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9-1 DIVISION 9 – MATERIALS Section 901. Cement and Lime ......................................................................... 9-3 Section 902. Aggregates ................................................................................... 9-5 Section 903. Admixtures and Curing Materials for Concrete ........................... 9-24 Section 904. Asphaltic Materials...................................................................... 9-27 Section 905. Steel Reinforcement ................................................................... 9-44 Section 906. Structural Steel ........................................................................... 9-47 Section 907. Fencing Materials ....................................................................... 9-52 Section 908. Miscellaneous Metal Products .................................................... 9-59 Section 909. Drainage Products ...................................................................... 9-66 Section 910. Geosynthetics ............................................................................. 9-91 Section 911. Water .......................................................................................... 9-96 Section 912. Timber and Lumber .................................................................... 9-98 Section 913. Masonry Units........................................................................... 9-118 Section 914. Joint and Waterproofing Materials ............................................ 9-121 Section 915. Bridge Coating Systems ........................................................... 9-126 Section 916. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Materials........................... 9-128 Section 917. Turf and Landscaping Materials................................................ 9-132 Section 918. Electrical and Lighting Materials ............................................... 9-142 Section 919. Permanent Traffic Sign and Support Materials ......................... 9-158 Section 920. Permanent Pavement Marking Materials.................................. 9-168 Section 921. Permanent Traffic Signal Materials ........................................... 9-172 Section 922. Temporary Traffic Control Materials .......................................... 9-210 Section 923. Water Main Materials ................................................................ 9-227


Oct 16, 2021



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Section 901. Cement and Lime ......................................................................... 9-3

Section 902. Aggregates ................................................................................... 9-5

Section 903. Admixtures and Curing Materials for Concrete ........................... 9-24

Section 904. Asphaltic Materials ...................................................................... 9-27

Section 905. Steel Reinforcement ................................................................... 9-44

Section 906. Structural Steel ........................................................................... 9-47

Section 907. Fencing Materials ....................................................................... 9-52

Section 908. Miscellaneous Metal Products .................................................... 9-59

Section 909. Drainage Products ...................................................................... 9-66

Section 910. Geosynthetics ............................................................................. 9-91

Section 911. Water .......................................................................................... 9-96

Section 912. Timber and Lumber .................................................................... 9-98

Section 913. Masonry Units ........................................................................... 9-118

Section 914. Joint and Waterproofing Materials ............................................ 9-121

Section 915. Bridge Coating Systems ........................................................... 9-126

Section 916. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Materials........................... 9-128

Section 917. Turf and Landscaping Materials ................................................ 9-132

Section 918. Electrical and Lighting Materials ............................................... 9-142

Section 919. Permanent Traffic Sign and Support Materials ......................... 9-158

Section 920. Permanent Pavement Marking Materials .................................. 9-168

Section 921. Permanent Traffic Signal Materials ........................................... 9-172

Section 922. Temporary Traffic Control Materials .......................................... 9-210

Section 923. Water Main Materials ................................................................ 9-227






Section 901. Cement and Lime

901.01. General Requirements

Provide facilities for sampling and inspecting cement at the mill, distribution

point, and project. Store cement to allow access for inspection and

identification of each shipment.

Ensure that Portland cement does not develop false set if tested by the

mortar method specified in ASTM C359. The Department defines false set as

occurring if penetration is less than 5 mm at 5-, 8-, or 11-minute intervals. The

Department will apply these limits if difficulties arise from premature stiffening

during the concrete placement or finishing.

Before concrete placement, provide the Engineer a copy of the Certification

of Quality of Cement, as provided by the producer.

901.02. Testing

Cement and lime materials testing must be in accordance with the specified

ASTM, AASHTO, or Department methods, as modified by this section.

901.03. Portland Cement

A. Type I, Type II, and Type III Portland Cements. Type I, Type II, and

Type III Portland cements must meet the requirements of ASTM

C150/C150M. The requirements for time of setting by Gillmore Needle or

Vicat Needle and the 7-day and 28-day compressive strength apply.

B. Blended Cements. Blended cements must meet the requirements of

ASTM C595/C595M.

901.04. Masonry Cement

Masonry cement must meet the requirements of ASTM C91/C91M, Type N,

Type S, or Type M.

901.05. Hydrated Lime

Hydrated lime must meet the requirements of ASTM C207, Type S, or

Type SA.

901.06. Slag Cement

Slag cement must meet the requirements of ASTM C989/C989M, Grade 100,



MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 901


901.07. Fly Ash

Fly ash must meet the requirements of ASTM C618, Class F or Class C,

except that the loss on ignition must not exceed 5% and the air-entraining

admixture uniformity requirement in ASTM C168, Table 3 of Supplementary

Optional Physical Requirements, applies.

901.08. Silica Fume, Dry-Densified

Dry-densified silica fume must meet the requirements of ASTM C1240.



Section 902. Aggregates

902.01. General Requirements

The Department may re-inspect and retest aggregates regardless of

inspection at the producing plant. Provide safe access to the material for

sampling from haul units or stockpiles.

Do not use spent metal casting foundry sand unless the contract expressly

allows for its use.

Do not contaminate aggregate during loading or measurement.

902.02. Testing

Test aggregate materials in accordance with the following:

Material Test

Wire Cloth and Sieves .......................................................... AASHTO M92

Materials Finer than 75 mm (No. 200) Sieve in

Mineral Aggregates by Washing ........................................ AASHTO T11

Specific Gravity and Absorption

of Coarse Aggregate .......................................................... AASHTO T85

Specific Gravity and Absorption

of Fine Aggregates............................................................. AASHTO T84

Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate ....................... AASHTO T27

Sampling and Testing Fly Ash ...................................... ASTM C311/C311M

Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregate ..................................... AASHTO T21

Sieve Analysis of Mineral Filler .............................................. AASHTO T37

Mortar Strength ...................................................................... AASHTO T71

Particle Size Analysis ............................................................. AASHTO T88

Plastic Fines in Graded Aggregates and

Soils by Use of the Sand Equivalent Test ........................ AASHTO T176

Uncompacted Void Content of Fine Aggregate .................... AASHTO T304

Sand Equivalent of Fine Aggregate ........................................ ASTM D2419

Flat Particles, Elongated Particles, or Flat and

Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate .......................... ASTM D4791

Water Asphalt Preferential Test .................................................... MTM 101

Los Angeles (LA) Abrasion Resistance

of Aggregate ............................................................................ MTM 102

Insoluble Residue in Carbonate Aggregate .................................. MTM 103


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 902


Sampling Aggregates ................................................................... MTM 107

Loss by Washing .......................................................................... MTM 108

Sieve Analysis of Aggregate......................................................... MTM 109

Deleterious and Objectionable Particles ....................................... MTM 110

Aggregate Wear Index .................................................................. MTM 111

Aggregate Wear Index .................................................................. MTM 112

Selection and Preparation of Coarse Aggregate

Samples for Freeze-Thaw Testing ............................................ MTM 113

Making Concrete Specimens for Freeze-Thaw

Testing on Concrete Coarse Aggregate .................................... MTM 114

Freeze-Thaw Testing of Coarse Aggregate ................................... MTM 115

Crushed Particles in Aggregates ................................................... MTM 117

Angularity Index of Fine Aggregate ............................................... MTM 118

Sampling Open-Graded Drainage Course

Compacted in Place .................................................................. MTM 119

Dry Unit Weight (Loose Measure)

of Coarse Aggregate ................................................................ MTM 123

Determining Percentage of Flat Particles,

Elongated Particles, or Flat and Elongated

Particles in Aggregate .............................................................. MTM 130

Determining Specific Gravity and Absorption of

Coarse Aggregates .................................................................. MTM 320

Determining Specific Gravity and Absorption of

Fine Aggregates....................................................................... MTM 321

A. Definitions. The Department uses the following terminology in the testing

and acceptance of aggregates:

Base Fineness Modulus. Average fineness modulus typical of the

source for a specific fine aggregate.

Cobblestones (Cobbles). Rock fragments, usually rounded or

semi-rounded, with an average dimension between 3 and 10 inches.

Crushed Concrete Aggregate. Crushed Portland cement concrete.

Crushed Particles. Particles with at least one fractured face. The

contract will specify the number of fractured faces based on required

use. Unless otherwise specified, one fractured face is considered a

crushed particle.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 902


Iron Blast Furnace Slag. Synthetic nonmetallic byproduct simultaneously

produced with pig iron in a blast furnace that consists primarily of a

fused mixture of oxides of silica, alumina, calcium, and magnesia.

Manufactured Fine Aggregate. 100% crushed rock, gravel, iron

blast-furnace slag, reverberatory furnace slag, or steel furnace slag.

Natural Aggregates. Aggregates that originated from stone quarries,

gravel, sand, or igneous/metamorphic rock deposits.

Natural Sand 2NS and 2MS. Fine, clean, hard, durable, uncoated

particles of sand free of clay lumps and soft or flaky granular material

resulting from the natural disintegration of rock and used in concrete

mixtures, mortar mixtures, and intrusion grout for pre-placed aggregate


Relative Density (oven dry [OD]). Specific gravity of aggregate that is

dried or assumed to be dried. The aggregate is considered dried when

it has been maintained at a temperature of 110 ± 5°C for sufficient time

to remove all combined water by reaching a constant mass.

Reverberatory Furnace Slag. Nonmetallic byproduct of refined copper


Salvaged Aggregate. Dense-graded aggregate or open-graded

aggregate saved or manufactured from Department project sources

that may consist of natural aggregate or blast furnace slag with particle

sizes no greater than 2 inches and no visible organic or foreign matter.

Slag Aggregates. Byproducts formed in the production of iron, copper,

and steel.

Soft Particles. Structurally weak particles or particles experiencing

environmental deterioration, including shale, siltstone, friable

sandstone, ochre, coal, and clay ironstone.

Steel Furnace Slag. Synthetic byproduct of basic oxygen, electric, or

open-hearth steel furnaces that consist primarily of a fused mixture of

oxides of calcium, silica, iron, alumina, and magnesia.

Stone Sand 2SS. Sand manufactured from stone sources. The sources

must meet the physical requirements for coarse aggregate 6A prior to

crushing. Stone sand in concrete base course or structural concrete is

allowed only if not exposed to vehicular traffic.

902.03. Coarse Aggregates for Portland Cement Concrete

For coarse aggregates for Portland cement concrete, use Michigan Class

6AAA, 6AA, 6A, 17A, and 26A coarse aggregate produced from natural

aggregate, iron blast furnace slag, or reverberatory furnace slag sources.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 902


The Contractor may produce Michigan Class 6A, 17A, and 26A from crushed

Portland cement concrete for uses specified in this subsection.

Ensure that the relative density (OD) falls within the limits established by

freeze-thaw testing.

Provide coarse aggregates for Portland cement concrete in accordance with

Table 902-1, Table 902-2, and this subsection.

A. Slag Coarse Aggregate. Use slag coarse aggregate consisting of iron

blast furnace slag or reverberatory furnace slag with a dry (loose

measure) unit weight of at least 70 pounds per cubic foot in accordance

with MTM 123.

B. Crushed Concrete Coarse Aggregate. Use Department-owned concrete

on the project to produce crushed concrete coarse aggregate. The

Contractor may use crushed concrete coarse aggregate in the following

concrete mixtures: curb and gutter, valley gutter, sidewalk, concrete

barriers, driveways, temporary pavement, interchange ramps with a

commercial average daily traffic (ADT) of less than 250, and concrete


Do not use crushed concrete coarse aggregate in the following: mainline

pavements or ramps with a commercial ADT greater than or equal to 250,

concrete base course, bridges, box or slab culverts, headwalls, retaining

walls, pre-stressed concrete, or other heavily reinforced concrete.

Avoid contamination with non-concrete materials, including joint sealants,

hot mix asphalt (HMA) patching, and base layer aggregate or soil, when

processing crushed concrete coarse aggregate. Limit contamination

particles retained on the ⅜-inch sieve to no greater than 3.0%, based on a

particle count of the total retained ⅜-inch aggregate particles. Aggregate

stockpile contaminated with building brick, wood, or plaster will be

rejected. Steel reinforcement pieces may remain in the stockpile if they

can pass the maximum grading sieve size without aid. Ensure that the

fine aggregate portion of the gradation does not exceed a liquid limit of

25.0% or a plasticity index of 4.0.

The Engineer will test the freeze-thaw durability of crushed concrete

coarse aggregate for each project. After the Department’s central

laboratory receives the aggregate samples from the supplier, each test

will require at least 3 months.

Crush concrete ensuring that it maintains uniform aggregate properties

with no apparent segregation. The relative density (OD) must not vary

more than ±0.05 and absorption by more than ±0.40. Separate crushed

concrete aggregate according to the original coarse aggregate type,

except in the following situations:


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 902


1. If the weighed quantities of each aggregate type retained on the No. 4

sieve do not differ from the average quantities obtained from at least

three representative samples by more than 10%; or

2. If using aggregate produced from concrete pavement with only one

type of aggregate but repaired with concrete patches with a different

aggregate type.

C. Aggregates for Optimized Gradation

1. Coarse Aggregate Requirements

a. Coarse aggregate includes all aggregate particles greater than or

retained on the 3/4-inch sieve.

b. The physical requirements for the coarse aggregate are as

specified in Table 902-1 and as follows:

High-performance concrete mixtures – Class 6AAA; and

All other concrete mixtures requiring optimized gradation –

Class 6AA.

c. The maximum loss by washing (LBW) per MTM 108 is 2.0% for

materials produced entirely by crushing rock, boulders, cobbles,

slag or concrete; otherwise 1.0%.

d. The maximum 24-hour soak absorption is 2.50%.

2. Intermediate Aggregate Requirements

a. Intermediate aggregate includes all aggregate particles passing

the 3/4-inch sieve through those retained on the No. 4 sieve.

b. The physical requirements for intermediate aggregate are as

specified in Table 902-1 for Class 26A.

c. The maximum LBW per MTM 108 is 3.0%.

3. Fine Aggregate Requirements

a. Fine aggregate includes all aggregates particles passing the No. 4


b. The fine aggregate must meet the requirements of subsection


902.04. Chip Seal Aggregates

For single chip seal, use 34CS aggregate with a maximum moisture content

in accordance with Table 902-8 and as described in MDOT’s Procedures for


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 902


Aggregate Inspection, calculated in accordance with section 109 at the time

of placement, and in accordance with Table 902-7 and Table 902-8.

For double chip seal, use CS-T aggregate with a maximum moisture content

in accordance with Table 902-8 and as described in MDOT’s Procedures for

Aggregate Inspection, calculated in accordance with section 109 at the time

of placement, and in accordance with Table 902-7 and Table 902-8.

902.05. Dense-Graded Aggregates for Base Course, Surface Course, Shoulders, Approaches, and Patching

When necessary, combine fine aggregate with natural aggregate, iron

blast-furnace slag, reverberatory furnace slag, or crushed concrete to

produce Michigan Class 21AA, 21A, 22A, 23A, and 23AA dense-graded

aggregates in accordance with Table 902-1, Table 902-2, and this subsection.

The use of crushed concrete is prohibited on the project within 100 feet of

any water course (stream, river, county drain, etc.) and lake regardless of the

application or location of the water course or lake relative to the project limits.

Dense-graded aggregate produced by crushing Portland cement concrete

must not contain more than 5.0% building rubble or HMA by particle count.

The Department defines building rubble as building brick, wood, plaster, or

other material. Pieces of steel reinforcement capable of passing through the

maximum grading sieve size without aid are allowed.

Do not use Class 21AA, 21A, or 22A dense-graded aggregate produced by

crushing Portland cement concrete to construct an aggregate base or an

aggregate separation layer when the dense-graded layer drains into an

underdrain unless at least one of the following conditions apply:

A. A vertical layer of at least 12 inches of granular Class I, II, IIA, or IIAA

exists between the dense-graded aggregate layer and an underdrain; or

B. A geotextile liner or blocking membrane that will be a barrier to leachate is

placed between the crushed concrete and the underdrain.

Produce Class 23A dense-graded aggregate from steel furnace slag for use

only as an unbound aggregate surface course or an unbound aggregate


902.06. Open-Graded Aggregates for Earthwork, Open-Graded Drainage Courses, and Underdrains

Use Michigan Class 4G, 34G, 34R, and 46G open-graded aggregates

produced from natural aggregate, iron blast-furnace slag, or reverberatory

furnace slag in accordance with Table 902-1 and Table 902-2. Class 4G may

be produced from crushed concrete.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 902


The use of crushed concrete is prohibited on the project within 100 feet of

any water course (stream, river, county drain, etc.) and lake regardless of the

application or location of the water course or lake relative to the project limits.

Open-graded aggregate 4G produced by crushing Portland cement concrete

must not contain more than 5.0% building rubble or HMA by particle count.

The Department defines building rubble as building brick, wood, plaster, or

other material. Pieces of steel reinforcement capable of passing through the

maximum grading sieve size without aid are allowed.

902.07. Granular Materials for Fill and Subbase

Use granular materials consisting of sand, gravel, crushed stone, iron

blast-furnace slag, reverberatory furnace slag, or a blend of aggregates in

accordance with Table 902-3 and this subsection.

The Contractor may make the following substitutions:

A. Class I, Class IIAA, or Dense-Graded Aggregate 21A, 21AA, or 22A

material for Class II material;

B. Class I, Class II, Class IIA, Class IIAA, Class IIIA, or Dense-Graded

Aggregate 21A, 21AA, or 22A material for Class III material;

C. Class I material for Class IIAA material; and

D. Dense-Graded Aggregate 21A, 21AA, or 22A material for Class IIA.

Do not use material with cementitious properties or with permeability

characteristics that do not meet design parameters for subbase.

Granular material produced from crushed Portland cement concrete is not


The Engineer may allow the placement of granular material produced from

steel furnace slag below the top 3 feet of the embankment and fill.

902.08. Fine Aggregates for Portland Cement Concrete and Mortar

Test for organic impurities in accordance with AASHTO T21. The aggregate

must not produce a color darker than Organic Plate No. 3 (Gardener Color

Standard No. 11). The Engineer may approve the use of fine aggregate that

fails the test for organic impurities based on one of the following:

A. The discoloration resulted from small quantities of coal, lignite, or similar

discrete particles, or

B. The tested concrete develops a relative 7-day strength of at least 95% in

accordance with AASHTO T71.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 902


Uniformly grade the aggregate from coarse to fine in accordance with

Table 902-4. Fine aggregate 2NS, 2SS, and 2MS must meet fineness

modulus requirements in Table 902-4.

Do not use crushed Portland cement concrete fine aggregate in concrete


902.09. Aggregate General Requirements for HMA Mixtures

Use aggregate materials meeting the requirements of Table 902-5 and

Table 902-6 for the HMA mix number and type required, respectively.

A. Coarse Aggregates. For HMA mixtures, use natural aggregate, iron

blast-furnace slag, reverberatory furnace slag, steel furnace slag, or

crushed concrete as coarse aggregate.

B. Fine Aggregates. For HMA mixtures, use natural aggregate, iron

blast-furnace slag, reverberatory furnace slag, steel furnace slag,

manufactured fine aggregate, or a uniformly graded blend as fine

aggregate. Fine aggregates must be clean, hard, durable, uncoated, and

free of clay lumps, organic matter, soft or flakey material, and other

foreign matter.

902.10. Surface Treatment Aggregates

A. Paver-Placed Surface Seal. For paver-placed surface seal, use

aggregate 27SS or 30SS consisting of material meeting the requirements

in subsection 902.09.B and in accordance with Table 902-7 and

Table 902-8.

B. Micro-Surfacing. For micro surfacing, use 2FA and 3FA aggregates

consisting of crushed material from a quarried stone, natural gravel, slag

source, or a blend in accordance with Table 902-7 and Table 902-8.

C. Slurry Seal. For slurry seal, use 2FA aggregate consisting of crushed

material from a quarried stone, natural gravel, slag source, or a blend in

accordance with Table 902-7 and Table 902-8.

902.11. Mineral Filler for HMA Mixtures

For HMA mixtures, use dry, 3MF mineral filler consisting of limestone dust,

dolomite dust, fly ash collected by an electrostatic precipitation method, slag,

or hydrated lime with 100% passing the No. 30 sieve and 75% to 100%

passing the No. 200 sieve. Mineral filler must be from a

Department-approved source or must be tested on a per-project basis. The

free carbon content of the fly ash sample must not exceed 12% by weight as

measured by the loss on ignition test in accordance with ASTM C311/C311M.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 902


Table 902-1: Grading Requirements for Coarse Aggregates, Dense-Graded Aggregates, and Open-Graded Aggregates

Material Type

Series/ Class

Item of Work by Section Number (Sequential)

Sieve Analysis (MTM 109) Total % Passing(a) LBW (MTM 108)

% Passing

2½ inch

2 inch 1½ inch 1 inch ¾ inch ½ inch ⅜ inch No. 4 No. 8

No. 30 No. 200(a)

Coarse aggregates

6AAA(b) 602, 1004 — — 100 90–100 60 – 85 30–60 — 0–8 — — ≤1.0(c)

6AA(b) 406, 602, 706, 708, 806, 1004, 1006

— — 100 95–100 — 30–60 — 0–8 — — ≤1.0(c)

6A 206, 401, 402, 406, 602, 603, 706, 806, 1004, 1006

— — 100 95–100 — 30–60 — 0–8 — — ≤1.0(c)

17A 401, 406, 706, 708, 1004

— — — 100 90–100 50–75 — 0–8 — — ≤1.0(c)

25A — — — — 100 95–100

60–90 5–30 0–12 — ≤3.0

26A 706, 712, 1004, 1006

— — — — 100 95–100

60–90 5–30 0–2 — ≤3.0

29A 1004 — — — — — 100 90–100

10– 0 0–10 — ≤3.0

Dense-graded aggregates

21AA 302, 304, 305, 306, 307

— — 100 85–100 — 50–75 — — 20–45 — 4–8(d)(e)

21A 302, 305, 306, 307 — — 100 85–100 — 50–75 — — 20–45 — 4–8(d)(e)

22A 302, 305, 306, 307 — — — 100 90–100 — 65–85 — 30–50 — 4–8(d)(e,(f)

23A 306, 307 — — — 100 — — 60–85 — 25–60 — 9–16(e)

23AA 306, 307 — — — 100 — — 60–85 — 25–60 — 9–16(e)


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 902


Table 902-1 (cont.): Grading Requirements for Coarse Aggregates, Dense-Graded Aggregates, and Open-Graded Aggregates

Material Type

Series/ Class

Item of Work by Section Number (Sequential)

Sieve Analysis (MTM 109) Total % Passing(a) LBW (MTM 108)

% Passing

2½ inch

2 inch 1½ inch 1 inch ¾ inch ½ inch ⅜ inch No. 4 No. 8

No. 30 No. 200(a)

Open-graded aggregates

4G (g) 303 — — 100 85–100 — 45–65 — — 15–30 6–18 ≤6.0

(h) 303 — — 100 85–100 — 45–70 — — 15–35 8–22 ≤8.0

34R 401, 404, 406 — — — — — 100 90–100

— 0 – 5 — ≤3.0

34G 404, 406 — — — — — 100 95–100

— 0 – 5 — ≤3.0

46G 206, 208, 401, 402, 406, 916

— — 100 95-100 — 30-60 — 0-8 — — ≤3.0

(a) Based on dry weights.

(b) Class 6AAA will be used exclusively for all mainline and ramp concrete pavement when the directional commercial ADT is greater than or equal to 5,000 vehicles per day. Other requirements apply for high-performance concrete.

(c) Loss by washing (LBW) will not exceed 2.0% for material produced entirely by crushing rock, boulders, cobbles, slag, or concrete.

(d) When used for aggregate base courses, surface courses, shoulders, and approaches and the material is produced entirely by crushing rock, boulders, cobbles, slag, or concrete, the maximum limit for LBW must not exceed 10%.

(e) The limits for LBW of dense-graded aggregates are significant to the nearest whole percent.

(f) For aggregates produced from sources in Berrien County, the LBW must not exceed 8% and the sum of LBW, and shale particles must not exceed 10%.

(g) Gradation prior to placement and compaction.

(h) Gradation compacted in-place, sampled from the grade in accordance with MTM 119.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 902


Table 902-2: Physical Requirements for Coarse Aggregates, Dense-Graded Aggregates, and Open-Graded Aggregates(a)

Material Type Series/ Class

Gravel, Stone, and Crushed Concrete Slag(b) All Aggregates

Crushed Material, % min.

(MTM 117)

Loss, % max, LA Abrasion

(MTM 102)

Soft Particles, % max.

(MTM 110)

Chert, % max.

(MTM 110)

Sum of Soft Particles

and Chert, % max.

(MTM 110)


Dilation, % per 100 cycle max.

(MTM 115)(c)

Sum of Coke and Coal Particles, % max.

(MTM 110)

Freeze-Thaw Dilation,

% per 100 cycles max. (MTM 115)(c)

Flat and Elongated

Particles, ratio % max.

(ASTM D4791) (MTM 130)

Coarse aggregates(d)

6AAA — 40 2.0(e) 2.5 4.0 0.040(f) 1.0 0.040(f) 3:1–15.0(g)

6AA(h) — 40 2.0(e) — 4.0 0.067(i) 1.0 0.067 —

6A(h) — 40 3.0(e) 7.0 9.0 0.067 1.0 0.067 —

17A(h) — 40 3.5(e) 8.0 10.0 0.067(i) 1.0 0.067 —

25A 95 45 8.0(j) — 8.0 — 1.0 — 3:1–20.0(k)

26A(h) — 40 2.0(e) — 4.0 0.067 1.0 0.067 —

29A 95 45 8.0(j) — 8.0 — 1.0 — 3:1–20.0(k)

Dense-graded aggregates(l)

21AA 95 50 — — —

21A 25 50 — — —

22A 25 50 — — —

23A 25 50 — — —

23AA 95 50 — — —


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 902


Table 902-2 (cont.): Physical Requirements for Coarse Aggregates, Dense-Graded Aggregates, and Open-Graded Aggregates(a)

Material Type Series/ Class

Gravel, Stone, and Crushed Concrete Slag(b) All Aggregates

Crushed Material, % min.

(MTM 117)

Loss, % max, LA Abrasion

(MTM 102)

Soft Particles, % max.

(MTM 110)

Chert, % max.

(MTM 110)

Sum of Soft Particles

and Chert, % max.

(MTM 110)


Dilation, % per 100 cycle max.

(MTM 115)(c)

Sum of Coke and Coal Particles, % max.

(MTM 110)

Freeze-Thaw Dilation,

% per 100 cycles max. (MTM 115)(c)

Flat and Elongated

Particles, ratio % max.

(ASTM D4791) (MTM 130)

Open-graded aggregates

4G 95 45(m) — — —

34R ≤20 45(m) — — —

34G 100 45(m) — — —

46G 95 45(m) — — —


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 902


Table 902-2 (cont.): Physical Requirements for Coarse Aggregates, Dense-Graded Aggregates, and Open-Graded Aggregates(a)

(a) See subsections 902.03.B, 902.05, and 902.06 for additional physical requirements for coarse aggregate, dense-graded aggregates, and open-graded aggregates, respectively.

(b) Iron blast furnace and reverberatory furnace slag must contain no free (unhydrated) lime.

(c) If the relative density (OD) is >0.04 less than the relative density (OD) of the most recently tested freeze-thaw sample, the aggregate will be considered to have changed characteristics and be required to have a new freeze-thaw test per MTM 113 conducted prior to use on Department projects.

(d) Grade 3500 concrete requires an optimized aggregate gradation as specified in section 604. Use aggregates only from geologically natural sources.

(e) Clay-ironstone particles must not exceed 1.0% for 6AAA, 6AA, and 26A, and 2.0% for 6A and 17A. Clay-ironstone particles are also included in the percentage of soft particles for these aggregates.

(f) Maximum freeze-thaw dilation is 0.067 when the directional commercial ADT is less than 5,000 vehicles per day. Maximum dilation is 0.040 for all high-performance concrete.

(g) ASTM D4791 Section 8.4 will be followed. The test will be performed on the material retained down to and including the 3/8-inch sieve.

(h) Except for pre-stressed beams, the sum of soft and chert particles may be up to 3.0% higher than the values determined from the sample tested for freeze-thaw durability. However, under no circumstances will the deleterious particle percentages exceed the specification limits in Table 902-2. In addition, a source may be restricted to a minimum percent crushed not to exceed 15% less than the percent crushed in the freeze-thaw sample. When the freeze-thaw dilation is between 0.040 and 0.067% per 100 cycles, more restrictive limits will be applied.

(i) Maximum dilation of 0.010 for pre-stressed concrete beams.

(j) Friable sandstone is included in the soft particle determination for chip seal aggregates.

(k) ASTM D4791 Section 8.4 will be followed. The test will be performed on the material retained down to and including the No. 4 sieve.

(l) Quarried carbonate (limestone or dolomite) aggregate may not contain over 10% insoluble residue finer than No. 200 sieve when tested in accordance with MTM 103.

(m) If a blend of different aggregate sources, the abrasion value applies to each source.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 902


Table 902-3: Grading Requirements for Granular Materials


Sieve Analysis (MTM 109), Total % Passing(a) LBW % Passing

No. 200(a)(b) 6 inch 3 inch 2 inch 1 inch ½ inch ⅜ inch No. 4 No. 30 No. 100

Class I — — 100 — 45–85 — 20–85 5–30 — 0–5

Class II(c) — 100 — 60–100 — — 50–100 — 0–30 0–7

Class IIA(c) — 100 — 60–100 — — 50–100 — 0–35 0–10

Class IIAA — 100 — 60–100 — — 50–100 — 0–20 0–5

Class III 100 95–100 — — — — 50–100 — — 0–15

Class IIIA — — — — — 100 50–100 — 0–30 0–15

(a) Test results based on dry weights.

(b) Use test method MTM 108 for LBW.

(c) Except for use in granular blankets, Class IIA granular material may be substituted for Class II granular material for projects in the following counties: Arenac, Bay, Genesee, Gladwin, Huron, Lapeer, Macomb, Midland, Monroe, Oakland, Saginaw, Sanilac, Shiawassee, St. Clair, Tuscola, and Wayne.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 902


Table 902-4: Grading Requirements for Fine Aggregates


Sieve Analysis (MTM 109), Total % Passing(a) LBW % Passing No. 200(a)(b)

Fineness Modulus

Variation(c) ⅜ inch No. 4 No. 8 No. 16 No. 30 No. 50 No. 100

2NS 100 95–100 65–95 35–75 20–55 10–30 0–10 0–3.0 ±0.20(d)

2SS(e) 100 95–100 65–95 35–75 20–55 10–30 0–10 0–4.0 ±0.20(d)

2MS — 100 95–100 — — 15–40 0–10 0–3.0 ±0.20(d)

(a) Test results based on dry weights.

(b) Use test method MTM 108 for LBW.

(c) Aggregate having a fineness modulus differing from the base fineness modulus of the source by the amount exceeding the maximum variation specified in the table will be rejected. Use ASTM C136.

(d) The base fineness modulus will be supplied by the aggregate producer at the start of each construction season and be from 2.50 to 3.35. The base fineness modulus, including the permissible variation, will be from 2.50 to 3.35.

(e) Quarried carbonate (limestone or dolomite) cannot be used for any application subject to vehicular traffic.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 902


Table 902-5: Superpave Final Aggregate Blend Gradation Requirements

Standard Sieve

Mix Number

5 4 3

Leveling Course 3

Base Course 2

% Passing Criteria (Control Points)

1½ inch — — — — 100

1 inch — — 100

100 90–100

3/4 inch — 100 90–100 90–100 ≤90

1/2 inch 100 90–100 ≤90 ≤90 —

3/8 inch 90–100 ≤90 — — —

No. 4 ≤90 — — — —

No. 8 47–67 39–58 35–52 23–52 19–45

No. 16 — — — — —

No. 30 — — — — —

No. 50 — — — — —

No. 100 — — — — —

No. 200 2.0–10.0

2.0–10.0 2.0–8.0

2.0–8.0 1.0–7.0


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 902


Table 902-6: Superpave Final Aggregate Blend Physical Requirements

Est. Traffic (million ESAL)

Mix Type

Minimum Criteria Maximum Criteria

% Crushed(a) Fine Aggregate

Angularity % Sand

Equivalent LA Abrasion

% Loss(b) % Soft

Particles(c) % Flat and Elongated


Course(s) Course(s)

Top and Leveling Base

Top and Leveling Base

Top and Leveling Base

Top and Leveling Base

Top and Leveling Base

Top and Leveling Base

<0.3 EL 55 / — — — — 40 40 45 45 10 10 — —

0.3 – <3 EML 75 / — 50 / — 43 40 40 40 35 40 5 5 10 10

3 – <30 EMH 90 / 85 80 / 75 45 40 45 45 35 35 3 4.5 10 10

30 – <100 EH 100 / 100 95 / 90 45 45 50 50 35 35 3 4.5 10 10

ESAL = equivalent single-axle load

(a) XX / YY denotes that XX% of the coarse aggregate has one fractured face and YY% has at least two fractured faces.

(b) If a blend of different aggregate sources, the abrasion value applies to each source.

(c) Soft particles maximum is the sum of the shale, siltstone, ochre, coal, clay-ironstone, and particles that are structurally weak or non-durable in service.

(d) Maximum by mass with a 1:5 aspect ratio.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 902


Table 902-7: Capital Preventive Maintenance Final Aggregate Blend Gradation Requirements


Mechanical Analysis, Total % Passing

¾ inch ½ inch ⅜ inch ¼ inch No. 4 No. 8 No. 16 No. 30 No. 50 No. 100 No. 200(a)

27SS 100 85–100 55–80 — 22–38 19–32 15–24 11–18 8–14 5–10 4–7(b)

30SS — 100 85–100 — 22–38 19–32 15–24 11–18 8–14 5–10 4–7(b)

34CS(c) 100 100 90–100 — 0–15 0–5 — — — — ≤2

CS-T(c) 100 100 100 85–100 — 0–15 — — — — ≤2

2FA — — 100 — 90–100 65–90 45–70 30–50 18–30 10–21 5–15(b)

3FA — — 100 — 70–90 45–70 28–50 19–34 12–25 7–18 5–15(b)

(a) Includes mineral filler.

(b) No. 200 limits are significant to the nearest whole percent.

(c) All aggregate must be washed.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 902


Table 902-8: Capital Preventive Maintenance Aggregate Blend Physical Requirements


% Crushed (Min.)

MTM 117(k)

Angularity Index (Min.)

MTM 118

Uncompacted Void (Min.)


LA Abrasion (% Loss

Max.) MTM 102(f)

Aggregate Wear Index

(AWI) (Min.)

MTM 111, 112(h)

Soft Particles (% Max.) MTM 110

Sand Equivalent

(% Min.) AASHTO


Flat, Elongated, or Flat and Elongated (% Max.)

ASTM D4791

Absorp. (% Max.) AASHTO



(% Loss Max.)


27SS(e) 100 / 90 — 40 35 260 5.0(a) 45 25.0(b) 3.0 18

30SS(e) 100 / 90 — 40 35 260 5.0(a) 45 25.0(b) 3.0 18


) ADT ≥ 4,000 100 / 90 — — 35(g) 260(i) 3.5(a) — 15.0(b) — —

ADT < 4,000 95 / 85 — — 35(g) 220 3.5(a) — 15.0(b) — —

CS-T(j) ADT ≥ 4,000 100 / 90 — — 35(g) 260(i) 3.5(a) — — — —

ADT < 4,000 95 / 85 — — 35(g) 220 3.5(a) — — — —

2FA — 4.0(c) — 45 260 — 60(d) — — —

3FA — 4.0 — 45 260 — 60 — — —

(a) Sum of shale, siltstone, clay-ironstone, and structurally weak.

(b) For material retained on the No. 4 sieve and above, ensure that the ratio between length to width, width to thickness, and length to thickness is no greater than 3:1.

(c) Angularity Index must exceed 2.0 for at least 50% of the blending sands for slurry seal applications.

(d) Does not apply to slurry seals.

(e) Must be 100% virgin aggregate.

(f) If a blend of different aggregate sources, the abrasion value applies to each source.

(g) Natural aggregate. LA abrasion maximum loss of 45% for iron blast-furnace slag aggregate.

(h) Does not apply to a shoulder chip seal or interlayer application.

(i) Single-chip seals. For double-chip seals, a 260 min. AWI of a 60/40 weighted average in which the top course will be weighted at 60% and base course will be weighted at 40% with the higher AWI aggregate as the top course.

(j) Moisture content at time of placement ≤4%.

(k) XX / YY denotes that XX% of the coarse aggregate has one fractured face and YY% has at least two fractured faces.



Section 903. Admixtures and Curing Materials for Concrete

903.01. Air-Entraining Admixtures

Select liquid air-entraining admixtures for Portland cement concrete from the

Qualified Products List.

903.02. Liquid Chemical Admixtures

Select liquid chemical admixtures for use in Portland cement concrete from

the Qualified Products List. Liquid chemical admixtures must not contain a

chloride ion content greater than 0.5% by weight.

The Department uses the following ASTM C494/C494M terms for chemical


Table 903-1: ASTM C494/C494M Terms for Chemical Admixtures

Type Term

A Water-reducing admixtures

C Accelerating admixtures

D Water-reducing and -retarding admixtures

E Water-reducing and -accelerating admixtures

F Water-reducing, high-range admixtures

G Water-reducing, high-range, and -retarding admixtures

The Department refers to water-reducing and mid-range admixtures not

included in ASTM C494/C494M as Type MR.

903.03. Latex Admixtures

Formulated latex admixture for modifying mortar or concrete mixtures must

be a non-toxic, film forming, polymeric emulsion to which all stabilizers are

added at the point of manufacture. Latex admixtures must be homogeneous

and uniform in composition.

A. Physical Properties. White latex styrene butadiene modifier must have

between 46.0 and 49.0% solids; pH, as shipped, between 8.5 and 11.0;

and a shelf life of at least 2 years.

B. Storage. Protect latex admixtures from freezing. Do not expose latex

admixtures to temperatures greater than 85°F for more than 10 days.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 903


903.04. Calcium Chloride Concrete Accelerators

Do not use calcium chloride in prestressed concrete, superstructure concrete,

concrete for bridge railings, or concrete containing galvanized steel or


Flake or pellet calcium chloride for on-the-job preparation of admixture

solutions must meet the requirements of ASTM D98 for 77% grade or

94% grade. Determine the percentage of calcium and magnesium chlorides

in accordance with ASTM D345. Provide flake or pellet Type S (solid)


Calcium chloride admixture, delivered to the job in solution, must conform to

the following chemical composition:

A. From 32.0 to 35.0% calcium chloride (CaCl2) anhydrous;

B. No greater than 1.0% total magnesium as MgCl2;

C. No greater than 2.0% total alkali chlorides calculated as NaCl; and

D. No greater than 0.5% other impurities.

903.05. Polypropylene Fibers

Use 100% virgin polypropylene fibers, ¾ inch long, that meet the

requirements of ASTM C1116/C1116M, Type III.

903.06. Concrete Curing Materials for Pavements

A. White Membrane Curing Compound. White membrane curing

compound must meet the requirements of ASTM C309, Type 2, and be

packaged in clean containers.

Before use and before transferring the compound between containers,

agitate the compound to a uniform consistency and ensure that pigment is

uniformly suspended.

B. Transparent Membrane Curing Compound for Base Course.

Transparent membrane curing compound must meet the requirements of

ASTM C309, Type 1-D, Class B with fugitive dye.

903.07. Concrete Curing Materials for Structures

A. White Membrane Curing Compound for Bridge Decks. Provide

white-pigmented, modified, linseed-oil-based material that is either water

soluble or an emulsion type that meets the requirements of ASTM C309,

Type 2, except that the reflectance requirement and drying time do not

apply. Compound must be packaged in clean containers.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 903


Before transferring the compound between containers and applying,

agitate the compound to a uniform consistency and ensure uniform

suspension of the pigment.

B. Transparent Membrane Curing Compound. Transparent membrane

curing compound must meet the requirements of ASTM C309, Type 1-D,

Class B, with fugitive dye.

C. Insulating Blankets. Insulating blankets must have vapor-retarding liners

that completely enclose the insulating mat, are bonded to both sides of

the insulating mat, and have one reflective face. Blankets must have

thicknesses or R-values meeting the requirements of Table 706-1.

Insulating blanket must have a thermal conductivity (k) no greater than

0.27 BTU per hour per square foot temperature gradient of 1°F per inch of

thickness at a mean temperature of 75°F when tested in accordance with

ASTM C177.

D. Polystyrene Insulation. Expanded polystyrene must be cut from

preformed material with an average cell diameter no greater than

0.04 inch and as specified in Table 903-2:

Table 903-2: Polystryene Insulation Specifications

Property Specification Test Method

Density ≥0.90 lb/ft³ ASTM C303

Compressive strength ≥9.0 psi ASTM D1621

Flexural strength ≥25.0 psi ASTM C203

Water absorption ≤2.0% by volume ASTM C272/C272M

Thermal conductivity ≤0.27 BTU/hr/ft²(a) ASTM C177

(a) For a temperature gradient of 1°F per inch of thickness at a mean temperature of 75°F



Section 904. Asphaltic Materials

904.01. General Requirements

The certification program described in MDOT’s Materials Quality Assurance

Procedures Manual governs the asphalt binders in Table 904-1 and the

emulsified asphalts in Table 904-4, Table 904-5, and Table 904-6. The

Contractor may use materials listed in Table 904-2 through Table 904-7 on

MDOT projects if tested and approved for use in accordance with MDOT


The Engineer will notify the Contractor and the supplier to correct materials if

test results for the requirements from Table 904-2, Table 904-3, Table 904-4,

Table 904-5, Table 904-6, and Table 904-7 deviate from the specified range.

Asphaltic materials testing will be in accordance with the specified ASTM,

AASHTO, or Department methods, as modified by this section.

904.02. Application Temperatures

Apply asphaltic materials at temperatures specified in Table 904-7.

904.03. Specific Requirements

A. Asphalt Binder. Asphalt binder must be homogeneous and water-free

and must not foam when heated to the maximum temperature specified in

Table 904-7 for the material required.

If using an anti-foaming agent, use a dimethyl polysiloxane type silicone

material, preferably 1000 centistoke viscosity grade unless otherwise

approved by the Engineer. Do not add amounts greater than 5 parts per

million unless approved by the Engineer. Mechanically mix the asphalt

binder after adding anti-foaming agent while in storage at the asphalt


Asphalt binder must be prepared by refining crude petroleum with or

without the addition of modifiers. Asphalt binder prepared with reclaimed

engine-oil-based products is prohibited.

Organic, virgin, or recycled modifiers that are dissolved, dispersed, or

reacted in asphalt cement to enhance performance are allowed.

Asphalt binder must be at least 99.0% soluble in accordance with

AASHTO T44 or ASTM D2042.

This specification (subsection 904.03.A) is not applicable for asphalt

binders in which fibers or other discrete particles are larger than

250 micrometers.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 904


B. Cutback Asphalt. Cutback asphalt must meet the requirements of

Table 904-3 and this subsection.

Liquid asphalt must be homogeneous, must not foam when heated to the

maximum required temperature, and must be water free unless otherwise


Caution: Use caution when heating cutback asphalt, especially

rapid-curing (RC) and medium-curing (MC) asphaltic products containing

naphtha and kerosene cutback asphalt since the temperatures for use are

near or above the flash points. If using heated cutbacks, keep open

flames away from pugmill enclosures, tank car domes, distributor tank

openings, and storage tank openings.

C. Emulsified Asphalt. Emulsified asphalt must meet the requirements of

Table 904-4, Table 904-5, Table 904-6, or Table 904-7 and be made from

asphalt having a negative spot test result using 35% xylene / 65%

heptane solvent, aniline number: 30°C ± 2°C, AASHTO T102. It must be

homogeneous and show no separation of asphalt after thorough mixing

for a period of at least 30 days after delivery.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 904


Table 904-1: Performance-Graded Asphalt Binder Specification (PG 46, PG 52, and PG 58)


PG 46 PG 52 PG 58

−34 −40 −46 −10 −16 −22 −28 −34 −40 −46 −16 −22 −28 −34 −40

Pavement Design Temperature

Avg 7-day max. pavement design temp, °C(a) 46 52 58

Minimum pavement design temp, °C(a) −34 −40 −46 −10 −16 −22 −28 −34 −40 −46 −16 −22 −28 −34 −40

Original Binder

Flash Point Temp, T48/D 92: Min. 230°C 230°C 230°C

Viscosity, T316/D4402: Max. 3 Pa•s, Test Temp(b) 135°C 135°C 135°C

Dynamic Shear, T315/D7175: G*/sin θ, Min. 1.00 kPa test temp at 10 rad/s(c),(d)

46°C 52°C 58°C

Rolling Thin Film Oven (T240/D2872)

Mass loss, max. 1.00% 1.00% 1.00%

Dynamic Shear, T315/D7175: G*/sin θ, Min. 2.20 kPa test temp at 10 rad/s(d)

46°C 52°C 58°C

Pressure Aging Vessel (PAV) Residue (R28/D6521)

PAV aging temp(e) 90°C 90°C 100°C

Dynamic shear, T315/D7175: G*sin θ, max. 5000 kPa test temp at 10 rad/s, °C(d)

10 7 4 25 22 19 16 13 10 7 25 22 19 16 13

Physical hardening(f) Report Report Report

Creep stiffness, T313/D6648: S, max. 300 MPa, m-value, min. 0.300 test temp at 60 s, °C

−24 −30 −36 0 −6 −12 −18 −24 −30 −36 −6 −12 −18 −24 −30


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 904


Table 904-1 (cont.): Performance-Graded Asphalt Binder Specification (PG 46, PG 52, and PG 58)

(a) Pavement temperatures may be estimated from air temperatures using an algorithm contained in the Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Bind program, may be provided by the specifying agency, or may be estimated by following the procedures in AASHTO M 323 and R-35.

(b) This requirement may be waived at the discretion of the specifying agency if the supplier warrants that the asphalt binder can be adequately pumped and mixed at temperatures that meet all applicable safety standards.

(c) For quality control (QC) of unmodified asphalt cement production, measurement of the viscosity of the original asphalt cement may be used or supplement dynamic shear measurements of G*/sin θ at test temperatures where the asphalt is a Newtonian fluid. The Contractor may use a standard means of viscosity measurement, including capillary (T201/D2170 or T202/D2171) or rotational viscometer (T316/D4402).

(d) G*/sin θ = high temperature stiffness and G*sin θ = intermediate temperature stiffness.

(e) The PAV aging temperature is based on simulated climatic conditions and is one of three temperatures: 90°C, 100°C, or 110°C. The PAV aging temperature is 100°C for PG 58- and above, except in desert climates, where it is 110°C.

(f) Physical hardening – T313/D6648 is performed on a set of asphalt beams according to ASTM D6648, Section 13.1, except that the conditioning time is extended to 24 hours ±10 minutes at 10°C above the minimum performance temperature. The 24-hour stiffness and m-value are reported for information purposes only.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 904


Table 904-2: Performance-Graded Asphalt Binder Specification (PG 64 and PG 70)


PG 64 PG 70

−10 −16 −22 −28 −34 −40 >−10 −16 −22 −28 −34 −40

Pavement Design Temperature

Avg 7-day max. pave design temp(a) 64°C 70°C

Minimum pavement design temp, °C(a) −10 −16 −22 −28 −34 −40 −10 −16 −22 −28 −34 −40

Original Binder

Flash point temp, T48/D92: min. 230°C 230°C

Viscosity, T316/D4402: max. 3 Pa•s, test temp(b) 135°C 135°C

Dynamic shear, T315/D7175: G*/sin θ, min. 1.00 kPa test temp at 10 rad/s(c),(d)

64°C 70°C

Rolling Thin Film Oven (T240/D2872)

Mass loss, max. 1.00% 1.00%

Dynamic shear, T315/D7175: G*/sin θ, min. 2.20 kPa test temp at 10 rad/s(d)

64°C 70°C

Pressure Aging Vessel Residue (R28/D6521)

PAV aging temp, °C(e) 100 100 (110)

Dynamic shear, T315/D7175: G*sin θ, max. 5000 kPa test temp at 10 rad/s, °C(d)

31 28 25 22 19 16 34 31 28 25 22 19

Physical hardening(f) Report Report

Creep stiffness, T313/D6648: S, max. 300 MPa, m-value, min. 0.300 test temp at 60 s, °C

0 −6 −12 −18 −24 −30 0 −6 −12 −18 −24 −30


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 904


Table 904-2 (cont.): Performance-Graded Asphalt Binder Specification (PG 64 and PG 70)

(a) Pavement temperatures may be estimated from air temperatures using an algorithm contained in the Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Bind program, may be provided by the specifying agency, or may be estimated by following the procedures in AASHTO M 323 and R-35.

(b) This requirement may be waived at the discretion of the specifying agency if the supplier warrants that the asphalt binder can be adequately pumped and mixed at temperatures that meet all applicable safety standards.

(c) For QC of unmodified asphalt cement production, measurement of the viscosity of the original asphalt cement may be used or supplement dynamic shear measurements of G*/sin θ at test temperatures where the asphalt is a Newtonian fluid. The Contractor may use a standard means of viscosity measurement, including capillary (T201/D2170 or T202/D2171) or rotational viscometer (T316/D4402).

(d) G*/sin θ = high temperature stiffness and G*sin θ = intermediate temperature stiffness.

(e) The PAV aging temperature is based on simulated climatic conditions and is one of three temperatures 90°C, 100°C or 110°C. The PAV aging temperature is 100°C for PG 58 and above, except in desert climates, where it is 110°C.

(f) Physical hardening – T313/D6648 is performed on a set of asphalt beams according to ASTM D6648, Section 13.1, except that the conditioning time is extended to 24 hours ±10 minutes at 10°C above the minimum performance temperature. The 24-hour stiffness and m-value are reported for information purposes only.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 904


Table 904-3: Performance Graded Asphalt Binder Specification (PG 76 and PG 82)


PG 76 PG 82

−10 −16 −22 −28 −34 −10 −16 −22 −28 −34

Pavement Design Temperature

Avg 7-day max. pave design temp(a) 76°C 82°C

Minimum pavement design temp, °C(a) −10 −16 −22 −28 −34 −10 −16 −22 −28 −34

Original Binder

Flash point temp, T48/D92: min. 230°C 230°C

Viscosity, T316/D 4402: max. 3 Pa•s, test temp(b) 135°C 135°C

Dynamic shear, T315/D7175: G*/sin θ, min. 1.00 kPa test temp at 10 rad/s(c),(d)

76°C 82°C

Rolling Thin Film Oven (T240/D2872)

Mass loss, max. percent 1.00 1.00

Dynamic shear, T315/D7175: G*/sin θ, min. 2.20 kPa test temp at 10 rad/s(d)

76°C 82°C

Pressure Aging Vessel Residue (R28/D6521)

PAV aging temp, °C(e) 100 (110) 100 (110)

Dynamic shear, T315/D7175: G*sin θ, max. 5000 kPa test temp at 10 rad/s, °C(d)

37 34 31 28 22 40 37 34 31 28

Physical hardening(f) Report Report

Creep stiffness, T313/D6648: S, max. 300 MPa, m-value, min. 0.300 test temp at 60 s, °C

0 −6 −12 −18 −24 0 −6 −12 −18 −24


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 904


Table 904-3 (cont.): Performance Graded Asphalt Binder Specification (PG 76 and PG 82)

(a) Pavement temperatures may be estimated from air temperatures using an algorithm contained in the Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Bind program, may be provided by the specifying agency, or may be estimated by following the procedures in AASHTO M 323 and R-35.

(b) This requirement may be waived at the discretion of the specifying agency if the supplier warrants that the asphalt binder can be adequately pumped and mixed at temperatures that meet all applicable safety standards.

(c) For QC of unmodified asphalt cement production, measurement of the viscosity of the original asphalt cement may be used or supplement dynamic shear measurements of G*/sin θ at test temperatures where the asphalt is a Newtonian fluid. The Contractor may use a standard means of viscosity measurement, including capillary (T201/D2170 or T202/D2171) or rotational viscometer (T316/D4402).

(d) G*/sin θ = high temperature stiffness and G*sin θ = intermediate temperature stiffness

(e) The PAV aging temperature is based on simulated climatic conditions and is one of three temperatures 90°C, 100°C or 110°C. The PAV aging temperature is 100°C for PG 58 and above, except in desert climates, where it is 110°C.

(f) Physical hardening – T313/D6648 is performed on a set of asphalt beams according to ASTM D6648, Section 13.1, except that the conditioning time is extended to 24 hours ±10 minutes at 10°C above the minimum performance temperature. The 24-hour stiffness and m-value are reported for information purposes only.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 904


Table 904-4: Medium and Rapid Curing Cutback Asphalts



MC-30(a) MC-70(a) MC-250 RC-250

Kinematic viscosity, 60°C, mm²/s, T201/D2170 30–60 70–140 250–500 250–500

Flash point, °C:

Tag open cup, min., T 79 37.8 37.8 — 26.7

Cleveland open cup, min., T 48/D 92 — — 65.6 —

Distillation test, T78/D402:

Distillate, % by vol of total distillate to 360°C

To 225°C ≤25 ≤20 ≤10 max. ≥35

To 260°C 40–70 20–60 15–55 ≥60

To 315.5°C 75–93 65–90 60–87 ≥80

Residue from distillation to 360°C, min. 50 55 67 65

Tests on residue from distillation, T78/D402:

Penetration at 25°C, 100 g, 5 sec, T 49/D 5 120–250 120–250 120–250 80–120

Ductility at 25°C, cm, min., T51/D113(b) 100 100 100 100

Solubility in trichloroethylene, %, min., T44/D2042 99.5 99.5 99.5 99.5

Spot test, AASHTO T102(c) Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg.

Section number reference — 914 — 710, 914

(a) Use MC-70 grade from June 1 to September 1 and MC-30 grade other times of the year, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.

(b) If penetration of residue exceeds 200 and ductility at 25°C is less than 100, the Engineer will accept the material if ductility at 15.6°C exceeds 100.

(c) Use 35% xylene, 65% heptane solvent, aniline number: 30°C ± 2°C.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 904


Table 904-5: Anionic Emulsified Asphalts


Anionic Emulsified Asphalt Requirements

RS-1m RS-2a HFRS-2 MS-Op MS-2h MS-2s SS-1h LTBC-1 LTBC-2

Viscosity, Saybolt Furol, T59/D7496

At 25°C, sec 20–100 — — — — — 20–100 15–100 15–100

At 50°C, sec — 50–300 50–300 15–150 50–300 50–300 — — —

Storage stability test, T59/D6930, 24-hour, % difference max.

2 2 2 3 3 3 2 1 —

Settlement and storage stability test, T59/D6930, 5-day, % difference max.

— — — — — — — 5 5

Demulsibility, T59/S6936:

35 ml 0.02 N CaCl2, % 20–60 ≥60 ≥40 — — — — — —

50 ml 0.1 N CaC12, % — — — — — — ≤2 — —

50 ml 0.02 N CaCl2, % — — — — — — — — —

Sieve Test, T59/D6933, % max. 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.30 0.30

Miscibility with water, D244(a) — — — — — — Yes — —

Distillation to 260°C, T59/D6997, % by weight:

Residue, min. 65 65 65 65 65 65 60 50 50

Oil distillate, max. 2 2 2 25 7 7 2 1 1

Tests on distillation residue:

Penetration, 25°C, 100 g, 5 sec, dmm, T49/D5

100–200 100–200 100–200 (b) 150–300 ≥300 40–90 ≤20 ≤40


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 904


Table 904-5 (cont.): Anionic Emulsified Asphalts


Anionic Emulsified Asphalt Requirements

RS-1m RS-2a HFRS-2 MS-Op MS-2h MS-2s SS-1h LTBC-1 LTBC-2

Float test, sec, T50/D139

At 50°C, max. — — — 200 — — — — —

At 60°C, min. — — 1200 — 1200 1200 — — —

Ductility, 25°C, cm, min., T51/D113 60 60 60 40(b) — — 40 — —

Solubility in trichloroethylene, % min., T44/D2042

97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5

Ash content, %, max., D128 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 — —

Specific gravity, 25/25°C, min., T 228/D 70

0.996 0.996 0.996 — — — — — —

Toughness/tenacity, 25°C, 50 cm/min., Nm, min., D 5801

— — — — — — — — —

Elastic recovery, 10°C, % min., T 301/D 6084

— — — — — — — — —

Softening point, ring and ball, °C, min., T53/D36

— — — — — — — 60 —

Section number reference — 401 — 501 — 501 501, 805 501, 805 501, 805

(a) No appreciable coagulation or visible separation in 2 hours.

(b) Heat the distillation residue (ASTM D243/D243M) to 100±15 penetration within 2 hours and have a ductility of at least 40 cm.

Nm = Newton meter


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 904


Table 904-6: Cationic Emulsified Asphalts


Cationic Emulsified Asphalts Requirements

CRS-1 CRS-2 CMS-2 CSS-1h

Viscosity, Saybolt Furol, T59/D7496:

At 25°C, sec — — — 20–100

At 50°C, sec 20–100 100–400 50–450 —

Storage stability tests, T59/D6930 04, 24 hr, % difference, max. 1 1 1 1

Demulsibility, %, 35 ml 0.8% dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate, min., T 59/D 6936(a)

40 40 — —

Particle charge tests, T59/D7402(b) Positive Positive Positive Positive

Sieve tests, T59/D6933, % max. (distilled water) 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10

Distillation to 260°C, T59/D6997, % by weight — — — —

Residue, min. 60 65 65 60

Oil distillate, max. 3 3 12 —

Tests on distillation residue:

Penetration, 25°C, 100 g, 5 sec, dmm, T49/D5 100–250 100–250 100–250 40–90

Ductility, 25°C, 5 cm/min, cm, min., T51/D113 40 40 40 40

Ductility, 4°C, 5 cm/min, cm, T51/D113 — — — —

Elastic/recovery, 4°C,% min., T301/D6084 — — — —

Solubility in trichloroethylene, % min., T44/D2042 97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5

Ash content, % max., D128 2 2 2 2

Specific gravity, 25/25°C, min., T228/D70 0.996 0.996 — —


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 904


Table 904-6 (cont.): Cationic Emulsified Asphalts


Cationic Emulsified Asphalts Requirements

CRS-1 CRS-2 CMS-2 CSS-1h

Toughness/tenacity, 25°C, 50 cm/min., Nm, min., D5801 — — — —

Elastic recovery, 10°C, % min., T301/D6084 — — — —

Cement mixing test, T59/D6935, % max. — — — 2.0

Coating ability and water resistance:

Coating dry aggregate — — Good —

Coating after spraying — — Good —

Coating wet aggregate — — Fair —

Coating after spraying — — Fair —

Section number reference — — 501 501, 805

(a) The demulsibility test must be made within 30 days from date of shipment.

(b) If particle charge test is inconclusive, material having a maximum pH of 6.7 is acceptable.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 904


Table 904-7: Capital Preventive Maintenance Emulsions(a)


Capital Preventive Maintenance Emulsion Requirements


Viscosity, Saybolt Furol, T59/D7496:

At 25°C, sec — — 20–100 20–100 20–100 —

At 50°C, sec 75–300 75–300 — — — 75–400

Storage stability test, T59/D6930, 24-hour, % difference max.

1 1 1 1 1(b) 1

Demulsibility, T59/D6936:

35 ml 0.8% dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate, % min.(c) — 50 — — 60 50

35 ml 0.02 N CaCl2, %, min. — — — — 60 —

50 ml 0.1 N CaC12, % — — — — — —

50 ml 0.02 N CaCl2, % ≥50 — — — — —

Particle charge tests, T59/D7402(d) Positive Positive Positive — Positive

Sieve test, T59/ D6933, % max. 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.10

Miscibility with water, D244(e) — — — — — —

Distillation to 260°C, T59/D6997, % by weight: (f) (f),(g) (f) (f) (f) (g)

Residue, min. 65 65 62 62 63 68

Oil distillate, ml, max., D244 2 3 — — 2 3.0

Tests on distillation residue:

Penetration, 25°C, 100 g, 5 sec, dmm, T49/D5 80–150 80–150 70–90 40–90 80–150 70–100

Ductility, 25°C, 5 cm/min, cm, T51/D113 — — 40 40 — 40


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 904


Table 904-7 (cont.): Capital Preventive Maintenance Emulsions(a)


Capital Preventive Maintenance Emulsion Requirements


Ductility, 4°C, 5 cm/min, cm, T51/D113 — — 35 — — —

Elastic/recovery, 4°C,% min., T301/D6084 — — 65 — — —

Float test, sec, T50/D139:

At 50°C, max. — — — — — —

At 60°C, min. 1200 — — — — —

Solubility in trichloroethylene, % min., T44/D2042 — — 97.5 97.5 — 97.5

Ash content, %, max., D128 2 2 2 2 — 2

Specific gravity, 25/25°C, min., T228/D70 — — — — — —

Toughness/tenacity, 25°C, 50 cm/min., Nm, min., D5801

4.5/3.5 4.5/3.5 — — — 9.0/7.0

Elastic recovery, 10°C, % min., T301/D6084 60% 60% — — 60% 75%

Tests on residue from evaporation, T59/D6934(h)

Softening point, ring, and ball, °C, min., T53/D36 — — 60 57.2 — —

Viscosity, 60C, Pa•S, T202/D2171 — — 800(i) 800(i) — —

Section number reference — 505 504 501, 504 503 505


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 904


Table 904-7 (cont.): Capital Preventive Maintenance Emulsions(a)

(a) Samples of emulsified asphalt will be taken in accordance with ASTM D140/D140M. Samples must be stored at a temperature of not less than 4°C until tested.

(b) After standing undisturbed for 24 hours, the surface must show no white, milky colored substance but must be a smooth homogenous color throughout. Any visible amount of white, milky colored substance is basis for non-acceptance.

(c) The demulsibility test must be made within 30 days from date of shipment.

(d) If particle charge test is inconclusive, material having a maximum pH of 6.7 is acceptable.

(e) No appreciable coagulation or visible separation in 2 hours.

(f) ASTM D6997, with modifications to include a 204°C (± 6°C) maximum temperature to be held for 15 minutes.

(g) Residue determination and preparation may use the alternative ASTM D6934 method, “Residue by Evaporation,” so as to not destroy the properties of any polymer modifiers contained therein.

(h) Residue by evaporation: Oven evaporate an emulsion sample on a glass plate at a maximum temperature of 60°C for 24 hours (forced draft oven recommended) or air dry the sample at ambient temperature for 3 days. Once dry, the sample is scraped from the plate using a razor blade tool.

(i) The minimum viscosity will be obtained using a Cannon-Manning Vacuum Capillary Viscometer Tube No. 14 per T202/D2171.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 904


Table 904-8: Temperatures for Asphaltic Materials

Asphalt Type Designation

Temperature, °F Distributor

Cutback asphalts

RC-250 145–220

MC-250 145–220

MC-30 70–140

MC-70 105–180

Emulsified RS-1m, SS-1h, CSSmM, CRS-1, CSS-1h, CSS-1hM,


Asphalts RS-2a, HFRS-2, HFRS-2M, MS-2h, MS-2s, CRS-2, CMS-2, CRS-2M


Asphalt binder

All grades 350 max. mixing temp(a)

(a) Mixing temperature for all asphalt binders will be as specified by the modifier/binder producer.



Section 905. Steel Reinforcement

905.01. General Requirements

Steel reinforcement for use in concrete structures and pavements must meet

the requirements of this section.

905.02. Testing

Test steel reinforcement in accordance with ASTM A370, ASTM E8/E8M, or

other specified ASTM, AASHTO, or Department methods, as modified by this


If requested, provide the Engineer with two copies of the chemical analysis of

reinforcing bars in accordance with the relevant ASTM specifications.

905.03. Bar Reinforcement for Structures

Deformed steel bars used for non-prestressed concrete reinforcement must

meet the requirements of ASTM A615/A615M, ASTM A706/A706M, or ASTM

A996/A996M (Type A or Type R) for Grade 60 steel bars, unless otherwise


Deformed steel bars used for prestressed concrete reinforcement must meet

the requirements of ASTM A615/A615M, ASTM A706/A706M, or ASTM

A996/A996M (Type A) for Grade 60 steel bars, unless otherwise required.

A. Bending. Shop cold bend bar reinforcement to the shapes shown on the

plans. Complete all field bending cold. Do not heat bars during bending.

The diameter of a bar bend, measured on the inside of the bar, must meet

the requirements of Table 905-1.

Table 905-1: Minimum Bend Diameters

ASTM Bar Designation No.

Minimum Inside Diameter of Bend (bar diameters)

No. 3 – No. 8 6

No. 9 – No. 11 8

No. 14, No. 18 10

Stirrups and ties, No. 3 – No. 5 4

Cut and bend bars in accordance with the CRSI Manual of Standard

Practice and the ACI Detailing Manual.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 905


B. Bundling and Tagging. Ship bar reinforcement in standard bundles,

tagged and marked in accordance with the CRSI Manual of Standard


C. Epoxy Coating. Epoxy-coated steel reinforcement bars must be coated

in accordance with ASTM A775/A7775M. Epoxy-coated steel-welded wire

reinforcement must be coated in accordance with ASTM A884/A884M,

Class A, Type 1. The following exceptions and additions apply:

1. Select coating material from the Qualified Products List.

2. The Department may test samples to verify thickness of coating,

adhesion of coating, and holidays. Coat more steel reinforcement than

shown on the plans to allow splicing to replace steel reinforcement

removed for test samples.

3. Include written certification from the coating applicator that the steel

reinforcement was cleaned, coated, and tested in accordance with

ASTM A775/A775M (for reinforcing bars) or ASTM A884/A884M (for

reinforcing wire).

4. Repair damage to the coating in accordance with subsection


D. Bar Chairs and Wire Ties for Epoxy-Coated Steel Reinforcement. Bar

chairs and wire ties required for placing and fastening steel reinforcement

must conform to the following:

1. Bar chairs must be plastic-coated wire, epoxy-coated wire, or plastic.

2. Wire ties must be plastic-coated wire, epoxy-coated wire, or molded

plastic clips.

3. Tie-down wires must be plastic coated.

905.04. Bar Reinforcement for Pavements

Bar reinforcement for pavement tie bars and bars for use as dowels for load

transfer in pavement expansion joints and contraction joints must meet the

requirements of section 914.

905.05. Dowels and Bar Reinforcement for Curb, Glare Screen, Concrete Barriers, and Filler Walls

Deformed steel bars must meet the requirements of ASTM A615/A615M,

ASTM A706/A706M, or ASTM A996/A996M (Type A or Type R) for

Grades 40, 50, or 60 as applicable.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 905


905.06. Steel-Welded Wire Reinforcement

Deformed steel-welded wire reinforcement must meet the requirements of

ASTM A1064/A1064M and be fabricated as required.

905.07. Strand for Prestressed Concrete

Strands for prestressed concrete must have a 0.500-inch nominal diameter

and a 0.153-square-inch cross sectional area or a 0.6000-inch nominal

diameter and a 0.217-square-inch cross sectional area and must meet the

requirements of ASTM A416/A416M for Grade 270, low relaxation strand, as


Identify each reel or pack number and provide a Test Data Certification,

including a load elongation curve to at least 1% elongation.

Protect prestress strands from physical damage, rust, and contaminants.

905.08. Tendons for Lateral Post Tensioning of Box Beams

Tendons for lateral post tensioning of box beams must meet the requirements

of ASTM A416/A416M for Grade 270 steel strand or ASTM A722/A722M for

high-strength steel bars.

If selecting bars, consider the tolerances allowed in manufacturing and

placing precast concrete box beams and determine the required bar lengths




Section 906. Structural Steel

906.01. General Requirements

Finished rolled shapes must be free from imperfections that affect strength

and durability in accordance with ASTM A6/A6M. Rolled shapes must have a

smooth and uniform finish. Straighten rolled shapes in the mill if necessary

before shipment.

906.02. Testing

Test structural steel materials in accordance with the specified ASTM,

AASHTO, or Department methods, as modified by this section.

Mechanically test structural steel products in accordance with ASTM A6/A6M

and AASHTO T 244.

906.03. Mill Inspection

Mill inspection is waived unless otherwise specified. If required, the

Department will conduct mill inspection in accordance with Division 1,

subsection 707.02, and subsection 906.01. Notify the Department before

beginning rolling to allow time for inspection. Provide Mill Test Reports in

accordance with subsection 707.02.

906.04. Structural Steel

Perform impact testing in accordance with AASHTO M270 and at the

temperatures required for Zone 2.

Non-fracture critical main members must meet the tension component impact

test requirements at Frequency (H) in accordance with AASHTO T243,

regardless of the direction of stress in the member. Main members identified

in the contract by the Engineer as fracture critical must meet the fracture

critical tension component impact test requirements at Frequency (P) in

accordance with AASHTO T243.

The Department considers the average flange thickness to be the governing

thickness for wide-flange beams, wide-flange tees, and channel shapes. The

Department considers the required leg thickness to be the governing

thickness for angles. Take test specimens for these shapes at one-third the

distance from the outer edge of the flange or leg to the web or heel.

Fill plates, less than ⅜ inch thick, may be fabricated from steel conforming to

ASTM A1011/A1011M or ASTM A606/A606M.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 906


906.05. Foundation Piles

The piling manufacturer must provide a certified mill test report showing the

physical properties of the steel.

Foundation piles must meet the following requirements for the type of pile

required. If the Engineer determines that the pile cutoffs are in good

condition, pile cutoffs that meet size and thickness requirements will be

accepted without mill test reports. If submitting pile cutoffs without mill test

reports, provide the Engineer with two copies of an affidavit stating that the

material provided meets the contract requirements.

A. Steel H-Piling and Special Sections. Steel H-piling and special sections

must meet the requirements of AASHTO M270, Grades 50 or 50W, or

ASTM A690/A690M.

B. Steel Shells for Cast-in-Place Concrete Piles. Steel shells for

cast-in-place concrete piles must have the nominal outside diameters

(ODs) and meet or exceed minimum shell metal thickness shown on the

plans. Steel shells must meet the requirements of ASTM A252/A252M

Grade 3 welded and seamless steel pipe piles except the yield strength

must be a minimum of 50 ksi (Grade 3 Modified). Spiral weld steel shells

are allowed.

If shell thicknesses greater than the minimum stated on the plans are

provided to increase strength and rigidity during driving due to the

equipment selected or distortion caused by soil pressures from driving

adjacent piles when the driving sequence shown on the plans is not

followed, the extra costs will be considered as included in the pay item.

If shell thicknesses greater than the minimum stated on the plans are

necessary to obtain proper pile penetration in unforeseen soil properties

or distortion caused by soil pressures from driving adjacent piles when the

driving sequence as noted on the plans is followed, the extra costs will be

paid for as extra work.

Use watertight pipe shells to exclude water during the placement of


Do not use fluted shells.

C. Pile Points. Pile points must conform to the dimensions shown on the

plans. Provide certification that the steel used for the fabrication of the

points meets one of the following:

1. AASHTO M270 Grade 50 or Grade 50W;

2. SAE Grade 1016 through Grade 1027; or

3. SAE Grade 1030.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 906


D. Pile Protection. Provide asphalt or ultraviolet-stabilized, extruded,

corrugated polypropylene sheets for pile protection. The asphalt must

conform to ASTM D449/A449M, Type II. The polypropylene sheets must

conform to Table 906-1. The polypropylene sheets must be preformed

and scored to fold around and conform to the shape of the piling. The

length of each sheet must be at least 4 feet.

Table 906-1: Polypropylene Sheet Specifications

Property Specification Test Method

Specific gravity 0.906 ASTM D1505

Melt flow 0.5 g/10 min ASTM D1238

Tensile at yield 4,000 psi ASTM D638

Flexural modulus 195,000 psi ASTM D790

Elongation at break >500% ASTM D638

Heat deflection temperature at 66 psi

190⁰F ASTM D648

Notched Izod at 73F No break ASTM D256

Rockwell hardness 75 R Scale ASTM D785

906.06. Steel Sheet Piles

For permanent steel sheet piling, the steel piling manufacturer must provide

the Department with a certified mill test report that shows the physical

properties of the steel.

Sheet piles must meet the following requirements for the type of pile required.

If the Engineer determines that the pile cutoffs are in good condition, pile

cutoffs that meet the size and thickness requirements will be accepted

without mill test reports. If submitting pile cutoffs without mill test reports,

provide the Engineer with two copies of an affidavit stating that the material

provided meets the contract requirements.

A. Temporary Steel Sheet Piling. Temporary steel sheet piling must meet

the requirements of AASHTO M202 or AASHTO M270, Grade 36,

Grade 50, or Grade 50W.

B. Permanent Steel Sheet Piling. Permanent steel sheet piling must meet

the requirements of AASHTO M270, Grade 50.

906.07. High-Strength Steel Bolts, Nuts, and Washers for Structural Joints

Structural bolts must meet the requirements of ASTM F3125/F3125M, Grade

A325, Type 1. Nuts must meet the requirements of ASTM A563, Grade DH or

AASHTO M292, Grade 2H. Washers must meet the requirements of ASTM


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 906


F436/F436M for circular, beveled, clipped circular, and clipped beveled


Bolts, nuts, and washers must be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with

AASHTO M232. Galvanized nuts must be tapped oversize in accordance with

ASTM A563 and meet supplementary requirements S1 and S2.

906.08. Pins and Link Plates for Steel Bridge Construction

Link plates for steel bridge construction must meet the requirements of

AASHTO M270, Grade 50 or Grade 50W, and pins must meet the

requirements of ASTM A276/A276M UNS designation S21800 or S20161

annealed stainless steel with 50 ksi yield point. Provide washers made from

austenitic stainless steel meeting the chemical requirements of ASTM

A276/A276M UNS designation S31600, S31603, S21800, or S20161.

The longitudinal Charpy V-notch impact values for pin and link plate materials

in redundant structures must meet the requirements for high-strength

structural steel in subsection 906.04 and require impact testing at Frequency

(P). Use the steel yield point stress value shown in the certified mill test report

to determine the testing temperature. The steel may require heat treatment to

meet the Charpy V-notch impact requirements.

The longitudinal Charpy V-notch impact values for pin and link plate materials

in non-redundant structures must average 30 foot-pounds when tested at the

lowest anticipated service temperature (LAST) specified for the MDOT region

location of the structure in accordance with Table 906-2.

Table 906-2: Lowest Anticipated Service

Temperatures by MDOT Region

Region LAST

Superior −25°F

North −20°F

Grand and Bay −15°F

Southwest, University, and Metro −10°F

906.09. Shear Developers

Select steel shear connectors from the Qualified Products List. Steel shear

connectors must be designed for end welding to steel beams and girders with

automatically timed stud welding equipment. Provide steel shear connectors

as shown on the plans.

Provide an arc shield (ferrule) with each stud. The arc shield must be made of

a heat-resistant ceramic or material that will not adversely affect the welds,


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 906


cause excessive slag, or crumble or break from thermal or structural shock

during welding.

Furnish flux for welding with each connector that is attached to the end of the

connector or combined with the arc shield for automatic application in the

welding operation.

Steel shear connectors must meet the requirements of AASHTO M169 for

cold finished carbon steel, cold drawn bar, Grade 1015 or Grade 1020, either

semi-killed or fully killed. If using flux-retaining caps, provide cold-rolled steel

caps of a low carbon grade for welding that meet the requirements of ASTM


Tensile properties, as determined by tests of bar stock after drawing or of

finished connectors, must conform to the minimum requirements shown in

Table 906-3.

Table 906-3: Steel Shear Connector Tensile Properties

Property Specification (minimum)

Tensile strength 60 ksi

Yield strength 50 ksi

Elongation 20% in 2 inches

Reduction of area 50%

Determine tensile properties in accordance with AASHTO T244 for

mechanical testing of steel products. Use the 0.2% offset method to

determine the yield strength.

Finished connectors must be uniform in quality and condition and free from

injurious laps, fins, seams, cracks, twists, bends, or other defects. Use cold

drawing, cold rolling, or machining to finish.



Section 907. Fencing Materials

907.01. General Requirements

Materials for fencing property, right-of-way, and other installations must meet

the requirements of this section.

907.02. Testing

Fencing materials testing will be in accordance with the specified ASTM,

AASHTO, or Department methods, as modified by this section.

The weights of fencing material include the weight of coating unless

otherwise specified.

Zinc coating at 1 ounce per square foot corresponds to a coating thickness

of 1.7 mils.

907.03. Woven Wire Fence

A. Fabric. Steel woven wire fabric must be zinc or aluminum coated.

1. Zinc Coated. Zinc-coated fabric must meet the requirements of ASTM

A116, Design No. 1047-6-11, for Grade 60, Class 1 zinc coating.

2. Aluminum Coated. Aluminum-coated fabric must meet the

requirements of ASTM A116, Design No. 1047-6-11.

B. Barbed Wire. Standard grade zinc- or aluminum-coated steel barbed wire

must be composed of two strands of wire with four-point round barbs.

Provide chain-link-fence-grade barbed wire for use with chain link fence.

1. Zinc Coated. Zinc-coated barbed wire must meet the requirements of

ASTM A121 and the following:

a. If the direction of the strand wire twist alternates between left and

right, the strand wires must not untwist under a tensile force of

950 pounds for 12½-gauge wire, 850 pounds for 13½-gauge wire,

or 750 pounds for 15½-gauge wire; and

b. Class 1 zinc coating is required for 12½-gauge steel wire, and

Class 3 zinc coating is required for 13½-gauge wire and

15½-gauge wire.

2. Aluminum Coated. Aluminum-coated barbed wire must meet the

requirements of ASTM A121 for standard grade aluminum-coated

steel barbed wire with aluminum-coated barbs.

C. Smooth Line Wire. Smooth line wire must be No. 9 gauge coated steel

wire meeting the requirements of ASTM A116, for Grade 60, Class 1


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 907


zinc-coated smooth line wire or ASTM A116 for aluminum-coated smooth

line wire.

D. Steel Posts. After fabrication, galvanize steel fence posts, braces, and

fittings in accordance with ASTM A123/A123M and this subsection.

The weight of zinc coating per square foot of surface on posts and braces

must average at least 2.00 ounces, and no individual specimen may have

less than 1.80 ounces of zinc coating per square foot regardless of metal

thickness. The Department will include the weight of zinc coating in the

weights specified for posts and braces but will deduct the weight of

galvanizing greater than 4.00 ounces per square foot of surface from the

post weight.

An alternative zinc and clear coat system for pipe sections is allowed. The

exterior surface of the pipe section must have 0.90 ounce per square foot

of zinc coating and a clear acrylic coating at least 0.30 mil thick. The

interior surface of the pipe section must have 0.35 ounce per square foot

of zinc coating or 0.30 mil zinc rich organic coating and a zinc powder

loading of at least 91% by weight.

Zinc coating must be applied in accordance with ASTM A123/A123M.

Determine coating weights and thicknesses in accordance with AASHTO


1. Line Posts. Steel for line posts must meet the requirements of ASTM

A702 for Type A or Type B. Line posts must be 7 feet long, ±1 inch,

with a nominal weight of 1.12 pounds per foot. Exclusive of the anchor

plate, individual line posts must weigh 1.08 pounds per foot. Posts

must be notched, studded, or have other Department-approved

means of holding the fabric in place on the post. Provide each post

with a Department-approved anchor plate and at least seven

11-gauge galvanized or aluminum-coated wire clamps.

2. End, Corner, Gate, Intersection, and Intermediate Braced Posts.

Steel angle sections, steel pipe, or steel tubing end, corner, gate,

intersection, and intermediate braced posts must have an average

weight within 10% of the specified weight per foot. Angle sections for

posts and braces must meet the physical requirements of ASTM

A36/A36M or ASTM A702 for Type A or Type B.

Provide the required fittings and braces with each post.

a. Posts. End, corner, gate, intersection, and intermediate braced

posts must be 8 feet long, ±1 inch.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 907


Angle sections must be nominal 2½ inch by 2½ inch by ¼ inch.

Pipe or tubing must be nominal 2 inch (2.375 inch OD) weighing

3.650 pounds per foot.

b. Braces. Angle section braces must be nominal 1¾ inch by

1¾ inch by ¼ inch or nominal 2 inch by 2 inch by 3/16 inch. Steel

pipe braces must be nominal 1½ inch (1.900 inch OD) weighing

2.72 pounds per foot. Steel tubing braces must be nominal

1.750 inch OD weighing 3.13 pounds per foot.

Braces must be long enough to support the posts.

E. Wood Posts. Wood posts must meet the requirements of subsection


F. Gates. Provide gates for woven wire fence of the width and height shown

on the plans. Provide each gate with Department-approved hinges,

latches, and auxiliary braces to prevent sagging. Weld or fit to form a rigid

and watertight frame. Use woven wire in accordance with subsection

907.03.A to fill gate frames.

907.04. Steel Chain Link Fence

A. Fabric. Chain link fence fabric must be zinc-coated steel fabric meeting

the requirements of ASTM A392 for Class 2 coating, aluminum-coated

steel fabric, meeting the requirements of ASTM A491 or polymer-coated

steel fabric meeting the requirements of ASTM F668 as modified by this


Galvanize zinc-coated fabric after weaving.

Polymer-coated steel chain link fence fabric must meet ASTM F668,

Class 2a, except that the steel core wire may be either hot-dip zinc coated

(galvanized) or aluminum coated (aluminized) prior to polymer coating.

Both the metallic coating and the polymer coating must be applied before

weaving. The minimum weight of metallic coating must conform to ASTM

F668, Class 2a, for zinc galvanized or ASTM A817 for aluminum. Provide

fabric height and polymer coating color as shown on the plans.

Provide steel chain link fence fabric with the following characteristics:

1. Mesh size of 2.0 inches or as shown on the plans;

2. Wire size of 9-gauge zinc coated, 9-gauge aluminum coated, or

10-gauge aluminum coated; and

3. Top and bottom selvages knuckled.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 907


B. Tension Wire. Tension wire must meet the steel wire requirements of

ASTM A824 for Type I aluminum coating and Type II, Class 3, zinc


As an alternative to tension wire coatings, the Contractor may use hot-dip

Type I aluminized or hot-dip Type II, Class 1 galvanized, followed by a

polymer coating. The polymer coating must meet the requirements for

polymer-coated steel chain link fence fabric and match the color of the

polymer-coated steel chain link fence fabric.

C. Posts for Fence and Gates. Fence posts and gate posts for chain link

fence must be metallic-coated steel meeting the requirements of

Table 907-1 and Table 907-2.

Table 907-1: Posts and Rail for Steel Chain Link Fence

Use Fabric Height

(inch) Diameter(a)

(inch) Nominal

Weight (lb/ft) ASTM Steel


End, corner, angle, and intermediate braced posts(c)

≤120 2½ (2.875) 5.80 F1083

2½ (2.875) 4.64 F1043

3½ by 3½ RF corner(d)

5.10 F1043

Line posts ≤120 2 (2.375) 3.65 F1083

2 (2.375) 3.12 F1043

1⅞ by 1⅝ H-section

2.72 F1043

2¼ by 145/64 H-section

3.26 F1043

2¼ by 1⅝ C-section(c)

2.70 F1043

≤72 2 (2.375) 2.31 F1043

1⅞ by 1⅝ C-section(c)

2.26 F1043

≤60 1½ (1.900) 2.72 F1083

2.28 F1043

Horizontal rail — 1¼ (1.660) 2.27 F1083

1¼ (1.660) 1.84 F1043

(a) Outside pipe diameter with nominal diameter given first; actual diameter in parentheses.

(b) ASTM F1083 references are for standard weight (Schedule 40) pipe.

(c) Posts for fencing on structures must be 2½ inch (2.875 inch) nominal outside pipe diameter and must meet the requirements of ASTM F1083 (Schedule 40) or ASTM F1043 (Group 1C) or as called for on the plans.

(d) RF: roll-formed sections


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 907


Table 907-2: Pipe for Gate Posts and Frames

Use Gate Width

(feet) Diameter(a)

(inch) Nominal

Weight (lb/ft) ASTM Steel


Gate posts ≤6 2½ (2.875) 5.80 F1083

2½ (2.875) 4.64 F1043

7–13 3½ (4.000) 9.11 F1083

3½ (4.000) 7.65 F1043

14–18 6 (6.625) 18.97 F1083

Gate frames ≤6 1¼ (1.660) 2.27 F1083

1¼ (1.660) 1.40 F1043

7–18 1½ (1.900) 2.72 F1083

1½ (1.900) 2.28 F1043

(a) Outside pipe diameter with nominal diameter given first; actual diameter in parentheses.

(b) ASTM F1083 references are for standard weight (Schedule 40) pipe.

The average weight per foot of metallic-coated fence posts must be within

10% of the required weight per foot. Posts must be at least 32 inches

longer than the height of the fence fabric.

Steel posts for chain link fence must be coated with zinc or aluminum

inside and outside or polymer-coated posts in accordance with one of the

following methods:

1. Zinc Coating. Apply zinc coating meeting the requirements of ASTM

A123/A123M or ASTM A653/A653M. Use the alternative zinc and

clear coat system described in subsection 907.03.D for pipe sections


The weight of zinc coating on pipe sections must average at least 1.80

ounces per square foot of surface and at least 1.60 ounces per square

foot of surface per specimen when tested in accordance with ASTM


For posts, other than pipe sections, the weight of zinc coating on each

post must average at least 2.00 ounces per square foot of surface and

at least 1.80 ounces per square foot of surface per specimen when

tested in accordance with ASTM A90/A90M.

2. Aluminum Coating. Use Type 2 aluminum to coat posts. The weight

of aluminum coating on each post must average at least 0.75 ounces

per square foot of surface and at least 0.70 ounces per square foot of

surface per specimen when tested in accordance with ASTM



MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 907


3. Polymer Coating. After metallic coating, coat exterior surfaces with

extruded and adhered polymer coating. Match the color of the post to

the color of the polymer-coated steel chain link fence fabric coating.

D. Gates. Provide gates for chain link fence as shown on the plans. Provide

metallic-coated steel pipe gate frames in accordance with Table 907-2.

The average weight per foot of the pipe for the gate frames must be within

10% of the required weight per foot. Use the same type and weight of

coating required for posts.

Weld or fasten joints to form a rigid and watertight frame. Wire brush

welded joints and paint with two coats of a Department-approved zinc-rich


Provide gates with intermediate braces and truss rods to prevent sagging,

and provide Department-approved hinges, latches, keepers, and stops.

Fill the gate frames with fabric meeting the same requirements as for the

fence fabric.

Provide polymer-coated gate frames the same as for metallic-coated gate

frames in accordance with Table 907-2. Apply polymer coating to gate

frames including hinges, latches, keepers, and stops. Match the color of

the polymer-coated gate frame to the color of polymer-coated steel chain

link fence fabric.

E. Fence Fittings and Hardware. Provide post caps, rail, or brace ends; tie

wires and clips; tension and brace bands; tension bars; truss rods; barb

arms; and other hardware meeting the requirements of ASTM F626 and

the exceptions and additions specified in this subsection.

Bevel the ends of hog rings for fastening fabric to the tension wire to allow


Provide fittings made of malleable iron or pressed steel for fences and


If using aluminum-coated wire ties and clips, ensure that the coating

weighs at least 0.30 ounces per square foot of surface.

The Contractor may use flat aluminum alloy line post bands with an OD

from 0.062 to 0.375 inch and with self-locking ends to fasten fabric to

posts with an OD no greater than 2.375 inches.

Use double twisted, No. 9 gauge, galvanized steel for fabric fasteners for

structure fencing.

Polymer-coated fence fittings and hardware must be as specified above.

After metallic coating, coat exterior surfaces with extruded and adhered


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 907


polymer coating. Ensure that the color of the polymer coating matches the

color of the polymer-coated steel chain link fence fabric.

907.05. High-Tensile Wire Fence

A. Wire. High tensile wire must be 1½ gauge, Grade 200, with Class 3 zinc

coating in accordance with ASTM A854/A854M.

B. Wood Posts. Wood posts must be pressure treated and meet the

requirements of subsection 912.07.

C. Hardware. Galvanize hardware in accordance with ASTM A153/A153M.

907.06. Protective Fencing

Protective fencing must be orange, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) mesh

fabric with a nominal 2-inch diamond design. Protective fencing must be

48 inches high and weigh at least 0.102 pound per square foot.



Section 908. Miscellaneous Metal Products

908.01. General Requirements

Miscellaneous metal products must meet the requirements of this section and

the contract.

908.02. Testing

Miscellaneous metals product testing will be in accordance with the specified

ASTM, AASHTO, or Department methods, as modified by this section.

908.03. Malleable Iron Castings

Malleable iron castings must meet the requirements of ASTM A47/A47M for

Grade 22010.

908.04. Steel Castings

Steel castings for steel construction must meet the requirements of ASTM

A148/A148M for Grade 90-60 carbon steel castings, as shown on the plans,

unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Steel castings must be heat

treated by full annealing, unless otherwise required.

Blow holes on finished castings must be located so that a straight line laid in

any direction will not cut a total length of cavity greater than 1 inch in any

12 inches. Single blow holes must not exceed 0.500 square inch or have a

depth that will affect the strength of the casting.

908.05. Iron Castings

Gray iron castings must meet the requirements of AASHTO M306, Class 35B,

for manholes, catch basins, leaching basins, inlets, iron steps, and bridge

deck drains. Ductile iron castings meeting the requirements of AASHTO

M306, Grade 70-50-05 or Grade 80-55-06, are an acceptable alternative to

gray iron when shown on the plans. Castings must be certified to proof load

testing of 50,000 pounds. Coat exposed casting surfaces with asphaltic paint.

The coating must be smooth, tough, and tenacious when cold and must not

scale-off, tack, or become brittle.

908.06. Bronze or Copper-Alloys for Structures

Washers, bearing, and expansion plates for bridges must meet the

requirements of ASTM B22/B22M for Copper Alloy UNS No. C91100 bronze

castings or the requirements of ASTM B100 for Copper Alloy UNS No.

C51000 copper alloy plates and sheets. Provide bronze castings that are free

of deleterious material, casting faults, injurious blow holes, and other defects.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 908


Finished parts must be within 5% of the required thickness and within

0.125 inch of the required width and length shown on the plans. Mating

curved surfaces must have a curvature radius no greater than +0.010 inch on

concave surfaces and no less than −0.010 inch on convex surfaces shown on

the plans. Flat machined surfaces must meet the required dimensions within

0.0005 inch per 1.0 inch.

The surface roughness of bronze or steel must not be greater than 125 micro

inches per inch root mean square.

908.07. Sheet Lead

Sheet lead must meet the requirements of ASTM B29 for desilverized pig


908.08. Sheet Copper

Sheet copper must meet the requirements of ASTM B370.

908.09. Tubing, Steel Railings

A. Base Plates, Angles, and Post Elements. Base plate, angle, rail splice,

and non-tubular post elements must meet the material requirements of

ASTM A36/A36M and galvanizing requirements of ASTM A123/A123M.

Tubular post elements must meet the material requirements of ASTM

A500/A500M, Grade B, and galvanizing requirements of ASTM

A123/A123M. Silicon content must be less than 0.06% or from 0.15 to

0.25%. Base plate and post elements must meet the Charpy V-notch

impact requirements specified in subsection 906.04.A at a test

temperature of 10F.

B. Rail Elements. Rail elements must meet the material requirements of

ASTM A500/A500M, Grade B, and galvanizing requirements of ASTM

A123/A123M. Silicon content must be less than 0.06% or from 0.15 to


Provide the Engineer with one copy of the Mill Test Report (MTR) verifying

chemical and physical requirements for structural steel rail elements.

Provide an affidavit stating that the material meets specifications. If the

MTR is unavailable, arrange for tests of chemical and physical properties

and provide certified copies of the test reports and affidavits to the

Engineer at no additional cost to the Department. The Contractor has the

option of re-testing a rail sample if it failed elongation and passed all other

chemical and physical requirements.

The Contractor must drop-weight tear test rail elements from all heats

supplied in accordance with ASTM E436 except as modified herein.

Drop-weight tear testing is not required on hollow structural section (HSS)


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 908


2 by 2 rail elements. Do not heat treat failed heats and do not provide

failed heats to the fabricator. The Contractor must conduct the

drop-weight tear test on each heat at 0F on 2- by 9-inch specimens,

supported to achieve a 7-inch span.

The Contractor must test three specimens from each of three sides that

do not contain a weld to determine the percent shear area. The

Contractor must disregard the shear areas of the three specimens from

the side with the lowest average shear area and base the final average on

the remaining six specimens. Material with an average percent shear area

below 50% is not allowed; however, if the average percent shear area is

between 30 and 50%, the Department will allow the Contractor to retest

the material. The retest sampling frequency is three times that of the first

test, and all sample test results must be included in calculating the

average. Retested material must have a minimum average percent shear

area of 50%.

The manufacturer of the tubular railing must identify the product as


1. Place identification before galvanizing;

2. Include heat number or other code traceable to the heat number;

3. Include manufacturer’s unique identification code;

4. Place identification on only one section face;

5. Repeat identification at no more than 4-foot intervals;

6. Do not extend identification into the curved surfaces at corners of

section; and

7. Do not place identification on side facing traffic or side opposite traffic.

C. Hardware. Railing anchor studs must meet the requirements of ASTM

A449, Type 1. Structural bolts must meet the requirements of ASTM

F3125/F3125M, Grade A325, Type 1. Round head structural bolts must

meet the requirements of ASTM A449, Type 1. The material for the railing

hand hole screws must meet the requirements of ASTM A276/A276M,

Type 304. Nuts must meet the requirements of ASTM A563, Grade DH, or

AASHTO M292, Grade 2H. Flat, circular washers must meet the

requirements of ASTM F436/F436M. Lock washers must be steel, regular,

helical spring washers meeting the requirements of ASME B18.21.1.

Bolts, anchor studs, nuts, and washers must be hot-dip galvanized in

accordance with AASHTO M232. Galvanized nuts must be tapped

oversize in accordance with ASTM A563 and meet supplementary

requirements S1 and S2.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 908


908.10. Hardware for Timber Construction

Machine bolts, drift bolts, and dowels for timber construction must be made of

structural grade steel.

Washers must be cast iron ogee or malleable castings. Nails must be cut or

round wire of standard form. Spikes must be cut or wire spikes or boat

spikes. Galvanize in accordance with AASHTO M232 when required.

908.11. Steel Beam Guardrail Elements, Hardware, and Steel Sleeves

A. Steel Beam Elements and End Sections. Unless otherwise specified on

the plans and details, provide steel beam elements and terminal end

shoes meeting the requirements of AASHTO M180 for Class A guardrail.

Thrie beam elements for bridge rail retrofit, special end shoes, and thrie

beam terminal connectors must meet the requirements of AASHTO M180

for Class B guardrail.

Provide steel beam elements and end sections in the required shape.

Steel beam elements and end sections must be hot-dip zinc coated after

fabrication in accordance with AASHTO M180 for Type II zinc coatings.

W-beam elements may be hot-dip zinc coated before or after fabrication.

B. Hardware. Bolts, nuts, washers, and other guardrail hardware must be

hot-dip galvanized in accordance with AASHTO M232.

Bolts must meet the requirements of ASTM A307, Grade A. Nuts must

meet the requirements of ASTM A563, Grade A with supplementary

requirement S1. Flat circular washers must meet the requirements of

ASTM F436/F436M.

Beveled square or rectangular washers must meet the requirements of

ASTM F436/F436M and the dimensions shown on the plans.

Bolts and nuts for making splices and connections of beam elements,

other than at bridge barrier railings, must meet the requirements of

AASHTO M180. Provide bolts meeting one of the bolt head configurations

of AASHTO M180 (Alternate No. 1 or 2) except within the limits of

guardrail approach terminals. Hardware for guardrail approach terminals

must conform to manufacturer’s specifications.

Structural bolts for connections at bridge railings must conform to ASTM

F3125/F3125M, Grade A325, Type 1. Nuts must meet the requirements of

ASTM A563, Grade DH, or ASTM A194/A194M, Grade 2H. Flat circular

washers must meet the requirements of ASTM F436/F436M.

Wire rope and fittings for the cable anchorage must conform to AASHTO

M30. Wire rope must be Type II with a Class B coating.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 908


C. Steel Sleeves, Soil Plates, and Bearing Plates. Provide steel sleeves

with the inside dimensions shown on the plans within a tolerance, after

galvanizing, of +⅛ inch. Provide steel plates in the sizes shown on the

plans but no more than 0.250 inch larger.

Steel for the sleeves and plates for wood guardrail posts must meet the

requirements of ASTM A36/A36M or ASTM A1011/A1011M for Grade 36

or Grade 40.

Steel sleeves must have one or two complete penetration longitudinal

welds that run along the length of the sleeve.

Hot-dip galvanize sleeves and plates in accordance with AASHTO M111.

The weight of the zinc coating on the sleeves must average at least

2.0 ounces per square foot and each sleeve must have at least

1.7 ounces of zinc coating per square foot. The weight of the zinc coating

on plates must average at least 2.3 ounces per square foot, and each

plate must have at least 2.0 ounces of zinc coating per square foot.

908.12. Steel Posts for Guardrail

Steel posts for guardrail must be W6 by 9 or W6 by 8.5 section steel posts of

the length shown on the plans for guardrail. Each steel post must weigh at

least 9.0 pounds per foot. Posts must be fabricated from ASTM A36/A36M

structural steel.

Hot-dip galvanize posts in accordance with AASHTO M111 to produce an

average coating weight of at least 2.0 ounces per square foot of surface area.

908.13. Guardrail Reflectors

Fabricate guardrail reflectors from at least 13-gauge steel sheets, galvanized

in accordance with ASTM A653/A653M, coating designation G210, and as

required. Use Type XI reflective sheeting meeting the requirements of

subsection 919.03.B.

Prepare galvanized surfaces in accordance with the sheeting manufacturer’s

recommendations before applying the sheeting. Bond reflective material to

the galvanized steel.

908.14. Anchor Bolts, Nuts, and Washers

A. General. The fabricator or supplier must provide a Mill Test Report (MTR)

that shows compliance with ASTM F1554 for the grade specified in the

contract in addition to the following:

1. Heat number;

2. Yield strength;


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 908


3. Tensile strength;

4. Elongation;

5. Reduction of area; and

6. Charpy V-notch.

Provide the furnace lot number for all heat-treated anchor bolts. Order

additional bolts to replace those used for Department testing. Each

anchor bolt must be provided with two washers and two nuts unless

otherwise required in the contract.

Provide bolts, nuts, and washers in the size and shape shown on the

plans and hot-dip galvanized in accordance with AASHTO M232.

Galvanize the exposed threaded end of anchor bolts a minimum of

20 inches.

Nuts must meet the requirements of ASTM A563, Grade DH, or ASTM

A194/A194M, Grade 2H. Lubricate nuts in accordance with ASTM A563,

supplementary requirement S1 and S2. Re-tap nuts after galvanizing in

accordance with ASTM A563. Provide flat, circular washers meeting the

requirements of ASTM F436/F436M.

B. Anchor Bolts and Nuts for Cantilever and Truss Sign Supports, Light

Standards, Dynamic Message Sign, CCTV Poles, Tower Lighting

Units, and Traffic Signals Mast Signal Arm Poles. Steel anchor bolts

must meet the requirements of subsection 908.14.A except that anchor

bolt material must meet ASTM F1554, Grade 55, supplemental

requirements S1, S3, and S4.

Table 908-1: Anchor Bolt Specifications

Characteristic Specification

Yield strength 55 ksi

Ultimate strength 75–95 ksi

Elongation (2-inch gauge) ≥21%(a)

Reduction in area ≥30%(b)

Longitudinal Charpy V-notch ≥15 ft-lb at 40°F

(a) Elongation (8-inch gauge), minimum 18% for bolts tested full section

(b) Bolts >2 to 2.5 inches, 22% minimum; >2.5 to 3 inches, 20% minimum

The Department will perform Charpy V-notch toughness tests on

specimens in accordance with frequency (P) testing of AASHTO T243

orienting the notch perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the anchor


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 908


bolt. If necessary, heat treat steel to meet Charpy V-notch toughness


Bolt threads must meet the requirements of ASME B1.1, 8UN series,

Class 2A tolerances, before coating. After coating, the maximum limit of

pitch and major diameter for bolts with a diameter no greater than 1 inch

may exceed the Class 2A limit by no more than 0.021 inch and by no

greater than 0.031 inch for bolts greater than 1 inch in diameter.

Nut threads must meet the requirements of ASME B1.1, 8UN series,

Class 2B tolerances. Tap nuts for anchor bolts less than 1 inch in

diameter no greater than 0.021 inch and nuts for anchor bolts equal to or

greater than 1 inch in diameter no greater than 0.031 inch.

C. Anchor Bolts for Traffic Signal Strain Poles. Provide anchor bolts that

meet subsection 908.14.A with the following exceptions and additions:

1. ASTM F1554, Grade 105, supplementary requirement S3;

2. Coarse pitch threads are acceptable if the anchor bolts meet required


3. Bolts must be threaded at least 9 inches at the upper end; and

4. Each anchor bolt must be provided with one steel lock washer

meeting the requirements of ASME B18.21.1.

D. Anchor Bolts for Other Purposes. Steel anchor bolts must meet

subsection 908.14.A except that anchor bolt material must meet

ASTM F1554, Grade 36, supplementary requirements.



Section 909. Drainage Products

909.01. General Requirements

Use the pipe materials shown in Table 401-1 and Table 402-1 for culverts or

sewers if only the size and class are specified by the contract. Construct

drainage structures and underdrains as required.

Provide galvanized corrugated steel or aluminum structural plates as

required. Galvanized corrugated steel structural plates must meet the

requirements of AASHTO M167M/M167. Corrugated aluminum structural

plates must meet the requirements of ASTM B790/B790M or Section 12 of

the AASHTO LRFD [Load and Resistance Factor Design] Bridge


Provide sanitary sewer or industrial waste systems in accordance with the

contract. Install sanitary sewer or industrial waste systems using a

compression gasket as specified in subsection 909.03.

909.02. Testing

Test drainage products in accordance with AASHTO or ASTM specifications

unless otherwise specified in this section.

Verify that each concrete pipe manufacturer provides a calibrated standard

testing machine to determine the strength of the product. The manufacturer

must provide labor and materials to perform strength tests.

909.03. Watertight Joints for Sewers and Culverts

Provide watertight joint systems selected from the Qualified Products List.

Ensure that watertight joint systems meet the pressure test requirements of

MTM 723 and the specifications for the materials used in assembling the pipe


Use flexible rubber compression gaskets meeting the requirements of

ASTM C443 for concrete pipe, ASTM F477 for plastic pipe, AASHTO M36 for

corrugated metal pipe, and AASHTO M196 for corrugated aluminum pipe. As

an alternative to the AASHTO M36 requirements for metal pipe, the

Contractor may use gasket material meeting the low temperature flexibility

and elevated temperature flow test requirements of ASTM C990, excluding

the requirements for softening point, flash point, and fire point.

External rubber gaskets, mastic, and protective film must meet the

requirements of ASTM C877 or C990.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


909.04. Concrete Pipe Products

A. Reinforced Concrete Circular Pipe. Provide reinforced concrete circular

pipe meeting the requirements of AASHTO M170 or AASHTO M242. If

using AASHTO M242 pipe, the design loads must meet the requirements

of AASHTO M170.

If using AASHTO M170 pipe, apply the following exceptions and


1. The Contractor may use the circular pipe designs specified in

Table 909-1, Table 909-2, Table 909-3, and Table 909-4 in addition to

the circular pipe designs in Table 2, Table 3, Table 4, and Table 5 of


2. Cast or drill lift holes and seal with concrete plugs after installing the

pipe. Cast lift holes in circular pipe with elliptical reinforcing along the

top centerline of the pipe.

3. Use circular reinforcement in circular pipe for use in pipe culverts and

sewers jacked in place. The concrete absorption test requirements will

be waived if the load required to produce the 0.01-inch crack exceeds

the minimum load by at least 20%.

If using stirrup supports, use indentations or waterproof paint to mark the

top and bottom centerline of the pipe, inside and out, on each end of the

pipe. Symmetrically place stirrup supports around the centerline in the top

and bottom portion of the pipe. Pass stirrups around and in contact with

each inside circumferential reinforcing member. Space the stirrups in

accordance with Table 909-2, Table 909-3, and Table 909-4. Do not use

more than three sections of stirrup material in one support line. Ensure a

section length of at least 30 inches for each stirrup.

B. Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Pipe. Provide reinforced concrete

elliptical pipe meeting the requirements of AASHTO M207. The concrete

absorption test requirement will be waived if the load required to produce

the 0.01-inch crack exceeds the required minimum load by at least 20%.

The Contractor may use the horizontal elliptical pipe designs specified in

Table 909-5 and Table 1 of AASHTO M207.

C. Non-Reinforced Concrete Pipe. Provide non-reinforced concrete pipe

meeting the requirements of AASHTO M86. Place required markings on

the barrel of the pipe near the socket. Ensure that the markings remain

legible during delivery of the pipe to the project.

D. Precast Concrete Box Sections. Use precast concrete box sections as

required and in accordance with ASTM C1577.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


E. Concrete End Sections. Provide precast concrete end sections

fabricated using material meeting the requirements of AASHTO M170 for

Class II and as shown on the plans. Provide wet-cast concrete for end

sections with an entrained air content of 5.5 to 8.5%. When using the dry

cast process, use at least 658 pounds of cement per cubic yard of

concrete and use a liquid air-entraining agent at the dosage

recommended by the manufacturer for dry cast concrete.

Use tongue and groove joints to make connections to pipe culverts.

F. Pipe Culverts Jacked in Place. For pipe culverts jacked in place, use

reinforced concrete pipe at least 36 inches in diameter, meeting the

requirements of AASHTO M170 for Class V, Wall B or C, with full circular


G. Precast Concrete Three-Sided and Arch Sections. Use precast

concrete three-sided and arch sections as required and in accordance

with ASTM C1504.

909.05. Metal Pipe Products

For metal pipe products, refer to Table 909-6 for the minimum wall thickness,

or refer to Table 909-7 through Table 909-17, and Table 909-20 to determine

the required wall thickness.

Refer to Table 909-19 for gauge equivalents for specified nominal


A. Corrugated Steel Pipe. Provide circular and pipe arch corrugated steel

pipe meeting the requirements of AASHTO M36 for metallic-coated pipe.

For polymer-precoated pipe, provide circular and pipe arch corrugated

steel pipe meeting the requirements of AASHTO M245 and using an

ethylene acrylic acid film selected from the Qualified Products List.

The Contractor may use Type IA and Type IIA dual-wall polymer-

precoated galvanized corrugated steel pipe of the wall thicknesses

specified in Table 909-20 and specified in subsection 909.05.

1. Steel Sheet. Provide corrugated steel pipe from zinc-coated sheets

meeting the requirements of AASHTO M218 or from aluminum-coated

sheets meeting the requirements of AASHTO M274.

On zinc-coated steel sheet for polymer-precoated corrugated steel

pipe, use ethylene acrylic acid film selected from the Qualified

Products List meeting the requirements of AASHTO M246 for Grade

250/250 polymer. Use only lock seam pipe.

Verify that the metallic coating weight on individual samples of

fabricated pipe or steel sheet meets the single spot and triple spot test


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


requirements in accordance with AASHTO M218. Refer to Table

909-6, Table 909-7, Table 909-8, Table 909-9, Table 909-10,

Table 909-11, and 909-20 for the specified nominal sheet thickness for

a given diameter, class, and size of corrugation of culvert or sewer


Provide pipe less than 12 inches in diameter, fabricated from steel

sheet with a minimum thickness of at least 0.064 inch (16 gauge).

2. End Finish for Helical Corrugated Pipe. For helical corrugated pipe,

except perforated pipe, with diameters of at least 12 inches, reroll the

pipe ends to form at least two circumferential corrugations in

accordance with AASHTO M36 or AASHTO M245. This end treatment

for perforated pipe and pipe with diameters less than 12 inches and

pipe that spans the road surface in a single section is optional for the


3. Coupling Bands. To connect sections of pipe and to attach end

sections to culvert pipe with diameters of at least 12 inches, except

perforated pipe, provide coupling bands circumferentially corrugated

with the same size corrugations as on the ends of the pipe or use

universal bands with gaskets.

For coupling bands with diameters no greater than 10 inches, use

coupling bands with corrugations matching the pipe corrugations.

The Contractor may connect perforated pipe with a diameter no

greater than 12 inches with smooth sleeve-type couplers. For

perforated pipe with diameters greater than 12 inches, use coupling

bands with corrugations matching the pipe corrugations, dimple

bands, or universal bands.

Provide coupling band connections as specified in subsection 401.03

and meeting the requirements of AASHTO M36 or AASHTO M245.

B. Corrugated Aluminum Alloy Pipe. Provide corrugated aluminum alloy

pipe meeting the requirements of AASHTO M196, except fabricate pipe

from aluminum sheet with the nominal thickness specified in Table 909-12,

Table 909-13, Table 909-14, Table 909-15, Table 909-16, and

Table 909-17.

Only use Type IA and Type IIA corrugated aluminum alloy pipe if directed

by the Engineer.

C. Steel End Sections. Provide steel end sections with coupling bands or

hardware as shown on the plans. Metallic coating on the end sections

must be the same as the metallic coating on the pipe, except zinc-coated

steel end sections may be used with aluminum-coated steel pipe and


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


polymer-coated steel pipe. Provide metal end sections meeting the

requirements of AASHTO M36.

D. Steel Pipe for Jacking in Place. Provide steel pipe for jacking in place

meeting the requirements of ASTM A53/A53M for Type E or Type S,

Grade B, or ASTM A139/A136M for Grade B. Provide a continuous

welded joint to create a watertight casing that is capable of withstanding

handling and installation stresses. Perform field welding using the

shielded metal arc welding process and using E6011 or E7018 electrodes.

909.06. Plastic Pipe Products

Provide smooth-lined corrugated polyethylene (CPE) pipe and required

fittings meeting the requirements of AASHTO M294 for Type S.

Provide corrugated polyvinyl chloride (CPV) pipe and required fittings

meeting the requirements of AASHTO M304. The Engineer will test CPV pipe

in accordance with MTM 728.

If providing a separate fitting or coupling to ensure a watertight joint in

corrugated plastic pipe culverts and sewers, use non-corrugated, solid

sleeve, fabricated from polyethylene (PE), or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with a

gasket meeting the requirements of subsection 909.03 on both sides of the

joint. Do not use split collar couplers.

Provide a pipe indentation in each sleeve in the center to ensure positioning

of the pipe sections in the field. Factory-installed sleeves on one end of the

pipe sections and place a removable protective material over the exposed

gaskets. Lubricate gaskets and sleeves before insertion according to

manufacturer’s recommendations.

909.07. Pipe for Underdrains

A. Smooth Plastic Pipe for Underdrain. Provide smooth plastic pipe for

underdrain, fabricated from PVC pipe meeting the requirements of

AASHTO M278. For pipes no greater than 6 inches in diameter, the

Contractor may use acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) pipe meeting

the requirements of ASTM D2751 for SDR 35 with perforations meeting

the requirements of AASHTO M278, except that the joint tightness

requirements do not apply.

B. Corrugated Plastic Tubing for Underdrain. Provide corrugated plastic

tubing for underdrain meeting the requirements of AASHTO M252 for PE

tubing or ASTM F949 for PVC tubing. Ensure that the perforations for PE

and PVC tubing meet the requirements of AASHTO M252.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


C. Underdrain Outlets. Provide PVC pipe underdrain outlets meeting one of

the following requirements:

1. ASTM D1785 Schedule 40;

2. ASTM D2665;

3. ASTM D3034, for Type SDR 23.5; or

4. Corrugated steel pipe in accordance with subsection 909.05.A.

D. Connections. Seal connections with tape recommended by the

manufacturer for underground service conditions. Provide tape resistant

to moisture and organic growth.

909.08. Pipe for Downspouts

A. Bridge Deck Downspouts. Provide bridge deck downspouts of PE pipe

meeting the requirements of ASTM F714, PE 4710, DR 26, Schedule 80

PVC. The Contractor may provide bridge deck downspouts of

fiberglass-reinforced thermosetting resin pipe with a short-term rupture

hoops tensile stress of at least 30,000 psi in accordance with ASTM

D2996. PVC pipe must be in accordance with ASTM D1785 and ASTM

D4216 to prevent changes in color, physical properties, and appearance

due to weathering.

B. Culvert, Downspouts. If shown on the plans, provide other culvert

downspouts made from one of the following:

1. Corrugated steel pipe as specified in subsection 909.05.A;

2. Corrugated aluminum alloy pipe as specified in subsection 909.05.B;


3. CPE pipe meeting the requirements of AASHTO M294 for Type C.

Provide fittings required for CPE pipe meeting the requirements of


Seal joints between lengths of pipe, as recommended by the pipe

manufacturer, to form silt-tight joints. Provide end sections as shown on

the plans and specified in subsection 909.04.D or subsection 909.05.C.

C. Bridge Deck Drain Extensions. Provide bridge deck drain extensions as

an integral component of the drain casting assembly in accordance with

MDOT Standard Plan B-101 series.

909.09. Cold-Applied Pipe Joint Sealer

Provide asphaltic material for sealing joints in concrete or clay pipe that can

be spread on the joints with a trowel at an air temperature from 14 to 100°F.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


The material must not flow, crack, or become brittle if exposed to the

atmosphere. Verify that the material adheres to the concrete or clay to make

a watertight seal.

Deliver the sealer to the project in sealed containers. Protect the sealer from

contamination. Mark the container with “Cold Applied Pipe Joint Sealer” and

the brand name, net volume or weight, and application requirements.

909.10. Drainage Marker Posts

Provide drainage marker posts meeting the requirements for plastic or steel

delineator posts as specified in section 919 or the requirements for steel line

fence posts in section 907, except provide posts at least 6 feet long. The

Contractor may submit alternative post materials to the Engineer for approval.

909.11. Rodent Screens

Provide rodent screens of hardware cloth meeting the requirements of

ASTM A740 with an opening size no greater than 0.30 inch, except provide

wire of a nominal size of 0.057 inch and a minimum zinc coating weight of

0.59 ounce per square foot of uncoated wire surface, applied after weaving.

The Contractor may substitute fabric made of Type 304 stainless steel wire

with an opening no greater than 0.30 inch and a 0.057-inch nominal wire

diameter. The Contractor may submit other screens with openings no greater

than 0.30 inch to the Engineer for approval.

Form the screen using a punch and die. After shaping, ensure that the fabric

forms a cylinder slightly larger than the inside diameter of the outlet pipe.

Table 909-1: Additional Designs For Class II Reinforced Concrete Pipe

(AASHTO M170 Table 2 Extended)

Internal Diameter of Pipe (inch)

Minimum Wall Thickness


Reinforcement per Foot of Pipe Wall (sq in)

Circular Reinforcement in Circular Pipe

Elliptical Reinforcement in Circular Pipe

Inner Cage

Outer Cage

Inner Circular Cage

Elliptical Cage

114 9.5 0.56 0.34 0.22 0.34

120 10 0.61 0.37 0.24 0.37

126 10.5 0.65 0.39 0.26 0.39

132 11 0.70 0.42 0.28 0.42

144 12 0.80 0.48 0.32 0.48

Notes: D-load = pound-force per linear foot per foot of diameter D-load to produce a 0.01-inch crack: 1,000 D-load to produce the ultimate load: 1,500 Concrete strength: 5,000 psi


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


Table 909-2: Additional Designs for Class III Reinforced Concrete Pipe (AASHTO M170 Table 3 Extended)

Internal Diameter of Pipe (inch)

Minimum Wall

Thickness (inch)

Reinforcement per foot of Pipe Wall (sq in) Stirrup Support System

Circular Reinforcement in

Circular Pipe Elliptical Reinforcement

in Circular Pipe

Minimum Area per Support Element,

(sq in)(a) No. of


Long. Spacing


Circum. Spacing on Inner Cage


Amplitude of Supports


Ave. Area (sq in per

ft per line)(d) Inner Cage

Outer Cage

Inner Circular

Cage Elliptical


114 9½ 0.69 0.41 0.28 0.41 0.041 5 2 6⅛ 6.68 0.242

120 10 0.74 0.44 0.30 0.44 0.041 5 2 6½ 7.16 0.242

126 10½ 0.79 0.47 0.32 0.47 0.041 5 2 6⅞ 7.68 0.242

132 11 0.85 0.51 0.34 0.51 0.041 5 2 7¼ 8.16 0.242

144 12 0.97 0.58 0.39 0.58 0.041 5 2 8 9.16 0.242

Notes: D-load = pound-force per linear foot per foot of diameter D-load to produce a 0.01-inch crack: 1,350 D-lad to produce the ultimate load: 2,000 Concrete strength: 5,000 psi Where a stirrup system is shown for a given size, it must be used with the circumferential reinforcement design selected.

(a) Two times the cross-sectional area of the wire used in the stirrup support system using 2- × 8-inch pattern for inner cage steel.

(b) Number of longitudinal lines required in the top and in the bottom portions of the pipe.

(c) Overall width of each line of stirrup support system using 2- × 8-inch pattern for inner cage steel. Use with Shearlock stirrups or S-stirrups or equal.

(d) Minimum area per support times number of supports per foot using 2- × 8-inch pattern for inner cage steel.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


Table 909-3: Additional Designs for Class IV Reinforced Concrete Pipe (AASHTO M170 Table 4 Extended)

Internal Diameter of

Pipe, (in)

Minimum Wall

Thickness, (in)

Reinforcement per Foot of Pipe Wall (sq in)

Stirrup Support System

Circular Reinforcement in

Circular Pipe

Elliptical Reinforcement in

Circular Pipe

Inner Cage

Outer Cage

Inner Circular

Cage Elliptical


Concrete Strength, 5,500 psi Minimum Area per Support Element (square inch)(a)

Number of


Long. Spacing


Circum. Spacing

on Inner Cage


Amplitude of

Supports (inch)(c)

Ave. Area (square inch per foot per line)(d)

78 7½ 0.87 0.52 0.35 0.52

84 8 1.00 0.60 0.40 0.64

— — Concrete Strength, 5,000 psi

78 7½ 0.69 0.41 0.28 0.41 0.028 11 2 4⅛ 4.67 0.167

84 8 0.74 0.44 0.30 0.44 0.028 11 2 4⅝ 5.17 0.167

90 8 0.85 0.51 0.34 0.51 0.028 11 2 4⅝ 5.17 0.167

96 8½ 0.91 0.55 0.36 0.55 0.028 11 2 5⅛ 5.67 0.167

102 8½ 1.02 0.61 0.41 0.61 0.033 11 2 5⅛ 5.67 0.195

108 9 1.07 0.64 0.43 0.64 0.043 11 2 5⅝ 6.17 0.260

114 9½ 1.02 0.61 0.41 0.61 0.047 11 2 6⅛ 6.67 0.279

120 10 1.10 0.66 0.44 0.66 0.050 11 2 6½ 7.17 0.298

126 10½ 1.17 0.70 0.47 0.70 0.053 11 2 6⅞ 7.67 0.316

132 11 1.25 0.75 0.50 0.75 0.056 11 2 7¼ 8.17 0.335

144 12 1.42 0.85 0.57 0.85 0.064 11 2 8 9.17 0.381


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


Table 909-3 (cont.): Additional Designs for Class IV Reinforced Concrete Pipe (AASHTO M170 Table 4 Extended)


D-load = pound-force per linear foot per foot of diameter D-load to produce a 0.01-inch crack: 2,000 D-load to produce the ultimate load: 3,000 Where a stirrup system is shown for a given size, it must be used with the circumferential reinforcement design selected.

(a) Two times the cross-sectional area of the wire used in the S-stirrups.

(b) Number of longitudinal lines required in the top and in the bottom portions of the pipe.

(c) Overall width of each line of stirrup support system using 2- × 8-inch in pattern for inner cage steel. Use with Shearlock stirrups or S-stirrups or equal.

(d) Minimum area per support times number of supports per foot using 2- × 8-inch pattern for inner cage steel.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


Table 909-4: Additional Designs for Class V Reinforced Concrete Pipe (AASHTO M170 Table 5 Extended)

Internal Diameter of Pipe (inch)

Wall Thickness (inch min.)

Reinforcement per Foot of Pipe Wall (sq in)

Stirrup Support System

Circular Reinforcement in

Circular Pipe

Elliptical Reinforcement in

Circular Pipe

Inner Cage

Outer Cage

Inner Circular

Cage Elliptical


Minimum Area per Support Element (sq in)(a)

Number of Lines(b)

Long. Spacing


Circum. Spacing

on Inner Cage


Amplitude of

Supports (inch)(c)

Ave. Area, (square inch per foot per line)(d)

54 5½ 0.64 0.38 0.26 0.38 0.028 15 2 2⅛ 2.68 0.167

60 6 0.70 0.42 0.28 0.42 0.028 14 2 2⅝ 3.20 0.167

66 6½ 0.79 0.47 0.32 0.47 0.028 13 2 3⅛ 3.68 0.167

72 7 0.87 0.52 0.35 0.52 0.028 12 2 3⅝ 4.16 0.167

78 7½ 0.92 0.55 0.37 0.55 0.028 11 2 4⅛ 4.68 0.167

84 8 0.99 0.59 0.40 0.59 0.033 11 2 4⅝ 5.16 0.195

90 8 1.13 0.68 0.45 0.68 0.040 11 2 4⅝ 5.16 0.248

96 8½ 1.20 0.72 0.48 0.72 0.043 11 2 5⅛ 5.68 0.260

102 8½ 1.34 0.80 0.54 0.80 0.051 11 2 5⅛ 5.68 0.307

108 9 1.51 0.91 0.60 0.91 0.061 11 2 5⅝ 6.16 0.363

114 9½ 1.51 0.91 0.60 0.91 0.062 11 2 6⅛ 6.68 0.372

120 10 1.62 0.97 0.65 0.97 0.067 11 2 6½ 7.16 0.400


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


Table 909-4 (cont.): Additional Designs for Class V Reinforced Concrete Pipe (AASHTO M170 Table 5 Extended)

Internal Diameter of Pipe (inch)

Wall Thickness (inch min.)

Reinforcement per Foot of Pipe Wall (sq in)

Stirrup Support System

Circular Reinforcement in

Circular Pipe

Elliptical Reinforcement in

Circular Pipe

Inner Cage

Outer Cage

Inner Circular

Cage Elliptical


Minimum Area per Support Element (sq in)(a)

Number of Lines(b)

Long. Spacing


Circum. Spacing

on Inner Cage


Amplitude of

Supports (inch)(c)

Ave. Area, (square inch per foot per line)(d)

126 10½ 1.73 1.04 0.69 1.04 0.070 11 2 6⅞ 7.68 0.419

132 11 1.84 1.10 0.74 1.10 0.074 11 2 7¼ 8.16 0.446

144 12 2.09 1.25 0.84 1.25 0.082 11 2 8 9.16 0.493


D-load = pound-force per linear foot per foot of diameter D-load to produce a 0.01-inch crack: 3,000 D-load to produce the ultimate load: 3,750 Concrete strength: 6,000 psi Where a stirrup system is shown for a given size, it must be used with the circumferential reinforcement design selected.

(a) Two times the cross-sectional area of the wire used in the Stirrups Support System using 2 × 8-inch pattern for inner cage steel. Use with Shearlock stirrups or S-stirrups or equal.

(b) Number of longitudinal lines required in the top and in the bottom portions of the pipe.

(c) Overall width of each line of stirrups.

(d) Minimum area per support times number of supports per foot using 2 × 8-inch pattern for inner cage steel.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


Table 909-5: Additional Designs for Horizontal Elliptical Pipe

Specified Diam., Equiv. Round

Size (inch)

Specified Rise by

Span (inch)

Min. Wall Thick (inch)

Reinforcement (square inch per foot)

Class HE-A Class HE-I Class HE-II Class HE-III Class HE-IV

D-Loads Stirrup Support System

0.01 = 600 0.01 = 800 0.01 = 1000 0.01 = 1350 0.01 = 2000 Min. Area per

Support Element (square


Number of


Long. Spacing


Circum. Spacing on Inner Cage


Ult = 900 Ult = 1200 Ult = 1500 Ult = 2000 Ult = 3000

In Cage

Out Cage

In Cage

Out Cage

In Cage

Out Cage

In Cage

Out Cage

In Cage

Out Cage

48 38 × 60 5½ — — — — — — — — 0.70 0.70 0.13 15 2 3.000

54 43 × 68 6 — — — — — — — — 0.82 0.82 0.15 15 2 3.375

60 48 × 76 6½ — — — — — — — — 0.94 0.94 0.17 15 2 3.750

66 53 × 83 7 — — — — — — — — 0.99 0.99 0.17 15 2 4.125

72 58 × 91 7½ — — — — — — — — 1.11 1.11 0.19 15 2 4.500

84 63 × 98 8 — — — — — — — — 1.21 1.21 0.21 15 2 4.875

78 68 × 106 8½ — — — — — — — — 1.33 1.33 0.22 15 2 5.250

90 72 × 113 9 0.28 0.28 0.40 0.40 0.58 0.58 — 0.84 1.43 1.43 0.24 15 2 5.625

96 77 × 121 9½ 0.30 0.30 0.45 0.45 0.65 0.65 0.92 0.92 1.56 1.56 0.26 15 2 6.000

102 82 × 128 9¾ 0.33 0.33 0.52 0.52 0.73 0.73 1.03 1.03 1.72 1.72 0.28 15 2 6.188

108 87 × 136 10 0.36 0.36 0.60 0.60 0.83 0.83 1.16 1.16 1.92 1.92 0.30 15 2 6.375

114 92 × 143 10½ 0.40 0.40 0.64 0.64 0.88 0.88 1.23 1.23 2.02 2.02 0.32 15 2 6.750

120 97 × 151 11 0.44 0.44 0.70 0.70 0.96 0.96 1.32 1.32 2.16 2.16 0.34 15 2 7.125


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


Table 909-5 (cont.): Additional Designs for Horizontal Elliptical Pipe

Specified Diam., Equiv. Round

Size (inch)

Specified Rise by

Span (inch)

Min. Wall Thick (inch)

Reinforcement (square inch per foot)

Class HE-A Class HE-I Class HE-II Class HE-III Class HE-IV

D-Loads Stirrup Support System

0.01 = 600 0.01 = 800 0.01 = 1000 0.01 = 1350 0.01 = 2000 Min. Area per

Support Element (square


Number of


Long. Spacing


Circum. Spacing on Inner Cage


Ult = 900 Ult = 1200 Ult = 1500 Ult = 2000 Ult = 3000

In Cage

Out Cage

In Cage

Out Cage

In Cage

Out Cage

In Cage

Out Cage

In Cage

Out Cage

132 106 × 166 12 0.53 0.53 0.81 0.81 1.09 1.09 1.49 1.49 2.40 2.40 0.38 15 2 7.875

144 116 × 180 13 0.61 0.61 0.91 0.91 1.21 1.21 1.64 1.64 2.62 2.62 0.42 15 2 8.625

Concrete strength (psi) 4,000 4,000 4,000 5,000 48 inch, 54 inch, 60 inch 4,000

66-144 inch 5,000

Note: Where a stirrup system is shown for a given size, it must be used with the circumferential reinforcement design selected.

(a) Number of longitudinal lines required in the top and in the bottom portions of the pipe.

(b) Overall width of each line of stirrups.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


Table 909-6: References for Spiral Ribbed and Corrugated Metal Pipes

Pipe Material Type

Driveway Culverts and Downspouts Culverts Sewers

Minimum Design Life

25 years 50 years 70 years

Galvanized spiral ribbed metal pipe Table 909-8 0.109(a) 0.168(a)

Aluminized Type 2 spiral ribbed metal pipe Table 909-8 Table 909-11 0.138(a)

Polymer-precoated spiral ribbed metal pipe Table 909-8 Table 909-8 Table 909-8

Galvanized corrugated metal pipe Table 909-7 Table 909-9 0.168(a),(b)

Aluminized Type 2 corrugated metal pipe Table 909-7 Table 909-10 0.138(a),(b)

Polymer-precoated corrugated galvanized pipe Table 909-7 Table 909-7 Table 909-7(b)

Aluminum pipe Table 909-12 Table 909-13 Table 909-14

Aluminum spiral ribbed pipe Table 909-15 Table 909-16 Table 909-17

Dual-wall polymer-precoated galvanized corrugated steel pipe

Table 909-20 Table 909-20 Table 909-20


Minimum wall thickness in inches to meet structural and durability requirements for various metal pipes to meet the design life. Numbers represent the minimum durability gage requirements for the specific pipe material. Table 909-7 represents the minimum structural gauge thickness requirements for corrugated steel pipe. Table 909-8 represents the minimum structural gauge thickness requirements for spiral ribbed steel pipe.

(a) Required wall thickness (inch).

(b) Permitted for 12- to 18-inch-diameter 2⅔- × ½-inch helically corrugated pipe only.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


Table 909-7: Wall Thickness Requirements in Inches, Based on Diameter Class of Pipe and Size of Corrugation

Pipe Diameter (inch)

Depth of Cover

0–16 feet >16–24 feet >24–32 feet

Corrugation Size (inch)

2⅔ × ½ 3 × 1, 5 × 1 2⅔ × ½ 3 × 1 5 × 1 2⅔ × ½ 3 × 1 5 × 1

Required Wall Thickness (inch)

12–30 0.064 — 0.064 — — 0.064 — —

36–48 0.064 0.064 0.064 0.064 0.064 0.064 0.064 0.064

54 0.079 0.064 0.079 0.064 0.064 0.079 0.064 0.064

60 0.109 0.064 0.109 0.064 0.064 0.109 0.064 0.064

66 0.138 0.064 0.138 0.064 0.064 0.138 0.064 0.064

72 0.138 0.064 0.138 0.064 0.064 0.138 0.064 0.064

78 0.168 0.064 0.168 0.064 0.064 0.168 0.064 0.064

84 0.168 0.064 0.168 0.064 0.064 0.168 0.064 0.079

90 — 0.064 — 0.064 0.064 — 0.079 0.079

96 — 0.079 — 0.079 0.079 — 0.079 0.079

102 — 0.079 — 0.079 0.079 — 0.079 0.109

108–120 — 0.109 — 0.109 0.109 — 0.109 0.109

126 — 0.138 — 0.138 0.138 — 0.138 0.138

130–136 — 0.138 — 0.138 0.138 — 0.138 0.138

144 — 0.168 — 0.168 0.168 — 0.168 0.168


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


Table 909-8: Wall Thickness Requirements in Inches Based on Diameter, Class of Pipe, and Size of Ribs

Pipe Diameter


Depth of Cover

0–16 feet >16–24 feet >24–32 feet

Corrugation Size (inch)

¾ × ¾ × 7½ ¾ × 1 × 11½ ¾ × ¾ × 7½ ¾ × 1 × 11½ ¾ × ¾ × 7½ ¾ × 1 × 11½

Required Wall Thickness (inch)

18–36 0.064 0.064 0.064 0.064 0.064 0.064

42 0.064 0.064 0.064 0.064 0.064 0.079

48 0.064 0.064 0.064 0.079 0.064 0.079

54 0.079 0.064 0.079 0.079 0.079 0.109

60 0.079 0.079 0.079 0.079 0.079 0.109

66 0.109 0.079 0.109 0.109 0.109 0.109

72–78 0.109 0.109 0.109 0.109 0.109 0.109

84 — 0.109 — 0.109 — 0.109


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


Table 909-9: Wall Thickness Requirements in Inches Based on Class of Pipe and Size of Corrugation

Pipe Diameter


Class A and Class B Class C Class D

Corrugation Size (inch)

2⅔ × ½ 3 × 1, 5 × 1 2⅔ × ½ 3 × 1, 5 × 1 2⅔ × ½ 3 × 1 5 × 1

Required Wall Thickness (inch)

12–30 0.109 — 0.109 — 0.109 — —

36–60 0.109 0.109 0.109 0.109 0.107 0.109 0.109

66–72 0.138 0.109 0.138 0.109 0.138 0.109 0.109

78–84 0.168 0.109 0.168 0.109 0.168 0.109 0.109

90–102 — 0.109 — 0.109 — 0.109 0.109

108–120 — 0.109 — 0.109 — 0.109 0.109

126 — 0.138 — 0.138 — 0.138 0.138

130–136 — 0.138 — 0.138 — 0.138 0.138

144 — 0.168 — 0.168 — 0.168 0.168


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


Table 909-10: Wall Thickness Requirements in Inches Based on Diameter, Class of Pipe and Size of Corrugation

Pipe Diameter


Class A and B Class C Class D

Corrugation Size (inch)

2⅔ × ½ 3 × 1, 5 × 1 2⅔ × ½ 3 × 1 5 x 1 2⅔ × ½ 3 × 1 5 x 1

Required Wall Thickness (inch)

12–30 0.079 — 0.079 — — 0.079 — —

36–54 0.079 0.079 0.079 0.079 0.079 0.079 0.079 0.079

60 0.109 0.079 0.109 0.079 0.079 0.109 0.079 0.079

66–72 0.138 0.079 0.138 0.079 0.079 0.138 0.079 0.079

78–84 0.168 0.079 0.168 0.079 0.079 0.168 0.079 0.079

90–96 — 0.079 — 0.079 0.079 — 0.079 0.079

102 — 0.079 — 0.079 0.079 — 0.079 0.109

108–120 — 0.109 — 0.109 0.109 — 0.109 0.109

126 — 0.138 — 0.138 0.138 — 0.138 0.138

130–136 — 0.138 — 0.138 0.138 — 0.138 0.138

144 — 0.168 — 0.168 0.168 — 0.168 0.168


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


Table 909-11: Wall Thickness Requirements in Inches Based on Diameter,

Class of Pipe, and Size of Ribs

Pipe Diameter


Class A and B Class C Class D

Corrugation Size (inch)

¾ × ¾ × 7½ ¾ × 1 × 11½ ¾ × ¾ × 7½ ¾ × 1 × 11½ ¾ × ¾ × 7½ ¾ × 1 × 11½

Required Wall Thickness (inch)

18–48 0.079 0.079 0.079 0.079 0.079 0.079

54–60 0.079 0.079 0.079 0.079 0.079 0.109

66–78 0.109 0.109 0.109 0.109 0.109 0.109

84 — 0.109 — 0.109 — 0.109

Table 909-12: Wall Thickness Requirements in Inches, Based on Class of Pipe

and Size of Corrugation, Lock Seam Pipe Only

Pipe Diameter


Depth of Cover

0–16 feet >16–24 feet >24–32 feet

Corrugation Size (inch)

2⅔ × ½ 3 × 1 2⅔ × ½ 3 × 1 2⅔ × ½ 3 × 1

Required Wall Thickness (inch)

12–27 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060

30–36 0.075 0.060 0.075 0.060 0.075 0.060

42–54 0.105 0.060 0.105 0.060 0.105 0.060

60 0.135 0.075 0.135 0.075 0.135 0.075

66–72 0.164 0.075 0.164 0.075 0.164 0.075

78 — 0.075 — 0.075 — 0.075

84–96 — 0.105 — 0.105 — 0.105

102–108 — 0.135 — 0.135 — 0.135

112–120 — 0.164 — 0.164 — 0.164


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


Table 909-13: Wall Thickness Requirements in Inches, Based on Class of Pipe

and Size of Corrugation, Lock Seam Pipe Only

Pipe Diameter


Class A, B, C, D Corrugation Size (inch)

2⅔ × ½ 3 × 1

Required Wall Thickness (inch)

12–36 0.075 0.075

42–54 0.105 0.075

60 0.135 0.075

66–72 0.164 0.075

78 — 0.075

84–96 — 0.105

102–108 — 0.135

112–120 — 0.164

Table 909-14: Wall Thickness Requirements in Inches, Based on Class of Pipe

and Size of Corrugation, Lock Seam Pipe Only

Pipe Diameter


Class A, B, C, D Corrugation Size (inch)

2⅔ × ½ 3 × 1

Required Wall Thickness (inch)

12–54 0.105 0.105

60 0.135 0.105

66–72 0.164 0.105

78–96 — 0.105

102–108 — 0.135

112–120 — 0.164

Table 909-15: Wall Thickness Requirements in Inches, Based on Diameter,

Class of Pipe, and Size of Rib, Lock Seam Pipe Only

Pipe Diameter (inch)

Class F, ¾ × ¾ × 7½

Required Wall Thickness (inch)

18–24 0.060

30–36 0.075

42–54 0.105

60–66 0.135


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


Table 909-16: Wall Thickness Requirements in inches, Based on Diameter,

Class of Pipe, and Size of Rib, Lock Seam Pipe Only

Pipe Diameter (inch)

Class A, B, C, D

¾ × ¾ × 7½

Required Wall Thickness (inch)

18–36 0.075

42–54 0.105

60–66 0.135

Table 909-17: Wall Thickness Requirements in Inches, Based on Diameter,

Class of Pipe, and Size of Rib, Lock Seam Pipe Only

Pipe Diameter (inch)

Class A, B, C, D ¾ × ¾ × 7½

Required Wall Thickness (inch)

18–54 0.105

60–66 0.135

Table 909-18: Jacked-in-Place Steel Pipe Nominal OD and Wall Thickness

Nominal Size (inch)

Nominal Outside Diameter (inch)

Wall Thickness (inch)

2 2.375 0.154

4 4.500 0.188

6 6.625 0.188

8 8.625 0.188

10 10.750 0.188

12 12.750 0.188

14 14.000 0.250

16 16.000 0.250

18 18.000 0.250

20 20.000 0.250

24 24.000 0.250

30 30.000 0.312

36 36.000 0.312

42 42.000 0.438

48 48.000 0.500

54 54.000 0.563


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


Table 909-19: Gage Equivalents to Nominal Thickness

Sheet Gauge Number

Nominal Thickness

Galvanized Aluminum Alloy

18 0.052 0.048

16 0.064 0.060

14 0.079 0.075

12 0.109 0.105

10 0.138 0.135

8 0.168 0.164

7 0.188 —

5 0.218 —

3 0.249 —

1 0.280 —

Table 909-20: Dual Wall Polymer-Precoated Galvanized Corrugated Steel Pipe Wall Thickness

Requirements in inches Based on Diameter and Size of Corrugation

Diameter of Pipe (inch)

Corrugation Size (inch)

2⅔ × ½ 3 × 1

Shell Liner Shell Liner

Required Wall Thickness (inch)

36–48 0.064 0.052 0.064 0.052

54 0.079 0.052 0.064 0.052

60 0.109 0.052 0.064 0.052

66–72 0.138 0.052 0.064 0.052

78–84 0.168 0.052 0.064 0.052

90–102 — — 0.079 0.052

108–120 — — 0.109 0.052

126–136 — — 0.138 0.052

144 — — 0.168 0.052


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


Table 909-21: Corrugated Steel Pipe (CSP) AASHTO LRFD Cover Heights

for CSP Pipe-Arch 3 x 1 inch

Span x Rise (inch)

Equiv Diam. (inch)

Min. Nominal Thickness (inch)(a)

Min. Cover (feet)

Max. Cover (feet)

53 x 41 48 0.079 2.0 11

60 x 46 54 0.079 2.0 20

66 x 51 60 0.079 1.2 20

73 x 55 66 0.079 1.2 20

81 x 59 72 0.079 1.5 16

87 x 63 78 0.079 1.5 16

95 x 67 84 0.079 1.5 16

103 x 71 90 0.079 1.5 16

112 x 75 96 0.109 1.5 16

117 x 79 102 0.109 1.5 16

128 x 83 108 0.138 1.5 16

137 x 87 114 0.138 1.6 16

142 x 91 120 0.138 1.6 16

(a) Manufacturing limitations include a 0.079-inch minimum nominal thickness for 3- x 1-inch pipe-arch.

Table 909-22: Corrugated Steel Pipe (CSP) AASHTO LRFD Cover Heights

for CSP Pipe-Arch, 5 x 1 inch

Span x Rise (inch)

Equiv Diam. (inch)

Min. Nominal Thickness

(inch)(a) Min. Cover

(feet) Max. Cover


53 x 41 48 0.109 2.0 11

60 x 46 54 0.109 1.2 20

66 x 51 60 0.109 1.2 20

73 x 55 66 0.109 1.2 20

81 x 59 72 0.109 1.5 16

87 x 63 78 0.109 1.5 16

95 x 67 84 0.109 1.5 16

103 x 71 90 0.109 1.5 16

112 x 75 96 0.109 1.5 16

117 x 79 102 0.109 1.5 16

128 x 83 108 0.138 1.5 16

137 x 87 114 0.138 1.6 16

142 x 91 120 0.138 1.6 16

(a) Manufacturing limitations include a 0.109-inch minimum nominal thickness for 5- x 1-inch pipe-arch.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 909


Table 909-23: Corrugated Steel Pipe (CSP) AASHTO LRFD Cover Heights

for CSP Pipe-Arch 2⅔ inch x ½ inch

Span x Rise (inch)

Equiv Diam. (inch)

Min. Nominal Thickness (inch)

Min. Cover (feet)

Max. Cover (feet)

17 x 13 15 0.064 1.9 12

21 x 15 18 0.064 2.0 12

24 x 18 21 0.064 1.9 12

28 x 20 24 0.064 2.0 12

35 x 24 30 0.064 2.0 12

42 x 29 36 0.064 2.0 12

49 x 33 42 0.079 2.0 12

57 x 38 48 0.109 2.0 11

64 x 43 54 0.109 2.0 11

71 x 47 60 0.138 2.0 11

77 x 52 66 0.168 2.0 12

83 x 57 72 0.168 2.0 12

Table 909-24: Corrugated Steel Pipe (CSP) AASHTO LRFD Cover Heights for

CSP Pipe-Arch ¾ inch x ¾ inch x 7½ inch Spiral Rib Pipe

Span x Rise (inch)(a)

Equiv Diam. (inch)

Min. Nominal Thickness (inch)

Min. Cover (feet)

Max. Cover (feet)

20 x 16 18 0.064 1.6 15

23 x 19 21 0.064 1.7 14

27 x 21 24 0.064 1.8 13

33 x 26 30 0.064 1.8 13

40 x 31 36 0.064 1.9 13

46 x 36 42 0.064 1.8 13

53 x 41 48 0.064(b) 1.9 13

60 x 46 54 0.079 1.3 20

66 x 51 60 0.079(b) 1.3 20

73 x 55 66 0.109 1.3 20

81 x 59 72 0.109(b) 1.5 16

87 x 63 78 0.138 1.5 16

95 x 67 84 0.138 1.5 16

103 x 71 90 0.138(b) 1.5 16

(a) ASTM A760 makes provisions for two additional sizes: 112 x 75 inch and 117 x 79 inch.

(b) Trench installation only. Embankment installations may be used for the heavier gauges.



Section 910. Geosynthetics

910.01. General Requirements

Geosynthetics must be composed of long chain synthetic fiber of at least 85%

(by weight) polyolefins or polyesters. Geosynthetics must be capable of

resisting degradation from chemicals, mildew, rot, and ultraviolet (UV) light.

Deliver and store geosynthetics in packaging capable of resisting UV

radiation, contaminants, and moisture. Label each unit of material with

product information including supplier and lot identification. Do not expose

geosynthetics to direct sunlight for prolonged periods. Repair or replace

damaged geosynthetics at no additional cost to the Department.

910.02. Testing

Geosynthetic testing will be in accordance with the specified ASTM or

Department methods, as modified by this section.

Geosynthetics must meet the physical property requirements shown in Tables

910-1 and 910-2. The directional property values listed in Table 910-1 specify

values for the weaker principal direction.

910.03. Geotextiles

Geotextiles are flexible, permeable fabrics, consisting of synthetic fibers or

yarns oriented into a dimensionally stable network. Woven geotextiles must

have sealed or selvaged edges to prevent raveling.

A. Geotextile Blanket. Geotextile for filtration applications, including trench

lining, ditch lining, streambed protection, pipe wrap, joint wrap, drainhole

and weephole filter, granular blanket separation, and filter bags must be

non-woven and meet the requirements shown in Table 910-1 for

geotextile blanket.

B. Geotextile Liner. Geotextile for erosion control in riprap and similar

applications must be non-woven and meet the requirements shown in

Table 910-1 for geotextile liner. Geotextile for use with heavy riprap must

be non-woven and meet the requirements shown in Table 910-1 for heavy

geotextile liner.

C. Geotextile Separator. Geotextile used to prevent intermixing of dissimilar

aggregate or soil layers must meet the requirements shown in Table

910-1 for geotextile separator. Geotextiles separators with grab tensile

elongation-at-break less than 50% must meet the requirements shown in

Table 910-1 for woven geotextile separator. Geotextiles with grab tensile

elongation-at-break equal to or greater than 50% must meet the strength

requirements shown in Table 910-1 for non-woven geotextile separator.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 910


D. Stabilization Geotextile. Geotextile used to prevent intermixing of soft

subgrade and subbase materials must meet the requirements shown in

Table 910-1 for stabilization geotextile.

Stabilization geotextile with grab tensile elongation-at-break less than

50% must meet the requirements shown in Table 910-1 for woven

stabilization geotextile. Geotextiles with grab tensile elongation-at-break

equal to or greater than 50% must meet the strength requirements shown

in Table 910-1 for non-woven stabilization geotextile.

910.04. Silt Fence Geotextile

Select geotextile for fabricating silt fence from the Qualified Products List.

Geotextile for silt fence must have a nominal height of 3 feet and must meet

the requirements shown in Table 910-1 for silt fence. Geotextile for silt fence

must have a retained strength of at least 70% after 500 hours of UV exposure

when tested in accordance with ASTM D4355/D4355M. Fabricate silt fence

according to subsection 916.02.

910.05. Drainage Geocomposites

Drainage geocomposites must meet the requirements shown in Table 910-1

and this subsection.

Prefabricated geocomposites for drainage applications must consist of a

geotextile bonded to or wrapped around a polymer core having corrugated,

dimpled, tubular, or net (mesh) configurations. Geocomposites must have

sufficient flexibility and durability to withstand installation, handling, and

permanent loading stresses.

Fittings for geocomposite installations must be manufactured by the

geocomposite manufacturer or meet the published specifications of the

geocomposite manufacturer. Provide tape used to seal connections with

adhesive resistant to moisture and organic growth and recommended by the

manufacturer for underground service conditions.

Obtain the Engineer’s approval for all components of the geocomposite

system before installation.

A. Wall Drain. Wall drains for single-direction cross-planar flow must consist

of an impermeable polymer core with geotextile bonded to one side. The

geocomposite must have a minimum crush strength of 4,000 pounds per

square foot at no more than 18% deformation when tested according to

MTM 411.

B. Geocomposite Net. The Engineer may allow geocomposite net

consisting of geotextile blanket bonded to both sides of a mesh core as an

alternative to open-graded aggregate drainage layers.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 910


The Engineer will approve the geocomposite net based on durability,

drainage capacity, crush resistance, tensile strength, and thickness.

910.06. Road Grade Biaxial Geogrid

The geogrid must be a regular grid structure and must have aperture

geometry and rib and junction cross-section sufficient to permit significant

mechanical interlock with the material being reinforced. The geogrid must

have significant dimensional stability through all ribs and junctions of the grid

structure. The geogrid must maintain its reinforcement and interlock

capabilities under repeated dynamic loads while in service. The geogrid must

also be resistant to UV degradation, to damage under normal construction

practices, and to all forms of biological or chemical degradation normally

encountered in highway construction.

The geogrid must be composed of polypropylene, HDPE, or polyester virgin

resins. The protective coatings of polyester geogrids must contain less than

5% filler content. Repair damaged coating prior to backfilling. The geogrid

must meet the physical property requirements of Table 910-2.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 910


Table 910-1: Physical Requirements for Geotextiles

Geotextile Category


Grab Tensile Strength (min.) (lb)

Trapezoid Tear Strength (min.) (lb)

Puncture Strength (min.) (lb)

Permittivity (min.) (per second)

Apparent Opening Size (max.) (mm)

Test Method

ASTM D4632/ D4632M

ASTM D4533/ D4533M

ASTM D6241

ASTM D4491/ D4491M ASTM D4751

Geotextile blanket(a) 120 45 230 0.5 0.21

Geotextile liner 200 75 440 0.5 0.21

Heavy geotextile liner 270 100 620 0.5 0.21

Woven geotextile separator 270 100 620 0.05 0.425

Non-woven geotextile separator 200 75 440 0.5 0.425

Woven stabilization geotextile 270 100 620 0.05 0.50

Non-woven stabilization geotextile 270 100 620 0.5 0.50

Silt fence 100(b) 45 — 0.1 0.60

Drainage geocomposites 200 75 440 0.5 0.21

(a) For pipe wrap where backfill around the pipe meets granular material Class IIAA requirements; geotextiles, including knitted polyester sock, which meet the following minimum requirements in the applied condition, are permitted: mass/unit area: 3.0 oz/yd²; Mullen burst strength: 100 psi; maximum apparent opening size must be 0.30 mm for pavement and foundation underdrains and 0.60 mm in other areas. The fluid displacement rate for the Mullen burst test equipment must be 170 mL/min ± 5 mL/min. Subtract tare strength from the ultimate burst strength as specified in ASTM D3786/D3786M.

(b) Elongation at the specified grab tensile strength no greater than 40% for silt fence.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 910


Table 910-2: Physical Requirements for Road Grade Biaxial Geogrid


Minimum Value (except where noted below) Test Method

Interlock open area 60% U.S. Army Corps of Engineers(a)

Ultimate strength



1200 lb/ft

1950 lb/ft

ASTM D6637/D6637M(b)

Individual junction strength



130 lb

170 lb

ASTM D7737/D7737M

Tensile modulus (2%)



18,000 lb/ft

30,000 lb/ft

ASTM D6637/D6637M(b)

Aperture size



1.0 inch (nominal value)

1.3 inch (nominal value)


(a) Percent open area measured without magnification by means of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers method as specified in CW 02215, Civil Works Construction Guide Specification for Plastic Filter Fabric (1977).

(b) Ultimate strength and tensile modulus at 2% elongation measured by means of ASTM D6637/D6637M. No offset allowances or specimen pretensioning are made in calculating tensile modulus.

(c) MD (machine direction) and CMD (cross-machine direction) refer to the principal directions of the manufacturing process.



Section 911. Water

911.01. General Requirements

Water must be clean, clear, and free of oil, salt, acid, alkali, organic matter,

chlorides, or other deleterious material.

911.02. Turf, Turf Establishment, and Landscape Plants

Provide water from a potable or non-potable water source approved by the

Engineer. Use irrigation-quality water that is free of elements harmful to plant


911.03. Mixing or Curing Concrete, Mortar, Grout, and Other Cementitious Products

Potable water from sources approved by the Michigan Department of Public

Health or equivalent approved by the Engineer is acceptable without testing.

Surface water from sources including, but not limited to, ditches, lakes,

ponds, quarries, rivers, streams, wetlands, and other similar untreated

sources is prohibited for mixing or curing concrete, mortar, grout, and other

cementitious products. Stationary concrete batch plants may use surface

water if the facility has established at least a 5-year history of producing

consistent concrete products meeting the required specifications. Stationary

concrete batch plants using surface water are required to meet the

non-potable water sampling and testing requirements.

Non-potable must meet the requirements of Table 911-1. Do not use

non-potable water unless approved by the Engineer.

Test non-potable water prior to use, once per month (once per 6 months for

stationary concrete batch plants) thereafter, and at any time the water source

may be deemed out of compliance due to changing site conditions as

determined by the Engineer. Water must be sampled and tested by a

qualified independent testing laboratory having no association with the supply

or production of materials produced by that concrete facility at the expense of

the Contractor. Submit test results to the Engineer for approval prior to use

and within 3 days of completion of testing. If water fails to meet the

requirements of this specification, immediately suspend use of water source,

bring water into compliance, and retest. Do not resume use of the water

source until approved by the Engineer.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 911


Table 911-1: Non-Potable Water Requirements

Property Test Method Specification

Total solids ASTM C1602 ≤0.30%

Total organic content / carbon

SM 2540 E ≤0.05%

Alkalinity-acidity (pH) ASTM D1067 5.5–8.5

Chloride (Cl-) ASTM D512 ≤0.05%

Time of setting ASTM C1602 –1:00 hour to +1:30 hours of control

7-day compressive strength

ASTM C1602 ≥90% of control



Section 912. Timber and Lumber

912.01. General Requirements

Timber and lumber, timber piles, posts and blocks for guardrails, sign posts,

mailbox posts, guard posts, guide posts, fence posts, and timber for rustic

construction must meet the requirements of this section.

In case of a conflict between the American Wood Protection Association

(AWPA) and ASTM International (ASTM) standards, the AWPA standards

take precedence.

Machine or manufacture material, including bored holes, saw cuts, routs, and

kerfs, to the required shape before applying preservative treatment.

The commercial and common names for domestic hardwood and softwood

timber and lumber are as specified in ASTM D1165.

912.02. Quality Control

A. General. The supplier is responsible for QC and inspection of material.

Material must be graded before shipment in accordance with the grading

rules of ASTM D245 and marked with the approved grading agency stamp

showing the mill origin, species, and grade. The required grading agency

stamp or marking must be legible on a wide face at the trimmed end

before and after treating.

B. Inspection Prior to Preservative Treatment. Before treating timber and

lumber, inspect material for quality, size, and straightness. This inspection

does not waive the Department’s right to inspect and reject material in

accordance with subsection 105.05.

C. Inspection of Preservative Treatment. Inspect chemical preservatives,

treatment processes, and treated material in accordance with AWPA M2,

“Standard for Inspection of Wood Products Treated with Preservatives,”

and AWPA M3, “Standard Quality Control Procedures for Wood

Preserving Plants,” and other relevant AWPA standards. The treater must

determine whether the preservatives that are used conform to the


For single treatment charges, analyze the preservative at least once per

charge. For consecutive treatments from the same working tank, analyze

the first charge and at least one of every five additional charges, selected

at random.

Collect preservative samples that are representative of the solution used

in the actual treatment process.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 912


D. Results of Treatment. Ensure that the treatment results, including

preservative analysis and penetration and retention determinations, meet

AWPA standards.

E. Inspection Records. Provide a signed inspection certificate for each

material shipment. Provide copies of treatment records, analysis records,

and other records ensuring that the treatment conforms to specification

requirements to the Engineer upon request. Retain the records at the

treatment plant for at least 5 years from the date the material is shipped to

the project. Refer to AWPA M2 for required information.

F. Painting Treated Wood. Air season wood for at least 30 days and

remove preservative dust from the wood before painting.

912.03. Field Treatment of Preservative Treated Material

A. General. Field treat saw cuts, routs, kerfs, holes, and other injuries to

preservative-treated material occurring after pressure treatment by

brushing, dipping, soaking, or coating. Do not spray. Saturate injuries with

the field-treating solution. Fill bored holes with preservative.

The Contractor may fill horizontal holes by temporarily plugging one end

of a hole and using a bent funnel to pour preservative into the other end

of the hole.

B. Preservative. Use a 2.0% solution of copper naphthenate, based on

copper as metal, meeting the requirements for AWPA M4 for field

treatment. Ensure that a State of Michigan Certified Commercial Pesticide

Applicator applies the copper naphthenate.

912.04. Terminology Used in Timber and Lumber Specifications

Refer to ASTM D9 and AWPA M5, “Glossary of Terms Used in Wood

Preservation,” for additional wood and wood preservation terms.

Annual Ring. Growth layer produced by the tree in a single growth year,

including earlywood and latewood.

Bark. Layer of a tree, outside the cambian, comprising the inner bark or

thin, inner living part (phloem) and the outer bark or corky layer

composed of dry, dead tissue.

Bird Peck. Small hole or patch of distorted grain resulting from birds

pecking through the growing cells in the tree. Bird peck usually

resembles a carpet tack with the point toward the bark, and it is usually

accompanied by discoloration extending for a considerable distance

along the grain and to a much lesser extent across the grain. The

discoloration produced by bird peck causes what is commonly known

as mineral streak.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 912


Boxed Heart. Term used when the pith falls entirely within the four faces

of a piece of wood anywhere in its length. Also called boxed pith.

Check. Lengthwise separation of the wood that usually extends across

the rings of annual growth and commonly results from stresses set up

in wood during seasoning. Checks are measured as an average of the

penetration perpendicular to the wide face. Where two or more checks

appear on the same face, only the deepest one is measured. Where

two checks are directly opposite each other, the sum of their depths is


Contiguous Checks. Individual checks that are adjoining though not in

contact with adjacent checks.

Crook or Sweep. Distortion of a piece of lumber or post in which there is

a deviation in a direction perpendicular to the edge from a straight line

from end to end of the piece.

Decay. Decomposition of wood substance caused by action of wood

destroying fungi, resulting in softening, loss of strength and weight, and

often in change of texture and color.

Advanced (or typical) Decay. Older stage of decay in which the

destruction is readily recognized because the wood has become punky,

soft and spongy, stringy, ring-shaked, pitted, or crumbly. Decided

discoloration or bleaching of the rotted wood is often apparent.

Incipient Decay. Early stage of decay that has not proceeded far enough

to soften or otherwise perceptibly impair the hardness of the wood. It is

usually accompanied by a slight discoloration or bleaching of the wood.

Defect. Any irregularity or imperfection occurring in or on the wood that

may lower its durability or strength.

Grain. Direction, size, arrangement, appearance, or quality of the fibers in

wood or lumber.

Heartwood. Wood extending from the pith to the sapwood, the cells of

which no longer participate in the life processes of the tree. Heartwood

may be infiltrated with gums, resins, and other materials that usually

make it darker and more decay resistant than sapwood.

Knot. Portion of a branch or limb that has been surrounded by

subsequent growth of the wood of the trunk or other portion of the tree.

As a knot appears on the sawed surface, it is merely a section of the

entire knot, its shape depending on the direction of the cut. Knot

diameter is measured as shown in Figure 912-1. The smallest

dimension is used to determine size of the knot.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 912


Figure 912-1: Measurement of Timber / Lumber Defects

Knot Cluster. Three or more knots in a compact, roughly circular group,

with the grain between them highly contorted. Two or more knots

arranged laterally and without contortion of the fibers between them do

not constitute a knot cluster.

Loose Knot. Knot that is not held firmly in place by growth or position and

that cannot be relied upon to remain in place.

Sound Knot. Knot that is solid across its face, at least as hard as the

surrounding wood, and shows no indication of decay.

Unsound Knot. Knot that, due to decay, is softer than the surrounding


Mineral Streak. Olive to greenish-black or brown discoloration of

undetermined cause in hardwoods, particularly hard maples; commonly

associated with bird pecks and other injuries; occurs in streaks usually

containing accumulations of mineral matter.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 912


Peeling (clean). Removal of all outer bark and at least 80% of the inner

bark distributed over the surface of the post, pile, or block.

Pith. Small, soft core in the structural center of a tree trunk, branch, twig,

or log.

Plugged Hole. Any opening, or defect, that has been filled or repaired

through the use of wooden plugs, plastic wood, or other methods.

Holes resulting from the taking of test cores by an increment borer to

check penetration or retention of preservative and filled with tight-fitting

pressure treated plugs are not considered plugged holes for rejection


Sapwood. Living wood of pale color near the outside of the log. Under

most conditions, sapwood is more susceptible to decay than


Shake. Separation along the grain, the greater part of which occurs

between the rings of annual growth. Shakes are measured at the ends

of pieces between lines parallel with the two faces that give the

smallest dimension.

Slope of Grain. Deviation of the wood fiber from a line parallel to the

edges of a piece. The deviation is expressed as a ratio, such as a

slope of grain of one in eight. Generally, slope of grain is measured

over sufficient length and area to be representative of the general slope

of the fibers, disregarding local variations.

Split. Lengthwise separation of the wood extending through the piece

from one surface to an opposite or to an adjoining surface due to the

tearing apart of wood cells. Splits are measured as the penetration of a

split from the end of the piece and parallel to edges of the piece.

Twist. Distortion caused by the turning or winding of the edges of a board

so the four corners of any face are no longer in the same plane.

Unsightly Gaps. The term as used in these specifications is interpreted

as being any gap or opening that is more than ⅜ inch at its maximum

width and more than 12 inches long.

Wane. Bark or lack of wood from any cause on edge or corner of piece.

912.05. Structural Timber and Lumber

A. Grade. Provide structural timber and lumber of the grade required as

determined by the grading and dressing requirements of ASTM D245.

B. Species. Use species included in AWPA U1, table in Section 5, “Species

Names and Listings in U1 – Use Category System: User Specification for

Treated Wood Products.”


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 912


C. Preservative Treatment. Condition and treat structural timber and lumber

in accordance with AWPA U1, Commodity Specification A. Refer to Use

Category 4A (UC4A) for above-ground requirements and Use Category

4C (UC4C) for ground-contact requirements.

D. Preservatives. Provide preservatives meeting the requirements of

AWPA U1, Section 4, “Standardized Preservatives (Informative)” and the

relevant P Standards.

912.06. Timber Piles

A. Physical Characteristics and Species. Provide timber piles of southern

pine, red pine, jack pine, ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir, western larch,

lodgepole pine, or red oak. Before applying preservative treatment,

ensure that timber piles meet the requirements of ASTM D25 except as

modified by this subsection.

B. Dimensions. Ensure that the pile circumference measured under the

bark meets the requirements of Table 912-1, except that 10% of the piles

in a shipment lot may have circumferences 2 inches less than the

minimum values. Ensure that piles do not exceed the 1:2 maximum to

minimum diameter ratio measured at the butt of the pile.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 912


Table 912-1: Circumferences and Diameters of Timber Piles

Timber Pile Length (feet)

3 feet from Butt At Tip

Minimum Maximum Minimum

Circum. (inch)

Diameter (inch)

Circum. (inch)

Diameter (inch)

Circum. (inch)

Diameter (inch)

Douglas-fir, larch, pine, or tamarack

<40 38 12 63 20 25 8

40–50 38 12 63 20 22 7

≥50–70 41 13 63 20 22 7

≥70–90 41 13 63 20 19 6

>90 Dimensions must be as specified in the proposal or on the plans.

Oak or cypress

<30 38 12 57 18 25 8

30–40 41 13 63 20 22 7

>40 41 13 63 20 19 6

C. Sapwood. Provide piles with a sapwood thickness of at least 1 inch at the

butt end.

D. Straightness. Use straight piles as determined by drawing a line from the

center of the butt to the center of the tip and ensuring the line lies within

the pile body. Use only piles with a uniform taper from butt to top and

without short crooks.

E. Knots. Provide piles free of unsound and loose knots. Piles may contain

sound knots no greater than 4 inches in diameter or one-third of the

shortest pile dimension at the knot location, except for piles used as

structural members in exposed work. Ensure that piles used as structural

members in exposed work do not contain sound knots with diameters

greater than one-fourth of the shortest pile dimension at the knot location.

F. Checks. Do not use piles with checks wider than ¼ inch or deeper than

2 inches.

G. Peeling (Shaving). Piles must meet the requirements for clean-peeled

posts as specified by subsection 912.07.I.

H. Preservative Treatment. Perform preservative treatment of timber piling

in accordance with the AWPA Use Category UC4C for foundation, land,

and fresh water exposure. Submit certification from the treatment plant

stating type, pressure process used, net amount of preservative retained

and compliance with relevant standards to the Engineer. Preservative

penetration and retention must meet the requirements of AWPA U1

Table 3.0, Use Category 4 (UC4C).


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 912


I. Preservatives. Provide preservatives for treatment meeting the

requirements of AWPA U1, Section 4, “Standardized Preservatives

(Informative)” and the applicable P Standards.

912.07. Timber Posts

A. General. Use posts cut from live timber without bird pecks or insect holes.

Saw post ends square.

B. Species and Grades. Provide fence posts, guide posts, guard posts, and

mailbox posts manufactured from the species specified in Table 912-2.

Table 912-2: Species and Grading Requirements for Posts

Species Round Posts Grade

Grading Rules Agency

Hardwoods ASTM D245 MDOT

Red oak (northern red, black, pin laurel, cherry-bark, scarlet, water, willow oaks)(a)

Hard maple (black and sugar), red maple

White ash

White-heartwood beech

Yellow birch


Northern white cedar, red pine, eastern white pine (northern white pine)

No. 1 or better NHPMA

Douglas-fir No. 2 or better WCLIB, WWPA

Southern pine species No. 2 or better SPIB

NHPMA = Northern Hardwood and Pine Manufacturers Association

SPIB = Southern Pine Inspection Bureau

WCLIB = West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau

WWPA = Western Wood Products Association

(a) Southern red oak is not permitted.

C. Marking. Ensure that posts show the grading agency stamp indicating the

mill origin, species, and grade.

D. Dimensions. Provide 7-foot-long line posts with a nominal 4-inch-square

cross section or a round cross section with a diameter of at least

4½ inches.

Provide 8-foot-long end, corner, gate, intersection, and intermediate

braced posts with a nominal 6-inch-square cross section or a round cross

section with a diameter of at least 8 inches.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 912


Provide mailbox posts at least 6 feet long with a nominal 4-inch-square

cross section or a round cross section with a diameter of at least 4 inches.

E. Dimensional Tolerances. Provide round posts within +¾ inch and

−¼ inch of the required diameter. Ensure that posts are equal to the

required nominal length ±2 inches. Use the average top diameter to

determine the sizes of posts that are not perfectly round. Provide square

posts within −¼ inch of the required cross section.

F. Decay. Do not provide posts with butt rot in greater than 5% of the butt

area. Ensure that post tops are sound, except that the Engineer may

allow one pipe rot no greater than ⅜ inch in diameter in posts with a

nominal top size of at least 6 inches.

G. Knots. Posts may contain sound knots trimmed flush with the post

surface that do not affect the post strength.

H. Crook or Bow. Do not provide posts with short crooks, one-way sweep

greater than 2 inches, and unsightly and exaggerated winding twists.

I. Surface. Provide fence posts that are peeled or shaved to remove the

outer bark from the entire length. Shaving to remove the inner bark is not


Completely remove the inner and outer bark from round posts for mailbox

posts, guard posts, and guide posts.

J. Preservative Treatment. Condition and treat round posts, except

northern white cedar, in accordance with AWPA U1, Section 6, Commodity

Specification B, Use Category 4B (UC4B). Treat sawn posts as specified

in subsection 912.05.C.

K. Conditioning. If air seasoned, stack posts in a Department-approved

manner until the average moisture content is no greater than 19%.

L. Preservatives. Provide treatment preservatives meeting the requirements

of AWPA U1, Section 4, “Standardized Preservatives (Informative)” and

the relevant P Standards.

M. Results of Treatment. Refer to Table 912-3 for the minimum preservative

penetration and retention as determined in accordance with AWPA



MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 912


Table 912-3: Treatment Results Requirements: Preservative and Minimum Retention

Preservative Minimum Retention 0.0–0.6 inch zone AWPA Standard

Oil type AWPA Commodity Specification B

Table 3.1.2; use category 4B

A 6

Waterborne type A 11

Minimum Penetration

Species Heartwood Sapwood

Hardwoods and Douglas-fir

≥0.3 inch 0.6 inch or 90%, whichever is greater

Softwoods — 2.0 inch or 90%, whichever is greater

912.08. Sawn Timber Posts and Blocks for Beam Guardrail and Highway Signs

A. Species and Grades. Provide wood posts for guardrail in accordance

with Table 912-4; for wood blocks in accordance with Table 912-5; and for

sign posts in accordance with Table 912-6. Ensure that the grading

agency stamp is applied to the middle one-third of each sign post on the

wider face.

Table 912-4: Species and Grading Requirements for Sawn Timber Guardrail Posts

Species Posts and

Timber Grade Grading Rules


Hardwoods Grade GRP MDOT

Red oak (northern red, black, pin, laurel, cherry-bark, scarlet, water, and willow oaks)(a)

Hard maple (black and sugar) and red maple

White ash

White-heartwood beech

Yellow birch

Hickory (mockernut, pignut, shagbark, and shellbark hickories)


Douglas-fir, Douglas-fir/larch No. 1 or better WWPA or WCLIB

Southern pine No. 1 or better SPIB

Jack pine 8 in × 8 in No. 1 or better NHPMA

(a) Southern red oak is not permitted.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 912


Table 912-5: Species and Grading Requirements for Sawn Timber Guardrail Blocks

Species Blocks Grade

Grading Rules Agency

Hardwoods Grade GRB MDOT

Red oak (northern red, black, pin, laurel, cherry-bark, scarlet, water, and willow oaks)(a)

Hard maple (black and sugar) and red maple

White ash

White-heartwood beech

Yellow birch

Hickory (mockernut, pignut, shagback, and shellbark hickories)


Douglas-fir and Douglas-fir/larch No. 2 or better WCLIB, WWPA

Southern pine species No. 2 or better SPIB

Jack pine, ped pine, and eastern white pine (northern white pine)

No. 1 or better NHPMA

(a) Southern red oak is not permitted.

Table 912-6: Species and Grading Requirements for Sawed Sign Posts

Posts Species Grade Grading

Rules Agency

4 × 6 inch (nominal) posts

Balsam fir No. 1 (Joists-Planks) NELMA

Douglas-fir No. 1 (Joists-Planks) WCLIB

Eastern hemlock No. 1 (Joists-Planks) NHPMA

Tamarack (eastern larch) No. 1 (Joists-Planks) NHPMA

Eastern white pine Select Structural (Joists-Planks)


Southern pine No. 1 (Joists-Planks) SPIB

6 × 8 inch (nominal) posts

Douglas-fir No. 1 Dense (Posts-Timbers)


Southern pine No. 1 SR (Stress-Rated Timbers)


Eastern hemlock Select Structural (Posts-Timbers)


Tamarack (eastern larch) Select Structural (Posts-Timbers)



MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 912


For guardrails, provide wood posts and blocks with a nominal 6- by 8-inch

cross section, except for jack pine provide at least No. 1 Grade posts with

a nominal 8- by 8-inch cross section.

1. MDOT Grade GRP. Provide MDOT Grade GRP (guard rail posts)

meeting the requirements of this subsection.

a. Splits. Ensure splits are no greater than 3 inches on the bolt hole

plane and no greater than 6 inches in other locations.

b. Checks. Ensure single checks are no deeper than 3 inches.

Ensure checks opposite each other do not have a total depth

greater than 3 inches as measured with a probe no greater than 1/16 inch thick and 1/16 inch in diameter.

Ensure single checks at least ⅜ inch wide, as measured at the

widest point, do not extend along more than one-third of the post


Ensure single checks, as measured at the widest point, are no

greater than ⅜ inch wide.

c. Shakes. Ensure shakes are no greater than 2 inches in the

smallest dimension.

d. Splits, Checks, and Shakes. Ensure splits, checks, or shakes do

not appear in combinations that may cause posts to separate into


e. Stains. Ensure pieces do not contain more than 25% stained

heartwood, and staining is not caused by decay.

f. Slope of Grain. Ensure that the slope of grain is no greater than


g. Wane. Ensure that wane occurs on less than one-quarter of any


h. Knots. Ensure that knots are sound and tight. Ensure the sum of

the least knot dimensions in 6-inch lengths of posts is less than

5 inches. Ensure that the grain distortion caused by knot clusters

is no greater than 2½ inches. Ensure that knots do not exceed

2½ inches in the least dimension.

2. MDOT Grade GRB. Provide MDOT Grade GRB guardrail blocks

meeting the requirements of this subsection.

a. Splits. Ensure that splits are no greater than 3 inches on the bolt

hole plane and no greater than 5 inches in other locations.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 912


b. Checks. Ensure that single checks are no greater than 3 inches

deep. Ensure that checks opposite each other do not have a total

depth greater than 3 inches as measured with a probe no greater

than 1/16 inch thick and 1/16 inch in diameter.

Ensure that single checks at least ⅜ inch wide as measured at the

widest point do not extend along more than one-third of the post


Ensure that single checks, as measured at the widest point, are no

greater than ⅜ inch wide.

c. Shakes. Ensure that shakes are no greater than 3 inches in the

smallest dimension and do not extend more than one-half of the

standard grading length.

d. Splits, Checks, and Shakes. Ensure that splits, checks, and

shakes do not appear in combinations that may cause blocks to

separate into pieces.

e. Stains. Ensure that pieces do not contain more than 25% stained

heartwood, and staining is not caused by decay.

f. Wane. Ensure that wane occurs on less than one-third of any face.

g. Knots. Ensure that grain distortion caused by knot clusters is no

greater than 4 inches. Ensure that knots do not exceed 4 inches in

the smallest dimension.

B. General Requirements

1. Decay. Provide posts and blocks free from decay before treatment.

2. Crook or Bow. Ensure that crooks or bows are no greater than 1 inch

per 10 feet of length.

3. Dimensional Tolerances. Provide posts and blocks with the following

dimensional tolerances:

a. Cross-section within –½ of the required dimension;

b. Block length within –½ of the required length; and

c. Post length within –2 inches of the required length.

C. Incising. Incise Douglas-fir, western hemlock, and western larch timber

posts before treatment to meet penetration and retention requirements.

Incising blocks is not required. Ensure that the incisor has teeth a nominal

⅞ inch long to make cuts spaced 2½ inches apart lengthwise in rows

¾ inch apart. Ensure that alternate rows are staggered by 1¼ inches to


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 912


provide 60 diamond patterns of incisions per square foot. Ensure that the

diamonds are 2½ inches long and 1½ inches wide from center to center.

As an alternative, the Contractor may incise posts in accordance with the

American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association’s

Manual for Railway Engineering, Article 3.6.2.

D. Inspection Before Treatment. Inspect air dried or kiln dried material for

moisture content as specified in subsection 912.09.E and in accordance

with AWPA M2. Test representative pieces. Test at least 5% or 50 pieces

out of a charge, whichever is less.

E. Test for Moisture Content. Test moisture content using an electrical

resistance type moisture meter with insulated needles 1½ inches long.

Correct readings for species and temperature readings in accordance with

meter instructions. Take readings on one surface at mid length. Drive

needles to their full length during readings. The Engineer will accept lots

with average moisture content no greater than 19%. Remove individual

pieces with moisture contents greater than 23%.

F. Preservative Treatment. Treat wood for guardrail posts and sign posts in

accordance with AWPA U1, Section 6, Commodity Specification A, Use

Category 4B. Treat wood for guardrail blocks in accordance with AWPA

U1, Section 6, Commodity Specification A, Use Category 4A.

G. Preservatives. Provide preservatives meeting the requirements of AWPA

U1, Section 4, “Preservatives for Pressure Treatment Processes,” and the

relevant P Standards.

H. Sorting and Spacing. Provide charges of the same species or species

within any one group specified in Table 912-7. Provide material with a

similar moisture content and similar form and size.

The Contractor may treat blocks and posts in the same charge after

meeting the retention requirements specified in subsection 912.09.K. Use

horizontal spacers to separate pieces in the charge to ensure that

preservative and steam contact all horizontal surfaces.

Table 912-7: Species Groupings for Treatment in Same Charge Group

Group Species

A Southern pine

B Douglas-fir, balsam fir, eastern hemlock, tamarack

C Jack pine, red pine, and eastern white pine

D Hardwoods


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 912


I. Conditioning. Use air seasoning, kiln drying, Boulton drying, vapor

drying, steaming, or heating in preservative.

Ensure average moisture content no greater than 19% for air seasoned or

kiln-dried material before treatment.

If steam conditioning, do not exceed the maximum temperature specified

in Table 912-8 in less than 1 hour. If applying a vacuum after steaming,

ensure that the vacuum pressure is at least 22 inches of mercury. If using

Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA), Ammoniacal Copper Arsenate

(ACA), or Ammoniacal Copper Zinc Arsenate (ACZA), remove the

material from the cylinder and allow it to cool to no greater than 120°F

after steaming and before applying the preservative. When treating

Douglas-fir with pentachlorophenol, do not steam. If treating southern

pine, jack pine, and red pine with CCA, ACA, or ACZA, use steam only to

thaw frozen or ice coated material.

If conditioning material by heating in preservative, ensure that the solution

covers the material. Refer to Table 912-8 for maximum temperatures. Do

not condition by heating in water borne preservatives, including CCA,

ACA, and ACZA.

Table 912-8: Conditioning Methods and Temperature Requirements for Method Used

Species Conditioning

Methods Allowed

Steaming Heating in Preservative

Max. Temp (°F)

Max. Duration

(hour) Max.

Temp (°F) Max. Duration


Hard maple Air drying only, no steaming

— — — —

Other hardwoods(a)

(b) — — 220 No limit

Southern pine (b) 245 17 220 No limit

Eastern white pine

(b) 240 4½ 210 6(c)

Other softwoods(d)

(b) 240 6 210 6(c)

(a) Red oak, white ash, white-heartwood beech, yellow birch, hickory, and red maple.

(b) See subsection 912.08.I.

(c) If using seasoned material; otherwise no limit.

(d) Jack pine, Douglas-fir, and red pine, balsam fir, eastern hemlock, tamarack

J. Treatment. Ensure that treatment meets the retentions and penetrations

specified in subsection 912.08.K and subsection 912.08.L.

Apply pressure in accordance with Table 912-9. Maintain pressure until

the required volume of preservative enters the wood.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 912


For pentachlorophenol in Type A hydrocarbon solvent, do not exceed

210°F during the pressure period. For ACA, do not exceed 150°F during

the pressure period. For CCA, do not exceed 120°F during the pressure

period. For ACZA do not exceed 150°F during the pressure period.

If treating with pentachlorophenol, the Contractor may apply an expansion

bath or a final steaming after completion of the pressure phase of the

treatment, as specified in Table 912-9.

Table 912-9: Pressure Requirements by Species


Pressure (psi) Preservative: Pentachlorophenol in Type A Hydrocarbon Solvent

Min. Max.

Expansion Bath Max. Temp (°F)

Final Steaming(a)

Max. Temp (°F)

Max. Duration


Red oak 125 250 Not permitted 240 1

Other hardwoods 125 200 Not permitted 240 1

Jack pine, red pine 75 175 220 240 2

Southern pine 75 200 220 240 2

Douglas-fir Balsam fir Eastern hemlock Tamarack

50 150 220 240 2

Eastern white pine 50 135 220 240 1

(a) If using seasoned material, the Contractor may post-steam at 225°F for no greater than 15 hours.

K. Retention. Use chemical assay with samples taken after treatment as

specified in subsection 912.09.M, and refer to Table 912-10 to determine

the minimum retention for the outer 0.6 inch of guardrail posts, blocks,

and sign posts using the specified AWPA standards. If treating blocks with

posts, determine charge retention by assay of borings from posts.

L. Penetration. Refer to Table 912-11 for heartwood and sapwood

penetration requirements. Take samples to determine penetration after

treatment as specified in subsection 912.09.M.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 912


Table 912-10: Minimum Retention Requirements


Minimum Retention (pcf) AWPA

Standard Guardrail Posts Sign Posts Blocks

Pentachlorophenol 0.60 0.50 0.40 A6

CCA, ACZA 0.60 0.50 0.40 A11

ACQ(a) 0.60 Not allowed 0.40 A11

CA-B(a) 0.31 Not allowed 0.21 A11

CA-A(a) 0.31 Not allowed 0.15 A11

Other waterborne preservatives

AWPA Commodity Specification A, Table 3.0, Use Category 4B

Not allowed AWPA Commodity Specification A, Table 3.0, Use Category 4A



ACQ = ammoniacal copper quaternary

ACZA = ammoniacal copper zinc arsenate

CA = copper azole

CCA = chromated copper arsenate

(a) Non-metallic washers or spacers are required for timber and lumber treated with ACQ or CA placed in direct contact with aluminum. Do not use with sign posts.

Table 912-11: Penetration Requirements: Posts and Blocks

All Species Allowed(a)

Minimum Penetration

Heartwood Sapwood

Guardrail posts and blocks 0.3 inch 0.6 inch or 90%, whichever is greater

Sign posts 0.5 inch 0.6 inch or 90%, whichever is greater

(a) For red oak, penetrate 65% of the total annual rings. If red oak cannot be penetrated as required, the Contractor may properly condition wood to refusal.

M. Inspection After Treatment. After treatment, examine the charge for

cleanliness, mechanical damage, treatment damage such as severe

checking, splitting, or honeycombing and for untreated areas resulting

from air pockets, floating material, or insufficient preservative height.

Remove defective material before shipment.

The Department will sample material in accordance with MTM 713 and

test for preservative retention and penetration.

N. Branding. Permanently and clearly burn brand posts and blocks on one

wide face. On guardrail posts, ensure that the brand is within 1 foot of the

post top. On sign posts, ensure that the brand is within the middle


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 912


one-third of the post. Ensure that the brand shows the following

information in accordance with AWPA M6:

1. Treater ID;

2. Plant designation;

3. Year of treatment (the month may be included);

4. Species or group (code designation specified in Table 912-12);

5. Preservative type; and

6. Retention type.

Table 912-12: Group Coding as an Alternative

to Species Coding

Group Code(a)

Hardwoods MH

Jack pine J

Other softwoods MS

Southern pine SP

Douglas-fir DF

(a) Species designated in Table 912-4, Table 912-5, and Table 912-6.

O. Conformance. Ensure that the treatment plant supplying the material

provides a certificate indicating the species, grade, preservative type,

retention, year, and name of treater.

P. Degradation After Treatment. Guardrail posts or blocks that develop at

least one of the following before installation will be rejected:

1. Single checks at least 3 inches deep or checks opposite each other

with a total depth greater than 3 inches as measured with a probe no

greater than 1/16 inch thick;

2. Single checks at least ¼ inch wide as measured at the widest point

and extending along more than one-third of the length of the post or


3. Single checks greater than ⅜ inch wide as measured at the widest


4. Splits in the bolt hole plane greater than 3 inches long;

5. Crooks or bows greater than 1 inch per 10 foot length;

6. Twists; or


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 912


7. A combination of checks, splits, or shakes that may cause the post or

block to separate into pieces.

Q. Guardrail Offset Blocks. The Contractor may select alternative materials

for guardrail offset blocks from the Qualified Products List.

912.09. Timber for Rustic Construction

A. Species and Grade. Provide sound unfinished eastern or northern white

pine, red pine, ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir, northern white cedar, or

southern pine for logs, posts, timbers, lumber, and split rails for rustic


Provide material free of decay with the bark removed. The Contractor may

use salvaged rails from existing rail fences if the salvaged rails are sound

and uniform in straightness and size.

B. Shape and Dimensions. Provide logs and posts with an average

diameter, at the small end, of no less than the required diameter –¼ inch.

C. Preservative Treatment. Condition and pressure-treat wood for rustic

construction in accordance with AWPA U1, Section 6, Commodity

Specification B, Use Category 4A (UC4A), for above ground or Use

Category 4B (UC4B) for ground contact.

D. Preservatives. Provide preservatives meeting the requirements of

AWPA U1 Section 4, “Preservatives for Pressure Treatment Processes,”

and the relevant P Standards.

912.10. Timber and Lumber for Human Conveyances

A. Preservative Treatment. Provide preservative treatment for timber and

lumber on areas where frequent human contact may occur, including deck

surfaces, walkways, handrails, steps, railing and fence posts, tables, and

benches, with ammoniacal copper quaternary (ACQ) or copper azole

(CA), in accordance with AWPA U1-20. Ensure that the ACQ preservative

meets the requirements of AWPA P5. Do not use chromium copper

arsenate (CCA) or other arsenic-based preservatives.

Ensure that the lumber and timber meet the preservative retention and

penetration requirements of AWPA U1-20, Table 3.0 and Table 4.0, UC4A

for aboveground and UC4B for ground contact.

For UC4A, ensure a retention of at least 0.40. For UC4B, ensure a

retention of at least 0.60. Do not use wood species cited in Table 3.0 as

“NR (Not Recommended) for ACQ preservative.”

B. Results of Treatment. Evaluate treatment results, including preservative

analysis and penetration and retention, by testing chemical assay, in


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 912


accordance with AWPA A11. Process and treat wood in accordance with

AWPA T1-04. Ensure that the preservative temperature during the

pressure period does not exceed 150°F.

C. Fasteners. For wood treated with ACQ preservative, use stainless steel

fasteners or hot-dip galvanized fasteners in accordance with ASTM

A653/A653M, batch or post-dipped process, with a coating thickness of at

least 1.85 ounces of zinc per square foot of surface area (G185). Do not

mix fastener types. Ensure that aluminum does not directly contact

ACQ-treated wood. Use non-metallic spacers if contact with aluminum

may occur. Do not use aluminum fasteners.



Section 913. Masonry Units

913.01. General Requirements

Clay brick, concrete brick, concrete block, salvaged paving brick, precast

reinforced concrete units, and structural tile for masonry structures must meet

the requirements of this section.

913.02. Testing

Testing will be in accordance with the specified ASTM or AASHTO method as

modified by this section.

913.03. Brick

A. Brick Dimensions. Brick must meet the following nominal size


1. Depth – 2 to 2½ inches;

2. Width – 3½ to 3¾ inches; and

3. Length – 7½ to 8 inches.

Brick for a single structure must be of one nominal size and must not vary

from the manufacturer’s specified standard dimensions by more than

±⅛ inch in any dimension. However, clay brick may vary in length by

±¼ inch, and up to 2% of the contract’s clay brick quantity may exceed

the dimensional tolerances.

B. Clay Brick. Clay brick to construct manholes, catch basins, and similar

structures must meet the requirements of ASTM C32 for Grade MS.

Recessed or cored brick is acceptable.

Salvaged paving brick meeting the requirements of this section is


C. Concrete Brick. Concrete brick must meet the requirements of

ASTM C55 for concrete building brick.

Recessed or cored brick is acceptable.

D. Sand-Lime Brick. Sand-lime brick for masonry structures must meet the

requirements of ASTM C73 for Grade SW and the following 5-hour boiling

test water absorption requirements:

1. Average of five bricks – 18% maximum; and

2. Individual brick – 20% maximum.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 913


913.04. Concrete Masonry Units for Structures Other than Drainage Structures

A. Load-Bearing Units. Hollow, load-bearing, concrete masonry units must

meet the requirements of ASTM C90, Normal Weight.

B. Non-Load-Bearing Units. Hollow, non-load bearing, concrete masonry

units must meet the requirements of ASTM C129, Normal Weight.

913.05. Concrete Block for Drainage Structures

Concrete blocks for manholes, catch basins, and inlets must meet the

requirements of ASTM C139 except as modified by this subsection.

A. Shape. Block must be solid with parallel inside and outside surfaces,

curved to the required radii, and must have a groove or other

Department-approved joint at the ends.

B. Size. The block manufacturer will select the nominal block dimensions for

length and height. Blocks must have a nominal width of 6, 8, or 12 inches,

±3%, as shown on the plans.

Where standard plans call for 12-inch-thick drainage structure walls, the

Contractor may use two 6-inch-wide blocks to meet the required width.

Blocks must be designed for length so that only full or half-length blocks

are required to lay the circular wall of any one course.

The shape of blocks for use in the cones or tops of manholes or other

structures must allow for constructing the structure as shown on the plans

with inside and outside joints not to exceed ¼ inch in thickness.

913.06. Precast Reinforced Concrete Units for Drainage Structures

Circular precast concrete units with circular reinforcement for tops, risers, and

sump bases for manholes, catch basins, and inlets must meet the

requirements of AASHTO M199 and the following additions and exceptions:

A. Units must have the internal diameter shown on the plans and must

accept standard covers.

B. The joint with the vertical wall of the structure must be the same design as

the joints in the circular pipe sections to allow a uniform bearing on the full

wall thickness of the pipe.

C. Construct openings for pipe inlets or outlets in the riser sections of

drainage structures by blocking out the openings when casting the

sections by scribing the openings in the green concrete and removing the

green concrete from the openings or by drilling out the openings from

cured concrete with a water-cooled diamond bit.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 913


D. Openings in the riser sections must be 3 inches larger than the OD of the

inlet or outlet pipe. The interior spacing between openings in a riser

section must be at least 12 inches.

E. Obtain the Engineer’s approval for the design of units for structure tops

and for the design of sump risers with base units. Request approval for

sump riser and base units used together.

913.07. Precast Concrete Bases for Drainage Structures

Precast concrete bases for drainage structures for sewers less than

48 inches in diameter must be cast with Grade 3000 or Grade 4000 concrete.

913.08. Structural Tile

A. Load-Bearing Units. Structural clay load-bearing tile must meet the

requirements of ASTM C34 for Grade LBX.

B. Non-Load-Bearing Units. Structural clay non-load-bearing tile must meet

the requirements of ASTM C56.

913.09. Precast Concrete Slope Paving Blocks

Blocks must have a compressive strength of at least 2,500 psi for an average

of three units with no individual block having a compressive strength of less

than 2,000 psi. The average water absorption of three units must be no

greater than 10 pounds per cubic foot.

The Department will sample and test precast concrete slope paving blocks in

accordance with ASTM C140/C140M with the following exceptions:

A. Test 4 by 4 inch compression test specimens sawn from precast concrete

slope paving block units. The specimens will be tested with the load

applied in the direction of the thickness of the unit.

B. Determine water absorption using half of the unit used for the

compression test specimen.



Section 914. Joint and Waterproofing Materials

914.01. General Requirements

Joint and waterproofing materials for use in concrete construction must meet

the requirements of this section.

914.02. Testing

Steel joint material testing must be in accordance with ASTM E8/E8M or

ASTM A370 and the ASTM specifications applicable to the specific material.

Other joint and waterproofing material testing must be in accordance with the

specified ASTM, AASHTO, or Department methods, as modified by this


914.03. Joint Filler for Concrete Construction

Cut joint filler into the shape and to the dimensions shown on the plans. Joint

filler must not deform or break due to twisting, bending, or handling when

exposed to atmospheric conditions. For concrete pavements, punch holes in

the fiber joint filler for load transfer bars in new concrete pavements, as

shown on the plans.

A. Fiber Joint Filler. Fiber joint filler must meet the requirements of ASTM


B. Recycled Rubber Joint Filler. Recycled rubber joint filler must meet the

requirements of ASTM D1751 except that the minimum asphalt content

does not apply.

C. Closed-Cell Polypropylene Foam. Semi-rigid, closed-cell polypropylene

foam joint filler must meet the requirements of ASTM D8139.

914.04. Joint and Crack Sealants for Construction

A. Hot-Poured Joint and Crack Sealant. Hot-poured joint and crack

sealant must meet the requirements of the Qualified Products List for

Hot-Poured, Extra Low Modulus, Joint and Crack Sealant.

Material containers must be legibly marked with a non-fading,

weather-resistant ink or paint. Include the manufacturer’s name or trade

name, batch number, recommended pouring temperature, and the

maximum safe heating temperature on the label.

B. Backer Rod for Use with Hot-Poured Joint Sealant. Backer rod for use

with a hot-poured joint sealant must be solid, round, heat-resistant,

closed-cell, cross-linked PE foam meeting the requirements of ASTM

D5249 for Type I.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 914


914.05. Joint Spall Repair Materials

Select joint spall repair material according to the contract.

914.06. Epoxy Resin Adhesive

Epoxy resin adhesive must be capable of being injected into, and flow along,

a crack 0.005 inch wide. Select epoxy-resin adhesive from the Qualified

Products List.

Use a fast-setting grout or fast-set temporary seal as recommended by the

epoxy resin adhesive manufacturer.

914.07. Dowel Bars for Transverse Expansion and Contraction Joints

Dowel bars must meet the requirements of ASTM A1078/A1078M.

Provide dowel baskets from a Department-approved source. Secure the

dowel bars into the baskets by welding or other mechanical method so the

dowels maintain alignment during and after concrete placement.

The ends of dowel bars for expansion and contraction joints must be saw cut

or sheared and free of burrs. If dowel bars are sheared, ensure that the ends

remain round and do not deform. Dowel bars that are not free of burrs,

deformation, or other surface defects will be rejected. Protect dowel bars

during handling and storage according to ASTM A1078/A1078M.

A. Coatings for Dowel Bars. If required, provide dowel bars coated with an

epoxy powder coating meeting the requirements of the Qualified Products

List. The epoxy powder must be pigmented purple or gray.

The Engineer may sample and test dowel bars for average coating

thickness, and check for chips, cracks, or other damage to the coating

and for the presence of a bond breaker, if required, before installation in

the concrete construction. Dowels with coatings not meeting the thickness

requirements or dowels with coating damage will be rejected.

Epoxy-coated dowel bars must have an average coating thickness of not

less than 0.010 inch or more than 0.014 inch on any bar, with individual

determinations on a single bar within 0.004 inch of the average. Coating is

not required on the end faces of the bars or on the cylindrical surface

within 3 inches of the end fixed in the supporting basket by welding or

other mechanical means.

To prevent bonding to concrete, epoxy-coated dowels must be coated

with an asphalt material meeting the requirements of MC 70 or RC 250,

as specified in subsection 904.03.B, or an alternative bond-release agent

selected from the Qualified Products List. Bond-release agents must

provide a pull-out shear bond stress of the dowel bar no greater than


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 914


60 psi for initial and final movement of the dowel from the concrete


The Contractor or supplier may apply asphaltic coatings to the dowel bar

and the dowel basket assembly. The manufacturer must apply the

alternative bond-release agents to the dowel bar and the dowel basket


B. Dowel Bar Expansion Caps. Dowel bars for expansion joints must

include metal or plastic expansion caps as shown on the plans and

approved by the Engineer. Expansion caps must be sized to provide a slip

fit onto the coated bar.

Expansion caps must have a uniform diameter for a length of at least

4 inches and must include a stop to ensure that the end of the cap

remains at least 1 inch away from the end of the dowel bar during

concrete placement. Fabricate metal expansion caps from at least

28-gauge sheet steel and close at the sides and end by crimping. Plastic

expansion caps must be one piece with a uniform thickness of at least

1/16 inch, entirely closed on the end.

914.08. Devices for Transverse End-of-Pour Joints

Use straight steel tie bar devices for end-of-pour joints.

Straight tie bars for end-of-pour joints must consist of bars of the diameter

and length shown on the plans meeting the requirements of ASTM

A615/A615M, ASTM A706/A706M, or ASTM A996/A996M (Type R or Type A).

Epoxy coat straight tie bars as specified in subsection 905.03.C except that

the application of the epoxy coating within 4 inches of each end of the tie bar

or the repair of damage to the coating within 4 inches of each end of the bar

is not required.

914.09. Lane Ties for Longitudinal Pavement Joints

A. Straight Tie Bars. Straight tie bars for longitudinal pavement joints must

consist of bars of the diameter and length shown on the plans meeting the

requirements of ASTM A615/A615M, ASTM A706/A706M, or ASTM

A996/A996M (Type R or Type A). Epoxy coat straight tie bars as specified

in subsection 905.03.C except that the application of the epoxy coating

within 4 inches of each end of the tie bar or the repair of damage to the

coating within 4 inches of each end of the bar is not required.

B. Bent Tie Bars for Bulkhead Joints. Bent tie bars for bulkhead joints

must consist of bars of the diameter and length shown on the plans. The

tie bars must have a yield strength of at least 40,000 psi and be capable

of withstanding bending to a 90° angle, re-straightening, and then


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 914


withstanding the pull-out test requirements specified in subsection


Epoxy coat bent tie bars as specified in subsection 905.03.C except that

the application of the epoxy coating within 4 inches of each end of the tie

bar or the repair of damage to the coating within 4 inches of each end of

the bar is not required.

914.10. Structure Expansion Anchors and Bolts

Select expansion anchors from the Qualified Products List in the sizes and

shapes shown on the plans. Bolts for flush-type anchors must meet the

requirements of ASTM A307 for Grade A.

914.11. Preformed Waterproofing Membranes and Joint Waterproofing

Select preformed waterproofing fabric system, including the manufacturer’s

recommended primer, from the Qualified Products List.

914.12. Elastomeric Bearings and Pads

A. Bearings. Elastomeric bearings must meet the requirements of the

AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, Subsection 18.2,

“Elastomeric Bearings,” for 100% virgin polychloroprene (neoprene) or

polyisoprene (natural rubber) bearings and must be classified as being of

low-temperature Grade 4 or 5.

Laminated bearings must have a shear modulus of 100 psi ±15 psi. Plain

bearings must have a shear modulus of 200 psi ±30 psi. Rolled steel

sheet laminates must meet the requirements of ASTM A36/A36M or

ASTM A1011/A1011M, Grade 36, Grade 40, or Grade 50. Blast-clean the

surfaces of the laminates where elastomers are to be bonded.

Elastomeric bearings must be tested and accepted in accordance with

Section 8 of AASHTO M251 except that the definition of a lot specified in

Subsection 8.2 of AASHTO M251 is revised as follows: Sampling, testing,

and acceptance consideration will be made on a lot basis. A lot of

bearings must be considered to be a group of bearings that are

manufactured over a 4-month period from the same elastomer recipe,

cured under the same conditions, and type (plain, fabric laminated, or


B. Leveling Pads. Elastomeric leveling pads (1/8 inch thick or as specified

in the contract) must meet the requirements of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge

Construction Specifications, Subsection 18.2, “Elastomeric Bearings,” for

100% virgin polychloroprene (neoprene) or polyisoprene (natural rubber)

bearings and must be classified as being of low-temperature Grade 3.

Leveling pads must be plain elastomer and have a hardness between


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 914


50 and 70 on the Shore A scale. Provide certification to the Engineer that

elastomeric leveling pads conform to this subsection.

Elastomeric leveling pads must be tested and accepted in accordance

with Appendix X1 of AASHTO M251 except that a lot is defined to be

material that is manufactured from the same elastomer recipe and cured

under the same conditions and tested no less than once per year.

914.13. Non-Metallic Washers

Washers used as spacers between pin plates and link plates must be HDPE,

non-metallic washers meeting the requirements of ASTM D4976, Group 2,

Class 4, Grade 4.



Section 915. Bridge Coating Systems

915.01. General Requirements

Select a complete coating system from the Qualified Products List for each

structure. Use the same coating system for all coating repairs to the structure

including warranty work. The system must consist of a tinted organic zinc-rich

primer, white intermediate coat, and urethane top coat matching the

AMS-STD-595, “Colors Used in Government Procurement,” color number

shown on the plans. For faying surfaces of slip critical bolted connections,

use a zinc-rich primer meeting the requirements for Class B slip coefficient.

Before coating, provide the Engineer with the product data sheets showing

mixing and thinning directions and the manufacturer-recommended spray

nozzles and pressures for each product. Provide the Engineer with

documentation stating the date of manufacture for the coating product


Use spray equipment to apply the coating. The coating products and the

thinners must arrive at the project in new, unopened containers and remain

unopened until required for use. Coating containers must be labeled with the

manufacturer’s name, product name, batch number, and date of manufacture;

in addition, the top coat label must include the AMS-STD-595 color number.

The label information must be legible.

915.02. Mixing the Coating

Using a high shear mixer, mix the coating in accordance with the

manufacturer’s recommendations to a homogenous consistency. Do not use

paddle mixers or paint shakers. Strain the primer after mixing except where

spray equipment is provided with strainers. Strainers must be sized to

remove undesirable material but not to remove pigment. Follow the coating

manufacturer’s recommendations for sweat-in-time/induction-time before

applying the coating. Continuously agitate the primer until application is


915.03. Thinning the Coating

Do not thin the coating unless recommended by the coating manufacturer.

For thinning the coating, provide thinner(s) recommended by the coating

manufacturer. Store thinner(s) with other coatings in accordance with the

manufacturer’s recommendations. Thin coatings in accordance with the

manufacturer’s recommendations. Do not exceed the manufacturer’s

recommended thinning limits.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 915


915.04. Conditions for Coating

Apply coatings under the conditions specified by this subsection.

A. Temperature. Do not apply coatings if air, coating material, or steel

temperature is greater than 100°F or if the air, coating material, or steel

temperature is less than 5°F higher than the dew point. Apply the primer

and intermediate coats if air, coating material, and steel temperatures

meet or exceed 50°F. Apply the top coat if air, coating material, and steel

temperatures meet or exceed 40°F. Follow the coating manufacturer’s

recommendations for minimum and maximum temperature if more

stringent. Unless the manufacturer recommends a longer recoat time,

maintain the specified minimum air and steel temperatures between coats

for 24 hours in the field or for 16 hours in the fabrication shop.

B. Humidity. Do not apply coating if the relative humidity exceeds 90% or if

temperature and humidity conditions cause moisture to condense on the

surfaces requiring coating. Use a psychrometer to measure the humidity.

Follow the coating manufacturer’s recommendations for minimum and

maximum humidity if more stringent.

C. Heating. If heating is required, heaters must maintain air and steel

temperatures from 50 to 100°F without discharging oils or other pollutants

into the enclosure.

D. Storage and Shelf Life of Coating. Store the coating materials in original

unopened containers in weathertight areas where the temperature is

maintained between 40 and 100°F unless otherwise recommended in

writing by the coating manufacturer. Use coating within the stated shelf life

indicated for each component of the coating on its technical/product data




Section 916. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Materials

916.01. Stone Used For Erosion and Sedimentation Control

Provide cobblestone, coarse aggregate 3×1, and riprap for erosion and

sedimentation control on slopes, in ditches, and to construct erosion control

devices, including check dams. Furnish natural stone that is sound,

non-stratified, durable rock. Unless otherwise specified and not prohibited by

permit, the Contractor may use sound pieces of broken concrete free of

protruding reinforcement. Do not use crushed HMA pavement or broken brick

as erosion and sedimentation control material.

A. Cobblestone. Furnish cobblestone that consists of rounded or

semi-rounded rock fragments with an average dimension from 3 to

10 inches.

B. Coarse Aggregate 3x1. Furnish coarse aggregate 3×1 that meets the

requirements of commercially graded material with particle sizes from

¾ to 3 inches.

C. Riprap. Furnish riprap that is natural stone, solid precast concrete blocks

of Grade 3000 concrete, or sound pieces of broken concrete. Riprap must

not contain soil. Randomly score the face of the precast concrete blocks

to provide plane-of-weakness joints in sections with areas from 4 to

9 square feet. Lifting lugs, cast into concrete blocks, must not project

above the finished concrete surface.

The Department classifies riprap as plain or heavy, based on the

horizontal cross section dimensions (“footprint” dimensions) and the

in-place thickness of the individual pieces.

1. Plain Riprap. Provide natural stone and broken concrete with footprint

dimensions from 8 to 16 inches and an in-place thickness of at least

16 inches. The Contractor may use smaller pieces to fill spaces for

better slope protection.

Provide precast concrete block at least 6 inches thick with a surface

area no greater than 15 square feet.

2. Heavy Riprap. The smallest footprint dimension for natural stone and

broken concrete must be at least 16 inches. The

maximum-to-minimum dimension ratio must be no greater than 3:1.

The in-place thickness must be at least 36 inches.

Provide precast concrete block at least 16 inches thick with a surface

area no greater than 20 square feet.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 916


D. Requirements for Specific Erosion and Sedimentation Control


1. Checkdams. Construct checkdams for ditches with grades less than

2% using cobblestone or broken concrete from 2 to 4 inches.

Construct checkdams for ditches with grades 2% or greater using

cobblestone or broken concrete from 3 to 10 inches.

2. Stone Filled Bags. Furnish coarse aggregate 6A, or open-graded

aggregate 46G.

3. Sand Filled Bags. Furnish Class II granular material.

4. Aggregate Cover. Furnish dense-graded aggregate 21AA,

open-graded aggregate 46G, coarse aggregate 6A, or coarse

aggregate 3×1 produced natural aggregate, iron blast-furnace slag,

reverberatory furnace slag, or crushed Portland cement concrete.

5. Gravel Access Approach. Furnish coarse aggregate 3×1, or as

approved by the Engineer, that is produced from natural aggregate,

iron-blast furnace slag, reverberatory furnace slag, or crushed

Portland cement concrete.

916.02. Silt Fence

Geotextile for an erosion-control silt fence must meet the requirements of

subsection 910.04.

Attach geotextile to machine-pointed, No. 2 common grade hardwood posts

with at least five staples through wood lath at least ⅜ inch thick and 2.0 feet

long. Maximum post spacing is 6½ feet.

Furnish posts at least 36 inches long with a cross sectional area of at least

2¼ square inches and a smallest dimension of 1½ inches.

Identify the fabricator with at least two permanent markings or affixed labels

on each assembled roll of silt fence.

916.03. Temporary Plastic Sheet or Geotextile Cover

Mend or patch torn or punctured plastic sheets or geotextile cover with

additional material of the same quality.

A. Sheeting Material. Furnish plastic sheeting material at least 6.0 mils thick

with a UV ray inhibitor or PVC at least 10 mils thick. Use PVC material

instead of plastic sheet from November 15 to April 1 or if expecting

freezing conditions. Store and handle plastic sheet and PVC material in

accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Do not expose

sheeting material to heat or direct sunlight that would diminish strength or



MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 916


B. Geotextile Cover. Geotextile cover must meet the requirements of

subsection 910.03.A for geotextile blanket.

916.04. Inlet Protection Fabric Drop

Furnish geotextile silt fence fabric meeting the requirements of subsection

916.02 or geotextile blanket meeting the requirements of subsection

910.03.A. Furnish 34R or 6A for gravel filter berm.

916.05. Inlet Protection Geotextile and Stone and Drop Inlet Sediment Trap

Furnish geotextile blanket meeting the requirements of subsection 910.03.A.

Furnish 34R, 46G, or 6A.

916.06. Sand Fence and Dune Stabilization

Furnish HDPE mesh fabric with a design opening of ½ to 1 inch. Minimum

sand fence height is 4 feet.

916.07. Turbidity Curtain

Deliver turbidity curtain pre-assembled that includes the geosynthetic fabric,

connection and securing mechanisms, flotation devices, stakes, and ballast


A. Geosynthetic. Provide geosynthetic for turbidity curtain meeting the

minimum physical requirements for stabilization geotextile that except

permittivity must be no greater than 0.2 second-¹ as specified by ASTM

D4491/D4491M, and the trapezoidal tear strength must be least

50 pounds in accordance with ASTM D4533/D4533M.

The Contractor may use polymer-impregnated geosynthetics instead of

meeting permittivity and opening size requirements.

Hemmed pockets to accommodate flotation devices and bottom weights

must be sewn or heat bonded. Panel ends must include metal grommets

through a reinforced hem. Tie connections between panels with synthetic

or wire rope to prevent water flow through the joint.

B. Flotation. Furnish closed cell polystyrene flotation devices. Determine the

required buoyancy based on site conditions. Flotation devices must

ensure adequate freeboard to prevent overtopping.

C. Stakes. If using stakes to maintain curtain alignment, provide hardwood

or steel stakes of lengths and cross sections capable of supporting the

curtain. The Contractor may use external supports with embedment

depths greater than 1½ feet. Maximum stake spacing is 6½ feet.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 916


D. Hardware. Hardware, including stakes, ballast chain, connection bolts,

reinforcement plates, and tension cables, must be galvanized, stainless

steel, or aluminum and corrosion resistant. The mass of the ballast chain

must be at least 0.7 pound per foot and be capable of maintaining the

geosynthetic in a vertical position.



Section 917. Turf and Landscaping Materials

917.01. General Requirements

Nursery stock, seed, sod, mulching material, and chemical fertilizer nutrients

must meet the requirements of this section. Provide documentation of

inspection for plant diseases and insect infestation in accordance with state

and federal laws.

917.02. Testing

The Engineer will require visual inspection or other acceptance tests of

landscaping material as specified in this section or the MDOT’s Materials

Quality Assurance Manual.

917.03. Nursery Stock

Nursery stock must come from nurseries in Zone 4 or Zone 5 of the 2012

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Hardiness Zone Map for

landscaping in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula.

Nursery stock for landscaping in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula must come from

nurseries in Zone 3 or Zone 4.

Nurseries in Zone 6 of the Upper Great Lakes Region are allowed as follows:

A. At or north of latitude 40 degrees North;

B. Zone 6b includes only nurseries in counties that border the Great Lakes;


C. Zone 6 plants are not acceptable for use in Upper Peninsula or in Lower

Peninsula counties north of US-10 except for counties bordering Lake


Nursery stock must meet the requirements of ANSI Z 60.1.

Nursery stock must be true to the type and name specified by the American

Joint Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature’s Standardized Plant Names.

Label each plant type with the size, species, and variety. Include the common

and scientific names on the label. Provide first-class quality stock with

well-developed branch systems and vigorous, healthy root systems. Ensure

uniform and straight tree trunks. Nursery stock grown in sandy soils or any

damaged, diseased, under-developed, or infected plant material will be

rejected. Provide trees, ornamentals, and shrubs as noted on the plans.

Notify the Engineer a minimum of 24 hours before stock delivery. Provide an

invoice showing plant sizes, species, and varieties for each shipment. Plants

will not be accepted until the stock is delivered and inspected at the project.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 917


The Engineer may examine plants at the nursery by removing soil from the

root systems of balled or container grown plants or by digging in the nursery

row. The Department will not pay for plants that fail the Engineer’s inspection.

A. Deciduous Shade Trees. Deciduous shade trees must be straight and

symmetrical with a persistent, central main leader. The crown must be in

proportion to the total height of the tree.

Clumps must have at least two stems originating from a common base at

the groundline.

B. Small Trees, Ornamentals, and Shrubs. Small trees, ornamentals, and

shrubs must be well formed with a crown typical of each species or

variety. Pruning, shearing, or sculpting plants to meet the sizes shown on

the plans is not allowed.

C. Evergreen Trees. Evergreen trees must be typical of the species and not

sheared or color treated. Do not use evergreen trees grown for Christmas

trees. Antitranspirant protection for evergreen trees is allowed.

D. Vines, Ground Cover, and Herbaceous Ornamental Plants. Plants

must be in individual containers, at least 1 year old, grown in pots long

enough to ensure root growth capable of holding soil in place and

retaining the container shape when removed from the pot. Vines must

have at least four runners 1½ feet long. Leaf and stem structure of ground

cover plants must be proportional to the root systems and typical of

species or variety. Provide herbaceous plants in a heathy and vigorous

growing condition.

917.04. Balling Material

Use untreated burlap as balling material. Do not use synthetic balling

materials such as nylon or plastic.

917.05. Bracing and Guying Materials

A. Wire. For trees less than 4 inches in diameter, provide No. 11 galvanized

steel guy wire. For trees with a diameter greater than 4 inches, provide

No. 9 galvanized steel guy wire. Provide new wire free of bends and


B. Hose. Provide ¾-inch reinforced rubber garden hose or steam hose.

C. Stakes. Provide green metal T-section posts without anchor plates for

bracing trees. For shade trees, the minimum post length is 8 feet. For

evergreen trees, the minimum post length is 6 feet.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 917


Provide nominal 2- by 4-inch stock stakes 24 inches long for guying

plants. Stakes must be beveled on two or four sides to provide a point on

one end.

917.06. Topsoil

The Engineer will review the topsoil testing report to determine whether it

meets the organic matter, pH, gradation, and nutrient levels as stated in Table

917-1. Ensure that the topsoil is contamination-free and clean at the source

prior to transport to the project site. Obtain the Engineer’s approval for

salvaged topsoil prior to use. Topsoil must meet the following requirements:

A. Testing Reports. Reports must contain at a minimum the following tests

and the recommendation from the laboratory for amending the soil.

1. Mechanical gradation (particle size analysis);

2. Sand/Silt/clay content determined by hydrometer test of soil passing

the No. 200 sieve;

3. Organic matter determined by an ash burn test or Walkley/Black test;


4. Chemical analysis for nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen,

phosphorus, potassium, calcium, aluminum, lime requirements, and

acidity (pH).

Table 917-1: Topsoil Requirements

Requirement Loam Sandy Loam

Silty Loam

Clay Loam Test Method

Passing ¾-inch sieve 100% 100% 100% 100% ASTM D6913

Passing No. 4 sieve >85% >95% >90% >90% ASTM D6913

Clay 10–30% 0–20% 0–25% 25–40% ASTM D6913

Silt 30–50% 0–30% 50–90% 15–55% ASTM D6913

Sand 25–65% 45–85% 0–50% 20–50% ASTM D6913

Organic matter 3–10% 3–10% 3–10% 3–10% ASTM D2974

pH 5.5–7.5 5.5–7.5 5.5–7.5 5.5–7.5 ASTM G51

917.07. Compost

The Engineer will review the compost test results to determine whether they

meet the U.S. Composting Council’s requirements. The Engineer will also

visually inspect and approve the compost at the composting site for physical



MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 917


Compost must be mature, stabilized, humus like, and dark brown or black

compost derived from the aerobic decomposition of yard clippings or other

compostable materials as defined in the Natural Resources and

Environmental Protection Act, Part 115, Solid Waste Management, MCL

324.11501 et seq., and federal laws. Compost must be certified through the

US Composting Council’s Seal of Testing Assurance Program and meet the

following requirements:

A. Must be capable of supporting plant growth;

B. Must be free of objectionable odor, plastic, glass, metal, and other

physical contaminants;

C. Must not contain viable weed seeds or other plant parts capable of

reproducing with the exception of airborne weed species; and

D. Must not produce visible free water or dust during handling.

917.08. Peat Moss

Peat moss must consist of finely shredded sphagnum or fibrous peat moss of

a Department-approved commercial grade, free of woody substance.

917.09. Fertilizers

Provide standard, commercial, packaged, or bulk product fertilizers in

granular or liquid form. Each container of packaged fertilizer must be marked

with the content analysis showing the minimum percentages of total nitrogen,

available phosphoric acid, and soluble potash. If providing bulk fertilizer,

provide an invoice with each shipment indicating the minimum percentages of

total nitrogen, available phosphoric acid, and soluble potash.

A. Landscape Fertilizers

1. Planting Fertilizers. For mixing with peat moss and topsoil, provide

ready-mixed granular fertilizer containing equal amounts of

phosphorus and potassium by weight. Each cubic yard of prepared

soil must contain chemical fertilizer to provide 1 pound of available

phosphorus and 1 pound of available soluble potassium.

2. Watering Fertilizers. For application during watering, provide water

soluble, nitrogen-enriched fertilizer containing 8.3 pounds of available

nitrogen per 1,000 gallons of water.

B. Seeding and Sodding Fertilizers. Fertilizers in each class must contain

a water-insoluble and water-soluble component.

1. Class A. Provide and apply as specified by this subsection and as

indicated by soil tests:


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 917


a. Water-Insoluble Fertilizer. Apply 32 pounds of water-insoluble

nitrogen per acre (e.g., 128 pounds of ureaform, 115 pounds of

isobutylidene diurea). Provide the water-insoluble nitrogen from

ureaformaldehydes, coarse grade isobutylidene diurea, or both.

b. Water-Soluble Fertilizer. Apply 48 pounds of nitrogen,

phosphorous, and potassium nutrient per acre (e.g., 253 pounds of

19-19-19, 400 pounds of 12-12-12). Provide water-soluble fertilizer

containing a 1:1:1 ratio of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium.

Ensure that the fertilizer components include urea, diammonium

phosphate, and potassium chloride.

2. Class B. Provide and apply as specified by this subsection and as

indicated by soil tests:

a. Water-Insoluble Fertilizer. Apply 32 pounds of water-insoluble

nitrogen per acre. Provide the water-insoluble nitrogen from

ureaformaldehydes, coarse grade isobutylidene diurea, or both.

b. Water-Soluble Fertilizer. Apply nitrogen at a rate of 48 pounds of

nutrient per acre and 40 pounds of potassium per acre. Ensure

that fertilizer components include urea and potassium chloride.

3. Class C. Provide and apply as specified by this subsection and as

indicated by soil tests:

a. Water-Insoluble Fertilizer. Apply 32 pounds of water-insoluble

nitrogen per acre. Provide water-insoluble nitrogen from

ureaformaldehydes, coarse grade isobutylidene diurea, or both.

b. Water-Soluble Fertilizer. Apply nitrogen at a rate of 48 pounds of

nutrient per acre. Ensure that the fertilizer components include


917.10. Water

Use water that meets the requirements of section 911.

917.11. Seed

Provide the required certified seed mixture as specified in Table 917-2. Select

each species of seed from the Qualified Products List. Supply seed in durable

bags with a tag marked by the manufacturer and supplier of the blended mix

showing the species and variety name, lot number, net weight of contents,

purity, and germination.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 917


Table 917-2: Seed Mixtures


Minimum Purity

(%) Germination


Seed Mixture Proportions (% by weight)


TSM 6–24


TSM >24


Kentucky blue grass 98 85 5 15 10 10 30 — — —

Perennial ryegrass 96 85 25 30 20 20 20 — 50 50

Hard fescue 97 85 25 — 20 30 — — — —

Creeping red fescue 97 85 45 45 40 40 50 — — —

Fults salt grass 98 85 — 10 10 — — — — —

Cereal rye 85 85 — — — — — 100 — —

Spring oats 85 85 — — — — — — 50 50

CR = cereal rye TDS = turf dry sandy TGM = turf medium to heavy soil THM = turf loamy to heavy

THV = turf heavy soil TSM = temporary seeding (months) TUF = turf urban freeway


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 917


Seed must be tested in accordance with the AOSA [Association of Official

Seed Analysts] Rules for Testing Seeds. The Engineer will evaluate

deficiencies below the percentage required for purity and germination to

determine acceptability.

917.12. Sod

Provide sod consisting of a densely rooted blend of at least two bluegrass

varieties with at least 30% creeping red fescue content, free of weeds, and

grown on the same or similar soil as the topsoil on the project. Obtain the

Engineer’s approval of the sod in the sod field before harvesting. Before

cutting the sod, mow the grass to 3 to 4 inches above the ground surface.

Cut the sod from ½ to ¾ inch thick. If cutting sod into strips, cut in small

uniform units of approximately 10 square feet per roll to ensure ease of

handling of the sod without tearing or breaking. The sod may be cut,

transported, and laid in large rolls with machinery designed for that purpose.

A. Pegs for Sodding. Provide pegs of sound wood, at least 10 inches long,

with a cross-sectional area of at least 0.75 square inch for pegging sod.

Use longer pegs in sandy or similar soils.

917.13. Mulching Materials for Nursery Stock

A. Shredded Bark. Provide shredded hardwood bark mulch consisting of

tree bark stripped and shredded from saw logs with a debarking machine.

Shredded hardwood bark mulch must be capable of passing through a

conventional mulch blower. Do not use wood chips or recycled

construction material.

917.14. Mulch for Seed

A. Loose Mulch. Provide clean, undamaged, and rot-free straw in an air-dry

condition for loose mulch. Loose mulch must be free of weed seeds and

other deleterious material.

B. Turf Mulch Blankets. Select turf mulch blankets from the Qualified

Products List. Anchor according to the manufacturer’s specifications. No

metal stakes or staples are allowed.

1. High-Velocity Mulch Blankets. High-velocity mulch blankets must

have net covering on two sides. The net must meet the requirements

of subsection 917.14.D and be capable of reinforcing the blanket to

prevent damage during shipping, handling, and installation.

a. High-Velocity Excelsior Mulch Blankets. Provide high-velocity

excelsior mulch blankets that meet the following requirements:


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 917


Blanket must consist of a uniform layer of interlocking excelsior

fibers cut from sound, green timber;

The average roll weight for an entire shipment must be

12 ounces per square yard ±10%;

Blankets must be shipped in tightly compressed rolls; and

Each roll must have the roll weight and the manufacturer’s

name written or stenciled on the roll wrapper or on an attached


b. High-Velocity Straw Mulch Blankets. Provide high-velocity straw

mulch blankets that meet the following requirements:

Blankets must consist of a uniform layer of clean wheat straw

that is free of weeds and weed seed;

When dry, the blankets must weigh 8 ounces per square yard


The straw and net must be stitched together to create a

uniform mat;

Blankets must be shipped in tightly compressed rolls; and

Each roll must have the roll weight and the manufacturer’s

name written or stenciled on the roll wrapper or on an attached


2. Mulch Blankets

a. Excelsior Mulch Blankets. Provide excelsior mulch blankets

meeting the requirements of high-velocity excelsior mulch blankets

except that the blankets must weigh from 8 to 12 ounces per

square yard and have netting on one side.

b. Straw Mulch Blankets. Provide straw mulch blankets meeting the

requirements of high-velocity straw mulch blankets except that the

blankets must have netting on one side.

C. Mulch Anchoring. Select mulch anchoring material from the Qualified

Products List.

1. Latex-Base. Provide latex-base mulch-anchoring material composed

of 48% styrene, 50% butadiene, and 2% additive by weight. The

mulch-anchoring material must contain from 42.0 to 46.0% solids and

a pH, as shipped, from 8.5 to 10.0. Protect the emulsion from freezing

and prolonged exposure to sunlight.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 917


2. Recycled Newsprint. Provide recycled newsprint mulch consisting of

specially prepared, biodegradable, shredded, recycled newsprint

fibers. The recycled newsprint fiber must:

a. Have a moisture content (total weight) no greater than 12%;

b. Have a high-grade newsprint content of at least 96% by weight


c. Include tackifier content from 1.5 to 3% by weight;

d. Have a water-holding capacity of at least 32 ounces per

3.5 ounces of fiber;

e. Contain a wetting agent and a defoaming agent; and

f. Contain a nontoxic bright green or blue dyestuff that adheres to

the fiber to minimize leaching of the color after application.

3. Wood Fiber. Provide specially prepared, biodegradable, air-dried,

virgin wood fibers manufactured from 100% whole wood chips. Do not

use recycled materials. The wood fiber must:

a. Have a moisture content (total weight) no greater than 12%;

b. Have an organic wood fiber content of at least 95% by weight


c. Include tackifier content from 3 to 5% by weight;

d. Have a water-holding capacity of at least 35 ounces per

3.5 ounces of fiber;

e. Be dyed with a green or blue biodegradable dye; and

f. Contain no growth- or germination-inhibiting materials.

4. Guar Gum. Provide guar gum tackifiers consisting of at least 95%

guar gum by weight with the remaining 5% by weight consisting of

dispersing and crosslinking additives.

5. Other Tackifiers. Provide water-soluble natural vegetable gums, guar

gums blended with gelling and hardening agents, or a water-soluble

blend of hydrophilic polymers, viscosifiers, sticking aids, and other

gums as tackifiers.

D. Mulch Netting

1. Netting. Provide mulch net with a mesh size from ½ by ½ inch to

1½ by 2 inches, formulated from or treated with a chemical that

promotes the breakdown of the net within the first growing season


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 917


after placement. Mulch netting must be strong enough to hold the

mulch in place and still deteriorate when exposed to sunlight.

2. Net Anchors. Provide wood or other biodegradable net anchors at

least 6 inches in length. Do not use steel wire staples or pins to

anchor mulch blankets or netting.

917.15. Weed Control

Provide herbicides registered for use on highway right-of-way by the

Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development and the United

States Environmental Protection Agency. Obtain the Engineer’s approval of

herbicides prior to use. Do not use restricted-use herbicides.

917.16. Growth Preventive Material

Provide cut stump herbicide composed of the ingredients and nominal

concentrations as appropriate.

A. Upland Location

1. 83% paraffin oil, surface active compounds, and coupling agents with

blue colorant

17% triclopyr, butoxyethyl ester

2. 82% paraffin oil, surface active compounds, and coupling agents with

blue colorant

15% triclopyr, butoxyethyl ester

3% isopropylamine salt of imazapyr

B. Wetland or Aquatic Location

1. 100% triclopyr choline salt with blue colorant



Section 918. Electrical and Lighting Materials

918.01. Conduit

Provide nationally recognized testing laboratory labeled conduits with UV

protection and manufactured for use at temperatures of at least 194°F unless

otherwise required. For conduits encased in concrete, use Grade 3500

concrete. If steel reinforcement is required, provide reinforcement meeting

the requirements of section 905.

Wall thickness and OD dimensions must conform to ASTM D1785 for

smooth-wall Schedule 40 and 80 PVC conduit material. Maximum deviation

from the minimum wall thickness is 3%.

Wall thickness range must be within 12% in accordance with ASTM D3035 for

smooth-wall coilable Schedule 40 and 80 PE conduit.

A. Galvanized Steel Conduit. Provide nationally recognized listed and

labeled galvanized steel conduit meeting the requirements of ANSI C80.1.

Provide hot-dip galvanized couplings and fittings that meet the

requirements of ANSI/NEMA FB1. Provide elbows and nipples meeting

the requirements for conduit. Provide thread-type fittings and couplings for

rigid conduit.

B. Smooth-Wall Schedule 40 PVC Conduit. Provide smooth-wall PVC

conduit, fittings, and accessories manufactured from PVC meeting the

requirements of ASTM D1784 and the applicable NEMA TC2 and UL 651


C. Smooth-Wall Schedule 80 PVC Conduit. Provide smooth-wall PVC

conduit, fittings, and accessories manufactured from PVC meeting the

requirements of ASTM D1784 and the applicable NEMA TC2 and UL 651


D. Smooth-Wall Coilable Schedule 40 PE Conduit. Provide HDPE

Type III, Grade P 33, Category 5, Class C conduit meeting the

requirements of ASTM D3485, ASTM D3350, and ASTM D1248.

Mark conduit in accordance with ASTM D3485. Mark the conduit to

indicate the producer code and designation, whether HDPE or Type III.

Provide conduit produced from material with a color and UV stabilization

code of C, D, or E in accordance with ASTM D3350. Provide black conduit

for use above ground.

For each project, supply a general certification that the PE conduit meets

these requirements.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 918


E. Smooth-Wall Coilable Schedule 80 PE Conduit. Provide smooth-wall,

coilable, PE conduit meeting the requirements of applicable sections of

NEMA TC7, UL 651 and 651A, and ASTM D3485.

Provide HDPE Type III, Grade P-33, Category 5, Class C conduit meeting

the requirements of ASTM D3485, ASTM D3350, and ASTM D1248.

For each project, supply a general certification that the PE conduit meets

these requirements.

F. Rigid Fiberglass. Provide filament-wound conduit and fittings consisting

of E glass and corrosion-resistant epoxy resin, manufactured for use at

temperatures from −40 to 230°F. Ensure that conduit is pigmented with

carbon black for UV protection and fire resistant in accordance with UL

94. Provide heavy walled fiberglass conduit meeting the specifications,

labeling, and testing requirements of ANSI/NEMA TC14.

918.02. Electrical Grounding System

Provide material for the electrical grounding system meeting the following


A. Flexible Grounding Connection. Provide flexible grounding connections

made of flexible, flat, tinned copper braid with seamless tinned copper

ferrules at each end. Provide flexible grounding connections with a

minimum cross-sectional area equal to the cross-sectional area of the

grounding cable. Provide ferrule capable of being formed to fit the curved

surfaces of a clamp or pipe.

B. Grounding Conductors and Bonding Jumpers. Provide grounding

conductors and bonding jumpers sized in accordance with the current

National Electrical Code (NEC).

C. Grounding Rod. Provide a copper-clad steel grounding rod with a

diameter of at least ¾ inch and a length of at least 10 feet, with no more

than 10 ohms of resistance to ground.

D. Connecting Hardware. Provide silicon-bronze-connecting hardware

meeting the requirements of ASTM B124/D124M. Provide materials

supplied by the same manufacturer to ensure compatibility.

918.03. Electrical Conductors and Cable

Provide conductors and cable meeting the requirements of the NEC, the

serving utility, and ASTM specifications. Provide nationally recognized,

approved cable. Provide coated, soft drawn copper conductors in standard

American Wire Gauge (AWG) sizes.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 918


Provide conductors and cables with the size, voltage rating, insulation type,

and manufacturer’s name permanently marked on the outer covering at

regular intervals. The manufacturer must provide splicing or terminating

information for installation of the cable to the Engineer and Contractor.

A. Overhead and Underground Service Conductors and Cable. Provide

cable consisting of three 1/C PE-insulated stranded conductors,

assembled under a common PE jacket. Provide cables meeting the

requirements of IMSA 20-1 for aerial and duct installation, except provide

conductors of the required sizes and numbers. Single conductors rated for

direct burial in a dedicated service conduit are permitted.

Provide Periwinkle-type, or Department-approved equal, aluminum

multiplex cable consisting of two sheathed conductors wrapped around a

ground and messenger cable. Ensure that the phase conductor consists

of seven-strand, No. 4 AWG with an insulation thickness of 45 mils.

Provide a bare neutral messenger consisting of a 6/1 strand, No. 4 AWG,

with a rated strength of 1,860 pounds.

B. Traffic Signal Wire and Cable. Provide stranded traffic signal wire and

cable for aerial, underground duct or direct burial systems. Except for

IMSA 51-5 cable, provide PE-insulated and PE-jacketed cables with 2 to

20 conductors. Provide IMSA 51-5 PVC insulated, nylon-jacketed cables

loosely encased in a PE tube. Provide the sizes and number of

conductors shown on the plans.

Provide IMSA cable that meets the requirements of IMSA 20-1, IMSA

20-3, IMSA 20-5, IMSA 40-2 (aerial and duct), IMSA 40-4 (aerial

self-supporting), IMSA 50-2 (loop lead-in), and IMSA 51-5 (loop) with the

exceptions and additions specified in this subsection.

1. Conductors. Provide concentric stranded, Class B, soft copper

conductors meeting the requirements of ASTM B8 except do not allow

joints in the conductors after completing final drawing operations.

2. Circuit Identification. Provide color-coded insulation in accordance

with the following:

a. Table 5.1 of IMSA 20 1;

b. IMSA 20 2;

c. IMSA 20 5;

d. Table 5.2 of IMSA 40 2; and

e. IMSA 40 4.

Do not print numerals or words on the insulation for conductor



MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 918


C. Messenger Cable. Provide stranded, ¼ inch, Class C, galvanized,

extra-high-strength steel strand messenger cable of no more than

seven-wire meeting the requirements of ASTM A475, as specified by

9.1-A of IMSA 20-3 and 11.1 of IMSA 40-4.

918.04. Direct Burial Cable and Conductors

Install direct burial cable and conductors in conduit unless otherwise shown

on the plans.

Direct burial cable and conductors in conduit for use in wet locations must be

a type allowed in the current NEC for direct burial.

Unless otherwise required, provide nationally recognized listed cables rated

at 600 volts. Provide cables and conductors resistant to oils and chemicals,

rated 194°F dry and 167°F wet, for installation in wet and dry locations

exposed to the weather and meeting the requirements of UL 44.

Provide cables for electric service entrance runs with a USE rating.

For all individual conductors, provide type RHW/USE.

A. Conductors. Provide uncoated, copper, UL 44 approved conductors

meeting the requirements of ASTM B3. Provide Class B conductors

stranded in accordance with ASTM B8. Ensure that the manufacturer’s

insulation curing process does not damage uncoated conductors.

Color code the insulation on conductors No. 2 AWG and larger. Field tape

at least 12 inches of conductors ends with half-lapped color tape. Use

colors as described in the next paragraph.

Use conductors with colored insulation for sizes smaller than No. 2 AWG.

Color code neutral conductors white for 240/120-volt systems and gray for

480/277-volt systems. Color code a single-phase 3-conductor with one

black conductor, one red conductor, and one white conductor for a

120/240-volt system. Color code a single-phase 2-conductor with one

brown conductor and one orange conductor for a 480-volt system. Color

code a single-phase 2-conductor with one black conductor and one white

conductor for a 120-volt system. Color code a single-phase 3-conductor

with one brown conductor, one orange conductor, and one gray conductor

for a 480/240-volt system. Color code a three-phase 4-conductor with one

brown conductor, one orange conductor, one yellow conductor, and one

gray conductor for a 480/277-volt system.

918.05. Equipment-Grounding Conductor

Provide insulated or bare copper conductors meeting the requirements of

ASTM B3 for equipment-grounding conductors. Provide equipment-grounding

conductors that are stranded in accordance with ASTM B8 for Class B. For


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 918


installing conductor in conduit, insulate and color code the conductor green.

For installing in earth, keep the conductor bare.

918.06. Handholes

A. Concrete. Provide Grade 3500 concrete.

B. Steel Reinforcement. Provide bar or welded cage mesh steel

reinforcement capable of supporting HS-20-44 loading. Provide

reinforcement as shown on the plans or in accordance with the

manufacturer’s design. If reinforcement deviates from the plans, provide

calculations showing that the new design supports HS-20-44 loading.

C. Frame and Covers. Provide frame and covers of steel and classified as

light duty or heavy duty. Provide covers with the required logo in the

location and of the size specified on the handhole detail sheet.

1. Light-Duty Cover. Provide East Jordan No. 2982A-18 or Neenah

Foundry No. R-6012-D round cover or a Department-approved equal.

2. Heavy-Duty Cover. Provide East Jordan No. 2860A or Neenah

Foundry No. R-6052-D round cover or a Department-approved equal.

D. Polymer Concrete Handhole Boxes and Covers. Construct handhole

boxes of polymer concrete, reinforced with a heavy weave fiberglass.

Provide heavy-duty enclosures and covers designed and tested to −50°F

with a compressive strength of at least 11,000 psi. Provide covers with a

friction coefficient of at least 0.5.

1. Boxes. Provide stackable, heavy-duty, nominal 17- by 30- by 12-inch

handhole boxes, rated for 5,000 pounds over a 10- by 10-inch area.

2. Covers. Provide handhole covers with a service load of at least

15,000 pounds over a 10- by 10-inch area. Provide covers marked

with a logo as required. Secure covers with stainless steel, 300 series,

⅜ inch, 16NC hex bolts and washers.

E. Handhole, Square, 4 foot. Construct handholes from concrete.

1. Handhole. Provide handholes with live loads meeting the

requirements of AASHTO HS 20-44 for heavy traffic. Increase the

handhole design live load by 20%, given an earth cover from 2 to

5 feet.

Provide standard telecommunications Type S precast handholes with

inside dimensions of at least 48 by 48 by 48 inches.

Center the top opening in the roof of the handhole and provide at least

a 39-inch-diameter clear opening. Provide eight bell end inserts in the


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 918


sides for a 4-inch PVC conduit. Provide a knockout for one

14-inch-diameter sump crock in the base of the handhole.

Provide a handhole that is watertight to within 42 inches of grade.

Ensure that the manufacturer provides master sealer for joints and

holes including grade rings and pull-in irons.

Provide one 12-inch, interlocking, grade ring with a galvanized step

cast into the ring. Provide a grade ring with an OD of at least

45 inches and an inside diameter of 39 inches ±1 inch.

Cast metal bolt anchor inserts for ½-inch bolts into each wall. Ensure

that spacing between inserts is no greater than 24 inches. Protect the

inserts during casting to prevent filling with concrete.

2. Hardware. Provide metallic hardware that is hot-dip galvanized or

stainless steel. Provide a complete hardware package with each

handhole including the following:

a. One hook ladder for hooking on the step of the grade ring when

positioned at the climbing angle;

b. Four pull-in irons with backing plates;

c. Eight 36-inch cable racks (Underground Devices No. CR36 or

Department-approved equal); and

d. Sixteen 3-inch throat saddle (Underground Devices No. 3HDS or

Department-approved equal).

3. Frame, Ring, and Cover. Provide a heavy-duty cast-iron frame, grade

ring, and cover manufactured by East Jordan Iron Works or a

Department-approved equal. Provide a Model 1220C ring and cover

with “Signals & Lighting” cast into the cover. Do not use other ring and

cover model numbers. Provide a frame weighing 410 pounds and a

cover weighing 245 pounds.

F. Handhole, Round, 3-foot diameter. Construct handhole boxes from


1. Handhole. Provide handholes with live loads meeting the

requirements of AASHTO HS 20 for wheel loading.

Ensure that concrete attains a 28-day compressive strength of at least

4,500 psi.

Provide smooth or deformed welded wire fabric in accordance with

ASTM A1064/A1064M.

Provide reinforcing steel meeting the requirements of ASTM

A615/A615M for Grade 60 rebar if required. Bend bars and place in


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 918


accordance with the latest American Concrete Institute (ACI)


Provide precast handholes with the following characteristics:

a. Inside diameter of 36 inches, capable of accommodating round


b. Integral wall and base;

c. Height of 44 or 48 inches;

d. OD of 44 inches;

e. One 6-inch knockout in the base for a sump drain hole; and

f. Walls with four tapered knock-outs for conduit entering the

handhole, 2 inches deep from the inside and 10 to 11 inches in


Construct the handhole to accept a heavy-duty frame and cover

centered atop the handhole.

2. Frame and Cover. Provide a heavy-duty cast-iron frame, grade ring,

and cover manufactured by East Jordan Iron Works or a

Department-approved equal. Provide a Model 1220 ring and cover

with required logo cast into the cover. Do not use other ring and cover

model numbers. Provide a total assembly weighing 675 pounds.

918.07. Light Standard Foundation

A. Concrete. Provide Grade 3500 concrete.

B. Steel Reinforcement. Provide steel reinforcement as shown on the plans

and meeting the requirements of section 905. When reinforcement meets

the requirements of the NEC, it must be used for grounding.

C. Anchor Bolts, Nuts, and Washers. Provide anchor bolts, nuts, and

washers meeting the requirements of subsection 908.14.

Provide anchor bolts with a diameter of at least 1 inch with series 8UN

threads. Provide anchor bolts threaded 4 inches beyond the anchor bolt

projection shown on the plans.

D. Ground Rods. Use a ground rod meeting the requirements of subsection


1. Grounding Electrode Conductor. Provide No. 6 stranded, bare

copper, grounding-electrode conductor for the street lighting unit

meeting the requirements of subsection 918.02.B.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 918


2. Conduit. Provide conduit in the foundation to allow placement of

conductors and grounding wires as shown on the plans and meeting

the requirements of subsection 918.01.

918.08. Light Standards

Provide steel, aluminum, or other light standard material. Provide light

standards designed in accordance with AASHTO’s Standard Specifications

for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic Signals.

Use a wind importance factor based on a recurrence interval of 50 years for

the design wind speed. Do not use alternative methods of determining wind

speed. Use a Category I fatigue importance factor. Submit calculations for the

light standard design, sealed by a Professional Engineer who is licensed in

the State of Michigan, to the Engineer for approval.

A. Steel Light Standards

1. Shafts. Provide light standard shafts of hot-rolled, low-carbon steel or

high-strength, low-alloy steel. Provide shafts with a tensile yield

strength of at least 50,000 psi when tested before or after fabrication.

2. Handhole. Provide light standards with reinforced handholes with a

steel cover and a grounding nut or lug inside the shaft. Ensure that the

grounding nut or lug is easily accessible from the handhole.

3. Anchor Bases. Provide one-piece anchor bases of cast steel or

hot-rolled steel plate. Cast steel anchor bases must meet the

requirements of ASTM A27/A27M for Grade 65-35, and hot-rolled

steel plate anchor bases must meet the requirements of ASTM


4. Bracket Arm Assembly. Provide a bracket arm assembly of

truss-type design and steel meeting the requirements of ASTM

A53/A53M Grade B or ASTM A36/A36M. Ensure that the installed

bracket arm assembly provides a weather-resistant connection with a

smooth wiring raceway.

5. Hardware. Provide American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) Series 300

stainless steel threaded fasteners and lock washers to secure parts to

the shaft.

B. Aluminum Light Standards

1. Shafts. Provide round, octaflute, or octagonal aluminum shafts with a

uniform taper.

Provide a shaft fabricated from a single piece of seamless tubing of

aluminum alloy 6063 meeting the requirements of ASTM B221.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 918


After fabrication, ensure that the shaft has physical strength properties

meeting the requirements for T6 temper.

Provide aluminum alloy 356-T6 castings except for the shaft top,

provide aluminum alloy 43F.

Provide sand castings meeting the requirements of ASTM B26/B26M.

Provide permanent mold castings meeting the requirements of ASTM


2. Handhole. Provide light standards with a reinforced handhole, an

aluminum cover, and a grounding nut or lug inside the shaft. Ensure

that the grounding nut or lug is easily accessible from the handhole.

3. Bracket Arm Assembly. Provide a bracket arm assembly of

truss-type design and aluminum alloy pipe or tapered tubes. Ensure

that the installed bracket provides a weather-resistant connection with

a smooth wiring raceway.

Provide pipes meeting the requirements of ASTM B241/B241M for

aluminum alloy 6063-T6 or 6061-T6.

Provide tapered tubes meeting the requirements of ASTM B221 for

aluminum alloy 6063-T6 or 6061-T6.

4. Hardware. Provide aluminum alloy 2024-T4 or AISI Series 300

stainless steel threaded fasteners, lock washers, and other pieces to

secure parts to the shaft.

C. Frangible Transformer Bases. Provide frangible transformer bases

selected from the Qualified Products List.

D. Anchor Bolts. Provide galvanized anchor bolts, studs, nuts, couplings,

and washers in accordance with subsection 908.14.

918.09. Luminaires

Use luminaires per the contract.

918.10. Tower Lighting Unit

Provide tower lighting units designed in accordance with AASHTO’s Standard

Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and

Traffic Signals. Use a wind importance factor for the design wind speed

based on a recurrence interval of 50 years. Do not use alternative methods of

determining the wind speed. Use a Category I fatigue importance factor. Base

design calculations on a yield strength of no greater than 50,000 psi.

A. Shaft. Provide steel shaft material from a single thickness steel sheet with

no laminations. Shaft material must meet the requirements of ASTM


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 918


A1011/A1011M, Grade 50, with a silicon content no greater than 0.060%

or a silicon content from 0.150 to 0.250%.

Provide shafts with an overall diameter of at least 23½ inches at the base

with uniform taper to the top to a diameter of at least 6 inches. Shafts

must have a minimum wall thickness of 3/16 inch.

1. Handhole. Provide shafts with hinged doors fabricated from the same

material as the shafts. Provide doors at least 24 by 14 inches. Provide

doors with a hasp for a padlock. Place access holes so they do not

intersect the longitudinal seam weld on the pole.

B. Anchor Base. Provide steel base material from a single thickness steel

sheet with no laminations. Base material must meet the requirements of

ASTM A572/A572M, Grade 50, with a silicon content of no greater than

0.060% or a silicon content from 0.150 to 0.250%.

C. Anchor Bolts, Nuts, and Washers. Anchor bolts, nuts, and washers

must meet the requirements of subsection 908.14.

D. Head Frame Assembly. Provide a head frame assembly with a pair of

pulleys for each stainless steel cable located to support the luminaire ring.

Provide a roller assembly or a single pulley for the power cord. Provide a

hoisting system with two or three stainless steel cables at the head frame


1. Power Cord Roller Assembly. If using a roller assembly to support

the power cord, provide six rollers mounted between two cold-rolled

steel plates that are zinc-electroplated in accordance with ASTM B633

and yellow chromatic-dipped. Ensure that the power cord rides on

rollers of acetate resin mounted on AISI 304 stainless steel shafts.

Locate the six rollers to support the power cord in a bending radius of

at least 7 inches. Except for pulleys and rollers, fabricate parts of the

assembly from ASTM A572/A57M Grade 345 steel.

Design the assembly to protect parts from the weather.

2. Power Cord Pulley. If using a pulley to support the power cord,

provide pulleys fabricated from a single piece of galvanized steel with

a diameter of at least 16 inches.

3. Pulleys for Stainless Steel Support Cables. Provide pulleys with a

minimum diameter of 6 inches fabricated from one piece of stainless

steel or galvanized steel.

Provide pulleys with permanently lubricated bronze bearings and

stainless steel axle pins. Ensure that the depth of the vee on pulleys is

equal to or greater than the diameter of the cable. Provide guards to

prevent cables from riding off the pulleys.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 918


4. Latching. The Contractor may locate the latching mechanism for the

luminaire mounting ring at the head frame assembly or at the base of

the pole.

If the latching mechanism is at the head frame assembly, provide

three latches as an integral part of the head frame assembly. Latch

the luminaire mounting ring by the alternately raising and lowering of

the luminaire ring assembly using the winch and hoisting assembly.

Attach moving parts of the latching mechanism to the luminaire ring

assembly. Ensure that the moving parts are serviceable at ground

level. Ensure that the luminaire ring does not move horizontally or

rotate around the pole during the latching or unlatching process. Use

indicator flags, visible from the ground, to signal the latching and

locking of each latching mechanism.

If using a two-cable hoist system, provide for the latching of the

luminaire mounting ring at the base of the pole. Provide a cable

anchoring device to latch each supporting cable in place.

E. Luminaire Mounting Ring. Provide a luminaire mounting ring capable of

supporting 2-inch-diameter mounting tenons, complete with ballasts,

evenly distributed around the ring for mounting the required number of

luminaires. Ensure that the luminaire mounting ring provides a raceway or

enclosure for the required electrical connections to the luminaires.

Provide the mounting ring with at least No. 12 AWG copper wire rated at


Provide a galvanized steel luminaire mounting ring and related

components. Galvanize in accordance with ASTM A123/A123M after


Equip the luminaire mounting ring with a weatherproof male receptacle to

energize the luminaires in the lowered position. Ensure that connections

are weathertight and protected when the luminaires are in the operating


Make provisions for centering and damping contacts that the luminaire

mounting ring may encounter while ascending and descending the pole.

Provide roller-contact with spring-loaded centering arms on the luminaire

mounting ring. Ensure that the luminaire ring centering device maintains

the ring concentric with the pole.

F. Luminaires for Tower Lighting. Provide luminaires capable of operating

at mounting heights greater than 100 feet. Provide luminaires capable of

withstanding wind velocities of 120 feet per second and resulting

vibrations. Provide a luminaire that weighs no more than 94 pounds.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 918


When mounted in the operating position, ensure that an area no greater

than 5.4 square feet is exposed to the wind.

Provide luminaires meeting the requirements specified by the following:

1. Housing. Provide a structurally rigid luminaire housing of cast or

formed aluminum with a copper content no greater than 0.2%.

Provide a housing containing an integral slip fitter mounted on a 2-inch

pipe bracket or a 1½-inch pipe bracket with inserts.

Provide a mechanical means to limit insertion of the pipe arm. Provide

a mechanical means for leveling the luminaire to within a range of

±3 degrees from the horizontal.

Provide a leveling surface on the housing exterior to mount the

luminaire in the operating position. For luminaires producing

asymmetrical light distributions, orient to distribute the light as shown

on the plans. For exposed exterior hardware and fasteners, provide

stainless steel, Monel metal, or aluminum alloy hardware and

fasteners. For the luminaire-to-bracket arm-mounting fasteners and

other internal fasteners, provide stainless steel or zinc-coated steel

fasteners. Provide remaining internal hardware of stainless steel,

aluminum alloy, or zinc-coated steel.

2. Reflector. Provide aluminum or glass reflectors affixed to the refractor

or the cover glass with a gasket. Provide extruded silicone rubber or

synthetic fiber felt gaskets.

3. Aluminum Reflector. Provide enclosed aluminum reflectors

fabricated with ALGLAS reflector finish or a sealed anodic coating

over an electrolytically or chemically brightened specular surface.

Provide optical parts that are weathertight and bug tight. Provide a

coating that is at least 4 milligrams per square inch in accordance with

ASTM B137. Provide a coating seal meeting the requirements of

ASTM B136. The fabricator must submit certification that the reflector

coating meets requirements upon the Engineer’s request.

4. Glass Reflector. Provide one-piece, clear borosilicate glass reflectors

free of bubbles and ripples. Protect the reflector back surface from the

effects of atmospheric oxidation and moisture.

5. Cover Glass. Provide clear tempered cover glass. Mount the cover

glass to the holding ring but allow for easy replacement.

Use an ethylene-propyleneteroplymer or synthetic fiber felt gasket for

the cover.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 918


6. Ballast. Mount the ballast or ballast housing on the luminaire housing.

Ensure that the ballast, ballast housing, and luminaire housing are

entirely enclosed. Install a gasket between the ballast housing and

luminaire housing. Provide ballasts designed to operate at the rated

voltage shown on the plans.

Identify the ballast lamp wattage and circuit voltage in accordance with

ANSI C 82.4.

Provide a regulating auto-transformer-type ballast. Ensure that an

applied primary voltage change of ±10% of line nominal at the ballast

does not cause more than a ±13% change in lamp wattage. Ensure a

power factor of at least 90% at the rated voltage. Provide a ballast that

starts reliably at −20°F with ±10% of line nominal voltage variations.

7. Lamp. Provide lamps of the type and size shown on the plans.

8. Socket. Provide a socket assembly of rigid construction to ensure that

the lamp retains the required position during service. Do not use

socket adapters for positioning lamps.

Provide nickel-plated brass sockets with a porcelain covering. Provide

a socket with lamp grips. Provide a socket with a spring-loaded center

contact. Weld or attach sock leads with crimp-type, solderless,

compression connectors.

If the socket is capable of variable socket positions, provide

information to establish the correct socket position.

9. Wiring. Complete internal wiring and connections so only incoming

supply conductors require attachment to pressure-type connectors on

a terminal block.

Provide a terminal block rated at 600 volts and meeting the

requirements of the NEMA ICS 4-2015. Provide a terminal board that

accommodates crimp-on, solderless, compression connectors for

interior wiring.

Mechanically and electronically fasten the incoming supply conductors

with compression terminals to accommodate wire from No. 12 to

No. 16 AWG.

10. Fusing. Provide and mount inline FNM-type fuses in the luminaire

housing. Provide fuses with the current ratings in Table 918-2.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 918


Table 918-2: Current Ratings per Circuit Voltage

Circuit Voltage Current Rating

120 volts 30 amperes

240 volts 15 amperes

277 volts 15 amperes

480 volts 15 amperes

11. Painting. Paint the luminaire housing metallic gray.

12. Packaging. Pack luminaires individually for shipment.

13. Assembly Drawings. Provide assembly and installation drawings.

14. Sampling and Testing. Provide test data certification for tower

lighting luminaires.

G. Lowering Device. Equip the inside of each tower lighting unit with an

electric motor and a hoisting device capable of raising the required

number of luminaires plus 300 pounds to the operating position and

lowering the luminaires to 5 feet above the foundation. Ensure that raising

and lowering operations can be controlled 15 feet from the pole base. The

Contractor may use a transformer to obtain the desired voltage of the

motor for remote operation.

Provide a lowering device with a worm gear, a gear reducer hoist of at

least 30:1 and supporting, hoisting, and electric cables to the luminaire

mounting ring.

Mount the device inside the pole base with stainless steel hardware.

Provide the hoist drum with a stainless steel cable at least ¼ inch in

diameter, attached to the hoist drum and long enough for at least one

complete layer on the drum plus the length required to lower the luminaire

mounting ring to the lowest position.

If using a single hoisting cable, provide a cable junction plate to join the

three supporting cables to the hoisting cable and to hold the lower end of

the electric cable. Ensure that the junction plate is accessible through the

handhole when the luminaire mounting ring is in the raised position.

Provide three stainless steel supporting cables 3/16 inch in diameter.

Provide means to adjust the length of each of the three supporting cables

by 4 inches with the luminaire mounting frame at the top of the pole. As an

alternative, the Contractor may provide for each of the three supporting

cables to terminate through a coil spring under compression so when the

luminaire mounting ring is in the raised position, differences in tension of

one or two cables will compensate for a difference of 3 inches in the

length of those cables.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 918


H. Electric Cable. Provide portable power cable Type W-4, round, 600-volt,

No. 8 AWG, copper electrical cables with 133 strands in each conductor,

rated at 167°F. Provide cable that meets the requirements of

ICEA S-19-81.

Provide the same type of cable for the electric supply from the safety

switch to the terminal block in the pole and from the terminal block to the

twist-lock connector. Ensure that the cable reaches through the handhole

in the pole to serve as a power source for the electric drill or motor to

operate the lowering device.

Where the electric cable attaches to the cable junction, provide a strain

relief grip to hold the electric cable. Provide a strain relief grip that has an

insulated compression-type connector capable of supporting the cable

when the luminaire mounting ring is lowered. Where the electric cable

connects to the luminaire mounting ring, provide a similar strain relief grip

to hold the other end of the electric cable.

I. Lightning Arrestor. Mount a lightning arrestor with the necessary

operating voltage and conditions inside the pole base. Ensure that the

lightning arrestor is accessible through the handhole and connected

between the load side of the fused safety switch and the pole grounding

lug by the shortest practical connections.

J. Twist Loc Connector. Provide a 600-volt, nationally recognized listed

50 ampere, three-pole, 4-wire, twist-type connector. Provide a power cord

from the luminaire mounting ring with a male plug and a supply cord with

a female plug.

K. Electric Drill/Motor. Provide an electric drill or motor to operate the

hoisting device. If using an electric drill, provide a 240-volt, heavy-duty,

industrially rated, ½-inch capacity, electrically reversible electric drill with

special chuck to fit the lowering device hoist. Provide an electric drill with

a special mounting bracket for attaching to the hoist through the handhole

in the pole.

If using an electric motor, use a reversible, standard frame motor with a

magnetic brake.

Mount the drill or motor frame so it is connected to the hoist without being

held by other means. Provide a drill or motor that operates the hoist in

either direction from the mounted position.

Provide a flexible electric cord with heavy-duty 600-volt insulation for the

drill or motor and an attachment plug that fits the 240-volt outlet in the

metal pull box. Provide a momentary push-button control in the electric

cord for the drill or on a separate cord from the drill to allow operation of


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 918


the drill in either direction or stopping when the operator is as far as

15 feet from the pole.

Provide a test cable with the drill or motor to energize the luminaires when

the mounting ring is in the lowered position. Provide the same type cable

as the electric cable up the pole. Provide a cable that includes the

required fittings and length to connect the electric supply to the

weathertight outlet in the luminaire frame.

L. Foundation. Construct the foundation for the tower lighting unit as shown

on the plans. Ensure that the pole manufacturer provides the anchor bolts

for installation in the foundation.

Provide each anchor bolt with two nuts for plumbing the pole. Zinc coat

the upper 15 inches of the bolts and the nuts in accordance with ASTM

A153/A153M. Provide anchor bolts and associated nuts, washers, and

hardware meeting the requirements of subsection 908.14. Install anchor

bolts as specified in section 810.

M. Fused Safety Switch. Provide the fused safety switch as shown on the


918.11. Wood Poles

Provide western red cedar, red pine, or southern pine poles meeting the

requirements of ASC O5 and ANSI O5.1.

Incise the circumferential surface area of poles beginning from at least

24 inches below the ground line and extending to at least 12 inches above

the ground line. Machine shave poles full length above the incised area.

Treat poles full length with pentachlorophenol-petroleum preservative solution

in accordance with AWPA T1-20 and AWPA P35-16. Provide a solution

containing at least 5% of pentachlorophenol by weight.

A. Guys and Guy Anchors. Provide extra-high-strength-grade seven-strand

guy wire. Provide heavy, two-bladed, malleable iron expansion-type guy

anchors. Provide galvanized ¾-inch by 8-foot thimble eye type guy anchor

rods. Provide anchor guys with metal or plastic guards.

B. Miscellaneous Hardware. Provide the hot-dip galvanized miscellaneous

pole line hardware that is a standard product of electrical materials




Section 919. Permanent Traffic Sign and Support Materials

919.01. General Requirements

Permanent traffic signs and sign support material must meet the

requirements of the MDOT Sign Support Standard Plans and this section.

919.02. Traffic Signs

The Department classifies signs by type of sign panel material and type of

sign face, as follows:

Table 919-1: Sign Panel and Face Types

Sign Panel

Type Material Size Limits

I Aluminum extruded sections Height >48 inches or width >120 inches

II Plywood Height = 48 inches and width = 24 inches

Minimum height ≥36 inches and width ≥36 inches

Maximum height ≤48 inches and width ≤120 inches

III 0.080 inch aluminum sheet(a) 36 by 36 inches

IV 0.040 inch aluminum sheet(a) Overlay

V 0.125 inch aluminum sheet(a) 48 by 48 inches and as shown in MDOT’s SIGN-100 series

Sign Face

Type Background Legend and Border

A Reflectorized Reflectorized

B Reflectorized Non-reflectorized

C Non-reflectorized Reflectorized

(a) Round the corners and remove burrs at the corners and mounting holes.

A. Sign Panel Material and Fabrication

1. Aluminum Extruded Sections. Provide aluminum extruded sections

in a variety of widths with plain butt-type edges for connecting to

adjoining horizontal sections. Sections must be one piece with no

vertical splices and have a cross-sectional shape meeting the

minimum requirements specified in Table 919-2. Sections must have

at least a 0.125-inch nominal thickness. Exterior corners must have a

radius of at least 0.040 inch.

Sign panel sections must be extruded aluminum alloy 6063-T6

meeting the requirements of ASTM B221. Panel sections, after


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 919


fabrication, must be flat to within 0.031 inch or less per foot of length

and to within 0.004 inch or less per inch of width.

Table 919-2: Cross-Sectional Requirements for Aluminum Extruded

Sign Sections for Type I Sign Panels

Length of Sign Support Type

Moment of Inertia

Section Modulus

Elements of Cross Section

No Free Ends One Free End

b/t ≥I/y b/t ≥I/y

≤30 feet on columns

≤20 feet on cantilevers

≤30 feet on trusses

≥0.94 W ≥0.55 W 8–50 56.0C 5–28 32.0A

>50 3.4D >28 11.6B


b = compression width of stiffener elements in inches

t = thickness of the stiffener element in inches

I = moment of inertia of the sign section in inches

y = distance from the neutral axis to the centroid of the compression width of the element

W = width of the sign section in feet

A = W/(63-b/t)

B = 1.0 × 10−4 W(b/t)²

C = W/(111-b/t).

D = 1.0 × 10−4 W(b/t)²

Degrease aluminum extruded sign panel sections in accordance with

the sheeting manufacturer’s recommendations. After degreasing,

surface treating, and rinsing, maintain sign panels free of grease, oil,

or other contaminants.

Connect the sections horizontally with ⅜-inch diameter stainless steel

bolts, spaced as shown on the MDOT Sign Support Standard Plans.

Section connections or sign-to-post connections must have no

fasteners that project through the sign panel face.

Position the plank second from the bottom of the sign.

Position the 6-inch panel between two 12-inch panel sections. Do not

use 6-inch panels for the signs top or bottom.

Before transporting sign panels, ensure that the support angles and

wide flanged shapes are shop connected and remain on the sign.

2. Plywood. Plywood sign panels must be ⅝-inch thick and have a black

or natural color overlay on both sides. Panels must meet the

requirements of the U.S. Product Standard PS1-09 for Group 1 wood

species, Grade B-B veneer, exterior type, high-density overlaid

plywood. Inner plies must meet the requirements of Section 5.8.1,

“Crossband Gaps and Center Gaps,” of the U.S. Product Standard

PS1-09. Inner plies must have no continuous core gaps, tunnels,


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 919


holes, or through openings that travel longitudinally or transversely

through the plies, as measured from the panel edge. Crossband gaps

or center gaps allowed by the U.S. Product Standard PS1-09 must be

filled with a synthetic filler repair in accordance with Section 5.3,

“Synthetic Repairs,” of the U.S. Product Standard PS1-09.

Do not make vertical splices in plywood signs. The Engineer will allow

horizontal splices only for exit gore signs. Do not splice plywood sign

panels unless otherwise shown on the sign details. Do not make

horizontal splices through legends or symbols.

Prepare the plywood surface for sheeting application by lightly

abrading the surface with a product recommended by the sheeting

supplier. Do not power sand. Wipe the surface with a solvent and

allow to dry in accordance with the sheeting manufacturer’s

recommendations. Smooth and seal edges with one coat of exterior oil

base paint.

After preparing the plywood surface, ensure that no grease, oil, or

other contaminants come into contact with the surface.

3. Aluminum Sheet. Provide aluminum sheet for Type III, Type IV, and

Type V sign panels meeting the requirements of ASTM B209 for

aluminum alloy 6061-T6, 5052-H38, or 5154-H38.

Aluminum sheet for Type III sign panels must be fabricated from

nominal 0.080-inch-thick aluminum sheet with mill tolerance meeting

the requirements of ASTM B209. Aluminum sheet for Type IV overlay

sign panels must be fabricated from at least nominal 0.040-inch-thick

aluminum sheet at least 0.037 inch thick.

Degrease the aluminum sheet in accordance with the sheeting

manufacturer’s recommendations. After degreasing, surface treating,

and rinsing, maintain sign panels free of grease, oil, and other


B. Sign Face and Legend Material

1. Reflective Sheeting Material. Select reflective sheeting for

permanent signs from the Qualified Products List.

Provide the Engineer with written certification that reflective sheeting

meets the following requirements:

a. Sheeting material on each sign is a Qualified Product obtained

from the same sheeting manufacturer;

b. Signs are manufactured in strict compliance with the sheeting

manufacturer’s requirements; and


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 919


c. Each 145-foot-long roll of reflective sheeting contains no splices.

2. Sheeting Application. Fabricate and apply legends in accordance

with the Michigan Standard Highway Signs Manual or as shown on

the plans.

3. Direct Applied Reflective Legend. Cut legends with a smooth,

regular outline, free of ragged or torn edges, and with interior corners

cut to 3/16-inch ± 1/16-inch radius.

Apply legends in accordance with the reflective sheeting

manufacturer’s recommendations.

For Type I aluminum extruded sign sections, cut the legend

components along each metal sign section joint after applying the


4. Non-Reflective Legend, Borders, and Arrows. Provide

non-reflective black material for legend, borders, and arrows and

apply using ink, silkscreen method, or non-reflective sheeting. Provide

material and apply non-reflective legends, borders, and arrows in

accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.

5. Reflective Panels. Cut reflective sheeting strips at least 2 inches


Provide sheeting on reflective panel for permanent sign supports

matching the material type and background color of the sheeting off

the sign mounted on the post, except for YIELD and DO NOT ENTER

signs where the reflective panel will be red.

Attach the reflective strip to PVC or 0.080-inch-thick aluminum

substrate. If aluminum is used on a u-channel post, a backing plate is


Attach the reflective panel with stainless steel fasteners.

C. Sign Hardware. Steel shapes, bars, and plates must meet the

requirements of ASTM A36/A36M or Department-approved equal and be

hot-dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM A123/A123M.

Bolts, nuts, washers, U-bolts, and straps must be stainless steel alloy

meeting the requirements of ASTM A320/A320M for Class 1, Grade B8.

Provide self-locking, nylon insert-type nuts meeting the requirements of

ASTM A320/A320M and ASTM A194/A194M for Grade 8F. If using U-bolts

formed from straight bar stock, ensure that the U-bolts are formed by cold


Aluminum alloy shapes and plates must meet ASTM B308/B308M for

aluminum alloy 6061-T6.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 919


Cast post clips must conform to ASTM B108/B108, for aluminum alloy


Table 919-3: Retroreflective Sign Sheeting Material Guidelines

Sign Category Type Material Type Color

Yellow warning W-series (non-school related), E13-1, E13-2, E11-1, OM-1, OM-2, OM-3

ASTM Type XI Fluorescent yellow

School S1-1, S4-3, S4-5, S4-5a, school portion of S5-1, W16-7p, W16-9p, W16-2, W16-2a

ASTM Type XI Fluorescent yellow or green

Freeway guide

White legends, borders, and arrows

ASTM Type XI White

Background including M8 series signs

ASTM Type IV Green, brown, or blue

Non-freeway guide

All ASTM Type IV White on green, brown, or blue

Regulatory Stop, yield, parking, black-on-white signs

ASTM Type IV —

Route markers — ASTM Type XI —

919.03. Delineators

Fabricate reflectors for delineators from Type III aluminum substrate and

reflective sheeting material for rigid post applications or solely from reflective

sheeting material for flexible post applications as shown on the MDOT

Standard Plan R-127 series. Provide the Engineer with a copy of the

manufacturer’s certification that reflectors and posts meet the requirements of

this subsection.

A. Aluminum Reflectors. Reflectors for mounting on rigid post must consist

of Type XI retroreflective sign sheeting applied to Type III aluminum


Fabricate the specified delineator reflector size(s) from the Type III

aluminum substrate and round all exterior corners to a ¾-inch radius.

Remove any burrs that form while rounding the corners. Apply the sign

sheeting to cover the entire face of the aluminum substrate and ensure

that the sheeting is free of seams, wrinkles, bubbles, tears, gaps, and

other defects after the corners are rounded and before the mounting holes

are cut. The mounting holes must be 3/8 inch in diameter and located per

the MDOT Standard Plan R-127 series. Two mounting holes must be cut

in each delineator reflector. Remove burrs from the mounting holes.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 919


B. Reflective Sheeting Reflectors. Provide reflective sheeting for mounting

on flexible posts meeting the material, color, and resistance to weathering

requirements of ASTM D4956 for Type XI flexible retroreflective sheeting.

Apply reflective sheeting in accordance with the manufacturer’s


C. Mounting Hardware. Mounting hardware for aluminum reflectors must

consist of a drive rivet or bolt system.

Drive rivets may be aluminum or stainless steel. For aluminum drive

rivets, both the pin and the collar must meet the requirements of ASTM

B308/B308M for aluminum alloy 6061.

Bolts must be stainless steel and accompanied by a locknut to produce a

vandal-resistant attachment. A nylon washer is also required to be placed

between the bolt head and the face of the reflector to protect the sign


Ensure that either system has a large enough diameter that it will not be

subject to pulling through the holes in the delineator reflectors or posts.

Alternative fastening systems may be approved by the Engineer provided

they form a vandal-resistant attachment.

D. Posts. Provide rigid steel or flexible delineator posts. Steel delineator

posts must have a nominal weight of 1.12 pounds per foot and meet the

requirements of subsection 919.04 for steel posts. Select flexible

delineator posts from the Qualified Products List.

919.04. Steel Post Sign Supports and Square Tubular Steel Sign Supports

Provide steel post sign supports and square tubular steel sign supports,

including sign posts, anchor sleeves, and anchor posts, meeting the

requirements of ASTM A702.

A. Steel Post Sign Supports. Posts must be straight with a smooth, uniform

finish and free of cracks, flaws, injurious seams, laps, blisters, ragged and

imperfect edges, or other defects that affect the strength, durability, or

appearance of the posts. Provide cross-section, bolt-hole diameter, and

spacing meeting the requirements shown on the MDOT Traffic and Safety

Sign Support Standard Plans. Align the centers of the holes to coincide

with the centerline of the posts. The punched bolt holes must provide a

smooth, even sign post face. Holes and cutoff ends must be free of burrs.

After fabrication and hole punching, hot-dip galvanize steel posts in

accordance with subsection 907.03.D.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 919


Provide punched and coated posts weighing at least 95% of the nominal

weight shown on the plans.

B. Square Tubular Steel Sign Supports. Provide square tubular steel sign

supports meeting the chemical, mechanical, and geometric properties of

material used in the crash tests referenced in AASHTO’s Standard

Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and

Traffic Signals.

Sign posts, anchor sleeves, anchor posts, and connection hardware must

be of the size and type shown on the MDOT Sign Support Standard


Provide straight sign posts, anchor sleeves, and anchor posts with a

smooth uniform finish and free from cracks and flaws or other defects that

affect their strength or durability. Provide cut square ends free from burrs.

Accurately space bolt holes of the specified diameter on all four sides of

the sign post, anchor sleeve, and anchor post. Line up holes exactly

opposite each other on opposing sides of the post in order to

accommodate a bolt placed through two opposite sides. Align the center

of the holes with the centerline of the sign post, anchor sleeve, and

anchor post.

Punch the bolt holes so the face of the sign post, anchor sleeve, and

anchor post will have a smooth even surface.

Hot-dip galvanize the sign post, anchor sleeve, and anchor post after

fabrication and hole punching in accordance with ASTM A123/A123M for

Grade 65.

919.05. Sawed Wood Posts for Highway Signs

Provide sawed wood posts for highway signs meeting the requirements of

section 912 and Sign Support Standard SIGN-210.

919.06. Steel Column Breakaway Sign Supports

Provide structural steel for column sign supports and bolts, nuts, and washers

for the structural steel joints meeting the requirements of Sign Support

Standard SIGN-220.

Provide steel shims meeting the requirements of ASTM A36/A36M and

galvanize in accordance with ASTM A123/A123M.

919.07. Cantilever Sign Supports

A. Upright Column. Provide pipe for the upright column of Type E

cantilevers meeting the requirements of ASTM A53/A53M for Grade B,


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 919


Type E or Type S, steel pipe or meeting the requirements of API-5L for

Grade X42 to X52. Provide pipe for the upright column of Type J

cantilevers meeting the requirements of ASTM A53/A53M for Grade B,

Type E or Type S, steel pipe or meeting the requirements of API-5L Grade


B. Horizontal Arms. Provide pipe for the horizontal arms of Type E

cantilevers meeting the requirements of ASTM A53/A53M for Grade B,

Type E or Type S, steel pipe or meeting the requirements of API-5L for

Grade X42 to X52. Provide pipe for the horizontal arms of Type J

cantilevers meeting the requirements of ASTM A500/A500M, Grade B or

ASTM A519/A519M, Grade 4140 annealed.

C. Gussets, Flanges, and Base Plates. Provide plate material for gussets,

flanges, and base plates meeting the requirements of ASTM A36/A36M.

Plates must be free of sharp edges and irregularities.

D. Angles. Provide angles meeting the requirements of ASTM A709/A709M,

Grade 36, or ASTM A36/A36M.

E. Pole and End Caps. Provide pole and end caps meeting the

requirements of ASTM A36/A36M.

F. Arm Connection Bolts. Provide high-strength bolts, nuts, washers, and

lock washers for arm connections meeting the requirements of subsection


G. Anchor Bolts. Provide anchor bolts, nuts, and washers meeting the

requirements of subsection 908.14.

H. Dimension Tolerances. Ensure that cross sections, flatness, length,

straightness, thickness, and camber of material before and after

fabrication meet the tolerance requirements of ASTM A6/A6M and

AWS D1.1/D1.1M.

I. Galvanizing. Galvanize cantilever sign supports galvanized in

accordance with ASTM A123/A123M. Blast clean all components to

remove excess mill scale and welding slag before galvanizing.

Provide safeguards meeting the requirements of ASTM A384/A384M and

ASTM A385/A385M to obtain high-quality galvanized coatings and to

minimize distortion and warpage during galvanizing.

Interconnect sections of fabricated pipe work or tube assemblies with

open tee or miter joints and provide each enclosed section with a vent

hole at each end to provide drainage for the molten zinc and to prevent a

hazard to personnel engaged in the galvanizing process.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 919


919.08. Truss Sign Supports

Before applying dead loads, trusses must be cambered so the ordinate is

within the allowable tolerances at the center of the assembled truss for the

span length and type shown on the plans. Ensure that bearing surfaces fully

contact each other in the relaxed position before tightening the flange bolts.

The fabricator will determine the method of cambering the structure, with the

Engineer’s approval, to ensure that the method does not induce stress into

the truss.

A. Upright Column. Provide hollow structural tubing for upright columns of

Type C and D trusses meeting the requirements of ASTM A500/A500M for

Grade B or API-5L for Grade X42 to X52. Provide pipe for upright columns

of Type E trusses meeting the requirements of ASTM A53/A53M for

Grade B, Type E or Type S, steel pipe or the requirements of API-5L

Grade X42.

B. Horizontal Truss Boxes. Provide pipe for the horizontal truss boxes of

Type C and D trusses meeting the requirements of ASTM A53/A53M for

Grade B, Type E or Type S, steel pipe or meeting the requirements of

API-5L for Grade X42 to X52. Provide pipe for the horizontal arms of

Type E trusses meeting the requirements of ASTM A500/A500M, Grade

B, or ASTM A519/A519M, Grade 4140 annealed.

C. Gussets, Flanges, and Base Plates. Provide plate material for gussets,

flanges, and base plates meeting the requirements of ASTM A36/A36M.

Plates must be free of sharp edges and irregularities.

D. Angles. Provide angles meeting the requirements of ASTM A709/A709M,

Grade 36, or ASTM A36/A36M.

E. Pole and End Caps. Provide pole and end caps meeting the

requirements of ASTM A36/A36M.

F. Truss Box Connection Bolts. Provide high-strength bolts, nuts,

washers, and lock washers for truss box connections meeting the

requirements of subsection 906.07.

G. Anchor Bolts. Provide anchor bolts, nuts, and washers meeting the

requirements of subsection 908.14.

H. U-Bolts. Provide U-bolts and washers meeting the requirements of ASTM

A320/A320M, Grade B8, Class 1, stainless steel. Provide self-locking

nylon insert-type nuts meeting the requirements of ASTM A320/A320M for

Grade B8F.

I. Dimension Tolerances. Ensure that cross sections, flatness, length,

straightness, thickness, and camber of material, before and after


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 919


fabrication, meet the tolerance requirements of ASTM A6/A6M and AWS


J. Galvanizing. Provide galvanized truss sign supports in accordance with

ASTM A123/A123M. Blast clean all components to remove excess mill

scale and welding slag before galvanizing.

Provide safeguards meeting the requirements of ASTM A384/A384M and

ASTM A385/A385M to obtain high-quality galvanized coatings and to

minimize distortion and warpage during galvanizing.

Interconnect sections of fabricated pipe work or tube assemblies with

open tee or miter joints and provide each enclosed section with a vent

hole at each end to provide drainage for the molten zinc and to prevent a

hazard to personnel engaged in the galvanizing process.

919.09. Overhead Lane Assignment Structures

Provide overhead lane assignment structures meeting the requirements of

Sign Support Standard SIGN-760 and traffic signal typical plans.

919.10. Casings for Cantilever Drilled Piles

Provide casings for cantilever drilled piles meeting the requirements of ASTM

A252/A252M for Grade 2 steel. Casings must be smooth, watertight, and

capable of withstanding handling stresses and external subsurface

pressures. Provide casing with an OD at least equal to the required shaft




Section 920. Permanent Pavement Marking Materials

920.01. Marking Materials

Select pavement marking materials from the Qualified Products List.

When selecting preformed thermoplastic products, ensure that preformed

thermoplastic materials have a thickness of 90 mils for surface applications

and a thickness of 125 mils for recessed applications.

For black liquid shadow markings and blue markings used in parking areas,

choose a specified binder material and color from the Qualified Products List

or select a white specified binder material from the Qualified Products List

and tint the product to the appropriate color.

Use liquid applied pavement marking materials manufactured in the previous

12 months or within the shelf life directed by the manufacturer, whichever is

less. Use solid applied materials within the shelf life directed by the

manufacturer. Provide certification that liquid and solid applied pavement

marking materials have been stored per the manufacturer’s requirements.

Materials not in compliance will be rejected and removed at the Contractor’s


A. General Packaging and Labeling. Material containers or packages must

be marked on the tops and sides using a durable, weather-resistant

marking. Include the following information:

1. Manufacturer’s name and address;

2. Description of the material;

3. Product identification number;

4. Lot or batch number;

5. Date of manufacture;

6. Volume; and

7. Weight.

B. Packaging and Labeling for Cold Plastic and Thermoplastic


1. Cold Plastic. Containers or packages of cold plastic material and the

core of each roll must be marked with the information specified in

subsection 920.01.A.

2. Thermoplastic. In addition to the requirements of subsection

920.01.A, thermoplastic material must be packaged in non-stick


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 920


containers and labeled with “heat to manufacturer-recommended

temperature range.”

920.02. Glass Beads and Wet Reflective Optics

A. Packaging and Labeling. Package glass beads and wet reflective optics

in moisture-resistant bags and label with the following information:

1. Manufacturer’s name and address;

2. Shipping point;

3. Trademark or name;

4. The wording “Glass Beads” or “Optics”;

5. Specification number;

6. Weight;

7. Lot or batch number; and

8. Date of manufacture.

Drop-on AASHTO M247 Type I beads are herein referred to as standard

glass beads. Large glass beads must meet federal specification

TTB-1325 for a Type 4 glass bead. All glass beads and wet reflective

optics to be used on Federal-aid projects must contain no more than 200

parts per million of arsenic or lead, as determined in accordance with

Environmental Protection Agency testing methods 3052, 6010B, or


B. General Requirements for Standard Glass Beads. Standard glass

beads must meet the physical characteristics and gradation requirements

specified in Table 920-1 unless otherwise specified in subsection

920.02.D for specific applications.

Table 920-1: General Requirements for Standard Glass Bead: Physical Characteristics (MTM 711)

Characteristic Requirement

General appearance

Transparent, clean, smooth, free from milkiness, pits, or excessive air bubbles

Shape Spherical with ≥75% true spheres

Color Colorless, very light gray, very light gray tinge, or bright white

Index of refraction ≥1.50

Alkalinity ≤2.0


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 920


Table 920-2: Gradation Requirements (MTM 711)

Sieve Size (No.) Total % Passing

20 100

30 75–95

50 15–35

100 0–5

C. General Requirements for Wet Reflective Optics. Select wet reflective

optics from the Qualified Products List or a Department-approved

alternative that meets or exceeds the retroreflectivity requirements

specified in Table 920-2.

Prior to application, submit certification from the wet reflective optics

manufacturer that when applied according to the manufacturer’s

application recommendations, the wet reflective optics meet the

requirements in Table 920-2.

Table 920-3: General Wet Reflective Optic Requirements: Average Initial

Retroreflectivity at 30-meter Geometry in mcd/lux/m2

Test Method


White Yellow

Dry (ASTM E1710) 700 500

Wet recovery (ASTM E2177) 250 200

Wet continuous (ASTM E2832) 100 75

D. Standard Glass Bead and Wet Reflective Optic Requirements for

Specific Applications

1. For recessed longitudinal markings, use a double-drop system of large

and standard glass beads, a double-drop system of wet reflective

optics and standard glass beads, or an Engineer-approved alternative.

Ensure that large glass beads meet federal specification TTB-1325 for

a Type 4 glass bead.

2. Waterborne and Low-Temperature Waterborne. Standard and large

glass beads for use with waterborne marking material and

low-temperature waterborne marking material require a

moisture-resistant coating and a silane coating. The type, gradation,

and application rates for wet reflective optics used with waterborne

and low-temperature waterborne marking materials must meet the

waterborne manufacturer’s recommendations.

3. Regular Dry. Standard and large glass beads for use with regular dry

marking material may have a moisture-resistant coating, a silane


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 920


coating, or both. The type, gradation, and application rates for wet

reflective optics used with regular dry marking materials must meet

the regular dry manufacturer’s recommendations.

4. Thermoplastic. Standard and large glass beads for thermoplastic

marking material must have a moisture-resistant coating. The type,

gradation, and application rates for wet reflective optics used with

thermoplastic marking materials must meet the thermoplastic

manufacturer’s recommendations.

5. Sprayable Thermoplastic. The type, gradation, and application rates

for all standard and large glass beads and wet reflective optics used

with sprayable thermoplastic marking material must meet the

sprayable thermoplastic manufacturer’s recommendation.

6. Polyurea. The type, gradation, and application rates for all standard

and large glass beads and wet reflective optics used with polyurea

marking material must meet the polyurea manufacturer’s


7. Modified Epoxy. The type, gradation, and application rates for all

standard and large glass beads and wet reflective optics used with

modified epoxy marking material must meet the modified epoxy

manufacturer’s recommendation.



Section 921. Permanent Traffic Signal Materials

921.01. Sampling and Testing

A. General. The Department may select permanent traffic signal materials

covered by this section at random from shipments and test in accordance

with Department methods. If requested by the Department, complete one

installation for preliminary testing. If the preliminary sample does not meet

the requirements of this section, the Department will notify the Contractor,

in writing, of deficiencies so the Contractor may make the necessary

changes or corrections in materials or installation methods. The

Department may retest traffic signal materials after the Contractor makes

the necessary changes or corrections.

B. Loop Detectors. The Department will randomly select one or more loop

detectors from the shipment and perform testing as specified in

subsection 921.01.A. If the tested loop detector meets the requirements of

subsection 921.01.A, the Department will give the Contractor written

notification to provide the remainder of the order, which will be subject to


If the tested loop detector does not meet the requirements of subsection

921.01.A, the Department will notify the Contractor, in writing, of

deficiencies so the Contractor may make changes or corrections in

materials or installation methods. All loop detectors will then be subject to

testing. If the Contractor does not, or cannot make corrections, the

Department will require the Contractor to provide materials from other

sources in accordance with section 105.

C. Warranty. Provide materials with a manufacturer’s guarantee or warranty,

transferable to the Department, that the material is free of defects in

materials and workmanship for a specified period from the date of

installation. Provide the Engineer with the manufacturer’s guarantee or

warranty documents and a copy of the invoice showing date of shipment.

921.02. Messenger Wire and Span Wire

Use extra-high-strength Grade, 7-wire, Class A, zinc-coated steel meeting the

requirements of ASTM A475.

A. Provide messenger wire with a nominal diameter of ¼ inch for supporting

traffic signal cables. Self-supporting figure-8 type cable must incorporate

a 1/4-inch messenger wire.

B. Provide span wire with a nominal diameter of 5/16 inch for supporting a

traffic signal, case sign, and cable. Messenger wire is incidental to the

traffic signal installation.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


921.03. Vehicular Traffic Signals and Mounting Assemblies

Unless otherwise required, provide traffic signals meeting the requirements of

the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) A Standard for Adjustable Face Vehicle

Traffic Control Signal Heads, Vehicle Traffic Control Signal Heads (referred to

herein as ITE VTCSH), ITE Vehicle Traffic Control Signal Heads: Light

Emitting Diode (LED) Circular Signal Supplement, dated June 27, 2005

(referred to herein as the ITE LED Circular Signal Supplement), and ITE

Vehicle Traffic Control Signal Heads: LED Vehicle Arrow Traffic Signal

Supplement, dated April 3, 2006 (referred to herein as the ITE LED Vehicle

Arrow Traffic Signal Supplement).

Provide adjustable face-type traffic signals with 12-inch-diameter lenses.

Provide signal sections of the same make and type to ensure that they are

interchangeable. Signal faces include LED traffic signal modules for ball

lenses or arrow lenses or both, socket assembly gaskets, reflector and door

assembly, housing, visors, optical units, wiring, and mounting assembly.

Provide LED vehicular traffic signals compatible in new installations or as a

retrofit unit capable of replacing the optical unit of existing vehicular traffic

signal sections meeting all standards and requirements.

A. Housing. Provide polycarbonate plastic housing. Provide each signal

body with a 2-inch-diameter hole in the top and bottom to receive

1½-inch-diameter supporting pipe. Provide AISI Series 300 stainless steel

fasteners if at least partially exposed on the exterior of the assembled

housing. Provide AISI Series 300 stainless steel screws, bolts, nuts, and

hinge pins for the interior of the housing. Provide other hardware used on

the interior in AISI Series 300 stainless steel, brass, or aluminum. Do not

use plastic fasteners to secure the door.

B. Visor. Provide each signal face with a detachable tunnel design visor for

each signal lens. Provide a visor from 9 to 12 inches long for 12-inch

lenses. Provide a visor that encloses at least 290 degrees of the lens

circumference and tilts downward from 1 to 10 degrees. Provide a

one-piece solid polycarbonate circular visor at least 0.078 inch thick.

Attach the visor to the signal section.

C. LED Module and Signals. LED signals and modules include circular and

arrow modules unless otherwise specified.

Provide new Department-approved LED signals of the latest model

currently in production. Equipment that is no longer manufactured is not

acceptable even if it meets the requirements of this subsection. Install all

LED signals produced by the same manufacturer at one location.

1. Physical and Mechanical Requirements. Provide self-contained,

sealed LED module units consisting of a lens, color-coded leads with


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


pre-insulated spade lugs, a LED assembly, a power supply, and a

one-piece neoprene gasket. Use material for the lens and module

construction that meets ASTM requirements. Provide enclosures to

contain the power supply or electronic components for the signal

module made of UL94 flame-retardant material. If retrofitting into

existing traffic signal housing, provide the LED module with a new

signal door and visor assembly.

The LED module and the internal LED and electronic components

must withstand mechanical shock and vibration in accordance with

MIL STD 883, Test Method 2007. Verify that the LED vehicle signal

manufacturer is ISO 9001 certified.

Provide an LED signal module that protects against dust and moisture

intrusion in accordance with MIL STD 810F, Procedure I, “Rain and

Blowing Rain,” testing. Conduct the test on stand-alone units with no

protective housing.

Provide an LED signal module lens made from UV-stabilized

polycarbonate. Use lenses that are color tinted red, yellow, and green

to match the color of the LEDs. Provide lenses that do not require

special tools for replacement. Provide a hard-coated lens or a lens

that otherwise complies with the material exposure and weathering

effects requirements of SAE J576. Attach the lens to the signal body

and apply a waterproof silicone seal.

Provide lenses for vehicle signals with smooth external lens surfaces

and no raised features to minimize the collection of dirt, diesel smoke,

and other particulate contaminates and to facilitate periodic cleaning.

Ensure that each signal module identifies the manufacturer’s name,

model number, serial number, related voltage, and power consumption

on the outside of the unit. Attach the identification tag using polyester

or vinyl self-adhesive labels and make visible without disassembling

the signal module. Do not use paper labels.

For each LED signal module, provide a prominent and permanent

vertical indicator for the orientation of the module inside the traffic

signal housing.

Provide LED modules that incorporate a dual-lens approach using a

single inner collimating lens and a single outer spreading lens. Provide

an inner Fresnel lens that collimates the light emitted by the LED and

spans the full diameter of the interior of the signal. Provide an outer

lens that distributes the light rays through raised optical detail on the

inner surface to meet the intensity and distribution standards specified

in this section.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


Provide LED modules that incorporate two separate printed circuit

boards: one for the LED light source and one for the power supply.

Provide LED modules consisting of high flux LEDs mounted on a

metal core circuit board using thermal epoxy and LED electrical

contacts soldered to the circuit board. Place a single layer of thermal

transfer material between the metal core printed circuit board and the

module heat sink to ensure optimum heat transfer away from the LED

P-N junctions.

Provide a lens assembly that disperses the light to prevent visibility of

individual LEDs from vehicles.

Provide watertight LED signals when installed in traffic signal housing.

Provide the same mounting hardware for LED signal modules as used

to secure incandescent lens and gasket assemblies. Ensure that

installation requires only a screwdriver or standard installation tool.

Provide an LED signal module assembly that weighs less than

5 pounds.

Mount and solder the LED arrow module to a printed circuit board.

Provide an LED arrow module that uses a single outer lens that

spreads and diffuses light from the LEDs. Incorporate a black arrow

mask behind the outer lens to enhance the definition of the arrow icon.

Provide an outer lens with raised optical detail on the inner surface to

distribute the light rays to meet the intensity and distribution standards

required by this subsection.

2. Electrical Requirements. Provide LED signal modules that operate

from a 60-hertz line frequency and over a voltage range from 80 to

135 volts. A change of luminous intensity no greater than 10% over

the voltage range is allowed.

Provide an LED signal module capable of operating over a

temperature range from −40 to 165°F.

Provide each LED signal module with two color-coded, No. 18 gauge

minimum, anti-capillary 39-inch-long, 600-volt, jacketed wires

conforming to the requirements of the NEC, rated for service at 221°F.

Provide the LED module wire leads with insulated spade lug terminals

for connecting to existing traffic signal terminal blocks.

Provide LED signal modules with voltage surge protection to withstand

high repetition noise transients and low-repetition, high-energy

transients in accordance with NEMA Standard TS-2.

Provide LED circuitry that prevents flicker at less than 100 hertz over

the voltage range from 80 to 135 volts in accordance with the ITE



MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


Provide LED signals and associated on-board circuitry meeting

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations in 47 CFR

Part 15, Subpart B, concerning the emission of electronic noise by

Class A digital devices.

Ensure a power factor of at least 90%, at nominal rated voltage, at

77°F. Ensure a total harmonic distortion of less than 20% at rated

voltage, at 77°F.

Ensure that the failure of a single LED will not cause a loss of light

from other LEDs. Provide LED ball lamps that do not lose light output

from the complete module assembly as a result of the failure of a

single LED.

Provide an LED module that will detect catastrophic loss of the LED

load. Provide a module that, upon sensing the loss of the LED load,

presents a resistance of at least 250 kiloohms across the input power

leads within 300 milliseconds. Catastrophic failure of an LED light

source is if it fails to show visible illumination when energized in

accordance Section 5.2.1 of the ITE LED Circular Signal Supplement

after 75 milliseconds or Section 5.7 of the ITE LED Vehicle Arrow

Traffic Signal Supplement.

Provide an LED signal module that is operationally compatible with

current controller assemblies including solid state load switches,

flashers, and conflict monitors.

Wire the LED modules with at least No. 18 AWG, color-coded

thermoplastic insulated wire.

Provide a six-point terminal block with stainless steel or chrome-plated

brass screw terminals for spade lugs of brass, stainless steel, or other

non-corrosive material and for connecting wires from the LED module

and the cable from the signal controller. Mount the terminal block in

the center section of the signal face and provide at least 1-inch lateral

clearance from the housing. Install the terminal block with stainless

steel screws.

Mount and locate the terminal block and other appurtenances in the

housing to minimize the danger of electrical shock during maintenance


3. Power Consumption and Operational Range. Provide LED traffic

signal modules that meet the minimum intensity requirements while

operating from temperatures of −40 to 165°F for 5 years.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


Provide high flux LED capable of being driven continuously at a

current of at least 350 milli-amperes with a power dissipation rating of

at least 1 watt.

Provide LEDs that do not illuminate for input voltages below 35 volts

but illuminate for input voltages greater than 45 volts and are

regulated above 80 volts.

Provide LED modules for traffic signals with the following maximum

power consumption:

a. 8-inch and 12-inch red ball traffic signal modules with a maximum

power consumption no greater than 6 watts and 9 watts

respectively, at 120 VAC, at 77°F;

b. 8-inch and 12-inch yellow ball traffic signal modules with a

maximum power consumption no greater than 13 watts and

19 watts, respectively, at 120 VAC, at 77°F;

c. 8-inch and 12-inch green ball traffic signal modules with a

maximum power consumption no greater than 6 watts and

12 watts, respectively, at 120 VAC, at 77°F;

d. 12-inch red arrows with a maximum power consumption no greater

than 7 watts at 120 VAC, at 77°F;

e. 12-inch yellow arrows with a maximum power consumption no

greater than 9 watts at 120 VAC, at 77°F; and

f. 12-inch green arrows with a maximum power consumption no

greater than 7 watts at 120 VAC, at 77°F.

Ensure that each LED module reaches 90% full illumination within

75 milliseconds of applying the nominal operating voltage. Ensure that

modules do not show visible illumination after 75 milliseconds of

removing the nominal operating voltage.

Provide red LEDs that use aluminum indium gallium phosphide

technology exclusively, either absorbing substrate or transparent

substrate, and that do not exhibit degradation greater than 30% of the

initial light intensity following accelerated life testing (operating at

185°F and 85% humidity for 1000 hours). Do not use aluminum

gallium absorbing substrate technology.

Provide green LEDs that use indium gallium nitride technology.

Provide green LED traffic signal modules that do not illuminate if the

applied voltage is less than 35 VAC. Provide green LEDs that

illuminate, unregulated, if the applied voltage is from 45 to 80 VAC.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


Provide green LEDs that illuminate in accordance with the ITE

VTCSH, Part II, if applied voltage is from 80 to 135 VAC.

Provide yellow LEDs that use aluminum indium gallium phosphide

technology, absorbing substrate or transparent substrate. Provide

yellow LED traffic signal modules that do not illuminate if the applied

voltage is less than 35 VAC. Provide yellow LEDs that illuminate,

unregulated, if the applied voltage is from 45 to 80 VAC. Provide

yellow LEDs that illuminate in accordance with the ITE VTCSH if

applied voltage is from 80 to 135 VAC.

Provide LED modules operationally compatible with NEMA TS-1 and

NEMA TS-2 conflict monitoring parameters.

4. Photometric Requirements. Refer to Section 4, Table 1, of the ITE

LED Circular Signal Supplement and the LED Vehicle Arrow Traffic

Signal Supplement for the minimum initial luminous intensity values

for the LED traffic signal module.

Ensure that the actual luminous intensity for a module does not

exceed three times the required peak value of the minimum

maintained luminous intensity for the signal size and color if operated

within the temperature range specified in Section 3.3.2 of the ITE LED

Circular Signal Supplement and the LED Vehicle Arrow Traffic Signal


Ensure that the uniformity of the signal output across the module lens

does not exceed a ratio of 10:1 from the maximum to minimum

luminance values.

Provide LED modules with surfaces that appear uniform in

illumination. Eliminate the visibility of individual LEDs to the motorist.

Ensure that the measured chromaticity coordinates of LED traffic

signal modules conform to the color regions based on the 1931 CIE

chromaticity diagram listed in the ITE LED Circular Signal


Ensure that the dominant wavelength for individual color

measurements of portions of the emitting surface of a module are

within 3 nanometers of the dominant wavelength for the average color

measurement of the entire emitting surface.

Provide LED modules operationally compatible with NEMA TS-1 and

NEMA TS-2 conflict monitoring parameters.

Provide LED traffic signal modules that meet the minimum luminous

intensity values listed in Table 921-1 for circular modules, or Table

921-2 for arrow modules, for 60 months.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


Table 921-1: Minimum Maintained Luminous Intensity Values — VTCSH LED Circular Signal

Vertical Angle (°)

Horizontal Angle (°)

Luminous Intensity (candela)(a)(b)

8 inch 12 inch

Red Yellow Green Red Yellow Green

+12.5 2.5 17 41 22 37 91 48

7.5 13 33 17 29 73 38

+7.5 2.5 31 78 41 69 173 90

7.5 25 62 32 55 137 71

12.5 28 45 24 40 100 52

+2.5 2.5 68 168 88 150 373 195

7.5 56 139 73 124 309 162

12.5 38 94 49 84 209 109

17.5 21 53 28 47 118 62

22.5 12 29 15 26 64 33

−2.5 2.5 162 402 211 358 892 466

7.5 132 328 172 292 728 380

12.5 91 226 118 201 501 261

17.5 53 131 69 117 291 152

22.5 28 70 37 62 155 81

27.5 15 37 19 33 82 43

−7.5 2.5 127 316 166 281 701 366

7.5 106 262 138 234 582 304

12.5 71 176 92 157 391 204

17.5 41 103 54 91 228 119

22.5 21 53 28 47 118 62

27.5 12 29 15 26 64 33

−12.5 2.5 50 123 65 110 273 143

7.5 40 98 52 88 218 114

12.5 28 70 37 62 155 81

17.5 17 41 22 37 91 48

22.5 8 21 11 18 4 24

27.5 5 12 6 11 27 14

−17.5 2.5 23 57 30 51 127 67

7.5 18 45 24 40 100 52

12.5 13 33 17 29 73 38

17.5 7 16 9 15 36 19

22.5 3 8 4 7 18 10


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


Table 921-1 (cont.): Minimum Maintained Luminous Intensity Values — VTCSH LED Circular Signal

Vertical Angle (°)

Horizontal Angle (°)

Luminous Intensity (candela)(a)(b)

8 inch 12 inch

Red Yellow Green Red Yellow Green

−22.5 2.5 17 41 22 37 91 48

7.5 13 33 17 29 73 38

12.5 10 25 13 22 55 29

17.5 5 12 6 11 27 14

−27.5 2.5 12 29 15 26 64 33

7.5 8 21 11 18 46 24

(a) Luminous intensity values for equivalent left and right horizontal angles are the same.

(b) Tabulated values of luminous intensity are rounded to the nearest whole value.

Table 921-2: Minimum Maintained Luminous Intensity Values for the VTCSH LED Vehicle Arrow Traffic Signal

Vertical Angle (°)

Horizontal Angle (°)

Luminous Intensity (candela)(a)(b)

12-inch arrow

Red Yellow Green

+12.5 2.5 6 15 8

7.5 5 12 6

+7.5 2.5 11 28 14

7.5 9 22 11

12.5 6 16 8

+2.5 2.5 24 60 31

7.5 20 49 26

12.5 13 33 17

17.5 8 19 10

22.5 4 10 5

−2.5 2.5 57 143 75

7.5 47 116 61

12.5 32 80 42

17.5 19 47 24

22.5 10 25 13

27.5 5 13 7


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


Table 921-2 (cont.): Minimum Maintained Luminous Intensity Values for the VTCSH LED Vehicle Arrow Traffic Signal

Vertical Angle (°)

Horizontal Angle (°)

Luminous Intensity (candela)(a)(b)

12-inch arrow

Red Yellow Green

−7.5 2.5 45 112 59

7.5 37 93 49

12.5 25 63 33

17.5 15 36 19

22.5 8 19 10

27.5 4 10 5

−12.5 2.5 18 44 23

7.5 14 35 18

12.5 10 25 13

17.5 6 15 8

22.5 3 7 4

27.5 2 4 2

−17.5 2.5 8 20 11

7.5 6 16 8

12.5 5 12 6

17.5 2 6 3

22.5 1 3 2

−22.5 2.5 6 15 8

7.5 5 12 6

12.5 4 9 5

17.5 2 4 2

−27.5 2.5 4 10 5

7.5 3 7 4

(a) Luminous intensity values for equivalent left and right horizontal angles are the same.

(b) Tabulated values of luminous intensity are rounded to the nearest whole value.

D. Electrical Wiring. Provide stranded wire electrical wiring meeting the

requirements of ITE standards.

Electrically and mechanically secure the wiring by fastening to the lamp

receptacle. Insulate exposed, current-carrying parts. Use pre-insulated

fork-type terminals on the wires at the terminal block connection.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


Do not use pressure-type terminal blocks.

E. Mounting Assemblies. Provide mounting assemblies that include the

hardware for complete assembly of the signal.

1. Pipe. For mounting assemblies, use rigid conduit of 1½-inch standard

steel pipe with straight threads. Do not use straight threads. Install

plastic thread protectors for exposed pipe threads to protect the

threads during shipping.

2. Hub or Center Fitting. Provide a hub of malleable iron with a nominal

3- by 3-inch opening to draw wires and make connections. Secure the

cover for the opening with two ⅜- by ½-inch hexagon head, AISI 300

Series stainless steel screws. Close unused openings in the hub with

ferrous or aluminum ornamental closures.

3. Arms. Provide pipe arms from the center hub to position the centers

of the signal face housings on a radius of 8¾ inches ± ¼ inch from the

hub for 8-inch signals and a radius of 10¾ inches ± ¼ inch from the

hub for 12-inch signals.

4. Fittings. Use ferrous pipe crosses to make right angles in mounting

frames. Close unused openings of the pipe crosses with ornamental

closures. Do not use set screws in pipe crosses.

Provide malleable iron fittings free of flash and voids.

5. Assemblies. Construct the signal stem of 1½-inch standard steel pipe

and fittings. Install reinforcing plates in the top and bottom of all

signals equipped with back plates. Do not use rivets.

6. Finish. Provide pipes and fittings with internal surfaces that are free of

sharp edges and burrs.

7. Cable Entrance Fitting. Provide fittings of one-piece construction,

made of malleable iron. Provide the wire outlet with a composition

bushing with opening to accommodate a multi-conductor cable, 1 inch

in diameter. Provide the threaded end of the fitting with a threaded

nipple, two 1½-inch malleable iron locknuts, and a stainless steel

cotter key.

8. Span Wire Fitting. Provide fittings of malleable iron to accommodate

¼- to ⅜-inch messenger wire with a 1⅝-inch diameter pin and 3/32- by

1-inch stainless steel cotter key. Locate the pin 37/16 inches from

where the span cable seats into the saddle part of the fitting. Provide a

saddle part 9 inches long. Bottom-tethering span assemblies must

have breakaway attachment points on both ends.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


9. Span and Cable Entrance Assembly. Provide a span and cable

entrance assembly that allows the signal assembly to swing in any

direction and return to the vertical position without placing stress on

the span wire.

10. Signal Head Attachment. Provide the top outlet of each signal

bracket with a nipple and either a watertight metal gasket with retainer

to restrict the flow of the gasket or one flat, stainless steel washer and

one malleable iron hexagon nut, ½ inch thick.

Provide a nipple to allow the use of the gasket or nut and washer.

F. Paint and Color

1. Mounting Assemblies. Clean and surface treat the surfaces of

mounting assemblies in accordance with standard industry practice to

ensure bonding of the paint to the metal. After preparation, paint

surfaces with durable weather-resistant semi-gloss or gloss yellow


Apply the enamel at an average dry film thickness of 1.5 mils without

blisters, runs, or other defects. Determine the dry film thickness using

Method A, Inductance Thickness Gauge, as specified in ASTM D1400.

Ensure that the color matches the central color within the limits shown

on the current Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Highway

Yellow Color Tolerance Chart, except do not use a color darker than

the central color.

2. Signal Faces. Provide signal faces with the yellow color specified in

subsection 921.03.F.1, permanently molded into the signal door,

housing, and visors. Provide the inside of the visors with a finish coat

of flat black paint that is compatible with polycarbonate plastic.

G. Packing and Marking. Pack each traffic signal separately to prevent

damage to the signal and mounting assembly during transportation to the

project. Legibly mark each carton with the signal and mounting assembly

description and supplier’s name.

H. Quality Assurance (QA). Provide LED modules that comply with the QA

production testing, inspection, and design as specified in the ITE LED

Circular Signal Supplement, dated and the ITE LED Vehicle Arrow Traffic

Signal Supplement.

I. Tests, Inspection, and Sampling. Test each LED module and inspect

before shipment. Reject pieces of equipment that fail to meet the

requirements of this section.

J. Drawings and Information. Provide two copies of drawings of the signal

head and LED module showing the manufacturer’s part numbers.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


Provide the independent test lab reports showing that proposed material

meets or exceeds the requirements of this section and QA testing and

Inspection per Section 6 of the ITE LED Circular Signal Supplement and

the ITE LED Vehicle Arrow Traffic Signal Supplement. Failure to provide

the independent lab test reports will be cause for rejection.

The Engineer will hold the information required by this subsection, along

with a sample, if requested, as standards for acceptance.

921.04. Pedestrian Signals and Countdown Type

Provide pedestrian signals and countdown pedestrian signals meeting the

requirements of the ITE Adjustable Face Pedestrian Signal Heads and LED

Performance Specifications of the Pedestrian Traffic Control Signal

Indications (PTCSI), Part 2, “Pedestrian Traffic Signal Modules.” The

pedestrian signal indications include the LED signal modules, countdown,

socket assembly gaskets, reflector and door assembly, housing, visors,

optical units, wiring, and mounting assemblies.

Provide LED pedestrian signal modules capable of displaying the

ITE-specified symbolic full icon “hand” or “walking person” legends, using a

one-piece section that includes a nominal message-bearing surface size of

12 by 12 inches.

Provide LED countdown pedestrian signal modules capable of exhibiting two

seven-segment digital numerical digits that display the remaining time to clear

the intersection and the traditional full icon “hand” or “walking person”

legends using a one-piece section that includes a nominal message-bearing

surface size of 16 by 16 inches.

A. Housing. Provide housing for each section as a one-piece, black

polycarbonate resin material with front, sides, top, and bottom integrally

molded. Provide housing at least 3/32 inch thick, ribbed to produce a

strong assembly and lightweight. Provide two sets of internal bosses in

the section for mounting terminal strip facilities horizontally. Attach a

six-position terminal block with screw terminals for spade lugs to bosses

with two self-tapping stainless steel screws.

Provide a 2-inch-diameter round hole in the top and bottom of each signal

section to receive a 1½-inch supporting pipe. After assembling the

sections, ensure that a 1-inch cable can pass through the head without

being damaged or requiring excessive labor.

Provide a variable pressure-type door latch, bolt, and wing nut of AISI 300

Series stainless steel or approved equal.

Provide signal sections with a “hand” and “walking person” symbolic icon

signal face with an overall height of at least 14 inches.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


For fasteners partially or fully exposed on the exterior of the assembled

housing, provide AISI 300 Series stainless steel fasteners. For other

screws, bolts, nuts, and hinge pins on the interior of the housing, provide

AISI 300 Series stainless steel, brass, or aluminum fasteners. Do not use

plastic fasteners to secure the door.

B. Visor. Provide signal heads with visors that encompass the top and two

sides of the lens for each signal indication. Provide a visor made of black

polycarbonate resin at least 0.070 inch thick, attached to the door and

signal section with at least four AISI 300 Series stainless steel screws.

Provide a visor that fits tightly against the door and does not allow

perceptible filtration of light between the door and the visor. Provide a

visor that is detachable and 10 inches long or 6¾ inches long for

countdown pedestrian signals. Provide a visor-mounting system that

allows handling of the signal head by the visor.

C. LED Module. Provide new LED pedestrian signals of the latest models

currently in production. Equipment that is no longer manufactured will not

be accepted even if it meets the requirements specified in this subsection.

Install all LED signals produced by the same manufacturer in one


Provide LED pedestrian signals that achieve the minimum intensity

requirements of the ITE photometric test criteria.

1. Physical and Mechanical Requirements

a. General. Make each LED module a self-contained unit.

The LED module and the internal LED and electronic components

must be able to withstand mechanical shock and vibration. Ensure

that the LED signal manufacturer is ISO 9001 certified.

Provide an LED module that protects against dust and moisture

intrusion in accordance the requirements of MIL 810F, Procedure I,

“Rain and Blowing Rain” testing. Conduct the test on a stand-alone

unit with no protective housing required.

Provide an LED signal module made of UV, stabilized

polycarbonate. Provide LED signal modules with a lens that is

tinted or uses transparency film or materials with similar

characteristics. If requested by the Engineer, use a surface coating

or film on a non-fused polymeric lens to provide front surface

abrasion resistance.

Provide pedestrian signals with smooth external lens surfaces with

no raised features to minimize the collection of dirt, soil, diesel


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


smoke, and other particulate contaminates and to facilitate

periodic cleaning.

Identify each LED signal module with the manufacturer’s name,

model number, rated voltage, power consumption, and serial

number on the outside of the unit. Ensure that the identification tag

is visible without having to disassemble the signal module.

Provide LED signal modules with a prominent and permanent

vertical indication to orient the module inside the pedestrian signal


b. LED Assembly. Provide LED assemblies that consist of an LED

array mounted to a printed circuit board and sealed in a

polycarbonate cover assembly. Secure the cover assembly to a

12-inch polycarbonate, or 16-inch for countdown, clear matte

signal lens. Provide the assembly with No. 18 AWG, anti-capillary,

39-inch, color-coded leads meeting the requirements of the NEC

with insulated spade lug terminals for attachment to the signal

terminal block.

The retrofit assembly requires removing the existing housing and

mounting assembly and reconfiguring the mounting brackets to

accommodate the one-piece LED pedestrian signal housing.

Provide retrofit replacement modules built for the PTCSI sizes of

the “hand” and “walking person” icon pedestrian standards that fit

into existing signal housings without modifying the housing.

Provide enclosed units that do not expose circuit boards with

LEDs. Do not use screw-in type products.

c. LED Array. Provide LED arrays that consist of a highly visible full

icon symbol of the “hand” and “walking person.” Use a “hand”

symbol that is at least 9 inches tall and consists of Portland

Orange LEDs. Use a “walking person” symbol that is at least

9 inches tall and consists of Lunar White LEDs. Provide symbols

that are at least 5¼ inches wide. Provide at least No. 18 AWG

wires with thermoplastic insulation.

Provide an LED countdown array that consists of a highly visible

full icon symbol of the “hand” and “walking person.” Ensure that

the “hand” symbol is at least 11 inches tall and consists of Portland

Orange LEDs. Use a “walking person” symbol that is at least

11 inches tall and consists of Lunar White LEDs. Provide symbols

that are at least 6½ inches wide. Provide units with countdown

digits that are at least 9 inches tall and consist of two rows of


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


Portland Orange LEDs. Provide at least No. 18 AWG wires with

thermoplastic insulation.

Provide Portland Orange T-1 LEDs that use aluminum indium

gallium phosphate technology, 605 nanometers. Provide white T-1

LEDs that use indium gallium nitride technology.

2. Electrical Requirements. The minimum performance requirements

for LED pedestrian signals and countdown modules include the


a. LED signal modules that operate from a 60 hertz line frequency,

over a voltage range from 80 to 135 VAC with a luminous intensity

change no greater than ±10%.

b. Provide a nominal operating voltage of 120 VAC root mean square

for all measurements.

c. Each LED signal module has two color-coded, minimum No. 18

AWG, 39-inch, 600-volt, jacketed wires meeting the requirements

of the NEC and rated for service at 221°F. Provide the wire leads

with pre-insulated spade lug terminals for connecting to existing

traffic signal terminal blocks.

d. LED signal modules include voltage surge protection to withstand

high-repetition noise transients and low-repetition, high-energy

transients as specified in Section 2.1.8 of NEMA Standard TS-2.

e. LED circuitry prevents flicker at less than 100 hertz over the

voltage range specified in Section 5.2 of the ITE LED PTCSI.

f. LED signals and associated on-board circuitry meet the

requirements of FCC regulations in 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart B,

concerning electronic noise emissions.

g. LED modules provide a power factor of at least 90 at the nominal

rated voltage, at 77°F. The total harmonic distortion is less than

20% at the rated voltage, at 77°F.

h. LEDs are connected in series parallel strings so LED burnouts

result in a single point failure. The current draw ensures

compatibility and proper triggering and operation of load switches.

i. The maintained minimum luminance value for the LED modules’

“walking person” icon remains at 2,200 candelas per square meter

for at least 60 months.

j. The maintained luminance value for the LED modules’ “hand” icon

remains at 1,400 candelas per square meter for at least

60 months.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


k. Each module icon reaches 90% full illumination within

75 milliseconds of applying the nominal operating voltage.

l. Modules do not illuminate after 75 milliseconds of removing the

nominal operating voltage.

Provide a six-point terminal block with stainless steel or chrome plated

brass screw terminals for spade lugs for connecting wires from the

LED module and incoming wires from the controller. Centrally locate

the terminal block in the housing and provide at least 1 inch lateral

clearance from the housing.

3. Power Consumption and Operational Range. Provide LED

pedestrian traffic signals that consume no more than 8 watts for the

“hand” icon, 10 watts for the “walking person” icon, and 8 watts for the

countdown digits, at 120 VAC, 0.90 power factor at 77°F.

Provide LED signals that operate over a temperature range from −40

to 165°F, with no more than a 10% change in luminous intensity over

the required voltage range.

Ensure that the luminance uniformity of the “walking person” and

“hand” icons does not exceed a ratio of 1:10 from the minimum to

maximum luminance values, as measured in ½-inch-diameter spots.

If operating within the temperature range, ensure the luminance of the

module does not exceed three times the minimum luminance of the


Provide LED pedestrian countdown modules with a uniform

appearance when illuminated. Provide LED pedestrian countdown

modules that do not present a pixilated appearance.

4. Photometric Requirements. Provide the minimum initial luminous

intensity values for the LED traffic signal module specified in Section 4

of the LED Performance Specifications.

Provide LED pedestrian signal modules meeting the minimum

intensity requirements while operating over a temperature range from

−40 to 165°F.

Provide LED traffic signal modules with measured chromaticity

coordinates that meet the requirements of Section 4 of the LED

Performance Specifications.

Retain a certified independent test lab to provide test data to verify

that pedestrian signal performance meets the requirements of Section

6 of the LED Performance Specifications. To test, control and monitor

the “walking person,” “hand,” and countdown digits separately, provide


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


three wires for electrical connection to the “walking person” and


5. Countdown Timer. Provide a micro-controller-based countdown

timer. Provide a timer that counts down only during the pedestrian

clearance intervals, continuously monitors the pedestrian clearance

interval, and automatically adjusts for changes made at the controller.

If the flashing “hand” icon becomes solid, ensure that the module

displays a zero for 1 second and then blacks out. Ensure that the

countdown display remains dark until the beginning of the next


If a pre-emption sequence begins, ensure that the countdown module

skips the pre-empted clearance time and reaches zero at the same

time as the flashing “hand” becomes solid. In the cycle following a

pre-emption call, ensure that the signal displays the correct time.

Ensure that the countdown remains synchronized with the signal

indications and always reaches zero at the same time the flashing

“hand” becomes solid.

Provide the LED module with a removable plug on the rear of the unit

to allow access to dip switches for selecting the following features:

a. 1 – Display zero during standby;

b. 2 – Turn on LEDs for testing;

c. 3 – Countdown walk, plus clearance time; and

d. 4 – Disable countdown display.

Provide the countdown module with an internal conflict monitor to

prevent conflicts between the “walking person” and the “hand” icons

and the countdown digits display. Provide a conflict monitor that

prevents the display from counting down during a steady “hand”


D. Electrical Wiring. Provide electrical wiring that consists of stranded wire

that meets the requirements of the ITE VTCSH. Equip each pedestrian

signal with a barrier-type terminal block with at least three terminals: one

for each optical unit and one common terminal.

Mount the terminal block so it does not interfere mechanically with other

components of the signal. Electrically and mechanically secure the wiring

to a lamp receptacle. Insulate exposed current-carrying parts to prevent

electrical shock hazard. Use pre-insulated fork-type terminals on the wires

at the terminal block connection. Do not use pressure-type terminal



MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


E. Mounting Bracket Frame Assembly and Fitting. Construct the

mounting frame assembly and fittings entirely weathertight. Reference

MDOT typical signal construction details to reflect the straight arm length

needed for the countdown pedestals. Provide arms for the mounting

assembly of 1½-inch standard steel pipe to provide the following

dimensions, within a tolerance of ¼ inch:

1. For overhead and pedestal mountings, a radius of 8¾ inches from

center of hub to center of pipe cross; and

2. From the center of the first pipe cross, 11½ inches for I-brackets and

T-brackets and 14½ inches for countdown brackets.

Ensure that the internal surfaces of pipes and fittings are free of sharp

edges and burrs. Use ferrous pipe crosses to make right angles in the

mounting assembly. Close unused openings of the pipe crosses with

ornamental closures. Provide malleable iron adapters or slip fitters.

Provide malleable iron fittings free of flash and voids.

Install a plastic thread protector on exposed pipe threads to protect the

threads from damage during shipping.

F. Painting Requirements. Before painting the mounting brackets, clean

and treat the ferrous and aluminum surfaces in accordance with standard

industry practice for each type of metal to ensure bonding of the paint to

the metal.

Provide a coating system for the mounting bracket assembly consisting of

durable and weather-resistant black enamels, applied at a uniform

thickness without blisters, runs, or other defects. Provide an average dry

film thickness of 1.5 mils as determined by Method A, Inductance

Thickness Gauge, as specified in ASTM D1400.

Provide black LED pedestrian traffic signals. Provide visors with an inside

surface painted flat black, compatible with polycarbonate plastic.

Provide signal parts with a color and finish that does not require painting

to maintain a functional appearance. Ensure that scratches on signal

parts do not expose uncolored material.

Clean and pretreat metal surfaces of pedestrian signal mounting brackets

before painting and assembly to ensure that the phosphate coating bonds

to the surfaces in accordance with Federal Specifications TT C 490,

“Cleaning Methods and Pretreatment of Ferrous Surfaces or Organic


Use semi-gloss or glossy black enamel to finish coat other exterior

surfaces of the fittings, except stainless steel latch bolts and clips.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


G. Packing and Marking. Pack each pedestrian signal separately to prevent

damage to the pedestrian signal and mounting assembly during

transportation to the project. Mark each carton legibly with the pedestrian

signal and mounting assembly description and supplier’s name.

H. Quality Assurance. Provide LED modules that comply with the QA

production testing, inspection, and design specified in the ITE LED

PTCSI, Part 2, “Pedestrian Traffic Signal Modules,” adopted in 2004.

I. Tests, Inspection, and Sampling. Test each LED and inspect for

conformance with this section before shipment. Reject pieces of

equipment that fail to meet the requirements of this section. Ensure that a

certified independent test lab provides test data to verify that the

pedestrian signal performance meets the requirements of Section 6 of the


J. Drawings and Information. Provide two copies of a detailed drawing and

material specification list of the pedestrian head.

Provide LED pedestrian signal modules that comply with the QA

production testing and inspection requirements specified in Section 6 of


Provide a test report in accordance with subsection 921.04.I from an

independent lab certifying that the pedestrian signals meet the

requirements of the ITE LED PTCSI.

The Engineer will hold the information required by this subsection

921.04.J, along with a sample, if requested, as standards for acceptance.

921.05. Traffic Signal Strain Pole

A. Foundation

1. Steel reinforcement for all drilled shafts must be in accordance with

section 905.

2. Concrete mix must be in accordance with Division 10.

3. Slurry must be in accordance with section 1004.

4. Conduit material must be in accordance with section 818.

5. Anchor bolts, nuts, washers, and lock washers must be in accordance

with subsection 908.14.A and 908.14.C, including the elongation and

reduction of area requirements listed in Table 908-1 of subsection


B. Shaft and Base. Provide traffic signal strain poles fabricated from steel

meeting the requirements of ASTM A595/A595M, Grade A, with a yield


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


point (fy) of 55 kips per square inch (ksi) or ASTM A572/A572M, Grade 50

steel, fy of 50 ksi. Base material must meet the requirements of ASTM


Provide a tapered shaft with a circular or at least an eight-sided polygonal

cross section. Shafts may be multi-ply.

Provide a pole top with means for securing to the top of the shaft.

Provide a hook or other device for supporting a cable on the inside of the

shaft near the top.

Provide each pole with three pole bands for attaching the traffic signal

span, minor cable span, and service rack. Attach only one of the spans or

racks to each pole band.

C. Strength Requirements. Provide a standard capable of withstanding a

transverse load of at least 3,700 pounds applied 18 inches below the top

of the shaft without exceeding the elastic limit. Ensure that the deflection

of the shaft does not exceed 0.40 inch per 100 pounds of transverse load

applied at the same point.

D. Identification of Manufacturer. Provide standards with a catalog or other

manufacturer’s identification number permanently marked on the base.

921.06. Traffic, Pedestrian Signals, Pushbutton Pedestals

Provide pedestals for mounting pedestrian pushbuttons with signs or traffic

and pedestrian signals. Equip poles over 11 feet tall with support bracket for

4-inch nominal size pipe.

Provide pedestals of the overall height shown on the plans or as directed by

the Engineer.

Provide pedestals meeting the minimum requirements of this subsection and

the special details.

Provide a pedestal made with an aluminum shaft threaded into a cast

aluminum base. Secure the shaft by a stainless steel set screw to prevent

loosening or turning after installation. Provide lug for grounding connection

within the pedestal base.

A. Shaft. Provide extruded aluminum pedestal shafts meeting the following


1. Aluminum alloy meeting the requirements of ASTM B308/B308M;

2. Tensile strength of 30 ksi;

3. Yield strength of 25 ksi;


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


4. Elongation of 10%;

5. Walls 0.237 inch thick; and

6. OD of 4½ inches.

Provide threaded and de-burred pedestal shafts that conform to the basic

dimensions of ASME B1.20.1 for National Pipe Thread Tapered (NPT).

Ensure that the threaded end of the pedestal shaft has 4 inches of NPT

thread. Coat threads with anti-seize grease before assembly. Equip

pushbutton pedestals with a standard 4-inch cap.

B. Finish. Do not paint aluminum pedestals. Provide aluminum shafts with

the minimum finish requirements specified in this subsection.

1. Finish Type. Provide a shaft with the full length covered with a tough

surface texture that is not a mill finish, consisting of a uniform grain

pattern perpendicular to the axis of the shaft.

2. Texture Profile. Ensure that the grain profile has a surface roughness

of at least two but no greater than four times a roughness average

(Ra) of 250 microinches. Provide aluminum pedestal shafts free of the


a. Excessive material;

b. Heat discoloration of material;

c. Irregular grain spacing and grain patterns;

d. Waviness;

e. Scratches or marks of varying depths and sizes;

f. Holes;

g. Ridges;

h. Cracks; and

i. Other surface defects not removed in the finish process.

C. Mill Certification. Require the manufacturer to maintain reports and

provide copies to the Department on request.

D. Hardware. Provide foundation bolts with a minimum diameter of ¾ inch,

21 inches long, and with a 3-inch L-bend on the unthreaded end.

Equip foundation bolts with hexagonal nuts and washers. Ensure that the

threaded end of the bolts are threaded a minimum of 3 inches.

Electro-galvanize bolts after threading in accordance with ASTM B633,

Service Condition 4, for the entire length or hot-dip galvanize in

accordance with ASTM A153. Provide nuts that are galvanized using


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


similar methods as used on the bolts, and ensure that nuts turn freely on

the bolts after galvanizing. Provide a level foundation surface to accept

the base assembly.

Attach the access door in the base of the pedestal with AISI 300 Series

stainless steel machine screws.

E. Drawings. Provide two copies of detailed dimensional and installation

drawings to the Engineer.

F. Packaging. Provide a protective cap for the threaded end of bolts to

prevent thread damage. Provide a cardboard sleeve that covers the entire

length of shaft to protect surface finish.

921.07. Illuminated and Non-illuminated Case Signs

Provide LED case signs internally illuminated by LEDs and changeable

message case signs internally illuminated with LED light sources. Ensure that

signs are designed to operate on 120-volt, single-phase, alternating current

electrical systems. Work includes a retrofit unit capable of removing and

replacing the LED light module and the associated material of an existing

internally illuminated case sign.

Provide non-illuminated case signs equipped with retroreflective case sign


Ensure well-fitted, free-moving doors and other moving components.

A. Hardware. For fasteners partially or completely exposed on the exterior of

case signs, provide AISI 300 Series stainless steel fasteners. Provide a

mounting hub for case signs of 1½ inch, malleable iron, KK-197, four-bolt

mounted on the top center of the sign.

B. Housing and Door Requirements

1. Housing for LED and Non-Illuminated Case Signs. Provide

one-way and two-way housings constructed of a minimum

0.080-inch-thick extruded aluminum.

Provide four-way housings constructed with a minimum

0.063-inch-thick aluminum body and a 1½- by 1½- by ⅛-inch-thick

channeled aluminum framework.

Place a 1-inch, screened drain hole at each of the four corners of the

housing bottom.

2. Housing for Changeable Message LED Case Sign. Provide case

sign housing constructed of a minimum 0.125-inch-thick extruded

aluminum with a 0.063-inch-thick flat aluminum back welded at the



MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


Provide a back capable of being inserted into a slot designed in the

backside of the extrusion. Ensure that the slot directs water out of the

housing. Ensure that corners are tungsten inert gas (TIG) welded to

provide a weatherproof seal around the entire housing.

3. Doors for LED Case Signs. Provide doors constructed of a minimum

0.080-inch-thick extruded aluminum for four-way, one-way, and

two-way case signs. Fasten doors to the housing by a full-length

stainless steel hinge. Secure doors onto a 1-inch-wide by 5/32-inch-thick neoprene gasket with one or two ¼ turn Link Locks.

4. Doors for Non-Illuminated Case Signs. Provide doors constructed

of a minimum 0.080-inch-thick extruded aluminum. Fasten doors to

the housing by a full-length, 0.040- by 1½-inch open stainless steel

hinge. Secure doors onto a 1-inch-wide by 5/32-inch-thick neoprene

gasket with one or two ¼ turn Link Locks.

Provide single- or double-sided signs with a hinged, extruded

aluminum service door to provide access to either side for service.

5. Doors for Changeable Message Case Signs. Provide doors

constructed of 0.125-inch-thick extruded aluminum. Ensure that two

corners are TIG welded and two corners screwed together to make

one side of the door removable for installation of the Fiber Optic

Module. Fasten the door to the housing on the left using a full-length,

0.040- by 1¼-inch open stainless steel hinge. Secure the door onto a

1-inch-wide by 5/32-inch-thick neoprene gasket using two ¼-turn Link


Provide single- or double-sided signs with a hinged, extruded

aluminum service door to provide access to either side for service.

Ensure that the sign door allows full access to serviceable

components of the sign.

Fit a three-sided visor made of 0.63-inch-thick aluminum to the door.

C. LED Case Sign Electrical Requirements. Provide an LED case sign

designed to operate on 120 VAC, 60 hertz, single phase. Ensure that the

LED current operates at the manufacturer’s recommended current and


Where conductors pass through sheet metal or conduit, provide bushings,

grommets, or rolled edges on the edges of openings to protect conductors

from abrasion. Provide a toggle switch as a disconnecting means.

1. LED Light. Provide LED light consisting of LEDs that provide at least

250 candelas per square meter or an equivalent surface luminance of

1000 lux over an ambient temperature range from −40 to 165°F,


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


consistent with the NEMA temperature specifications. Ensure that the

LED lights contain a quantity of white LEDs to uniformly illuminate the

viewing area.

Provide LED light modules that consist of a circuit board composed of

an insulated aluminum substrate, at least 0.050 inch thick, where LED

modules are used.

Ensure that the LED light operates for at least 50,000 hours with a

lumen depreciation no greater than 30%. Ensure that the LED supplier

provides operational documentation, if requested, based on actual

temperature measurements taken after 12 continuous hours of

operation, correlated against lumen depreciation and LED mortality


Where LED modules are used, ensure that the LED light module

electronics are entirely coated with at least a 0.002-inch dry coat to

protect the light module from moisture and corrosion. Ensure that LED

modules are compliant with reduction of hazardous substances.

Where LED modules are used, attach the LED light module to the

case sign housing to allow the module to remain in place during

maintenance or retrofit activities. Ensure that the LED light module

passes the tests specified in subsection 921.07.C.1.a and subsection

921.07.C.1.b, in accordance with the NEMA standards.

Where LED modules are not used, install two Edison-base sockets:

one at the top and one at the bottom of the sign frame.

a. Thermal Shock Test. Perform the thermal shock test on LED light

modules at temperatures of 85°F and −40°F for five cycles of

2-hour dwells with a 2-hour presoak at −40°F.

b. Salt Spray and Soak Test. Ensure that the LED light module

endures 48 hours of continuous salt spray and 240 hours of

saltwater soak.

Ensure that the manufacturer burns-in LED light modules for

24 hours and certifies for compliance. Ensure that the

manufacturer mounts a QC tracking sticker and the manufacturer’s

name and date of manufacture on the inside of the LED light


Ensure that the LED light modules do not exceed a 59°F

temperature rise under continuous operating conditions.

Paint the panels white and ensure that panels meet GM4901



MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


2. Power Consumption and Power Supply Panel. Provide LED case

signs with the maximum power consumption wattage as follows:

Table 921-3: LED Case Sign Maximum Power Consumption

Case Sign Size

Power Consumption


1-way 12 × 27 inch 15

4-way 12 × 27 inch 60

1-way 24 × 30 inch 45

2-way 24 × 30 inch 90

4-way 24 × 30 inch 180

Where LED modules are used, provide at least 75-watt power supply

units rated by the UL for Class 2 operation, 24 volts DC, and Ingress

Protection (IP66) rated.

Provide a terminal block for the incoming 120 VAC power. Where LED

modules are used, connect the output of the 24-volt power supply to a

two-wire connector that attaches to the LED light modules.

3. LED Retrofit Assembly. Provide LED retrofit assemblies meeting the

requirements of this subsection that do not alter the structural

properties or functional requirements of the case sign.

D. Changeable Message Case Sign Electrical Requirements. Provide

changeable message signs capable of displaying three distinct

fiber-optic-type messages. Provide the case sign, hardware, fittings,

cable, and one message that is clearly and legibly displayed under any

lighting conditions when energized. Refer to the FHWA and Michigan

Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MMUTCD) legends for

single- or multi-message overlays.

Provide a changeable message sign that forms the message with a single

or double row of fiber optic glass bundles. Provide energized bundles that

are highly visible within a 60-degree cone, centered around the optic axis.

1. Fiber Optic Module. Provide a fiber optic module consisting of a flat

black, aluminum alloy, 3003 H14 faceplate, 0.080 inch thick, with the

fiber optic assembly directly mounted to it. Insert the assembly into the

rear track of the extruded aluminum door.

Secure glass, fiber optic bundles into an end tip using epoxy at the

termination end and the common assembly at the other end. Grind

smooth and optically polish to ensure maximum light transmission

through the bundle.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


Insert the end tip of black nylon into a punched hole in the black

faceplate and mechanically hold in place with four crush ribs along the

OD of the end tip. Ensure that the end tip, if installed on the faceplate,

does not protrude more than 5/16 inch.

Ensure that the LED light sources provide the message colors.

Provide LED light sources capable of being changed in the field by

replacing the solid state LED lamp without removing the sign from the

case. Mount the LED light source with four No. 8 × ⅜ stainless steel

screws between the common assembly and the LED lamp. Provide

LED light sources that sustain an average 50,000-hour life.

Provide messages illuminated by at least two light sources, based on

the message. Arrange the glass bundles so if one light source fails,

the other sources continue to provide a legible message by lighting

every other point in the message. Ensure that no color appears in the

output points if the source is not energized, regardless of ambient light


Provide messages that are clearly legible under any lighting

conditions. Ensure that the sign is highly visible at full intensity within a

20-degree cone, centered around the optic axis.

Provide a ⅛-inch-thick matte or clear polycarbonate lens with

anti-glare characteristics to protect the LED assembly. Insert the lens

into the front track in the door.

2. Lamps and Drivers. Use solid state LED lamps to illuminate the

messages. Use two lamps per message to provide failsafe operation

in the event of lamp failure.

Provide a 5-watt, LED type, or Department-approved equal LED lamp

based on an MR 16 traditional halogen package rated for 50,000

hours of life.

Where LED drivers are used, provide LED drivers to reduce the

incoming 120 VAC to the lamp manufacturer’s suggested operating

voltage and current. Provide UL Class 2 rated LED drivers that

operate at temperatures from −40 to 176°F. Provide LED drivers rated

for 50,000 hours of life. Ensure that LED drivers provide a consistent

light output across the line and load levels. Use a separate LED driver

with each lamp to provide failsafe protection.

Provide a barrier-type terminal strip, Weco 324/HDS/12-type, or

Department-approved equal for electrical connection of field wires.

Provide signs capable of continuous operation in temperatures from –

35 to 140°F.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


Include supplementary markings to indicate the correct method of

connection for the leads.

E. Face

1. LED Case Sign. Provide an LED case sign face that is Lexan

translucent white or other Department-approved plastic material with

equivalent or better weathering, structural, and optical properties.

Provide a face that is 0.125 inch thick ±10%. Mark each face with the

plastic name or trade name.

Provide sign faces with a message applied to the outside. For black

sign copy, provide 3M Company, Scotchcal, ElectroCut Film No. 7720

12, and for red copy, provide 3M Company Scotchlite, ElectroCut Film

(E.C. Film) No. 1172, or Department-approved equals.

2. Changeable Message Case Sign. Provide changeable message

case sign faces designed to clearly and legibly display three distinct

fiber optic messages, one message at a time, when energized under

any lighting conditions. Refer to standard FHWA and MMUTCD

legends to provide a single- or multi-message overlay.

Form the message with single or double rows of fiber optic glass

bundles. Ensure that the energized bundles are highly visible within a

60-degree cone centered around the optic axis.

3. Non-Illuminated Case Sign Panel. Provide non-illuminated case sign

panel sections meeting the requirements of subsection 919.02.C.

Provide reflective sheeting material meeting the requirements of

ASTM D4956 for Type IX retroreflective sheeting.

Provide one-piece case sign panel sections of Type III aluminum

sheet with no vertical splices.

Apply the reflective and non-reflective legends in accordance with the

sheeting manufacturers’ recommendations. Provide legends that

display one symbol or text message.

Insert the case sign panel into the front track in the door.

For sign panels without legends, provide aluminum panels. Coat the

exterior face with a semi-gloss or gloss yellow enamel. Provide a color

within the limits shown on FHWA’s Highway Yellow Color Tolerance

Chart for the central color, except provide a color darker than the

central color. Coat the interior face with a semi-gloss or gloss white



MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


F. Wiring. Provide illuminated case signs completely wired. Provide

600-volt, No. 18 AWG soft annealed copper wiring with the following


1. Color coded;

2. At least seven strands; and

3. Insulation of 194°F thermoplastic high heat-resistant nylon coated

(THHN) thermoplastic or 194°F neoprene and marked.

Provide wiring that runs neatly in flexible aluminum conduit between the

power supply and the socket housing. Where conductors pass through an

opening in sheet metal or conduit, provide bushings, grommets, or rolled

edges to protect conductors.

Make splices and terminations at the terminal block, switch, lampholder

leads, or ballast leads. Make splices mechanically and electrically secure

using insulated pressure-type, solderless connectors. Make terminations

mechanically and electrically secure using insulated pressure-type

solderless terminals. Provide stainless steel or nickel-plated brass wire

connecting screws, tabs, washers, and strips.

Mount switches and prevent them from turning by providing mechanical

means other than friction.

G. Painting Requirements. Before painting the case sign, clean metal

surfaces and surface treat in accordance with standard industry practice

to ensure that paint bonds to the metal.

Provide a coating system consisting of durable and weather-resistant

enamels applied in a uniform thickness, without blisters, runs or other

defects. Provide an average dry film thickness of 1.5 mils, determined by

Method A, “Inductance Thickness Gauge,” as specified by ASTM D7091,

“Measurement of Dry Film Thickness of Nonmagnetic Coatings of Paint,

Varnish, Lacquer, and Related Products Applied on a Nonmagnetic Metal

Base.” Coat the metal interior of the sign with a semi-gloss or gloss white


Coat the exterior of the sign with a semi-gloss or gloss yellow enamel.

Provide a color within the limits shown on FHWA’s Highway Yellow Color

Tolerance Chart for the central color, except provide a color darker than

the central color.

H. Packing and Marking. Provide finished signs with a permanent legible

marking that includes the supplier’s name, trademark, or other means of



MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


Package signs individually to prevent damage to the sign during

transportation. Mark each package is legibly with the descriptions of

contents and supplier’s name.

I. Inspection. The Department will perform inspections of illuminated and

non-illuminated case signs. Provide mill test reports for aluminum

extrusions upon the Department’s request.

At the time of delivery, ensure that the supplier provides a general

certification, stating that materials meet pretreatment requirements, as

specified by subsection 921.07.G. Ensure that the certification references

the method and material used in the pretreatment process.

921.08. Traffic Loop

A. Traffic Loop Wire. Provide loop wire and loop lead-in wire meeting the

requirements of subsection 918.03.

B. Traffic Loop Sealant. To seal and encapsulate detector loop wires in

concrete or HMA roadway surfaces, provide sealant in cartridges for use

with a common 1-quart manual caulking gun or air-powered caulking gun.

Provide sealant meeting the following requirements:

1. Consists of one part moisture curing and self-leveling polyurethane,

not containing a level of solvents that would cause an incompatibility

with asphalt. If installing traffic loop in existing pavement before

placing a final asphalt wearing course, provide sealant compatible with

the asphalt wearing course.

2. Minimum temperature range for application from 40 to 100°F and a

minimum service temperature range from −40 to 200°F.

3. Dielectric constant greater than 6 at 50 hertz and greater than 4 at

500 hertz or greater.

4. Viscosity from 28,000 cPs to 48,000 cPs, tack free within 24 hours or

less after application.

5. Non-stringing and capable of opening to traffic immediately after

sealant recesses ⅛ inch.

6. Provides complete encapsulation of the detector loop wires in a

rubber-like environment and provides protection against moisture, wire

and thermal pavement movements, and damage under normal

roadway conditions.

7. Moisture cure to a tough, long-lasting seal that resists weather,

abrasion, oils, gasoline, anti-freeze solutions, brake fluids, and road

salts and other deicers.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


8. Remains permanently flexible without shrinking or pulling out of the

saw-cut groves after application. Ensure that cured sealant is

temperature stable throughout the specified minimum service

temperature range without performance degradation.

C. Packaging and Marking. Deliver materials in the original, tightly sealed

containers, clearly labeled with the manufacturer’s name, product

identification, and lot number. Pack each case of cartridges to prevent

damage to the cartridges during transportation to the project. Mark each

carton legibly with a description of the contents and the supplier’s name.

921.09. Digital Loop Detector

Provide digital loop detectors meeting current and applicable NEMA

standards. Provide high performance, four-channel, inductive-loop vehicle

detectors with liquid crystal displays (LCDs) to indicate the operational, setup,

and loop diagnostic parameters of the loop detector system in accordance

with the minimum design, operational, and functional performance

requirements specified in this subsection.

A. Detector Loop Requirements. Provide detector units meeting the

environmental, transient, and size requirements of NEMA Standards TS-1

1994, Section 15, and TS-2, 2003, Section 6.5.

Provide microprocessor controlled, fully digital, self-tuning detector units

with four operationally independent channels. Ensure that the detector

unit is configured as a rack-mounted printed circuit board for insertion into

a NEMA TS-1 or TS-2 rack.

Provide a detector with optically isolated, solid state outputs designed to

provide a continuous fail-safe output in the event of power loss to the unit.

Ensure that each channel provides a continuous fail-safe output and

indication in response to an open or shorted loop.

Provide a detector that uses two spring-loaded toggle switches per

channel to set up and retrieve information from the detector.

Provide a detector unit that displays and records open loops, shorted

loops, or an excess inductance change greater than 25%. Program the

LCD and yellow fault LED to display the type of error. Program the LCD to

display “Shorted loop,” “Open loop,” or “25% DL/L,” and log the most

recent 25 events. Provide units that store the information in non-volatile


Ensure that each channel includes two wide-angle, high-visibility LED



MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


Provide channels with a red LED to display channel detect output status,

output state, and the status of the delay and extension timers, plus a

yellow LED to display loop fault monitor diagnostics.

Ensure that the red channel detect LED indicator flashes at a rate of

2 hertz during delay timing and flashes at a rate of 4 hertz during

extension timing.

Ensure that the yellow fault LED flashes once to indicate an open loop,

twice to indicate a shorted loop, and three times to indicate an excessive

change in inductance.

During fault indication, ensure that the red channel detect LED flashes at

the same rate as the yellow fault LED to indicate a current fault. If the fault

self-heals, ensure that the red LED returns to normal operation and the

yellow fault LED continues to flash, indicating a prior fault.

B. Graphic Liquid Crystal Display. Provide a graphic LCD unit capable of

displaying four channels simultaneously.

Provide a unit capable of setting up channels simultaneously and

resetting channels individually.

Provide a unit that uses a white backlight for the LCD. Do not provide

units with electro-luminescence.

C. LCD Full Prompting Menu System. Provide an LCD unit that prompts

the user with word prompts in English for easy setup, operation,

diagnostic, and information-gathering operations.

Provide a menu system that prompts the end user for the input specified

in this subsection during setup and operation.

1. Sensitivity. Ensure that the LCD prompting menu offers a range of

sensitivity values from 1 to 15 and an “OFF” option that disables the

channel. Provide a system that displays a pie chart showing the

deflection caused by vehicles on the loop to assist in determining the

correct sensitivity and an XY chart showing the deflection values and

vehicle calls over time.

2. Frequency. Provide an LCD prompting menu that displays eight

frequency values that the user can select from, depending on the

frequency of adjacent loops. Ensure that the actual frequency is

displayed and can be compared to adjacent detectors to achieve

maximum separation between adjacent loops. Provide a unit capable

of graphically displaying noise or crosstalk on the display.

3. Operational Mode. Provide an LCD prompting menu that allows

users to select one of two operational modes: “Pulse” or “Presence.”


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


For a selection of “Presence,” program the unit to prompt the user for

“Short,” “Long,” or “User-Defined Presence.”

4. Timing. Ensure that the timing menu for “Delay” and “Extension”

prompts the user for a “yes” or “no” response. For a selection of “yes,”

program the unit to prompt for the delay amount and extension timing.

5. Count. Provide a count that controls the secondary count outputs and

prompts the user for a “yes” or “no” response. For a selection of “yes,”

program the unit to prompt the user for the loop configuration from

which it will take the counts and if secondary count outputs are active.

6. Approach ID. Program the unit to prompt the user to select

alpha-numeric characters to identify the related approach of the

channel (e.g., SBLT for southbound left turn).

7. Display. The “Display” selection determines the display that shows

during normal operation at power up. Program the unit to prompt the

user for frequency (FREQ), inductance (INDUCT), and count

(COUNT). Ensure that pressing “down” cycles through the display


8. Event Logs. Ensure that selecting “Logs” allows the user to view the

last 25 events per channel with the most recent first. Provide a log

with the type of fault, power up, power loss, and reset events and the

time elapsed after each event.

D. Edge Connector Description

Table 921-4: Edge Connector Description

Pin No. Function

A DC Supply – (Logic Ground)

B DC Supply + (12 VDC – 24 VDC)

C Reset

D Loop Input Channel 1

E Loop Input Channel 1

F Call Output Channel 1 (Collector)

H Call Output Channel 1 (Emitter)

J Loop Input Channel 2

K Loop Input Channel 2

L Earth Ground

S Secondary Count Output Channel 1

W Call Output Channel 2 (Collector)

X Call Output Channel 2 (Emitter)

Y Secondary Count Output Channel 2


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


Table 921-4 (cont.): Edge Connector Description

Pin No. Function

1 Green Input Channel 1

2 Green Input Channel 2

7 Status Output Channel 1

20 Status Output Channel 2

E. Operation Requirements. Provide detector units designed to operate

over a voltage range from 10.8 to 28 VDC. Provide a power supply that

operates over a voltage range from 10.8 to 28.8 VDC and at no greater

than 90 milli-amperes for backlight illuminated units. Provide detector

units with the following characteristics:

1. Loop tuning range from 20 to 2500 microhertz, plus a lead-in from

15 to 60 kilohertz;

2. Q factor of 5 minutes;

3. Low (true) inputs of less than 8 volts and high (false) inputs greater

than 16 volts;

4. Solid state, optically isolated call output. Ensure that the “On” voltage

is less than 1.5 volts at 50 milli-amperes collector current;

5. Status and count outputs no greater than 50 volts collector voltage,

with an “On” voltage less than 1.5 volts at 50 milli-amperes collector


6. The following physical dimensions:

a. 7- by 4.5-inch international card with 44-pin, double-sided

gold-edge connector, and

b. 1.12-inch-wide faceplate with a 3- by 1-inch handle;

7. Weight of 1 pound; and

8. Functional from −29 to 165°F at a maximum non-condensing humidity

of 95%.

F. Functional Data and Parts Lists. Ensure that the manufacturer provides

a complete set of the following items with each loop detector, directly

applicable to the loop detector with which the item is supplied:

1. Schematic and wiring diagrams of the loop detector and terminal


2. Instructions for loop detector installation and maintenance, and


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


3. Parts list.

G. Packing and Marking. Package each loop detector separately to prevent

damage to the loop detector during transportation. Mark each carton

legibly with the loop detector description, contract number, and supplier’s


921.10. Steel Truss Arms

Provide steel truss arms for mounting video detection cameras and radio

antennas as shown on the plans and in accordance with this subsection.

A. Truss Brackets. Provide truss brackets formed from round tube and steel

bar or plate, complete with stainless steel U-bolts, nuts, and washers for

mounting to steel poles or curved plate with bolt holes for mounting to

wood poles. Provide trusses with an 18-degree rise in the top arm tube

from the mounting plate to the location of the device attachment. Locate a

⅞-inch rubber grommet within 3 inches of the mounting base plate on the

underside of the upper arm tube.

B. Truss

1. Wood Pole Mount. Provide arm tubes meeting the requirements of

ASTM A500/A500M for Grade B steel, with 2⅞ inch OD by

0.203-inch-thick tubing overlapped and welded to 2⅜ inch OD by

0.154-inch-thick stock tubing for 16-, 18-, and 20-foot arms, or 2⅜ inch

OD by 0.120 inch thick for arms no longer than 15 feet.

To form the truss, weld ½- by 2-inch flat bar steel meeting the

requirements of ASTM A36/A36M between arm tubes. Provide a

pole-mounting plate formed using ⅜-inch ASTM A36/A36M steel plate

and plate gussets welded to the arm tubes in accordance with the

mounting plate detail shown on the truss arm drawing.

Provide one plate per arm tube. Ensure that each plate incorporates

two 0.562-inch-diameter holes and one 0.687- by 1.50-inch keyhole

for lagging to the wood pole.

2. Steel Pole Mount. For 1½-, 4-, 6-, 9-, 12-, 15-, and 18-foot arms,

provide arm tubes meeting the requirements of ASTM A500/A500M for

Grade B steel with 2⅜ inch OD by 0.120-inch-thick tubing, welded to

¼-inch formed steel mounting plate meeting the requirements of

ASTM A36/A36M.

To form the truss, weld ½- by 2-inch flat bar steel meeting the

requirements of ASTM A36/A36M between arm tubes. Provide ¼-inch

flat bar steel gussets welded between the arm tube and mounting



MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


Use steel U-bolts and other hardware meeting the requirements of

ASTM A36/A36M to attach trusses to the steel pole. For poles with a

diameter range from 8½ inches to less than 9⅛ inches, use ⅝-inch

rod bolts. For poles with a diameter range from 9⅛ inches to

10¼ inches, use ¾-inch rod U-bolts. Use hex nuts, flat, and lock

washers for fastening U-bolts.

C. Finishes. Provide truss arms, brackets, and hardware, hot-dip galvanized

after fabrication and welded in accordance with ASTM A123/A123M and

ASTM A153/A153M. Weld in accordance with AWS D1.1.

921.11. Mast Arm Mount Signal Bracket

Provide adjustable mast arm mount signal brackets in accordance with

Figure 921-1 and this subsection.

A. Adjustability. Ensure that the bracket is adjustable as shown in

Figure 921-1, A through D.

B. Attachment. Provide the bracket with Type 201 stainless steel band to

fasten the bracket to the supporting arm or structure. Provide an easily

adjustable bracket to fit all sizes of round, octagonal, elliptical, or other

shaped structure without special tools or equipment.

C. Signal Accommodations. Attach the bracket to the signal by clamping

the signal from the top and bottom to ensure maximum rigidity. Provide a

standard bracket, as shown in Figure 921-1, to accommodate all major

signal manufacturers’ signals ranging from a three-section, one-way,

8-inch signal to a three-section, one-way, 12-inch signal or a combination

of sizes including 3M and International Code Council (ICC) configurations.

Figure 921-1: Signal Head Bracket Adjustment

Ensure that the electrical wiring is concealed in the bracket. Provide a

gusseted, C-shaped, extruded aluminum tube for the vertical support to

accommodate the signal cable, regardless of the vertical position of the



MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


D. Material and Design. Provide upper and lower arms cast from

319 aluminum or a Department-approved equal. Ensure that the lower

bracket arm is internally threaded to accommodate the threaded vertical

support tube. Provide the lower arm with acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene

plastic covers that will slide and snap into position without fasteners or

tools. Ensure that the upper and lower arms have 72-tooth serrations cast

into the arm to ensure a positive lock with the signal housing, secured

around the rotational axis with setscrews. Provide upper and lower arms

with a tri-bolt arrangement for attachment to the signal housing. Ensure

that the lower arm has an opening to accommodate at least three

12-conductor 14-gauge cables.

E. Vertical Support Tube. Provide a double-gusseted, extruded 6082-T8

aluminum alloy tube for the vertical support with the cross section shown

in Figure 921-2. Provide each tube with a vinyl closure strip, threaded on

one end to accommodate the lower arm assembly.

Figure 921-2: Section “A-A”

F. Mast Arm Clamp Assembly. Provide a mast arm clamp assembly with

male and female halves cast from 356-T8 aluminum alloy or a

Department-approved equal. Ensure that the male clamp half is secured

in the female half using a spring steel retainer ring. Ensure that the

assembly provides an unobstructed center of at least 2 inches in diameter

to allow for 360-degree rotation of the clamp assembly. Ensure that no

internal cross-bracing assembly obstructs the center opening.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 921


Provide a mast arm clamp assembly equipped with galvanized steel

cable, 7/16-inch diameter.

G. Hardware. Provide each bracket with required bolts, washers, gaskets,

and other hardware to attach the signal to the bracket and the bracket to

the mast arm.

H. Finish. Provide aluminum parts with an Alodine 1200 finish or

Department-approved equal.

Provide steel parts with a yellow, zinc dichromate finish.

921.12. Antenna

Where installation of new equipment is called for on the plans, provide

material in accordance with section 918 and this section.

A. Configure the 10 dB Yagi antennas for a back-to-back operation, specified

for the frequency range of the radio, and connect a Pasternack PE-2047

or Encom Wireless EP-Splitter type power divider, or approved equal, for

the master and repeater locations.

B. Use a 10 dB Yagi antenna, specified for the frequency range of the radio,

for the remote location.

C. Use a Times Microwave LMR or Andrew CNT 400 DB type cable, or

approved equal, for connection between both the polyphaser and power

divider and the power divider and antenna for the master and repeater


D. Use a Times Microwave LMR or Andrew CNT 400 DB type cable, or

approved equal, between the polyphaser and the antenna for the remote


E. Use Times Microwave TC-400-NMH or RF Industries RFN-1006-31

Type N male connectors, or approved equal, and fasten at the ends of the

LMR or CNT 400 DB type cable for connection to the polyphaser, power

divider, and antenna.



Section 922. Temporary Traffic Control Materials

922.01. Description

Temporary traffic control devices must meet the design requirements of the

MMUTCD, Part 6, Materials Quality Assurance Procedures Manual, and the

requirements of section 922.

Provide the Engineer with certification and an FHWA acceptance letter stating

that the materials and devices meet the requirements of this section.

Certification documents and the FHWA acceptance letter do not waive

material and device inspection, sampling, or testing requirements.

922.02. Temporary Signs

A. Sign Panel and Supports. Temporary signs must meet NCHRP-350

crashworthy requirements or the requirements of the AASHTO Manual for

Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH), as applicable.

1. Portable Sign Systems. Portable sign systems must meet the

following requirements:

a. Signs for which the substrate totals 20 square feet or less must be

constructed with the materials and design features specified in the

associated FHWA acceptance letter.

b. Signs must have a 5-foot minimum bottom height and one or two

rigid legs.

c. The leg of bases with only one rigid leg must have an “X” or “H”


d. Temporary ground-driven sign systems must be constructed as

described in the Maintaining Traffic Typical WZD-100 or other

NCHRP-350/MASH accepted design.

2. Portable Sign Substrate. Portable sign substrates must conform to

the materials requirements of section 919 and the following


a. Rigid sign panels no greater than 3 by 3 feet must be aluminum

sheet, plywood, or corrugated plastic.

b. Rigid sign panels larger than 3 by 3 feet and up to 8 feet in width

must be plywood or corrugated plastic.

c. Rigid sign panels 8 to 12 feet wide must be plywood or extruded



MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 922


d. Rigid sign panels with a width greater than 12 feet must be

extruded aluminum.

e. Temporary sign panels fabricated with plywood must have a

minimum thickness of ½ inch.

No vertical joints in sign substrates or horizontal splices through

legends or symbols are permitted.

B. Reflective Sheeting. Reflective sheeting must meet or exceed the

requirements of ASTM D4956 for Type VIII reflective sheeting. Orange

sheeting must be fluorescent orange reflective sheeting.

C. Legend. Legend fabrication and application must meet the requirements

of the Michigan Standard Highway Signs Manual.

D. Sign Covers. Cover material for permanent signs and temporary signs on

driven supports must be exterior-grade plywood, hardboard, sheet metal,

aluminum, or rigid plastic capable of resisting deterioration from

weathering and atmospheric conditions for the duration of the project. Do

not use flexible materials on permanent signs. Flexible materials are

allowed only on temporary signs.

Covers must be opaque during all light and weather conditions and must

cover the entire front of sign panels.

922.03. Channelizing Devices

Channelizing devices include cones, drums, 42-inch channelizing devices,

and Type III barricades. Reflective sheeting for channelizing devices must

meet or exceed the requirements of ASTM D4956 for reboundable Type IV

reflective sheeting. The fluorescent orange sheeting must have a daytime

luminance factor that meets or exceeds 20 based on Table 2 of ASTM D4956

– Daytime Luminance Factor (Y%)A. The white sheeting must have a daytime

luminance factor that meets or exceeds 27 based on Table 2 of ASTM D4956

– Daytime Luminance Factor (Y%)A. Provide certification from the

manufacturer that devices meet NCHRP 350/MASH requirements.

A. Cones. Traffic cones must be predominantly orange, at least 28 inches

high, and made of material capable of withstanding impact without

damaging vehicles.

B. Drums. Drums must be composed of a low-density PE plastic. Do not use

HDPE for plastic drums. The drum-striping design must meet the

requirements of WZD-125.

C. 42-Inch Channelizing Devices. Forty-two-inch channelizing devices

must meet the following requirements:


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 922


1. Have 42-inch minimum height and may include a handle or lifting

device that extends above the 42-inch height;

2. Be fabricated of material capable of withstanding impact without

damaging vehicles;

3. Have a base at least 8 inches in diameter and taper to at least a

4-inch diameter at the top, regardless of orientation;

4. Be predominantly orange;

5. Include ballast meeting the manufacturer’s specifications as

necessary to keep them upright; and

6. Sheeting pattern must consist of four 6-inch alternating orange and

white bands with no more than 2 inches between the bands, with the

top band being orange and spaced no greater than 4 inches from the

top of the device.

D. Temporary Tubular Markers. Tubular markers must meet the following


1. Consist of a vertical tube (post) with alternating white and orange

reflective sheeting, a flexible boot to provide impact rebound and

prevent excessive whiplash, and a base.

2. Fabricated from material that can be struck without causing damage to

the impacting vehicle and that is resistant to impact, UV light, ozone,

and hydrocarbons and remains resistant at air temperatures from –20

to +120°F.

3. Provide for easy and quick removal of the post from the base and boot


4. Exhibit good workmanship, free of burns, discoloration, contamination,

and other objectionable marks or defects that affect appearance or


5. Must be predominantly orange and not less than 42 inches high and

2 inches wide facing road users. Have a minimum width of 2 inches

throughout the entire post and be a minimum of 42 inches above the

ground surface when assembled unless otherwise approved by the


6. Be capable of withstanding a minimum of 15 impacts at a speed of

50 mph into the traffic face of the post and remain serviceable.

7. Meet the crashworthy requirements of NCHRP 350 or MASH



MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 922


8. Have four 4- to 6-inch-wide alternating orange and white stripes with

the top stripe being orange. The bands must be made of ASTM Type

III Flexible High Intensity Sheeting placed a maximum of 2 inches from

the top.

E. Type III Barricades. Type III barricades consist of three horizontal

reflectorized rails, supports, and warning lights. Type III barricades must

have both sides of the rails reflectorized with Type IV high-intensity

sheeting. Type III barricades must meet WZD-125.

F. Temporary Delineators. Temporary delineators must meet the

crashworthy requirements of NCHRP 350 or MASH hardware.

Exhibit good workmanship, free of burns, discoloration, contamination,

and other objectionable marks or defects that affect appearance or


1. Temporary Delineator Panels. Provide temporary delineator panels

meeting all of the following requirements:

a. Panels must consist of a vertical panel that is 8 inches in width and

24 inches in height and mounted with a bottom height of 2 feet.

They must have alternating diagonal fluorescent orange and white

stripes with a thickness of 6 inches sloping downward at an angle

of 45 degrees in the direction vehicle traffic is to pass and be

made of sheeting meeting the requirements of ASTM Type IV

sheeting. The fluorescent orange must meet the requirements as

described in the MMUTCD and 23 CFR Part 655, Subpart F,


b. Panels must be at least 3/8-inch-thick corrugated plastic and

attached to a sign post in accordance with subsection 810.03.B.

2. Temporary Flexible Delineators. Provide temporary flexible

delineators meeting all of the following requirements:

a. Flexible delineators must consist of a vertical post with four 6-inch

alternating white and fluorescent orange reflective sheeting with

the top band being fluorescent orange. The bands must be made

of ASTM Type IV sheeting, placed a maximum of 2 inches from the

top, a flexible boot to provide impact rebound and prevent

excessive whiplash, and a base. The fluorescent orange must

meet the requirements as described in the MMUTCD and 23 CFR

Part 655, Subpart F, Appendix.

b. Fabricated from material that can be struck without causing

damage to the impacting vehicle and resistant to impact, UV light,


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 922


ozone, and hydrocarbons, and resistant at temperatures from

–20 to +120F.

c. Allows removal of the post from the base and boot members.

d. Be predominantly orange, not less than 42 inches high, and

2 inches wide facing oncoming traffic.

e. Capable of withstanding a minimum of 15 impacts at a speed of

50 mph into the traffic face of the post and remain serviceable.

922.04. Temporary Concrete Barrier and Endings

Concrete barrier, endings, and associated hardware and impact attenuators

must meet or exceed NCHRP-350 Test Level 3 or MASH Test Level 3


A. Temporary Concrete Barrier. Temporary concrete barrier must be

eligible for Federal aid reimbursement by FHWA. The tested maximum

deflection must not exceed 6½ feet when installed. Provide certification

documenting that the concrete used in fabricating the barrier sections

meets or exceeds the requirements of the concrete used in crash-tested


Provide temporary barrier sections of lengths equal to or greater than the

sections that were successfully crash tested under NCHRP 350 TL-3 or

MASH TL-3 criteria. Ensure that lengths of temporary barrier sections are

adequate for achieving the required curvature or deflection in barrier


The bottom width of barrier sections must not exceed 28 inches. The top

of sections must be flat and at least 6 inches wide.

Cast barriers using concrete equivalent to or exceeding the requirements

of that used in similar temporary concrete barrier sections that were

successfully crash tested according to the requirements of NCHRP 350

TL-3 or MASH TL-3. Cure in accordance with subsection 804.03.F. Cast

barriers in accordance with the weather and temperature limitations

specified in subsection 602.03.T. Provide a uniform, smooth finish on

temporary concrete barrier surfaces.

The Contractor may use lifting devices or openings to enhance

placement. Ensure that lifting devices do not protrude from the sides or

top of the barrier when the barrier is in place.

Install barrier reflectors on temporary concrete barriers to delineate the

barrier wall. Reflectors must be trapezoidal or rectangular and include a

methyl acrylate reflective area of at least 7.5 square inches. Initial

photometric requirements at 0.2-degree observation angle and 0-degree


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 922


entrance angle must be at least 9 candela per lux for white markers and

6.5 candela per lux for yellow markers.

B. Temporary Concrete Barrier Ending. Provide concrete barrier endings

meeting end MDOT Standard Plan R-126 series and section 812. The

cross section and connection type for concrete barrier endings must

match the cross section of the end of the in-place concrete barrier.

Impact attenuator devices must be constructed from material specified by

the manufacturer and in accordance with the MDOT Standard Plan R-49,

R-54, and R-126 series.

Construct concrete attenuator base pads, foundations, anchor blocks, or

backup units using Grade 4000 S1 concrete.

Ensure that the impact attenuator transition assemblies, transition panels,

end panels, connections, and other miscellaneous accessories required

for installation meet the manufacturer’s specifications.

Provide all modules in a sand module attenuator array from the same

manufacturer. Do not mix different types of modules. Provide sand for

filling sand module attenuators meeting the gradation and moisture

content requirements specified by the manufacturer.

922.05. Temporary Guardrail

Use existing guardrail beam elements, posts, and guardrail approach

terminals for reconstructing guardrail if the Engineer determines that the

material is reusable in its present condition. If existing material is not

reusable, provide new guardrail panels, posts, bolts, reflectorized washers,

and other fittings.

Provide new guardrail beam elements and associated hardware and posts

meeting the requirements of sections 908 and 912. Provide new guardrail

posts of the same type as existing posts.

922.06. Temporary Pavement Markings

Temporary pavement markings consist of painted lines, pavement marking

tape, and temporary raised pavement markers (TRPMs).

A. Pavement Marking Materials. Select paint, preformed tape, and TRPMs

from the Qualified Products List.

1. Pavement Marking, Wet Reflective, Type R. Provide wet reflective

Type R temporary pavement marking as preformed tape. Select wet

reflective Type R markings from the Qualified Products List (922.06A).

Apply and remove preformed tape in accordance with the


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 922


manufacturer’s instructions. The tape must remain flexible and

conform to the texture of the pavement surface during use.

2. Pavement Marking, Wet Reflective, Type NR Paint. Provide wet

reflective Type NR temporary pavement markings as paint

reflectorized with a wet reflective optic system recommended by the

manufacturer and as approved by the Engineer, as required.

a. Wet Night Retroreflective Optics. Select wet reflective (WR)

optics from the Qualified Products List or a Department-approved

alternative that meets or exceeds the requirements in Table 922-1.

Table 922-1 Temporary Wet Reflective Type NR Pavement Markings:

Average Initial Retroreflectivity at 30-meter Geometry in mcd/lux/sq m with Flow of Placement

Test Method


White Yellow

Dry (ASTM E1710) 700 500

Wet recovery (ASTM E2177) 250 200

Wet continuous (ASTM E2832) 100 75

Ship the material to the job site or Contractor’s yard in sturdy

containers marked in accordance with subsection 920.01.A.

Select glass beads for corresponding materials in accordance to

subsection 920.02.

Submit to the Engineer prior to the start of work a general

certification from the manufacturer that when the glass beads and

optics are applied according to the construction methods herein,

they will meet the minimum requirements shown in Table 922-1.

b. Binder Material for Temporary Wet Reflective Type NR

Pavement Markings. Select the liquid applied pavement marking

from one of the following materials from the Qualified Products List

to use as a binder for the WR optics or as an alternative as

approved by the Engineer:

811.03D1 Waterborne, Liquid Pavement Marking Material

811.03D2 Low Temperature Waterborne, Liquid Pavement Marking


811.03D3 Regular Dry Paint, Liquid Pavement Marking Material

3. Pavement Marking, Wet Reflective, Type NR Tape. Provide wet

reflective Type NR temporary pavement markings as preformed tape.

The tape must remain flexible and conform to the texture of the


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 922


pavement surface during use. Select wet reflective Type NR tape from

the Qualified Products List (922.06A).

B. Temporary Raised Pavement Markers (TRPMs). Select TRPMs from

the Qualified Products List. Provide TRPMs reflectorized on one or both

sides, depending on exposure to one-way or two-way traffic. Install

TRPMs using the manufacturer’s recommended adhesive and in

accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

1. TRPM Type 1. TRPM Type 1 consists of a flexible retroreflective strip

with a protective removable plastic shield that the Contractor may use

as a temporary pavement marking on an HMA pavement surface

before applying chip seal.

2. TRPM Type 3. TRPM Type 3 consists of a solid plastic device with a

retroreflective face surface that the Contractor may use as a durable

temporary pavement marking.

C. Pavement Marking Cover. Select the pavement marking cover from the

Qualified Products List. Preformed polymer tape pavement marking

covers must have a black non-reflective matte finish. In addition to the

requirements of subsection 922.06.A.1, pavement marking cover tape

must meet the following requirements and characteristics:

1. Be 6 inches wide;

2. Be at least 0.04 inch thick, not including adhesive;

3. Be pre-coated with a pressure-sensitive adhesive capable of adhering

to existing markings;

4. Contain no metallic foil;

5. Consist of a mixture of high-quality polymeric material, pigments, and

inorganic fillers distributed throughout the base cross-sectional area

with a black non-reflective matte finish top layer with non-skid


6. Provide an initial average surface skid resistance value of 60 BPN

when tested in accordance with ASTM E303;

7. Remain in usable condition for 1 year after the receipt date when

stored in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations; and

8. Be manually removable in large pieces at temperatures greater than

40F without using heat, solvents, grinding, or blasting.

Ensure that the tape, when applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s

recommendations, provides a neat, durable masking that does not flow or

distort on a stable pavement surface due to high temperature. Provide


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 922


weather-resistant film capable of withstanding normal traffic wear without

lifting, shrinking, tearing, rollback, or other signs of poor adhesion.

Incorporate a non-metallic medium to facilitate removal.

922.07. Lighting Devices

A. Lighted Arrow, Types B and C. Lighted arrows for traffic control in work

zones consist of a lighted arrow panel, controller, and a power supply

mounted on a heavy-duty trailer.

1. Lighted Arrow Panel. Lighted arrow panels must have a flat black

non-reflective surface and lights on the back to indicate the message

mode that is in operation.

Type B panels must be at least 30 inches high by 60 inches wide and

be equipped with 13 LED amber lights. Type C panels must be at least

48 inches high by 96 inches wide and be equipped with 15 LED amber

lights. Program lights to present the following flashing message


a. Left arrow;

b. Right arrow;

c. Double arrow; and

d. Caution.

2. Controller. Lighted arrows must have a photoelectrical control circuit

that automatically adjusts the lamp intensity to ambient light conditions

and with no manual override. An automatic intensity control that keeps

the lamps at constant brightness when the battery is low is required.

3. Power Supply. Lighted arrows must have a solar power supply with a

battery backup and a built-in 110 VAC battery charger. When fully

charged, the arrow panel must be capable of operating for 20 days in

single arrow mode with the photocell covered.

4. Legibility. The arrow panel must have an average legibility of 1 mile

and must be legible from ½ mile if viewed 10 degrees from center.

Ensure that installed arrow panels meet the legibility requirements of

subsection 812.03.D.8.

5. Trailer. The trailer and trailer components, with the exception of the

sign panel, must be painted in highway orange. Delineate the trailer

with a 2- by 36-inch strip, or an equivalent area, of reflectorized red

and white conspicuity tape, installed on each of the four sides of the

trailer. Locate these strips at each corner of the trailer.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 922


B. Warning Lights. Provide warning lights with LEDs. Type A, Type B, and

Type C warning lights must meet the requirements in ITE’s Purchase

Specification for Flashing and Steady Burn Warning Lights. Lights must

be battery or solar powered. Provide the following types of warning lights

as required:

1. Type A: Low-intensity flashing warning light with a yellow lens.

2. Type B: High-intensity flashing warning light with a yellow lens and a

visor to shield the lens from overhead sunlight.

3. Type C: Steady burn warning light with a yellow lens.

4. Type D: 360-degree steady burn warning light with a yellow lens.

Lenses for Type D lights must be visible for 360 degrees, and the LED

light source must emit light equally for 360 degrees. The LED light

source must sustain constant brightness, evenly distributed

throughout the lens until unable to maintain the intensity requirements

specified in subsection 812.03.G.6.

C. Portable Changeable Message Signs. A portable changeable message

sign (PCMS) consists of a message board with an LED display, controller,

solar/battery equipment, and power supply mounted on a heavy-duty

towable trailer. The materials, equipment, and components of the PCMS

must be commercial off-the-shelf products. Provide PCMS meeting the


1. Message Board. The PCMS message board must meet the following


a. Measures at least 75 inches high by 114 inches long and be

capable of displaying at least three lines of text and at least

eight characters on each line. The display may be a line-matrix or

character-matrix design;

b. Is disk matrix, LED, or disk matrix and LED capable of displaying

three message lines with a character height of 18 inches,

eight characters per line, and a pixel matrix that is 5 pixels wide

and 7 pixels high;

c. Provides spacing between characters at least twice the element

stroke width;

d. Is pre-loaded with at least an 18-inch standard font;

e. The PCMS displays:

All uppercase letters;

Up to three lines of text per sign; and


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 922


All numerals 0 to 9.

f. Includes a photocell to regulate the internal lighting system. Disk

matrix PCMS must have fluorescent lighting at the top and bottom

of each message line. The PCMS must automatically adjust the

display brightness based on lighting conditions to maintain

legibility to motorists at all times.

g. Includes a sighting device to ensure required alignment.

h. Is rainproof and uses materials that resist degradation due to

exposure to UV light.

i. LED PCMS must have forced-air ventilation and filtered inlets to

maintain the interior temperature within temperature limits for


j. When displaying 18-inch characters, the display is legible between

distances of 200 to 1,000 feet, with a 20-degree LED viewing

angle for both day and night operations. All 20-degree LEDs have

a nominal viewing cone angle of 20 degrees with a half-power

angle of 10 degrees measured from the longitudinal axis of the


2. Controller. PCMS controllers must be equipped with the following:

a. Micro-processor-based unit with a storage capacity of at least

50 preprogrammed messages;

b. Non-volatile memory capable of retaining the messages during a

non-power period;

c. Password security feature to prevent unauthorized use;

d. Message display capable of displaying a variable message at a

rate of 0.25-second increments or correlated to 0.25-second

increments; and

e. Message display panel showing the message on the sign or

created on the keyboard and capable of giving the operator

programming instructions.

3. Electrical/Electronics. Control cabinet for PCMS must be equipped

with the following:

a. Lockable door and an interior light for night operations.

b. Ventilated cabinet with screen covering on the vents to prevent

damage from insects.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 922


c. NEC 400-10 and NEC 400-14 compliant connections to control

cabinets and sign board.

d. IMSA Wiring and Cable Specifications 20-1, 20-2, 20-5, and 20-6

compliant external electrical wiring.

e. Shock-mounted sign electronics to reduce vibration. Provide shock

mountings in the circuit designs, mechanical supports for drive

transistors, and in the type of conformal coating.

f. Printed circuit boards mounted with spring-load tension screws for

ease of access and removal.

4. Power Supply. Power supply to the PCMS must be a

maintenance-free battery with one of the following backup systems:

a. Generator with electric start capable of continuous operation

without refueling for 72 hours;

b. Solar with a built-in 115 VAC battery charger capable of displaying

a message for a minimum of 18 consecutive days without sun in

16°F weather conditions.

c. The power source is able to continuously display a message of at

least 24 characters, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, for the

duration that the PCMS is deployed in the field.

5. Trailer

a. The PCMS trailer must be painted highway orange.

b. Delineate the trailer with a 2- by 36-inch strip, or equivalent area,

of reflectorized red and white conspicuity tape, installed on each of

the four sides of the trailer. Locate the strips at each corner of the


c. The trailer must conform to the Michigan Vehicle Code with a

nonskid upper surface.

d. The PCMS must be mounted to the trailer with a message board

support that moves up and down and rotates 360 degrees and has

a safety bolt to prevent the message board from lowering once in

the raised position. The support must be equipped with a hydraulic

system that includes a manual pump with manual release for use

as a backup for the electric hydraulic pump.

e. The bottom of the sign panel must be at least 7 feet above the

roadway in urban areas and 5 feet above the roadway in rural

areas when in operating mode.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 922


922.08. Temporary Traffic Signals and Street Lighting

The Contractor may provide used material and equipment for temporary

traffic signals and street lighting with the Engineer’s approval. The Contractor

is responsible for the performance and maintenance of used material

throughout the life of the project.

922.09. Temporary Traffic Signals

Material for temporary traffic signals must meet the requirements of section

918 and section 921, the ITE LED Circular Signal Supplement, and the


922.10. Temporary Portable Traffic Signal System

Material for temporary portable traffic signal (PTS) systems must meet the

requirements of section 918 and section 921, the ITE LED Circular Signal

Supplement, and the MMUTCD.

A. Trailer. PTS trailer must be self-contained and meet the following


1. Consist of a vertical upright and horizontal mast arm to accommodate

two 12-inch overhead traffic signal heads, mounted at the same

height, and capable of providing at least 16 feet of clearance;

2. Allow at least one signal head on the horizontal mast to be placed

over the traffic lane;

3. Conform to the wind load requirements specified by AASHTO’s

Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs,

Luminaires, and Traffic Signals with all equipment mounted without

the need for additional ballast;

4. Allow for transporting two signal trailers with one vehicle;

5. Have adequate structural integrity to allow for lifting and placing the

PTS trailer, as required.

6. Conform to the Michigan Vehicle Code;

7. Be equipped with four stabilizing and leveling jacks, one on each

corner of the trailer; and

8. Be delineated with a 2- by 36-inch strip, or an equivalent area, of

reflectorized red and white conspicuity tape, installed on each of the

four sides of the trailer. Locate the strips at each corner of the trailer.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 922


B. Traffic Signal Heads/Display Requirements. The PTS system must

meet the following requirements:

1. Conform to the physical display and operational requirements of

conventional traffic signals, as specified in Part IV of the MMUTCD,

ITE LED Circular Signal Supplement, and NEMA TS-5 standards;

2. Be equipped with two overhead, 12-inch, LED traffic signal heads with

visors that extend beyond the signal head at least 10 inches;

3. Be equipped with traffic signal heads that can accommodate back

plates and that rotate horizontally 180 degrees; and

4. Provide traffic signal head clearance height of at least 16 feet,

measured from the bottom of the green signal housing or signal back

plate, whichever is lower, to the road surface.

C. Power Requirements. Each PTS trailer must be equipped with batteries

capable of operating the traffic signal system for at least 21 days at 72°F

without charging. Provide a charging system that includes at least

450 watts of solar collection capability, an onboard battery charger for use

with a 110-volt power source, and an onboard monitoring system capable

of regulating and providing a visual display of the battery voltage and

solar input.

The PTS system must be fully operable if connected to a 110-volt power


D. PTS Operational Requirements. The PTS must have an operating

system that includes a conflict monitoring system that conforms to NEMA

TS-5 standards and is capable of operating in a fixed-time,

traffic-actuated, or manual control mode. The fixed-time mode operation

option must be capable of providing at least five automatic traffic signal

timing changes in a 24-hour period. The traffic-actuation mode option

must allow minimum and maximum green time programming to extend

the green times in predetermined programmable segments.

In addition, the PTS operating system must meet the following


1. Control at least seven traffic phases and include programmable green

times from 3 seconds to 250 seconds and red times from 1 second to

250 seconds in 1-second increments;

2. Facilitate standby modes of red, red flash, and yellow flash;

3. Capable of interfacing with a remote monitoring system that reports

signal location, battery voltage, and system default. Ensure that the


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 922


monitoring system is not limited to cellular phone coverage areas and

remains operational regardless of location;

4. Can accommodate a pre-emption system with optical activation that

provides a priority green phase in the direction of equipped

approaching emergency vehicles;

5. Allows for connect and control of the PTS by a standard NEMA-type


6. Be equipped with diagnostic capabilities in the event of a system

failure and can identify the failure to expedite return to full operational

mode; and

7. Has an integrated mechanism capable of recording system

malfunctions and providing a printout of this record that must be kept

with the PTS, including the following:

a. Date and time of system failure;

b. Service and maintenance performed;

c. Description of the equipment serviced and why the service was


d. Repairs made to the unit; and

e. Past operational history of the unit.

E. Actuation Requirements. PTS system must have traffic-actuation

capabilities that include microwave motion sensors, video detection, and

in-pavement loops. The PTS system must be capable of operating with a

motion and true-presence actuation system.

F. Communication Requirements. Equip the PTS system to communicate

via hardwire connection or wireless radio link communication. If using the

hardwire communication, do not obstruct vehicular and pedestrian traffic

or intrude into the work area while deploying the communication cable. If

using the radio link communication option, ensure that the radio system

conforms to FCC requirements and applicable state and local


G. Default Requirements. Program the PTS system to revert to a red, red

flash, or yellow flash mode upon system failure. Set the default setting to

red flash or a preprogrammed operating mode to ensure safety in the

work zone. Upon failure, ensure that the PTS system can notify

Contractor personnel via the remote monitoring system.


MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 922


922.11. Traffic Regulator Equipment

A. Stop/Slow and Stop/Stop Sign Paddle. Equip traffic regulators with a

stop/slow or stop/stop paddle meeting the MMUTCD. Do not use red flags

except in case of emergencies.

B. Traffic Regulator’s High-Visibility Safety Apparel. Traffic regulators

must wear high-visibility safety apparel as specified in the MMUTCD.

C. Traffic Regulator Apparel. Ensure that traffic regulators wear head, eye,

and foot protection as specified in the provisions of Construction Safety

Standard, Part 6, “Personal Protective Equipment” (Michigan

Administrative Code, R408.40601 et seq.).

D. Two-Way Handheld Radio System. Provide a two-way handheld radio

system with power to send and receive signals over the length of the

intended flagging operations. Provide a backup system on standby,

readily available to the regulators. The handheld radio system must not be

attached to a vehicle.

922.12. Miscellaneous

A. Dust Palliative. Calcium chloride (CaCl2) dust palliative in solid or liquid

form must conform to the requirements of ASTM D98 except as modified

by this subsection.

Solid-form CaCl2 must have a minimum concentration of 77% CaCl2 with

100% passing the ⅜-inch sieve and from 0 to 5% passing the No. 30


Liquid-form CaCl2 must be a solution with a concentration of 33, 35, or

38% CaCl2.

Provide two copies of a report, with each load, that includes the following


1. Volume in gallons or weight of solution delivered or the weight of

solids delivered;

2. Concentration of solids or solution delivered, expressed as the percent

of CaCl2;

3. Equivalent tons of CaCl2 determined for the concentration shown on

the delivery report in accordance with Table 922-2; and

4. Copy of manufacturer’s certification that the CaCl2 conforms to this



MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Section 922


Table 922-2: Equivalent Weight of Calcium Chloride


Pounds of Calcium Chloride

Per Gallon of Solution

Per Pound of Solution or Solids

33% 3.7 0.33

35% 3.9 0.35

38% 4.4 0.38

77% N/A 0.77

If the manufacturer’s certification indicates that a solution does not

conform to the concentration stated on the report, the Engineer will use

the value from Table 922-2 for the next lower concentration to which the

solution conforms to calculate the equivalent weight of CaCl2.

If the manufacturer’s certification indicates that a solution has a

concentration less than required for a 33% concentration or that a quantity

of solids has a concentration less than required for 77% concentration,

the Engineer will calculate the weight of equivalent CaCl2 using the

required concentration.

If manufacturer’s certification indicates a concentration of CaCl2 greater

than stated on the delivery report, the Engineer will calculate the weight of

equivalent CaCl2 using the concentration indicated on the report.



Section 923. Water Main Materials

923.01. General

Materials for water main work must meet the requirements of this section,

American Water Works Association (AWWA) specifications, and the

requirements of the water main owner (municipality).

923.02. Pipe

The Department considers lines 2 inches or less in diameter to be water

services, not water mains. Water service pipe must be Type K copper. The

minimum water service size is 1 inch.

Water main must be ductile iron pipe manufactured in accordance with

ANSI/AWWA C150/A21.50 and C151/A21.51.

Pipe must be lined with a standard thickness, cement-mortar lining sealed

with a bituminous seal coat in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4. The

outside of the pipe must be coated with the standard bituminous seal, and

each length of pipe must be marked with the following information:

A. Metal thickness class;

B. Net weight of the pipe without lining;

C. Nominal size; and

D. Manufacturer’s identifying symbol.

Provide “push on” joints. Provide gaskets meeting the requirements of AWWA

C111/A21.11. If shown on the plans, provide nitrile gaskets. For each joint,

provide two serrated, silicon-bronze, electrical continuity wedges or an

external conductor connection meeting the standards of the municipality.

Provide ductile iron pipe and fittings with the standard joint restraint system

required by the municipality.

Fittings, plugs, and gaskets for ductile iron pipe must meet the requirements

of AWWA/ANSI C110/A21.10, ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11, and ANSI/AWWA

C153/A21.53. Cement-mortar linings for fittings must meet the requirements

of ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4.

923.03. Gate Valves

Provide resilient wedge valves for use in water distribution systems with a

nominal diameter from 6 to 12 inches, rated for at least 200 psi. Valves must

meet the requirements of AWWA C509.



Provide valves with the end types shown on the plans, or conforming to the

conditions encountered on the project, as necessary to complete installation.

Provide manually operated valves with non-rising stems and provide a

standard AWWA square operating nut of the municipality’s standard size.

923.04. Valve Boxes and Curb Boxes

Valve boxes and curb boxes must be made of cast iron, conforming to the

requirements of ASTM A48/A48M for Class 30B and AASHTO M 306. Each

box must be a screw type and consist of five sections: base, center,

extension, top, and cover. The cover must be marked “Water.”

923.05. Tapping Valves

Tapping valves must include a gate valve meeting the requirements of AWWA

C509 and a tapping sleeve allowing a wet tap. Size the valve body and seat

opening to accommodate the tapping machine cutters. The tapping sleeve

must be compatible with the existing pipe material.

923.06. Corporation Stops and Curb Stops

Corporation stops and curb stops must meet the requirements of AWWA


923.07. Service Saddles

Provide solid stainless steel service saddles with a single bolt band.

923.08. Fire Hydrants

Provide municipality-standard fire hydrants.

923.09. Polyethylene Encasement

PE encasement must be manufactured using 8-mil-thick virgin PE in

accordance with ASTM D1248.

Provide the tube size recommended by the manufacturer to protect the pipe

and fitting sizes.

Provide adhesive tape for the PE tube as recommended by the manufacturer.

Tape for repairing damage to the PE must have a life expectancy equal to the

life expectancy of the PE.

923.10. Casing Chocks

Provide casing chocks or wooden skids in accordance with the requirements

of the municipality.