riKh~ .lIJlt~1 ill

'Xlto Ynkima Siylw/lln," titnt ovor fonr tbe rIght IllllCe, 8ud appenranoee lodioatetholllllmd .lcllnu· worth of bnller tllnL tho butliuees publio will in DO wi.118mn.le upon a IliDijle KitUfRII r1lnch (thf\' be tli",-.ppoinlet.l, as tbe futuro ahflll de.ot f.mHh Broil. &: Co.) lallt )'eRr. Upon ,..,Iop Mr. Muir's cnpaclt)' tor controlioilthe IRllI6 placo tht'l'6 bllnllrel1 h('~ \\'C1'6

ltb6 iutcresUt of too llm[)iro in itlleU."

elllll,l(htere.l. l\\'6l'aJ,dtlU' 200 ponnus oneil.A Y,umu ooM'ellpomlentor ~lto \I', 11'. Try the "Ril!ng Star" Tel

St(IlI'lIllUlt writt's: "'rhe IK.'lIplo of Thill bmnd or Tell is ilOptJrtC!tl cllreci.Kittitlllt valley fifO now rrollO'iult to trom JRpnu, pnok&l expl1lllr'lly rorWate··bll'ld l\ wa""n fOa,l throlt'l'h tho Sno-In an .t Knt7~ aU(l~lIOtd b,. them ~Ielf onI.... .. Pll.l:'l\t; 81l nnd. E\'pry IJllckaltO II brlllld

C)1Il\lmio f\ll8i4 to Seallh', IlDiI mlldo tt by I'fl "Wl\tcrmltn .t Katlt." RrJ(l i. U'Mrnn·privl\te ent.erflrilM!, and tbe probability tI-ed to Ita ""perinr to any Tea IOld inill tUllt tho people all over tbill COllntryI\Yallhin~n ':orti1ory. Try it aud oon·will contribute mnrJ or 18Sl1 tor opeoiog VIOOO 101l l'llchIA .•, J)'SJkw '\~TElt1l4N" KATZ.tbl\t pos.. an flat let to lUucb needed. ' I

"J'lldgl Dwuon', Scent.·'

Crop rro!!lP~"'"

Tho OrtQon;nn, tonight hne (}etniledcrop feJlol1ll trolll every Abippioq pointin tho Wlllumotta vnlloy. Summf!(1 uptllOy nre us folJolfil~ Ninety pllr cout. ofrnll811wll ...he"h'Q.I killed fir badl)' dam·aged. EQt'"4lb IOOd bla booll lWClirootrom Cnlitornia fll'd t1'C'm vnlle)' 1\'IUi'­hOIUIClltOrCIO.... 1l1l UieilljuredtieM8, nndaoout lhree-luurthJJ OOs been t'('fIeOOetl.l.'nla relllnilliug tlel<1s will be rollt'ededthi. 'lII'oolc. Tho IlC.reRge will b" nooutfttlreu cent. greater thllll Inst yellt.IIml wiUI fn\'ornhlo wcnlber the yield",lIlhlllloollteqnnl to formet )·ellfl. InUmpqufl. vnlley ooly Lrty per cont or thefiolds were frozon ont.

--Thil hI the title ot II ne~ $Crinl "wry

of Oregol1life, h)' l\lri'. A. S. Dllniwny.wbicb ....1111 oomm{'nood in Ule N~It' Norlh·Il'tlll of March leith. llutllJrullli8efl to 00or Kt'CR~ inteMlI. 'I'hut jlmnllli will gi\'OIpec4d aWl-nlion to the comincr WomllnSuft"rfl{:e caDljlllign. TerD'll. 8300pcr )'enr,

6 mOBt_ It GO. Tl'lld 'ltlJ11crlp!iem, anlnUnl" 00 eent8. &nd lJtllmp for sum·pie OOP1. AddrMa Duiwo)' Po.blhlhing00., 1?orUand, Or.

I II VUI'!t Old.1Il0nH1tAL, MBnlh. 15.-Tbe oldllllt in·

lJRbitlln' of the dominion died Yelltenlayfit Lllke Magentio, Bwidow, Mllry Hagb68OrliVeH. She"fIll II. nntive ot Eu~land,

lmt for throo.quartertl of n century WIUI" feAitlcot of Oanada, She wIUl1l6 yenl'll,and it is o..-l1.rhnlf tl ccntury ginoo borhnlloond l1itld. Sbe Wtll poMOlllJCJ otall ber mental tllOuUiN Lo the h.t.



All "ceemul• .stWtll MQlttldu·

Dr. L. T




OlYmpia - - Wash. Terr.


orsxl'u...... 'l'.

9"'Pl1\ctice be[oro tbe Lnnd Office,II specinlty,

1'01'1. ·ru\II'liwolul. \V. ~r.

Itlbe..lachtrlle111l1ll!e1 fllruhhNI oUIPI,lIaliIOll,

J. F. SHEEHAN,Stoves. Tin Plate

SHEET mON,'l3 Wlltl'r ::\trt1JI. ~(lrt TOll'lIl1{'llIl

J. T. IUtOWY, T.)L lin:",.L.t'll~rl.t.!rLand OIUt*. AItOnltl1"'

BROWN &; REED,J.l"d and Law Attorneys.

W,' u...'·...IA. w. T.II vroolice helveo Ull" Oourblllnd Lonr!

omcee of the Te.rritory.Ol'F1CK~JHb[tt lb. PIua.

Mtl ..;f;;.. I ...fJU~ ."YJ)IIl1

One 1t1.t, ,lJ.~ I'rh~ mOlllb~ ..•..I\L"4~IIIlLUIlIIl., •.•. , a.,,_, Ull.. 'lIlJl1lb .••. ,..• I,W

III A(h'.,u,~.

tT j'er ....eek, i7I c~~~~;~IO'" tude " ...",

i. A. KUHN,

orrlOER, aLZOT.

I"rot. Alt" 3d 1)1~I.C. ;\I, BnId~he"'" Pt.TOW'lWend,JI!~'tr"Ull COllllt)':

~~~~~I:'.i~l~t'il"ll:;tt~ ;':.o;\-::~;...nd.

~~~J~lll~s~;ill~;I~'~rut~~~I~~:;j~lIWIl_d,('llotUller, ll.lI, lIt1,~ltl," ,.

~~~~!~~I;i..f;.C;,~~.llt'ti°A:t~:~,'r!Ji.I,nd.ICI";~I" A.!Jlnl111, I',"t 1l'.eurtlrJl A, A. l'IUIlI.....r. l'on Towll"ntl.

"Attornoy nt Lo ""

"lI1l1rol\l.,u~·Il(tent! 10 .llllu.IIMl~8 1lllrnJt.ollto hlUl,

_..... TOWl'l'!l~p, ""llIft'l'IlI1'11l' TC'1lh1'OllT.

J. R. LEWIS,,A:t:torn0Y-At_x..A-VV.

..,rIo'ICt;-Il1111er'~ 8nlldllll(. lW'l<Il.Jl ••ull ~.

JK'nl\A t1u.'Ut. (ll'1l1t'Olt<. Ot"-"'dunll.llloh"l.



tK& By Tele,;rllpb.-_.W kl Argus Tlle'"& y • S.'S FIlA~U13l,"'I.•\1lJroh 2U,-Agont Lt-

IS I'IIBLllllll;l) 1::\'J.:IIY 'rllllll~U,H' filln, IJrominullll)' OOlllll'Olcd .with the

A,Port l·o"n~)lI.I,Wl&I!binglon Territor)' U1ltnugomcnt of 1'0 UrewlII Pucillo n.i ._ nmtl, urrhed from the EII~t 011 8allln.luy.

'11>8...""ot' !ltIIl__·.lrrlu~ I wl'llre ho hud 1Jeen uUl{llj,ltlol ror till.! JJll8ttwo mOlllhlwlI multers rl·lntinll lo tho"'"I Tb,"UHll1lh·., .•nc:I~.

~r~~~~·:lil~·.·.'::::. ':. l:lIIl u~~ NlOullt ..•.•.:J.\ tIP. oun",lruction 'If tlJe IH"JP(J,q~1 1\)8,1. 10

~lllllill (OI'Y. tUotlll~. "oonvcnmliou with nu Ul'l'!/flllitW cor·er .\1..·..'8 I" A.h".lIce. -..'i:J t'lIpoJlIll;'lIt he stntoo:l thill, lu'! WR~ 1lI111ble

--- to Ki,'u lin)' uelniloo. lU.·(;OIIll' uf the cou·It.\TIlS 011' .~U\·to:lt't'lSI:'iO: hmlflluted wmll:. or U,O manit of lIis hi.

(JlMI!"rb,t1r~lllI-llr'llJN,.••. " •.••••• ,.•• ,..• 'I.~1 oora in the ~llSt, liS nl'rllll~"'lIlenhi lindtM:II ~l\I_llIlnlln,,·,tl"lI .......• "..... •••• .ilI nut hCllU th:KlIr L·ull~lI1111nn!el1. Jt illllot

T''Il,,·I~!l .,b·,·rll""I"~111'·btu 111.111'0 11l~ ...rLllJtl, • ilUlfI'obllblo thnt within the next IwoIl\IUsl W.~""'''I..."I",1 \)1 ca_ .wc\"kli mutterit will 1I1!8111110 de-Unitt! pro·portiollllllO tbnt work wili lJo Qon'meucedill abort order nfl.t:r tim recldpt IIf certninIllnlUl. At IlrC8Cot tbe only thillg liecould stllio ndviKt.'t1ly ill that \'or)' im·I>ortllnt dcvclopment8 fI~ Il111Ier oon·aideration, ami when fhlllll)' decided 111)­011 a f1nll" movemont wOllld be mml9flml work pusllCd for n1Il)CC(1yoouclusion.

:V'Delivoroo by mail or o:trrior. -'fJ A oabl~p'rllm from London il "nlionllvawaited. which would determine tlt~oomiliolioo ot matters to a considorableeItent. Ho 10ayCfI for tbe EMt this.Uernooll.

• I\

Page 2: DjVu Document - Washington Secretary of State





Will rccci"o

Work Hnt (mill

All Jlnrlll 01 HU' ~t)I':XD,




ro~IAJ)F:, •rEIWU ~lF.fl \'.

H.\m OIL~.

11'.\ J.L rArEr.,1JI<U~IIES,


:\1111 "lllHli\,It"1 (nr Ihn Tuilet.QUh:k lt81cliIIIUU IlIll.1t I'rofiu.

c. )I ••(lt:ltlll~11.



l:i.1E\I\C.H,-::,n:cs .t:~.

c; LA::;~,P:\I~TS.

OILS.I'II, ... ,'I Mf'dicill('~ nf ,,11 \dudl l

A Large :\uurtmenl.

\\"ollM iiiI(' to hnn> nil ('nil rlml f'lllmint· our J.,"llod.'i cnd pril)t.)riiti\"t~I)· Innk;,) il. nil. objf'et. for thl}$' (Il'~iritl~ to LilY.

., 0 t1'onhle to .,;holl' floods or qllole I) rices.Come lind be COII\·illCl....1or til£' truth ot our Ill'l';I'rtiulls. 'l'hil4 oll'l'r holds

• rootl fot' thirty tlll)'S olll~',


Gn)at Reduction in pricesl.\'1'

\rE XOII' OFI'EH !ll'1{

Large Stock of MerchandiseAT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES

For the next Thirty Days.

Attl'ntioll ii'l pnrtieularl)' c:J1It>t.1 to our lilll'!t or

Dry Goods, loiLIiCy Good.,;, Clol!/ill!! IIJI(I Gcnt/sFnrllishillJ1 Goods, Bools, Shut.,;, lillis, CIII)S,

CII1'pet .•, Oilcloths, II rlit }'III'Cr, 9·C. 9·C.;,;r I:i nlf:~t; LI:if:S \\.t; OFFER E:iTIlA I:iDCCDIEXT

~~DTT,AS'__ :/-JL,l .1t..,- \::I) \\JJ I

Paints, Oils, Varnishes StationeryW!tnll' lie ~Il" Udall,lI,r

. D. HILL & SONPort Townsend, W. T.


SON'SIndian Blood S:vrup

Cttres all diseases of the Stomaoh, Liver,Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blo~

Milli(m R testify to its effioaoy in heal·ing the above named di~..ases, and pro-

~...(Ilf~ B~.r~~:'B:NOWNTOMAN.TRAD' MABK. Gu,aran~eedto cU/re D'lJ.9pepsia.

,-AGENTS WANTED....Laboratory 77 W. adSL. Now York City. Dr-·.ggists soil iL

- .,., 'I '"lI..T -_•.L.ri...... J.L~ L"I lJ1OF EXTRA QUALrrY.

Hou,' andShipCarpent ~',,;'T()ols,

Ship Chandlery, Croceries,B001S AND SHOES, PHOVI~JONS.



Agricultural Implements of all KindsAT 'rHE LOWE. T PlnCES.



nh'lt Ini!olilicittl 11y "II t.,t'

The JubiJee Concert.

rlll:ltlll 1',' Tho Vukllill lJl'HlI~1Jt /o.';'Gt~IIt"Clf fl·,'i~h', dif;ildllllll'ti liS rvlll)lI',,:\'lct"rjn. 4r...; IOIml; )'orl TtJWIl~' n,I, 1'1.'"1

tun.. ; St',IlIll', :!l~"I','Ili!: 'I'Ot·UIIIII. 7,s IUlIi!:JI)IIlI,ill. 4.~ lulltL

{''''r W. II. t:llt~ I~

aU"II,,·, ",",all I,. II'rlu\..'"I1...·;. tlf .\tlt·.

Ell 111.1.. I TIlt' I'. C. (',,', ",t.·allwrElIr, ".1. ('.II,\.I :,null. !lrrl\. 11 ...t 1JI.:1lt1ruHl l"'l"llulld. all.l ..01:1.·.1 tI<llu~ fur.\I,I".• 1In I",rt~. :-ilill hllll 011 h"ll"l IIll,,,~lh' Itllluh.'r .. r 1'1l"';'llI:"I'PlIlII,IJI JurJ.:{'lui or' fr"ll.Iht. 1'rl,\',·1 Lu lilt, AhlllkilIilin" .. I~ II. ~illlllllC tll rl'\ilt· iu ,1t'>I,1• iltlW.. t, 111,,1 lilt· ' ...xl (.'11 Iril' <lr IIII'..1t'lllu.r .... 111 ....." I l.I,.lI..tlllJ>l1·,U-h...1 10 Ill('11,'" L1,I.,r"do.

J"IlUo. II IMrl: .\11"'11..11111' lIrriff.'J tUth~

hum \"1I11"fIIl"'I, ';:\',m I'nLll,'j"l'U. :-ilk'",iIIllla,1 \o\ltlJ 101lllk'r lit l'ul'l Ullllt.d~

fur I'.walila.

I'Hrlllabu.' IUiiln"ft"r.

E\·"Sfi\'ILL&.lu.l., lillr.l:i. L:t'llnillhtIhe sh.·J1m~r LIIIlllll\·,.I;OilJJ: 1111, colli,ll,,1with the INrll l'u'lcr. I'omint: ,luII'll.rile 11I1h'r ",II~ l§1\uk to Iho IJUlll'r-t!l'Ck,cung-ht fire lint! bllfllt.!t1 ttl tllo wntcr'~

uJ;tI" All ('1\ bonrtlf'ilCul)!,'l!.

1l1ll1.011'!1 ('on'l! Illd (''''''lImpll ...l' l'A",.MIld h)' n· on .1I1l:lllIlltee. II (1UU l'Oll.ulnllllon.l!Iold by 1.!tIIt",·r'" Co.

"'111111\ Tlltrhln, """'1A 1l000'kctlllQuse "'l"lcomal tile oolol1't.1

.tuLilec tiio,-ocrll ln~t lIiwht lit rAlben"'.Tbeater. A fllle min~If\l1 troupe ill nl,\I·ll.'-Illlnrtl or 011 uutliel1co hl'rol,ltcll!(!wbcroImllhc fact becumillit koo.'n tnr:)' ill theIlrtl'rtlVOU t1l1it the Jltl)'lil !,url)' Imd 1!6­

euretilIOXCIl for tllD eutcrtllillll\Cnt. Willinatl1ralJ)'1l.11 illlm('n~ 1l\h1itiolllll ItllrHC­lion, ']'h8 theatf>r wn~ oc'l\utitully light·

l nnd "ft.'ol cnre W(lSlllkclI1W the u bento comfortably FoCat the immcll!ie cTO"'dur IlOOllle The &cutill!: CftIJ8CII)' of tilebl1llt.1i~ i. nbout t"'O th(Ju~ll[ld Ami il,,'lIS fUIi.'ll The ent~tllillmCllt \fAA f\rslCIUM ill eVCf)' wa)'. COInlJririing all inOn,ito \'ariel)' v! Nl.'gro melut.1il'fl. old nmlnow, wild.lllournful nifll, IIlnntnUtllllKllIUIinu,1 dnncltJ, cnmpm(,'(,'till" chorul!lCf!l,comi,CUIIl~.m~, lIud lhe e\'er populnr jubileeb)'mo/t. All t.he Iliect!iI were /:i\-l!O wilhthllt illilllihlble tnillgliDi{ of IM!rio--oomicI:"mvit~' nlld il1lellllC )ct droll ,,11,1011011I',bicb ehurnclerizea Ihe "",olline darkeyDlinstl'l'l. 'rhe rompau)' hovc boon well·or~nizet.lllllll Irnint.u, ha"e BIII"ret. mcltr<Iiolls voic~ oud llbsoll1W time, tune omlImrlllOll}". Alil!lJ Wobb ill welliminoo illolJ(!<J with D108ttlITcchuch bal·ladlt nil "Old l"olkll nt Home." MiiIRClJeilter illl goOO 9OIlmno and MisAMor·ris is immenaely i\-lll lliltl romical. Andwas elll"ort'(1 rei 11)0'. TlJe mille roiceewe lie jokM aud stomp

"!lle. ami wero.. lUllhter lrom nilquar, fhero 11'08 !lotb-inK C'lII\I'110 or .... in the wholll IIro·utllmmc. wlJiclJ U\ Jilec COlll.'Crt, WPItcertainly a fiNt clnlli:l n'ltcrtninlllent, wollworth tho timo and twice the moncy'JlCul in goioJ:. 'I.'ooight an entirely newprogrnmtne will be proUueetl. 00 aDdlH!e theDl.


I"rOlll i'I'UlIrt!aJ"1 Oall)".j

'flU: bull ot the lItcamer JosepWne ilbeinll rl!IIRiretl at Seattle.

81111) Dauiel DarlleA,oonl 18deu. ",ilcdfur Sttu f'raoci800 lut night.

A .IItcamer blll been on1eretl built. tota!le tbe place ot the lost TaoomL

nil' Blne Jacket n"h'ed todny tramS. F, LoAds piJ~ lit 'rllcoma for S. F,

'l'nE hnll of OoVt1 &: WilllClil'S newIltelOl1ler is ocJ.r!y rcady to lauoclJ. atBenttle.

Tho new bnrkentine Wm. Rentoll willbring to 81\11 ~"rtl11CillOO ",,uo,OOU Qrnngeetrom OnRytDA&

Tn ned C81YO or tbe brill :Sortb Staryill be 4umber from Port Blakely forGuaymu.

DJIIT. lJk, C'38ptlr oleared todn)' torVB.I[)IlmilW. bile i810ot1et.1t"itb lumberfrom Port. Gomble.

TII& Umatilla, loaded witlllocomotivesand Nl'ricultural mnehin f)'. 8llils fromSan ."ranci8co tad,,)' fol' Portland,

SrR.. 080. E. Sum clime doW1l early)·8IIl.enllly and weut. to San JUlill for "loAd of hw.J wbi.:ll she too.. up Lbo Soundtoday.

TlI.!t~mer HOlle ill on her nAnolroule u~l\iu, lmvin" lert for l:)emillhmoo

T .Il": I.K"IlI~(l l'Il'Il::~Tlt>T!'IUI' T01M\'lUul wILy "ortll lhiM morning. Shll looks 11:"'" lh~l m"",l Ill ..' " •. ~ 1I!'1t rllu-.·t1 ll) rll •.fnll nOll nent "illOO ber rt!Cent "oi IIgover lIrtl,,1t"t1 hol.hl.·) ~ o· IIn·r. I!, Ib,·,.,roT1'. Wit kIt!·\,Ill IlJu wn". at iieatlle. r;~~l:II~lllllh::r.t~no".~~'/;~ 'rhl!.'\'~:'~~ ~;'!·;~;,I;T=~

IU'''.. n a ./1.", '1_, and rot' >~If" V"-"I'" 'lllt~"..1'r.n: .!Jill Ht!ury r'1I.i1in.IC hlUR.Il"llin beell II ''' ......,....... , 1"'11,../ ah·.. l ,Iul,..n..,. 1,,,,

eh.'1rll.'M.1 In Illlld HeaUlo CQ,l1 tor Wi I· ~~~ rr~~~~.I:"~':" ~~:,~~:":r~b:~\~·,~t:.-::minl.<lon, CalifornilL l:he ill lIOW di&- ~~~ :"i,.~;'~~~~~I':~II';:!..~~;r;f) "~1::':i}~Cl.JIlTglllg there. Ami will all fur the uti .1·.1'''''''' h+oth or I""'" 11""11 (1(_'11"_. audScm••1 011 or abent tbe 20th iUIlt.. ~~~lrr\-r."Ut:~·~I~~I;,~I~ii d~~..':~rhl:~1~~':

UAM. Himmollll., Ul1ItulHcer of the IoIt f.::~rII'lI'.~~':I.~'I~''''J~~'li;!. 1~~I":I~:,:~}.:~~;ldoollier'rllCOmA., !III" liOColltCtl the com. t'~\ .....\ ..,..._)I,"ln:<l ...~ .... ~nll All dlrr.l'Olill.... II!

Ihl', 7~'~':;'r;', '~lt,:~~ u~l~~l':~';:,"~·~:.~l:l~;"t r"m ,I.'.llloud (jlllu: fllllll Orit'lItnl. now lyillR III llurlol~ l'I'.:uMl"~. II "Ill 1'lInll".1 '1""'Ir.",ll"lI.'1'11('011111, 100JillJ: luw1Jer for Melbourne, "lid 1.. ln'u,nl',I,' ',Ir 1... 110 homo" III' tullh,.; tit Ill..AUlltl1llia. W'~~I~·III,".1 I'urlr... II ,. tl"l"'1'lJII+'If, flll'lI ru!'f_

Tuz AlImni", II n~w IlceletC'o.mer jn-t th.. w,:an- "':.'~.~"i~';~n';:"ii~1'l'IUI

,,,II11ch•.>d on the CI)-,I,~ for too CUDIlN :::: i~:j,'.~ I::,~ir ·Ih:;· ~ll~'''';'''' 17;17; "~~1I-.line. h", (,OI..,'1llel of IO,(kXJ bol"ile IJOwer, ..~ ..... r"" rl" ", ,.,~.. OJ":",, ,- 'btl.l",·

and ('an enrr) • llous:b~I 10 make lhc 1Il·:,I:. ',,;, ~: "'":'~ ,~.= hl~'.:.-., ..',I;~;III:',~.:i:;

trip nmdntl the ,,"orld without eWIIIl1n"' Ih:~; '~t,~ ~l~ ~:.:; ,} ..:~ ,:r~ ~;:l.." I ...n I•. h~I'1Iltn in'l'le IlOrt. UdufC tbe first IlIU'UU1- r.... "n.. /II" "'~' 101 ("01".1' In....... U'l 11.'- 1:'-,. ~

IIhip erOtt(lt'1.( tho Atlalltio it WM demon· "1.II~~:·;,~",~I ..."~I~,~;hl',':~":t", ~.I _l~l'h \In,,,l.... ,_IIlrnk..l hy ...·if'llti& mell Ihat no 11111'11 lInt .." In lh.· l,r...., • i1C"11 hlllll,' "r "n.. 1'1I',I'<'In.\'("8~d C()Il1d carr)' (!IlOIlIlIJ l'Olll to malce ~I,,,;,~.•~Il;1 I~"r~\·\M~I"'lM~;l1;·I'~.•I.':\ It'~:II.~~,-I~,',l;~lr:~tIJOVO)'UIl'f'. &ieoo lIn~ Yo'ell uuhiptl bu"! r:·~:~;~I~,~!,~t,~",~ ..~~'F. lJUllliTI':-I I'LIU:, IIICN \\"11 ~iuco tile·u. n. iI.n \a.u:&: kl'O., ..f ....fth&rr.~.Y.

Tin: l'tiT ""IOSO Till: KAX.U;:,\II

Th" l{nUlikall. 011 Ihe other bnml.·Il't1 with i'",-dll..1 or tllllwli<'tiI,~s Imlltuuwl>tl thf'ir .111!t·njjC in 11II8tlllh'lIud bl...tciM'8. 'l'hees.()vt,!f8CI!rmeuliullt'l:lin Vltrticuillr, Que mall UFllIK!.1 l.lllIll,

who .....JIjj l!mJllo~'al ill Iho mill. 1\0\1 .dlu.cvming lu him for leaf0 ot 1,I.J;Mln~c 011

tbo IJle" ur sicklll'8lt, rollL't1 ,Iuwn billpanlnlOtlllll nnd IIhuwe,l, UII lUi eXCIIHl', I,

thi~h which luokcd like II hock of under·dOlle beet. Anuther Kunaka nnnwuLili1ll"nii \I'nlt fll1IT.. rilI'C trom "li,.,1blutche8. CJ:tellllill~ 011 both legs fromkllee 110111"0. tile ernlltion \'ar)'ill~ in lIi/A'from tlml of a tlolltlr to thAt. of Il llimt~

Tbi-l mau III"llIumill by the tlQclortJ 10 be Rviclim ot lellra·81phili811.n,1 III"IliI empIo)'.ed It, tho lJOOIII" n~ tho Illlldilll; 1I111l(ll, ~tul-'"

pill;( tho INlgs of 11tIgnr with his UllkL't1feet 1111 thu)' Cllllle fllil1il1~ dO''fn thl,18hool.'rho millmnn LIlIIlI luul II womuu, or awife. ",'!lo W8M 11180 lIfiliated wilh Ii lel~

rons .lilOnler. Ilf"r oornlWll.et1 fBM he-in"so crowded lIo'itb Im9tules tllnt 1I1l\! 'fti1Mflrrlllly tlriW!lI otT the Jllllntlltioll 88 beiuc100 hurr.!Jlclill uL,it:et I"r c\"eu J;:Allllkll:­(lml Chiuluncu tolookllllOO. l:onnectalwith tilt! vhmtntioll. l!Ri,1 Mace, were tenor fifteen wt)mnu. nil of "'hom were!Dartyl'll to /tOme form of lho cnukerioll',Cl\uceroUH t.lillOrdet. 'l'ho 1l11lllee ot t.womom have been gi\'ell. not beclll1ge thf.')'were the ouly lluJferers on the plantlltion.but lJt.'CRII~ tiler wt!((~ remewllerW. b)'naco 88 bowing the two forms of thedilllllHling malad)' which nctunlJ)' fp.

'fniletllUUolIg 80 per cellt ot alP'"'Kaonkn workmen.

Ediroril\1 Note..

IT j .. him ....1 lor .11'lIItlCrntir 11I11('n­Ihnt 1),,1.';.'1111' nr"1I1 .. lta;; ..tliliont to)Ih.· :\t'rt!l"rll 1'lII'lliu rnihv;1\1 l"\)lu

W kl A 1"I··Ii, 10 1,lll' Ill.r,· " :, 1I1t.,~ 11"ree y rgus. f 4'1 "r.-.UI '·"ldlllll.·rlllr.'-Il'lo:t·"u_hj,·fIIIoJ~.h('.·..r,llltl: l"I"\I'kl,' -", Ilflhl"

ALLEN WEI R Ed,tnr J"d Proprietor I 1I1\11I1 ...·r I Ill' "It'r.. t",r" lo!l'lI,'r;l:ly Ulllll;lI,;,,1I.. l't .. ,1' 111' .1 ""rklllj,f f"fl'~' Hr ..;, KI1l1kn..

-! 1111\1 :!':!"I ('11l1l1l1l1t'lJ, l,llh'''II''IIl'd n" I"'I·III·U:-;I).\Y. :\1,\H('ll ':!'l, 1...."1. whllt.nucltl Ilt' the 1'f('I'llihll:': "Wkll,':-"

mllnnlllht~ ('11111"0,{', :\111('\' rt'pll,>tlth;,t II

\l'fl" nil "ff,,<,lin:I,lf tI,(' Iw.., wllil'll fllllllir,'~ktl i" in ,,\\".'\lIlIIo:. 'I'1t"h' ......n.. lIl.."tW,l tlr 1111'\'(' .. iek III till" nmllllt'r, Ill' ...Ii,l.whiff' ,"'cry l1l'mth tll1,.. t, wlln Wt'n' lu"k,..lI1IIfJll IIll dtlll'r iU"llrahlc ',r IIU';lp,llIIt,

"t'rl' ~1111'11I-.,1 ho'l('k III 1I01l1l1uln. tlWlrtUIIIN' ,Ii:lI~ ... ili'lll lIt'lll!: tot1mdllill!: ..rI\hi('h h(' ,'lllim"I"lItlrc it:lIUr,llll'··, At"Ill' lilli" lilt' 1I11'11l U'r I""k HI\Il)' ('1"\"'11

l'hinllllll'lI rlllalllld"l. 01111 fltltll'l!t .Iyiul.ttin tIlt' l~l"",111('. I 11·••lUlll. vt. 1I1'lk'ur111.'tllh,·.h......I>oI·wl,idl nWw'k.'l II .. '"'' IItI­("rlnIl1l\" l:lunmnt'll ii f.'kj,h:IIIIIll"I".;;lD,... 11,1.;- bl'\',lk llIlt nll,l nhunt nlUunlh kill;; I!k·m. \lillI'S; I'lllllllt'\l II'A'R~

for tr('Ullnl'lll. X"lt'll'r i~ II", di""'IWlllll' IIr litt'Ully j;!1"lIl\'lh. fur l\lncc dtedl'il~l'>; in whi·1t Uhillfltnen hnd hi'('ll L11l­

IIblc tl) Iiluud onc .Iny 1111\1 nblo to wurkill lho lId,llIlho next,

}lUIl,\' ,

.\ nw Ilf Frnll('t."~ Il.:piring pulllic'illl\" IU'I' tr~ lug tu ~t.'t UI' ll.. 1"'\'0111tinll ill Ihat llllliul\ ll).!uin. Lllrgl'lint! PlIl!t1l..illl"tic 1U(·"tiDJ.;S IIfl' ft.'

JI"rll',11Il llnri ...IT ",.'i·1J1.. 1iI." tIt" Slnr rUl1lt~ triRI ..

nn> ,,'Ui'l~ to lit, rtlJl~' IL" h>tJjuu,< U.. Wfl..

the long ~Irawll Ouit"(m j·Xlllhititlll.Tht' onl)' CHI1l)X'n!'lltiuJ;' r(\f1~'Ctiull illill tiLl' probohilit)' ur thl"' thil'wS bt'iug hn)llJ.;ht t jltlllkohllll'nt.

Crop Prospect.11thili Wl1rtH w~nthpr IIOhlsllllothf'l'

wl'Ck. »rict>5 of rnnn produoo will whiglJ ulIQlber ~nliOl). Late IlCh'iCOH

from" uthf'rll California indicn\('11If' nlin of crops 1J~' t.lrollKht in thatsfoctivll nlrc311y. CnleliK min (,Ollll.'!'>

\'(>ry !lOOn crops will ho II fllihtrf· overtbi! grl'l\ter portion (Jf tbe statt·,

On PUg'f'l ~1tUt.l there i:t lmt II

smull proportion or tltc hmd ntnl! nf·tL'Cll,<llly the dry wentlull', }'Ol' tbl'most part it ill a help b)' wllnnitl{( lhesoil for earl)' planting. }'roru pnos·~nt indic.'1tioD1; there will be theUliUn1 crops in tbi" oonnLr:y, with pric­f''l thtlt will lDake raacbers reel likobonanza kings...-::.._._-


On the bll"i" -' It 1l('1\'i;p"l>cr IltalelIlt'nt. lbllt Mr. Villurd would multo nwbt.'nt tnrill' of .a0 ceut" lX'r lln..k,1rNIU POrtJlllullUlrl \\'11110 Wnlla to)(inneapolis, nnd t.bnt Ihe millcl"H ofthe latter cilY hncl It!u!oed tb(' privi·IOKO oferecting{tlf'\'nlon\ on tbf' wholeline or the :Sortbern Pueific rnilrom~

the Sralt>lIman quotos a I Jortllllld Jlll­per tothdofT~ tbat this projt!ct, ifcllrn\..od out., mell.DB the HhlPIUt!llt to Minllcn1'K,lilll in~IClld of toPOI'LllmJ 1I11d the SOllnrl 'l'bo rateJJl'r lon from Wnlln \V1l111l to Portlundllll"! lllluly been reduood to It; 7, or 21wnlil per bushell on lhe n\'('ruge: and)it tbe proi4enL rote of quotations for~'b('atcha.rters-Dominallyfrom 45 totoW ahilliub"'-l--it. hM a freigbt costof Ilbout au to 40 wnts per bjllibel in1l,ldition to inlnoo port cbllrgt.~ williill;;l1r&OCQ adrled, tholl.6"b'l1lgttt{t reacb­ing 600ut sixty cen15 ,P?I' bush"'1 ormoJ'C, tho wbole of willch is collootedrrom the prortncel' virLnnlly at of tbe snle. In ndditiOli tolhf'!ie:bllrgtos. the producer is all!IO digeounl.old for four or five months ad·ytDceI on tbe cargo till it. arriVC8 atport of destination. Per contra, Wal­la Walla Wbeat C-.Ipnrt(ld by railroadtbrough modium of elo'f8tonJ, 81m~

tJ the grnngm1l from !iTa to six Cl'nlJJper bUllhellor grain saek!t o"quirodf r all groin IIbippoeJ westward: ned,he will IUlVeon the WROOunt for iu·tmrRDce andad"(lDOeS cbllJ'ged him forlUl\rketing his crop vin Cope Horn.'rbe rnte lS.~i per to Minneopo­lis (40 oonta per bushel) is only the8"e~ eharter lOtc llCa"'snl-fiO theprodnot!J' liU\'es gmin 8l.\C.D, insumneennd nonrly balfa yenr'", bank diRCOt1ntby mlU"kr>ting overland. as hi'1 ero"re8ClIeti the -U. K. or port of call,','il\ Minneapolis, in t.hl' fann of flourrrt lell&t Ulroo or four months in ou­VIUlce of tbe penClll the SUDIO wouldh:,,·o rl'<Juirl.'lt "in CU)ln Horn, witht.he J'('bnto or 30 per cent. tr",nsitweight 0 bulk left In Minneapolis fonnot olTal.

Leprooy i. Hawaiis. y, ('1I,..kft.1 ill little dllllR!r ot o'fer..cJra"ingthe picture ot the leprOll)' borro,. ot ilieSantlwich III111Ud&. Information (ffIinp(\

from e\' ry qunrter ollly nchh. to the"loom or tbe Ilictllrc lInd "bowll Iltnt IItillite or atTairs exist ia the toy kiul.'I1umwuicb noL eTea the glitter ot IIlmrlet1'1ne ooronatioD ~an glou OT"r.The wol1der ill bow tbe IlllIgne enn bft'femllde sneb headway .. i~ hu withoutIlUmetil1&: more-attention, the onl, ('J:.

phr.iuation being thst King J},1'fitl'. "01­elUlotll1ie rem'lle lrom ei.ilizntirUi an,lthe world, Each dAy lIome new Williill eithor heard of\wllo bRa new Ii"ltt to"h()J lIpoll the lubjoot or couws \'ohlll­tnri1y to this 0l1ice to l'tlll.te hie expcri.cnca Rod record his obael1'Atiuns ill thoIAper aeUlemeot. UDlIer too IlItli'r heatl'l"homtr.l Mace, temfXJrnrilr l'Nidinll inS.Ul. FraucillOO und f"mJerlr AU O'fe~r

..u t.wo elt~~r Ill:mtRtions in the hlllmk:\[ IL'O WM bitt. U Ilhl'lrt time' on thl' lI.11kt'­lue plAul1ltj<Jn, bul bad "nite all (lxtt'n,l·0.1 !l11I)' 01\ llJe Pellf'ekt'O )l!allilltion.which lieit about leo ll.1i1611 from Hllo, onI)f' i"llaml of Bnwnii.

n!.;Y.UIt:P )IIDI' 1:01 TIle scnAR rlP.l.L'&

}'r.lm him it wr.. :e trn~J UII,t un Ihf'

Page 3: DjVu Document - Washington Secretary of State





, '..

Administrator's Notice.

Bybuyinlat dealen'prlcl!I. WtwlDaell you any a"lcle for family or per­lonalule, inany quantity at Whol....t.Price, Whatever you want, ..nel forour cata.logue (free) and)'Clu "w ftIId •II &here, We canyiD atocll: th.tarpltvariety 01 loodt In lb' Unltad 8ta.t...

MONTGOMERY WARD a CO.a'7 4: aa9 Wabash Avenue, Cbleap.

1'0/"" "Ul/II'IN 'lrliulll:II\·lI. )1.'~Tll'''.ttr~rtlt,t

"lll'er~" 11'\'IIl,I' nlm. "\llllu.l ('o".ll"U) I.,'\In·;l.k d~"·M"',J. m" r'~llll!-h.,j I.. 111" ..'111 II"_.1:"". 11111,111,' 1.·.·"••.,1') I'.udll't'... llltl" ..n"1.·,rf'''111 ttl .. ,1111" h.. ,.."r I" t;.li..1I.-lI,·k, ~t.

~.'::::~!:,~~~::Irl'::~lt:~l:~;:';;~~'':hd':'~:;; ~,I:~~'I';:\\'. '1'. ~:. II, )1.\1'1'11'1\. Jr,

l,,"nT)' ·~l. I~·~l. ,\1111I1111,,,,,1,,,.

L'E~A L BLANK~. . ,O~' NJi.illLY ALL KINDS A'r


nill'Ntnty Deeels,Qnit Clctim Deeds,Rectl Estctle .1IJUI'!.gctf!es.Cludlel J1Iort;;".lt~'"s;

Powerof.1f. itOI'neyblct/l ksDistrict COllrt 'ulcmks:'In.vtiee's COI/./"t iJI(wlr s·


.-Itlmirulty btctn71 s,Eta., E e. Hlr.

Wfl kCtlp tit€' IIbtne in ~tl'l('k t ,r retllil~Ilt ..~muncrtJi(l1 m"'~, nnJ ore ph'(lllrtlll In.print un Alilift' twtioo "u)' khul W'unlf:lt1llt.n11I:iOIII~' O('U'EW..

llotcl !

~..._---.--..,-...- ......_~~


_._.- .._.._-------,---


.1.\ 811ro Cme) Gllnr:lnh·l'l.l.

"'''IN' S'r!''''., ..... , ... , .. I'ur' 'I'1l1'lIlM'1111.

'1'111_ l'ulnl:;,r :::''':~'~i:I~~:~I~;=:,~'''l'n 1111"'\1\1' ol,d

G," ,I, 1"~1I 1",,1_. "111" ,,~I 1111,11:': ....,.:1 ~1I'1 ,ont.r",I.1o 1·I·Hr.'·..•. .'" I."'" I,j" I,· "v.• ",.L Lv•. ,,·L,·r'·... 'y "II. ,.II"n ,,, 1~ .. ".',·.>

l[QIlI"., "1t:I 'lr::'I\!':~~I '\.1~~,1',::~_~:1" ,I,.) ,lr I,,~k.4~l-lf UII" J. lJA!.'I.\ltl)~O.1·1't'l,·t.

HILL'S MANUALur /itUC'lul "1ll1 Ifll~I",,'•• 1'lIrlll.•,

1~,I'II~Il"lloll, :;,,,bl, I "lOllll'·,,'h·1 ,ul,1 1.... .'.11. h."J.~;;~;. '~ ','::i;,J,:~ :·"1~!,~'·1;;.~.~~:~:.~:.~'~::1~ "t.:~"";;"I:~;~.I;.·'Ill". ··'·'I""II.·, L·"I,:", III'~ III'::. "''': 1"'L"lIltllhnor)' In "'" """"I' .,,,.-1"" "'la,·.lI., "r Il'P,"rlI~m'IlI"lIti I"""~~·II.:~. l,r iMllh IIh'"nllcl""

:tl';;~'1 ~·:::.~·.111;~Ir~;W';I·,~·;~·I;;·L::::.·~/IJ'~;;;II 11~'I~I~;',"1,,'r lI:I.·trr,tl "1~ 111111 '.· .. ulll'll d,. I,..... :-,,1,1"111. h,' .ut,.rr'1,IHII1. "I.I';:"T~ 11',\:.. '1'1'.11. .1.1.oil":' .\. I.. 1.~"~l'Vrl & l"., ~I 11.u;'·, .1.;.:." Int-'T1"'~'''''''' ;.t!I',~.I·

DI·~~~I·ll~;;lI~~·";~~~~'·:':~~·;:'I~,~.~lll.ll,.~~~C"IIIIlI'I11ll~ .......tV" ... IlI'H,I.,I"i,·, :'I'UI,I UH,,!< •

i~;~\~'II;,':;·n·.~:r~'III~J~~;r),;_~I;;;"."·I~~7,1~'~f,1 ~~~!:'~I~',\:~Jhy <ow, l'l,'rl~O·'. '''If'''~'II''1 for ,.. ~,·hl,II,I~~l1C",wltlel, I '~,I. ,,, I,,:., r\·. lld'UJ .,,4 tll·HllI. UII~ I'f"I:Ai10'11I ~lIr" rI"~'1l1 l'bl". EM,II 111<\ r,,"IJl,,~ "I'",n.ulI:I,·. II"Jll",<':ll : 01)(' <l\'li.,f n I"'ll. (II' .1" t~,),,·.

j"r h"" e"lla.; "'111 lor llI~lf 1''''1111<1 I'll ",l~l\l' ",\,rl,~. \\,,, '111I!'l1nk" .br h,\.'. Iu "!I"' lilly ,,1>-,'.I'!th .....tll '"~ I"r "·rd....l .,~. "" r" ••Ix "''X". Mr.

t"II'I'~lI1.,,1 "lilt dw t!"I'~'·' \I'~ "'ill ·.·,,,1 111l11'1,I'­.-lit" .., Bur "'r!1'I":\ ::,."rM":~" In 1'\'11I"' ~lt"l1I""I''', rl", '1l·.,lI".·\Ll <100" to"l ,.~,. I II rill\.'. hU~llll1llt.·.lIt-.l 011]1 lJy

WOOI)W.\1I0. C1..\ltK J: CO.•1\'''''''''~llr IIlI! If'·I,lIIIJII'.l~I'''' l'utltlll1,l. O...·f'll1Urtl,'t. by 11I1t1l II r''I:"l1r I,~h~·.. :';\-.lUI.

I.kJilf\lnll'! I.n,1l.dnu hy lht' duy. \!'Cflk ormouth, Mill:.. M!r\o,j tu lir.Ji:r

nt 1111 II'Htr~.

J'Ul;';11 41".~TI:I:'''II'' J:\·f,"'·WI'·...:.

.ltl :\hlll, LEARNED. Profl:r.


U ....,.

N1-:W YUIll(••Ulla·1l 1O.-f"nilul'CS dur_

in" till' 1'""t ~('\'en WI~'~ lIlUnlll"r :!~ 1':1n.qnin~t 2,j2 lust "·I.'i'k. '1'ho N"cw Eliii"1:lIlll HIlll!'>! bn\'c ~"Z; Milllll.., :-17; We>; SOllthlJrn, 40; l!lwillo Stalell, Sj ~CII'

York Cil)', 11; Unllll,ln, HI. .

A "miKe In lnl .'lIll~'tt.

W"!"1II.S0TO~, Marcb lU.--'L'lm Pff'<. i,l<.'lltIJnR MI:MIWllllLu jndge W. S. ] {ot)\'ur. 1111'

flllCluto jUlStice of lllll liltpromo court ofAriwllu, Im/HUllg In\'Cti\I~"ltillll b)'llmllc.pnrlmont of jmdicc 011 elwrRl'iI of cur'rllpt. l,racliL'O in ltooojJlin1: \Jriuo,\. JII,luoHoo\'er ill \\'ell·lmol\'l1 in this cit~· fNllll

Ilia ouon(,."\I11ull with tuostllr route briber)'


SAS rn\SCl>lt.'O, Hl, ImmiA'rn.t iOIl to Or~"',(l:1 oml Wushinlltoll Territor)' hne reooi\'cJ. II rrctlh imll/ltul Juri UjJlhe IWlII1 woo!,. ftotll tho fnet' thnt utf}llt

1I(,ttlorll nrl'i\"inyo hero bOllllll tn tbo 1I0rthnro Jlrneli{'Il1J~' Anwrienn rllrtlltlra. A leI·cRrnm reo..:ir<.oJ h('rc tCllla~', nUlloltlleing1,lIe lit!ilnrtnro from Ciuuinnllli of 59 illl·miU'rIllll"', ulllll'U\"idL'\l witlJ through liel,·cl'l to Portland. who will Rrrivo 011 'l'lWft.d:t~·, Hu\1 1011\'0 11)' IIV·lI'llllr. tIle follOl\'i"Ruay. Si:tl)'·fh·o immiurlluu IIro lit prc~­

t'llU1l1heci~Ilwlliting tho ut'pnrbtrc ofSound l&!ollmcrll. Inrorma!i:J111.OOi.iv€.t\tlti~ nlU'rlllXlIl lo!tnlt!~ thnt II pn!'t'1 of Mhlllni/frnnbi f"r llriliHh Columbia IdtOmnhn nn :;Iltnruuv nnd lire cljlCCt..xl IIJI1rriw~ tomorrow. 'A Inr~3 IlUmllllr of;lr·riv,dll 01l11le soutucrn rontu IIro raIllJrt~


Eggo Fo~~tchln$.

purn; rmOWN r~J':O FronxTho IItlllN'lIigUOlI nlTnm n IiUlill't~ 'Illnn­

tit)' or rr~b C,l:':11 or lhe nuufll hreoli, f(lr .lule lit $2 toJr OIiOU HCUillq', Will Tlneltthem ror IlhiJll'in,ll in ll1'1foty to Iti4tllUtpoiul<t, B. S, Houll'..Port '1'OWll/!O~,Morob 6,l88:.l. 2ID.

'1'htlIJllfunllizlllioU'I:l\\'B lIt tha Unitl'llStali'll tJeCllII)' II "llIll''! or bllt tlltCle )1111(f'.5in t.he Hm'illl'l.\ Sllllnll'8, 11111.1 thtJ historyor ICJ,:iKl!lliott hilil few t;lXnIllIlICti 10 o!f~r

of clluctmetJI.. jltOlllleli\'!1 41( ,.vUdi i,I:­

portrlllt reslIlls contained i '1 COm­VIIs;!. '1'J-!9 p~ by wbio'million rlireil;ltetll wl~llllrlJhllttJ'Il!t'O lurncd intCAn citi::oUJI ill8urely nil , _•.mo,fllIpecin.Jly illl it is !>omet pothercountn' ha6tn'cr, tOil;lt'q .,~groe, 81lC­

eoodCt.l'i u lluilll!' B\'(ryllJr" ill~I1t>IX?ee..~10 know UlR~ fi\'e )'C8tll' fClIltte·nce .. in.t beUllited Stntl'fJ ill t110 pdnoitllli (jllitlit1u:t.tiOIl for citizell"hilJ,IUtd nlJJO tbe Ilre­

Iimin:lrv doolamtion or intontiun to 1Jc.coma n ~'itizOtt tOILlit )J:'CCC\lo lie!_mis..iOll by at 1~8t twu )'enf'!l. An.,y Courtof Ikcurd ill Cflmp"tlln't l.o 1I11tl1rnliza ~

forci~nur, bnt tbe'rsw'eJ(pt6111l11 doolilroethnt lLe nPl'licnnt'fi 60lil1ll:mtl.:-,1 tltnte­mont 4hnll' in 110 (lflS() be ncc('lltrd fIlS sut­llciont J)totIf of l'OElitlonco. H6Ilide 1'C!'5;­

Jlllleo for·the h'lml ItlUgtb of filD(I, thert"luir('mCllllt litO thnt tho HflJllicnllt"hll! \)(,hnvl.'d lUI II ',mOIl' of flOOt1 'momlohnrllctcr. lltlaCUt.>tt to the pritlcil,lcs uftba COlUltitllli~n o( the U,litOO. Stuttsnnd \Veil tlil!f')osC'd w lbe aornl order (lollbllpphi('i!ij or tue !lltl\C." .1)utin~ tboCi\'il Wllr Ctm~rOOlIJ1l6llel11t1l Act per· Imiltinl: hOllornbly dil:lChtlrl?~!'lJIJICr.t oflhe Ullikd til tel ArJuy to 'bel!<)!IlO eiti-l:wns UPOU Ilrot.,t or·one )'eQ,r's r6flidt'lloo ~

onIJ', lmt nnolher Act, pnIlSOIl iu Ul70.rC.illoraJ tho fimit to fh'e YMl'II' reg!,lolDcA trade.mar", ooDniI:.hh~,.~,to.'

lht l1nHed ....a:Ddlo OIMID I»in 1111 cRtlel!,' ~1l187!hnAct wu!J IkluJlfrl1 eatilD Ca.nI.dt.. "EDmod, Jniloe.\1(.«'11: r;U!1lhll.t a i!d.lutnn, being n forei~,,_ OcnnaDY••~~ IllI o~rOOll.'-N"

Tbld,..... ~n·'prat.:, who llooIV(,9.hi.. il1!.olllion of 1.10" charp tor eJlmlnaUolI. olmo4Clll 01' draw.cOllliu',: :( oitiZ1u nnd .then fIIlrVt"iI threo tne'tIl'!IA:'~g~?l:a~~~t11arellotloed f,)'Clll'llllPllU nn AUlarwnll lIurohlwt ..hip the .c;:1&lIIT1W'1V AW"ici••, which ....t1ICl1'h)' 1,~'OmeHt'll.titt 'tI to h6lldm(UCll.' :~~~p~~~lfi:':rn~Ip.:'b1~:"~~tt;(Jhil,jreu nf 11Itlurlll1Uu rer,ollll beoon\o world. The a~TIJI~e.otltlChaDOUcoe.tr1

,e;ti::Cllll wjjhollt rlll'ttlOI' IJM}C/ll'. pa~~;d:;;d~r:;dldIYtl1tl1tratt!ld De.....

, I. , PlporIIPnblllhed~II:KLy..t'3.20ara.ar1'J d D • S t." aDd 11l1l1mitied to be tbll be•• paper defolN. n ge ~n. ecn toecleDce.mllohaJJlet,tnYCDtlolUl,cngineorillll

. worh and other dep&r1tGUi. or intiUltri&1Thill i 'Iho titlo or n DOW Bmill 8tory )lnlQ're... publlahtd. fn an, C01Illtry. Bingle

f·f OI'('!-"I'In lire, I>y ,\II"!'••\. S. DllniwlIY, oopfu bI inail, 10 OlD.. Bold br,aUno.....which Wjld lllJ:lIlllOliCed in tho i\"('I/' Nllrtll- t1e:~eJ:e.. IItmn ,,00. pllbUlberi or 8cletl.

I/'/· ...t ur i'lnrl·h ijth. Utili prom;~ tu bo ~o Amerlll&llt:t Br~:II'~':~k.Ofll'l'I.'nl int~"-'I'lf. l].·hnt j\llttllfl1·will {:j\'OI Bandbooll~ tJt1pa D ma e ,iped,ll nt.h'nti<1I1 to tho com in.: WnuUiu - . ~--_. ,

surr"".~ ",,",:001.,). 'rJ,"", $!!JOpoci",," Maison ;)ore Restaurant Iti mouth;o, l)1 50. Trl,ll Itlllm'riptioll, :J ~

monthll, 00 eelllH. Ki:nd'lIlmnll ror t'\lm- (~~

pie COllY· All.lre!... DUlliwtlY Pnbli~l!ing l'OST OP~'rm; 1'.UJr,DlNO,

(;0., 'p,'lrtllm·l. Or. \r"T8t\ STI:X:,lT, l'r.rl 'fowh~I'I"I, \\'.1.'


}o;cw Ynlll\, March H,-Tho rIIlllor orQUII!I!"" ill IhJ(llt!J ii Iho C:lll·.O Ilr Illllchblh"'lllnti'''1 ill T'flJ.f,I!'Il 1.., wl.atr 1'tr.'Ct h;~

1I11lhlcll tlC'llh \\'1l1l1'1 hu\'o 'lll tim "!(>1Il1fl'k.:t. Ill.' hl!lh'h :l lira',',,· 1.1I1.ler ofccrtnill IClI,lillt: ~'C"l"it:, J w:liell il'IW'r 111'11; ulliJit that tll~ ilO.,silJil­it.l· of thllir J'~" illl( ia~u "ther Itn:ltl" h:1\'olll!I(!l' hl"lll."!l-I :l"ll:ll:JI,· nt the l;lr-rO untie.patill:l. (l.JILhl Iw.: \)t"'UII :;'ll·Il~!,.,:!t bull!>iuOtJ lht! reCI1l\t ,It'llr(''':',''ll ~t·t ill, lIuclfN~I\I(lllll •." hUlt IIC"LI ~HHli)l·IlI·,1 to 1m?hl1llV.V bluOK" uf Ill."ulill Ihruwll Uillill thomnruet loy boltl'/l, tu n flll'il1 dlJ­ulilhJ. 'l'his TXllillr will be ['IUOWeJ un­iii hi~ IIrlJ!tullt hol,lill-':'i1 nrc ttillll'[)' ..nor.mOIl~ Ho OWlliI ollo·thirlll1~ th/l W('81.orn Ullion KUK'k, wllich I'I'Jirl'~llt II !'llr

vnhli'! of S:J7,OCMILOOtI. hilt illti"t('sllt in til.,Ulllon Plwille, .1'IH~..uuJi Pucllk, 'l'(':en"1'1l('il1c', J\li8tlouri, ){tlll!tlill & '1't':enM, EtiofllItillUlOr M!rK'kf<, it! <'f;Hmulf'J uy ('llrl-fnln1lf>lIr\"el'8 I\l. 5:60,000.000, m'lkill~n ~ulllm(l

of 1I"lld)' ,OOO,Ol) worth of lIhnrr~. '1'11lllruw thestJ IljlOlIII lU:trkct nlNrIll)' \\tcakwould onmlo n IlIluio. A Iwll·kIIIJ\\·lIlJro­Itor !Obill Ihnt tho cr,lI;h C/il1~J oy OoulJ'udl'al1l wonltl he so Lr<''JJlt'llllOlltt thllt lilofnmlllilt "Hlnok b'ridl'ly'l wonld he n mel'Cthlrry oump:ll'Cll wilh it, a'lIIlll. by billman"'IOIl!! ellorl1v nnJ jUllolllitnhit' 'will,ht'llIlho IUnrkot:hul. ,.hOllkl I.e tlio IInil.W'II).y. (l""mble rM tho e<lllilCqUtl/lCCII.

Y••O. N. n-FiT. PAUL, MIII'Ch 1,j. U. CI.. rk. tbl1

henll tJOlltrtlctilll!' llllll!lt ~'ho unlllllrudOll80 rnllcb N. r. rrnlll, 11Il!t nrrh·t:lt.l 111. Jit:PlIlll rrmu II trill dil'\."tJt Irom rorUnDtJ,Or., ovor tho~. P. tmllt>cnulinolltnJ. '1\)tw itltlnirJ'. wlton will ~bo N"r hllr ~--'a·

oillo')! tuil-'\i~ link Iliil8ppoar. uo 11I1.

IIl1'orcd in t11l1 ~t Illlrt o( An~;ll~t pr[}~I.

bly. AllIl before thut month clt'SCH cor.Illiuly.. V"lI~:,' tl16 «"p u\ (lrClWlllt i'l2~

.I]C!L 'l'ttoCli ••}·IU~ h llrQ,qrtl ..~inc: frombolh emL4. On tlJe w\lilorn ttil"illion lwomill'iI [lCrdll)' iM goillA' dOll'n, oUlI 011 tho6l1'Stcrn eml Il milo nnd n. hilI!. A$ll!l)oll·tilt thc \Vorl. itt n Iittlo rnoro 1I11\:UUl:l'd,I;Nlnhtridl'6 Oil CIl('h cll,1 \\'tll he tilllul',

1'Lo 81\'it.P!\I.I...wk nWUlI(] Do:romltll'iI tUIl'lIel wilJ btl randy \thon tho rouu ill, ou<!~ho tUlinol ildelt \\iIIlx1 flllf!ll trom endto(lntl' ill Ko\'cmller, It 8(!emll to bo us.!Iurel1 thnt-Doc. a,lat \I':U',\\·i.tu('i!it tho 1)011­lIibiJity.of throQ~1J QlII'If rrom St. Pllnl InPnrllllllli. Oregon, 11011 :eugci SaunJ.

'Olnrk snilH rt'tlllt)y, "1" IlIIl lbrou,crh withCl.1in~e, henvOli btl )lrni<lt.'l.l." [fa bUllno\\' uwuttwo thoulIItnd Olon' Il.t wo'rkIn.ring tmuk. uuilllinj.,'" lJridb~\ nitd f!ur­fooi'!t{. '.fl~o>' lett Ihe OOUI\!"'Y over .....biol!U10Y workl'd &Jmm me hI npfIl.!urnllN',n l>t:'rfcd tll,l8l!rt,'witbQut 8f\ttlemeut Rllt!

IlOnrcoly 51 8hont,y. Whore SUflu(ln.",winn4hlld ~:ol'l't1t.1 on, on UIO ooutmry, liltloLumlc1l1 IJfJr31)g into \!Xialeneo nnd tho,mmkll or 1l\lInl\q.lmbilnli('lll~ ~('re Illonl)'.Tho ScUmlillll\'iau 'Wnnted a 'ob, nllllwboll he "ot it,IIYorkctl like n 'i'rojnn,while Johnny Ohinnmnn worked forJohnny ChillumnllllnJ Iho fl'..r JlM~lltbope of Af111le\.'d)' return wilh lot.a of "Mcl.iean dol('(l" to thl) InUlI or hi~. birth.QIIl!'k fIIuid D:l.ll'Olt did well ellollA'h bill.UlIlt HloSo:l.lIJiu:l\'ilius \I·orl.l tlJl) l:l8t ofnil rurei~"Ilt"N. (1on. A. AUllotl\O~, chidcli",inoor or tIll' N. r., \\'110 ill with OlllrkOil lhis j.'urn('y". nffil'm8 nil Ihm is I!nic.lll)' U,lO luller lit! to tl16lime oCt'nnnl'{l!illuRod 811)'8 HlttlOlnlllll8, uro lIIiriu,Cioll uplike mU6ImJt'Il18. He it! cllutlc.icnt lI;nl~he bulk 01 tho l!1l9t Indin trullowill 0011I0\'in the N. 1'. whon it it! oomplotal. AtPrcStlllt Il.bijl6 from the £lIl1t IntliClt tru\'.olin/{ tin \l'hat ilt cKI!lxltho- JfNlnt circle,nmolt tho Pllciflo CUlI'It nb<lut' ill l'Ul1Ct'Sound Intitude, non ~ GUO mi!('gjjollUI 10mnrkot. Only 40 milt'll of th., Nortll l~n­

oillo linll 011 the Columbia rivllr 10 PUIlOt'Snuml rewllhlll In 00' bllilt, np.tlllJir, li:1lcwill be iu lI'bell tho Ml&ht liue 'ill ooml,le­'cd.


PlfIL.\l)fltrllu.... areh to,-Tho LI'II­ocr S41yll Ctf tho l!"rillOllll'/t IRllnch: 1\10tho immtlnflt) Ihip glidtJd illto \1m wntcrMha WR!l ebrilltoot'll MnriflOllll hy IhA "irllor Oopt. JtIlIepb Shlle. supt.,or Cfllllllrnc.

tionof ~he Ooolmio lite:utUhh" 0'1. 'fho?lbripoflll will lie rood1 tllr Ikln "hont the.llniL of Mny, Ou,lJw hw::iclWO tlock for ..


Pllllklll.-llp.Naw Yon... Maroll J.l-l'he I\iMia,

nlP,oting 1111 bllill woek'lI e.lbiblt or cx­°lle.. 11I1'1~ retltrlllt appear to in\li­a Vretty ~ral c!l\"it'lll Q( acUvJty.La

• ·"IIUI·l.

_ -' .:\r rolll~-A IClIl1ing Iwuk­~ ~;w .10NK•• II I th.,t llJo Ilalu

",,1I('t iutotlllcJ Il, rU11lIr,",.', ,,:, ..mull lUi', (1,1 U':i HUll' II

uflllllr"\!d " I Wlll:llllhOllllll-,I . to 1.10 lJlPll IUllL'l . .,,~m', ) t' 'fkoJ till! 1I:1I11 ll~·nlur c;lrio"it~· WlL~ SH b . 1)11I;11" '""

I 'r 11\' IUIlj.l"IlI.uplllJat<'. 11.'1 I, I 'I,·u or "'1;(, lJ pur IIlII!ol •1:1~~ llll/lJll1 I~e ."'J f Iho lIuthllri...cll!lllllllt,·,1 COIIlIII' 11 1 !lot

IT' II fir till! lltlW tCllt:mllmt. t1U~t'l L 1:.1 • I"' oopil'lt of tuo r,'·'tiJ'm hnl, U I U•.lll "llllltl, '. 'fhe "lllMell rnilurour•• ItJ\':>'C,! l'I'nllOIl, blow". \.u Ii jo",k, b:lI! Uot:'1l R6\!\'ero

work.1'O I. bl" IlCl'iJ,! t"ell­t!llllll:lY j":lJWl: 11~1. It . Utw il'lllll.'\It,' !h"\tlr tbirl,ro.i1llUll"lul\1l I D


• lIt ",,"l'rnl hum rt'tlit rill' '"11\'11'10 'II frum Ihe ,lrCe<.llltWHIt! d"l!mll. Jmllll (,t •• I thejillO "I' t'l" Hot' 1,~lnlll~nt mVI'jU I 'j

Aluaric:,11 pulJlu<hctll Will he fow \\.10will UII j".lll)tOlll I'IJlllnlmorlc)' OU lho 18­/'lUI,! ur tlJ,~ rm'jliJoI ellilivll or tLa ul-I te~



!,!!~""~~~."~~!!!,,,,.-,.~=-~...... • -.!:.. ·~~""~~··"'''7''''''~~~'';'''·~-'''"'-'''·''''-''-''-''-''-''-''i''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''..1"' "" ...~.T ~ll! LEGR~PIi I_~.! ~~;::'~:;cl:) :::~ ,,:;j.:;:'~::::,;, ~;;,::~ :;~;;;~=~~~ ~;;:\~,:;:,~:i,~O~"::~\~7,,c:~ S""I"'~~~I:,~:~~I:E:"i"<1 "' SADDt~M:N~ H~':;m·SHOP,

H to:re~. Olltl'liJe of !'nw Yur]. tho OLl'grc 'rhe Il'nll1ll snlOOll i!t on lho 1I1 lpcr tll'Ck, the "tHee of tho 1'II~d HUlInd frOIlsnl..,jlll~tl'or cI·ut.JUtiret 1I1iln fut l!ul rllrIl'Ul·II.t)I1thollla<:hiu~r)·llllilc(·.tJ.J:tulid. COnljlllny. III Ir"mlnle. rUt mininr. llntl ('MII~lId .''(1 lhtt 1~~lIllru.·,u l'ato'uL Cull.

cutr~:~lllllil:~PVl'f'k IU~1 )"':lr. :m,1 ill frlct i IIll (rmil lli,lo to l§ide. wiih bllltt'tl.lOlIL'I for hnuliu.!: UN fl'om the minl'!! lit L.1,illlu, 1~~~~~:~'~~~:'~;';;"I"" ,Inn,' ,. ~."'''.* It Ihlul;Ulcl::IlI!.."f.·~ ill .\luruh tllllA fl:rhn" 11'';'l1t:", IW J1nit-uln~~ !>.a,;",·u't<lril. urrnn'....'( f,'1'tl ('lIIn til lit., Furllm't. lit II·Vllllll],·. lIr,... "'1<". Hurl"'" ..,_,I~ ,,, ..r.:"r. :-",hll~~ ...111 If.o

., --", .. pll~dl'l will II,) rlt'"h·I·\1 i.l luttl of l.illlO ....1<1'>1 ...."y'·u"n··l!llt~•.Inr,;c:ol'IJll r..'CtHII on:ditlo of ~IlW X"I·II. utilI nft Ull wtll "11!t·~ ur til\! lllllelJillurr· tclll,i 1'1Il'1l. tu btl ulll'1l rlir bi,li uutil G~UHUBW. liL.\KE, Prowietot.

For Hwt Jlmt of tho ~l':lr if i:ln~iln "'/me· The IJrillcilml w'lt/ll 1161'l1 ill tho lini>lll MhrehlJh~t. J '."_ M.' . WllIT',' ~Ilnt. '\~t11~r ~ll'\··l. UI'l!<"II\.' ~1I'l:::,~:,I:~'Il~:::t\v. '1',l!ILq wurth llfltieiu~ Ih'lt tiM IUII~ 'CUll' willlJc uIlI., 1'\·!icvc.l wHh llI11lllc IIllll IlIH. n ,.., ... '-J ,.

liT.lIL'1.1 tll'C:·CII."" fit 1J1'.~:<Jll IIR"\ hl:OOIllO 1\!Il:lIn~" '!'1m iUClllHlt'H'61l1electrielh:ht ,"-~"-~"-"-"_...,""_""'"""""""""""""'"Ot'lllll:lrlltivpl~·lIlllllll. Itlll":U'i 11l'1 1111· will Lo 11l1C1i 011 l1tmnl '1'hofln"t or 11,('l'tln-;flllalllc l,1 hllpo t:lIl~ 11m nl\'iml I,f IIhip will ho IlIJUllt.StlUO,I'OO, !lor I<il'lterImliiu"lt'lll.l.\' ('un'iu113 ~'l/tll'J !iIIV', !,.",~i· lilliI'. tho Alntncdll, will 100 renll)' rurbly IInfill!lc now rrll;r. I!in' c'IlJo'urUl;O· llllll,i;hill~ ill uutJlllthn'o wOt.!k<t,Ilwnt tu IO'I!' (Ill' 11 l\1"1'~ lltJcid"tl illlllrn\'r_!Unlit ill tho rnlt, bllt thO~'II:r'l t 1',1 lJoillllollIt <1'11\111. t:~cf'.~i\'l! ~1.I·CIIIHtioltl withUloUtllUry I!L'l':~f':u':' rull)' Illlkfl Illh·t'!,id.or t!IU lunlrlll,l)' !u,I,II" :! dl!!tnrliU:Jcl,!in ::IlJIIlO bl'lIucllC~ of illdll~tr)'.

• llfiM Shll, Talk.S.ll' FllAXC:JItOO, l\1ltf't:l1 1".-ClIlI'lider.Ie .POOlt[ntion Iii iudlllgo<1lu on c1mllgo

lliotbopmutibio cJfuct ou tho whcatmllrkot of ollllrlct1J madu by IlecJl l\·"_18 between tlliK port and foruignIlOrla, III CtlIlBOqllollce or tbo CIOOOt.lilll:'11 loW' frci:ht rate!>, a unmoor 'If dutr.

f1 hlWe!leon tnkon to tOl\tl 00111 on 'pu..t SonnJ,mtl81tlra of VOlllll:lt~ Ilrererrillgwait for II rUe or rOWI on long l'OY"Rt-'8

'the IllIOO time proflt1n/{ U)' tho O{lllor~llDlt,. 10 koep vCSHel" hi comllli.'loiiou III­leftd oll.villA' ill port. Tbe 0, r. lio. iMbe ((l1It to profit uy tho uull flCll9011 illrei~h"" 1lD,t},lm"e nlrollil~(\hlltlorClI a"ell­

it wbicb 101l\"o tor Senttlu 8.! 1MIUll illS.ey tliIIcburgo tbeir Ilr1wlIIt oarllO. ThotDl?lIn)' tn dlly l1eolnruJ itd tif'llt IlQmi.nunl difkleo/l of U.111J6rcont., plt)'ltolttarrow,

A "GO" l....u.~."oh. LoutH, March jol.-Alh;cO>l fmm

bo (JrllOk In.linll natiolle My ~loop'inuBabbit. ona ~f tuo Ilrilloipullcutl~1'il of tlle8pioctbe faolillU, wbo wnll 4rrttiUlt,l iIOmeda)'ll DgO b1 Clolloml Portor, COlillDllU11u.r.ot tho <Jhicok'e Jjurty, 'N11tt killClI fit. 0,.111111gee h)ji\ WOCk, wlliJonttomptiuu to ('/I'

cape. 'fwo otber IcnllorK of tho Slunet80Uon IUI\'o also been killed, ~l'h('Jl(J

.lll'llerll, /lAtuey IIro oulted; wore !lnitl to'P'" cnltl!Ctl tbe ::l)lioolJe lUl'1l til I'ellowation. IDII two ImntlroJ or thOlll lirtl reo

JIOrteU to be mnroluDg to Okmnll:cc torUte purpow of bringiou nbout II Il"h~.Gen.l'orter, witlI two hllllllruJ mau, bil!J

COile oot to moot tho nd\'nnciu{,/' "url.y,lad II oouiliot ill cxpocte.1. •


• W,\"lIf:>(lTO~, llllrtlh 15.-lt is uuJer­litool! :-loJC, l i·lIlg.'r 111111 ttllulert'll tim I'~'k

liun 01 chillf ur tI,,: human or CllMtIIVlTWIl:ll1l'riutilll,;" to Ju[JlI W, CorllillU, lJf Uo'lleVII, N. r., ut <lUI,! tilll') lIorlle:lut'llt,nrlll".j! the Nuw York L\!Uldlllturc, IIml thntLa hllll l'irlnlllJy l:c.'OO!'fcII tha '11IlI1ti1Ilt­menl. i':ll'Crolnr)' !"oIUttr j;j n1JlO~h.."1 .h6t>Icr t,lIlu)'. jJill imjJrll\·t!mtJll~ lS 1lIlllbt./wwa\'er, Itwl it iH IUl\roJ Iltll·rc.'C~ rcu~\'tJQ'

will bo Kluw,


'rho Ifork of tbcl{eolouiuuJ Jllm:')1 willbe TI.'<lunlell' Oil n Inrj.,'"i!1' ~llllJ

than ill'N hurure, llUl'Ortlln~ /!I.·ic1l1il1ote8t?nro!Jc"" et Iho 6~Ir\'ilY b:lVU l.lOrelofol'Ubeen Cl1l1liut.'l11.ll11ttl wrrilmie.", At 1110lll~t lK'!biol.l call~r"'811 ll11tllorl:r.utl ll:tI1!KlU1l)Oli~ult<lJluntiolJll into tl..,,,,tn!U'!, nlllltho ,'prk ..'ill IlliW he prosccmtt."t.1 !llllJn nIllUC I b~:Hlllr UQ{l u\Oro OLJlllllrouou-.ive1)1:11I, Th",,1.ljool 9t tho)!lIn·tJ>· i"lo m.ukoon !1Ccltrl le hilllllr)' or lhu fOIItJ;rrnphiclll,t:oologiulll. rniUerRhll(l/lnl, 3ml olher. d1o­uOlUio 1'I'';lJurco~ lir tho Ullit.col til11U:"lI,

and to IKlrfurm Ihi.ll wllrl, COtH,'CtI)". ut­lllonlti'lll>! iu tuo lil(ler stuttJlI. HI well rIAIt!rritoriCil, tll'O IlOt'tlcillllr)'. III lltlltoit

where local googral,hicnl filtt\'OJ8 Imvo\ boon mnJe tllO lubord or Ou\"urnment.

bcilmlil:ll 'rill 00 Urt'utly l~uetl, Coli'~m'fl8npproIlriuv..1 $2S0.00J rur tho worktlliIlJe:tr• .Arrall~elllou15 Ilnvq been lK!r·tl:!CtcJd IfhOfflby WilieR ot IlIlIHtblie:ltiollH.lule by the l,owlOlliQOI' tjttrY\lY will.

'I:b the lIItliOtlllJ exchnll/{c, 00 Hent tuu;i0tl ,B.. :OJIC.

""'1'1:\:111".ROvmaSOIt, l\lltr~h 14.-Thcin.depcu­

nt .tate OlluvOlltioll U~lI1illlltt.,,-l Wm,Jprol"tl6 lor go,'urMr wilboot tlillloOnl.A commiltee wntt IlJlpqinuxI to 1.'lmferwitb "ny tlrgallizntb:l8, mcltning UClilu.era", rduti.o to Wilking the rem.lhulor ortho Illato tioket. The uOlUoonlti.l 0011­'fenlioll moola lied l·nolKlny. No "cryIlromioont politicil\U Witt in the Sprllg:nllOJllvention, •.

Page 4: DjVu Document - Washington Secretary of State



. f.


le_ "'. ltt!:l.ltl'" a l·". Alfl·nt3.r'uU Town.....d.l"••'1, t. ~.

ahlp Irequl••I'IW\IlC't:W"UllK' .

N'lIl1h..r I,", t1tf\f.1tt nllr Ill, r1ntlof'".....llR~nl. will I", ""'1-._11010 ""' .ny 1' 1'1_t",.t"t 1>)' ,,,-. now nl' 11..,.1_.. _ "aIllp.

A ....:"r y, l'iiIC.UM,JlUtcr,le. lV, Ilel.I'}II,IIl<lClnr_.

l'ul'I'J·"wlIJ'Ch,l. MIIY Ill. tNt:,

.hlp Challenger...... ·MIU'·.'.....I~.

~l""'" ~1:.'tIl .... 'I~ 'n<loo,oI ...

~;.,:,';hrt':.~~.:~~:...~~ rvalo... . ~k. iI . .lI11~",*", JI..,,,.

It. W. 1.111""11 lit en.. .trill••l'tIft T_....lld. 0'1. '0,~

DcrmaD Barl Don E!1'iqoe.NF.ITHEN TIIK CArT.\IlC' sote TlI& ttll.

'...".!lrnl!l'l_l(f'n'."'th... I...... tI.n'er! .....I will blI ",,_pomlbfo fIR dwII1_1,.'l'lfllhIMMll1Uo('~.. ""•. L ...$lWrt.


BARK CHICl.AYO.1IM1Iehlld A Co, Itt., rn," 10 I... ICin~. ~

th••\ItI••••••lw.K....I '"",1 Iftl. ,1II1·b.1 it .DeI-lOll cl t:o. 'IIll1.eV'U~l.i:;iMLI~:I. ,,:ui.

Port To.II...nd.Dec. H.I.. _.= .8Qt.oribe tor lbe AlIOv"



And Ceneral Dealers in

~t~~~.Q·*~,$t 9i~~tt~:lt:s,. hip Unlluln)'. CLO'I:IIING, BOOTS & ~HOES. Hats, Caps.Hardware Crul'kcry. l' ufIllture. Ikddmg. rarnllng Il11plem~ntBuilding ~1:Heri:,1. Produce. Eu.',. Etc" 1::[('.[

ALL Goods will be sold Cheap lor Cash.Dr"/1., lio"g'ld filII/801ft on nit 1'".1'1., oj'lIw World.~ \\'1' ,,,ill pll~' lIi.llhc!tt prieto! fer \\'001, ULI, lillie!!, FilII .n

CHtllllr}' l'rootlcl'.

Fine wines and liquors;CANNED DDDDS-I\lI I\lud... Cofl'~.

l'!I'I1l'tl '1'l':I~ nr nil khltlJl. Ik"'t BI'III14 lit

f:XlrIICI", Onllllul lllUI Wilt'll" :-l]ll~~. Hal.jllll~. Z:wtll CUf'lllll.\'l. "'lilt IH"'fIrtllll!1lt 01

~I)III'~. ·I'uller. Wn~hlll)(. :-'l1]l'Ioilli. i-'1lltl.(:. COllr$(: I.hwpool t:;.111. Cnllllubtll }thtp

l'lItIUlOli. CO:lI Ulillmi Clllllllt~,

(holt" Duth'r, Chrt<jOl', lIDUe}" F"rl'lgHl\llli fJollll·otlc I:'rll!tJl. l'fOV!,loll'" 111111 :;UII.

Illld. }o'iollf. Ollt 111111 COrti ~le:II~, IIrl\ll.OR'gUll AI'I,Ie!!. Ur1L'Il Frllll.~. 1111 Klml".

STATIONERY1 1I1."OUlplcll:! l:!tOl'k ~t Ch(J:lp.

'l'h~ Bf:S I' Ur:tml~ 01 CI~lird /111(1 'l'tl

V_I. Coclllptd \CO R, W. _LIotI ace..

MHIP n ..."'It~ IIA.~F""l'cltho:r thB Nt".ln nor 1 ~llIfnl!lt

IiJIltnl,o ..1I1_ ~w;nllllJ'" fnr I "l!hU "",•lnu:lc:<ttJ)' the C'n!.W o! I,", AlNWJlIl.IUCltl "~...,1. I. U. n'U'·':H. )luI..,.

R W ~L,"" a.l.'n, lWt~I'J'nrt Townlll",d. J.h.~ I""

BIUTISH lJ.4RK TJB£'R.l"ronl llio deJaMirio, via VW:torio.

NEITllt:IlTIIK ~A""I~ NUll Tllit UN·


W. B. Dna, Muter,R. W. doLion & Co. .......

Port TuwulleDd. hbruary 17,1883.

.HIP .".ttL T..."1.0-'"'rom Wllnlln¥ton.

Nellho:, tllCl l."IlIl\ln nor .Ile nntlu",I.Il.-4"lIml. n( ,he .110\'11 nlltllell "tlIltIUl will I"" n".fl\IIl,11I11l !1If' .11)· dt!lit .. CfInf",~lclJ hv thllnln.ClI1" or CI'lIW. tJ. tt.lIT,\SI.l':Y ,Muler.

lL W. n.LtOlf .t 00.• AKtiD~.POn ToWMend, W. T., JaB. 17.18&1.

.hlp John lIun,an.1"rom Sbln.bai.

NEITIlY.R "1110: \:AI'T.\I:rl: SOK -rJlY. l':!(l tJtll'lIhrne"qelllRn!lh".ho,,1' n.1I1lfd yr.

~I~~m~..,.r:~r:~~~f~~1~::I·I~;.nM:'edII,\:11.\8. E.IIU1U'~£, Muler,


.HIP ELDORADO•From Rio de Janetio.

';:~~h~ Itt:.e~::1~~ \~~';~urr.::::~,;~ kJI' 't'~~..~.~7i';J,hl;:t~~'"

•. w. Ot.I.ItI~ cll:o.. Aco:"nl'"Purl To"n~l\d,J.n." I~

.hlp Henr, Failing.)'ro .., l'1tlb,"'ll'fIllI.

w~·I'~tt;:.:~ ~tt:·;,:' =rt,,~:,t:~'~7~1~:r:,.:;e.... or 1....II'If. Illllllf'lt .......1

,1M'OI; X-.:teIUilAS, :iii .......


pC Ie ndon•Fro. PbilNJelphia.

..1~·~to;:.~~~i.t:·,I,: ::~ I::"~:"=lt,='!l::::(to. IIr ,...1aJ•• D........& \, ....1•

K. '··Itt:H, :'It.-IU.IL w.•,.LCOlC a ("". .\1:".' •.l-.rt 1\Mu...ud,lW. 't1. lw:.

Ship 'amlr.'_HIlu..IlaI.

Sr.JTIlt:H ",fll.."I.ln ,"Ir lhe tlnl!lonlJplf'd..l'Q1t "lillie l'e'llllll.lble lor llo·ht t'O'.HIIN\:Iet1tI)' Ibe C'",W ,,' tb", .l.O\·, n...",,1 ,·~·I,

Ut:U. 'U••\I~lI:, lV; IIEl.1o~, .\.cnl~

l'urt Townwtltl. I".... G, 1S'!'1

_.__._' l-...~



BJ.'C/IIIII fI(' IJ/'oke /'./j/liI'S lJislJ,u·/uJd.

~"II••• It,." uiller u .....ns f'.~hf'&l

"1 ..... ". rlll_

Will "'11 ~I(fIn' .~Xl·"A:\'Ur: nil

:-;A~ FU.\XI 1:--t:U. J'Ultl'l.ASI •. 'lilt!Ulllllll.arl~ of lhu rXI n:u ~ I'.\TE=:!.

MtlIwy rf'miUf\) ttl 1111 Ilfut.. orllkJ WurM br l)rllft or

""'."I~",t"",.,f... CASH GROCERY STOREWllll),'l~' II~ hl;,;;IM:..r Jlfll'\llu I,;UIS. ror " •

WOOL HIDES, FURS ani SKillS. I have just added a full .or. ~r(lcerl~S to myGoul>S Uuuc; 11'1' i\ ~ J) :S01.0: Stuck of SlIl.f1uU'·f)', ,'::c" _lit.! IlIIClulto ~".1.1.. Cllf..:\ floOR HE.\ I)\T PAY

0), comIiSSIUK. In Either Pi ocluce or Cash!.4 G' E ,I.\' T l:olO..I'llrl~1t1 IMIl·t .. I

For the 1'C'lo.ll..l I~~I 8tl,r nQd Amf'ri·CUll Line uf Oc~nll StenlU\-MI.

Prel,l\i,1 ticket" twm m td Imf l"lrt 0'Ellrupe 110M lit lowellt rille.

l~t~nl)le IIbollt 10 Ilt!lltl for thl'ir frielllillin Em"up'·. will tlo w.·11 til ('ullot Ill)' of·tice.wllC'TllI will be plt·MI.... tOIfI'e tlil'mfull inre.rnmiioll,lllll.l wllf'rethl'Y CIlIl pur·c1mlltl lln'pnhl Uckulll At mllch IO"~r ratt'M{lwlI l~n1tlfor('. 1\11 lit the Illl~t,o iu tllefutllre, IlIltillfllction illRrUllh~Jd.

,.... ......... II••' d_.. 19 , .....'.;Ii,..,,, "'h.r•••'AI('.. I'M, To._".. Lwl('\.'(l.!'lim "r",.chclI, III Ie:l. ""fler".llilr~l.


Des.:riptioD or The Little Vessel NowBuilding at Tobey'. Ship





TK••.ILL BOlt.Dlll'o.

Weekly Argus~


"or n\llll\ ~t'IU'l1 till' nll,"i~.hihIY IIfhlllklin~ a AA_nllll 1111 Purl Tltorn~'11111

Ib~ fv' tbl' bt'octit ur tIll- '·IIY. 11I..ll~1I 1Pllllal,'li an)Oll1£: 1l.hIlJ'olllC~ melllUloll'llJl

itu!l.1.II, the rc...ult 1X'1U.ll' that ill I)...,\:em"I.'r.l~l.

AMTICLE.'I 01' Isouurott.\TWl'f

\\'tlre 61(.1l1! by the foIlOll'int: l>£'rlf(Jn!'l: A ttlU'Hl:'l't by 'Cob,;y'! IIl1iIJ)·nnl. belowI. ~witb. CIIltA. Eilk'ut.!i~. C. C, Unrtlclt tml"ll. lue 1l1'A'O}lIltttraclC\1 h~·the Kr!WX'·

K D. HIli. J, 1\. Kuhn. H. E. "lur~'tl1t fulnKlJ.c1 of " lillie ,'("511('1 tlUtt has OC'\:11tll'ld 1". n. Tt'r~·. uDller the name of the in l'OlU'l!IO uf COIL~tru('tioll11h'r6 tor &orneI'urt TO""n~II,1 Sawmill (,;0. mOlllbl'i IllUIl. nml nlllll~' lin! the ndmirin~

The Illull for olrlaillin~l'tK.'C\.'IlMr~· fuu I~ remarks 11~1 on it 'the AlIoeH "Imp"..1111: A joiut Hlt.lCk C'Vmlllln~' "'It~ f"rmC\! t',llk n "troll dO'A'1l thllt ""ny Yl'8ter..lflJ.fwd Iitoek boob opeuedj 2..'X.r} IIharl'i ot hllli. illl))lIlmOn witb nil othefl'. hRd tolItu<'k, nt $1U per shnre, ""ere rllace.1 011 "tllp 1111,1 ill6lltlCt Ulllcnt(t. AI! its pertL'C1

btl mnrket 11111.1 iIl8tQutnlU:~.m ..]y tllken IUu11IJr1tv1ll1 t,,"llt hiJj C)C. be Immalintlt·

A meet in!: or th(lll!fockhnlllcN \\'118 helll Iy jlfOOet."I1N 10 OI~U uCjoiolintiul18 witbHlltl trnstL"l'I'l d~ll"1. The firllt nnll"'Nnf iLl owner tu 11IIrchadO the \'f¥8eI. andtltl;! n,illC( IDjwUI}'wcre: Pres. ·r. T. Millor; while bllrlfnillill~olltainN Ihefollowing&>e., N. D. I ill; '1'rell~, Chn" Eiftenhcill informntiolJ rclntive to the cmft: 1\\'0'l'he Ill'8t meeting or truit()fll WUti hellionJIIIl.5, 18ttJ. mi/.!hl, IItIlU·. fdr IHlhlio intornll\liun, t1l1lt

Qulhe 2bl of tllu N1II10 month tllcmn tho LNlr.ll'lIin Wlli! cOlliplek'd, when thetrllut for tlrt.'CliuK tho mill "'us let 10 (:1....) bu)'er cli.oO\·tJreu. tllnt hilt (111)' n,oil·W. UlIltoll('.nud ""ork 011 it ctJmlll\lllCUd nLIl! rCKUlHCCIi wetu 2~celllll nllt! Ii ,I~.

iIDlDl!\liUldy. rlltt~1 Ilt.llltllj,tC tllaRllli lbill malic the OWll·'fhe l!lite IlClecteJ. for the I\IIwmill ""rlH

QII point Hl1Il~lIl, jllJJt 1)(>10"" to""n. A cr think n jub IIn..l 1)1'('0 "llIlt till" OD Limbeller place 0011111 not IU'lVe boon Ch08flIL Bnd bClj1l\'c the "imp" Mfreo ride on fileThere. Inl!ide lllel)()int. was B!Ol,OOOIl, oov toeof hi. boot. TlIe "imp" tnkl!il billerioa IeTeral acros. The point and htS,'OOD menlaofF the mAutel IliOt.'fl DOW. nndward pure~ from 1\lr. A. A,I'lulDm('r akocJlfl hUDJ.l' III> on B ntliL We think thear., for a n!MOllable price. altd II aluice· ownerWM right about the "job," bitt heWilY, connecting the aloogh with the bny wpo't ~hCl victim. Not ir we know our·w""cuL OYer. million fector lIII.""logs lett.)eIln btl tio8t.ed into tbe mill pond thoator:oed, where they mar be kept. 10 ~r

feeL aaf6't)'.Work 00 tbe mill WILl mucb retanletl

from the 8"'1; ami the company Will Plltto maoy 'PIatioM delays, tbron((b thelArdillGlll of tbe contractorl iMtood or~in« 6niabed lin .Jull lut, aa reqniredby oooltact, monlt. puied oYer thottime, aBel yet .ork on tbemill .... lOme­tiDM ror weeki.

AL1IIM1' .-r ~ ITdD8TlLLo

Thronab I.k of maklriaJ. 'l'ben theooutpan, lot mad, and took the .rrllir in""\heir own balH1" Mr. E. E. Him::bIllDIl.wbo bod been IUperinlendiD(J' .ork forthe aontnetor WM alill ret.ined in tbatpoIition, nod, nntler hia direction, ...ork..... pWlb«1, and the iutitutlon IOOD putiu ruooinrnrder. The mill hAIl beenruunlua DOW lor IOlJMIliulo time.n..l, init. culli"" capacity, aurpaMea tbe mOltanleDt U5*t.tiou. ur Lbe cuuaPatu'. Onliatonlaylut thirir·nlDe lhol186nd teet....ere coL

In onler 10 baT•• coo't'tnie:nt plaee toalow thl. lumbllr, 10 tbat it can be bandleJ withoot lIlocb ..penile. and ...ilyIo.ded OQ fttlIIl:l.. a wbarf will be builtClIteadin.:an fen into Lbo be.y. Thiswbarf will be eo reel .ide and.iII ha'elM)t.t or ...aaer at j\l oa.ier oDd at deadlow tide. '!'be pilea ror tbit wharr werecut by O. H. Holcomb, and are now in&be mill pood. The mill men were puton. botklirll the abore end or UUI ...barftllis morniD,. TbelulDberwm be piledon the wbRrt 10 armored that team. can~tat it ouily,1oo balll olJaupplil... ror theIootl markeL

l'OP1IL.U nDYWDIlI.Ey~r)' f.mily IIbould bn8 a bottle of

8)'rup at Filll oon.lallUy on hand. Ittp'~iJ,Mn' tAtte I\Dd bfJnellcia) eft'oct millieIt popular nerywbere. and thll reeult.

Tbia .. W feet 1011.I by '0 wide, two lire better health and tcwerdoctor'sbilla.

•"<I.. b"'b. lo.boS......,''' .....I. hm., "" ..... brold.Dd 'o•••• b, 0hi' H.I. Ore"Ory.'llI'. abaftiDl', ece.. CIODlIllCtiDg' .WI and men Inll .0DMIn. under an~and an t,) • ,... F Ie ·- D B'll .. Y~fD rhll~ ..lll1lbl.otb6rblllchhte"with the enaine. Tho InllD QCfl. or.. "I •• I & NEITIIEB Tit .. Ci\I'T.\tS N R TIIKU)i.

eD,hte two.. la ait.ated aJOIWlido or Ute 800. "' :~r~==,II.i::aot':"~1J':::~t~~.Jr;aaUL Tbe.n,eoanLlilll·macbioe,,l:c. DR. C. 'V HUNT, Iha;N!lolnOC'('nlW. rR.\,W.l1T11,) ia lbeMllOnd ",tory. Al the_tot tbe R. \lI". DeLlM Aeo.. .I"=n....uliatbealideapwbicblo,..rebaQletl DEN TIS T,I_''''_·_T_O_'~"-:7.,.~._J~'~--;''''-:''''' _Ie> ....." o••be !.n.... ollbe ";11 rlmal Bart OI'P.I!I,ia the bie circal.,., In the center the ~ N'lITII~nll"\:AI"'i\l'~""!:uuTilE U~.eoutlilll' IMClblne, and on the riC-ht tbe , ~ dc~~~:r:)!~h:~~~ ""110",1111. tor

reaaw. Three triullner. are kept moper. Will be in Port TOW'DJIlt!OO apia OD or R. WDIlLIOS.eo 1::~:I-:'.II.aDT )luttr

MiOD ill lhemill Until the ..hart is flo a""11t ....AY 16th nelt, ThankiD~ tbe!----"",..,.""...,..c::-c.,-----Isbed, the Ia.m.ber will be tl~ on a lablM! tor 1iI",",l Jlftllon~. I hope to CHILlU IHIP LaTA..\tam CU' 00100 tbe poiol, and piled. COIII!1llaud tJkir t'lmtidt Dl!'e in fgtnre. P ....rn";'"

ud C. W. BlJNT. 'vLath aDd piokel1DACbi~aud • plaDl!f _ 1 Neither lbe Capta n Dor tbe nl1lll'l"

baYtI ben, onlered., and are upected in a " ei"ued. aaeolt, WIll be n!IIJlOtillilJ1e for•ho<lu-. FOR OASH ONLY.••,debIo ...'",'led iJy the '""'0' the

• boYIl named ~.'fbi .aperintendent or tbe mill is Mr. A. I:iYESAEN. !\rUUr,

S. E. Hiochman, &Q experieaoed and ca ~ R. W. DaLlU"" Co•• Al(eul3.pable IDGtI.' thti bQaiUNI; the tallytDan WILL ...... SELL Port 1'0wnaeud. Aua.~, ItHLaDd ouwitle be. wMr. Geo. W. O'Brien;bead ...;vee ia Mr. Cb... Do.,haJDj re- OERXAN DK, FEDEIUOL\,

""". aI,. Cbun!bH, M,. Do.".g no OT8 AND 8HOE8 P.... VII....;.., ChillN.iiber the C"pLaitl Dot tbtlllucle",ilfn-nua the edztr, wbile the tall)' 1WI0 and ed a.ttInta or tbe aboYe ntuUfl{l Yf!lllltlttitnmer ootbe relawlli.M i. II. Pori Tn.n will be responsiblo tor dobt. cootnetN...d ..., ....... b~ ,....,- AT COST, by the ..... BrItish barl Caller a bNr dOt!ll to mllple sngar-lir. 0. OLICIIU, :Muter.Jobn Va.aIloHelen. n. w. DWOlif 6: 00.. .\a'ent&. flr~~':-'.::~n~·:t;:il~=.f~ili':~::~f,:':~Ief..";::

CauL "'nlnk 'l'ucker preaMJe. onr tbo For the next thirty days Port TOWNleDd, Jul, 20, 188'2. ,unl,.C\...1by 11te"ft'~", It, ""'A'...w dud pilll, takillR' "wily ,,1l11wl relUAe 1:::::::::::-:-:-:--:::::::-:::-::::::::-:-:-::-::__ It. W. DIlI"o!,! .t C".• k ....~~!:ol tlll:.'. ",..Irr...ilh the ...i.tance of (JbiotM C'HILI' .. BRIG MIH "'LGR£,o'I,,:,I':~~T~-::::,:~~":,.~I:.~,.~I:•.~I:~:.~ _The ..wmill hlUl imllf'OTed the appear· AlY~' o.J

.8M of lbe Iowllreoo 01 lown immenaely rMrn i\lllufIllrllll.. .tltl.h bark Lauderdale.MId the dllupklltled baildioj,," rnonerl'l AJJytblDK bookocl will be the UlUBJ N~~T~~~;1~1l~1~"T~~~:!t~I;I:~ ~:; N.llhe, lhr C_pl.ln n 'h" 1I11l1"r"l:nO'l! Rj(ttlll.tbereare .lCil'illA' p1&oe ttl OM' lookin. })Iice. tlefIU IlOntraelOit ",lh. oG\certlor.:,.wot tlw Ilt U.., ."',_, nam..1' I .. m I... n-.jItIIl.ll,,", 'l'be oICetHI in thlltneia-',borhood .lID"e b.Wed YCllIeI. aI11I1ebuc.... lr.Cjo':I~liA'~"'~licTlf:")(".;.1.r.Ill. blUl1 lind inllpirilllir ,,!HI no.. Aside ,JOliN I"JTZPATRICK. R. ." PUION ,I; (.'(r·A';:.~:I:'·"· ",..Ur. •. w. d.',1/'"'' rt., .••(t'nl••'rem U.... ,oeflt the mill i. to the towa 1Il~ PoI1 'I'owllJltlld, If.rdl~, t." roi'To"n.cn4, July .. 1'*". ror\To'll'o"n4, 1)u.:l6, IllltI..

Page 5: DjVu Document - Washington Secretary of State




Cerman bark Johan Ludwla"",m A(.,_lro, )trJ!\'tI.

1'"i.'.'ttM<~~j,~.:r.::t~(:l~r'::. t1~~~: :r~~~I"W 0' I.... _10m.. n_nll'll \'1'_1.

II. LISZ.llI..wl.1j,,"".... IIII.I. ot c.....\~'t'tI'.. •1'or1 T""Il..."ol.II,·~I. 11.1"""'-

.hJ.p Bu..l1.tOu.."",NI 1'l>llltlo>l~lI".


.~"'..., tnt,," Olr ltw .bII,,, llRnlt't1 .........1.J. :I'. ttICttU, llI_.t.r.

KurK~ltll... It COl., A~'t'nr ••"u" T.....n-'u... ~~l. 17.1MtJ.

.ark.'..,.. "'avadoi."""" lI.ft l'rud-"811__11 ttlt'lS&uftlal. Chi....


.ot.... or tl'1lw.t 1114 .oof"..-I ....~~1.HJ!:OHOIt nOOU"lJ.II, JilllIIfr

nUTuIM.fI,nll C"" "rl•.l'tlrt T,'" n","ll. ""'pl. I,. J*::.

\.Vholosnle and netnil Doo.lo1'8 in


'['[If: "I'.T('i~':-A'"'l.l,,,\ __ !\.\ t.


,IUNY. 1. I!'.QII'

J. t:. CIlKlo,Tt:Xllt:X, 1IM!lIt:r.Itrtrll",·hllll.t ('"., All'l'II".

!'flrt 'town"'llul. J nly 2H. 1AA2.

British Bark Loyola, i .hlp He,v••ter,FIOIII I.h·tllpo.... \'1, \\'lIl"lnrll'll., .·N'm l'I,U,.,"'II.IrIII.

l(cllh..rllt" 1'''1'1,,111 nllf 11111 Illulctr"hl'l,~1 S.llhr'lhrf'II"IIIN "",lflron"""r.1rnl'l! \~.rl)1tll'l':llIR"1 Ih.. Ill>ol\" IlU,,"~1 ",-.1 Will 1"·,,._ ",1111.......V""·1 ,to- '''1 "hl~ f'"lI,tl!K'l.lI by I' ....,••Il.llo'" f"r drill" \.,m II'",'I'~I It)" II... "UII,'I"I r ...... ur tlw Rl"". nanlO'4 .........1.orc",w. .\.11. l'AllItt'l·lIt,Il.", 1I..ler, , 1. IoI.LIl:X, Xu,....

RI7TllllCllTLIlA t·, •.•\tI,·nl". I 1I'",.....11I1.I'.t C", A"nt.Purl TUl"lIICII<.I.lA·l.lU. I~. .I'tort 1_IIo..ud, :'fo,ot..l~ ltD.

V.-uI.. Cun'..hrUK toHOTHSCHILD «- CO.British Bk. Itar of " ••0_.t'llu~ )It:I.lll.ll;ttNK, AII!JTaAIJ".

S t:trrUt:" 1h<J I '1I1"I"n 10111' lilt: .ll'lunrlllnf',l..l(\.:nll'. will ,., I't!t'r.....lI~t ..'" rn, dlllhr" l'tlll rl'll\."

:~::.:;r Iho oflll.. '" IIrnii~~~~~.~~~ai",~~~~.ut1Itu1·Il3ClIll.l'.t CU.. IOltell ....1'<>" 'j"""Il_IlII.llt·,·, ~.l·"'.l.




Port Tow.nsend, W. T.

Uftder New ClIstcm HOllso Btrlldllig. Vi'ul Ill'.' .. 1·01'1' ~~owlulent1,


J t's'r HEOElVED IN AJ)DJTIQN TO OUH USUALLY FULL AND 001\£­plew ijtock ol Oellf'ral Merohmu.lille the Lnrjll'8t "nd Het, &Iected StA'k 01

Clothing ever brought to Clalnm Colltlt,..Comenl1lt llOO our 810.00 8ui18. I Oome lind see our Callery.

.. .. .. ,. ])1')' Good" .. .. .. "Funliture.:: ~l :::: &utll lIuli 811001I. I :: :: :: .. Sto\"t!llIntl Tin'IVIN." " .." HiIiN lind Shot Gnne. I .. Oroekef)' wire.

Ol'tx:cries. I" " " " Hntllsflll Capll." .. " "New Bewinll )fa-

chinM, th6 best 11I11.1 chel\pellt, in the world, &Old on elUJy time ...itbout iotetellt.N. D.-C0016 nnd 8C6 the onlypel'l!OD 011 Pll~l Soundwbo ...m1n:tYOD1

lhin,!: /Iud o"cf)' tllillJ!' from BC ON-l':lliJN to II FAR' Drnfttllluught noollOld on liheral terms.

17-H C. t'. CLai'I',

_;':-' ;~:;·u~"'~.'k ~:,(~:';.~'_;.', ,,~:;,,',~: ....~.,., ".";~'':':;··bl :;:II,~.~:'.:;"-:"~":.::~~::;,~~~~;;';:!..~ '=.l~~l::~;., . .,~.j I I " "II.,· 1<1,.,,".1, I ,~., 'It·· ,·,r·) ,,~,' ,,' ,'. r. f, '" I"~ 110 ..1. 101'" It I. ",.,1. II,. 1101;1

,'." ,I h.,_ fa' I.,,~~., ,·',.·"Iltlh.. ' ,n I', "~'"'''' II., I'" ,."'~, )·,,.,U)' rl'~ n'('o-•• ·.l')· .... l'~)' IIl.ll,a

:~~.~'.~. ;.;' ::~,~','; ..,. ...::;r;.~~~: ~::~~I" ~.I'.:~; ~",,'t.::L..,t" ~:;n:~r~.~~~~~,I,~':,.,.Hl':~.n.~~:~I~V~

!~ I.... l>o-., ·.,,,1,·,,.·,,,..1"'~:. ,"1'" ," ,., ~I ... I ... ","'I. r:.;I-' "'O:'~-f<o , .... ,., ..".-..",. "I,,<r •••l;;~~~~~"'~l~ ..,', .::: t',;.',"" 1," :':~..~·,,:~::,~,~:":~')'~i',~::"lr:~ ~~"l.~~,~'~ ,:ltl:,I, I':~;)I;:,I,~::~'.' ,~:i~"~~";::~~'.;' "'•• n I" 10", ,I ....,,~ '''''. ~"" -,II', ".1_ I. J r '"'' ·" .. ,t .'1 I", ....,,_ .. 'h. ""1 '.' ..1II"" -"1 ""'".•~" " 1., I,'" \"1.,•• _,... ~". 111",1 '. "". 1'"1''''' 1'1-..1._ I , .....,...." " , .. , .' . *,. ,r :... -' .


SlUPPING and CO)[)[lSSIOI DRClIilTB,Custom House Broker Ships Disbursed

A,OEN'l' .~OR S'rfo:AM TUOl;,

Goliah, Blakeley and Politkofilky.t7' l.elltrt allll T.legramlt &lldrtdelld k Ollr care "111 be proDlptl1 dellwred .._


British betrl? Ambrose,t'l"OllI C;,ll1MlJ, ""'11.

St:ITIIf.K Ihu CIIlllllln norllle Unlln!!llrn~1Al(t'nl~ or JlIU II'MI\'", r.ItRletl VllllOO'l will 1M.! ....."IMlIl~lhlll for t1uhlll CQntntefetl 111' Inl' onln:1'1lor cr".·. T. 1'l:KltlN, MIl~h:r,

11l11'II'ICIIII,II.tC'l.. AIt'r.nliJ.I'url TO\\'lIottlllt!, JUII. :1'), 1!lrl.3.

Frencb bark ~eliI Estimt.

British Bark Caspar..·rom \'p1llllnll"O "Ia A_torlm.

JV:~~~~: ~,I:lt \.~I:I~~ 'I(~,(,I~lI:l~e 1~:.I,'I~I';i~II:\.~I:;:~''''''I",I!J~ Ih" "n.:'" ,,(11111 11110\'" 'n,,,,.,,l ,.,~r't:1 J,\~H:811.:t.\·I:;, ~:lll~ttlr

IlnlhOl\:llll'l& lJ". AlI""I~l'orl To., 1\~lId. ~'~brllar)' :=-~. Ilil<o1.

French BarQne Prndent.SEITI~~~IfIT~~tJ~r.¥~.~ ~~~rT'jU: us-

dllnhtnetl "lI'eTltl.lII be rtlllp"n"Ulle lor _n)'116111" CJlltltnwlel1 b~' 1110 Cl'1llfl',

I'ot't Tflwnwntl, Jnnll 4, 11Ill'1.A. AILLln, Muillr.

lh,'\'nl("tHI.n. .t Co. Al(enl.

C.,men Sk. Bleok Dlemond.rrnrn l':lllrtI",kl, J"llItn.

NEITU.:ll the CIII'IItI1'l IItJr 11111 t1ndCln\Jtn~AlCllllt.. 01 fllll 101....,"e nllnllttl ,"_II will

1111 hIIlpl)llltthle t, l~tlullt'Ollnt"CICltl b)' Illeoft!,.otlnol' crllw,

(1m. Ronl, Muter.1l01'IISCnn,D .t Cn.. AKenls..I'on TownK"'d. Jnne" 11ll:d.

British bltl'k Buteshil'e,.·I'Uni 1'lllclmIlIlO. Chill

Netlllcr lhe I)qllllin or Hill lIIulcr<IIl:Ill}'1_lIcnlltor Ihu RIJ(l\u nlllm~1 w.'lltlCI. Will 'IIlr~IIOIl>III,11lrul' d'llll" oonlnu:too by I he onlcer..Itudcrew Il1c"':O(,

• J. J. JOXt:!!, Mutel·.1I0lhitl'hlltl A Cn" IIlCenttt.

I'lIrt 1'011 IlI!tlTl,1 Jltll.llIl, llIlI1

German Bark Stella,From JJonolnln.

SF.ITJlKU t1llll.~ll"hlln nnr Ihe IInllc",trt'ntd"!filII II wilt ho rttIt(lllll,llIle (nr tSllllTltl~,ntnw:I.~1I'~' ntnuel'll OI'Un:W Ollhe _bo'w" nlllll",1 "IlI!>'IlL

IIUTII&.;IIILI).t '(.:u:' .f~:;:~~Ittt, ~ldtllr.---::c::'=-::-:o:~--­

BIt. S1'R. Glut MIS CASI'LE.""'''11 XaftnJlllo. 11, C.

~'i1:~I~~~ ~N,~,n'a:~~, ~~~~,~.~:r ~~~lfl'~·rm~""'1_11I.111I0 l\Ir llulolM eonlrn"lllltl I,) nnh't'''''' 'Irtll"'I'·. Ie. J, (;.1·UV, .\lllItll1r.

leolhltChl'" .t .:0.. AlI{enra.I'un T.....nlllJnd. JlIntl. 'ttl. 18ltl.

Frencb Bark PrOlpere,X,ltb" the CIIpt.. tn flr n,tl unll,,",IKned~n" .11I1..., 1'1lI1101l~lbktll'lrl1ehtaoolll""'l"tlI',. Ihe otnoel'll or tNW or Ih. ,lion n_lnlltl

't'1IIIit1. P. nVfl.l&VlUl, :II••lcr.DollllChlld. Co- lIr,j:ellU.

AMERICAN SHIP PLEIADESFrom Vltlporalt.o.Selllll'1' thl! l;tttlUdll 1101' Ihe unduallClltld

alr',"11t .'11' l>e "'flIll'\IiIP&o fbI' tSeb'''l'flUlntd.tlllly til" C ":en 11111 crew Qr Ibe atoovu II_IlltIt.l ,,~·el.

Will, It FM*T,Xuter.HllltlllChllti. Co., Atrtnl..

From '·nll_lrlltilO. I ...Xt'llherthll (;iltlllllhl IItlr Illfl IIndlll"lllunetl

.\l(,.nhl.lllllll""lIlm~t1'ltl ror dllhlJOcolitraellll1lJy 11It1 CI"llW or IlltlItUo\'tl nnm'lll l'e-lIt'l.

t. l.n,\NU1S, "ll4Ilor.

-'-:!~"'•.o.:'-'.~"'~"I:ID""",~'"I~I"~I.J":""~''.!"~',,.~,,..,,.'-:-__--IPLVltIMEB. & TEaIlY,American Ship SUllalta, -DEALERS IN-

From !lcln .·ntll"llICO, bound t08rdney, X.S. W.

Sclthlll'lho l.'tl,rnlll nor 11\11 nnllllr"henutl 01' F °1 G .JtUtllll""fllullltl(),·onllllltld·'¥llNl'I.·lJlbul't~ lOlce amI y I~oceI~Ies~11';f~W;:~:~I~ :.:I:;~~II~~~I~~.b~i~:I~~~ •

rOrl TI,wnot:llll, Ot'I.I"t!'J.':'::':'::-,;-'-'-,-',-::-:--::-,-';-;.,---1 Cllnnoo l'ie and Tltble E'nlit~ Canned }(oaet Boof, Ubicken.American Sllip Tbeobalt, JeUi." Canned, Spic,,<lPig', F..~CookedCom BooI,Fr'IIm g, F.,'&uud to SblU:ll4'bai, «.;hinll. Frenoh Sard'e81OliveK, Ate. Lob8~rs, Oy8te"" Shrimps,

Devi ed Ham, &e. SpiCi:ltJ, wbole and KroundSt:ITII Jo:lt tin' CltptnlTl nor thflllntl"'"lJcnetl

A~nl~l)tlhClIIII(l,·Cln_mlltll'~1 "III hu 1"& Oatmeal, Cornmeal, wbite and yellow. Cracked Wheat, Buekwbeet, Farinn, &.II~~~::.~~etor dull";,~:~r:,clr.~%.lll~,~~nt Mixed Feed, Bran and Flour, Oat8 and other produce.HI"I'lIMCIllI.D A CU "lCllnl!l, 0 Co' dl'ort TowlilItlftll. W. T .. Utlt.a, lilft. COFFEE 1All grades of reen uee from l2t.cenbllL ponn up·:..::.:'-"---------------1 .".ant. AI80 Roasted nod Ground Cofrootl.

British Slpp"··" TRIUJUPH, The befit of Oolonr, English Breaklaat., Green tTEA S.t~rom Hong ROI ~nn FronciBoo. nnd Uncolored Japan f •Neitber the eRr ·'''''flI·siKn·

ed aKentIJor tlwl ":.ilL fir We efIpecillU" oommond" OUR "AY~"ITE." for sale only bybe tt'l!JIOWliblo ' . b)' ollrselveg, which h8ll given the beet satisfaction of any tea ever plaeffl ODthe ere", thereot. • ....., l\!IUIWr. tbi8 markel Being full weight and pure. it is atonoeeoonomicaJ andhealt.b-

UOTH8C81~~~t~; J~~tAug, 7. 188'J. ;:~:te~ ~O,,~~~~m~fr ~fDthi:~~ :'U::p~~tri:re&~~:ellQ:a~::ri~~~ to

IRITIS" hu !DWIN, Onn", Ammnnition, Fi,hing TRclcIe, Crookery, Lampe, Cull""" WOO<! and'ITH.rKI'O~!I~ol~:;:4-1i~~,f~U'1'll. I'S. Willow ware, Blank Book8, School Boob, Stationery. Drawing Paper. Card·N'" board8, &e., to AlJ of whiah we invite your attention, with ..mnnoe of care­

"jllt:'::~~:'n:it~t~r~~~:':~~I':;:::lb~'~":J ful and OOurteoUII attention on owepart, together with Low Pri088and Fair('",w. ",ONKI'II T, DICK Ill, .11"11' Dealing. 170u.i:;:~~~~~d~·\v~~:I;:ltllllal ••1*

FRJ:.'NGf[ JJ,lUK GOQUI.VJJO.~'rulll ~III In!'t1 tlu tlllll1tllmlln. ,'111 '·~Inrill.

.\i:,,1111l'r thu l~tl'lltln n,,1' tlu' UlI'Io'Nlillit'd1Il("llt~ ""Ill IIII " ~Iltln$l·I"l'tIo'l,t. {~'UII1U.'I·l,<llo\' Iliu o(tle"I'll1l1H1 "N\\' 011:'" 1111<'1", nllill'.11 \"·~"el. 1'. It,,It .. 1-; .\In~h:r.

1l0lh,,'hlld lit C""I\ll'tllli.l'orl 'I'uwllt"IHI. Jill)' ll~ llll!'!.


From WednCtld8)"1 Duil,.)Bark Uevere. CIlPt. :McIntyre, arrived

on Mondn)' from Honolulu.Buk Enoch Talbot ill in our hnrbor.

oonllruJen lor S, }~.

Sbip Sngumore and bktno_ ~'Ot1oc,

lumber Itldel1 for S. }'., Iniled )'eaterdny.Ship DU'!IhiDR Wnve, lumber laden

frum 'l"llcoma for S. 1"., WM towoo to eea,.ellte-Nay.

A IlChooller pnued up Sound yelter­dILY, 11111J101100 to he the Americ8u Boyrrom Snn l'edro.

Ukli.le. J. W. Griffith, ror S. }~.. andnr. bk. Callper, rrom Port Gamble lorValplllrlli...... were towed. to 110ll Yefltenl.)·.

Fr. hk, Felix EMivRnt, lumber ladenror Vnlpnrnilkl, IInrl tho (lbi!. bk. Ln.ll­

demn.!!), InUlber Ifldtill fur illUDe plnce,I\f"ved rrom llf! Sollnd "eIIwmny, thoformer waitinil' ror Atug, the latter tor"crew.

~,I: g:?~~~. C~~~l~:l~ I~~JC~~reraJ:::~.f4 ~w'r l.lln"r. Co.

POUT DUKP.LY, !tIarch 19.-Snill'd:!SrilL' 'l'lIulicr.

l'(lRT 1\r.DlOON, March }it-Arrived:Dnrk Co1luirubo.

POllT Oi\1dllLE, Mnrcb m.-Arrive{l:Bark Jume.i A. Chl!titon.

Suiled: Sagamore.

S, S. Mil3AiMil'jJi IIrrived lrom Ban~'rnncil!rL"i. ,Yetlttlrdn)' IlUd dillChurged It

lot oC rreil4'lit at Union whurf.Tul'O of the IIbilllJ cbarteretl to 10011

Sentlle coul fllr 811n FrlUlci8Co, ISHl week,urc the Spltrlll.u of 1376 tou", Hud theCommo('otl.~ 01 lU80 ton!.

'fUKS, S.Dl:lkotn CIllUO down tue Sound)'l"fdtlrtt:l~' and left thill morning for Snul"rUlleisco. Among hcr pn88tlugenl ,,'ereMr. S. Wnt(!rmnn und rllmily ""lio I)f()­11080 to combine bUlliuC8!l ...ith pleasure;nl80 Mr. W. F. Bowen, nnd MiM CoraKil1cIer, of l'ort 01lmhle, BOIl t'll/'O in thesteerBlL'e. Bbo took lrom here aoout 15loull or freiw-bt.


:a:: <:> "'l:1V :IiJ'.CoIuolidaled I,nlnw



MISS MAGGU; 'WEBB,1'b.. II'~!"" CtllOI'-"d jiul't..oo In .\ml'rk'lI.

The Novello Quartelte,M'OlIn. J_., l~blT1""n, Jtt~~!I(I1l alllt ~lIcki\7·

The Big 4 Dlackl"IDld.. , na"""II" Jarli..on Rnd J"lm~ .. ,

~J'I ... OJi:OIlUIJ'; CIJJ::I!l'rI.;n,

Mlsa lItIinnie Maurice,

In bltr Imlllllilln llt "III" Ca.I~lm,·" ., I'or floud.nt•• 8akot don·l.ay I fUld 7"" ," "'hlrh ba~

UII.....t "Wnler"lI.pral",,-~ r....1lI 11M! ~ ........

c::;.~~~n:~~II,h~:~t~:e,.~~ 1":I:~~'~.~~~,~i.';S,I. Ilftrtt: lha ~rlco" wUlrtnllaln .. lI~ul.

y~D!~~~'<?~"-~L~~"i'rt~~ot!r, 'I,3. P. IlOWK.Ill" Sole I'ro~rlttlor and )l"".~...r.

British bart Malincbe, •



(!.lllll! Itow DoJwnJ CaUtorllta', l'uu,II~.

.l'Sl\'F.~~AL pence und quielne!iHrf'l).CIlS slIlce Convrellfl nll/'ouru(>d, but('Iinl;cr continut'i\ to 1"(,' I gOOdli ILlIllarl1Jillsl~' low pric('s. •

TII£Starr bronghtanotherlontl or limefrom Bnn Jnrlll)·Cf!tcr(llly.

CATARRII Cl'RKI).lIullh ",nil .W",I brUlh Nt

if.:', ~~j~J~h;:';.'~:~ ~~IL::j"';U!:'i:c~c<lnl'

ImOUl' WI100PINO COI'GII .nd IlrollrbhlammOltllatalrruUand 111 tlbllok'. CII",. SOill 01LilitUllf4 Co.

~:I~~I1~:~K:g;;, COJJ~II~~~0~':1I111~ld~~d~bIl'\I11'r &4;••

In Olln"l'ln""", W. T" )hl't'h IIlh, to Ih~ _1(0or Tile.. 1>;"lIn., allaull'htu.



•• I' \\ l'l'('k Ilft~ L. l'u.ylor hhs1,,11' 1111.1'11 11)" 1\Ir. t:lillg'·r. D,'put)'t'\;..'lllr:-llIIl, to till' Ill'lUl or tho

Ih\', \' I 'I F I'()('ial on 'J'uesdn:,'J T I It' ,1. - r '1 I. t tlU' n'·Il{'o \l .\ r. IUI{

1"','11111;.:' II '. II " WM II:\1 \ \ L'luHlnlt'r Jr., l€'ll

ill~~"';tl:'''ld/ll\CO lIud rl. jolly b'UOlltitul',

Mil Uurthroll is lllilking ilJ\

I , ':l'S IIULI ItUIJI·t.I\'f'IU~'nt!'l III lll'o~ Il~ll,.. I r t r '[u)'lor fifn"(·1.bmldlll:lllt I II' W u. . 1

All t I,· lI!llll'l"'lfi~~i~:J~S ,~,i;~Il~. jl~~:~~~ll;~tns Jllll" rll l . . '!~r ........I·uprlllC;r, l¥i t Ie kMllltWIl l~ IIb"OOl1 uilO Dud hU~~llllll.~ Ud"lultllgell.

•,,..,;,;, .'I'1I"t';!I4",.'.. UlllI)'.

1\0 11lI1'1'1ll ill thu llIurkl't.

NK\\ l.,'oUllri lit O,·rri...h'lI 8ture.

'1'1110: DirllUllch Ilfrin.'(1 from Ncnh nllY101111:, with a lIuml.>cr or jllU;$.'lIloCCnl (Ill

OOIUll.]\[11..T. .I. CnlllollD, wbn hlUl hcell "f'Q'

ill ror t:ot1lllC \\'ot'kil. ill impro"illl! ll/oIuil,'\\'e nrc I:lntl to ...."\).•

DH. lluut Ilrri,·oo lOlla)' rrom l'urtl)iJlco."et:\', whoro ho hall lJeen on Jlfll·

rl'8l!iulllll hllillllCM 11 row dll)'1LA1:l1oI,\LI, ehilllllf'lIt or lumber wenl

lrom Iwro 10 Alfllikll Oil Ihe lost sl.cnmllr_thellr~l8Cnt nbrl'l811 hom the Port'!'owl\lIClulllJill.

lh:il.~It!j,. Ultrke nntlllninC8, Senttlo Ie­lllllll1lllilHlriclI. are ill towu lIttcndinl: tothe li1Jf'1 Kllil, of the l'ihip Oricntnl Rlo:'llinlittbe ChiHlIli bllrk LnUllllnlnle,

TIII~ 1. X. L. mcnt IlHl.rkrt hM bMlnclost.d II lew dnyl'L No IIWllt to Ill'hntl. HOW'R thnt for scnrcit)'1 Itwill doubtletili bo 0l'tm ngnin in n dllyor two.

QUit l\r'lllOnic rriends hB,e Pllrclllilletla t1n&r which proudly floatll over theirball on wooting dayll.- It i.. quite haud·",mt, oolltllinillg & Masonic emblem onl!. blno BellI.

U,,"OR Kuhn hlll~ put n new fcncf'nroltnd pntt 01 hi" property OCCtll>ill()bv Mr8. Mye",,' bOl\rding hou8e. Hl'11M aillo Jlllt 8 now Midownlk mong infront of f\ 10Urulllin~onWlIlerslrectbetween Monroe aud Ml\diliOll tltR.

AoomKS'l.-Mr. Henry Lakt:, the car·pt'Iutl!rwho lull been wor 011 Mr.Huut'Knew f1idewRIIc, accidentally stuclt.

hill lJI'OIK11lI il'to all uprigllt IH)I:It in locbn 'lll'lly tb,d 'll/'Iteu it elliot; out it fellN:rutllI hill neck, ouUing an ugly IIMh.\lr. (.nlr~ ill a rnrefulworkml1ll. "lid oon.1 n1!'t1rd to Illam himllelf jUllt "~"'I bIll.

ROQiJellta will bappen. We hope to IlCfl

bin arou ud tgaill 1OOla.Tn popalur littlo dmma "One Hun·

tIred Yoal'fl Al4'o," iN now being rehetlrltlllb)' l8,crol or Port Townleml'l youngpeople. It will be riven lOme tiu1e inApril, ror the 1lenelltof tbe puhlio 100001;(lr. rather. it. prooeeda are dMigDCd tuhelp furnilb the DOW .cbool h01l1e DOWilll\aUoipatiou iu 'bit pl4ao8. DflllbUl'llMit _ill 00 moot:nd in. mnner pleAlina'411:1OU¥h towurant a Inll bolUl8t aud thulJII\I'I a futlllOiallll:l(l()(lM,

1'_ T......,'lI .....,..

800IA.L tonibtbt at the bolllO or Mrll. A. A. Plummerl jr.

A 1111:. aud wider Ihlewalk it beioa'CUlllltrtlCted alonll tbe Mltero lid!! ortbe! Ootmopolitan Htltel.

HR. Fitd'.lrit'lk iI lellinR' ror cabl

autl will bo for tbd nex' tbirtJ' dAy-.BeAd lIiaad..eltHlomcuL A 800 ebullOOto "et toot weHr at 10_ prioeL

Doll'y let it fllIOAlHl your memory thatIfMltL 0. 0, BarUott "Co. are M1l1illltellt at A't'eQtly MtluoW prK:u \0 DUlleroom tor tbeir spring dock or aoOOll.YOIl caD rot 8U,7thina 1011 want at tbeir......

DUanfo hitvilit to 'Ilil place a le_dayl 'ro, Mr. 0. P. Clapp pureluwodhalf. bloct of laud .orib or \he Pre-by·terin church rrom Mr. L D. AUridKe,lor '1,000, Mr. ClallP il a Ihrewd bUKi­OOQ maul and be kllUWIl tbAt he ORO in·""t ia Port TowQIMlnd real MI.Ilte tobettt!.r adfllnt.are than in au)' otber "ay.

OUll':lWK BUV1CItIl.-At Bt.. FRith

EpillOOpaI eburoh, daily lJOnloee oom.menoed Illi. roJmoon, to be ounlinU«!l:l

every day except Saturda,. 8enioe at10:30, A. Jif. On Friday morning,Oood....riday, tbore .ilI be B aermou. Ap­llropriMte OMUtr IIerYiee. will be bel{1lI6J:' t111Dday, or whlob due notioe will beIliven.

A HOW occurred thil mornioll atUllion whart. A couple of loogllboremen who had been brouaht hom Viotoriatf) help dllOhllrge lobe n.kota'i lreigbt,were left behind yeatenb,y. This morn· Lhey tried, it acem" to dead beattbflir ...., beok to Victoria 00 the North

Paoi60. Oapt. Wiblou And bill mRk~oqJ,jn't"see W' aad tile woukl·be 111II­leDgeti were IllC(l8IIIlully left-not. how,e,e" witbout " UTel)' "terimmu"e."


Page 6: DjVu Document - Washington Secretary of State



Prepared by Or. J. C. Ayer &. Co.,l'raeUc.1 .ml A"AI,Ueal CJv:ml.ta,

Lowell, MillS.MILD aT ,t,••L1l1l1:C!OU1'.I Ulln·WltIRI.

wi! "'lImnt it "hon taken llCcordlng: tot1lr~tlol1l1.

Fo1' l..h·l'r Complnlnt.,. A\,,,,n'8 AIlI'"Ont!':. 111111rcrt lll'llon tlll lha Il\"'r nnd hll­l:lry ntlp:.r,alllM. ,Irhf'~ <'IIiL lllU I'ulllon" wILII,1tproolllro llit'.., r"mt1lnJllll\. IIntl "llilIlllf1,t()~ tlluB)'lIlum kin "lgoruulI, l,cfI,ltlty l'onllilioll.

Notice to Cre'rlitors•

NEW GOODS!n F. c: .: I \' I,: D

A 1.1I1'jl',·~r ....d:fl'

\\,1" TY•••• )II~. 11:. \"·Il: ~~1"'''' "r l' "I J"1.I,m.!. !'l.Il' .I"~,, , .''':''.'. II ,1·hi"~I"lI ·1 ,'n iI' .\1:1

~;!',~ 11:.'t~~,;'.I,'I::I~*,\";\..~'~~ ~\'''..i~t.·;f'h;,,~. :,"~~ :.~\ ~t;I.... t. \,h"U".1l .It',1 rur Ih.· '.-1.".... ' ., "'1 \.'·"u ,1"' •.1".1."1 Ii,.· ..m.· 1""','>1.,,,'.,, ~I';11,,"~·I. ",,1". I· 1<.. ,.,1 ...· .:,1,·" III I '" nO'1 •Ill"ltl.l ",111 ".11110' 1...1" I" ,. l't'· ..·I"" I ".:.,.•.:.;\11111 I· •..• ,~ .",...11' '.11111"11 "".' )·,.or ,It... ,~Ilt'l _1,111 •• "."" .: 1"\'1\"1],"1" th" ~,.,·I 1l~.lI;.I"'m."·",, .,1,,,11,, I".-\I"! I: '1,,,1'.·: '''!."",.

:1 " •. I.L~"Il .. '11.1 ~., ... :.. ,1.", .l'''',h

Snn.IIl.UI 1"11.1. "'11 .1"111, (""11,' "oI',.h.,~.til" .; I.,'" ". :.,'., ' , M.hf··

1IlflllllfnelllrC'r of lll(')l~t QUfl.lity 0'BEER AND LAGER BEER.


or l"llilisfncli"n j.(llurllllft't'tl.~ I'ort, 'I'(l\\·II~I'UI1. ,V. 'I'.

At the Lowest Rates for Cash.ell,\ ilLES I':ISENIIEIS,

Piouoo;a.· ::EIn.kQ;a.'y,

Owner of WashIngton Brewery,.,.~


:J?rt.ov:r:SXON'S.\\ hllh 1" " lin

In tilt' L'rulHllc ('(lurt uf l'lalnmeuI~. \\'. T. In flJcllln!t"rof lUll n.Hir'llll A. Hulhuti lll'c('lt"cd. of

lIullct' illltlll'll)" ~1\'Cll !J\' 11111 lIul"i~lled Jo:!(.~·II'I·I~ "f tIm I;tlll 11111 ~er..1~·"IUIl1l'lIl01 111111I11 1\. H,dllll~. l:1l6~1lllllmB "llllllty ,II "1 n>:I·I!. I" lhll I'n"hl


IIf l!Jlll nIl Ill'rl'll'lll 1111\1111{ ('lnull" J1~ll.ilJ~~the ..:LId Ill·l·I·;I~d. h' I'rt'~l:ltt ll"·TIl. "illttIe 1I\'CI',,~."r~ \\lI\('h~,.lI. 1Il\!tIl'"lJll ~'I'arIIHI'r 1110' hr~1 1'1lItltl·.lllIlJl or tllllI 11()liIt, I!"' ~11111 1:.~I"CIlI~ix nl Iwr l\'"hl .... ,~i~ul :S,.W .1)IIItW·III''''' III ~al,II·"nlJ.I~"lt IL"JUll(l Will II.' r..rt:\,('r hll,....... !. \I

.\:S:S BoLIIJ\H. EXNilllri:t,~t·'\· DIIIl~:'I'!tl'ItIl. \\'. I" 1'·.·iI. ~~. IN-a.

~dminislralrix's Notice-'-


San Franois~o via Violaria,Uli. ur UilOllt Ihe

Ulh, 111111 nllol ~~'Ih ..rrl1~hmnllll"1.,u\·llf:: '·h·wf!" t'U Ihe

10'h, '10111 ~Iltl :srUh ufc...." nmnth.

~,~~,~~':l. "~=ll,':~;~~~;~~!~'~lllit·F::'\l"ml~~~lr-~:;\7,~rOllo"lul( \I,,)' 1\'''\1 \·11·11II'hl.

01:(1.11. .I(jll'\<l(l;'(.1ll\:lwI .\'1"'1),1 Inr 100.',111",

11. I.. TIlHl.\l.II. J,'.l'kk", o\tt.tlH r"r I' .. rl ·!·ll\\'IlMllId.

.·or (1'\lllIht 01' Ilil III''' "1,,,11' r" •II. 1.• 1·lIlH.\ l,ll.

(l40lll'nll Awenl luI' I·,t;,j"· W'"'"JAIl. ':17 II11fl.lI•

Viotoria, Port TOWIl3Gn~, Soaillo, Ta·tOilla au1 Olympia, .

UII Hill IOth,.~tllll 6; :ll\1h ufen'rrHollth

.;-~ "'10 COUll_m)· "11'lIltl"hlpt will "ull'Ullll 11111 .... 101'

GEO. V"T. EL::O:ii:UR,CA.''''' I}. \I.llAY\\',UtO,IInd

D::'A :!t~ <::> '. AWIll ,:til r:,/"r. II: u. Mltlt!U:,

• 1'.\RlIYlJiIl

lI .. r 1trlllUlIIl.. ~Jd,·~I,··" .1l1th·nllll fl1"l t • (01.

;lllllll nh.. Well·. tllfw,,'1otfr,C·'''.':_lInlllOlol'htC(l:U(l:1I1J'" !'l1~alil.1I11'·'

Ague' Oure1Il\ pur;t!)' V'C:~ClllIlJil) 1,iitc;' 11,;1\ poW'e~lJl.Wnle. 111111 I~ \mrrllnt",1 11 "11I'~1r. 1\11.1 ellr·tnln Cllr" fur 1~1l\'I'r 1\11.1 Ar;Jll·. ChlllJlmlllHever. 11I~""lttl'nt01""('1:11I !fci·er. ler.lullll)lIt I-'U\""" DUIIIIJ Ali{lI., l~rlodll'11101" UIUou'l Io'o\·or. nllli 1I11.111l\1lIrll,1 .n..orllctI'. In ml8l'lmllllo ll"lIrl~III, th .. ':11'1<1!lnlalt. 1·f)lllL..I 'llIll(tl;'•.Jhll'lll~ IM~ll(hl~. ""'" nr1lIIIMltllll./lI'lln III ~llirb'\ck rlll,l!U;lI~.llllll colli.

ij'l'EAMEll •. " - ,. hC!'!! nr 110 ~Illnllllllll ,.J(\t!mhl~_.·llro "nl.. . .. __ too !'felltOultlolls, o( ~I't"'rer I\vrtll'lotn. whirlt .V lit GIN1 A t ~., tl1nnhmlO III thlt lt~lll\\ I':lro:t,\'~m, "lItlrt!()lltdLEAVES l'ORT TOWN~BND uy !'IIII) fOI'er a:ltll'l'llrU!O lW"r~l'\nllIOl"

l~or lrOllunlo nt. R A. ~.; nl811 for Whidhy It l.lI ~tnrlllll't rlwt, tIllll.rtllll;flll'. nf'lll'nl...Jdlllllt nt 11 A. 11.. . •. alld nlh'lrlloIIOli,,"~ 1ll1uorl,l'4 rllmi Ihe 1>1\1I1..

. or IIlo..t II tllo" 1'·"I·"r allli "/llln )'n"t'"rT\ooEor Tro'hllllio nt 41'.... O\'Cl')' \11\)'. I!rm,," "RI'\!I'1l1,"," .. 9Sfllllll, • alHI .. fnn-

~ur frcip:ht'or PlIM!!lIlCC npl'l)' Oli bmJrd: Itlll," In ll1l1 murk.i:. l'I"I!,rejll1nlllolllllllatlflfrolll 111'''0 mlnorr.11 11rI1"'1ll', IIhJIOIlp;lI thllY

L. D. If.\S·.I'INGS. Jr.,M.MtoJr; Itr;) Illthlllfl!ll. 11I,,1 Ill'll)' l,r"I,I, IllI' l'I11l1. 110, nut cur"., lJUt !":I\"O lit", 1l1l1lfbi !llul tholr0...... 11 ,Irll": Jluf"'l1 in Ih'lll\lUt'lU. 1lIluIllldnl{Illillll,m, .11;-,1.111 'M, rlll;:llIl: It ll,e ellnt. Ilell'!·W·ll~. \".'rll.,;". 1111<1 "th"r I \l\I>r.turH mom for·IIIhllll,10 !!IIl'.111l' ,1i"':k~~ the)' II\'fO Illlt!llllt.'t1.I" l·url'. J\\lm'~ A'"1: t:1"l11l tllurOlIKlJly

:~.:~~~:;ll~.t:~~l\: l:ll~:I\~.':I;,\';~I: t1~1;':~~~r~~I:.I,~~~It '·I)ulilin. Ill' fIUlllh1l'. '111111"111. ur I'll)" thlnl(Ihl\L "'llllli IIlJlH'U 1:,(' IlIUllt ,1\lBlt'ltot IIRII"It~;illl,L,II.~ (;ffiwnlll:: IllOrl'lltll"e, 111.'1',· iL.. l'I'r- .

I~~tr~~('III~~~: 1~\f,~~1;~Il~'h~ ~~~~k.'etu ~

t't1l11l11lllltl)' un h'unl Ule

·CHOICJ:;ST. QF f/lEA.TS:__It~I'_'#

Vl,;o-1!:TA BLE'S.AI~o ('ttl'II/'.I, 1\.".(. f1,IUJ ,I,'ul')(. Sllll1kf'll

'1"11111. l'lII'k IlIIlI Holnl!II .. l5lJlbllll:~, 1It'lldr.11l'l;.'C. Tl'il~. ,·IC•• I'le.

:'l'he~. Jackman and II; 'l'~rry. '.

II. !'I. )UI1. !'I·I·I:.UII:t:

'1'ho U. H. :'Ifnil St"'I\lUl·(

DISPATCH, ,r;r.G,lhuLES "'IOH(lA~. ,\IrliM.

Wil1I01I\'O }JIlrt TOWn~l'DII for Nf"1I1.llInylIud wny Ilortil ...Yl'Q' .\llIlulll)· :\Iorlllllg' nt~ o·l·hl/·lt. IIl.·tlltnill~ wilt arri\'u UII\\'(',hlCl\I,lu~", .Iuhhillj.( dllne !JOt.WC{'1ltrillll. lo'Ul·frei;.:lLt or lilIAAlIj,:C, 1I111'Iy Oli00111'1.

All kinds of Choice MoMt·--COll~t.lHLly 011 IILtlll.l.-­

L. Smith•'·I'''I,,·I<·t 011'.

,,_.,rj' 1-10 P 1~,

J,nml:l (i 1I.~LUm" .\I:\J'It'l,\\'ililean' I'ort '1'"WIll\{'lIll fl'lr:;(llliJ1hm(}(1:Iull all in!l'rJ11t'dill!;' 1~lrt"'l'\'('ry l'ri,l,l}'ilL H It. )1. l\('llHlll1l1l. leaw. ::i1'mifllllI1UOlit IhKl1l e,""r~' ~I'tllnll\}'. }' r fl,."il:.111 \lrP<llSl-lIj.,'t1 upply on l'ullt\l. :!.\ot'


1\1·· ~ "..lllr 11.'" 1.1, '1 'f''': "I j'YII To"·n...·'"l.t.1 .".I,Il< .• ,,~.

l"~Il'rl' 'orl".· ,.~ ,\~K'II''', I1'1"',1.1".11",,11".1" I .••.

,': \1".11111 .'"'' ...."r"" ~\\·It',<1,('''' 1;,_'1 h.,' I"·. ,\ 111·,lln Ih" 11··I,kl

, ".,,1 .lr ,to" 1'111,,1 ·111 h,·;,.1 I ..r 1\ .,·hu'l:·I.,,, T"I'!:I"r," h"lll,.~ I,·,,,,. ,.1 I','r) "'""",,, '1.,," Ih.' ;:" '!I'~ ·'1 Il.m I,. , I' 1''''1. lIy' I, .• ' .•·•• '..l."'hl•• '''o"r. ,....I 1\11,.:<", '01·, ...,.·.""."",,1• ,I' •. h....,.•·r Il"ll,.'r. aI, 'lIll •. ".!"'l\·l Ih·· I".rl,.',.·1"", 1.1',.'1".1"'1·1'..1", ··;'i""·III',,II"...lI"'" "''') 1I<1~·". "1.,,:..1,,,: jll ·n' l ••nr.·. 11,,,,. III•• · ;··Ih ,I". "I ~,·II"I.II> •.,. II. I" t, '111.1 \\ 1I.lft"l~ ,:~ ;".'; \1,:,1:',; .,: ::~ :,••:.r~~r '~'~I ~::,' '~II ..:'~'h\ I:"II~"~~~I. I 'h" ," IIJ'" " .• '1. ..".,1· ..1.JII ,,, ,I .. I',,,·,,,

.11 I.,.· • old •• I"M"·' II,,~ .'., ,., ,1.<I"II."n,l·.1 '11,' \"'•. " .... 1.,,1.,' I"," I,. la' I<,r. ,'1 ~.,,'

"" j" ", "" "'r I,.. .~. l. I' "'" • I ,n.1 ,·ulln·l .•·.1I." .• I"u,,1 I., h" ", " .".'" < ,,'1 : 111.,1 Ii,,, 111,,1""1"1':. ",,'l"ll,'!' I 1."'-. ,."t lh., •. ,., 11.,.1 , rull,lI_",,,r hllnl·t ,,·.d,·r d... ~: Ih'l II.' 11"'''''1'''11.\ h' • !I,I ,,,.,,,1 1,1,:, •.' ,I ., I: ''',' I 11,,,'l.·', ,n,,1",,:"11.,"'<\ " " I"., I' ."Il''': I, .. ~: ,,, 11I"~,"1

.1.:I'dl.I.II'",I1""" •. ·,,,1. I.·r ,, __ .,1'1·"'. "J."I"'r' 11"'" 'h ,.10', ...1 11,,' .• I."'!,' III~ I, .!l:I', 1111'1.... '."'110.',.1..·'.11;., '.1,. ,· ..•."r."Io.·"".. ,,1

,., .. ," II,rl,,'r·,j I" IT"" . ""1,,, ,II· ·.IIt •• ,~,,)1 hh.I',.I.llh,1 llilll II.,·, IHI·Cllltt".Ih>t<

:?;:i;:::::i~';~\;:::U::j;~;:~!'(~!:;:L+:~:~:~;~j.".1'·\1'· '--'.

.... \'" II. '0·(' "'. I, 1"1.• '"'''''' ,,( Ill· "".,·hl.'I,""I.·I·t',·.';·1 "r II,.· .,.,1 "',l.I"I,,·,!.I·.I.',1IId,jdl ••·".,1.1 ,1,\,.·-.'" ,:1""ln1"lt'I,ull "1",.11

.. I'''' • '...•" ... ~ Ih" ~.t:.l ,.' ··,1.1<",1·,.\(1<'. "l'·'<\"1 ft. ,I hrH "'''' '",,,I ,. r'~' .'r '" HI'.' " ..'Ill,,·r;~:'~;:I:;"!U\:'.'", i :.','::~ :~: .' I';: :;'l t.,:":'.:';: ;i :.l~~~:

'" i,· Ih.· '.1""..' .. il< I "i'I'1. I "r \':;: h,"· lUll:'. ,,1"·1 -' "~.,,,, '_.'.' I, ·:.t ••.• ~ ••r .1 I" .1 I.'" t •"""',r"",.,.1; I" ,I,·, i,,~··,... ,.• r ·,,101 '.n·.. 1''' .1,~,~1 :1,,' "".". ·1,.'\' I .••' .,r j"tl.d" I ""'. ,,'II·'r"I~.' "" Ill, ,.•", ,t",· •.: l'l.-i· 'I ",'" ",,,,,·.,ft.·r.hI! m.. 1 III 'n' ." 1.,i'·'I~'''· I'll'\! "I',h,,~, u••l h'

111:11." 1\,,,1, '11!,·~' ,u. I "" 'I h'l! ,II.l'II~IIh. "111 <!,,' h~\;."h. 1.1 •. l~·l,

. . .·J1IHU:" IItII')O-'::".I'. ~. '.1 'T'lm) "I \\ "'[,·'1':1< ,,',. "l:,.r~·.

hl.1. Ii. , 1.I '\u fl:,

II II,~.hll" ,r; JtlI,.", l'l'Owt"t~ r~~ ~:I::,:~I,;'r:.hlll."

Que a &OOlal critia: "Women afO allmore 01' 1e&8 horu aClr1l8l68; the flrll'word with Ul08t "r them is, 'lIo~ willi~ look?' 'l'bey know t!ta.~ ~bolr PtCtt1pretetUe of fiWllic111 nfll,llllC"'ork loouvety weU to their (i(lmiring frlilnda IUld

even to 'heir bn~bf\ll,h. 'rltay kllOW

tbat its moo.ning is IUIl1crJItood lWtl 00.


·'1.n OdTS.

T1~ iOceut tlJl"Cimen ofYOllng ronul) '-f.'llt I hu\'c C\'er known

WCUlI\ Jouug fellow 8hltlent unwed He.n·t)· JJnilieQ. A8:on nlhleto on llttl campusl

118 fl 8chohlr iu tho /lcIJOI,, M nnorator ill tho Br,'nll of .Icbnt('. he wasfllc~]o prillOOJl!l, c"er~'\\'lh're aull lllwnys.·Wll were not 1;0 much t'!IViOUli of him Mpromlol him, tllh! we fml,II)· fnnek<J thntl!1(-'ro could l.oe Ilol h.·iJ.:hlOI fllmeor fort·uue 100 .!illlcnit 1M Iii" lI.h·Nllnrolls footto climh. nlill thllt thl\ tilllo would <lomcwlll'n hewo1l1J lilllltl'world with thoccboof his (arne, 111111 it ,,"unltl hll n Ilroll<1 thinsfor nD)"of liS lodl't'lrlrt' thnt we Imll knownhim. A liUle kllt!L'Ilt")" tu Ihst;ipntionwn.!l h~' /lome of lilt I.\."ermhll.'-t\ Iittlo\lRllh of ,larc·llc\'iltr.\·-lmt Ihi" WIlS oulytho ..... iltl·uat 1'I.. "illf~ wl,lt'!l wnll unturnlto yOlllh 11'1,1 ""'lIl,I', 11'1,1 IIltich \I'll l1idnot l!OlliJt 11111t "lld ~C.lf:! wuuhl chastenIUl.ll corred..

But tho )"l;':II:! clime nlill Iho yetll'lt\reut, IIllll Ih,) .\"IIlII',: f'(,III'SiIiUll wcrosentterctl t1lrvll"h ~It,· \ll'rl,I, nllli everIIml nl\un wUII:'.l ",,,me .,r :IS wunli,'r wlmtcoulJ hrlYll I" 1'.'1Ill' I,f Iiell'" HlIine8.

I We IMkl.'d ill \.tlll f·\" Illti l'i;lillg Ittnr,t IUII1 li:!tcIlL·a I'J:i:~ fur hi1 CmntllS teet.


60mO !iutO :1211. II,,' a ~il\~,lo SahulIlh, IW48 prellchiul,! ill ~cw YOlk. l\I~' themoin tho mornillg Illl.llol'eli "Tho GltOfttof

IDllriecl Opl'0rlllllll~·." On my \\'B)' tom)' IIClleII11isl.'O\"~n,! tlmt J WI\S "Shll\l_

oWOll" by l\ .1l!l)l'cmtc.IIIClkillg wretch,"'h08O BAth, ",ltl)~ go.lit. 11'1101'10 hnttcrCll,

I blootCl1look Rli UlIIUU\/';,klllJl.\" betokonedtho apnwu or tho lilutllll. Whnt couldth~ villain W:loUt with mo? I pll\lll(o.l door, !lull f:lt·t!,l nbllllt to confront

him. )[0 Pll\llit~I, Illh;tIllCc.l, aUll IbeullUskil)' whillpcrcd: "1l"llSOt1, ,10 )'onknowmc?" I I\8.Qltrl'll him I did not,wllefctlJ)()n he eUllliu\I('tI, "Do YOll ro­mcmoor Henry DhlllCK 'I'" •• Ayo, n)'o,well coough, '1'(-'1\ t'IHll\gh, but 8urelyyou aro Ilot I1,ury I[llinea?" "1 lim

whnt is left of l,iJu-I ~zn tho gh08t ofhim," 1 shm}.lt'I"ll,1 11K f rencbctl for hishnml, an,l, gazil1l( iUllllltly into hi. fnco,

I discovercd Ktll1 1<011I9 traUl.s of In)' long.1081. fnoml, still ,101lhly loot, thollguConnl1l\gnin. I pitt O1y IIrm about hhllin broUIl!J'ly eIJlI,r,llX'. lIll,1 urew bim tomy room. IIlltl <lru\\" [wm his lips tltO

and story of his BlrRl ttJrClllife. I lx!gSedhim hy tho old. 10\'(.'8 mill IInforgottcnmomori08 of hotter (lI\Js to go !Jnek withme to my Philooolilhill home, lIod, UIl·

der IlSW lIuspiee!t nlld with Ilew anr­rounwnCfj, to striko .ou\ lor n noble dlJ&otiny, which I llopod might still bo pas..ible. :Bllt, .trilling hi. lcuched 8Htonmy table, )lll aaill;" UCon, WI 110 U80

to talk~ 1:-~t, and ftmd~, '~'lIt volcano.and the... I me but cin.ders now. I htl\'e h ~~ew York tobury myself Oltt of si~ tnu that eVllrloved me. I know Ihe r....itls hero, o.udIhlllllttar bere till t .rot.. I live ill B

;m~krnt bole nenr the ~'f'nnrf. I .baUdie as I IlaV6 Ii,'ed, :Iud IIUl"O lived likeadbg."

In vain were my OlImOllt prottlst8, pleR(ling. lw toro 'hi~l;from me, aOll wout 1l1u~mbling pll' tu his

deo,?" tbe wharf.• ,' .He had 1IO.h tbe wintI and W81 rel1po

ing the 'wnirhl'iJl(l Ho hflif sOwl\ ·ro.the.81:!8b, and \\A8 reapillg corrnption. Irehad'lown "wild Ollte.,. lind tus Ol1tl1 "eronow yielding a lIr~ hltrveilt of woo.­Bel1. P. R• .1l1.'fIllOti. (1/ l'/,icClyU.

18 loJ al'ln" \·pnr~t'J1 lI~"h'SQ ('Ixp£'n~".;

nlhlllll' t1r:.I· _I. If '"II"r,1 1"llrl1lllp: tlllllI, ~"'lll I'. t" t'<lllk 1,,'10 I',' .\l'IIIoIO\lu,l­f ·'' II " ..I:.

\ 'lult I '."Ik.I .. n.'fl' \"(\11 IUl\" I. "'U h"m,' fl '1'hOIOw~...·k. )Ir. Ik. ..~I. I Itl'IJIII 1,·lIillt:: lllll JI

, \lor,1 1\1"'111 I,,"r 1111' til (·j,·\..Inrlll."1;1111 :'Ill,. n·r.,/.-. "\""11 kilO\\' ~'ollI'r.\mi...·,t t" I ',1 Il.'·' \. n IIIlIOY. "

.. r,~. .1,·.11'." ~1l·1 :'Ill'. Br.·,'I..'". I\h·~I'll'h' fl''''11 h·1 i .ll'h ,'\"'1111,1{ I':'!<t'r.

.. i :1011,'1 .. -1.,'1.' I. II Iw.lrd a \lor,1 IIIlli,l." 1·);,·hl\l.I<.1 )il~. 1;"1'/~·. .. Dopill ,11l'lll 11"1l I"'j' I' It!l,llll [,-ll~t "PI' nrtn 1". :I\I;U., "I til;' l':\1 It'llC.·, )If.1:1""'1\'•.•

"lli II mOlll·",I, ,i•.Ir. I nUl jm,tJlt thl'l'lhl ,'I till luI,,·].· "'1-

I .. r "I ,'I lit',... •••\. rf wil\' t'UlI \\'llil."Fili,1 :'Il,· I;",... .. ;<1<' '"fill .lllI"n~·" lit)1'1l1 lIlft. 1",'1 nl ,i"'r Ill ..! .··.·.I·.\·!lu,I.\,,'·

, I·IIltliulI.·,j :'tl j:, ,\'. I,,·,r.!l~ II lIl'n··'.llll IlIlt, .. , IIp''1l 111,' ,'"rl" I \\'Itll thl' tl~'

lui I"'r 11::11 I'!" c. "j:.'tnru Ill' W"l'll


1ll'1I1':' .1. "1'. HI" :'.\'•.\'11I tot, I mil rl'1"'''1.-.'1,1 I;,ul 1 ..11,,":.1 il,,!.l'l IIr"t \11:11'0Ht y"llr h ,Ill. 11.,,1 l-t"t \lll~illl"", pnli­1J,·... 1'.- 1'1111 I": ·1 "111,1 I<h.l Wlt~' 10 1lI\'..... lIi. Y.. I 1.1 I.' ) "1'1 ~"'III· wOl",I, ILa\'lly'lII nll~. :'Ill'. 1;1' ,.~, '!"• .. \\ I1I1 \'''1Ir 1"'1 ~1:l1.1·1" tll·11.1·. Ilm\'e,"1'111.1 )i r. 'lll". ;oW, a.. :\ oli'll!)' ~llJiluerclltO\','r 1"11 It' ,1111,".

., Whllt ,10 .v"1I ..... i..h to) iIllIJ})". :lIr.U""'I.Y. h.y ~'.\l!l:'; will. my lU>~I~lltllC~'?"~"k",l ;\lr~. Crc.·:~.,·. CI'vlliug btlll t1tOl'CU,~I\·U\1!!.

"Uh. I\fllll;I'"" .1'·lIr. Jt wno; oul~' IIHIlle j.lllo,'· rolli,1 Hr,. 7~'. IlmlnllS ruh~lh.

£'1' Ih'sp"r,t!l' I'llurt I" 111;'''11 tho ",ruduhe It'll'" It'",lilll!.

.. r"lll' j"h. i~. M' mllfll, pnintlPMl,:'\r,·. Brtl'::.v, /l1lt1 r \lj",h .\UII \\'11111,1 ,lr,)pjut.illl{ IlIlhu Ill:llI'~'. :\~"II\,)!lt!'I' :l1"'''}'1lllll,lltlto. thllt .rOll tl,ltl~, ~'('d II Jig'I,t. fl'h"..lUlU ch:mtl·:~'r. hilt l ""lIrL~~ 111l,lu't11lI\'u M'11~1l t'l.Juu:.;l! to ,1i..cU\·cr it uulil100 lilt ...,"'

.. rOtl 1111,0 I" I'c1l')('11 :,\If. Rrcuy, io aS1tll,11ki"\I~,V.ljull·11I1 Il.ll.t' uf ,"oil·e.

.. l· t'''11i ~·flllt· lOll ... tlf l""ictJ. Mr, nrcc1.)",I Ilhtllll,1 iUlIJI~' tllltt "1.111 rllther 1'{',:;rllltl,1ttd hehq loti !'lltl. l• Mi,1 )I~. Brle:,:y."rill HlIre I'm rellily at :11IY tinw, Mr.Bn't'tv, ttl gil IJnelt tv IO~' flltl!('r. I \I',I~

IiU 11IIj'PJ ill Umt dell\' 0111 hOIlltr-""DO,l't JOII think \'011 tlfl) tillking:

IlOlJ'lNll'h', d"IH?" ,,~kl'l1 Mt'. J-Irec1.)". ill1\ ulll,l t~De of "'(IiCl', \l\J,I'luiul!)' foilliugII. aill pllper.

... 0111 I lIell .rOlt hn\'e got throllgh\\illt thllt r.rticl{'," IltiJ ~t~. Hl'llell.r. tg."unt'l{ hI:< hn~blt1l,l'lI fl'Wnrlt. .1 ~nll',

IIt'rhllllll, ~'I)lI ClIll h·ll me n lalle lIWllt~'l)\ll' Iri"."

,. Wilh Illf'nlllll't·. denr," enid Mr.Bn.(,lI.I·. .. What .1c., )·uu wisb 10 knu~'

llhi.ltL?"'',' No,,', ;\lr. nrCf01..Y. lln ynn 1\1I1'p090

I'm K(,illK lllllit Ilu\\'1l ntlll wrlllll~ lot orq\l(;lttion~ for ~'ou t.1 UIIS""'I'I', liktl oue "ftlltl.m nllWgll:lper'llHl'I'\,iewius: fdluWII?l'lU Bllrl! tllt're h VIl·III)· fur J.ut 1I) tellme if YOII WIJI cnl)' Btlt IIp el\or~y

ellJ..ugh to tnlk; but my pr...'1;cul'U ,;(ll.'ln:ito hn'f'o r, llilf'lllJillg PU'~t UpOIl )'UII-"

"b l1001t .. ;;n.i,l.,i\fr. BrllN~)·.

"1'm tolJ ~Oll I\ro lilt lU">'fll.l talkorltn\ollg yullr gcnllmunn 1\Ct(1I'\lIItnnClll!,but the mOl1u':Ut ~'ull b"\l~ homu )011 toko1\ UbWM1JIl!k'r, H"ulu in Illu m""t comfolt·II.blo ch\\ir ill U,e hnll"tC, IIlId n main n~

"umb IIUiJ unLlItcrCb~tllg lUI nn oyl'iter.J'm IInrc I do mv pnrt; I dOll't sit IlSdumb liS .. mllulI;lJ'-"

.. No I" IM1id .Mr. llreE'zy, with em-\lhaIlL.. • .),

"You 't1unk not. 1Ifr. Dr()('zy. P('Ir·haJlll yUII Iw{·llltt· me vf tRlking tooJDI(llll. ft'li t:olll,1 00 iu~t lluren-UllRhlot:ll('lIIU," ll\IUl! l\JrI!. lJreczy, nervollldypnlliulI Rt tho ftillKtl uL I~ tnblo co\'er..~ VOtlltliuultl bu I'rutlll

i:\Lr. llr~zy, to

IUI.ifa wife'witll 'wo iUCM in ht'r bOlldand a tongne C1JpalJll.l of eJ.prd&lling\beltt. Yull,-"

"1 am prou,l. (leu," e"id Mr. Breezy.·'But. YOIl IUto,,", love; there i3 Alimit.-.-:l• 'Iyell, 7Ell1, l\.[r.. Bree:zy, 11 limit l' 'Willyou So on?" MUU Mrll. nr60'~y, growingJnOtu ;nery()nt·fj,V,lf' IUtlU!61lt\,

'IiA liNit' tn .. f"l!ow'" pl\ticnoo.!'bere I" uJd Mr. Dree,y, with the leutaigu of 8rmn08ll in hi....~OOl •

"1\Ir. Brnezy, I ha\'O llonu forcver. IIt"ill.never uttcml't to) oouvel1le rntioull.11ywith yOIl _8SW." 1\~en r I\m-when 1­.ben 1 wn DQ lDQ-Dlore, Mr. DrOO&1-'But no, I lUll nOlhillg to 10u- Noth·ing I" and Mr~ Dreezy dilmppelU'oo,mutting the door with decided force.

.. Anolhe~ .kirmi"l;t l'in.fely over,"JlRhed llr. Breftl:y, IlllfolwDfJ hill paper._.Brooklyn Buote.

'1 _rool,,:

." ',all 11""1 rllt!,I, ,,, '

t.lO~lr rOR TilE unn:s.

"fl"Al'.1 ,I .,:..... "'1\ ,I"'nltl"'/II, '. I.,

/I,,<tI"11 ",I.. ,· • I 1'.1.1,"\I". I II, 1" •. ,~. '

t'11I,:'.11:::.1:~:.\ :1;:;':. ",' "" tb:~i"~".I.,ll,,'.II'''' .,·.I••lb,

lI .. I.~'h"jhhll 1'1'"

~"... R ,.1 I' I' .1 ...., ~. r.lIwl"'I"1.I" t.,' ,.~ . I , •

~~ ~'.'. I .... '.,' " • :,lu,llu'" .......l-,,,' 1._. ,. II. ·!'l'.

l'b' mll",",.,,1 II", .~,. '" l'fI.), .11,··Ub••1." •..•• I... • '1·-'1 ,~k :'.

:"rl"h~"" ,11.1 r I< ".-~'I".,I1:.," It u.•I·. I•••. ""a •.~k.

ral, It I ..... R Ir. I. h. ,,, 1:I' .llh." I, ... ". r .. ~ .... ,I

U" \Ir 1 , '. "I .' .. u,,.; INII.I " ~ I ~ , • , •. ". " ... \.

Oh...h,·r.· .,:'" /"3'\ ,I \ ',1." I' J<lr(I'.,~. n'h ·c.•..", , .r., ..

Wllh It'. I ,,~~ ""I .. II.' ~".II·."H.r , ll~rUu•• I. u·)" I .....

T1,.1'f! ume ~ h"n.1 (If lJothl',I"1I «Ialld;1h"Ulr, ·"h, ... I'''n,''.'.h,·1

A''''lol'Ilh:f: J'·l"~·_ I 01," hll.ll CrowllOtl1111 cup "I IIIWI')'.

Obi tuluhl.rt"l<lltl·I"~mI" I"UIl:UbI 1"1"'" 11.I1,l;. r Ih~l.

Thll I>h·.II"h'" .. I••. h 1,·tl.h,,1 there1"1" JU1.a.·. u~" >Ilk Ii...

, h,' '''' ,I I' ~ ~,.,.11.· " ,.'

"U". 'I '. ",·11'1,) I." \ ,., ,.

11,,1 .1,'" .",'Il.oJUQlio)II I' ,.11.111 ... ":

11 "I I'll, ' ••1 \.1' ~,I.I ,\0.II<' ",, l."."t •• rJ.·.rI.

Th .. UhI "Ian 1,luc ..r,·d.Tl ~ ~'fl.,"",l"n Ih. "unIlL~ oJ,,·t,

T"I" I. ~.".~ .1 .. r."I.TlJ. ',11. "h" It I' a,,,1 .I,"n ~D Ittr tfl"t.

Tu...~ I aU L~, II..'..... n"1,

\dlnl .... '" I' '" ,11.. '~J.II h ... W~"" ••• '.••1,.1 .a"".

bL.'llrt., 1··,,, .. ,1< 1"""'1" b1alAt~.", t"",.:l'~h'lI~

J'(JIUJ/U1'Y III{' ,Jf.. ttlf:ll.

ll'1MI1.... J:j,l:pe••;'"r~.. That gmoito II j>Ol'OtUl ill 'heWD by You never get to tbe ond of Christ';While eVl!ry gjrl I\Uu WOlUAn t.ltoulJ placing a pioce of it in ~ "(l~ICJ of water werda.·, There ill IOmcthing in them al.

ju.U,. tiLke a Ilr,do in her own Ihlofll-went no\1 th"t. uf lJer hoUle, .be P'b1l1l1J. UDder the r.lOeh·cr ()f flU aod waIl behind. They pull into proverbs,uae ber Owtl jlldgmunt nod.flot buy JURt remomg UU~ nir, Littlu bulJblea 'fiU tbey paIS into law., they pnu into doc­be<lall~ 1\ thill~ is cheap. Oet\';lld,."Oll loon be IOOU r.utiuf!: rbrou~h tbe "du. trine., they pua into OO11l011ltiona; bu'need. and bf·rore bll~iuR thi.nk whllther 'l'bcao l.111ublOlt IUO the lin' c..'OoIALined in thor nover p..a "away, and alter ol1 thoyou really need tliu lU'tlCle. hi. proba-bly a pretlv Ir,!l,.:" ,1r+'II~, in InTuitu",,: tbe invisible 1)01('1 vI Ihll grnnlto.. A ute that it made of them they are _till

but what lOUd beDejU will it be to you?' piPOO 01 irotl ii! m",l', .-mullor by ham· QOt exhauatOO.-Dean oS'lanltw._Or it U 8Ollleltu:ury for the tll.hle that mering. Thill IJf","wl ill lJ()l'OIIiLy. Ita ..t). • .A.. ~' can lUI well do wltbout., 'Think, pmiclcli could .l1'Jt be b:ought iuto St. CI~11' Bnl"JhlA'. (. •. r. ~Ih ~Hd t. MI~t'~.tbererore, hefOl'D ,roll.pend ,our mOlle,r. clOlC1' oontlUJtr if thlll'9 we.ra no intent!. WMhl,,''''I. II,l·.Or 10U nooJ a OOWClUl'ICt. newlOfll, new . Pl~~~~:~~;~:l~.. IJ~'~~II,~~~,:,I;III~;"~· ~::::sJ~::'~I~:cluutl, now lJeJ.itend. or uew c1reu; ,You OOA betwt'O}l t1K·m. A.1l e:llleri~el!t per-. h"ltl t'l~hu-. to,II,IOlI.". Ill'1.....UIIlllrlU IUlll 11""h'.II.:t!ate temlited to huy llOUlcthing a little formed some yoarlt BgOISt. Florenool ,...~~ III"""lll"II~'f",,,'h~ ....II..l"nl 1.'''1'' O,IU·,'.hnndsomer th~lll )'111 bAli 1utoulled, IWd 'Italy, to ll8C'lrtl\\O whether wBter could ~~.\':~fl~I~'I.:~~~~t,.:I~'l..I::I~:f:~~rt~:':h~'tr;.'~';;1~;';~~:willie ,nll helol'l1h'llttl,lullhfllU,)'lI toyOIl, be (."CImp......od. !Jt'Ovcd t1l1l\ ""'Id 11 l'l\l~h·.I~. J'i'lh>t:lllllll'i.·lllluu ::\"''' '''I,,\n,~U..··!t'tlllllIS B tl'tlll' 1.101", lIud lk.'tl how 'OJ'.l . l>¥ r••·•. l.~hol "otrmlll~. h""lt'~Io'Il,1 "1'1\" nl1'I ..~l1)rcto...r It i'k" lillt Iw rl,rtJ 1011 pftrcillloS(l, . porotts. A violent prcl.'Bnre WI\I brought ~II.·"· '1,,,1,, 11" ·"",·h"··~l 'ul._If.. ...atol) to thll.h\ '\ ill )·llU.W thu ~:td II to. benr on a hollow 1I1'bete of go~d filled I V.'uplt. (\1'0 1IlWlly:i on 'lbl'yflU' ht>Il(·tl. I'II11C.II.,..8 l.Il ulll ~Il, f(Or I WIUI Wl\Wr. The wnter mMlo ltl! way \'II~E' ,~k"'l '"r ,11111"'" 10 IlIrr';<"11&vlnj;t 1l'l"fllJdl rL'tl YOllr nlnn01' 1.1 it thr unh 1I10 1n,IJ lIud IIp.....ared on tbo j I , ..It "ar lhll".11Il,1In IlIn.. 1~'·.II'.'uot i . lu .. I .. 11IOme1hlu. fIr n 0 f) 1)- r- •.~".,\'. 111,,-. Yohtl ,'UlLOI IlIllor''' ..

. WI"",,, Al '"I' 1 . "I outside 01 tbe Ill)hcre. 'Vater will thus .ll'lt. j'l llfillUIlI .• Il'mUlH 'II I"""RlDy(ay I 111l1>O IUWIUllgrllwy . \\ •• 'h' ....'I)'IU,'h~','•• ,Olllllk,)'00. 01,1'; lur tl .., !n.,Ullinf· 1uU lIOOQ tiro p&H8 tbl'Ougb portlB Dot mora 'bnD. one- 11""". \\... ••, .'t' ""~ "0. IK' '•• ,,,1

I I " 1 I' I" ~ , f .,.- U"· I' I • _1.' .1:__ IjIrl .. low,ofkfocu flJjhl lQlh"lro...·n lftl:llll'l"•.~ t kDl, 1\1" I , 011 ,y pllfU1I\I!(!llteuoo balf 0 LlW m 1I1,jD u 0 aD.lQ~IJl\&,lolWlola •• ,." II ,..~ "u•• I""''"'''} ,.'"ll ..' Jo ,

liftoCOUIiIUJtIl1.lVUJ;U1IJIlIlJ!. ]ttlfUYlluol~ ekr .'u:" TI1"~Il,I,,,~. II. ,Il) IU'''''lh''Il'~''I'nl

little 6Jd':UVllgll!h:@OII. uut muob IMlplNlte- '1 . :~!t': .~I.?".~ ~~~;:K;~~~~:l.:';: ~,~~:~ ~':~::~;I:·I~II,I:~;.1" l.ntrttlUClII. In the Mggregute. that the . . • \', It 0" ,1'\~"" )'~Rr I' h,.1t 11111" I" 'he \lml •• rpeat majurity 01 f"wilil."l M¥II kept oom: C.\T.\lUIIi crlll:U. htnhb Ind I....~t b..... lh /oft "I"~ )UlIf .:..... H.'I,I~l<I. )-lllllllf"r1l1IlUl'lU ."u....tiv 'IY'XlUr T4.IiD~ learn I ·u..... Itl I'hllnll' •·..I.lTh I"'mldy. )'rl{.r.u{~n" "1111. ,I I. . ,·.1 ...", I.~~. AIIlI~u ~TI:O~"~ J.

C. • S..,<lli,j..UOf :m'. !WIll by 1..I1l1l,er.t l·.... l:o., 1'(>111 ~.ll<. ~i-Iy

Tbl! 1.11n1' nutl 1'11"'1 0' II.

"Tt'lllUl·." ~hl.l ",m,l illlklC"ntly, ft.!1l!1('allt'\'>J\'I'lllll" rc~'IHttrlldcd hl.'t!l oftin I\gc,l II·"t'k. nn,l ~rrllldlt.'t:l htlr he:ul\lith 'I 11I1rl,illJ.,t lI('1lt1..·. "h:J11'1~6 '01'11)" 80Illueh L. lidll!:: !;lJIJ nt Rlletiou jlldtnuw...

.. Wlle~?" hoc! a<o.ltr·,l, l'ihlttillli up nll(\mnnif. ~tilJg tIl" rif~' "',11,1,1" ~ibn of lift!hu !llljlliho\1 1J.llttl b,g th" l'util"llc,·eniuf(.

.. WII)". ill Ch"'",",,,. I loCO 8'l OIl1l:bnoont it 1\1 the !':ll"'lll. WhCntH('Ir [So10 Illok for .1 h ':1\10; I", UIVllr ('Ql,kiCiJ I~'OIllO acrVll~ ",um,·t1llu~ 1111 I\t 1\11l:li"t1~

I:l Krllill, FIIl,1 \I't:~' 1\11l,.I'ytt-I,.,lli tllmn IIItJlll hl'llmlllll ..,f 1I lUUll \Hum 11 CUU\'l!I'IC,OI'l;(lmo;!ldl s: uf thnl I.illd."

HUplillU". WUll\il", llllil'ns. 'rite!tcll ujllluu~ u. !1.U C.hllUllt;r()f Culll·l1It'r.:~·. "

•• \\ 1Int'l\ t1lrm?""HelU' II'll,t IIHll\llIl r wi1ll':cplnin.""0111;11)(/ II atll,,"," lohll "nlll, dillillter.

e!tedly. "ll I.'. net !til nllellOll, I UOll'~ IIIIJthillt~ Uhttlll it."•• BJc:'t h. h' \,-'d'lUit me to rl'mDJ;k:,

tlll'll, tlmt i~ illlll~' lUI,,~iou (.I( WOlUlUl toi.ltl· ch"lIp, HlI<1. tLct It. III muu'. JelltJnJ'to Je" 1.1."

"Wull. I rcch:oD 1mnizcwoll nckoowl·,..lgll t':I.l'·1I1·11."

Ad .Lilt u. th~ long io(1 wort of it.I\U"·I..II.lIO Me.. d ••

The WOUIllU wlio "hlHuotime to rend"j;l'IIt'l,,!ly ha::! no indllltltiotl to do 10.'flt\) tlllt,l oo:k 1o\'er will wQ.kf) time. 1OIlC;' u.~ N 01\8 01 tht:lIO wOJUen \\'110 oe....t'F t.. lt.e R IJouk into !It.-I IlIwdll boollll:tOtll,·\· l)rll coo Lw.y. Slle Illeljt My8 iuru:lIiug. tucklLllllnd embrollioring. anllIl\<l Uu 'I'II:U t1101ll0D~' ill ...hicll to in·lorm !Lu'lI:f 0: thu 1n0ll\ ontilUU')' topielto the duy. 1 douht if 8ho koew howIlOmu of the utUilt oommou v"Ofdil Wl!J'O.lWllOlI, jUlll3iuB' from htlr pronuncia!.loJluf thou). In "I~akiug of her Inca curb.iull ahtl in\'fuiltLly cuJled thelu .. C1Jlt·iug. :" Ami uuco we ..kod hcr if eue in·t~ut1llotl to lemllio: in tho city thrbuS11 thll6UlJIWt:f". Ilu,l ahe !lIJ1,lieJ: "Cett~not: ""e IIIU1Il «0 &0 tlte lDOuntin8'linAngUli!.. SlJ. batl verr Jlne ww in theI1lntWr1I ot dr...~ arul WlUI ealleJ. .. vCt.\'.. tyliAh.·' but if .h.~ 'i"!Q.t. ..~ ortho t.imo in rl&tlivg ua Mudy wbUlb .bllbad dtl"otOO to drei.1I. wua" a diffurrlltintluellOO cite Juigltt haYo a.ned Up..U1her IlJuJurflti ft.'I well .. opon thsl'oOWcl,yia ...hieh .h\) luovod. nu~ we {Iliatllke;1""OllllUl thoogh\ It of atore Uttl>ortllollcllW lIUoMl tho penoD tlmo ~ iLnllt'llV~ JIlIIwilld. Cnhh'lllc II h·,bi, ol rt!ooillg ifyull lHl\'ll It DOt. W", It.1.I lIeOO II Iltt!umCIlta.1 100.\ ,111.i1,.. Wu Ileed it f\li \r,'need air...un~lIiut". 81G1.'p nnJ foo I, RowrefrCtlhill1J to be ablo to 1011O ourgelve.,enn (or 1\ IIbort time. in the pn.glllkl.fflre ua. Let a \'olumfl iiI,) \)(!!tllio luur,·ork·bMkl;lt. anJ., it )·ollba...e aYiI win.utM to tlpll1"ll, UUl'rovcl them by-u 1)I'IlP

. at ilt! COIltdltA.


Page 7: DjVu Document - Washington Secretary of State



JOliS FIT7.I· \TIII"'"


SIIDDTH-.L'iD 0.,-



Watol"man & }{atz,IlT TOW:;SE~D, W. T.

31urk Sileidon t t)" 11 "·'rst Strut,"'KOltll rot' the

1)\\'1:1 1I0WK.

~r"i~~~lb"~~k1fE'il7 ~b5:i7Ji~'r~)SEWING MACIDNES.

J. \Y. P.VAN~. No. tD 1l o!lt Street,...."'1\1 fur tile l)omp..tll' IImt

~ (lroo·er ."d lJAt:..r Stlw1nt:: ;lCldllnt•.

C. 811.\ WI,. :10 SfOf'Olld SfreE't,...~"t tur ell.. 11F.\II~r.TO" .ud 1I0Y..\L 'W.~ JOltS ~Wlllll :(..blllf·.

SUIUEI,IIIU" 111 A. M. JIIL1..So.t>1I ~11\llKF." !iTII!':I;".

t:':01'~ "O.lIT ..". Till

Whit", Now Hom(l.Crowll, Wibmn,Vietor, W(I{l(1,PI'l'fI('l;s. FlonlllC(t,SiH'wnlt Singer, Homo Shuttl(l


w._ 1M uw. lped. h.o" tl'.tletl IbO!! "nO'll

INdlll& MnWl of SPCOL CO't'TOS t(ll'...Ie In Iblt 1Il.rkf.I.llId In4 •

Clark'. uQ. S. T."Spool CoL\.onTo be lhe BEr'T. W.a1lOlDd lbo-lrSI\\" BLACK

to be • P loST CO, (\11

The Slngf'r ManUfltdllr!lI&, Co"III tiUlll" III"I'O!!\., B. P.

1l1.1-:P.lj"':~~~WIlT14. nl"lI' ml"".lIh Mb" Ih'llt.-.....hlot'01tllh. i'lhllnll'···'Ir.! r'Q1ldr forJOq. tio~1 brlllltllltf'r.t (;11.


Buy the Best!UNEQUALED



CENTRAL HOTEL,POllT '1'0\\, \\'. '1'.,

Thl;! IIn\l~ Iii XtW alltl xell'ly FlIl1l"I~.

IIJltll""'-l""~MA1l1he11P1101llt11lC1111 0111

Fir at Class %Xo~cl.

llll bar iM S\llll!lied with tho be"t o("oioeH. li(lllOIll IIml "iWll'il. There ill nlinikllllill lJillinnl tnble nllil r~lldinll·

I"OOIlI in tho IIlltl'1. Nothint.: will be left11 IltlOl\e!l1 lIlnlle this HotellJ('l'oml 10 noMiu tlleTerritol)·.

BEST OUALITT AND LATEST PATIERNS,c::-rr) hll\"e n Ilrt'lll rc\'~l1'lIee forellolh



Boot & Shoe Store







Dandruft~ Prevents Hair FallingOut and Makes Hair Grow

On Bald Heads!I'~rolllll~ hM'Inlt hnl UIlle h.l. 011 the h".11 t.q

IW~l't!lIn 11,1' 11",Wlb I,)' 11.1111: 011& IItJltIt<!

II I':l~~l, ;;:~l' ~.~\\. ~~~I~:'~>: ~:~~. '~,.;:~:: J;J1;'~I~~~IJtrom \Wtl IU Ill",,, laUUlh·.

II rm.,.... J)~Il<Jtlllf IlIlrulol i'\t'O'('1I 10""" Ilal'~'

II k....·p.llll' :;1'1111' <:10'1111 ~llli I:h&~ II", halrllootlh,·nlttl.wl'd It \lUI '1OI'lh" ~e~!l' rnlill hellt"lt·

II I.. M ,,1t·tIl J)rl'..... hl.. Ihr IIlI! U"l..""11 ,,11I1t"" bfl 'II .. "'t 101 t'II"" li4mll,..

,~~',h~;:~O:;~"; r.r":n~I,~'~,~;:~ 'i'r.~'l~~:ur~l,,:::~~~I:'~~~TII"n' II'" IIU pol"".'''I'' _111"..1"""", III II "'h~IJo\".,"'HilI (lUI h<llll ••·., \01111"nl <1"'11101' 10 Ill., IInl. III..",II', ,\,,~ )'tI", unICOI. or "ru~l(l.t 'ur II or ... Ill!111""1 10m,' •

/'/11('1'''. (/;\'1( IJ/lLL:W 1'1:'U /lOTTLE.lIH~.'tJ'1Il11"Ih" "n..:,·.)

1'~!'l'O<I' ",t!<'rhllr 'rolili. ,1l.lnll~~nlll~1 ...utl montyo~l1l1lJrtl,· .... C. O. lJ ,.y ""'1''''·••

• \I'ILIl.\~1 IWIlTF:M.~I·umrll"u, ....r I\Ill' l'rlIl,r1tl!llr.

l'on 1"0" ulI\!llIl. \\ lI·hllljlllUll T~"hof). I"

("~'Ar.Ll" orl'Q'ITr. ,.1:W WIIAllr,;

Wll er Street. - POrl Towftnnd. W. T.Ne", Fllrni"hinK-E\'er) thini New.This honlle hl&l jmt I'CeD refitted Iud

renovated tbrouJ,thout, Rud we arenow llrepnrt'l.! to fl1r':li!b

Fil'llt-clRiMI UoAld Rnd Loil",lug'.~ .Bllr i8 IllppliC(l with the belt of

villt'lt, liquol1lllld ci"lI~

UAVlD SPOOK, Prollrietor.

NJ O,],ICf~ IS HgnEBY GrVEN TOIllll llUlilifllli! clf'Clofll o(

HchoolUiiltrict No. I. .Jelfl'rMoll connty,W. 1'. 'I'hutllnl·lttelilm will I~ 11t'1.1 onHalunln)' tln~ lHst lillY or ~lurch.'!I"'llj, IIItho ....·IHtul mHho III 8ui,I t1il;tr:ct. ntwhil'!l WIll bo Jllll,lIllitll'\l the question of\'Otilll: II tllX. to huild IIIHI fllrui!lb nllChuul h"n~ 011 thtllolil 1I1lW UWUI',l by"llIll dilltrict, aud to IlUrehlLlW nuulliOllUIto:nllll1.I>J. .

It "'illl)!' nteclleM) to ralee the sum ofru'o TholllHlllJ OollarlJ.

I'olle wll! lid 01M:1l between the bour!or Illnd 30'clock 1'. )I.

t·OllU'.\I.ITII:!'l'. I Notice.Kt'\'er Inkelhe DlIlI bi the horn'" \ Illlil .\ "In" "1'.'lh.~I;I;;;Il;u"ln I'on Tow"'l"t!

~tRn. bnt toke him bi th.~ tail. IIlt'u ) tl t .. "'UIkun let IN "'!Ieu ~ulI wllnt O. IJN~ ~,~~~~ ••ll;~~..~;t:) In llm:·l ur.:, Il".lf Ib\l

Why l\fe IlIto ~·(llto.'C IIlJiR ii"SinJl: l.r, "'1'1111 10 J. ,\ ... 1'11 ....eneh otllt'r nn l'mblt'm uf ChriRtilluit)·!8L'('IlO'l(' til,,)' lire tl"iul: unlo NlCh otllt'rII~ the~' "',mIll thlltlDelllJboulJ 110 uutotllern.

Wll~O: in f,,11 ftri'-~ tbf' Zulu...tflr n Mth·",UoJ·'" ......11 '.MI"",,",'" • hlhlrt.h·"

rin~ ill the itOI;('. undtllnt'll nil. -1\IIWlny UUt)'l':"'I <\:,\11 :OlivES.tI'!III~. Isu't 111111 "llUlllotb lu wenr io theIIOl1lll' l'erblllli4 ~ou WRnt nil Afriello.:elllll'nllln to carry Briltllld R ,,·boI6je...·I·It), 8tUrt' ill bi1J IlnlooilCill,

"You Hre 011 the "'f(lu~ tllCk:' Mid the1,i1ol'lI wirt', ""Ientile h~lT<l)' FOil of lhe w. ~.I)o.IlI.

IUUJ·'''lI11JIIlI; 6CR 8IIlllol\'J1 011 iI. 1111111'>_' willi tllf' Jllluni t·1l'lnmnliou'l., "No:'be rcllheo.l. nltN R critlcul exuminlltiun."I 111\1 till Ill" ril:ht laek. bul l<hoot lIIedt'Il<.1 ir 11Iin't un thowl\.tllJ,t'cml of iI."

"COil ~'Oll It·1\ me:' slli,l n fruJCll1 wife.tll tI'e hellll of lho {rullil)', 1\!lIlLe hUlitledIlim Il lluirottrol1!IC1'lI ot her own malin,ruetllrtl "CIUl )'Oll tell the Jiff\lrtlnce bu·tWf'{'!I \'our wifo nml IIU Irish jliper~"

"Uo o~, tlellt,'" WlUi the rCI/b·. "PrOl'eoonnd 110 l'our WOf'il('." Tho ditfl:lrell06 illtlmtolle Illlllle'! tho drJ(ld)"1! IliIllt:J And

the uther m/l.kl'8 Iho I'nlltlieJt dance.''rho mnll fl"rl.

TIloulbiltho :3e.coUUC("-

.luld bc

",um"''''"r''ny'" Ih.I.",


'rF. nr' intlchto.:.'1.1 to the VUrl!Cf or the P'HTAL Clerk Silencer is ill hi" Re-Dakula fur fll\'Or8. 1'\I ..ttJlIl{'t1 1,lul'e 011 tho.J Star

"SI:LLI~W olT at ('1I,o;!. for ('n..1i onl).... ~r.~' TnCtlnll\ ,1\'('1.111 n new nllli Inrl."l,'f'Ilml'1J whnt Wntcrnmn.\: Klitz' 11Ul>\tl111 IICb..ol ,bnilllinl:.•nll mll.'!t h:wt! it lJl)

!:',).. IIIIC .\"l'lfll SUI"-

FU&SII Ill.illt RT.llIlhl :\Ir. Torjtl~II'1l )If:......nt" Plummer & Terry rf'C'eI\'1'o.1 atrullt mf\1 fllU(.\,l hi1.ll~u IIM"l ~·ith ~utkl lun.'t.' Itll Hr "OUf FI/.\'oritc" len b)' theelfecL' . la,;t u..:\:on ",telullt'f.

l\so~ISGOOO'JP"lJ tlmt b!'£'f ",'ill be ~11l.b.lllln~lek.of Ii!lnu..l Co.. , ill instill hil:her yul b"lolo It r.lll.'! lin)' ill 10WII 1001n)', lie iltIfil Ibi.'! tiDe w('atherllrK.'C. jUilt 81l1la the fnnllt'l'II 0\"('1 tbeN.

Sr. Plllrick'iJ lin,·. I\. fe'" 1tret'1l rilJ- [T "'i11lelluire uue IInll n·halr miIHunhOIl" were the Ilrillcipnl ~lllitllll'r.tOl1n)· of br. k tu put III' tbe Ill\IllOW n6\\of tlltl birth (If lrdnUll·.'1 JllIlron ~lIillt. bnilllin~ lit Mpoksll ""11118 this hummcr.

TUE ~I. Eo church ",iIIlla\'\' n llOI'iAI At L.\sLo j,ulIl,iiut.:is ..balseem!l to alllK-l.the rt>sidelll'(llJf .\If'll,. A. A. Pillullncr, jr.... 'RItlc 1Jt."'Ollle ill~t now. & it\011 'l'IICiK1:l~' c\'clliUIl uel:t. All lire itl> guill~ to ,",'('tlnto trouble about il )·t'l.

\·Itc..l Tows pr'Olll'rt,y IJ !!aid to be ,",ooiuJ:' 111''fnr. Wlllcott rettlrnCtl reiltertll1)' from in ~lloholllil'lb CII)'; 1,,1;1 nre kill,i: l!Ohl

British CllllllUhill IJUtillo AUIlHI,i: nOtl tlit! plrlutlll'rt!llil~' h:L.'i Iymptuw" of IItlwse U!I 0011'\1 wt'to tipl'Cinl "boum"Al,,'ent WMIlOU lIlld Collector UMbo Mil. A. T. Hnwle,', for IlOlIll!

To OF; 801.0. Ilr ulh'crtiloCml!ul illlll~rt- tlulil L'litturillllr l'tJUIIl'Ct.ed witlleJ clilewlJetlJ, it l\'iIl he I;iJlJII tlmt tile Iltlltd;fil'til/it·le.lm.'l 8CvereJ hill11I111 Ulltl c.lrgo of the wt('(:kl.'ll Iwrkell· tiun I\'ith thutjourtlnl.tiue c. L, Tn~'lllr ""'ill be suld nt nllction ~In. We)'mouUI· uilillbledOil tlic27th illS!. by IlllviulC olle of llilJ I\nllll hurt. Air.

'fUE firllt stcnmcr to ':rn~1I the Atlnntic Will. LlillbllCh, or Port Di8Cu\"cry illtlllilt!d frOlll S;ll'uunnh, Ut·orl.lill. 'ne 1I'" ugiug lhe sledge !lOW.Unit ellfj{O of oor,1 u\·erilhillllCt.1 from thllt Du. E. KtuvclliKln, ur WnUn Will In, illport left tlleltJ hlrit wl.'tlk. Tho ulll IJUI'1 II reeuulilublil!hcu curd, sa)'S: "there iiiit! rl'Humin/.: it./lI,lnce inclIllllllorce. not nOt lUIS t1wro cI'er 1JccJn, n cnlie ur

1\111. U"lcolllbo'rj ~""11 of fino hONICK, Ily,ltuphobiR 011 the Pucilie COllst,"

IIPllkcll of 0)' Uti )'cllwrtlu)', 11Il\'(1 tll':Cll MOll., or our oiti",cllll who 1111\'0 rl!!li·sold to Mr. It I)Cllllll~·.uf l'ort Di!'CoI" ,Ience prullerty hure lite ,IOIlIg :ll'llrlluucry. ror S;j,)O. ThlJY will iJo 11.~(\1 ill lilt' work noon! their lJrl:mises, nUll ero IOll(,l

HI-IfIllS. 1n.l!l;lr·1'I rllilwu)' 10f,l.Il'iul; workl'l near Potl thl! town willllrt'!jClIt II tll'(:ilIe<.lI~· "leM.MI~'" Un)wn. I\'iro of E. If. UruWIl. Vl,a(lU\'t'ry. it4l' RllIlntlnlUlJ\'e lUfpool.

D ·""tyC,)lIcdtorl,r Ull~lurn~ ut H.·itkll, , I' .... , k' b'I"- 'l'uKIIK i~llllrol!lleet thatlha IItGne t1r~' i\fll. SlLlIlII~ . lIuu ile 18 11l \ IU:': 1\


0[' 1-' .IllY lIll tho ~:llrekll with ber n.rnnl '1' ,. ,~ ... tlock: lit ~Inr(' IdlliUlI NIl\')' Y:ml will /.:<.'1 lllrl.'ll HCUW lIenr the 1ft'll\' 1111 , 011 W lie 1cl-iltl. ·{jjJ.Hfld from Cuu:.:rclll' lhiil yi'ilr, i1hlllr. WIll he Ilhll"Cl!. his lItOlllm !lile llrin:r.

MtL IJnl'ill Wch~ I{'r, cllllnill IIf t1~ ill:.' 11 IHr~o lunuunl or "o'Ork on thllt in)- Whelll.'tlmplel\,,1 th~ will 00 Ulle or tileIltmalPr Lillie h~~ IlIwly 1101,1 ont lUI! purtllnt tltntcture. U it brill recei\'l'll !Jl>"lll"lo drn'cl'li 00. the ootlUJ.bnlf IlIlcrelt in that uoatlo JIt~ Crow, lhutlllmo'Hlr)' )'ear it ""unld hnvo bL'Cll Jnlls II. BuI\'Ill~1I lu"litor or Sun JlIunuf Whit/' Hil'l'r. eUll.lpldl-'l1 ~CIIMlli~"U. comuy. h:~ Iklkl II "il't.'U u( prolM:rt~. ill-

P\lrtlEll rt.-'Ct'ntl,l' from Nclth Bay lIfty UUlLDISO. A Inr~ unmlH!r of 11"'1'11. clnJinR' R 'l'llluable wnter pow;,r, OD Or-t:Ialloeillillrll n'ry 111o'ntlruluff tbl3 CIlII~ iDre 1101111('$ will bo ('1'\.'(11'\1 here tbis 1IC1l- CUll I,daUlI, W IIArtiell wbu ooolemllhlirIhi~ .,ur.lln I that tile catch will bo Rn IOU more thnn e'l'er 1.M'fol'9 at nil)' Ollt' tlM:tiulf II&t",·O (OOlOry, to IlUpply thenmanlllly largo one. time. JUr. Fred llces colOmence;J operll' lime kilns with barreili.

We uotil'(' !tOwe out.8i,lo impro'l'clU('ob dblll by t!rectiol; a Dellt little r('t<idenCI' Aeoonliug to the recordl of ibe Bril·on IheoM ~lIw)llie HlllI bnilJillg lIenr on tho 1,,11 near Mr. F. W. l'eHnlNtVI'I. illhllonnl of Trade, Juring the )'t:arlB::tl,the Ill'" mill. tMtefllll)' fhtalll(l b)·Mr. Ur. l' Stoelruml ill Joing Ilie Cllrl){'lI- Ihere '\II'ere Itro collillioD8 of Hilin",Sft.,lel (or bil be\or 111111. ler work. n.'l>iI-!ta. or tb68C 1.8 "'ere 8unk IIml 9ti7

ITill'lltimBt'\l thallbe Itreet imprO"e- CIIIC.UJQ bM elIhbli"hed II tl'l'e IdnJer. IIlllUnb"oeJ. Of lI~amera there were 69'.lmeel, or Selltll" JurIng the prClleut )'car garlen A8tt0cilltiOIl. Eil;hll."IlrlcUll ba\'e 0011181008, of wblch 51 were lunlt Iludwilll.'Olt iIOO.((XJ. Nonewi\1 relllilb the Il1relkl)' been opene(1. ..itb. roll of Rilty ~ JamRI( oHbi.. lUlU mom tllnn tilt} !eftCh('N IInll Ilil cbiIJrell. It i, ill- TilE Ohehalill ,'ide/le tnp'ltiol\a thnl IIIJOOt propt"rt)'" who hn\"e tn root ICnded to drllw iD. lbe cbildren of tht: uedar tree "'u receutl)· CI "\1 00110'

llin 1»&11. \"cry poor 11011 tlUlA CUBhl", mllny womell t)· which IUeusUret.l tbirbTlu\·tt. thi.. wny II becoming ('nor· tu ,",'0 oul anJ Cllrllll Ih'ioR'. wlw R~ now ler, uillety toot ill clre'

.. '"y one "itb bnlf nil fOye 0011' ",clllill bohl6 and 1II&le ,1"llCntl('ut 011 which, when mnuufnetun"" Iltil lD<)ruill~ _hall tbe ])n!/.o- chllrity by tbe Il~ity or carill!:t fUI nnu IOld nl S'lJ lll'r lbolUl

nd No:1b l'ncilkl "en! lit Union 8mull clliltlron. worth $4OU.Iff -the formJr witll 1l11,,'unliJ or lll'O Tux COIOlu'lft M)'S whilo InhotCt8 ort' OIUSO ~.lnst(!r ChilJ& and l~rd(!r

JQured on bonrd, Illid 1110 latti!r wjth ObOlItt.O elltorlho el>llIllr)' hy tile Illoll- Newoornlt, oUbe A. O. U. W., expl'f!lll\Cl.leiillt)' odJ. "'11111. Mr.OlltlerdOlik h.. nlrca..l)' I'l" Ihl'mllCl\'t'~ bil;hly pll:1IflOl1 lIud grutif\<

Dll. Hunt wont to Purt DilMlo'l'ery to- cureJ.tOO mccbllnic. 1I0ti 400 lIIoro nre wiLli tbeir villit to PUboet Sound (lnd111Y. He will Ue ill Port 'fownlM'lld 1I1lRin l'omiog. lie Illig UXX) l/lborul1l 00 tl!e Victorino They returned from the Int­fJr hll~ilK't<8 lluout tho Will of Mil)'. liN! wnynnd~ mure ClIICRg6II. Men nre wr city thill morninl[ nnd J)fUIIIOd np lilt'DOliceellMlwht're. 110 Imll booll crowII, d le/tviul: the flDrohl!l1 field, ur Cnli(oruia. .:IullnJ Ull the North Plleifk.witb wor~ dUrin" hil reoont prottnct,,({ t.ho worke<.1 Ollt Ili!wr miuCII of Nevndll. 'rIiAT wbistle mn1l:e8 Weymollth ~.IIIY hONl.anJ Li. return wi.1l be 1001l:0d IIml tho ice bound t\!J,t'ions of MRuitoltn i\lulrHL"8 blacksmith 8hop seem lille '0ror nnxiomd)'. to Heek omllloYlOent i~ this PW\·illOO. )'OUUloI'tlltltor)'. lUI 8Clhreoohell nt 7, ....

ScUll. 0('11. 11nrnoy, 011 ilL H. n. B ....w\' Dut.l.op.Jt.-At 8011 1,'rlllll1m 11.,12, u" J, I', 11., (111\1 D, P. M., hl1...·~ IlLlo)·J llrrivlIlllhill murnillM' trom Vic- ~111I. Mllry 1). WlIlcrlJoutte,' uti l\dwhltm- dooillclllv lll1~illC88·lik6 IlQllml. Illlllde.torin whithor 11110 hlltloutr!llc.1 tl loml of trix of Atlhburv Loo Wll\o;lrhOlIRC, Illui n· tho littl~ IJllxWr tlUu:iUB drives fUllS '01hllY from OoullClvillo. Unl.t. Lloyd :0- Wrillll!e hlllll;ulIJ. brings lwit in the tw,) rl1rnnoeil, nnd fllrui,l!lCe powerftlr II'orml 1111 thnt lhere ill c(lll!lidornhlo :::htpcrior L:ourt to rocover $J(1I),00tJ dUlli' I\well1rill, n tllrnilll; hLthe• .to.treilfht rrollllllit )'Mr·,. 0101.1\ ltill to be RJ{ell fronl th", Sunthorn l'OCil\ll rllllnmd 'rhe llUDlUer or YCQ'l,(!I. ~IOIl.ll'iDg to•billped trom [I'IIRmIOol1Ilt)'. eOlnllllll)' rIJr Clllltiin.ll' Iho ,It'nlh IJr Ilni(1 nr Wlll1d to or rrum )loris in the Uuiu.'I.1

O,tl'T. 01lrti~ Brownllel.l '1\'118 in towll A'hl.mry u.oc WlltcrhOllilO lit tlle 'ruba· Stntci reported lotnll)' loll and lUillllin~~ay,RtteudinJ{ to the OUlltom 1I0UllC chnlli rnilrollil acciJunt. 011 Hl(' 10th tlr \hlriuK !o'ebrllllry iii a"l. or tbill Ii~t, 10llRpen or lhe lIt.enmcr WMbinlo:t~.ln, lnltl Jnllllllry. Smne IllninWr brilll.'" were wrecked. 10 nbnmloned, S rni8iliwt.which Il(Klt is to be put 011 tho Belittle- '!lit to recover S:)lJ.OOJ dmQllj"tCt< tl1r per· I hurned. 2 fUlluJered ,md ODe caplize.J.Wtlltoom route ill or Ihe Cit)' 0: SQIIIII iujnril!8 in the 1lII1l10 nccillcllt. AmollG' the liMt nro tbe wrecked 1!lti!luneiQni~" t1ll1lntt"r to 1>0 hl\ulC\1 off ror A':>l AI\OLI!lII~O POR'fOP E!o"I'II\". Oopt. '1'l\COrnll, Ihip H. S. Gregon·. Uriti!hItpaifll llrepllrlltory to culorillil too Carroll. or the IIt,'amiLbill EUh'lcn, h~ bark OlnrnmBtIl.llnd too bAlkeoline O.8kt;it Il'Mut!. teI.'ei\'td olUrinl illforlllalitJll 10 tbllefTool L. Tlirior• nil iu tbo !'nciilo COWlt 'Dd

Tn J:>1'I:i~mplion L,w, nbont which that Fort Wrnn~d hlb! 1>0011 aboli,bfd roreill'D trn,le.tbm bns boon much Indety lately. bll8 III R port 01 cntr,·. In fllt'lt6 l'e.'l§ell SK.\L tbbin!t bitb fair to be pIl)'iug'bfeDrflported ro!)IlAled by Con,u'clU; but callnot ("!I'nr from Victoria. Sallnimo. lIr hllJuuOM off Oape PIllttcr)' th~ year. I\~Ibtreport ill erroDeoulL A bill TeIK'II). olher JlNfilicilllllOrl1l r,lt lillY Alll8kllll the run ii laruo ROll tbe nttmbcr 01illlltlillllll'f~ the lowtlr Hon,e of pori ML'Cpt Sitkn: bnt IIltlllmbolllll 1011) I1eUOODeI'J!l in tbllt trll,l!" u limitOO. Tb4"CoDRreu. but Iii I Dot p a the Sonllte- d\'lIr frUll) Vidorltl fllr II. IlOrl on till' Inrlt>(l(lt cAteb ItO fllr (or luin·III iDtentling ettleu neeJ not be ~liI:lk<leD ri\·er. 'fhe l:'1Li·.ir tlllllo _ill "Ie trip we. mnJe bY' the IIClrooner Mist.tI&nDed yet. l\ while. tberer,.ro rail to 1_,"11'1 Ii!;e the WCllI4!nl OailL Wm.Dtx.oert-lwenty.niDe lleIIllliu II

GauD Muler Cbiltll Rnd Recorder l:ilu[)('. lI·hit'h. whilu locrrt!!lUy tUlworthr. liA)' und a Imn. '11th but t"o t::anoeJ.!itwtomb. of the A. O. U. W. Onl"r. hill'''' dmfl ur "',Iler "'I h1lht tllllt tht·y Uo/.'ertretnrued to Uliii plnce Oil WeJnCK_I down the Sound todAy 011 the enn MCellJ tbe ~tickt-'C'll.-(.~flulfil'. WaY. sick. lJe inrIJrm" Il!l that be will

~rt.b PllCifto am1 ..ent to Victorin. Jl'DlLIlE SIS'tlED!L Purl 'l·O...·uM'nd III prohably )ell\'e f<,lr too IIeIlling grolln<1tAClllorJini( to the J'i)lI-/,lttlliUtlloU the.' to hllve a \-j"it rrom 1\ "WilY n,," tMlIlXI oguio nmt w6<:lk.hid l.pleoJiJ rflC6plion in BeuUle. A or jllbileflllin.(f'nt. Thft Kt'utlll:ky 1f'lIllIMl MR. O. II. nol{'~ml)f' ftnbihed bis log­IQlllptouu. bnnl)UeL Ind gralld bAli ",ere WllIlIllllC!l\r hUfll 011 Wedlll!ildR~·. JIItlfl'h ~inil' bu~illeH I""t S.,hINn,'. Ultlilinll /tilImoll&' the dcmonltratioD6 golteD up in 28th, M l18r atlvllrtiRCnU'ul f'llWlwhert'. the lo,ll nud pilt'" 011 the IlInl nl bi" J"•.tbtirhooerllt tbltl/looe. IHrAuJlf!J for by Mr. E. i\1. Je,,·ell. [00I\I\1. Ho hrI,KIOI,1 hil!loxtelUnnmllJlHt

T•••tory toll1 by a Wltsiliull'too PflJl(!r their od'l'r.~ nJ:t!IlL 'I'hi" truupo lI11m· or hi't hortICB. TIl,l Urul'k...·ay... of 1')·<"Oht.lIlft,11lOt be truo. AI It run.. Henntor OOI'lJ twenty in'llI.nml i"Of/Il1II(.1&j6(.1 of ",,11' bonJ:hlt\\'o \'uke of LIfe O~"II. lIr. Hol­tletk of Kentuoky. 'who CIlInCIl poor boy nine Ardcnn "IIIUCN. Ullr 11i..~11)lo mil)' <,umbo 'tilll~M a pnir ur hol'llt'S fllr ",hichto Ibis lluuut'l' from 8aoUBDd, worked Clpect n ntm trout 1I1~)lI 11m IIIJI~lIra\lCIl I,lll.u" rf'rlllWfl $!flI1 in ('(lin. 0111' nt 1/11'on the lAme fnnn ill Lj,'illWlton OOllllty, of tbc:IC "cnlhtll" lntkol ill th.'ir 1f11I1 hlln<t,.i'iIlOllA fotnwrly nl\'llt'll lIy Clillt.

thil fHlte, thnt Secrelary 1'eller workeo.1 Iltirrinll VOl'al displny. SHmo t Iirt'e ur JlK... l~ n. tlf F'lrt 'fol\'lJ,;('lltl. R fiM Rlli·opon. When they nlot in tbo Senate 1\lr. fuur melllWr1J of lill! trOll tId w~ro hrtO lUnl; t llilolh"r. n hllfilOIJO",cht in !;cnUle.~k Anid: "Well. lIeury. wben Wt: used hefoN n f(l1V ,.<In..- n(,{U. lind tlll'ir \'{I('ul iM thmH:ht to ho noollt thc lJ""t "'ork

otlri'l'eolt! DI"(JWI\"(lXOII we never o.t. IIOWefli f'liciuod Ihell the hh(llf'''t. IlrnillC fluimnl ttl h" ~M1U in th('~e 11Il.t~ Olleted to mcet in tho UlliW11 Mtn.k.. trom lhe 1I0WSPllpel'l'i !tIlt! pllltli('. The IlIdr Ilf Mr. 1I,,1('tJIllI.C·ll h,)1'lIIJ tenm Vllll

entlte." "No, Jim." enid Mr. 'l'eller, ]{clltut1ky Juhileo Hlllllerl'l hnvtl hllli Flll 11111.11<1 pnt!i('!I ill Irlllhlnir. kl CIIZll"O inwe dillu't 1I:uuw thore ""III IIlh:h III urj,(nuiznliull nUll \·tll·.\· IiI\COOI'I~rnJ "mu" t1~1 (llllll hllilliull' IJtl~illl!~"" Wa Ilu DolIDoe." fnr live ,-ellnt 1l~I, nlul we IlW.V Marcil' kilO\\' wlwllh'r Mr. lI'll('lIIllOO will t1mlIlg \'Oli"':\i'Anl-: m;:.,.hl~ "r '.110" 1''''1' 1l11lltlllltrothut tllc)' wllluivo AAlitlfact:cJll. l\ !.luMin.' C'llI'lJinr.: tbn! .... ill inclnco llim I'r.~I"Il. "'"~h,~~ •. l~,•• pI "'/'11"111'" \l.'l~''''' Hend what the Suutn Unrbllrll (Cu].) 10 rolllllin III I'Mt TO,I'U1Wlld, ur UIl!, bnt:~IJ~~dh'c~hllllllt:rI~ IIIIQ" h. ~'lTtl. t!,,111 iF,\'u 11<1)11 of thUllt. \\'0 hotlC lie I:JU)'.

'.1' I 'lC "-L ITEMS.Illtlh '. -'"-:,,• TIIIIr""tM"·. I)ldl,..

• rU<U l'f 'till ...nutGl."T ':~NI'lI 1,laUh'\ I )

,,uh' \"I,wtllilil" ..• I ',ought the S<'lI!el

Hilo ,\IIlI"r 11104 uu

llro. IO'rl- ulllh~ hill., • I 101 tOO'l ofrill: Dakuln Iln,1 ttl rt' 11jl(' .

t"'lo;lIt III :;IUI FnUl,·jlll).) on her III!!t tnll

lip. t SrolK'f"k tn'rES mtll ore wnnted a .• '" '.. . J" I ~iJIlI\lI.:-t1\'t,rk lIrtJllll.llI Ililc rller A ...

per 1\I<llIth. • -lIln, hn)'c1'1I1: Ui~ll.", btlY4 o' Chlln b

b,Il11:11t llid )111111..;' ~talholllll""l'II ur )'

u,; II rew 1111)'i I'iuce.1I11"ll\' )1,mill.IUor in th~ .Port Gam·

ble ~aw mill. wa, thn,I\'1l u1,'1un"t II Sl\W

l'e.'lIt'"llIY lIuJ 1111.11)' cut. .• 'I'Ug IIIl" milllLtllrteJ np thiK mOrllllll{.

It hlkillt.'tn illlcll ru\l' ,llIpl 011 IIC..'01t1l1

of the n"c'll111tllnli<Jn or slnlJll. ./\)ruSO thuriC II'lw IU'O til Meet rlllll·

d~:JC,;!l Ull tho hilll~ ~Ir. F. Albert I!llt{.I~U,{Jrtho!lrmufO.t.l. IllrLIC!ttk 0 ••

ell'r. Kurtl'. "f the ill-rlll.etl Kteillll~hlp

'l'lIcumrL, Iiulllris lk"11~6 tlwull,'\1 ur ~ml.penoll'J tlr lll''' )·oar~. ~lltllll IJIllllSb.

wuulA, J. fiUIlII.llf OI)·1II11ill. h:u rooei\·e\.1 n

l)I\ttlnt on II rtJllur II r.... Il(u ~() wo IIro III'rurlUl'\l by.Ue3:lfll. UOlI'o)' & CII., JlRltlnl

"'Weekly Argus.~--


, .

Page 8: DjVu Document - Washington Secretary of State




f'. ~ UI~THlcT r.,,~1J Onlc~. ,011.... 1'1:1. WllIllh'l:'ltlll 1'.."1'1\0·. (

~... holt to: hto....IO)·lfl ..... ttlnt. In .....mrllilnl'e..IIIl ",,' 1,"",}..It.n- nr II,,, .\"1 I" .....If1'l.....

~1:sr:I~tT1:;l~.~r:.:;"r:,II~I~, ~ ~;:~,,;~'; l~;~:~~pl". ~:m'~" 'll~\~ ~~~.i:;:' ~:rIil't'I·,·;.I;"J::.:1\. WIt.hln\l'lnn ''NT11 ... ,". hR~ Itll~ <.t'I) lIk'd I~

~~ :~n~~ip~';~~'l~!'r~1':,1:.•1': 1,1~"~:,~t:'orl~:mnW" ,,, 1"'''1 flr,h<' n'II:~"I..lI" )I,,",II.lfI.

'OIl' ..1t'lltllllt·........ d.hlm: ",h .."",ll Ibo... 111'1,·..·..11...' l.antl, "filII' \w ...'Io>l' .'IOC',....r....... h,'I,.I,)' ""1"' 10 till.. lh.. rl"lI!nI~ In Ihl~pm tl _I. bin ~ "y Itl tIM\. Imto••1", .. hrf"Pftl.

"I~·h"!" ;!1l17h':~) ':~:t'·Il'..\":.r i,,~~·;-;;..~~·.~\~itI"~i. ... JHII\ .·.I.'I\\"t.)".

J;Ifl. IlNC1"I,.rfl~"f'I"lll~

Cnitl'll StntHl Di'ltrict J.(lnll OWfi!. IOlmwin. \\'n.hinl,lon '1·.rrilllr,..

:O;"lll'tjh h,·reh,· !th'''11 tlllIl. hI .·"mlllll"'''''

:~~~~lltJ:;~~1~·'~;'';'''':~:l;'",~r:.'~'~ '~:'~7.:r~~""It! l>f "Ihl~r 1.''011.1. '01 " ... ~lplt.(l( I .1IfIY·nlll, Url'lrOfI. l"p, .Ill" .. "., W....IIIl\pu" T,·rol.

\':O:~I;I~~~I~~;,IAT~,~:r.~',R1;':_I:"I~l:~=r ~rli,;Ihl.Il/'IlII' Itl" 1I111,llnl-;\illl I.. IIOlrt:h,"." 1M n'"

~~~;:'::'~"I ~~I"~ ~:r"'III~It~:U~~I1,,~,:~;:.ltrl,it:~"'""l fo:'~,~~'~,~~~ri~;'" t~:'''~''::U~ ~:I'~:;:7~~l~:lire htn'lI,. rellnl ..." "1 1110' tl1l'I,· ,'11\1111. hi Ihl­flltku wllh'II" 'III)' ffltlttlll)~ fro"" ,Inll' her.·.,r

Hl"rO! I1nll~I' on" IlInn,'.•1 Inynmll'.ln 1Ilfnl.1,llI. "' • T" Ih II 'j", II (ll'II:'I~ ~"~~:;; :\\.~~~ 1>(".1.

J1:IOw IIf'1t'-ltr flr,h" 1~11l,1 !ltllce,

..OIl 1J\·J'\I'~:I·SI.\ 11111 I.h~r t'limllllinl. ,.fOIl10",.. _llnnilld 1"'.1.11..... on .....,. bolllJ or libl010.'1 VLIIU.IlI. I. 1I.,·er 1.1a.. tOCll~

U:f.rlm ~TA1J}IJ)n:'!.I'!l-r1 .\~'I) O,,,Cf, li 11)'llll'i '. \·.Il""li;,~l,," 'f('lnltJl'T. f

\":h,·I. 1"·1'··'l L:l"" 1111>1.", """:11",,,•.wllh till' I"''''.'''''...r,T,.' \1' "I "U"W1W>!101"""\ "11 ,·It,,,·. I,,; '. rllll,I,·.1 ",\11 \, I"11"Ill' ";ll" "I 'r""',,,~ I.. ,,, I- 'n ·li.· "'I1I,,,,,r, ,,1:1, """ tI,·...... ". SI'\""' ... ,," I \\",,-1,1""1011T",.d·"l\," 11 ,.' ~ I',. ,. '1 "I"l "~l~l,\\I'-"'.q.,,,, ,.·Il'll....', h ·'11,· ,rl'\ TIlI'tlltt

Iltl_ "II.'" hi.. 111'1'11. "1"'11 I .. l'u..,lIU"· 111<.1" I ".' '1,'''1 .. ' 'I .,·.1., ,: ..t '1"1, " ""'lkllo;0.".'. " h. 1<'," .1.11' 'to. ';".~, r:h....":.:e ~ ~ ..tI.".1'... \\'I:'I1","l '\I,·n.ll:>l>.

}, 11~· 111111 Ill; 1~·I..'ltl~ .'1,11 .. '1":1 !t'h .'1"....1\. IIIfO~~Id .1"~Tlh.',1 In,,'I. ",. w'" I~'I IIHllh,.rwtr"ft· h", .. I., 1"'1,,11'''' 1"'11,, ,1"'1."",.". In '''~11.1', I' "lIlt\" ~I", l'~" ""," 11"," ,"II •• llI'...."t

Ill' "II tln,I",. I"i I1UIlII, ,,1 """I'IUI" 111 '11)·m.1.b.I.W.·I'.• lhl""~1 ""f"l "'''')', A.II'\'~'l·

J Il~ Jo. (lOW~Y .•• II'W HI·;:i.~lerof lire l.ulI\1 001,\',

Unit"llilnto,'l1 lfulril'l Lnl'lfl (ltrl((', lOJ)·lTlllin. '.Vnsllln,c:h)'l 'l"'rli:n~', r

,"'f11I,'''!~ h"I.·I.)' 1Il11"n tt",l. b WOl,,'lIl11.tiIwll It Ill" III I.I",,~ lIt 1"" \\ I • t I', I'~"'" 1\'"100,,\r·1 J'll :l. I,,;•.• nlhl.·,l \0.\' I ,,,r lilt·"'I!" n( Thulll'r IJllO'l.. III ll'I' .., ~: .... "r ••1II"r·

~:'; !.'~f.:~I~.... lfr'·'I~~'::I~~'; '~"r"~::~~UI; ~~:Woi;hlt\l(lt1l1 T.-tl'ilflr\·, h,,~ 111'~ ,1,,\' /\10>11111Ihl~uOh(l bl~ IPfillolllkm l"l"mh' ..' II'Il. Itor II "11'; ""'Ir "r II'" II. " ...1,... '1...1 ... "If. I,rot>t!lt.tI;\. In IUll,,,hlll So :1 ",M '. "'1."" I "I!-I

.. r.~:,:" ~'~~\~~Ij":: ,~::~'~::il1lh,~ :!·I rvlrlhll"nhl.l.....·rllll~' I...n'\ ttr llll}' \ ..1'11 IhN"m.11m 11,,",10\' "·'lnlf.·.1 I.' fit,: 11, " f.l,.'t"I~ III 1111·..81.... wll hlfI" )1. III I .1,,) .. lro ',II'wI" h"""""

••1"~1l .,n.'.. ,. I") IUI"'I. ttl I") ,·It. P, h. ''1)1)''il\,W.T,.\b"'''~lb,'')''fb ,n1\ ,''''.

,Jpll\ ••••II\t~.\'.J:kl.. ':f'\l'I"lrr lor II", 1.A*"lolI~.

UrI,t",1 Hlnl<'ll Duolnct Lnnd Offiao, IOI}·lIJ11in. WRIOilinu1ol1 T{'rrilo~.

':ntlt'tl,~ bern'" .1'0'1'11 'hlll.lnmnlllllllnNwllll Ih.. '.... 'jl.ltm. "r lit.. '\1:1 "I In''~" ""Ill".,...n ...1Jun.. I. 1.."711. 1'1111110.. , "An Al'l !l'P'~

"."1,, or Tlmll"r 1~lnl,,.'n 'b,' :-IIII~ ....1l,;nlll'tlr.:~~;.:,·.\'t1::'~If~"J~~I(~~.~~'t \~:~,t:~!.,m:·0~·~7~\\'n-hl".I".. 'r"ldlllr)', Ill,,' 11111' ,h)' alciL rn11IL.nll1l't1h.~rol'fllll"llu" In \mnl1.JttIIh.. ' ~r

~~II;,";J~."J~Il;~III~~~~~ N~i'~~:.~~ ~i':~' l~:;l:~:,·ul·",ul.i1"n.

1001~I'N.:·;:,~~, 'r:::,'i: ~tI';Y;!:I':"l!~,~; ::,:~1';';;~111 ::I~II"" 11"11'101' 1\ IJnll"1.' I 11I111.' tllt'I" lnllu~ III III •/ltd ... , ",llf.ln ~I' IYro~.' IIll)" Ir"'ll .h.w h.·r, 111,

11~,1 r::~'T~~;~~'II~ 1~~I,~,~I;,\~~'~'i ~'~~r:ua, ~\I~'I·~'j'::.~JUII't.l:n\H\.

I\.I0l'l' li"1:1~ll'r'IlIIHlI"'1t1 ..rllt....


t1S1T.1I ~~~~~~~I\'lW~~~I~·I~~ITI::~:~,~i" t~I'tlce \_ ho..t'I'hr !fInn 111111. 1'01 '''/lflillil"n...

..II h I bot rom\ to 1'01· ..I Ih...HIlIf l'l)llul ....~ oI'~pnnl'lIJl1n"S. 11";5" "lllLlL,,1 •• \" ...·1 "VIII"...11.1 Itt, IlIll..:r 1.II"tI"l" IIt"':IIII.·" fIf II" .....lot.II.." ... !>ocn•.l.o .....1 W.... lolnltl..n "0:1.1·~~;;;,::;'~~I'ThIJI':.;[t~~ ~~'I:I~i=: :t.~'t"I";I bl~ /lib'll hL_ "1'lllL~14t1u" 1.. I'un·h,..... Iu.. II"If' "r ""CIUllO ;ip, -:.f 1111..... 11·10 \.:'>0 ::s. r... ",' S" I"~'ll,lll... \\11..lU"'~)lp....l'.n~,~~~I~d~!,I~~,,:::,. ~:~~~~·I·I:.';,:r~~~~'::.:I~~I 1"Ino<!u,11oo 11t..,rd.•IM·hl ll.l. "01,,, "'lIbl".lAlY ,',uj ...... tro"" ,bto· .....:'t'>,r1l·:T~,llt;:r:~:l'; ..t':'Iry~L'J"III~lt~,p\ll·

JUII .. Y. (lll" IT.3-10l0' U"'Zl.t~rl'rlb. Land Ulllm.

IThe Meaning of .. Settlemen~ ..

III ,If'>,j.lim: n ~k.llan,1 rMt' IJ~·t "'.~ II II m.1Il lUmmi .\It,(1I1li" RIII.I nnotlll'r


1111111,',1 :';In·\t'll. tilt' Iil'C~tal)' t., IbeIlllt'ri,'r make'llllt· foll'I"·IIlj./ IJilinltllt .."r Ih,. l1'"nl '·/I.l>ttl{'llwnl; II. u..eJ in tbe

1111'\'" nll,lu'lI (U.'t:

"ltr~hlt'lll'" Ii lI..,t eo."clltml tl> n I,ro­I 1'1lI1ltiOll "t:utem·'lIl. .\ M'lIll'r iot olle

""llO ,11'It'" ",11Ill' net un tl>P hilly ilbliclI­liw of nil iut<'nlklu III t"!n;1Il tll(' lllnt'lIlA

uf t1w Inw. :\1I1"m",1I Ill\' "It Iii u of nh')Il"l' "Ihl ,.,... id"IlCt.· lli,'rl'iu I";:~· mllui·"",t linch purl'...... ', iu NUlII('('htln ".. illlutllO'r nrN. ~d 1III'rr m:l~ he n \'nlillFt·U!l'll.... llt withfllll n'»lIlcllC(', To felltn • III pitH" ur fl"n"~ the Inlll.l or Ill}the runuJIllioll fllr n bOllfl'. elr lin 11I1~

lIlh"r ltd ""hich I'll:nrly mnlllftAli n Imr·Ik'~' tu t'Oll\f'rt l!l{' Inn.l iuln n huml'.\fill if fulluM"'\ hy r"~l\lll}("l". .::,,('· n jlrr"I'lllpliltll ri.:hl 'I\'l1ieh rt'lntl'"huck to lll" fifllt n('t. ~u II!'timlt' timewitllill "'hidl re...idl'lIC(!' 1Il\l.t ('OJIunll't1cciA tile,1 h)' Inw. 11 ml'l~t. hrI1lc\'er. bewithin 8uell rcn90uuhle tilllu 11'1 10 matli·

fbit u )}Urpl)lOC tu l'ulnIJI)' ""ilb 111{' l'e'

flllin.'ll'lClll-ol ur lhe hi ....' lIu,1 t., I'dni .. IImll\l.t nh,llhl(lll Ihe ttl.e!. In lllll'h l'n!!,,"his rh:ht will ""t he [Ill rdtl'.I. AltlltJll14hStr('wll Ilitlllnll'\ltulnl"W(' hi. n",i,ll·l!t'ellntil n(tl'r Iho Ijllte of l\1c1nlll~' 1IIh'j.:l'l.lI4l'UIt'Il'lC'nt, 1Ie hlld tlono IIcl8 whi('h c..~1'1­

"titut"ll him n IIl,tller UIIlit'r the ~.• /Intihe Itrt'Ct.'l~It'l1 with ~llch TCII:k}llnhlc Ilili·J:CllCO tu follow up llilf IlCltlenk!llt byilllllfo'\'cmellt lIIl1.llIlll~i('IlUOllt mill"llcc,liS to rebut 111l)' iurcrcucc vf bis l.rnd fnitborot nn intentioll to nblllltion lhe trllltHe WM tllu prior lIettler. null he "'ho i8Iltmh IIntl 1I0t he who i8 tbe prior l'C"!iJentbus tue bellttr Ilrc·eml,lioD c.Il1im.


U 'EI'UL 11m'••


JOHX HOW.IIlD PA \"XI:"UuME. f!Il\'l!1.'T 1I0)1P.,'·

Th.. bol1y or John HU\\llrJ l'aynt' i:ion i!-iwny to this l.:olllllrs fWIlI tJlI!Cf'1llt'tNS of 'l'ulJi:s. )Ir. ,r. W. (;orcoran, wllo Illude tim IJOt't'll llt'tltl:tiutiUll'(' in Hllll "nd saw him hl'"t in1lStr.1, will \x.·lU'tlm totlll tlxl'('lI~'" ufthl' rl'IIlO\'lll und rl'i'llh'rlllt'ut. 'l'h~

hOily ot th(' llllthor ur "tlUlllt'. :)WI ...·tHOIlU'," willlJl\ Jllnc''l:1 in Ollk Hill(J,·llIC1l·r)'. (;i<.'OI·l;l'town H('iglll~ ntlalWII'ilJillgtou, 011 JlIue Uth Ut'xt, AI'impl" IUOUlllll.'uL will OOl'rLI(·t~'li O\'t'lthe reUlltill~. bl'lIrillij' tho illlKlrilJtloll:"Jollll HowlLl'll PUSIlC, lUlthut of'HOllll', SWl'<.'lHorm·,' 130ru Juno~hh, liU<!. ViNI April Illth, HI5:!.'

John HowlmllJ lIYuc wjUt noL boruin llontOIl, II." ill Iitllt<.'t.l 011 till' 1U0nuJIl('nt nt 'l'ulliKt but iu Nuw York c.;llSHis f"th£lr rt--nlovpd to tlill Clipitill ofMussllebu!+CUs wbeo hill lIOn wali Vl'r)~'Ollllg, nntl 0l>t:'ued fl lJotLrdiul;:ichool in thut.cny. '1'heruturu poctWl\li a clevl'.r. nmbitiou'! I,uy. \\ hileI'ltill ut IICbool htl l)llbli~hed It. ,\\,('(llo:Iynewsp:lJX'r, 'i'he FlU. ""hie-b iilliuitl toIm\'o gi.ven prolUi~e of grt'ut Iit(lrAr~ability, He WllS a good elocutionis(nnd )0\'00 lbiob'8 thealrical. Oue ofhis 8portlt WIl!l ft3 oomumnd(lr of IImilitW')· compllny known ILIt the Baston k"Loderal Uuartls. When tbirtoon~'(,8.I'!l of "boo he was plaoo<l in aconDting'bou~ in ~ew York, B !fit'lltitian TDost distut.efnl to him, tbl'todiotlsn ot whicb bu relicn"Cl byIICtingIL8 the editorot The 7'Il~spi(llL

Mirror. '1'hees::Cl'llenoo of the dnt­wlltie criticism oontaint<d in tbilljonrnrt.l made him sowe iu811eotialaequaiotauccs. arnou~ Uwm It MrSeamnn, wboMent him to ScbenectaIly 'Ill'ge tl" eUllcatc(l Whiletbf'rehu f'" l'fllflimt. It. w(l('klyII''' nllml)i'r of ,,'hieD

10 ItIOH he rntUJ 0 J>N!pnro for thestage and . led literary InbonthN" as odit, tbo -'firror, lii~

ftrst IIp[X'llr 011 ttle singe WIiS mnde atNl.!w York in E\'brunt).! lHu9.and wasn success. It was tol owoo by engl\Kt'DU'l1ls in New Englund, tho80UtJiRnd wust. lu1813 he well' to Eng UyJ,O.rLlSG£Il,Jund, nod on Juno 4th ot tba~ )· •__.,.._.I~_"."'_, "",...npPl'uroo in the DM1ry Lallo 'l'heutru.LonlloD, Ht.· oontiullOO an Kctor K6 Ulliw.1 SUites Di"trict Lalit! Oftlr.e. lveral j'cnr!'<. nfter widell he devotpd Ol)·m'liu. W118hlllKlun Territory. rhimsclf to liternture. HiM t'liitorship II ~~t:\~~ 1~~:'~~:~;8Ifl~r~·til,'~~:~.~'cc;;:,I~I~~~in .L':llldoll. ur l\ tlH'atricnl jourlllll IIM\·..d JIIIHlIl. 11lU. l'nlllh'll ".\10 ,\,·t (lIr 11,..

cnlk><l thu DJluCJ Glu,'iIj tlid lJot IUllt ~.I:~~~r~~t~~~~I~~~;l: :::IJ"~,:~:~l~~~r,:'~!~~tlong. By thu y'l:U' 1~2j htl hllll COlll Wr,r;;:h~~:~~lWrrkl~;,lh:~'~I.~i. o~~:I~i:Y I~:"::::!poHOO so't'rl\l urn milS or 'lUl1rit, ioel lid "Inee hI. 1I11I.UtIlIL"" In I"ln;hll'" !I" "" 'If ..r ...t.IDS' "llrutuJi/, hili Illl\sh'rnh' '. Itll~t Su. i) In H'WII.hlll :O;fl.'" 11(,,11., nlnl\l ~ ... I W~II"L:lnri, Iht' AIlIi~1 of l\fihltI,"which 000 or Ih.. WLUamtllf' )IerilU.II,tnitled "MOffit', Swc ,t BOIIL£,:' 'l'his ''It:I~''~;\I'~~:II;';''~I.III..~I~~llh::)~l':,~~oll.r~r.drnmn Will' illClndl'll ill JIlltlllll>Cri lJl/!l lint h~",II)' r"'\"11'\.'11 In Ill.' Il" If ,'ll\llll~ '" Ihl~nm,'ll wllhlll ~ .,Iy IIlt11lhl). (1'01111 t11111l h"n'flr,1101<1 in tlu> yl'lIl' utb>. to Chnrlt i Kcll'l l.h'''fI unllt'r Ill)' trifid. III IIn·ullk... til 01/ ".bh', til Convent UlIrt!C'!l 'J'h('nlrl', WU 1.101. W.1.'" 1111. '.tr.l h dll\·"r,..,,\. II. "illJ.

tlOll, fur thirt)· JlCIWtl'i, Mi~ l'rt'l.', ~l-IO. H"dl.~:'~~~'~;c't~~:rJ·iat'l"n Kihttr or EJll'D l'rl"-'. ~'lDg th" 8>J1Ij; ,

•Up•.••1 illl fir:;t.sI'U\hll'liOIi. It W"!4 United Stntell Dialrict ]~anJ ORlC(\ i• . Olrll1l,ill, WI\l!hin¢l'In T,·rritory. r

lJOpl,I'lr Im.ll intely. A hl'lndrf'C.t :O;OII...l\.. henthy ICh'!n 111.11, In rt)nl!.!llllll"lhuuMnd copiL~ WNI' !'oM in onl',)'l~ftr ",IIh Ih" Il"wlllflf\'O(lh" ACI1,CConll"-'MIlp-

hut not one con' w u, lJuid tho flutlltJr J:'.::;;\t::::':-,1~li~e~:I:t;~I~;:I~;~1 ['~~I:~I:by the 101,unllle lJIIIJII..htnl. It hll~ :::;.l·~fl·WA~~\·"~~..\~·~tl~~~~~"I1,~r' ~~~t~'C'I~ distrilJule.l by 1Il1lJiJIl:t o~ MI) ('ollnly. W...htnjft ..., T..rrilflry.1uw Ihl~ '111)'lO'IU!lC~ tht'l . IUll1 tilt' f::'r"llk'l>t lriug 1I'led In lhb natl-otl hili .l'fI"...Hon Ifll"l,,·t\a-..e'M have lll'1i.l(hkoJ mpIIIJI of hl'lIr...r.s ~~~u; ~~I':~:': ~~a: ~:n~~·I~·'~.':'" ~: ~':';:'w:tb it3 simplu flIllt l"Il'lIing 1Ullriic rail:.. ~n. I _I ull.... \\,1I.._lIt 1I1'fldllll.nnd i;< ntim{lut. ill ... tJ")'m··,, litl'liU'y ....t.rx..:~\,:.*.\ )~':,lI~·~I'::Iuln~;~~~~~:.wur~ wbil£' in E'troJptl "'L'o1 c,ll'ril'd un .reo t'.eroohy "-'1ln'"",111'I fllf' ':f;"lrclMllI•• ln Ihlll

t· . to d I "m'IIl.IIIlIII" ,Ir tml 1M) In......"'l .. hl".........IlOJne lmes 10 II on fln, IfOnJ(·l1Wl'tl I 1,1\, n 1I1l.!..rll'" h.IIml.•' 1l1,O.Ilw. IlllMYIlI'in PurL'\. JI WIl." prt'CtlriOllS 'lIi to i:s PIlL. 1\'. T.• thlUlilb ltotJ'~tl~P;.~~".~~!.I~.timuu..ial n'llult!t, llu,1 til" ~-i.t '(I nuth 11::".. Krwl~lurorlh .. I.."'1 .,.......0" i~ ~Iid tQ h",o OOf.1nrotl crnul hard"ilipt> by rt':\iK)ll ot pO\wly. HI' n'tnrnr>d to Amcricu lU 1831. HUi litNnry I'('hl'lllf'lt I rO\'\.-d tUil'l'uhtnLIt'Pr... idC'ul Tyler npl)l):nt.'ll him COli

sci nt 'J'unir, in IbH. lit> W:1.!1 '1"('

c·\IIPt.1 dnriuJ: tbH flIhnim.,tralion ofIJlJ1k. l'r •..,,1(,1It FiUlu JI'C r,·ltppoilll('(1 blm l l.nJ bu lu~;11 thu l)1bitivn orClOlhtW to 'J'uni:i nt thlJ tIIoe or bl~dl-nth.

Wl:&tctm Count! Yew,.

EliUO••T10lf ahraYI Ie.nlta in lca'l'ingt.1,ft 1Iomeu in t-hl' <'Ouutry whpl'loo iltakOd I'~ eon..i(!t>mhly tiJ.t~iUlg t-hrm.,u iu lluml.tet, 'fhia is not.Lbl, tb.C.I~ in !reIRlhl. aUI\ ..tUl mOn!: lDE'lJ~lllnJ. ~herfl .'''11,..11 I1rtl alwJ,Y" UIl­w:lIlu" 10 ab.tlIl1"\lII"'lr h"lnC"

\\'ouM nAn III... R1\thllo.

Tl em il' no~hillJ:' like IIh...nt!illg' nr foryour rights. A mM in Chit'GO Wflawltchiug th.. coirMll tuf'U Pllt t1~ IL t..'llf.and .11 "'Mal thllt It WM dAIl''''fUll'lto ~ neRr. lLoI tne Ill'll... ..ere 1:"1>10 totopple o"~r. 1l!1Il n:-fu::ed ttl go II""Y.l\l8Ctlll.lO tile gwoo.,cl Lu!O"lgt.'t.J tu the 01,.,and be. IlII " nfluu. 111..1 a ri1h1 to I'l!th"re He h.t1 111",11 ttniJIheJ ~pPaking

whm hp lUll insrantly l..ilIed h}· ule 1M>lefillin,:; npou 1.1101 beAt!luHI left ·lIhooM.'r.Bnt he A;l>.Jd up fQr lLid rlgbw to the.eryw.L wOlncnt,

J.v.VNUtn ... (:tmlU!J( J.'" Jfr.£.u,UY.

A ma.n rrom OhlCllgo went Intoaeonn.try church wh.'rl) they WlJre aucl-ioninglitem Ilnd boltsht eyery AMt in the They thought him a re1igiona('rank until he otTerec1 to leU a& 10 per(tent. ILdvtlllC<l. whcn they beoame .waze't1lut bulu"l T'Cllt"J the building for aJ I'ar 111,1 thl\t. 110 lK'ata ooul,l be gotwithout Applying to him. A meeting ortlle OOIlgrtiR'llliou WM lleld Iud a plan11· .... dt!Ci It.>d lI»on. ~1Il were qnieUyIlllTchlLll8J uotil a liLtlti mor.. than hilto( them .... tnt t.ken. The "peculAtorthell round thnt Le bad hlilf tbi! aeata onlila banda and it woulll n!fJ.uire aD armyof poliecl1l1en every8umllly to keep~lite from occupying t.h~1D. He o1l"«ed~1J.e1l ofl' at COIlt; then at I diacou.nt;hat then! wcre no tll1l:era, aDd tbe l1Dart

hlCllob"O mn w('at Lack home oonmeedat the Lorll ...n·, em his tide Ul.&l


JiI.f'l"'011 ",'nol.Minf'rtll wl'tol f\f" ··\W.!·' ("ott "'11'1 nn'

nl t1l1&J1'OoC CllrlVU" al,,1 11I"·l,.. ,.·t.',1 in \'''n,tl4ms lLfl!llll;t fr"ll tIll' t".'r·lIJCr.....llllJf'tf"rt" ,.r mul.,n'l ~"'I'I'l"" In ullli1,· Ih.• r.~t.' m"'''II'\I". lll,l,,_tn·. It WI_ tino!wnllllflll'tl1ro·tllll '-,r '" 'l'I:lIt:th'<o, III O'l" nftlL,'llIrrl'~11ll ''''''''II''~''I Knlp!'. III E""l'Il.ft Inr'I "'\\II ..r l'IIl~'\ll••111 ti,·, IUulll'... llt·r~"'11l'1l i'l1I1I.'·....• CIII"lllfl"!lof f'.I1111'fl\1t ..rn&tt .,r ",,1"1-:" 1""ll""''lInm!:\f''11 ",~'IrAfl. r ,.,nr tl.'" 'I' 1\ , .. l;t>l riol ,f It· I....('.. m.'-II ~I MlI1I'1I·r.,I""Ill, • It hl'.. l funm..l'11'I1h' rt"""·'·',IIII.· ..,... ·,1 m·mlllnlU'. " hI'li\l",~llll ,lit' l.r'I~~I·i ..n IIf 111.1,1., ,.iruI'"an.\ tnn Ii,-, I· r "r.wi~~·. IIn<1 rllr lIrtl'fif'I.llllllI"r. ~ u ,..I.'h. Ilf th.. I'h,, '" uro' I" ·\ t ~lt .... I'. It I~ lu,...1til tllI.1 II t •.I.1" .In,l' fro (t fr IIll thi"..llllh.'mll"u. U1l1/' 0",1 il "':Ii.l 10 ho"r.,*'lIt III 1lI1... t lOr th.' 1.. '(':, IInw Ior...·('ol.TIll' hll! Illlil" If II' 1.0' "... I'll"'· IH IIIf;'ghh'()oo(t nlUllIUIlI"t '1'. Tl,,· I,ll I r Jl'll~

II)) a .. IIl'II>~'" IIf" ,it'll th,· \\.n· It l'dhtM' mfl).· 1'( 11:1""'iti'~ fI.,,1 II.· l"OIlt"llLl;COII"Ult Ilf ", .. ,"".\OI,! " J,:lllt...... ·. TI,,iull'lIt C1lmh 1\11.1 11II:ll}'y :\1'(1 !lnu!l­'lOlli'" ,11111' Ill" ,Ill(".. t ""llit" 1'llInr.. Verm,"'!." 111111'1111 ,,,' !'OM Itt 111'( 11mprice fit 1'1 w,'st !lmrlt. Th;.s "tllt\·\\lmlilloc tJ;..~nlO II illerl '~lh'l' "lIt f••,' tI,eIlC"llU"(> R~ .. tlr. 11t'1I IIf f'r If. 'till'· .". '1'"tllb I)1H·.lulu••• I· l:!ur,,,t' '" 1,1,1, ~"m" '?'.the Ilruf..,.,.lll· I\)l'li 11 I!'I,ll it It.!l .1"I)o'1I'~

, '11 till' pl'l1lelWl' IIr llhM'llt'" of "n l'Illllricnei,l. luuo 1111<1 1'U1'1'I r. wl.idl n,.,· uI'! tofiud tildr wnol' illiu 11m Illticlll tlir...u3himperled rhcluieniitultllll':ll.

l.Cltllloll Slglll",.1.1>11(1011 1 wrilt'''' n rlJrra"Jlcon,lent, 11nell

nut 11IlMot mlu rullUlot hru nil lit thf! IllmpKar'l lit. 'filt·)· htll'c' fur mnre GilH 011 IIII'IJlook Uum Wt·. 'L'h,m Ihu 1ll~'rillt.L! llfcnb~ rtlllly t'nmmclll:u rnllillK. lint.!throuJ[h lilt! ~III~'" ftollt.llof tiltl hllll'l')OIKrun hR\·tl tciLm!J"f>~ lIf tlll)-e hli!!8 of tht!gn.'e!l 1j(.1.1.;~ lor" h....lli ...tltel'lI tuil 111I'"IIpill. 1l1l.1 ~'rt l'Joltllllllll in 1111 hiA glllTY"'ILK lIut IIrtll.rr,1 like 1'IIltO thoJw. No,iuoletld, YVII ,it \U :L LumlOll thf!8terl\Dlllook llt tim aTrllyof arlu. ~houldcr

Rnd bu!>t iu Ihn OOxt'K-nll iu tile trout.too-with. v1ltil,ml mOl her ~lifDly lW!euin the bl\("kgruluul ~111H!rvUtiug hf!r arr"yof ....Ilret'. III I~ lIl1'rl'llliut l}lIb hie choitoe.t~ lu the wiIlJI'W1C, Ilud tlU'n lle.holJhAlt a bTll.lfl1"l!\1 0lW'rll'i:IM~ Itl tuiL!>CU'Jiac h"UlI:'l poini('\ in Ihllt direction. Dullyou mly wonller ""hetller lhe gClltll'lliCUl:lAiJ to St..., llU' lJo:rfurlll~I"'"011 tbtl tlugour tJla exhibitiuu ill Illll ticn!.

....rnrt... r."'·rprl'~1The nne IijIricultaT1l1 npl,nnlh .of

Semillbmoo are rapklly Iia iug into thebaod8 of kttler-.

A /:ClntleMlln who .i..;1&) tbf', W,,"bin::­Loa 0010n)"'8 mill. nr l'ru 1k1ny lIi~ht. 'WMirnprt't.8C<1 with the f~t thll~ tbClIQiIl Will

oo'n(: II good bn iDf'Y.

foule3tuerCilyof Qninc)' toweo.l (l

b'lOlD of 10tlt' from Lnmmi tu Whntcomun Tcell.h11 nighl, fot tbe lUll or the col·ony mtll. 'l'be colon) lULl another boomlI{,llrlr rcw1y nt LTnden.

Thl.! !::Skn(lft coal miut'f" on Ule SklKitri\·l'r. nbollt t1urt.y ll1ih:'tl{'~tofthii(lllnt't·.

hn"t"e been thOrtlllr,hly pn>epcctt-...l IImlt'rthel1irrot.ion or Grove. Adums k Co" of~hn FmncillCo. rukl are 1I0W vnhll'\l tit..........tUJ.

SUIIIO prominent citir:enlI of Lyn\It:JIc'mtt'mplllle iJnilllill(l a "tenmer 60 rt.'f!tIn It'llltth, 10 ft'tlt 1,,'81ll. nu,lwlth 1\ Jrnrtor t-wu foot. Tbi81ittlfllttcllnlCr iK intend­C'l1 for thc KoukAllCk trt\l.le oulr.nnd thereil little dllllbt thnt tbere will Lc (lleul)'vf Irnf11c to keep her buay.


I'JW,.,.;II MJtlil-"ltVr.

During bre&kf",t at the Hard·Che".lD8' Roue, Skidmore, the star boarder,jumped Up. and. with .. profouad bow,opeaed t.he door for oolorOO. waiter.

"Getliag 1'0l'J poUte. 188mt to me,"powled old Mil). Bagge.

"It .a·t poli1en6U; WI respect forage." Mid l:lAJiImore. gloomil1. II Didn·t.IOU It'e he carried the butter in onebaud and a IpriagcWekllnin tbe olherP"

AJul tbe landlad,. retired to make out.b..LI bill_&rrlck Dodd..

Tn late U81JrgCl W. Gill. of Woroee.­ter. MMIa., weut. to tha~ cit,. flit,. 1eahago .. taU, .wk.ard 1.101. without. anI'espital exoe~' w. trade .. a blacbmitb..Ue died 008 ~ ricbeat men inWor06lter. IIld ao compJete .. mMlet ofhia blLl1neM lJu,t hia jadgment .. to thoqulitTlWd mlWuf.riunl of raiJrwd iron" .. oooaidered final by aIJ upe.rU inIba& depanment.-----

Sau.T.JK QJuLoolT. of OoZondo, ha4all lua wOI"ldl1 pG"aeuiollA atoleo froIDhim in 1860. and he wcnt to work ...da,. lal.onsr 00 a rlLl'Dl. He Dow bu ..11UJ6 and nlQabl~Proput.1 at Piltblo.,..ben be ...idea.

QO&D Cuowsa. llith a diamond,'!\roLe on tbe 'Wirkluw 01 lief pataoe:.. Lord. make oth~ great, keep me in­r.ocent."A.'I( J.JtMU - f'I"war - ..f.Jwur r~


Whea the Htth .... nry J'O'lD«. N,.Dr. &.ll. Aatronomer Royal ror wen' ronud 10 fut Uul' the day ...oal" thr8U houra long. The Mtt.b WI:a

Jjq~ then. and,.. it lpun round atthat fearflll.pedd, all{llUl tbe lun tid. on the 1w1ace, itat lut. bunt in two.. The amallet PMtw.. 1111 UWOD••'hich bu bee.D goingrouud Lbe earth eyt'r .wOlf .t lW ioere....Ing diJItlW:le. The mOOD DOW raiaeeUdel on the earth. aDd while there ...auy liquid to oper.~ OQ in the moon

lhe earth returned tbe compliment.

or." .".""H Urtrll,tfl't'fIC.

A mok hIll $i",·j]) in ItA ,..ultA. 'Thet'Ml\ier ~t'hl ........y "lib SUO.:kl'2. and th.hank Idlle_ ,,"lib him £Jr two-thWLRow mucb III the I Ilk abl1'ad, And ..b.,wi\1 Lbp p"'}r lw,hll'r dG if nut 1I'int.c.rbappeull 1.. lie II Mr.1 (Jlll"?

A 11t1Ulto"I'.wl\&er ,-011'1111)" forty-(!,igMGlinQ~ III li,.:hllJ1g In.. P'IIe; fifty-th'"mlDut.. III l..Ihug Ilom's t'..ent)' min~alia III .'1l11-1I101; • li.llt'heo-gul Ibirty­ail: _milt. in hllh1l0j::' ttl' Ito aore Onger,atl,l 'Jl1lti ."ork Dille IlUllUh to 6. Howmud. lUll" JIIIII~ 11M! IU6lmployeroutlIf, antI hili. \ ill It take him toYoor. hWINIf t" ,1,- Iii?

A w.r .. hu 16 lU'ut Uti an emuw ltoplto ""Itch thn't." 11.~~. 1'11.\"8 marlilee ,dthh,"r lJ 'yilt dunl ttm "lithIc treetl, tak"II .hurt rile 011 II wl,l('llltlle, make.11'1 r...-e. at Ihr..'01 Virl.., auJ Ilib on •IlIwllfr pilI! r,., fifta'1l miuuta to helpftnolilcr 00)' It"ll.rn 10 Iwoke. Wh.t did heget ll'lItD Ill· ~ut hl)tJlt". "ucl how IODgltid it take Ilim to 1n,lke 1,,'1 Olothl'T be­Iie,·o lhw.llie Im,1 ~omt) in two miuute..h<.'aJ, of clll\ill.ligl,tumg,

A 1;l"Ot.'t!r. whOHC ICalCi onlyweigh Ilhooll OIlr.ceM to too pound,eelllt 820 polIllll. of VlLriOU8 gooc.lae\'cry twch'c 1,,111",. Find what begnillA ,,'ctlkly. Bud otler ~'Olt bave figuredit. up do Yllllr tulling with IlOme otherbuum

A Ilkly de8itoR to divido eis. girllt to thnt eQCb girl cnnWCILl lIno W tbe purly, How CMlbe doit without. one of the Rirla iutwo'

At one of Eli Perkin.·I~tnnllin Ohioin. bo.lllk'ating820 poopleone·tbirliethof the .eatl WeN jlUllmed full of eutha·.iaatie adDJ.iren. }~iDd ~e number ofIOaU wbich dum'! admire worth a oen!:abo explain bow flU' Eli tn."tled by FootI: Walkt!t'. line nut UAy.

A dog ItnrtA (lilt ta oyerlue a oat.8be 11M .eventy feeL the .Iarl nnd know.that he m6aU.I InuinclJ!. At the BOd of"err rod abe .111_ b&ek two lnabel [.ndbe pint four incb_ How fu mUlt heleg it to O1't!rlIlke her and huab her

Toowla lorna PThree .licu of I~"'ood weigbing

a"o and a balf IlOllJlde be.od abo,.'.Met four inches out. o( plumb. Bowmany additiooal etich "ill it take tomake h. chiD tnucb his kneev f

A wom.a.n alls at. thirt.eeD difl'erenidry.rood- Itorea, walka • diltanae ofthree mn-. Enters lhl'08 millinery abopa,htJtI bell>re lenD wow windon. ct.llaUpoII iwu lewolen., lUU) take. the 0ILl' fOl'bome. calcal.tiDg &0 free.e the bumanbIeDa who dOtllu·t. YaCl.te !WI .eat. forber the hatant Ihe g1lta ber nOM Waidethe door. Find how m&nY_' Cometo think or it, you'•• touud it all wl:enIhe dropl do..n without. a H thank ,ou."-J+uPnu.