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Dima Todorova Lilavois 917.407.9242 / [email protected] interaction designer, information architect, communication strategist
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Page 1: Dima Todorova-Lilavois: Recent Work

Dima  Todorova  Lilavois  

917.407.9242    /    [email protected]  

interaction designer, information architect, communication strategist

Page 2: Dima Todorova-Lilavois: Recent Work

My  approach  to  experience  design  and  strategy  is                user-­‐centered,                itera>ve,                                    grounded  in  research,  tes>ng  and  metrics,  and                flexible.  I  believe  in  carefully  selec8ng  and  adap8ng  methodology  and  approach  to  suit  the  individual  project’s  requirements,  8me  parameters  and  budget.    

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Draw it out

It all comes together: implementation

•    create  sitemaps  •    create  wireframes  •    dra?  func8onal  requirements  •    test  prototypes  •    dra?  content  requirements  •    visual  design  

•  tech  requirements  •  implementa8on  

Define the goal and message •  gather  requirements  •  dis8ll  key  messages    

•  audit  current  content  •  review  web  analy8cs  

•  review  compe8tors  •  conduct  heuris8c  analysis  

Explore the possibilities •  create  user  scenarios  •  create  personas  •  explore  interac8on  models  •  test  early  prototypes  

Beyond the launch: ensuring success •  training  •  metrics  •  tes8ng  •  improving  



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artmobile  About  this  project:  a  concept  for  a  handheld  app  that  delivers  ac8vi8es  for  elementary  school  children  to  explore,  create  and  share  informa8on  about  famous  portraits.  The  personas  displayed  here  were  used  to  inform  design  direc8on  and  choices.  

My  involvement:  •   concept  design    •   naviga8on  flow  •   audience  research/personas  •   interface  design  



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About  this  project:  a  handheld  app  that  delivers  ac8vi8es  for  elementary  school  children  to  explore,  create  and  share  informa8on  about  famous  portraits.  

My  involvement:  -­‐   concept  design    -­‐   naviga8on  flow      -­‐   interface  design  

artmobile:  screen  designs  

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Redesign  of  the  NYU  Arts  &  Science  Schools  Websites  

About  the  project:    A  large  scale  project  encompassing  the  redesign  of  4  school-­‐level  sites.  In  the  first  phase,  three  key  messages  were  constructed  with  the  help  of  cardsor8ng  exercises.  The  key  messages,  paired  with  web  analy8cs  and  user  research  guided  the  first  phase  of  the  redesign,  emphasizing  redefined  informa8on  architecture,  user  experience,  and  visual  design  of  the  umbrella  Arts  &  Science  site.  

My  involvement:  •   project  requirements  •   messaging  and  strategy  •   informa8on  architecture  •   interac8on  design  •   project  management  

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The  old  homepage  was  outdated  and  had    become  a  repository  of  links.  During  ini8al  interviews  with  internal  and  external  users  it  also  became  apparent  that  there  is  a  need  to  clarify  and  establish  what  NYU  Arts  &  Science  is  to  the  larger  internal  and  external  community  (as  comprising  of  the  College,  Graduate  School  and  Liberal  Studies).  

The  new  homepage  was  guided  by  the  need  to  clarify  and  establish  a  presence  for  Arts  &  Science.  The  design  was  further  guided  by  three  key  messages  which  we  defined  with  the  leadership  team  through  a  series  of  messaging  exercises.  

old  homepage  

new  homepage  

Redesign  of  the  NYU  Arts  &  Science  Schools  Websites  (con>nued)  

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Through  web  analy8cs  we  determined  that  the  Departments  and  Programs  page  is  the  most  visited  page  and  the  second  ranked  entry  point  to  the  website,  a?er  the  homepage.  

A  tabbed  layout  allowed  for  users  to  quickly  scan  and  find  the  desired  program  from  the  A-­‐Z  lis8ngs  or  browse  programs  by  area  of  studies.  

My  involvement:  •   user  research  •   metrics  analysis    •   low  and  high  fidelity  wireframes  •   guerilla  style  user  tes8ng    

High  fidelity  wireframe  that  was  used  for  implementa8on  

Early  stage  wireframe  of  tabbed  design  

NYU  Arts  &  Science  Landing  Pages:  Department  and  Program  Page  

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One  of  the  challenges  with  the  old  "Policies  and  Procedures  page  was  that  it  was  not  used  by  administrators.  In  fact,  they  relied  almost  en8rely  on  email  to  distribute  links  to  the  appropriate  webpages.  

The  newly  defined  Administra8ve  Resources  portal  simplified  the  structure,  eliminated  unnecessary  content  and  emphasized  ease  of  naviga8on  and  findability,  increasing  the  use  of  these  pages  by  the  internal  community.  

My  involvement:  

•   user  research  •   metrics  analysis    •   low  and  high  fidelity  wireframe  •   guerilla  style  user  tes8ng    

High  fidelity  wireframe  that  was  used  for  implementa8on  

Early  stage  wireframe  detail  

NYU  Arts  &  Science  Landing  Pages:  Administra>ve  Resources  Page  

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About  this  project:  A  detailed  content  audit  is  the  first  step  to  understanding  the  scope  of  exis8ng  content.  In  this  case  the  content  audit  was  augmented  with  web  stats  to  inform  and  redefine  informa8on  architecture.  

Content  inventory  for  the  NYU  College  of  Arts  &  Science  Website  

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Examples  of  a  few  of  the  NYU  Arts  &  Science  school  and  departmental  sites  I  have  worked  on:  

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NYU  Glucksman  Ireland  House  Redesign   About  the  project:    

Ini8al  interviews,  and  site  analy8cs  were  used  to  define  the  design  direc8on.  The  needs  of  the  two  dis8nct  audiences,  an  academic  community  encompassing  students  and  researchers  and  the  Irish-­‐American  community  in  New  York,  guided  the    content  and  the  design  features.    

The  goal  was  to  create  a  dynamic  website  that  u8lizes  exis8ng  resources  and  is  easy  to  maintain  over  8me,  yet  portrays  a  lively  and  vibrant  community.  

My  involvement:  •   project  requirements  •   informa8on  architecture  •   interac8on  design  

•   content  guidelines  •   project  management  

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History  Module  for  High-­‐school  Students  

My  involvement:  •  instruc8onal    design            •  user  interface  design  

About  this  project:  A  web-­‐based  mul8media  pla^orm  designed  to  complement  in-­‐class  instruc8on  by  allowing  students  to  explore  and  visualize  the  rela8onship  between  world  history  events  and  immigra8on  pa_erns  in  the  USA.  

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917.407.9242  /  [email protected]  

I  am  passionate  about  crea>ng  user-­‐

centered,  impaceul,  efficient,  and  

easy-­‐to-­‐use  digital  solu>ons  and  

learning  environments  that  facilitate    

a  great  user-­‐experience.    

I  believe  in  carefully  selec8ng  and  

adap>ng  the  methodology  to  the  

individual  project’s  requirements,  

8me,  parameters  and  budget.  

I  believe  in  star8ng  with  content  first.  

And  in  cra?ing  digital  solu8ons  and  

instruc8onal  projects  that  are  scalable  

and  sustainable  over  8me.  I  take  a  

hands-­‐on  approach  and  I  readily  delve  

into  programming,  visual  design,  

content  or  produc>on  when  the  

project  requires  it.  


• design  interac8on  flows  and  UI  for  e-­‐learning  so?ware  

• create  wireframes,  mockups  and  prototypes  

•  Ini8ate  and  conduct    user  tes8ng  RECENTLY  

• completed  a  master’s  in  Digital  Media  Design  for  Learning  

•  focus  on  cogni8ve  &  learning  sciences,  games  for  learning  and  research  methods  


• directed  web  and  media  ini8a8ves  for  NYU  Arts  &  Science  

•    gathered  need  requirements,  defined  informa8on  architecture,  content  and  feature  guidelines,  interac8on  models  and  technical  specifica8ons    

•  led  a  small  team  of  a  designer  and  developers    

• designed  all  things  visual  for  interac8ve  and  tradi8onal  media  for  art,  cultural  and  non-­‐profit  clients.    

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Thank  you!  917.407.9242    /    [email protected]