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VOL. X. dfdsfdsf LOS ANGELES, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPT. 21. 1878. Daily Los Angeles Herald. Morning Telegrams. r> sie..t. r- IKlla>« noun,. ; Mojavb, Sept. 20.?J 0 Hooil, , C H Seuton und daughter, R E ! Faniiigtnn, Joint Smith, Mrs J W Chuliin, Van Hunker, J \V Fore- ! man, G L Hdrringer, H O Thomp- son, Mrs A X Gilltnore, R Dillon, J J Roche. N1.....1 I *..£ i 11.,., l,.tai<'., ...1it....? Ulloill., Mnoltlß.i*. Portland, Ogn., Sept. 20lli.?A shooting nfl'tay look place Ihia af- lernoon on (lie corner iff Stark and Kirst Mreets, between A. I). Mc- Donald, manager of iho Evening Telegram, and J. K. Mercer, con- nected with the Daily Bee. A few days ago an article appeared In the Bee rt Meeting very severely on Mc- Donald and l>is family. Mercer und McDonald met on the street thU afternoon, when Ihe latter Mkeil the former if he was respon- sible for the offensive article. Mer- cer replied that lie was. Some harsh language was indulged in hy hoHl parties, when Mercer, who was Mantling with his hand in his pocket. Marled tv draw his pistol. McDonald, oUrerv- lig the niovemenl, lliiew his artna urimnil Mercer tv prevent him from using the weapon. A struggle ensutd, when both men fell, McDonald on top. Mercer rose quickly to his feet anil fired four shots in rapid succession at McDonald, who was still on his hands and knees. Mercer then started to run, when McDonald drew 11 pistol an I fired four shois at him, none of which took effect. McDonald's injuries are considered very dangerous, and small hopes are entertained for his recovery. Mercer was arrested aud lodged in j ill to await the result of McDon- ald's injuries. The affair occa- sioned intense excitement. A terrible accident occurred this morning at Junction City. A widow named Pitney, well known In this section, was fatally injured while passing around the main shaft in J. A. Hush nells warehouse. Her shawl caught In a rapidly re- volving cylinder, aud whirled her around with frightful velocity, bruising und mangling the poor woman In a terrible manner before she could be released. Her inju- ries were very bad, and she sur- vived hut a few minutes. \u25a0Tl,«« HVvatin MriiublleKH*. Eureka, Nev., Sept. 201h.? The Nevada Republican Convention adopted a resolution declaring the validity «'f Hayes's title, rtenouDo- ing tlie Potter investigation as revolutionary, thanking the Ne- vuila Senators and Representatives for supporting (lie silver bill and demanding further legislation to the end that the coinage of silver he placed on an equal Tooting with gold; favoring legislative aud con gressinnal control of railroatis, and repudiating tin-third term. A res olutinn In favor of the Texas-Pacific was voted down. The following ticket was nominated: For Con- gress, R. M. Daggett; for Governor, John H. Kinkaid; Lieutenant-Gov- ernor, H. R. Migels; Supreme Judge, Thomas P. Haw ley; Comp- troller, J. F. Hal leek; Treasurer, Crockett: Secretary of Slate, Jas- per Babcock; Attorney General,M. A. Murphy;, A. J. Hatch; Superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction, Hammond. A K,ia T. 1..1 far Mrs. Hoilltd. .1. Ban Fkancisco, Sept. 20.? Mrs. Cynthia Hodgden, recently convicted of murder iv the second degree, for producing an abortion on Emma Doiines, resulting in her death, was to day granted a new trial. I'lilneve Mllr.ler.Ml Mary avil le. Marysvilie, Sept. 20 ?A well- known Chinese vegetable peddler, Alt Golm, wns brutally murdered last night In his huok In the Chi- nese quarter on First street, near C. A Chinaman who bunked with tbe deceased has been arrested on sus- picion and lodged in (he city prison. Sam i'raaiclsfli, Market*. Kan Francisco, Sept. 20th.? Wheat ?Stagnant and noinlnal; shinplng, $1; milling, $1.- --87}©!.70. Barley? Coast feed, 900 @*1; hay feed, [email protected]|; brew- ing $1.15@1 26; chevalier coast, [email protected]; choice bright, $1 75. Com?Dull, sales large; yellow, 51.17J Oats?Steady; California. $1 16(0)51.57J; Oregon, $1.40©1.60. Rye?Nominal. Hay aud potutoes ?Unchanged. A" Imp 1,,u nl (tint,, I'rusll. ia tee. San Francisco, Sept. 20th.? Yesterday two representatives of the Chinese Companies waited on Judge Darwin, Assistant District Attorney, and informed him that they had learned that on the steamer City of Peking, tine from China and Japan, there were some sixty Chi- nese prostitutes, consigned to an Association known among the Chi- nese by tho name of the Tliree-to- One Company. This Association was some time ago broken up by the Chinese Companies, and their nefarious Irade was stopped, but recently they have re- organized nnd commenced anew the business of importing Chinese women for lewd purposes. At tlie requestor Die representa- tives of the Companies, Judge Dar- win referred the matter to Ibe police authorities, and this morning three "Ulcers were sent down to take charge of the women before they Were landed. Tbe steamer arrived late last night and the passengers are now coming ashore. The of- ficers, with their prisoners, have not, yet returned from the mail dock. ivonl,,, |~?,|,,| ?CO, Sept. 20.?The who were pasien- ty of Peking, about number, were taken II on landing, where ed that they came own free will, and certificates required the U. S. Consul at They were set at llb- toe taken to China- A Unin nay at Saerameuta. Sacramento, Sept. 20th.?This Is essentially a gala day at Sacra- mento. The hanks are closed and business generally is suspended. At nine o'clock this morning Post- master-General Key and rarty left the Uolden Eagle Holel for the pur pose of taking a drive around the suburbs of Ihe city. The party was accompanied by Senator Booth, Congressmen Page and Davis, Mr. Boruck, and other distinguished i Itizens, iv all occupying fifteen carriages. At ten o'clouk the whole party were driven to the Capitol, where Governor Irwin, with Adjutant-General Walsh aud the State officers were iv waiting to tender General Key a formal reception. Senator Booth Introduced General Key to the Gov- ernor. After the reception the Postmaster-General's party again took carriages and were driven to Agricultural Park, where places wereas9igned them in IheDirectors' stand. 1'0r11,..*,, nieil h| ||,« tVliiliiil. ?I a - <ltwu Itrenmcr. PORLAND, Ogll., Sept. 20.?A. C. McDonald, who was shot yester- day afternoon by J. K. Mercer, died this morning from his inju- ries. The civil authorities of Vakama county, W.T., have urrested Mo- holla, au old Indian dreamer and general disturber of the peace, for complicity in the murder of Perkins and wife. Word was sent to the authorities by General Howard to theeftect that,if enough was not developed at the examina- tion to hold the dreamer to answer for the crime charged, he was to be detained till the General could send a detail ol' troops after blm. Tu*. ms*iii« «>l in- Nciirge. New York, Sept. 20th.?The Tribune says: The epidemic ap- pears to bespreading only In the ru- ral districts ofLouisiana and Mlssls- slppl. It is decreasing in tbe towns. Canton, Miss., announces that it needs no further aid. Tbe total number of deaths to date Is 0,049. There have been a number of in- stances of a few deaths in several small places. The number of cases at New Orleans up to the present lime has beeu 7,200. At Vicksburg over 3,000. In Memphis about 6,800. t'retv ,»r a Fonndereil Bark. Philadelphia, Pu., Sept. 20.? The hark Carlo has arrived with 153 officers and crew of the Spanish frigate Pizaro, foundered at sea. A Lively Keee|Ml.,u for Beeelaer la Omnia hi. Omaha, Sept. 20 ?While Beech- er was lecturing at the Baptist Church last even ing five hundred laboring mechanics held an auti- Beecher meeting at the Court House and discussed his bread and water titterings. Speeches were made, aud resolutions passed con- demning him. A parade wltb transparencies was to have taken place had it not rained. ! JSJLd- I 1 as, i. ...ii .1 »vn, morning except Mon- day, HY lit* M1 J 11 D- LYNCH. rc«,vis FOB DAILYHERALD: per annum, by mall or express tv> six months " ' ~ Thrae months " ? <vm ? .? Delivered by carriers, per week 25 cents LO3 ANGELES WEEKLY HtRALI is published every Satunlav niornwm TERMS. One / mall copy..lHiA Six months, ?? " " ?? g Thr.-e ?\u25a0' \u25a0* Adv...nsemeui. Inserted al reasonable rat is. All kluds of Jfob-Wnrh .louc to . ..... o. te with Huh franclsce) In Crlee, Style, ami Elokbuo ol Work. niaiiMlit?. LAWYERS. ,|7a7 URATES, '. A HORSEY AND COUNSEL- LOR AT LAW. KOUM No. 1 STRELITZ BLOCK. Jistr \u25a0 JOH¥ C. BwRUAN, I ITOKNKY AT U.A.W. atTftj SANTA MONICA. . r; HyWAMD. fi H. HOWARD. J. BRiIS-EAU. Howard. Brosseau & Howard, . ITOHNKY* AND COUNSELLORS V VT LAW. It .oms, 66,87 and 88 Ter- n' c Itlock, third door, 1/is Angeles. lebS-tr . HENRY T. HAZARD, I'TOHNEY A.TL A.W ? iKPU-E ?ft oms 8 and 9 Downey Ho j. 'aBl-tf S. C. HUBBELL, /. IT IRJTBY AT LAW, Rooms 8 and i r\ [10.-oiiuoil'i a Block, corner Main * .iiimeretal streets. Los Anseles. may7-ti , .i.ahhki.i.. o. n. smith . a . IIAPMAK. H. X. SMITH tiUSSELL, CHAPMAN & SMITHS, TTORNEYB AT LAW, <-.i-|f|('K?TEMPLE BLOCK up-stalrs, Lo* 10 loa. California. oca-tr? 2 F. P. Ramirez, ATIUITNHY AT LAW. ??i r-'K'E?Temple Block, No. 72, l.os Ange ea. ni2-lm W. H. H. Russell, ATTORNEY AND COUNBEL- I.OR AT LAW. iMTßooms 2 nnd 3, Allen's llulltllng, comer of Spring and Temple Sts. alßlf PHYSICIANS. ; Dr. Kirkpatrick. I'HWe aud Kesidence-Nn. IS FRANKLIN BIRKKT, fe2B-lm Or. N. P. RICHARDSON, I hyatlotatn and Purgeon v -nl.m c, Fort Hill, I Office, No. 19 Dow. i< te,ia Vista street. I neyßlock,upstairs. J. HANNON, M. I)., I tiLNTY PHYSICIAN. It nMstill, I.ANFRANCO BLOCK. I i ttesldeuce Downey Avenue. East L m vngeles, uear the end of Btreet rail. > >itlrc I,ours from 10 to 12 A. H.; from 1 to i c. a. ap2otf Dr. Joseph Kurtz Has removed his office to No. 82 MAIN STREET, over Dotter 4 Bradley's Furni- ture store. Odlce Hours?From 10 to 12, 4 to 8 and 8 to 9. Residence?Buena Vlsla street. myltf J. Rechtinger, M. D., (OF VIENNA,) LJHYSICIAN TO THE ITALIAN IN- ilepemlent and French M. B. Socie- ties, oculist »i the French Hospital In sen Francisco. All chronic obstluule \u25a0tases and operations on the eyes attend ,U to, OFFICE ? No, 701 Sacramento street, .'..roeroi Kearny. Residence ?SE. cor- ner Mason un.t Paclrtc streets, Ssu Fran- eiseu, ' ocBly BUSINESS CARDS. JUDSON, GILLETTE a GIBSON, EXAMINERS OF TITLE AND CONVEYANCERS, Rooms 13 and it, McDonald Block, Main HI., Los ANGELES, Cal. septgtf W. 11, J. BROOKS. OEORCIEJ. CLARKE. BROOKS & CLARKE, Searchers of Records and Examiners of Titles. *T ALLEN'SBUIDINO, corner Spring and Temple street,. J. A. CARET. THOS. A. F AO AN. DOWNEY CITY REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Italic hos. Houses, Xjotn and Other Prop- erty Bought and Sold ou Commission, By Carey & Fagan, DOWNEY CITY, CALIFORNIA. Mr. FAGAN Is also nn Attorney-at-Law. mrlOtr grahamXco., THEATRICAL, MANAGERS' BILL POSTERS, DISTRIBUTERS, GEN- ERAL ADVERTISERS AND COLLECTORS. Owners or all BILLBOARDS through- out the city. Prompt and reliable at- tention given to all orders. Office-No. 3 MARKET STREET, next to Wells, Fargo A Co.'s, Los Angeles. P. O. Box 81. Sl3 For Santa Monica, A COVERED CARRIAGE IS NOW RUNNING DAILY BETWEEN Los Angeles & Santa Monica, Canine at the hotels at 7 each morning;, PARE, FIFTY CENTS. ?arOrdera can be left at the American Bakery. »Btf "^ITPHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriage! FnVWVRMf a Oulde to Wedlock and I** aft 11 9aW X " I \u25a0unflU*iitial Treat La* on thf «LeUL if^l AAXA&sLl <l,>ti * > ot msrrlsm and tti* 'i ? *?«\u25a0<?' h?« ui.ftt (fJr HiIliStt. n HtB2 mv ~ ««? of Heppoduotion ant >«#>*>*eM|MMn>Mai , i>>' Di|t«Mi of Wotnsa IT f .I'ld] Abook lor private, coniid. ll.fllif fclFgiiny »t>r«aai ßJt eSgjpsfM.prlc; Abuse, Exoesies, or Beerst Diseases, wfiti %h* bssi i? (ofrur*, vu-l IBrBPMif.-,prlcesoett. A h'H,. uriha Throat and Lungs, Ostarrh,B.uptur«. Uv Op urn Hablt,&c.,pries lOclV ~ ~ l.iihrrhook tont postpaid on receipt ot price: or all thrss, AUdrcai 6ft. BUTTS, No-iSN. sth St. fctV Louts. Jf» NEW YORK BREWERY PHIL. LAUTH (Successor to Chris. Henne) Proprietor. The CLEAREST, PUREST and MOST BRILLIANTLAGER BEER South of San Francisco. Orders for DRAUGHT or COTTLBB Bivr.K promptly attended to. The celebrated Bear from this Brewery denes oom petition la tbe State. mro-tf Dr. Chin Quong Zin, * .'III IN 10 MIC DOCTOR, a OFFICE ?Corner Los Augeies und Ar- uudla streets. aeVCures all kinds of diseases. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m. und from Jtos«uu7to9P.ll. upSutf HUGHES' * Russian and Electric Baths, . SIGNORET'S BUILDING, opposite Merced Theater. \u25a0 H. HUGHE«, In reluming thanks to the publlo for their liberal patronage, can wilh conddenoe reoominend his As tho great PURIFIER und EQUAL- 1/Kit of ihe hum ,n body, enabling the " system to throw oIT Its Impurities and saving to the lungs one-Hlxth more Inspi- ration of air than can bsootaluot by breathing, by opening tlie pores of the skin and glvlni; full play to the insensl- | bio respiration so necessary to physical healtit. Seer A female constantly on hand to waltou ladles. Open from 8 A. if. to 7 p. at. s2Btf 1 ~ . Montana Meat Market. CriELINUKR 4 FRANK, .<SBSBf I* t.ueutark'tu aaeaam I I SHtnaat 3«nf gnu Mutton val to lv- tar J ? <"i tree - i n. 11. Atdn -trial, oesj tlrftt, LO j .KY SURGEON. ft BANKING HOUSES. FARMERS' a MERCHANTS' HAJIM Of lata Augeies CAPITAL 500,000 OO ISAIAS W. HKLLMAN President L. U. GOODWIN Vice-President JOHN MILNEIt Secretary BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Isaias W. 11 kli.uan, Euoink Ma, EH, 0. w. childs, i.. c. soodvu, Chaulxs Ducohmun, Jose Mascaksl, John S. UairriN, C. E. Taos, Frank Lkcocvrsuk Kxohange for sale ou NEW YORK, LONDON, DUB- LIN, FRANKFORT, PARIS, BERLIN and HAMBURG. Receive Deposit* and Issue Their Certificate!. Ituy and Sell LEUAL TENDERS, GOVERN- MENT, STATE, COUNTY. AND CITYBONDS . Will also pay tbe highest price for Gold and Sliver Bullion. From and after this date, on all moneys leit as Term Deposits. Interest will beat lowed. Commercial Bank Of Log Angeles. Authorized Capital ? 300,000 J. E. HOLLENBECK President E. F. SPENCE Cashier DIRECTORM. A.H.Wilcox, W. Woodwgkiu. .4. H. Mm r. H. M about. t. LANKKHSUIH, O. S. WITHKHHY, E. F. SPBNCE, J. E. HOI.LKSUXI.'K, This Bank is prepared to receive de posits on open account, Issue Certificate, of Deposit, and transact a general Bank- ing Business. Collections made and proceeds remitted at cuirent rates of exchange. LOS ANGELES COUNTY BANK. MAIN STREET. Los Augeies Cal Capital Stock (paid up), 300,000 J. S. SLAUBON President 11. 8. BAKER Vloe-President J. M. ELLIOTT -Cashlet DIRECTORS. J. S. si.auson, P. Beatjdrt, V. A. Hoover, Robert S. Baku, J. Bixbt, Geo. W. Prescott A. W. Bowman. Receive Savings Bank deposits. Buy and sell exobange on San Francisco, New York, London, Parts, Berlin and Frankfort. Buy exchange on all parts of the United States aod Europe. Receive money on open account and Cer- tificate of Deposit, and do a general banking and exohange business. SE FASHION S Livery and Sale Stable, WILSON * YOUNG, MAIN ST., Opposite Arcadia St. Horses and Carriages, Single or Double, and Saddle Horses kept constantly on haud for the accommodation of the pub- lic. Horses Boarded by the day, week or month at reasonable rates. Conveyances furnished for private or public occasions at tbe shortest notioe aud upon as reas- onable terms as at any First Class Establishment In Southern California. JaMtf WILSON A YOUNG, Prop's. GRAND BALL I AtRanchito School Hon se, FOR THE BENEFIT OF RANCHITO SCHOOL DISTRICT, WEDNESDAY, September 25. TICKETS, lucludlug supper ft 60. s3td CIGARS! HUGO KH.KM E I*, paoPßiarroß or iai KEY WEST CIGAR STORE, CAN NOW BE FOUND AT IX O. S SPRING ST., At the Key West Cigar Factory. Mr. Hugo Kremer manufactures HA- VANATOBACCO Into cigars of approved branda. He also deals In all lines ol Smokers' Articles. Give him a call, mrla tf J. P. REDDING Will devot* his attention to the slakklng of ITells, Cesspools, Vaults, ate. ?V-Also. WHITEWASHING. HOTJBE- CLKANINGand GENERAL JOBBING WORK. Order* may be leit at this office or with Jesse Butler, Main street. SATISFACTION GrjA" »»*TEED. Lots for Sale! OK THS INSTALLMENT PLAN OB CHEAPFORO ASH. West Los Angeles Oflbrs the best opportunity tor dellghtlul homesteads of any that has ever been of- fered for sale to the public. THE WHOLE TRACT IS LEVEL. Only sufficientv Inclined forgood drainage THE SOIL IS EXCELLENT. And of such charac tbat It never cakes and Is neither muddy in Winter nor dusty In Summer. IT HAS A DITCH OF WATER RUN- NING THROUGH IT. THE MAIN STREET AND AGRICUL- TURAL PARK RAILROAD Is completed and runnlug through the en* tire land andl now operated successfully through Park Avenue, 100 feet wide, o en Ing Into the Agricultural Grounds. ADEPOT OF THE LOS ANGELEB AND INDEPENDENCE RAILROAD IS LOCATED ON THE GROUNDS. This Is really the West End of our beau- tiful olty, with the benefit of FRESH, PURE BREEZES FROM THE OCEAN, unoontamlnated by gas or sower effluvls, A glance at the elegant mansions and fashionable residences now e.ected and In course of erection must satisfy any per- son desiring a home that this Is tbe place THE TERMS WILL BE MADE EASY AND PRICES MODERATE. MIPS WILL BE FOUND At the office of the Farmers' A M chants' Bank. Alsc., at the office of the Malu Sire and Agricultural Park Railroad. O. W. GUILDS and JOHN G. DOWNEY will give special attention to tboae seek- ing Information eentlttr SIMMONDS' IVal>ol> Whisky Has been found a remedy lor INDIGES- TION, DYSPEPSIA anil NEP.- VOUSWESS. It Is sovereign In Us eflicacv ior Medicinal & Family Purposes. TbalMediQAl Faculty eoucur in tbe Judgment tbat it is A PURE STIMULANT AND TONIC AND THE CONQUEROR OP DYSPEPSIA. None genuine, unleas l«l aled wirh tlie elguuluie "f O. SIMMO.SD.s, fct le Pro- prietor, over the oork. PREUSS & SCHUMACHER, SOLE AGENTS FOB LOS ANGELES CITY AND COUNTY. Who will supply the trade at tlie same price and terms that the goods can be had from the proprietor, in San Kran- olsco. n'2l-lm booksTtoys, i fancy goods, AND Musical Instruments, FOR THE HOLIDAYS, Can he round In Immense Quantities AND AT Lowest Living Prices AT THE POPULAR STORE OF LOUIS LEWIN & CO. novltr W. M. WILLIAMS. F. THOMPSON. W. M. WILLIAMS & Co., General Forwarding, Storage and Commission Merchants. W AREHOUSE?San Pedro St. depot. OFFICE-Nos. 1 and », Downey Blook, with Thompson A Ellis. N. B.?We are prepared lo make liber- al loans on grain stored with us at ONE PER CENT, per month. afltr FIRST CLASS WHEAT LANDS FOR RENT. Alao, BEEBANCHEB \u25a0i Applylo MACLAYA MOFFITT, San F ando, JUDGE WIDNEY, or COL. E.;E. HEWITT, Loa Angeles. e3-Bmß NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Now being erected by the SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA HORTICULTUAL SOCIErY, on Temple street, Los Augeies Cily, 1400 feel from the junction of Spring und Main streets, which is considered the center of business. iThe Pavilion lot bas a frontage of 200 feet on Temple street and extends back to Sand street, a deptli ol 310 feet. The above jutlepresents tbe Temple street front. The Saud street front Is reaohed by easy grade, with no stairs. The Pavllon consists \u25a0f a main hall, two stories high, wltbalroutsgeot 76 feet, by a depih of 132 feet, with an annex 39x00 leet in tbe rear, lo be levoted to tbe purposes of a stage, and annexes on each side 50xo0 reet, two s orles In height, one to bo devoted to tbe pur- poses of a MaohtMery Hall and the other to an Art (iatiery. In tbe angles, In iront ol tbese annexes, one-story apartments 'ill be constructed4ox32 feet eaoh, which will be 112x79 leet, and, with tbe extensive galleries, will have ,a seating capacity ot iOOO. Tbe Pavilion complete presents a frontage oi 170 leet by a depth of 101. The main central hall Is now being built, and he wlugs will be added as soon as the finances of the society will permit. The Directors Intend to build only so far ss they can pay, and are firmlyresolved to iucur no indebtedness. FIRST ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF THE 80UTHERN CALIFORNIA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY WILL BE HELD AT THE NEW PAVILION. DURING THE WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY, OCTOBER 14th, 1878. AU Premium** will be paid Id coin except when otherwise specified. Liberal Premiums are l>eing offered In the following department: FJist? Agricultural Implements, Vehicles, etc. Second?Textile Fabrics and materials from which they are Third?Mechanical Products, Musical instruments, etc. Fourth?Agricultural Products, Flowers, etc. Filth?Fruits, emit Trees. Raisins, Wines and Brandies. .- Ixtt- ? Fine Arts. LOCAL DEPARTMENTS.?In order to give each locality exhibiting products at the Fair ample credit for their productions, >ach town, neighborhood or school district applying for space will be allowed a department of its own, which will be properly designated, and will be as laige as Is consistent with the capacity of tbe Hall and the applications for spaoe. This is the largest Hall south ofSan In this State, and the prospects are good that tlie approaching' Fafr will be he largest ever held In Southern California, The Central Pacific Ra.irnad Company will Transport all articles exhibited at he Kairover their respective routes FKEK OF CHARGE. Freight being paid on them to the Pair will be ratnrned upm re- shipment by the same owner and exhibition of certificate of Secretary that the same has been exhibited. Wells, Fargo* Co. *s Express Co. will oarry free of charge all articles sent to the Fair for exhibition not exceeding ten pounds In weight. Ar- rangements are being made wltb the Steamship Company to carry freight aud passengers at the usual reductions, particulars of which will be published as soon as definite arrangements are completed. EXCURSION TRAINSare being organized on all the roads centering at Los Angeles. These trains will carry passengers to and from Los Angeles at less than half the regular rates, and ample time will be given exonrsiouit ts to visit ihe Fair and ex- imlne the city and county. Tbe excursion train from tbe north will SI art from sa-i Francisco. Particulars In rogard|to the running of these trains willbe made public at an early day. The Society will havb in Its Pavilion this year more space than any Fair ever beforp held in Southern California, and yet the applications for space are so much greater than ever before tbat those desiring to exhibit should lose no time In making ap- plications forspaoe to the Superintendent. Towns and neighborhoods should (alto s eps at once to secure a creditable repre- sentation of their respective localities. No charge Is made for spaces or entries. Kaeli exhibitor must hold, however, a Sea- son Ticket, which will cost three dollars. Premium Llstand Rules nnd Regulations sent tree on application to the secretary. The Pavilion will be completed in time for holding of Fair at the day advertised. L. M. HOLT, Secretary. .1. DeBARTH BHORB, President. fc6td M. H. KIMBALL, Superintendent, ! OLDEST AUCTION HOUSE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. lE. W. NOYBS Has opened out at No. 1 MARKET BT., opposite the Court House, and will he pleased to serve his old friends and the public. Particular attention paid to Real Estate sales. Regular sale days for Horses and rollingatook, WEDNESDAYS &SATURDAYS. As Ihave no partners and do my own work. 1 Intend to make my charges less than ilinsoof au>b.«Jy else In the busi- ness, charging on real estate two per cent, for the first 81000 and on« percent, on nil .Mini - above that amount. Will imy FUKNITUKE, HORSF.R, WAGONS uud all kinds of property, and pay cash. N B.? Saturday's sales commence at 10 A. m. and close at 4 p. v. K. W. NOYE3, Oldest Auctioneer in Southern California. nv2l OLDEST AUCTION HOUSE AND i Largest Stock of Auction Goods IN' THE CITY. ZEE. BROWN", Auction uud Commission Merchant, Two doors east of old stand, on apourt St., Sou li of court Housed ?afltegular Srlcs on Sutunlays, from U A. M. tilt 4f. M. .special sales made at any time or bMj, Cash paid for all Reterence, by permission: R. E. Hydo, President Bank of Vlsalla; E. F.Spence, CaslilerComr.ierclal Bank, L. A. \u25a0ISlf 11. R. BROWN, Auctioneer. J. G. JACKSON Ijiuuber Dealer Corner Alameda and First Street,. lIKALKS IN DOORB, WINDOWS, BLINDS, POSTS, SHINGLES, LATHS, BHAKKB, PLASTER OF PAWS, CEMENT AND HAIR. J. M, GRIFFITH &, CO. Lumber Dealers. CORNER OF Alameda and First Streets DKALKBS IN DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, SHINGLES, - POSTS, LATHS, SHAKES, HAIR, PLASTER OF PARIS, ETC. ETC. Sl^tllSc -ii- Perry, Woodworth tk Co.'s LUMIIEH YARDS ?AN o - PLANING MILLS, No. IS Conanier.'ial .trf.i. Bessy sVeuUreaaal nspel. mrSO-lf- \u25bc ?\u25a0W W ... a > Hwt Sv, ClasseNa* aglQ _ SOCIETY NgriCJM. Masonic Motico. " * A. J._ti.. siaTed meawUfffi of (bit Lodge ai« halt] w raaUOH nrstMonday or«acb mohti gfc 7:80 p. a. Member* of iTirfglß pha, No. 202, and .11 Muter Mann TmV good standing are cortlally Invited -30 fly order of the W: *)\u25a0? S3 Cham, Hurra. Secretary, a Lis angeles Chzater Hm. Jf,, (.. Holdi lv ,iaud riiaiiu_ mm mm *** 1* Monday ol .atn month M Ma*oa*7*a**Y ai7.ju p. it Mojoornln* "TnTaaaTsffL* rffi food standing are «--?-- \u25a0? '\u25a0 *"T \u25a0» ? J attend. By order oflS^MvW-. ,Ps li "O.CD NN INUa.' " Iffll'i cj Ot Line. w tmm«a»M| Mt' Holds it, stated conclave* 'at Urn rifiiiiiir.A';"":"'' \u25a0 «\u25a0 u^sSnT^ rnVRtiDAi of ea*h month,et7*4 < £""? ? 1 n a'reV!« '* "l "nViuift £\u25a0 ? j tend. By order of tbe . W.\u25a0T^ J. c. LiTTijrikin. Recorder. A »». gg,g. 4»jmmvM jWkW Ift 32 week at 7W o'etedtfal? : S ?lournlng brethren la aaaaS-'H standing are cordially la Tiled. *»»\u25a0»- 1 * /w - Jj 3ran_ i<ri»we ? M > tMM i m. «i ? « "'IS < archs ted to B. J § Knights of Pythias, nireu. t very evwUk«!ai 2 7 o'clock, at tbe fsa«Ue - Ban, Downey Block. All iQjouralnz KatebM M m good standing are .ordlally Invite*), il ( L E.M,t W,K I :Air MQOB -" j Confidence Engine Company No. 2. ,1 REGULAR MEETINGS ol A /kjha il.I. Company will take pkar /mm %, on tbe Orit \Vednea««j*a7> / _MH) ninK of each month, at sSaßSie o'clock. By order, '?\u25a0\u25a0»\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0»' W. S. MOURE. UOLlQlai* ( SIR ASTIiEY COOPER'S I VITAL RESTORATIVE I r J.!,? ? re t l Kn «"«h remedy for Nervous i Debility, Spermatorrhea aud rnuttn Decline of Physical force. The Vital Restorative Will positively cure, thoroughly and & c ,^ a . n . en l>^ ? "byeaaeof KXHAI'STEI. VITALITY or Nervous Debility, el thai i acute or of long standing, and In altbar 1 due'ed" 10 matter from mumx cause pre- The Vital Restorative ' Is a thoroughly scientific prescription, fat uot a quack nostrum, hence perMabi safe to take; Is pleasant to the imuk supplies to the cerebro spinal and sym- pathetic system of nerves new force/ Purifies and Enriches The blood. rejuvenatln, and reinvlgoraU 1 Ing both mlud and body. Tbcaasanda. both In this country and in Europe" can testify to the great restorative pror.rU*. ofthis really great medicine. Trice, S3 per bottle, or four tlmea the quantity t.,r,i u went lo any addTee* **- cure irom observation. \ Address all letters lo A. E. MINTIE, M. D., (Graduatepf the University of Pennsyl- vania and late Resldeut Surgeon to tie Orthopcedlo HosplUl °f PhllidaD N B^l 7 e 2 Agl'nt. ,gomery B * B Kr *»o"*»- 1 P. 8.-DR. MINTIE can be consul u-u ? n reference to the above complaints dnr- , ing office hours from »a. at toBl\u25a0 i ' dally,and rmin. 0 lo 8 Iv the evaulagl f . a- " to Ip. sr. Ciisuliatlo. r kkk. Thorough examination and as. * v > <" . »3. Fu 11 directions » with every naokaceormadlelne. iTI.tT " HARRIS DRYERS, FOB FRUIT AND OTHER ARTICLES This Dryer, patented August 7,h, 1877, avoids many obiecUons found In other dryers. It is rapid In Us work, very eco- nomical, dries dlfh-ient articles ai ibe same time, »111 i.ot demago t , lxa nY overheating and ladles una.slsled cau *\u25a0 manage It. Has always given PERFECT SATISFACTION. PIIIOK, FROM 870 TO SOOO. For circulars or Information, artgtsex GEO. H. PECK, Agent, 1.1 Monte, Cal. THE SUN. 1878. NEW YORK. MOT' ' As the time approach*, for Ue reaawalof subscriptions, tbe Bun would raaslßd Ma and well-wishers *verywbsra, ajjettt is sssio a candidal* for their oousldsraOem, and support. Upon lvrecord for Us* mtW " ten years it relies for a ?'laisauaa a/S hearty aympsthy and geaaroa. nil iiaamlte, which h.s bltherto beea extaaNtaa to Ursoss every quarter of the Unioa. The dailr Bun la a four page sheet of a eel. unms, price by mall, post paid, c* nsaai a month, or ge.ou per year. The Sunday edition of the tan fa set .letup page sheet of X columns. White rtvu** tbe ! news of tbe day. It also contain* a Targe amount of literary and mlsiillsnesaeaagttst specially prepared for It The Sunday San has m.t with great success. Post pmiitlje a year. The Weekly Man. Who does not know lhe weekly nam t It I circulate* ibroaebout the United state*.Ms* "'"i Oao.das. sod b.)ond Muwtythoueaad tasa. i ' Hies greet It* welcome paaa* weekly aid regard it in th. lightof gut**,nnnaaalfc and C mend. Ita nswe. adltoilal, agrleallural MM literary departments make it aaejaartasatf? \u25a0 M iournal for th. family and tea, ajttsaawk % Terms On* Dollar a year, no** past. . price, quality ron.ldsred.naka* it UM *AwS H ?at newspaper pobllehed. tier craM erl with litcash, we will and aa extra a 5? frae. Address. r .BLfsWa* OF TUB M, ourt-tl kawtwrktatp,*.* rm^m^'^mZ

Daily Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1878-09-21… · VOL. X. LOS ANGELES, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPT.

Jun 01, 2020



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Page 1: Daily Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1878-09-21… · VOL. X. LOS ANGELES, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPT.

VOL. X.dfdsfdsf



Morning Telegrams.r> sie..t. r- IKlla>« noun,.

; Mojavb, Sept. 20.?J 0 Hooil,,C H Seuton und daughter, R E! Faniiigtnn, Joint Smith, Mrs J WChuliin, Van Hunker, J \V Fore-

! man, G L Hdrringer, H O Thomp-son, Mrs A X Gilltnore, R Dillon, JJ Roche.N1.....1 I *..£ i11.,., l,.tai<'., ...1it....?


Portland, Ogn., Sept. 20lli.?Ashooting nfl'tay look place Ihia af-lernoon on (lie corner iff Stark andKirst Mreets, between A. I). Mc-Donald, manager of iho EveningTelegram, and J. K. Mercer, con-nected with the Daily Bee. A fewdays ago an article appeared In theBee rt Meeting very severely on Mc-Donald and l>is family. Mercerund McDonald met on the streetthU afternoon, when Ihe latterMkeil the former ifhe was respon-sible for the offensive article. Mer-cer replied that lie was. Someharsh language was indulged in hyhoHl parties, when Mercer, whowas Mantling with his handin his pocket. Marled tv drawhis pistol. McDonald, oUrerv-lig the niovemenl, lliiew hisartna urimnil Mercer tv preventhim from using the weapon. Astruggle ensutd, when both menfell, McDonald on top. Mercerrose quickly to his feet anil firedfour shots in rapid succession atMcDonald, who was still on hishands and knees. Mercer thenstarted to run, when McDonalddrew 11 pistol an I fired four shois athim, none of which took effect.McDonald's injuries are consideredvery dangerous, and small hopesare entertained for his recovery.Mercer was arrested aud lodged injill to await the result of McDon-ald's injuries. The affair occa-sioned intense excitement.

A terrible accident occurred thismorning at Junction City. Awidow named Pitney, well knownIn this section, was fatally injuredwhile passing around the mainshaft in J. A. Hush nells warehouse.Her shawl caught In a rapidly re-volving cylinder, aud whirled heraround with frightful velocity,bruising und mangling the poorwoman In a terrible manner beforeshe could be released. Her inju-ries were very bad, and she sur-vived hut a few minutes.

\u25a0Tl,«« HVvatin MriiublleKH*.

Eureka, Nev., Sept. 201h.? TheNevada Republican Conventionadopted a resolution declaring thevalidity «'f Hayes's title, rtenouDo-ing tlie Potter investigation asrevolutionary, thanking the Ne-vuila Senators and Representativesfor supporting (lie silver bill anddemanding further legislation tothe end that the coinage of silverhe placed on an equal Tooting withgold; favoring legislative aud congressinnal control of railroatis, andrepudiating tin-third term. A resolutinn In favor ofthe Texas-Pacificwas voted down. The followingticket was nominated: For Con-gress, R. M. Daggett; for Governor,John H. Kinkaid; Lieutenant-Gov-ernor, H. R. Migels; SupremeJudge, Thomas P. Haw ley; Comp-troller, J. F. Hal leek; Treasurer,Crockett: Secretary of Slate, Jas-per Babcock; Attorney General,M.A. Murphy;, A.J. Hatch; Superintendent of Pub-lic Instruction, Hammond.

A K,ia T. 1..1 far Mrs. Hoilltd. .1.

Ban Fkancisco, Sept. 20.?Mrs. Cynthia Hodgden, recentlyconvicted of murder iv the seconddegree, for producing an abortionon Emma Doiines, resulting in herdeath, was to day granted a newtrial.

I'lilneve Mllr.ler.Ml Maryaville.

Marysvilie, Sept. 20 ?A well-known Chinese vegetable peddler,Alt Golm, wns brutally murderedlast night In his huok In the Chi-nese quarter on First street, near C.A Chinaman who bunked with tbedeceased has been arrested on sus-picion and lodged in (he cityprison.

Sam i'raaiclsfli, Market*.

Kan Francisco, Sept. 20th.?Wheat ?Stagnant and noinlnal;

shinplng, $1; milling, $1.---87}©!.70. Barley? Coast feed, 900@*1; hay feed, [email protected]|; brew-ing $1.15@1 26; chevalier coast,[email protected]; choice bright, $1 75.Com?Dull, sales large; yellow,51.17J Oats?Steady; California.$1 16(0)51.57J; Oregon, $1.40©1.60.Rye?Nominal. Hay aud potutoes?Unchanged.A" Imp 1,,u nl(tint,, I'rusll.

ia tee.San Francisco, Sept. 20th.?

Yesterday two representatives ofthe Chinese Companies waited onJudge Darwin, Assistant DistrictAttorney, and informed himthat they had learned thaton the steamer City ofPeking, tine from China andJapan, there were some sixty Chi-nese prostitutes, consigned to anAssociation known among the Chi-nese by tho name of the Tliree-to-One Company. This Associationwas some time ago broken up bythe Chinese Companies, and theirnefarious Irade was stopped,but recently they have re-organized nnd commencedanew the business of importingChinese women for lewd purposes.At tlie requestor Die representa-tives of the Companies, Judge Dar-win referred the matter to Ibe policeauthorities, and this morning three"Ulcers were sent down to takecharge of the women before theyWere landed. Tbe steamer arrivedlate last night and the passengersare now coming ashore. The of-ficers, with their prisoners, havenot, yet returned from the maildock.

ivonl,,, |~?,|,,|

?CO, Sept. 20.?Thewho were pasien-

ty of Peking, aboutnumber, were takenII on landing, whereed that they cameown free will, andcertificates requiredthe U. S. Consul atThey were set at llb-toe taken to China-

A Unin nay at Saerameuta.Sacramento, Sept. 20th.?This

Is essentially a gala day at Sacra-mento. The hanks are closed andbusiness generally is suspended.At nine o'clock this morning Post-master-General Key and rarty leftthe Uolden Eagle Holel for the purpose of taking a drive around thesuburbs of Ihe city. The party wasaccompanied by Senator Booth,Congressmen Page and Davis, Mr.Boruck, and other distinguishedi Itizens, iv all occupying fifteencarriages. At ten o'clouk thewhole party were driven tothe Capitol, where GovernorIrwin, with Adjutant-GeneralWalsh aud the State officers wereiv waiting to tender General Key aformal reception. Senator BoothIntroduced General Key to the Gov-ernor. After the reception thePostmaster-General's party againtook carriages and were driven toAgricultural Park, where placeswereas9igned them in IheDirectors'stand.1'0r11,..*,, nieil h| ||,« tVliiliiil.?I a -

<ltwu Itrenmcr.

PORLAND, Ogll., Sept. 20.?A. C.McDonald, who was shot yester-day afternoon by J. K. Mercer,died this morning from his inju-ries.

The civil authorities of Vakamacounty, W.T., have urrested Mo-holla, au old Indian dreamer andgeneral disturber of the peace,for complicity in the murderof Perkins and wife. Word wassent to the authorities by GeneralHoward to theeftect that,if enoughwas not developed at the examina-tion to hold the dreamer to answerfor the crime charged, he was tobe detained till the General couldsend a detail ol' troops after blm.

Tu*. ms*iii« «>l in- Nciirge.

New York, Sept. 20th.?TheTribune says: The epidemic ap-pears tobespreading only Inthe ru-ral districts ofLouisiana and Mlssls-slppl. Itis decreasing in tbe towns.Canton, Miss., announces that itneeds no further aid. Tbe totalnumber of deaths to date Is 0,049.There have been a number of in-stances of a few deaths in severalsmall places. The number of casesat New Orleans up to the presentlime has beeu 7,200. At Vicksburgover 3,000. In Memphis about 6,800.

t'retv ,»r a Fonndereil Bark.Philadelphia, Pu., Sept. 20.?

The hark Carlo has arrived with153 officers and crew of the Spanishfrigate Pizaro, foundered at sea.A Lively Keee|Ml.,u for Beeelaer la

Omnia hi.Omaha, Sept. 20 ?While Beech-

er was lecturing at the BaptistChurch last even ing five hundredlaboring mechanics held an auti-Beecher meeting at the CourtHouse and discussed his bread andwater titterings. Speeches weremade, aud resolutions passed con-demning him. A parade wltbtransparencies was to have takenplace had it not rained.

! JSJLd- I 1 as,

i. ...ii .1 »vn, morning except Mon-day,HY

lit*M1 J 11 D- LYNCH.

rc«,vis FOB DAILYHERALD:per annum, by mall orexpress tv>

six months " ' ~Thrae months " ? <vm ? .?Delivered by carriers, per week 25 cents

LO3 ANGELES WEEKLY HtRALIis published every Satunlav niornwm

TERMS.One / mall copy..lHiASix months, ?? " " ?? gThr.-e ?\u25a0' \u25a0*

Adv...nsemeui. Inserted al reasonablerat is.

All kluds of Jfob-Wnrh .louc to. ..... o. te with Huh franclsce) InCrlee, Style, ami Elokbuo ol Work.niaiiMlit?.




Jistr \u25a0



Howard. Brosseau & Howard,. ITOHNKY* AND COUNSELLORSV VT LAW. It .oms, 66,87 and 88 Ter-


c Itlock, third door, 1/is Angeles.lebS-tr


? iKPU-E ?ft oms 8 and 9 DowneyHo j. 'aBl-tf

S. C. HUBBELL,/. ITIRJTBY AT LAW, Rooms 8 and ir\ [10.-oiiuoil'i a Block, corner Main *.iiimeretal streets. Los Anseles. may7-ti, .i.ahhki.i.. o. n. smith. a . IIAPMAK. H. X. SMITH



<-.i-|f|('K?TEMPLE BLOCK up-stalrs, Lo*10 loa. California. oca-tr? 2


??i r-'K'E?Temple Block, No. 72, l.osAnge ea. ni2-lm



iMTßooms 2 nnd 3, Allen's llulltllng,comer ofSpring and Temple Sts. alßlf


; Dr. Kirkpatrick.I'HWe aud Kesidence-Nn. IS FRANKLIN

BIRKKT, fe2B-lm

Or. N. P. RICHARDSON,I hyatlotatn and Purgeonv -nl.m c, Fort Hill, I Office, No. 19Dow.i< te,ia Vista street. I neyßlock,upstairs.

J. HANNON, M. I).,I tiLNTY PHYSICIAN.It nMstill, I.ANFRANCO BLOCK.Ii ttesldeuce Downey Avenue. EastL m vngeles, uear the end of Btreet rail.

> >itlrc I,ours from 10 to 12 A. H.; from 1 toic. a. ap2otf

Dr. Joseph KurtzHas removed his office to No. 82 MAINSTREET, over Dotter 4 Bradley's Furni-ture store.

Odlce Hours?From 10 to 12, 4 to 8 and 8to 9. Residence?Buena Vlsla street.


J. Rechtinger, M. D.,(OF VIENNA,)

LJHYSICIAN TO THE ITALIAN IN-ilepemlent and French M. B. Socie-

ties, oculist »i the French Hospital Insen Francisco. All chronic obstluule

\u25a0tases and operations on the eyes attend,U to,

OFFICE ? No, 701 Sacramento street,.'..roeroi Kearny. Residence ?SE. cor-ner Mason un.t Paclrtc streets, Ssu Fran-eiseu, ' ocBly




Rooms 13 and it, McDonald Block,Main HI., Los ANGELES, Cal.



BROOKS & CLARKE,Searchers of Records and

Examiners of Titles.*TALLEN'SBUIDINO, corner Spring

and Temple street,.



REAL ESTATE AGENCY.Italichos. Houses, Xjotn and Other Prop-

erty Bought and Sold ou Commission,

By Carey & Fagan,DOWNEY CITY, CALIFORNIA.Mr. FAGAN Is also nn Attorney-at-Law.





Owners or all BILLBOARDS through-out the city. Prompt and reliable at-tention given to all orders.

Office-No. 3 MARKET STREET, nextto Wells, Fargo A Co.'s, Los Angeles.

P. O. Box 81. Sl3

For Santa Monica,


Los Angeles & Santa Monica,

Canine at the hotels at 7 each morning;,


?arOrdera can be left at the AmericanBakery. »Btf

"^ITPHYSIOLOGICALView of Marriage!FnVWVRMfa Oulde to Wedlock andI** aft 11 9aW X" I\u25a0unflU*iitial Treat La* on thf«LeULif^lAAXA&sLl<l,>ti*> ot msrrlsm and tti*

'i ? *?«\u25a0<?' h?« ui.ftt (fJr HiIliStt.nHtB2mv~ ««? of Heppoduotion ant>«#>*>*eM|MMn>Mai,i>>' Di|t«Miof WotnsaITf.I'ld] Abook lor private, coniid.ll.flliffclFgiiny »t>r«aai ßJt eSgjpsfM.prlc;

Abuse, Exoesies, or Beerst Diseases, wfiti %h* bssii? (ofrur*, vu-l IBrBPMif.-,prlcesoett.

Ah'H,. uriha Throat and Lungs, Ostarrh,B.uptur«. UvOp urn Hablt,&c.,pries lOclV ~ ~l.iihrrhook tontpostpaid on receipt ot price: orall thrss,AUdrcai 6ft.BUTTS, No-iSN. sth St. fctV Louts. Jf»


(Successor to Chris. Henne) Proprietor.


San Francisco.

Orders for DRAUGHT or COTTLBBBivr.K promptly attended to.

The celebrated Bear from this Brewerydenes oom petition la tbe State. mro-tf

Dr. Chin Quong Zin,


OFFICE ?Corner Los Augeies und Ar-uudla streets.

aeVCures all kinds of diseases.Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m. und from

Jtos«uu7to9P.ll. upSutf


* Russian and Electric Baths,. SIGNORET'S BUILDING, oppositeMerced Theater.

\u25a0 H. HUGHE«, In reluming thanks tothe publlo for their liberal patronage,can wilh conddenoe reoominend his

As tho great PURIFIER und EQUAL-1/Kitof ihe hum ,n body, enabling the

" system to throw oIT Its Impurities andsaving to the lungs one-Hlxth more Inspi-ration of air than can bsootaluot bybreathing, by opening tlie pores of theskin and glvlni;full play to the insensl-

| bio respiration so necessary to physicalhealtit.

Seer A female constantly on hand towaltou ladles.

Open from 8 A. if. to 7 p. at. s2Btf

1 ~. Montana Meat Market.CriELINUKR 4 FRANK, .<SBSBf

I* t.ueutark'tu aaeaam II SHtnaat 3«nf gnu Muttonval to lv- tar J ? <"i tree -i n. 11. Atdn -trial, oesjtlrftt, LO





Of lata Augeies

CAPITAL 500,000 OO

ISAIAS W. HKLLMAN PresidentL. U. GOODWIN Vice-PresidentJOHN MILNEIt Secretary

BOARD OF DIRECTORS.Isaias W. 11kli.uan, Euoink Ma, EH,0. w. childs, i.. c. soodvu,Chaulxs Ducohmun, Jose Mascaksl,John S. UairriN, C. E. Taos,

Frank Lkcocvrsuk

Kxohange for sale ou



Receive Deposit* and Issue TheirCertificate!.

Ituy and Sell


AND CITYBONDS .Will also pay tbe highest price for Gold

and Sliver Bullion.From and after this date, on all moneys

leit as Term Deposits. Interest will beatlowed.

Commercial Bank

Of Log Angeles.

Authorized Capital ? 300,000

J. E. HOLLENBECK President

E. F. SPENCE Cashier


A.H.Wilcox, W. Woodwgkiu..4. H. Mm r. H. M about.t. LANKKHSUIH, O. S. WITHKHHY,E. F. SPBNCE, J. E. HOI.LKSUXI.'K,

This Bank is prepared to receive deposits on open account, Issue Certificate,of Deposit, and transact a general Bank-ing Business.

Collections made and proceeds remittedat cuirent rates of exchange.


Los Augeies Cal

Capital Stock (paid up), 300,000J. S. SLAUBON President11. 8. BAKER Vloe-PresidentJ. M. ELLIOTT -Cashlet

DIRECTORS.J. S. si.auson, P. Beatjdrt,V.A. Hoover, Robert S. Baku,J. Bixbt, Geo. W. Prescott

A. W. Bowman.

Receive Savings Bank deposits.Buy and sell exobange on San Francisco,

New York,London, Parts, Berlin andFrankfort.

Buy exchange on all parts of the UnitedStates aod Europe.

Receive money on open account and Cer-tificate of Deposit, and do a generalbanking and exohange business.

SE FASHION SLivery and Sale Stable,

WILSON *YOUNG,MAIN ST., Opposite Arcadia St.

Horses and Carriages, Single or Double,and Saddle Horses kept constantly onhaud for the accommodation of the pub-lic. Horses Boarded by the day, week ormonth at reasonable rates. Conveyancesfurnished forprivate or publicoccasionsat tbe shortest notioe aud upon as reas-onable terms as at any

First Class EstablishmentIn Southern California.



AtRanchito School Hon se,


WEDNESDAY, September 25.

TICKETS, lucludlug supper ft 60.s3td



paoPßiarroß or iai



At the Key West Cigar Factory.

Mr. Hugo Kremer manufactures HA-VANATOBACCO Into cigars of approvedbranda. He also deals In all lines olSmokers' Articles. Give him a call,

mrla tf

J. P. REDDINGWill devot* his attention to the

slakklng of

ITells, Cesspools, Vaults, ate.?V-Also. WHITEWASHING. HOTJBE-


Order* may be leit at this office or withJesse Butler, Main street.


Lots for Sale!




West Los Angeles

Oflbrs the best opportunity tor dellghtlulhomesteads of any that has ever been of-fered for sale to the public.


Only sufficientv Inclined forgood drainage


And of such charac tbat It never cakes

and Is neither muddy in Winter nor dustyIn Summer.



Is completed and runnlug through the en*

tire land andl now operated successfully

through Park Avenue, 100 feet wide, o enIng Into the Agricultural Grounds.



This Is really the West End of our beau-tiful olty, with the benefit of FRESH,PURE BREEZES FROM THE OCEAN,unoontamlnated by gas or sower effluvls,A glance at the elegant mansions andfashionable residences now e.ected andIn course of erection must satisfy any per-son desiring a home that this Is tbe place



At the office of the Farmers' A Mchants' Bank.

Alsc., at the office of the Malu Sireand Agricultural Park Railroad.


willgive special attention to tboae seek-ing Information eentlttr


IVal>ol> Whisky

Has been found a remedy lor INDIGES-TION, DYSPEPSIA anil NEP.-


It Is sovereign In Us eflicacv ior

Medicinal & Family Purposes.

TbalMediQAl Faculty eoucur in tbeJudgment tbat it is



None genuine, unleas l«l aled wirh tlieelguuluie "f O. SIMMO.SD.s, fct le Pro-prietor, over the oork.



Who will supply the trade at tlie sameprice and terms that the goods can behad from the proprietor, in San Kran-olsco. n'2l-lm

booksTtoys,i fancy goods,


Musical Instruments,FOR THE

HOLIDAYS,Can he round In

Immense QuantitiesAND AT





General Forwarding, Storage andCommission Merchants.

W AREHOUSE?San Pedro St. depot.OFFICE-Nos. 1 and », Downey Blook,with Thompson A Ellis.

N. B.?We are prepared lo make liber-al loans on grain stored with us at ONEPER CENT, per month. afltr




\u25a0iApplylo MACLAYA MOFFITT, San

F ando, JUDGE WIDNEY, or COL.E.;E. HEWITT, Loa Angeles. e3-Bmß


Now being erected by the SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA HORTICULTUAL SOCIErY, on Temple street,Los Augeies Cily, 1400 feel from the junction of Spring und Main streets, which is

considered the center of business.

iThe Pavilion lot bas a frontage of 200 feet on Temple street and extends back to Sand street, a deptliol 310 feet. The abovejutlepresents tbe Temple street front. The Saud street front Is reaohed by easy grade, with no stairs. The Pavllon consists\u25a0f a main hall, two stories high, wltbalroutsgeot 76 feet, by a depih of 132 feet, with an annex 39x00 leet in tbe rear, lo belevoted to tbe purposes of a stage, and annexes on each side 50xo0 reet, two s orles In height, one to bo devoted to tbe pur-poses of a MaohtMery Hall and the other to an Art(iatiery. In tbe angles, In iront ol tbese annexes, one-story apartments'illbe constructed4ox32 feet eaoh, which will be 112x79 leet, and, with tbe extensive galleries, will have ,a seating capacity otiOOO. Tbe Pavilion complete presents a frontage oi 170 leet by a depth of 101. The main central hall Is now being built, andhe wlugs will be added as soon as the finances of the society will permit. The Directors Intend to build only so far ss they

can pay, and are firmlyresolved to iucur no indebtedness.



DURING THE WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY, OCTOBER 14th, 1878.AU Premium** will be paid Id coin except when otherwise specified. Liberal Premiums are l>eing offered In the following

department: FJist? AgriculturalImplements, Vehicles, etc. Second?Textile Fabrics and materials from which they Third?Mechanical Products, Musical instruments, etc. Fourth?Agricultural Products, Flowers, etc. Filth?Fruits,emit Trees. Raisins, Wines and Brandies. .- Ixtt-? Fine Arts.LOCAL DEPARTMENTS.?In order to give each locality exhibiting products at the Fair ample credit for their productions,

>ach town, neighborhood or school district applying for space will be allowed a department of its own, which will be properlydesignated, and will be as laige as Is consistent with the capacity of tbe Hall and the applications for spaoe.

This is the largest Hall south ofSan In this State, and the prospects are good that tlie approaching' Fafr will behe largest ever held In Southern California, The Central Pacific Ra.irnad Company will Transport all articles exhibited athe Kairover their respective routes FKEK OF CHARGE. Freight being paid on them to the Pair will be ratnrned upm re-shipment by the same owner and exhibition of certificate of Secretary that the same has been exhibited. Wells, Fargo*Co.*s Express Co. willoarry free ofcharge all articles sent to the Fair for exhibition not exceeding ten pounds In weight. Ar-rangements are being made wltb the Steamship Company to carry freight aud passengers at the usual reductions, particularsof which will be published as soon as definite arrangements are completed.

EXCURSION TRAINSare being organized on all the roads centering at Los Angeles. These trains will carry passengers toand from Los Angeles at less than half the regular rates, and ample time willbe given exonrsiouit ts to visit ihe Fair and ex-imlne the city and county. Tbe excursion train from tbe north will SI art from sa-i Francisco. Particulars In rogard|to therunning of these trains willbe made public at an early day.

The Society will havb in Its Pavilion this year more space than any Fair ever beforp held in Southern California, and yet theapplications for space are so much greater than ever before tbat those desiring to exhibit should lose no time In making ap-plications forspaoe to the Superintendent. Towns and neighborhoods should (alto s eps at once to secure a creditable repre-sentation of their respective localities. No charge Is made for spaces or entries. Kaeli exhibitor must hold, however, a Sea-son Ticket, which willcost three dollars. Premium Llstand Rules nnd Regulations sent tree on application to the secretary.The Pavilion will be completed in time for holdingof Fair at the day advertised.

L. M. HOLT, Secretary. .1. DeBARTH BHORB, President.fc6td M. H. KIMBALL, Superintendent,


lE. W. NOYBSHas opened out at No. 1 MARKET BT.,opposite the Court House, and will hepleased to serve his old friends and thepublic. Particular attention paid to RealEstate sales. Regular sale days forHorses and rollingatook,

WEDNESDAYS &SATURDAYS.As Ihave no partners and do my own

work. 1 Intend to make my charges lessthan ilinsoof au>b.«Jy else Inthe busi-ness, charging on real estate two percent, for the first 81000 and on« percent,on nil .Mini- above that amount.

Will imy FUKNITUKE, HORSF.R,WAGONS uud all kinds of property, andpay cash.

N B.? Saturday's sales commence at 10A. m. and close at 4 p. v.

K. W. NOYE3,Oldest Auctioneer in Southern California.



iLargest Stock of Auction GoodsIN' THE CITY.

ZEE. BROWN",Auction uud Commission Merchant,

Two doors east of old stand, on apourt St.,Sou li of court Housed

?afltegular Srlcs on Sutunlays, from UA. M. tilt 4f. M. .special sales made atany time or bMj, Cash paid for

Reterence, by permission: R. E. Hydo,President Bank ofVlsalla; E. F.Spence,CaslilerComr.ierclal Bank, L. A.

\u25a0ISlf 11. R. BROWN, Auctioneer.


Ijiuuber Dealer

Corner Alameda and First Street,.






Lumber Dealers.CORNER OF

Alameda and First StreetsDKALKBS IN




Perry, Woodworth tk Co.'sLUMIIEH YARDS

?AN o -PLANING MILLS,No. IS Conanier.'ial .trf.i. Bessy

sVeuUreaaal nspel. mrSO-lf-

\u25bc ?\u25a0W W ... a > Hwt Sv, ClasseNa*aglQ


Masonic Motico. "

*A. J._ti.. siaTed meawUfffiof (bit Lodge ai« halt] w raaUOHnrstMonday or«acb mohti gfc7:80 p. a. Member* of iTirfglß

pha, No. 202, and .11 Muter Mann TmVgood standing are cortlallyInvited -30fly order of the W: *)\u25a0? S3Cham, Hurra. Secretary, a

Lis angeles Chzater Hm. Jf,, (..

Holdi lv,iaud riiaiiu_ mm mm ***1*Monday ol .atn month M Ma*oa*7*a**Yai7.ju p. it Mojoornln* "TnTaaaTsffL* rffifood standing are «--?-- \u25a0? '\u25a0 *"T\u25a0» ? Jattend. Byorder oflS^MvW-.,Ps li

"O.CD NN INUa.' " Iffll'i cj

Ot Line. w tmm«a»M| Mt'Holds it, stated conclave* 'at Urnrifiiiiiir.A';"":"''\u25a0 «\u25a0 u^sSnT^rnVRtiDAi of ea*h month,et7*4 <

£""? ? 1na'reV!« '*"l "nViuift £\u25a0 ? j

tend. By order of tbe . W.\u25a0T^J. c. LiTTijrikin.Recorder.

A »». gg,g. 4»jmmvMjWkW Ift 32week at 7W o'etedtfal? :S?lournlng brethren la aaaaS-'Hstanding are cordially laTiled.

*»»\u25a0»- 1 */w- Jj3ran_ i<ri»we ? M>tMMi m. «i ? « "'IS

<archsted to

B. J

§ Knights of Pythias,

nireu. tvery evwUk«!ai 27 o'clock, at tbe fsa«Ue -Ban,Downey Block. All iQjouralnzKatebM Mm good standing are .ordlally Invite*), il(LE.M,tW,K

I:AirMQOB-" j

Confidence Engine Company No. 2.,1 REGULAR MEETINGS ol A/kjha il.I. Company will take pkar

/mm%, on tbe Orit \Vednea««j*a7> /_MH) ninK of each month, at

sSaßSie o'clock. By order,'?\u25a0\u25a0»\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0»' W. S. MOURE. UOLlQlai*

( SIR ASTIiEY COOPER'S IVITAL RESTORATIVE Ir J.!,? ? re tl Kn«"«h remedy for Nervous iDebility,Spermatorrhea aud rnuttnDecline of Physical force.

The Vital RestorativeWill positively cure, thoroughly and&c,^a.n.en,£ l> ?̂ "byeaaeof KXHAI'STEI.VITALITY or Nervous Debility, elthai iacute or of long standing, and In altbar 1due'ed" 10 matter from mumx cause pre-

The Vital Restorative 'Is a thoroughly scientific prescription, fatuot a quack nostrum, hence perMabisafe to take; Is pleasant to the imuksupplies to the cerebro spinal and sym-pathetic system of nerves new force/

Purifies and EnrichesThe blood. rejuvenatln, and reinvlgoraU 1Ing both mlud and body. Tbcaasanda.both In this country and inEurope" cantestify to the great restorative pror.rU*.ofthis really great medicine.

Trice, S3 per bottle, or four tlmea thequantity t.,r,i u went lo any addTee* **-cure irom observation. \Address all letters lo

A. E. MINTIE, M. D.,(Graduatepf the University of Pennsyl-vania and late Resldeut Surgeon to tieOrthopcedlo HosplUl °f PhllidaDNB^l7e2 Agl'nt.,gomery B*B Kr*»o"*»- 1

P. 8.-DR. MINTIE can be consul u-u ?n reference to the above complaints dnr-,

ing office hours from »a. at toBl\u25a0 i 'dally,and rmin. 0 lo 8 Ivthe evaulagl f .a- " to Ip. sr. Ciisuliatlo.rkkk. Thorough examination and as. * v> <". »3. Fu 11 directions »with every naokaceormadlelne. iTI.tT "


FRUIT ANDOTHER ARTICLESThis Dryer, patented August 7,h, 1877,

avoids many obiecUons found In otherdryers. Itis rapid In Us work, very eco-nomical, dries dlfh-ient articles ai ibesame time, »111 i.ot demago t , lxa nYoverheating and ladles una.slsled cau *\u25a0manage It. Has always given



FROM 870 TO SOOO.For circulars or Information, artgtsex

GEO. H. PECK, Agent,1.1 Monte, Cal.



As the time approach*, for Ue reaawalofsubscriptions, tbe Bun would raaslßd Matri.ii.lsand well-wishers *verywbsra, ajjettt ?«is sssio a candidal* for their oousldsraOem,and support. Upon lvrecord for Us* mtW "tenyears it relies for a ?'laisauaa a/Shearty aympsthy and geaaroa. nil iiaamlte,which h.s bltherto beea extaaNtaa to Ursossevery quarter of the Unioa.

The dailr Bun la a four page sheet ofa eel.unms, price by mall, post paid, c* nsaai amonth, or ge.ou per year.The Sunday edition of the tan fa set .letup

page sheet of Xcolumns. White rtvu** tbe !news of tbe day. It also contain* a Targeamount of literary and mlsiillsnesaeaagttstspecially prepared for It The Sunday Sanhas m.t with great success. Post pmiitljea year.

The Weekly Man.Who does not know lhe weekly nam t It I

circulate* ibroaebout the United state*.Ms* "'"iOao.das. sod b.)ond Muwtythoueaad tasa. i'Hies greet It* welcome paaa* weekly aidregard it in th. lightof gut**,nnnaaalfc and Cmend. Ita nswe. adltoilal, agrleallural MMliterary departments make it aaejaartasatf? \u25a0 Miournal for th. family and tea, ajttsaawk %Terms On* Dollar a year, no** past. .price, qualityron.ldsred.naka* itUM *AwS H?at newspaper pobllehed. tier craM erlwith litcash, we will and aa extra a 5?frae. Address.

r .BLfsWa* OF TUB M,ourt-tl kawtwrktatp,*.*
