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Determinants of High Affinity Ligand Binding to the Group III Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors Mark Naples A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Graduate Department of Phannacology University of Toronto O Copyright by Mark Naples 2001

Determinants High Affinity Ligand Binding to the Group III … · Soleymanlou, Gein Wong, Erica Rosemond, Dawn Kuang, and Xi-Ping Huang for making my stay in the lab enjoyable and

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Page 1: Determinants High Affinity Ligand Binding to the Group III … · Soleymanlou, Gein Wong, Erica Rosemond, Dawn Kuang, and Xi-Ping Huang for making my stay in the lab enjoyable and

Determinants of High Affinity Ligand Binding to the Group III Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors

Mark Naples

A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master of Science

Graduate Department of Phannacology University of Toronto

O Copyright by Mark Naples 2001

Page 2: Determinants High Affinity Ligand Binding to the Group III … · Soleymanlou, Gein Wong, Erica Rosemond, Dawn Kuang, and Xi-Ping Huang for making my stay in the lab enjoyable and

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Page 3: Determinants High Affinity Ligand Binding to the Group III … · Soleymanlou, Gein Wong, Erica Rosemond, Dawn Kuang, and Xi-Ping Huang for making my stay in the lab enjoyable and

Determinants of High Afanity Ligand Binding to the Group III M+tabotropfe GtutamateRtccptors

Mark Naples Master of Science 2001

Graduate Department of Pharmacology University of Toronto


Metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) comprise a family of G-protein-coupled

receptors (GPCRs) that modulate fast excitatory transmission in the marnmalian nervous

system. The initial purpose of my study was to compare the ligand-binding selectivity

profiles of the mGluR agonist [)H]L-AP~ and the novel radiolabeled antagonist ['HICPPG at

al1 eight rat mGluR subtypes expressed in transfected human embryonic kidney cells. My

results indicate that at low nanomolar concentrations, [ 3 ~ ] ~ - ~ ~ 4 labels mGluRs 4 and 8

while ['HICPPG is selective for mGluR8. The ability of [ 3 w ~ ~ ~ ~ to label a single mGluR

subtype demonstrates that this compound and its related phenylglycine derivatives are useful

for studying ligand recognition differences arnong the highly homologous group iII receptors.

Another goal of my study was to investigate the possibility that mutation of a conserved

amino acid residue in mGluR4 (R78A) promotes closure of this receptor. Subsequent

experirnents indicated that this mutation might instead interfere with receptor glycosylation.

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Firstly, 1 would like to thank my supervisor Dr. David Hampson for his guidance and

support over the course of my graduate studies. 1 have leamed a lot about research (and

everything 1 know about glutamate receptors) dunng the past two years and am grateful for

the opponunity to work in his lab. 1 would dso like to thank the members of my advisory

cornmittee, Drs. Susan George and Christine Bear, for their comments and suggestions on this


1 want to thank my family and fnends for their encouragement, especially my parents and

grandparents for their generosity whenever 1 ran out of money (which seemed to be often).

Thanks also to my CO-workers and fellow students: Guangming Han, Vanya Peltekova, Nima

Soleymanlou, Gein Wong, Erica Rosemond, Dawn Kuang, and Xi-Ping Huang for making

my stay in the lab enjoyable and relatively stress-free.

My work on this project was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and

an Ontario Graduate Scholarship.


Page 5: Determinants High Affinity Ligand Binding to the Group III … · Soleymanlou, Gein Wong, Erica Rosemond, Dawn Kuang, and Xi-Ping Huang for making my stay in the lab enjoyable and

Table of Contents

Abs trac t


Table of Contents

List of Abbreviations

List of Tables

List of Figures

List of Appendices


1.1 Glutamate and its Target Receptors

1.2 Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors

(a) Structural Characteristics

(b) Functional Properties

1.3 Synaptic Locdization and Regional Distribution of Group III mGluRs

1.4 Regulation of Neurotransrnitter Release by Group III mGluRs

1.5 Group III Receptor Pharmacology

1.6 Therapeutic Potentid for Group III Receptor Ligands

1.7 Research Objectives and Rationale


2.1 Chetnicals and Reagents

2.2 Standard Procedures in Molecular Biology

(a) Bacterial Cultures and Transformations






Page 6: Determinants High Affinity Ligand Binding to the Group III … · Soleymanlou, Gein Wong, Erica Rosemond, Dawn Kuang, and Xi-Ping Huang for making my stay in the lab enjoyable and

(b) Preparation of Plasrnid DNA

(c) Restriction Endonuclease Digestion a d Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

(d) Gel Extraction and Ligation of DNA Fragments

2.3 Expression of Recombinant Roteins in Marnmalian Cells

(a) cDNA Expression Constructs

(b) Site-Directed Mutagenesis

(c) DNA Sequencing

(d) Culture and Transfection of Human Embryonic Kidney Cells

2.4 Membrane Preparation from Transfected Cells

2.5 Sodium Dodecylsulfate Polyacrylarnide Gel Electrophoresis and Immunoblotting

2.6 I~H]L-AP~ and [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ Binding Assays and Data Analysis

2.7 Deglycosylation of mGluR4 and mGluR4 R78A


3.1 Expression of Recombinant mGluRs in HEK-293 Cells

3.2 Radioligand Binding to mGluR-Expressing HEK Ce11 Membranes

3.3 Characterization of [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ as a High Affinity Robe for mGluR8

3.4 Effect of mGluR8 Point Mutations on Rotein Expression and Radioligand Binding

3.5 h u n o b l o t s of an mGluR4 Point Mutation, rnGluR4 R78A

3.5 Expression and Binding Roperties of the mGluR4 K 3 l7A and K3 17E Mutants

3.7 Deglycosylation of mGluR4 and mGluR4 R78A


4.1 Phamacological Profiles of the Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Ligands [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ 4 and [ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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4.2 Amino Acids Mediating High Affinity Ligand Binding to mGluR8 78

4.3 Characterization of an Immunoreactive Band Unique to mGluR4 R78A 81

4.4 Conclusions and Future Studies 87


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List of Abbreviations


















p 3





-amino-3- hydroxy-5-methy l-4-isoxazole propionate

baby hamster kidney

maximal number of binding sites

bovine semm albumin

cyclic adenosine monophosphate

ca2'sensing receptor

complementary DNA

Chinese hamster ovary

central nervous system

(R,S)-• -cyclopropyl-4-phosphonophenylglycine

half-maximal effective concentration

-aminobutyric acid

O-protein-coupled receptor

guanine-nucleotide-binding protein

hurnan embryonic kidney

ha1 f-maximal inhi bi tory concentration

ionotropic glutamate receptor

inositol- l,4,5-triphosphate

equilibrium dissociation constant

kilodal tons

equilibnum inhibition constant



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M r














(2s. 1 'S.2'S)-2-(carboxycyclopropyl)gIycine

leucine, isoleucine, valine binding protein



(R,S)-• -methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine

metabotropic glutamate receptor


relative rnolecular weight

messenger RNA

N-methy 1-D-aspartate

periplasmic binding protein

phosphate-buffered saline

polymerase chah reaction

protein kinase A

protein kinase C

phospholipase C

(R,S)4phos phonophenylglycine

sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylarnide gel electmphoresis

standard emor of the rnean

transmembrane domain


Page 10: Determinants High Affinity Ligand Binding to the Group III … · Soleymanlou, Gein Wong, Erica Rosemond, Dawn Kuang, and Xi-Ping Huang for making my stay in the lab enjoyable and

List of Tables

Tabie - Page

1. Comprehensive summary of radiolabeled probes available for studying mGIuRs 23

2. Cornpetition for [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ binding to mGluR8 by various metabotropic ((R,S)-MCPG) and ionotropic glutamate receptor ligands (AMPA, kainic acid, NMDA, ibotenic acid), and the glutamate uptake inhibitor L-trans-PDC 52

3. Inhibition constants for agonists and antagonists cornpeting at [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~

binding sites on mGluR8 56

4. Affinities of [ 3 ~ ] ~ - ~ ~ 4 and [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ for wild-type and mutant group III receptors 61

Page 11: Determinants High Affinity Ligand Binding to the Group III … · Soleymanlou, Gein Wong, Erica Rosemond, Dawn Kuang, and Xi-Ping Huang for making my stay in the lab enjoyable and

Lit of Figures

Figure Page

1. Phylogenetic tree displaying the sequence identity among selected mamrnalian family 3 GPCRs

2. Diagram of the proposed activation mechanism for mGluRs

3. Agonists and competitive antagonists acting at group IïI rnGluRs

4. Residues mediating glutamate binding to mGluRl and the group IU receptors mOluR4 and mGluR8

5. Irnmunoblots demonstrating expression of mGluR subtypes

6. Comparison of [ 3 ~ ] ~ - ~ ~ 4 and [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ binding to mGluRs

7. Time-courses for the association and dissociation of [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ to mGluR8 at 0°C

8. Cornpetition for [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ binding to mGluR8 by the agonists L-SOP, L-AP4, D-AP4, L-glutamate. and (R,S)-PPG and the competitive antagonists CPPG, and MPPO

9. Comparison of [ 3 ~ ] ~ - ~ ~ 4 and L~H]CPPG binding to a series of mGluR8 mutant receptors

10. Immunoblots of the mGluR4 R78A and mGIuR8 R75A mutants

1 1. Immunoblots showing the effects of PNGase F-mediated deglycosylation of mGluR4 and mGluR4 R78A

12. Comparison of expression levels and [ 3 ~ ] ~ - ~ ~ 4 binding to the mGIuR4 K317A and K3 17E mutants

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List of Appendices


1. Primary antibodies used in this study

2. Sensitivity of [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ binding to changes in pH

3. Analysis of binding results





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1.1 Glutamate and i ts Target Receptors

L-Glutamate is the primary excitatory neuromuismitter in the mammalian central

nervous system (CNS). Glutamate is released fiom presynaptic nerve teminals and exerts its

eflects via two distinct classes of receptors: the ionotropic glutamate recepton (iGluRs) and

the metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs). The iGluRs comprise a heterogeneous

family of glutamate-gated cation channels which have been subdivided into three broad

categones called the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), a-amino-3-hydroxy-S-rnethyl-4-

isoxazole propionate (AMPA), and kainate recepton (see Hol i rna~ and Heinemann, 1994;

Ozawa et al., 1998 for reviews). Most iGluRs are located on postsynaptic nerve teminals.

These receptors are found at the majority of synapses in the mammalian CNS and play a

fundamental role in fast excitatory transmission.

It was initially believed that the effects of glutamate were mediated solely by the activity

of iGluRs. Modulation of excitatory transmission (i.e. ce11 excitability) was thought to

involve activation of guanine-nucleotide-binding protein (G-protein) coupled receptors by

neuromodulators released fiom non-glutamatergic (extrinsic) afferents (e.g. acetylcholine,

serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephnne; Corn and Pin, 1997). The notion that control of

glutamatergic neurotransmission required extrinsic modulation was challenged in 1985, when

Sladeczek et al. observed that application of glutamate to striatal neurons stimulated the

production of inositol phosphates. Shortly thereafler, it was found that Xenopus oocytes

injected with rat cerebral messenger RNA (mRNA) exhibit an oscillatory Cl- current upon

glutamate application resulting from inositol- 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP+mediated intracellula.

ca2+ release (Sugiyama et al., 1987; Murphy and Miller, 1988). Consequently, the existence

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of a novel G-protein-coupled glutamate receptor was proposed. In 1991, the first mGluR

complementary DNA (cDNA) was cloned independently by two groups (Masu et al., 1991;

Houamed et al., 1991) using the same expression cloning technique pioneered by Hollmann et

al. in 1989 to clone the first iGluR cDNA. Since that time, seven other genes and several

splice vanants encoding mGl uRs have been isolated and charac terized. These receptors,

named mGluRl through mGluR8, have been subdivided into three groups based on sequence

homology, pharmacology, and signal transduction properties (Conn and Pin, 1997). Group 1

receptors (mGluR I and mGluR5) couple to phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis, whereas group 11

(mGluR2 and mGluR3) and group 111 receptors (mGluR4, mGluR6, mGluR7, and mGluR8)

are negatively coupled to adenylyl cyclase. Amino acid sequence identity within the receptor

groups is between 60-70%, but this percentage decreases to about 45% between groups (Fig.

1). Overall, there is little sequence homology between the mGluRs and iGluRs, with the

exception of two stretches in the amino(N)-terminal region of mGluRl (amino acids 2 15-352

and 453-597) that were noted by Masu et al. (1991) to exhibit low level homology with

cloned AMPA receptor subunits. This homology may reflect conserveci sequences within the

ligand-binding domain of the two glutamate receptor classes. The structural features and

functional properties of mGluRs are reviewed in further detail below with emphasis on the

group III receptors.

The heterogeneity and ubiquitous distribution of glutamate receptors within the CNS

underlies the ability of glutamate to influence a variety of neuronal processes. In addition to

mediating fast synaptic transmission, glutamate receptor activation has been implicated in the

neuronal changes involved in memory acquisition and learning. the formation of neural

networks during development, and the pathology of some neurodegenerative disorders (see

Nakanishi, 1992; Pin and Duvoisin, 1995; Corn and Pin, 1997; Ozawa et al., 1998 for

Page 15: Determinants High Affinity Ligand Binding to the Group III … · Soleymanlou, Gein Wong, Erica Rosemond, Dawn Kuang, and Xi-Ping Huang for making my stay in the lab enjoyable and

Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree displaying the sequence identity amoag selected mammalian

family 3 GPCRs. Metabotropic glutamate receptors share sequence homology with the CaR

and GABAe receptors. The division of mGluRs into three groups and the major signal

transduction pathway associated with each of these groups is shown.

PLC = phospholipase C

AC = adenylyl cyclase

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Transducticm pathway


O 20 40 60 80 100

Percent identity

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reviews). The discovery of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) activated in response to

glutamate provides a mechanism whereby glutamatergic synapses cm regulate or 'fine-tune'

their activity by influencing secondary messenger production.

1.2 Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors

(a) Structural Characteristics

All mammalien mGluR cDNAs cloned to date encode very large proteins ranging

in size fiom 87 1 to 1 199 amino acids. The general smicture of mGluRs is similar to other

GPCRs in that they possess an extracellular N-terminus and an intracellular carboxyl(C)-

terminal region separated by seven putative transmembrane domains (TMDs). Despite this

structural resemblance, mGtuRs do not exhibit any sequence similarity with either the

rhodopsin-like GPCRs (family 1, e.g. adrenergic recepton) or the large-peptide receptors

(family 2, e.g. glucagon receptors). As such, mGluRs represent a distinct family of GPCRs

(family 3) that includes the metabotropic y-aminobutyric acid receptors (GABABR), the ca2+-

sensing receptor (CaR) of the parathyroid, and the putative pheromone and taste receptors

(Kaupmann et al., 1997; Brown et al., 1993; Matsunami and Buck. 1997; Hoon et al., 1999).

Among the family 3 GPCRs, the CaR exhibits the highest degree of homoiogy with the

mGluRs (30% sequence identity; Brown et al., 1993), followed by the GABAB receptors at

-20% (Kaupmann et al., 1997; refer to Fig. 1).

The most stnking feature of the family 3 GPCRs is the enormous size of their extracellular

N-terminal domains (-550 amino acids for the mGluRs) compared to other GPCRs.

Functional and phartnacological analysis of mGluR2ll (Takahashi et al., 1993), mGluR4/ 1

(Tones et al., 1995), and mGluR3/1 (Wroblewska et al., 1997) chimeras in which the N-

terminal domains were swapped indicate that this large extracellular region is involved in the

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selective recognition of agonists and competitive antagonists. This is in contrast to family 1

GPCRs many of which bind ligands in a crevice formed by their transmernbrane helices. The

ensuing production of soluble proteins of mGluRI, mGluR4, and mGluR8 that encompass

most of the N-terminal region and retain binding of group selective ligands has provided

fbrther evidence that binding is mediated predominantly by this domain (Okamoto et al.,

1998; Han and Hampson, 1999; Peltekova et al., 2000). The large N-teminal regions of

GABAeRl and the CaR have likewise been shown to contain the primas, detenninants

required for ligand binding (Malitschek et al., 1999; Galvez et al., 1999; Hammerland et al.,

1 999).

In 1993, O'Hara et al. reporteci that the N-terminal domains of mGluRs share weak

sequence homology (-20%) with the extracellular domains of bacterial periplasmic binding

proteins (PBPs). PBPs mediate the high amnity transport of sugars, amino acids, and ions

into bacteriai cytoplasm. The crystal structures of many of the PBPs have been detennined.

By analogy with their three-dimensional structures, in particular the leucine, isoleucine, valine

binding protein (LIVBP) from Escherichia coli (E. coli), a homology model of the N-terminal

domain of mGluRl was constnicted (O'Hara et al., 1993). This model, coupled with results

from site-directed mutagenesis experiments, predicted that the amino acid residues important

for glutamate binding to mGluR1 are equivalent to the residues mediating amino acid binding

to LIVBP. The rccent crystallization of the N-terminal domain of mGluRl has validated the

model established by O'Hara et al. by confirming these interactions (Kunishima et al., 2000).

The conformation of the extracellular domain of mGluRs and the specific residues mediating

ligand binding to group III mGluRs will be discussed further in Section 1.7.

In addition to containing the ligand-binding region, the N-terminal domain and

extracellular loops of al1 eight mGluR subtypes also possess 19 conserved cysteine residues.

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The majority of these are clustered in a short stretch of amino acids located immediately

upstream of the first TMD (referred to as the cysteine-rich region). Consenation of these

residues in al1 members of the mGluR family suggests that they sente important roles in

stabilizing the three-dimensional structure of these receptors (Ozawa et al., 1998; Pin et al.,

1999). Moreover, it has been proposeci that the cysteine-rich region plays a fundamental role

in the receptor activation process (Conn and Pin, 1997; Pin et al., 1999) given that glutamate-

stirnulated phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis is highly sensitive to reducing agents (Vignes et

al., 1993). The current mGluR-activation hypothesis is that agonist binding induces and

stabilizes a conformational change in the receptor that is transmitted through the cysteine-rich

region to the hluismembrane domains. Subsequent movement of the TMDs is thought to

expose G-protein binding sites on the intracellular portion of the receptor (Fig. 2).

Coupling of G-proteins to mGluRs likely involves al1 four intracellular segments of the

receptor. The second intracellular loop (i2) has been shown to detemine O-protein coupling

specificity while the other intracellular loops and the C-terminal tail appear to control the

efficricy of coupling (Pin et al., 1 994; Gomeza et al., 1 996a). Evidence that the C-terminal tail

affects agonist potency cornes fiom the observation that naturally occumng splice variants of

mGluR 1 possessing truncated C-termini (mGluR 1 b and mGluR 1 c) decrease agonist potency

in a heterologous expression system (Flor et al., 1996).

In addition to influencing G-protein interactions, the C-terminal region has been implicated

in protein kinase C (pK)-dependent phosphorylation of the group 1 mGluRs (Alaluf et al.,

1995; Gereau and Heinemann, 1998) and observed to control coupling of these receptors to

the N-terminal domain of various Homer proteins (Brakeman et al., 1997; Kato et al., 1998;

Tu et al., 1998). Homer proteins contain an Ena-VASP homology (EVH 1) domain that

recognizes a proline-rich consensus sequence (PPxxFR) common to the group 1 mGluRs and

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Figure 2. Diagrim of the proposed activation mechanism for mGluRs. The upper panel -

is a simplified representation of mGluR structure. The large, bilobed extracellular amino-

teminal domain is analogous to those of PBPs. Based on the activation mechanism of these

bactenal proteins, it has been proposed that agonist binding within the clefi formed by the two

lobes of the receptor results in a large conformational change, trapping the ligand within this

domain. This is referred to as the Venus-flytrap' model. It is thought that the conformational

change associated with agonist binding is conveyed to the extracellular loops and TMDs via a

stretch of conserved cysteine residues. Subsequent movement of the TMDs could unmask G-

protein binding sites on the second intracellular loop of the receptor resulting in G-protein

activation (adapted fiom Pin et al., 1999).

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Transmembrane region

Intracellular loops and C-terminal tail

~ p & ein

Page 22: Determinants High Affinity Ligand Binding to the Group III … · Soleymanlou, Gein Wong, Erica Rosemond, Dawn Kuang, and Xi-Ping Huang for making my stay in the lab enjoyable and

the IP3 receptors. The majority of Homer proteins are constitutively expressed in postsynaptic

densities within the CNS with highest levels found at excitatory synapses. Of the Homer

proteins identified, three splice variants of Homerl (Homerla, Ib, and lc) have been

proposed to play an important role in mGluR signaling. With the exception of Homerla,

these proteins possess a C-terminal coiled-coi1 domain that mediates the formation of Homer

dimers (homomers and heteromers). Accordingly, Homer l b and Homer 1 c promote coupling

between group 1 mGluRs and the IP3 receptor while the inability of Homerla to dimerize

prevents this interaction (Tu et al., 1998; Fagni et al., 2000). Whereas phosphorylation of the

C-terminus of group I mGluRs mediates receptor desensitization, interactions with Homer

proteins can either facilitate (e.g. Homerlb or Homerlc) or hinder (e.g. Homer 1 a) coupling of

group I receptors to their downstream effectors (Le. IP3-meàiated ca2* release; Pin et al.,

1999). The potential importance of Homer la as an inhibitor of group 1 receptor fhction is

underscored by the observation that expression of this protein is induced following synaptic

stimulation (Brakeman et al., 1997; Kato et al., 1998). Although group III mGluRs do not

couple to Homer proteins, activation of PICC has been demonstrateci to disrupt the functional

response mediated by these receptors (Macek et al., 1999). Evidence also exists that protein

kinase A (PU)-induced phosphorylation of group II1 receptors can regulate their activity (De

Blasi et al., 2001).

Other studies have proposed that the C-terminal region may also be responsible for

targeting mGluRs to different intracellular compartments. For example, it has been shown

that specific targeting of mGluR7 to the active zone of presynaptic newe terminais is

controlled by its C-terminus (Stowell and Craig, 1999). The precise role of the C-terminal

regions of mGluR4 and mGluR8 remain to be elucidated. The existence of C-terminal splice

variants for both receptors (mGluR4a, mGluR4b, mGluR8a, mGluR8b) suggests an

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involvement in receptor trafficking a d o r desensitization (Thomsen et al., 1997; Corti et al.,

1998; De Blasi et al., 200 1 ).

(b) Funetional Properties

In heterologous expression systems, group 1 mGIuRs stimulate phospholipase C

(PLC) activity. The subsequent formation of IP3 prornotes ca2' release fiom intracellular

stores (Masu et al., 199 1; Abe et al., 1992; Aramon and Nakanishi, 1992). In most cases,

activation of group 1 receptors increases ce11 excitability by inhibiting K' channel activity, an

effect that may or may not be G-protein dependent. Evidence for a G-protein independent

signaling pathway mediated by mGluR 1 comes from a study demonstrating that an Src-family

tyrosine kinase is responsible for the production of excitatory postsynaptic currents at mossy

fibre synapses following mGluRl activation (Heuss et al., 1999). In ce11 lines, al1 other

mGluR subtypes (group II and group III receptors) are negatively coupled to adenylyl cyclase.

Inhibition of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (CAMP) production in response to activation of

these receptors is sensitive to pertussis toxin, suggesting that the G-proteins involved in this

signaling cascade belong to the Gi family (Conn and Pin, 1997). The ability of presynaptic

group IlA1I receptors to inhibit glutamate release is discussed in Section 1.4.

1.3 Synaptic Localization and Regional Distribution of Group III mCluRs

The ability of individual mGluR subtypes to regulate neurotransmitter release is

influenced by their synaptic localization (Ottersen and Landsend, 1997). A number of studies

have shown that group 1 mGluRs are located away fiom active zones (see Cartmell and

Schoepp, 2000 for review) and are generally restricted to postsynaptic teminals (Shigemoto

et al., 1997). The group II mGluRs exhibit both pre- and postsynaptic distributions but,

similar to the group 1 receptors, they seern to be concentrated towards the penphery of the

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synapse (Petralia et al., 1996). Shigemoto et al. (1997) demonstrated that mGluR2 -

immunoreactivity was located predominantly in presynaptic terminals of the hippocampus,

while others have shown mGluR3 to be highly expressed in glial cells (Ohishi et al., 1993b;

Mineff and Valtschanoff, 1999). The involvement of glial cells in glutamate uptake and

synthesis suggests an important role for mGluR3 in mediating these physiological processes.

Group III receptors in the brain (mGluR4, mGluR7, and mGluR8) appear to be located in or

near presynaptic active zones. Hippocarnpal immunoreactivity for mGluR7 reveals an

exclusive localization of this subtype at glutamatergic nerve terminals, whereas mGluR4 has

been localized presynaptically at both glutamatergic and non-glutarnatergic synapses (Bradley

et al., 1996; Mitchell and Silver, 2000; Semyenov and Kullman, 2000).

The diflerential localization of mGluRs within neuronal compartments likely explains the

differences in glutamate potency among receptor subtypes. Receptors located fùrther away

from synaptic active zones generally respond to lower concentrations of glutamate than do

those found at these regions. For example, glutamate exhibits a much higher potency at

mGluR4 (E& -3-20 PM) than mGluR7 (ECSo >500 PM; Conn and Pin, 1997). This

observation could explain the lack of mGluR7 immunostaining at non-glutamatergic synapses

as it is unlikely that 'spillover' glutamate could reach high enough concentrations to activate

this receptor subtype. The ability of group 111 mGluRs located at non-glutarnatergic synapses

(e.g. presynaptic heteroreceptors at GABAergic synapses) to influence the release of other

neurotransmitters will be discussed in Section 1.4.

In situ hybridization studies have revealed that rnRNAs coding for group III mGluRs are

widely distributed throughout both rat and human brains (Shigemoto et al., 1992; Ohishi et

al., 1993a,b, 1995a; Fotuhi et al., 1994; Saugstad et al., 1994) with the exception of mGluR6

mRNA, which is restricted to the imer nuclear layer of the retina (Nakajima et al., 1993). As

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wodd be expected, expression of mGluR6 is limited to this region (Ueda et al., 1997).

Immunocytochemical studies show mGluR4 expression to be highest in the cerebellum

(Kinoshita et al., 1996, Mateos et al., 1998). This finding is supported by evidence from an

autoradiographic study perfonned on mOluM knock-out mice using the group III selective

agonist [J~]~-2-amino-4-phosphonobutyrate (L-AP4). A significant decrease in [)H]L-AP~

binding was observed in the molecular layer of the cerebellum of mGluR4 knock-outs

compared to wild-type mice (Thomsen and Hampson, 1999). Moderate expression of

mGluR4a has also been observed in the hi ppocam pus ( predominantl y in the molecular layer

of the dentate gynis and the lateral pedorant path of the CA3 region), striatum, amygdala,

thalamus, olfactory bulb, and cortical areas (Risso-Bradley et al., 1996, 1999; Phillips et al.,

1997; Shigemoto et al. 1997). Highest levels of mGluR8 gene expression have bcen observed

in the pontine grey, olfactory bulb, and the lateral reticular nucleus of the thalamus. Overall,

the expression of mGluR8 shows considerable overlap with mGluR4, though levels of

mGluR8a mRNA appear to be lower than those of mGluR4a in the cerebral cortex,

hippocarnpus, and cerebellum (Duvoisin et al., 1995; Saugstad et al., 1997).

Studies on mGluR7 expression reveal that this is the most abundant group III receptor in

the CNS, with highest levels found in the olfactory bulb, hippocampus, and cerebral cortex.

In addition, low to moderate levels of mGluR7a immunoreactivity have been observed in the

amygdala, basal ganglia, thalamus, hypothalamus, superior colliculus, and the spinal cord

(Ohishi et al., 1995b; Phillips et al., 1998; Kosinski et al., 1999).

1.4 Regulrtion of Neurotransmitter Release by Croup III mGluRs

The presynaptic localization of group 111 mGluRs at excitatory synapses throughout

the CNS implies that these receptors play an important role in regulating neurotransmitter

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release. Accordingly, inhibition of neuroûansmission at glutamatergic synapses by L-AP4 (a

group 111 selective agonist) has been well characterized in several brain regions including the

hippocampal CA I region, media1 and lateral perforant paths of the dentate gynis, striahun,

and olfactory bulb (for a complete review see Cartmell and Schoepp, 2000). Although the

mechanisms underlying this inhibitory efiect are not fblly understood, evidence exists that

suppression of presynaptic voltage-dependent ~ a " channels is responsible for the reduction in

glutamate release observed following activation of group III receptors (see Ozawa et al.,

1998). Moreover, the finding that L-AP4-mediated inhibition of ca2' currents in

cerebrocortical neurons is independent of changes in CAMP levels suggests that activated G-

protein subunits can directly inhibit cal+ channel activity (Herrero et al., 1996). In addition to

exerting effects on glutamate release, activation of presynaptic mGluRs has been shown to

reduce GABA release and suppress inhibitory neurotransmission in several brain areas (Conn

and Pin, 1997; Semyanov and Kullmann, 2000). For exarnple, Schaflhauser et al. (1998)

showed that application of L-AP4 inhibits KCI-evoked ['HIGABA release in primary cortical

cell cultures.

A recent study by Mitchell and Silver (2000) demonstrated that low concentrations of

glutamate released fiom excitatory mossy fibres within the cerebellum ('spillover' glutamate)

inhibited GABA release fiom Golgi ce11 terminais, an effect that was blocked by treatment

with group WiII selective antagonists. This study established that heterosynaptic mGluRs

play a physiologically relevant role in inhibitory neurotransmission by allowing GABAergic

neurons to respond to the activity of neighbounng excitatory synapses. As well as inhibiting

GABAergic activity, L-AP4 treatment has k e n s h o w to suppress the release of various other

neurotransmitters, including dopamine (Hu et al., 1999), acetylcholine (Caramel0 et al.,

1999), and substance P (Cuesta et al., 1999), presumably through the activity of presynaptic

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mGluRs. Whether or not these functional interactions are mediated by heterosynaptic

mechanisms remains to be clari fied.

1 .S Croup III Reeeptor Pharmacology

This section will focus on the phamacology of the group III receptors with emphasis

on mGluRs 4 and 8. Attempts to characterize mGluR pharmacology have led to the synthesis

of several glutamate derivatives. As a result, the majority of ligands reported to exhibit

activity at mGluRs retain the glycine moiety and distal acidic fwictional group characteristic

of glutamate. Unfortunately, many of these compounds, though identified as being group

selective, are unable to discriminate between mGluR subtypes. Due to the widespread and

overlapping distributions of mGluRs within the CNS, the development of high affinity,

subtype selective compounds is cntical to a further understanding of the physiological roles

mediated by specific mGluR subtypes. Despite progress made in the identification of subtype

selective ligands over recent years, group III receptor phannacology remains relatively poorly

developed (for reviews see Pin and Duvoisin, 1995; Conn and Pin, 1997; Pin et al., 1999;

Schoepp et al., 1999). Phamacological profiles of mGluR subtypes have been characterized

using a variety of heterologous expression systerns including Xenopus oocytes, Chinese

hamster ovary (CHO) cells baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells and human embryonic kidney

(HEK) cells (Ozawa et al., 1998). The structures of selected agonists and competitive

antagonists acting at group 111 mGluRs and discussed below are depicted in Fig. 3.

A distinguishing characteristic of the group III receptors, with the exception of mGluR7, is

their sensitivity to the agonist L-AP4 (Conn and Pin 1997; Pin et al., 1999). Agonist

potencies at mGluR7 are vexy low, typically on the order of 100 to 1000 times lower than

potencies observed at mGluR4. For example, the agonists L-serine-O-phosphate (L-SOP;

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Figure 3. Agonigts and cornpetitive antagonists acting at group III mGluRs. -2 .

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ECn = 2-5 p M at mGluR4) and L-AP4 (ECSo = 0.4-1.2 pM at mGluM) are considerably less

potent at mGluR7 (ECSo > 160 pM and ECso = 160-500 PM, respectively; Conn and Pin,

1997). This may reflect the synaptic localization of mGluR7 compared to the other group III

receptors, as mentioned previously (Section 1.3). In general, the rank order of potency of

agonists acting at group III receptors is L-AP4 2 (R,S)-4-phosphonophenylglycine ((R,S)-

PPG) 2 L-SOP > (2S, 1 'S,2'S)-2-(carboxycyc1opropyl)glycine (L-CCG- 1) > L-glutamate >

1 S,3R- l -amino- l,3-cyclopentanedicarboxylate ( 1 S,3R-ACPD; Schoepp et al., 1999).

Radioligand binding studies perfonned on cloned mGluR4 and mGluR8 receptors expressed

in BHK and HEK cells have confirmed that this order of agonist potencies is reflective of the

relative ability of these compounds to displace [)H]L-AP~ binding (Eriksen and Thomsen,

1995; Hampson et al., 1999; Peltekova et al., 2000). In addition to being potent group III

agonists, LAP4 and L-SOP are among the most specific ligands for these receptors; both

compounds are inactive on other glutamate receptors at concentrations up to 1 m M (Pin et al,

1999; Schoepp et al., 1999). Interestingly, L-SOP is found at micromolar concentrations in

some brain regions (Klunk et al., 199 1 ). This observation, coupled with the selectivity of this

compound for group III receptors suggests that it may function as an endogenous

neurotransmi tter.

Substitution of the y-carboxyl group of L-glutamate with a phosphonate moiety appears to

underlie the selectivity of L-AP4 and L-SOP for the group III receptors. Consequently, other

phosphonate-containing compounds have been developed in the search for even more

selective group III agonists. These include (2)-cyclopropyl-AP4 (2-CPAP4), a

confonnationally constrained analog of L-AP4 equipotent to L-AP4 at mGluR4 (ECso = 580

nM; Kroona et al., 1991) and (R,S)-PPG, which has been shown to potently and selectively

activate human mGluR8 receptors (ECso = 0.2 PM; Gasparini et al., 1999).

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Cornpetitive antagonists for the group III receptors include a-methyl-L-AP4 (MAP4), an

L-AP4 analogue, and a-methyl-4-phosphonophenylglycine (MPPG), which also exhibits

antagonist activity at mGluR2 (Sane et al., 1995; Pin et al., 1999). (R,S)-a-Cyclopropyl-4-

phosphonophenylglycine (CPPG) has likewise been reported to antagonize group III receptors

(Toms et al., 1996), and a ment study on cloned mGluR subtypes indicates that this

compound exhibits selectivity towards mGluR8 at low nanomolar concentrations (Naples and

Hampson, 2001; refer to later sections for details). MPPG and CPPG, together with the

agonist (R,S)-PPG, belong to a class of phosphonophenylglycine derivatives that appear to be

particularly potent at group III mGluRs and which may have the potential to discnminate

between mGluR4 and mGluR8 (De Colle et al.. 2000; Naples and Hampson, 2001).

Non-cornpetitive agonists for mGluRl and mGluR5, named 7-

(hydroxyirnino)cyclopopa[b]chromcn-l acarboxylate ethyl ester (CPCCOEt) and 2-methyl-6-

(phenylethyny1)pyridine (MPEP), respectively, have recently been reported. These

compounds bear no structural resemblance to glutamate and appear to inhibit the mGluR

activation process via interactions with the TMD region rather than the N-teminal domain

(Hermans et al., 1998a; Litschig et al., 1999; Brauner-Osborne et al., 1999; Pagano et al.,

2000). The existence of similar compounds acting at allosteric sites on group III receptors has

not been reported.

1.6 Therapeutic Potential for Group III Receptor Ligands

At present, no drugs acting on glutamate receptors have been approved for clinical

use. Drugs acting on WMDA receptors have been the focus of research for many years as

numerous studies have demonstrated that antagonists of these receptors are neuroprotective in

animal models of focal ischernia. Unfortunately, clinical trials perfomed on a variety of

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NMDA antagonists for the treatrnent of stroke and other brain injuries have been unsuccessfÙ1

due to pronounced toxic side effects or a lack of efficacy (see Brauner-Osborne et al., 2000

for review). Although AMPA and kainate receptors have recently emerged as promising

therapeutic targets, the capability of mGluRs to 'fine-tune' neuronal activity rather than

completely shut down excitatory neurotransmission makes these recepton an attractive target

for drug design. Furthemore, the heterogeneous distribution of mGluR subtypes within the

CNS (compared to iOluRs) allows receptors mediating specific processes to be targeted by

selective agents. The ability of mGluRs to modulate excitatory neuromuismission has wide-

ranging implications for the treatment of a variety of pathological conditions including

ischemia, epilepsy, and some psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders (COM and Pin,

1997; Brauner-Osborne et al., 2000).

It is well established that glutamate can be toxic to neurons, particularly when supplies of

oxygen and glucose are restricted as occun following epileptic seinires or strokes (Greene

and Greenamyre, 1996). Over-stimulation of the glutamatergic system is the underlying

cause of neuronal injury, and may play a role in the progression of neurodegenerative

disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,

and Parkinson's disease. Consequently, it has been proposed that activation of presynaptic

mGluRs promotes neuroprotection by inhibiting glutamate release (Maiese et al., 1995;

Buisson et al., 1996; Nicoletti et al., 1996). Conversely, treatment with agonists acting at

group I receptors (postsynaptic) has been s h o w to potentiate excitotoxic damage (Bruno et

al., 1995).

The involvement of specific group III receptors in neuroprotection remains to be clarifieci,

though studies have show that L-AP4 treatrnent can reduce ce11 death following chernically

or physically induced neuronal injuries (Faden et al., 1997; Lafon-Cazal et al., 1999).

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Recently, Gasparini et al. ( 1999) demonstrated that the group III selective agonist (R,S)-PPG

protects cultured cortical neurons fiom NMDA-induced toxicity. A subsequent study on

mGluR4 knock-out mice with (R,S)-PPG revealed that selective activation of mGluR4 is

responsible for the neuroprotective effect of this compound (Bruno et al., 2000). In addition

to promoting neuroprotection, (R,S)-PPG has been shown to possess anticonvulsive properties

in vivo (Gasparini et al., 1999). This finding conesponds with previous studies demonstrating

that activation of group III mGluRs by L-AN or L-SOP can decrease the severity of epileptic

seinires (Tang et al., 1997; Abdul-Ghani et al., 1997). Collectively, these findings suggest

that group III mGluRs may constitute a target for the development of novel anticonvulsive

and/or neuroprotective agents.

1.7 Research Objectives and Rationale

Part 1 - Characterization of ['HICPPG, a novef radiolabeled antagonist

Until recently, the pharmacological characterization of mGIuRs has been hindered by

a lack of high affinity radiolabeled probes exhibiting selectivity for a single receptor subtype.

Exacerbating this problem is the fact that many of the radiolabeled and unlabeled mGluR

ligands have not been tested on a11 eight mGluR subtypes. Consequently, compounds that

have initially been reported to be subtype or group selective are often observed to exert effects

on other glutamate receptors at higher concentrations. For exarnple, the group II selective

antagonist [ ' ~ ] ~ ~ 3 4 1 4 9 5 (Johnson et al., 1999) has recently been shown to label ce11

membranes expressing recombinant group III recepton (Wright et al., 2000), albeit at 20 to

100-fold higher concentrations. Accordingly, to obtain a comprehensive pichire of receptor

selectivity it has become increasingly imperative to assess ligands across the spectrum of

mGluR subtypes.

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Several radiolabeled ligands have become available for studying mGluRs in ment years

(see Pin et al., 1999; Schoepp et al., 1999 for reviews). These are describeci in detail in Table

1. As of late 1999, [ 3 ~ ] ~ - ~ ~ 4 was the only radioligand suitable for studying the

pharmacological propertin of the group III receptors. However, the recent synthesis of

['HICPPG may provide investigators with another tool to characterize group III

pharmacology as the unlabeled fom of this drug has been reported to be a cornpetitive

antagonist of group III receptors at low micromolar concentrations (Toms et al., 1996; refer to

Section 1 S). Moreover, this drug belongs to a class of phenylglycine derivatives that appear

to exhibit selectivity for mGluR8 over mGluR4 (De Colle et al., 2000).

The fint objective of my study was to investigate the selectivity of two radioligands,

['HIL-AP~ and ['HICPPG, using al1 eight cloned rat mGluRs expressed individually in HEK-

293 cells. [)H]L-AP~ has previously been shown to label mGluR4 and rnGluR8 but has not

been tested on al1 eight receptor subtypes. ['HICPPG is a novel radioligand and,

consequently, the ability of this compound to bind to mGluRs has not been reported. Based

on studies performed using unlabeled CPPG, it was expected that this compound would

selectively label the group III mGluRs with the exception of mGluR7, which is a low affinity

L-AP4 receptor.

The discovery of additional subtype selective ligands is essential for elucidating the

physiological roles mediated by specific mG1uRs. Moreover, the availability of high affinity,

selective radioligands is fundamental to the pharrnacological chamterkation of receptor

subtypes. These compounds are necessary tools for binding-pocket studies and are required

for autoradiographic studies of receptor localization. Ultimately, the results of such

experiments can assist in the design of higher affinity subtype specific ligands.

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Table 1. Comprehensive summary of radiolabeled probes available for studying mGluRs.

Radioligand Reported Selectivity Amnity (K,)* References

Group II receptors

Group II receptors

Group II receptors

[3H]Quisqualk acid Group l receptors mGluRla = 27 nM mGluRSa = 81 nM

mGluR2 = 160 nM

mGluR2 = 20 nM mGluR3 = 53 nM

mGluR2 = 1.67 nM mGluR3 = 0.75 nM

Group III mcepton = 14-73 nM

[3H]L-AP4 mGluR4 and mGIuR8 mGluR4a = 44 t -504 nM mGluR8a = 866 nM

[3H]@utanute None

PH]CPPG mGIuR8 mGluRSa = 183 nM

Mutel et al., 2000; Okamoto et al., 1998

Cartmell et al., 1998; Mutel et al., 1998

Schweitzer et al., 2000; Schaffhauser et al., 1998

a Johnson et al., 1999; Wright et al., 2000

Enksen and Thomsen, 1995; Hampson et al., 1999; Peltekova et al., 2000

Naples and Hampson, 2001

* Affinities of radiolabeled compounds are from experiments performeà on cloned receptors expresseci in heterologous ce11 lines

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Part II - Examination of the ligand binding pocket of mGluR8

Based on the binding pocket model established by analogy with the LIVBP fiom E. d i ,

residues important for binding of glutamate receptor ligands to mGluR 1 have been identified

(O'Hara et al., 1993; see Section 1.2(a)). Of these residues, three in particular ser16',

and in mGluR1) were predicted to be essential for glutamate binding due to their

conservation in al1 eight members of the mGluR fmily. Moreover, the equivalent residues in

mGluR4 ( ~ r ~ ~ ~ , sertS9, ~ h r ' ~ ~ ) were anticipated to interact directly with mGluR ligands by a

model in which the glutamate analog L-SOP was 'docked' into the binding pocket of mGluR4

(Hampson et al., 1999). Subsequent mutagenesis and radioligand binding studies conducted

on mGluR4 using ['HIL-AP~ proposed that hydroxyl groups on the side chains of serIs9 and

~ h r " ~ form hydrogen bonds with the a-carboxyl and a-amino groups of glutamate ligands,

respectively, whereas ~r~~~ participates in an electrostatic interaction with ligand side chains

(Hampson et al., 1999). Recent publication of a homodimeric crystal structure of the N-

terminal domain of mGIuRl in complex with glutamate supports this hypothesis as the

analogous residues were shown to participate in these interactions (Kunishima et al., 2000;

see Fig. 4A). The crystal structure of mGluRl also validates the hypothesis that the primary

deteminants of glutamate binding are located within a hinge region separating the two

extracellular lobes of the receptor.

Expenments conducted in our laboratory have focused on determining the residues that

mediate high affinity binding of L-AP4 to mGluM. The objective of this part of my project

was to extend this analysis to rnGluR8. This receptor also binds ['HIL-AP~ with high affinity

(Peltekova et al., 2000) and is highly homologous to mGluR4 within the region of the binding

poc ket proposed

perfonned on a

to interact with ligand side chains (Fig. 48). Site-directed mutagenesis was

series of residues within this region and mutant rcceptors tested for their

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Figure 4. Residues mediating glutamate binding to mGluRl and the group III receptors .- -

mGluR4 and mGluR8. Panel A is a representation of the binding site of rnGluR1 in

complex with glutamate (from Kunishima et al., 2000). Colour is used to differentiate

between the two lobes of the receptor that comprise the ligand-binding site. Polar interactions

of glutamate with amino acid residues are denoted by dotted lines with distances (in A).

Circles indicate residues consewed among al1 eight mGluR subtypes and predicted to be

essential for glutamate binding. Note the proximity of ~ r ~ ' ' to ~r~~~~ in mGluR4) in

the closed form of the receptor.

Panel B shows a partial sequence alignment among mGluR1, mGluR4, and mGluR8

adapted fiom a multiple sequence alignment performed by Duvoisin et al. (1995). Amino

acid residues in rnGluRl interacting with the glutamate side chah ( ~ ~ r ' ~ and A%'') and the

analogous residues in mGluR4 and mGluR8 are shown in bold. Conserved residues among

al1 three receptors are boxed.

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ability to bind either ['HJL-AP~ or ['HJCPPG, which was characterized to be a high affinity

probe selective for mGluR8 as part of this thesis work (Naples and Hampson, 2001 ; see later

sections for details). Mutagenesis experiments were pided by a homology model of the

glutamate-binding site of mGluR4 and the resul ts of mGluR4 mutagenesis experiments

(Hampson et al, 1999; D. R. Hampson and V. Peltekova, unpublished observations). Despite

the high degree of sequence homology between mGluR4 and mGluR8 (-75%; Fig. 1 .), slight

differences in phamacology exist. The ability of [)H]CPPG to selectively label mGluR8 may

provide insight into the molecular basis for these differences and allow the detenninants of

agonist and antagonist binding to be difierentiated. Ultimately, the results of site-directed

mutagenesis expenments performed on mGluR8 c m be used to test and refine the molecular

model of the ligand-binding pocket.

Part III - Identification of residues involved in maintainina the open conformation of the

' Venus-flytap'

The impetus for this part of my project comes fiom the observation that a single point

mutation in mGluR4 (R78A) not only abolishes ['HIL-AP~ binding, but shows three distinct

bands when run on an SDS-PAGE gel. These include the expected immunoreactive bands at

relative molecular weights (Mr) of 100,000 and 200,000 representing monomeric and dimeric

forms of the receptor, respectively, and an additional lower band at approximately M, =

85,000 (Hampson et al., 1999). This lower molecular weight band has not been observed in

any of the other mGluR4 point mutations made to date (Hampson et al., 1999; D. R. Hampson

and V. Peltekova, unpublished observations). Furthemore, this band can be detected by

antibodies raised against both the N- and C-terminal ends of the protein suggesting that it is

not the product of receptor proteolysis. My goal in this project was to attempt to discern the

nature of this lower molecular weight band.

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The elucidation of the crystal structure for mGluR1 has lent support to the hypothesis that

mammalian mGluRs exist in two primary conformational states, the open and closed states.

This hypothesis was originally based on analogies with crystallized PBPs, but Kunishima et

al. (2000) were able to solve 'closed' crystal structures of mGluRl in both the presence and

absence of glutamate. A cornparison of the unliganded 'open' crystal structure, with the

glutamate-complexed 'closed' structure demonstrates that a significant conformational change

is associated with ligand binding. As mentioned previously, it is thought that the

conformational change induced by closure of the two lobes of the N-terminus is responsible

for transduction of the binding signal ('Venus-flytnip' model; see Fig. 2). Interestingly,

although both monomenc units of the dimeric receptor bind glutamate, only one monomenc

unit closes to trap the ligand. The significance of this is still unclear, but it is possible that the

orientation of monomeric units with respect to each other is the detemining factor for

receptor activation (De Blasi et al., 2001). Kunishima et al. (2000) concluded that mGluRs

exist in equilibnum between their open and closed foms and that glutamate binding stabilizes

the closed form of the receptor.

We proposed that the R78A point mutation in the glutamate-binding site of mGluR4

mimics agonist activation of the receptor. This, in turn, promotes closure of the 'Venus-

flytnip' causing a large perturbation in receptor structure. Experimentally, this perturbation

manifests itself as a shift to a lower molecular weight on an SDS-PAGE gel. Therefore, we

speculated that the band observed at MI = 85,000 when the mGluM R78A mutant is

subjected to SDS-PAGE represents a closed fom of mGluR4. The analogous point mutation

was made in mGluR8 to test this hypothesis.

Examination of the mGluRl crystal structure reveals that upon ligand binding and closure

of the two lobes, kg7' aligns itself across the binding pocket h m ~r~~~~ (Fig. 4A). Both of

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these positively charged residues make an electrostatic interaction with the negatively charged

glutamate side chain, stabilizing the closed fotm of the receptor. We hypothesize that the

mechanism of lobe closure is similar in mGluR4 and mGluR1. Specifically, we propose that

the repulsive force between these two positive charges is responsible for stabilizing the open

conformation of the receptor and that ligand occupation of these charges allows the 'Venus-

flytrap' to close. Alignment of mGluR4 with mGluRl reveals a lysine ( L ~ S " ~ ) at this

position. In fact, a positive charge (arginine or lysine) is conserved at this position in al1

mGluRs except for the group II receptors. If this semi-conserved positively charged residue is

indeed involved in 'holding' the receptor in an open conformation, we speculate that mutating

it should shift the equilibrium towards the closed form of the receptor. Accordingly, we

hypothesize that an mGluR4 mutant lacking this positive charge will not bind [)H]L-AP~ but

will display an additional lower molecular weight band when run on an SDS-PAGE gel

(similar to the R78A mutation).

The potential identification of residues that, when mutated, promote receptor closure

analogous to agonist binding will provide insight into the heretofore unknown activation

rnechanism of mGluRs.

In summary, my work in this thesis consists of three inter-related projects:

1. The characterization of a novel mGluR radioligand, ['HICPPG

2. Examination of the potential roles of selected residues in mediating the binding of ligands

to mGluR8

3. Investigation of the amino acids responsible for maintaining the open (unliganded)

conformation of group II1 mGluRs

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2.1 Chemicak and Reagents

Unless specified otherwise, al1 chemicals and reagents were putchased fiom BDH Inc.

or Sigma.

2 3 Standard Procedures in Molecular Biology

(a) Bacterial Cultures and Transformations

Al1 bactenal cultures were prepared by inoculating 3 ml of Luria-Bertani (LB)

medium ((wlv): 1.0% bacto-tryptone, 0.5% yeast extract, 1.0% NaCI; pH 7.0) with single

colonies of E. coIi grown on LB-agar plates (LB medium supplemented with 1.5% bacto-

agar). Liquid cultures were incubated for 14- 16 h at 37°C with constant shaking (225 rpm) in

a New Brunswick orbital shaker. Bacteria transformed with plasmids encoding ampicillin-

resistance genes were grown in LB media supplemented with ampicillin (100 pg/ml,

Boehringer Mannheim) to sustain selective pressure during the growth penod.

To prepare competent cells for transformations, a colony of DHSa E. coli (GibcoBRL) was

grown in LB media as described above. Afler the incubation period, 250 pl of this ovemight

culture was diluted into 25 ml of fresh LB media and grown with shaking at 37°C until

reaching an ODm of 0.3-0.4 (measured using a Beckman DU530 UVNis

Specttophotometer). The bacterial cells were harvested by centrifugation ( 1380 x g, 10 min,

4°C) and made competent using the calcium chioride method described by Sarnbrook and

Russell (2001). Transformations were perfonned by adding 200 pI of competent cells to

tubes containing between 1 and 10 ng of plasmid DNA. The cells were incubated on ice for

40 min, heat-shocked at 42°C for 2 min, and then cooled on ice for an additional 2 min. One

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ml of LE3 medium was added to the cells, and they were incubated with shaking at 37T for 1

h. Following this growth period, 50-300 pl of cells were spread ont0 LB-agar plates

containing 100 pg/ml ampicillin (to select for ampicillin-resistant transformants) and the

plates were incubated at 37OC for approximately 16 h.

(b) Preparation of Plasmid DNA

Ampicillin-resistant bactenal colonies were grown ovemight as described in

Section 2.2(a) and the cells were collected by centrifugation (3000 x g, 4-10 min). The

plasmid DNA was extracted fiom harvested cells using either the QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit

(small-scale) or the QIAGEN Plasmid Maxi Kit (large-scale) according to protocols descnbed

by the manufacturer (Qiagen). Large-scale preparations of plasmid DNA were performed

whenever multiple transfections of a single plasmid were required. Purified plasmid DNA

was suspended in 10 mM TrisCl (pH 8.5) and its concentration measured by UV

spectroscopy at a wavelength of 280 nrn. The A2000nso ratio was used as an indicator of the

purity of the plasmid preparation. Only plasmid DNA with an A280RM) ratio of 21.8 was used

for transfections (see Section 2.3(d)).

(c) Restriction Endonuclease Digestion and Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

Al1 restriction enzymes were purchased From New England BioLabs or Gibco

BRL. Restriction enzyme digests were carried out on purified plasmid DNA: (i) to verify the

identity of DNAs prior to transfection; (ii) to generate DNA fragments for subcloning

purposes; and (iii) to check the orientation of ligated DNA ftagrnents following non-

directional subcloning. Restriction digests were typically performed using 5-10 units of

enzyme in reaction volumes of 10-50 pl containing 0.2-6 pg of plasmid DNA. Each reaction

was supplemented with sterile deionized water, 10x reaction buffer (supplied with each

enzyme), and 1 mg/ml bovine semm albumin (BSA; if necessary). Al1 reaction mixtures were

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incubated for 2 h at temperatures required for optimal activity of the specific enzyme being

used (usually 37°C).

Following restriction endonuclease digestion, agarose gel electrophoresis was used to

separate, visually analyze, and approximate the concentration of resulting DNA fragments.

Digested samples were prepared for electrophoresis by adding 0.2 volumes of 6 x DNA-gel

loading buffer ((wlv): 0.25% bromophenol blw, 0.25% xylene cyan01 FF, 30% glycerol in

water). Prepared samples were loaded ont0 1.0% agarose gels made in 0 . 5 ~ Tris-

acetatelEDTA buffer (TAE; 20 mM Tris-acetate, 0.5 mM EDTA) supplemented with 0.5

pglrnl ethidium bromide. Electrophoresis was perfomed at 100 V using a Mupid-21 Mini-

Gel apparatus (Helixx Technologies) until sufficient separation of DNA fragments was

achieveà. The DNA fiagments were visuaiized as fluorescent bands using an ultraviolet

transilluminator (UVP Inc.) and their sizes (in bp) were estimated by comparison with a 1 kb

DNA Ladder (Gibco BRL).

(d) Gel Extraction and Ligation of DNA Fragments

Ligation reactions were perfomed to attac h DNA Fragments possessing cohesive

ends generated by restriction enzyme digestion. This was done either to constmct cassettes to

be used as templates for site-directed mutagenesis or to subclone small segments of DNA

between vectors. Following electrophoresis. DNA fragments to be ligated together were

excised fiom agarose gels with a sterile razor blade and punfied using the QIAquick Gel

Extraction Kit (Qiagen). Prior to setting up the ligation reaction, purified DNA fragments

were re-run on 1% agarose gels and their concentrations approximated by comparing the

intensity of the bands to that produced by known amounts of Hind III digested LDNA (Gibco

BRL). A typical ligation mixture contained 100-400 ng of DNA (- 1 : 1 ratio of insertvector),

1 p1 10x ligation buffer, and 1 y1 T4 DNA ligase (1 unit/pl. Roche) in a 10 pl volume. Al1

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ligations were carried out ovemight at 10'C then transformeâ the following day. For non-

directional cloning of DNA fiagments, vector DNA was always dephosphorylated using calf

intestinal alkaline phosphatase (CiAP; 23 units/pl, Pharmacia) prior to electrophoresis.

Dephosphorylation of vector DNA suppresses self-ligation and, as a result, increases the

efficiency of the ligation reaction and eliminates the need to screen large numbers of

transformants. A typical dephosphorylation reaction contained 6 pg of DNA, 5 pl of IOx

CiAP buffer, and 1 unit of CiAP in a 50 pl volume. This reaction mixture was incubated at

37°C for 40 min at which time an additional unit of CiAP was added. After a final 40 min

incubation at 50°C, the reaction mixture was loaded ont0 an agarose gel and subjected to


2.3 Expression of Recombinant Proteins in Mammalian Cells

(a) cDNA Expression Constructs

cDNA coding for rat mGluR 1 a (in the pCis mammalian expression vector), as well

as cDNAs for mGluR2 and rnGluR3 were kindly provided by Drs. Y. Tanabe and S.

Nakanishi. The cDNAs for mGluR2 and mGluR3 were received in the pBluescript II KS'

vector (Stratagene) and subcloneâ into pcDNA3 (Invitrogen Inc.) at the EcoR 1 site (non-

directional). Correct orientations of these consmicts were confirmeci by restriction digestion.

Constructs containing cDNAs coding for rat mGluR4a and mGluR8a were assembled in the

pcDNA3 and pcDNA3. I (Invitrogen Inc.) expression vectors, respectively, as described

previously (Peltekova et al., 2000). Al1 other mGluR cDNAs (mGluRSa, mGluR6, and

mGluR7a) were assembled in pcDNA3. The mGluRSa in pcDNA3 construct was provided

by Dr. C. Romano; mGluR6 and mGluR7 cDNAs were provided by Dr. S. Nakanishi and

subcloned into pcDNA3 by Xi-Ping Huang and Geofiey Homby.

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(b) Site-D f rected Mutagenais

Two different approaches were used to generate mGluR point-mutations. The first

method required isolation of single-stranded DNA; the second was a polymerase chain

reaction (PCR)-based approach. Al1 mGluR8 mutants (K68NK69A' K7 1 A, K7 1 Y, R75A)

were made using the Muta-Gene phagemid in vitro mutagenesis kit (BioRad). This kit is

based on a method described by Kunkel et al. (1987) in which mutations are made by

hybridizing a mutagenic primer to a single-stranded copy of the DNA.

The first step was to subclone a fiagment of mGluRSa containing the region to be mutated

into a phagemid capable of producing single-stranded DNA. To make this cassette, mOluR8a

in pcDNA 3.1 was digested with Kpn I. The resulting 1827 bp fiagment was ligated into Kpn

Icut pBluescript SC (Stratagene) and transfomed into the C5236 strain of E coli. This is a

mutant bactenal strain lacking both a functional dUTPase and uracil N-glycosylase.

Consequently, DNA synthesized within this strain contains a number of uracils substituted for

thymines. Single-stranded DNA was produced (by infection with M 1 3K07 helper phage) and

extracted according to the procedure detailed by the manufacturer of the kit. Mutagenic

oligonucleotides coding for the K68AK69A (5'-ATC CCC TTT TCC GCC GCC AGC TCC

CCA CAA-3'); K7 1 A (5'-AGT CTG TGG ATC CCC GCT TCC TTC TTC A-3 '); K7 1 Y (5'-


AGT GCG TGG ATC CCC 'MT'-3') mutations were a ~ e a l e d to this single-stranded

template. Following in vitro synthesis of the complernentary strand, double-stranded DNA

was tnuisformed into DH5a E. coli. The presence of a functional uracil N-glycosylase in this

strain efficiently inactivates the non-mutated strand, leaving only the newly synthesized non-

uracil-containing strand to be replicated. The resulting transfonants were screened for the

mutations of intrrest by direct sequencing of punfied plasmid DNA (refer to Section 2.3(c)).

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Mutated cassettes were excised h m pBluescript SR by digestion with Kpn I and ligated

back into the mGluR8a cDNA in pcDNA 3.1. The correct orientations of mutated inserts

within this vector were confirmed by restriction digests using either Sma 1 or BstE II.

Mutations to mGluR4a (W17A, K317E) were made using a protocol based on the

QuikChange Si te-Directed Mutagenesis method (Stratagene). This PCR-based approach

utilizes a high-tidelity Pfi DNA polymerase for DNA synthesis. The Pfi DNA polymerase

exhibits the lowest error rate of any thermostable polperase studied (Lundberg et al., 1991;

Flarnan et al., 1994; Cha et al., 1995) making it ideal for site-directed mutagenesis. To further

limit the chance of introducing an unwanted point-mutation, a segment of the mGluR4a

cDNA encompassing the region to be mutated was subcloned into pBluescript SK'. Digestion

of mGluR4a (or mGluR4 R78A) in pcDNA3 with Kpn I created a 179 1 bp fragment that was

subsequently ligated into Kpn I-digested pBluescript SC. The following mutations were

made with the primer pairs listed below using the mGluR4 cassette as a template:

K3 17A


reverse primer (5'-CAC AGG GGC ACT CGC GGA GCC CCA GCT ATC-3')


forward primer (5'-GAT AGC TGG GGC TCC GAG AGT GCC CCT GTG CTG-3')

reverse primer (5'-CAC AGG GGC ACT CTC GGA GCC CCA GCT ATC-3')

The PCR reactions used to generate each of these mutants were identical. The total

reaction volume was 20 pl and contained the following components: 10-100 ng of double-

stranded DNA template, 125 ng of each primer, 1.6 pl of 2 m M dNTPs, stenle deionized

water. and 0.5 pl of Pfu Turbo DNA polymerase (2.5 unitslpl, Stratagene). Each reaction was

overlaid with 30 pl of minera1 oil and cycling parameters for the PCR reaction were as

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follows: primers were denatured at 9S°C for 30 s, followed by 16 cycles consisting of three -

steps (i) 30 s at 95°C; (ii) 1 min at 55°C (for annealing of the primers to the template); and

(iii) 10 min extension time at 68OC. Following temperature cycling, tubes were placed on ice

for 2 min to cool the reaction below 37°C. A small aliquot (5 pl) of each PCR reaction was

subjected to agarose gel electrophoresis to check for DNA amplification. Each reaction was

then mixed with 1 pl Dpn 1 and incubated for 1 h at 37OC to digest the parental (methylated)

DNA pnor to transformation.

Afier transformation of the PCR product, colonies were screened for the mutations of

interest by direct sequencing of plasmid DNA. Due to the chance of a proofreading error by

the DNA polymerase, the entire cassette was sequenced (see below) before being ligated back

into the mGluR4a cDNA in pcDNA 3 at the Kpn I site. Correct orientations of inserts within

this vector were confirmed by restriction digestion using Xho 1.

(c) DNA Sequenclng

Ali DNA sequencing was performed by The Centre for Applied Genomics at the

Hospital for Sick Children. Purified plasmid DNA samples (2-3 pg at a minimum

concentration of 200 pg/ml) were sequenced on a LiCor LongReadIR using standard

sequencing primers.

(d) Culture and Transfection of Human Embryoaic Kidney Cells

HEK-293-tsA201 cells were used for al1 transfections. This cell line stably

expresses the SV40 promoter and T-antigen allowing for enhanced expression of transiently

transfected cDNAs (Margolskee et al., 1993). HEK cells were cultured in minimal essential

medium (GibcoBRL) supplemented with 6% fetal bovine serum and an antibiotic solution

containing a mixture of penicillin and streptomycin (GibcoBRL). Al1 cell cultures were kept

in an incubator at 37OC with COz levels maintained at 5%. Prior to transfection, the cells were

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grown in 100 mm tissue culture dishes (Nunclon) to a confluency of approximately 80%.

Transient transfections were perfomed according to the calcium phosphate precipitation

method described by Gorman (1990) using 20 pg of punfieâ plasmid DNA to transfect each

100 mm plate.

Three hours prior to transfection, 10 ml of fresh minimal essential medium was added to

each plate of confluent HEK cells. The plasmid DNA was mixed with 450 pl of 0.1 x TE (1

m M TrisCl, O. 1 mM EDTA; pH 8.0) and 50 pl of 2.5 M CaC12 then added to 500 pl of 2x

HEPES-buffered saline (50 mM HEPES, 280 mM NaCl, 3 m M Na2HP04) causing

precipitation of the plasmid DNA. This solution was mixed again then added drop-wise to

each plate of HEK cells. Following a 4 h incubation, the media was aspirated fiom each dish

and cells were exposed to 6 ml of a 15% glycerol solution made in 1 x HEPES-buffered saline

(25 mM HEPES, 140 mM NaCI, 1.5 mM Na2HP04). Afier 30 s, the glycerol solution was

aspirateci and cells were washed once for 30 s with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; 10 mM

Na2HPO~, 3 mM KH2P04, 120 mM NaCl; pH 7.2). The PBS was aspirated, 10 ml of fresh

minimal essential medium was added to each plate of transfected cells, and they were

incubated ovemight. Twenty-four hours pst-transfection. cells were subcultured into two

separate 100 mm plates using minimal essential medium and incubated at 37'C for an

additional 24 h pnor to being collected. Ce11 cultures were maintained, and al1 transfections

perfomed by Xi-Ping Huang.

2.4 Membrane Preparation from Transfected Celk

HEK-293 cells transiently transfected with cDNAs encoding wild-type or mutant rat

mGluRs were harvested 48 h pst-tnuisfection and collected by centrifugation (3840 x g, 20

min, 4°C). Membranes were prepared fiom HEK cells using the method described by Enksen

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and Thomson (1995). Pelleted cells were suspended in 20 ml of ice-cold lysis buffer (30 rnM

HEPES, 5 mM MgCI2*6H2O, 1 mM EDTA, 0.1 m M PMSF; pH 7.4) and homogenized with a

Polytron prior to centrifugation (48,400 x g, 20 min, 4°C). The cell pellets were resuspended

in 1 5 ml lysis buffer supplemented with 0.08% Triton X- 100 and incubated at 37°C for 10

min. Following incubation, an additional 15 ml lysis buffer was added and the membranes

were re-centrifugecl at 48,400 x g for 15 min. Cell membranes were washed by resuspension

in 15 ml assay buffer (30 m M HEPES, 1 10 mM NaCI, 1.2 m M MgC12-6H20, 5 mM KCl, 2.5

mM CaCI2, 0.1 mM PMSF; pH 8.0), centrifuged (48,400 x g, 15 min, 4OC), and homogenized

in 1-5 ml of assay buffer. Protein concentrations were detemined as described by Bradford

(1976) using a dye reagent from BioRad and BSA as a protein standard. AI1 membranes were

diluted in assay buffer to a final concentration ranging fiom 320-625 pg/ml, divided into 2-5

ml aliquots, and stored at -70°C.

2.5 Sodium Dodecylsulfate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and


SDS-PAGE and subsequent immunoblotting were performed: (i) to confinn the

expression of mGluRs in membranes prepared fiom transfected cells pnor to perfoming

binding experiments; (ii) to compare the expression levels of mutant consûucts with their

corresponding wild-type receptors; and (iii) to assess the results of deglycosylation

experiments (see Section 2.7). Protein samples were prepared for electrophoresis by adding

25 pl of 4 x SDS sample buffer (62.5 mM TrisHCl, 2% SDS, 10% glycerol; pH 6.8) and 10 pl

of 1 M dithiothreitol (BioShop Canada Inc.) containing 1% bromophenol blue to 75 pl of

membrane protein of known concentration. Samples were partially denatured by incubation

at 37°C for 15 min before being loaded ont0 8% polyacrylarnide gels. Receptor expression

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levels were compared by loading equivalent arnounts of membrane protein (5- 10 pg).

Proteins were separateci under a constant current of 25-30 mA using a Mighty Small II SE 250

vertical gel apparatus (Hoeffer Scientific Instnunents) then transferred ont0 Nitrocellulose-1

membranes (0.45 pm pore size, Gibco BRL) by transblotting (225 mA, 2 h, 4OC). Following

the transfer, nitrocellulose membranes were blocked ovemight at 4OC in washing buffer (10

mM Tris*HCI, 150 mM NaCl, 0.2% Tween 20; pH 7.6) containing 5% powdered milk.

The next day, blots were washed with washing buffer (3 x 1 O min) then incubated with the

appropriate pnmary antibody (see Appendix 1 for a complete description of ptimary

antibodies used in this study) for 2 h at room temperature with gentle rocking. Afier 2 h, the

primary antibody was removed and the blots washed again (3 x 10 min). Fnllowing the

second set of washes, blots were incubated for 2 h with either a horseradish peroxidase-

conjugated anti-mouse or anti-rabbit IgG secondary antibody (Amersham) depending on the

primary antibody used. The anti-mouse and anti-rabbit secondary antibodies were made in

wash buffer at dilutions of 1 : 10,000 and 1:5,000, respectively. When incubation with the

secondary antibody was complete, blots were washed a final time (3 x 10 min) and incubated

with a chemiluminescent substrate (Enhancecl chemiluminescent (ECL) Western blotting

detection reagents fkom Arnersham or Supersignal West Pico Cherniluminescent Substrate

from Pierce) as per the manufacturer's instructions. lmmunoreactive bands were visualized

by exposing Hypefilm ECL (Amersham) or Kodak X-OMAT Scientific Imaging film

(Kodak) to the nitrocellulose blots. Relative molecular weights (MJ of proteins were

estimated by comparing immunoreactive bands with Protein Molecular Weight Standards

(High Range, Gibco B U ) prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions.

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2.6 I ~ H ~ L - A P ~ and PHICPPG Binding Assays and Data Analysis

['HJL-AP~ (specific activity = 54 Ci/mmol), ['HJCPPG (specific activity = 16

Ci/mmol) and al1 amino acids and amino acid analogues used in the radioligand binding

assays were fiom Tocris Cookson Inc. The assays for ['HJL-AP~ and ['HJCPPG binding

were carried out on membranes prepared fiorn HEK cells as described by Eriksen and

Thomsen (1995) for ['HIL-AP~ binding. For al1 binding assays, 200 pl of membranes

(concentration 320-625 pghl), 25 pl assay buffer or competing drug, and 25 pl of

radioligand were used per microcentrifuge tube for a total volume of 250 pl. All experiments

were perforrned on ice using either 30 nM ['HIL-AP~ or 20 nM ['HICPPG. Non-specific

binding of radioligands to ce11 membranes was determineci using group selective ligands at

concentrations sufficient to block al1 target receptors (2100 x Ko). Accordingly, 300 pM L-

SOP was used to define non-specific binding to membranes expressing group III mGluRs and

500 pM L-glutamate and 100 pM L-CCG- 1 were used to define non-specific binding to group

1 and group II mGluRs, respectively. Following a 30 min incubation on ice with constant

shaking at 160 rpm, bound and fiee radioligand were separated by centrifugation (1 4,000 x g,

4 min). Supematants were aspirated immediately and pelleted membranes were washed once

with cold assay buffer (without PMSF), then solubilized ovemight in 500 pl of I M NaOH.

The solubilized samples were transferred to Pony liquid scintillation vials (Packard) and 4.5

ml of scintillation fluid (Ultima Gold, Packard) was added. The vials were left to equilibrate

at room temperature for at least 4 h prior to being counted on a Tri-Carb 21OOTR liquid

scintillation counter (Canberra-Packard).

Means of triplicate or quadruplicate values were used for al1 calculations. For single point

binding assays, total specific binding was calculated as the difierence between total binding

(binding in the absence of any inhibitor) and non-specific binding. Inhibition curves were

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generated by subtracting non-specific binding fiom binding observed at each concentration of

competing drug and expressing these values as a percentage of total specific binding.

Cornpetition curves were analyzed, and ICso values detennined by non-linear curve fits using

GraphPad Prism software. Binding constants (Ko, B-) describing the interaction of ['HIL-

AP4 or ['HICPPG with prepared ce11 membranes expressing wild-type or mutant receptors

were calculated from auto-competition experiments using unlabeled ligands. Inhibition

constants (Ki) for competing drugs were calculated from ICso values using the Cheng-Pnisoff

equation (Appendix 3). To compare affinities between wild-type and mutant receptors,

unpaired t-tests were perfonned using Pnsm software and a significance level of 0.05.

2.7 Deglycosylation of mCIuR4 and mGluR4 R78A

HEL293 cells transiently transfected with cDNAs encoding either mGluR4 or mGluR4

R78A were collected 48 h pst-transfection in 500 pl PBS and protein concentrations were

detennined as described previously (Section 2.4). Twenty pg of membrane protein was

denatured in 10x Denaturing Buffer (5% SDS, 1% P-mercaptoethanol, New England

BioLabs) by heating the sample for 15 min at 37'C. Following denaturation. 0.1 volumes of

1Ox G7 buffer (0.5 M Na2P04; pH 7.5) and 10% Nonidet P-40 were added to the samples

along with 4 pl of PNGase F (500 unitdpl). PNGase F catalyses the cleavage of asparagine-

linked oligosaccharides fiom proteins. The reaction mixture was incubated at 37'C for I h.

Following this incubation period, protein samples were prepared, and electrophoresis and

immunoblotting camed out as described in Section 2.5.

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3.1 Expression of Recombinant mGlnRs in HEK-293 Ceiis

My initial studies entailed an examination of the selectivity profiles of the radiolabeled

agonist [ 'HIL-AP~ and the novel radiolabeleâ antagonist [)H]CPPG in HEK-293 cells

transiently transfected with cDNAs encoding each of the eight mGluR subtypes. Pnor to

performing radioligand binding experiments (Section 3.2), expression of individual mGluR

subtypes in membranes prepared fiom transfected cells were confirmai by immunoblotting

using subtype-specific or group-selective antibodies (see Appendix 1 for a description of the

antibodies used). For each receptor, the appropriate molecular weight bands were detected in

cDNA-transfected cells but not in mock-transfected cells (Fig. 5). Expression of mGluRla,

mGluRSa, mGluR6, and mGluR7a were identified using receptor-specific C-terminal

antibodies, whereas the C-terminal anti-mGluR2B antibody labeled both mGluR2 and

mGluR3. The anti-mGluR4/8 antibody was raised against a sequence in the N-terminal

domain of mGluR4 located approximately 40 amino acids downstream of the putative signal

peptide cleavage site (see Naples and Hampson, 2001 for details). This antibody recognized

both mGluR4a and mGluRSa, as expected, but also showed some cross-reactivity with

rnGluR6 and very limited recognition of mGluR7a (data not shown). The rank order of anti-

mGluR4/8 recognition corresponds to the sequence similarity of the four group II1 receptors

in this region. A pubiished sequence alignment for the group III receptors (Duvoisin et al.,

1995) indicates that this segment of polypeptide is nearly identical in mGluR4 and mGluR8

(one amino acid difference), whereas mGluR6 shows a lower level of sequence similarity; the

similarity in this region is even lower for mGluR7. The higher molecular weight bands seen

on some blots (most noticeably for the group II and group III receptors) represent mGluR-

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Figure S. Immunoblots demonstrating expression of mGluR subtypes. Each lane

contains 8 pg of membrane protein from mGluR-transfected or mock-transfected HEK-293

cells. The proteins were separated on 8% SDS-PAGE gels, iransfmed to nitrocellulose, and

probed with subtype specific antibodies. The positions of molecular weight standards (in

kilodaltons) are indicated to the right.

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C. Croup III

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receptor dimers. Collectively, the results of the immunoblotting experiments confirm the

expression of each mGluR subtype in transfected HEK-293 cells.

3.2 Radioligand Binding to mCluR-Expressing HEK CeII Membranes

Following confirmation of receptor expression via immunoblotting, ['HIL-AP~ and

['HJCPPG binding experiments were conducted on membranes prepared fkom transfected

cells. Non-specific binding of radioligands to mûlul-expressing membranes was defined in

the presence of 500 pM glutamate, 100 pM L-CCG-1, or 300 pM L-SOP for group I,11, and

III receptors, respectively. At a concentration of 30 nM, no specific ["IL-AP~ binding was

observed in membranes prepared fiom mock-transfected cells (data not shown). Furthemore,

virtually no specific binding of ['HIL-AP~ was detected in membranes expressing mGluR1,

mGluR2, mGluR3, mGluR5, mGluR6, or mGluR7. In fact, of the eight mGluR subtypes,

[%IL-AP~ displayed a high level of specitic binding only to membranes expressing either

mGluR4 or mGluR8 (Fig. 6, top panel). Specific ['HJL-AP~ binding was 1.2 0.3 and 1 .O I

0.1 pmol boundlmg protein for mGluR4 and mGluR8, respectively (mean SEM; n = 4-6).

The amount of specific binding as a percentage of total binding was 84 & 2% for mGluR4 (n =

4), and 76 st: 4% for mGluR8 (n = 6).

The same assay used for ['HIL-AP~ binding experiments was employed to test the

mGluR-selectivity profile of [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ , except that a concentration of 20 nM was used. As

with [.'H]L-AP~, no specific [-'H]CPPG binding was detected in HEK ce11 membranes

expressing mGluR1, mGluR2, mGIuR3, mGluR5, mGluR6, mGluR7, or in mock-transfected

ce11 membranes. In contrast to ['HIL-AP~, [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ binding in membranes expressing

mGluR4 was barely detectable (Fig. 6, bottom panel). Only mGluR8-expressing membranes

exhibited high levels of ['HICPPG specific binding (4.0 * 0.4 pmol b o u d m g protein; n = 4).

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Figure 6. Cornparison of [ 3 ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ 4 (top panel) and ['H~CPPG (bottom panel) binding

to mCluRs. Binding assays were performed on membranes prepared fiom HEL293 cells

transiently expressing mGluRs using either 30 nM ['HIL-AP~ or 20 nM ['HICPPG. Specific

binding of tritiated ligands to ce11 membranes (pmol ligadmg protein) was nomalized to

levels observed in mGluR8-expressing membranes. In most expenments, the ['HIL-AP~ and

['HICPPG binding assays were conducted in parallel using the same batch of prepared

membranes and dilution of radioligand. Each assay was performed in quadruplicate 3-5 times

on membranes prepared fiom 2 to 4 separate transfections.

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mGluR subtype

mGluR subtype

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The amount of specific binding to mGluR8 was identical whether using 300 MM of the group

III agonist L-SOP or 50 )iM of the unlabeled antagonist CPPG to define non-specific binding

(data not show). In addition, the signal to noise ratio of ['HJCPPG was very high; specific

binding represented 96 k 0.4% of total binding (n = 4). The high level of ['HICPPG specific

binding observed to mGluR8 compared to ['HIL-AP~ (approximately 4-fold p a t e r ) suggests

that ['HICPPG possesses a higher affinity than ['HIL-AP~ for mGluR8. This observation is

supported by a previous study showing that the affinity of unlabeled CPPG for mGluR8 is

higher than that of L-AP4 (Peltekova et al., 2000). The absence of ['HICPPG specific

binding to any other mGluR subtype demonstrates that this novel radiolabeled antagonist

selectively labels mGluR8 at a concentration of 20 nM.

3.3 Characterization of [ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ as a High Affinity Probe for mCluR8

Due to the high level of ['HICPPG binding to mGluR8, additional experiments were

conducted to characterize the interaction of ['HICPPG with this receptor. Accordingly, the

association and dissociation profiles, as well as the effects of varying the pH of the binding

assay buffer were examined for [)H]CPPG binding to mGluR8.

The association of ['HICPPG to mGluR8 at O°C was very rapid; maximal specific binding

was achieved within approximately 20 min (Fig. 7). Dissociation of bound ['HICPPG

following the addition of 100 pM unlabeled CPPG was also extremely fast. Virtually no

specific binding was observed in samples centrifùged immediately after the addition of excess

unlabeled ligand, meaning that more than 95% of bound ['HICPPG had dissociated within 4

min (the time required to separate bound fiom fiee radioligand by centrifugation).

Consequently, the rapid binding kinetics of [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ precluded an accurate estimate of the

dissociation constant, kaif. The kinetics of [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ binding to mGluR8a were very similar

Page 61: Determinants High Affinity Ligand Binding to the Group III … · Soleymanlou, Gein Wong, Erica Rosemond, Dawn Kuang, and Xi-Ping Huang for making my stay in the lab enjoyable and

Figure 7. Time-counes for the association (m) and dissociation (r) of [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ to

mGluR8 at O°C. Association was initiated by the addition of 20 nM [)H]CPPG to ceIl

membranes expressing mGluR8. Samples were centrifiiged (14,000 x g, 4 min) following O,

2, 5, 10, 20, 45, 60, and 90 min of incubation to separate bound and fiee L~H]CPPG. Non-

specific binding was defined for each time point as binding in the presence of 300 pM L-SOP.

For dissociation expenments, membranes were incubated with 20 nM ['HJCPPG for 30 min

at 0°C in the presence of either assay buffer or L-SOP. Dissociation was initiated by the

addition of 100 PM uniabeled CPPG (vertical arrow) and specific binding was measured

following centrifugation of samples at 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 min. Results are presented as

the percentage of maximal specific binding of ['HJCPPG to mGluRS and represent the mean

* SEM of three separate experiments perfomed in triplicate.

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Time (min)

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to those observed by Eriksen and Thomsen (1995) for r 3 ~ ] ~ - A P 4 binding in membranes

prepared from mGluR4a-expressing BHK cells. They too were unable to measure the off-rate

of radioligand because of its rapid dissociation profile.

In addition to these experiments, the effkct of pH on [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ binding was investigated.

Optimal specific binding of ['HJCPPG to mGluR8 was observed at pH 8.0 (see Appendix 2),

whereas non-specific binding was unaffected by changes in pH. Although the relevance of a

pH optimum for ['HICPPG binding higher than physiological pH (7.4) is unclear, this

phenomenon has been observed for other recombinant GPCRs (Jockers et al., 1994; Eriksen

and Thomsen, 1995). The results of the kinetic binding and pH experirnents were used to

refine the ['HJCPPG binding assay so that the phamacological profile of mGIuR8 could be

accurately examined using this radioligand.

To examine the ligand selectivity of mGluR8, several glutamate receptor ligands were

tested for their ability to displace [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ binding. These compounds included the non-

selective mGluR antagonist (R,S)-a-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine ((R,S)-MCPG), the

ionotropic glutamate receptor ligands AMPA, kainic acid, NMDA, and ibotenic acid, and the

glutamate uptake inhibitor L-trans-PDC. At a concentration of 100 PM, AMPA, kainate, and

L-tmiis-PDC showed only minimal inhibition of ['HICPPG binding (<12%) while NMDA

and ibotenic acid inhibited binding by approximately 20% (Table 2; n = 3). Only the mGluR

antagonist (R,S)-MCPG caused a substantial (about 50%) reduction in specific [ 3 ~ l C ~ ~ ~

binding to mGluR8. (R,S)-MCPG was initially characterized as a cornpetitive antagonist at

group I receptors (Jane et al., 1993) but has since been show to antagonize group II and

group III agonist-induced effects at micromolar concentrations (KD = 227-479 pM; Schoepp

et al., 1999). The results of rny single-point displacement binding experiments are in

Page 64: Determinants High Affinity Ligand Binding to the Group III … · Soleymanlou, Gein Wong, Erica Rosemond, Dawn Kuang, and Xi-Ping Huang for making my stay in the lab enjoyable and

Table 2. Competition for I~H]CPPG binding to mGluR8 by various metabotropic

((R,S)-MCPG) and ionotropic glutamate receptor ligands (AMPA, k f nic acid, NMDA,

ibotenic acid), and the glutamate uptake inhibitor L-lmns-PDC.

Test eompound Percent of (3H]CPPG control binding



Kainic acid


Ibotenic acid

L-&ans- PDC

Each drug was tested at a concentration of 100 PM. The results are the mean t SEM of three

separate experiments and are expressed as percent of control binding where 100% is the

specific binding of 20 nM I3KJCPPO to mGluR8-expressing membranes in the absence of any

inhi bi tor.

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accordance with these studies and indicate that the affinity (Ki) of (R,S)-MCPG for mGluR8

is approximately 100 FM.

Homologous cornpetition experiments were conducted to calculate the equilibnum

dissociation constant (Ko) and maximum binding capacity (B-) of ['HJCPPG to mGluR8.

These values were 183 4 nM and 32 k 1 pmoVmg protein, respectively (n = 3). The high

level of mGluR8 expression reflected by this B,, value is similar to that measured previously

using the results of [.'H]L-AP~ auto-cornpetition expenments (29 * 4 pmol/mg protein;

Peltekova et al., 2000). Additional [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ cornpetition expenments were performed to

fùrther characterke the pharmacological profile of mGluR8. The most potent inhibitor of

[)H]CPPG binding was unlabeled CPPG followed by the phosphonophenylglycine antagonist

MPPG (Fig. 8 and Table 3). The phosphonophenylglycine agonist (R,S)-PPG, and the

phosphonate-containing compound L-SOP possessed the highest afinities for mGluR8

among the agonists tested, whereas L-glutamate was substantially less potent at inhibiting

[ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ binding. L-AP4 was also a strong inhibitor of antagonist binding and the

stereospecificity of this compound was demonstrated by the observation that D-AP4 was 10-

fold less potent in its ability to displace [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ binding. Overall, the rank order of

potency of agonists for competing with [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ binding to mGluR8 (L-SOP = (R,S)-PPG >

L-AP4 > L-glutamate; Table 3) was different fiom the order of potency observed previously

to inhibit [ 3 ~ ] ~ - ~ ~ 4 binding to mGluR8 (L-AP4 > L-SOP > L-glutamate = (R,S)-PPG;

Peltekova et al., 2000).

3.4 Effect of mCluR8 Point Mutations on Protein Expression and Radioiigand Bhding

The ability of L~H]CPPG to label mGluR8 with high affinity provides another

experimental tool (in addition to [ 3 ~ ] ~ - ~ ~ 4 ) for the identification of amino acid residues

Page 66: Determinants High Affinity Ligand Binding to the Group III … · Soleymanlou, Gein Wong, Erica Rosemond, Dawn Kuang, and Xi-Ping Huang for making my stay in the lab enjoyable and

Figure 8. Cornpetition for ['HJCPPG binding to mGluR8 by the agonists LSOP, L- &-

AP4, D-AP4, L-glutamate, and (R,S)-PPG (top panel) and the cornpetitive antagonists

CPPC, and MPPG (bottom panel). The data are expressed as a percentage of total specific

['HICPPG binding; each point represents the mean I SEM of three expenments perfomed in

triplicate. Sigrnoidal dose-response curves were fitted using non-linear regression analysis.

Inhibition constants (Ki) calculated from these values are presented in Table 3.

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log [agonist] (M)

log [antagonist] (Rd)

+ L-SOP A L-AP4 r L-glutamate A PPG Q D-AP4


Page 68: Determinants High Affinity Ligand Binding to the Group III … · Soleymanlou, Gein Wong, Erica Rosemond, Dawn Kuang, and Xi-Ping Huang for making my stay in the lab enjoyable and

Table 3. Inhibition constants for agonlsts and antagonists eompeting at [3mCPPC

binding sites on mGIuR8.

Limlim L-AP4 D-AP4 L-SOP PPG L-glutamate

Antanonists CPPG MPPC MCPG

Inhibition constants (4) were cdculated from IC, values obtained from displacernent binding

experiments (Fig. 8) using the Cheng-Prusoff equation (Appendix 3). The KD and B, values

(183 + 4 nM and 32.3 I 0.9 pmollmg protein, respectively) for [ 3 w ~ P P G binding to mGluR8

were calculated from auto-competition experiments using unlabeled CPPG. Results are

expressed as the mean SEM (n = 3).

*Esiimated value based on data presented in Table 2.

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mediating high af'fmity ligand binding. Of particular interest are residues that may confer

ligand selectivity and thus account for the pharmacological differences observed between

mGluR groups or receptor subtypes. The binding-pocket mode1 established by homology

with LIVBP (O'Hara et al., 1993) identified fundamental glutamate recognition residues that

are conserved arnong al1 mGluR subtypes (see Section 1.7 for details). The ment

crystallization of mGluR 1 in complex with glutamate has confimed the importance of these

conserved residues (Kunishima et al., 2000; see Fig. 4A). Because the majority of mGluR

ligands that have been characterized are glutamate derivatives, it appears that ligand

selectivity is determined primarily by residues meditating binding of ligand side chains. One

such residue is a conserved arginine ai position 78 of mGluRl that interacts with the

negatively charged side chain of glutamate (Fig. 4A). Mutation of this residue in mGluRl

and mOluR4 has been shown to abolish binding of group selective ligands to both receptors

(Hampson et al., 1999; Jensen et al., 2000). To extend this analysis to mGluR8, a senes of

positively charged residues (arginines or lysines) were targeted for mutagenesis based on their

proximity to this conserved arginine residue ( ~ r ~ ' ' in mGluR8; refer to Fig. 48) and the

ability of mutant receptors to bind either ['HIL-AP~ or ['HICPPG was examined.

Prior to perfoming radioligand binding experiments, HEK-293 cells transiently

transfected with mGluR8a or with the mGluR8 K68A/K69A, K7 1 A, K7 1 Y, or R75A mutants

were subjected to immunoblotting to ensure that none of these point mutations caused a

significant change in receptor expression levels relative to wild-type mGluR8. AI1 mGluR8

constructs were probed with an anti-c-myc antibody that recognizes a peptide inserted at the

extreme carboxyl-terminal end of the protein (preceding a 6 x His tag). Insertion of this C-

terminal sequence has previously been shown to have no effect on the affinity of ['HIL-AP~

for wild-type mGluR8 (Peltekova et al., 2000). As expected, the anti-c-myc antibody labeled

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bands corresponding to the predicted molecutar weights of mGluR8 monomers and dimers

(M, = 100,000 and M, = 200,000, respectively) for mGluR8a and each of the mGluR8 mutants

(Fig. 9A). No immunoreactivity was observed in membranes prepared fiom mock-transfected

cells at these molecular weights. The intensity of the monomer band for each mutant was

roughly equivalent to that observed in membranes expressing wild-type mGluR8. This

suggests that any differences in mutant receptor binding compared to wild-type binding

cannot be attributed to differences in expression levels (see below).

Following confirmation of receptor expression by immunoblotting, binding assays were

perforrned on ceIl membranes using either 30 nM ['HIL-AP~ or 20 nM ['HICPPG. Al1

single-point assays on mutant receptors were camed out in parallel with membranes

expressing wild-type mGluR8. This allowed any specific binding observed to the mutant

recepton to be expressed as a percentage of wild-type receptor binding. Only very low levels

of ['HIL-AP~ binding were detected in membranes expressing the K71Y or R75A mutants

(both less than 5% of control; Fig 9B, n = 3). The K68AK69A double mutant also displayed

a large decrease in ['HIL-AP~ specific binding compared to the wild-type receptor (>85%

decrease; n = 3). Of the positively charged residues targeted for mutagenesis, only the K7 1 A

mutation did not cause a substantial reduction in the ability of mGluR8 to bind ['HIL-AP~. In

fact, the levels of specific binding in membranes expressing this mutant were almost twice as

high as those observed to the wild-type receptor and therefore sufficient to permit competition

c w e analysis. Auto-inhibition curves performed on mGluR8 K7 1A using [%]L-AP~

revealed that this mutation caused a small, albeit insigniticant (p = 0.08; unpaired t-test),

increase in affinity (Ko = 0.36 it 0.02 FM; Table 4, n = 3) compared to wild-type mGluR8

(Ko = 0.87 0.22 FM; fiom Peltekova et al., 2000). The increase in affinity of [)H]L-AP~

for mGluR8 K7 1A likely explains the difference in specific binding between the K7 1A

Page 71: Determinants High Affinity Ligand Binding to the Group III … · Soleymanlou, Gein Wong, Erica Rosemond, Dawn Kuang, and Xi-Ping Huang for making my stay in the lab enjoyable and

Figure 9. Cornparison of ['HJL-AP~ and ['HJCPPG bindhg to a series of mCluR8 = -

mutant receptors. Panel A is an immunoblot demonstrating the relative expression levels of

the mutant and wild-type receptors. Each lane contains 8 pg of membrane protein subjected

to SDS-PAGE, transferred to nitrocellulose, and probed with an anti-c-myc monoclonal

antibody. Positions of molecular weight standards (in kDa) are indicated to the lefi and

amws to the right point to relative positions of receptor monomen (M) and dimers (D) at M,

= 100,000 and M, = 200,000, respectively. Al1 binding assays were perfonned on membranes

prepared fiom transfected HEK-293 cells using either 30 nM ['HIL-AP~ (Panel B) or 20 nM

['HICPPG (Panel C). Specific binding was normalized to concomitant levels observed in

membranes expressing wild-type mGluR8. Results are expressed as the mean SEM (n = 3).

#,*Indicate that levels of ['HIL-AP~ and [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ binding, respectively, were sufficient to

generate competition curves. Afinity constants for this construct (mGluR8 K71A) are

presented in Table 4.

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Table 4. AMnities of ['WL-AP~ and ['HjcPPG for wild-type and mutant group III


Construct K, CPW

Dissociation constants (KD) were calculated from IC, vaiues obtained from auto-competition

experiments and represent the mean t SEM of 3-4 separate experiments perfonned in

triplicate. Dashed lines indicate that binding levels were too low for phannacological

analysis. Included for cornparison are the affinities of wild-type rnGluR4 and mGluR8. KD

values were taken frorn the rollowing references:

'Harnpson et al., 1999

b ~ e l tekovâ et al., 2000

'Naples and Hampson, 2001

*Affinity is significantly different from wild-type at p < 0.05 (unpaired t-test)

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mutant and wild-type mGluR8 displayed in Fig. 9B. For cornparison, the analogous mutation

in mGluR4 (K74A) was also tested for its ability to bind [ 'HJL-AP~ (Table 4). As with

mGluR8, no significant difference was observed in the affinity of this receptor for [)H]L-AP~

(Ko = 0.47 * 0.3 1 CM; n = 4) compared to wild-type mGluR4a (Ko = 0.50 * 0.10 FM; from

Hampson et al., 1999).

Similar to the pattern observed for ['HIL-AP~, virtually no specific binding of [)H]CPPG

was detected in membranes expressing the K71Y or R75A mutants (both less than 5% of

control; Fig. 9C, n = 3). The K68AK69A double mutant also showed a considerable

decrease in [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ speci fic binding compared to the wild-type receptor (285% decrease; n

= 3). These results suggest that the primary determinants of high affinity [)H]L-AP~ and

[)H]CPPG binding are related. Interestingly, the effect of the K71A mutation on ['HJL-AW

binding was different fiom its effect on [)H]CPPG binding. Whereas ['HIL-AP~ had a higher

number of specific counts and increased affinity for the K71A mutation, the afinity of

["ICPPG for the K71A mutant (Ko = 0.84 * 0.02 PM; n = 3) was approximately 4-fold

lower than for the wild-type receptor (Ko = 0.18 * 0.0; Table 4, n = 3). This difference was

statistically significant at p < 0.05 (unpaired t-test).

3.5 Immunoblots of an mGluR4 Point Mutation, mCluR4 R78A

As described previously (Section 1.7), a single point mutation in mGluR4 (R78A) that

abolishes [)H]L-AP~ binding shows three distinct bands when nin on an SDS-PAGE gel. In

addition to bands at M, = 100,000 and M, = 200,000 representing monomeric and dimeric

forms of the receptor, respectively, this constnict displays an additional lower molecular

weight band at approximately M, = 85,000. The presence of an additional band at this

position following SDS-PAGE is unique to the R78A mutation (Hampson et al., 1999; D. R.

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Harnpson and V. Peltekova, unpublished observations). Molecular rnodeling of mGluR4

indicates that ~r~~~ lies within the hinge region of the binding-pocket that separates the two

lobes of the receptor (Hampson et al., 1999). Based on the position of this residue and its

fundamental role in ligand recognition among al1 mGluR subtypes, we speculated that the

lower molecular weight band observed in R78A-expressing cells represents a closed fomi of

the receptor produced by removal of this positive charge.

To confirm that the appearance of this lower molecular weight band does not result fiom

N- or C-terminal proteolysis of the receptor, immunoblotting experiments were conducted

using three antibodies directed at different regions of mGluR4 (Fig. 1 OB). The anti-mGluR4a

antibody recognizes the extreme C-teminal sequence of mGluR4a, whereas the anti-

mGIuR4/8 antibody recognizes a sequence located approximately 40 amino acids downstream

of the proposed signal peptide cleavage site. It is unlikely that proteolysis of these 40 amino

acids could account for the dramatic shift in molecular weight (-15 kDa) observed in the

mGluR4 R78A mutant. To venfy this assumption, a construct of mGluR4 R78A containing a

c-myc epitope tag inserted immediately downstream of the signal peptide (c-myc-mGluR4a)

was also expressed in HEK cells and subjected to immunoblotting using the anti-c-myc

antibody. The three antibodies described above were tested for their ability to label mGluR4

R78A; membranes expressing wild-type mGluR4 (or c-rnyc-mGluR4) were used as a control.

Both the anti-mGluR4a antibody, and the anti-mGluR4/8 antibody labeled an immunoreactive

band at approximately M, = 85,000 in membranes expressing the mGluR4 R78A mutant.

Detection of this lower molecular weight band in c-myc-mGluR4 R78A-expressing cells

provides additional evidence that the R78A mutation does not promote N-terminal proteolysis

of mGluR4 (Fig. 1 OA). The band at M, = 85,000 was absent from mGluR4-transfected, c-

myc-mGluR4-trans fected, and mock-trans fected ce11 S. Furthennore, the dimeric fom of

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Figure 10. Immunoblots of the mGluR4 R78A and mGluRû R75A mutants. Panel A

shows three representative Western blots of the mGluR4 R78A mutant, one of which also

presents the analogous mGluR8 mutant (R75A). Each lane contains 6-8 pg of membrane

protein separated on 8% SDS-PAGE gels and transferred to nitrocellulose membranes. Blots

were probed with the anti-mGluR4a specific C-terminal antibody, the anti-mGluR4/8 N-

terminal antibody, or the anti-c-myc antibody (c-myc-mGluR4a expressing cells). Relative

positions of molecular weight standards (in kDa) are indicated to the left. Included for

cornparison are wild-type mGluR4a, c-myc-mGluR4a, and mGluR8a showing 'normal'

monomer and dimer bands that run at approximately M, = 100,000 and MI = 200,000,

respectively. Note the presence of an additional lower molecular weight band in the mGluR4

R78A, c-myc-mGluR4 R78A, and mGluR8 R75A mutants compareci to their respective wild-

type receptors (indicated by arrows). This band appears at approximately M, = 85,000 and is

evident for mGluR4 R78A regardless of the antibody used for detection.

Panel B is a schematic representation of mGluR4 indicating the recognition sites of the

antibodies used in these experiments (arrows). The position of the c-myc tag in c-myc-

mGluR4a is also indicated. Putative transmembrane domains are denoted by rectangles and

the proposed signal peptide (SP) is boxed.

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c-myc (c-myc-mGluR4a only)


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rnGluR4 R78A also displayed a corresponding shifi to a lower molecular weight (-30 m a )

indicating that mutation of this residue does not affect receptor dimerization. Because of the

high sequence homology between mGluR4 and mGluR8, the analogous residue (R75A) was

mutated in mGluR8. This mutation produced a similar banding pattern when probed with the

anti-mGluR4/8 antibody and, like the mGluR4 R78A mutant, did not bind ['HIL-AP~

(Section 3.4; see Fig. 9B). Moreover, the immunoreactive band at M, = 85,000 was present in

immunoblots perfonned on mGluR8 R75A using the anti-c-myc antibody (refer to Fig. 9A).

Nevertheless, it should be noted that the band at M, = 85,000 in mGluR8 R7SA was very faint

compared to the corresponding mGluR4 mutant and that a noticeable shifi in the molecular

weight of receptor dimers was absent.

The results of the immunoblotting expenments conducted on mGluR4 R78A and mGluR8

R75A suggest that the additional bands observed at M, = 85,000 are not due to receptor

proteolysis. Therefore, it is possible that the lower band observed in this mutant may

represent a confomationally constrained or differentially processed fonn of the receptor.

3.6 Deglycosylation of mGluR4 and mCluR4 R78A

Wild-type mGluR4a and mGluR4 R78A were treated with PNGase F to examine the

possibility that the presence of the lower molecular weight band in the R78A mutant results

fiom inhibition of asparagine-linked receptor glycosylation. Following SDS-PAGE and

subsequent immunoblotting, monomers of mGIuR4 can be observed to migrate as a doublet

consisting of bands at M, = 100,000 and M, = 93,000 (Fig. 1 1). This banding pattern has been

proposed to represent glycosylated and deglycosylated fonns of the receptor, respectively

(Hampson et al., 1999). However, treatment of mGluR4 and mGluR4 R78A with PNGase F

to cleave al1 asparagine-linked carbohydrates produced a much larger shifi than expected

Page 79: Determinants High Affinity Ligand Binding to the Group III … · Soleymanlou, Gein Wong, Erica Rosemond, Dawn Kuang, and Xi-Ping Huang for making my stay in the lab enjoyable and

Figure 11. Immunoblots showlng the effects of PNGase F-mediated degiycosylation of

mGluR4 and mGluR4 R78A. Relative positions of molecular weight standards (in kDa) are

indicated to the left. Control reactions were performed in parallel with deglycosylation

reactions. The reaction conditions were identical except that PNGase F was not added to

control samples (see Section 2.7 for details). Untreated samples were prepared for SDS-

PAGE as described in Section 2.5. The blot s h o w here is representative of three independent

experiments; each lane contains approximately 6 pg of protein probed with the anti-

mG1uR4/8 antibody. Arrows to the right indicate the positions of the three immunoreactive

bands that run at the approximate molecular weights:

' M, = 100,000

* MI = 93,000

MI = 80,000-85,000

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(-1 5-20 ma; Fig. 1 1). The fully deglycosylated fom of both receptors appear to run at the

same molecular weight (Mr = 80-85,000) as the lower molecular weight band observed in the

untreated R78A mutant. Therefore, it is possible that the R78A mutation in mGluR4

interferes with glycosylation of this receptor. An alternative, though less likely, explanation

is that the 'closed' form of mGluR4 runs at a similar molecular weight as the deglycosylated


3.7 Expression and Binding Properties of the mGluR4 K317A and K317E Mutants

To further examine the possibility that the band observed at Mr = 85,000 in mGluR4

R78A-expressing cells represents a closed form of the receptor, a second positively charged

residue in mGluR4 ( L ~ S " ~ ) was targeted for site-directed mutagenesis. The crystal structure

of mGluRl (Kunishima et al., 2000) shows that upon glutamate binding, ~r~~~ aligns itself

across the binding pocket fiom ( L ~ S ) ' ' in mGl uR4; refer to Fig . 4A and Section 1.7).

~r~~~~ is on the opposite lobe (lobe 2) of the receptor frmn kg7' (lobe 1) and is thought to

stabilize the negatively charged side chain of glutamate upon ligand binding. We

hypothesized that the opposing forces of these two positively charged residues might

contribute to maintaining the open conformation of the receptor in the absence of ligand.

Therefore, one might expect that mutation of L ~ s ~ ' ' in mGluR4 could produce similar effects

as the R78A mutation (loss of ['HJL-AP~ binding and appearance of an additional lower

molecular weight band following SDS-PAGE). The presence of an immunoreactive band at

M, = 85,000 following mutation of this residue would imply that the conformational change

induced by receptor closure produces a similar shifi in molecular weight as that observeà

following receptor deglycosylation.

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Imrnunoblot analysis conducted on the mGluR4 K3 17A and K3 17E mutants did not reveai

the presence of an immunoreactive band at M, = 85,000 (Fig. 12A). The ability of these

mutants to bind [)H]L-AP~ was subsequently tested with al1 data normalized to levels of

specific binding observed in membranes expressing wild-type mGluR4. The amount of

specific ['HIL-AP~ binding to mGluR4 K317A was nearly identical to that observed to the

wild-type receptor (Fig. 12B). Subsequent cornpetition curve analysis conducted on this

mutant revealed that its affinity for [ 3 ~ ] ~ - ~ ~ 4 (Ko = 0.33 i 0.14 PM; n = 3) was comparable

to the wild-type receptor (Ko = 0.50 i 0. I O PM; refer back to Table 4). In contrast, mutation

of this positive residue to a negatively charged glutamate (K3 17E) resulted in a large decrease

in ['HIL-AP~ binding ( 4 0 % of control; n = 3). Although this mutant was expressed at lower

Ievels than the wild-type receptor, it is unlikely that slight diffetences in expression could

account for the drastic effect of this mutation on radioligand binding (Fig. 12A). Togethet,

these results indicate that L ~ S ~ " , while not required for high affinity ligand binding to

mGluR4, plays an important role in stabilizing the conformation of the binding pocket.

Moreover, the absence of an additional lower molecular weight band on immunoblots of the

mGluR4 K3 17A and K3 17E mutants suggests that the band observed at M, = 85,000 in the

R78A mutant represents a deglycosylated form of the receptor.

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Figure 12. Comparlsoa of expression levels and ['AIL-APQ binding to the mGluR4 c - -

K3l7A and K317E mutants. Panel A is an immunoblot showing the relative expression

levels of the two mutants compared to the wild-type receptor. Each lane contains 6 pg of

membrane protein subjected to SDS-PAGE and probed with the anti-mGluR418 antibody.

Specific binding of [ 'HJL-AP~ to the K3 17A and K3 17E mutants (Panel 8) was nonnalized

to levels detected in membranes expressing wild-type mGluR4. Al1 binding experiments were

conducted in parallel on membranes prepared from two separate transfections (n = 3).

#Cornpetition cuves were generated for K 3 17A. The KD for K3 17A was 0.33 + 0.14 pM

compared to 0.50 * O. I O pM for the wild-type receptor (see Table 4). ['HIL-AP~ binding to

K3 17E was too Iow to conduct cornpetition analysis.

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4.1 Pharmacological Profiles of the Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Ligands ['H]L-

AP4 and ['HICPPG

The aim of the first part of my sîudy was to characterize the mGluR-selectivity

profiles of two radioligands: the agonist ['HIL-AP~, and the novel antagonist [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ .

Previous studies have shown that ['HIL-AP~ binds to mGluR4a and mGluR8a with high

affinity (KD = 400-800 nM; Eriksen and Thomsen, 1995; Han and Hampson, 1999; Hampson

et al., 1999; Peltekova et al., 2000). This analysis has now been extended to other mGluR

subtypes. Because L-AP4 has been reported to exhibit selectivity towards the group III

mGluRs, we did not expect to see appreciable binding of this radioligand in membranes fiom

HEL293 cells expressing either the group 1 or group II mGluRs. Furthemore, it has been

reported that activation of mGluR7 in functional assays requires much higher agonist

concentrations than the other group III receptors (ECso for L-AP4 > 150 pM; Okamoto et al.,

1994; Wu et al., 1998). Based on these observations, we did not anticipate [ 3 ~ ] ~ - ~ ~ 4

binding in ce11 membranes expressing mGluR7 at the concentration used in out assay (30

nM). As expected, no specific ['HJL-AP~ binding was observed in cells expressing the group

1 or group II receptors, or in cells expressing mGluR7 (Fig. 6).

However, the absence of [ 3 ~ ] ~ - ~ ~ 4 binding in membranes prepared from cells expressing

mGluR6 was surprising, in view of the fact that severai studies have reported that this

receptor is activated in biochemical assays at similar agonist concentrations as are required for

activation of mGluR4 or mGluR8. mGluR6 is highly homologous to rnGluR4 (-70%

sequence identity; Nakajima et al., 1993) and consistent with this similarity, potencies of L-

SOP or L-AP4 towards inhibition of forskolin-stimulated CAMP formation are almost

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identical between the two receptors (EC50 for L-SOP = 2-5 PM, ECSo for L-AP4 = 0.40.9

PM; Nakajima et al., 1993; Laurie et al., 1997; Pin and Conn, 1997). It is unlikely that the

lack of binding observed to mGluR6 was due to low expression levels because

immunoblotting results indicated that this receptor was highly expressed in transfected cells

(Fig. 5). Furthemore, receptor misfolding is an unlikely explanation for the absence of

binding to mGluR6 because responses to 100 pM L-AP4 were observed in live mGluR6-

expressing HEK-293 cells (E. Rosemond and D. R. Hampson, unpublished observations).

These responses were measured as increases in intracellular calcium release using the ca2'

indicator dye fura-2 following CO-transfection with the chimeric G-protein a-subunit Gqig.

This chimeric G-protein corresponds to the a-subunit of G, with its last 9 residues replaced by

those of Gaiz and switches the mGluR6 signal transduction pathway fiom inhibition of CAMP

production to activation of PLC and subsequent IPa-mediated ca2' release (Conklin et al.,

1993). A previous study examining mGluR2 and mGluR4 using this assay detennined that

the phannacological profiles of these receptors were identical to those reported by measuring

inhibition of forskolin-stimulated adeiiylyl cyclase activity (Gomeza et al., 1996b). My

results were similar to those observed with human mGluR6 expressed in CHO cells; Laurie et

al. (1997) were unable to detect specific binding of ['HIL-AP~ despite the ability to measure

L-APCmediated inhibition of forskolin-stimulated adenylyl cyclase. One possible

explanation for these tindings is that mGluR6 may have an intemediate affinity for agonists

that is higher than that of mGluR7 but lower than either mGluR4 or mGluR8. Accordingly,

increasing the concentration of [ 3 ~ ] ~ - ~ ~ 4 up to 300 nM remlts in small increases in the

amount of specific binding to mGluR6-expressing membranes (E. Rosemond and D. R.

Hampson, unpublished observations). Therefore it is likely that the affinity of mGluR6 for

['HIL-AP~ is too low to measure at the radioligand concentration used in our binding assay

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(30 nM). If this is indeed the case, then finctional data on mGluR6 suggests that this receptor

might couple more efïiciently to G-proteins. An alternative explanation is that the optimal

requirements for ligand binding to mGluR6 (i.e. ionic composition of the assay buffer, pH,

etc.) may be different fkom those for the other group III receptors. These differences could be

related to the restricted distribution of mGluR6 within the retina and its physiological role in

mediating ON-responses of retinal bipolar cells.

The results of ['HJCPPG binding to cloned mGluRs showed that, at the concentration used

(20 nM), a high level of binding was seen only in cells expressing mGluR8 (Fig. 6). Under

the same conditions, binding to mGluR4 was barely detectable. The drarnatic differences in

['HJCPPG binding to mGluR4 and mGluR8 are not likely due to differences in receptor

expression levels because (a) immunoblots using the same antibody to detect mGluR4 and

mGluR8 showed a similar level of expression for the two receptors (Fig. 5) and, (b) the

[ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ and ['HJL-AP~ binding assays were perfomed in parallel using the same batches

of membranes and the amount of ['HIL-AP~ binding was roughly similar for mGluR4 and

mGluR8 (Fig. 6). We expect that at concentrations above 20 nM ['HICPPG, binding to

mGluR4 would become more prominent while at still higher concentrations, [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ might

interact with mGluR6 and mGluR7. In accordance with this hypothesis, increasing the

concentration of [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ to 150 nM resulted in an approximately IO-fold increase in

specific binding of this ligand to mGluR4 (data not shown). However, the arnount of specific

binding was still not sufficient to permit competition curve analysis. Functional assays

conducted on brain cells and tissues have shown that CPPG has the ability to block group II

mGluR-mediated responses, albeit at substantially higher concentrations than those used in

our binding assay (Jane et al., 1995). Although it remains to be determinecl whether or not

both the specific activity and the affinity of ['HJCPPG are high enough for use in radioligand

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binding assays for other mGluRs, my results suggest that, at low concentrations, this

radioligand is best suited for studies on mGluR8.

The affinity constant (KD) calculated for ['HICPPG binding to mGluR8 was 183 nM. The

phosphono-substituted phenylglycine compounds that interact with group III mGluRs appear

to have higher aflinity for mGluR8 than the other members of this subgroup. This

observation is supportd by previous radioligand binding experiments with [)H]L-AP~ and

functional data. For example, the higher affinity of ['HICPPG for mGIuR8 compared to

mGluR4 is compatible with previous results examining the binding of ['HIL-AP~ to these

receptors; unlabeled CPPG was approximately 25 to 50-fold more potent at inhibiting [)H]L-

AP4 binding to mGluR8 than to mGluR4 (Hampson et al., 1999; Peltekova et al., 2000). In a

study measuring the abilities of dmgs to inhibit fonkolin-stimulated CAMP production in

cells expressing human mGluR4, mGluR7, or mGluR8, the phosphonophenylglycine

antagonist MPPG (a close structural analogue of CPPG; see Fig. 3) was much more potent at

mGluR8 than at mGluR4 or mGluR7 (Wu et al., 1998). Similarly, Gasparini et al. (1999)

have demonstrateâ that the phosphonophenylglycine agonist (R,S)-PPG is 20 times more

potent at mGluR8 than mGluR4. Moreover, recent characterization of the novel

phenylglycine agonist (S)-3,4-dicarboxyphenylglycine ((S)-DCPG) has show that this

compound potently activates mGluR8 (ECso = 31 nM) and is at least 1000 times more

selective for this receptor than other mGluR subtypes (Thomas et al., 200 1 ).

A tentative conclusion that can be drawn fiom these collective observations is that the

binding pocket in mGluR8 is more accommodating for the phenylglycine derivatives

compared to other members of the gmup III mGluRs. L-AP4 and the cornpetitive antagonist

CPPG likely bind within the same binding pocket of mGluRs and the molecular interactions

of the two dmgs within the pocket may overlap one another, but they are not identical. The

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requirement for a phosphonate-containing moiety among group III agonists is well

established. The results from ['HJCPPG cornpetition experiments indicate that this

requirement also applies to the phenylglycine derivatives (Fig. 8; Table 3). We observed that

two phosphonate-containing phenylglycine compounds, CPPG and MPPG, were the most

potent inhibitors of ['HJCPPG binding, while MCPG, a phenylglycine compound identical to

MPPG but lacking a phosphonate group was approximately 200 and 500-fold less potent at

displacing [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ binding compared to MPPG and CPPG, respectively (Table 3). The

very low potency of MCPG in antagonizing L-AP4-induced responses has previously been

demonstrated in electrophysiological experiments on rat hippocampal slices (Vignes et al.,

1995) and with mGluR8 CO-expressed in oocytes with potassium channels (IClro = 320 PM;

Saugstad et al., 1997).

My data shows that although rnGluR4 and mGluR8 have similar afinities for L-AP4 and

other non-phenylglycine agonists, mGluR8 possesses higher affinity for CPPG and MPPG

than mGluR4. These results are in accordance with a recent functional study demonstrating

that MPPG is more potent at inhibiting mGluR8 agonist-mediated responses than those of

mGluR4 (De Colle et al., 2000). One interpretation of these findings is that the ligand

recognition site of mGluR8 is more hydrophobic than that of mGluR4. The binding pocket

within mGluR8 may provide a better microenvironment with a higher degree of

hydrophobicity that is more accommodating for the hydrophobic phenyl ring present in the

phenylglycine denvatives. In support of this suggestion, preliminary results from

mutagenesis experiments in which specific residues in the ligand-binding pocket of mGluR4

have been mutated to the equivalent (and more hydrophobic) residues in mGluR8 have shown

an increase in affinity of CPPG to the mutant mGluR4 receptor (V. Pektekova, O. Hornby,

and D. R. Hampson, unpublished observations). Likewise, a cornparison between mGluR4

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and mGluR8 phamacology by De Colle et al. (2000) has suggested that the binding site of

mGluR8 might be more hydrophobic or less sterically-hindered than that of mGluR4. This

hypothesis was based on their finding that compounds containing alkyl rings were often more

potent on mGluR8 than mGluR4.

Despite the similarities in phamacology among the highly homologous group III mGluRs,

my study suggests that a series of phenylglycine compounds may have the potential for

discnminating between receptor subtypes. Speci ficall y, we have demonstrated that the

phenylglycine antagonist CPPG exhibits selectivity towards mGluR8 at low nanomolar

concentrations. Furthemore, ['HICPPG is the first commercially available radioligand that is

selective for a single mGluR subtype. Collectively, these findings should encourage the

development and identification of compounds (such as (S)-DCPG; Thomas et al., 2001) that

exhibit greater affinity and selectivity towards individual mGluR subtypes.

4.2 Amino Acids Meditating High ACnnity Ligand Blnding to mGluR8

A series of point mutations were made in mGluR8a. The mutants were express4 in

HEK cells and tested for their ability to bind either [ 3 ~ ] ~ - ~ ~ 4 or [ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ . Both

radioligands have previously been shown to bind to mGluR8 with high afinity (Peltekova et

al., 2000; Naples and Hampson, 2001, see above). The objective of this part of my study was

to detennine the amino acid residues in mGluR8 that mediate these high affinity interactions.

kkg7' was initially targeted for mutagenesis due to the conservation of this residue arnong

al1 mGluR subtypes. It has previously been established that mutation of the analogous residue

in mGluR1 (Arg'') and mGluR4 abolishes the binding of group-selective radioligands

(Jensen et al., 2000; Hampson et al., 1999). Moreover, the crystal structure of mGluRl

demonstrates that hg7' participates in a polar interaction wi th the y -carboxyl group of

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glutamate (Kunishima et al., 2000). As expected, mutation of this conserved residue to an

alanine in mGluR8 eliminated ['HIL-AP~ and ('HICPPG binding (Fig. 9). This result

provides confirmation that ~r~~~ is a fundamental ligand recognition residue among group III

receptors. By analogy with the crystal structure of mGluR1, one can infer that Arg''

participates in an electrostatic interaction with the y-phosphonate group common to both L-

AP4 and CPPG.

Due to the reported selectivity of phosphonate-containing compounds for the group III

receptors, we hypothesized that an additional positively charged residue within the binding

pocket is required for high affinity binding of these compounds. Therefore, other positively

charged residues in mGluR8 were targeted for inutagenesis based on their proximity to ~ r ~ ' ' .

Additionally, it was expected that residues mediating the binding of phosphonated compounds

would not be conserved among the group 1 or group II receptors. One residue that fit these

critena was LYS". This residue is present only in mGluR4 ( L ~ S ' ~ ) and mGluR8 and, as such,

may explain the high afinity of L-AP4 for these receptor subtypes. Mutation of L ~ S " to the

equivalent residue in mGluRl (tyrosine; refer to Fig. 48) eliminated ['HIL-AP~ and

[)H]CPPG binding (Fig. 9). We suggest that the lack of ['HJL-AP~ and ['HICPPG binding

observed to mGluR8 K7 1 Y results fiom steric hindrance. It is probable that the introduction

of a tyrosine residue at this position interferes with binding of the relatively large (compared

to glutamate) phosphonate-containing compounds. This may provide an explanation for the

inability of mGluRl to bind either L-AP4 or CPPG.

Interestingly, when LYS'' was mutated to an alanine in mGluR8, no significant effect was

observed on the affinity of ['HIL-AP~, while the affinity of ['HJCPPG for this mutant was

decreased significantly (-4-fold; Table 4). In this case, steric hindrance is not a plausible

explanation for the decrease in affinity of ['HJCPPG for mGluR8 K71A. Furthemore, this

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effect is not likely attributable to a direct interaction of CPPG with L ~ S " because this residue

is conserveci in mGluR4, a low affinity receptor for CPPG. A possible explanation is that

mutation of L ~ S ~ ' affects the relative positions of nearby residues unique to mGluR8.

Consequently, polar interactions with the phenyl group of CPPG may be disrupted resulting in

l es efficient binding of this ligand. My results suggest that L ~ S " does not mediate the high

affinity binding of phosphonated compounds to mGluR8. In support of this conclusion, the

affinity of ['HIL-AP~ for the analogous mGluR4 mutant (K74A) was not significantly

different fiom the aflnity of ['HIL-AP~ for wild-type mGluR4 (Table 4; V. Peltekova and D.

R. Hampson, unpublished observations). This differs from results with mGluRl where a

tyrosine at this position appears to be required for the binding of the agonist [3~]quisqualic

acid (Kunishima et al., 2000).

In contrast to our results, previous modeling studies have predicted that L~s''' in mOluR4

is important for ligand binding. Bessis et al. (2000) constnicted a homology mode1 of the N-

terminal domain of mGluR4 bas4 on LIVBP into which the selective agonist I -

aminocyclopentane 1,3,4-tricarboxylic acid (ACPT-I) was docked. The model proposes that

the ammonium function of L ~ S " interacts with an oxygen atom on one of the acidic groups of

ACPT-I and indicates that this residue is a deteminant of subtype or group specific

phamacology. Unfortunately, mutagenesis studies were not perfonned to clarify the role of

~~s~~ in ACPT-1 binding (Bessis et al., 2000). A subsequent study involving a detailed

cornparison of mGluR4 and mGluR8 phamacology has proposed that the model established

by Bessis et al. (2000) is valid fot mGluR8 as well (De Colle et al., 2000). Regardless, my

results imply that residues involved in binding of the phosphonated compounds L-AP4 and

CPPG differ from those required for ACPT-1 binding.

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Two other amino acid residues targeted for mutagenesis were ~~s~~ and With the

exception of mGluR7 (a low affinity L-AP4 receptor), ~~s~~ and Lysb9 are conserved among

the group III mGluRs. Previous experiments on mGluR4 demonstrated that mutation of either

of these lysine residues produced a modest decrease (-50%) in ['H]L-AP~ binding (V.

Peltekova and D. R. Hampson, unpublished observations). The K68AK69A double mutant

in mGluR8 produced a similar, albeit more pronounced, effect on ['HIL-AP~ and ['HJCPPG

binding (Fig. 9). It i s possible that high affinity binding of phosphonated compounds requires

one of these residues, but not both. However, it should be noted that the LIVBP-homology

models of mGluR4 do not implicate these residues in ligand binding, despite their

conservation in this receptor subtype (Hampson et al., 1999; Bessis et al., 2000). Therefore,

an alternative explanation for this result is that these residues do not participate directly in

ligand binding but contribute to the conformation of the binding pocket. Mutation of a single

lysine may affect the conformation such that the ability of the receptor to bind ligand is

compromised. As might be expected, mutation of both residues could produce effects that are

more drastic.

Together with previous modeling studies, my results suggest that the requirernents for high

afinity binding to mGluR8 are ligand specific. Unfortunately, the interpretation of site-

directed mutagenesis experiments is complicated by the possibility that point-mutations can

produce confonnational changes in the ligand binding pocket or global misfolding of the

protein. For this reason, mutations that abolish radioligand binding must be carefùlly


4.3 Cbaracterization of an Immunoreactive Band Unique to mCluR4 R78A

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When subjected to SDS-PAGE, monomers and dimers of mGluR4 and mGluR8 - -

migrate at Mr = 1 00,000 and M, = 200,000 (Fig. 5). If less protein is used or expression levels

are low, the immunoreactive band at M, = 100,000 can be visualized as a doublet of bands at

M, = 100,000 and M, = 93,000 (Fig. 1 1). Mutation of a conserved arginine residue (hg7') to

an alanine in mGluR4 results in the appearance of an additional lower molecular weight band

at M, = 85,000 following SDS-PAGE. Based on the fundamental role of this positively

charged residue in ligand binding and its position within the hinge region of the binding

pocket, we speculated that the additional band observed in the R78A mutant may represent a

closed fonn of the receptor (see Section 1.7).

Evidence exists that dimerization of mGluR subtypes is mediated by a combination of

disulfide bonds and hydrophobic interactions (Romano et al., 1996; Tsuji et al., 2000).

However, my results demonstrate thst mGluR dimers (particularly of the gtoup III receptors;

Fig. 5) are still present following treatment with reducing agents and detergents. This is a

common observation among mGluRs (Hampson et al., 1999; Peltekova et al., 2000; Tsuji et

al., 2000). Therefore, it is possible that the confonnational change associated with receptor

closure could remain stable under similar denaturing conditions.

Detection of the immunoreactive band at Mr = 85,000 by N-terminal or C-terminal

antibodies to mGluR4 suggests that this band does not represent a proteolytic fiagrnent of

mGluR4 R78A (Fig. 10). Proteolysis of the 67 residues upstream of the N-terminal anti-

mGluR4/8 antibody recognition site would be expected to produce only a modest shift in

molecular weight (-7 kDa). Furthemore, the band at Mr = 85,000 was also present in a

consmict of mGluR4 R78A containing a c-myc epitope inserted downstrearn of the signal

peptide (c-myc-mGluR4a). The ability of the anti-c-myc antibody to label this lower

molecular weight band provides additional evidence against N-terminal proteolysis. With

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respect to receptor proteolysis, it is a remote possibility that the R78A mutation promotes self-

splicing of mGluR4 at an interna1 site. However, it is unclear why the R78A mutation would

encourage this process while other mutations made to mGluR4 do not. Mutation of the

analogous residue in mGluR8 (kg7') produced a similar banding pattern following SDS-

PAGE (Fig. 10). However, unlike the mGluR4 mutant, the additional band at MI = 85,000

was very faint. Moreover, this band was occasionally observed in the wild-type receptor,

albeit at a lesser intensity. The faint appearance of this lower molecular weight band in

immunoblots of wild-type mGluR4 and mGluR8 might be explained by the observation that

mGluRs exist in dynamic equilibriurn between two primary conformational States, the 'open'

and 'closed' States (Kunishima et al., 2000). As a result, it is expected that a small proportion

of wild-type receptors will exist in the closed conformation. This population of receptors may

or may not be noticeable on immunoblots depending on receptor expression levels and/or

developing conditions (i.e. exposure times).

Nonetheless, one would expect the lower band for mGluR8 R75A to be more pronounced

if it indeed represents a closed f o m of mGluR8 due to the high degree of sequence homology

between mGluR4 and mGluR8 in this region. It should also be noted that mutation of ~r~~~

in a soluble construct of mGluR4 failed to duplicate the banding pattern observed with the

full-length receptor (data not shown). The soluble construct of mGluR4 is truncated 39 amino

acids upstream of the first putative transmembrane domain and displays a similar

phamacological profile as the full-length receptor (Han and Hampson, 1999). It is possible

that the lower molecular weight band is absent in this construct because missing downstream

portions of the receptor are required to stabilize receptor closure.

Examination of the mGluR1 crystal structure reveals that upon ligand binding, ~r~~~ aligns

itself across the binding pocket fiom ~ r ~ j * (present on the opposite lobe; Kunishima et al.,

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2000). Like ~rg'*, this residue participates in an electrostatic interaction with the negatively

charged side chah of glutamate and serves to stabilize the closed form of the receptor.

Furthemore, this arginine is the only positively charged residue on the second lobe of the

receptor that interacts with glutamate. Since a positive charge (lysine) is conserved at this

position in the group III mGluRs, ( L ~ S ) ' ~ in mGluR4; Duvoisin et al., 1995) we hypothesized

that the repulsive force between these positive charges on opposite lobes is responsible for

holding the receptor in its 'open' conformation in the absence of ligand. Therefore, it was

expected that if the mGluR4 R78A mutant promotes a shift in equilibrium towards the closed

form of the receptor, then mutation of L ~ s ' ' ~ might pmduce a similar result.

Interestingly, the mGluR4 K3 17A mutant possessed a similar affinity for ['HIL-AP~ as

wild-type mGluR4 (Table 4) suggesting that this residue is not important for ligand binding.

Furthemore, the extra band at M, = 85,000 was not observed in this mutant following SDS-

PAGE (Fig. 12A). The binding results imply that removal of this positive charge on the

second lobe of the receptor does not promote receptor closure. This finding is in agreement

with the crystal structure of mGluRI, which indicates that residues on the second lobe of the

receptor, though they may interact with glutamate, may not be required for high affinity

ligand binding (Kunishima et al., 2000). The possibility that receptor closure could be

induced by mutating L~S"' to a negatively charged glutamic acid was investigated. In

contrast to the mGluR4 K317A mutant, the ability of the mGluR4 K317E mutant to bind

['HIL-AP~ was severely impaired (Fig. 128). It is likely that introduction of this negative

charge inhibited ['HIL-AN binding by foming an ion pair with a positively charged residue

on the other lobe of the receptor. Occupation of this positive charge therefore promotes

receptor closure, analogous to ligand binding. However, the additional lower molecular

weight band was also absent in irnmunoblots performed on this mutant (Fig. 12A).

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Collectively, these results suggest that the band at M, = 85,000 in immunoblots of mGluR4

R78A-expressing cells does not represent a closed fom of mGluR4.

Other experiments perfonned on mGluR4 and rnGluR4 R78A have indicated that this

additional lower molecular weight band may correspond to a deglycosylated fom of the

receptor (Fig. 1 1). Excluding the putative signal peptide, the predicted molecular weight of

unglycosylated mGluR4a is approximately 98 kDa. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that

PNGase F-mediated deglycosylation of a soluble mGluR4 consmict following expression of

this receptor in HEK-293 cells produces a shift in molecular weight of 8 kDa (Han and

Hampson, 1 999). Based on these observations, i t had been suggested that mGluR4 monomer

bands at M, = 100,000 and M, = 93,000 (Fig. 1 1) represent glycosylated and unglycosylated

foms of the receptor, respectively (Hampson et al., 1999). Studies on mGluRl and the

human ca2?sensing receptor have s h o w that monomers of both receptors migrate as

doublets during SDS-PAGE (Hermans et al., 1998b; Ray et al., 1998). Additionally,

inhibition of asparagine-linked glycosylation of mGluR1 has demonstrated that the Iower

molecular weight band of this doublet represents a partially deglycosylated fonn of the

receptor (Mody et al., 1999). Similar results have been observed for the ca2+-sensing receptor

(Ray et al., 1998).

My results demonstrate that full-length mGluR4 is more heavily glycosylated than

previously expected (-15-20 D a ; Fig. II). The most likely explanation for the disparity

between glycosylation of mGluR4 and its truncated soluble form (Han and Hampson, 1999) is

the presence of an additional consensus sequence for asparagine-linked glycosylation in the

full-length receptor. Therefore, one could hypothesize that the bands at M, = 100,000 and M,

= 93,000 represent different populations of recepton. The approxirnate molecular weight of

the proposeci signal peptide (-4 D a ) might account for this difference. An alternative

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explanation is that the doublet represents receptor species at different stages of post-

translational modification (Le. partially processed and mature glycoproteins). The results of a

study examining the sensitivity of the ca2'-sensing receptor to the deglycosylating enzymes

asparagine-glycosidase F and endoglycosidase H has provided evidence in support of this ides

(Ray et al., 1998). Ray et al. (1998) observed that the human ca2'-sensing receptor runs as a

doublet of bands at (-130 and 150 kDa) when expressed in HEK-293 cells. Following

treatment with the deglycosylating enzymes mentioned above, the ca2'-sensing receptor

migrated as a single band ai 1 15 kDa. Previous studies have indicated that the M, of the fully

deglycosylated mGluRl and ca2'-sensing receptors approximate the molecular weight

predicted fiom their respective primary amino acid sequences (Mody et al. 1999; Ray et al.,

1998). However, my results demonstrate that the Mr of fully deglycosylated mGluR4 is 80-

85,000 (Fig. 1 1); this is much less than its predicted molecular weight (98 kDa). The reason

for this discrepancy is unclear.

The question that remains to be answered is: if the mGluR4 R78A mutation indeed impairs

glycosylation of this receptor, then why do the partially processed and fully mature receptors

still appear? A possible explanation is that this mutation impairs proper folding of the

receptor such that a large propoition of receptors are incorrectly glycosylated. ~ r ~ ' ' is

located 20 amino acids upstream of an asparagine-linked glycosylation consensus sequence

and therefore may have the ability to influence glycosylation at this site. Interestingly,

irnmunocytochemistry experiments have demonstrated that mGluR4 R78A is targeted to the

ce11 surface in HEK cells (Hampson et al., 1999). One would expect that misfolding prior to

glycosylation or due to incomplete glycosylation would affect proper trafficking of this

receptor. Accordingly, mutation of critical asparagine residues in the human ca2+-sensing

receptor decreased its cell-surface expression (Ray et al., 1998). In contrast, prevention of

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asparagine-linked glycosylation of mGluRl by tunicamycin did not affect ce11 surface

expression of this receptor in HEK cells (Mody et al., 1999). Whether or not unglycosylated

receptors would be correctly targeted to prespaptic teminals in mGluR4-expressing neurons

is unclear. Regardless, these studies suggest that the importance of receptor glycosylation on

proper trafficking can vaiy, even among closely related GPCRs.

4.4 Conclusions and Future Studies

In the first part of my study, al1 eight rat mGluR subtypes were expressed in HEL293

cells and tested for their ability to bind either ['HIL-AP~ or the novel radiolabeled compound

['HJCPPG. My results confinn the reporteci selectivity of [ 3 ~ ] ~ - ~ ~ 4 and reveal that

[ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ selectively labels mGluR8 at a concentration of 20 nM (Naples and Harnpson,

2001). The ability of other phenylglycine compounds (e.g. MPPG, (R,S)-PPG) to potently

compete for ['HICPPG binding to mGIuR8 compareci with their ability to inhibit ['HIL-AW

binding to mGluR4 (Hampson et al., 1999) suggests that the presence of a phenyl ring confers

selectivity for mGluR8 over mGluR4. We conclude that the binding pocket of mGluR8 is

more hydrophobic than that of mGluR4 and therefore better able to accommodate the

phenylglycine compounds. These findings should lead to the development and identification

of compounds possessing even greater affinity and selectivity for mGluR8.

[ 3 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ is the first commercially available radioligand identified to be selective for a

single mGluR subtype and, as such, represents a useful tool for studying mGluR8. Presently,

little is known about the specific physiological processes mediated by this receptor. In the

marnmalian CNS expression of mGluR8 shows considerable overlap with that of mGluR7,

indicating that these receptors serve coniplementary functions (i.e. inhibition of

neurotransmitter release; Saugstad et al., 1997). Based on the relatively low potency of

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glutamate for mGluR7 it has been suggested that this receptor mediates homosynaptic - -

modulation of glutamatergic neurotransmission, whereas mGluR8 might influence glutamate

release through heterosynaptic mechanisms. Future studies could exploit the selectivity of

CPPG for mGluR8 to examine the precise role of this receptor in glutarnatergic transmission.

A second conclusion of this study is that the amino acids in mGluR8 that mediate binding

of ['HIL-AP~ and ['HICPPG are similar. The only difference observed between the two

ligands was that mutation of L ~ S ~ ' to an alanine in mGluR8 did not affect the afinity of this

receptor for L-AP4, but resulted in an approximately 4-fold decrease in afinity for the

phenylglycine antagonist CPPG. At present, no molecular models have been developed

speci ficall y for mGluR8. However, based on their phamacological similarities, it has been

suggested that models of the mGluR4 binding site are valid for mGluR8 as well (De Colle et

al., 2000). Previous models of the mGluR4 ligand-binding pocket (Hampson et al., 1999;

Bessis et al., 2000) have adapted this receptor to the structural mode1 of the mGluRl binding

site (O'Hara et al., 1 993). Although these models have proven useful for identifying the key

residues involved in glutamate binding, CO-ordinates for the crystal structure of mGluR1 have

recently become available (Kunishima et al., 2000). Therefore, it is anticipated that this will

guide the production of new, more accurate models of mGluRs. Future studies utilizing these

models will shed light on the binding determinants that confer subtype-selective

phamacology. Moreover, it is likely that X-ray structures of other mGluR subtypes will be

solved in the funire. The resultant detemination of amino acids involved in ligand binding to

different mGluR subtypes should lead to rapid advances in the design of subtype specific


In the final part of this study, we demonstrated that the R78A mutation in mGluR4 impairs

proper glycosylation of this receptor. Despite this observation, îrafficking of mGluR4 R78A

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to the ce11 surface in HEL293 cells appears to be unaffected (Hampson et al., 1999)

indicating that folding and processing of this receptor is othenvise not severely compromised.

Interestingly, the M, of mGluR4 following deglycosylation with PNGase F was

approximately 85,000. This is substantially different from the predicted molecular weight of

unglycosylated mGluR4a (-98 kDa). The reason for this discrepancy is unclear but is

unlikely to be due to receptor misfolding since deglycosylation of soluble rnGluR4a has

previously been shown to have no effect on the affinity of this receptor for ['HIL-AP~ (Han

and Hampson, 1999). Future studies are needed to examine the role of asparagine-linked

oligosaccharides in mGluR trafficking and/or folding. It is probable that the requirements for

receptor trafficking in mGluR-expressing neurons are more stringent compared to those of

HEK cells.

In summary, my work in this thesis has (1 ) demonstrated that the novel radiolabeled

antagonist ['HJCPPG is selective for mGluR8 at a concentration of 20 nM, (2) characterized

residues within the binding pocket of mGluR8 that confer selectivity for ['HIL-AP~ and

[.'H]CPPG, and (3) revealed that mutation of a conserved arginine residue in mGluR4 impairs

proper glycosylation of this receptor.

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Appendix 2. Sensitivity of ['HJCPPG binding to ehangcs in pH. Ce11 membranes

expressing mGluR8 were prepared simultaneously under difierent pH conditions. Each data

point represen ts the mean * SEM of three independent experiments perfomed in tri plicate.

Maximal binding of [)H]CPPG was observed at pH 8.0. Accordingly, all membrane

preparations and subsequent binding experiments were perfomed at pH 8.0.

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Appeaàù 3 Anaiysb of bidiag nruh

Specific radioactivitv calculation

Specific activity (SA) of radioligand (Cilmmol) was converted to cpm/pmol as follows:

X (cpmlpmol) = SA (Cilmmol) x 2.22~10'~ dpm/Ci x 1û9 mmollpmol x E (cpmldpm)

where E = efficiency of counter

Cheng-Rusoff eauation (conversion of IC, to Ki)


where K, = affinity of radioligand for the receptor