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DATA AND TECH. Harness your biggest growth opportunity


Nov 28, 2021



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Harness your biggest growth opportunity


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This constant evolution of technology brings you unrivalled opportunities:

• Improve business processes and systems

• Optimise operations

• Quicker and more effective decision making through analytical insight

• Optimised ROI

• Transform the roles of your employees and drive innovation

However, for L&D professionals, this also presents a whole new range of challenges. Keeping up-to-date with the constantly changing skills landscape; having an understanding of the current skills and proficiencies in your organisation, as well as trying to anticipate those you will need in the future.

Recruitment and retention of employees with the right skills is also an ever-constant challenge. In technology roles alone, these now account for 9% of the UK national workforce with 2.93m jobs created between 2018 and 2020.

50% of IT decision-makers say they struggled to fill their teams with skilled professionals, with 42% employers saying it is difficult to attract candidates with the technical skills they need.* Ensuring that you can attract, retain and develop in-demand technical experts is key to your future commercial success.

Whereas, data has an impact on many job roles within an organisation. WPP reported that “by 2030 data will be foundational to business decisions and data expertise will be required in every department. Until now, data has been a recorder and interpreter of the world, but by 2030 data will define the relationships between things, places and people, and decide much of our experience. Data will not yet be in charge, but it will be a constant influence.”

This is where BPP can help.

Whilst many industries and organisations have been undertaking digital transformation strategies for several years, the pandemic has accelerated the need for organisations have a robust digital strategy, and an employee base with the skills to implement it.

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Enhanced skills. Enhanced opportunities.

We are operating in unprecedented times of change.

*Tech Nation Report 2020


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The evolving data and technology skills gap.

At BPP we work with you to deliver innovative, relevant and comprehensive training programmes to upskill or retrain your existing employees, equipping them with the latest skills.

The benefits

• Supporting your quality and excellence agenda by addressing critical digital skill gaps

• Improving digital and data analytical skills to accelerate the adoption of new technology

• Increasing colleague retention by providing career development and progression opportunities

• Improving business efficiency through an agile and unique market-leading training programme

Creating your competitive advantage

In the modern business environment, the mantra for many companies is “adapt or die,” especially when it comes to technology. It is important to remember who drives these technological advancements. Your people. Developing the right expertise in technology will help your organisation understand emerging technology and the practical application into existing company structures.

We offer data and technology qualifications at every level, ranging from one-day short courses to levy-fundable apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships, through to Master’s level qualifications.

Our courses are designed to develop competency and understanding in:

• Digital and Data Literacy

• Technical Support

• Programming and Software Development

• Digital Technology Consulting

• Data Analytics

• Infrastructure and Networks

• Cyber Security

• Digital Transformation and Leadership

Developing the digital skillset of your existing employees allows you to retain the time, money and effort that you would spend sourcing those skills in the highly competitive job market.

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The World Economic Forum (WEF), in their

paper The Future of Jobs Report 2020,

say that the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns and

the 2020 recession have “accelerated the future

of work,” in part because the changes to the ways

we work increase the pace of technology adoption.


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Addressing the data skills gaps in your organisation.AI-powered technologies are creating a new era of automation. Organisations have access to more data than at any point in history. There is a myriad of tools to analyse and interpret that data, ensuring they can unlock insights and drive intelligent business decisions.

Creating a workforce of data citizens

Previously, a lot of time may have been taken up on administrative tasks such as reporting, measuring performance and using spreadsheets. By developing the technical skills of all employees to improve their skills with analytics, you can automate such processes and focus time and effort on interrogating and maximising the impact this increase in access to data provides.

Many organisations are unable to capitalise on the data within their business due to a shortage of expert specialists with technical data skills. In addition, organisations need to address the shortage of data literacy skills across the departments which creates a disconnect between highly skilled experts and the rest of the business.

The ability to use data to forward your business is no longer the sole responsibility of your analytics or IT team. The true growth potential of data can only be realised when every employee has a baseline understanding of analytics. Equipped with this, everyone in your business can extract knowledge from your data, unlock insights, inform decisions and improve individual and team value.


Leading the way with data

Our data programmes span Levels 3-7, providing flexible pathways for every level of competency. This allows you to improve and develop the skills of data specialists, as well as creating a new generation of data confident employees across the entire business.

Developing your data specialists ensures that you have teams with the technical to work with complex data architectures including programming for data analytics, big data architectures and big data analytics in addition to AI, machine learning and robotic process automation.

At the same time, they will understand how these skills are applied at a more strategic level, transforming data into knowledge and insight that drive decisions and direction. We help them to develop the skills to present these findings to senior stakeholders, informing business improvement and change and adding value.

Real world application

BPP and Grant Thornton have partnered together to co-design and co-deliver the Level 3 and Level 4 data apprenticeships. This partnership brings together the strength of BPP’s history as a leading provider of financial and professional services education, and Grant Thornton’s recognised status as one of the world’s leading organisations of independent advisory, tax and audit. Our blended experience and expertise has resulted in the creation of two high quality data apprenticeships that amalgamates the technical skills requirements of data analytics with extensive real world business insight. The result is programmes with practical application from their outset.

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There aren’t enough expert data scientists to meet data science and machine learning demands, hence the emergence of citizen data scientists. Data and analytics leaders must empower ‘citizens’ to scale efforts, or risk failure to secure data science as a core competency.Gartner2019


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Our data programmes.


Levy funded

Level 6 Digital and Technology Solutions Professional Degree


Level 7 MSc Applied Data Analytics Apprenticeship


30 months or 22 months fast track option

24 months 15 months

Level 3 Data Technician Apprenticeship

21 months

Level 4 Data Analyst Apprenticeship

Data Scientist

AI Scientist

AI Developer

ML Scientist

Data Architect

Data Administrator

Data Citizen

Junior Data Analyst

Data Analyst

Data Developer

Data EngineerRole

Advanced programmes for data specialists

Data skills for the workforce

Data skills for the technical workforcePurpose

SpecialistEntire Organisation Entry Level SpecialistAudience

Data Lead

Head of Data

Data Manager

Technical data skills for leaders


Data Analyst

Data Developer

Data Engineer

Data skills for the technical workforce



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Recruitment and retention of skilled professionals with the technical skills is a key challenge for leading organisations, with 50% of IT decision-makers struggling to fill their teams with skilled professionals, and 42% of employers finding it difficult to attract candidates with the technical skills they need.

Some of these skills include:

• An in-depth knowledge of IT systems and operating models within your organisation

• Understanding of networks and associated aspects including design, security and functionality which can be translated within your business environment

• Expertise to develop security case objectives to prevent and protect against future cyber threats posed against your company’s digital infrastructure

• Software developer skills which can be crucial towards the success of clients and the services provided by your organisation by delivering on technical projects successfully

• Understanding of internal and external factors such as IT governance, legislation and impact of emerging technologies

We have 40 years experience shaping careers within the financial services industry which is the industry that has seen the biggest impact of technology. The financial industry has had to adopt quickly new technologies and provide a skilled technical workforce due to the high risk of security breaches from the storage of large volumes of personal data.

Increased technology job roles between 2020 and 2025.

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Addressing the technology skills gaps in your organisation.

Current Workers Additional Jobs

Software Development 267,522 1,998,177

Data Analysis, Machine Learning and AI

106,797 341,208

Cloud and Data 95,517 430,753

Cyber Security 30,622 99,662

Privacy and Trust 32,461

The opportunities created by emerging technologies in areas including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, Cyber Security, Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are creating the need for employees with the technological acumen to understand and implement these technologies.

The future of the ‘hybrid’ economy

Organisations have significantly increased the use of digital technologies, with an increase in remote-based employees accessing systems and services from multiple devices. Organisations also see the merit in digitalisation to reduce costs, drive simplicity and continuously provide more functionality to employees, placing more emphasis on increased, robust IT support.

Driving innovation

Having the right technology expertise in the company will drive innovation and the ability to gain a competitive advantage. By developing digital and technological experts in-house who will understand these emerging technologies and help you to add value to your organisation. With our expertise in technology and organisational capability we continually assess the skills landscapes which informs our programmes. We want to develop a generation of technology talent who could become confident professionals with the ability to operate across a range of technical roles.

“At least 40% of all businesses will die in the next 10 years…

if they don’t figure out how to change their entire company

to accommodate new technologies.”

John Chambers Former CEO, Cisco


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Our technology programmes.


Levy funded


15 months

Level 3 Infrastructure Technician


Help Desk Technician

First or Second Line Support

IT Infrastructure Technician

Network Support


Data Analyst

IT Consultant

Software Engineer

Cyber Security Analyst

Level 6 Digital and Technology

Solutions Professional Degree Apprenticeship

30 months or 22 months fast track


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Our short courses.

Through our partnerships with leading businesses, industry bodies, our commissioned market research, and our Capability+ client consultations, we monitor the constantly changing skills landscape, ensuring our range of short courses address the most significant and pressing future skills gaps. We are constantly developing our portfolio of courses to ensure they are in line with ever-evolving capability requirements and learning trends.

While our courses have broad applicability and are sector- and role-agnostic, they are built around practical applications relevant to the individual’s job, providing opportunities to actively apply the knowledge gained direct to the workplace for instant ROI.

For more information on our short courses please visit

Our range of short courses are created with direct input from clients to address the most significant and pressing skills gaps.

Agile learning for instant impact.Our apprenticeships are:

• Created by employers, for employers. BPP is driven by market insight, and our programmes have been designed in partnership with our clients to ensure they are continually aligned to the evolving data and technology sector

• Delivered using the relevant software or programme vendor so your employee develops their skills and expertise using these packages, including AWS, Microsoft and Cisco

• Aligned with industry-recognised professional qualifications and offer the inclusion of optional additional certifications to ensure that the skills your employees develop are aligned to the needs of industry

• Delivered in a fully supportive environment - through regular contact, professionally experienced tutors and a market leading performance support team

“The competition for talent is fiercer than the competition for customers.”The Future Leader – 9 skills and mindsets to succeed in the next decade, by Jacob Morgan, 2020

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Short courses

Digital and DataData FundamentalsData Visualisation

Using Data for Decision MakingDigital Transformation

Leadership and TeamworkLeading in a Changing Business Environment

Teamwork for a Connected WorldBuilding Effective Coaching Skills

Personal EffectivenessAnalytical and Critical Thinking

Agile Thinking in a Changing Business WorldEmotional Intelligence

Resilience and Wellbeing

Customer First

Creating a Customer-Centric Organisation


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Since BPP was established in 1976, we have been revolutionising the sector by challenging the status quo and delivering our programmes in an innovative and professionally relevant way. Recognising the impact of technology on our client partners, we established a dedicated School of Technology to support our clients with their ‘digital transformation.’

In 2016, BPP University pioneered the launch of our Level 6 BSc Digital and Technology Solutions Degree Apprenticeship, in collaboration with the country’s top financial, professional services and legal businesses. We worked closely with the Tech Partnership Degrees team, who led the trailblazer group to ensure that the programme would meet the fundamental requirements of the associated apprenticeship and was certified as ‘Tech Industry Gold.’

Over 50% of our first generation Digital and Technology Solutions graduates were awarded a First Class Honours degree or distinction.

In 2020, we updated this flagship programme, introducing a fast track option.

BPP University School of Technology.

“At BPP, our vision is to be at the forefront of

change within the technology education marketplace.”

Paul Rowlett Dean of BPP University School of Technology

The highest quality learning. Delivered online.We are an innovator in the education space and constantly improve our technologies to ensure we continue to deliver the best in programme design, delivery and learner experience.

All technology programmes are designed to be delivered live online to ensure your employees can balance education with their day jobs for maximum impact and productivity.

Innovative online learning platforms

Learners study on our premium online platform, Online Classroom Live, providing interactive online sessions at scheduled times, accessible from anywhere in the world.

• Uses market leading Adobe Connect – premium virtual classroom software

• Capped class sizes for maximum engagement

Learners also have access to The Hub; our online learning environment which provides a single access point to all learning resources including LinkedIn Learning and Pluralsight, Online Classroom Live sessions, additional digital learning assets and on-demand lectures, alongside supporting platforms such as the Virtual Campus. It’s available 24/7 on all internet-enabled devices.


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Innovation at our core

Through our partnerships with leading businesses, industry bodies we monitor the constantly changing industry and skills landscapes which inform our programmes, helping to predict the skills that people need today and in the future.

We conduct and commission our own industry research and offer a unique Capability+ process to clients; reviewing the current skills and levels of proficiency in organisations to focus your L&D strategy in the right areas. For more information visit

Courses at every level

From entry level through to leadership and c-suite level training, we provide an unrivalled range of data qualifications, including Level 3 Data Technician, Level 6 Digital and Technology Solutions Professional Degree Apprenticeship, and Level 7 Master’s Applied Data Analytics.

By offering programmes that reach a broad spectrum of professionals, your business can access an inclusive approach that offers flexibility in the qualification routes available.

Gain digital skills that can be applied instantly

We’ve worked with leading organisations for over 40 years. We understand the importance of learning that’s relevant and applicable to their sectors. Your employees will learn skills that can be applied immediately in their roles.

One provider for all your training

Aside from the convenience of one strong education partner relationship, choosing BPP for your technology and data skills, and professional training gives you invaluable insights across your business as you develop the hard and soft skills in all of your employees.

Established and agile learning infrastructure

Our expertise in delivering large scale degree and apprenticeship programmes gives us the infrastructure you can trust, combined with the agility to create bespoke solutions to suit your specific needs and requirements.

We work in partnership with you to co-design your education and training solutions and deliver it in a way and at a time to suit your business and its cycle.

A leading apprenticeship provider

We take a leading role in the trailblazer groups, shaping the future of apprenticeship training and we bring that expertise to help effectively implement apprenticeships within your business.

We will also help you understand the apprenticeship levy, how to use it, manage it and your commitments to the delivery of the apprenticeship.

Why BPP?

Data and analytics are most effective when world-class technology skills are paired with strong functional domain knowledge.Christina ClarkChief Data Officer GE


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Our tutors are experienced data and technology professionals who have been specifically recruited for their industry experience and passion for training. They bring real-life, work-based examples into their teaching sessions, sharing their own experiences of how the concepts covered within the topics apply within business. They expertly guide apprentices in reflecting on how their learning applies to their work experience and projects in their organisation.

Damien Darcy

Damien has a background in both technology and education, having worked as a secondary school ICT teacher for eight years, and then as a data analyst in a variety of settings including a start-up and a large university. He holds a PhD in Educational Technology from UCL. He teaches across the full portfolio of Level 4-7 Technology Apprenticeships.

Matt Hogg

Matt has 15 years’ experience in e-learning Software Development, working on projects including emulative assessments and virtual reality simulations for the military. He holds a BSc (Hons) in Computing Visualisation and an MSc in Multimedia Technologies for E-Commerce.

Dominic Lyons

Dominic is a professionally accredited Networking and Security Engineer. He has over 20 years’ experience in networking security and DevOps, implementing and troubleshooting Cisco, HP and Fortinet networking equipment and Linux/Microsoft operating systems. He teaches across the full portfolio of Level 4-7 technology apprenticeships.

Nick Moore

Nick is a passionate technologist, with over 11 years’ experience in Data Science and Cyber Security. He has worked in a range of roles in governmental, charitable and commercial organisations, as well as time as a researcher in Computer Science at the University of Oxford. He holds an MSc in Data Mining and Machine Learning.

Anthony Nixon

Anthony has 15 years’ industry experience, working in roles in software development, project management and project direction, working on high profile projects including the 2012 London Olympics. He has experience in teaching Software Development with specialisms including Web Development, Agile methodologies and UML, alongside corresponding design theories and techniques.

Gary Watson

Gary is a Chartered Financial Analyst and has completed a Masters in Applied Psychology. Gary has over 14 years’ experience in the financial services sector in investment management and product development. He retrained in Data Science in 2011 and became a consultant in data-based models for assessing and measuring culture in financial services companies, as well as delivering large digital transformations for a leading global bank.

Tutors with industry experience.


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Creating impact for our clients.

We’ve worked in partnership with BPP for almost 10 years. We are supported by knowledgeable and willing staff who deliver excellent ROI through their interactions with TSB colleagues and support us in delivery of our primary corporate objectives. Through their wide range of programmes, we are able to identify the skills needed to support the evolution of our business. I both value and put a great deal of trust in the expertise of the team at BPP who’ve always demonstrated a great appetite in understanding the intricacies of our business and how we translate these into successful apprenticeship programmes.

Richard Hurlock-Norton Organisational Effectiveness Manager, TSB Bank Plc

We have been impressed with the level of teaching that BPP have provided. During our regular feedback sessions with our apprentices we have found that they are all very happy with all aspects of the programme.

Virgin Money

Before starting with Mazars, I never knew how seamless the integration of a Master’s degree could be with a full-time job. This apprenticeship has allowed me to start the career I have always wanted, whilst continuing my academic study by improving my expertise in Applied Data Analytics. The support from Mazars has been crucial, from helping us to start the course with a great work from home setup, to helping us with assignment research. I would recommend this path to anyone interested in combining continued study with their desired career.

Laura Madon MSc Applied Data Analytics Apprenticeship, Mazars

It has broadened my knowledge of the industry, including elements that are outside of the course; my career has now developed into the UX field as a result of being more aware of how opportunities linked to software engineering. The course also helped me develop a greater understanding of how my team sits within the overall organisational structure. Some elements of the Programme – such as content relating to project management and agile principles – made me feel more passionate about related professional tasks.

Mia Bromige Digital and Technology Solutions Professional Degree Apprenticeship, Thales

When I first started at Virgin Money, we worked on an 18-month rotation gaining experience and knowledge across the whole of our IT department. Having spent three months as a Business Analyst, I decided that this was the role for me. To date, I have worked on a number of high-profile projects and have gained so much knowledge and experience within the banking sector.

Phoebe Norden Digital and Technology Solutions Professional Degree Apprenticeship, Virgin Money

My day-to-day role involves working towards becoming a developer and project manager: running website releases, publishing blogs, developing and coding pages alongside mini-project management roles in initiating these projects. The learning side of my apprenticeship provided by BPP has direct support and correlation to my role. I have only been in my degree apprenticeship for just over a year and have had several modules that completely apply to providing greater expertise in my role. I have greater awareness of the specialism I would like to choose, and where I want my career to be in the next five years, as a direct result from my experience of these modules.

Justina Blair Digital and Technology Solutions Professional Degree Apprenticeship, NatWest Group

Our learner successes.


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Disclaimer: This information is accurate as at the date of publication, June 2021. It is subject to change. This document is for guidance only and does not form part of any contract. For more, visit ©BPP 2021 07760 1st edition.

If you have any questions, or require any more information visit, or call 03300 603 100.